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I like Japanese food a lot.

 We could get some sushi. Podríamos comer algo de sushi.

I'm just not sure that’s what I want. Simplemente no estoy seguro que sea lo que quiero

I’m just not sure about sushi. Sólo que no estoy seguro sobre el sushi.

I just really wanted to try something different. Realmente sólo quería probar algo diferente.

I think that’s really spicy. Creo que eso es realmente picante.

How is this dish: prawns in coconut milk? Cómo es este plato: ¿langostinos en leche de coco?

It’s one of our most popular dishes. Es uno de nuestros platos más populares.

What about the green curry? ¿Qué hay del curry verde?

I can get you your drinks Puedo conseguirle sus bebidas

while you read the menu. mientras ustedes leen el menú.

OK. I'd like ginger and honey tea. DE ACUERDO. Me gustaría un té de jengibre y miel.

And I’ll have a jasmine smoothie. Y yo tomaré un batido de jazmín.

I'll be right back with your drinks. Volveré enseguida con sus bebidas.

Have you guys decided? ¿Ya se han decidido chicos ?

Can you tell me what that is? ¿Puedes decirme qué es
We put grilled prawns and scallions on a thin layer of
pizza dough. Ponemos langostinos y cebolletas a la
plancha sobre una fina capa de masa de pizza.
We’ll have the Thai pizza, please. Tomaremos la pizza
tailandesa, por favor.

Watch the video. Put the restaurants in the order that

Carmen and Luis see them.
Italian restaurant

Japanese restaurant

Mexican restaurant

Thai restaurant

Watch the video. What dishes do Luis and Carmen talk

about? What do they order?

1. pizza
They talk about

2. sushi
They talk about

3. seafood curry
They talk about
4. prawns in coconut milk
They talk about
5. stir-fried chicken with ginger
They talk about
6. green curry
They talk about
7. ginger and honey tea
They order
8. jasmine smoothie
They order
9. Thai pizza
They order

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