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Breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the
breast multiply uncontrollably. There are different
types of breast cancer. The type of breast cancer
depends on which cells in the breast become

Symptoms Risk factor's

The signs and symptoms of breast cancer Factors that are associated with an
may include the following: increased risk of breast cancer include:
· A lump or thickening in the breast that • Older age. Personal history of breast
feels different from the tissue around it. diseases.
· Change in size, shape or appearance of a · Hereditary genes that increase the
breast. risk of breast cancer.
· Changes in the skin over the breast, such · Exposure to radiation.
as dimpling. · Obesity.
•Recent nipple inversion Scaling, shedding, · Begin menopause at a later age.
crusting, and peeling of the pigmented area · Having the first child at a later age.
of skin around the nipple (areola) or breast · Women who have never been
skin. pregnant.
•Redness or small holes in the skin above · Postmenopausal hormone therapy.
your breast, like the skin of an orange. · Drink alcohol.

Making changes in your daily life can help you reduce your risk of breast cancer.
Try the following: ·
Talk to your doctor about breast cancer screening.
· Become familiar with your breasts during a self-exam to become aware of your
· If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
· Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy.
· Maintain a healthy weight.
· Choose a healthy diet.
Prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant
(cancer) cells form in the tissues of the prostate.
Signs of prostate cancer include having a weak
stream of urine or urinating more often.

Symptoms Risk factor's.

More advanced prostate cancer can
The factors that can
cause signs and symptoms such as:
· Problems urinating .
increase the risk of
· Decreased force of urine flow . prostate cancer are the
· Blood in urine . following:
· Blood in semen. · Advanced age.
· Bone pain .
· Family background.
· Weight loss without trying .
· Erectile dysfunction · Obesity.

You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer by:
· Eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
· Choose healthy foods instead of taking supplements.
· Exercise most days of the week.
· Maintain a healthy weight.
• Talk to your doctor about an increased risk of prostate cancer.

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