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2004-AL, CHEM PAPER 1, HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY HONG KONG ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMINATION 2004 CHEMISTRY A-LEVEL PAPER 1 Question-Answer Book 18.30 am 11.20 am (3 hours) “This paper must be answered in Engh 1. There sre THREE sections in this pope, Seaton A, Section B and Section C. 2. Section A caries 60 marks, ‘Seaton B ears 20 marks, and ‘Seaton Caries 20 masks [Canaidate Number (Centre Number seat Number @ ‘Markers Use Only Examiners Use Only Marker No Examiner NO, At A2 a3 As AS As Total 87 SECTION A ‘Answer ALL question Write your answers inthe spaces provide. Individual beams of () neurons (i) protons, and (ii) deuterons (a deuteron is a partie Cenlaning «protn ad 2 beaten) sre allowed to past through an elec ld whichis tight ages othe diection of propagation. sty species X, Yand Zin he mock actions low: —-Bfusba—s Moe + Babs 2x x ae (Checkers Use Only Checker No ‘ATota Total 2a aL CHEM 1-2 co Bm toy Lez Asm 1, (©) The table below lists the compositions of four quis, A,B, Cand D, and ther pH vats 298K. Liquid Composton 4 (10M CH,CO3R) ‘tre of 0.10 M CHsCOi(aq) and 0.10 M (CH,CO,Na(ag ina volume aio of 151 4a 0.10 M GH,CO;Naa) 9 elo) = pare isle water 70 o @ 200 AL-CHEM 1-3 Which gui listed above can act a buffer system ? Explain how this bufer eye, works. ‘Calculate the sociation constant, Ka, for CH,COH(ag at 298K. (Smuts) a.) TResrvctureotpetn23-diene shown below HG (Drove treeimensionl seucture of ent. 23-diene and its mirror image (GA staat commented that as pent 2-dlene docs nt possess any cial cene, itis ‘optically native. Do you agree with te student? Explain (mais) (©). Consider the sable gases, He, Ne, As, Krand Xe (© Whsh noble gs asthe smales: frst onlston enthalpy ? Explain 2001-AL-CHEM 1-4 “ 2 © w@ © © « OE AL-CHEM 1-5 ‘Sketch a graph show be vation of bi ofthese noble gates snd account seen ing pints ses: (mans) ‘White phosphors isan allouope of phosphors. I consist of am-planar molecules, Ps, Draw he thee-dimensional suet of Py, Assuming that Nj molecules exist and have the same structs a8 Pa, cacalate the ‘molt enthalpy change of te conversion: 2NA8) > As) Hence, explain why non planr Ny molecles do not exist under normal conditions (Given : The bond entapies of N-N bond and N=WNbond are 163 4 mat and 9451 mot respectively) (@ mais) PaO) o @ w OF AL CHEM 6 ‘Skech a lbelled energy profile forthe forward rection. ‘Predict, with explanation, whetber ky ork wil increase toa peter extent hea the ‘enperstue ofthe system is ncreased, ” Fe a a

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