Tech Hub A One Stop Computer Shop - Final Business Plan Submission

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“Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer Shop”

Business Plan


Submitted By:

Almocera, Francess B.

Buñag, Earl Jairo G.

Caacoy, Aicie Marie G.

Delfinado, Mona Clare R.

Hinagpis, Heleina Althea

Submitted to:

Prof. Bondoc, Georgina

Executive Summary

The Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer Shop is an internet café that is proposed to

establish a location near the establishment such as schools and popular places to become accessible

the customers that is why The Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer Shop is proposed to be located on

Cabuyao Bayan. The mission of the company is to fill the gap between and provide affordable and

best experiences for the needs of computer renters/Gamers and Players and a diverse range of

customers, including professionals, and casual internet users.

The Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer Shop will connect the gap by providing both regular

service and premium service for the customers depending on their budget. The company provides

a service of computer rental that suits both casual and advanced gaming experiences. It fits the

market due to the high flexibility of the company to offer the best experience that depends on the

budget of the customer.

One of its uniqueness to its competitors is that it can cater to both tight budget and lavish

computer renters and it can compete with the high-end computer shops because of its premium

service. The key leaders that will help to execute the plan are the staff that will take care of the

customers and the managerial staff that will ensure that everything is in harmony. The service will

be advertised to the public with the help of an influencer that is known in the gaming industry or

via Facebook ads. The company will invite them to experience the equipment of Tech Hub: A One-

Stop Computer Shop. This influencer will share their experience on their social media and the

company will gain publicity and will start to have a larger scale of customers.
Products and Services

There are two versions of service that are being offered by The Tech Hub: A One-Stop

Computer Shop, this is the services called “Premium” and “Regular”. The “Premium” service is a

next-level experience that is brought by playing on the higher end of the computer. This premium

service is providing a Gaming Chair for better comfort while playing, and a Wider 24-inch screen

with a 75Hz refresh rate for better accuracy in gaming. The system units will be equipped with

RGB CVS Side acrylic panel and inside of it is the components A-520M for Mother Board, Ryzen

5 5600g for CPU that is paired to an RTX 1660 GPU for smoother gameplay. And lastly, for the

components, the system will have Jedel Keyboard a generic RGB membrane keyboard. This

premium service will be rented for 30 pesos an hour.

On the other hand, the “Regular” is having generic computer parts such as a preloved

monitor, RGB Computer Casing, generic PSU, and Dell’s motherboard with Intel i3 CPU to still

provide a good experience. For the components, the A4tech components will be used to still assure

a better feel on the lowest budget possible.

The computers and connections will be assembled by the teams of The Tech Hub: A One-

Stop Computer Shop. This will be a win-win situation for both the Store and the customers because

it will cut the cost of the store therefore the service cost will be lower also.

Every Premium Computer is expected to be created with a price of 17,017 pesos, and these

Premium computers are expected to use for 3 years While the Regular is expected to last for 2

years. The price of building a Premium computer is 17,017 pesos per unit. To get the daily cost of

the Premium Computer, the Unit price will be divided into 3 years resulting in 5,672 pesos

annually, divided into 365 days it will only cost 15.55 pesos a day. The Premium Computer will
be expected to have an average of 8 hours per day of usage with 30 pesos rent per hour making

240 pesos in total. Minus the daily cost of the computer leaving 224.45 profit.

For the regular, it will be expected to be assembled for the price of 5,214 and these

computers are expected to last for 2 years. These units are expected to last a bit faster because they

are expected to have more customers than the premium. The annual price of the unit is 2,607 pesos

divided by the days in a year making 7.14 pesos. The rent for the regular computer is priced at 15

pesos an hour and expected to be used 10 hours a day. A regular unit is expected to generate 150

pesos a day per unit minus the 7.14 pesos Daily cost of it which will leave a profit of 142.86 pesos

per unit.

A single unit of a premium computer will provide 224.45 pesos per day of profit, and for

10 computers it will provide 2,244.5 pesos profit. While the regular computer is generating 142.86

pesos per unit multiplied by 10 computers it will generate 1,428.60 pesos as profit. The combined

profit for a day is 3,673.10 pesos. The profit of all computers is 3,673.10 pesos minus the electric

consumption of 2,179.94 pesos and internet of 43.3 pesos per day leaving 1,449.86 pesos as the

net profit. This profit will multiply 30 days generating 43,495.80 pesos for a month.

The tables below show the parts together with the corresponding prices.
Premium Unit

Table 1.1: Premium Unit with Prices

Regular Unit

Table 1.2: Regular Unit with Prices


Table 1.3: Others

Marketing Plan

Tech Hub's marketing plan is designed to target computer enthusiasts, gamers, students,

and small business owners within a 10-mile radius of the store. The objective is to offer a one-

stop-shop exceptional customer service, attract new customers, retain existing ones, and increase

brand awareness and engagement through online and offline marketing strategies.

To achieve these objectives, Tech Hub will develop a user-friendly website that is

optimized for search engines and mobile devices. The website will showcase products and

services, provide information about the business, and make it easy for customers to contact the

store. Social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will be created and maintained

to share updates about the business, post photos of products, and engage with followers. The goal

is to use social media to promote the business and attract new customers.

Just like the components and design that can be found in Tech Hub's logo, the mission is

to offer a variety of products and services in one convenient location. Just like a circuit board

connects and powers various parts of a computer, Tech Hub connects customers to the computer

products and services they need.

By using a circuit board in our logo, we convey Tech Hub's commitment to staying current

with the latest technology trends and advancements. This ensures that customers receive expert

advice and have access to cutting-edge solutions that meet their needs and budget. The circuit

board in our logo is a strong and memorable representation of Tech Hub, making it an effective

branding tool to attract and retain customers.

Figure 1.1: Marketing Banner

To retain existing customers and attract new ones, Tech Hub will offer promotions and

discounts such as a 10% discount on a customer's rent of computers. Local events and expos will

be attended to showcase the business and network with potential customers. A booth will be set up

to showcase services and offer free consultations to attendees. Tech Hub will also partner with

other businesses in the area to cross-promote products and services and build customer loyalty by

providing exceptional customer service, offering a rewards program, and following up with

customers after their rental to ensure they're satisfied with their experience.
Measurement of the effectiveness of each marketing strategy will be evaluated by tracking

website traffic, social media engagement, and revenue. Surveys and feedback from customers will

also be gathered to assess their satisfaction with the business and identify areas for improvement.

Through these marketing strategies, Tech Hub aims to provide a one-stop-shop for computer rental,

attract new customers, retain existing ones, and increase brand awareness and engagement.

In conclusion, Tech Hub is committed to offering exceptional customer service, a wide

selection of products, and expert advice. The marketing plan is designed to cater to the needs of

the target audience and build a loyal customer base through effective marketing strategies.

Operational Plan

For the Opening and closing procedure, the staff should always arrive at least 30

minutes early before opening the shop, the staff will switch the power breaker to turn on the

computers and test internet connectivity and the main server on the staff's computer. Organizing

every area in the shop, including wiping down surfaces and arranging chairs, ensuring all

equipment is functioning properly, especially the air-conditioned area for the premium user

customers. At closing, shut down all computers, secure cash registers, switch the power breaker

off, and lock all doors and windows of the shop.

Sanitation and cleanliness are important aspects of running the business, especially in the

current situation where hygiene is a top priority. A routine for cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces,

including keyboards, mice, and gaming peripherals are necessary, provide hand sanitizers for

customers to use near the counter, and regularly clean and disinfect the bathrooms, floors, and

other common areas. The staff is always aware of the proper sanitation and hygiene practices,

including frequent hand washing and wearing masks.

The shop is located in a convenient area near schools and in a busy location, making it

easily accessible to everyone. It is open to all customers and offers affordable hourly rates for

computer rentals. Its proximity to schools makes it an ideal spot for students who need a place to

study or work on projects. The busy location also attracts a diverse range of customers, including

professionals, gamers, and casual internet users.

Utilities such as monitors, keyboards, mice, and all other computer equipment must be

functioning properly. The air conditioning and ventilation systems are maintained and regularly

checked to ensure a comfortable environment for customers. The electricity, as well as the internet,

is managed and monitored for their usage to minimize costs and ensure efficient operations. The

shop also provides an emergency system for managing power outages or internet disruptions,

including backup generators or alternative internet providers.

As for the employee or the counter staff, the shop provides ongoing training and

development opportunities to improve staff skills and knowledge. A schedule is provided for staff

to ensure adequate coverage during peak hours and days. Trained staff is necessary to be

knowledgeable about computer equipment, internet connectivity, and customer service.

Maintenance ensures that the equipment and facilities are in good working condition,

which is essential for providing a positive customer experience and minimizing downtime. The

staff regularly inspects and maintains all the computer equipment, if the equipment is damaged or

malfunctioning the staff maintenance is ready for replacing or repairing the equipment. The shop

also provides an inventory for managing and tracking repairs and maintenance.

Management and Organization

The organization of the business is composed of these positions:

• Shop Owner - The Shop owners will handle everything in business management. Also,

they are responsible for the malfunction of computers and damaged computers since all the

shop owners are IT students.

• Counter Staff - The counter staff is the one who's in charge of taking care of the shop and

as a server/cashier the staff must assist the customers, especially in availing the regular or



Figure 1.2: Organizational Chart

The chart above illustrates the organizational chart of The Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer

Shop. The Shop Owner on the left side is the owner running the business, and next on the right is

the Counter Staff who's working for the business. Where the management connection between the

two enterprises is needed.

Financial Plan

The table below illustrates the start- up expenses of the Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer

Shop. The total cost of the start-up expenses is ₱33,971.

Table 2.1: Start-up Expenses

Business Permit ₱600.00 – DTI Permit

₱500.00 – Barangay Permit

Rent ₱8,000.00

Labor ₱12,030- monthly cost

Equipment (Premium)

₱1459.00- Gaming Chair

₱1,499.00- Monitor

₱350.00- Keyboard & Mouse

₱34.00- Mouse Pad

₱327.00 – Headphones


₱400.00 - Chair

₱799.00 – Monitor

₱166.00- Keyboard

₱22.00 – Mouse

₱15.00 – Mouse Pad

₱84.00 – Speaker

₱1,079 x 4 = ₱4,316 - CCTV


₱2,370- Anti Virus

Promotion ₱1,000.00 – Facebook Ads

TOTAL ₱33,971

The table below illustrates the operating expenses of the Tech Hub: A One-Stop Computer

Shop. The total cost of the operating expenses is ₱250,009.

Table 2.2: Operating Expenses

Bills ₱2,179.94- Monthly Cost

Rent ₱8,000.00

Labor ₱12,030 – Monthly Cost


₱1,299- Internet (Monthly Cost)


₱160.00- Cable ties

₱134.00- Parts Organizer

₱45.00- Loop Back Adapter

₱150.00 – Hand Sanitizer

₱12.00- Cleaning Cloth

Promotion ₱1,000.00 – Facebook Ads

TOTAL ₱250,009
The daily expenses of the business run on a single premium computer are ₱30 rent per hour

and in 8 hours it ₱240 and for 10 computers it provides ₱2,400 a day. In a single regular computer

₱15 rent per hour total of ₱150 in 10 hours and for 10 computers it provides ₱1,500 a day. Tech

Hub: A One-Stop Computer Shop is expected to gain ₱3,900 in total per day.

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