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Février 2020
a aahiila

A - a

a Sorting Designation: 1. spn. tu (forme courte); aadondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: aadondirngol.
you (singular - short form). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: aadondirɗo-aadondiroowo
plur: aadondirɓe-aadondirooɓe. Sorting
a'aa Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. non; no.
Designation: 2, th. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. arriver à un accord,
aadaade Noun Form of Infinitive: aadagol. convention ou contrat entre deux ou plusieurs
Participles: sing: aadiiɗo-aadotooɗo plur: parties; agreement (arrive at an); contract
aadiiɓe-aadotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, (make a). synonyms: fodanaade. Dialectal
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Forms: [J] aadundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
promettre, être d'accord, faire un contrat;
promise; agree; covenant; contract (to enter a).
aadondirngol Noun. pacte, alliance; pact.
Laamɗo aadeke adunaaru fuu heɓ
heɓan barke aagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: aagagol.
saabe lenyol Ibrahiima. Dieu a promis que Participles: sing: aagiiɗo-aagotooɗo plur:
le monde entier sera béni par le lignage aagiiɓe-aagotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
d'Abraham. God promised that the whole Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
world would be blessed because of Abraham's soulever quelque chose pour frapper; raise sth
lineage. compare: amaana, fodoore; to strike sth. Mi yi'ii goɗɗ
ɗɗo bonnuɗ
bonnuɗo kam de
synonyms: fodaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mi aageke faa mi fiya o de accitimmi. J'ai
Aadama Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Adam; vu quelqu'un qui m'a fait du mal et j'ai soulevé
(ma main) pour le frapper, mais je ne l'ai pas
Adam. Note : hébreu/arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fait. I saw someone who did me wrong and I
aadi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi/o plur: ɗi. raised [my hand] to hit him, but I didn't.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri/gooto. ***: ƴeƴude, ƴeptude, ɓantude,
Plural Form of Noun: aadiiji. Sorting hakkitinde, fiyude, tappude;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. promesse, accord, synonyms: hakkitinde; compare: ɓantude,
décision, contrat, résolution; promise; fiyude, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, huncude, tappude,
covenant. Note : arabe ***: fodoore, ƴeptude, ƴeƴude. Dialects: Y,G.
dartinannde, amaana; synonyms: amaana,
aahiijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
fodoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Aadi Keyri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Number One Noun: aahiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
for this noun: ngootiri. Sorting Designation: 3, étudiant coranique; Koranic student.
nb, th. Noun. le Nouveau Testament; New compare: ŋeenyo; ***: ŋeenyo, gariibu;
Testament. Note : arabe ***: Amaana Keso, synonyms: gariibu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Injiila; synonyms: Amaana Keso, Injiila, aahiila Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Linjiila. Dialects: biblical. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Aadi Kiinndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Number Noun: aahiilaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th, mt.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Sorting Noun. 1 • un plan; blueprint; plan. Note : arabe
Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. Ancien ***: alhaali
alhaali, alhaali, sifa, sifoore, wa'ude,
Testament; Old Testament. Note : arabe sifa, nanndude, sifa, alaama, alhaali,
compare: Jabuura, Tawreeta; wayde, sifa, miccinde, ayka;
synonyms: Amaana Kiiɗɗ
ɗɗo; ***: Amaana synonyms: alhaali, sifa, ayka. Dialects: J.
ɗɗo. Dialects: biblical. 2 • ressemblance, image de quelque chose;
resemblance; image of sth else; likeness. Ko
aadondiraaɗo politikki Noun. allié politique;
political ally . Catégorie : Gouvernement, mbasuɗ
mbasuɗon ɗo, ɗum na nanndi e aahiila
Juridique. suudu mawndu Les fondations que tu creuses
semblent être pour une grande maison. The
foundation you are digging looks like its for a
big house. Note : arabe synonyms: alhaali, sifa.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 1
aameede aawude leɗɗe
3 • signes ou symptômes; symptoms; signs. 2 • élargir quelque chose; spread something
Note : arabe compare: nanndude, miccinde, apart. Sanaa aaraa jawo maa gilla a
wa'ude; synonyms: alhaali, sifa, alaama. nawnaaki. Élargis ton bracelet avant qu'il te
Dialects: J. fait mal. You should spread you bracelet out
before it hurts you. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aameede Noun Form of Infinitive: aamegol.
Participles: sing: aamaaɗo-aameteeɗo plur: aawdiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
aamaaɓe-aameteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être of Noun: aawdiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah,
bien instruit comment vivre, être bien élevé ou cs. Noun. 1 • semence, graine, semis; seed.
éduqué; raised well (to be); instructed in how synonyms: wabbere; ***: gulle.
to live (to be well); reared well (to be). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: biireede, mareede, bireede, ne'aade; 2 • bétail — se réfère aux premiers animaux
synonyms: bireede, biireede, mareede, qu'on a pour commencer son élevage;
ne'aade, ne'eede. Dialects: J,Y. livestock. compare: jawdi. Dialects: J,Y,G.
aamiina Sorting Designation: 1, th. interj. amen, ainsi 3 • enfants ou descendance; offspring (one's);
soit-il, que Dieu soit d'accord; may God agree; children (one's). synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, ngeeƴ
may it be so; amen. Aamiina yaarabbi Que Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] aawdi. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Dieu soit d'accord avec ce que tu as demandé.
ƴƴi Noun. alevin; young fish. Ɓikkoy likkoy
May God agree with what you have asked.
cewkoy ngaɗ
ngaɗirkoy aawdi ley nokkuuje
Note : arabe ***: amina; synonyms: amina.
ndiyam. ***: biccoro.
Dialects: J,Y,G.

aamude Noun Form of Infinitive: aamugol. aawirde Noun. semoir; seed drill; seed-bag. Catégorie
: Agriculture, Outil. Dialects: aawrude,
Participles: sing: aamuɗo-aamoowo plur:
aamuɓe-aamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. élever un aawirde fu
fuɗngohoy Noun. pépinière; nursery.
enfant, instruire ou éduquer un enfant pour Catégorie : Agriculture.
bien vivre, dresser; instruct a child how to live;
aawoowo Noun. semeur; sower. Catégorie
raise a child; rear a child. ***: birude, : Agriculture, Travailleur.
marude, biirude, ne'ude; synonyms: biirude,
birude, marude, ne'ude. Dialects: J,Y. aawre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. 1 • temps de
aamugol Noun. dressage; training, breaking in. semailles; planting time. ***: gulle.
Catégorie : Agriculture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aan Sorting Designation: 1. epn. toi, toi-même; you;
2 • semailles; planting. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yourself. synonyms: an; ***: an. Dialects: J.
aawre saaketeende Verb. semer à la volée; sow by
aanyeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. broadcasting. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
aawude Noun Form of Infinitive: aawugol.
of Noun: aanyeeje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: aaw(u)ɗo-aawoowo plur:
Noun. un tombeau, tombe; grave. ***: laakara;
aaw(u)ɓe-aawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
synonyms: laakara, saabeere, uwirde, ufirde.
cs. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
planter ou semer; plant; sow seed. Catégorie
aarude Noun Form of Infinitive: aarugol. : Agriculture. ***: tiiraade, darnitaade,
Participles: sing: aaruɗo-aaroowo plur: dasaade, saakude, uwude, jabbude;
aaruɓe-aarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. synonyms: jabbude, saakude, ufude, uwude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. compare: darnitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • ouvrir sa bouche, écarter; open one's
aawude leɗɗ
ɗɗe synonyme: tiiraade leɗɗe . Verb.
mouth; move aside. Aaru hunnduko maa faa boiser; afforest, plant trees.
mi yi'a nyiinde maa naawoore. Ouvre ta
bouche pour que je puisse voir la dent qui fait
mal. Open your mouth so I can see your sore
tooth. ***: omtude; synonyms: omtude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 2
aayaare accude

aayaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. accitinnde Verb. renoncer à faire qqch; abandon;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form relinquish; renounce.
of Noun: aayaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, th. accude Noun Form of Infinitive: accugol.
Noun. un verset; verse. Note : arabe
Participles: sing: accuɗo-accoowo plur:
compare: soortewol, suura; ***: soortewol,
accuɓe-accooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
suura. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] aaya.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • laisser
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. derrière, laisser seul, omettre; leave alone;
abada Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. jamais; «faa leave behind; leave out. ***: fersude,
abada» veut dire «pour toujours», éternel, duŋ
duŋanaade, woppude, woppude, hutaade,
éternité; never. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. selude, ɗalude, woppude, woppude,
woppude, ɗalude, ɗalude, yoofude1,
abajada synonyme: limto. Noun. alphabet ; alphabet .
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ooncaade, woppude, woppude, seedude,
ɗalude, ɗalude, yoppude, ɗalude, ɗalude;
abajadda Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
synonyms: ɗalude, selude, woppude,
Designation: 4. Noun. alphabet; alphabet.
yoofude1, yoppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Note : arabe
2 • laisser tomber exprès; drop something
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deliberately. synonyms: ɗalude, selude,
abba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number woppude, yoofude1, yoppude.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: abbiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. 3 • cesser de faire quelque chose; cease doing
1 • père; father. Note : arabe ***: bappaanjo, something you used to do. synonyms: ɗalude,
baaba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. selude, woppude, yoofude1, yoppude.
2 • oncle (souvent utilisé pour désigner le plus Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
âgé ou le plus honoré des oncles); uncle.
contracted possessive forms are not used with 4 • émettre, libérer; release. synonyms: ɗalude,
this noun, except for 3s (makko) abbiiko. Note selude, woppude, yoofude1, yoppude.
: arabe compare: baabiiwo, saara; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: baaba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 5 • suspendre du travail, laisser partir,
licencier, renvoyer; let go; dismiss from
aboka synonyme: jinnganoowo. Variante: awoka. employment; fire. synonyms: ɗalude, selude,
Noun. avocat; lawyer. Catégorie : Juridique,
woppude, yoofude
yoofude1, yoppude.
Travailleur. Note : français
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Abraama Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Abram;
6 • divorcer; divorce. synonyms: ɗalude,
Abram. Note : hébreu/arabe compare: Ibrahiima;
selude, woppude, yoofude1, yoppude.
***: Ibrahiima. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
accannde Verb. céder à; yield to; give in to; give way. 7 • dissocier; disassociate. Mi accii o sabo o
accintinde Verb. infirmer; deny. synonyms: yeddude, wanaa kaaloowo goonga. Je n'ai rien à faire
avec lui car il ne dit pas la vérité. I have
nothing to do with him because he doesn't tell
accirgol Noun. permis, laisser passer; permit; license; the truth. synonyms: hutaade, ɗalude, selude,
pass. woppude, yoofude1, yoppude.
accitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: accitingol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: accitinɗo-accitoowo plur: 8 • permettre quelque chose; permit
accitinɓe-accitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. something. synonyms: duŋduŋanaade.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na accita. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. annuler, décider de ne pas faire quelque
chose qu'on avait dit, se laisser fléchir; relent;
decide not do something you said you were
going to do. ***: waylitaade, mimsitinde,
waylitinde, nimsitinde, fiirtude, bonnitinde;
compare: bonnitinde, mimsitinde,
waylitaade, waylitinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
accitidde. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 3
adadu aɗa

adadu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Adnin Sorting Designation: 3, nbl, th. Noun. Éden,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Paradis; Eden; Paradise. Note : arabe
Noun: adaduuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ***: Eden, aljenna, asama;
1 • le total, le nombre; number; total. Mi limii synonyms: aljenna, Eden; compare: kammu.
ɗi, mi ndaarii, mi tawii haddi adadu majji Dialects: biblical.
wo hemre. Je les ai compté et j'ai trouvé que adoowo fottoo Noun. photographe; photographer.
leur nombre total est 100. I counted them and I Catégorie : Travailleur.
found that the total of them was 100. Note :
arabe ***: limre, hiisaade, limude. adude Noun Form of Infinitive: adugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: aduɗo-adoowo plur:
aduɓe-adooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
2 • la population; population. Adadu
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre,
Boussouma wo yimɓ
yimɓe hemre e noogay. La
bouger quelque chose ou quelqu'un, ou même
population de Boussouma compte 120
soi-même d'un endroit à un autre; take; move.
personnes. The population of Boussouma is
***: ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, ruttaade, disaade,
120 people. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗakkitaade, soottinde, diisaade, diisinde,
3 • la valeur, le coût; cost; value. Mi yeeyteke
fottaade, foɗ
foɗtaade, diinude, sottude,
kulle sappo, adadu buuɗ
buuɗi majji wo
wosaade, dirude, dirnude, footaade,
ujunaaje capanɗ
capanɗe tati. J'ai marchandé le
disinde, sottinde; synonyms: diinude,
prix de 10 animaux, leur coût est de 150'000 F
CFA. I dickered over the price of 10 animals, diisinde, dirnude, disinde, fottaade,
the cost was 150,000 cfa. Note : arabe footaade, sottinde, sottude;
compare: limoore, limude, hiisaade. compare: diisaade, disaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. adude aadi expression. prendre un engagement; make
adadu ɓe sidaa ley nokku expression. séro a commitment to.
prévalence; HIV/AIDS sero prevalence. adude fottoo Verb. photographier; take a picture;
Catégorie : Maladie. photograph; take a photo.
adakaal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. adude haala expression. prendre la parole; speak, to
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of take the floor. Catégorie : Le langage et la
Noun: adakaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. pensée.
coffre, malle; case or trunk; trunk or case. Note
adugol aadi expression. engagement; commitment,
: Hausa ***: bataaru, dutuuru, handeere,
involvement, engagement.
keesuwal, honndoore, dakaal;
synonyms: keesuwal; compare: handeere,
adunaaji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
honndoore. Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 3. Noun. gens; people.
***: himɓ
himɓe, nimɓ
nimɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe, annaaji;
adala Plural Form of Noun: adali. Noun. muscle;
synonyms: annaaji, himɓ
himɓe, nimɓ
nimɓe, yimɓ
muscle. Tergal tewuuwal waawungal Dialects: G,M.
ñoofaade na forcoo synonyms: suyre, huyre.
adunaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
adanirde synonyme: siforde innde. Noun. préposition; Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • le monde, la terre;
preposition. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
earth; world. Note : arabe ***: himɓ
adereesi Noun. adresse; address. Note : français annaaru, duuniyaaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yiitirde. 2 • les gens du monde; people of the world.
adirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Note : arabe synonyms: annaaru, duuniyaaru.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Dialectal Forms: [J] aduna (o) (people).
Noun: adirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
brancard fait de bois, litière (lit à porteurs); a ɗa Sorting Designation: 1. spn. tu (forme longue);
litter; stretcher made of wood. ***: kooƴ
kooƴirgal, you (singular - long form). synonyms: ana, na
karammbammba; a; ***: na a, ana. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: karammbammba, kooƴ kooƴirgal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 4
afaade Alarba

afaade Noun Form of Infinitive: afagol. alaama Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: afiiɗo-afotooɗo plur: One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
afiiɓe-afotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun: alaamaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Noun. 1 • signes ou symptômes de ce qui vient
accoucher le premier enfant, donner naissance ou ce qui est passé; symptoms; signs of what is
au premier enfant; ce mot est seulement utilisé to come or what is past. Mi yi'ii alaama
pour une femme et non pas pour des animaux; ƴoonde waran hannden. Je vois des signes
give birth to your first child. they use qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui. I see signs that it
"aforaade" when distinguishing whether it is a will rain today. Note : arabe ***: alhaali,
boy or a girl that was born; e.g. "Dee Lobbo
aforeke debbo." {Lobbo's wife gave birth to a wa'ude, mbinndudi, nanndude, sifa,
maande1, aahiila, wayde, miccinde.
girl.}. ***: rimude, ɓeynude, dikkaade;
synonyms: dikkaade; compare: ɓeynude Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • une description de ce que les choses
rimude. Dialectal Forms: [J] afaraade,
[J,Y,G,M] aforaade:. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
étaient; description. Mi yi'ii alaama geesi to
ɓe ndemanoo. J'ai vu des signes/traces des
afagol Noun. primipare; primipara. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo maa champs qu'ils avaient cultivés dans le passé. I
huunde nde aranal mum fu rimude saw the signs of fields they had cultivated in
synonyms: dikkingol; ***: dikkingol. the past. Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila, alhaali,
sifa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Afirikki emprunt: français. Noun. Afrique; Africa.
Catégorie : Région. alaama annditirɗ
annditirɗo nyaw expression. symptôme;
symptom. Catégorie : Maladie.
Afo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. le nom du premier fils; alaama dartorɗ
dartorɗe Noun. signe de ponctuation;
name of the first son. Catégorie : Nom. punctuation marks. Catégorie : Lecture /
***: Hammadum; compare: Sammbo, Yero, écriture.
Paate, Dembo, Njobbo; alaama nyaw Noun. signe clinique; clinical sign.
synonyms: Hammadum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Maladie.

agijame Noun. examen; examination. Note : français Alal Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
akalal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: Alaleeji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
dimanche; Sunday. Note : arabe Dialectal
Noun: akalaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Forms: [J] Alan/Alanaaji. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun. 1 • auge en bois pour animaux ; manger
(wooden); trough (wooden) used for feeding or alam baanaa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur:
watering animals. ***: nyaamnirgal, ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural
jarnirgal; synonyms: jarnirgal, yarnirgal. Form of Noun: alam mbaanaaji. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. zèbre; zebra.
2 • pirogue, barque, bateau; boat; dugout Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: aranbaanaawa,
canoe. synonyms: laana ndiyam; allumbaana, araawa mbaaneewa;
compare: gaafol, walka. Dialectal Forms: [M] synonyms: allumbaana, araawa mbaaneewa.
akalaal, [J] akalawal. Dialects: J,G,M. Dialects: G.
akorbaasi Noun. acrobatie; acrobatics. Catégorie Alarba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number
: Travailleur. Note : français
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
al'aada Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Noun: Alarbaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of mercredi; Wednesday. Alarba paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo Le
Noun: al'aadaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. mercredi passé. last Wednesday. Alarba
coutume, pratique, tradition; custom; garoowo Le mercredi prochain. next
tradition; practice. Note : arabe Wednesday. Alarbaare faltiinde Mercredi
***: finaatawaa, tagaadi, tagu, daa, neesu, passé. last Wednesday. Alarbaare waroore
tawaangal; synonyms: daa, tagu, tagaadi; Mercredi prochain. next Wednesday. Note :
compare: finaatawaa, tawaangal. arabe synonyms: Alorba; ***: alarbaare,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Alorba. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Alarbaare;.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 5
alarbaare alhaali rato

alarbaare Noun. mercredi; Wednesday. 3 • le prix de quelque chose; price. Algadara

synonyms: Alarba. pereeje, foti coodataa? Quel est le prix de
ces briques? What is the price of these bricks?
albaccel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur: koy. Note : arabe synonyms: coggu. Dialectal
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Note: sometimes this word
Noun: albaccoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. is spelled as "alkadara." The consonant in
Noun. ail; garlic. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note :
Arabic is "ĝ" which some render as "ĝ" and
arabe synonyms: laay; ***: laay. Dialects: G.
others as "k." My informants all prefered
albaccere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. alĝadara.. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Algura'aana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
of Noun: [G] albacce, [Y,M] albace, [J]
Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. le Coran; Koran.
albasaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun.
Note : arabe ***: Kura'aana, Alkur'aana,
oignon; onion. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note :
Gura'aana; synonyms: Alkur'aana, Gura'aana,
arabe synonyms: jaba. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Kura'aana. Dialectal Forms: [G] Alĝur'aana.
albacaare (nde)/albace (ɗe); [J] albasal
Dialects: J,Y.
(ngal), albasaare (nde)/albasaaje (ɗe).
Dialects: Y,G. alhaali Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
albasal Noun. oignon; onion. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Noun: alhaaliiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th, mt.
***: jaba. Dialectal Forms: albaccere.
Noun. 1 • un plan, un plan directeur, projet;
albel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur: koy. blueprint; plan. Mi hollii mason alhaali
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form suudu ndu kaajaami. J'ai montré le plan de
of Noun: alboy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. la maison que je veux au maçon. I showed the
porte-monnaie; wallet. ***: kumpa, dannga; mason the blueprint of the house I want [built].
synonyms: dannga, kumpa. Dialects: G. Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila, sifa, ayka;
***: faaytinde, sifa, sifoore, wa'ude, sifa,
alburuuti Noun. souffre; sulfur. nanndude, sifa, aahiila, aahiila, alaama,
algaali Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number wayde, aahiila, sifa, miccinde, ayka.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: alĝaali'en. Sorting Designation: 4, th. 2 • ressemblance, image de quelque chose; the
Noun. un juge; judge. Note : arabe resemblance, likeness, or image of something
***: hiitaade, annabi, sariya, saraade, else. Laamɗ
Laamɗo tagii Aadama e Hawwa dow
annabaajo; synonyms: carotooɗ
carotooɗo; alhaali muuɗ
muuɗum. Dieu a créé Adam et Eve à
compare: annabaajo, hiitaade, saraade, sa propre image. God created Adam and Even
sariya. Dialects: J,Y. in His own imagine. Mi yi'ii alhaali cuurki,
jaka wo tamminyoonaaje. J'ai vu quelque
algaburuuji Noun. cimetières; cemetery; graveyards. chose qui ressemblait à la fumée,mais c'étaient
algadara Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number des criquets. I saw what looked like smoke,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of but it was locust. Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila,
Noun: algadaraaji. Sorting Designation: 4. sifa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. 1 • le niveau ou l'étendue; extent; level. 3 • signes ou symptômes; signs or symptoms.
Algadara to anndal am dow durugol haaɗ haaɗi Alhaali nyawu makko wo SIDA. Les
wo nii. Voici le niveau de ma connaissance de symptômes de sa maladie sont ceux du SIDA.
l'élevage. This is the level of my knowledge The symptoms of his illness are those of AIDS.
about herding. Algadara jande maa toy Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila, sifa, alaama;

woni. Tu as étudié jusqu'à quel niveau? Par compare: nanndude, miccinde, wa'ude.
exemple CP1, CM2. What level have you Dialectal Forms: [J] alahaali. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
studied to? For example CP1, CM2. Note :
alhaali jamahoonyoldu synonyme: alhaali
arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
damahoonyoldu. Noun. huître; oyster.
2 • la quantité de quelque chose, nombre; Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
number; quantity. Aɗa woodi kulle ley
alhaali rato Noun. binette; hoe. Catégorie : Outil.
hoggo, algadara majje wo foti? foti? Quelle
quantité d'animaux as-tu dans ton enclos?
You have animals in your corral, how many?
Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 6
alhan allewal

alhan Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Alkamiisa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe.
Designation: 4. Noun. laiton, fer; brass. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Huunde jawndiire nawtorteede banngal Noun: Alkamiisaaje. Sorting Designation: 1.
mo ƴƴingol
ƴƴingol gineeji Note : arabe Variante: alkamiisu. Noun. jeudi; Thursday.
compare: janndi, mbudu, njamndi, furfata, Alkamiisa paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo Jeudi passé. last
fuufa; ***: njamndi, janndi, njamndi Thursday. Alkamiisa garoowo Jeudi
mboɗeeri; synonyms: njamndi mboɗ
mboɗeeri. prochain. next Thursday. Alkamiisaare
Dialects: J. faltiinde Jeudi passé. last Thursday.
Alkamiisaare waroore Jeudi prochain. next
Alhuudiyanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
Thursday. Note : arabe Dialectal
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Alkamiisaare.
Form of Noun: Alhuudiyankooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, cbp. Noun. un Juif; Jew. Note :
arabe ***: Yahuudiyanke, Israa'iilanke; alkulal synonyme: harfeere. Noun. lettre; letter .
synonyms: Yahuudiyanke. Dialectal Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: leggal
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] abajadda, harfeere.
Alhuudiyankeejo/Alhuudiya'en. Alkur'aana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. le Coran; Koran.
aljenna Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Note : arabe ***: Kura'aana, Gura'aana,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Algura'aana; synonyms: Algura'aana,
Noun: aljennaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Gura'aana, Kura'aana. Dialectal
Noun. ciel ou paradis; paradise; heaven. Forms: alkura'aana. Dialects: J,G,M.
Heaven can also be called "joonnde
Alla/Laamɗo" {the place of God} and "wuro Alla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number

Alla/Laamɗo". Note : arabe ***: Eden, asama, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Adnin, kammu; compare: laaraaf; Noun: allaaji - this is used of false gods,
synonyms: Adnin, asama, Eden, kammu. which are really demons, hence they fall
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] aljanna. into the ɗi noun class. This is my own
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. construct, not one current in Fulfulde, but
in discussing it with informants they have
Aljuma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number
agreed it is a plausible way to refer to false
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
gods.. Sorting Designation: 1, th. Noun. Dieu;
Noun: Aljumaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
God. Note : arabe ***: Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo, Laamɗ
vendredi; Friday. Aljuma paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo Vendredi laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, Geno; synonyms: Baawɗ
passé. Last Friday. Aljuma garoowo cawroowo, Duumiiɗ
Duumiiɗo, Geno, Joomiraaɗ
Vendredi prochain. Next Friday. Aljumaare Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faltiinde. Vendredi passé. Last Friday.
Aljumaare waroore. Vendredi prochain.
allaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Next Friday. Note : arabe Dialectal Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Aljumaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: allaaruuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. une faute, défaut, endommagement,
aljumaare Noun. vendredi; Friday. Dialectal imperfection, faiblesse; defect; flaw;
Forms: aljuma. weakness; blemish; imperfection; fault. Note :
arabe ***: ayiibe, laru, laru, malal, sokottu;
alkadara Noun. teneur; content, amount of.
synonyms: ayiibe, laru, malal, sokottu.
alkama Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Dialects: J.
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. blé; wheat. Catégorie
allewal Noun. tableau noir; blackboard. Catégorie
: Nourriture. Note : arabe ***: buuru. Dialectal
: Apprendre. synonyms: alluwal manngal.
Forms: [G] alkamaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 7
allude almude

allude Noun Form of Infinitive: allugol. alluwel synonyme: arduwaas. Noun. ardoise; slate
Participles: sing: alluɗo-alloowo plur: (small). Catégorie : Apprendre, Lecture /
alluɓe-allooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. avoir un almaade Noun Form of Infinitive: almagol.
défaut ou une déformation; fault (to have a); Participles: sing: almiiɗo-almotooɗo plur:
deformity (to have a). Note : arabe
almiiɓe-almotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
***: larɗ
larɗude, maleede, aybude;
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
synonyms: aybude
aybude, larɗ
larɗude, maleede. exercer des fonctions de prêtre, intercéder;
Dialects: J. intercede; perform priestly duties. Note : arabe
alluki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ***: liimaade; synonyms: liimaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: alluɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. almaamaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
espèce d'acacia; acacia tree. Catégorie Designation: 3, th. Noun. prêtrise; priesthood.
: Arbres. Acacia sieberana. ***: ciidi, Note : arabe ***: liimaanaaku;
gerembeehi, cilluki; synonyms: cilluki, synonyms: liimaanaaku. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
gerembeehi. Dialects: Y,M. almaanaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
allumbaana Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. almaami Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: allum mbaanaaji. Sorting Noun: almaami'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. zèbre; zebra. Noun. un prêtre, un imam; imam; priest. Note :
Catégorie : Mammifère. synonyms: alam arabe ***: mobbo, moodibbo, liimam;
baanaa, araawa mbaaneewa; ***: alam compare: mobbo, moodibbo;
baanaa, araawa mbaaneewa. Dialects: Y,M. synonyms: liimam. Dialects: J,Y,M.
alluwal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Almasiihu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Designation: 3, th. Noun. le Christ, le Messie,
Noun: alluuje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. l'Oint; Messiah; Christ; anointed One. Note :
1 • ardoise en bois pour écrire; wooden slate arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
which is written on. Catégorie : Apprendre.
almeytu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
***: dawa, ɗerewol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • ardoise, tableau; slate. alluwal mana
Noun: [J,Y,G] almeytuuji, [G,M] almeetuuji.
Ardoise en plastic. a plastic slate.
Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. allumette; match.
compare: dawa, ɗerewol. Dialectal
Note : français synonyms: mankisi;
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] alluwel - this refers to a
***: mankisi, keetu; compare: keetu. Dialectal
small slate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [G,M] almeetu. Dialects: J,Y,G.
alluwal2 Noun. figure; figure. Catégorie
: Mathématique. almude Noun Form of Infinitive: almugol. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
alluwal diidi Noun. figure géométrique; geometrical Verb. 1 • être fin (tissu, papier, calebasse);
figure. Catégorie : Mathématique.
thin; sheer. ***: ɗalmude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
alluwal dow leggal expression. tableau chevalet; 2 • avoir subi le décès de sa famille et rester
flip-chart. Catégorie : Apprendre. seul, être affaibli à cause de famine ou
maladie; to have your family die and leave you
alluwal manngal Noun. tableau noir; blackboard. alone, to be weakened due to famine or
Catégorie : Mathématique, Lecture / écriture.
sickness. synonyms: ɗalmude. Dialects: J,Y.
***: allewal.

alluwal-balaaje Plural Form of
Noun: alluuje-balaaje.
Variante: ɗeppiriwal-balaawal;
ƴi'al-balaawal. Noun. omoplate; shoulder
blade. Ƴi’al ɗeppal taweteengal e balaaje;
balaawal fu e ƴi’al mum Catégorie : Le
corps. ***: ɗeppiriwal -balaawal;
synonyms: hoore balalwal.

16/02/2020 8
Alorba ammaa

Alorba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number Amaana Keso Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 3,
Noun: Alorbaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. nb, th. Noun. le Nouveau Testament; New
mercredi; Wednesday. Alorba paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo Testament. synonyms: Aadi Keyri, Injiila,
Mercredi passé. last Wednesday. Alorba Linjiila; ***: Injiila, Aadi Keyri.
garoowo Mercredi prochain. next Dialects: biblical.
Wednesday. Alorbaare faltiinde Mercredi Amaana Kiiɗɗ
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o.
passé. last Wednesday. Alorbaare waroore
Number One for this noun: gooto. Sorting
Mercredi prochain. next Wednesday. Note :
Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. le Vieux
arabe ***: Alarba; synonyms: Alarba. Dialectal
Testament; Old Testament. ***: Aadi Kiinndi;
Forms: [J,M] Alorbaare. Dialects: J,M.
compare: Jabuura, Tawreeta; synonyms: Aadi
Alsilaami Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Kiinndi. Dialects: biblical.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Amerikki Noun. Amérique (USA); America (USA).
Noun: Alsilaami'en, Alsilaame'en. Sorting
Catégorie : Région.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • un musulman;
Muslim. Note : arabe ***: Sunnanke, amidon emprunt: français. Noun. amidon; starch.
Suufiyanke, Wahaabiyanke, Tijjaaninke. synonyms: gomi.
Dialects: J,Y,M. amiiraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
2 • l'Islam; Islam. Note : arabe Designation: 3. Noun. règne, chefferie, royauté,
compare: Sunnanke, Suufiyanke, Tijjaaninke, souveraineté; chiefdom; royalty; kingship;
Wahaabiyanke. Dialectal Forms: [G] sovereignty. compare: kaanankaaku;
Alsilaame. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: kaanankaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Altine Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number amiiru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: Altineeje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Noun: amiiru'en or amiiruuɓe. Sorting
lundi; Monday. last Monday Lundi passé. Designation: 2. Noun. un chef, roi, dirigeant;
Altine paltiiɗo. Altine garoowo Lundi king; ruler; chief. Note : arabe ***: laamiiɗ
prochain. next Monday. Altineere faltiinde ndewgu, kaananke, jooro, laamu,
Lundi passé. last Monday. Altineere waroore Joomiraa
iraaɗo; synonyms: kaananke, laamiiɗ
Lundi prochain. next Monday. Note : arabe compare: jooro, ndewgu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: atineere. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M]
amin Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. notre (exclusif); our
Altineere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(exclusive). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
am Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. mon, ma, mes; my.
amina Sorting Designation: 1, th. interj. amen, ainsi
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. soit-il, que Dieu soit d'accord; may God agree;
amaana Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. may it be so; amen. amina yaarabbi Que Dieu
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of accepte ce que tu as dit. may God agree with
what you have asked. Note : arabe
Noun: amaanaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. une alliance ou promesse, engagement, synonyms: aamiina; ***: aamiina. Dialectal
abonnement, accord; commitment; promise; Forms: [M] amiina. Dialects: Y.
covenant or promise; subscription. Note : arabe
Amirou Noun. prénom masculin (sens : chef); first
***: fodoore, aadi, aadaade, yarda; name for a male (meaning: chief). Catégorie
synonyms: aadi, fodoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Nom.
amaana hawju dewle expression. code de mariage; ammaa Sorting Designation: 1. conj. mais; but;
Marriage Code. Catégorie : Juridique. however. Mi wi'iino mi waran hecci-
amaana hawju jawdi ndewlondirɓ
ndewlondirɓe ammaa mi heɓ heɓaay wune. J'avais dit que je
expression. contrat de mariage; marriage vienne le avant-hier, mais je n'ai pas eu la
contract. Catégorie : Gouvernement, chance. I had said I would come the day before
Juridique. yesterday, but I did not have luck. Note : arabe
synonyms: de2, kaa, kay; ***: de1, kaa, kay.
Dialectal Forms: (rare) ammaa noon.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 9
ammbasad annabi

ammbasad Noun. ambassade; Embassy. Catégorie anen2 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. Nous (inclusive,
: Gouvernement. Note : français forme longue); we (inclusive - long form).
***: enen2, eɗen; synonyms: eɗen, enen2, na
ammbasadeere emprunt: français.
en. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Variante: ammbasader. Noun. ambassadeur;
ambassador. Catégorie : Gouvernement. anketti gosoowo lugotooɗ
lugotooɗo expression.
ammbasader Variante: ammbasadeere. Noun. information judiciaire; judicial investigation.
ambassadeur; ambassador. Catégorie lugeteeɗ
lugeteeɗo mo anndaaka information
: Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français judiciaire contre X. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
ammbasadi emprunt: français. Noun. ambassade;
embassy. Catégorie : Gouvernement, annaa Noun. peuple, population; population; people.
Juridique, Bâtiment. annaaji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
ampulli Noun. ampoule; bulb. Note : français Designation: 2. Noun. gens, populations;
populations; people. ***: himɓ
himɓe, nimɓ
amre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
yimɓe, adunaaji; synonyms: adunaaji, himɓ
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nimɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] anna.
of Noun: ame. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
une tortue; tortoise. Catégorie : Reptile. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: huunyaare, kunkiriire, kuriire; annaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
***: boroore, kunkiriire, kuriire, huunyaare; Designation: 2. Noun. le monde, la terre, les
compare: boroore. Dialects: Y. gens du monde; earth; people of the world;
an Sorting Designation: 1. epn. tu, toi, toi-même;
world. ***: himɓ
himɓe, duuniyaaru, adunaaru;
synonyms: adunaaru, duuniyaaru.
you; yourself. ***: aan; synonyms: aan.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

ana Sorting Designation: 1. spn. tu (forme longue);

annabaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
you (singular - long form). ***: aɗa, na a;
Noun: annabaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
synonyms: aɗa, na a. Dialects: G.
Noun. 1 • un prophète; prophet. Catégorie : La
anaana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Personne. ***: algaali, annabi.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. menthe, utilisé dans la Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
préparation du tee; mint, used often in the 2 • quelqu'un qui agit comme un prophète; one
preparation of green leaf tea. Catégorie who acts like a prophet but is not is called a
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
"nyemmboowo annabaajo". synonyms: annabi;
synonyms: naana; ***: naana. Dialects: J,Y,G.
compare: algaali. Dialectal Forms: [M]
anakeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. annabiijo; [G,M] annaboojo.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: anakeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
annabaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Noun. espèce d'arbre (son fruit est utilisé pour
faire de la myrrhe); kind of tree. Catégorie Designation: 3, th. Noun. le ministère d'un
: Buissons, arbustes. Boswellia dalzielii. prophète, les qualités et la puissance d'un
prophète; prophet; prophet-hood. Note : arabe
***: haayndeehi
haayndeehi, ƴiiƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: haayndeehi, ƴiiƴ
iiƴaahi. Dialects: J.
annabi Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. le titre d'un
anana Noun. ananas; pineapple. Catégorie
prophète, ce mot doit être utilisé avec un nom
: Nourriture.
propre (ce mot ne peut pas être seul pour
Andire Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. André, le désigner le mot prophète); prophet (the title of
frère de Simon Pierre et l'un des 12 disciples; a). annabi Muusa Le Prophète Moussa. the
Andre. Note : grec/français Dialects: biblical. Prophet Moussa. Note : arabe compare: algaali;
andistiri emprunt: français. Noun. industrie; industry. ***: annabaajo; synonyms: annabaajo.
Catégorie : Le travail et diverses activités. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

anen1 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. nous-mêmes

(inclusive); ourselves (inclusive).
synonyms: enen2. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 10
Annabiijo anndin-a

Annabiijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting anndal nguurdam e leydi Noun. science de la vie
Designation: 3, np, th. Noun. Mohammed, et de la terre, S.V.T; natural sciences. Salndu
Mahomet; Mohammed. Note : arabe annde daraniindu anndal kulle mbuuruɗ
mbuuruɗe e
synonyms: Muhammadum; ɗe mbuuraa
***: Muhammadum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
anndal no siiji ngorri synonyme: gannda
anndaaka adj. anonyme; unnamed, nameless. mo ko ƴiwdudi. expression. typologie; typology.
anndal tagu synonyme: jannde banngal hakkillo.
anndal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. adj. psychologique; psychological. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of : Le langage et la pensée.
Noun: annde. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. la anndal tayaka Noun. science d'observation;
connaissance, le savoir, expérience, science; observation science. Catégorie : Apprendre.
knowledge. Catégorie : Le langage et la
pensée. ***: caral, jannde, faamu, paamu, anndal ƴuuwdi maandaa synonyme: ƴuuwdi
ƴƴillo, hakkillo, ƴoyre, dunkol; harfeere. expression. étymologie; etymology.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
synonyms: caral, ƴoyre; compare: hakkillo,
faamu, paamu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. anndal-
fuɗngo Noun. botanique; botanic. Salndu
annde daraniindu jannde fuɗ
anndal banngal diidi expression.
Catégorie : Végétaux.
système-métrique; metric system. Catégorie
: Mathématique. anndal-
anndal-guurndam Noun. biologie; biology.
anndal calɗ
calɗi haala expression. dialectologie; Salndu anndal daraniindu jannde kulle
dialectology. Catégorie : Le langage et la mbuuruɗ
anndanan Noun. reconnaissance; gratitude.
anndal cuɓɓ
ɓɓaangal Noun. compétence spécifique;
anndande Noun Form of Infinitive: anndangol.
special competence. Catégorie : Le travail et
diverses activités. Participles: sing: anndanɗo-anndanoowo
plur: anndanɓe-anndanooɓe. Sorting
anndal gollal expression. savoir-faire; know-how,
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
expertise, skill.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • remercier pour
anndal golliraangol Noun. expérience; experience. l'aide; praise for help given; thank. Lobbo
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
anndanii Rob sabo o wallii ɗum faa heɓheɓi
synonyms: pinal; ***: dunkol.
keekel. Lobbo a remercié Rob parce qu'il lui a
anndal jogola hoorem expression. savoir être; aidé à recevoir un vélo. Lobbo thanked Rob
soft skills, know-how-to-be. Catégorie : Le because he helped him have a bike.
langage et la pensée. ***: yettude, jaaraade, welnande, anndude,

anndal kiinngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal jammude; synonyms: jaaraade, yettude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
2 • être reconnaissant envers quelqu'un;
Plural Form of Noun: annde kiinɗe. Sorting
thankful (be) towards someone. Mi anndanii
Designation: 3. Noun. histoire; history.
maa ko kokkuɗ
kokkuɗaa kam golle keeŋ
keeŋan. Merci
synonyms: taariki
taariki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de m'avoir donné du travail hier. I thank you
anndal kujje Noun. zoologie; zoology. Salndu that you gave me work yesterday.
jannde banngal anndude mare (kuuje Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maraaɗe e kulle ladde Catégorie : Animaux. 3 • savoir ou reconnaître qu'on a été aidé ou
béni par quelqu'un; to know something, to
anndal laral leydi Noun. géologie; geology. Salndu acknowledge or recognize that you have been
annde banngal jannde leydi e ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii helped or blessed; Mi anndanii Lamɗ
Lamɗo ko
e mum Catégorie : Terre. ***: soolooji. barkini ngesa am hikka. Je reconnais que
anndal limoore expression. arithmétique; Dieu a béni mes champs cette année. I
arithmetic. Catégorie : Mathématique. recognize that God blessed my field this year.
synonyms: anndude; compare: jammude,
synonyms: ganndal-
aaƴude, welnande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

anndin-a synonyme: tinndin-a. Verb. définir; define.
Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 11
anndinde anniyaaji

anndinde Noun Form of Infinitive: anndingol. anndude Noun Form of Infinitive: anndugol.
Participles: sing: anndinɗo-anndinoowo Participles: sing: annduɗo-anndoowo plur:
plur: anndinɓe-anndinooɓe. Sorting annduɓe-anndooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. savoir,
Verb. 1 • informer, faire savoir, dire à; tell; prédire; know. ***: ƴoƴude, teƴ teƴorde,
inform; let know. synonyms: humpitinde; faamude, tennyorde, haalude ko waroyta,
***: ekintinde, humpitinde. anndande, sarude, haƴ haƴinƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hacinkinde; compare: faamude, haƴ haƴinƴ
2 • enseigner; teach. synonyms: ekintinde, sarude, tennyorde, teƴ teƴorde, ƴoƴude;
jannginde, wi'ande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: anndande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

anndingol Noun. déclaration; declaration, statement. annduɗ
annduɗo Noun. qui connaît; one who knows.
anndingol kuuɓ
kuuɓugol kaane yimɓ
yimɓe Catégorie anndugol ko waroyta expression. prédiction;
: Juridique.
prediction, forecasting, prognosis.
anndinoore Noun. définition; definition. Catégorie anniya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Mathématique. ***: cifol, tinndinoore2,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
fiirtugol; synonyms: tinndinoore2.
Noun: anniyaaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
anndintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: anndintingol. 1 • une décision; decision. Note : arabe
Participles: sing: ***: feenaare, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, ciinal, hakkillo,
anndintinɗo-anndintinoowo plur: miilo, jate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
anndintinɓe-anndintinooɓe. Sorting 2 • détermination, intention, projet,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
avant-projet, but; project; intention;
na anndintina. Verb. aider à se souvenir,
determination. Note : arabe ***: feenda;
rappeler, réviser; review; remind; remember synonyms: ciinal, feenaare; compare: jate,
(to help someone). ***: sowtinde, siwtinde; miilo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: miccinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. anniya ɓantaare yimɓ
yimɓe expression. projet de
annditinde Noun Form of Infinitive: annditingol. société; social project, society project.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Participles: sing: annditinɗo-annditoowo
plur: annditinɓe-annditooɓe. Sorting anniyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: anniyagol.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Participles: sing: anniyiiɗo-anniyotooɗo
na anndita. Verb. reconnaître, savoir; know; plur: anniyiiɓe-anniyotooɓe. Sorting
recognize. Mi waayrii yiide maani de ko Designation: 1. Verb Stative or
njiimi ɗum, ɗum mi annditii ɗum. Depuis Progressive: st/prg. Verb. décider, déterminer,
longtemps je n'avais plus vu cet homme, mais avoir l'intention de, choisir de faire quelque
lorsque je l'ai vu je l'ai reconnu. It was a long chose, s’apprêter à faire qqch; get ready to do
time since I saw that fellow, but when I saw something; choose to do something; intend or
him I recognized him. synonyms: miccinde, purpose to do something; decide; determine.
siwtinde, sowtinde; ***: miccinde. Dialectal Note : arabe ***: soobaade, hiilngo,
Forms: [Y,G] annditidde. Dialects: J,Y,M. hencaade, jataade, ummanaade, siiwtorde,
siinude, enndude, jataade, fodaade,
annditinnde Verb. reconnaître; identify; recognize. jataade, siwtorde, feendaade, tabintinde,
annditirɗum Noun. caractéristique; characteristic, haykaade; compare: aykaade, enndude,
feature. soobaade, siinude; synonyms: feendaade,
fodaade, jataade, haandinde, sappanaade,
siwtorde, tabintinde, ummanaade. Dialectal
Forms: [Y] anninaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

anniyaaji Noun. décisions, intentions; intentions;


16/02/2020 12
annjaari aranbaanaawa

annjaari Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. ar Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of pour appeler des moutons; an interjection used
Noun: annjaariiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. to call sheep. synonyms: or; ***: or.
Noun. 1 • une personne méchante ou immorale; Dialects: G,M.
immoral person; wicked or immoral person.
ara interj. bruit fait pour éloigner un âne; a sound
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: jaahili, denjigi,
made for chasing off a donkey. ***: uru, ari;
pankaro, jaahili; synonyms: jaahili, pankaro
synonyms: ari, uru. Dialects: Y,M.
Dialects: M.
2 • personne avec mauvaises mœurs; araare Noun. âne; donkey. Catégorie : Mammifère.
promiscuous person. compare: keefeero, Dialectal Forms: araawa.
laalaade, denjigaade, jeenude, njaahilaaku; araawa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
synonyms: denjigi, jaahili. Dialects: M. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
annoora Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. of Noun: araaji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. âne; donkey. Catégorie : Mammifère,
Noun: annooraaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Élevage. ***: mola, gorba, dakiya, ngorba;
1 • lumière; light. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo ceyniiɗ
ceyniiɗo jom synonyms: dakiya; compare: mola, ngorba,
annoora. Une bonne personne a de la tefeewa. Dialectal Forms: [Y] ara.
lumière. A good person has light. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: njaynam, naanaande, laytaade, araawa mbaaneewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga
torsaade, jayngol, yaynam, yaynaade, plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota.
fooyre; synonyms: jayngol, njaynam, Plural Form of Noun: araaji baaneeji. Sorting
yaynam. Dialects: J,M. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. zèbre; zebra.
2 • prestige, honneur, respect; respect; honor; Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: aranbaanaawa,
prestige (fig.) Note : arabe synonyms: dawla, allumbaana, alam baanaa; synonyms: alam
teddeengal; compare: iilde, yaynude. baanaa, allumbaana. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] annuura. Dialects: J,M. aram mbaana. Dialects: J.
annuura Noun. valeur, prestige; prestige; value. araawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
annyeeje Noun. tombes; graves. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
of Noun: araaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. un
annyeere Noun. tombe; grave.
point ou un but dans un jeu; point (in a game);
anon Sorting Designation: 1. epn. vous, vous-mêmes; goal (in a game). synonyms: ariimo;
you, yourselves (plural). ***: onon1; ***: ariimo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: onon2. Dialects: Y,G,M.
aranal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
antarpiriisi Noun. entreprise; firm; business. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. la première fois de
Catégorie : Le travail et diverses activités. cultiver un champ; cultivation of a field (the
Note : français first). Catégorie : Agriculture.
antibiyotik Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. synonyms: hiinko, joobu, mbugiri;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: hiinko, bugaade, mbugiri, dodow,
Noun: antibiyotikiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, bakkaade, joobu, mayto. Dialectal Forms: [J]
mt. Noun. antibiotique; antibiotic. Note : aranel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
français Dialects: tech. aranbaanaawa Plural Form of Noun: aranbaanaaji.
Noun. zèbre; zebra. Catégorie : Mammifère.
antibiyotikki emprunt: français. Noun. antibiotique;
antibiotic. Catégorie : Traitement de la synonyms: alam baanaa, araawa mbaaneewa.

Antiyoki Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Antioche en

Syrie; Antioch of Syria. Note : grec
Dialects: biblical.

anweloppi emprunt: français. Noun. enveloppe;

envelope. synonyms: huulngo.

16/02/2020 13
arande arondirngol

arande Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. avant, au début, arditagol waɗ

waɗa goɗɗ
ɗɗum expression. anticipation;
premièrement, d'abord, autrefois; before. anticipation. arditaade waɗ
waɗa goɗɗ
Yimɓe gilla arande anndal muɓɓ
ɓɓen Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
heeewaa. Avant les gens ne connaissaient pas ardo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
beaucoup. Before people didn't know very
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
much. Si a ƴoogii fu, ngattaa e lonnde
Noun: ardiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. un
arandeere mawnde ŋappere ndeen. Quand
dirigeant, un leader, un guide, directeur;
tu cherches de l'eau, met-la d'abord dans le
director; leader. Catégorie : La Personne.
vieux canari. If you go get water, bring it in the
big old chipped pot. Arande also is the source synonyms: arɗ
arɗo, dawroowo, hooreejo,
of a series of adjectives for the various noun mawɗ
mawɗo; ***: arɗarɗo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
classes - Group I ɓe/arandeeɓe,
arɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
ko1/arandeeho, nde/arandeere, ndu/arandeeru,
nge/arandeewe, ngo/arandeewo Group II One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ɗe/arandeeje, ɗi/arandeeji, ɗum/arandejum, Noun: arɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. guide,
kal/arandehal, kol/arandehol, ngal/arandewal, dirigeant, leader, vainqueur; victor; leader.
ngel/arandewel, ngol/arandewol, o/arandeejo Catégorie : La Personne. ***: dawroowo,
Group III ɗam/arandejam, ka/arandeeha, ardo, mawɗ
mawɗo, hooreejo; synonyms: ardo,
ki/arandeehi, ko2/arandeeho, koy/arandehoy,
dawroowo, hooreejo, mawɗmawɗo. Dialects: J.
ndi/arandeeri, nga/arandeewa,
ngi/arandeewi, ngu/arandeewu; ***: aranel. Arɗ
Arɗo Noun. prénom masculin (Signification : Titre
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. guerrier); first name for a male (meaning:
worrier title). Catégorie : Nom.
arandejum Noun. ancien; elder.
ari Sorting Designation: 5. interj. bruit fait pour
aranel Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. avant, au début, chasser un âne ou un bœuf; a sound made for
premièrement, d'abord; beginning (at the); chasing off a [J] donkey or [Y] a bull. ***: uru,
before, at the beginning, first of all; first of all.
ara; synonyms: ara, uru. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M]
Aranel fuu wanaa ɗum fuɗɗ
ɗɗi wolde maɓɓ
ara (donkey). Dialects: J.
Au début tout cela n'était pas la raison de leur
querelle. At the beginning all that was not ariimo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
what started the feud between them. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: arande. Dialects: J,Y,G. Noun: ariimaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
arannde adj. avant, dans le temps; before. un point ou un but (dans un jeu); point (in a
game); goal (in a game). ***: araawu;
arano Sorting Designation: 2. adj. le premier; first
synonyms: araawu. Dialects: G.
(the). compare: artude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arkilla Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
ardaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ardagol.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: ardiiɗo-ardotooɗo plur:
Noun: arkillaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
ardiiɓe-ardotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Variante: arkille. Noun. moustiquaire;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. mosquito net. Catégorie : En bonne santé,
1 • diriger, mener; lead (to). ***: hooraade, Outil. Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: [J] arkille
hilnaade, hawjaade, dawrande, dawrude. (o). Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
armanga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
2 • aller devant, précéder, avancer; ahead (to
go on); go on ahead; precede. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
synonyms: hooraade; compare: dawrande, of Noun: armangaaji. Sorting Designation: 5,
hawjaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wl. Noun. galago du Sénégal; bush-baby.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Galago senegalensis.
ardiiɗo Noun. le responsable, le directeur; person in synonyms: lantigaaru, lolongaaru;
charge; director; manager; leader. Dialectal
***: lolongaaru, lantigaaru. Dialects: J.
Forms: ardinaaɗo.
arminaat Noun. calendrier; calendar. Catégorie
ardinaaɗo Noun. responsable; manager, leader, : Mathématique.
person in charge. Dialectal Forms: ardiiɗo.
armoro Noun. armoire; cupboard; wardrobe.
arditagol Noun. anticipation; anticipation.
arondirngol concours; competition.

16/02/2020 14
artaade asangal

artaade Noun Form of Infinitive: artagol. arude Noun Form of Infinitive: arugol.
Participles: sing: artiiɗo-artotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: aruɗo-aroowo plur:
artiiɓe-artotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. aruɓe-arooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être le Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. gagner un jeu
premier, commencer, débuter, démarrer, ou événement sportif; win a game or a sporting
lancer, devancer; commence; begin; first; event. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
start. Mi arteke on ɗaanaade hankin. Je me
suis endormi avant toi la nuit passée. I fell arzinkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: arzinkingol.
asleep before you did last night. Yuusufi artii Participles: sing: arzinkinɗo-arzinkinoowo
warde Tenkodogo. Yousouf état le premier à plur: arzinkinɓe-arzinkinooɓe. Sorting
arriver à Tenkodogo. Yuusufi was the first to Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
arrive in Tenkodogo. artaade and artude are Progressive: prg. Verb. bénir; bless. Note : arabe
often interchangeable, however one form may synonyms: barkinde; ***: barkinde. Dialectal
be prefered in certain uses in the various areas.
Forms: [G,M] arzunkinde. Dialects: J,Y.
***: artude, fuɗɗ
ɗɗude, juurdude2;
compare: daɗ
daɗude; synonyms: artude, arzuke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
ɗɗude, juurdude2. Dialectal Forms: [J] One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
artaraade, [J,Y,G,M] artoraade - the focus Noun: arzukeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Noun. une bénédiction; blessing. Note : arabe
is on how one begins, to begin with/by, to
***: barke, riiku, suuraare, fayda;
take the first step in a series; e.g. "Mi
synonyms: barke, fayda, riiku, suuraare.
artoreke aawude kamanaari hikka." {I
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
began by planting corn this year.}.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. arzukeede Noun Form of Infinitive: arzikegol.
Participles: sing: arzikaaɗo-arziketeeɗo
artaade haalana Verb. avertir, prévenir; tell;
inform; warn. plur: arzikaaɓe-arziketeeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
artude Noun Form of Infinitive: artugol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être béni; blessed (to
Participles: sing: artuɗo-artoowo plur:
be). Note : arabe synonyms: barkineede.
artuɓe-artooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Dialectal Forms: [J] arzikeede, [Y]
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être le
arzinkineede. Dialects: G,M.
premier à, commencer, démarrer, activer,
lancer; commence; begin; start; first (to be). Si Asaf Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Asaph,
mi doggii fuu, mi artan ɓe. Si je me dépêche auteur de certains psaumes; Asaph, author of
je serai là avant les autres. If I hurry I will get Psalms 50, 73-83; 1 Chronicles 15:17ff. Note :
there before they do. artaade and artude are hébreu Dialects: biblical.
often interchangeable, however one form may
asama Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
be prefered in certain uses in the various areas.
From this verb springs the various participle One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
forms relating to the "first one" of something Noun: asamaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
relating to the noun classes: Group I ɓe/artuɓe, Noun. ciel; heaven. Catégorie : Ciel. Note : arabe
ko1/artuko, nde/artunde, ndu/artundu, ***: kammu, kammu, aljenna;
nge/artunge, ngo/artungo Group II ɗe/artuɗe, synonyms: aljenna; compare: Adnin, Eden.
ɗi/artuɗi, ɗum/artuɗum, kal/artukal,
Dialects: Y,G,M.
kol/artukol, ngal/artungal ngel/artungel,
ngol/artungol, o/artuɗo Group III asangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
ɗam/artuɗam, ka/artuka, ki/artuki, ko2/artuko, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
koy/artukoy, ndi/artundi, nga/artunga,
Noun: asaale. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun.
ngi/artungi, ngu/artungu. synonyms: artaade; 1 • hanche, bassin, os pubis, pelvis; pelvis; hip.
***: arano, go'o, artaade. Dialectal Catégorie : Le corps.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] artirde - how one begins, synonyms: ɓuccoɓ
uccoɓuccoonde, ciiluguwal
to begin with, to take the first step in a dulgaare, ƴiigal; ***: busal, ƴiigal,
series; e.g. "Mi artirii aawude kamanaari ciiluguwal, ɓuccoɓ
uccoɓuccoonde, ciiluguwal,
hikka." {I began by planting corn this dulgaare. Dialects: J,Y.
year.}. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • cuisse; thigh. Catégorie : Le corps.
synonyms: busal. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 15
Asaweere awnorgal

Asaweere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Asurinkoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Designation: 5, lg. Noun. la langue des
of Noun: Asaweeje. Sorting Designation: 1. Assyriens; Assyrian - the language of the
Noun. samedi; Saturday. Asaweere faltiinde Assyrians. ***: Baabilankoore.
samedi dernier, samedi passé. last Saturday. Dialects: biblical.
Asaweere waroore le samedi prochain. next
atiimi Noun. orphelin; orphan. Dialectal
Saturday. Note : arabe ***: Ase, Asay;
Forms: atiimu , atiime.
synonyms: Ase, Asay. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
atiimu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Asay Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: atiimiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun: Asaweeje. Sorting Designation: 1. orphelin; orphan. Catégorie : La Personne.
Variante: asay. Noun. samedi; Saturday. Asay Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] atiime,
paltiiɗo samedi passé. last Saturday. Asay atiimeejo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
garoowo samedi prochain. next Saturday.
atineere Noun. lundi; Monday. synonyms: Altine.
Note : arabe ***: Ase, Asaweere;
synonyms: Ase, Asaweere. Dialects: M. atte Noun. thé; tea. Catégorie : Nourriture.

asayre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. awagol liƴƴ
ƴƴi Verb. pêcher du poisson; fish (to).
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form awagol ngol yimɓ
yimɓe heewɓ
heewɓe expression. pêche
of Noun: asayje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. collective; group fishing. Catégorie : Chasse
Noun. rythme de sept jours pour garder le et pêche.
troupeau; rotation of seven days.
synonyms: aseere; ***: aseere. Dialectal
awirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Forms: [J] asaweere (nde)/asaweeje (ɗe).
Noun: awirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: Y.
gaule ou perche pour la pêche; fishing pole or
Ase Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number rod. Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: jammbuure2;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: jammbuure2, leggal jammbuure.
Noun: Asaweeje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Dialects: J,M.
samedi; Saturday. Ase paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo samedi passé.
awjinaaɗo Noun. délégué; delegate, representative.
last Saturday. Ase garoowo samedi prochain. Catégorie : Juridique.
next Saturday. Note : arabe synonyms: Asay,
Asaweere; ***: Asay, Asaweere. Dialectal
awlaade Verb. enjamber; step over.
Forms: [M] Aseere. Dialects: J,Y,G. awnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: awnagol.
aseere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: awniiɗo-awnotooɗo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form awniiɓe-awnotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
of Noun: aseeje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Noun. 1 • rythme de sept jours pour garder le 1 • regarder par un trou; look through a hole /
troupeau; rotation of seven days. binoculars. ***: awude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire, asayre; synonyms: asayre. 2 • pêcher; fish. synonyms: liƴƴ
ƴƴaade, awude.
Dialects: G,M. Dialects: M.
2 • une semaine; week. synonyms: jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire. awnorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Dialects: M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ass Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour Noun: awnorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
chasser une vache; a sound made in order to jumelles; binoculars. Catégorie : Outil.
chase a cow away. synonyms: huy, kiss, kuss, ***: tukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
osi, oss, tek
tek, tik, usu; ***: kuss, osi, tek,
usu, huy, oss, tik, kiss. Dialects: Y.

Asuri Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Assyrie;

Assyria. Note : hébreu compare: Ninewe.
Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 16
awnyude ayiibe

awnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: awnyugol. aybere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: awnyuɗo-awnyoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
awnyuɓe-awnyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: aybe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pagayer 1 • une action mauvaise, une action qui
dans l'eau; paddle or pole through the water. provoque la honte; action (a bad); bad action.
***: awƴ
awƴaade, hurbude, lummbude, Note : arabe ***: ayiibe, laru, barmere, ayiibe;
awƴude, summbude; synonyms: awƴ awƴude, synonyms: ayiibe, hakke, haƴƴ
ƴƴe, semteende.
lummbude, summbude. Dialects: M. Dialects: G.
2 • blessure, os fracturé, déformation, défaut,
awotooɗo Noun. pêcheur; fisherman. Catégorie imperfection; deformity; defect (birth);
: Travailleur. imperfection; fault; broken bone; wound,
awraaji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting broken bone or birth defect, deformity, fault,
Designation: 4. Noun. cordes fines, ficelles; imperfection. Note : arabe compare: junuuba;
strings or cords. compare: pollol; ***: pollol. synonyms: barmere, malal. Dialects: M.
Dialects: J,Y. aybinde Noun Form of Infinitive: aybingol.
awude Noun Form of Infinitive: awugol. Participles: sing: aybinɗo-aybinoowo plur:
Participles: sing: aw(u)ɗo-awoowo plur: aybinɓe-aybinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
aw(u)ɓe-awooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • humilier quelqu'un, dénigrer; humiliate
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pêcher; fish
someone. ***: ennude, semtinde, hersinde,
(to). ***: liƴƴ
ƴƴaade, awnaade;
huyfinde, gaccude, sentinde;
synonyms: awnaade, liƴƴliƴƴaade
ƴƴaade. Dialects: J.
synonyms: gaccude, hersinde, semtinde.
awƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: awƴagol. Dialectal Forms: aybinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: awƴiiɗo-awƴotooɗo plur: 2 • blesser, léser, nuire; hurt; harm; wound;
awƴiiɓe-awƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. injure someone. synonyms: barminde,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pagayer maybinde
maybinde, nawnude, toonyaade.
dans l'eau; paddle or pole through the water. Dialects: M.
synonyms: awnyude, lummbude,
summbude; ***: hurbude, awƴ awƴude.
aybingol huyfingol Noun. dénigrement;
denigration, disparagement, defamation.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Juridique.
awƴorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. aybude Noun Form of Infinitive: aybugol.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: aybuɗo-ayboowo plur:
Noun: awƴorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
aybuɓe-aybooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
pagaie; paddle or pole for moving a boat.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: cummbirgal,
honni parce qu'on a découvert ta mauvaise
lummbirgal, kaaleyal, kurbirgal ndiyam; action, embarrassé; shamed (to be).
***: kaaleyal, kurbirgal ndiyam, ***: larɗ
larɗude, allude, sentude, maleede,
lummbirgal, cummbirgal. Dialectal hoyude, semtude, hersude, gaccaade;
Forms: [Y] awƴirgal. Dialects: Y,M. synonyms: gaccaade, hersude
hersude, hoyude,
awƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: awƴugol. semtude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: awƴuɗo-awƴoowo plur: 2 • être déformé physiquement; deformed (to
awƴuɓe-awƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. be physically). synonyms: allude, larɗ
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pagayer maleede. Dialects: M.
dans l'eau; paddle or pole through the water. ayiibe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
***: hurbude, lummbude, awnyude,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
summbude; synonyms: awƴ awƴaade, awnyude,
Noun: ayiibeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
lummbude, summbude. Dialects: J,M. Noun. 1 • action mauvaise, action qui provoque
ayaawo synonyme: mbeelu, natal. Noun. image; la honte; action which brings public shame;
image. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. bad action. Note : arabe ***: senteende,
aybere, allaaru, laru, laru, malal,
semteende, sokottu; synonyms: aybere,
semteende. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 17
ayka ba
2 • déformation physique, défaut, imperfection,
aykondirol synonyme: ponndondirol. Noun.
faiblesse; defect; flaw; weakness;
métaphore; metaphor.
imperfection; physical deformity; fault. Note :
arabe synonyms: allaaru, aybere, laru, malal, ayminde Noun Form of Infinitive: aymingol.
sokottu; compare: junuuba. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: ayminɗo-ayminoowo plur:
ayminɓe-ayminooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ayka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rôtir
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
de la viande; grill meat. ***: hobaade,
Noun: aykaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • plan, dessin, projet; design; blueprint; plan. dibude; synonyms: dibude, hobaade.
***: alhaali, sifa, aahiila; synonyms: aahiila, Dialects: M.
alhaali, sifa. Dialects: J,Y,M. aynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: aynagol.
2 • estimation; estimation. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: ayniiɗo-aynotooɗo plur:
3 • évaluation, examen; evaluation; ayniiɓe-aynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5,
examination. Dialectal Forms: [M] ayko. ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,M. appeler ou chasser des chèvres en faisant un
bruit; to call or chase goats by making a sound
ayka ceede Noun. évaluation d'un coût; assessment like; e.g. (call) "ay jah, ay jah, me me me" or
of a cost. Catégorie : Argent. (chase) "ay". compare: kurnaade, ŋeccaade,
aykaade Noun Form of Infinitive: aykagol. ŋeesaade; ***: ŋeencaade, muuccaade,
Participles: sing: aykiiɗo-aykotooɗo plur: kurnaade, joonaade, ɓuuccaade, ŋeesaade,
aykiiɓe-aykotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. ŋeccaade, noddude; synonyms: joonaade,
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. noddude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
1 • déterminer la faisabilité d'un travail;
ayyaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
determine the feasibility of a work.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: heƴƴ
ƴƴande, jataade, enndude, jataade,
Noun: ayyaa'en. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
ƴƴande, fonndude, ummanaade,
mère; mother. Catégorie : La Personne.
haykaade, heƴƴ
ƴƴude, anniyaade, etude1,
synonyms: inna, yaaya. Dialects: J,Y.
etude1, jataade, haykaade. Dialects: J,M.
2 • estimer quelque chose, examiner; examine; ayyo Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. oui; yes.
estimate something. Mason oon aykeke Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bootooji capanɗ
capanɗe tati e joy faa moƴƴ
ƴƴina Ayyuuba Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Job; Job.
pomp ol gootol. Ce maçon a estimé qu'il faut Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
35 sacs de ciment pour la construction. That
mason estimated I would need 35 sacks [of
cement] to finish one pump. synonyms: etude1,
haykaade, heƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,M.

aykagol Verb. examiner; examine.

ayko Noun. examen; exam; examination.

B - b

ba Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. 1 • ne même pas; 3 • même; even. ba joonin même maintenant.
not even. ba seeɗ
seeɗa ne même pas un peu. not even now. ba naanen Même il y a un instant.
even a little. ba nde wootere ne même pas even a short while ago. ba aan même toi. even
une fois. not even once. ba gooto ne même you. synonyms: fay. Dialectal Forms: [Y] baa.
pas un. not even one. ba nokku nulle part. Dialects: Y,G.
nowhere. ***: fay, fay, faa'e; synonyms: faa'e,
fay. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • rien; nothing. Mi heɓ
heɓaay ba. ba huunde
synonyms: koy2. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 18
ba de baafal
2 • un oncle paternel; paternal uncle. Here are
ba de Sorting Designation: 3. adv/conj. 1 • même si;
the contracted possessive forms: 1s baabam, 2s
even when. Baa de ana ƴama mo, a heɓ heɓata bammaa, 3s (makko) baabiiko (muuɗum)
mo. Même si tu demande (à la marier) tu ne baammum, 1p (exclusive) NA, (inclusive)
pourras pas le faire. Even when you ask [to baabii'en , [Y,G] baabiiɗen, [both of these are
marry her], you won't have her. ***: batte, fay the same as baaba meeɗen], 2p baabii'on ,
si, ba se; synonyms: fay nde. Dialects: Y,G. [Y,G] baabiiɗon [both of these are the same as
baaba mooɗon], 3p (maɓɓe) baabiiɓe,
2 • car, parce que; because. Baa de a yiɗ
(muɓɓen) bammuɓɓen. synonyms: bappaanjo;
salanaade kam, ɗum haɗ
haɗi ma haalande
compare: saaraa. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M]
kam goonga. C'est parce que tu ne voulais
baa, [J,M] baabiiwo [Y,G] baabiyo, [J]
pas me refuser que tu ne m'as pas dit la vérité.
Because you didn't want to refuse me is what baabiraaɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
stopped you from telling me the truth. Baabiila Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Babylone;
synonyms: kammbari. Dialectal Forms: [Y] baa
Babylon. Dialects: biblical.
nde. Dialects: G.
baabiiwo Noun. père; father. Catégorie : Parenté.
ba se Sorting Designation: 1. adv/conj. même si; even
***: abba, bappaanjo.
if. ***: fay si; synonyms: ba de, fay si.
Dialects: G.
Baabiiwo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for
this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
ba'ajol Noun. serpent, liane, fibre; fiber; liana; snake. Noun. le Père (tire utilisé pour Dieu qui montre
baa ɓaade Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. sa relation envers les humains); Father (the).
Dialectal Forms: Baabiraaɗo.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: biblical.
Noun: baabiraaɓe ɓaadeeji. Sorting
Designation: 2. Noun. le chef de famille, le Baabilankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
doyen, le mari; head of the household; Sorting Designation: 5, lg. Noun. la langue des
husband; family head; head of the courtyard. Babyloniens; Babylonian - the language of the
Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: baa galle, Babylonians. compare: Asurinkoore.
jom wuro; ***: jom wuro, baa galle. Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
baade Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
baa galle Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Designation: 4. Noun. gouttes; drops.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: baabiraaɓe galleeji. Sorting
baaɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Noun. le chef de famille, le
doyen, le mari; head of the household; family Designation: 4, in. Noun. termitière; termite
head; husband (rare); head of the courtyard. hills. Catégorie : Terre. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: baa ɓaade, jom baaɗeeje. Dialects: J,Y,M.
wuro; synonyms: baa ɓaade, jom wuro. baaɗ
baaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, wl. Noun. singes; monkeys.
baaba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of baaɗ
baaɗiiwo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Noun: baabiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun. 1 • père; father. Baa hokkii kam sawru Noun: baaɗiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
ndu. Le père m'a donné ce bâton. Father Noun. neveu ou nièce; niece; nephew. Catégorie
gave me this staff. Si neɗɗ
ɗɗo na woodi : Parenté. Dialectal Forms: [G] baaɗiyo.
baabiiwo fu, o haalataa ley kawrital. Si Dialects: J,M.
quelqu'un a un père, il ne parle pas dans la
réunion. If someone has a father he won't talk baaɗ
baaɗiiyo Noun. neveu, nièce; niece; nephew. Catégorie
in a meeting. Catégorie : La Personne. : Parenté. Dialectal Forms: baaɗiiwo.
***: bappaanjo, abba; synonyms: abba. baafal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: baafe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
1 • porte; door. Note : Bambara
synonyms: gampuwal, ommbirgal;
***: gampuwal. Dialects: J,G,M.

16/02/2020 19
baagi baaligaade
2 • une plaque de sel; block of salt. Note :
baalal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
Bambara compare: dammbugal. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
baagi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Noun: [J,Y,M] mbaalo/[G] baalo. Sorting
Designation: 4, ah. n/adj. rayures; stripes - Designation: 4, ah. Noun. un très gros mouton;
wide black. compare: waagiɗ
waagiɗinde, ciifi; a very large sheep - this term is rarely used.
***: ciifi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: baala, mbaali,
mbaala; synonyms: baala, mbaala, mbaali.
baajel Plural Form of Noun: baajoy. Noun. fibre; fiber.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Kulloy neenukoy ƴuwoohoy e fuɗ
horsukoy ley neema e ley tergal baaldal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
ii-aadama Designation: 4. Noun. le fait de passer la nuit
avec quelqu’un; the passing of the night with
baajel-tergal Plural Form of Noun: baajoy-terɗe . someone; Kutay haɗhaɗataa baaldal. A
Noun. fibre; fiber. Baajoy-
Baajoy-baayoy ngonukoy disagreement does not stop you from passing
ley ko wuuri hono ɓii-
ii-aadama, daaba e the night with those you live with.
fuɗngooji, ñiɓ
ñiɓankoy lefol tergal. ***: waaldude; compare: waaldude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
baajol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of baali Noun. moutons, ovins, mouton de sahel; sheep.
Noun: baaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Catégorie : Élevage. ***: baalijum.
1 • pièce d'écorce, fibres; A strip of bark of the
"mbarkeehi" or "pattuki" trees or of the baalibaaliijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
"polli" plant, fibers. ***: boddi, semre, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

mboddi, sirude, mbarkeehi, ɓoggol, ɓokko, Noun: [J] baalinkooɓe, [Y,G,M] baalibaaliiɓe.

barkerey. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. un berger;

shepherd of sheep. Catégorie : La Personne.
2 • peut être utilisé dans un sens figuré pour
designer un serpent; Can be used fig. in ***: duroowo. Dialectal Forms: [J] baalinke.
reference to a snake. synonyms: ɓoggol, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mboddi; compare: barkerey, mbarkeehi, baaliga Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
sirude. Dialects: Y,G,M. Designation: 3, da. Noun. fièvre éphémère,
fièvre de trois jours; ephemeral fever; three
baakol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
day fever. Catégorie : Maladie.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
synonyms: gadel, omre, tonngogel;
Noun: baaki. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
***: gadel, tonngogel, omre. Dialects: Y.
ceinture ou bande de cuir qui contient un
gris-gris ou sortilège, amulette; belt or arm baaligaade Noun Form of Infinitive: baaligagol.
band containing a charm; amulet. Catégorie Participles: sing: baaligiiɗo-baaligotooɗo
: Parure. synonyms: kaɓɓ
ɓɓol1, lohol, talkuru; plur: baaligiiɓe-baaligotooɓe. Sorting
***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓol1, lohol, talkuru
talkuru. Dialectal Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Forms: [J] baakawol (ngol)/baakaaji (ɗi); [Y] Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
baakuwol (ngol)/baakuuji (ɗi). Verb. être physiquement mature, être adulte
Dialects: G,M. (utilisé pour personnes seulement); grown up
(used of people); mature (to be physically).
baala Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ko.
Note : arabe ***: fuunude, baaligeede;
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
synonyms: hayaade, hillifeede, mawnude.
Noun: baalo. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
Dialectal Forms: [J] baalikaade.
un gros mouton; sheep (a large). Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Mammifère. synonyms: baalal, mbaala,
mbaali; ***: baalal, mbaala. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 20
baaligeede baasal

baaligeede Noun Form of Infinitive: baaligegol. baanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: baanagol.
Participles: sing: baaligaaɗo-baaligeteeɗo Participles: sing: baaniiɗo-baanotooɗo plur:
plur: baaligaaɓe-baaligeteeɓe. Sorting baaniiɓe-banotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être prêt,
Verb. être physiquement mature, être adulte préparé; prepared (to be); ready (to be). Note :
(utilisé pour personnes seulement); grown up Gourmanche ***: heginaade, siriyaade,
(used of people); mature (to be physically). segilaade, lalindaade, segilanaade,
synonyms: baaligaade, hayaade, hillifeede,
heɓindaade; synonyms: heginaade,
mawnude. Dialectal Forms: [J] baalikeede.
lalindaade, segilaade, siriyaade. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,G.
baantaade Noun Form of Infinitive: baantagol.
baaligi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Participles: sing: baantiiɗo-baantotooɗo
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plur: baantiiɓe-baantotooɓe. Sorting
Noun: baaligi'en. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Variante: baaliki. Noun. un adulte; adult. Note :
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
arabe synonyms: mawɗ
mawɗo. Dialectal Verb. inviter, inviter à manger; invite (to eat).
Forms: [J,G,M] baaliki/baaliki'en. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
baantinooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
baalijum Noun. ovins; sheep. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii baali Designation: 3, dh. Noun. une fièvre,
Catégorie : Élevage. synonyms: baali. paludisme; fever (kind of). Catégorie
: Maladie. ***: korseeje, ƴaamndeeje,
baalle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
ɓɓe, jontere, jonte pale;
Designation: 3. Noun. collines ou montagnes;
hills; mountains. Catégorie : Terre. compare: korseeje, ƴaamndeeje
***: baamngel, baamle; synonyms: baamle. synonyms: jonte pale, jontere, paɓɓ
Dialects: G. Dialects: Y.

baalu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. baanyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: baanyagol.
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of Participles: sing: baanyiiɗo-baanyotooɗo
Noun: baali. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun. plur: baanyiiɓe-baanyotooɓe. Sorting
mouton, souvent ce mot réfère a une brebis; Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or
sheep; ewe. Catégorie : Mammifère. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. devenir comme les
compare: bahiima, daaba; animaux qu'on surveille, devenir «broussard»;
synonyms: dammuccere, dammuhol, become "bushy". Dialects: J,Y,M.
mbaala, mbaalu; ***: mbaalu. Dialects: G. baanyaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
baalu debbo Noun. mouton (femelle); female sheep. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Catégorie : Élevage. of Noun: baanyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Noun. quelqu'un qui ne sait pas grande chose
baalu-yitere Noun. pupille; pupil, eye ball. Catégorie
sauf s'occuper des troupeaux; one who knows
: Le corps. synonyms: ɓiɗɗam
ɗɗam yitere. nothing but how to herd; someone who is not
baamle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting well socialized because they spend all of their
time in the bush with the animals they herd;
Designation: 3. Noun. collines ou montagnes;
one who is "bushy". ***: duroowo.
hills or mountains. ***: baamngel, baalle;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: baalle. Dialects: J,Y,M.
baasal Noun. débit; output. Catégorie : Mathématique.
baamngel Noun. colline; hill. Catégorie : Terre.
synonyms: baalle, baamle.

16/02/2020 21
baasi baɗtugol

baasi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number badaadi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Noun: baasiiji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Noun: badaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
problème; problem. Note : arabe Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
synonyms: doole, masiiba, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Crossopteryx
tiiɗalla, torra; ***: daruura, kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, febrifuga. synonyms: mbadaadi;
tiiɗalla, doole, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, masiiba, torra, ***: mbadaadi. Dialects: G.
mettalla, saɗɗ
ɗɗa; compare: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, baddo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
mettalla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
baatal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe. Noun: wadduɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
jeune enfant; young child; child (young).
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: cukalel,
Noun: baate. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
ɓinngel, ɓiɗɗo, suka; synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
aiguille; needle. ***: battal, mesalal,
ɓinngel, cukalel, nyaagaare, suka.
tuntuluyel; synonyms: battal, mesalal;
Dialects: J,M.
compare: wuurnude. Dialects: G.

baatoraaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. badullaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: mbadullaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun: waatoraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, mt.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of
Noun. quelqu'un qui est impotent, impuissant,
paralytique; paralytic; impotent. the Sahel that grows on rocky soil. It is used
as a hedge at times. It is not appetizing.
compare: waatude. Dialectal Forms: [G] Euphorbia balsamifera.
baarraaɗo, [J] baataraaɗo. Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: mbadullaahi, mbarnoohi;
baawal Noun. performance; performance. ***: takumselleehi, kosaahi, enende,
njoddi. Dialectal Forms: [Y] badagerey.
baawɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J.
Designation: 2, th. Noun. pouvoir, puissance,
aptitude, capacité, moyens, compacité; means; baɗ
baɗal Noun. crédit; credit. Catégorie : Argent.
ability; power. ***: buuɗ
buuɗu, mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu; synonyms: nyamaande, kerdii.
compare: waawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
iiɗo Noun. cavalier, cycliste; horseman; rider.
Baawɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for Dialectal Forms: baɗɗo.
this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. Le Puissant, un titre utilisé pour Dieu;
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Powerful One (The). compare: waawude;
Noun: waɗɗiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
***: Alla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. cavalier, motocycliste, cycliste; rider (on
baawɗo golle expression. performant; effective, an animal/bike/motorcycle. ***: waɗɗ
performing, successful. compare: waɗɗ
ɗɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
baawe Noun. capacités; capacities, abilities, skills. baɗ
baɗeteengal synonyme: gaɗeteengal. Noun. voix
baawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. passive; passive voice. Catégorie : La
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: baawi. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. baɗ
baɗoowal synonyme: gaɗoowal. Noun. voix active;
placenta d'un animal; placenta of an animal. active voice. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Catégorie : Le corps, Parties d’un animal.
baɗtugol Noun. conversion; conversion. Catégorie
***: contol, bammbol, jaado; : Mathématique.
synonyms: bammbol, contol; compare: jaado.
Dialects: J,G,M.

ɓɓati luuɓ
luuɓuɗi Noun. criquets puants; stinking
locusts. Catégorie : Insecte.

16/02/2020 22
bagaajo bakka

bagaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number bahiima Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: bagaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun: bahiimaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
devin, charlatan; fortune teller; seer; Noun. 1 • animal domestique; donkeys; horses;
soothsayer. Catégorie : La Personne. Note : sheep; cows; domestic animal; goats. Catégorie
mooré compare: dabaranke; : Mammifère. Note : arabe ***: mummuttere,
synonyms: daarnoowo, daggadaajo, be'a, mbaala, baalu, bakiili, mbaalu,
ndaaroowo, sadaajo, tiimoowo; dammuhol, daaba, mbeewa. Dialects: J.
***: daggadaajo, ndaaroowo, tiimoowo, 2 • une personne qui a des animaux mais
sadaajo, daarnoowo. Dialects: M. refuse de les vendre; a person who owns
animals but refuses to sell them. Note : arabe
bagana jeeni Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting synonyms: bakiili. Dialects: Y.
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. oreillons; mumps. 3 • quelqu'un qui n'a pas de bon sens; someone
Catégorie : Maladie. Note : Bissa
who has no sense. Note : arabe compare: daaba,
***: tampaliila, hawdaƴƴ
ƴƴe, mboka,
dammuhol. Dialects: J,G.
bontombora; synonyms: bontombora,
ƴƴe, tampaliila
tampaliila. Dialects: M. bahillo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
baggol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Noun: wahilɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Noun. forgeron; blacksmith. Catégorie : La
Noun: baggi. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. Personne. synonyms: baylo, mahoowo;
taille; side of the abdomen; waist. Safiyatu na ***: baylo, ciiwoowo, mahoowo;
ɓuri Ummu baggol lobbol. Safiyatu a une compare: ciiwoowo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
taille plus attirante que Ummu. Safiyatu has a
more attractive waist than Ummu. Catégorie baka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Le corps. ***: seega, wuttudu, kataare, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
woonndu, wonndu; synonyms: wonndu, Noun: bakaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
woonndu, wuttudu. Dialects: J,Y,G. part, portion, partage; portion; share; part.
synonyms: feccere1, gere, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, yemre;
baggu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
***: gere, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, yemre, geɗgeɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
feccere1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: bawɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mi. Noun.
espèce de tam-tam ou tambour; drum; tom bakiili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
tom. Catégorie : Instrument de musique. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: ngangariiwu, mbaggu; Noun: bakiili'en. Sorting Designation: 5, ah.
***: mbaggu. Dialects: G. Noun. personne avare; stingy (one who is);
miser (a). Saydu wo bakiili sabo jaɓ
bagi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
yoɓude duroowo mum. Saydu est avare car
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
il ne veut pas payer ses gardiens de troupeaux.
Noun: bagiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Saydu is a miser because he won't pay his
1 • bière locale, dolo, alcool; beer; fermented herdsman. in particular among the Fulɓe it is a
concoctions; alcohol. Catégorie : Nourriture. person who owns animals but refuses to sell
***: sulaade, cappalo, doro, yarooru, them because he doesn't want to spend the
sulaaru; synonyms: doro, cappalo. money buying things for others. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: bahiima; synonyms: bahiima.
2 • étoffe, tissu; material; cloth; fabric. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: fiirtaade, sulaade, sulaaru, bakka Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
yarooru; synonyms: disaare, wagasi, wudere. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. la troisième culture
Dialects: J,Y,G. du champ; cultivation (the third). Catégorie
bahaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bahagol. : Agriculture. Note : mooré Dialects: M.
Participles: sing: bahiiɗo-bahotooɗo plur:
bahiiɓe-ɓahotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. manquer du bon
sens; lacking in sense. Note : arabe
***: faatude; synonyms: faatude. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 23
bakkaade balawal cilɓungal

bakkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bakkagol. balaalawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: bakkiiɗo-bakkotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
bakkiiɓe-bakkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Noun: balaalaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
cs. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Noun. drongo brillant; drongo
cultiver pour la troisième fois; cultivate the (glossy-backed). Catégorie : Oiseau. Dicrurus
third time. Note : mooré synonyms: doditaade; adsimilis. ***: ciicibalawal, siisaandu,
***: doditaade, maytitaade; compare: aranal
aranal, pola
polaɓala; synonyms: ciicibalawal, polaɓ
bugaade, hiinko, joobu. Dialects: M. siisaandu. Dialects: Y.

bakkaale Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting balaasa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. brucellose, Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; kind
espèce de fièvre; brucellosis. Catégorie of plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
grimpantes. Commelina forskalaei. Note :
: Maladie. ***: nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe, ndiyam;
Hausa ***: barbar, walawannde, jonngooɗ
synonyms: konneeje, nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe, ndiyam.
synonyms: barbar, jonngooɗ
jonngooɗe, walawannde.
Dialects: M.
Dialects: G.
bakke Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. reste de tô sec dans la
balangol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
marmite; Flakes of dry "nyiiri" found inside Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
the cooking pot (see wakkere). Noun: balaɗi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. chemin, route; road. synonyms: bedda,
buuwaangol, laawol1, mbedda;
bakkilal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
***: poocciingol, cuppol, guurtol,
Designation: 4, th. Noun. pleine ou entière
confiance; complete trust. Note : arabe dartiingol, gotol, laawol1, corfol, mbedda,
***: hoolaare; compare: hoolaare, wakkilde. coortol, goppol, buuwaangol, bedda;
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: cuppol, dartiingol, poocciingol.
Dialects: J.
bakteeri emprunt: français. Plural Form of
Noun: bakteeriiji. Noun. bactérie; bacterium / balangol Lahel Buraagi Noun Class Markers: sing:
bacteria. Huunde wuurunde nde selil gooto ngol. Sorting Designation: 4, st. Noun. Voie
lactée; Milky Way. Catégorie : Ciel. Note :
faliinde hakkunde leñol daabaaji e leñol
arabe synonyms: diidol, laawa, laawol Makka,
fuɗngooji, na nde ɓeydoo ammaa nde
ndiida; compare: Lahel Buraagi; ***: diidol,
rimataa, soni nde warii fa nde ɓeydoo fu,
Lahel Buraagi, laawol Makka, laawa, ndiida.
juunde mayre ɓeydotoo dey nde feccoo
Dialectal Forms: [M] Lahel Buraasi. Dialects: J.
pecce ɗiɗi, feccere fu wuura.
balaa'u Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number balawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: balaaje. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Noun: balaa'uuji. Sorting Designation: 4, mt,
épaule; shoulder. Catégorie : Le corps.
dh, da. Noun. un fléau; plague. Note : arabe
compare: junngo1; ***: walbo;
***: ndaaɓ
ndaaɓoowu, masiiba;
synonyms: walbo. Dialectal Forms: [Y] balaal -
synonyms: masiiba, ndaaɓ
ndaaɓoowu. Dialectal
this is the prefered word in Sebba; [G,M]
Forms: [J] bala'u. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
balal - only used of animals. Dialects: J,Y,M.
balaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
balawal cilɓ
cilɓungal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
Designation: 3, da. Noun. espèce de maladie
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
respiratoire; respiratory infection. Catégorie
Plural Form of Noun: balaaje cilɓuɗe. Sorting
: Maladie. ***: ɓerɗ
erɗe, ganndeeje;
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. épaule entorsé;
synonyms: ɓerɗ
erɗe, ɓernde, ganndeeje.
sprained shoulder. Catégorie : Maladie.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
***: walbo silɓ
silɓungo; synonyms: walbo
silɓungo. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] balal
cilɓungal. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 24
balayel balnol

balayel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting ballitaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Number One
Designation: 3, da. Noun. espèce de maladie de for this noun: gootiri. Sorting Designation: 2.
bétail, carbone symptomatique; blackleg Noun. aide, assistance, secours; assistance;
(disease). Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux. aid; help. ***: nafaa1, mballa, mballitaari,
***: koyngel, neeyngel, piɗpiɗooyel, neyngel, balla, moƴƴ
ƴƴere; compare: wallude;
henndu1; synonyms: henndu1, koyngel, synonyms: balla, mballa, mballitaari,
neeyngel, piɗ
piɗooyel. Dialects: M. moƴƴ
ƴƴere. Dialects: G.
balbatuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. ballo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: balbatuuhiiji. Sorting Designation: pl. Noun: walliiɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. un
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. aide, assistant, adjoint, facilitateur, agent;
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Annona assistant; helper. Catégorie : La Personne.
senegalensis. Dialects: G. compare: wallude; ***: ɗowto.
balbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. épaules; shoulders. ballo golloowo bonnde expression. complice;
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: G. accomplice. Catégorie : Juridique.
balɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ballondiral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 1. Noun. jours; days. Designation: 3. Noun. coopération, aider l'un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. l'autre, aide mutuelle, entraide, solidarité;
cooperation; help each other; solidarity;
balgaade Noun Form of Infinitive: balgagol. mutual aid. compare: wallude;
Participles: sing: balgiiɗo-balgotooɗo plur: ***: wallondirgol. Dialectal Forms: [J]
balgiiɓe-balgotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ballundural, ballonndiral. Dialects: Y,G,M.
cs. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
préparer ou nettoyer le champ pour semer; balnande Noun Form of Infinitive: balnangol.
prepare one's field for planting. Participles: sing: balnanɗo-balnanoowo
***: wuuwude, jooraade, wargaade; plur: balnanɓe-balnanooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: jooraade, wargaade, wuuwude. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: G. Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. dire une parabole à quelqu'un; speak a
baliihi Plural Form of Noun: baliije. Noun. palmier;
parable to someone. ***: banndande
palm tree. Lekki ko ɓuri heewude fu
synonyms: banndude, banndande. Dialects: Y.
toowuki taweteeki ley leyɗ
leyɗe mbuluɗ
mbuluɗe, ki
haakooji ɗi ngalaa cate hucci dow. Catégorie balnaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: balnanegol.
: Arbres. Participles: sing: balnanaaɗo-balnanteeɗo
plur: balnanaaɓe-balnanteeɓe. Sorting
balku Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun: balki. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
Verb. être adressé par par une parabole;
sangsue; leech. Catégorie : Animaux
spoken to in a parable (to be).
inférieurs. synonyms: mbalku; ***: mbalku.
***: banndaneede; synonyms: banndaneede.
Dialects: G.
Dialects: Y.
balla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
balnol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: ballaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Noun: balni. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
aide, assistance, secours; assistance; aid; help.
parabole, proverbe; proverb; parable.
***: nafaa1, mballa, mballitaari, ballitaari,
synonyms: banndol, pannjamol;
ƴƴere; synonyms: ballitaari, mballa,
***: banndol, pannjamol. Dialects: Y.
mballitaari, moƴƴ
ƴƴere. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 25
balol bananuuhi

balol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. bammbol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: bali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun: bammbi, mbammbi. Sorting
1 • fibre d'un palmier pour tisser des nattes; a Designation: 3, at. Noun. placenta d'un animal;
strip of the palm tree frond which is used to a placenta of an animal; used as an insult in the
weave mats ("daago") and baskets Moosiire dialect; in Sebba this word can be
("handeere" or "honndoore"). ***: njelleehi, used as an insult; Aan bammbol ngol. Tu es
handeere, kilaal, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, une placenta. (NE dites jamais cela!) You are
honndoore, jonngorgol
jonngorgol, deegaruwol. a placenta. DO NOT SAY THIS! Saawdu
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. taweteendu ley rimrude, saawooru,
2 • feuille de palme; palm frond. neeminooru e waddooru foofaango
compare: daago, handeere, honndoore, inniraaɗ
ɓinndoore ley reedu inniraaɗo. Catégorie
kilaal, jonngorgol, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, : Parties d’un animal. ***: contol, baawol,
njelleehi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jaado, lanngol; synonyms: baawol, contol;

bambara Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. compare: jaado. Dialects: Y,G,M.

Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of bammbowa jahe Noun Class Markers: sing: nga
Noun: bambaraaji. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngoota.
Noun. espèce de style de coiffure de femme; Plural Form of Noun: [Y] bammbooje jahe, [G]
hairstyle of women (kind). ***: cewungol; bammbo jahe. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
synonyms: cewungol. Dialects: M. Noun. espèce d'insecte; scorpion horse.
Catégorie : Insecte.
bambiraande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
synonyms: ɗuuɗ
uuɗayaaduwal, njaabaja,
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
roojoroojowal. Dialects: Y,G.
Form of Noun: bambiraaɗe or bambirɗe.
Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. tissu utilisé pour bammbude Noun Form of Infinitive: bambugol.
porter des enfants au dos; cloth uses to carry a Participles: sing: bambuɗo-bamboowo plur:
child. Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: disaare; bambuɓe-bambooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
compare: disaare. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
bambirde - this refers to a cloth that is Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • porter
always used for this purpose. au dos (ex. enfant); carry on the back (e.g.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. children). Dialects: Y,G,M.
2 • élever, éduquer; educate; rise; bring up.
bami Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
3 • aider quelqu'un avec de la nourriture ou
Designation: 2. Noun. danse; dancing. habits, s'occuper de quelqu'un; fig. to help
compare: wamude; synonyms: bomi, gami; with food and clothing; to care for someone's
***: wamude, bomi, gami. Dialects: J,Y,G. needs. synonyms: nafude, wallude.
bammbeede Noun Form of Infinitive: bammbegol. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: 4 • adopter un enfant; adopt a child.

bammbotooɗo-bammbeteeɗo plur: synonyms: takkude; compare: jilinde,

bammbotooɓe-bammbeteeɓe. Sorting wahnaade, wakkaade, wukaade,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in wunngaade, wuundaade. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. bambude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Verb. 1 • s'occuper d'un enfant qui n'est pas le bamngel Plural Form of Noun: bamloy. Noun. petite
sien, adopter un enfant; adopted (to be).
colline; small hill. Tilde famarde, taariinde
Dialects: Y,G,M.
de tooweefi hakindiiɗ
hakindiiɗo. Catégorie : Terre.
2 • s'occuper de quelqu'un, prendre soin de
synonyms: tilde1.
quelqu'un; to be provided for by someone.
synonyms: takkeede. Dialectal Forms: [J] bananuuhi emprunt: français. Plural Form of
bambeede. Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun: bananuuje. Noun. bananier; banana
tree. Lekki leyɗ
leyɗe mbuluɗ
mbuluɗe, ki juundeefi
waawi hewtude meetereeji 3 yahude
meetereeji 12, ki haakooji mawɗ
mawɗi njaajuɗ
rimoohi bukki ɓiɓɓ mbeluɓ
e mbelu ɓe. Catégorie
: Arbres.

16/02/2020 26
bani bannge

bani Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting banndiyo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 4. Noun. enfants de; children of. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
bani Isra'iila Les enfants d'Israël. the children Noun: banndiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
of Israel. Note : arabe synonyms: ɓeyngu1, Noun. 1 • ami proche; friend (closed); close
ɓɓe. Dialects: tech. friend. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • camarade ou collègue (point de vue d'âge
bankari Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number ou dans le travail); mate; comrade.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: bankariiji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. 3 • frère ou sœur; brother or sister; here are
Noun. un sabbat, jour de repos, ici c'est le contracted personal forms: 1s banndam; 2s
vendredi (lit. s’asseoir); sabbath; day of rest. bannda; 3s (makko) banndiiko (for makko -
Note : Gourmanche synonyms: beeri; this is prefered to the longer possive form:
compare: ŋottude; ***: beeri. Dialects: Y. "banndiyo makko"); (muuɗum) banndo
muuɗum or banndum (these contracted forms;
bankuure Plural Form of Noun: bankuuje. Noun. especially banndum are prefered to the longer
bosse; hump, bump. Malal possive form: "banndiyo muuɗum"); 1p
noorol-kunnkuuru saabotoongal (exclusive) NA; (inclusive) banndii'en; [Y;G]
ƴuugoode dow kunkuuru (ɓ (ɓaawu)
banndiiɗen; 2p banndii'on; [Y;G] banndiiɗon;
3p (maɓɓe) banndiiɓe; (muɓɓen) banndo
ii-aadama synonyms: tooƴ
tooƴolde, ƴuugoode.
muɓɓen or banndumen. synonyms: giɗ giɗo,
banndakuu Noun. manioc; manioc; cassava. jaado, sakiike, yigoo. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: rooko. Dialectal banndiiwo, banndoo+personal pronoun,
Forms: bantakuure. [Y,G,M] banndo+personal pronoun.
banndande Noun Form of Infinitive: banndangol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: banndanɗo-banndanoowo banndo ciɓ
ciɓitel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
plur: banndanɓe-banndanooɓe. Sorting koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Form of Noun: banndiraaɓe ciɓitoy. Sorting
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Designation: 1, at. Noun. annulaire; ring finger.
miɗo bannda. Verb. parler une parabole à Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ciɓ
ciɓitel, ciwatel,
quelqu'un; speak a parable to someone. walaa innde, honndu; synonyms: walaa
synonyms: balnande; ***: balnande.
innde. Dialectal Forms: [J] banndo ciwatel.
Dialects: J,M,G.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
banndaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: banndanegol. banndol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: banndanaaɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
banndanaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Noun: banndi. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative parabole, proverbe; proverb; parable.
or Progressive: prg. Verb. être adressé par une ***: balnol, pannjamol; synonyms: balnol,
parabole; to be spoken to in a parable. pannjamol. Dialectal Forms: [M] banndoore.
synonyms: balnaneede; ***: balnaneede.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,M,G.
banndude Noun Form of Infinitive: banndugol.
banndi Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Variante: banni. Participles: sing: bannduɗo-banndoowo
Noun. proverbes; Proverbs. Catégorie : Le
plur: bannduɓe-banndooɓe. Sorting
langage et la pensée. ***: putaral.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
banndii Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb. parler une parabole; speak a parable;
Noun: banndiiɓe, banndii'en. Sorting parable (speak a). ***: balnande.
Designation: 2. Noun. bandit; bandit. Note : Dialects: J,M,G.
français compare: gujjo; ***: gujjo. Dialectal banngal haala synonyme: ndimaaku binndi jeyal
Forms: [M] bandi. Dialects: J,Y,G.
hoorem banngal haala e binndi. expression.
banndiiwo Noun. camarade; mate; comrade; friend. liberté d’expression; freedom of expression.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.

bannge Noun. latéral; lateral. bannge (-

Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: ceŋ

16/02/2020 27
bannjaale barguwal

bannjaale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting baraasi emprunt: français. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. verrues,tumeurs; Noun: baraasiji. Noun. barrage; dam. Nyɓ
tumors; warts. Catégorie : Maladie. ngaɗ
ngaɗeteendi faa sakkoo ndiyam iloojam,
Dialects: J,Y,G. ñiɓ
ñiɓdi daaƴ
daaƴinoori ndiyam ɗuuɗ
bannjaruwal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: nawtorteeɗ
nawtortee ɗam Catégorie : Eau.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural baraasiiji emprunt: français. Noun. barrages; dams.
Form of Noun: bannjaruuje. Sorting Catégorie : Eau, Terre.
Designation: 4. Noun. poteau fourchu; forked
barbar Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting
log. Note : Gourmanche ***: geŋ
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. plante (espèce); plant
giteyal, noppiyal, denndeeruwal, nyaygal, sp. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
bimmbeere, teegorgal; Commelina forskalaei. synonyms: balaasa,
compare: denndeeruwal, geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal, jonngooɗ
jonngooɗe, walawannde; ***: walawannde,
noppiyal, nyaygal, teegorgal. Dialects: G. jonngooɗ
jonngooɗe, balaasa. Dialects: M.
banŋeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. barbiwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
of Noun: banŋeeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: barbiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
Noun. voisinage, quartier, district; quarter; chanvre; hemp. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
district; neighborhood. ***: deende; grimpantes. ***: bergaare, pollol, bargiwol;
synonyms: deende. Dialects: Y,M. synonyms: bargiwol, bergaare, pollol.
bantakuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Dialects: Y.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form barga Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
of Noun: bantakuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, Designation: 3, dh. Noun. varicelle; chicken
pl. Noun. manioc; manioc; cassava. Catégorie pox. Catégorie : Maladie. Note : mooré
: Nourriture. Manihot esculenta. Note : mooré ***: hajja, targambasi, gaaye;
***: rooko, roogo; synonyms: roogo. Dialectal synonyms: gaaye, hajja, targambasi. Dialectal
Forms: [M] banndakuure. Dialects: M. Forms: [M] barganyay. Dialects: J,M.
ŋŋe Variante: bannge. Noun. côté; side. Catégorie barganyay Noun. varicelle; chicken pox. Catégorie
: Mathématique. ***: senngo; : Maladie. Dialectal Forms: barga.
synonyms: senngo.
bargiwol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi.
bappaanjo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun: bargiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
Noun: [G,M] bappayɓe, [J] bappinyaaɓe, chanvre; hemp. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
bappinyiraaɓe, [J,Y] bappiraaɓe, [J] grimpantes. ***: bergaare, barbiwol, pollol;
wappayɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. oncle synonyms: barbiwol, bergaare, pollol.
paternel; uncle (paternal). compare: abba, Dialectal Forms: [G] bargiyol. Dialects: G.
kaawu; synonyms: baaba, baabiiwo;
bargooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
***: baaba, kaawu. Dialectal Forms: [J,M]
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
bappaanyo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
of Noun: bargooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
baraaji Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting barrique, fut, tonneau, seau; bucket; barrel;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • récompense qu'on metal drum. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
va recevoir au ciel de Dieu (pour des bonnes français ***: tonoo; synonyms: tonoo.
œuvres); recompense; reward. Alla winndu Dialects: J,Y,M.
baraaji. May God recompense you. Note : barguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗi.
Bambara ***: mbarjaari
mbarjaari. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form
2 • souvent utilisé comme réponse à un of Noun: barguuji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
«merci»; often used as the response to when Noun. corne pour faire de la musique; horn
someone says "tiyaabu;" as we would say (musical instrument). Catégorie : Instrument
"your welcome". Note : Bambara
de musique. Note : mooré ***: luwal;
synonyms: mbarjaari. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: luwal. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 28
baridam barkineede

baridam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting barkerey Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Designation: 4. Noun. course de chevaux; horse Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
race. Dialects: J,Y. Noun: barkereeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. 1 • arbuste (espèce); A shrub found in
barigal Noun. quintal; quintal. Catégorie the southern savannah along river beds and
: Mathématique. damp areas. The pods are eaten by animals.
barjaade Noun Form of Infinitive: barjagol. Piliostigma thonningii. ***: baajol,
Participles: sing: barjiiɗo-barjotooɗo plur: mbarkeehi. Dialects: G.
barjiiɓe-barjotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, 2 • arbuste (espèce); A shrub found in flood
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. plains; on damp sandy soil; and in stony barren
areas of the savannah. The pods are eaten by
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
animals and the bark is used to make coarse
1 • récompenser (pour le bien ou pour le mal);
ropes. Piliostigma reticulatum.
recompense; reward. ***: yeenude, njobdi,
synonyms: mbarkeehi; compare: baajol.
yoɓude, hilnaade, mbarjaari, joddi,
Dialects: G.
wallude, yomrude, yurmaade;
synonyms: yeenude, yoɓ
yoɓude, yomrude. barkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: barkingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: barkinɗo-barkinoowo
2 • avoir de la compassion; compassion (to plur: barkinɓe-barkinooɓe. Sorting
have). compare: mbarjaari, njobdi, wallude; Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: hilnaade, yurmaade. Dialectal Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
Forms: [J,Y,M] barjitaade. Dialects: J,M. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • bénir, remercier;
bless; thank for. Mi barkinii Idrissa sabo o
barjeede Noun Form of Infinitive: barjegol.
gollanii kam faa wooɗ
wooɗi. J'ai béni Idrissa
Participles: sing: barjaaɗo-barjeteeɗo plur: parce qu'il a bien travaillé pour moi. I blessed
barjaaɓe-barjeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Idrissa because he worked hard for me. Note :
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. arabe ***: yettude, arzinkinde, juuraade,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être barkineede, welnude, teddinde;
récompensé; rewarded or recompensed. synonyms: arzinkinde, welnude.
***: yoɓ
yoɓeede; synonyms: yoɓ
yoɓeede, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yomreede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être béni; blessed (to be). Doktoro barkinii
2 • recevoir de la compassion; compassion (to
kam sabo mi gollanii o faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Le
receive). synonyms: hilneede, yurmeede; docteur m'a béni parce que j'ai bien travaillé
compare: mbarjaari. Dialectal Forms: [M] pour lui. Doctor blessed me because I worked
barjiteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hard for him. Note this sense is identical to the
passive barkineede. Note : arabe
barkari1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
3 • louer; praise. Note : arabe
Noun: barkariiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
compare: teddinde, juuraade;
veste de berger; garment or jacket the young
shepherds wear. Catégorie : Vêtement. synonyms: yettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

***: boodi, boolaare; compare: seedere; barkineede Noun Form of Infinitive: barkinegol.
synonyms: boodi, boolaare. Dialects: Y,G. Participles: sing: barkinaaɗo-barkineteeɗo
barkari2 Noun. expert; expert. plur: barkinaaɓe-barkineteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
barke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb. être béni; blessed (to be). Note : arabe
Noun: barkeeji. Sorting Designation: 1, th. ***: arzukeede, toowneede;
Noun. bénédiction; blessing. Note : arabe
synonyms: barkinde; compare: horsineede,
synonyms: arzuke, fayda, riiku, suuraare;
mawnineede, saaneede, teddineede,
***: arzuke, riiku, teddeengal, suuraare,
toowneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fayda; compare: teddeengal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Barkè Noun. prénom masculin (Signification :

Labeur/Bénédiction); first name for a male
(meaning: labour : blessing). Catégorie : Nom.

16/02/2020 29
barkitaade barrol

barkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: barkitagol. barmini Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: barkitiiɗo-barkitotooɗo One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plur: barkitiiɓe-barkitotooɓe. Sorting Noun: barminiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in barre de métal pour creuser, barre à mine;
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
metal pole used for digging. Catégorie : Outil.
Verb. 1 • marchander le prix, négocier le prix; Note : français synonyms: basirgal, lukkuwal,
increase the price; dicker; lower the price; sulunguwal, wasirde; ***: wasirde,
bargain. ***: barsaade, ɓeydude. Dialects: Y. sulunguwal, lukkuwal. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
2 • saluer quelqu'un qui était malade en disant barmi. Dialects: J,M.
«barka ma» (sois béni); to greet someone who
was sick; but has recovered; by saying "barka barmitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: barmitagol.
ma" {bless you}. synonyms: barsaade, Participles: sing: barmitiiɗo-barmitotooɗo
yeeytaade; compare: ɓeydude, coggu, plur: barmitiiɓe-barmitotooɓe. Sorting
ɗuytude. Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
barma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Verb. se blesser; wound yourself.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: soppitaade, nawnitaade, ɗeeɗ
Noun: barmaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. synonyms: ɗeeɗ
eeɗitaade, nawnitaade,
Noun. marmite en métal; cooking pot (metal).
soppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Récipient. Note : Bambara
***: fayannde, fotiire, faannde; barmude Noun Form of Infinitive: barmugol.
synonyms: faannde, fayannde, fotiire. Participles: sing: barmuɗo-barmoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. barmuɓe-barmooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
barmere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être blessé
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
par quelque chose, se blesser; wounded or cut
of Noun: barme. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
by something. ***: ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, nawnaade,
Noun. blessure, lésions; wound. Nokkuure
maybude; synonyms: ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, nawnaade,
tergal nde goɗɗ
ɗɗum yaasiijum nawni. maybude, toonyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: ɓuuye, aybere;
compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, maybude, nawnude, baroowo Noun. assassin, meurtrier; assassin;
murderer; killer.
soppude; synonyms: aybere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
barraadu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
barminde Noun Form of Infinitive: barmingol.
Number One for this noun: gooto/wooturu.
Participles: sing: barminɗo-barminoowo
Plural Form of Noun: barraaduuji. Sorting
plur: barminɓe-barminooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. petite théière; teapot
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
(petite). Catégorie : Récipient. Note : arabe
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: satalla, buuta; compare: satalla. Dialectal
Verb. blesser ou couper; wound or cut.
Forms: [M] bardaadu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: masimbinde, ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, maybinde,
nawnude, aybinde, toonyaade, soppude; barrol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
synonyms: ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, nawnude, maybinde, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
masimbinde, soppude, toonyaade. Noun: barri. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mèche; wick. synonyms: meese, ɓoggol fitilla;
***: ɓoggol fitilla
fitilla, meese. Dialects: Y.
barmineede Noun Form of Infinitive: barminegol.
Participles: sing: barminaaɗo-barmineteeɗo
plur: barminaaɓe-barmineteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être blessé par quelqu'un; wounded by
someone else. synonyms: ɗeeɗ
nawneede, masimbineede, maybineede,
soppeede; ***: ɗeeɗeeɗeede, soppeede
maybineede, nawneede, masimbineede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 30
barsaade batta

barsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: barsagol. basu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: barsiiɗo-barsotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
barsiiɓe-barsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: basi. Noun. petite outre; leather bag
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb made from the skin of a goat or sheep.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marchander le Catégorie : Récipient. compare: bokkasaare
prix, négocier le prix; negotiate the price; ***: mbasu; synonyms: mbarallaawu, mbasu.
dicker; bargain. Note : mooré Dialects: G.
compare: ɓeydude, coggu, ɗuytude;
bataaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗe.
***: barkitaade, coggu, ɓeydude, ɗuytude;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: barkitaade, yeeytaade.
Noun: bataaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: J,M.
petite boite avec couvercle; can with a lid.
Bartolome Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Catégorie : Récipient. compare: adakaal,
Barthélémy; Bartholomew; one of the 12 dakaal, keesuwal, konkooru;
disciples (Mat 10:3). Also known as synonyms: dutuuru; ***: dutuuru. Dialectal
Nathanael of Cana in Galilee (Jn
1:47-48;21:2). Note : Aramaic Forms: [J] batawal (ngal). Dialects: G,M.

synonyms: Natanayel; ***: Natanayel. batala Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. confort, bien-être,
Dialects: biblical. aisance facilité; ease; comfort. ***: pere,
basaade Noun Form of Infinitive: basagol. newaare
newaare; synonyms: newaare, pere.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: basiiɗo-basotooɗo plur:
basiiɓe-basotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. batidal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever du mil; Noun: batide. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
to remove millet from the "beembal". entente, harmonie et mutuelle compréhension
compare: ittude. Dialects: J. dans une réunion, dialogue; harmony;
understanding; friendly relationship. Catégorie
basaka Plural Form of Noun: basakaaji. Noun. : Le langage et la pensée. compare: daama,
estomac; stomach. Alahaali basel ngonungel dewral, jam; synonyms: kaaldal. Dialects: Y,G.
ley reedu hakkunde kolmowolowol e
hoore-tekettel, jaɓɓ
ɓɓotoongel neema.
batidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: batidingol.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: fulkuru, Participles: sing: batidinɗo-batidoowo plur:
ndeeraari1. batidinɓe-batidooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
basi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
Stative or Progressive: prg - na batida. Verb. se
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of rencontrer pour discuter, discuter ensemble,
Noun: basiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. converser, échanger; meet in order to discuss;
décoction, concoctions (espèce), mixture de converse; discuss. ***: batude, wattitinde;
herbes et d'écorces, médicament, remède; compare: batude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
concoctions; remedy; drug; medicine. Ndiyam batididde, batidinnde. Dialects: J,M.
haakooji jonngooɗ
jonngooɗi maa ceɓ
ceɓe leɗɗ
jonngaa sawrirteeɗ
ɗe sawrirtee ɗam ñawu Catégorie
batirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
: Traitement de la maladie. ***: haagu, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
haaju; synonyms: haagu, haaju, lekki. of Noun: batirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
endroit de rencontre, lieu de rencontre;
Dialects: J,M.
meeting place. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
basirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
batta Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 3. Noun. troquer, échanger,
Noun: basirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
commercer; barter; exchange; trade.
outil pour faire des trous (manche en bois et
pointe en métal); a tool used for digging holes synonyms: mbatta, wattitaare;
with a handle made of wood and a tip made of ***: wattitaare, mbatta. Dialects: G.
iron. Catégorie : Outil. compare: wasude;
***: barmini, lukkuwal, sulunguwal,
wasirde, wasude; synonyms: lukkuwal,
sulunguwal, wasirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 31
battaa bawlaaje

battaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number batte Sorting Designation: 3. adv/conj. parce que,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of pourquoi, à cause de quoi; because. Batte a
Noun: battaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. yiɗ
yiɗaa salanaade kam, ɗum haɗ
haɗi ma
1 • travailleur, ouvrier; worker. haalande kam goonga. C'est parce que tu ne
***: howruujo. Dialects: J. voulais pas me refuser que tu ne m'as pas dit la
2 • courtier; courtier. synonyms: howruujo
howruujo. vérité. Because you didn't want to refuse me is
what stopped you from telling me the truth.
Dialects: J.
Batte ɗume waɗ
waɗi de ngaɗ
ngaɗuɗaa nii?
battaade Noun Form of Infinitive: battagol. Pourquoi as-tu fait cela? Because of what did
Participles: sing: battiiɗo-battotooɗo plur: you do that? synonyms: ba de, gaaye, gam,
battiiɓe-battotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. gan1, ngam, saabe, sabu; ***: fay nde,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb ngam, gaaye, kammbari, gam, gan1.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être avec le Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
patron ou le chef; to be with the one you work
batu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
for or with the chief. ***: jagganaade,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
mbattaaku; synonyms: jagganaade;
Noun: batuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
compare: mbattaaku. Dialects: J.
1 • réunion, conférence, causerie,
battaan Variante: battaa. Noun. ministre; minister; conversation, assemblée, débat, table ronde;
Secretary of State. Catégorie : Gouvernement, conference; meeting; conversation. Catégorie
Travailleur. : Juridique. synonyms: kawrital;
***: yeewtere, kawrital, yewto.
battaare Noun. ministère, département ministériel;
ministry; department. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: fedde. 2 • la discussion à une réunion; discussion at a
meeting. synonyms: jiidal, yewto.
battaare sariya expression. ministère de la justice;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Ministry of Justice. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. batu agusame Noun. délibération; deliberation;
battal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of batu battaa en Noun. conseil des ministres; Council
Noun: batte. Sorting Designation: 2, in. Noun. of Ministers, Ministerial Council. Catégorie
1 • aiguille; needle. Catégorie : Outil. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
***: yoobiiwu, bonkammba, mesalal, batu
batu kuuɓ
kuuɓuɗo synonyme: batu joƴƴinirɗo. Noun.
baatal, peŋ
peŋelel, tuntuluyel, wuurnude, assemblée générale; general assembly.
ɗoytoroyel, pengel; synonyms: baatal, Catégorie : Juridique.
mesalal. Dialects: J,Y,M. batu tafirɗ
tafirɗo Noun. assemblée constitutive;
2 • libellule; dragonfly or damsel fly. Catégorie constitutive assembly. Catégorie : Juridique.
: Insecte. compare: wuurnude;
batu tinndinoowu expression. causerie pour
synonyms: bonkammba, ɗoytoroyel, conscientisation; discussion for awareness.
yoobiiwu. Dialects: Y. Catégorie : Apprendre.
battane gooto expression. destin commun; common batude Noun Form of Infinitive: batugol.
destiny. Catégorie : Juridique. Participles: sing: batuɗo-batoowo plur:
batuɓe-batooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative
or Progressive: prg. Verb. conférer ou se
rencontrer, causer, converser, discuter; talk;
confer or meet with someone; confer.
compare: batidinde; synonyms: hawrude;
***: hawrude, batidinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

batwar Noun. abattoir; slaughterhouse. Note : français

bawlaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. oreillers; pillows.
synonyms: bawli. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 32
bawle baytuwol

bawle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting bawuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 2, mt. Noun. urines; urine. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: cille; ***: cille. Dialects: J,Y. of Noun: bawuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. 1 • civette; civet cat. Catégorie
bawle bulɗ
bulɗe Noun. bilharziose; bilharzia. Catégorie : Mammifère. Viverra civetta.
: Maladie. synonyms: cille bulɗ
bulɗe. synonyms: malaganndiire; ***: eleleldu.
bawli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Dialects: M.
Designation: 3. Noun. oreillers; pillows. 2 • varan n du Nil; monitor lizard. Catégorie
***: bawlaaje. Dialects: J,Y,M. : Reptile. Varanus giganteus.
synonyms: eleleldu. Dialects: Y.
bawlirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form bayeeri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
of Noun: bawlirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Designation: 2, cs. Noun. 1 • plante de sorgho;
Noun. 1 • endroit pour uriner, WC, toilette; sorghum plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
urinate (a place to). ***: nyegeere, salanga, grimpantes. Dialects: G.
ley2, kosu, lacol, hallere, lehi, laasi, gorgu, 2 • sorgho; sorghum the grain.
ngorgu1, fiilorde; synonyms: fiilorde, kosu. synonyms: mbayeeri. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,M. baylagol synonyme: waylagol. Noun. mutation;
2 • pénis; penis. Catégorie : Le corps. mutation.
synonyms: hallere, laasi, lacol, lehi, ngorgu1; baylo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
compare: nyegeere, salanga. Dialects: Y. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
3 • vessie; urinary bladder.
Noun: bayluɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
bawlirdu emprunt: arabe. Noun Class Markers: sing: Noun. 1 • forgeron; blacksmith or metal smith.
ndu plur: ɗi. Number One for this ***: bahillo, ciiwoowo, mahoowo;
noun: wooturu. Plural Form of Noun: bawlirɗi. synonyms: bahillo, mahoowo. Dialectal
Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. appareil Forms: [M] bayillo. Dialects: J.
urinaire, vessie; urinary bladder. 2 • potière; potter (woman).
Salndu-tergal daraniindu siiwude dey compare: ciiwoowo; synonyms: mahoowo.
wurtina ndiyam tergal tuunuɗ
tuunuɗam, ɗum Dialects: J.
woni bawle Catégorie : Le corps. baylugol Noun. transformation; transformation.
***: sillirdu, paalel cille, yuɓɓ
ɓɓooji bawlirɗ
bawlirɗi; synonyms: waylitingol.
synonyms: paalel cille, sillirdu. Dialects: J.
baymaanaawol Noun. phonème; phoneme. Catégorie
bawlirgol Noun. urètre; urethra. Catégorie : Le corps. : Le langage et la pensée.
***: sillirde gorko. synonyms: baymaanawal.
bawlude Noun Form of Infinitive: bawlugol. baymaanawal
baymaanawal Noun. phonème; phoneme. Catégorie
Participles: sing: bawluɗo-bawloowo plur: : Lecture / écriture. ***: baymaanaawol.
bawluɓe-bawlooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
baytuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. uriner;
Noun: baytuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
urinate. synonyms: sillude; ***: sillude.
poème; poem. Note : arabe ***: jimol;
Dialects: J,Y.
compare: jimol. Dialects: J,Y.
bawluɗo ɓernde Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
Form of Noun: bawluɓe ɓerɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. personne méchante ou
mauvaise; evil person; bad person.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Bawro Noun. prénom masculin (Signification : Le

puissant?); first name for a male (meaning: the
mighty one). Catégorie : Nom.

16/02/2020 33
be'a beege diina

be'a Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi. bedda Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: be'eeji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun: beddaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Variante: mbe'eewa. Noun. chèvre; goat. chemin, route, rue; road. ***: balangol,
Catégorie : Agriculture, Mammifère. poocciingol, cuppol, dartiingol, laawol1,
compare: bahiima, ɓota, ɓotel, daaba, mbedda, buuwaangol; synonyms: balangol,
dammuccere, damngel, ndamndi, buuwaangol, laawol1, mbedda;
rammuccere; ***: ɓotel, damngel, compare: cuppol, dartiingol, poocciingol.
ndamndi, dammuccere, dammuhol, Dialects: G.
mbeewa, ɓota; synonyms: dammuhol, mbe'a,
bedorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
mbeewa. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
be'al Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko. Noun: bedorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of piège; trap. Catégorie : Outil. Note : mooré
Noun: [J,Y,M] mbe'o/[G] be'o. Sorting ***: huuseeru, kusal, tuugol;
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. grosse chèvre; large compare: nannginde; synonyms: huuseeru,
goat. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: mbe'a, kusal, tuugol, woyya. Dialects: M.
mbe'i; synonyms: mbe'a, mbe'i.
bedude Noun Form of Infinitive: bedugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: beduɗo-bedoowo plur:
be'i Noun. caprins; goats. Catégorie : Élevage. beduɓe-bedooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
becca Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. utiliser de la
Designation: 2. Noun. monnaie, pièce de
magie pour maudire quelqu'un; to use magic
monnaie; coins; change. ***: mbecca, ceede,
to curse someone. ***: huuwude;
cewɗi; compare: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, ceede, kaalisi,
synonyms: dabaade, huɗ
huɗude, huuwude.
weccude; synonyms: mbecca. Dialectal
Dialects: Y,M.
Forms: [G] becci. Dialects: G.
beɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
becce1 Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, da. Noun. pneumonie bovine
Noun: beɗi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
contagieuse; contagious bovine
dessous-de-plat, couvercle tissé; lid of grass.
pleuropneumonia. Catégorie : Maladie
compare: sanyude; synonyms: mbeɗ
d'animaux. ***: puuɗ
puuɗel, buuse;
***: mbeɗ
mbeɗu. Dialects: G.
synonyms: buuse, puuɗ
puuɗel. Dialects: J,Y,M.

becce2 Noun. côtes; ribs. Catégorie : Le corps. beebeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
bedaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bedagol. Noun: beebeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Participles: sing: bediiɗo-bedotooɗo plur: sourd-muet; deaf-mute. Catégorie : Maladie.
bediiɓe-bedotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Note : Hausa synonyms: muumo; ***: muumo.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Dialects: G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • poser un
beebeneeji Noun. ténias; tapeworms. Catégorie
piège; trap (to set a). Note : mooré
: Animaux inférieurs.
***: tuufude, deeƴ
deeƴaade, tunnude;
synonyms: deeƴ
deeƴaade, tuufude, tunnude. beebiɗ
beebiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: beebiɗugol.
Dialects: Y,M. Participles: sing: beebiɗinɗo plur:
2 • à Sebba ce mot désigne de la magie pour beebiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Verb
attraper une personne, à Tenkodogo ce mot Stative or Progressive: st - imo beebiɗi. Verb.
désigne une malédiction qui rend malade; in être sourd-muet; deaf-mute; to be mute.
Sebba this refers to the use of magic to catch a ***: muumɗ
muumɗude, muugeede;
person; while in Tenkodogo this refers to a
synonyms: muugeede, muumɗ
curse which will make a person ill. Note : mooré
compare: faaɗ
faaɗude, fahɗ
fahɗude. Dialects: G.
Dialects: Y,M.
beege diina expression. fanatisme religieux; religious
fanaticism, religious extremism .

16/02/2020 34
beegeede belaade

beegeede Noun Form of Infinitive: beegegol. beeri Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: beegaaɗo plur: beegaaɓe. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Noun: beeriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or jour de repos et de prière, sabbat, vendredi
Progressive: st. Verb. être engagé, consacré ou
(Islam); holy day of rest and prayer; sabbath.
dévoue de tout cœur; committed (to be whole ***: bankari; compare: ŋottude;
heartedly). Taalibaajo o na beegaa e synonyms: bankari. Dialects: J.
jannginoowo mum. Ce disciple est dévoué à beerka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
son maître. That disciple is committed to his
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
teacher. Taalibaajo o na na beegaa e ley diina
Noun: beerkaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
muuɗum. Ce disciple se consacre à sa
voyage; trip. compare: buulol; ***: mbeerka,
religion. That disciple is committed to his
jahaangal; synonyms: jahaangal, mbeerka.
religion. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: G.
beegude Noun Form of Infinitive: beegugol.
beero Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Participles: sing: beeguɗo-beegoowo plur:
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
beeguɓe-beegooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Noun: weerɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
1 • visiteur, invité, étranger; visitor; guest;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire que stranger. Catégorie : La Personne.
quelqu'un d'autre soit consacré (religion),
***: janano, koɗ
koɗo, beeranaaɗ
former un disciple; disciple (to).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • hôte; host. synonyms: koɗ
beeli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
compare: beeranaaɗ
beeranaaɗo, janano, weerude
Designation: 2. Noun. lacs; lakes. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Eau. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Beerseba Sorting Designation: 5, nbl. Noun.
beelu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. Béer-Schébah; Beersheba-one of the places
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form that Abraham; Isaac; and Jacob lived in
of Noun: beeli. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Canaan. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
1 • fantôme, apparence; ghost. ***: mbeelu1. beetee Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: G.
Designation: 1. Noun. matin (à Mahadaga: plus
2 • esprit; spirit. synonyms: mbeelu1, yonki; tard dans la matinée), matinée; morning.
compare: nguurndam, foofaango, poowle, synonyms: wenndoogo; ***: wenndoogo,
ruuhu. Dialects: G. subaka, fajiri, weetude; compare: fajiri,
beembal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. subaka, weetude. Dialectal Forms: beete.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: beembe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. belaade Noun Form of Infinitive: belagol.
Noun. grenier fait de briques en banco; granary Participles: sing: beliiɗo-belotooɗo plur:
made of mud bricks. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
beliiɓe-belotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
compare: bonngooru, lukaare;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
***: bonngooru, lukaare. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cajoler,
beemal. Dialects: J,G,M. encourager, convaincre, consoler, réconforte;
beembal gawri wuro expression. banque de wheedle; coax; console; persuade; comfort;
céréales; cereal bank, grain bank. Catégorie cajole. compare: deƴƴ
ƴƴinde, mansinde,
: Nourriture, Agriculture. maysinde, welnude; ***: malsinde, eytude,
mansinde, welnude, bele, deƴƴ deƴƴinde
beembal gollitirgal Noun. texte de base; base text,
main text. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. maysinde; synonyms: eytude. Dialectal
Forms: [J,M] belimaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
beeranaaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: weeranaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun. aubergiste; host. Catégorie : La
Personne. ***: beero; compare: beero, koɗ
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 35
belɗo benngaare

belɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number bemmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: bemmbirgol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: bemmbuɗo-bemmboowo
Noun: welɓe ƴiiƴam/ko'e/gite. Sorting plur: bemmbuɓe-bemmbooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • personne agréable; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
pleasant person; easy going person. Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. confondre
2 • personne chanceuse; good fortune (person quelqu'un, troubler quelqu'un; confuse
who has). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. someone. Min nanii woɓɓ
ɓɓe ƴuuruɓ
uuruɓe e
3 • quelqu’un qui trouve quelque chose qu'il he'amin mbemmbirii on e haalaaji muɓɓ
avait perdu, ou quelque chose qui est difficile à de minen kaa min nulaay ɓe. Nulaaɓ
voir; "belɗo gite" - someone who finds
15:24 Nous avons entendu que des gens venus
something he has lost; or someone who sees
de chez nous vous ont confondus avec ce qu'ils
something that is hard to see. compare: saa'a, ont dit, mais nous ne les avons pas envoyés
tiinde, wune. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. chez vous. We hear that some who have come
4 • quelqu'un qui sait faire, qui a du talent, from us have confused you with the things they
personne habile / adroite; adroit; skillful; have said, but we didn't send them.
dexterous; deft. Dialects: Y,G,M. ***: wemmbude; synonyms: jiɓ jiɓude,
wemmbude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G]
bele Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
bemmbirde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Designation: 4. Noun. cajoleries, persuasion;
cajoling; coaxing; persuasion. Ko bele bemmbuɗ
bemmbuɗo Noun. un étourdi, stressé, tracassé;
heɓaay fuu doole heɓ heɓataa. Ce qui ne se stressed out; worried; bothered.
laisse pas faire par persuasion, ne peut non bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
plus se faire par la force. What you can't be
Designation: 3. Noun. ondes, vagues; waves.
acomplished by persuation can't be
acomplished by force either. Catégorie : Eau. ***: bonkoƴƴ
ƴƴe, dooƴ
compare: belaade. Dialectal Forms: [G] berkeƴƴ
ƴƴe, ronƴ
ronƴalde; synonyms: berkeƴƴ
belbele. Dialects: J,Y,M. bonkoƴ
bonkoƴƴe, ronƴ
ronƴalde. Dialectal Forms: [J]
bempenƴe, benpeƴƴe. Dialects: J.
belirka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of benal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: belirkaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
plaisir; pleasure. synonyms: seyo. Noun: bene. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. une
maison carrée fait de briques; house made of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bricks. compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, buguuru,
Belko Noun. prénom masculin ou féminin huɗ
huɗooru, hukum, kunnguuru, loofeeru,
(Signification : chanceux, chanceuse); first
sukkuuru, winndeeru, worwordu;
name for a male or female (meaning: lucky
man, lucky woman). Catégorie : Nom. synonyms: garuwal, suudu1; ***: garuwal,
suudu1. Dialects: M.
Bellaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of benal2 Noun. branche; branch. Laañol lekki
Noun: Bellaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. dowuuwol, ɗin laañi na darii darnde juuɗjuuɗe
Noun. Bella (personne, jadis ils étaient les lekki Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
esclaves des Touarègues); Bella (person). d’une plante. synonyms: liccal, catal;
Catégorie : Communauté. ***: catal.
synonyms: Koynaboroojo;
benngaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: Koynaboroojo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
bemaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bemagol. of Noun: benngaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
Participles: sing: bemiiɗo-bemotooɗo plur: Noun. espèce d'abeille qui fait le nid dans la
bemiiɓe-bemotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. terre; bee (a honey). Catégorie : Insecte.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb ***: urkeewu, nyaaku, mbuubuudu,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. manquer de njuumndi, njabbattu, buubuuda, juuri,
trouver quelque chose malgré les efforts; find nyabbattu; compare: njuumndi, nyaaku,
(fail to). ***: wemmbaade; mbuuluulu, mbuubuudu, njabbattu.
synonyms: wemmbaade. Dialectal Forms: [G] Dialects: Y.
bembaade. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 36
bentaade bidon

bentaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bentagol. bergaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: bentiiɗo-bentotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
bentiiɓe-bentotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: bergaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Noun. chanvre; hemp. Catégorie : Herbes,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque de plantes grimpantes. synonyms: bargiwol,
la boue /sol tombe dans le trou; When digging barbiwol, pollol; ***: barbiwol, pollol,
a hole; such as a well; and dirt from above bargiwol. Dialects: M.
breaks loose and falls into the hole; or when
walking along the edge of a sandy stream bed berkeƴƴ
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
and the place where you step caves in; Idrissa Designation: 3. Noun. ondes (ne pas de
wasii ɓunndu faa yaarna na'im de ɓunndu
singulier); waves (no singular form used).
ndu bentii. Idrissa a creusé un puits pour ***: bonkoƴƴ
ƴƴe, bempeƴƴ
bempeƴƴeƴƴe, dooƴ
abreuver ses bœufs, mais la terre est tombée ronƴ
ronƴalde; synonyms: bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe, bonkoƴƴ
dedans. Idrissa dug a well to water his cows, ronƴ
ronƴalde. Dialects: Y.
but the well collapsed on him. ***: faatude,
bersamaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
bisaade, wasude. Dialects: Y,G.
Designation: 4. Noun. espèce de bois pour le
2 • lorsque qqch est gâté ou déchiré mais non toit; The pieces of wood laid down on top of
pas complètement; for something to be the "puccuwal/denndeeruwal" to form the
partially broken or torn; but has not completely roof of a house. These then in turn are packed
fallen apart yet. compare: wasude; with mud to keep the rain out.
synonyms: bisaade. Dialects: M. synonyms: ceeke; ***: ceeke. Dialects: J.
bentigaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗe. beydol hakkundewol expression. infixe; infix.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Catégorie : La Grammaire.
of Noun: bentigaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, mi. bi'aangol
bi'aangol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
Noun. tam-tam de calebasse; drum made from
Designation: 4, th. Noun. ce qu'on a dit, un
a calabash. Catégorie : Instrument de
message de grande importance; what has been
musique. Note : Gourmanche
said; message. ***: konngol1, haala;
compare: kurkutu, lonngaaru, lungaaru,
synonyms: haala, konngol1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndondoloowu, ngangariiwu; ***: lungaaru,
ndondoloowu, lonngaaru, mbaggu; bibbitidde Noun Form of Infinitive: bibbitiggol.
synonyms: mbaggu, mbinderew. Dialects: Y. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant
Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
benyo Noun. contraire; contrary. benyo (<= weñ-
Catégorie : Mathématique. Progressive: prg - na bibbita. Verb. battre les
ailes (oiseaux) quand la gorge est coupée; flap
beŋ Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number around (birds) when throat is cut.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: pappattude, fippude;
Noun: beŋaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. synonyms: fippude, pappattude, wiɗ wiɗaade;
gréver boycotter, blocus, embargo; embargo; compare: tallaade. Dialects: Y.
strike; boycott. Fulɓ
Fulɓe Dori ngaɗ
ngaɗii ŋeeyɓ
biberon emprunt: français. Noun. biberon; baby
ɓɓen beŋ
beŋ sabo ɓeen piyii neɗɗ
ɗɗo maɓɓ
bottle, feeding bottle. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Les Peuhl de Dori boycottent leurs griots
parce qu'ils ont frappé l'un d'eux. The Fulani synonyms: enndu tuubaaku.
of Dori are boycotting their griots because they bibirgaajo Noun. qui est étourdi; absent-minded
hit one of them. Gilla duuɓ
duuɓi seeɗ
seeɗa leyɗ
leyɗe person, scatterbrained person.
keewɗe ngaɗ
ngaɗii Libi beŋ
beŋ, gineeji maɓɓ
biccoro Noun. alevin; young fish. Ɓikkoy likkoy
yaltataa leydi maɓɓ
ɓɓe faa yaha leydi
cewkoy ngaɗ
ngaɗirkoy aawdi ley nokkuuje
ngonndi. Il y quelques années plusieurs pays
ont lancé un embargo contre la Libye. A few ndiyam Catégorie : Poisson.
years ago a number of countries placed Libia synonyms: aawdi-
under an embargo, their products could not
bidon Noun. bidon; flask; can. Catégorie : Récipient.
leave their country and be shipped to another Note : français
country. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 37
bidooru biirude

bidooru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. biigaade Noun Form of Infinitive: biigagol.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: biigiiɗo-biigotooɗo plur:
Noun: bidooji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. biigiiɓe-biigotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
récipient, cruche; jug; canteen; container. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français Dialectal
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mesurer;
Forms: [J,Y] bido, [G] bidon. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
measure. ***: heƴƴ
ƴƴude, fonndude, etude1;
bifirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. synonyms: fonndude. Dialects: Y,G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • mesurer une quantité, doser; measure out a
Noun: bifirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. quantity. synonyms: etude1, heƴƴ
1 • éventail; fan. Catégorie : Outil. Dialects: Y,G.
***: fikkaawo, jugorgal, biwrugal, pikkaal,
biigal Noun. jeune poule; young hen. Catégorie
zuguduuru, puufirgal; synonyms: fikkaawo, : Élevage.
pikkaal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
biigamiimolel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
2 • soufflet; bellows. synonyms: biwrugal,
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
zuguduuru. Dialectal Forms: biforgal.
Form of Noun: biigamiimaloy. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. espèce de hibou,
bifol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. chouette; wood-owl; owl (West African
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of wood). Catégorie : Oiseau. Ciccaba
Noun: bifi. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • vent woodfordi. ***: fuugum, juuriire. Dialects: J.
froid, courant d’air, brise; cold wind. Henndu biige Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
ndu daaƴ
daaƴataa, wifooru ley nokkuure Designation: 3, dh. Noun. 1 • rougeole; rubeola;
ɓilliinde Catégorie : Temps. ***: gelembol, measles. Catégorie : Maladie. Note : mooré
biwtol, nduuydi, henndu1, kenkenam, ***: nduuyoohoy, duuyooje, puƴ puƴe, cewɗ
duuydi; synonyms: gelembol. gooniije; synonyms: cewɗ
cewɗe, duuyooje,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gooniije, nduuyoohoy, puƴ puƴe. Dialects: Y,M.
2 • vent fort qui accompagne un orage; wind 2 • boutons; pimples; vesicles. Catégorie
that accompanies a thunder storm. : Maladie. Note : mooré Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: biwtol, duuydi, kenkenam,
biigi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
nduuydi, henndu1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisses ayant plus
bigitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bigitagol. de trois ans mais n'ont pas encore vêlé;
Participles: sing: bigitiiɗo-bigitotooɗo plur: heifers. Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J.
bigitiiɓe-bigitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
biireede Noun Form of Infinitive: biiregol.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Participles: sing: biraaɗo-biireteeɗo plur:
entorse, se fouler; strain; to sprain.
biiraaɓe-biireteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
***: mulƴ
mulƴitaade, silɓ
silɓude, lirkitaade;
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
compare: laƴ
laƴude; synonyms: lirkitaade,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
mulƴitaade, silɓ
silɓude. Dialects: G.
instruit pour bien vivre, élever bien un enfant;
biibinoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. rear or raise a child well; instructed in how to
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form live rightly. synonyms: aameede, bireede,
of Noun: biibinooje. Sorting Designation: 5, in. mareede, ne'aade, ne'eede; ***: mareede,
Noun. espèce d'insecte; assassin bug. Catégorie aameede, bireede, ne'aade. Dialects: Y,G.
: Insecte. Nularda sp.. Dialects: J.
biirude Noun Form of Infinitive: biirugol.
biide Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: biir(u)ɗo-biiroowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form biir(u)ɓe-biirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th,
of Noun: biiɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
Noun. globule sanguin; blood cells. Catégorie Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
: Le corps. Dialects: tech. 1 • enseigner les enfants comment bien vivre;
instruct children how to live rightly.
***: birude, aamude, marude, ne'ude;
synonyms: aamude, birude, ne'ude.
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 38
biiwol bilude
2 • attacher un animal pour l'engraisser;
bilanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bilanagol.
attach an animal in order to fatten it.
Participles: sing: bilaniiɗo-bilanotooɗo
synonyms: marude. Dialects: Y,G.
plur: bilaniiɓe-bilanotooɓe. Sorting
biiwol Plural Form of Noun: biiji. Noun. diaphragme; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
diaphragm. Huyre sewnde, yaajunde hono Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
alahaali ommborgo faliingo hakkunde Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être fâche contre
bumpu ƴƴe
ƴƴ e e reedu
reedu Catégorie : Le corps. quelqu'un, être en colère envers quelqu'un;
synonyms: looygel ɓernde; ***: looygel angry with someone or something.
ɓernde. compare: mettande; ***: hukkande,
ɓernande, mettande; synonyms: ɓernande,
bijji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
dukkande, hirnyande, hukkande, tikkande.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisse de trois ans
Dialects: J,Y,G.
ou plus qui n'a pas encore vêlé; heifers of at
least 3 years. Catégorie : Mammifère. bileede Noun Form of Infinitive: bilegol.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Participles: sing: bilaaɗo-bileteeɗo plur:
bik Noun. bic, stylo; pen. Catégorie : Lecture / bilaaɓe-bileteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
écriture. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être en
bil Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. tout plein; full
colère, être fâché; angry (to be).
(very); brimming full. compare: heewude;
***: dukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: pet; ***: pet. Dialects: M.
2 • avoir un problème ou dilemme; dilemma
bila Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number (to have a); problem (to have a).
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of synonyms: ɓernude, bilaade, dukkude,
Noun: bilaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. hirnyude, hukkude, tikkude;
prestidigitation, tour de passe-passe, artifice; compare: mettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
trickery; conjuring. synonyms: ginna mori,
biltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: biltagol.
mbila, tombola; ***: tombola, mbila, ginna
Participles: sing: biltiiɗo-biltotooɗo plur:
mori. Dialectal Forms: [M] bili. Dialects: G.
biltiiɓe-biltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
bilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bilagol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Participles: sing: biliiɗo-bilotooɗo plur: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • échapper à
biliiɓe-bilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb une situation difficile; escape from a difficult
Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative situation. ***: ɓillitinde, teetaade, hewtude,
or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • avoir un hisude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
problème ou une difficulté; problem (to have 2 • résoudre un problème; resolve a problem.
a); difficulty (to have a). ***: dukkude, synonyms: hisude, teetaade;
dukkande, bileede, mettude, tikkude, compare: ɓillitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓernude, tikkande, hirnyude;
bilude Noun Form of Infinitive: bilugol.
synonyms: loɓɓ
ɓɓude, reewude, weeyude.
Participles: sing: biluɗo-biloowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
biluɓe-bilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
2 • être en colère, être fâché; angry (to be).
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
synonyms: ɓernude, dukkude, hirnyude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. énerver
hukkude, tikkude; compare: mettude. quelqu'un en lui faisant des mauvaises choses;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. make someone angry by doing bad things to
them. Hamma sottii nagge makko de o
faamaay, ɗum waɗ waɗi bili o. Hamma a vendu
sa vache sans lui en parler, cela l'a énervé /
fâché. Hamma sold his cow without telling
him, that is what made him angry.
***: hirnyinde, tikkinde, dukkinde,
ɓerninde; synonyms: ɓerninde
erninde, dukkinde,
hirnyinde, tikkinde; compare: mettinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 39
bimmbeere birdi

bimmbeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. binndol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
of Noun: bimmbeeje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: binndi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Noun. colonne, pilier fait de briques; generally écriture, rédaction, expression, ligne; writing.
made of bricks; pillar. ***: samandiire; Si hakkunde naange warii fu, fay binndol
compare: bannjaruwal, geŋ
geŋerewal, nyaygal, gootol mi winndataa. À midi je n'écrirai plus
puccuwal. Dialects: J,Y,M. un seul mot. When noon comes I won't write
another word. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. in
bingu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. general it is the plural form of this word that is
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of employed! Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: binɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, in, mt.
Noun. un œuf d'un pou; nit; egg of a louse.
binndol2 Noun. orthographe; spelling. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. ***: dartol binndi.
compare: tenngu; synonyms: mbinƴ
Dialects: G. binndol hoorewol expression. en-tête; header,
letterhead. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
binndi Noun. écriture, rédaction; writing. Dialectal
Forms: binndol. binndol junngo Variante: binndi junngo. Noun.
cursive (lettre); cursive (letter). Binndol
binndi celluɗ
celluɗi winndugol no nanirtee
expression. transcription orthographique; junngo /junngowol, jokkondirol Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture.
orthographic transcription. Catégorie : Lecture
/ écriture. binndoowo Noun. écrivain; writer.
binndi jamirooji expression. notices; notices. binndoowo ɗereeji sariyaaji expression.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. greffier; clerk, court clerk, court reporter.
binndi kakkilanaaɗ
kakkilanaaɗi expression. note; note, score, Catégorie : Gouvernement, Travailleur.
rating, mark. Catégorie : Apprendre, Lecture / binngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. engrais, fumier,
binndi kibaaru expression. article (journal); article fumure, humus; manure; fertilizer. Catégorie
(journal). Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. : Agriculture. ***: cowowri, birgi tuubaaku,
coowundiri, birgi; synonyms: birgi. Dialectal
binndi konngol Noun. construction de phrases;
sentence construction. Catégorie : La Forms: birgi. Dialects: Y,G.
Grammaire. ***: mahngo konngol. Dialectal binngal leɗɗ
ɗɗe Noun. fumure organique; organic
Forms: maadi konngol. manure, organic fertilization. Catégorie
: Agriculture.
binndi masin expression. script; script, block letters.
bippeele Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
binndi mawɗ
mawɗi Noun. majuscules; capital letters;
Designation: 2, at. Noun. ailes; wings.
upper-case letters. A B D E ... Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: binndi dimi.
bippolal Plural Form of Noun: bippoole.
binndi mballooji goseteeɓ
goseteeɓe expression.
Variante: bippelal. Noun. aile; wing. Wooturu
mémoire; memory, remembrance. hokkugol
fu e salndu-
salndu-tergal ndiwri saabantoongal
goseteeɗo laawol
laawol faa rookoo yoofeede
ndiwriiji keewuɗ
keewuɗi (pooli e ko nanndi e
synonyms: hakkillo miccitorngo.
mum) fiirude Catégorie : Parties d’un
binndirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. animal.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of birdi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
Noun: binndirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Designation: 4, th. Noun. répétition d'une
stylo, bic, crayon; writing implement; pencil; prière utilisant un chapelet; the repetition of a
pen. Catégorie : Outil. ***: winndude; rosary or a prayer using prayer beads.
compare: winndude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: wiirdi, mbirdi; synonyms: du'aawu,
mbirdi, wiirdi. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 40
bireede biwrugal

bireede Noun Form of Infinitive: biregol. bisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bisagol.
Participles: sing: biraaɗo-bireteeɗo plur: Participles: sing: bisiiɗo-bisotooɗo plur:
biraaɓe-bireteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. bisiiɓe-bisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être instruit de Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lorsqu'on
comment bien vivre, élever bien un enfant; rear creuse un trou et de la terre tombe dedans;
or raise a child well; instructed in how to live when digging a hole; such as a well; and dirt
rightly. ***: biireede, mareede, aameede, from above breaks loose and falls into the hole;
ne'aade, ne'eede, ne'eede;
or when walking along the edge of a sandy
stream bed and the place where you step caves
synonyms: aameede, biireede, mareede,
in; Mumini wasii ɓunndu faa yarna na'im de
ne'aade, ne'eede. Dialects: J.
ɓunndu ndu bisii. Mumini a creusé un puits
birgi Noun Class Markers: sing: o/ki plur: ɗi. pour abreuver ses bœufs, mais la terre est
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of tombée dedans. Mumini dug a well to water
his cows, but the well collapsed on him.
Noun: birgiiji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
excrément, fécales, fumier, engrais; dung; ***: bentaade, faatude; synonyms: bentaade;
manure; feces; natural fertilizer. Catégorie compare: wasude. Dialects: M.
: Agriculture. Note : mooré ***: cowowri, bisimilla Sorting Designation: 1, th. interj. au nom de
rubbunnde, binngal, wordoonde, Dieu, bienvenu; The term means "in the name
welaande, coowundiri, wurdere; of God" and has come to mean "welcome;" as
compare: doodi, rubbunnde, suulere, when inviting someone to sit down or to eat.
wordoonde, welaande; synonyms: binngal. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [M] birngal (ngal). bita Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
birgi tuubaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Noun: bitaaji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct. Noun.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. engrais chimique;
bouille de mil, gruau de mil; baobab pods;
chemical fertilizer. Catégorie : Agriculture. millet porridge or gruel. Catégorie
: Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : mooré compare: binngal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bitigi Noun. boutique, magasin; store; shop.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : français Dialectal
birol ndaraniiɓ
ndaraniiɓe golleeji Variante: birol
Forms: bitiki.
daraniiɓe golleeji. expression. bureau
exécutif; executive committee. Catégorie bitiki Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Juridique. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
birol parti pilitikki expression. bureau politique; Noun: [J,G] bitikiiji/[M] bitikaaji. Sorting
political office. Catégorie : Juridique, Designation: 2. Noun. boutique, magasin; store;
Bâtiment. shop. Note : français Dialectal Forms: [Y]
birol wotto Noun. bureau de vote; polling station. bitigi/bitigaaji. Dialects: J,G,M.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Bâtiment. biwetti Noun. buvette; bar; snack-bar. Catégorie
biron Noun. bureau, secrétaire (pupitre); office; : Bâtiment. Note : français
desk. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : français biwrugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗi.
birude Noun Form of Infinitive: birugol. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: bir(u)ɗo-biroowo plur: Noun: biwruɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
bir(u)ɓe-birooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. soufflets, éventail; bellows; fan. ***: jugorgal,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb zuguduuru, bifirgal, puufirgal;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. instruire des synonyms: bifirgal, jugorgal, puufirgal,
enfants la manière de vivre convenablement; zuguduuru. Dialects: J,Y.
instruct children how to live rightly.
synonyms: aamude, biirude, ne'ude;
***: aamude, biirude, hollude, jannginde.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 41
biwtol boɗeejo

biwtol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. boɓ

boɓi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Designation: 2, ct. Noun. mortiers; mortars
Noun: biwti. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. coups used for pounding grain. Catégorie
de vent, vent fort, souvent accompagnant un : Équipement de la maison.
orage; gale force wind; wind (usually Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
accompanying a thunder storm).
boɓoli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
synonyms: bifol, duuydi, henndu1,
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
kenkenam, nduuydi; ***: nduuydi,
Noun: boɓole. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
henndu1, bifol, kenkenam, duuydi. Dialectal
espèce d'arbuste; kind of tree. Catégorie
Forms: [J] biwtel (ngel). Dialects: J. : Buissons, arbustes. Sterculia setigera.
biwuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ***: mboɓ
mboɓoli; synonyms: mboɓ
mboɓoli. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form boddi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe.
of Noun: biwuuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
fronde; slingshot. synonyms: piwlol; of Noun: bolle. Sorting Designation: 2, wl. Noun.
***: piwlol. Dialects: J. serpent; snake. Catégorie : Reptile.
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting compare: baajol, ɓoggol; synonyms: mboddi;
***: mboddi. Dialects: G.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. plat avec des grains
de coton; cottonseed meal. Catégorie boɗ
boɗa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: boɓɓagol. Noun: boɗaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Participles: sing: ɓoɓɓiiɗo-ɓoɓɓotooɗo
tabou ou interdit personnel; personal taboo.
***: mboɗ
mboɗa, boɗ
boɗaade; compare: woɗ
plur: ɓoɓɓiiɓe-ɓoɓɓotooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: mboɗ
mboɗa. Dialects: G.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. boɗ
boɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woɗagol.
Verb. tomber, chuter; fall down. Participles: sing: boɗiiɗo-boɗotooɗo plur:
***: pakitaade, faataade, saamude, boɗiiɓe-boɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fakitaade, pataade; compare: faataade, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
pataade, taataade; synonyms: saamude. Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. interdire
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. quelque chose à toi-même, faire un tabou
personnel; forbid something to yourself; make
ɓɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: boɓɓingol.
something a taboo for yourself. ***: woɗ
Participles: sing: boɓɓinɗo-boɓɓinoowo
compare: boɗ
boɗa; synonyms: woɗ
plur: boɓɓinɓe-boɓɓinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Boɗ
Boɗaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Verb. 1 • renverser quelqu'un, démolir quelque Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
chose; knock down from a standing position. Noun: Woɗaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
***: doƴƴ
ƴƴude, limnude, limnude, dunƴdunƴude, Noun. un Peulh du nord du Niger; a highly
ɗɗinde, liɓ
liɓude, samminde, tutaade, nomadic Fulani from northern Niger.
linnude, yerƴ
yerƴude, wippitinde, fiinude, ***: Woɗ
Woɗaajo; synonyms: Woɗ
partaade, faatude, saaminde; Dialects: J,G.
synonyms: liɓ
liɓude, saaminde, samminde. boɗ
boɗeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • abattre un arbre; fell a tree. Noun: woɗeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 1 • un blanc, européen; white person.
3 • jeter quelque chose par terre; throw ***: daneejo, tuubaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something down. compare: dunƴ dunƴude, 2 • noir avec teinte clair; a black person with a
faatude, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, partaade, tutaade, red tint to his skin. synonyms: daneejo,
yerƴude; synonyms: doƴƴ
ƴƴude, limnude, tuubaaku; compare: wojjude.
linnude, saaminde, samminde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 42
boɗinde bokkoore
2 • morceau de poitrine d'un animal; brisket of
boɗinde Participles: sing: boɗinɗo-boɗinoowo
an animal. synonyms: boofogol, hibborde.
plur: boɗinɓe-boɗinooɓe. Sorting
Dialectal Forms: [Y] bohoogol. Dialects: J.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. arrêter quelqu'un de boje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
manger ou boire, interdire quelque chose; Designation: 3, wl, ah. Noun. lapins; rabbits.
forbid something; stop someone from eating or Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
drinking. Aamadu
Aamadu boɗ
boɗinii Hadiija, wi'ii
ɗum, "taa wattu sukkara e safaare maaɗ
bojji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Aamadou a dit à Hadiija de ne pas prendre du Designation: 2. Noun. pleurs, larmes; weeping;
sucre avec le médicament. Aamadu forbade crying. Laamɗ
Laamɗo nani bojji suka oon. Dieu a
Hadiija, saying to her, "don't use sugar with entendu les pleurs de l'enfant. God heard the
your medicine." ***: woonnude; child's crying. Gen 21:17. compare: woyude.
synonyms: woɗ
woɗinde, woonnude
woonnude. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

boɗiyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. bokal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: mboɗihoy. Sorting Designation: 5, or. Noun: boke. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Noun. euplecte franciscain; bishop bird (red). joue; cheek. Senngo hunnduko ñaamo maa
Catégorie : Oiseau. Euplectes orix.
nano, hakkunde nowru e hunnduko
synonyms: monndijara; ***: monndijara,
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: golal;
ciiwel. Dialects: Y.
***: gaɓɓ
ɓɓugal, golal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
boggirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. bokkasaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Noun: boggirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
of Noun: bokkasaaje. Sorting Designation: 4.
lime; file. Catégorie : Outil. ***: kirowal; Noun. sac en peau ou porte-monnaie avec
synonyms: kirowal
kirowal; compare: woggude. ficelle; bag (leather); leather bag. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Récipient. ***: gafakka, sumalle, basu,

bogodollo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. bootooru, mbasu, mbarallaawu;
compare: bootooru, gafakka, gempeere,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
mbarallaawu, mbasu, sumalle. Dialects: J,Y.
Noun: bogodollooji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'herbe; kind of annual grass. bokkooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Designation: 4, th. Noun. espèce de danse ou
Pennisetum pedicellatum. ***: gawri, guérisseur; witch doctor. ***: gimmaajo,
muutiri, yoyiiri, sonnoori; compare: gawri,
bukooji; synonyms: bukooji;
yoyiiri. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M]
compare: gimmaajo. Dialects: Y,G.
bogodolloore. Dialects: J,Y,M.
bokkoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
bogosi Noun. boxe; boxing. Note : français Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
bogoti Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number of Noun: bokkooje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. gerbe de mil; bundle of millet.
Noun: bogotiije. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓere, juuruure, wulaare;
seau; bucket; pail. Catégorie : Récipient. Note : ***: haɓɓ
ɓɓere, juuruure, wulaare, wutaandu;
English compare: fate, lokuure; ***: siwooru; compare: wutaandu. Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: siwooru. Dialects: G.

bohngol Noun. barbillons; wattles. Catégorie : Parties

d’un animal.

bohogol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: bohooli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
1 • espace entre les mâchoires;
inter-mandibular space. Catégorie : Parties
d’un animal. synonyms: boofogol;
***: hibborde, boofogol, boofogol.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 43
bokkuɗooru bonde neɗɗaaku

bokkuɗooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. bolsaade Verb. crépir; plaster a wall (to). Dialectal
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Forms: bolaade, bolgaade.
of Noun: bokkuɗooji. Sorting Designation: 4.
bolwole Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Noun. la maison de homme célibataire; house
of an unmarried man. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Designation: 3. Noun. guerres; wars.
***: winndeeru, worwordu, hukum, Dialects: J,Y,M.
wortaldu, nyallirdu, sukkuuru, benal1, bombooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
buguuru, garuwal, huɗ
huɗooru, suudu1; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
compare: buguuru, garuwal, huɗ
huɗooru, of Noun: bombooji. Sorting Designation: 4.
hukum, kunnguuru, loofeeru, sukkuuru, Noun. hutte, case ronde avec toit en paille;
suudu1, winndeeru, worwordu; round house made of bricks with a grass roof;
synonyms: wortaldu. Dialects: J. hut. Catégorie : Bâtiment. synonyms: loofeeru,
kunnguuru, suudu1; ***: kunnguuru
bokoti Noun. boite, seau; bucket; box; can; tin.
loofeeru, suudu1. Dialects: M.
Catégorie : Récipient.
bomi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
bolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bolagol.
Designation: 2. Noun. danse; dancing.
Participles: sing: boliiɗo-bolotooɗo plur:
compare: wamude; ***: bami, wamude,
boliiɓe-bolotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
gami; synonyms: bami, gami. Dialects: M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • crépir
un mur; rough-cast; plaster. ***: makkitaade, bon-
bon-a adj. mal; evil. Catégorie : Mathématique.
teeltidinde, wolaade, makkude, senndude, bonanda Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
nesaade, mappude, tarwaade, suɓ suɓaade; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: makkude, mappude, nesaade, Noun: bonandaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
takkude, tarwaade. Dialects: J,M. Noun. gaspillage, chose ruinée, destruction,
2 • choisir, trier; sort out; choose. O boleke perte; waste; destruction; things gone wrong
ga'i ɗi o haajaa yaarude luumo. Il a trié les or ruined. ***: halkere; synonyms: halkere.
taureaux qu'il voulait pour le marché. He Dialectal Forms: [G,M] bononda, bononnda.
sorted out the bulls he needed to send to Dialects: J,Y.
market. Ali boleke ga'i muuɗ
muuɗum, nayeeji
bonande Verb. maltraiter; mistreat.
yarii luumo. Ali separated his bulls and took
the old ones to the market. bonanɗ
bonanɗo Noun. malfaiteur; malefactor; criminal.
synonyms: senndude, suɓsuɓaade, teeltidinde,
bonbonmuure Noun. bonbon; candy; sweet (a). Note
wolaade. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] bolgaade - : français
this is the term used for roughcasting.
bonda Noun. dommage; damage. Catégorie
Dialects: J.
: Juridique. synonyms: bononnda.
bolaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
bonde neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sol fertile, sol
Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. inhospitalier,
argileux; fertile soil; clay based soil. Hikka
Hikka impolitesse; inhospitality; rudeness;
gese amin bolaaje ɓenndaay sabo impoliteness. ***: rawaandaaku,
ƴuwoonde toɓ
toɓaay sanne. Cette année notre
neetaraaku, neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, naalaaku;
champs argileux n'a pas bien produit car la
pluie n'était pas suffisante. This year our clay compare: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku; synonyms: naalaaku,
field didn't produce because it didn't rain nanaraaku, neetaraaku, rawaandaaku.
much. Catégorie : Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

bolgaade Verb. crépir; plaster a wall (put on).

Dialectal Forms: bolaade, bolsaade.

bolonngu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting

Designation: 4. Noun. poussière; dust.
***: kusaw, sollaare, puru, colla;
synonyms: colla, kusaw, puru, sollaare.
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 44
bonde needude bonngaade

bonde needude Noun Form of Infinitive: bonde bonnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
needugol. Participles: sing: bonde neediijo Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plur: bonde neediiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: bonndeeji. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Noun. mal, vilain, méchant, mauvais; evil; bad.
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. manquer du Nyaande fuu Yero na naata ley wuro, na
respect, ne pas montrer du respect, être filoo bonnde. Chaque jour Yaro vient ici pour
impoli; dislike guests; inhospitable; not show chercher le mal/troubles. Every day Yero
respect for those you meet on the road or who comes over and looks for trouble. Si neɗɗ
ɗɗo na
visit you; not to be nice; rude.
yara doro nyannde fuu, nyannde gomma
compare: caytaro, saahaade, tencude;
bonnde hewtitoto o. Si quelqu'un boit de la
***: tencude
tencude, saytorɗ
saytorɗinde, jaasude; bière tous les jours, quelque chose de mal va
synonyms: jaasude, saytorɗ
saytorɗinde. lui arriver. If someone drinks beer every day,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. someday evil will overtake him.
***: fankarde; synonyms: fankarde. Dialectal
bonɗo adj. méchant; mean; evil; bad. Dialectal
Forms: [Y,G,M] bone (o)/boneeji (ɗi).
Forms: bonnɗo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bonɗo mawɗ
mawɗo kulɓ
iniiɗo expression. terroriste;
bonnde diwtunde e ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe aadama en
synonyme: wara hoore yimɓe heewɓe.
bone Noun. malheur; misfortune; adversity; tragedy. expression. crime contre l'humanité; crime
against humanity. Catégorie : Juridique.
bonkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bonkagol.
Participles: sing: bonkiiɗo-bonkotooɗo bonnde hakkundeere nde kasu expression.
plur: bonkiiɓe-bonkotooɓe. Sorting délit ; offense, crime, infraction. Catégorie
: Juridique.
Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. bonnde mawnde synonyme: wara hoore ; ittugol
Verb. parler du mal, calomnier, diffamer, salir; yonki. Noun. crime; crime. Catégorie
slander; speak evil. ***: munaafikaade, : Gouvernement, Juridique.
mbonkaade, waccaade, waccaade; bonnde mawnde hulɓ
hulɓiniinde expression.
compare: munaafikaare; terrorisme; terrorism.
synonyms: mbonkaade, waccaade.
bonnɗo adj. méchant, mauvais; mean; nasty; evil;
Dialects: J,Y.
bonkammba Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: bonneede Noun Form of Infinitive: bonnegol. Sorting
ɗi. Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: bonkammbaaji. Sorting
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3, in. Noun. libellule; dragonfly;
Verb. être ruiné, gâté; spoiled; ruined. Rik
damsel fly. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: yoobiiwu,
bonni montoro Yuusufi, joonin montoro o
battal, ɗoytoroyel; synonyms: battal,
bonnaama faa abada. Rick a gâté la montre
ɗoytoroyel, yoobiiwu. Dialects: G. de Yuusufi. Rick ruined Yuusufi's watch, now
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting the watch is ruined beyond repair. When
someone or something breaks something they
Designation: 3. Noun. ondes; waves. use "bonneede," but when something breaks
synonyms: bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe, berkeƴƴ
ƴƴe; spontaneously they refer to it as "bonude."
***: bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe, dooƴ
dooƴaalen, berkeƴƴ
ƴƴe, ***: wurjineede, wurjude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ronƴalde. Dialects: G.
bonngaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bonngagol.
Participles: sing: bonngiiɗo-bonngotooɗo
plur: bonngiiɓe-bonngotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être paralysé au
niveau des deux jambes; paralyzed in both
legs. Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: pooraade;
***: pooraade. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 45
bonngooru bonude

bonngooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. 2 • déféquer; defecate. compare: ɗalude,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form halkude, jukkaade, nyegeere, salanga;
of Noun: bonngooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. synonyms: hanyude, huuwude, joorude,
Noun. espèce de grenier fait avec de la paille; si'ude, suulude. Dialects: G.
granary made as a grass hut. Catégorie
bonnude reedu Verb. avorter, faire une fausse
: Bâtiment. ***: beembal, lukaare, couche; abort; miscarry.
sukkuuru, buguuru, huɗ
compare: beembal, buguuru, lukaare.
bonnugol Noun. dégradation; degradation.
Dialects: J. ***: halkugol.

bonnguujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. bonnugol hoolaare expression. abus de confiance;
breach of trust. Catégorie : Juridique.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: nyaŋ
Noun: bonnguuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. personne paralysée des deux jambes, bononda Noun. gaspillage, dégradation; waste.
infirme, estropié, paralytique; cripple; Ɓuytagol maa hanntagol mbooɗ
mbooɗeefi maa
paralytic; paralyzed in both legs. Catégorie
uuɗal huunde Dialectal Forms: bonanda,
: Maladie. ***: boyɗ
boyɗo, woyɗ
woyɗuɗo, pooreejo;
synonyms: pooreejo; compare: boyɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G. bononda jawdi ndiwtuɗ
ndiwtuɗo expression. crime
économique; economic crime. Catégorie
bonnitande Verb. médire, dissuader; malign; : Gouvernement, Juridique.
dissuade; speak ill of.
bononda-piilki Noun. dégradation de
bonnitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: bonnitingol. l'environnement; deterioration of the
Participles: sing: bonnitinɗo-bonnitoowo environment. Ɓutagol maa hantagol
plur: bonnitinɓe-bonnitooɓe. Sorting mbooɗ
mbooɗeefi maa ɗuuɗ
uuɗal riikuuji piilki
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
bononnda Noun. nuisance, dommage; nuisance,
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
damage. ***: bonda; synonyms: torra, saɗɗ
imo bonnita. Verb. dissuader, parler de
manière négative; dissuade; speak negatively. bontombora Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Juulaaɓe gollidiiɓ
gollidiiɓe am ina mbonnita luumo Designation: 3, dh. Noun. oreillons; mumps.
am, sabo iɓ
iɓe mbi'a fellere wonnde e hoore Catégorie : Maladie. epidemic parotitis. Note :
nagge am nde wooɗ
wooɗaa. Le marchand de Gourmanche ***: tampaliila, bagana jeeni,
bétail a dissuadé les gens de faire des affaires hawdaƴƴ
ƴƴe, mboka; synonyms: bagana jeeni,
avec moi. The cattle merchants I work with hawdaƴƴ
ƴƴe, tampaliila. Dialects: G.
talk people out of doing business with me
because they say the spot on my cow's head is bonude Noun Form of Infinitive: bonugol.
bad. ***: accitinde, waylitinde; Participles: sing: bonɗo plur: bonɓe or
compare: accitinde, waylitinde. Dialects: J. bomɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant
Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
bonnjol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Progressive: st (people or animal)/prg
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
(things not alive). Verb. 1 • être mauvais, faire
Noun: bonnji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. du mal, être méchant; bad (to be); evil (to be);
espèce de plante; kind of annual plant.
evil (to do). ***: malal, wurjude,
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Sida
fankorɗinde; synonyms: fankorɗ
cordifolia. Dialects: J.
laalaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: bonnugol.
Participles: sing: bonnuɗo-bonnoowo plur:
bonnuɓe-bonnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • rompre, ruiner, détruire, abîme, gâter,
dégrader; destroy; break; damage; ruin.
***: wurjinde, si'ude, huuwude, hanyude,
joorude, suulude
suulude, heltaade, helude;
synonyms: helude, heltude, heltaade,
wurjinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 46
boobiliyal boogaahi
2 • être brisé, cassé, gâte; spoiled; broken.
boofagal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
Yuusufi wi'ii nde fintunoo hannden tawii
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. femme avant
montoro muuɗ
muuɗum bonii, fay gooto l'accouchement (figuratif); used fig. of a
meemaay ɗum. Yussufi a dit que lorsqu'il women close to giving birth; Maani hootii
s'est levé, sa montre était gâtée / cassée.
boofagal. Elle est rentrée à la maison de sa
Yuusufi said when he woke up today that his
mère avant l’accouchent. She has gone home
watch was broken, no one had touched it.
[to her mother's] to sit on her eggs.
when things break spontaniously they refer to
them as boni, but when someone or something ***: woofaade, unndaade;
breaks something then they refer to it as compare: woofaade, unndaade.
bonnaama. compare: malal; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: wurjude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. boofal Noun. erreur, faute; mistake; error.
boobiliyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ***: juumre. Dialectal Forms: boofi.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of boofi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Noun: boobiliije. Sorting Designation: 4, mi. Designation: 2, th. Noun. fautes, erreurs,
Noun. une petite flûte fait de tige de mil; flute bavures, péchés; sins; errors; mistakes.
made of millet stalk. Catégorie : Instrument de
Dialectal Forms: boofal, boofol.
musique. ***: duuliyaaru, seeseeru,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sereendu, dullaaru; synonyms: dullaaru,
duuliyaaru, sereendu. Dialectal Forms: [G] boofogol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
boobal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: boofooli. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
booca Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Noun. 1 • espace entre les mâchoires;
Designation: 3, da. Noun. peste bovine; inter-mandibular space. ***: bohogol,
rinderpest. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
hibborde, bohogol; synonyms: bohogol.
synonyms: caara2. Dialects: G.
Dialects: G,M.
boodi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number 2 • morceau de poitrine d'un animal; brisket of
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of an animal. synonyms: bohogol, hibborde.
Noun: boodaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: G,M.
espèce de veste, veston, habit de jeune berger;
jacket the young shepherds wear. Catégorie boofol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
: Vêtement. synonyms: barkari1, boolaare; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
***: boolaare, barkari1; compare: seedere. Noun: boofi. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
faute, erreur, bavure, péché; mistake; error;
Dialects: J.
sin. Boofol gootol tan taykiimi ley haala
boodude Noun Form of Infinitive: boodugol. maa. J'ai remarqué un seul erreur dans ce que
Participles: sing: booduɗo-boodoowo plur: tu as dit. I only noticed one mistake in what
booduɓe-boodooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. you said. Boofi ɗiɗi ngoni ley binndi maa ɗi.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Il y en a deux fautes dans ta rédaction. There
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. colorer en are two mistakes in this writing of yours.
jaune, teindre jaune; dye yellow. generally the plural form is used.
***: ɓawlinde, boolude, oolɗoolɗinde, synonyms: woofannde, woowre;
noonude, wojjinde, suuwude, rawninde; ***: woowre, laru, woofannde. Dialectal
synonyms: boolude, noonude, oolɗ oolɗinde; Forms: boofal, boofi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɓawlinde, rawninde, wojjinde, boofotoro Noun. gâteau à base de blé; cake made of
ƴakkinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wheat. Catégorie : Nourriture.
boogaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
Noun: boogaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. kapokier rouge; red kapok tree; kapok
tree (red). Bombax costatum.
synonyms: kuruyi, mboogaahi;
***: mboogaahi, kuruyi. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 47
boogirɗe borborngal

boogirɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. pierre booroboorongal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
ponce (utilisé pour blanchir des calebasses); plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
pumice stones. Dialects: J,Y,M. Plural Form of Noun: booroboorooɗe. Sorting
boogu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number Designation: 3, in. Noun. espèce de coléoptère
qui cause des ampoules; blister beetle.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Insecte. Psalodolytta fusca.
Noun: booguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
***: borborngal; synonyms: borborngal.
Noun. travail commun (les voisins viennent
Dialectal Forms: [J] boorboorngal. Dialects: J.
aider au travail); work bee. ***: demilal;
synonyms: demilal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. boortugol Noun. avortement; abortion, miscarriage.
boolaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Wurti-
Wurti-lawagol ɓinndoore, saabaangol maa
ngol saabaaka, illa wakkati mum yonaay
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: saamugol -reedu; synonyms: ficcugol.
of Noun: boolaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
espèce de veste de berger; garment or jacket of boosu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
shepherds. Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: boodi, Designation: 4. Noun. cendres de certain
barkari1; compare: seedere; espèces de bois utilisé pour faire enlever les
synonyms: barkari1, boodi. Dialects: Y,G,M. poils de peau d'animal; ashes from certain
kinds of wood used to remove the hair from
boololol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. hides. ***: ndoondi; compare: ndoondi.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: boolooli. Sorting Designation: 4, pl.
Noun. nénuphar; water lily. Catégorie : Herbes, bootooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
plantes grimpantes. Nymphaea lotus. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
***: guylaare, timbooriire, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, of Noun: bootooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
guynaare, gawriyel, daamarawol, sac; sack; bag. Catégorie : Récipient.
ngommbiire, tammere, kuttukuruutol, ***: bokkasaare, caaku, saakuuru;
kukkuturuutu; compare: kukkuturuutu, compare: bokkasaare, gafakka, gempeere,
kuttukuruutol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, tammere, mbasu; synonyms: caaku, saakuuru.
ngommbiire, timbooriire; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: daamarawol, guylaare. boowka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 4. Noun. familiarité; familiarity.
booltude Noun Form of Infinitive: booltugol. Sorting synonyms: mboowka; ***: mboowka.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or Dialects: G.
Progressive: prg. Verb. beugler, mugir (utilisé booyoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
seulement pour bovines); bellow.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
***: oonude, huunude; compare: huunude;
Noun: booyooje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: oonude. Dialects: G. une natte tressée et épaisse de paille (utilisé
boolude Noun Form of Infinitive: boolugol. pour couvrir une maison ou un hangar); grass
Participles: sing: booluɗo-booloowo plur:
mat (thick woven). synonyms: deŋ
sekko; ***: ommboogo, deŋ deŋeleewo, sekko;
booluɓe-boolooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
compare: ommboogo, sanyude, selselnde,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb
sooɓo, ƴommbeewo. Dialects: Y,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. colorer ou
teindre jaune; dye yellow. compare: ɓawlinde, borborngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
rawninde, wojjinde; synonyms: boodude, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
noonude, oolɗ
oolɗinde; ***: boodude, Noun: borborɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
oolɗinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun. espèce de coléoptère qui secrète de la
cantharide; blister beetle. Catégorie : Insecte.
boopol synonyme: goopol binndol. Noun. faute Psalodolytta fusca.
d’orthographe; spelling mistake. Catégorie synonyms: booroboorongal;
: Lecture / écriture.
***: booroboorongal. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 48
borbortude boygel

borbortude Noun Form of Infinitive: borbortugol. boroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: borbortuɗo-borbortoowo Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: borbortuɓe-borbortooɓe. Sorting of Noun: borooje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. tortue; turtle. Catégorie : Reptile.
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: amre, huunyaare; ***: amre,
Verb. crier / hurler en colère sans écouter; huunyaare, kunkiriire, kuriire;
shout or yell in anger without listening. synonyms: kunkiriire, kuriire. Dialects: J.
synonyms: felɓ
felɓude, hitaade, jawude,
boroosi nyiiƴ
nyiiƴe Noun. brosse à dents; toothbrush.
tannyaade; ***: jawude, jawande, felɓ felɓude,
Catégorie : En bonne santé, Outil.
tannyaade, hitaade, dukande;
compare: ɓernude, tikkude. Dialects: J,Y,M. bortel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
bordi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
Noun: mbortoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Designation: mt; 3. Noun. pus; pus. Catégorie Noun. agneau femelle; female lamb; lamb
: Maladie. ***: mbordi; synonyms: mbordi. (female). Catégorie : Mammifère.
Dialects: G. ***: njawdiri, mbaalu, jawgel, mbortu,
borgaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. mbaala, jawdiri, bortu; synonyms: bortu,
mbortu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: borgaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. bortu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Noun. céphalophe à flanc roux ou céphalophe Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
de Grimm; Duiker. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Noun: borti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
Cephalophus grimmia. ***: hanfurde, agneau femelle; female lamb; lamb (female).
joboore, jabaare, hampurde; ***: bortel, mbortu; synonyms: bortel,
compare: jabaare, joboore; mbortu. Dialects: G.
synonyms: hanfurde, hampurde. Dialects: M.
bose Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
boroɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: boroɗingol. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. python des rochers;
Participles: sing: boroɗinɗo plur: boroɗinɓe. pythons (rock or African). Catégorie : Reptile.
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or ***: ngoola. Dialects: Y.
Progressive: st - imo boroɗi. Verb. 1 • être
boyɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
avide et égoïste ; greedy and selfish.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: woroɗ
woroɗinde, heedorɗ
heedorɗinde, heccorɗ
Noun: woyɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
ɗalude, eelude, jooteede, himmeede,
estropié d'une jambe, personne boiteux d'une
jooteede; synonyms: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, jambe; lame in one leg (person). Catégorie
heedorɗinde, woroɗ
woroɗinde. Dialects: G. : Maladie. compare: bonnguujo, pooreejo;
2 • être avare, ne pas aimer à donner; miserly synonyms: woyɗ
woyɗuɗo; ***: bonnguujo,
(to be); stingy. synonyms: jooteede, pooreejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
woroɗinde, yoorude. Dialects: G.
boygal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
boronndi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • mélange entre Noun: [J] boyɗe/[Y] boyge/[G,M] boyle.
avarice et jalousie, envie, n'aime pas voir que
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • petite figure en
d'autres sont bénis; greed and jealousy; envy.
argile; clay figure. ***: kusuwal.
***: keccoraaku, worolde, eelgal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mboronndi, joote, himme, kiram,
2 • pipe en argile; pipe for smoking tobacco.
wanyanere. Dialects: G.
compare: mahude; synonyms: kusuwal.
2 • mesquinerie; stinginess. compare: haahaa,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haanɗere, keccoraaku
keccoraaku, rawaandaaku;
synonyms: eelgal, himme, joote, keccoraaku, boygel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting
kiram, mboronndi, worolde. Dialects: G. Designation: 4. Noun. brume, brouillard; fog;
mist. Catégorie : Temps. synonyms: daambol,
borooɗo adj. avare, égoïste; mean with money;
kundukunndu, sollungo; ***: sawawre,
selfish; egoistic; miserly. Dialectal
saawandere, sollungo, kundukunndu;
Forms: boroɗinɗo.
compare: saawandere, sawawre. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 49
boygoyel bugudunndi

boygoyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. bufinɗ

bufinɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: boygohoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun: wufinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. un
Noun. chevreau; kid. compare: ɓotel, petit enfant qui est rondelet, potelé, replet;
damngel, danngel, ginnduyel. Dialects: M. chubby; pudgy. compare: wufinde;
***: kaltuɗ
kaltuɗo; synonyms: kaltuɗ
boyli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. puits profonds; deep
wells; wells (deep). ***: goyli; bugaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bugagol.
synonyms: goyli. Dialects: Y,G. Participles: sing: bugiiɗo-bugotooɗo plur:
bugiiɓe-bugotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
bu'ugol Noun. défécation; defecation. Wurtinirngol
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
coɓe e bunna synonyms: si'ugol;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • jeter,
***: rubbitingol, hanyugol. projeter, lancer quelque chose; toss
bubbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting something; throw something. Note : mooré
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. gerbes d'herbe; ***: remude, weddaade, ŋoosude, linnude,
sheaves of grass. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes bakkaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, limnude, wiirnude;
grimpantes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗude, limnude, linnude,
weddaade, wiirnude. Dialects: Y,G.
bubbinirgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
2 • la première culture; first cultivation. Note :
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
mooré compare: aranal, hiinko, joobu,
Noun: bubbinirɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • ruisselet d'eau; rivulet of water. Catégorie mbugiri; synonyms: ŋoosude, remude.
: Eau. ***: dogginirgol, ilaa'irgol, ceekoy, Dialects: M.
celol, gooruwol; synonyms: dogginirgol, bugu Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très bonne
ilaa'irgol. Dialects: Y. odeur; smells very good. Ɗum na uuri
uuri bugu.
2 • courant d'eau; stream of water. Cela a une très bonne odeur. That really
synonyms: ceekoy, celol, gooruwol. Dialectal smells nice. compare: uurude; ***: buy, gusa,
Forms: [M] bubbirgol. Dialects: Y. uur; synonyms: gusa, buy, uur. Dialects: G.

bubbirgel ndiyam Noun. gargoulette; water jug. bugudara Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Récipient. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
bubbol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Noun: bugudaraaji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. zorille; skunk; polecat. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
: Mammifère. Ictonyx striatus. Dialectal
Noun: bubbi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Forms: [Y] bugudari. Dialects: J.
1 • courant; stream. Catégorie : Eau.
***: taaliwol, gammbuwol, fiiliwol, ceekoy, bugudullu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
celol, gooruwol; synonyms: ceekoy, celol, Designation: 4. Noun. suie; soot.
gooruwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: dankamma, ƴulndi; ***: ƴulndi,
2 • filet de pêche; fishing net. Catégorie : Outil. dankamma. Dialectal Forms: [J] bugununu,
synonyms: fiiliwol, gammbuwol, taaliwol. bugudunndi. Dialects: Y,G.
Dialects: J. bugudunndi Noun. suie; soot. Dialectal
buɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: buɗugol. Sorting Forms: bugudullu.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. fumer; smoke. Mi yehii sera wuro de mi
yi'ii yiite na buɗ
buɗa faa yeeso. I went out of the
village and I saw a fire smoking on ahead.
***: buykude. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 50
buguuru bumɗo

buguuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. bukoojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: buguuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: bukooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
case en paille, hutte; grass hut; hut (grass). Noun. docteur qui utilise la sorcellerie,
Catégorie : Bâtiment. synonyms: huɗ
huɗooru, guérisseur traditionnel, démoniaque; witch
sukkuuru, suudu1; ***: sukkuuru, doctor; demoniac. synonyms: gimmaajo;
winndeeru, bonngooru, worwordu, hukum, ***: gimmaajo. Dialects: J,M.
wortaldu, huɗ
huɗooru, nyallirdu, benal1, bulaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
bokkuɗooru, garuwal, suudu1; Designation: 3, cs. Noun. botte de mil, grappe
compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, bonngooru, garuwal, de mil, faisceau de mil, gerbe de mil; bundles
hukum, kunnguuru, kuurgal, loofeeru, of millet. ***: guppere. Dialects: J.
winndeeru, worwordu. Dialects: J,Y.
bulabula Sorting Designation: 2. adj. bleu; blue. Note :
bukki Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting français compare: bulɗ
bulɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. bouquet de quelque
bulbakka Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Number One
chose, boule de coton; balls of raw cotton;
for this noun: wooto. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
bunches of something. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. 1 • espèce de plante, utilisé pour des
bukkooru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi. sauces; This annual plant grows in moist soil
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form and is very appetizing. The leaves are used to
make sauce. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
of Noun: bukkooji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
grimpantes. Corchorus fascicularis, . Note :
Noun. tam-tam en calebasse; drum made of a
calabash. Catégorie : Instrument de musique. mooré ***: fakuho. Dialects: J,M.
2 • espèce de plante; An appetizing annual
***: kurkutu; synonyms: kurkutu. Dialects: G.
plant found along river beds. Corchorus
bukkude1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. olitorius. Note : mooré Dialects: J,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 3 • espèce de plante; An annual plant found in
of Noun: bukkuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. sandy sahelian soil. Corchorus tridens. Note :
Noun. le bout d'une queue; tip of the tail. mooré synonyms: fakuho. Dialects: J,M.
***: duufude, sokkude, burkitaade,
bulɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: bulɗugol.
fiitaade, bumpitaade, sammeere,
Participles: sing: bulɗuɗo (state)-bulɗoowo
bumpude; synonyms: sammeere. Dialects: M.
(becoming) plur: bulɗuɓe-bulɗooɓe.
bukkude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: bukkugol. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: bukkuɗo-bukkoo plur: Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or
bukkuɓe-bukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bleu; to be blue.
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Note : français ***: bulabula. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. la
troisième fois de piler/moudre le mil pour
bullal Plural Form of Noun: bulle. Noun. épine; thorn.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
obtenir de la farine; the third pounding of
millet into flour; [Y] forth pounding. plante. synonyms: gi'al.
synonyms: burkitaade, sottude, duufude, bulsuɗ
bulsuɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
fiitaade; compare: bumpitaade, bumpude, Designation: 3, at. Noun. poumons; lungs.
duufude, fiitaade, sokkude, sokkitaade. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: G.
bumbu adj. entier; whole.
bukooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
bumɗam Noun. cécité; blindness. Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 4, th. Noun. espèce de danse;
dance (kind). synonyms: bokkooji; bumɗ
bumɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
***: bokkooji. Dialects: J,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: wumɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. un aveugle; blind person. Catégorie : La
Personne. ***: nundeede, niijeede;
compare: wumude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 51
bumndam burkitaade

bumndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting burɓ

burɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: burɓugol.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. cécité, aveuglement; Participles: sing: burɓuɗo-burɓoowo plur:
blindness. Catégorie : Maladie. burɓuɓe-burɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
synonyms: mbumndam; ***: mbumndam. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
Dialects: G. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
bumpitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: bumpitagol. poignarder (avec un couteau), tordre, piquer
(avec aiguille); stab (as with a knife); skew (as
Participles: sing: bumpitiiɗo-bumpitotooɗo with a stake); prick (as with a needle).
plur: bumpitiiɓe-bumpitotooɓe. Sorting synonyms: yuwude; ***: yuwude.
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. la septième et dernière fois de piler burɓ
burɓuta Plural Form of Noun: mburɓuti . Noun. têtard;
/écraser le mil pour obtenir de la farine; the tadpole. Catégorie : Amphibien.
seventh and final pounding of millet into flour. Burdaani Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
***: sokkude, unude, bukkude2, duufude,
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
bumpude, burkitaade;
Noun: Burdaani'en. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
synonyms: burkitaade; compare: bukkude1, Noun. un Touareg; Tamajeq; Tuareg. Catégorie
bumpude, duufude, fiitaade, sokkude, : Communauté. synonyms: Cappaato,
sokkitaade, sottude. Dialects: J. Laarabuujo, Tooreg; ***: Laarabuujo,
bumpude Noun Form of Infinitive: bumpugol. Tooreg, Cappaato. Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: bumpuɗo-bumpoowo burgu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
plur: bumpuɓe-bumpooɓe. Sorting One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form of
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in Noun: burguuji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Noun. espèce d'herbe, les grains peuvent être
Verb. la cinquième fois de piler/écraser le mil; utilisés pour faire du couscous; A perennial
the fifth pounding of millet into flour; in Sebba grass found growing in the lakes. Catégorie
this is called "tokkiti bukke". ***: sokkude, : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Echinochloa
burkitaade, unude, bumpitaade, bukkude2, stagnina. Dialects: J,Y,M.
duufude; compare: bukkude1, burkitaade, burguuho Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting
bumpitaade, duufude, fiitaade, sokkude, Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce d'herbe; A
sokkitaade, sottude. Dialects: J. common perennial grass found in sandy;
swampy areas. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting grimpantes. Oryza barthii & O.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. poumons; lungs.
longistaminata. ***: maaro-
maaro-pooli, maaro,
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,M.
dimpo, sattiyo; synonyms: dimpo,
ƴƴere Plural Form of Noun: bumpuƴƴe. maaro-
maaro-pooli, sattiyo. Dialects: Y,M.
synonyme: bumsunga, kuufal, buucal. Noun. burkitaade
burkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: burkitagol.
poumon; lung. Catégorie : Le corps.
Participles: sing: burkitiiɗo-burkitotooɗo
***: kuufal, bumsunga.
plur: burkitiiɓe-burkitotooɓe. Sorting
bumsunga Plural Form of Noun: bumsunɗe. Noun. Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
poumon; lung. Catégorie : Le corps. Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: kuufal; synonyms: wulsundere, kuufe, Verb. 1 • la troisième et dernière fois de piler
ƴƴere. /écraser le mil pour obtenir la farine; the third
and final pounding of millet flour.
bundure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: bukkude2, sottude, sokkude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
bumpitaade, unude, duufude, bumpude;
of Noun: bundureeje. Sorting Designation: pl.
synonyms: bukkude1, sottude. Dialects: M.
Noun. espèce de plante; An annual plant found
in river beds and damp fallow land. Catégorie 2 • le septième et dernier fois de piler ou
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Hyptis écraser; the seventh and final pounding.
spicigera. Dialects: G. compare: bumpude, duufude, fiitaade,
sokkude, sokkitaade;
bunna synonyme: moddu, fottooru. Noun. anus; anus.
synonyms: bumpitaade. Dialects: J.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: moddu, fottooru.

16/02/2020 52
burri buubabaheeru

burri Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Busankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Noun. langue bissa; Bissa
Noun: burre. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. language. synonyms: Lenyaare. Dialects: J,M.
espèce d'arbuste épineux; kind of thorn bush.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
butaali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dichrostachys cinerea. Dialectal Forms: [M] Designation: 3, cs. Noun. têtes de mil; heads of
millet. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
mburli. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d’une plante. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
buruugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
butal Noun. bouteille; bottle. Note : français Dialectal
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Forms: butel.
Noun: buruuɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Noun. bâtonnet avec une croix attaché au bout butel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
pour remuer ou pour mélanger des liquides; Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
stick with a cross piece attached. Catégorie
Noun: butoy. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
: Outil. compare: helafittaahi, mburuuki, bouteille en ver ou jarre; glass bottle; jar.
wurwude; ***: buruugay, mburuuki, Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français
helafittaahi. Dialectal Forms: [J,G] burwirgal. compare: butilaawa, faandu1, mbutilaawa;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: paalel, mbutilaawa, luuluwal,
buruugay Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. butilaawa; synonyms: luuluwal, paalel.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Dialectal Forms: butal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: buruugaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. butilaawa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of tree. Catégorie Number One for this noun: (n)goota. Plural Form
: Buissons, arbustes. Feretia apodanthera.
of Noun: butilaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
synonyms: helafittaahi, mburuuki; cruche ou large bouteille; jug; glass bottle
***: mburuuki, helafittaahi; (large). Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français
compare: buruugal, wurwude. Dialects: G. synonyms: faandu1, luuluwal, mbutilaawa;
buruutu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. ***: butel, mbutilaawa, paalel, faandu1,
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of luuluwal; compare: butel, paalel. Dialects: G.
Noun: buruuti. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. butt adj. gros; large. butt (-
(-um) Catégorie
Noun. ver de Guinée; Guinea worm. Catégorie : Mathématique.
: Animaux inférieurs. Dracunculus
butum Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • être très mou
medinensis. ***: mburuutu;
ou doux; soft (very). synonyms: ɓeta, ɓati,
synonyms: mburuutu. Dialects: G.
doli, legi, lesa, leti; ***: yoti, doli, yutum,
burwetti Noun. brouette; wheelbarrow. Note : français doli. Dialects: G.
busal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. 2 • écrasé finement; very finely ground. Unaa
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of faa ɗigga butum Écrase la farine jusqu'à ce
Noun: buse. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. qu'elle est très fine. Grind it [flour] until it is
cuisse, gigot; thigh. Catégorie : Le corps. really fine. compare: ɓoosiɗ
oosiɗinde, neke,
***: asangal; synonyms: asangal. mugu, waggiɗ
waggiɗinde; synonyms: doli, yoti,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yutum. Dialects: G.

busam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting buubabaheeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur:
Designation: 3, at. synonyme: mullam. Noun. ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
moelle de l'os; bone marrow. Catégorie : Le Form of Noun: buubabaheeji. Sorting
corps. ***: goofoondi, mbusam, mullam; Designation: 4, or. Noun. tourterelle masque de
synonyms: goofoondi, mbusam. Dialects: G. fer; dove (long-tailed). Catégorie : Oiseau.
Busanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Oena capensis. synonyms: lohuru, lokel,
santingaaru, wersawersaandu;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: santingaaru. Dialects: M.
Noun: Busankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
Noun. personne de l’ethnie bissa; Bissa - ethnic
group. Catégorie : Communauté. Note : Bissa
synonyms: Lenyaajo; ***: Lenyaajo.
Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 53
buubel demoowo buulol jahaangol

buubel demoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel buuɗ

buuɗi laamu gollitirɗ
gollitirɗi expression. dépenses
plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. publiques; government spending, public
Plural Form of Noun: mbuuboy remooɓe.
spending. Catégorie : Argent, Gouvernement,
Sorting Designation: 5, in. Noun. espèce de
mouche; sweat fly; fly (kind of). Catégorie buuɗ
buuɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
: Insecte. ***: buubu, mbuubuudu, Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
njabbattu, buubuuda, mbuubu, nyabbattu; Noun: buuɗi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
compare: njabbattu, nyaaku, mbuuluulu, pièce de 5 francs CFA; money of the smallest
urkeewu. Dialectal Forms: [Y] buubel aawre. denomination. Catégorie : Argent.
Dialects: J. compare: jawdi, daliili, baawɗ
baawɗe, mbecca;
***: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu; synonyms: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, ceede,
buubi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
kaalisi. Dialects: G.
Designation: 2, in. Noun. mouches; flies.
Catégorie : Insecte. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
buuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: buuɗugol.
Participles: sing: buuɗuɗo-buuɗoo plur:
buubu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. buuɗuɓe-buuɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb.
Noun: buubi. Sorting Designation: 2, in. Noun.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. griller ou
mouche; fly. Catégorie : Insecte. rôtir dans des cendres chaudes; roast in hot
synonyms: mbuubu, buubel demoowo;
ashes. ***: wuuɗ
wuuɗude, darnude, sa'ude,
***: mbuubu. Dialects: G.
defude, nyaanyude, duppude, juɗ juɗude;
buubuuda Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi. compare: defude, darnude, duppude,
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form juɗ
juɗude, ŋaancude; synonyms: nyaanyude,
of Noun: buubuudaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, sa'ude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude. Dialects: Y.
in. Noun. espèce de guêpe; wasp (mud dauber). buufinirgal Noun. poire à purger, à lavement; bulb
Catégorie : Insecte. Vispidae Euneninae. syringe.
compare: benngaare, buubel demoowo,
nyaaku, mbuuluulu, urkeewu;
buugaali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
***: mbuubuudu; synonyms: mbuubuudu, Designation: 2, or. Noun. colombes,
tourterelles; doves. Catégorie : Oiseau.
njabbattu, nyabbattu. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
buudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o/ndu-all four
buuji Noun. bougie; candle. Note : français
areas like use both markers for this word
plur: ɗi. Number One for this buuli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
noun: gooto/wooturu. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Noun. *; a receding hairline.
Noun: buuduuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ***: teeleende; compare: teeleende.
1 • lignage, généalogie, lignée; genealogy; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lineage. Catégorie : Communauté. Note : mooré
Buulo Noun. prénom masculin ou féminin
***: taariki, dammbe, ƴuwdi, koreeji, sii,
(Signification : le beau, la belle); first name
iri1, mbuuduuri, lenyol, saare. for a male or a female (meaning: beautiful).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Nom.
2 • une race de peuple, ethnie; race of people.
buulol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Note : mooré Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
3 • espèce, sorte; species. Note : mooré
Noun: buuli - this word needs to be
synonyms: iri1, lenyol, koreeji, mbuuduuri,
diferentiated from the word meaning a
saare, sii, taariki, ƴuwdi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
receeding hairline!. Sorting Designation: 4.
buuɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Noun. voyage d'un seul jour, étape, distance;
Designation: 1. Noun. argent, monnaie; money. trip of a single day; stage; distance.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: beerka, mbeerka, jahaangal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
buuɗi gaɗ
iraaɗi ɗereeji Noun. billet (argent) ;
banknote. Catégorie : Argent. buulol jahaangol expression. distance parcourue;
synonyms: kayitol kaalis. distance travelled, distance covered. Catégorie
: Voyager, Mathématique.

16/02/2020 54
buuluulu buykaade

buuluulu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. buutorgel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngootel. Plural Form
Noun: buuluuli. Sorting Designation: 5, in. of Noun: mbuutorkoy. Sorting Designation: 3,
Noun. espèce d'abeille (fait du miel dans un dh, da. Noun. bouton sur la paupière; pimple
trou d'arbre); bee (wax-tunnel). Catégorie on the eye lid. ***: moontorgel, ɓiirorgel,
: Insecte. ***: mbuuluulu;
ɓuure; synonyms: ɓuure, ɓiirorgel,
synonyms: mbuuluulu. Dialects: G.
moontorgel. Dialects: J,Y.
buurɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting buuwaangol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Designation: 2. Noun. balaie; broom. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
: Outil. ***: piisirɗ
piisirɗi; compare: wuuwude; Noun: buuwaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
synonyms: piisirɗ
piisirɗi, pittirɗ
pittirɗi. Dialectal Forms: [Y] rue, chemin, route; road. ***: balangol,
buuwruɗi. Dialects: Y,G,M.
poocciingol, cuppol, dartiingol, laawol1,
buure nyaw ngu mbuuboy mbonkoy mbedda, bedda; synonyms: balangol, bedda,
caabotoo expression. leishmaniose; laawol1, mbedda; compare: cuppol,
leishmaniasis. Catégorie : Maladie. dartiingol, poocciingol. Dialects: Y,G,M.

buuru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number buuwtorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: buuruuje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: buuwtorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
1 • pain; bread. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Noun. pièce de bois pour nettoyer; piece of
mooré ***: korikoriyaare
korikoriyaare, leeyndu, kuungel, wood. Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: doonyirgal,
njuura, fowru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kaasorgal
kaasorgal; ***: doonyirgal, kaasorgal.
2 • hyène; hyena. Catégorie : Mammifère. Note Dialectal Forms: [G] buuwirgal. Dialects: Y.
: mooré compare: alkama; synonyms: fowru, buy Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • très jaune;
leeyndu, korikoriyaare, kuungel, njuura. yellow (very). ***: bugu, gusa, oolɗ
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] buuruure (nde). uur. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: G,M. 2 • avoir une bonne odeur; scent (have a very
buuru maasa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. nice). Ɗum na uuri buy. Cela a une très
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of bonne odeur. That really smells nice.
Noun: buuruuje maasa. Sorting Designation: 2, synonyms: bugu, gusa, uur;
ct. Noun. boules de pain frites; fried bread compare: oolɗ
oolɗude. Dialects: Y.
balls. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : mooré buyakkaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
buuse Plural Form of Noun: ɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, Noun: buyakkaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
da. Noun. pleuropneumonie bovine Noun. goyavier; guava tree. Catégorie
contagieuse; contagious bovine : Buissons, arbustes. Psidium guajava. Note
pleuropneumonia. Catégorie : Maladie : mooré synonyms: goyaagaahi, mbuyakkaahi;
d'animaux. ***: puuɗ
puuɗel, becce1; ***: goyaagaahi, mbuyakkaahi. Dialects: M.
synonyms: becce1, puuɗ
puuɗel. Dialects: Y. buyakkaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
buuta Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of of Noun: buyakkaaje. Sorting Designation: 3,
Noun: buutaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. cs. Noun. goyave; guava fruit. Catégorie
théière en plastique pour faire des ablutions; : Nourriture. Note : mooré
the plastic "teapot" they carry around in order compare: mbuyakkaahi; ***: goyaagaare;
to do their ablutions. Catégorie : Récipient. synonyms: goyaagaare. Dialects: J,M.
Note : Hausa ***: satalla; compare: barraadu;
buykaade Verb. diffamer; defame. Catégorie
synonyms: satalla. Dialects: G,M.
: Juridique. synonyms: haasidaade,
buutol Noun. cache-sexe; G-string. waddundurde.

16/02/2020 55
buykeede caarol

buykeede Noun Form of Infinitive: buykegol. buykude Noun Form of Infinitive: buykugol.
Participles: sing: buykaaɗo-buyketeeɗo Participles: sing: buykoowo plur: buykooɓe.
plur: buykaaɓe-buyketeeɓe. Sorting Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: b/mb. Verb Stative or Verb. 1 • porter plainte, se plaindre, critiquer,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. on a porte plainte
râler; find fault; grumble; complain; critical
contre; complained about. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. (be). ***: wuykude, sefaade, yeensaade,
ŋormaade; synonyms: ŋormaade,
buykol Noun. diffamation; defamation. ŋurŋ
urŋurtude, sefaade, waccaade, woytaade,
synonyms: haasidaare. yeensaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • fumer; smoke. synonyms: buɗ
buɗude. Dialectal
Forms: [Y] buytaade. Dialects: J.

bƴuwoonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: ƴuwoole. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
pluie; rain. Catégorie : Temps.
compare: ndunngu, gataaje; synonyms: miso,
ƴoonde. Dialects: J,Y,M.

C - c

caabeeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting caaku Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 2. Noun. cimetière (lit. tombeaux); One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
graves; graveyard; cemetery. compare: uwirde. Noun: caakuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,M. sac; sack; bag. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
français synonyms: bootooru, saakuuru;
caacaa Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: saakuuru, bootooru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: caacaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or. caanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: caanagol. Sorting
Noun. rollier d'Abyssinie; Abyssinian roller. Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Oiseau. Coracias abyssinica. Progressive: prg. Verb. jeter quelqu'un de son
synonyms: hamma keekawal; ***: hamma dos (utilisé par ex. d'un cheval); to throw or
keekawal. Dialects: Y. buck someone off of your back; generally used
of unbroken horses. ***: tuuɗ
caahiiɗo adj. sérieux, travailleur, notable;
ɗɗaade, sowaade; synonyms: sowaade,
hardworking; serious. ***: tedduɗ
ɗɗude, tuuɗ
tuuɗude, weɗɗ
ɗɗaade. Dialects: Y,G.
caahu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
caara1 Noun. choléra, diarrhée; cholera; diarrhoea.
Designation: 3. Noun. hospitalité, respect; Catégorie : Maladie.
respect; hospitality. ***: saahaade;
compare: saahaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
caara2 Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 3, da. Noun. peste bovine;
caahu2 Noun. le fait d’être sérieux, travailleur; being rinderpest. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
serious, being hardworking. ***: booca. Dialects: J,Y,M.
caahu3 Noun. valeur; value. synonyms: darja. caarol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
caahuuji yimɓ
yimɓe ajal expression. valeurs Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
ancestrales; ancestral values. Noun: caari. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
diarrhée; diarrhea. Catégorie : Maladie.
caaju Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
***: cartol, reedu; synonyms: cartol.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: caaji. Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Noun.
cheval avec du blanc au front; horse with a
white blaze on its forehead. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 56
caasorgal cak

caasorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. cabijam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Designation: 3, th. Noun. vin fait des fruits du
Noun: caasorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. «Lannea»; wine made from the fruits of the
peigne; comb. Catégorie : Outil. Note : mooré Lannea acida/microcarpa trees. Catégorie
***: cancorgal, kaasorgal; : Nourriture. ***: pegujam, falfajam;
synonyms: cancorgal, kaasorgal. Dialects: J,M. synonyms: falfajam, pegujam.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
caatagol Noun. correction ; correction . Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. caɓɓ
ɓɓurli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
caattaade Noun Form of Infinitive: caattagol.
Noun: caɓɓurle. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Participles: sing: caattiiɗo-caattotooɗo plur:
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub.
caattiiɓe-caattotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Ximenia
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. americana. Dialectal Forms: [J] caɓɓurri, [G]
attraper par la tête et la tourner (souvent
caɓɓulli. Dialects: J,Y,M.
utilisé pour tenir des bœufs); to grab a hold of
the head and twist it; the usual way of holding caccuɗ
caccuɗi-burgal Noun. croix (ligne); cross (line).
a cow. ***: ŋeemaade, saggaade, ŋoorude, Catégorie : Mathématique.
ɓoylude; compare: ɓoylude;
caddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. Number
synonyms: ŋeemaade, saggaade. Dialects: Y.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
caayol synonyme: suurtugol, reetugol . Noun. Noun: calle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
évaporation; evaporation. ***: suurtugol, espèce de terrain large avec du sol avec du
gravier; a large area with gravelly soil; has
small hillocks of gravel. Catégorie : Terre.
cabbam synonyme: oytere, kuɓɓu. Noun. sueur; ***: kollangal, karawal, saggo;
sweat. ***: oytere; synonyms: guli, nguli, compare: karawal, kollangal;
kaamu. synonyms: saggo. Dialects: J.
cabbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cafaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. bâton de berger; Designation: 2, mt. Noun. médicaments,
shepherd's staffs. Catégorie : Outil. remèdes; medicines. Catégorie : Traitement de
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. la maladie. Dialects: J,Y,M.
cabbi becce Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cafaaje cakkorɗ
cakkorɗe ndimu moɗ
Designation: 1, at. Noun. côtes; ribs. Catégorie expression. contraceptifs oraux; oral
: Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. contraceptives.

cabgaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting cafaaje puufeteeɗ

puufeteeɗe leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. pesticides;
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. houes avec manche
courte; hoes. Dialects: J. caggal Sorting Designation: 1. prep. 1 • après, ensuite;
cabiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number after; afterward. ***: gaɗ
gaɗa, ɓaawo1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: cabiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 2 • derrière; behind. synonyms: ɓaawo1, gaɗ
espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Arbres. Lannea microcarpa. ***: peguuhi, cagiije Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
falfaahi; compare: mancabiihi, sibiihi; Designation: 4. Noun. corbeilles tissées avec de
synonyms: falfaahi, peguuhi. Dialects: Y,G,M. l'herbe; baskets woven from grass. Catégorie
cabiire Plural Form of Noun: cabiije. : Récipient. Dialects: J.
synonyme: peguure. Noun. raisin; grapes. cak Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. exactement,
***: peguure. précisément, tout juste bon, exactement le
même; exactly the same; just right; precisely.
Pereeje hawrii cak. Il y avait exactement le
bon nombre de briques. There was just the
right number of bricks. ***: fasii, cap, pasii,
kap, fotude, kak; compare: fotude;
synonyms: cap, kak, kap. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 57
cakaawo cancanƴowal

cakaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)go plur: ɗe. caltuki haala synonyme: siijihaala ley ɗemngal
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of gootal. expression. dialecte; dialect. Catégorie
Noun: cakaaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. : Le langage et la pensée.
espèce de longue natte; mat (kind of long). camal Plural Form of Noun: ceme. synonyme: semnde.
***: ƴommbaariya, ficco, ngado, Noun. tendon, biceps; tendon, biceps, muscular
dimbaawo, ƴommbeewo; arm. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: semnde.
synonyms: dimbaawo, ficco, ngado, sekko,
camcammooli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
ƴommbaariya. Dialects: G.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. hérisson avec ventre
cakitiiɗo Noun. le dernier; last (the). blanc; hedgehogs. Catégorie : Mammifère.
cakitte Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: samasammboonde. Dialects: J.

Designation: 3, th. Noun. la fin, conclusion, cami Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
bout, finition; termination; finish; the end; One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
conclusion. Fuɗɗ
ɗɗoode ndunngu ƴuwoonde Noun: came. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
toɓii faa wooɗ
wooɗi de cakitte majjum espèce d'arbuste; A shrub of the Sahel.
woo ɗaay. Au debout de la saison les pluies Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Pterocarpus
étaient bonnes, mais à la fin les pluies étaient lucens. Dialects: J,Y.
insuffisantes. At the beginning of summer the
rains fell very well, but at the end the rains camirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
were poor. Cakitte
Cakitte fesugol am hikka na'i Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ngaraay sanne. A la fin de la campagne de Noun: camirɗe or camruɗe. Sorting
vaccination il n'y avait pas beaucoup de bétail Designation: 4. Noun. battoir pour damer le sol;
qui est venu. At the end of this year's wooden tamper. Catégorie : Outil.
vaccination program not many cows came. synonyms: tappirgal; compare: samude;
Cakitte sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe wuyɓ
wuyɓe ɓe wo ley kasu. Des ***: samude
samude, tappirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enfants qui volent pourraient finir en prison
(un jour). Children who steal will end up in jail cammalal Plural Form of Noun: cammale. Noun.
squelette; skeleton. Catégorie : Parties d’un
[someday]. ***: kattuba, timmoode, kaddi,
hantoode; synonyms: hantoode, kaddi,
kattuba, timmoode. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cammam Plural Form of Noun: caawe.
synonyme: saawoore. Noun. rosée; dew.
calɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Catégorie : Eau. ***: saawoore.
Designation: 3, at, pl. Noun. bourgeons d'un
arbre, joints; shoots on a tree; joints. cammbol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
***: ɓanndu, tergal; synonyms: ɓanndu. Designation: 3, mt. Noun. 1 • jaunisse; icterus;
Dialectal Forms: [M] cali - a joint on a tree. jaundice. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: sawaara,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. oolol. Dialects: J.

callalol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. 2 • hépatite; hepatitis. synonyms: oolol,
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of sawaara. Dialects: J.
Noun: callali. Sorting Designation: 3. cammeeri Noun. épi (de céréale); ear (of cereal).
synonyme: senni, cooɗol, orondirol bamle. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
Noun. 1 • longue chaîne, câble métallique; plante.
chain or metal cable. synonyms: geƴƴ
ƴƴelle; cammingol Noun. élision; elision. Catégorie
***: geƴƴ
ƴƴelle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Lecture / écriture. ***: moɗ
2 • câble électrique, câble de téléphone;
camor Noun. passable; fair. camor (-
(-ɗum) Catégorie
electric or telephone wires. Dialects: M.
: Mathématique.
calle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
cancanƴowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Designation: 4. Noun. petites collines de sol de
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
gravier; hillocks of gravelly soil. Catégorie
Form of Noun: [J,Y,M] cancanƴooje, [G]
: Terre. synonyms: saggo. Dialects: J.
cancanƴuuje. Sorting Designation: 2, in. Noun.
callugol Noun. lac, rivière; lake, river. Catégorie : Eau, araignée; spider. Catégorie : Araignée.
Terre. synonyms: weendu. Dialectal Forms: [M] cancantoowa,
canƴantowal, [G] cancanƴuwa. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 58
cancorgal caral

cancorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. capanɗ

capanɗe Sorting Designation: 1. adj. dizaines; tens.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ***: sappooru. Dialectal Forms: [J] cappanɗe.
Noun: cancorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
peigne, petit instrument pour défaire la
capanɗe joy cinquante, 50; fifty. ***: woygu.
coiffure; comb. ***: sancaade, kaasaade,
kaasorgal, caasorgal
caasorgal; synonyms: caasorgal, capanɗ
capanɗe nay Noun. quarante, 200 Francs CFA;
kaasorgal; compare: kaasaade, sancaade. forty.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. capanɗ
capanɗe tati trente, 30; thirty. ***: woronja.
canjorgol Noun. ceinture; belt. Dialectal capanɗ
capanɗe-jeegom Noun. soixante, 60; sixty.
Forms: kumorgol.
cappaaɗo Noun. tatouage; tattoo. Catégorie : Parure.
canke synonyme: deppaas. Noun. dépense; synonyms: surakaajo, laabuujo.
expenditure. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Cappaato Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
canku lenku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 4. Noun. petit bois, bûchette; that Noun: Safarɓe/Safayɓe. Sorting
which is worthless (an insult); kindling wood.
Designation: 5, cp. Noun. personne de la
Dialectal Forms: [Y] canka lantu, [G] canku Maurétanie, (associé avec les Touarègues);
lanti, [M] cankume,. Dialects: J. Mauritanian; . ***: Burdaani, Laarabuujo,
cankumeesu Noun. brindilles; twigs. Tooreg; synonyms: Burdaani, Laarabuujo,
Tooreg. Dialects: J.
cannyoowo Noun. tisserand; weaver. Catégorie
: Travailleur. cappalo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
cante Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 4. Noun. surnoms; nicknames. Noun: cappalooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
boisson locale fait de sorgho; drink made from
Dialects: J.
boiling sorghum sprouts. Catégorie
canycanyɗowal Plural Form of : Nourriture. Note : Bambara synonyms: bagi,
Noun: canycanyɗooji. Variante: caycayɗowal. doro; ***: doro, bagi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun. araignée; spider. Catégorie : Araignée.
cappinɗo Noun. lépreux; leper. Catégorie : Malade.
***: caycayɗ
capporɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
canyorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. indexes (doigts);
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
index fingers. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: canyorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
métier de tisser; loom. ***: sannyude; capporgel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
compare: sannyude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
canyirgal, [M] cannyorgal. Dialects: J. Noun: capporkoy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • indexe ou une table de matières dans un
canyri Noun. tissage; weaving. livre; index; table of contents in a book.
canyu Verb. structurer; structure, organize. ***: njuyɓ
njuyɓudi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: maadi2. 2 • indication, renseignement, indice; pointer.
synonyms: njuyɓ
njuyɓudi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
caŋale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. porc-épic (pl.); caral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
porcupines. Catégorie : Mammifère. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
***: saŋ
asaŋalde. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: care. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • jugement ou discernement; judgment;
cap Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. exactement,
discernment. Note : arabe ***: ƴoƴude,
précisément; exactly the same; just right;
faamu, anndal, paamu, hiilude, sarude,
precisely. Pereeje hawrii cap. Il y avait
exactement le bon nombre de briques. There haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, hakkillo, ƴoyre. Dialects: J,Y,M.
was just the right number of bricks. ***: fasii, 2 • connaissance relié au discernement;
knowledge especially as it relates to
kap, cak, fotude, kak; synonyms: cak, kak,
discernment. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,M.
kap; compare: fotude. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 59
cardi cayki
3 • ruse, tricherie maline, tromperie,
cawndol Noun. parallèle; parallel. Catégorie
fourberie; cunning deceit. Note : arabe
: Mathématique.
synonyms: anndal, ƴoyre; compare: hakkillo,
faamu, hiilude, paamu, sarude, ƴoƴude. cawpotal Noun. rectangle; rectangle. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
cawraagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
cardi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 3. Noun. tolérance; tolerance.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
***: sawraare; synonyms: sawraade.
Noun: cardiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
argent (métal); silver; silver coins. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cawrirɗ
cawrirɗum synonyme: ko sawrirtee. expression.
action thérapeutique; therapeutic action.
inaaɗo battaare expression. officier
Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie.
ministériel; ministerial officer . Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. cawrooro médecin; doctor. Catégorie : Travailleur.
careteeɗo synonyme: goseteeɗo. justiciable; litigant. ***: lokotoro.

carotooɗo juge; judge. ***: algaali, sariyanke. cawroowo Noun. soigneur, médiateur; mediator.
***: Alla.
cartol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol. Sorting
Designation: 3, da. Noun. diarrhée; diarrhea. cay Sorting Designation: 4, mt. Adverb.
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: caarol; 1 • totalement aveugle; blind. O wumii cay. Il
est complètement aveugle. He is totally blind.
***: caarol, reedu. Dialects: G.
Note : Gourmanche ***: nyar, tarr, mup, dak;
catal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. synonyms: dak, mup. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • être vraiment clair ; to be really light; a
Noun: cate. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, pl. term used of the early morning when there is
Noun. 1 • branche, nouveau bourgeon ou enough light to see clearly; Weetii cay. Note :
branche sans feuilles; shoot or a branch
Gourmanche compare: wumude;
without leaves. ***: liccal, benal2, salndu1.
synonyms: nyar, tarr. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • branche en forme de Y; Y-shaped branch. cayam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
synonyms: benal2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4. Noun. eau de pluie qui vient
d'ailleurs; water that is produced in a rainfall.
3 • faire du cheval sans selle; bare back horse
Catégorie : Eau. ***: toɓ
toɓude, ilam,
riding. synonyms: liccal, salndu1.
mbubbam, sayude
sayude, njunkumajam, ilam;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
compare: funtude, ilam, sayude, toɓtoɓude;
cawcawuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. synonyms: ilam, mbubbam, njunkumajam.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Dialects: J.
of Noun: cawcawuuji. Sorting Designation: 4,
caycayɗowal Plural Form of Noun: caycayɗooji.
or. Noun. tisserand (oiseau); weaver bird.
Noun. araignée; spider. Catégorie : Araignée.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Ploceus velatus.
synonyms: canycanyɗ
***: jumbaliiru, hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, sabboondu,
woyɓoondu, hoobalaaru; compare: hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, caygal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
jumbaliiru, sabboondu; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: hoobalaaru, woyɓ
woyɓoondu. Noun: cayle/cayge. Sorting Designation: 5, or.
Dialects: Y. Noun. espèce d'oie; goose. Catégorie : Oiseau.
Sarkidiornis melanota. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cawgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of cayki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Noun: cawle. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
1 • récipient pour puiser de l'eau; container Noun: cayɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
used to draw water. Catégorie : Récipient. acacia albida; acacia tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
synonyms: fate, lokuure; ***: lokuure, Acacia albida. ***: ngawdi, ŋooraahi, ɓulɓ
lokuwal, pokooru, fate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pattuki, wuumoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • seau d'eau puisé d'un puits; bucket of water
drawn from a well. synonyms: lokuwal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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caytaro ceekol

caytaro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Ceɗɗ

ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: saytarɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: Seɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, cp. Noun.
personne impolie et inhospitalier; rude and pêcheur de l'ethnie Bozo; Bozo fisherman.
inhospitable. ***: bonde needude, Catégorie : La Personne. Dialects: J.
saytorɗinde; compare: saytorɗ
saytorɗinde. Dialectal ceede Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Forms: [J,Y] caytoro. Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 1. Noun. argent, monnaie, cauris,
ceblaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. budget; budget; cowrie shells; money.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Catégorie : Argent. ***: mbecca, becca,
of Noun: ceblaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, kaalisi, buuɗ
buuɗu, jawdi, daliili;
Noun. 1 • daba / houe avec manche courte; hoe synonyms: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, kaalisi; compare: becca,
(short handled). Catégorie : Outil. Note : mooré daliili, jawdi, mbecca. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: sabgaare, yappuriire, dummbaare.
ceedotooɗo Noun. observateur; observer.
Dialects: M.
synonyms: koroowo.
2 • lame métallique de daba /houe; metal head
of a short handled hoe. Note : mooré ceeɗ
ceeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
compare: jabbirgal, jalo, jammbere, One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
kukuruwal; synonyms: dummbaare, Noun: ceeɗuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
sabgaare, yappuriire. Dialects: M. saison sèche, saison chaude (mars à juin); hot
season; dry season. Catégorie : Temps.
ceɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
compare: colte, dabbunde, kakkitorɗ
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ndunngu, ƴaamnde; ***: dabbunde,
Noun: ceɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
ndunngu, korse, keeɗ
keeɗu, ƴaamnde, colte,
écorce d'arbre; bark of a tree. Catégorie
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante. gataaje, dunngu, kakkitorɗ
synonyms: koɓ
koɓalawal1, semre, sewre; synonyms: keeɗ
keeɗu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: semre, sewre, koɓ
koɓalawal1. Dialects: Y,G. ceegaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
ceɓel leɓ
leɓel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of of Noun: ceegaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. perroquet; Senegal parrot; parrot.
Noun: ceɓoy leɓoy. Sorting Designation: 2, pl.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Poicephalus senegalus.
Noun. le sommet d'un arbre; upper tip of a tree.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une synonyms: heegaaru, seeniiru;
plante. synonyms: linngi linngiyel, tingel ***: heegaaru, seeniiru. Dialects: M.
lengel; ***: tingel lengel, linngi linngiyel, ceekal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
tengel lengel. Dialects: J. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ceceena Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number Noun: ceeke. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. bout
de bois ou tige de mil; millet stalk; wood
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
(piece of). compare: seekude; ***: seekude.
Noun: ceceenaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
Noun. beignet de haricot; bean cakes (fried). Dialects: J.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Gourmanche ceeke Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
synonyms: samsa; ***: samsa. Dialects: Y,G.
Designation: 4. Noun. espèce de bois pour le
ceda Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗe. toit; wood for the roof. ***: bersamaaje;
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form synonyms: bersamaaje. Dialects: Y.
of Noun: cedaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or. ceekol1 Noun. frontière, limite; boundary; border.
Noun. aigle; eagle; tawny eagle. Catégorie
Dialectal Forms: ceerol.
: Oiseau. Aquila rapax. ***: siilde, foolde;
synonyms: foolde, kaciiguwa, siilde; ceekol2 Plural Form of Noun: ceeki. synonyme: ceelol,
compare: gabuure. Dialectal Forms: [M] peƴƴol . Variante: ceelol. Noun. fissure; crack,
cedaare. Dialects: M. fissure, division. Ko leydi maa hayre

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ceekoy celem

ceekoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting ceertugol Noun. différence, écart; difference, gap.
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. 1 • abcès derrière Catégorie : Mathématique.
l'oreille ou au cou des petits enfants; abscess cefgal synonyme: ko hawrondirtee. Noun.
behind the ear. Catégorie : Maladie.
constituant; constituent, ingredient.
***: noppi, bubbol, celol, gooruwol,
bubbinirgol, ɓuure, ŋeeru; synonyms: ɓuure, cegaade Noun Form of Infinitive: cegagol.
ŋeeru, noppi. Dialects: Y. Participles: sing: cegiiɗo-cegotooɗo plur:
2 • courant d'eau; stream. Catégorie : Eau. cegiiɓe-cegotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: bubbinirgol
bubbinirgol, bubbol, celol, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
gooruwol. Dialects: G. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper
légèrement, sectionner sans couper
ceeku Noun. rhumatisme; rheumatism. Catégorie entièrement; slice open. ***: heeƴ
: Maladie.
huusude; synonyms: heeƴ
ceelirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. compare: huusude. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
cehe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Noun: ceelirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. ulcération au bout du
outil utilisé pour couper en bandes; tool used
pied; ulcerations on the bottom of a foot.
to cut something into strips. Catégorie : Outil.
Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J.
synonyms: ceelirki; compare: seelude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cekke Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Noun. natte en paille; grass
ceelirki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
mats. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: ceelirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. celaaɗ
celaaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
espèce de couteau; knife used to cut something Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
into strips. Catégorie : Outil. ***: ceelirgal; Noun: selaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
compare: seelude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 1 • jeune classé comme vaurien par sa famille;
a worthless youth whose family has written
ceelol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. him off due to his evil comportment.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of synonyms: kunnganaaɗ
kunnganaaɗo, meereejo;
Noun: ceeli. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. bande ***: kunnganaaɗ
kunnganaaɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G.
de cuir / peau d'animal; strip of animal hide.
2 • veuve, divorcée qui a des difficultés
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. relationnels avec les autres; divorced person;
ceen Noun Class Markers: o/ɗi. Noun. chaîne widow. synonyms: gortaalo
gortaalo. Dialects: J.
(d'arpenteur); chain (surveyor). Catégorie 3 • personne compétente, qualifiée; Of
: Mathématique. someone who is very accomplished they will
ceene Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. dunes de sable;
say; "O wo celaaɗo fey." Dialects: J.
sand dunes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. celɓ
celɓol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗam/ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
ceergal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: [G] celɓam, [M] celɓi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce d'herbe; This
Noun: ceerle. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
annual grass is common in stony soil in the
divorce; divorce. Catégorie : Juridique.
northern savannah. Catégorie : Herbes,
compare: seedude, seerude; ***: seerude, plantes grimpantes. Loudetia togoensis.
seedude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: selɓ
selɓo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ceerndugol Noun. partition; partition. Catégorie celduɗ
celduɗi Noun. routes croisées, carrefour; road
: Mathématique. synonyms: peccugol. crossing; intersection; crossroads; junction.
ceerol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. celem Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très dilué; dilute
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of (to be very). Bita ka na selbi celem! This
Noun: ceeri. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. porridge is very thin! ***: cololoy, selbude;
frontière, limite; boundary; border. synonyms: cololoy; compare: selbude. Dialectal
synonyms: keerol; ***: keerol; Forms: {G,M] celele. Dialects: J,Y,G.
compare: kaddi, kattuba. Dialectal
Forms: ceekol. Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 62
cellal cereeli

cellal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting cenaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 2. Noun. santé, paix; health. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: maasaade, sellude, yamɗ
yamɗude; of Noun: cenaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
synonyms: neema; ***: neema. Noun. soumbala; black cakes for seasoning
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sauce. Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: maari,
pintoori, makari; synonyms: maari, makari,
cellal hakkillo Noun. hygiène mentale; mental
pintoori. Dialects: Y.
hygiene. Catégorie : En bonne santé, Le
langage et la pensée. cenda Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
cellebodo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of of Noun: cendeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. porc-épic; porcupine. Catégorie
Noun: cellebodooji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
: Mammifère. Hystrix cristata.
Noun. espèce de plante; kind of plant is found
in sandy soil and is appetizing. The leaves are ***: saŋ
asaŋalde, saŋ
saŋalde, sangalde;
used to prepare sauce. Catégorie : Herbes, synonyms: saŋ
saŋalde. Dialects: G.
plantes grimpantes. Cleome gynandra. Note :
cendal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
mooré Dialects: M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
celluɗo Noun. qui est bien portant; good health (who is Noun: cende. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. petit
in). bâtonnet utilisé pour défaire les tresses de
coiffure; a small pick used to unbraid a
celluka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
woman's hair. Catégorie : Outil.
Designation: 2. Noun. grammaire (lit. mot en
***: pampaariire, sunndiyaare;
bonne santé ou qui est normal); grammar.
synonyms: pampaariire, sunndiyaare;
Catégorie : La Grammaire. synonyms: laaɓ
compare: sancaade. Dialects: M.
naahu, tonngo2; ***: laaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Ceniiɗ
Ceniiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. Dieu le Saint; God the
Celo Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (celui
qui est en bonne) santé?; first name for a male, holy one. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
meaning: (the one who is in good) Health? cenndi ɗemngal expression. schème tonal; tone
celol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. pattern. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of cenndiiɗ
cenndiiɗo Noun. solitaire; solitary person.
Noun: celi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • curant d'eau ou marigot qui a de l'eau
cenndiigu Noun. discrimination, ségrégation;
pendant la saison de pluies uniquement; discrimination, segregation. Catégorie : Le
stream; creek bed. Catégorie : Eau. langage et la pensée. ***: senndiiru,
***: ceekoy, bubbol, gooruwol, senndiiru.
bubbinirgol, gotol, guurtol, goppol; ceŋ
ceŋal Noun. structure; structure. ***: fonnditere.
synonyms: bubbinirgol, bubbol, ceekoy,
ceŋginii Noun. latéral; lateral. ceŋ
ceŋginii (-
gooruwol. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Mathématique. synonyms: bannge.
2 • petit sentier / chemin; path off of the main
road. compare: maayo; synonyms: corfol, ceppam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
cuppol, dartiingol, poocciingol, gotol, Designation: 3, dh. Noun. lèpre; leprosy.
goppol, guurtol. Dialects: J,Y,M. Nyawu bonɗ
bonɗo malɗ
malɗinoowo nguru, ɗaɗi,
gite, ƴi’e Catégorie : Maladie.
celol laawol Noun. divination; divination.
***: seppinde, ɓanndu njanandu,
cemmbam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting ɓanndujam; synonyms: ɓanndu njanandu,
Designation: 3. Noun. boisson fait de lait ou ɓanndujam; compare: seppinde.
d'eau avec de la farine, poivre et gingembre;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
drink (kind). Catégorie : Nourriture.
synonyms: zomkoom; ***: zomkoom. cereeli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, mi. Noun. flûtes fait de bois;
flutes. Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
cemtuɗo Noun. qui est honteux; shameful.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] cereeɗi. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 63
cerem ciiɓ-ciiɓolal

cerem Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. très pointu, cewle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
aigu; pointed (very); sharply pointed. Battal Designation: 3. Noun. sources d'eau, fontaines;
ngaal na seeɓ
seeɓi cerem. Cette aiguille est très springs of water. Catégorie : Eau.
pointue. That neddle is very sharp. ***: saawandere, mamasiiru, ilam;
compare: seeɓ
seeɓude; ***: luy, nyirim, ƴerem; synonyms: ilam, mamasiiru, saawandere.
synonyms: luy, nyirim, ƴerem. Dialects: M. Dialects: Y,M.

cergaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. cewungol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
of Noun: cergaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun: cewuɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
burin, outil utilisé pour tailler /ciseler du bois; espèce de coiffure de femme; a hairstyle of
a router; a tool used by wood workers to carve women with a lot of short little spikes.
wood. It has a short handle with a short synonyms: bambara; ***: bambara. Dialects: J.
curved blade for carving. Catégorie : Outil.
synonyms: seeraare, sewtaare; ***: seeraare,
ceyiiɗo joyeux, heureux; joyous; merry; happy;
sewtaare. Dialects: G.
ci'e Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Cerno Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (L')
Érudit; first name for a male (meaning: Designation: 4. Noun. villages ou villes;
Scholar, erudite person). Catégorie : Nom. villages; towns. Dialects: J,G.

cettal Noun. brochette; skewer. Catégorie ciɓ

ciɓitel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
: Nourriture. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
cettirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun: ciɓitoy. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
le petit doigt; little finger; finger. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
: Le corps. ***: ciwatel, honndu;
Noun: cettirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • éplucheur; peeling (tool for). Catégorie compare: banndo ciɓ
ciɓitel, honndu;
: Outil. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ciwatel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • taille-crayon; pencil sharpener. Catégorie cicciɗ
cicciɗam Noun. rouille; rust. Soni njamndi ɓooyii ley
: Outil. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. henndu e ɓuuɓ
uuɓol fu bonnoto, noone mum
cettungol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. wayloo alahaali ndiyam-
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of cicciɗ
cicciɗingol Noun. oxydation; oxidation. Waɗ
Noun: cettuli. Sorting Designation: 4, ct. cicciɗ
Variante: cettugol. Noun. crème de lait utilisée
cifaaɗum Noun. qualifié; qualified. Catégorie : La
pour faire du beurre; cream of milk. Catégorie
: Nourriture. synonyms: kettungol;
compare: nebbam; ***: kettungol. cifol Noun. définition; definition.
Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: anndinoore, fiirtugol,
tinndinoore2, piirtol.
cewɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. rougeole, rubéole; ciforɗ
ciforɗi Noun. adjectifs; adjectives. Catégorie : La
rubeola; measles. Catégorie : Maladie. Grammaire.
***: nduuyoohoy, duuyooje, puƴ puƴe, biige, ciforgol mbaadi expression. adjectif qualificatif;
gooniije; synonyms: biige, duuyooje, qualifying adjective. Catégorie : La
gooniije, nduuyoohoy, puƴpuƴe. Dialects: J,Y. Grammaire.

cewɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cifotooɗ
cifotooɗum Noun. qualifiant; qualifier. Catégorie : La
Designation: 2. Noun. monnaie, jetons d'argent;
coins; change. Catégorie : Argent. ciftol Noun. fable; fable. Catégorie : Lecture /
***: nduttudi; synonyms: becca, mbecca. écriture. synonyms: jeetol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ciiɓolal Plural Form of Noun: ciiɓ-ciiɓoole.
Noun. arc-en-ciel; rainbow. Catégorie : Ciel.

16/02/2020 64
ciiɓociiɓongal ciiwal

ociiɓongal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: ciiɓociiɓoole. Sorting Noun: Siiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. arc-en-ciel; rainbow. personne appartenant au clan des Fulɓe; one
Catégorie : Ciel, Temps. ***: cimcimgal,
who belongs to the clan of Fulɓe; many of
whom are imams; known as Siiɓe; who live
cincinngal, pinpingal
pinpingal; synonyms: cimcimgal, south of Djibo - the were in the area before the
cincinngal, pinpingal. Dialects: J. Jelgooɓe. Catégorie : La Personne.
ciiɓooli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo,
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Jelgoowo, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo, Kelliijo,
Noun: ciiɓoole. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of compare: Foynanke, Gurmaajo, Jaljallo,
the Sahel. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Jelgoowo, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo,
Grewia flavescens. compare: kaltohi, kelli, Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo.
ngursoohi; ***: ngursoohi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,M.
ciicibalawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ciifi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Noun. quelque choses avec des
Noun: ciicibalaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or. rayures fines; something with thin stripes; e.g.
Noun. drongo; drongo (glossy-backed). rawaandu siiwru; muusuuru siiwru; bagi
Catégorie : Oiseau. Dicrurus adsimilis. ciiwo. ***: baagi; compare: baagi.
synonyms: balaalawal, polaɓ
polaɓala, siisaandu; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: siisaandu, balaalawal, polaɓ
ciifol Noun. rayure; stripe.
Dialectal Forms: [J] ciicolowal, ciccolowal, [M]
ciiciɓalawal. Dialects: J. ciikaali Noun. cris, hurlements; cries; screaming.
Dialectal Forms: cirkaali.
ciidi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of ciilugaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun: ciide. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
espèce d'acacia; kind of acacia tree. Catégorie of Noun: ciilugaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
: Arbres. Acacia macrostachya. Noun. tête du fémur; femur (head of). Catégorie
compare: alluki, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, cilluki, pattuki; : Le corps. ***: ɓuccoɓ
***: gerembeehi. Dialectal Forms: [Y] ciidiihi. synonyms: ɓuccoɓ
uccoɓuccoonde, ɓuusoonde,
Dialects: Y,G,M. hirɓ
ihirɓoonde. Dialects: M.
ciidiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ciiluguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
of Noun: ciidiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun: ciiluguuje. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
Noun. espèce d'herbe; An annual grass found in Noun. 1 • hanche; hip. Catégorie : Le corps.
flood plains. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes Note : mooré ***: asangal, ƴiigal, dulgaare;
grimpantes. Eragrostis pilosa.
synonyms: asangal, ɓuccoɓ
synonyms: diiriire, siidiiho; ***: siidiiho,
dulgaare. Dialects: M.
diiriire. Dialects: M.
2 • coxo-fémorale; the acetabulum. Note :
mooré synonyms: asangal, ɓuccoɓ
dulgaare, ƴiigal. Dialects: M.

ciimtol Noun. narration; narration. Catégorie : Lecture

/ écriture. ***: pillitol.

ciinal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting

Designation: 3, th. Noun. détermination,
persistance, persévérance; perseverance;
determination; persistence. ***: ngorgu1,
anniya, gorgu; synonyms: anniya.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

ciiwal Noun. pique-bœuf; cattle egret. Catégorie

: Oiseau. synonyms: nyaalel-

16/02/2020 65
ciiwdi cille-dawaaɗi

ciiwdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number cikootuwal
cikootuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: ciiwdiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun: cikootuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
1 • métal fondu, liquéfié (métal); molten metal. Noun. petit calao à bec rouge; red-beaked
***: taaynaandi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. horn-bill. Catégorie : Oiseau. Tockus
2 • travail du forgeron; used to describe the erythrorhynchus. ***: ciloomuwal,
work of a smith; and in turn it is used as the coloncokkuwal, kilkokkowal, kokootuwal;
name of a piece of his work; for example if synonyms: coloncokkuwal, kilkokkowal,
they see a braclet they like they will say;
kokootuwal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
"ciiwdi maa na wooɗi" {Your bracelet is
nice. By implication it means that the cile Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. fois; times. Wisu
workmanship of the bracelet is good.}. lekki ki cile joy. Arrose l'arbre cinq fois.
synonyms: taaynaandi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Water the tree five times. ***: laabi1, kile;
ciiwel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. synonyms: kile, laabi1. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of ciliiliwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: ciiwoy. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
pinson ou autre petit oiseau; bird (small).
Noun: ciliiliije. Sorting Designation: 5, or. Noun.
ciiwel kamanaari euplecte franciscain. red Dendrocygne veuf /siffleur; white-faced tree
bishop (Euplectes orix). ciiwel maabuuɓ
maabuuɓe duck. Catégorie : Oiseau. Dendrocygna
combassou du Sénégal. Senegal indigo finch viduata. synonyms: killiwal; ***: killiwal.
(Vidua chalybeata). Catégorie : Oiseau.
Dialectal Forms: [G] ciliiliyal. Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: boɗ
boɗiyel, monndijara, poolel boɓ
Dialects: J,G. cilimooƴ
cilimooƴo Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. insensibilité
ciiwirgal Noun. passoire; sieve. Catégorie : Outil. (lorsqu'un membre «s'endort»); numbness.
Dialectal Forms: ciwrugal. Nde Yuusufi wiinoo
wiinoo ummoto fuu tawi
ciiwoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. cilimooƴ
cilimooƴo nanngii koyngal muuɗ
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Lorsque Yuusufi voulait se lever, il a senti que
sa jambe s'est endormie. When Yuusufi
Noun: siiwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, cp.
decided it was time to get up he found that his
Noun. désigne quelqu'un qui verse du liquide;
leg had fallen asleep.
In general it refers to anyone who pours
something liquid - such as one who pours synonyms: kilimooƴ
water or milk; e.g. tea preparer; "ciiwoowo ***: kilimooƴ
ooƴe. Dialects: G.
atay"; gold smith; "ciiwoowo kaŋŋe"; silver
cille Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
smith; "ciiwoowo cardi" These smiths are
generally "gargarsaaɓe" that work with leather Designation: 2, mt. Noun. 1 • urine; urine.
and make jewlery. compare: bahillo, baylo; Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ndufam, bawle,
***: bahillo, baylo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. manii; synonyms: bawle. Dialects: Y,G,M.
2 • sperme, semence; sperm; semen.
ciiwrugal Noun. filtre; filter. Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: ndufam, manii. Dialects: G,M.
synonyms: sintinirde, tokkaare.
cille bulɗ
bulɗe Noun. bilharziose; bilharzia. Catégorie
cikkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: cikkagol. : Maladie. ***: bawle bulɗ
Participles: sing: cikkiiɗo-cikkotooɓe plur:
cikkiiɓe-cikkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. cille-
dawaaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sauter en Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante;
The Nigerian Squill. Catégorie : Herbes,
bas; jump down. ***: cikkude, jikkude,
plantes grimpantes. Albuca nigritana.
jippaade; synonyms: cikkude, jikkude,
***: cokke-
dawaaɗi. Dialects: J,G,M.
jippaade, suurude. Dialects: Y.
2 • espèce de plante; An Awned Squill.
cikkude Noun Form of Infinitive: cikkugol. Dipcadi longifolium.
Participles: sing: cikkuɗo-cikkoowo plur: synonyms: cokke-
dawaaɗi. Dialects: J,G,M.
cikkuɓe-cikkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sauter en
bas; jump down. synonyms: cikkaade,
jikkude, jippaade, suurude; ***: jikkude,
jippaade, cikkaade. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 66
cilluki codal

cilluki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number cirgu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/ndu plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Noun: cilluɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. of Noun: cirguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
acacia siberiana; kind of acacia tree. Catégorie Noun. léopard, panthère; leopard. Catégorie
: Arbres. Acacia sieberiana. ***: ngawdi, : Mammifère. Panthera pardus.
ŋooraahi, ciidi, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, alluki, gerembeehi, ***: ŋomngu
omngu, colu; synonyms: colu, ŋomngu.
pattuki, wuumoore; synonyms: alluki, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gerembeehi. Dialects: J,Y. cirkaali Noun. cris, hurlement; cries; screaming.
cilo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Dialectal Forms: ciikaali.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ciwatel Noun Class Markers: sing: gel plur: koy.
Noun: cilooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
1 • un kilomètre; kilometer. Note : français
Noun: ciwatoy. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
***: kilo. Dialects: G. le petit doigt; little finger. Catégorie : Le
2 • un kilogramme; kilogram. Note : français corps. synonyms: ciɓ
ciɓitel; compare: banndo
synonyms: kilo. Dialects: G. ciɓ
ciɓitel, honndu; ***: ciɓ
ciɓitel. Dialects: J,G,M.
ciloomuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ciwrugal Noun. passoire; sieve. Dialectal
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Forms: ciiwirgal.
Noun: ciloomuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. petit calao à bec noir; grey horn-bill. ciwtel Plural Form of Noun: ciwtoy. Noun. auriculaire;
Catégorie : Oiseau. Tockus nasutus. little finger, pinkie. Catégorie : Le corps.
compare: cikootuwal
cikootuwal; ***: coloncokkuwal, cobbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
kilkokkowal; synonyms: coloncokkuwal, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
kilkokkowal, kokootuwal. Dialects: Y,M. Noun: cobbe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
boisson fait de mil et de lait caillé; a drink
cimcimgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
made of millet and sour milk. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
: Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: cimcimɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. arc-en-ciel; rainbow. Catégorie : Ciel. coɓɓ
ɓɓuli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
synonyms: ciiɓ
ociiɓongal, cincinngal, Designation: 1, at. Noun. coudes; elbows.
pinpingal; ***: ciiɓ
ociiɓongal, cincinngal, Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,G,M.
pinpingal. Dialects: Y,G,M. coɓ
coɓe Variante: coɓe e bawle. Noun. selles, déchets,
cimtinirɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting excréta; waste; stools. synonyms: doodi.
Designation: 4. Noun. filtres; filters. coɓ
coɓuɗo grossier; coarse; rough.
Dialects: J,Y.
coccorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
cincinngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Noun: coccorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun: cincinɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. bâtonnet utilisé comme brosse à dents;
Noun. arc-en-ciel; rainbow. Catégorie : Ciel. toothbrush; stick used to brush one's teeth.
***: cimcimgal, ciiɓ
ociiɓongal; Catégorie : Outil. ***: soccaade, kosorgal,
synonyms: ciiɓ
ociiɓongal, cimcimgal, hosaade; synonyms: kosorgal;
pinpingal. Dialects: Y,G. compare: hosaade, soccaade. Dialects: J,Y.
cinnde-jowe Noun. tréma; umlaut. Catégorie codal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
: Lecture / écriture. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
cintinirɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Noun: code. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. filtres; filters. Dialects: G. écharde (lorsque coincé dans le corps);
splinter. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cippoo Noun. vendeuse de lait; milk vendor. Dialectal
Forms: cippoowo.

16/02/2020 67
coddungol colocolo

coddungol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. cokirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: codduli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. Noun: cokirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
tendon d'Achille, jarret; Achilles tendon. 1 • clé, clef; key. ***: ommbirgal, kufal,
Catégorie : Le corps. compare: ɗaɗol1, ontirgal, omtirgal, sokoode. Dialects: J,Y,M.
giinawol. Dialectal Forms: coddungal. 2 • cadenas; lock. compare: sokoode;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: kufal, ommbirgal, omtirgal,
coɗe e bawle daabaaji expression. déjection ontirgal. Dialectal Forms: 1. [G,M] cokitorgal
animale; animal excrement. Catégorie 2. [G,M] cokorgal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
: Agriculture, Élevage.
dawaaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe.
coɗondirol Noun. colonne (s); column (s). Catégorie Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de
: Mathématique. synonyms: orol. plante; The Nigerian Squill. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Albuca
coɗonndirol Noun. liaison; link. Catégorie : Lecture /
nigritana. ***: cille-
dawaaɗi. Dialects: J.
écriture. synonyms: jokkiran.
2 • espèce de plante; An Awned Squill;
cofal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Dipcadi longifolium.
Noun: cofe. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun. synonyms: cille-
dawaaɗi. Dialects: J.
poulet, poule; chicken; hen. Catégorie cokooɗ
cokooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
: Élevage, Oiseau. ***: gortogal, gertogal;
Designation: 3. Noun. serrures, cadenas; locks.
synonyms: gertogal, gortogal.
Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
colel ɗahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
cofal dewal Noun. poule; hen. Catégorie : Élevage.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
cofal wallinoowal Noun. poule pondeuse; hen Noun: coloy ɗahi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
laying eggs. Catégorie : Élevage. Noun. genette; Genet. Catégorie : Mammifère.
***: lobotoongal. Genetta sp.. ***: malaganndiire, fiifo,
cofel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: ɗi/koy. muusuuru ladde2; synonyms: fiifo,
malaganndiire, muusuuru ladde1.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Dialects: Y.
Noun: coppi/cofoy. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Noun. poussin; chick. Catégorie : Oiseau. colla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
***: gertogal, sowru; compare: gertogal; One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: sowru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: collaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
coggal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. poussière; dust. ***: kusaw, taasiiri,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of sollaare, njaareendi, puru, bolonngu;
Noun: cogge. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. compare: cuddi, njaareendi;
troupeau d'animaux qui se déplacent ou qui synonyms: bolonngu, kusaw, puru, sollaare.
vont au marché; flock; herd. ***: kolse1. Dialectal Forms: [M] collaare. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,G,M. collol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗe.
coggu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: colle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. petit
Noun: cogguuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. collier; necklace. compare: koɗ
koɗol1. Dialects: M.
prix, coût; price. Catégorie : Argent.
colocolo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
***: barsaade, njaru, barkitaade, algadara;
Designation: 4. Noun. homme qui n'a pas de
synonyms: njaru; compare: barsaade.
possessions ni famille, homme qui a des biens
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mais pas de femme et de famille, une
coggu dottaaɗ
dottaaɗo Noun. prix fixé; fixed price. vagabonde; wanderer. ***: debbo nayeejo,
Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique. yaaya koreeji, gortaalo, debbo mawɗ
compare: gortaalo. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 68
cololoy coortaaɗum

cololoy Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très dilué; dilute conndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
(to be very). Bita ka selbu cololoy! This One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
porridge is very thin. synonyms: celem; Noun: conndiiji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct, mt.
***: celem; compare: selbude. Dialects: M. Noun. 1 • poudre; powder. ***: nyecce,
kodde, lekki, ŋecce, seɗ
seɗude, safaare.
coloncokkuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
Plural Form of Noun: coloncokkuuje. Sorting 2 • farine; flour. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. petit calao à bec 3 • médicament en forme de poudre; medicine
rouge ou gris; grey or red horn-bill; horn-bill in powder form. compare: kaata1, lekki,
(red). Catégorie : Oiseau. Tockus ŋecce, nyecce, safaare, seɗ
erytrorhynchus or Tockus nasutus. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: cikootuwal, ciloomuwal,
conndi leɗɗ
ɗɗe Noun. sciure; sawdust.
kilkokkowal, kokootuwal; ***: kilkokkowal,
ciloomuwal, cikootuwal, kokootuwal. connoowo Noun. vendeur; seller; vendor; shop
Dialects: M. keeper.

colte Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting contol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Designation: 2. Noun. la courte période entre la Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
saison froide et la saison chaude, Noun: conti. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
généralement le mois de mars; the short period placenta d'un animal; placenta of an animal.
between the cold season ("dabbunde") and the synonyms: baawol, bammbol; compare: jaado;
hot season ("ceeɗu"); generally in March. ***: bammbol, baawol, jaado. Dialects: Y,M.
***: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, dabbunde, ndunngu, korse,
ƴaamnde, gataaje, dunngu, keeɗ keeɗu,
cooda Noun. achat; purchase.
kakkitorɗe; synonyms: kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe; coodoowo ndimaaku Noun. corrupteur; briber,
compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, dabbunde, ndunngu, corrupter. Catégorie : Juridique.
ƴaamnde. Dialects: J. synonyms: yeenoowo.

coltooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cooɗ

cooɗal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. écureuils; ground Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
squirrels; squirrels. Catégorie : Mammifère. Noun: cooɗe. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
Dialects: J,M. aigrette; great white egret. Catégorie : Oiseau.
Egretta alba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
coltu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of coofol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Noun: colti. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
déboîtement, luxation; dislocation of a joint. Noun: coofi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: cortu; fleuve, étang d'eau dans un lit de rivière qui
***: cortu. Dialects: J,Y,G. commence à sécher; pond of water. Catégorie
: Eau. synonyms: pogowol;
colu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
compare: gooruwol; ***: pogowol.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,G.
Noun: coli. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
léopard, panthère; leopard. Catégorie coomu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
: Mammifère. Panthera pardus. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
***: ŋomngu, cirgu; synonyms: cirgu, Noun: coomuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, da.
ŋomngu. Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun. terme utilisé pour désigner une maladie
qui affaiblit les ruminants; this term is used as
come Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting a catch all for any debilitating diseases of large
Designation: 3, in. Noun. grillons, crickets; and small ruminants. Catégorie : Maladie
crickets. Catégorie : Insecte. Dialects: J,Y. d'animaux. ***: corfu, sorfere;

comri Plural Form of Noun: comriiji. Noun. fatigue; compare: somude; synonyms: sorfere. Dialectal
Forms: [G] coomiingu, nyaw coomiingu.
tiredness. ***: somugol; synonyms: tampiri.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
conci Noun. vêtements, habits; garments; clothes;
clothing. Catégorie : Vêtement. coortaaɗ
coortaaɗum Noun. abréviation; abbreviation.
***: raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗannde; synonyms: raɓɓ

16/02/2020 69
coortol coy

coortol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. corfu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: coorti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. Noun: corfuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
piste, chemin; path; trail. ***: corfol, gotol, terme utilisé pour désigner une maladie qui
guurtol, goppol; compare: balangol, cuppol,
affaiblit les ruminants; this term is used as a
catch all for any severe debilitating diseases of
dartiingol, laawol1, mbedda, poocciingol; large and small ruminants. Catégorie
synonyms: corfol, goppol
goppol, gotol, guurtol. : Maladie d'animaux. synonyms: coomu,
Dialects: J,M. sorfere; ***: sorfere. Dialects: J.
coottitaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. corom Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très aigre, très
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form acide; sour. Citron o na lammi corom! Ce
of Noun: coottitaaji or coottitaariiji. Sorting citron est aigre / acide. That lime/lemon is
Designation: 3, th. Noun. rédemption, rançon; very sour! synonyms: toɓ
toɓol, torom, taray;
ransom; redemption. ***: sottitaade. ***: taray, torom, toɓ
toɓol; compare: lammude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y,G.
cootu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number cortu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: cooti. Sorting Designation: 5, in. Noun. Noun: corti. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
luciole; lightening bug; firefly; glowworm luxation d'une articulation, déboîtement d'une
beetle. Catégorie : Insecte. synonyms: cuncu, articulation; dislocation of a joint. Catégorie
ɓɓuyel hiite, sootu; ***: cuncu, sootu, : Maladie. ***: coltu; synonyms: coltu.
ɓɓuyel hiite. Dialects: Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G.

coowundiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting cotaade Noun Form of Infinitive: cotagol.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. fèces, matières Participles: sing: cotiiɗo-cototooɗo plur:
fécales; feces; intestinal contents. cotiiɓe-cototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
***: cowowri; synonyms: cowowri; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aller à
compare: binngal, birgi. Dialects: J. pieds nus; barefoot (to go). ***: sotaade,
coppi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting fersude, tersude, jorfude, henginde,
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. poussins; chicks. foottude, sotaade; synonyms: fersude,
Catégorie : Élevage, Oiseau. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tersude. Dialects: Y.
2 • faire une maille, faire un collet avec une
coppirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. corde; noose with a rope; loop (to make a).
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of synonyms: jorfude, sotaade. Dialects: Y.
Noun: coppirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. 3 • attacher une corde à quelque chose; tighten
1 • hachette ou hache; hatchet; axe. Catégorie
a rope on something. Cotiimi faa teeŋ teeŋi. J'ai
: Outil. ***: wawdu, jammbere, waarudu; tiré la collet jusqu'à ce que c'était bien serré. I
synonyms: jammbere, soppirde. tighten [the noose] until it was tight.
Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: foottude, henginde, sotaade.
2 • une faux; scythe. Catégorie : Outil. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: wawdu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
cottinol Noun. copie; copy. synonyms: sottinere.
coppoowo Noun. bûcheron; lumberjack. Catégorie
cowondiral Noun. multiplication; multiplication.
: Travailleur.
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: sowugol.
corfol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
cowowri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. fèces, matières
Noun: corfi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
fécales; feces; intestinal contents.
sentier, piste, chemin; path; trail.
compare: binngal, birgi;
compare: balangol, cuppol, dartiingol,
synonyms: coowundiri; ***: coowundiri.
laawol1, mbedda, poocciingol;
Dialects: J.
synonyms: coortol, goppol, gotol, guurtol;
***: coortol, celol, gotol, guurtol, goppol. coy Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. rouge vif /
Dialects: Y,G. intensive; red (very). Catégorie : Couleur.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 70
coƴƴaaɗi cukku

aaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cuddal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. bœufs laissés pendant Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
le voyages / transhumance ; cows left behind Noun: cudde. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
during the transhumance (see soƴƴaange). fiançailles (région de Zorgo); engagement of a
***: curaaɗ
curaaɗi; synonyms: curaaɗ
curaaɗi. Dialects: J. young girl. ***: koowgal, ɓangal, kaɓɓ
cubinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: henngitagol. dewgal; compare: kaɓɓ
ɓɓal. Dialects: M.
Participles: sing: cuddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
kenngitiiɗo-kenngitotooɗo plur: Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • vent Harmattan,
henngitiiɓe-henngitotooɓe. Sorting brouillard, brume; fog; wind (Harmattan);
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Harmattan wind. Cuurki hoyfuki maa
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. tekkuki cuddoohi dow maayo maa leydi
Verb. 1 • être droit; straight. Note : Gourmanche Catégorie : Temps. synonyms: ulgu; ***: ulgu,
***: laaɓ
laaɓude, fonnditaade, dartaade, sollaare, dunna, colla, puru, kusaw,
seynaade, henngitaade, hegitaade, niibaare. Dialectal Forms: cuddu.
dartaade. Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • être vrai, juste, honnête; true (to be); 2 • heavily overcast with clouds.
honest; just. Note : Gourmanche compare: dunna; synonyms: niibaare.
compare: goonga; synonyms: dartaade,
Dialects: Y,G,M.
hegitaade, henngitaade, fonnditaade,
fooccaade, laaɓ
laaɓude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
cugaade Noun Form of Infinitive: cugagol.
Participles: sing: cugiiɗo-cugotooɗo plur:
aaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. cugiiɓe-cugotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se rincer
Noun: suɓaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
la bouche; rinse one's mouth. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun. un choisi, élu; chosen one; elected.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. cukaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
compare: suɓ
suɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 2. Noun. enfance; childhood.
cuɓal depitee en expression. élection législative; compare: suka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
legislative election. Catégorie cukaaku golle Noun. enfantillage; childishness.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
cukalel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
cuɓal hooreeɓ
hooreeɓe meeri synonyme: cuɓal meer en. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
expression. élection municipale; municipal
election. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Noun: cukaloy. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. un
Juridique. petit enfant; child (small); small child.
Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: baddo,
cuɓal hooreejo leydi expression. élection ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, ɓinngel, nyaagaare, suka;
présidentielle; presidential election. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: ɓinngel, nyaagaare, ɓii, ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, suka,
baddo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cuɓdi Noun. semence triée; selected seed; seed
(selected). Catégorie : Agriculture. cukku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
cuɓgol Noun. tri; sorting. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun: cukkuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh.
cuɓtinol Noun. synthèse; synthesis. Catégorie : Le Noun. 1 • pneumonie; pneumonia. Catégorie
langage et la pensée. synonyms: tonngodiral. : Maladie. ***: durma. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • this term can also refer to a chronic
cuccukel adj. minuscule; tiny; small. ***: leggal
respiratory obstruction which may give a
ɗɗa pammaral. person the sensation of being choked.
cuccukka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. compare: ɗojjude, durma. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: cuccukkaaji. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. en secrète, en cachette; hiding (in);
secrecy (in). ley cuccukka. ***: cuncunka;
synonyms: cuncunka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 71
cukkuri cunu

cukkuri1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. cumnal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form Designation: 3. Noun. sort (pour tirer au sort);
of Noun: cukkuriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. lot. compare: sumnude;
Noun. fourré, forêt, touffe d'arbres; thicket; synonyms: subdindinngol;
dense woods; forest. Catégorie : Terre. ***: subdindinngol, sumnude.
synonyms: giddal, toggere; ***: giddal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
toggere, sukkude, wuumoore;
compare: sukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cumogal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
cukkuri2 Noun. bouc, géniteur; sire; parent; billy goat. Noun: cumooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
cukkuryel Noun. bosquet; grove. Catégorie : Arbres, Noun. 1 • flétrissure, marque d'identification
fait avec feu; brand or identifying mark made
Terre. synonyms: wuumoore.
with fire. ***: maande1, pesogal1,
cukolol Plural Form of Noun: cukuli. sumitaade, sumude, fesude, ŋaalal,
synonyme: ngaasa. Noun. cheveu; hair. sumeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cukuli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting 2 • traitement avec du feu sur une plaie; the
Designation: 3. Noun. nattes ou tresses d'une treatment of a person or animal by "firing" or
burning the skin over an injured area.
femme; braided hair. compare: sukundu.
synonyms: maande1, ŋaalal, pesogal1;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: sumitaade, sumude.
cukuuri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
cunaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
of Noun: cukuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. gros bouc; buck (male goat); big billy Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
goat. Catégorie : Mammifère. Noun: cunaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
compare: ginndoori, mboygoori, ndamndi; ravin; gully; ravine. Catégorie : Terre.
synonyms: culkuuri; ***: culkuuri. Dialects: Y. ***: ngeera; synonyms: ngeera. Dialects: M.

culkel Noun. animal mal-nourri; undernourished cuncu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
animal. One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form of
Noun: cuncuuji. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
culkuuri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Noun. luciole; firefly. Catégorie : Insecte.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
***: cootu, sootu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓuyel hiite;
of Noun: culkuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
synonyms: cootu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓuyel hiite, sootu.
Noun. gros bouc; buck; billy goat. Catégorie
Dialects: M.
: Mammifère. compare: ginndoori,
mboygoori, ndamndi; ***: cukuuri; cuncunka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
synonyms: cukuuri. Dialects: J. Designation: 3. Noun. secret, en cachette;
secrecy; hiding. ley cuncunka.
cumali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
synonyms: cuccukka; ***: cuccukka,
Designation: 4. Noun. outres; leather water
suuɗude; compare: suuɗ
suuɗude. Dialects: J,M.
bags. Catégorie : Récipient. Dialects: J,M.
cunu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
cummbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Designation: 3. Noun. découragement,
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
dépression, chagrin, souci; grief; depression;
Form of Noun: cummbirɗe. Sorting
discouragement. synonyms: suno;
Designation: 4. Noun. pagaie; paddle.
compare: sunaade, mettalla, mettude;
compare: summbude; ***: awƴ
awƴorgal, ***: sunaade, suno, mettalla. Dialects: J.
kaaleyal, summbude, kurbirgal ndiyam,
lummbirgal; synonyms: awƴ
awƴorgal, kaaleyal,
kurbirgal ndiyam, lummbirgal. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 72
cuppol cuusal

cuppol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. cuuɗ

iiɗo adv/n. clandestin; underground, illegal.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: ko suuda.
Noun: cuppi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
cuule Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
chemin droit (étroit); straight road.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. matières fécales
compare: balangol, bedda, buuwaangol,
d'oiseaux ou de reptiles; feces of birds and
laawol1, mbedda; ***: guurtol, poocciingol,
reptiles. Dialects: J,Y,M.
balangol, gotol, corfol, coortol, goppol,
dartiingol, celol, bedda, mbedda, laawol1, cuuli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting

buuwaangol; synonyms: dartiingol, Designation: 4, wl. Noun. chacals; jackals.

poocciingol. Dialects: J. Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

curaaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting cuural Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. bétail laissé derrière Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
pendant une transhumance; cows left behind Noun: cuuro. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. une
during the transhumance (see suraange). grande maison; house (big); big house.
synonyms: coƴƴ
aaɗi; ***: coƴƴ
aaɗi. Catégorie : Bâtiment. synonyms: suudu1.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialectal Forms: [J] cuugal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

curki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number cuurel nyaaki
nyaaki Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
Noun: curkiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Form of Noun: cuuroy nyaaki. Sorting
1 • fumée; smoke. alahaali gaasi Designation: 3, at. Noun. troisième estomac des
uurtotooɗo e hiite. ***: hiite, suuttude,
mbuurtotooɗ ruminants; the omasum - the third stomach of
a ruminant; literally mean "little house of
ɓɓude, dempinde, urude, wulude, yiite.
bees". Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
Dialects: J.
***: durdude2, pureegayel durooɓ
2 • vapeur; steam. synonyms: cuurki; waynaare; synonyms: durdude2, pureegayel
compare: dempinde, kundukunndu, durooɓ
durooɓe, waynaare; compare: reedu,
suurtinde, urude, wulude, yiite. Dialects: J. loowturu, pureegaawa. Dialects: G.
curol Noun. conciliation; conciliation. Catégorie cuurki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
: Juridique. synonyms: potal1. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
cuubu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number Noun: cuurkiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of 1 • fumée; smoke. ***: suurtinde, curki.
Noun: cuubuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
folie, bêtise, impudeur; shamelessness; 2 • vapeur; steam. compare: dempinde,
foolishness; folly. ***: fuuyre, suubeede
suubeede, kundukunndu, suurtinde, urude, wulude,
safiyaaku, puuyndam; synonyms: fuuyre, yiite. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
puuyndam, safiyaaku; compare: suubeede.
cuurtinirɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. couscoussiers;
cuuɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting steamers (see suurtinirde). Dialects: J.
Designation: 1. Noun. maisons; houses.
cuusal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Noun. bravoure, courage,
cuuɗi ɓuurtinaaɗ
uurtinaaɗi Noun. habitat améliore; audace; bravery; courage; boldness.
improved housing. Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: suuy(u)de, suusude, suuyde, gorgu,
cuuɗi finaatawaaji Noun. habitat traditionnel; feeteende, ngorgu1; compare: suusude;
traditional house. Catégorie : Bâtiment. synonyms: feeteende, gorgu, ngorgu1,
suuyde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cuuɗi gese Noun. hameaux de culture; farming
hamlet. Catégorie : Agriculture, Bâtiment.
cuuɗi masinaaji kuuran expression. centrales
thermiques; thermic central. Catégorie : Le
travail et diverses activités.

16/02/2020 73
da'a daakiɗinde

D - d

da'a Noun. coutume, tradition; custom; tradition. daadi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialectal Forms: daa. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. buffles; buffaloes.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
daa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Daado Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom
Noun: daaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. traditionnellement donné à la quatrièmement
coutume, habitude; custom. ***: tagaadi, fille; the traditional name of the fourth born
tagu, al'aada; synonyms: al'aada, tagaadi,
daughter. compare: Diko, Kumbo, Penndo,
Takko, Demmo, Seebo; ***: Seebo, Kumbo,
tagu; compare: finaatawaa, tawaangal.
Demmo, Faatuma, Penndo, Diko, Takko.
Dialectal Forms: da'a. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] Daadal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
daaba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
daadoojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: daabaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. animal (domestique ou sauvage); Noun: daadooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
animal. Note : arabe ***: mummuttere, be'a, la fille née en quatrième position; the fourth
mbaala, baalu, bahiima, mbaalu, mbeewa;
born daughter. ***: kumbaajo, dikaajo,
penndaajo, demmoojo, faatumaajo,
synonyms: hujjere, mummuttere;
takkaajo, seeboojo; compare: demmoojo,
compare: bahiima. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dikaajo, kumbaajo, penndaajo, takkaajo,
daabaaji muyninooji Noun. mammifère; mammal. demmoojo, seeboojo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Mammifère. synonyms: enɗ
daaɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 1, at, ah. Noun. 1 • cous; necks.
daabaaji nyaamooji
nyaamooji fu expression. omnivore; Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
omnivore. …aamafujum (ko haɗ
haɗitataako 2 • corde utilisé pour attacher un veau au pied
…aamdu fay wo’turu) de sa mère; the rope used to tie a calf to the leg
daabaaji-ladde Variante: daabaaji ladde. Noun. of its mother (see raande). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faune; wildlife, fauna. Hawti daabaaji ɗi daago Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
maraaka ngonuɗ
ngonuɗi ley nokkuure Catégorie Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
: Animaux. Noun: daage. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
daabawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. natte fine fait des feuilles de palme tressées et
utilisé sur les lits ou pour s’asseoir dessus; mat
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
(kind of). ***: njelleehi, mbaliihi, ngelleehi,
Noun: daabaaje. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
balol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. avant-bras; forearm. ***: seemde,
junngo1, daande junngo; synonyms: daande daakiɗ
daakiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: daakiɗingol.
junngo; compare: junngo1, seemde. Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant
Dialects: J. Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st - na daakiɗi. Verb. avoir une
daaɓol synonyme: nyaw ndaaɓoowu. Noun. infection;
bande noire autour du coup (s'applique aux
infection. Catégorie : Maladie.
bœufs et moutons); to have a black band
daada Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi. around the neck; this term applies to sheep and
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of cows; In addition to the normal participles
this verb can be used to form a limited number
Noun: daadi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
of adjectives describing either cows or sheep:
Cobe Défassa; water-buck. Catégorie Group I nde/daakere, nge/daake Group II
: Mammifère. Kobus ellipsiprymnus
ɗi/daaki, ɗum/daakum, kol/daakol,
ellipsiprymnus. ***: ndaada; ngal/daakal, ngel/daakel Group III
synonyms: ndaada. Dialects: G. ko2/ndaako, koy/ndaakoy, ndi/ndaakiri or
ndaaŋri, nga/ndaaka, ngi/ndaaki, ngu/ndaaku.
Dialectal Forms: daakiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 74
daalawal daande toownde

daalawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. daande2 Noun. mot; word. Catégorie : Lecture /
Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form écriture. ***: kalimaawol
kalimaawol, harfeere;
of Noun: daalaaje. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun. synonyms: helmere, konngol1.
coquillage; sea shell. ***: inna ceede, wujo, daande3 synonyme: baar. Noun. voix haute / haute voix,
seedere, konkoonuwol; ton; high, loud voice, tone. Catégorie : Lecture
compare: konkoonuwol, seedere, wujo; / écriture.
synonyms: inna ceede. Dialects: J.
daande4 Noun. directive; guideline, directive.
daalimpo Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting daande e daande expression. mot à mot; word for
Designation: 4, cs. Noun. touffes d'herbe laissés word. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
après avoir cultivé un champ; tufts of grass.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Note daande fotornde expression. ton moyen; middle
: Gourmanche synonyms: ganndi, semmbere; tone. ā, ē, ī, ō, ū Catégorie : La Grammaire,
***: ganndi, semmbere. Dialects: Y. Lecture / écriture.

daama Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting daande junngo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo
Designation: 1, th, mt. Noun. amélioration de plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wooto.
la santé; improvement of health. Note : Plural Form of Noun: daaɗe juuɗe. Sorting
Gourmanche ***: batidal. Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 1, at. Noun. 1 • poignet; wrist.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: daabawal.
daamarawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: daamaraami. Sorting Designation: 4, pl. 2 • avant-bras; forearm. synonyms: daabawal.
Noun. nénuphar, nymphéa; water lily. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
daande junngo silɓ
silɓungo Noun Class
Nymphaea lotus. ***: guylaare, timbooriire,
Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for
ɓɓere, guynaare, gawriyel, ngommbiire,
this noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: daaɗe
tammere, kuttukuruutol, kukkuturuutu,
juuɗe cilɓuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
boololol; compare: kukkuturuutu
kukkuturuutu, Noun. poignet entorsé; sprained wrist.
kuttukuruutol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, tammere, Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngommbiire, timbooriire;
daande koyngal cilɓ
cilɓungal Noun Class
synonyms: boololol, guylaare. Dialects: J.
Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for
daambol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol. Sorting this noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: daaɗe
Designation: 4. Noun. brouillard; fog; mist. koyɗe cilɓuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Catégorie : Temps. ***: boygel, sollungo, Noun. cheville entorsé; sprained ankle.
kundukunndu; synonyms: kundukunndu, Catégorie : Maladie. ***: holɓ
sollungo; compare: saawandere, sawawre. silɓ
silɓunde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: G.
daande lees Noun. voix basse; low voice. Catégorie
daamihoonyoldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu : Lecture / écriture.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. daande leyiire expression. ton bas; low tone. à, è, ì,
Plural Form of Noun: daamikoonyoli. Sorting ò, ù
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. escargot; snail.
Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs. daande silɓ
silɓunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde
***: yerganaaru, jamhoonyoldu; plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere.
synonyms: jamhoonyoldu, yerganaaru. Plural Form of Noun: daaɗe cilɓuɗe. Sorting
Dialects: Y. Designation: 3, mt. Noun. cou entorsé, nerf
coincé au cou, nerf pincé; cervical disk
daande1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. rupture; pinched nerve in the neck; sprained
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form neck. Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: daaɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
Noun. 1 • cou, gorge; neck; throat. Catégorie
daande toownde expression. ton haut; high tone. á,
é, í, ó, ú Catégorie : La Grammaire, Lecture /
: Le corps. ***: sawtu2, geenol, hononde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • voix; voice. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • bord, rive; shore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 75
daande toownde haasaande daaƴude

daande toownde haasaande synonyme: baar daasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: daasagol.
ŋenaaɗo (nyenyaaɗo). expression. ton Participles: sing: daasiiɗo-daasotooɗo plur:
modulé; raising or falling tone, modulated daasiiɓe-daasotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tone. a,᷆ e᷆e, î, ô, u᷆
u Catégorie : La Grammaire, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Lecture / écriture.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ramper sur le
daande wayloore karfeeje ɗiɗi expression. ton sol, se traîner; crawl along the ground; drag.
distinctif; distinctive tone, distinctive sound. ***: dirbaade, lanyude, ɓodude, menyude,
Catégorie : La Grammaire, Lecture / écriture. layude, merude, ladude; compare: ladude,
daande-ndiyam synonyme: fonngo ndiyam . Noun. lanyude, layude, menyude, merude;
rive; bank, shore. Nokkuure leydiire synonyms: ɓodude, dirbaade.
taweteende senngo weendu, maayo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Eau. ***: fonngo ndiyam. daasotoondi Noun. serpent; snake. Catégorie
: Reptile.
daandorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of daasude
daasude Noun Form of Infinitive: daasugol.
Noun: daandorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Participles: sing: daasuɗo-daasoowo plur:
Noun. miroir, lunettes; mirror; eye glasses. daasuɓe-daasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: danndorgal, ndanndorgal; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
synonyms: ndanndorgal. Dialectal Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tirer, traîner,
Forms: [J,Y,M] daanorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. emmener quelque chose de force; drag.
compare: fooɗ
fooɗude; ***: furaade, fooɗfooɗude;
daanorgal Noun. miroir; mirror. Dialectal
synonyms: furaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: daandorgal.

daarngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting daawal1 synonyme: degere. Noun. degré; degree.
Designation: 4. Noun. divination, présage; daawal2 Noun. étape; step. Catégorie : Mathématique.
divination; augury. synonyms: korngal, Daawda Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. David; this
ndaarngal, tiimngal; ***: ndaarngal, refers to king David of Israel; commonly
tiimngal, korngal. Dialects: M. referred to as "annabi Daawda". Note :
hébreu/arabe Dialects: biblical.
daarnoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of daawtal Noun. échelle; scale. Catégorie
Noun: daarnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. : Mathématique. ***: esel.
Noun. prophète, devin, cartomancienne;
fortune teller; seer; soothsayer. Catégorie : La daawuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Personne. ***: bagaajo, daggadaajo, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of

ndaaroowo, tiimoowo, sadaajo; Noun: daawuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.

Noun. corbeau; pied crow. Catégorie : Oiseau.
synonyms: bagaajo, daggadaajo, ndaaroowo,
Corvus albus. ***: kaanaal, kankarawal,
sadaajo, tiimoowo; compare: dabaranke.
dowdaakal; synonyms: dowdaakal,
Dialects: G,M.
kankarawal. Dialects: M.
daarnude Noun Form of Infinitive: daarnugol.
orɗe Noun. ponctuation; punctuation. Catégorie
Participles: sing: daarnuɗo-daarnoowo plur:
: La Grammaire, Lecture / écriture.
daarnuɓe-daarnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
synonyms: toɓɓ
ɓɓugol, maande toɓɓ
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
wattugol dartorɗ
la divination; augury or divination (to
practice). ***: tiimude, ndaarnude; daaƴ
daaƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: daaƴugol.
synonyms: hornude, ndaarnude, tiimude. Participles: sing: daaƴuɗo-daaƴoowo plur:
Dialects: G. daaƴuɓe-daaƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. séparer
une vache de son veau (aussi chèvre, mouton);
to separate a cow (or sheep or goat) from its
calf (or its lamb or kid) if it is nursing.
***: hoɗ
hoɗude; synonyms: hoɗ hoɗude.
Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 76
dabaade dabidabiyal

dabaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dabagol. dabare suuraare yimɓ

yimɓe synonyme: ndeenaagu
Participles: sing: dabiiɗo-dabotooɗo plur: suudu baaba. expression. sécurité sociale;
dabiiɓe-dabotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, social security, social insurance, social safety.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'engager dabbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
dans des pratiques occultes; to engage in Designation: 4, wl. Noun. autruches; ostriches.
occult practices. ***: taskaade, hornude, Catégorie : Oiseau. Dialects: J,Y,M.
taykaade, huuwude, talkuru, ndaggadaaku,
dabbude Noun Form of Infinitive: dabbugol.
bedude, tiimude; synonyms: huuwude.
Participles: sing: dabbuɗo-dabboowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dabbuɓe-dabbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
2 • remarquer; notice (to).
ah, cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
compare: ndaggadaaku, tiimude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer la
synonyms: hornude, taskaade, taykaade.
saison froid quelque part; to pass the cold
Dialects: M. season somewhere Often this is a place other
dabaranke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. than where they normally live; and they leave
their food supplies behind so as to conserve
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
them for the planting season. Alternately
Noun: dabarankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, many move onto their fields so as to fertilize
th. Noun. quelqu'un qui pratique l'occultisme, them. ***: ruumude, gettude, seeɗ seeɗude,
occultiste; occult person. Catégorie : La
ƴaamnude, eggude; compare: ruumude,
Personne. Note : arabe ***: bagaajo, sadaajo,
seeɗude, ƴaamnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiimoowo, daarnoowo; compare: sadaajo,
tiimude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. dabbunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
dabare1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
of Noun: dabbundeeji. Sorting Designation: 2.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. la saison froide (entre décembre et
of Noun: dabareeji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. février), hiver, harmattan ; cool season;
Noun. 1 • magie, charme, enchantement, winter. ***: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, ndunngu, korse,
sortilège, jeter un sort; magic; jinx (put a);
ƴaamnde, colte, gataaje, dunngu, keeɗ keeɗu,
sorcery. ***: sukunyaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kakkitorɗe; compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, colte,
2 • contrôle, volonté, influence; influence;
kakkitorɗe, ndunngu, ƴaamnde.
rule; control; will. Suka oon, dabare yaayem
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jokki, ɗum waɗwaɗi o duroytaa. Cet enfant suit
la volonté de sa mère, c'est pourquoi il ne dabidabiwal Plural Form of Noun: dabidabiiji.
s'occupe pas du troupeau. That child follows synonyme: dewtel-alla, jawlel-jawlel. Noun.
his mother's will, that is why he is not herding. papillon, épilepsie; butterfly; epilepsy.
Ko sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe am njanngaay ɗum wanaa e Catégorie : Maladie, Insecte. Dialectal
dabare am. Le fait que mes enfants n'étudient Forms: dabidabiyal.
pas, cela n'est pas ma volonté. That my
children are not studying that is not my will.
dabidabiyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Noun: dabidabiije. Sorting Designation: 3, in,
3 • réunion secrète; secret meeting.
th. Noun. 1 • papillon ou mite; butterfly; moth.
compare: kuddi, kuuwgal. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Catégorie : Insecte. ***: nginnaawu, foondu,
dabere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
moodibbuwa, dewtel-
dewtel-alla, jinnaaru,
dabare2 Noun. stratégie; strategy, policy. henndu1, iroiro, ginnaaru, ladde;
synonyms: sarɗ
sarɗi2. synonyms: iroiro, moodibbuwa. Dialectal
dabare ɓantaare expression. programme de Forms: dabidabiwal. Dialects: J,M.
développement; development program, 2 • démon ou esprit mauvais qui cause
development programme, development l’épilepsie; demon or evil spirit; epilepsy.
agenda. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: foondu,
ginnaaru, henndu
henndu1, jinnaaru, ladde,
dabare partii politikki expression. programme nginnaawu. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M].
politique; political agenda, political program. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 77
dabude daɗude

dabude Verb. planifier, programmer; plan (to); daɗɗ

ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: daɗɗugol.
program (to). Participles: sing: daɗɗuɗo-daɗɗoowo plur:
ɓɓo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number daɗɗuɓe-daɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Noun: raɓɓuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dérouler une
quelqu'un qui est court de taille; short (one natte, étaler une natte et puis s’asseoir dessus;
who is). ***: raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗinde, lokkaajo; roll out a mat. ***: taggitinde, taggude,
compare: raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗinde; synonyms: lokkaajo. weertude, wawlaade, weɗɗ weɗɗitinde
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde, feertude; synonyms: feertude,
taggitinde, weertude, weɗɗweɗɗitinde
ɓɓosanne Noun. nain; dwarf.
ƴƴitinde; compare: taggude.
Dado Noun. prénom féminin (Signification : Celle qui Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
se ceint les reins ..., la quatrième née ); first
name for a female (meaning: the one who ties a daɗɗ
ɗɗugol Noun. épandage; manure spreading.
clothe around the wast, the forth born weertugol huɗ
huɗo dow leydi Catégorie
daughter). Catégorie : Nom. : Agriculture.

ɗɗamaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: daɗ
daɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: daɗingol.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Participles: sing: daɗinɗo-daɗinoowo plur:
Form of Noun: daɗɗamaaje. Sorting daɗinɓe-daɗinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 4. Noun. drap utilisé pour couvrir mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
un lit, couverture; blanket; sheet used on a bed. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
synonyms: disaare, wudere; ***: wudere. 1 • soigner ou guérir quelqu'un; heal someone;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cure someone. ***: dannude, sellinde,
sawrude, dannude; synonyms: dannude,
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
sellinde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
2 • sauver quelqu'un; save someone.
Noun: daɗɗooji. Sorting Designation: 3, or.
Noun. 1 • nid d'oiseau; nest (bird's); bird nest. synonyms: dannude, hiinude, hisinde;
Dialects: J,Y. compare: sawrude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • tas de feuilles sur lequel on sèche des daɗ
daɗinnde Verb. guérir qqn; heal somebody.
habits; a pile of leaves upon which a woman
drys her clothes. Dialects: J,Y.
daɗnugol Noun. guérison; healing. ***: sellingol,
3 • tissu ou natte pour dormir ou se coucher,
couche, lit; mat (to sleep on); bed; cloth or mat daɗ
daɗondiral Noun. compétition; competition.
used to sleep on. Catégorie : Équipement de la
maison. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. daɗ
daɗorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
4 • endroit où les bœufs se couchent (hors de Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
l'enclos); a place where the cows habitually lay Noun: daɗorɗi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
down (not in the corral). Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] Noun. corde utilise pour attacher un veau à sa
mère; the rope used to tie a calf to the front leg
daɗɗuko-used of bird's nest.
of its mother. ***: labuure, ɓoggol,
Dialects: Y,G,M.
tonngorgol, raande, tonngoode1;
ɗɗo huɗ
huɗo synonyme: daɗɗo ndiyam. Noun. synonyms: ɓoggol, labuure, raande,
litière; litter, bedding. Catégorie : Agriculture.
tonngorgol. Dialects: J.

daɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: daɗugol.

Participles: sing: daɗuɗo-daɗoowo plur:
daɗuɓe-daɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
complètement guéri, guérir, échapper à qqch;
healed; cured; completely well (to be); escape.
***: hewtitaade, faltaade, artaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • récupérer des forces après un combat; to
recover from a fright. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 78
dagaade daliili gollitirɗo
3 • prendre le devant dans un compétition ou
dakaal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
dans des études à l'école; pull ahead of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
someone. synonyms: dattude.
Noun: dakaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
coffre malle, caisse; trunk; case. Note : Hausa
4 • être sauvé; saved (to be). synonyms: hisude. compare: honndoore; ***: bataaru, dutuuru,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. handeere, keesuwal, honndoore;
dagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dagagol. synonyms: adakaal, keesuwal.
Participles: sing: dagiiɗo plur: dagiiɓe. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant dakiya Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
Progressive: st. Verb. ce que dieu approuve Noun: dakiiji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
comme juste; what God approves as right; this âne; donkey. Catégorie : Mammifère.
is the opposite of "harmude"; Ko dagii e ko ***: araawa, gorba, ngorba;
dagaaki. What is right and wrong before God. synonyms: araawa. Dialects: G.
compare: harmude; ***: harmude.
dakiyel beembel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootel.
dagammeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Plural Form of Noun: duguuji. Sorting
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Designation: 5, in. Noun. larve de fourmilion;
Form of Noun: dagammeeje. Sorting larva of the ant lion. Catégorie : Insecte.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. ratel; ratel; honey Hagenomyia sp.. Note : Gourmanche
badger; badger. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: muusuwel leydi, dugu1, nuguuru;
Mellivora capensis. synonyms: gaynaare; synonyms: dugu1, muusuwel leydi, nuguuru.
***: gaynaare. Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
daggadaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. dakkude Noun Form of Infinitive: dakkugol.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: dakkuɗo-dakkoowo plur:
Noun: daggadaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. dakkuɓe-dakkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Noun. devin, chiromancien; fortune teller; seer; ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
soothsayer. Catégorie : La Personne.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ajouter de
***: bagaajo, ndaaroowo, tiimoowo, l'eau au mil pilé pour faire une boisson; to add
sadaajo, daarnoowo; synonyms: bagaajo, water to pounded millet in order to make
daarnoowo, ndaaroowo, sadaajo, cobbal. ***: nyifude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiimoowo; compare: ndaggadaaku. 2 • éteindre un feu en y versant de l'eau ou de
Dialects: J,Y,G. la boue /sable; extinguish a fire.
synonyms: nyifude
nyifude. Dialects: J,Y.
dagu Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. comme, ainsi;
like; as. ***: hano, haddu, hono, hagu, dakoor Noun. raccord; join; link. Note : français
ndagu; synonyms: hagu, hano, hono, ndagu. daliili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • Noun. exemple; example. ***: yeru. Noun: daliiliiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
dahoonyoldu Noun. escargot; snail. Catégorie 1 • richesse; wealth. Note : arabe ***: buuɗ
: Animaux inférieurs. Dialectal kaalisi, faggudu, suuraare, ceede, mbuuɗ
Forms: damahoonyoldu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • pouvoir qui parvient de l'argent, moyens
dak Sorting Designation: 4 mt. Adverb.
financiers pour réaliser des choses; means
complètement aveugle; blind (totally). O (money); power that comes from money;
wumii dak. He is totally blind. ***: mup, cay, resources (money). Note : arabe
wumude; compare: wumude; synonyms: cay, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mup. Dialects: J,Y. 3 • preuve de quelque chose; proof of
something. Note : arabe compare: ceede, jawdi,
kaalisi, mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

daliili gollitirɗ
gollitirɗo Noun. programme; program.
***: keeƴ
keeƴal golle.

16/02/2020 79
daliili jiitaaɗo dammbu
2 • promener sans but; wander aimlessly.
daliili jiitaaɗ
jiitaaɗo expression. solution proposée;
proposed solution, suggested solution. synonyms: tamtamtude, yayyaytude;
compare: yiiltaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
daliilinde Verb. prouver; prove.
damɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
daliilu Noun. preuve; proof. Catégorie
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. boucs, chèvres mâles;
: Mathématique. ***: dallinal. male goats. Catégorie : Mammifère.
dalinde obtention; getting; obtaining. Dialects: J,Y,M.

dallin-a Verb. démontrer; demonstrate. Catégorie damiyoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
: Mathématique. synonyms: hollir-
hollir-a; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: hollir-
hollir-a. of Noun: damiyooje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. drap (normalement noir et blanc);
dallinal Noun. preuve; proof. Catégorie blanket. synonyms: sakala, tappiire, totiire;
: Mathématique. synonyms: daliilu.
***: suddamaare, wudere, tappiire, disaare,
dallinde Verb. argumenter; to argue. Catégorie : Le sakala, totiire; compare: disaare, kaasa,
langage et la pensée. suddamaare, wudere. Dialects: J.
dallingol Noun. démonstration; demonstration. dammbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dammbagol.
***: hollugo. Participles: sing:
dalliningol Noun. démonstration ; demonstration. dammbiiɗo-dammbotooɗo plur:
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: hollugo, dammbiiɓe-dammbotooɓe. Sorting
kollirgol; synonyms: kollirgol. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
damahoonyoldu Noun. escargot; snail. Catégorie
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • rester dans une
: Animaux inférieurs. Dialectal
maison pour un certain temps (après
Forms: dahoonyoldu. accouchement ou mariage); stay in the house.
damal1 Noun. porte, entrée; door; entrance. Dialectal ***: tuuɗ
tuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: dambugal. 2 • refuser de bouger; refuse to move.
synonyms: tuuɗ
tuuɗude. Dialectal Forms: [G]
damal2 Noun. chapitre; chapter. Catégorie : Lecture /
ɗammbaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

dambitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dambitagol. dammbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. généalogie; genealogy.
Participles: sing: dambitiiɗo-dambitotooɗo
synonyms: buudu, koreeji, lenyol, ƴuwdi.
plur: dambitiiɓe-dambitotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. dammbitaade Noun Form of
Verb. abattre un animal pour une fête de Infinitive: dammbitagol. Participles: sing:
mariage ou naissance; slaughter an animal.
dammbitiiɗo-dammbitotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G.
dammbitiiɓe-dammbitotooɓe. Sorting
dambugal porte, entrée; door; entrance. ***: jiha. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialectal Forms: damal, dammbugal. Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. sortir d'une maison après un temps de
damdamtude Noun Form of solitude; to come out of the house after a
Infinitive: damdamtugol. Participles: sing: period of seclusion; usually following a
damdamtuɗo-damdamtoowo plur: wedding or the birth of a child. Dialectal
damdamtuɓe-damdamtooɓe. Sorting Forms: [G] ɗammbitaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in dammbu Noun. séquestration; confinement;
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sequestration.
Verb. 1 • trépigner, piétiner; stamp your feet; to
step heavily. ***: yayyaytude, tamtamtude,
yayyaytude, tamtamtude;
synonyms: jabbitaade, tamtamtude,
yayyaytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 80
dammbude dampude

dammbude Noun Form of Infinitive: dammbugol. dammuhol Noun Class Markers: sing: kol plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: dammbuɗo-dammboowo Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
plur: dammbuɓe-dammbooɓe. Sorting Noun: dammuuli. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. mouton ou chèvre; goat; sheep. Catégorie
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. : Mammifère. ***: baalu, mbaalu,
Verb. prendre une fille qu'on veut marier et la rammuccere, dammuccere, bahiima,
cacher jusqu'au mariage (avec son accord); to mbaala, mbeewa, be'a; synonyms: be'a,
take a girl that you wish to marry and hide her dammuccere, mbeewa, mbaalu,
away until you can marry her (with her
rammuccere; compare: bahiima. Dialectal
consent). synonyms: unndinde;
Forms: [Y,M] dammuwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: unndinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
damngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
dammbugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Noun: [J,Y,M] ndamko/[G] damko. Sorting
Form of Noun: dammbuɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. gros bouc; buck
Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • entrée (maison);
(male goat). Catégorie : Mammifère.
doorway. ***: gigitawal, gampuwal
gampuwal, baafal; ***: ndamnga, ndamngi;
compare: gampuwal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ndamnga, ndamngi.
2 • direction - l'un des quartes points
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cardinaux; direction. Dammbugal ngale
ndewammi ko mi heɓ heɓa ndiyam? What
damngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
direction do I need to go to find water? Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
compare: gigitawal, lokoƴ
lokoƴere; synonyms: jiha. Noun: ndamkoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun. chevreau; male kid; kid (male).
Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: be'a, ɓotel,
dammbuwol cille Noun. prostate; prostate. ndamndi, boygoyel, danngel, ɓota,
Catégorie : Le corps, Maladie.
mbeewa, ginnduyel; compare: be'a, ɓotel,
synonyms: panndol cille.
mbeewa, ndamndi; synonyms: danngel.
dammuccere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Dialects: J,Y,M.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
dampeede Noun Form of Infinitive: dampegol.
Form of Noun: dammucce. Sorting
Participles: sing: dampaaɗo-dampeteeɗo
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. mouton ou chèvre;
plur: dampaaɓe-dampeteeɓe. Sorting
goat; sheep. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: be'a,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
baalu, rammuccere, dammuhol, mbeewa;
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: be'a, dammuhol, mbeewa,
Verb. être piétiné; stomped on (to be).
mbaalu, rammuccere. Dialects: Y,G,M.
***: nameede, nirseede, niiseede;
dammude Noun Form of Infinitive: dammugol. compare: nirseede, niiseede.
Participles: sing: dammuɗo-dammoowo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: dammuɓe-dammooɓe. Sorting dampude Noun Form of Infinitive: dampugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: dampuɗo-dampoowo plur:
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
dampuɓe-dampooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb. 1 • encore / toujours avoir quelque chose;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
still have something. Mi teetii ma nagge, mi
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. piétiner,
dammii nge. J'ai toujours la vache que j'avais
tasser; pack down; stomp on.
pris de toi. I still have the cow I took from you.
compare: yaaɓ
yaaɓude; ***: yaaɓ
yaaɓude, dankude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: dankude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • ce mot est aussi utilise dans l'expression
suivant:; it is also used in the expression: Alla
dammine Que Dieu fasse que cela dure
longtemps pour toi. may God cause it to
endure to you. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 81
damƴude danndaku

damƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: damƴugol. dankamma Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Participles: sing: damƴuɗo-damƴoowo Designation: 4. Noun. suie; soot.
plur: damƴuɓe-damƴooɓe. Sorting ***: bugudullu, ƴulndi;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: bugudullu, ƴulndi. Dialects: M.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
dankere wattaande birgi expression. jachère
Verb. marcher avec un fort bruit (comme des
enfouie; buried fallow. Catégorie
soldats qui marchent); step so forcefully while
: Agriculture.
walking. synonyms: giƴƴ
ƴƴude, rippude;
***: giƴƴ
ƴƴude, rippude. Dialects: J,M. dankere yoppanaande durngo expression.
jachère pâturée; pastured fallow. Catégorie
dandigeede Noun Form of Infinitive: dandigegol. : Agriculture.
Participles: sing: dandigaaɗo-dandigeteeɗo
danki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
plur: dandigaaɓe-dandigeteeɓe. Sorting
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, dh, da. Verb Consonant Change
Noun: danɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. hangar, bâche, pare-soleil, abri contre le
Verb. avoir la cécité de nuit; night blind (to be). soleil; sun shade; hangar; awning. Catégorie
***: niizonɗ
niizonɗineede, nundeede, niijeede; : Bâtiment. synonyms: tenndeere1;
synonyms: niizonɗ
niizonɗineede, nundeede. ***: tenndeere1, ɗoyki, ɗoogi, ɗowki;
Dialects: J. compare: ɗowki. Dialects: J,G,M.
dandigi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting danki junngo Noun Class Markers: sing: ki/ngo
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. cécité de nuit; plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wooto.
night blindness. Catégorie : Maladie.
Plural Form of Noun: danɗe juuɗe. Sorting
nyctalopia. synonyms: niizonndo, nundaani;
Designation: 1, at. Noun. dos de la main; back
***: niizonndo, nundaani, wumude; of the hand. Catégorie : Le corps.
compare: wumude. Dialectal Forms: [J] compare: junngo1; ***: junngo1, gaɗ
dandiga, dandige. Dialects: J. junngo; synonyms: gaɗ
gaɗa junngo.
daneejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Dialects: J,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of danki koyngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Noun: raneeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
1 • un blanc, européen; white person.
Form of Noun: danɗe koyɗe. Sorting
***: boɗ
boɗeejo, tuubaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. cou-de-pied; top of
2 • peul avec teint clair; light skinned Pullo.
the foot. Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: dow
compare: rawnude; synonyms: boɗ
koyngal; ***: dow koyngal. Dialects: J,G,M.
tuubaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dankude Noun Form of Infinitive: dankugol.
daneeri hitere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de.
Participles: sing: dankuɗo-dankoowo plur:
Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. le blanc de
dankuɓe-dankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
l’œil; white of the eye. Catégorie : Le corps.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
compare: yitere, ɓaleeri yitere. Dialects: G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. piétiner, tasser
daneeri-yitere Variante: ndaneeri-yitere. Noun. avec le pied ou une machine; pack down;
cornée; cornea. Catégorie : Le corps. stomp on. synonyms: dampude;
dangel-muusuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel ***: dampude; compare: yaaɓ yaaɓude. Dialects: J.
plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. danndaku Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Plural Form of Noun: ndankoy-muusuuru. Designation: 3. synonyme: njamndi, alhan,
Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de furfata, fuufa . Noun. aluminium, fer;
plante; kind of creeping plant. Catégorie
aluminum. Huunde jawndiire, alahaali
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Asparagus
raneere nde yiite waawi taayinde,
flagellaris. synonyms: nyaara foondu,
nawtorteende banngal moƴƴ moƴƴingol
ƴƴingol gineeji
muusuuru ladde1. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Note : Hausa ***: fuufa, furfata, mbudu,
danki muusuuru. Dialects: J.
njamndi, janndi; synonyms: furfata, fuufa,
Daniyel Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. le prophète mbudu; compare: njamndi. Dialects: Y,G.
Daniel; the prophet Daniel; Ezekiel 14:14; 20;
28:3. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 82
danndi daranagol partii

danndi1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗi. Sorting danyude Noun Form of Infinitive: danyugol.
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. poivres rouges; red Participles: sing: danyuɗo-danyoowo plur:
peppers. Catégorie : Nourriture. danyuɓe-danyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
synonyms: haɗɗ
ɗɗere, hammbiire. Dialects: J. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
danndi2 Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • avoir des choses, être riche; rich (to be);
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
have things (to). Fulɓ
Fulɓe Bobo na ɓuri Fulɓ
Noun: danɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
bouc, chevreau; male goat. Catégorie Djibo danyude. Les peuls de Bobo sont plus
riche que les peuls de Djibo. The Fulani of
: Mammifère, Élevage. ***: ginndoori,
Bobo are more wealthy than the Fulani of
hammbiire, ndamndi, haɗɗ
Djibo. ***: yonngaade, yowaade,
synonyms: ginndoori, mboygoori, ndamndi,
heɓindaade, waɗɗ
ɗɗaade, hoowude, jawdi,
rammuccere. Dialects: G.
laamaade, jogaade; synonyms: heɓ heɓindaade,
danndorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. jogaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • être tourmenté ou préoccupe de quelque
Noun: danndorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. chose; to have something wrong with you - it
Noun. miroir; mirror. synonyms: daandorgal, is also used in the expression \egf Ɗume danyi
ndanndorgal; ***: ndanndorgal. Dialects: J. maa? Ɗume danyidanyi maa? Qu'est-ce que tu as?
Qu'est-ce que ne va pas? Lit: What do you
dannga Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number have - illness, sorrow? We would translate
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of this: What's wrong with you? sometimes in
Noun: danngaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. rapid speech the "n" is dropped and they say
porte-monnaie; wallet. ***: kumpa, albel; "Ɗume dayi maa?" Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • avoir des rapports sexuels (animaux);
synonyms: albel, kumpa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sexual intercourse (animals only).
danngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. synonyms: hoowude, laamaade, yonngaade,
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of yowaade; compare: jawdi. Dialects: J.
Noun: ndankoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. chevreau; male kid. Catégorie
dapansi Noun. dépense; expenses; spending. Catégorie
: Argent. Note : français
: Mammifère. compare: ɓotel, mbeewa,
ndamndi; ***: boygoyel, damngel, daraa Noun. drap; sheet. Catégorie : Équipement de
ginnduyel; synonyms: damngel. Dialects: Y,G. la maison. Note : français

dannude Noun Form of Infinitive: dannugol. daraade Noun Form of Infinitive: daragol.
Participles: sing: dannuɗo-dannoowo plur: Participles: sing: dariiɗo-darotooɗo plur:
dannuɓe-dannooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dariiɓe-darotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • guérir ou Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se lever
soigner quelqu'un; heal someone; cure debout; stand up. ***: ɓantaade, ummaade,
someone. ***: daɗ
daɗinde, sellinde, daɗ
daɗinde, huncaade, tukkaade, haaɗ haaɗude;
hisinde, hiinude; synonyms: daɗ
daɗinde, synonyms: ɓantaade, huncaade, ummaade,
sellinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ƴeptaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • délivrer qqn, sauver qqn; to save someone; 2 • se ternir tranquille, arrêter de bouger, se
to deliver someone from evil or a problem. tenir debout; stand still; stop moving; standing
synonyms: daɗ
daɗinde, hiinude, hisinde; (be). synonyms: haaɗ
haaɗude, tukkaade.
compare: sawrude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

danŋeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. daral Noun. fourche; fork.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form daranaade partii expression. militer; to be a
of Noun: danŋeeje. Noun. île; island. Catégorie militant, militate.
: Terre. synonyms: ruunde. Dialects: M.
daranagol kaane synonyme: jaharal kaane yimɓe
danyal synonyme: nganyaari . Noun. gain; gain. yeeso. expression. promotion des droits de
Catégorie : Argent. ***: keɓ
keɓal; l’homme; promotion of human rights.
synonyms: keɓ
keɓal. daranagol partii expression. militantisme; activism,
militancy, militantism. Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 83
dargiɗinde dartaade

dargiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dargiɗingol. darnude Noun Form of Infinitive: darnugol.
Participles: sing: dargiɗinɗo plur: Participles: sing: darnuɗo-darnoowo plur:
dargiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb darnuɓe-darnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
or Progressive: st - na dargiɗi. Verb. couleur Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre
foncée, noirâtre; blackish; dark color. debout quelque chose, décréter ; set something
***: herɗ
herɗude; synonyms: herɗ
herɗude. up; stand something up. ***: dartinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. waafaade, defude, duppude, juɗ juɗude,
buuɗude, wuuɗwuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
darii vertical; vertical. Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • planter des arbres; plant trees.
daringol synonyme: diidol. Noun. verticale (ligne -); Dialects: J,M.
vertical (row -).
3 • arrêter quelque chose, stopper, enrayer;
darja Noun. catégorie, rang, hiérarchie, valeur; stop motion; stand still (cause to).
rank; category. ***: caahu3, dewondirol Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laamu. 4 • cuire de la viande avec une brochette; cook
meat on a skewer. compare: buuɗ
darjinde Verb. valoriser; to value, promote sth.,
duppude, juɗ juɗude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
enhance sth.
darjingol Noun. valorisation; value, recovery. darnude leɗɗ
ɗɗe planter d'arbres; planting trees.

darn-a hiisorde expression. poser une opération; darnugol Noun. arrêt; stop. Dialectal Forms: darorde,
ask an operation. Catégorie : Mathématique. daragol.

darnde1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting darnugol fadde e ... expression. suspension;
suspension, interruption, adjournment .
Designation: 3. Noun. altitude, hauteur, taille,
Catégorie : Juridique.
statut, rôle; size; height. ***: toowndam;
synonyms: toowndam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. darnugol leɗɗ
ɗɗe Noun. plantation d'arbres; tree
darnde2 Plural Form of Noun: darɗe. Noun. pause;
pause, break. ***: darngo.
darnugol wolde synonyme: darol fitina. Noun.
armistice; armistice. Catégorie : Juridique.
darngal Note : Violent combat, nyaande darngal - the day
the sinners are thrown in the fire prep/n. combat
darorde Noun. arrêt; cessation; stop. Dialectal
Forms: darnugol.
violent; violent combat. synonyms: fitina.
darngo Noun. pause; pause. synonyms: darnde2, darordemomilaaji Noun. auto-gare, gare routière;
bus station; truck depot. Catégorie : Voyager.
sultude; ***: yowre1.
dartaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dartagol.
darnirde Noun. point, point final; full stop. Catégorie
: La Grammaire. Participles: sing: dartiiɗo-dartotooɗo plur:
dartiiɓe-dartotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
darnirgal Noun. support; support. th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
darnitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: darnitingol. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
Participles: sing: darnitiiɗo-darnitotooɗo droit; straight. ***: laaɓ
laaɓude, yowaade,
plur: darnitiiɓe-darnitotooɓe. Sorting nanngitaade, wuurtaade, onyitaade,
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in turtaade, reentaade, fonnditaade,
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. seynaade, nantaade, henngitaade,
Verb. transplanter, repiquer (ex. arbre, fleur, nanngitaade, hegitaade, ooncaade,
mil); transplant. compare: aawude; cubinaade; synonyms: cubinaade,
***: tiiraade, aawude, dasaade; fonnditaade, fooccaade, hegitaade,
synonyms: dartinde, dasaade, selaade, henngitaade, laaɓ
laaɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiiraade. Dialects: J. 2 • être correcte, honnête, juste; correct;
honest; just. synonyms: cubinaade,
fonnditaade, fooccaade, hegitaade,
henngitaade, laaɓ
laaɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 84
dartaaki dawaɗi
3 • se redresser, figuratif pour améliorer la
dartol binndi expression. orthographe; orthography.
fortune; straighten up if bent over; improve
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
your fortune. Imo tampunoo e talkaaku
synonyms: binndol2, sifta, mbinndiiri.
sanne, kaa joonin o fuɗɗ
ɗɗii dartaade. Il avait
un temps dur de pauvreté, mais maintenant ça daruura Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
va mieux pour lui. He had a bad time being One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
poor, but now things are beginning to look up Noun: daruuraaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
for him. synonyms: onyitaade, ooncaade, problème; problem. Note : arabe
wuurtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: baasi, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa. Dialects: Y,M.
4 • résister le mal qu'on faisait avant; to resist
dasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dasagol.
evil that one formerly engaged in. Arande imo
Participles: sing: dasiiɗo-dasotooɗo plur:
haɓa e yimɓ
yimɓe de joonin kaa o darteke faa
dasiiɓe-dasotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
woo ɗi. Avant il faisait la bagarre avec tous,
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
mais maintenant il s'est amélioré. Before he
used to fight with everyone, but now he has Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. transplanter
straigtened right up. synonyms: nantaade, un arbre, repiquer du mil; transplant millet or
nanngitaade, reentaade; compare: goonga,
a tree. compare: aawude; ***: tiiraade,
dartinde, darnitaade; synonyms: dartinde,
turtaade, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
darnitaade, selaade, tiiraade. Dialects: G.
dartaaki adj. illogique; illogical. ko dartaaki
dasol Noun. mue du serpent; sloughing of the skin
dartiingol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. (snake).
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
dattaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dattagol.
Noun: dartiiɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. n/adj. un
Participles: sing: dattiiɗo-dattotooɗo plur:
chemin droit; straight road. laawol dartiingol
dattiiɓe-dattotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: guurtol, cuppol, poocciingol, balangol,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
gotol, corfol, coortol, goppol, celol, bedda,
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. dépasser
mbedda, laawol1, buuwaangol; quelqu'un en marchant ou en étudiant; catch
compare: balangol, bedda, buuwaangol, up but go on ahead. ***: hewtitaade.
laawol1, mbedda; synonyms: cuppol, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
poocciingol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dattude Noun Form of Infinitive: dattungol.
dartinaa Noun. arrêté; decree. ko dartinaa ; ko Participles: sing: dattuɗo-dattoowo plur:
darnaa Catégorie : Juridique. dattuɓe-dattooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
dartinanɗe ndeenaagu dabareeji deenirɗ
deenirɗi Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
expression. mesures de sûreté; security Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être devant
measure. Catégorie : Gouvernement, (course ou études); pull ahead of someone or
Juridique. something else. ***: daɗ
daɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
dartinannde Noun. décision ; decision . Catégorie dawa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
: Gouvernement, Juridique. synonyms: aadi. One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
dartinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dartingol. Noun: dawaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Participles: sing: dartinɗo-dartinoowo plur: encre; ink. compare: alluwal1, ɗerewol;
dartinɓe-dartinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1, ***: alluwal1, ɗerewol. Dialectal
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Forms: [J,Y,G,M] dawaaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • corriger, dawaaɗ
dawaaɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
redresser, mettre en ordre, décréter; correct;
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. 1 • lions; lions.
make right; straighten. ***: onyude, tiiraade,
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ooncude, selaade, fonnditinde, darnitaade,
2 • chiens; dogs. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ŋuu'aade, dasaade; synonyms: darnude,
fonnditinde, ooncude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. dawaaru Noun. encrier; ink pot; inkwell.
2 • transplanter un arbre; transplant a tree.
dawaɗi Noun. canins; dogs. Catégorie : Élevage.
compare: jannginde, ŋogude, onyude;
synonyms: dasaade, selaade, tiiraade.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 85
dawla de

dawla Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting dawrude Noun Form of Infinitive: dawrugol.
Designation: 3. Noun. popularité, honneur, Participles: sing: dawruɗo-dawroowo plur:
grâce (au niveau humain), charme, charisme; dawruɓe-dawrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
charm; grace (on a human level; not with Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
God); honor; charisma; popularity. Note : arabe
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. régner sur,
compare: horsude1, yiɗ
yiɗude; ***: annoora
annoora, avoir le contrôle sur; rule over; control over
yiɗeede, yiɗ
yiɗude, horsude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. (to have). synonyms: dawrande, laamaade;
dawlinnde Verb. harmoniser, rendre prestigieux; ***: dawrande, laamaade;
prestigious (to make); harmonize. compare: ardaade, hooraade, hawjaade.
dawrande Noun Form of Infinitive: dawrangol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: dawranɗo-dawranoowo dawrugol leydi expression. souveraineté nationale;
plur: dawranɓe-dawranooɓe. Sorting national sovereignty, state sovereignty.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or dawsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dawsagol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • régner sur, Participles: sing: dawsiiɗo-dawsotooɗo
contrôler; rule over; control over. plur: dawsiiɓe-dawsotooɓe. Sorting
***: haɓ
haɓitaade, laamaade, hilnaade, Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
hooraade, dawrude, hawjaade, durtaade,
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ardaade; synonyms: dawrude
dawrude, hawjaade, Verb. réduire, mincir, se calmer, s’affaisser;
laamaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. reduce. Henndu dawseke joonin. Le vent a
2 • avoir la maîtrise de soi, être discipliné; self diminué d'intensité. The wind has begun to
control; disciplined (to be self). subside now. A tawii o dawseke
dawseke joonin, si
compare: ardaade, hooraade; wanaa ɗum o fiyeteno. Tu vas voir qu'il s'est
synonyms: haɓ
haɓitaade, nantaade. calmé, sinon il allait te frapper. You will find
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. he has calmed down now, if not he would hit
you. ***: ɓuytude, ɗuytude, hakindinde;
dawrande politikkaarem expression.
synonyms: ɓuytude, ɗuytude, hakindinde.
indépendance politique; political
independence. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Dialects: J,Y,M.
dawude Noun Form of Infinitive: dawgol.
dawridal jammba synonyme: ballondiral ley Participles: sing: dawuɗo-dawoowo plur:
jammba. Noun. conspiration; conspiracy. dawuɓe-dawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Catégorie : Juridique. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
dawridinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dawridingol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. quitter tôt le
matin; leave during the early morning.
Participles: sing: dawridinɗo-dawridinoowo
***: hejjude, runnyude, huujaade, dillude,
plur: dawridinɓe-dawridinooɓe. Sorting
hiirndude; compare: dillude, hejjude,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hiirndude, huujaade, runnyude.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
iɓe ndawrida. Verb. discuter comment
résoudre un problème, s’entretenir pour avoir dawwa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
une solution; discuss how to tackle a job or a Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
problem; talk a matter over. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: dawwuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
dawroowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Noun. autruche; ostrich. Catégorie : Oiseau.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Struthio camelus. ***: ndaw. Dialects: G.
Noun: dawrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. de1 Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. ainsi, ainsi
guide, leader d'un groupe d'âge; leader of an que, alors, c'est pourquoi, pour cette raison;
age group; leader. synonyms: arɗ
arɗo, mawɗ
mawɗo, therefore; for this reason; so that; that is why;
hooreejo; ***: ardo, mawɗ
mawɗo, arɗ
arɗo, so; so then; then. synonyms: jaka, jonkaa,
hooreejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ndelle, salla, yalla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 86
de deegaruwol
2 • adv/conj. et, et alors, puis, ensuite, mais,
debereedu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
quand même, pourtant, cependant, néanmoins;
that; but; but still; that even; and then; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
however; and yet. synonyms: ammaa, faa, kaa, Noun: debereeduuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
kay. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mt. Noun. femme enceinte; pregnant woman.
Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: haamili,
de2 Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. quand; when.
kaamili; ***: kaamili, haamili.
***: e1, juk, faa, taw, yalla, jonkaa, jaw,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ammaa, kaa, nde, salla, kay, jaka, wulude,
ndelle, delle. Dialects: G. dee Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
2 • rpn. que, lequel, laquelle, lesquels; which. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: G. Noun: deekiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun. épouse, femme (utilisé avec le nom du
3 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: nde.
mari); wife. dee Muusa L'épouse de Moussa.
Dialects: G.
Muusa's wife; Ali na woodi deekiiwo
debbo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number kaɓ
eteeɗo. Ali a une femme qui aime se
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of bagarrer. Ali has a wife who likes to fight.
Noun: rew(u)ɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. here are the contracted possessive forms: 1s
1 • femme ou fille; woman; girl. Catégorie : La deekam, 2s deeka, 3s (makko) deekiiko,
(muuɗum) deekum, (plurals taken in a
Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
figurative sense) 1p (exclusive) NA,
2 • femelle; female. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. (inclusive) deekii'en [same as "dee meeɗen"],
[Y,G] deekiiɗen, 2p deekii'on [same as "dee
debbo mawɗ
mawɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
mooɗon], [Y,G] deekiiɗon, 3p (maɓɓe)
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
deekiiɓe, (muɓɓen) NA. ***: dey1;
Form of Noun: rewuɓe mawɓe. Sorting
compare: jom suudu; synonyms: dey2. Dialectal
Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • vieille femme; woman
Forms: [J,M] deekiiwo, [Y,G] deekiyo.
(old); old woman. Catégorie : La Personne.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yaaya koreeji, debbo nayeejo,
gortaalo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. deedi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
2 • veuve; widow. compare: colocolo, Designation: 1, at. Noun. estomacs, ventres;
rumens; stomaches; bellies. Dialectal
gortaalo; synonyms: debbo nayeejo.
Forms: [Y,G] deeɗi. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

debbo nayeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: deedi ɓattondirɗ

attondirɗi Noun. grossesses rapprochées;
closely-spaced pregnancies.
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
Form of Noun: rewuɓe nayeeɓe. Sorting deedi ɗi parrite synonyme: deedi kulƴiniiɗi.
expression. grossesses à risque; high-risk
Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • une vieille femme; old
pregnancy. Catégorie : Le corps.
woman. ***: yaaya koreeji, gortaalo, debbo
mawɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G. deedol Noun. grossesse; pregnancy. Catégorie : Le
2 • veuve sans enfants; widow who is childless. corps. ***: debereedaaku.
compare: colocolo, gortaalo; deegaade Verb. orner (case); decorate (house).
synonyms: debbo mawɗ
mawɗo. Dialectal Forms: [M] Dialectal Forms: deegude.
debbo neejo. Dialects: J,Y,G.
deegaruwol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur:
debeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Form of Noun: deegaruuji. Sorting
of Noun: debeeje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Designation: 4, ct. Noun. espèce de hangar
un village constitué de noirs africains; a tissé; hanger woven. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
village composed of [J] black Africans or
synonyms: jonngorgol
jonngorgol; compare: balol;
[J;Y;G;M] riimayɓe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: jonngorgol. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
debereedaaku Noun. grossesse; pregnancy. deegorgol (ngol)/deegorɗi (ɗi). Dialects: G.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: deedol.

16/02/2020 87
deege deeƴinaade

deege Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number deerorɗ

deerorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: deerorɗingol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: deerorɗinɗo plur:
Noun: deegeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, ct. deerorɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Noun. 1 • baldaquin au-dessus du lit; canopy Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative
over the bed. ***: ganngiire, miral, leggal or Progressive: st - imo deerorɗi. Verb. être
deege; compare: feɗ feɗo, leggal deege, miral, glouton, goulu(e); gluttonous.
palal. Dialects: J. synonyms: guugeede, haanɗ
haanɗude, habiseede,
2 • étagère basse pour mettre des plats et pots; reereeɗ
reereeɗinde; compare: eelude, himmeede,
a low shelf for storing dishes and pots. jooteede, woroɗ
woroɗinde; ***: guugeede.
compare: ganngiire. Dialects: Y. Dialects: G.
deelɗ-a Noun. liquide (vs solide/gazeux); liquid (vs. deese Noun. panneaux; traffic signs, warning signs.
solid / gas). Catégorie : Mathématique.
***: selb-
selb-a. deesewal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
deen Sorting Designation: 2. adv/conj. alors; then.
Noun: deeseeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
***: ndeen; synonyms: ndeen. Dialects: G. drapeau; flag. Catégorie : Gouvernement.
deen kay Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. dans ces Note : français ***: lefol laamu; synonyms: lefol
jours-là, à ce temps-là; back then; at that time. laamu. Dialects: J.
synonyms: ndeen kaa; ***: ndeen kaa. deewaliyason Noun. dévaluation; devaluation.
Dialects: G. Catégorie : Argent. Note : français
deenaade Noun Form of Infinitive: deenagol. deewondirol Noun. coït; coitus. Fukkodagol gorko
Participles: sing: deeniiɗo-deenotooɗo plur: e debbo, ko gorko wattata ngoraaku mum
deeniiɓe-deenotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. ley ndewaaku debbo ***: katondirol,
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. munkondirgol.
s'adosser avec le dos ou l'épaule; lean on with
one's back or shoulder. ***: ɓaaraade, deeƴ
deeƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: deeƴagol.
ɓaggaade; synonyms: ɓaaraade, ɓaggaade. Participles: sing: deeƴiiɗo-deeƴotooɗo
Dialects: Y,G,M. plur: deeƴiiɓe-deeƴotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
deende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Plural: d/ng. Verb Stative or
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • mettre un piège,
of Noun: deeɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
piéger; set a trap. ***: heƴƴ
ƴƴaade, tuufude,
voisinage, quartier, district; quarter; district;
bedaade, tunnude; synonyms: bedaade,
neighborhood. synonyms: banŋ
tuufude, tunnude. Dialects: Y.
***: banŋ
banŋeere. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • être étroit, comme le col d'une gourde;
deental Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. narrow. Daande jollooru ndu na deeƴ deeƴii. The
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of neck of the gord is narrow.; or the middle
Noun: deente. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. portion of an "unndugal" where the woman
association, organisation, groupe, holds it to pound. synonyms: heƴƴ
groupement, organisme, comité; association; Dialects: J.
organization; organism; group. Catégorie
: Juridique. synonyms: kawrital.
deeƴinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: deeƴingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G. Participles: sing: deeƴiniiɗo-deeƴotooɗo
plur: deeƴiniiɓe-deeƴotooɓe. Sorting
deereero Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun: reereeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Verb. attraper quelqu'un dans un piège; catch
glouton, gloutonne; glutton. someone or something in a trap.
synonyms: guugaaɗ
guugaaɗo. Dialects: G,M. synonyms: nannginde, tuufinde;
deerel Plural Form of Noun: ndeeroy. Noun. ***: tuufinde, nannginde. Dialects: Y.
ventricule; ventricle. Catégorie : Le corps.

16/02/2020 88
defirde dekude

defirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. deke Sorting Designation: 2. adj. plus, quelques, plus
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form que, et un peu; more than; plus; some; and a
of Noun: defirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. little. Duuɓ
Duuɓi makko wo capanɗ
capanɗe jeetati e
Variante: defirdu. Noun. cuisine, endroit où deke. He is eighty plus years old.
l'on prépare la nourriture; kitchen; place compare: dekude; synonyms: e1, yowoode;
where food is prepared. Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: yowoode. Dialectal Forms: [J] dekoode.
synonyms: kaatane. Dialectal Forms: [J,M] Dialects: Y,G,M.
defirdu - if a building. Dialects: J,M.
dekeede Noun Form of Infinitive: dekegol.
deftere Noun. livre; book. Catégorie : Lecture / Participles: sing: dekaaɗo-deketeeɗo plur:
écriture. synonyms: dewtere. dekaaɓe-deketeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
defude Noun Form of Infinitive: defugol. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir
placé quelque chose sur soi, figuratif: cela
Participles: sing: defuɗo-defoowo plur:
peut être une responsabilité; to have
defuɓe-defooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. something placed on you; can be used fig. of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb responsibility. ***: yoweede, feleede,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cuisiner, yoweede; synonyms: yoweede.
préparer avec du feu, faire la cuisine, cuire;
Dialects: Y,G,M.
prepare food with fire; cook. Catégorie
: Nourriture. compare: buuɗ
buuɗude, darnude, 2 • être accusé; accused. synonyms: yoweede,
duppude, jongude, juɗ juɗude, nyaanyude, feleede. Dialects: Y,G,M.
urude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude; ***: ɓenndude, buuɗ buuɗude, dekeree Noun. décret; order; decree. Catégorie
urude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Gouvernement. Note : français

defugol Noun. cuisson; cooking. Catégorie dekondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: dekondirgol.
: Nourriture. Participles: sing:
degereejo Noun. nain; dwarf. Dialectal dekondirɗo-dekondiroowo plur:
Forms: daɓɓosanne. dekondirɓe-dekondirooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
dekaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dekagol.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: dekiiɗo-dekotooɗo plur: Verb. empiler, entasser; stack up one thing on
dekiiɓe-dekotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. another; pile up. ***: yowundurde;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb synonyms: yowundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. dépendre,
dekude Noun Form of Infinitive: dekugol.
conter sur; depend on; count on. MiɗMiɗo dekii
Participles: sing: dekuɗo-dekoo plur:
dow maa. I (am [presently] counting) on you.
dekuɓe-dekooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
***: fawaade, halfinde, tuugaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
hoolaade, wakkilde, reynude, yowaade,
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • placer,
laamnude, diilaade; compare: halfinde,
mettre, poser par terre; lay; put; place or set
hoolaade, laamnude, reynude, tuugaade,
something down. ***: nyiŋnyiŋude, yowude,
wakkilde; synonyms: diilaade, fawaade,
deke, fawude, wuykude, felude, nyo'ude,
yowaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
huɗitaade, gosude, sagginde, wallinde,
dekaagaraam emprunt: français. Noun. fukkinde, sappande, yowude, fawude,
décagramme; decagram. Catégorie fawude, yowude, joƴƴ joƴƴinde
: Mathématique.
synonyms: fawude, yowude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
dekaaliitar emprunt: français. Noun. décalitre; 2 • mettre sur, poser sur; lay; place or set upon;
decalitre. Catégorie : Mathématique. put. Dialects: Y,G,M.
dekaameeter emprunt: français. Noun. décamètre; 3 • blâmer, accuser; accuse; blame.
decametre. Catégorie : Mathématique. synonyms: fawude, felude, nyiŋ
sappande, yowude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
4 • préparer du thé; prepare tea.
compare: fukkinde
fukkinde, huɗ
huɗitaade, huttaade,
ƴƴinde, wallinde, nyo'ude;
synonyms: sagginde. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 89
delge Demmo

delge Noun. délégué; delegate. Note : français demal ngal nawtortaako synonyme: ko torrata
neɗɗo. expression. agriculture biologique;
delle Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. donc, c'est
biological agriculture. Catégorie : Agriculture.
pourquoi, par conséquent, alors; therefore;
consequently; hence; so then. ***: ndelle. demal potorngal ngal fayda expression.
Dialects: G. agriculture intensive; intensive agriculture.
2 • adv/conj. par conséquent (conjonction); Catégorie : Agriculture.

consequently. synonyms: de2, ndelle, jaka. demal sari Noun. culture attelée; cultivating with a
Dialects: G. harness. Catégorie : Agriculture.

dellitorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. dembaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: dellitorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: dembaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Noun. pente, descente d'une colline; slope; le cinquième fils (par ordre de naissance);
descent of a hill or a mountain. Catégorie fifth born son. ***: hammadiijo, paateejo,
: Terre. ***: wudditoroonde, jippitorde, njobbaajo, sammbaajo, yeraajo;
juunnitorde, tellitorde, regitaango; compare: hammadiijo, sammbaajo, yeraajo,
synonyms: jippitorde, juunnitorde, paateejo, njobbaajo. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M]
regitaango, wudditoroonde. Dialects: J,G. demboojo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
dema gaɗ
gaɗanteengal jaagu expression. culture Dembo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
commerciale, culture de rente; commercial donné au quatrième ou cinquième fils; the
agriculture. Catégorie : Agriculture. traditional name of the [Y] fourth/[J;M] fifth
demal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal. Sorting son. ***: Paate, Sammbo, Njobbo, Yero, Afo,
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. culture, binage, Ndembi, Hammadum;
sarclage, labour, agriculture; cultivation; compare: Hammadum, Sammbo, Yero,
hoeing; plowing. synonyms: ndemri, mbersiri, Paate, Njobbo; synonyms: Ndembi. Dialectal
patamaari; ***: mbersiri, patamaari. Forms: Demba. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialectal Forms: [G] demri (di). demilal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
demal ɗo aawdiir wattitetee expression. culture Noun: demile. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
itinérante; travelling agriculture. Catégorie cultiver le champs pour quelqu'un; a work bee
: Agriculture. specifically to hoe someone's field for them.
***: remude, boogu; synonyms: boogu;
demal finaatawa expression. agriculture
compare: remude. Dialects: Y,M.
traditionnelle; traditional agriculture.
Catégorie : Agriculture. Demmba Noun. prénom masculin (Signification :
demal gaɗ
gaɗanteengal nyaamndu expression. Troisième fils); first name for a male
culture vivrière; agriculture based on (meaning: third son). Catégorie : Nom.
vegetables. Catégorie : Agriculture. demmbude
demmbude Verb. stagner ; stagnate.
demal jaajungal ngal walaa fayda expression. demmbugol ndiyeele tuunuɗ
tuunuɗe expression.
agriculture extensive; extensive agriculture. stagnation des eaux usées; waste water
Catégorie : Agriculture. stagnation. Catégorie : Eau.
demal kaɓɓ
ɓɓodiingal e awagol e maral Demmo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
expression. agro sylvo pastorale; donné à la sixième fille; the traditional name
agro-sylvo-pastorale. Catégorie : Agriculture. for the sixth born daughter; also Demmere.
demal kaɓɓ
ɓɓodiingal e maral expression. agro ***: Daado, Seebo, Kumbo, Faatuma,
pastorale; pastoral agriculture. Catégorie Penndo, Diko, Takko; compare: Diko,
: Agriculture. Kumbo, Penndo, Daado, Takko, Seebo.
demal keeɗ
keeɗu Noun. cultures contre saison; dry Dialects: J,Y.
season agriculture. Catégorie : Agriculture.
demal kesal expression. agriculture moderne;
modern agriculture. Catégorie : Agriculture.

16/02/2020 90
demmoojo denjigaare

demmoojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. denɗ

denɗoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: demmooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: denɗiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. le fille née en sixième position; the sixth Noun. cousin (de la sœur du père ou du frère de
born daughter. ***: kumbaajo, dikaajo, la mère); cousin. Umaru wo denɗdenɗoo Hasan.
penndaajo, daadoojo, faatumaajo, Umaru est le cousin d'Hasan. Umaru is
takkaajo, seeboojo; compare: dikaajo, Hasan's cousin. Si neɗɗ
ɗɗo walaa denɗ
kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo, takkaajo, fuu, heɓ
heɓataa mo wi'a ko boni. Si quelqu'un
seeboojo. Dialects: J,Y.
n'a pas de cousin, il n'a personne pour
taquiner. If someone doesn't have a cousin he
demokaraasi Noun. démocratie; democracy. doesn't have someone to say bad things about.;
Catégorie : Gouvernement. Note : français here are the contracted personal forms: 1s
***: potondiral. denɗam, 2s denɗa, 3s (makko) denɗiiko,
(muuɗum) denɗum, 1p (inclusive) denɗii'en,
demookarat Noun. démocrate; democrat. Catégorie [Y,G] denɗiiɗen [both of these are the same as
: Gouvernement. Note : français "denɗoo meeɗen"], (exclusive) NA, 2p
denɗii'on, [Y,G] denɗiiɗon [both of these are
demoowo Noun. cultivateur, laboureur; farmer.
the same as "denɗoo mooɗon"], 3p (maɓɓe)
Catégorie : Agriculture, Travailleur.
denɗiiɓe, (muɓɓen) denɗumen. compare: ɓii
dempinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dempingol. bappaanyo. Dialectal Forms: [J] denɗiraaɗo,
Participles: sing: dempinɗo-dempinoowo [J,M] denɗiiwo, [Y,G] denɗiyo. Dialects: J,M.
plur: dempinɓe-dempinooɓe. Sorting
dene Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 2, cs, pl. Noun. pastèques
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
sauvages; watermelons (wild). Catégorie
Verb. cuire avec vapeur; cook with steam.
: Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y.
***: cuurki, curki, suurtinde, urude;
synonyms: suurtinde, urude; compare: curki. dengeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] dempininde. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y. of Noun: denngeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce de plante; A common annual
dempunuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: plant found in well watered soil. Catégorie
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Zornia
Form of Noun: dempunuuje. Sorting glochidiatus. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. couscoussier
denjiɗingol Noun. divagation sexuelle; straying
(casserole avec des trous en bas pour cuire
avec vapeur); steamer. Catégorie : Récipient.
synonyms: fayannde lakkiri, suurtinirde; denjigaade Noun Form of Infinitive: denjigagol.
***: suurtinirde, fayannde lakkiri. Dialectal Participles: sing: denjigiiɗo-denjigotooɗo
Forms: [J] dempinirde. Dialects: Y,G. plur: denjigiiɓe-denjigotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
denɗiiyo Noun. promotionnaire; age-mate.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
denɗiraagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se prostituer;
Designation: 2. Noun. fait d'être des cousins / engage in sex for pay; prostitute. Note :
cousines, relation entre cousins maternels; Bambara ***: woykaade, zeenude, jaahili,
cousin-hood; relationship between maternal
annjaari, jeenude; compare: wamude,
cousins. Catégorie : Parenté.
womude, wuylaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: ndenɗ
ndenɗiraagu; synonyms: ndenɗ
2 • être de mœurs faciles; sexually
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] denɗiraaku.
promiscuous. Note : Bambara
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: woykaade; compare: fijude, jaahili,
jeenude, zeenude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

denjigaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting

Designation: 3. Noun. prostitution; prostitution.
compare: jeenude, jaahili;
***: woykuuraaku; synonyms: woykuuraaku
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 91
denjigi dettude

denjigi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number departema Noun. département; district; department.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Catégorie : Gouvernement, Région. Note :
Noun: [J,M] denjigiiɓe, [J,M] denjigi'en. français ***: fedde.
Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. une prostituée, depite Noun. député; deputy. Catégorie
femme immorale; immoral woman; prostitute. : Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français
Catégorie : La Personne. Note : Bambara
***: jaahili, woykuuru, annjaari; depitee en kawtuɓ
kawtuɓe saldu expression. groupe
parlementaire; parliamentary group. Catégorie
synonyms: annjaari, jaahili, woykuuru.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialectal Forms: [Y] denjugu. Dialects: J,M.
deppitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: deppitagol.
denndal Noun. groupe; group. Catégorie
Participles: sing: deppitiiɗo-deppitotooɗo
: Mathématique. synonyms: goomu.
plur: deppitiiɓe-deppitotooɓe. Sorting
denndeeruwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Form of Noun: denndeeruuje. Sorting Verb. tomber sur le derrière; fall on one's rear
Designation: 4. Noun. poteau fourchu placé au end. Dialects: J,Y,M.
milieu de la case/maison; log (forked
deppitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: deppitingol.
supporting). ***: geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal,
Participles: sing: deppitinɗo-deppitinoowo
noppiyal, nyaygal
nyaygal, bannjaruwal, teegorgal;
plur: deppitinɓe-deppitinooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: bannjaruwal, geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal,
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
noppiyal, nyaygal, teegorgal. Dialects: Y.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
denno Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. ensuite, puis, na deppita. Verb. attraper un animal qui court
alors; then. Si hakkunde naange warii fuu, par la queue et le terrasser; to grab a hold of
denno mi ŋottan. Quand il fait midi, alors je the tail of an animal that is running and to
me repose. When it is noon, then I will rest. knock it over on its rear end. Dialects: J,Y,M.
(See also ndeen-[J] ndeen noon (rare)).
dere Sorting Designation: 1. prep. dans; in. ***: ley1,
Dialects: G.
nder, e2, hen; synonyms: e1, hen, ley1, nder.
denŋeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
desiigaraam emprunt: français. Noun. décigramme;
of Noun: denŋeeje. Sorting Designation: 3. decigram. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun. île; island. Catégorie : Terre.
***: ruunde, duundere, tummbere; desiiliitar emprunt: français. Noun. décilitre; decilitre.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
synonyms: duundere, ruunde, tummbere.
Dialects: J,M. desiimeeter emprunt: français. Noun. décimètre;
decimetre. Catégorie : Mathématique.
dental Noun. ensemble; together. Catégorie
: Mathématique. desirɗ
desirɗe dewte binndaaɗ
binndaaɗe expression. archives;
archives. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
dentude Noun Form of Infinitive: dentugol.
***: resaa.
Participles: sing: dentuɗo-dentoowo plur:
dentuɓe-dentooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. desirgal Noun. armoire; cupboard. Catégorie
: Équipement de la maison.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. baisser; lower. dettude Noun Form of Infinitive: dettugol.
***: yowtude, rennude, jippinde, dettude; Participles: sing: dettuɗo-dettoowo plur:
synonyms: dettude, jippinde, rennude, dettuɓe-dettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
yowtude. Dialects: M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. baisser; lower.
deŋeleewo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Yuusufi dettu kaakol dow danki,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
hokkaram. Yuusufi, get that calabash from on
Noun: deŋeleeji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
espèce de natte épaisse; grass mat (thick top of the hangar, give it to me. ***: yowtude,
woven). ***: booyoowo, sooɓ
sooɓo, rennude, dentude, jippinde;
ommboogo, sekko, selselnde; synonyms: dentude, jippinde, rennude,
synonyms: booyoowo, sekko; yowtude. Dialects: Y,G.
compare: ommboogo. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 92
dewal dey kaananke

dewal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. dewtere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Noun: dewe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. of Noun: dewte. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
fidélité (particulièrement en suivant la livre, livret, manuel; book. Catégorie : Lecture
religion), piété; piety; faithfulness. / écriture. compare: muktuuru; ***: deftere,
compare: haɓɓ
ɓɓaade, hoolnaade, rewude; muktuuru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: rewude, hoolnaade, haɓɓ haɓɓaade
dewtere fottooji Noun. album photos; photograph
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dewal2 Noun. département, canton, région; district; dewtere hiisa Noun. livre de calcul; arithmetic book.
area; department; region. Catégorie
Catégorie : Apprendre.
: Gouvernement. ***: fedde.
dewtere holloore sariya bone expression. code
dewal3 synonyme: laaɓngal, masal, . Noun. voyelle; de procédure pénale; Criminal Procedure
vowel. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Code. Catégorie : Juridique.
***: masoore.
dewtere inɗ
inɗe expression. registre; register, record.
dewɗuɗo soumis; subdued; submissive. synonyms: dewtere winndirde ko woɗ
dewel Noun. femelle; female. Catégorie : Élevage. dewtere mopereeɓ
mopereeɓe Noun. bible; Bible.
synonyms: rewre.
dewtere piirtol karfeeje expression. glossaire;
deweteeɗo Noun. créancier; creditor. Catégorie glossary. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
: Argent.
dewtere sariya bone synonyme: dewtere sariya
dewgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. jukke. expression. code pénal; penal code,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of criminal code.
Noun: dewle. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
dewtere sariya golle ɗe kawtaa e ɗe
mariage (cérémonie); marriage; wedding
ceremony. ***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓal, ɓangal, koowgal; gofernema expression. code du travail;
labour code, labor law. Catégorie : Juridique.
synonyms: ɓangal, koowgal; compare: cuddal,
ɓɓal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. dewtere sariya mo yimɓ
yimɓe e ɓaade fu
dewlondirɓe Noun. couple; couple. ndewata expression. code des personnes et
de la famille; Personal and Family Code.
dewlude Verb. épouser; wed; marry. Catégorie : Juridique.
dewondirol laamu expression. hiérarchie; dewtere sariya piilki expression. code de
hierarchy. Catégorie : Gouvernement, l'environnement; Environmental Code.
Juridique. synonyms: darja. Catégorie : Juridique.

dewoowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. dewtere sariya siwil en expression. code civil;
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Civil Code. Catégorie : Juridique.
Noun: dewooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. la dewtere winndirde ko woɗ
woɗi expression. registre;
route empruntée, itinéraire; route by which register, record. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
one goes somewhere. compare: rewude. Lecture / écriture. ***: dewtere inɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dey1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
dewral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, th. Noun. paix, accord; Noun: deekiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
agreement; peace. compare: rewrude1; Noun. épouse (utilisé avec le nom de son mari);
***: potal1, ndeenaagu, marhabaa, jam, wife. dey Muusa Épouse de Moussa, femme
rewrude1, batidal; synonyms: jam, marhabaa, de Moussa. Moses wife. This word is not used
ndeenaagu, potal1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with the various personal contracted forms
(see dee). synonyms: dee; compare: jom
dewtel-alla Plural Form of Noun: dewtoy-alla. Noun. suudu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
papillon; butterfly. Catégorie : Insecte.
synonyms: moodibbuwa, dabidabiyal. dey2 Sorting Designation: 1. interrog. quand; when.
***: ndey, dee; synonyms: ndey. Dialects: G.

dey kaananke Noun. reine; queen. Catégorie

: Gouvernement.

16/02/2020 93
deye diggaali

deye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. dibbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dibbagol.

lequel, laquelle; which. Dewtere deye o Participles: sing: dibbiiɗo-dibbotooɗo plur:
janngata? Quel lis-t-il? Which book is he dibbiiɓe-dibbotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
reading? Dialects: G. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi anndaa dewtere
dewtere Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. branler, tirer,
deye o janngata. I don't know which book he traîner, secouer quelqu'un ou quelque chose;
is reading. jerk someone or something. ***: difaade,
synonyms: ndeye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O difude, fooɗ
fooɗude; compare: difaade, fooɗ
anndaa deye o janngata. He doesn't know synonyms: difude. Dialects: J.
which (one/book) he is reading. dibude Noun Form of Infinitive: dibugol.
ƴƴere Noun. silence; silence. Participles: sing: dibuɗo-diboowo plur:
dibuɓe-dibooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
ƴƴinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: deƴƴinagol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Participles: sing: deƴƴiniiɗo-deƴƴinotooɗo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. griller de la
plur: deƴƴiniiɓe-deƴƴinotooɓe. Sorting
viande; grill meat. ***: hobaade, ayminde;
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: ayminde, hobaade. Dialects: J.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être tranquille ou difaade Noun Form of Infinitive: difagol.
silencieux; quiet (to be); silent (to be). Participles: sing: difiiɗo-difotooɗo plur:
***: muɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. difiiɓe-difotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
2 • cesser de parler ou crier; stop crying; stop Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative
talking. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • secouer une partie
de son corps; jerk in a spastic sense; thrash; to
ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: deƴƴingol.
jerk a part of your own body. ***: dinngaade,
Participles: sing: deƴƴinɗo-deƴƴinoowo
dirbaade, dibbaade, dimmbaade.
plur: deƴƴinɓe-deƴƴinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • se libérer des griffes de quelqu'un, se
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
débattre; struggle; to jerk yourself loose from
Verb. calmer quelqu'un, consoler quelqu'un,
réconforter, faire taire; comfort or console; someone's grasp. compare: dibbaade,
quiet someone. ***: belaade, selnude, fooɗ
fooɗaade; synonyms: dimmbaade,
malsinde, mansinde, yoofinde, welnude, dinngaade. Dialectal Forms: [M] difitaade-to

eytude, yoppinde, maysinde; jerk spastically because you are sick.

compare: selnude, yoppinde, mansinde, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

maysinde, belaade, welnude. difude Noun Form of Infinitive: difugol.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: difuɗo-difoowo plur:
ƴƴude Verb. se taire; say nothing; silent (to be). difuɓe-difooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative
di Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. qui, lequel;
or Progressive: prg. Verb. secouer quelqu'un ou
which. ***: ndi. Dialects: G. quelque chose; jerk someone or something.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ndi. synonyms: dibbaade; compare: fooɗ
Dialects: G. ***: dibbaade, fooɗ
fooɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Diaƴe Noun. prénom masculin (Signification : le digetiiji kaɗ
kaɗooji heefagol leydi expression.
jovial); first name for a male (meaning: jovial). diguettes anti érosives; anti erosion barriers.
Catégorie : Nom. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.

diggaali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting

Designation: 2. Noun. coups de tonnerre, coups
de foudre; thunder peals. Catégorie : Ciel.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 94
diggol diidol peewngol

diggol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. diidel hakkunde expression. trait d’union; hyphen.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of - synonyms: diidel jokkel, diidel; ***: diidel
Noun: diggi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. doɓ
touffe de cheveux au milieu de la tête d'une
femme ou fille; a plait of hair that stands up on diidel jokkel Noun. trait d’union; hyphen. Catégorie
the center of the head of a woman; in : Lecture / écriture. ***: diidel
diidel hakkunde.
Mahadaga young girls who shave their heads
diidel taƴ
taƴel Noun. tiret; dash. Catégorie : Lecture /
except in the middle; then they let it all
grow-when it is grown out they braid it; O
sancii diggol makko gootol de o yehi, o diidi binndi expression. corps d’écriture; text corpus.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
ƴoogowi. She unbraided one of her plaits then
she went for water. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diidi natal expression. graphique; graph, chart, figure.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture, Le langage et
diggol2 Noun. crête; comb, crest. Catégorie : Parties la pensée.
d’un animal.
diidirgal synonyme: reegal. Noun. règle; rule.
dihal Noun Class Markers: sing: kal. Sorting Catégorie : Mathématique.
Designation: 4. Noun. un peu d'eau; little bit of
water. Catégorie : Eau. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
diidiwal Noun. géométrie; geometry. Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: joomeetiri.
diibaade Noun Form of Infinitive: diibagol. Sorting
diidiwol synonyme: nallol, nalli . Noun. graphisme;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
graphics. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bien mélangé; diidol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
mixed (to be thoroughly). ***: yaaɓ
yaaɓaade; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
synonyms: yaaɓ
yaaɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: diidi. Sorting Designation: 3, st. Noun.
1 • ligne, dessin, trait; design; any line; or
diibude Note : Absa - in Piela this only means sense two - drawing. Catégorie : Mathématique, Lecture /
mixing To with milk. Noun Form of
écriture. ***: balangol Lahel Buraagi,
Infinitive: diibugol. Participles: sing:
diidannde, Lahel Buraagi, laawol Makka,
diibuɗo-diiboowo plur: diibuɓe-diibooɓe.
laawa, ndiida. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • Voie lactée; Milky Way. Catégorie : Ciel.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: balangol Lahel Buraagi, laawa,
Verb. 1 • mélanger avec mains ou pieds,
délayer, malaxer; knead; mix using hands or laawol Makka, ndiida; compare: Lahel
feet; dilute. ***: hurbude, wurwude, iirtude, Buraagi. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ɓɓude, jillitinde; compare: iirtude, diidol etirgol mawnugol expression. courbe de
jillitinde, hurbude, wurwude. croissance; growth curve. Catégorie : En
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bonne santé.
2 • mélanger «tô» avec du lait; to mix nyiiri diidol etirgol teddeefi expression. courbe de
with milk. compare: toɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: Y,G,M. poids; weight curve. Catégorie : En bonne
diid-a Verb. souligner, tracer; underline, draw.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. diidol keltingol Noun. ligne brisée; broken line.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
diid-a lees expression. souligner; stress. Catégorie
: Mathématique. diidol kofingol Noun. ligne courbe; curved line.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
diidannde Noun. tracé (nom); line (name). Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: diidol. diidol palingol Noun. ligne oblique; oblique line.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
diidel Noun. trait d'union, - ; hyphen. - Catégorie
diidol peewngol Noun. ligne droite; straight line.
: La Grammaire, Mathématique. ***: diidel
Catégorie : Mathématique.

diidel doɓ
doɓol expression. trait d’union; hyphen.
synonyms: diidel hakkunde.

16/02/2020 95
diidude diiŋaali
2 • cultivateur, quelqu'un de la société fulbé;
diidude Noun Form of Infinitive: diidugol.
cultivator. synonyms: maccuɗ
maccuɗo, maraaɗ
Participles: sing: diiduɗo-diidoowo plur:
korɗo; compare: dimo. Dialectal Forms: [J]
diiduɓe-diidooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
dimaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • dessiner, diina1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
griffonner, tracer; draw; to design; doodle. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: natude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: diinaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
2 • faire une ligne sur le sol; to make a line in une religion, Islam, croyance; belief; religion;
the dirt; either on purpose or by dragging Islam. Note : arabe ***: illa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
your foot. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
diina2 Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. mieux que, plus
diikude Noun Form of Infinitive: diikugol. que; better than; more than. Djibo ɓurumi
Participles: sing: diikuɗo-diikoowo plur: anndude diina e Fada. Je connais Djibo
diikuɓe-diikooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb mieux que Fada. I know Djibo better than
Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative Fada. synonyms: illa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or Progressive: prg. Verb. emballer les
diinanke religieux; religious.
vêtements dans un tissu; wrap your clothes in a
cloth. compare: saawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diineede Noun Form of Infinitive: loƴegol.
Participles: sing: loƴaaɗo-loƴeteeɗo plur:
diilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: diilagol.
loƴaaɓe-loƴeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: diiliiɗo-diilotooɗo plur:
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
diiliiɓe-diilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
gardé sous l'eau par quelqu'un; to be held
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
under water by someone. ***: diisineede,
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
loƴeede; synonyms: loƴ
loƴeede. Dialects: G.
1 • dépendre de ou compter sur; depend on;
2 • être bougé hors du chemin par quelqu’un;
count on. Miɗ
Miɗo diilii maa. Je compte sur toi. I
(am [presently] counting/counted) on you. moved out of the way. compare: mutineede;
***: fawaade, halfinde, dekaade, tuugaade, synonyms: diisineede. Dialects: J,Y,M.

hoolaade, wakkilde, reynude, yowaade, diinude Noun Form of Infinitive: diinugol.

laamnude, ɓurande, samtande; Participles: sing: diinuɗo-diinoowo plur:
synonyms: dekaade, fawaade, yowaade. diinuɓe-diinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: Y. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
2 • concentrer sur faire une seule chose; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tenir ou
concentrate or focus on doing one thing. pousser quelqu'un ou quelque chose sous
Durngol tan o diilii. Tout ce qu'il fait est de l'eau; hold or push under water. ***: adude,
garder le troupeau. All he does is herd. soottinde, diisinde, loƴloƴude, fottaade,
synonyms: ɓurande, samtande; foɗ
foɗtaade, dirude, dirnude, footaade,
compare: halfinde, hoolaade
hoolaade, laamnude, disinde, sottinde; synonyms: loƴloƴude.
reynude, tuugaade, wakkilde. Dialects: Y,G. Dialects: G.
diilude Noun Form of Infinitive: diilugol. 2 • bouger quelqu chose ou quelqu'un (même
Participles: sing: diiluɗo-diiloowo plur:
soi-même d'un endroit à l'autre); move
diiluɓe-diilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. something. synonyms: adude, diisinde,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb dimmbaade, dinngaade, dirnude, foɗ foɗtaade,

Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. confier foɗ

foɗtinde, fottaade, footaade, sottinde,
temporellement une vache à quelqu’un; sottude; compare: diisaade, disaade.
temporarily entrust a cow to someone. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: ɓirnude; ***: ɓirnude.
diiŋaali Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Dialects: J,G,M.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
diimaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Noun: diiŋaale. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. espèce de buisson; A shrub of the
Noun: riimayɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
savannah. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
Noun. 1 • esclave; slave. Catégorie : La Gardenia erubescens. ***: ndiiŋ
Personne. ***: dimo, maraaɗ
maraaɗo1, maccuɗ
maccuɗo. synonyms: ndiiŋ
ndiiŋaali. Dialects: G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 96
diiriire Dikko

diiriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. diisineede Noun Form of Infinitive: diisinegol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: diisinaaɗo-diisineteeɗo
of Noun: diiriije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. plur: diisinaaɓe-diisineteeɓe. Sorting
Noun. espèce de plante; An annual grass found Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
in flood plains. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
grimpantes. Eragrostis pilosa. ***: ciidiire, Verb. être bougé hors du chemin; to be moved
siidiiho; synonyms: ciidiire, siidiiho. out of the way. synonyms: diineede;
Dialects: Y,G. ***: diineede. Dialects: J,M,Y.
diirude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:While dik Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très concentré
it would seem that this verb should take ou très épais; concentrated or thick. Cobbal
the stative form they do not use a stative ngal na moddi dik! La boisson est vraiment
form to describe someone who is happy, très épaisse. That Cobbal is really thick!
rather they say "o diirii".. Noun Form of synonyms: tiɓ
tiɓa, tip; compare: moddude.
Infinitive: diirugol. Participles: sing: Dialectal Forms: [Y] dika. Dialects: Y,M.
diiruɗo-diiroowo plur: diiruɓe-diirooɓe.
dikaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun: dikaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. la
Verb. 1 • faire qu'on soit contente, heureux,
fille première née ; first born daughter.
joyeux, plaire; please; cause to be joyful.
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: kumbaajo,
***: seyaade, welude, foccanaade,
penndaajo, daadoojo, demmoojo,
welnude, feccanaade, seynude;
takkaajo, faatumaajo, seeboojo;
synonyms: seynude, welnude. Dialects: J,M.
compare: kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo,
2 • être content, être joyeux, être heureux;
takkaajo, demmoojo; synonyms: faatumaajo.
pleased; happy; joyful. synonyms: seyaade,
Dialectal Forms: [Y] dikkoojo. Dialects: J,M.
welude; compare: seyo. Dialects: J,M.
dikkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dikkagol.
diisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: diisagol.
Participles: sing: dikkiiɗo-dikkotooɗo plur:
Participles: sing: diisiiɗo-diisotooɗo plur:
dikkiiɓe-dikkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
diisiiɓe-diisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Verb. accoucher le / la premier né(e); give
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. éloigner hors
birth to the first born. ***: rimude, afaade,
du chemin, bouger hors du chemin; move out
ɓeynude; compare: ɓeynude, rimude;
of the way. ***: wosaade, fottaade,
synonyms: afaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
takkitaade, adude, ɗakkitaade, disaade,
foɗtaade, disinde, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, ruttaade, dikkinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dikkinagol.
ɗɗaade, dirnude, footaade, diisinde, Participles: sing: dikkiniiɗo-dikkinotooɗo
diinude; compare: adude, foɗ foɗtaade, plur: dikkiniiɓe-dikkinotooɓe. Sorting
fottaade, footaade, sottude; Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: disaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, wosaade. Verb. s’agenouiller; kneel down.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] diitaade. Dialects: J. ***: tikkinaade, hofaade, tukkinaade,
turaade, hippaade
hippaade, sujidinde, urfinaade;
diisinde Noun Form of Infinitive: diisingol.
synonyms: hofaade, tikkinaade, tukkinaade;
Participles: sing: diisinɗo-diisinoowo plur:
compare: hippaade, sujidinde, turaade.
diisinɓe-diisinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger dikkingol Noun. primipare; primipara. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo maa
quelque chose d'un endroit à l'autre; move huunde nde aranal mum fu rimude
something or someone from one place to ***: afagol; synonyms: afagol.
another. ***: adude, soottinde, fottaade,
Dikko Noun. prénom féminin (Signification :
foɗtaade, diinude, dirnude, footaade, Première née); first name for a female
disinde, sottinde; synonyms: adude, diinude, (meaning: Firs-born). Catégorie : Nom.
dirnude, disinde, foɗ
foɗtaade, foɗ
fottaade, footaade, sottinde, sottude;
compare: diisaade, disaade. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 97
Diko dimmbude

Diko Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel dimba Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
pour la fille première née; name of the first Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
born daughter. ***: Faatuma, Daado, Seebo, Noun: dimbaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Kumbo, Demmo, Penndo, Takko; lit en bambou; bamboo bed.
synonyms: Faatuma; compare: Kumbo, synonyms: karammbammba, sagargaawo;
Penndo, Daado, Takko, Demmo, Seebo. ***: sagargaawo, karammbammba.
Dialectal Forms: [Y] Dikko. Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: G.

diksoneere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. dimbaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: diksoneeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: dimbaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun. dictionnaire; dictionary. Catégorie 1 • longue natte fait de tiges de mil; mat made
: Apprendre. Note : français Dialects: tech. of millet stalks. ***: ƴommbaariya, ficco,
ngado, ƴommbeewo, cakaawo, sekko.
dili Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: J.
Designation: 4. Noun. jeu joué avec des cailloux
et des bâtonnets; game (kind of). 2 • natte fait d'herbe; grass mat.
compare: wariwari; ***: wariwari. synonyms: cakaawo, ngado, ficco, sekko,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ƴommbaariya. Dialectal Forms: [M]
dimbaare. Dialects: M.
dillol1 Noun. accusation; charge; accusation.
***: tuume. dimmbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dimmbagol.
Participles: sing: dimmbiiɗo-dimmbotooɗo
dillol2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
plur: dimmbiiɓe-dimmbotooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun: dilli. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
départ; departure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. se secouer (du froid ou de peur); shake
dillude Noun Form of Infinitive: dillugol. yourself. ***: dinngaade, wippitaade,
Participles: sing: dilluɗo-dilloowo plur: diwnude, diinude, difaade, sottude;
dilluɓe-dillooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb compare: diwnude; synonyms: difaade,
Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative dinngaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or Progressive: prg. Verb. partir pour un voyage dimmbagol-
dimmbagol-leydi Plural Form of
avec l'intention de revenir; leave on a trip.
Noun: dimmbagol-leydiiji. Noun.
***: runnyude, yaltude, weertude, tremblement de terre; earthquake. Catégorie
wurtaade, yawtude, suwtaade, hiirndude, : Terre.
dawude; synonyms: runnyude, wittude;
dimmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: dimmbugol.
compare: dawude, hiirndude, suwtaade,
Participles: sing: dimmbuɗo-dimmboowo
weertude, wurtaade, yaltude.
plur: dimmbuɓe-dimmbooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
dilude Verb. accuser; charge; accuse. Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. secouer quelque chose; shake something.
dimare Plural Form of Noun: dimari. Noun. stérile
***: yenjude, dinngude, yergude, yonkude,
(vache); sterile cow. Hujjere nde waawaa
diƴaade; compare: diƴ
diƴaade, yenjude,
rimude Catégorie : Élevage.
yonkude; synonyms: yergude.
dimari Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. vache stérile; sterile
cows; free-martins. Catégorie : Maladie
d'animaux. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

dimaro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number

One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: rimarɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. humain stérile; sterile woman.
aadama (debbo maa gorko) hewtuɗ
ndimu mo waawaa rimude Catégorie
: Malade. compare: rimude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 98
dimme dinngal

dimme Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting dimo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • pensée (avec un peu One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
de doute ou incertitude); thought. Dimme am Noun: rimɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. Noun.
fuu wo kanko jey ɗum. Je pense que cela 1 • quelqu'un qui est né libre, un noble; noble;
appartient à elle. My thought is that this one who is born free. ***: rimɗ
rimɗude, diimaajo.
belongs to her. ***: miijo, seko, tuumo, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seko, jikke, seko, sikke, sikke, jikke, sikke, 2 • personne avec teint clair; one who is light
ndolo, miilo, jate, jate, jate; synonyms: jate, skinned. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jikke, miilo, seko, sikke, miijo. 3 • quelqu'un qui ne travaille pas pour
Dialects: J,Y,M. survivre; one who does not work for a living.
compare: diimaajo, rimɗ
2 • suspicion; suspicion. Dimme am wo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kanko wujjii ɗum. My thought is that he stole
it. synonyms: jate, jikke, miilo, seko, sikke. dimpo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
3 • espoir, espérance; hope. E dimme am, en Noun: dimpooji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
keɓ Noun. espèce d'herbe; A common perennial
keɓan gawri hikka. I think we will have grain
grass found in sandy; swampy areas. Catégorie
this year. compare: ndolo, ngokka; : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Oryza
synonyms: jate, jikke, miilo, seko, sikke.
longistaminata. compare: maaro,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
maaro-pooli, sattiyo; ***: maaro,
dimmude Note for Verb Stative or maaro-
maaro-pooli, sattiyo, burguuho;
Progressive: Note:While it would seem that synonyms: burguuho. Dialects: J.
this verb would take a stative form, this not dimrugol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
the case, rather they say "o dimmii".. Noun
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Form of Infinitive: dimmugol. Participles: sing:
Noun: dimruɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
dimmuɗo-dimmoowo plur: synonyme: ɓoccinoowel ɓoccinorde. Noun.
dimmuɓe-dimmooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. utérus, ovaire; uterus. Catégorie : Le corps.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb ***: sawdu to ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe ndewaaku moƴƴ
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • penser, Dialectal Forms: [G] dimruga. Dialects: J,Y,M.
avoir une opinion; opinion (to have an); think.
***: miijaade, jataade, jataade, sikkude, dinngaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dinngagol.
jikkude, miilaade, miijaade, sikkude, Participles: sing: dinngiiɗo-dinngotooɗo
jataade, sogude, miijaade, miijaade, plur: dinngiiɓe-dinngotooɓe. Sorting
ngokkinde, jataade, jikkude
jikkude, miilaade, Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
miilaade; synonyms: jataade, miijaade, Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • bouger ou balancer d'une personne;
miilaade, sikkude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
sway (person); move (person). ***: diwnude,
2 • être méfiant; suspicious (to be).
dimmbaade, diinude, difaade, sottude,
synonyms: jataade, miijaade, miilaade,
diƴaade. Dialects: Y,G.
sikkude, jikkude, sogude, tuumude.
2 • secouer (de la terre); shake (the earth).
Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: difaade, dimmbaade;
3 • espérer, souhaiter; hope.
compare: diwnude. Dialects: Y,G.
compare: ɗammi'aade, ngokkinde, tijjaade;
synonyms: jataade, miijaade, miilaade, dinngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
miilude, sikkude, jikkude, yelaade. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: dinle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
paquet ou bagage porté sur un animal ou un
dimngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. véhicule; bundle that is carried on an animal or
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of vehicle. ***: dimngal; synonyms: dimngal.
Noun: dimle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: G,M.
paquet ou bagage qui est porté sur un animal
ou un véhicule; bundle that is carried on an
animal or vehicle. synonyms: dinngal;
***: dinngal. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 99
dinngude disinde

dinngude Noun Form of Infinitive: dinngugol. dirude Noun Form of Infinitive: dirugol.
Participles: sing: dinnguɗo-dinngoo plur: Participles: sing: diruɗo-diroowo plur:
dinnguɓe-dinngooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. diruɓe-dirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. secouer or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger vers l'avant,
quelque chose; shake something. avancer, progresser; advance; move in a
***: yenjude, yergude, yonkude, diƴ
diƴaade; forward progression. adunaaru na dira the
synonyms: dimmbude, yergude; world goes on. Sahara na dira. Le Sahara
compare: diƴ
diƴaade, yenjude, yonkude. avance. The Sahara advances.
Dialects: Y,G. compare: adude, diinude, sottude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dipen Noun. pain; bread. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note
: français Dialectal Forms: buuru. disaade Noun Form of Infinitive: disagol.
Participles: sing: disiiɗo-disotooɗo plur:
dirbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dirbagol.
disiiɓe-disotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Participles: sing: dirbiiɗo-dirbotooɗo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
dirbiiɓe-dirbotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger pour
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb laisser la place, déplacer pour libérer le
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ramper au chemin; move out of the way. ***: wosaade,
sol; crawl along the ground. Bonnguujo o na fottaade, adude, foɗfoɗtaade, disinde,
dirboo. That cripple is crawling. ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, diisaade, ruttaade, dirnude,
***: lanyude, ɓodude, menyude, footaade
footaade, diisinde, diinude; compare: adude,
wippitaade, layude, merude, daasaade, foɗ
foɗtaade, fottaade, footaade, sottude;
ladude; synonyms: ɓodude, ladude. synonyms: diisaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, wosaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G. Dialects: Y,M.
2 • se débattre pour se libérer; to thrash around
in order to be free; to struggle or to thrash disaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
around when dying. compare: daasaade, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
lanyude, layude, menyude, merude; of Noun: disaaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: difaade. Dialects: M. 1 • tissu utilisé comme pagne; cloth often used
as a wrap around skirt. ***: suddamaare,
dirnude Noun Form of Infinitive: diirnugol. daɗɗ
ɗɗamaare, wudere, totiire, zippu, bagi,
Participles: sing: dirnuɗo-dirnoowo plur: damiyoore, sakala, bambiraande, mukuru,
dirnuɓe-dirnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. tappiire, kaasa, jippu; synonyms: wudere;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb compare: bambiraande
bambiraande, jippu, mukuru,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger wagasi, zippu. Dialects: J,G,M.
quelque chose d'un endroit à un autre; move
2 • couverture, drap; sheet; blanket.
something. ***: adude, soottinde, diisinde,
synonyms: suddamaare, wudere;
fottaade, foɗ
foɗtaade, diinude, sottude,
compare: damiyoore, kaasa, sakala, tappiire,
footaade, disinde, sottinde;
totiire. Dialects: J,G,M.
compare: diisaade, disaade; synonyms: adude,
diinude, diisinde, disinde, foɗfoɗtaade, disinde Noun Form of Infinitive: disingol.
foɗtinde, fottaade, footaade, sottinde, Participles: sing: disinɗo-disinoowo plur:
sottude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. disinɓe-disinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger
quelque chose ou quelqu'un d'un endroit à un
autre; move something or someone from one
place to another. ***: adude, diisinde,
fottaade, foɗ
foɗtaade, dirnude, footaade;
compare: diisaade, disaade; synonyms: adude,
diinude, diisinde, dirnude, foɗfoɗtaade,
foɗtinde, fottaade, footaade, sottinde,
sottude. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 100
diwnude dobirgal

diwnude Noun Form of Infinitive: diwnugol. synonyms: ndiye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. Miin,
Participles: sing: diwnuɗo-diwnoowo plur: mi faamii diye o yaarata. Moi, je sais lequel
il emmène. Me, I know which (one/bull) he is
diwnuɓe-diwnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frissonner ou diƴ
diƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: diƴagol. Sorting
vibrer / trembler de froid ou de peur; shake; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
shiver as with cold or fear. ***: dimmbaade, Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yergaade, dinngaade, regude, sinnyude, Verb. quand la terre tremble/secoue ou le ciel
secoue de tonnerre; quake (earth or heavens).
regude; compare: dimmbaade, dinngaade;
***: dinngude, dimmbude, yergude;
synonyms: sinnyude, yergaade.
compare: dimmbude, dinngude, yergude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: dinngaade
dinngaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
diwnugol Noun. tremblement; shaking; trembling.
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: diƴƴugol.
diwti Verb. dépasser; exceed; overtake.
Participles: sing: diƴƴuɗo-diƴƴoowo plur:
diwtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: diwtingol. diƴƴuɓe-diƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: diwtinɗo-diwtinoowo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
diwtinɓe-diwtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couler; sink.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. exagérer, faire do Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. aussi,
trop, abuser; exploit; exaggerate; overdo.
également; also; too. synonyms: du1; ***: du2;
***: wittinde, hebbinde1, wiltinde, faltinde,
compare: kaa. Dialects: G.
ɗuunnude; synonyms: ɗuunnude, hebbinde1,
faltinde, wiltinde, wittinde, yawtinde. dobaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dobagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: dobiiɗo-dobotooɗo plur:
dobiiɓe-dobotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
diwtugo Noun. négation; negation. ***: yankirgol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
diwude Noun Form of Infinitive: diwugol. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
Participles: sing: diwuɗo-diwoowo plur: attaché à; attached to either literally or
diwuɓe-diwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb figuratively. Junngo na dobii e balawal. Le
Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative bras est attaché à l'épaule. The arm is attached
or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • escalader, to the shoulder. Suka o na dobii
dobii e innum.
grimper, passer sur; pass over; climb over. L'enfant est attaché à sa mère. That child is
***: kantaade, fittude, yonngaade, attached to his mother. ***: jokkaade.
ƴeenyude. Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • peut aussi être utilise dans un sens 2 • être à côté de, être le prochain; next to (to
figurative comme par exemple pour dire qu'il be). Ley orol wo miin dobii e maaɗ
maaɗa. Je suis
n'a pas plu à un certain endroit; can have a fig. à côté de toi dans la queue. Je suis le prochain
sense as in "ƴuwoonde diwii wuro maɓɓe;" en ligne. I am next to you in line.
because it did not rain there; or "hitaande diwii synonyms: jokkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.
ɓe;" because they had a crop failure.
dobirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
compare: fittude, jikkude, yonngaade;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: kantaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: dobirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
diye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel, agrafe pour tenir les choses ensemble; clasp
quelle, lequel, laquelle; which. Ngaari diye o used to hold things together. ***: jokkirgal,
yaarata luumo? Quel taureau va-t-il emmener dokkirgal, nannginirgal;
au marché? Which bull is he taking to market? synonyms: dokkirgal, jokkirgal,
***: ndiye. Dialects: G. nannginirgal. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi anndaa ngaari diye o
yaarata luumo. Je ne sais pas quel taureau il
emmène au marché. I don't know which bull
he is taking to the market.

16/02/2020 101
dobude doggaŋoŋowal

dobude Noun Form of Infinitive: dobugol. dodaade

dodaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dodagol.
Participles: sing: dobuɗo-doboowo plur: Participles: sing: dodiiɗo-dodotooɗo plur:
dobuɓe-dobooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. dodiiɓe-dodotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. raccorder Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cultiver ou
deux cordes ensemble, raccorder des vrais sarcler la deuxième fois; cultivate your field or
cheveux avec des mèches; splice two ropes garden a second time; weed the second time.
together; braid false hair in with your own to ***: remude, remitaade, roosaade,
make it longer. ***: moorude; maytaade; synonyms: maytaade, remitaade,
synonyms: moorude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. roosaade; compare: hiinko, remude.
dobundurde Noun Form of Infinitive: dobundurgol. Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: doditaade Noun Form of Infinitive: doditagol.
dobundurɗo-dobunduroowo plur: Participles: sing: doditiiɗo-doditotooɗo
dobundurɓe-dobundurooɓe. Sorting plur: doditiiɓe-doditotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • relier, joint Verb. cultiver ou sarcler la troisième fois;
ensemble, être attaché ensemble, cousu cultivate a field a third time. ***: bakkaade,
ensemble; sewn together; attached; link remude, maytitaade; compare: hiinko,
together - like a chain. O dobundurii jamɗjamɗe, remude; synonyms: bakkaade. Dialects: J.
o waɗ
waɗi callalol. Il a joint les métaux ensemble,
il a fait une chaîne. He linked the metal dodow Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
together, he made a chain. Dialects: J,Y. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • placer ensemble qu'ils/elles se touchent; Noun: dodowji or dodowuuji. Sorting
placed together so they are touching. O Designation: 3, cs. Noun. la deuxième culture
dobundurii kaaƴ
kaaƴe ley ngesa makko faa o
d'un champ, deuxième sarclage; second
faddoo ndiyam. Il a placé des pierres cultivation of a field. ***: remude, mayto,
ensemble pour faire une digue qui empêche rosa; synonyms: rosa; compare: aranal, hiinko,
l'eau de partir hors de son champ. He laid joobu, remude. Dialects: J.
stones down next to each other to stop the
water from running off his field. Dialectal dofe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Forms: [Y,G] dobundirde. Dialects: J,Y. Designation: 4. Noun. lâcheté, faiblesse;
cowardice. compare: kulol. Dialects: J.
ɓɓe Noun. bourgeons; buds. Catégorie : Parties
d’un végétal ou d’une plante. ***: wilitere. dofiɗ
dofiɗinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: - imo
dofiɗi. Noun Form of Infinitive: dofiɗingol.
doɓindagol Noun. collection; collection. Catégorie
Participles: sing: dofiɗinɗo-dofiɗinoowo
: Mathématique. ***: roɓ
plur: dofiɗinɓe-dofiɗinooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: roɓ
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
doccal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Verb. être lâche; cowardly (to be). Dialects: J.
Noun: docce. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
doggaŋoŋowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
flambeau, torche, un bâton enflammé, tison;
piece of wood that is on fire; torch. plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
***: tutorgal, laytal, duncirgal; Plural Form of Noun: doggaŋoŋooje. Sorting
compare: duncirgal, yaynude. Designation: or,4. Noun. pluvian gris; grey
plover. Catégorie : Oiseau. Pluvialis
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
squatarola. ***: kuyyal; synonyms: kuyyal.
doccinde Verb. incinérer; incinerate. Dialects: G.
synonyms: wulude.

16/02/2020 102
dogginde dokko

dogginde Noun Form of Infinitive: doggingol. doggooru sattundu Variante: doggooru

Participles: sing: dogginɗo-dogginoowo looɓundu. Noun. diarrhées chroniques;
plur: dogginɓe-dogginooɓe. Sorting chronic diarrhoea. Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in doggude Noun Form of Infinitive: doggugol.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Participles: sing: dogguɗo-doggoowo plur:
Verb. faire marcher, mettre en marche (cheval
dogguɓe-doggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
ou automobile); run (to make something).
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
***: fartinde, faawtinde;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. courir, fuir;
synonyms: faawtinde, fartinde.
run; flee. ***: yawɗ
yawɗaade, faawtaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
henyaade, farbude, duufaade, wubbude;
doggingol ndiyam synonyme: doggingol ndiyam synonyms: faawtaade, farbude, wubbude;
ley gese. Noun. drainage; drainage. wurtingol compare: duufaade, henyaade, nyorɓ
ndiyam waddangol fuɗ
fuɗngooji ndiyaml riiwude, yawɗ
yawɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Eau.
doggude suuɗ
suuɗoo Verb. courir se cacher; run and
dogginirgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. hide.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
doggudu Noun. course; race; running.
Noun: dogginirɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ruisselet d'eau; rivulet of water. Catégorie dogguru Noun. diarrhée; diarrhea. Catégorie
: Eau. synonyms: bubbinirgol, ilaa'irgol; : Maladie. Dialectal Forms: doggooru.
***: bubbinirgol, ilaa'irgol. Dialects: J.
dokkal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
iiƴam Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: doggirkoy-ƴiiƴam. Noun. capillaire; Noun: dokke. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. un
capillary. Catégorie : Le corps. don, un cadeau, présent; gift; present.
iiƴam Plural Form of ***: sadaka, koccaari, hoccude1, hokkude,
Noun: doggirɗi-ƴiiƴam. Noun. vaisseau kokkaral; compare: hoccude1, hokkude;
sanguin; blood vessel. Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: koccaari, kokkaral, sadaka.
***: ɗaɗol ƴiiƴ
iiƴam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

doggol synonyme: deggondiral. Noun. alignement, dokkal dow yarda expression. libéralités ;
ordre; alignment, order. Catégorie donations and gifts. Catégorie : Argent,
: Mathématique. Juridique.

doggol mawneeki Noun. ordre de grandeur; dokkirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
magnitude. Catégorie : Mathématique. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
doggol ŋabboowol Noun. ordre croissant; Noun: dokkirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ascending order. Catégorie : Mathématique. agrafe, quelque chose pour tenir des objets
ensemble; clasp. ***: jokkirgal,
doggol tellotoongol Noun. ordre décroissant; nannginirgal, dobirgal; synonyms: dobirgal,
descending order; . Catégorie : Mathématique.
jokkirgal, nannginirgal. Dialects: Y.
doggondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: doggondirgol.
dokko Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Participles: sing:
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
doggondirɗo-doggondiroowo plur:
Noun: dokkuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
doggondirɓe-doggondirooɓe. Sorting une personne généreuse, quelqu'un qui donne;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in one who gives; generous person.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: hokkude; ***: hokkude, moƴƴ
Verb. s'élancer, courir; race. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [J] doggundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M.

doggooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: doggooji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. diarrhée; diarrhea. Catégorie : Maladie.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] dogguru.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 103
dokkude dontooje

dokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: dokkugol. dondonnguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
Participles: sing: dokkuɗo-dokkoowo plur: plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
dokkuɓe-dokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Plural Form of Noun: dondonnguuje. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Designation: 4, in. Noun. mante religieuse;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. réparer une mantis. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: lonngere
lanière /courroie d'une sandale; repair the gujjo, jammbere konko; synonyms: lonngere
strap on a sandal or flip-flop. gujjo, jammbere konko. Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: jokkude; ***: jokkude, hegitinde.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
dongu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. héritage; inheritance.
dokotoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. synonyms: ndongu; compare: mawniraagu,
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ronude; ***: ndongu. Dialects: G.
Noun: dokotorooɓe or dokotoro'en. Sorting
Designation: 2, mt. Noun. médecin, docteur;
donngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
doctor. Catégorie : La Personne. Note : français Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
***: lokotoro; synonyms: lokotoro. Dialectal Noun: doŋle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Forms: [J,M] doktoro. Dialects: J,M. charge sur la tête; bundle of anything carried
on the head; head load. ***: haɓɓ
dokotoro mawɗ
mawɗo Noun. médecin; medical doctor, synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
physician. Catégorie : Travailleur.
dononde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
dokotoroore Noun. dispensaire; dispensary, health
centre. Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: dononɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Bâtiment. synonyms: lokotoroore.
Noun. crotte des yeux, pus des yeux, matière
dolɗude Verb. obliger, forcer; compel to do. muqueuse des yeux; eye matter; mucous matter
found in one's eye in the morning. Catégorie
doli Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • très doux / : Le corps. Generally the plural form is
mou; soft (to be really). ***: butum, leti, yoti, prefered. ***: nampuutere, rononde;
yoti, yutum, lesa, butum, legi; synonyms: rononde, nampuutere. Dialects: G.
synonyms: butum, legi, lesa, leti. Dialects: G.
2 • très plat, très lisse; smooth (very).
donoowo Noun. héritier; heir.
synonyms: yoti, yuta. Dialects: G. donsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: donsagol.
3 • moulu très fin; ground very finely. Unaa Participles: sing: donsiiɗo-donsotooɗo
faa doli. Il faut le moudre jusqu'à ce que cela plur: donsiiɓe-donsotooɓe. Sorting
soit très fin. Grind it [flour] until it is really Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
fine. compare: ɓoosiɗ
oosiɗinde, neke, mugu, Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
waggiɗinde; synonyms: butum, yoti, yutum. Verb. chasser, traquer; hunt. Catégorie
Dialects: G. : Chasse et pêche. synonyms: gawaade,
loohaade, gawaade, loohaade;
dollokke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
***: loohaade, gawaade, tawsaade.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J.
Noun: dollokkeeji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. grand boubou sans manches; garment donsagol Noun. chasse, braconnage; hunting.
without sleeves. Catégorie : Vêtement. Donsagol, loohagol ngol rewaay laawol
***: forkiya, wolfo, jabba, toggoore, forgo, sariya Catégorie : Chasse et pêche.
saaya; compare: forkiya, jabba, saaya;
donsanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
synonyms: wolfo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
domre synonyme: gaande, gabaare, Noun: donsankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
wakawal-ɓecce. Noun. thorax; thorax. Noun. chasseur; hunter. Catégorie : Chasse et
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: gaande, pêche. ***: tawsaajo. Dialects: J.
wakawal-ɓecce, gabaare.
dontooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
dondolooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun. coqs; cocks; roosters.
Designation: 4, mi. Noun. tambours; drums or Catégorie : Oiseau. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tom toms. Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
Dialects: J.

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dontoori doomeede

dontoori Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe. doole Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • force, obligation;
Noun: dontooje. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. obligation; force. Ko bele heɓ heɓaay fuu doole
Variante: ndontoori . Noun. coq; rooster or heɓ
heɓataa. Ce qu'on ne peut pas faire avec la
cock. Catégorie : Oiseau. persuasion, on ne peut pas le faire avec la
synonyms: ndontoori; ***: gertogal, force non plus. What you can't do by
ndontoori; compare: gertogal. Dialectal
persuasion you can't do by force either. Note :
Hausa ***: baasi, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, saƴƴ
Forms: doontoori. Dialects: G.
ƴƴa, masiiba, torra, torra, saɗɗsaɗɗa
doobal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. waannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • puissance, pouvoir, domination; power.
Noun: doobe. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun. Kaananke na buri yimɓ yimɓe fuu doole. Le roi a
outarde; bustard. Neotis denhami. plus de puissance que les autres gens. The
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. king has more power than all the people. Note:
the idea here is that the one with the power is
doobu Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
capable of inflicting hardship on others, thus it
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of is a very negative or fearful concept of power.
Noun: doobuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Note : Hausa Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. son; bran. synonyms: dumo; 3 • problème, souffrance, imposition,
compare: sottude; ***: dumo. tourment; imposition; hardship; problem;
Dialects: Y,G,M. torment. Nyiiwa walaa doole. L'éléphant n'a
pas de problèmes. The elephant has no
doodi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
problem. Note: the reason the elephant has no
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of problems is because no one is capable of
Noun: doodiiji, coɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, inflicting harm on it. Note : Hausa
mt. Noun. fécales des humains, chevaux, ânes, synonyms: baasi, masiiba, saɗɗ saɗɗa
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
chameaux et éléphants, excréta; feces of torra, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
humans. compare: kuudi, suulere,
doole laamu synonyme: laamu njoongu ; laamu
rubbunnde, welaande, wordoonde;
doole. Verb. dictature; dictatorship. Catégorie
***: rubbunnde, suulere, wordoonde,
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
kuudi, birgi, welaande, coɓ
coɓe, wurdere.
Dialects: J,Y,M. doomaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
aaɗo Noun. contraint; constraint, compulsion, of Noun: ndoomaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. aulacode, agouti; cane rat; ground hog.
doolɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: doolɗugol. Catégorie : Mammifère. Thryonomys
Participles: sing: doolɗuɗo-doolɗoowo swinderianus. ***: soliiru; compare: gusuuru,
plur: doolɗuɓe-doolɗooɓe. Sorting raygooru. Dialectal Forms: [G] doomba.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: M.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. doomburu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Verb. 1 • forcer, prendre par force, faire
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
accepter; take by force; force (to do something
of Noun: doombi. Sorting Designation: 2, wl.
by); force. ***: jaɓ
jaɓude, yanude1, siinude,
Noun. souris; mouse. Catégorie : Mammifère.
teetude, gabitaade, tilsinde, honude,
***: gusuuru, saayogooru, doowru,
yanude1, jamrude; synonyms: gabitaade,
raygooru; synonyms: doowru;
honude, jaɓjaɓude, teetude, tilsinde, yanude1.
compare: gusuuru. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
doomuru. Dialects: J,M.
2 • violer; rape. compare: honude, siinude;
doomeede Noun Form of Infinitive: doomegol.
synonyms: yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: doomaaɗo-doometeeɗo
doolɗugol fukkodoo expression. viol; rape. plur: doomaaɓe-doometeeɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Juridique.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
doolɗugol suka fukkodoo expression. viol de Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
mineur; rape case involving a minor. Catégorie Verb. être attendu; waited for.
: Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 105
doomndu dorobi
2 • quand l'eau lave ou bien le vent amène des
doomndu Noun. rat; rat. Catégorie : Mammifère.
ordures; when water washes or wind brings
doomude Noun Form of Infinitive: doomugol. debris by blowing it. Dialects: Y.
Participles: sing: doomuɗo-doomoowo 3 • payer la douane lors de l'importation; pay
plur: doomuɓe-doomooɓe. Sorting the "customs" charges. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in 4 • quand des coupeurs de route arrêtent es
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. gens ; when bandits stop traffic on the road and
Verb. 1 • attendre; wait. ***: munyude, rob people. Dialects: Y.
hawjaade, reenude, heddaade, hettaade, doosaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
heɗaade, mooɓ
mooɓude; synonyms: heɗ
heɗaade, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hettaade, muncaade, munyude. of Noun: doosaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, ct,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pl. Noun. grains de l'arbre néré; the seeds of
2 • garder; guard. synonyms: mooɓ
mooɓude, the tree Parkia biglobosa; The seeds are heated
reenude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. and the hard outer coat removed; leaving the
soft inner seeds; which are pressed by hand
doondi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting into little balls and sold in market. These
Designation: 3. Noun. cendres de bois; ashes of little balls of seeds are then pounded and added
wood. ***: ndoondi; synonyms: ndoondi; to hot water to make a sauce. ***: jooniire,
compare: kaata1, ƴulmere. Dialects: G. nduutuuhi, nareehi; compare: nareehi,
nduutuuhi; synonyms: jooniire.
doondo Noun. hymne; anthem, hymn. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,M.

doondo leydi expression. hymne national; national doowru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi.
anthem. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Juridique. of Noun: doombi. Sorting Designation: 2, wl.
Noun. souris; mouse. Catégorie : Mammifère.
doontoori Noun. coq; rooster; cock. Catégorie
***: doomburu; compare: gusuuru;
: Élevage. Dialectal Forms: dontoori.
synonyms: doomburu. Dialects: G.
doonye Noun. douanier; customs officer. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français
dooƴaalen Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 2. ondes; waves.
doonyirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. synonyms: bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe, berkeƴƴ
ƴƴe, bonkoƴƴ
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ronƴ
ronƴalde. Dialects: M.
Noun: doonyirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
bâton utilisé pour éloigner des saletés; wood dorbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dorbagol.
use to scrape dirt. ***: buuwtorgal, Participles: sing: dorbiiɗo-dorbotooɗo plur:
kaasorgal; synonyms: buuwtorgal, kaasorgal
kaasorgal. dorbiiɓe-dorbotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Dialects: J. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. conduire un
doonyorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
véhicule; drive a vehicle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: doonyorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. dorbotooɗ
dorbotooɗo Noun. chauffeur; driver. Catégorie
Noun. caméléon; chameleon. Catégorie : Travailleur.
: Reptile. Chamaeleonidae sp.. doro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
***: pallangal, ndoyndoyyal, fallaandu;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
compare: fallaandu, pallangal;
Noun: dorooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: ndoyndoyyal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bière, alcool; beer; alcohol. Catégorie
doonyude Noun Form of Infinitive: doonyugol. : Nourriture. Note : Bambara
compare: fiirtaade, sulaade, sulaaru,
Participles: sing: doonyuɗo-doonyoowo
yarooru; ***: sulaade, cappalo, yarooru,
plur: doonyuɓe-doonyooɓe. Sorting
bagi, sulaaru; synonyms: bagi, cappalo.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • enlever de la saleté pour nettoyer; dorobi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
scrape or rake dirt and debris away. Designation: 3, ct. Noun. levure; yeast. Note :
synonyms: koraade, tutaade; ***: koraade,
arabe ***: ndakowandiire, rabilla;
tutaade. Dialects: J,M.
synonyms: ndakowandiire, rabilla. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 106
dorogi du'aawu

dorogi emprunt: français. Noun. drogue; drug. doygal leydi Noun. constitution ; constitution .
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
dorrol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of doƴƴ
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: doƴƴugol.
Noun: dorri. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. fouet; Participles: sing: doƴƴuɗo-doƴƴoowo plur:
whip. compare: fiyude, nyirfude; ***: fiide, doƴƴuɓe-doƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nyirfude, fiyude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
dorowol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. précipiter,
jeter quelque chose en bas; throw something
dote Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
down. synonyms: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde; ***: boɓɓ
Designation: 1, at. Noun. fonds, fesses, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
derrières, postérieurs, rectums; rumps; bases;
rectums; bottoms. Dialects: J,M. du1 Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, qui, lequel;
which. ***: do, ndu. Dialects: G.
dott-a nyalaande Verb. dater; date. Catégorie
: Mathématique. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ndu.
Dialects: G.
dottangol nyalaande Noun. datation; dating.
Catégorie : Mathématique. du2 Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. aussi,
également; also; too. synonyms: do;
dow Sorting Designation: 1. prep. 1 • au sujet de, sur,
compare: kaa. Dialectal Forms: [J] duu.
en haut; on. synonyms: e1; ***: fiyaa, e2.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • concernant; about. synonyms: fiyaa. du'aade Noun Form of Infinitive: du'agol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: du'iiɗo-du'otooɗo plur:
du'iiɓe-du'otooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
dow innde laamu expression. raison d'état; State
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
prerogatives, the reason of State. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • prier,
demander à Dieu de pardonner ou de donner
dow ko Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. depuis, puisque, quelque chose qu'on veut; ask God for either
vu que; since; seeing that. Dow ko a sellaa, forgiveness or something you need or want.
taa yah golle. Puisque tu es malade, ne vas Note : arabe ***: wiirdude, rookaade yaafee,
pas au travail. Since you are sick, don't go to juulude, wiirdi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
work. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • bénir, donner une bénédiction; to bless or
dow koyngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: give a benediction. Mi yi'ii ko nelduɗ
nelduɗaa kam,
miɗo du'aane sanne. Je vois ce que tu m'a
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
donné et je te remercie (implicite est l'espoir
Form of Noun: dow koyɗe. Sorting
que Dieu te bénisse). I see what you sent me
Designation: 1, at. Noun. le dessus du pied; top and I thank you profusely - implied is the hope
of the foot. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: danki that God will bless you. Note : arabe
koyngal; synonyms: danki koyngal. synonyms: juulude, rookaade, wiirdude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

dowdaakal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. du'aawu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: dowdaake. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun: du'aawuuji. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Noun. corbeau; crow; pied crow. Catégorie Noun. prière pour le pardon ou pour demander
: Oiseau. Corvus albus. ***: kankarawal, Dieu pour quelque chose; prayer asking for
kaanaal, daawuwal; synonyms: daawuwal,
forgiveness or asking God for something. in
the Tenkodogo area du'aare is used of the
kankarawal. Dialects: J.
suplications of pagans when they present their
dowuure synonyme: ƴolordu pooli. Noun. perchoir; offerings to their idols. Note : arabe ***: wiirdi,
perch, roost. dowuure to pooli koɗ
koɗata juulde, birdi, mbirdi; synonyms: juulde,
Catégorie : Élevage. wiirdi. Dialectal Forms: [J] du'aaw, [J,Y,G,M]
doygal1 Noun. hymne; hymn. ***: ndoondo leydi. du'aa'u, [Y,M] du'aare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

doygal2 Noun. statuts; statutes. Catégorie

: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 107
du'anaade duhude

du'anaade Noun Form of Infinitive: du'anagol. dugu2 Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. sentir très
Participles: sing: du'aniiɗo-du'anotooɗo mauvaise; stinks or smells bad. Ɗum na luuɓ
plur: du'aniiɓe-du'anotooɓe. Sorting dugu! That really smells bad! synonyms: duk,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in dus. Dialects: G.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
duguɗokkal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Verb. prier en faveur de / pour quelqu’un,
bénir; bless; pray for someone. Note : arabe ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Form of Noun: duguɗokke. Sorting
Designation: 4, or. Noun. ombrette du Sénégal;
du’aawu luutal expression. condoléances; Hammerkop. Catégorie : Oiseau. Scopus
condolences, sympathies. umbretta. synonyms: dumɗ
dubbunɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: dumɗ
dumɗokkal. Dialects: M.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. déchet de bœuf, duhaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duhagol.
fumier de bœuf; cow manure. Dialects: J,M. Participles: sing: duhiiɗo-duhotooɗo plur:
dubbungal Plural Form of Noun: dubbunɗe. Noun. duhiiɓe-duhotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
bouse de vache; cow dung. Catégorie Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
: Élevage. synonyms: welaande. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre des
culottes / pantalons; put your pants on
dubiyal Noun. souche; stump.
yourself. ***: dufaade, taadaade, ɓornaade;
dudude Verb. divaguer; stray; rave. synonyms: dufaade, wattude1;
dudugol Noun. divagation; ravings; straying. compare: ɓornaade
ornaade, taadaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dudugol daabaaji Noun. Divagation des animaux;
straying of animals. Catégorie : Élevage. duhol Noun. ceinture; belt.

duɗal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. duhtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duhtagol.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Participles: sing: duhtiiɗo-duhtotooɗo plur:
Noun: duɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. duhtiiɓe-duhtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
un feu pour se réchauffer; fire to warm oneself Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
and one's livestock by. compare: yiite. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever ses
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pantalons / culottes; take your pants off.
dufaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dufagol. ***: taartaade, ittude, ɓortaade;
compare: ɓortaade, taartaade;
Participles: sing: dufiiɗo-dufotooɗo plur:
synonyms: ittude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dufiiɓe-dufotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb duhtude Noun Form of Infinitive: duhtugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre les Participles: sing: duhtuɗo-duhtoowo plur:
culottes / pantalons; put your pants on duhtuɓe-duhtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
yourself. compare: ɓornaade, taadaade; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
synonyms: duhaade, wattude1; ***: duhaade. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever les
Dialects: J. pantalons à quelqu'un; remove someone else's
dufol Plural Form of Noun: dufi. Noun. impuissance pants. synonyms: ittude; compare: ɓortude,
sexuelle; sexual impotence. Catégorie taartude; ***: ittude, taartude, ɓortude.
: Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

duggude synonyme: pesimaade, ruggaade. Verb. duhude Noun Form of Infinitive: duhugol.
défricher; to clear the ground. Catégorie Participles: sing: duhuɗo-duhoowo plur:
: Agriculture. ***: ruggaade. duhuɓe-duhooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
dugu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mettre les
pantalons à quelqu'un; put someone's pants on
Noun: duguuji. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
Noun. larve du fourmilion; larva of the ant lion. for them. ***: ɓornude; synonyms: wattande;
Hagenomyia sp.. Note : Bambara compare: ɓornude, taadude.
***: muusuwel leydi, dakiyel beembel, dus, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nuguuru, duk; synonyms: dakiyel beembel,
muusuwel leydi, nuguuru. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 108
dujjaade dukude

dujjaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duggagol. dukkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dukkingol.
Participles: sing: dujjiiɗo-dujjotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: dukkinɗo-dukkinoowo
dujjiiɓe-dujjotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: dukkinɓe-dukkinooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. vivre dans Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
l'impureté, ne pas être pur ou propre, ne pas Verb. faire quelque chose pour énerver
nettoyer la maison; live in a chronic state of quelqu'un; angry (to do something to make
uncleanness; not clean oneself or one's house. someone upset. ***: hirnyinde, tikkinde
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bilude, ɓerninde; synonyms: ɓerninde,
duk Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. puer, sentir bilude, hirnyinde, tikkinde;
mauvais; stink; smells bad. Ɗum na luuɓ luuɓi compare: mettinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
duk! Cela pue ! Cela sent très mauvaise ! That dukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: dukkugol.
really smells bad! ***: dus, dugu2; Participles: sing: dukkuɗo-dukkoowo plur:
synonyms: dugu1, dus. Dialects: Y. dukkuɓe-dukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
dukande Noun Form of Infinitive: dukangol. th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Participles: sing: dukanɗo-dukanoowo plur: Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être en
colère et faire du bruit; angry and noisy (to
dukanɓe-dukanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
be). synonyms: ɓernude, bilaade, bileede,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
hirnyude, hukkude, tikkude; ***: bileede,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crier sur
quelqu-un; yell at someone; shout at someone. bilaade, mettude, tikkude, ɓernude,
***: jawande, tannyaade; hirnyude; compare: mettude.
compare: feekaade, borbortude, felɓ felɓude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hitaade, jawande, tannyaade; dukkuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
synonyms: jawande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
dukidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: dukidingol. of Noun: dukkuruuji. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Participles: sing: dukidinɗo-dukidoowo Noun. colère, rage; anger. ***: tikkere,
plur: dukidinɓe-dukidooɓe. Sorting hukkere, ɓernde, hirnyere;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: ɓernde, hirnyere, hukkere,
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - tikkere. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] dukkuri.
na dukida. Verb. faire du bruit avec quelqu-un Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'autre; make noise together with someone. duko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
dukkande Noun Form of Infinitive: dukkangol. Noun: dukooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Participles: sing: dukkanɗo-dukkanoowo bruit; noise. ***: olko, ruubu, iido;
plur: dukkanɓe-dukkanooɓe. Sorting synonyms: olko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in dukude Noun Form of Infinitive: dukugol.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: dukuɗo-dukoowo plur:
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être fâché (en
dukuɓe-dukooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
colère) envers quelqu-un et faire du bruit à
cause de cela; angry with someone (be). Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb

synonyms: ɓernande, bilaade, hirnyande, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire du

hukkande, tikkande; ***: hirnyande, bruit; noise (to make). ***: saawtinde,
olkude, olkude, felɓ
felɓude, sawtinde,
hukkande, ɓernande, mettande, tikkande,
feekaade, sonnyude, saaƴsaaƴude, iidude;
bilanaade; compare: mettande.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: olkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • parler à haute voix; speak loudly.
compare: feekaade, felɓ
felɓude, haalude,
hitaade, iidude, jawude, saaƴ
saawtinde, sawtinde, sonnyude;
synonyms: olkude, ɓanginde, feekaade,
nantinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 109
dulgaare dunkee

dulgaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. dumɗ

dumɗokkal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
of Noun: dulgaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun: dumɗokke. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. hanche, pelvis, bassin, os pubis; pelvis; Noun. ombrette du Sénégal; Hammerkop (a
hip. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: asangal, brown bird with an anvil shaped head).
Catégorie : Oiseau. Scopus umbretta.
ƴiigal, ciiluguwal, ɓuccoɓ
***: duguɗ
duguɗokkal; synonyms: duguɗ
ciiluguwal; synonyms: asangal,
Dialectal Forms: [Y] dum. Dialects: J.
uccoɓuccoonde, ciiluguwal, ƴiigal.
Dialects: G. dummbaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
dulguwal synonyme: lurguwal. Noun. grand calao; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Horn-bill. Catégorie : Oiseau. of Noun: dummbaaje. Sorting Designation: 3,
cs. Noun. lame de fer de daba / houe; hoe metal
dullaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi.
head. ***: sabgaare, kukuruwal, yappuriire,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
jammbere, ceblaare, jalo, jabbirgal;
of Noun: dullaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
compare: jabbirgal, jalo, jammbere,
Noun. flûte faite d tige de mil; flute made from
a millet stalk. Catégorie : Instrument de kukuruwal; synonyms: ceblaare, sabgaare,
musique. ***: duuliyaaru, seeseeru, yappuriire. Dialects: Y.
boobiliyal, sereendu; synonyms: boobiliyal, dumo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
duuliyaaru, seeseeru, sereendu. Dialects: G. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
dullude Noun Form of Infinitive: dullugol. Noun: dumooji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Participles: sing: dulluɗo-dulloowo plur: Noun. son; bran. ***: doobu;
dulluɓe-dullooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. compare: sottude; synonyms: doobu.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Dialects: J,M.
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. inhabituel duncirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
(seulement dans le négatif); donnant un Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
connotation positive: savoir, connaître;
Noun: duncirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
unfamiliar with; know. O dullaa ɗo e Ouaga. bâton pour remuer le feu; fire poker.
Il connaît le chemin entre ici et Ouagadougou.
He knows the road between here and Ouaga ***: leggirgal, doccal, tutorgal;
compare: doccal; synonyms: leggirgal,
well. A dullaa si maanaawa ittaaka
tutorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyalaaɗe jeɗɗ
ɗɗi fuu na bona naa? Tu sais que
si tu ne récoltes pas ton champ de gombo tous duncude Noun Form of Infinitive: duncugol.
les sept jours cela va gâter, n'est pas ? You
Participles: sing: duncuɗo-duncoowo plur:
know if you don't harvest your field of okra
duncuɓe-duncooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
every seven days it will spoil don't you? A
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
dullu tagu makko naa? Tu sais comment il
est, n'est pas ? You know how he is, don't you? Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mettre une
bûche dans le feu; feed a log into the fire.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: leggude; ***: leggude.
dulluɗo inconscient; unconscious. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: pamɗ
pamɗuɗo miilo; ***: pekkorɗ
dunke anndal expression. intellectuel; intellectual.
dulluuru Plural Form of Noun: dulluuji. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e anndal Catégorie : Le langage
synonyme: nduluuru. Noun. tourbillon; et la pensée.
whirlwind. Catégorie : Temps.
dunke en annde expression. intelligentsia;
duluuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. intelligentsia, intellectuals. Catégorie : Le
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form langage et la pensée.
of Noun: duluuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. dunkee Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
tornade; dust devil; whirlwind. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
: Temps. ***: henndu1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: dunkee'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. un serviteur (esclave), ceux qui servent
un roi ou un imam célèbre; servant (slave).
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 110
dunkol duppooru

dunkol Noun. expérience; experience. Catégorie : Le dunƴ

dunƴude Note : CC Jan 2016 - should be dunyude, Noun
langage et la pensée. synonyms: anndal Form of Infinitive: dunƴugol. Participles: sing:
golliraangol, pinal, enndol, anndal. dunƴuɗo-dunƴoowo plur:
dunƴuɓe-dunƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
dunna Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Number One for
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. lorsque des nuages cachent le soleil; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pousser,
fourrer, faire glisser; shove; push.
clouds obscure the sun (when). Hannden na
synonyms: tutaade, yerƴ
weli, dunna waɗ
waɗii. Aujourd'hui c'est
agréable, des nuages cachent le soleil. Today compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, tallude; ***: yerƴ
is nice, it is cloudy. This occurs when there is a liɓ
liɓude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, tutaade, tallude.
partly overcast sky, but this term is not Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
describing the sky, but the fact that the clouds
occasionally obscure the sun as they pass duŋ
duŋaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duŋagol.
before it. synonyms: niibaare; ***: cuddi, Participles: sing: duŋiiɗo-duŋotooɗo plur:
niibaare; compare: cuddi, ulgu. duŋiiɓe-duŋotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir
dunngu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. confiance, avoir foi en quelqu'un, se fier à;
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of trust; confidence or believe in someone.
Noun: duuɓi, nunnguuji. Sorting ***: faataade, goonɗ
Designation: 2, cs. synonyme: ndunngu, synonyms: hoolaade, goonɗ
goonɗinde, laamnude.
nunngu. Noun. 1 • saison de pluies, hivernage, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
été, entre juin et septembre; generally
May/June-September; the rainy season; the duŋ
duŋanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duŋanagol.
growing season; summer. ***: nunngu, Participles: sing: duŋaniiɗo-duŋanotooɗo
ndunngu. Dialects: G. plur: duŋaniiɓe-duŋanotooɗo. Sorting
2 • one year (one rainy season) years are Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
counted by rainy seasons. synonyms: ndunngu; Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, colte, dabbunde, gataaje, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. donner la
heltude, hitaande
hitaande, kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe, taccude, permission, permettre; give permission.
ƴaamnde, ƴuwoonde. Dialects: G. synonyms: accude; ***: accude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dunyude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: The
stative form "nagge nge na dunyi" is used,
duppirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
but more often they use a non-stative
form, "nagge nge dunyii".. Noun Form of of Noun: duppirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. 1 • four, fourneau pour la poterie; kiln
Infinitive: dunyugol. Sorting Designation: 3, ah,
for firing pottery. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd.
2 • barbecue, griller au charbon de bois;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
gestante, être pleine / grosse (animaux), être barbecue. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enceint (pour des animaux), attendant des duppooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
petits; pregnant (animals).
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: saawude; ***: saawude, reedude,
of Noun: duppooji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
tummbude2, haamilude, kaamilude. Noun. colique; painful abdomen; colic.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: ŋatooru, huɓɓ
synonyms: huɓɓ
ɓɓooru, ŋatooru. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 111
duppude durude

duppude Noun Form of Infinitive: duppugol. duroowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Participles: sing: duppuɗo-duppoowo plur: Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
duppuɓe-duppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Noun: durooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Noun. gardien de troupeau, berger; shepherd;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. griller de la
herdsman. Catégorie : Travailleur.
viande sur le feu (aussi utilisé pour poterie, synonyms: baalibaaliijo, baanyaaru.
arachides, maïs, fer qui est mis directement Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sur le feu), brûler, enflammer; burn; roast meat
directly on the fire; inflame. durooyel baali Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
synonyms: juɗ
juɗude; ***: juɗ
juɗude, darnude, koy. Number One for this noun: goootel. Plural
defude, buuɗ
buuɗude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude; Form of Noun: nduroohoy baali. Sorting
compare: buuɗ
buuɗude, darnude, wuuɗwuuɗude. Designation: 5, in. Noun. espèce de coléoptère
avec dessin noir et blanc sur son dos; beetle
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with black and white stripes on its back.
durdude1 Noun. pâturage, prairies; pasture. Catégorie Catégorie : Insecte. Anthia sp.. Dialects: J.
: Élevage, Terre.
dursitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: dursitagol.
durdude2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: dursitiiɗo-dursitotooɗo
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form plur: dursitiiɓe-dursitotooɓe. Sorting
of Noun: durduɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun. troisième estomac des ruminants;
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
omasum-the third stomach of a ruminant. Verb. mémoriser, apprendre par cœur;
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
memorize. synonyms: janngitaade;
synonyms: cuurel nyaaki, pureegayel
***: janngitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
durooɓe, waynaare; ***: pureegayel
durooɓe, cuurel nyaaki, waynaare; dursito Noun. récitation; recitation. Catégorie
compare: reedu, loowturu, pureegaawa. : Lecture / écriture. ***: rewtindo.
Dialects: Y. dursit-
dursit-o synonyme: rewtind-o. Verb. réciter; recite.
durdunde Plural Form of Noun: durduɗe. Noun. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
prairie; meadow. Catégorie : Agriculture, dursu Noun. révision; revision, review. Catégorie
Élevage, Terre. : Apprendre.
dureede Noun. garde à vue; detention. faddeede durtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: durtagol.
fadde nden Catégorie : Gouvernement, Participles: sing: durtiiɗo-durtotooɗo plur:
durtiiɓe-durtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
durma Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. maître de
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of soi, se maîtriser, être discipliné, avoir de la
Noun: durmaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, dh. retenue; self controlled (to be); disciplined.
Noun. rhume; cold. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: haɓ
haɓitaade; synonyms: dawrande,
***: ɗiilude, nyilɓ
nyilɓere, cukku, ɗojjude; haɓ
haɓitaade, hawjaade, marude, ndaarude,
compare: cukku, ɗiilude, ɗojjude, kaartaade, reentaade, waawande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyilɓere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. durude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: "Imo
durma becce Noun. bronchite; bronchitis. Catégorie duri hoore makko" refers to the subject's
: Maladie. state of being under control.. Noun Form of
durmeede Noun Form of Infinitive: durmegol. Infinitive: durugol. Participles: sing: duroowo
plur: durooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Verb
Participles: sing: durmaaɗo-durmeteeɗo
plur: durmaaɓe-durmeteeɓe. Sorting Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative

Designation: 2, dh. Verb Consonant Change in or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • surveiller,

garder un troupeau, paître des animaux;
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
shepherd; keep an eye on; watch over.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir un rhume; cold
***: haɓ
haɓitaade, soggude, ɗowude, yarnude,
(to have a). Catégorie : Maladie. Dialectal
oorude; compare: ɓaanaade, ɓahanaade,
Forms: [J] durumeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jokkude, soggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 112
duruwa duule
2 • avoir la maîtrise de soi; "durude hoorem"
duuɓi mbaalikaaku expression. majorité civile;
means to be self controlled.
civil majority. duuɓ
duuɓi mbaalikaaku (duuɓ
compare: nantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
20) Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
duruwa emprunt: francais. Noun. droit; right, law.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. duuɗ
duuɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
synonyms: haanere; ***: haanere. Designation: 3. Noun. îles; islands. Catégorie
: Terre. Dialects: J,Y,M.
durwo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of duufaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duufagol.
Noun: [Y]durwi/[J] duuri. Sorting Participles: sing: duufiiɗo-duufotooɗo plur:
Designation: 4. Noun. lutte, concours de lutte; duufiiɓe-duufotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
wrestling match. synonyms: ŋawlo. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire
hâtivement, être pressé de faire, faire vite;
durwoowo Noun. lutteur; fighter; wrestler. hurriedly (to do things). Toy nduufortoɗ
durwude Noun Form of Infinitive: durwugol. nii? Tu es pressé d'aller où ? Where are you
Participles: sing: durwuɗo-durwoowo hurrying to? ***: henyaade, wulude,
(durwoo) plur: durwuɓe-durwooɓe. Sorting doggude, yawɗyawɗaade, yaawude, haraade;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: haraade, henyaade, wulude,
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. yaawude, yawɗyawɗaade. Dialects: J.
Verb. lutter; wrestle. ***: wannyaade, 2 • faire énergiquement; energetically (to do
duurude, jabbude, wannyondirde, things). Mi tawii Sammbo e Yero na
ŋawlondirde; compare: haɓ
haɓude, jabbude; nduufoo, na ndema. J'ai vu Sammbo et Yero
en train de sarcler énergiquement. I found
synonyms: duurude, ŋawlondirde,
Sammbo and Yero energetically hoeing.
wannyondirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: doggude; synonyms: yawɗ yawɗaade.
dus Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. sentir très Dialects: J.
mauvais; stinks or smells bad. Ɗum na luuɓ luuɓi
duufude Noun Form of Infinitive: duufugol.
dus! That really smells bad! ***: luuɓ
Participles: sing: duufuɗo-duufoowo plur:
dugu2, duk; synonyms: dugu1, duk.
duufuɓe-duufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Dialects: J,M.
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
dutal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. la quatrième
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of fois de moudre le mil en farine; the forth
Noun: dute. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun. pounding of millet into flour.
vautour; vulture (kind of). Catégorie : Oiseau. synonyms: bukkude1, fiitaade; ***: bukkude2,
Gyps rueppellii. ***: jigaare; sokkude, burkitaade, fiitaade, unude,
compare: jigaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bumpitaade, bukkude2, bumpude;
compare: burkitaade, bumpitaade,
dutuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
bumpude, sokkude, sokkitaade, sottude.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Dialects: J.
of Noun: dutuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
petite boite avec couvercle; box or can with a duulal Plural Form of Noun: duule. Noun. nuage;
lid. Catégorie : Récipient. compare: adakaal, cloud. Catégorie : Ciel, Temps.
dakaal, keesuwal, konkooru; ***: bataaru; synonyms: duuldere, luurde; ***: luurde.
synonyms: bataaru. Dialects: Y,G,M. duuldere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
duuɓi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 2. Noun. années; years. of Noun: duule. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
***: kitaale; synonyms: kitaale. nuage; cloud. Catégorie : Ciel.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: luurde, ruulde; ***: ruulde,
duulal, luurde. Dialects: G,M.
duuɓi cenndirɗ
cenndirɗi bone e jam expression.
majorité pénale; age of criminal duule Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
responsibility. duuɓ
duuɓi cenndirɗ
cenndirɗi bone e jam Designation: 2. Noun. nuages; clouds. Catégorie
(18) Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. : Ciel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

duuɓi hemre Noun. siècle; century.
16/02/2020 113
duuliyaaru duuyooje

duuliyaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Duumiiɗ

Duumiiɗo Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. l'Éternel,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Dieu; God; the Eternal. compare: duumaade;
of Noun: duuliyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi. ***: Alla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. flûte fait de tige de mil; flute made from
a millet stalk. Catégorie : Instrument de duundere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
musique. synonyms: boobiliyal, dullaaru, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
seeseeru, sereendu; ***: seeseeru, of Noun: duundeeje. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. une île dans la mer /océan; island in the
boobiliyal, sereendu, dullaaru.
sea. Catégorie : Terre. ***: ruunde, denŋ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: denŋ
denŋeere, ruunde, tummbere.
duuluuru Noun. tourbillon; whirlwind. Catégorie Dialects: G.
: Temps.
duuniyaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
duumaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duumagol. Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • le monde; world.
Participles: sing: duumiiɗo-duumotooɗo Catégorie : Terre. Note : arabe ***: himɓ
plur: duumiiɓe-duumotooɓe. Sorting
annaaru, adunaaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • la terre; earth. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or
3 • les gens du monde; people of the world.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
Note : arabe synonyms: adunaaru, annaaru.
éternellement, impérissable (en parlant de
passer l'éternité au ciel ou en enfer) ; eternal; Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] duuniya.
imperishable. nguurndam duumiiɗ
duumiiɗam vie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
éternelle. eternal life. yonki nduumiiki âme duuru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
éternelle ou impérissable. eternal or One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
imperishable soul. Note : arabe ***: Duumiiɗ
Duumiiɗo. Noun: duuruuji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. espèce de plante; This perennial plant.
2 • être permanent, pour toujours; permanent. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Mi waawaa yahude leydi mon faa mi Chrozophora brocchiana. Dialectal Forms: [G]
duumoo toon. Je ne peux pas vivre duuri. Dialects: J.
permanent dans ton pays. . I cannot go to your
duurude Noun Form of Infinitive: duurugol.
country permanently. O naatan kasu, o
Participles: sing: duuruɗo-duuroowo plur:
duumoo. Il est permanent en prison. He
permanently went to prison. Note : arabe duuruɓe-duurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: d/nd. Verb
3 • pour /pendant longtemps; to be for a long Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lutter; wrestle.
time. Dembo duumeke e yarde taba. Dembo ***: wannyaade, jabbude, wannyondirde,
a fumé pendant longtemps. Dembo has ŋawlaade, ŋawlondirde, durwude;
smoked for a long time. Note : arabe synonyms: durwude, ŋawlondirde,
compare: ruubu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wannyondirde; compare: haɓ
haɓude, jabbude.
duumbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: duumagol. Dialectal Forms: note: some pronounce this
Participles: sing: duumbiiɗo-duumbotooɗo word duhurude. Dialects: J.
plur: duumbiiɓe-duumbotooɓe. Sorting duuydi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Plural: d/nd. Verb Stative or Noun: duuydiiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. parler à basse voix, coups de vent (avant les tempêtes /orages);
chuchoter; indistinct sound by talking far gale force wind. Catégorie : Temps.
enough away from others. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: biwtol, henndu1, bifol, kenkenam;
synonyms: biwtol, bifol, henndu1, nduuydi.
duumbo Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)go. Sorting
Dialects: G.
Designation: 4. Noun. le son faible de gens qui
parlent; faint sound of people talking. duuyooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
***: ruubu; synonyms: ruubu. Dialectal Designation: 3, dh. Noun. rougeole; rubeola;
Forms: [Y] duumo. Dialects: G. measles. Catégorie : Maladie.
***: nduuyoohoy
nduuyoohoy, puƴpuƴe, biige, cewɗ
gooniije; synonyms: biige, cewɗ
cewɗe, gooniije,
nduuyoohoy, puƴpuƴe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 114
duye eedi

duye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. synonyms: nduye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O

lequel, laquelle, quel, quelle pour la classe yeggitii duye o hooƴ
hooƴi. J'ai oublié lequel il a
nominale «du»; which. Bootooru duye o pris. He forgot which (one/sack) he took.
hooƴi? Quel sac as-tu pris ? Which sack did
he take? Dialects: G.
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi yeggitii bootooru
duye o hooƴ
hooƴi. J'ai oublié quel sac il a pris. I
forget which sack he took.

E - e

e1 Sorting Designation: 1. conj. et, avec, en plus; edaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: While it
and; plus. Ɓe coonnii na'i e be'i fuu. Ils ont seems that this verb should take a stative
vendu toutes leurs vaches et leurs chèvres. form they prefer to say, "O edeke joonin.".
They sold all their cows and goats. ***: ley1, Noun Form of Infinitive: edagol.
dere, nder, deke, yowoode, dow, hen; Participles: sing: ediiɗo-edotooɗo plur:
synonyms: de2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ediiɓe-edotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
e2 Sorting Designation: 1. prep. 1 • dans; in. Kori Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être timide
ou gêné, embarrassé; shy (to be);
ko ɓe mbujji ma ɓe tawaay faa'e e danga
embarrassed. ***: yaagaade, hersude,
maa. J'espère qu'ils n'ont rien trouvé dans de
ton porte-monnaie volé. I hope when they stole sentude, semtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
your wallet they didn't find anything in it. 2 • respecter, montrer du respect, honorer;
synonyms: dere, hen, ley1, nder. honor; respect (to show). synonyms: ennude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hersude, semtude, yaagaade.
2 • sur; on. Ndaar e taabawal toon, salla Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
montoro maa na toon. Regarde sur la table edaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
pour voire si ta montre est là. Look on the Designation: 2. Noun. timidité, retenue,
table to see if your watch is there. modestie; shyness; reserve; modesty;
synonyms: dow. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bashfulness. ***: yaage, senteende,
3 • avec; with. Mi yi'ii Lobbo na yaada e Rik. semteende; synonyms: semteende, yaage.
Je vois Lobbo aller avec Rick. I see Lobbo is
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
going with Rick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
edda Noun. veuvage; widowhood.
ɓɓ-a Variante: eɓɓin-a. Verb. schématiser; draw a
diagram. Catégorie : Mathématique. Eden Sorting Designation: 3, nbl, th. Noun. jardin
d’Éden, Paradis; paradise; Eden. Note : hébreu
ɓɓo Variante: eɓɓoore. Noun. schéma; diagram.
synonyms: Adnin, aljenna; compare: kammu;
Catégorie : Mathématique.
***: Adnin, aljenna, asama.
ɓɓoore Variante: eɓɓo. Noun. schéma; diagram. Dialects: biblical.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
eɗen Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (inclusive); we
eɓe Sorting Designation: 1. spn. ils, elles, eux; they.
(inclusive). ***: na en, enen1, anen2;
***: iɓe, na ɓe; synonyms: na ɓe, iɓe.
synonyms: anen2, enen2, na en. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
eedi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
eda Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: ngoota/goota.
Noun: eede. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
Plural Form of Noun: edi. Sorting Designation: 4, espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
wl. Noun. buffle africain; buffalo. Catégorie : Arbres. Sclerocarya birrea.
: Mammifère. Syncerus caffer nanus. compare: ngeeƴ
ngeeƴu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: nagge ladde; ***: nagge ladde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 115
eelgal Ejekiyel

eelgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting eemel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • cupidité, Designation: 3, da, dh. Noun. envie de déféquer
convoitise; covetousness; greed. après une diarrhée mais les boyaux sont vides,
***: worolde, muuyantaaku, nyaagunde, dysenterie; dysentery. Catégorie : Maladie.
haahaa, haanɗ
haanɗere, ŋaarnde, mboronndi, synonyms: ɗankanooma; ***: ɗankanooma.
joote, ngokka, himme, habisere, muuyɗ muuyɗe, Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] eemuru. Dialects: J.
himme, ndeereeraaku, boronndi, rooŋ rooŋre; eemtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: eemtagol.
synonyms: boronndi, himme, joote, Participles: sing: eemtiiɗo-eemtotooɗo
mboronndi, worolde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: eemtiiɓe-eemtotooɓe. Sorting
2 • sollicitation, désir d'être aidé; solicitation - Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
the desire to be helped. synonyms: ŋaarnde, Verb. nettoyer la gorge; clear your throat.
nyaagunde, rooŋ rooŋre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: ɗojjude, kaartaade, tuutude;
3 • désir; desire. compare: haanɗ
haanɗere, ***: horsude1, horkitinde, ormitaade;
muuyantaaku, muuyɗ
muuyɗe, ngokka. synonyms: horkitinde, horsude1, ormitaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: M.

eelude Noun Form of Infinitive: eelugol. eentere Noun. sevrage; weaning. ***: hoɗɗ
Participles: sing: eeluɗo-eeloowo plur: eeragol Noun. prononciation; pronunciation. Catégorie
eeluɓe-eelooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. : Lecture / écriture. ***: gowlugol
gowlugol, wi'ugol.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • s’intéresser à, avoir un intérêt à; interest in eetude Verb. consoler, berner; fool (to); console;
(to have an). Mi nanii Aamadu na filoo faa deceive.
sonna kalahaldim, de si goonga, miɗ
miɗo eeli Efesunkooɓ
Efesunkooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
o soora kam ndi. J'ai entendu que Aamadou l’épître aux Éphésiens; the letter of Ephesians
vend son bœuf, je suis intéressé à l'acheter. I written by Paul to the church at Ephesus. Note :
heard Aamadu was trying to sell his bull, but grec Dialectal Forms: Efesu'en.
honestly, I really would like him to sell it to Dialects: biblical.
me. ***: muuynaade, goddi, nyaagaade,
Efesus Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. Éphèse (ville
ɓɓude, rookaade, ŋaaraade, filaade,
en ce qu'on appelait «Asie Mineur, aujourd'hui
jooteede, reereeɗ
reereeɗinde, himmeede, en Turquie); the Greek city of Ephesus in
deerorɗinde, haanɗ
haanɗude, muuyude, ancient Asia Minor; now Turkey. Note : grec
jooteede; compare: muuynaade. Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
eggol synonyme: jultol. Noun. mouvement de
2 • désirer fortement, convoiter, être avide, population; emigration of nations. Catégorie
âpre; desire strongly; greedy; covet. : Voyager, Pays.
synonyms: boroɗ
boroɗinde, himmeede, jooteede,
eggude Noun Form of Infinitive: eggugol.
woroɗinde; compare: haanɗ
haanɗude, habiseede,
Participles: sing: egguɗo-eggoowo plur:
reereeɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
egguɓe-eggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
3 • demander pour recevoir; ask for
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
something. synonyms: filaade, ŋaaraade,
transhumer, déménager le ménage avec
nyaagaade, rookaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. l'intention de revenir, se déplacer; dislodge;
eemaade Noun Form of Infinitive: eemagol. move to summer pastures. Catégorie : Élevage.
Participles: sing: eemiiɗo-eemotooɗo plur: ***: foɗ
foɗtaade, ferude, gettude, faayude;
eemiiɓe-eemotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, synonyms: foɗ
foɗtaade, footaade, fottaade,
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. gettude; compare: dabbude, faayude,
essayer de faire passer (par exemple ferude, ruumude, seeɗ
seeɗude, ƴaamnude.
excrément); to strain to pass a bowel Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
movement or to pass something vaginally;
often this occurs after someone or something eggugol Noun. exode, transhumance; exodus;
has diarrhea for a day or so; and there is migration of livestock to summer pastures;
nothing really left to pass; but there is still an transhumance. Catégorie : Élevage.
urgency to strain to pass something ("the dry Ejekiyel Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. le prophète
runs"). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Ézéchiel; the prophet Ezekiel; son of Buzi.
Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 116
ekeer endoode

ekeer Noun. équerre; set square. Catégorie ekkondirgol Noun. comparaison; comparison.
: Apprendre. Note : français ***: yerondirol.
ekintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ekitingol. ektaar synonyme: hecktaar . Noun. hectare; hectare.
Participles: sing: ekintinɗo-ekintinoowo Catégorie : Mathématique. Note : français
plur: ekintinɓe-ekintinooɓe. Sorting
ektogram emprunt: français. Variante: ektogaraam.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or Noun. hectogramme; hectogram. Catégorie
Progressive: prg - na ekintina. Verb. : Mathématique.
enseigner, former, montrer comment faire
quelque chose; teach; train; show how to do ektoliitere emprunt: français. Variante: ektoliitar.
something. Catégorie : Apprendre. Noun. hectolitre; hectolitre. Catégorie
: Récipient, Mathématique.
***: anndinde; synonyms: anndinde,
jannginde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ektomeetere emprunt: français. Noun. hectomètre;
hectometer. Catégorie : Mathématique.
ekintinoowo golle Noun. formateur; training
officer. Catégorie : Apprendre, Travailleur. eleleldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
ekip Noun. équipe; crew; team.
of Noun: eleleli. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
ekitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ekitagol. Noun. varan du Nil; Nile monitor; monitor
Participles: sing: ekitiiɗo-ekitotooɗo plur: lizard. Catégorie : Reptile. Varanus giganteus.
ekitiiɓe-ekitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. ***: huutooru, bawuuru;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. essayer synonyms: bawuuru; compare: huutooru,
de faire quelque chose, apprendre à faire; try pallangal. Dialects: J,G,M.
to do something; learn to do something.
Eliyaajaru Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Eléazar;
***: enndude, firfirtude, filaade, janngude,
Eleazer; son of Aaron; Exodus 6:23ff. Note :
soobaade; synonyms: enndude, filaade,
hébreu Dialects: biblical.
fippude, firfirtude, soobaade;
compare: janngude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ellellu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
ekitagol synonyme: gollal, formason. Noun.
Noun: ellelli. Sorting Designation: 4, in, ah.
formation; education, training. Catégorie
Noun. tique plein de sang sucée; tick engorged
: Apprendre.
with blood. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: ɓellellu;
ekitol golle Noun. apprentissage; training; synonyms: ɓellellu, kootu. Dialects: M.
apprenticeship; learning. Catégorie
: Apprendre. elude Noun Form of Infinitive: elugol.
Participles: sing: eluɗo-eloowo plur:
ekitorde Noun. exercice; exercise. Catégorie
eluɓe-elooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
: Apprendre. Dialectal Forms: ekkitorde.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frapper
ekitotooɗo Noun. apprenant, apprenti; trainee; quelqu'un à la tête; hit someone on the head. Si
learner. Catégorie : Apprendre, Travailleur.
a limnii gaɗ
gaɗa laygaare toon fu, a elan
ekkinngol Noun. initiation; initiation. goɗɗ
go ɗɗo
ɗɗ o Si tu lance des pierres vers l'autre côté
du mur, tu risques de frapper/toucher
ekkitagol synonyme: formason. Noun. formation; quelqu'un à la tête. If you throw rocks over the
training course. Catégorie : Apprendre. wall you will hit someone in the head.
ekkitagol jannde e binndi expression. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
alphabétisation; literacy. Catégorie : Lecture /
en1 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. nous (inclusive); us
(inclusive). synonyms: ɗen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ekkit-o synonyme: janng-a. Verb. exercer (s’); to
practice. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. en2 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (inclusive); we
(inclusive). ***: ɗen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ekkitorde Noun. exercice; exercise. Catégorie : La
Grammaire, Mathématique. Dialectal endoode Noun. essai, tentative; trial; test; try.
Forms: ekitorde. Dialectal Forms: enndal.

ekkondirde Verb. comparer; compare.

***: yerondirde.

16/02/2020 117
enɗam ennude

enɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number One for enndol dow alluwal
alluwal expression. essai au tableau;
this noun: ngootam. Sorting Designation: 3. try on the blackboard. Catégorie : Apprendre,
Noun. parenté, solidarité (surtout en famille, Lecture / écriture.
mais aussi dans d'autres groupes); family ties; enndol ley mbeeyu expression. essai dans
blood relationship; solidarity. Joonin en l’espace; try to write in the air. Catégorie
ngondii e yigiraaku, en laateke enɗ
enɗam : Apprendre, Lecture / écriture.
ngootam. Maintenant que nous sommes des
enndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
amis, nous sommes devenus solidaire comme
en famille. Now that we are friends we have Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
become like family. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: enɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun.
sein, mamelon, mamelle, figuratif : la famille;
enɗam lekki Noun. sève d'un arbre; sap of a tree. family (figurative); nipple; breast; teat.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une Catégorie : Le corps. ***: lawre, yeyre, hoore
enndu; compare: lawre, yeyre.
enɗi biberon Noun. tétines; rubber teat, pacifier. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enɗiiwa Plural Form of Noun: enɗiiji. Noun. enndu tuubaaku Noun. biberon; baby bottle,
mammifère; mammal. Catégorie : Mammifère. feeding bottle. Catégorie : Nourriture.
***: daabaaji muyninooji, enɗ
enɗijum. ***: biberon.
enɗijum Noun. mammifère; mammal. daabaaji enndude Noun Form of Infinitive: enndugol.
muyninooji Catégorie : Mammifère. Participles: sing: ennduɗo-enndoowo plur:
***: daabaaji muyninooji; ennduɓe-enndooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: enɗ
enɗiiwa. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • essayer de faire quelque chose, faire un
enen1 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (inclusive); we
effort, tenter de faire; try to do something;
(inclusive). synonyms: eɗen. Dialects: G.
make an effort; attempt. ***: ekitaade,
enen2 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. nous, nous-mêmes hencaade, hersude, ummanaade,
(inclusive); ourselves (inclusive); we. anniyaade, haykaade, jate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: anen1, na en, eɗen, anen2; 2 • pointer une arme vers on objectif pour
synonyms: anen2. Dialects: J,Y,G. tirer; point a weapon in order to shoot at
enende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. something. synonyms: ekitaade;
compare: anniyaade, aykaade, hencaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ummanaade. Dialects: J,M.
of Noun: enendeeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. espèce de plante; kind of annual plant ennude Noun Form of Infinitive: ennugol.
found in sandy sahelian soils. Catégorie Participles: sing: ennuɗo-ennoowo plur:
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Euphorbia
ennuɓe-ennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
aegyptiaca. ***: mbadullaahi,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
takumselleehi, mbarnoohi, kosaahi, njoddi; 1 • embarrasser quelqu'un, humilier;
compare: badullaahi, njoddi, takumselleehi; humiliate; embarrass someone. Haamidu
synonyms: kosaahi. Dialects: J,Y,G.
ennii kam e bammum sabo o waɗ
waɗii faa mi
en-entere Noun. malnutrition; malnutrition. fewanii ɗum. Haamadou m'a embarrassé
Catégorie : Maladie. devant son père en me faisant dire un
mensonge (implicite est que le père sait que
enentere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting c'est un mensonge). Haamidu embarrassed me
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. sevrage à cause before his father because he made me lie to
d'une nouvelle grossesse; weaning because of him - implied is that the father found out it was
a new pregnancy. ***: entere1; a lie. synonyms: aybinde, gaccude, hersinde,
synonyms: entere1. Dialects: J,Y,M. semtinde; ***: sentude, edaade, etude1,
enndal Noun. essai, tentative; trial; test; try. Dialectal semtude. Dialects: J,Y.
Forms: enndoode.

enndol Noun. essai, expérience; trial, try, test,

experience. ***: dunkol.

16/02/2020 118
enteede eto
2 • laisser qqn d'autre mesurer ton grain; to
esoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
have someone else measure your grain - this
could mean in order to distribute it or to bag it One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
up. Mi ennii Ali gawri keeŋ
keeŋan faa tampi. I Noun: esiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
tired Ali out yesterday passing grain out. Note: un beau, quelqu'un de la belle-famille, parent
This is a contracted form of "etinde", so in the par alliance; in-law (an). Debbo jom kamsel
example above the "i" is dropped and the "t" daneyel o woni esoo Paate. La femme en
morphs to an "n" and the "u" is added. It chemise blanche est de la la belle-famille de
would be preferable to say, "Mi etinii Ali Paate. The woman in the white blouse is
gawri keeŋan faa tampi." However, Paate's in-law. Joonin esiiwo gooto tan
apparently both are said. synonyms: etinde. njogiimi. J'ai un seul parent par alliance.
Dialects: J,Y. Now I only have one in-law.; here are the
personal contracted forms: 1s esam, 2s esa, 3s
enteede Noun Form of Infinitive: entegol. (makko) esiiko, (muuɗum) esum, 1p
Participles: sing: entaaɗo plur: entaaɓe. (inclusive) esii'en, [Y,G] esiiɗen, (exclusive)
Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb. être sevré; NA, 2p esii'on, [Y,G] esiiɗon, 3p (maɓɓe)
weaned (to be). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. esiiɓe, (muɓɓen) NA. Catégorie : Parenté.
compare: ƴeekiiwo. Dialectal Forms: [J]
entere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
esiraaɗo, [J,M] esiiwo, [Y,G] esiyo.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. sevrer parce que de
Dialects: J,M.
nouveau enceinte (on pense que le lait d'une
femme enceinte n'est pas bon pour le bébé); it etaa Noun. État; State. Catégorie : Gouvernement.
is thought that the milk of a pregnant woman
Note : français ***: laamu leydi.
will harm the nursing child; weaning because
of a new pregnancy. synonyms: enentere; eten Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
***: enentere. Dialectal Forms: [G] entol. Designation: 4. Noun. braser ou souder; solder.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Note : français synonyms: iten; ***: iten.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
entere2 Noun. kwashiorkor; kwashiorkor. Catégorie
: Maladie. eterde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
entude Noun Form of Infinitive: entugol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form

Participles: sing: entuɗo-entoowo plur: of Noun: eterɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.

Noun. mesure, bol de mesure, récipient pour
entuɓe-entooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
mesurer; measuring cup; measure; scoop.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sevrer un
Catégorie : Récipient. ***: etorde, muddiire,
enfant du lait maternel de sa mère; wean a
child from his mother's milk. taasawal, yorbaal, etirde; synonyms: etirde,

compare: wootaade; ***: wootaade. etorde, yorbaal. Dialects: J,G,M.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. etinde Noun Form of Infinitive: etingol.

entugol Noun. sevrage; weaning. Entude goɗɗ
ɗɗo maa Participles: sing: etinɗo-etinoowo plur:
hujjere ***: hoɗɗ
ɗɗugol. etinɓe-etinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir
eppoos emprunt: français. Noun. éponge; sponge. quelqu'un qui mesure une quantité de grains;
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. to have someone measure out grain.
Esaaya Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. le prophète ***: ennude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Esaïe; the prophet Isaiah; son of Amoz; 2 etirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Kings 19:2ff. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
esansi e gajowal expression. lubrifiant; lubricant, of Noun: etirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
grease. Noun. mesure, récipient pour mesurer, tine;
measuring cup; measure; scoop. Catégorie
Esara Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Esdras;
: Récipient. ***: etorde, muddiire, eterde;
Ezra. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
synonyms: eterde, etorde, yorbaal. Dialects: Y.
esel emprunt: français. Noun. échelle; scale.
etirgel henndu Plural Form of Noun: etirkoy
Catégorie : Mathématique. synonyms: daawtal.
henndu. Noun. baromètre; barometer.
esiyo Noun. beau-père, belle-mère; mother-in-law;
eto Noun. évaluation; assessment. Dialectal
father-in-law. Catégorie : Parenté.
Forms: etol.

16/02/2020 119
etorde eytude

etorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. eyteede Noun Form of Infinitive: eytegol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: eytaaɗo-eyteteeɗo plur:
of Noun: etorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. eytaaɓe-eyteteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. récipient pour mesurer, louche; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. détourner
measuring cup; measure; scoop. Catégorie et puis être appréhendé ou calmé; to be enticed
: Récipient. synonyms: eterde, etirde, and then apprehended or calmed (applicable to
yorbaal; ***: muddiire, etirde, eterde. both animals and people); Suka o jaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,M. eyteede fes. That child refuses to be

etu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number

comforted. Si mbeewa nga eytaaka fu,
nanngataake. If you don't entice that goat you
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
won't catch it. ***: fenaneede, hiileede,
Noun: etuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
sarneede, jambeede, fewaneede;
1 • mesure; measure. Etita katin sabo etu
synonyms: fewaneede, hiileede, jambeede,
maa ngu heewaay. Mesure encore une fois
car ton récipient n'était pas plein. Measure sarneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
again because your measure was not full. eytude Noun Form of Infinitive: eytugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: eytuɗo-eytoowo plur:
2 • teste, examen; test; exam. Jaango min eytuɓe-eytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
ngaɗan etu jande. Demain nous avons un Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
examen par rapport à nos études. Tomorrow 1 • tromper ou flatter en offrant quelque chose;
we have a test on our studies. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. entice; allure; deceive by offering something
in order to catch someone or an animal.
etude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: etugol.
***: hiilude, malsinde, belaade, sarnude,
Participles: sing: etuɗo-etoowo plur:
mansinde, welnude, hiila, maysinde,
etuɓe-etooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Verb
fenude; synonyms: hiilude, sarnude.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • examiner,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mesurer des céréales ou de la farine, vider des
céréales ou de la farine; measure or scoop out 2 • consoler en promettant qqch; comfort by
grain or flour; examine. ***: heƴƴ
ƴƴude, promising something. synonyms: deƴƴ deƴƴinde
fonndude, haykaade, haykaade, biigaade, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aykaade; synonyms: biigaade, ennude, 3 • attirer par la ruse, séduire, soutirer qqch à
qqn par la cajolerie; wheedle; seduce; coax.
fonndude, heƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: fenude, fewude, mansinde,
2 • évaluer, estimer, examiner, tester; test;
maysinde, welnude; synonyms: belaade,
estimate; examine; evaluate. Mi etii nagge am
muuynaade, sarnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faa wooɗ
wooɗi. J'ai réussi à évaluer ma vache (par
exemple lorsqu'elle met bas). I did a good job
of evaluating my cow [when she calved] -
implied in this are measures instituted to
ensure that the cow will permit someone to
milk her, including tying her up for a while or
attaching a stick to her horns to restrain her.
Jannginoowo na yiɗ
yiɗi etude janngooɓ
janngooɓe faa o
ndaara moy ɓuri faamude jande muuɗ
L'enseignant veut évaluer les étudiants pour
voir qui a compris le mieux les études. The
teacher wishes to examin the students to see
who best understands their studies.
compare: aykaade; synonyms: aykaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

etude2 Verb. évaluer, estimer; assess; estimate;


F - f

16/02/2020 120
faa faamu
3 • «faaɗude ɓernde» veut dire ne pas aimer
faa Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. afin de, pour;
des gens ou s’énerver vite; "faaɗude ɓernde"
so that; in order to. synonyms: de2, salla, yalla; means that one does not like people or he gets
***: yalla, de1, faɗ
faɗo2, salla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. angry quickly. synonyms: fahɗ
2 • prep. jusqu'à, quant à; until; as far as; up to. compare: muumɗ
muumɗude, paho.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • adv/prep/conj. jusque-là, jusqu'alors; (conj)
faaleede Verb. être brigandé; robbed.
until. synonyms: faɗ
faɗo1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faambru Plural Form of Noun: paaɓi. Variante: faaɓru.
faa'e Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. rien, (ex. Je n'ai
Noun. crapaud; toad. Catégorie : Amphibien.
rien reçu); nothing. ***: ba, fus, fay, fey, fes,
***: paaɓ
paaɓal; synonyms: famndu, faaɓ
fuy; synonyms: ba, fay, fes, fey, fus, fuy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faamburu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
faabaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faabagol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Participles: sing: paabiiɗo-paabotooɗo plur:
of Noun: paaɓi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
faabiiɓe-faabotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. grenouille, crapaud; frog; toad.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Catégorie : Amphibien. synonyms: famru,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. aider, assister, pontaare; ***: pontaare, famru. Dialectal
seconder, secourir; aid; assist; help.
Forms: [Y,M] faaɓuru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: wallitinde, wannude, nafude, wallude,
ɓillitinde, haɓ
haɓande, sakkude; faaminaaki adj. ambiguë; ambiguous. ko
synonyms: ɓillitinde, haɓ
haɓande, nafude, faaminaaki
sakkude, wallitinde, wannude, waantude, faaminde Noun Form of Infinitive: faamingol.
wallude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: paaminɗo-paaminoowo
faabada jamais; never. plur: faaminɓe-faaminooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
faaɓuru Noun. crapaud; toad. Catégorie : Amphibien. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: faambru. Verb. faire comprendre, expliquer clairement;
faade e Noun. envers; back. Catégorie understand (to cause to); explain clearly so that
: Mathématique. the listener understands. ***: sifaade,
sifanaade, fiirtude, tindinde, haalande,
faaɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faaɗingol.
fiirtande; compare: haalande;
Participles: sing: paaɗinɗo-paaɗinoowo
synonyms: fiirtande, sifanaade, tindinde.
plur: faaɗinɓe-faaɗinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. faamirde Verb. s'entendre; agree; get on along.
Verb. faire plus petit ou plus étroit, réduire la
faamitondirde Noun. consultation; consultation.
largeur; smaller make); narrower (make);
synonyms: ndaarugol, loonyagol.
reduce the width. ***: ɓuytude, ɗuytude,
faattinde; compare: faaɗ
faaɗude, famɗ
famɗintinde; faamrude Verb. N; get on well together; understand
synonyms: ɓuytude, ɗuytude, faattinde. each other.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. faamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Number One for
faaɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: faaɗugol. this noun: ngootu/gootu. Sorting
Participles: sing: paaɗuɗo plur: faaɗuɓe. Designation: 2. Noun. compréhension;
Sorting Designation: 2, dh, da. Verb Consonant understanding; comprehension. ***: paamu,
Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or ƴoyre, caral, anndal; compare: anndal, caral,
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être sourd; deaf. faamude, hakkillo, ƴoyre; synonyms: paamu.
***: faattinde, muugeede, faaɗ
faaɗinde, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fahɗude, beebiɗ
beebiɗinde, paho, muumɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être étroit; narrow (to be).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 121
faamude faattinde

faamude Noun Form of Infinitive: faamugol. faandu ɓernde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
Participles: sing: paamuɗo-paamoowo plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
faamuɓe-faamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Form of Noun: paali ɓerɗe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Designation: 3, at. Noun. cœur; heart. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. : Le corps. ***: ɓernde, ɓii ɓernde;
comprendre; understand. ***: feerude, synonyms: ɓernde, ɓii ɓernde. Dialects: J.
teƴorde, faamu, tennyorde, paamu, faandu-
faandu-hoore Noun. crâne; skull. Catégorie : Le
anndude, nantinaade, jiɓ
jiɓtude, sarude,
corps. synonyms: laalagal hoore, ƴi'al hoore,
jiptude, humpitaade, haƴ
le'al hoore.
hacinkinde, ƴoƴude; compare: anndude,
inƴinde, tennyorde, teƴ
teƴorde, paamu; faannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: jiɓ
jiɓtude, jiptude, sarude, ƴoƴude. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: paanɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Noun. marmite (en argile ou métal); cooking
faandaa Noun. approche; approach. pot. Catégorie : Récipient. ***: fayannde,
faandaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faandagol. fotiire, barma; synonyms: barma, fayannde,
Participles: sing: paandiiɗo-paandotooɗo fotiire; compare: loonde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
plur: faandiiɓe-faandotooɓe. Sorting faar Noun. phare; headlight. Note : français
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
faataade Noun Form of Infinitive: faatagol.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: paatiiɗo-paatotooɗo plur:
Verb. 1 • approcher; approach. Narogo na
faatiiɓe-faatotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
wara baade Dokotoro de o faandii. Norogo
was going to the doctor's courtyard but he Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
stopped nearby before he got there. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • pour une
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. personne qui glisse dans un trou; slip into a
hole. Si a haybaay fu, a faatoto ley nyegeere
2 • se rapprocher de; to approximate. Hikka
toon. Si tu ne fais pas attention tu risques de
mi waawaa remude de mi faandoto. This
tomber dans le trou de la toilette là-bas. If you
year I cannot work a field, but I will work my
don't watch your step you will fall into the
field a bit. Dokotoro wi'ii mi yarnan nagge
toilet over there. ***: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade, saytaade,
am fecere liitere nebbam nyaande fuu faa
pataade, partaade; synonyms: partaade,
waɗa balɗ
balɗe tati, ammaa mi walaa liitere
pataade, saytaade. Dialects: J.
pay, ndelle mi faandorto ko njogiimi ɗum.
2 • se fier, faire confiance à, compter sur; trust.
The vet said to give my cow a half a liter of oil
daily for three days, but I don't have a liter Miɗ
Miɗo waawi nelude Yuusufi sabo miɗ miɗo
measure, so I will approximate with what I faatii ɗum. Je peux envoyer Youssufi car je lui
have. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fais confiance. I can send Yuusufi because I
trust him. synonyms: duŋ
duŋaade, hoolaade,
faandaare synonyme: janngannde, darsu,
goonɗinde, laamnude, tuugaade;
winndannde. Noun. objectif (de leçon);
compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade. Dialects: Y,G.
objective (lesson). Catégorie : Mathématique.
***: feendaare. faatagol-
faatagol-leydi Noun. glissement de terrain;
landslide. Catégorie : Terre.
faandu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form faattinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faattingol.
of Noun: paali. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Participles: sing: paattinɗo-paattinoowo
1 • gourde avec un cou, utilisé pour faire du plur: faattinɓe-faattinooɓe. Sorting
beurre; gourd with a neck. Catégorie Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
: Récipient. synonyms: jollooru; Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: butilaawa, jollooru, butel, mbutilaawa, Verb. faire plus petit ou plus étroit, réduire la
paalel, luuluwal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. largeur; smaller or narrower (to make); reduce
2 • cruche en plastique ou en ver; jug made of the width. compare: faaɗ
faaɗude, famɗ
plastic or glass. Catégorie : Récipient. ***: ɗuytude, fanɗ
fanɗintinde, faaɗ
synonyms: luuluwal, butilaawa, mbutilaawa. famɗ
famɗintinde; synonyms: ɓuytude, ɗuytude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. faaɗ
faaɗinde. Dialects: J,Y.

faandu2 Noun. bulle; bubble. lefol nate

16/02/2020 122
faatude faayude

faatude Noun Form of Infinitive: faatugol. faawtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faawtingol.
Participles: sing: paatuɗo-paatoowo plur: Participles: sing: paawtinɗo-paawtinoowo
faatuɓe-faatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: faawtinɓe-faawtinooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • creuser Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
autour du bord pour que la terre tombe dans le Verb. faire que quelque chose court ou bouge
trou; dig around the edge. Mi faatan
faatan vite (cheval ou automobile); to cause
something to run hard; such as a horse or even
gooruwol ngol faa taa nagge yaaɓ
yaaɓa ɗoon
de boɓɓ
ɓɓoo. Je creuserai autour du bord de la
a truck. ***: fartinde, dogginde;
rivière afin qu'aucune vache ne marche dessus synonyms: dogginde, fartinde. Dialects: J.
et tombe. I will dig around the [bank] of the faaytinde Note for Verb Stative or
creek bed so a cow doesn't step on the edge and
fall [because it will collapse under the weight Progressive: Note:"Imo faayti" is used less
of the cow]. ***: liɓ
liɓude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, than "imo faayta" because they tend to see
wippitinde, bahaade, wasude; this less as a state of being than as a
synonyms: bentaade, bisaade. Dialects: J. tendancy towards resembling. Because
2 • ne pas avoir un bon jugement (ou une something about it is not exactly the same
bonne appréciation/estimation) d'une (there are perhaps some little differences)
situation, ne pas être raisonnable; to not have it is seen as a progression toward exact
good sense or good judgment. Imo faati. IL resemblance.. Noun Form of
n'est pas raisonnable. He doesn't have good Infinitive: faaytingol. Participles: sing:
sense. synonyms: bahaade; paaytinɗo plur: faaytinɓe. Sorting
compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, liɓ
liɓude, wasude. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Faatuma Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom de la fille Verb. ressembler, se ressembler, être
première-née (aînée) dans la région de comparable à; comparable (to be); look like
Mahadaga; the name of the first born daughter something or someone else; resemble. Butel
in the Mahadaga area. synonyms: Diko; maa ngel na faaytina e butel am. Ton canari
***: Diko; compare: Kumbo, Penndo, Daado, / pot ressemble à mon canari /pot. Your little
jar looks almost like my little jar.
Takko, Demmo, Seebo. Dialectal Forms: [G]
***: miccinde, wa'ude, nanndude, wayde;
Faatumata, Faati. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: alhaali, sifa; synonyms: miccinde,
faatumaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. nanndude, wa'ude. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of faayitinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: faatumaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. fille aînée; daughter (first born); first
faayude Noun Form of Infinitive: faayugol.
born daughter. ***: dikaajo; Participles: sing: paayuɗo-paayoowo plur:
compare: kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo, faayuɓe-faayooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
takkaajo, demmoojo; synonyms: dikaajo. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque
tous s’éloignent et abandonne l'endroit; move
faawtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faawtagol. away and desert a place. Dow suɓsuɓagol meer
Participles: sing: paawtiiɗo-paawtotooɗo rawanin haaɓ
haaɓe Boussouma
Boussouma fuu paayii. A
plur: faawtiiɓe-faawtotooɓe. Sorting cause de ce qui s'est passé les gens ont
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in abandonné la ville de Boussouma. Because of
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
what happen with the mayoral race all the
Verb. courir avec toute la force, sprint; sprint;
residents of Boussouma deserted the village.
***: eggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
run hard. synonyms: doggude, farbude;
2 • avoir un bruit bizarre dans l'oreille,
***: doggude, farbude. Dialects: J,G.
acouphènes; tinnitus; ears ringing. Si mi yarii
Kinimax fu, noppi am na paaya. Si je prends
des médicaments, mes oreilles ressentent un
bruit bizarre. If I take Quinimax my ears ring.
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: iidude.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 123
faɓɓi jaango fadde
3 • lorsque un son apparaît être loin mais en
faccude Noun Form of Infinitive: faccugol.
fait il est proche; when things sound far away
Participles: sing: paccuɗo-paccoowo plur:
but they are not. compare: eggude, wonande,
faccuɓe-faccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
ferude. Dialects: J.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
ɓɓi jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. verser un peu
Designation: 1. Adverb. après-demain, dans de liquide d'un récipient dans un autre; pour
deux jours; day after tomorrow; two days (in). out a little of a liquid. ***: wattude1, rufude,
synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗi jaango; compare: jaango; siiwude, waylude, waɗ waɗtude, yuppude;
***: faɗɗ
ɗɗi jaango. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: waylude, yuppude;
ɓɓiti jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. compare: rufude, siiwude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. dans trois jours; faddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faddagol.
three days (in); two days after tomorrow.
Participles: sing: paddiiɗo-paddotooɗo
synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗiti jaango; compare: jaango;
plur: faddiiɓe-faddotooɓe. Sorting
***: faɗɗ
ɗɗiti jaango. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
ɓɓitittiyel jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. dans quatre Verb. 1 • bloquer, barrer, obstruer, faire que
jours; four days (in); three days after quelque chose ne peut pas se faire, endiguer,
tomorrow. compare: jaango; ***: faɗɗ retenir; hold back; block; stop something from
jaango; synonyms: faɗɗ
happening; dam (to). Si ndunngu warii fu,
ɗɗitittiyel jaango.
remooɓe na paddoo ndiyam faa daroo ley
Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] faɓɓitirti jaango, [J,G]
gese mu ɓɓen.
ɓɓen. Pendant la saison des pluies
faɓɓitittiyel jaango. Dialects: J,Y,G.
les cultivateurs font une digue pour que l'eau
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: faɓɓugol. reste sur leurs champs. During the rainy
Participles: sing: paɓɓuɗo-paɓɓoowo plur: season farmers stop the water from running off
faɓɓuɓe-faɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. of their fields. ***: jakkaade, jakkaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb haɗ
haɗude; synonyms: jakkaade.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ajourner, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
renvoyer, retarder, différer, remettre à plus 2 • garder, préserver, (peut aussi être utilise.
tard; delay; postpone. Mi waawaa warude dans le contexte de garder du péché); guard.
golle jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire waroore, ndelle paɓɓ
ɓɓen golle
golle Fadda hoore maa yaadude e wuyɓ wuyɓe. Fais
attention de ne pas t'associer avec des voleurs.
faa jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire wartoore. Je ne peux pas venir
Diligiently guard against hanging around with
travailler la semaine prochaine, donc on va
thieves. this verb is much more active than
différer le travail à une semaine plus tard. I
"doomude" or "reenude", involving a vigorous
cannot come work next week, so let's postpone
prevention of something happening;
the work until the following week.
synonyms: jakkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: ɓooytude, faɗɗ
ɗɗitaade, faɗɗ
synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. faddagol Noun. détention, incarcération; detention,
2 • visiter quelqu'un pendant plusieurs jours ou custody, arrest.
semaines; visiting somewhere (several days or faddagol fadde ndeen ... expression. détention
weeks. Lobbo faɓɓfaɓɓan
ɓɓan Tenkodogo balɗ balɗe provisoire; pre-trial detention, temporary
seeɗa. Lobbo va passer plusieurs jours à detention. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Tenkodogo. Lobbo will pass several days in Juridique.
Tenkodogo. synonyms: ɓooytude, faɗɗ faɗɗitaade
ɗɗitaade. faddagol naatiiru expression. embargo; embargo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. boycott, blockade. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
faccirde Verb. commenter; to comment. fiirtude faa Juridique.

laaɓa fadde
fadde Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • adv/prep. avant,

faccitingol Noun. décomposition; decomposition. devant, auparavant; before. Piloɗ

Piloɗon, nji'on o
fadde mon runnyude. Essaie de le voir avant
synonyms: senndugol, nyolo.
de quitter. Look for and see him before you
leave. Fadde am runnyude gese mi yahan
suudu makko. Avant d'aller au champ je vais
à son domicile. Before I go to the fields I will
go to his house. ***: gilla, jilla, illa.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 124
faddeede suudu lokotoro faɗo
2 • prep. avant + temps; fadde + time; Fadde faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faɗɗitingol.
futuro ngaraa. Viens avant le coucher du Participles: sing: paɗɗitinɗo-paɗɗitoowo
soleil. Before sundown [you] come. Fadde plur: faɗɗitinɓe-faɗɗitooɓe. Sorting
Ase warde tawan mi runnyii. Before Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Saturday comes it will be found that I have left.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na
compare: gilla, jilla, illa. Dialects: J,Y,M.
faɗɗita. Verb. 1 • ajourner, différer, renvoyer à
faddeede suudu lokotoro Verb. être hospitalisé; plus tard, retarder; delay; postpone.
hospitalized (to be). ***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, faɓɓ
ɓɓude, sakkaade,
ɗɗi jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting fai'tinde, soƴƴ
ƴƴinde, yeccinde, onngude,
wittude, runnude, ooncude, ɓoylitinde,
Designation: 1. n/adv. dans deux jours; day
fornyude; synonyms: faɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
after tomorrow; two days (in). ***: faɓɓ
2 • tourner une page; turn a cassette over; to
jaango; synonyms: faɓɓ
ɓɓi jaango;
turn a page. synonyms: waylitinde.
compare: jaango. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ɗɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faɗɗingol. 3 • faire retourner; to cause something to
Participles: sing: paɗɗinɗo-paɗɗinoowo return. synonyms: ɓoylitinde, fai'tinde
plur: faɗɗinɓe-faɗɗinooɓe. Sorting fornyude, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, onngude, ooncude,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in runnude, sakkaade, soƴƴ soƴƴinde
ƴƴinde, wittude,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. yeccinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] faɗɗitidde.
Verb. faucher, écraser / cogner contre en
Dialects: J,Y,M.
conduisant un véhicule / vélo / moto; run over
or bump into something while driving. faɗɗ
ɗɗitittiyel jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
***: fiinude, fernude, liɓ liɓude, femmbinde, Sorting Designation: 1. n/adv. dans quatre jours;
ɓɓ inde , samminde , yaaɓ
yaaɓude, wippitinde, four days (in); three days after tomorrow.
fompinde, saaminde; synonyms: femmbinde, synonyms: faɓɓ
ɓɓitittiyel jaango;
fernude, fiinude, fompinde, yaaɓ yaaɓude; ***: faɓɓ
ɓɓitittiyel jaango; compare: jaango.
compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, liɓ
liɓude, samminde. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J. faɗɗ
ɗɗondirgol Noun. cotisation; contribution.
ɗɗitaa renvoi; referral, remand. ko faɗɗ
ɗɗitaa Catégorie : Argent.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. faɗɗ
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: faɗɗugol.
ɗɗitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faɗɗitagol. Participles: sing: paɗɗuɗo-paɗɗoowo plur:
Participles: sing: paɗɗitiiɗo-paɗɗitotooɗo faɗɗuɓe-faɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
plur: faɗɗitiiɓe-faɗɗitotooɓe. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • jeter,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. projeter, lancer; throw. ***: tuuɗ
Verb. passer plusieurs jours ou semaines weɗɗ
ɗɗaade, caanaade, weddaade, linnude,
quelque part; spend several days or weeks ɗagginde, sowaade, bugaade, laginde,
somewhere. ***: faɓɓ
ɓɓude, ɓooytude; limnude, ɗannginde, wiirnude, hornude.
synonyms: ɓooytude, faɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗiti jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. 2 • mettre au rebut, gaspiller, se débarrasser
Sorting Designation: 1. n/adv. dans trois jours; de, jeter à la poubelle; throw away; discard.
three days (in); two days after tomorrow. compare: ɗagginde, ɗannginde, hornude;
compare: jaango; ***: faɓɓ
ɓɓiti jaango; synonyms: bugaade, limnude, linnude,
synonyms: faɓɓ
ɓɓiti jaango. Dialects: J. weddaade, wiirnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

faɗo1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: paɗe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
chaussure ou sandale; shoe; sandal. ***: faa.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 125
faɗo fakaade

faɗo2 Sorting Designation: 4. prep/conj. jusqu'à; until. fai'tinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fai'tingol.
Miɗo janngina ɓe Fulfulde faɗ
faɗo ɓe mbaawi. Participles: sing: pai'tinɗo-pai'tinoowo plur:
Je leur apprendrai le fulfuldé jusqu’à ce qu'ils fai'tinɓe-fai'tinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
le savent parler. I am teaching them Fulfulde Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
until they can [speak]. synonyms: faa. Stative or Progressive: prg - na fai'ta. Verb.
Dialects: J. refuser quelque chose ou quelqu'un,
faggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faggagol. détourner, retourner; turn away. Mi warii faa
Participles: sing: paggiiɗo-paggotooɗo mi waalne jam de mi fai'ta. Je suis venu pour
un bonjour puis je vais rentrer chez moi. I
plur: faggiiɓe-faggotooɓe. Sorting
came to wish you good morning then I will go
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
back [home]. ***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, sakkaade,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ƴƴinde, yeccinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, onngude,
Verb. s'enrichir, chercher des richesses,
sauver, accumuler, économiser; accrue; wittude, runnude, ooncude, ɓoylitinde,
enrich; save. Hasan wo paggotooɗ
paggotooɗo sabo fornyude; synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
imo sooda ko o yi'i fuu, imo soottitoo faa o fornyude, onngude, ooncude, runnude,
ɓeyda jawdi makko. Hasan est économe car sakkaade, soƴƴ
ƴƴinde, wittude, yeccinde.
il achète et vende des animaux pour agrandir Dialects: G.
ses richesses /fortune. Hasan is thrifty because
he is always buying and selling animals in fai'tude Noun Form of Infinitive: fai'tugol.
order to increase his wealth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: pai'tuɗo-pai'toowo plur:
fai'tuɓe-fai'tooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
faggudu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Designation: 4. Noun. biens, économies, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • retourner,
richesse accumulée; savings; accumulated
rentrer; back. Mi fai'tii, mi yaahataa luumo
wealth. Hasan na ɓuri Dembo faggudu
hannden. Je rentre chez moi, je ne vais pas au
lobburu, sabo kanko ɓuri waawde julaade. marché aujourd'hui. I am going home, I am
Hasan has more wealth than Dembo because not going to the market today. Note: this is like
he is a better cattle merchant. ***: nagalu; when they say "Mi hootii." even before they
synonyms: daliili, jawdi, ngalu, nyalaande1. have left. The intention is such that it is a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. forgone conclusion and as such rendered as
"past tense." ***: yeccaade, ruuɗ
fahɗuɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
yeccude, wittude, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, tottitaade,
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. gens sourds; deaf
fornyaade; synonyms: fornyaade, ruuɗ
people. Dialectal Forms: [Y] fahuɓe.
ƴƴaade, yeccaade, wittude. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,M.
2 • when a baby dies after a few days.
fahɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fahɗugol. synonyms: tottitaade. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: pahɗuɗo plur: fahɗuɓe.
fajiri Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Sorting Designation: 3, dh, da. Verb Consonant
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Noun: fajiriiji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. tôt
Progressive: st. Verb. être sourd; deaf (to be). le matin, aurore, aube, pointe du jour; dawn
In addition to the normal participles this verb until about 10 A.M.; before sun up; early
can be used to form a limited number of
morning. Note : arabe ***: wenndoogo,
adjectives, obviously only applying to living
things that hear: Group I ɓe/fahɓe, nde/fahre, subaka, beetee; synonyms: subaka;
ndu/fahru, nge/fahe Group II ɗe/pahe, compare: beetee, wenndoogo.
ɗi/pahi, ɗum/pahum, kol/pahol, ngal/pahal, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngel/pahel, o/paho Group III ko2/paho,
koy/pahoy, ndi/pahri, nga/paha, ngi/pahi, fakaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fakagol.
ngu/pahu. ***: muugeede, faaɗ
faaɗude, Participles: sing: pakiiɗo-pakotooɗo plur:
beebiɗinde, paho, muumɗ
muumɗude; fakiiɓe-fakotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: faaɗ
faaɗude; compare: muumɗ
muumɗude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
paho. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] fahiɗidde. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • os ou
arrêt coincé dans la gorge; stuck in the throat.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yoɓ
yoɓande, heedande, ɗagaade,
hettande; synonyms: lagaade. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 126
fakitaade fallaandu
2 • assumer la dette de quelqu'un ou assumer
falaade Noun Form of Infinitive: falagol.
une autre responsabilité; assume someone's
Participles: sing: paliiɗo-palotooɗo plur:
debt /responsibility. Mi fakeke njomnaari Ali
faliiɓe-falotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
sabo o waawaa yoɓ yoɓude ɗum. J'ai réglé la
dette d'Ali car il n'a pas pu payer. I assumed Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Ali's debt because he could not pay it. Saaluu Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • entrecouper,
attaquer quelqu'un qui passe; waylay someone
nanngaa faa uddee kasu de Aamadu
who is passing by; intersect; intercept.
fakanii o. On a arrêté Saalou, mais Amadou
***: taƴ
taƴaade, geesaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
est allé pour lui en prison. Saaluu was
arrested, but Aamadu took his place in jail. 2 • passer à une intersection avant quelqu'un
d'autre; pass through an intersection before
synonyms: heedande, hettande, yoɓyoɓande.
someone else. synonyms: geesaade, taƴtaƴaade.
Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fakitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fakitagol.
falfaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Participles: sing: pakitiiɗo-pakitotooɗo
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
plur: fakitiiɓe-fakitotooɓe. Sorting
Noun: falfaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
espèce d'arbre; A tree of the southern Sahel
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque quelque found on sandy soil. It is not eaten by
chose qui tenait deux objets ensemble tombe / animals; but its fruit; resembling raisins; is
s’effondre /s'écroule, ou si quelqu'un tombe edible; and is often made into an alcoholic
d'un arbre; when something that is spanning
beverage. Lannea microcarpa. ***: peguuhi,
two objects falls or collapses of its own accord;
or someone falls out of a tree. cabiihi; synonyms: cabiihi, peguuhi;
synonyms: faltaade, pakitaade, partaade, compare: mancabiihi
mancabiihi, sibiihi. Dialects: J.
pataade; ***: sentaade, pataade
pataade, partaade, falfajam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
soltaade, pakitaade, pakitaade, faltaade, Designation: 3, th. Noun. vin fait de Lannea ;
sortaade, partaade. Dialects: M. wine from the fruits. ***: pegujam, cabijam;
2 • déboîter d'un os, luxer, désarticuler; synonyms: cabijam, pegujam. Dialects: J.
luxated; dislocated (for a bone).
faljude Noun Form of Infinitive: faljugol. Sorting
synonyms: pakitaade, partaade, sentaade,
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
soltaade, sortaade; compare: boɓɓ
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: M.
Verb. lorsqu'un animal se sépare du troupeau
faktiir Noun. facture; bill; invoice. Catégorie : Argent. et se perde; when an animal becomes
Note : français separated from the herd and gets lost.
fakuho Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗe. synonyms: lallude, sortaade; ***: sortaade,
lallude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: fakuuje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. fallaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
1 • espèce de plante, feuilles sont utilisées pour Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
faire une sauce; kind of annual plant . of Noun: pallaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, wl.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Noun. lézard, margouillat; lizard. Catégorie
Corchorus fascicularis. ***: bulbakka. : Reptile. ***: huutooru, ndoyndoyyal,
Dialects: Y,G.
geddal, pallangal, doonyorgal;
2 • espèce de plante; An appetizing annual
synonyms: pallangal; compare: doonyorgal,
plant found along river beds. Corchorus
geddal, huutooru, ndoyndoyyal. Dialectal
olitorius. Dialects: Y,G.
Forms: [G] fallaandi (di). Dialects: Y,M.
3 • espèce de plante; An annual plant found in
sandy sahelian soil. It is very appetizing and
is used in making sauces. Corchorus tridens.
synonyms: bulbakka. Dialectal Forms: [G]
fakuure, fakuwo. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 127
faltaade famɗinde
3 • chercher des problèmes avec quelqu'un en
faltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faltagol.
le provoquant /agaçant; to look for trouble
Participles: sing: paltiiɗo-paltotooɗo plur:
with someone by doing bad things to him; A
faltiiɓe-faltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
toonyeke o faa a faltinii. Tu est allé trop loin
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb en l'agaçant. You have gone too far in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • passer, annoying her. synonyms: wittinde, yawtinde.
continuer son chemin; pass by; go past;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
continue your way. ***: ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade, wittaade,
fantude, fakitaade, maayude, faŋ
faŋude1, faltodaade Noun Form of Infinitive: faltodagol.
pataade, rewude, pakitaade; Participles: sing: paltodiiɗo-paltodotooɗo
synonyms: rewude, wittaade, ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade. plur: faltodiiɓe-faltodotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • mourir; die. synonyms: maayude.
Verb. passer en portant quelque chose; pass by
Dialects: J,Y.
carrying something. synonyms: wittodaade;
3 • lorsque quelque chose qui soutient deux
objets s’écroule; when something that is ***: wittodaade. Dialectal Forms: [J]
spanning two objects falls or collapses of its faltadaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
own accord. compare: daɗ
daɗude; faltorde Noun. passage; stay, path.
synonyms: fakitaade, pakitaade, partaade,
faltude Noun Form of Infinitive: faltugol.
pataade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: paltuɗo-paltoowo plur:
faltii ɓadiiɗ
adiiɗo expression. passé simple; past historic. faltuɓe-faltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
faltilawtoo adj. éphémère; ephemeral; short-lived. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • enlever une
barrière; take down a barrier.
faltilawtoo (ko) Voir entrée principale : . Noun. qui
synonyms: partaade; ***: haarude, partaade.
passe vite; who passes quickly.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: faltingol. 2 • être plein de nourriture, être satisfait /
Participles: sing: paltinɗo-paltinoowo plur: rassasié; satisfied; to be full of food.
faltinɓe-faltinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: haarude. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb falitinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • exagérer;
falude Noun Form of Infinitive: falugol.
overdo something; exaggerate. Ko kaaluɗ
Participles: sing: paluɗo-paloowo plur:
hannden a faltinii haala maa keeŋ keeŋan. Ce
faluɓe-falooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
que tu as dit aujourd'hui dépasse ce que tu as
dit hier. That which you said today exceeds Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
what you said yesterday. ***: wittinde, Progressive: prg. Verb. barrer le chemin,
bloquer le passage; block the way; bar the
hebbinde1, wiltinde, yawtinde, yawtinde,
way. ***: jakkaade, togude;
diwtinde, ɗuuɗuuɗude, ɗuunnude, wittinde;
synonyms: togude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: diwtinde, ɗuunnude, hebbinde1,
wiltinde, wittinde, yawtinde. famɗ
famɗi famɗ
famɗi Noun. minimum; minimum. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique.
2 • aller trop loin; go too far when taking famɗ
famɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: famɗingol.
something or someone somewhere. Mi wi'ii mi Participles: sing: pamɗinɗo-pamɗinoowo
hollowan o dokotoroore, miɗ miɗen kaala faa plur: famɗinɓe-famɗinooɓe. Sorting
paltinmi o toon. Je lui ai dit que je lui amène Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
au dispensaire, mais nous avons parlé et on est
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
allé trop loin. I said I would show him the
Verb. diminuer, réduire; reduce; diminish;
clinic, [but] we were talking so I took him too
smaller (make). ***: ɓuytude, ɗuytude,
far. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hakindinde, fanɗ
fanɗinde; synonyms: ɓuytude,
ɗuytude, fanɗ
fanɗinde, hakinkinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 128
famɗintinde fanntinnde

famɗintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: famɗintingol. fanɗ
fanɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fanɗingol.
Participles: sing: Participles: sing: panɗinɗo-panɗinoowo
pamɗintinɗo-pamɗintinoowo plur: plur: fanɗinɓe-fanɗinooɓe. Sorting
famɗintinɓe-famɗintinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na Verb. diminuer, réduire, faire plus petit;
famɗintina. Verb. encore diminuer a taille, reduce; to diminish; make smaller. Si aɗ
réduire encore plus; reduce again; smaller (to waɗ
waɗa buuru hannde fu panɗ
panɗinaa, sabo si
make yet). ***: faattinde, ɓuytude, mawnii sanne fu ɓenndataa. If you make
faaɗinde, fanɗ
fanɗintinde; synonyms: ɓuytude, bread today reduce the size of the loaf, because
ɗuytude; compare: faattinde.
if they are too big they won't get done.
***: famɗ
famɗinde; synonyms: ɓuytude, ɗuytude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
famɗinde, hakinkinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
iiƴajum adj. anémique; anemic.
intinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fanɗintingol.
Tomotte mo ƴiiƴ iiƴam tergal mum famɗ
Catégorie : Maladie. Participles: sing:
panɗintinɗo-panɗintinoowo plur:
famɗitingol ƴiiƴ
iiƴam Noun. anémie; anemia.
fanɗintinɓe-fanɗintinooɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
famɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: famɗugol. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na
Participles: sing: pamɗuɗo plur: famɗuɓe. fanɗintina. Verb. faire encore plus petit,
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in réduire encore; reduce again; smaller in size
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. (to make yet). compare: faattinde;
être petit, peu; little; small. ***: suunɗ
suunɗude, synonyms: ɓuytude, ɗuytude, famɗ
fanɗude, sunɗ
sunɗude, pamaro, suɗɗ
ɗɗude; Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: fanɗ
fanɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
fanɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fanɗugol.
famndu Noun. crapaud; toad. Catégorie : Amphibien. Participles: sing: panɗuɗo plur: fanɗuɓe.
***: faambru. Dialectal Forms: faaɓuru, Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
famru. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
être petit; little (to be); small (to be).
famru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
synonyms: famɗ
famɗude; ***: famɗ famɗude.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Dialects: Y,G,M.
of Noun: paaɓi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. 1 • grenouille ou crapaud; frog; toad. fankarde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One
Catégorie : Amphibien. ***: faamburu, for this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3,
somre; synonyms: faamburu, pontaare. th. Noun. mal, mauvais, vilain; evil. Yamirde
Dialects: Y,M. moƴƴ
ƴƴere, faddaade fankarde. Do good and
2 • criquet, grillon; cricket. Catégorie hate evil. Note : arabe synonyms: bonnde;
: Insecte. synonyms: somre. Dialectal ***: bonnde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Forms: [Y] famndu. Dialects: G.
fankorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fankorɗingol.
fanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fanagol. Participles: sing: pankorɗinɗo or pankaro
Participles: sing: paniiɗo-panotooɗo plur: plur: fankorɗinɓe or fankarɓe. Sorting
faniiɓe-fanotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st - imo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prier pour la fankorɗi. Verb. être mauvais, être mal ou faire
protection; pray for protection. du mal; bad (to be); do evil. Note : arabe
compare: panol; synonyms: panaade; ***: bonude; synonyms: bonude. Dialects: J,Y.
***: panaade, panol. Dialects: J,Y.
fanntinii exagéré; exaggerated.
fanntinnde Verb. faire faire une escale; oblige to
make a stopover.

16/02/2020 129
fannu faro

fannu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number farfitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: farfitagol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: parfitiiɗo-parfitotooɗo
Noun: fannuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. plur: farfitiiɓe-farfitotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. 1 • commentaire; commentary. Note : Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
arabe ***: fiirtugol faa laaɓ
laaɓa. Dialects: J. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • domaine d'expertise; an area of expertise. Verb. se lever vite et abandonner une maison;
Note : arabe Dialects: J. jump up and suddenly leave a house.
***: furfitaade, garbitaade, harbitaade,
fannu2 Noun. matière (discipline, domaine); subject
gurbitaade, fuppitaade;
(discipline area). Catégorie : Mathématique.
synonyms: fuppitaade, furfitaade;
fantere laamu expression. abus de pouvoir; abuse of compare: garbitaade, gurbitaade. Dialectal
power. Catégorie : Juridique.
Forms: [Y,G] fartaade. Dialects: J,M.
fantude Noun Form of Infinitive: fantugol.
fariila Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: pantuɗo-pantoowo plur:
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
fantuɓe-fantooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun: fariilaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Noun. les choses qu'un musulman doit faire, les
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'arrêter en cinq piliers de l'islam; five pillars of Islam.
passant; stop by someplace. Note : arabe compare: sunna; ***: sunna.
compare: faltaade, rewude; Dialectal Forms: [J,G] farilla/farillaaji.
synonyms: faŋ
faŋude1; ***: rewude, faŋfaŋude1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Farillaaji Lewinkooɓ
Lewinkooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb.
fantugol bonnde synonyme: fuɗɗintingol ko boni. Noun. le livre de lévitique; Leviticus. Note :
expression. récidive; recidivism, recurrence, arabe compare: Tawreeta. Dialects: biblical.
relapse, re-offend . Catégorie : Juridique.
farin wutaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
faŋude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: faŋugol.
Designation: 4. Noun. soufre; sulphur. Note :
Participles: sing: paŋuɗo-paŋoowo plur:
Hausa ***: sitti; synonyms: sitti. Dialects: G.
faŋuɓe-faŋooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Farisa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Progressive: prg. Verb. s'arrêter en passant; One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
stop by someplace. ***: fantude; Noun: Farisaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cbp.
Noun. un Pharisien; Pharisee. Note :
compare: faltaade, rewude;
hébreu/arabe Dialectal Forms: Farisanke,
synonyms: fantude. Dialects: J.
Farisaajo. Dialects: biblical.
faŋude2 Verb. aider, rendre visite, assister qqn; visit
somebody; assist somebody; aid (to); help. farmaasii Noun. pharmacie; drugstore; chemist's
shop; pharmacy. Catégorie : Bâtiment,
faransiire Noun. français; French. Note : français Maladie. ***: suudu cafaaje conneteeɗ
farbude Noun Form of Infinitive: farbugol. farnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: farnagol. Sorting
Participles: sing: parbuɗo-parboowo plur: Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
farbuɓe-farbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Verb. lorsqu'un cheval ou un âne souffle de
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. courir vite, l'air à travers de ses lèvres; when a horse or
sprint; sprint; run hard. ***: faawtaade, donkey blows air through its lips. ***: farude,
doggude; synonyms: doggude, faawtaade. furwude, firnude; synonyms: farude, firnude.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J.

faro Sorting Designation: 1. prep. envers, vers, en

face de; facing; toward. synonyms: fiyaa,
hedde, heende; compare: heedude, hettude;
***: hedde, heende, fiyaa. Dialectal
Forms: [J,Y] fara. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 130
farr fay

farr Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très blanc; white fawaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fawagol.
(very). ***: tarr, rawnude; Participles: sing: pawiiɗo-pawotooɗo plur:
compare: rawnude; synonyms: tarr. fawiiɓe-fawotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. dépendre
fartinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fartingol.
de, compter sur; depend; count on. Miɗ
Miɗo fawii
Participles: sing: partinɗo-partinoowo plur:
e dow maa faa mi heɓ
heɓa ngesa. I am counting
fartinɓe-fartinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
on you to help me get a field.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
synonyms: dekaade, diilaade, yowaade;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. effrayer ou
***: halfinde, dekaade, tuugaade,
faire sursauter quelqu'un en causant qu'il s'en
hoolaade, wakkilde, reynude, yowaade,
fuit; frighten; startle someone. Nde
diilaade; compare: halfinde, hoolaade,
kewtunoomi cukkuri, partimmi wojere.
Lorsque je suis allé dans les broussailles, un laamnude, reynude, tuugaade, wakkilde.
lièvre a sursauté et s'est enfuit. When I got to Dialects: J.
the thicket I startle a rabbit. Note: the "n" of the
-in- infix morphs to "m" for phonetical fawude Noun Form of Infinitive: fawugol.
reasons. synonyms: dogginde, faawtinde; Participles: sing: paw(u)ɗo-pawoowo plur:
***: dogginde, faawtinde. Dialectal faw(u)ɓe-fawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Forms: [G] farbinde. Dialects: Y,G.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • entasser
farude Noun Form of Infinitive: farugol. Sorting des bols l'un dans l'autre; stack smaller bowls
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in inside a larger bowl. ***: nyiŋ
nyiŋude, yowude,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. dekude, felude, ƴolude, sappande, dekude,
Verb. 1 • avoir une mauvaise récolte; crop yowude, yowude; synonyms: dekude,
failure (to have a). ***: hijude, furwude, yowude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
firnude, farnaade, hanude. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • vouloir l'aide de quelqu'un, compter sur
2 • for there not to be any grain in the market. l'aide de quelqu'un; count on someone's help;
Dialects: G,M. desire someone to help you with something.
3 • when a horse or donkey blows through its Mi fawii jikke am dow maa, mi heɓ
lips. synonyms: farnaade, firnude. Dialects: Y. mobel maa, mi waɗ
waɗira ɓangal am. I put all
my hope in you that I could use your vehicle
fasii Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. exactement,
the day of my wedding. synonyms: dekude,
précisément; precisely; exactly.
yowude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: jaati, cak, cap, hakiika, kak, kap,
pasii, pay; ***: pasii. Dialects: M. 3 • blâmer, reprocher, réprimander; blame. Mi
yiɗaa kawten golle sabo keeŋ
keeŋan a fawii
fate Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
feloore yoppude golle law dow am. I don't
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of want to work together because yesterday you
Noun: fateeji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. blamed me for our stopping work early.
seau en cuir ou en plastic pour puiser de l'eau; synonyms: dekude, felude, nyiŋ
bucket used to draw water from a well.
sappande, yowude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Catégorie : Récipient. ***: bogoti, cawgal,
sumalle, siwooru, lokuure, pokooru, fay Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • même si,
lokuwal, safude; synonyms: cawgal, pokooru; quoique; though; even. fay joonin même
compare: lokuure, safude, sumalle. Dialectal maintenant. even now, fay naanen même il y
Forms: [Y] fata. Dialects: J. a un instant. even a short while ago, fay aan
même toi. even you. ***: fay, ba, ba, faa'e,
fus, fey, fes, fuy; synonyms: ba, ba.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • ne même pas; not even. fay seeɗ
ne même pas un peu. not even a little, fay nde
wootere même pas une seule fois. not even
once, fay gooto aucun, aucune. not even one,
fay nokku nulle part, à aucun endroit.
nowhere. synonyms: fay, ba. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 131
fay ko fecc-a
3 • rien; nothing. Mi heɓ
heɓaay fay. fay batte fay fayde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
huunde fay meere compare: walaa; Designation: 3. Noun. obésité, grosseur, prise
synonyms: faa'e, fes, fey, fus, fuy. du poids, prise du poids; fatness. Si na'i maa
Dialects: J,Y,M. njehii toon fu, keɓ
keɓan fayde. Si tes bœufs vont
fay ko conj. même si, quand bien même, quoique, bien là-bas ils vont rendre beaucoup de poids. If
que; even though; although; though. your cows go there they will have fatness.
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fay nde Sorting Designation: 1. adv/conj. même quand; faydinɗ

faydinɗo aisé, riche; wealthy; rich; well-off.
even when. synonyms: batte; ***: ba de. faydinii qui a profité; benefit of (who reaped the).
Dialects: J,Y,M.
fayinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fayingol.
fay si Sorting Designation: 1. adv/conj. même si; even Participles: sing: payinɗo-payinoowo plur:
if. synonyms: ba de, ba se; ***: jaka, ba se. fayinɓe-fayinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] faysi, fay so, [Y,M] ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fay sey. Dialects: J,Y,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. engraisser,
fayannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. grossir; fatten up. synonyms: halude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ɓuttinɗ
uttinɗinde, mawninde; ***: halude,
of Noun: payanɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. mawninde, ɓuttinɗ
uttinɗinde. Dialectal
Noun. marmite en argile ou marmite Forms: [J,Y,G,M] faynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
métallique; cooking pot. Catégorie : Récipient.
fayinirgol Variante: fayfayre, faynude. Noun.
synonyms: barma, faannde, fotiire;
embouche; fattening. fayfayre hewnde keɓ
***: fotiire, loonde, barma, faannde;
fayna-sonna heewngal keɓ
keɓal Catégorie
compare: loonde. Dialectal Forms: [M] faynde : Agriculture.
(nde)/payɗe (ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,M.
fayko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number
fayannde lakkiri Noun Class Markers: sing: nde One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Noun: faykooji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Plural Form of Noun: payanɗe lakkiri. Sorting Noun. poil aux organes génitaux; genital hair.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. couscoussier; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
steamer. ***: dempunuure;
fayna-sonna Noun. embouche; fattening animals.
synonyms: dempunuure, suurtinirde. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Dialects: M.
faynude Verb. engraisser, emboucher, grossir; fatten.
fayda Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Dialectal Forms: fayinde.
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • bénédiction; blessing.
fayude Noun Form of Infinitive: fayugol.
Nagge am nge na woodi fayda, sabo wuro
Participles: sing: payɗo-payoowo plur:
am fuu na wuuri e dow magge. Ma vache est
une bénédiction, car nous buvons de son lait, fayɓe-fayooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
nus vendons ses veaux ainsi nous pouvons Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
acheter de la nourriture. My cow is a blessing Progressive: st/prg. Verb. gagner du poids,
because we all drink her milk, and sell her être lourd ou gros ou gras; gain weight; heavy
calves so we can buy food. Note : arabe (be); fat (be). synonyms: ɓeydaade,
***: barke, arzuke, riiku, suuraare; ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗinde, wufinde; ***: nyaɓ
synonyms: arzuke, barke, riiku, suuraare. ɓeydaade, ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗinde; compare: mawnude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyaɓ
nyaɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • honneur (cet honneur parvient d'être une
bénédiction pour d'autres qui à leur tour fecc-
fecc-a Verb. diviser; divide. Catégorie
bénissent cette personne); honor by being a : Mathématique.
blessing to others. Yero na woodi fayda sabo
imo walla yimɓ
yimɓe e tiiɗ
tiiɗallaaji muɓɓ
ɓɓen. Yero
has honor because he helps people with their
problems. Note : arabe synonyms: teddeengal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 132
feccanaade feddeeji fuɗngo

feccanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feccanagol. feccoore Noun. diviseur; divisor. Catégorie
Participles: sing: peccaniiɗo-peccanotooɗo : Mathématique.
plur: feccaniiɓe-feccanotooɓe. Sorting feccort-
feccort-o Verb. divisible par ..; divisible by ...
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Catégorie : Mathématique.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
feccude Noun Form of Infinitive: feccugol.
Verb. être content ou satisfait avec quelque
chose ou avec quelqu'un; pleased with Participles: sing: peccuɗo-peccoowo plur:
something or someone. ***: foccanaade; feccuɓe-feccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
synonyms: diirude, foccanaade, seyaade, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
welude. Dialects: J,Y. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fendre,
diviser en partes /morceaux, morceler ; divide
feccere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. into parts; chop; split. ***: soppude, feraade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form yeddude, senndude, hakkunde, seekude;
of Noun: pecce. Sorting Designation: 2. synonyms: senndude, yeddude.
synonyme: dimi . Noun. une partie de, moitié, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
demi, portion; part of; half. ***: baka, gere, 2 • fendre du bois; split wood.
ngeɗu, sewre, yemre, geɗ geɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, synonyms: feraade, seekude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
yoga; synonyms: baka, geɗ
geɗu, gere, ngeɗ
feccugol Noun. division; division. ***: peccugol.
njeɗu, sewre, yemre, yoga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feccugol konngol expression. segmentation;
feccere2 Noun. quotient; quotient. Catégorie
segmentation. Catégorie : Mathématique.
: Mathématique.
fedde Noun. département, classe; department, class,
feccere jemma synonyme: minwi. Noun. minuit;
category. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
midnight. synonyms: hakkunde jemma.
Juridique. ***: janngirdu
janngirdu; synonyms: dewal2,
feccere tayre binndi expression. alinéa; indent, departema, battaare.
paragraph. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
fedde gollonoore hoorem expression. secteur
synonyms: hoore binndol.
privé; private sector.
feccere wottiiɓ
wottiiɓe ɓeyda gooto expression. fedde golloore expression. syntagme verbal; verb
majorité absolue; absolute majority, overall
majority, clear majority. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. fedde hawju expression. département administratif;
administrative department. Catégorie
feccere-peewngol Noun. demi-droite; ray, : Gouvernement, Juridique.
half-line. Catégorie : Mathématique.
fedde inɗ
inɗe expression. classe nominale,
feccere-taarol Noun. demi-périmètre; classificateur; noun class. Catégorie : La
half-perimeter. Catégorie : Mathématique.
fecceteende Noun. dividende; dividend. Catégorie fedde innde expression. syntagme nominal; noun
: Mathématique.
phrase. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
feccirde Noun Form of Infinitive: feccirgol. fedde kalima synonyme: fedde ; deggondirooje .
Participles: sing: peccirɗo-pecciroowo plur: expression. syntagme; phrase. Catégorie : La
feccirɓe-feccirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Grammaire.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fedde karfeeje expression. classe de mots; classes of
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. aller à words. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
mi-chemin, faire un travail à moitié; do half of
a task; go halfway. Mi feccirii ngesa am. Il a fedde leydi Noun. circonscription; administrative
cultivé la moitié de mon champ. I hoed half of district. Catégorie : Région.
my field. ***: hakkunde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fedde sarwiisi laamu expression. secteur public;
public sector, state sector.
feccirteende Noun. dénominateur; denominator.
Catégorie : Mathématique. feddeeji fuɗ
fuɗngo Noun. parties d une plante; parts of
a plant. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
feccirteende-wootere Noun. dénominateur
d’une plante.
commun; common denominator. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

16/02/2020 133
feɗaade feenda

feɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feɗagol. feɗ
feɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: peɗiiɗo-peɗotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
feɗiiɓe-feɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: peɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. une
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb longue natte sur le lit; mat of bed (long).
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. natter ou compare: sekko; ***: ndambugaawo, deege,
tresser des ornements en bois ou en or / argent leeso. Dialects: J.
dans ses propres cheveux; plait into hair.
feɗoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: mooraade
mooraade, soɗsoɗaade;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: soɗ
soɗaade, mooraade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
of Noun: peɗooɗe. Sorting Designation: 2.
feɗaneede galan expression. décoration; Noun. bouton d'habit; button; snap.
decoration. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: feɗugol.
feɗde Variante: fedde. Noun. classe (ensemble); class
Participles: sing: peɗuɗo-peɗoowo plur:
(set). Catégorie : Mathématique.
feɗuɓe-feɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
feɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: feɗegol. Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: peɗaaɗo-peɗeteeɗo plur: Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • agrafer, boutonner,
feɗaaɓe-feɗeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. lier, fixer, accrocher; fasten; button; snap;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb clasp. ***: soɗ
soɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir des 2 • tresser des ornements (en bois / argent ou
ornements tressé dans les cheveux; beads or or) dans les cheveux d'une femme; plait coins
coins plaited into your hair (to have). into a woman's hair. synonyms: moorude,
synonyms: soɗ
soɗeede; ***: soɗ
soɗeede. soɗ
soɗude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
feɗude galan Verb. décorer; decorate, adorn.
feɗeendu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
feekaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feekagol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Participles: sing: peekiiɗo-peekotooɗo plur:
of Noun: peɗeeli. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
feekiiɓe-feekotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyme: holnyere, holnyoldu, holgo . Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
1 • ongle ou griffe; toenail; fingernail; claw.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. parler à haute
***: holnyere, honndu, peɗ
voix, crier, hurler; yell; shout; speak in a loud
holnyuru, holgo; synonyms: holgo,
voice. ***: nantinde, noddude, olkude,
peɗeendu. Dialects: J,G,M.
ƴeewnaade, dukude, dukande, gooynude,
2 • sabot de chèvre ou de mouton; hoof of a
wanginde, ɓanginde, dukude;
sheep or goat. Dialects: G.
synonyms: ɓanginde, dukude, nantinde,
3 • doigt; finger. Catégorie : Le corps.
olkude, ƴeewnaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: honndu, peɗpeɗeendu;
compare: holnyuru. Dialects: Y. feenaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
feɗeengo Noun. ongle; fingernail. Catégorie : Le
corps. of Noun: feenaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, cs,
ct. Noun. 1 • petit pare-feu pour protéger
feɗn-a Verb. classer (ranger par classe); rank (rank l'herbe autour du feu de cuisine; firewall
by class). Catégorie : Mathématique. (small). ***: yemmbal, anniya, jongomo,
feɗnude Noun Form of Infinitive: feɗnugol. waalaare, huumaare; synonyms: jongomo,
Participles: sing: peɗnuɗo-peɗnoowo plur: yemmbal. Dialects: Y.
feɗnuɓe-feɗnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. 2 • endroit où l'on brûle le bois parvenant du
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb nettoyage d'un champ; a place where the wood
from a field that is being cleared is burned.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. décorer sa
maison en arrangeant bien les plats / vaisselle; synonyms: huumaare. Dialects: Y,G.
decorate one's house. synonyms: fennude; 3 • une intention; intention. synonyms: anniya.
***: fennude. Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G.

feenda Noun. but; goal, aim, purpose.

synonyms: anniya.

16/02/2020 134
feendaade feerude

feendaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feendagol. feertaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feertagol.
Participles: sing: peendiiɗo-peendotooɗo Participles: sing: peertiiɗo-peertotooɗo
plur: feendiiɓe-feendotooɓe. Sorting plur: feertiiɓe-feertotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • avoir une
Verb. décider; decide. ***: fodaade, personnalité extraverti; outgoing in
anniyaade; synonyms: anniyaade, fodaade. personality. ***: sulaade, udditaade,
Dialects: J,Y. fiirtaade, fiirtaade, omtaade, ontaade;
synonyms: fiirtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feendaare synonyme: ko riiwetee . Noun. objectif;
2 • être stimulé par un travail, un exercice, des
objective. synonyms: faandaare. bonnes nouvelles ou des drogues; stimulated
feenyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe. by (to be). synonyms: fiirtaade.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: peenye. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. 3 • lorsqu'une fleure s'ouvre; when a flower
gifle, claque dans le visage/figure; slap to the opens up. compare: sulaade
face. synonyms: fehnyo, fennyo, hello; synonyms: fiirtaade, omtaade, ontaade,
***: fehnyo, hello, fennyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. udditaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feenyude Noun Form of Infinitive: feenyugol. feertude Noun Form of Infinitive: feertugol.
Participles: sing: peenyuɗo-peenyoowo Participles: sing: peertuɗo-peertoowo plur:
plur: feenyuɓe-feenyooɓe. Sorting feertuɓe-feertooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ouvrir les
Verb. gifler quelqu'un; slap someone's face. yeux / main, peut être employé dans un sens
***: fennyude, fehnyude; figuratif pour dire être éclairé; open your
synonyms: fehnyude, fennyude. eyes/ hand. ***: taggitinde, omtude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. weertude, weertude, daɗɗdaɗɗude
ɗɗude, ontude,
munnitidde, tammbitinde, mummitinde,
feere1 Sorting Designation: 2. adj. différent, distinct,
divers, varié, à part, seul; different; distinct; weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ

various; alone. Mono fuu ngeɗ synonyms: mummitinde, munnitidde,

ngeɗum feere,
hawtaa e banndum. La part de chacun est omtude, tammbitinde, udditinde.
différent, ce n'est pas la même chose pour tous. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Each one's part is different, it isn't the same as 2 • dérouler une natte; roll a mat out.
one's companion. WoɓɓWoɓɓe
ɓɓe ina mbaajoo on synonyms: daɗɗ
ɗɗude, taggitinde, weertude,
kabaaru feereejo. Quelques-uns vous weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde. Dialects: Y,G.
annoncent un Évangile différent. Others 3 • ouvrir un livre; open a book.
preach to you another gospel (Gal. 4:17). This synonyms: weertude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
also is a word that forms adjectives for each
noun class: Group I ɓe/feereeɓe, ko/feereeho, feerude Noun Form of Infinitive: feerugol.
nde/feereere, ndu/feereeru, nge/feereewe, Participles: sing: peeruɗo-peeroowo plur:
ngo/feereewo Group II ɗe/feereeje, feeruɓe-feerooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
ɗi/feereeji, ɗum/feerejum, kal/feerehal,
kol/feerehol, ngal/feerewal, ngel/feerewel, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
ngol/feerewol, o/feereejo Group III Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. commencer à
ɗam/feerejam, ka/feereeha, ki/feereehi, comprendre quelque chose; understand
ko2/feereeho, koy/feerehoy, ndi/feereeri; something (begin to). En paamii
nga/feereewa; nge/feereewe, ngi/feereewi, jannginoowo o na waawi jannginde sanne
ngu/feereewu Note that the group II & III
sabo janngoo ɓe makko fuu peerii. Nous
participles do not change to P as expected.
savons que cet enseignant sait bien enseigner
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. car les élèves commencent à comprendre. We
feere2 Noun. méthode; method. Catégorie know that teacher can really teach because his
students all are beginning to understand.
: Mathématique. ***: laawol1.
compare: faamude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feergaade Verb. trébucher, buter contre; stumble; trip
over; bump into. Dialectal Forms: fergaade.

16/02/2020 135
feetaade feewtude

feetaade Noun Form of Infinitive: feetagol. feewndaade

feewndaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Participles: sing: peetiiɗo-peetotooɗo plur: Unlike with ɓadaade, ɗakkaade, and
feetiiɓe-feetotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. seɓaade the stative form is rarely used,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb rather they would say "o feewndeke".. Noun
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsqu'un Form of Infinitive: feewndagol.
femme et assis avec des jambes écartées de Participles: sing:
manière immodeste; for a woman to sit
peewndiiɗo-peewndotooɗo plur:
immodestly with her legs apart.
feewndiiɓe-feewndotooɓe. Sorting
***: woppitaade, yoppitaade, omtaade,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
weeɗaade; synonyms: omtaade, ontaade,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
weeɗaade, woppitaade, yoppitaade. Verb. 1 • être patient; patient (to be).
Dialects: Y,G,M.
***: ɓattaade, takkaade, sukkaade,
feeteende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting hoɓ
hoɓaade, ɓadaade, ɗakkaade, sawraade,
Designation: 4. Noun. bravoure, courage; seɓ
seɓaade; synonyms: muncaade, munyude,
bravery; courage. Pullo oon na woodi sawraade. Dialects: J,G,M.
feeteende sabo o hulataa nagge hawoowe. 2 • être près de, proche; close to; near. En
Ce peul est courageux car il n'a pas peur d'un peewndeke Garango joonin. Maintenant
bœuf qui charge/menace. That Fulani has nous sommes proche de Garango. We are near
bravery because he is not afraid of a charging
Garango now. synonyms: ɓadaade, ɗakkaade,
cow. ***: suuyde, cuusal, gorgu, ngorgu1;
seɓaade, sukkaade, takkaade.
synonyms: cuusal, suuyde. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feeti en dépit; despite, regardless of, in spite of. 3 • s'approcher de; approach. Ali wi'ii
***: kaa. Yuusufi, feewnda ga faa mi haalane. Ali a
feetude Noun Form of Infinitive: feetugol. dit à Youssouf, approche-toi de moi ainsi je
parler avec toi. Ali said to Yuusufi, come near
Participles: sing: peetuɗo plur: feetuɓe.
to me so I can talk to you. synonyms: ɓadaade,
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
ɓattaade, seɓ
seɓaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. être courageux, vaillant; brave (to be). feewnaade. Dialects: J.

Hannden mi ndaaran moy ɓuri feetude feewtin-

feewtin-a Verb. corriger; correct. Catégorie
hakkunde Ali e Saydu sabo mi hulɓhulɓinan ɓe : Mathématique. synonyms: saat-
ɗiɗo fuu. Aujourd'hui je vais savoir qui est le ***: saat-
plus courageux, Ali ou Saydou, car je vais les
effrayer tous les deux. Today I will see who is feewtude Noun Form of Infinitive: feewtugol.
braver, Ali or Saydu, because I am going to Participles: sing: peewtuɗo-peewtoowo
frighten both of them. ***: suusude, plur: feewtuɓe-feewtooɓe. Sorting
suuy(u)de; synonyms: suusude. Dialects: J. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
feew-a Verb. droit (être -), exact (adj.), juste; right (be
Verb. 1 • être en face de; face toward.
-), exact (adj.), just. Catégorie : Mathématique.
synonyms: huccitinde; ***: waaltaade,
feeweede Noun Form of Infinitive: feewegol. huccitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: peewaaɗo-peeweteeɗo 2 • se calmer après avoir été fâché, se refroidir
plur: feewaaɓe-feeweteeɓe. Sorting après avoir été chaud; to cool off after being
Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant Change in hot; to calm down after being angry.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. être froid; cold (to be). 3 • eau chaude que s'est refroidie; hot water
synonyms: jaangeede; compare: jaangol. that has cooled off. Dialectal Forms: see
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fewtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 136
feewude fellude

feewude Noun Form of Infinitive: feewugol. felɓ

felɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: felɓugol.
Participles: sing: peewuɗo-peewoowo Participles: sing: pelɓuɗo-pelɓoowo plur:
plur: feewuɓe-feewooɓe. Sorting felɓuɓe-felɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. parler à haute
Verb. 1 • être froid; cold (to be). ***: laalaade, voix (parce que énervé ou en colère), crier,
laaltindaade, yerem, ɓuuɓ
hurler; yell; shout; speak in a loud voice.
uuɓude, nigi,
***: borbortude, jawude, jawande, dukude
laalaade, ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, hanndaade, jaangol,
tannyaade, hitaade, dukande, olkude;
mati, resem; compare: jaangol;
synonyms: borbortude, dukude, hitaade,
synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, jaangeede.
jawude, tannyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être lent pour faire quelque chose; slow feleede Noun Form of Infinitive: felegol.
about doing something. synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, Participles: sing: pelaaɗo-peleteeɗo plur:
hanndaade, laalaade, laaltindaade, felaaɓe-feleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
soosaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
3 • être lent à la colère; to be slow to anger. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être accusé,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. inculpé, blâmé, réprimandé; accused; blamed.
***: yoweede, dekeede, tuumaɗ
feeya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: dekeede, yoweede.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: feeyooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
clairière, défrichement, abattis; glade; fellere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
clearing. synonyms: jaayri, njaayri. Dialectal Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Forms: [J,Y,M] feeyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: pelle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
fehnyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe. bouton, point, tache; spot. ***: fettere;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of compare: pettel; synonyms: fettere.
Noun: pehnye. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gifle; slap to the face. ***: feenyo, hello, fellisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fellisagol.
fennyo; synonyms: feenyo, fennyo, hello. Participles: sing: pellisiiɗo-pellisotooɗo
Dialects: M. plur: fellisiiɓe-fellisotooɓe. Sorting
fehnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: fehnyugol. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: pehnyuɗo-pehnyoowo Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. faire quelque chose qui demande du
plur: fehnyuɓe-fehnyooɓe. Sorting
courage; to do something that requires
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
bravery; Keeŋ
Keeŋan mi felliseke, mi rewii ley
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ladde to dawaaɗ
dawaaɗi ladde ngoni. Yesterday I
Verb. gifler; slap someone's face.
did something brave, I passed through the bush
***: fennyude, feenyude;
where the lions are. Dialects: J.
synonyms: feenyude, fennyude. Dialects: J,M.
fellude Noun Form of Infinitive: fellugol. Sorting
fekkorde Noun Form of Infinitive: fekkorgol.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: pekkorɗo-pekkoroowo
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
plur: fekkoorɓe-fekkorooɓe. Sorting
Verb. 1 • exploser; explode. Koyngal keekel
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
am fellii hannden. Le pneu de mon vélo a
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. explose aujourd'hui. The tire of my bike
Verb. s'évanouir, se trouver mal, tomber ivre
exploded today. synonyms: fottude, fusude,
mort, défaillir, être inconscient, évanoui, sans
connaissance; unconscious (to be); faint; pass futtude; ***: fottude, fiɗfiɗude, fusude,
out. ***: ƴiwtude, fintude, ummitaade; futtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: fintude, ummitaade. 2 • tirer avec un fusil; shoot a gun.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: fiɗ

fiɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

felannde Verb. remontrance avoir tort; reprimand.

16/02/2020 137
felnyaango femƴaa

felnyaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. femmbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: femmbagol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing:
Noun: pelnyaali. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. pemmbiiɗo-pemmbotooɗo plur:
coup de tonnerre, grondement; rumbling; femmbiiɓe-femmbotooɓe. Sorting
thunder clap. Catégorie : Temps. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
***: haƴƴ
ƴƴaango, riggaango; Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
compare: riggaango; synonyms: haƴƴ
ƴƴaango. Verb. se raser; shave yourself.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: laɓ
laɓaade; ***: laɓ
felnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: felnyugol. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in femmbeede Noun Form of Infinitive: femmbegol.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Participles: sing:
Verb. tonner, faire un coup de tonnerre,
pemmbaaɗo-pemmbeteeɗo plur:
gronder; rumble; roar; thunder; growl.
femmbaaɓe-femmbeteeɓe. Sorting
synonyms: riggaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
feloore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Verb. être rasé par quelqu'un, couper les
of Noun: [J,Y,M] pelooje /[G] felooje. Sorting cheveux; shaved by someone. ***: laɓ
Designation: 3. Noun. reproche, faute, offense, synonyms: laɓ
laɓeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
défaut; blame; fault. synonyms: gacce, femmbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: femmbingol.
nyiŋoore; ***: gacce, nyiŋ
Participles: sing:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pemmbinɗo-pemmbinoowo plur:
felude Noun Form of Infinitive: felugol. femmbinɓe-femmbinooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: peluɗo-peloowo plur: Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
feluɓe-felooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Verb. piétiner ou écraser quelqu'un (par un
cheval ou une voiture ou les pieds); run over
Progressive: prg. Verb. reprocher, blâmer,
accuser, déclarer fautif, donner tort; accuse; someone; trample someone. ***: fiinude,
blame; fault. ***: nyiŋ
nyiŋude, yowude, dekude, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, fernude, yaaɓ
yaaɓude, fompinde;
wuykude, nyo'ude, huɗhuɗitaade, gosude, synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, fernude, fiinude,
sappande, fawude; synonyms: dekude, fompinde, yaaɓ
yaaɓude. Dialects: J,M.
fawude, nyiŋ
nyiŋude, sappande, yowude; femmbineede Noun Form of
compare: huɗ
huɗitaade, huttaade, nyo'ude. Infinitive: femmbinegol. Participles: sing:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pemmbinaaɗo-pemmbineteeɗo plur:
femɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting femmbinaaɓe-femmbineteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. coordination; Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
coordination. ***: juɓɓ
ɓɓol, jokkondirgol. Plural: f/p. Verb. être piétiné ou écrasé par
quelqu'un; run over by someone (to be).
Dialects: J.
synonyms: ferneede, fompineede;
femɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: femɗugol. ***: nameede, nirseede, niiseede,
Participles: sing: pemɗuɗo plur: femɗuɓe. fompineede, ferneede; compare: nirseede,
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in niiseede. Dialects: J,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
être coordonné, savoir faire, être adroit, femmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: femmbugol.
habile; adroit; skillful; coordinated (to be); Participles: sing: pemmbuɗo-pemmboo
dexterous; deft. synonyms: harwude; plur: femmbuɓe-femmbooɓe. Sorting
***: harwude. Dialects: J. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
femɗuɗo Noun. qui est adroit; able person; skillful
Verb. raser quelqu'un, (à Djibo ce mot indique
seulement raccourcir les cheveux); shave
someone. ***: toytude, laɓ
synonyms: laɓ
laɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

femƴaa Noun. maladroit; awkward; clumsy; tactless.

16/02/2020 138
femƴere fereere

femƴere Noun. adresse, habilité; skill; dexterity; fenude Noun Form of Infinitive: fenugol.
ability. Participles: sing: penuɗo-penoowo plur:
fenande Noun Form of Infinitive: fenangol. fenuɓe-fenooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Participles: sing: penanɗo-penanoowo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fenanɓe-fenanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mentir,
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb infirmer; tell lies; lie. ***: eytude, hiilude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mentir à yeddude, sarnude, fewude, juhude,
quelqu'un; lie to someone. ***: fewande; accintinde; synonyms: fewude, yeddude;
synonyms: fewande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: eytude, hiilude, juhude, sarnude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fenaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: fenanegol.
Participles: sing: penanaaɗo-penaneteeɗo feraade Noun Form of Infinitive: feragol.
plur: fenanaaɓe-fenaneteeɓe. Sorting Participles: sing: periiɗo-perotooɗo plur:
Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in feriiɓe-ferotooɓe. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être trompé par quelqu'un; deceived (to Verb. 1 • fendre du bois; split wood.
be); lied to (to be). synonyms: eyteede, ***: soppude, feccude, soppude, seekude;
fewaneede, hiileede, jambeede, sarneede
sarneede; synonyms: feccude, seekude. Dialects: J,G.
***: fewaneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • couper du bois en longueur pour fendre;
cut wood into lengths to be split.
fennude Noun Form of Infinitive: fennugol. synonyms: soppude. Dialects: J,G.
Participles: sing: pennuɗo-pennoowo plur:
feraare1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
fennuɓe-fennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
of Noun: feraaje. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • accuser
Noun. courge ou potiron; squash or a pumpkin.
quelqu'un de mentir bien qu'on sait qu'il dit la
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Gourmanche
vérité; accuse someone of lying.
***: yogooru; synonyms: yogooru.
***: feɗ
feɗnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G.
2 • décorer sa maison en bien arrangeant la
vaisselle; decorate one's house. feraare2 Noun. brique; brick. Dialectal Forms: fereere.
synonyms: feɗ
feɗnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fercere sariya synonyme: lunndal sariya. expression.
fennyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe. infraction; infraction, offence. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Noun: pennye. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. fercirde ɗo haanaa synonyme: luttugol sariya.
une gifle au visage /figure; slap to the face. expression. violation; violation. Catégorie
***: feenyo, fehnyo, hello; synonyms: feenyo, : Gouvernement, Juridique.
fehnyo, hello. Dialects: G,M.
fercude kaane
kaane ɓii-
ii-aadama ; luttugol sariya
fennyude Noun Form of Infinitive: fennyugol. tomotte expression. violation des droits de
Participles: sing: pennyuɗo-pennyoowo l’homme; human rights violations, violation of
plur: fennyuɓe-fennyooɓe. Sorting human rights. Catégorie : Juridique.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in fere Noun Class Markers: o/ɗi. Noun. frais
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. (commerce); fresh (trade).
Verb. gifler quelqu'un au visage / figure; slap
someone's face. synonyms: feenyude,
fereere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
fehnyude; ***: feenyude, fehnyude.
of Noun: pereeje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Dialects: G,M.
brique (banco ou ciment); brick. Dialectal
fenoowo menteur; liar; untruthful. Forms: [Y] feraare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 139
fergaade fesaade

fergaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fergagol. ferro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: pergiiɗo-pergotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
fergiiɓe-fergotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Noun: perre, perle. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Noun. forêt, bois, montagne; woods; forest.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trébucher, Catégorie : Terre. Dialectal Forms: [M] ferlo.
achopper, buter contre; trip (to); stumble; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bump into. ***: hooynaade; fersude Noun Form of Infinitive: fersugol.
compare: hooynaade. Dialectal
Participles: sing: persuɗo-persoowo plur:
Forms: feergaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fersuɓe-fersooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
fergere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quitter le
of Noun: perge. Sorting Designation: 3, th. chemin (exprès ou par hasard); leave the road.
Noun. pierre d'achoppement, écueil, ce qui a ***: cotaade, taƴ
taƴitaade, tersude, selude,
fait trébucher; stumbling stone. ***: tuntere. ooncaade, wosaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • prendre un raccourci; short cut (to take a).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ferkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ferkagol.
3 • aller pied-nu; barefoot (to go).
Participles: sing: perkiiɗo-perkotooɗo plur:
compare: accude, ooncaade, selude,
ferkiiɓe-ferkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
wosaade; synonyms: cotaade. Dialectal
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Forms: [M] fercude. Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper l'herbe
sèche avec un bâton fourchu ou une machette; ferude Noun Form of Infinitive: ferugol.
cut or mow dry grass. ***: wuuwude, Participles: sing: peruɗo-peroowo plur:
firkaade, wubbude, wa'ude; feruɓe-ferooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
synonyms: firkaade, wuuwude; Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
compare: wa'ude. Dialects: Y. Progressive: prg. Verb. déménager avec
l'intention de ne plus retourner à cet endroit;
ferneede Noun Form of Infinitive: fernegol.
to move with the intention of never returning
Participles: sing: pernaaɗo-perneteeɗo
to that place. compare: eggude, perol;
plur: fernaaɓe-ferneteeɓe. Sorting
***: perol, faayude, eggude.
Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb. être piétiné ou écrasé;
trampled by someone or something; run over ferugol Noun. exil; exile.
(to be). ***: femmbineede, nameede, ferwere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
nirseede, niiseede, fompineede; Designation: 4. Noun. solitude, isolement;
compare: nirseede, niiseede; solitude; isolation. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: femmbineede, fompineede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fes Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. ne pas du tout,
rien; not at all; nothing. Mi heɓ
heɓaay fes. Je n'ai
fernude Noun Form of Infinitive: fernugol. rien eu / reçu. I had/got nothing. ***: faa'e,
Participles: sing: pernuɗo-pernoowo plur: fus, fay, fey, fuy; synonyms: fay, faa'e, fey,
fernuɓe-fernooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, mt. fus, fuy. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. piétiner /
fesaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fesagol.
faucher quelqu'un (avec cheval, véhicule ou Participles: sing: pesiiɗo-pesotooɗo plur:
pieds); run over someone. Ɓii kaananke fesiiɓe-fesotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
fernii rawaandu am e moteere muuɗ
muuɗum. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
The king's son ran over my dog with his Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
motorcycle. ***: fiinude, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, 1 • s'injecter une piqûre, se faire injecter;
femmbinde, yaaɓ
yaaɓude, fompinde; inject or be injected. ***: ŋaalaade
synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, femmbinde, fiinude, ŋaarsaade, feseede, sokaade, tufaade;
fompinde, yaaɓ
yaaɓude. Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: tufaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 140
feseede fettude
2 • tatouer ou inciser thérapeutique; cut
feto Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
therapeutically; tattoo (to). compare: sokaade;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: ŋaalaade, ŋaarsaade.
Noun: pete. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. étang,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mare; pool; pond. Catégorie : Eau. ***: wayre,
feseede Noun Form of Infinitive: fesegol. petel, weendu; synonyms: petel;
Participles: sing: pesaaɗo-peseteeɗo plur: compare: maayo, weendu, wayre.
fesaaɓe-feseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fettaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fettagol.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • recevoir
Participles: sing: pettiiɗo-pettotooɗo plur:
une injection ou piqûre; injected (to be).
fettiiɓe-fettotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: fesaade, tufaade
tufaade, tufeede;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
***: ŋaarseede, ŋaaleede, tufeede.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • déboutonner, défaire; unsnap; unbutton.
2 • être tatoué, incisé; tattooed (to be).
***: keytaade
keytaade, toƴƴ
ƴƴaade, noɗɗ
synonyms: ŋaaleede, ŋaarseede;
ɓɓitaade; synonyms: noɗɗ
ɗɗaade, toƴƴ
compare: sokude, tufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fesitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fesitagol. 2 • faire claquer ses doigts; snap your fingers.
Participles: sing: pesitiiɗo-pesitotooɗo plur: synonyms: keytaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fesitiiɓe-fesitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, 3 • frotter une allumette; strike a match.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Dialects: J,Y.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'injecter 4 • claquer sa langue (colère ou dégoût); click
une piqûre; injection (to give yourself an). your tongue in anger or disgust. Dialects: G.
***: ŋaalitaade, ŋaarsitaade.
fettaare Noun. carpe; carp. Catégorie : Poisson.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • scarifier son visage; facial markings fettennde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
(make); mark your own face with facial Designation: 3, dh. Noun. abcès dans l'aisselle;
markings. this is an example of the abscess located in the arm pit. Catégorie
intensifying infix -it-. This is a more : Maladie. synonyms: ɓuure. Dialectal
emphatic way of saying you did this yourself.
Forms: [J,Y,M] fettannde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: ŋaalitaade, ŋaarsitaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fettere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
fesude Noun Form of Infinitive: fesugol.
of Noun: pette. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Participles: sing: pesuɗo-pesoowo plur: 1 • charbon ardant / brûlant, étincelle; spark;
fesuɓe-fesooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. burning coal. ***: ƴulmere, fellere.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • injecter,
2 • bouton large; large spot. synonyms: fellere;
faire une piqûre, vacciner, scarifier;
vaccinate; inject; scarify; give an injection. compare: pettel. Dialects: J.
***: pesogal1, ŋaalude, tufude, ŋaarsude, fettude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: fettugol.
sokude; synonyms: tufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: pettuɗo-pettoowo plur:
2 • marquer une personne ou un animal sans fettuɓe-fettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
utiliser du feu, scarifier le visage ; facial Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
markings (make); mark a person or animal.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • déboutonner,
synonyms: ŋaalude, ŋaarsude;
défaire; unsnap; unbutton. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: cumogal, maande1, ŋaalal,
2 • déclencher, jeter des étincelles; spark.
pesogal1, sokude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fesugol dow tergal expression. scarification; 3 • lorsque le gain ou le coton s'ouvre quand
scarification. c'est mûr; when grain or especially cotton
opens up when ripe. synonyms: ɓenndude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fettude2 Verb. crépiter; crackle.

16/02/2020 141
fewande fiɓude

fewande Noun Form of Infinitive: fewangol. feƴƴ

ƴƴitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: feƴƴitingol.
Participles: sing: pewanɗo-pewanoowo Participles: sing: peƴƴitinɗo-peƴƴitoowo
plur: fewanɓe-fewanooɓe. Sorting plur: feƴƴitinɓe-feƴƴitooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Verb. mentir à quelqu'un; lie to someone. imo feƴƴita. Verb. 1 • traverser l'eau,
synonyms: fenande; ***: sarnude, fenande. traverser un désert ou une forêt, traverser une
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. frontière; cross over. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • passer par des difficultés /problèmes; pass
fewaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: fewanegol.
through a problem or difficult time.
Participles: sing: pewanaaɗo-pewaneteeɗo
synonyms: jolude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
plur: fewanaaɓe-fewaneteeɓe. Sorting
feƴƴitidde, [M] feƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. feƴƴ
ƴƴude Verb. traverser; go through; cross over.
Verb. avoir été séduit, menti; deceived by Dialectal Forms: feƴƴitinde.
enticement; lied to (to be). ***: fenaneede, fiɓ
fiɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: fiɓangol.
eyteede, sarneede, jambeede;
Participles: sing: piɓanɗo-piɓanoowo plur:
synonyms: eyteede, fenaneede, hiileede,
fiɓanɓe-fiɓanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
jambeede, sarneede. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fewnugol Noun. démenti; denial, disclaimer. Catégorie Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • attacher ou
: Juridique. lier un sortilège; tie a charm on someone or
fewre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
something. ***: nanngande, suddude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
2 • fiancer une jeune fille ou enfant avec
of Noun: pene. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
l’intention de la marier lorsqu'elle atteint
mensonge; lie. compare: hiila. l'âge; betroth a young girl.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓande, nanngande, suddude.
fewude Noun Form of Infinitive: fewugol. Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: pewuɗo-pewoowo plur: fiɓ
aneede Noun Form of Infinitive: fiɓanegol.
fewuɓe-fewooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Participles: sing: piɓanaaɗo-piɓaneteeɗo
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or plur: fiɓanaaɓe-fiɓaneteeɓe. Sorting
Progressive: prg. Verb. mentir, dire des Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
mensonges; lie. ***: eytude, ŋaaƴ
aaƴude, Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hiilude, yeddude, sarnude, juhude, fenude; Verb. 1 • avoir un sortilège attaché a soi;
synonyms: fenude, yeddude. charm attached to you (have a).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: suddeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être fiancée; betrothed (to be).
fey Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. rien, rien du
synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓaneede, suddeede. Dialects: J.
tout, pas du tout; not at all; nothing. ***: fus,
fay, fes, fuy; synonyms: fay, faa'e, fes, fus, fiɓ
fiɓre Noun. problème; problem. Catégorie
fuy, fay, faa'e, fes, fus, fuy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique.

ƴƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. fiɓ
fiɓt-a Verb. résoudre (un problème); solve (a
problem). Catégorie : Mathématique.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: peƴƴe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. fiɓ
fiɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiɓugol.
Noun. récolte; harvest. ***: ƴaamnde, tayre, Participles: sing: piɓuɗo-piɓoowo plur:
soppere, kettal2; synonyms: tayre, ƴaamnde. fiɓuɓe-fiɓoowo. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Dialects: G. Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un nœud, nouer;
tie a knot. ***: fiwre, fimre, haɓɓ
compare: fimre, haɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 142
ficco fiifo

ficco Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)go plur: ɗe. 2 • jouer au ballon; play ball. Ɓe piɗ
piɗii balon.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of They played ball. synonyms: fellude;
Noun: picce. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. compare: ɓaaru, gaawal, kural, malfa,
longue natte faite de tiges de mil; mat (long). gawaade, loohaade. Dialects: G,M.
***: ƴommbaariya, ngado, dimbaawo, fii Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. parce que
ƴommbeewo, cakaawo, sekko; (utilisé en relation avec Dieu); because of. Fii
compare: cakaawo, dimbaawo, ngado, Laamɗ
Laamɗo, hollam goonga. À cause de Dieu
sekko, ƴommbaariya. Dialects: G. (Au nom de Dieu), dit-moi la vérité. Because
ficcude Noun Form of Infinitive: ficcugol. of God, show me the truth. Si aɗ aɗa waɗ
Participles: sing: piccuɗo-piccoowo plur: moƴƴ
ƴƴere fu, ngaɗ
ngaɗiraa fii Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Si tu veux
faire le bien, fais-le à cause de Dieu. If you
ficcuɓe-ficcooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, da.
want to do well, do it because of God. In
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Arabic this means "in". Note : arabe ***: ngam,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avorter
fiyaa, gaaye, kammbari, gam, saabe, gan1;
(animaux); abort (animals). ***: woppude,
synonyms: saabe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗalude, honude, miccude; synonyms: ɗalude,
miccude, woppude. Dialects: M. fiide Noun Form of Infinitive: fiigol. Participles: sing:
2 • voler, dérober, piller; steal from; rob. piiɗo-piyoowo plur: fiiɓe-fiyooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: honude. Dialects: J. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ficcugol synonyme: boortugol, saamugol-reedu . Verb. 1 • frapper, heurter, discipliner;
Noun. avortement; abortion, miscarriage.
discipline; strike; hit. ***: gokkaade,
Wurti-lawagol ɓinndoore, saabaangol maa
nyippude, fiyude, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, fiyude,
ngol saabaaka, illa wakkati mum yonaay
nyirfude, salminde, muppude, tappude,
***: boortugol, saamugol-
ɓɓude, reewnude, tappude, lukkaade,
fidaa'u Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting nyappude, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade; synonyms: fiyude,
Designation: 4, th. Noun. un animal donné à guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, muppude, nyippude,
l'imam afin qu'il prie pour une personne nyirfude, reewnude, tappude, teɓɓ
décédée; the animal given to an imam so that
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
he will pray for a deceased person. Note : arabe
synonyms: sadaka
sadaka. Dialects: J,Y. 2 • donner un coup; knock. compare: dorrol,
hakkitinde, piiɗ
piiɗe, ƴeƴude;
fido Noun. dictée; dictation. Catégorie : Lecture /
synonyms: gokkaade, salminde, tappude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiɗɗugol.
fiifaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiifagol.
Participles: sing: piɗɗuɗo-piɗɗoowo plur:
Participles: sing: piifiiɗo-piifotooɗo plur:
fiɗɗuɓe-fiɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fiifiiɓe-fiifotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • brosser
(saleté), enlever en secouant, secouer pour Progressive: prg. Verb. se moucher; blow your
enlever; brush off (dirt; shake out; shake off. nose. synonyms: nyittaade; ***: nyittaade,
***: fiisude, miccude, wuuwude, fittude. nyiiɓ
nyiiɓaade, miiɓ
miiɓaade; compare: nyiiɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • balayer; sweep. synonyms: fiisude, fittude, fiifo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
wuuwude. Dialects: Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
fiɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiɗugol. Noun: fiifooji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
genette; Genet. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Participles: sing: piɗuɗo-piɗoowo plur:
Genetta sp.. ***: malaganndiire, muusuuru
fiɗuɓe-fiɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
ladde2, colel ɗahi; synonyms: colel ɗahi,
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
malaganndiire, muusuuru ladde1. Dialects: J.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tirer avec une flèche
ou un fusil; shoot an arrow or a gun.
***: tawsaade, fellude, gawaade, loohaade,
malfa, ɓaaru. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 143
fiilaade fiinude

fiilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiilagol. fiilude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiilugol.
Participles: sing: piiliiɗo-piilotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: piiluɗo-piiloowo plur:
fiiliiɓe-fiilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb fiiluɓe-fiilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. tourner autour de, Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • enrouler, bobiner,
marcher autour de, contourner; walk around envelopper, emballer, bander; wrap a string or
something; by-pass (to); circle (to); skirt rope; coil; roll up; wind; bandage.
around. synonyms: taaraade; ***: taaraade. synonyms: taaraade; ***: taaraade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tummbirde1, taarude, fiirtude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fiilaango Noun. bobine de fil; bobbin; spool; reel.
2 • encercler, entourer, ceindre; encircle;
fiildu1 Noun. bobine; bobbin; spool; reel. surround. compare: fiirtude
fiildu2 Noun. escroquerie; fraud, scam, swindle. synonyms: tummbirde1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: jammba. fiinndude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiinndugol. Sorting
fiiliwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Designation: 4, pl. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun: fiiliiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. filet Verb. fleurir; bloom; blossom (to); flower (to).
de pêche; fishing net. ***: taaliwol, compare: pinndi
pinndi; synonyms: finndude;
gammbuwol, bubbol; synonyms: bubbol, ***: finndude. Dialectal Forms: [G] fiinnude.
gammbuwol, taaliwol. Dialects: J. Dialects: Y.

fiilnude Verb. entourer, encercler, clôturer, faire le fiinude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiinugol.
tour; enclose; fence in; encircle; surround. Participles: sing: piinuɗo-piinoowo plur:
Dialectal Forms: fiiltinde. fiinuɓe-fiinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
fiilo kurkuruuji expression. porcherie; pigsty.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • écraser / faucher (en
Catégorie : Élevage. ***: suudu kurkuruuji.
conduisant un véhicule, moto ou vélo), buter
fiilorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. contre, se cogner contre; run over; bump into.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Idrissa ummeke faa yaha Garango de o fiini
of Noun: piilorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. mbaala. Idrissa est allé à Garango mais il a
endroit pour uriner, urinoir; urinal; place to fauché / écrasé / cogné un mouton (en route).
Idrissa was going to Garango but he ran into a
urinate. ***: nyegeere, salanga, kosu,
sheep. ***: faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, fernude, femmbinde,
bawlirde; compare: nyegeere, salanga;
yaaɓude, fompinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: bawlirde, kosu. Dialects: M.
2 • frapper pour quelqu'un d'autre, faire des
fiiltinde Verb. entourer, encercle; encircle; surround. briques pour quelqu'un; bricks for someone
Dialectal Forms: fiilnude. else (to make); hit someone for someone else.
A fiinii kam pereeje ɓolum. Tu m'a demandé
fiiltude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiiltugol.
de te faire des briques, mais tu ne m'as as payé.
Participles: sing: piiltuɗo-piiltoowo plur: You asked me to make you bricks, but you
fiiltuɓe-fiiltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb didn't pay me. Rik fiinii kam Danyel. Rick m'a
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or demandé de frapper Daniel. Rick asked me to
Progressive: prg. Verb. dérouler, détendre, hit Daniel.} {Idrissa was going to Garango but
enlever / ôter un bandage ou foulard; unwind; he ran into a sheep. synonyms: faɗɗ
uncoil a rope or a spool; unroll; remove a fernude, femmbinde, fompinde, yaaɓ yaaɓude;
bandage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, liɓ
liɓude, samminde,
yaaɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 144
fiire fiitaade
2 • le sens ou l'explication; meaning or
fiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
explanation of this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
3 • rembourser le prix d'achat; refund the
of Noun: piye. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. une
mesure allant du coude au bout des doigts; purchase price. synonyms: ittude.
measurement from the elbow to the finger tips; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cubit. compare: fonndude; ***: fiyande, 4 • défaire une corde, annuler; unbraid a string
fonndude, ɓatitere; synonyms: fiyande. or cord; cancel; revoke. compare: accitinde,
Dialects: J,Y,M. fiilude, mimsitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fiirtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiirtagol. fiirtugol synonyme: jiitol daliili, aadi. Noun. définition,
Participles: sing: piirtiiɗo-piirtotooɗo plur: résolution; definition, resolution.
fiirtiiɓe-fiirtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, synonyms: tinndinoore2, piirtol, anndinoore,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb maandinoore; ***: cifol.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • ouvert et fiirtugol faa laaɓ
laaɓa expression. commentaire;
sociable; outgoing in personality. ***: doro, commentary. synonyms: haawaade, fannu1,
sulaade, bagi, yarooru, feertaade, omtaade, tapsiiru, maysingol.
feertaade, feertaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fiirude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiirugol. Sorting
2 • stimulé par le travail / exercice / bonnes
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
nouvelles / drogues; stimulated by (to be).
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: feertaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. voler, piloter, s'envoler; fly.
3 • fleurir; flower to open.
***: weeyude, weeltude; compare: weeyude.
synonyms: feertaade, omtaade, ontaade;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: sulaade, yarooru, yoosude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fiirugol Noun. vol; flight. diwirgol bippoole
fiirtande Noun Form of Infinitive: fiirtangol. fiiseede Noun Form of Infinitive: fiisegol. Sorting
Participles: sing: piirtanɗo-piirtanoowo Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: fiirtanɓe-fiirtanooɓe. Sorting Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Verb. être balayé; swept (to be).
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. synonyms: wuuweede; ***: wuuweede.
Verb. 1 • expliquer clairement; clearly explain; Dialects: J,M.
explain clearly. ***: sifanaade, faaminde, fiisude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiisugol.
tindinde, haalande, fiirtande, humpitinde. Participles: sing: piisuɗo-piisoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fiisuɓe-fiisooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
2 • rembourser, rendre l'argent; refund. Mi Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
tawii ko coodumi to maa welaay kam, salla Progressive: prg. Verb. balayer; sweep.
aɗa waawi fiirtande kam? Je ne suis pas compare: piisirɗ
piisirɗi; synonyms: fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, fittude,
content de ce que j'ai acheté de toi, peux-tu me wuuwude; ***: fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, piisirɗ
piisirɗi, wuuwude,
rembourser ? I am not please with what I
fittude. Dialects: J,M.
bought from you, can you refund my money?
synonyms: faaminde, fiirtande, sifanaade, fiisugol Noun. balayage; sweep. ***: wuuwugol.
tindinde; compare: haalande. fiitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiitagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: piitiiɗo-piitotooɗo plur:
fiirtude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiirtugol. fiitiiɓe-fiitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
Participles: sing: piirtuɗo-piirtoowo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fiirtuɓe-fiirtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quatrième
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or fois de piler le mil; sixth pounding; fourth
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • expliquer pounding of millet into flour. ***: duufude,
clairement, expliquer se qui était caché,, bukkude2, yomnitaade, sokkude,
traduire; explain clearly; explain that which is burkitaade, unude, bumpitaade, hawude,
hidden. ***: sifaade, fiilude, noonude, bukkude2, tottitaade, yonnitaade,
ittude, maandinde, fisaade, hollude; bumpude, jawtaade; synonyms: bukkude1,
synonyms: faaminde, fisaade, maandinde, duufude. Dialects: G,M.
sifaade, tindinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 145
fijirde fikkaawo
2 • frapper en retour; hit someone back for
fikitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fikitagol.
having hit you. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: pikitiiɗo-pikitotooɗo plur:
3 • se frapper, frapper soi-même; to hit
fikitiiɓe-fikitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
yourself. synonyms: yeccaade.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
4 • retourner, remettre, rendre, renvoyer;
solide, massif; soiled. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
return. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • avoir son travail gâté; spoiled (to have your
5 • tresser, natter une corde; to braid a rope.
work). Si aɗ
aɗa defa fu, kaybaa, taa kaddule
synonyms: hawude, jawtaade. Dialects: Y,G.
maa pikitoo. Si tu fais la cuisine, fais
fijirde Noun. jeu, fête, réjouissance; celebration; attention de ne pas salir / gâter tes vêtements.
rejoicing; feast; festival; game; party; play. If you are cooking, take care not to soil your
Dialectal Forms: fijo. clothes. O yeebeke golle makko faa fikitii.
Parce qu'il était négligent avec son travail, le
fijireede Noun Form of Infinitive: fijiregol. travail est gâté. Because he was careless with
Participles: sing: pijiraaɗo-pijireteeɗo plur: his work it is ruined. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fijiraaɓe-fijireteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fikitaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Designation: 4. Noun. désordre, chaos,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se faire avoir,
barbouillage; disorder; daubing; chaos.
avoir été trompé; fooled around with; played
synonyms: sankitaare; ***: sankitaare.
with (to be). Laamɗ
Laamɗo fijirtaake. God is not
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
to be played with. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fikitii désordonné; disorderly; muddled.
fijo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of fikitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fikitingol.
Noun: fijooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. fête, Participles: sing: pikitinɗo-pikitoowo plur:
célébration; celebration; party. ***: janjere, fikitinɓe-fikitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
weltaare; synonyms: janjere. Dialectal Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] fijirde, [G] fijitirde. Stative or Progressive: prg - imo fikita. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. créer du chaos ou de désordre, perturber le
travail; disrupt one's work; create chaos or
fijo balon Noun. football; football. disorder for someone else. Keeŋ
Keeŋan keekel
fijo kuure Noun. fête de funérailles; funeral fikitii kaddule am fuu loofal. Hier le vélo a
celebration. sali mes habits avec de la boue. Yesterday the
bike soiled my clothes with mud. Arande
fijude Noun Form of Infinitive: fijugol.
golleeji ɗi na njaha yeeso kaakaa ko ngaruɗ
Participles: sing: pijuɗo-pijoowo plur:
ɗo a fikitii ɗi fuu. Avant le travail marchait
fijuɓe-fijooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb bien, mais depuis ton arrivée tu l'as perturbé.
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Before the work was going well, but since you
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • jouer, célébrer, se have come you have disrupted all of it.
réjouir, fêter; celebrate; party; play. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: looncaade, yingaade, weltaade,
fikkaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
jartinde, woykaade, womude, zeenude,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
denjigaade, wuylaade, wamude, jeenude,
Noun: fikkaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
janjinde; synonyms: janjinde, weltaade.
éventail de feuilles de palme; hand held fan
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. woven from palm fronds. Catégorie : Outil.
2 • se livre à de comportement sexuel Note : mooré synonyms: bifirgal, pikkaal;
immorale; to engage in sexually immoral
***: pikkaal, bifirgal. Dialects: M.
behavior. synonyms: jeenude, zeenude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fijude mo yonaa expression. incestueux; incestuous.

Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 146
filaade filmi
3 • Hérode Philippe II, fils de Hérode le
filaade Noun Form of Infinitive: filagol.
grandet frère de Antipas; Herod Philip II; a
Participles: sing: piliiɗo-pilotooɗo plur: son of Herod the great; and brother of Herod
filiiɓe-filotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Antipas. Refered to as the tetrarch of Ituraea
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or (Luke 3:1). The city of Caesarea-Philippi (Mat
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • chercher, fouiller, 16:13) was named partly after him. Note : grec
contourner; search for; look for; seek. Dialects: biblical.
***: fincitinde, ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, taanyude, 4 • Philippe l’évangéliste; Philip the evangelist
tewtude, ƴeewude, wiɗ
wiɗitaade, hurjude, (Acts 6:5; 21:8-9). Note : grec
ŋaaraade, garbinde, fippude, ŋeenyo, Dialects: biblical.
rookaade, tefude, nyaagaade, ekitaade, Filistiya Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. le pays des
firfirtude, eelude; synonyms: fincitinde, Philistins; land of Philistia. Note : hébreu
tefude, tewtude, ƴeewude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: biblical.
2 • demander, se renseigner; ask. Filistiyankeejo Plural Form of Noun: Filisti'en.
synonyms: ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, eelude, ŋaaraade, Sorting Designation: 4, cbp. Noun. un Philistin;
rookaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Philistine. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
3 • demander pour recevoir, supplier,
mendier; beg. synonyms: garbinde, ŋeenyo. filla Noun. récit; story, tale, narrative, account,
narration. Catégorie : Le langage et la
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • essayer; try. synonyms: ekitaade, fippude,
fillaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fillagol.
firfirtude; compare: hurjude.
Participles: sing: pilliiɗo-pillotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
filliiɓe-fillotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
filaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • converser, discuter,
Noun: filaawooje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. bavarder, parler, narrer, relater; chat or make
Noun. eucalyptus; Eucalyptus tree. Catégorie small talk; converse; speak. ***: gaajaade,
: Arbres. Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
wi'ude, yewtude, taalude, takkude,
***: kalmatiisi; synonyms: kalmatiisi.
yeewtude; compare: haalude, wi'ude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: gaajaade, yeewtude, yewtude
Filemon Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • Philémon, un ami de l'apôtre Paul; 2 • raconter une longue histoire; tell a long
Philemon; a friend of the apostle Paul's. Note : story. compare: taalude, takkude.
grec Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • le nom de l’épître que Paul a écrit à
Philémon; the name of the letter Paul wrote to fillaaji Noun. anecdotes; anecdotes.
Philemon. Note : grec Dialects: biblical. fillawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Filipi Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. ville en Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Macédoine; the Macedonian city of Philippi. Noun: fillaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Note : grec Dialects: biblical. histoire, une parole, récit; speech; story.
***: taalol; synonyms: taalol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
piyankooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
l'épître que Paul a écrit aux Philippiens; The fillitaade Verb. rappeler une conversation; remind of
letter written by Paul to the Philippians. Note : a conversation.
grec Dialects: biblical.
filmi Noun. film; movie; film. Note : français
Filipu Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. 1 • Philippe,
l'un des 12 disciples de Jésus; Philip; one of
the 12 disciples (Mat 10:3). Note : grec
Dialects: biblical.
2 • Philippe Hérode I, fils de Hérode le grand;
le premier époux de Hérodiade; Herod Philip
I; a son of Herod the great; the first husband of
Herodias; and the father of Salome (Mat 14:3).
Note : grec Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 147
filnde Finisinkoore

filnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One for fina Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3. One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Noun. 1 • une histoire qui contient un signe ou Noun: finaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
une confirmation indiquant qu'elle est espèce de produit pour noircir le sourcils, des
authentique; message (true or authentic). tatouages sur le visage; tattoo markings on the
Hokkaram filnde faa holla o wo aan neli face. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kam. Donne-moi un signe qui montre que c'est
toi qui m'as envoyé. Give me a sign to show finaatawa tuubaaku expression. culture
that it was you who sent me. occidentale; western culture. Catégorie : Le
langage et la pensée.
synonyms: maande1, tindinoore;
***: maande1, loongal, loohiri, gawnde, finaatawaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
tindinoore, maanaa, kabaaru1, kibaaru, Designation: 2. Noun. culture, coutume,
miccinde, maandinoore, tindinde. né-trouvé (comme coutumes, situation
familiale, conditions de vie), héritage; born
Dialects: J,Y.
into (what a person is); custom; heritage;
2 • un rappel ou une explication pour
culture. ***: tawaangal, tagu, neesu, daa,
authentifier un message; a reminder or
explanation in order to authenticate a message al'aada; compare: al'aada, tagu, tagaadi;
or what someone is saying; Winndu filnde synonyms: tawaangal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
holloore haala am wo goonga. Écris fincitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fincitingol.
quelque chose qui montre que je dis la vérité. Participles: sing: pincitinɗo-pincitoowo
Write something that shows I am telling the
plur: fincitinɓe-fincitooɓe. Sorting
truth. synonyms: maanaa, maandinoore,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
tindinoore. Dialects: J,Y.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na
3 • recherche, fouille; search. Ɓooyii a yiitaay fincita. Verb. 1 • feuiller un livre pour trouver
na'i maa ɗi, ndelle joonin kaa sanaa un passage; leaf through a book looking for
njaajinaa filnde.
filnde. Il fait longtemps que tu n'as something. ***: wiɗwiɗitaade, filaade;
plus vu ta vache perdue, donc il faut que tu synonyms: wiɗ
wiɗitaade, filaade. Dialects: J,Y.
fasses un recherche approfondie. It is has been
2 • fouiller pour trouver; rummage through
a while since you have seen your lost cows,
things looking for something; search (to).
therefore you now need to broaden you search.
synonyms: wiɗ
wiɗitaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fincitidde, [M] finkitinde, finƴitinde.
4 • chasse; hunt. synonyms: gawnde, loongal,
Dialects: J,Y.
loohiri; compare: haala, kabaaru1, maanaa,
miccinde, tindinde. Dialectal Forms: [M] findinde Noun Form of Infinitive: findingol.
filde. Dialects: G. Participles: sing: pindinɗo-pindinoowo plur:
findinɓe-findinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fimmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: fimmbugol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Participles: sing: pimmbuɗo-pimmboowo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. réveiller
plur: fimmbuɓe-fimmbooɓe. Sorting quelqu'un; wake someone up.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. emprunter de l'argent sans l'intention de Finisi Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Phénicie;
le rembourser; borrow money. Phoenicia. Dialects: biblical.
***: nyallaade, nyamlaade;
Finisinkeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
compare: nyamlaade. Dialects: J.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
fimre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Noun: Finisinkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. Phénicien; Phoenician. Catégorie
of Noun: piɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. : Communauté. Dialects: tech.
nœud; knot. synonyms: fiwre; ***: fiɓ
fiɓude, Finisinkoore Sorting Designation: 5, lg. Noun. la
fiwre; compare: fiɓ
fiɓude. Dialects: J,Y,M. langue des phéniciens; Phoenician - the
language of the Phoenicians. Dialects: tech.

16/02/2020 148
finndude firt-a

finndude Noun Form of Infinitive: finndugol. Sorting Fira'awna Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 4, pl. Verb Consonant Change in Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Noun: Fira'awnaaɓe or Fira'awna'en. Sorting
Verb. fleurir; bloom; blossom; flower. Designation: 3. Noun. Pharaon; Pharaoh. Note :
***: fiinndude, pinndi; compare: pinndi; arabe Dialectal Forms: [J] Firawna.
synonyms: fiinndude. Dialects: J,M. Dialects: biblical.
fintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fintingol. firde Verb. traduire; translate.
Participles: sing: pintinɗo-pintinoowo plur:
firfirtude Noun Form of Infinitive: firfirtugol.
fintinɓe-fintinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Participles: sing: pirpirtuɗo-pirpirtoowo
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
plur: firfirtuɓe-firfirtooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg - na fintina. Verb.
réanimer, ressusciter; resuscitate; revive Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in

someone. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.

Verb. essayer de faire quelque chose, tenter de
fintude Noun Form of Infinitive: fintugol. faire, faire un effort; try hard to do something;
Participles: sing: pintuɗo-pintoowo plur: attempt; struggle to do something. Boureima
fintuɓe-fintooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. na firfirta faa nyiɓ
nyiɓa suudu muuɗ
muuɗum, sabo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb lewru fuu imo sooda bootooru simo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se réveiller; wooturu. Boureima fait un effort pour
awaken. ***: fekkorde, ƴiwtude; construire sa maison, car chaque mois il
synonyms: finude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
achète un sac de ciment. Boureima is
struggling to build his house, because every
2 • reprendre conscience; regain
month he buys one sack of cement.
consciousness. synonyms: ƴiwtude; ***: ekitaade, filaade, haptaade, fippude,
compare: fekkorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haɓitaade; synonyms: ekitaade, filaade,
finude Noun Form of Infinitive: finugol. fippude, haptaade, haɓhaɓitaade.
Participles: sing: pinuɗo-pinoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
finuɓe-finooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb firkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: firkagol.
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: pirkiiɗo-pirkotooɗo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se réveiller, éveiller;
firkiiɓe-firkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
awaken. ***: fintude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
2 • être éveillé par les études ou voyages, être
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper de
éclaircie par ce qu'on a vu et compris;
l'herbe sèche avec un bâton fourchu; cut or
enlightened as one studies. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mow dry grass. compare: wa'ude;
fippude Noun Form of Infinitive: fippugol. ***: wuuwude, ferkaade, wubbude, wa'ude;
Participles: sing: pippuɗo-pippoowo plur: synonyms: ferkaade, wuuwude. Dialects: J.
fippuɓe-fippooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
firnude Noun Form of Infinitive: firnugol. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire des
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
efforts pour trouver du travail à faire, essayer
Verb. bruit de cheval ou d'âne lorsqu'ils laisse
de se faire utile, chercher du travail; search for
passer l'air par leur lèvres qui vibrent à leur
work. ***: ekitaade, firfirtude, filaade, tour; this refers to a noise that donkeys and
pappattude, haptaade, wiɗ wiɗaade, horses make when they blow and let their lips
bibbitidde, pippittude, haɓhaɓitaade; vibrate. ***: farude, furwude, farnaade;
synonyms: filaade, firfirtude, haptaade, synonyms: farnaade, farude, furwude;
haɓitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: hanude, hijude. Dialects: M.
2 • les mouvements agités d'un poulet
firo Noun. traduction; translation.
lorsqu'on a coupé sa gorge; the flopping
around a chicken does when its throat is cut. synonyms: nantingol, nantinoore, waylugol
synonyms: bibbitidde, pappattude. Dialects: J. e.
3 • battre les ailes (oiseaux); flap wings firt-
firt-a synonyme: maht-a, feccit-a, seernd-a. Verb.
(birds). Dialects: J,Y. décomposer; decompose. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

16/02/2020 149
fisaade fiyande

fisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fisagol. Sorting fiwde Verb. frapper, battre; strike; hit. Dialectal
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Forms: fiyude.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
fiwlaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiwlagol.
Verb. 1 • enquêter sur, vérifier, examiner;
Participles: sing: piwliiɗo-piwlotooɗo plur:
investigate. ***: sifaade
sifaade, fiirtude, noonude,
fiwliiɓe-fiwlotooɓe. Verb Consonant Change in
maandinde, wiɗwiɗaade, tindinde, horude;
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: horude. Dialects: Y.
Verb. lancer une pierre; sling a stone.
2 • lorsqu'un animal (ex. poule) creuse un trou
compare: limude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
et se remue dedans jusqu’à c'est convenable;
when an animal (esp. a chicken) digs an fiwre Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
impression and then fidgets in it until it is Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
comfortable. synonyms: lootaade, wiɗ
wiɗaade. of Noun: piɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Dialects: Y. nœud; knot. ***: fimre; compare: fiɓ
3 • décrire ou expliquer; describe; explain. synonyms: fimre. Dialects: G.
synonyms: fiirtude, maandinde, sifaade,
tindinde. Dialects: G.
fiyaa Sorting Designation: 4. prep. au sujet de, à
propos de, par rapport à, vers, envers; toward;
fita cofe Noun. poulailler; hen-house; chicken coop; about. Fiyaa ɗume o haali? O haalii fiyaa
hen run. Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: fitaaru. diina.
diina. Il a parlé au sujet de quoi? Il a parle au
Dialectal Forms: fitiiru. sujet de l’Islam. What did he talk about? He
talked about Islam. Ko o wari hannden, o
fitaaru Noun. poulailler; hen-house. Catégorie
haalaay fiyaa golleeji adunaaru, ammaa
: Élevage. synonyms: fita cofe, fitiiru,
fiyaa diina tan o haali. Lorsqu'il est venu
aujourd'hui il n'a pas parlé à propos du travail
fitiiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. mais il a parle à propos de la religion. When
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form he came today he didn't talk about secular
work, but he only talked about religion. This
of Noun: fitiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
word comes from "fi" in Arabic, meaning "in".
poulailler; coop (chicken); chicken coop; hen
house. Catégorie : Agriculture, Bâtiment. Note : arabe ***: dow, faro; compare: fii;
***: fitaaru, kurukuru; synonyms: kurukuru. synonyms: dow, faro. Dialects: J,M.

Dialectal Forms: [M] fitaaru (ndu)/fitaaji (ɗi); fiyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fiyagol.
fita cofe (ka)/fitiiji cofe (ɗi). Dialects: Y,G,M. Participles: sing: piyiiɗo-piyotooɗo plur:
fitilla Noun Class Markers: sing: [G] (n)ga/ [J,Y,G,M] fiyiiɓe-fiyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
ka / [J,Y,M] o plur: ɗi. Number One for this Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
noun: ngoota/gooto. Plural Form of Progressive: prg. Verb. courir dans, cogner
contre, buter contre; run into something;
Noun: fitillaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
bump into. ***: gorfaade, foɓ
lampe; lamp. Note : arabe synonyms: lampal;
tappaade; synonyms: foɓ
foɓaade, tappaade.
***: lampal. Dialectal Forms: fittilla.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fiyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
fitina prep/n. plainte, réclamation, soulèvement
violent; complaint; violent uprising. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: darngal. of Noun: fiyaaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
anneau, cercle; ring. ***: hootonnde,
fittude Noun Form of Infinitive: fittugol. tuggere; synonyms: hootonnde, tuggere.
Participles: sing: pittuɗo-pittoowo plur:
Dialects: Y,M.
fittuɓe-fittooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
fiyande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • sauter, bondir; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
jump; leap up. ***: diwude, fiisude, fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, of Noun: piyanɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
mesure allant du coude aux pointes des doigts;
yonngaade, wuuwude, ƴeenyude.
a measurement from the elbow to the finger
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tips; a cubit. synonyms: fiire;
2 • balayer; sweep. compare: diwude, jikkude, compare: fonndude; ***: fonndude, fiire.
yonngaade; synonyms: fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, fiisude, Dialects: J,G,M.
wuuwude. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 150
fiyannde fodoore

fiyannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. foccanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: foccanagol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: poccaniiɗo-poccanotooɗo
of Noun: piyanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. plur: foccaniiɓe-foccanotooɓe. Sorting
un grand bénéfice, profit; profit (large). Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Julaajo o ɓooyowaay toon sabo o fiyii Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
fiyannde mawnde law. Le commerçant de Verb. être content de quelqu'un, être heureux
bétail n'a pas duré et il a fait un grand avec; pleased with something or someone;
bénéfice. That cattle merchant was not gone happy with. Hannden Yuusufi foccanaaki
long there because he quickly made a big
kam sabo mi wujji daago makko.
profit. ***: tino, riba, nyoodo, riiba; Aujourd'hui Yousouf n'est pas content de moi
synonyms: nyoodo, riba, tino. Dialects: J,Y,G. car je lui ai piqué sa natte. Today Yuusufi is
not happy with me because I stole his mat.
fiyude Noun Form of Infinitive: fiyugol.
synonyms: diirude, feccanaade, seyaade,
Participles: sing: piyuɗo-piyoowo plur:
welude; ***: feccanaade. Dialects: G,M.
fiyuɓe-fiyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or foccude Noun Form of Infinitive: foccugol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • frapper, discipliner; Participles: sing: poccuɗo-poccoowo plur:
strike; disciplining; hit. ***: gokkaade, foccuɓe-foccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
nyippude, ƴeƴude, guƴƴ guƴƴaade
ƴƴaade, dorrol, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
nyirfude, aagaade, salminde, muppude, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. déplier, étirer,
tappude, teɓteɓɓude, reewnude, tappude,
tendre un bras ou une jambe; stretch an arm or
piiɗe, lukkaade, fiide, nyappude,
a leg; open out; unfold. synonyms: foortude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hoownude, hakkitinde, raɗ raɗaade, guɓɓ
synonyms: fiide, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, fodaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fodagol.
muppude, nyippude, nyirfude, reewnude, Participles: sing: podiiɗo-podotooɗo plur:
tappude. Dialectal Forms: fiwde. fodiiɓe-fodotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
2 • taper, donner un coup, cogner, battre; Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
knock. synonyms: gokkaade, fiide, salminde, 1 • promettre; promise. ***: aadaade,
tappude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. feendaade, anniyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • faire un bénéfice; profit (to make a). 2 • décider de faire quelque chose; decide to
compare: aagaade, dorrol, hakkitinde, piiɗ piiɗe, do something. synonyms: anniyaade,
ƴeƴude. Dialects: J,G,M. feendaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
foɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: foɓagol. fodanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fodanagol.
Participles: sing: poɓiiɗo-poɓotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: podaniiɗo-podanotooɗo
foɓiiɓe-foɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: fodaniiɓe-fodanotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cogner contre Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
quelque chose; run or bump into something. Verb. promettre quelque chose à quelqu'un;
Mi yi'ii foondu na fiira
fiira faa foɓ
foɓii e fineetere. promise something to someone.
J'ai vu un oiseau qui s'est cogné contre la vitre ***: sappanaade, aadondirde;
de la fenêtré. I saw a bird fly into the window. synonyms: sappanaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: gorfaade, fiyaade, tappaade;
fodoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: fiyaade, tappaade.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: podooje. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Noun. promesse, fatalité, destin; destiny;
promise; fate. synonyms: aadi, amaana;
***: aadi, aadaade, amaana.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 151
foɗtaade fonnditaade

foɗtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: foɗtagol. fompinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fompingol.
Participles: sing: poɗtiiɗo-poɗtotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: pompinɗo-pompinoowo
foɗtiiɓe-foɗtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: fompinɓe-fompinooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • bouger un Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
peu, se déplacer un peu; move yourself a little. Verb. écraser ou cogner quelque chose en
Foɗta! Bouge un peu! Déplace-toi! Move! conduisant un véhicule ou moto ou vélo; run
***: ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, ruttaade, disaade, eggude, over something; bump into. ***: fiinude,
diisaade, fottaade, diisinde, footaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, fernude, femmbinde, yaaɓ
gettude, diinude, sottude, wosaade, synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, fernude, femmbinde,
dirnude, disinde; synonyms: fottaade, adude, fiinude, yaaɓ
yaaɓude. Dialects: G.
diinude, diisinde, dirnude, disinde, fompineede Noun Form of Infinitive: fompingol.
foɗtinde, sottinde, sottude. Participles: sing: pompinaaɗo-pompinteeɗo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: fompinaaɓe-fompinteeɓe. Sorting
2 • déménager le ménage; move your Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
household. Hikka
Hikka miɗ
miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi foɗ
foɗtaade dakkol Plural: f/p. Verb. se faire marcher dessus, se
weendu ndu. This year I would like to move faire cogner, être cogné par quelqu'un ou
next to the lake. synonyms: eggude, footaade, quelque chose; run over or trampled by
fottaade, gettude; compare: diisaade, someone or something. ***: femmbineede,
disaade. Dialectal Forms: [J] foɗitaade. ferneede; compare: nirseede, niiseede;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: femmbineede, ferneede.
Dialects: G.
foɗtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fodtingol.
Participles: sing: poɗtinɗo-poɗtinoowo fondude Verb. adapter; adapt.
plur: foɗtinɓe-foɗtinooɓe. Sorting fonndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fonndagol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: ponndiiɗo-ponndotooɗo
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na plur: fonndiiɓe-fonndotooɓe. Sorting
foɗ(i)ta. Verb. bouger un objet, déplacer un Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
objet; move an inanimate object. Lobbo, Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
foɗtin keekel maa, mobel na wara. Lobbo, Verb. aller vers, se diriger vers, piquer vers;
déplace ton vélo, car une voiture arrive. . head toward; go toward. synonyms: huccude,
Lobbo, move your bike, a car is coming.
suppude, wiitude; ***: looynirde, wiitude,
***: fottinde, soottinde, diisinde, fottaade,
huccude, suppude, huccitinde.
foɗtaade, diinude, footinde, ƴuuwnude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dirnude, footaade, disinde, sottinde;
synonyms: footinde, fottinde. Dialectal fonndirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Forms: [J] foɗitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: ponndirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fofof Noun. somme, total; sum, total. Catégorie Noun. fondation, base, fondement, une mesure;
: Mathématique. synonyms: kawral2. foundation. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
foftude Verb. se reposer; break (take a); rest. Dialectal fonnditaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: the
Forms: fowtude. progressive "imo fonnditoo" would be a
follere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. rare usage. Noun Form of
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Infinitive: fonnditagol. Participles: sing:
of Noun: polle. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. ponnditiiɗo-ponnditotooɗo plur:
oseille, espèce de plante utilisée pour faire du fonnditiiɓe-fonnditotooɓe. Sorting
soumbala; sorrel; kind of plant whose seeds Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
are used for making seasoning for their sauces.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Verb. 1 • être droit / honnête / vrai / véridique;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
straight or true. ***: laaɓ
laaɓude, dartaade,
seynaade, henngitaade, hegitaade,
dartaade, cubinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 152
fonnditere fooɗtude
2 • être juste ou vertueux dans sa parole ou son
fontere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
travail; righteous or good in your speech or
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
work. synonyms: cubinaade, dartaade,
of Noun: ponte. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
fooccaade, hegitaade, henngitaade,
Noun. testicule; testicle. Catégorie : Le corps.
laaɓude; compare: goonga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: ɓoccoonde, fooroonde;
fonnditere Noun. structure; structure. synonyms: fooroonde. Dialects: M.
synonyms: ceŋ
fontiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
fonnditinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fonnditagol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: ponnditinɗo-ponnditoowo of Noun: pontiije. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
plur: fonnditinɓe-fonnditooɓe. Sorting clou, pointe; nail. Note : français ***: pontiire,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in huusaare; synonyms: huusaare, pontiire.
Plural: f/p - na fonndita. Verb Stative or Dialects: J,Y.
Progressive: prg. Verb. corriger, redresser,
fooɓere Noun. base; base, basis, foundation.
arranger, ajuster; adjust; arrange; correct;
***: tiiginoore.
straighten. ***: onyude, dartinde, ooncude;
compare: onyude, ŋogude; fooɓ
fooɓere kaalimawol expression. base lexicale;
synonyms: dartinde, ooncude. Dialectal lexical basis. Catégorie : Le langage et la
Forms: [Y,G] fonnditidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fooccaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "imo
fonndoode Noun. témoin, (patron, mesure),
proportion; witness. fooccoo" using definitions 1 or 2 would be
rare.. Noun Form of Infinitive: fooccagol.
fonndude Noun Form of Infinitive: fonndugol.
Participles: sing: poocciiɗo-pooccotooɗo
Participles: sing: ponnduɗo-ponndoowo
plur: foocciiɓe-fooccotooɓe. Sorting
plur: fonnduɓe-fonndooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être droit; straight (to be).
Verb. 1 • mesurer, ajuster, rendre égaux, doser;
***: laaɓ
laaɓude, fonnditaade, dartaade,
equal (to make); adjust; measure; measure out.
henngitaade, hegitaade, foortaade,
***: heƴƴ
ƴƴande, heƴƴ
ƴƴude, fiire, rewrintinde,
dartaade, cubinaade;
fiyande, etude1, sawrinde, biigaade;
synonyms: henngitaade, laaɓ
synonyms: biigaade, etude1, heƴƴheƴƴude
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: fonnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être vrai, juste, honnête, correct; righteous;
2 • réconcilier, faire la paix; peace (make);
honest; just; true. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
reconcile. synonyms: rewrintinde, rewrude1,
3 • se coucher et s'étirer / tendre; lie down and
sawrinde, surude; compare: aykaade, fiire,
to stretch out. compare: foortaade, singaade,
fiyande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
goonga; synonyms: fukkaade, lelaade.
fonndugol Noun. dosage, adaptation; amount, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
proportion, measurement, adaptation.
Catégorie : Agriculture. fooɗ
fooɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fooɗagol.
Participles: sing: pooɗiiɗo-pooɗotooɗo
fonngo ndiyam Noun. rive; bank, shore. Catégorie
plur: fooɗiiɓe-fooɗotooɓe. Sorting
: Eau. synonyms: daande-
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
fonngude Noun Form of Infinitive: fonngugol. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: ponnguɗo-ponngoowo Verb. se libérer / défaire de quelqu'un qui vous
plur: fonnguɓe-fonngooɓe. Sorting a attrapé; to pull yourself away from someone
or something that has grabbed you.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
***: difaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. avoir très faim au point de ne pas pouvoir fooɗ
fooɗtude Verb. étirer; stretch.
parler avant d'avoir mangé; hungry (be very).
Dialectal Forms: [M] fonnginde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fonnude Verb. ajuster, adapter; adjust; arrange;

adapt. Dialectal Forms: fonndude.

16/02/2020 153
fooɗude foontude

fooɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fooɗugol. foofude Noun Form of Infinitive: foofaango.
Participles: sing: pooɗuɗo-pooɗoowo plur: Participles: sing: poofoowo plur: foofooɓe.
fooɗuɓe-fooɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tendre Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • respirer; breathe.
quelque chose, tirer vers (animal); pull against ***: wuurude, foontude, nguurndam,
(an animal); stretch something. ***: daasude, wuurude, guurndam, poowle, heddaade.
yiifude, yiifaade, difude
difude, yahude, dibbaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • être vivant, être en vie, vivre; alive (to be).
2 • aller quelque part; go somewhere. Kaliifa synonyms: foontude; compare: heddaade,
fooɗi faa e kaananke oon. Kaliifa went to poowle, nguurndam, wuurude.
the king. synonyms: yiifude, yahude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: daasude, dibbaade, difude.
foolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
foofaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. of Noun: poole. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Noun. espèce d'aigle; eagle (kind of); tawny
Noun: poofaali. Sorting Designation: 2, mt.
eagle. Catégorie : Oiseau. Aquila rapax.
Noun. 1 • respiration, souffle (littéralement); ***: siilde, kaciiguwa, ceda; synonyms: ceda,
breath. ***: nguurndam, yonki, guurndam, kaciiguwa, siilde. Dialects: J.
beelu, mbeelu1, poowle; synonyms: poowle. foomtaango Noun. repos; time off; rest.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
foondu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
2 • vie (figurativement); life.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: guurndam, nguurndam, yonki.
of Noun: pooli. Sorting Designation: 2, or, th.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun. 1 • oiseau; bird. Catégorie : Oiseau.
foofirdu Noun. appareil respiratoire; respiratory ***: nginnaawu, jinnaaru, henndu1,
system. Catégorie : Le corps. ginnaaru, dabidabiyal, ladde.
foofirdu liƴƴ
ƴƴi synonyme: poofirɗi liƴƴi. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
branchies des poissons; fish gills. Catégorie 2 • démon ou esprit mauvais; evil spirit;
: Parties d’un animal. demon. synonyms: dabidabiyal, ginnaaru,
foofitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: foofitingol. henndu1, jinnaaru, ladde, nginnaawu.
Participles: sing: poofitinɗo-poofitoowo Dialects: J.
plur: foofitinɓe-foofitooɓe. Sorting foondu fira’awna rewru Noun. dinde; turkey.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or Catégorie : Élevage. synonyms: kolokolo,
Progressive: prg - ina foofita. Verb. haleter, gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, gertogal-
souffler; pant. ***: hekude, leekude, ndontoori-
laahude; synonyms: hekude, laahude,
foondu ndiwtotoondu Noun. oiseau de proie;
leekude. Dialects: M.
bird of prey. Catégorie : Oiseau.
foofo bienvenue; welcome.
foontude Noun Form of Infinitive: foontugol.
foofoo Sorting Designation: 1. interj. merci, Participles: sing: poontuɗo-poontoo plur:
remerciement; thanks or thank you. foontuɓe-foontoowo. Sorting Designation: 3,
synonyms: tiyaabu; ***: tiyaabu. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • respirer;
fooftaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fooftagol. breathe. ***: foofude, nguurndam,
Participles: sing: pooftiiɗo-pooftotooɗo wuurude, guurndam, poowle, heddaade.
plur: fooftiiɓe-fooftotooɓe. Sorting Dialects: Y.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in 2 • être vivant, vivre; alive (to be).
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. synonyms: foofude; compare: heddaade,
Verb. reposer ou relaxer; rest; relax. poowle, nguurndam, wuurude. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: fowtude, ŋottude; ***: fowtude,
ŋottude. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 154
fooroonde fooyre
2 • déménager le ménage; move your
fooroonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
household. synonyms: foɗ
foɗtaade, fottaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
gettude; compare: diisaade, disaade.
of Noun: poorooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at,
Dialects: G.
dh, da. Noun. 1 • testicule; testicle. Catégorie
: Le corps. ***: ɓoccoonde, fontere, footinde Noun Form of Infinitive: footingol.
mbuuku, nguuku; synonyms: ɓoccoonde, Participles: sing: pootinɗo-pootinoowo
fontere. Dialects: J,Y,G. plur: footinɓe-footinooɓe. Sorting
2 • enflement des testicules; inguinal hernia; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
swelling of the testicles. Catégorie : Maladie. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: mbuuku, nguuku. Dialects: G. Verb. déplacer quelque chose; move

foortaade Noun Form of Infinitive: foortagol. something. Yuusufi, footin keekel maa,
mobel na wara. Youssouf déplace ton vélo car
Participles: sing: poortiiɗo-poortotooɗo
une voiture arrive. Yuusufi, move your bike, a
plur: foortiiɓe-foortotooɓe. Sorting
car is coming. ***: fottinde, foɗ
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
ƴuuwnude; synonyms: foɗfoɗtinde, fottinde.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Dialects: G.
Verb. être couché sur le dos avec les jambes
étirées; tie on your back. ***: fooccaade, foottude Noun Form of Infinitive: foottugol.
singaade; synonyms: fooccaade, singaade; Participles: sing: poottuɗo-poottoowo
compare: fukkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: foottuɓe-foottooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
foortude Noun Form of Infinitive: foortugol.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: poortuɗo-poortoowo plur:
Verb. attacher une corde à quelque chose;
foortuɓe-foortooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tighten a rope on something. ***: ŋeetinde,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
cotaade, henginde, sotaade, teeŋ
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. étendre, étirer,
synonyms: cotaade, henginde, sotaade.
tendre ou étirer le bras ou la jambe; stretch
arm or leg; extend your hand/arm or foot/leg. Dialects: J,Y.
***: foccude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fooweengu
fooweengu synonyme: nguleefi. Noun. chaleur; heat.
foositere vipère; viper. Catégorie : Reptile. ***: nguleefi; synonyms: nguleefi e peeweefi.
***: fooskere. Dialectal Forms: fooskere. foowude Noun Form of Infinitive: foowugol.
fooskere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: poowuɗo-poowoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form foowuɓe-foowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
of Noun: pooske. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Noun. vipère (espèce); viper (carpet); carpet Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
viper. Catégorie : Reptile. Echis carinatus. tiède, avoir un peu de fièvre; lukewarm (to be).
***: nyaanngel; synonyms: nyaanngel, synonyms: kaaltaro, munaafiki;
foositere. Dialectal Forms: [M] foosikere. ***: jonteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J. 2 • faire des commérages, bavarder, papoter;
gossip. synonyms: hunndukoojo;
footaade Noun Form of Infinitive: footagol.
compare: jontere, wulude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: pootiiɗo-poototooɗo plur:
footiiɓe-foototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. fooyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • bouger un of Noun: pooye. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
peu, se déplacer un peu; move yourself a little. 1 • lueur, luire, être éclatant, éblouissement;
***: foɗ
foɗtaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, adude, ruttaade, glow or radiance of a distant light; glimmer.
disaade, eggude, diisaade, fottaade, ***: yaynam, iilde, njaynam.
diisinde, fottaade, gettude, diinude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sottude, wosaade, dirnude, disinde; 2 • renommée, réputation; fame; reputation.
synonyms: adude, diinude, diisinde, dirnude, synonyms: iilde; compare: annoora, jayngol,
disinde, foɗ
foɗtinde, sottinde, sottude. njaynam. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 155
fooƴude foskere

fooƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: fooƴugol. fornyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fornyagol.
Participles: sing: pooƴuɗo-pooƴoowo plur: Participles: sing: pornyiiɗo-pornyotooɗo
fooƴuɓe-fooƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, plur: fornyiiɓe-fornyotooɓe. Sorting
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
maigre, décharné, mince; thin; emaciated; Verb. retourner, repartir; return; go back. Si
skinny. synonyms: nyolsude; mi heɓ
heɓii wuni fuu, Alkamiisa garoowo o
compare: ɓuytaade
uytaade, ɗuytaade, hantaade, miɗ
mi ɗo yiɗ
yiɗi fornyaade wuro. Si tout va bien,
sewude; ***: ɓuytaade, sewude, hantaade, jeudi prochain je vais retourner à la maison. .
ɗuytaade, nyolsude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. If things go well, next Thursday I want to
return home. ***: yeccaade, fai'tude,
fooƴuɗo qui est amaigri; thinner (who is).
ruuɗaade, wittude, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, tottitaade;
fooƴugol Noun. amaigrissement; emaciation. synonyms: fai'tude, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, soƴƴ
forba Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting yeccaade, wittude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 4. Noun. ce qui est commun à tous; fornyitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fornyitagol.
that which is common to all; Haala Forbaaha Participles: sing: pornyitiiɗo-pornyitotooɗo
lingua franca. Lingua Franca. Dialects: tech. plur: fornyitiiɓe-fornyitotooɓe. Sorting
forgo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. retourner une deuxième fois, faire un
Noun: forgooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
deuxième tour; return a second time; round
une chemise ou habit d'homme qui n'est pas
plus long que les genoux; garment (outer); trips (to make two). ***: soƴƴ
shirt (kind of). Catégorie : Vêtement. yeccitaade; synonyms: soƴƴ
***: forkiya, jabba, toggoore, saaya; yeccitaade. Dialects: J,Y.
compare: dollokke, forkiya, jabba, saaya. fornyoondu Plural Form of Noun: pornyooli.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyme: fuɗɗoode, doobere.
forjude Noun Form of Infinitive: forjugol. Variante: forƴoondu. Noun. embryon; embryo.
Participles: sing: porjuɗo-porjoowo plur: ***: fuɗɗ
forjuɓe-forjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb fornyude Noun Form of Infinitive: fornyugol.
Consonant Change in Plural: f/j. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: pornyuɗo-pornyoowo
Progressive: st. Verb. être facilement fâché, plur: fornyuɓe-fornyooɓe. Sorting
contrarié, tracassé à cause d'une petit affaire;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
upset (to be easily). Dialects: J.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
forkiya Noun Class Markers: sing: ka /o plur: ɗi. Verb. rabattre, détourner; turn something or
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of someone back; turn away. ***: jaɓɓ
Noun: forkiyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. sakkaade, fai'tinde, soƴƴ
ƴƴinde, yeccinde,
habit d'homme arrivant jusqu'aux chevilles; faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, onngude, wittude, runnude,
garment (an ankle length outer). Catégorie ooncude, ɓoylitinde; synonyms: ɓoylitinde,
: Vêtement. synonyms: jabba; faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, onngude,
compare: dollokke, forgo, saaya; ***: jabba, ooncude, runnude, sakkaade, soƴƴ soƴƴinde
wolfo, dollokke, toggoore, forgo, saaya. wittude, yeccinde. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialectal Forms: [M] forgiya. Dialects: J.
forƴoondu Plural Form of Noun: poorƴooli. Noun.
larve; larva. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
fos Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. beaucoup, très
nombreux; lot (a). Iɓe ngolla fos! Ils
travaillent vraiment beaucoup. They just work
and work! ***: foy; synonyms: foy.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

foskere Noun. espèce de vipère (voir fooskere); see


16/02/2020 156
fot-a e fotude

fot-a e expression. égal (être -); equal (be -). Catégorie fottinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fottingol.
: Mathématique. Participles: sing: pottinɗo-pottinoowo plur:
fotde synonyme: fodde (nde) /potle/polle (ɗe) fottinɓe-fottinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
/fotdeeji/foddeeji (ɗi). Noun. devoir Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
(citoyen); duty (citizen). Catégorie Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. déplacer
: Gouvernement. quelque chose, dégager; move something; free
(to); clear (to). Idrissa, fottin keekel maa,
foti1 Sorting Designation: 1. adj/interrog. combien?;
how many; how much (things). mobel na wara. Idrissa, déplace le vélo car
une voiture arrive. Idrissa, move your bike, a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
car is coming. ***: limnude, limnude,
foti2 synonyme: ko hawri kak. égalité; equality. ko foɗ
foɗtinde, samminde, footinde, ƴuuwnude,
foti saaminde; synonyms: foɗ foɗtinde, footinde.
fotiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Dialectal Forms: fottinnde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form fottinnde Verb. dégager; free (to); clear (to). Dialectal
of Noun: potiije. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Forms: fottinde.
Noun. petite marmite; cooking pot (small).
Catégorie : Récipient. ***: fayannde
fayannde, barma, fottoo Noun. photo; photo; picture. Note : français
faannde; compare: barma, faannde, fottooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
fayannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
foto1 Sorting Designation: 1. adj. combien de gens; of Noun: pottooji, pottooɗi. Sorting
how many persons. YimɓYimɓe foto ngollata ɗo. Designation: 3, at. Noun. rectum , anus; anus;
Combien de gens travaillent ici ? How many rectum. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ɓaawo2,
people work here? MiɗMiɗo yiɗ
yiɗi ndaarude rubbere, lehi, rotere; synonyms: ɓaawo1, lehi,
yimɓe foto keƴkeƴata ley mobel ngel. Je veux rotere, rubbere, bunna. Dialects: J,Y.
voir combien de gens peuvent prendre place
dans le camion. I want to see how many people
fottude Noun Form of Infinitive: fottugol. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
can fit into the truck. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
foto2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting Verb. 1 • exploser, éclater (comme un pneu ou
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. syphilis; syphilis. un ballon); explode. Mi pompeke keekel am
Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J. faa fotti J'ai pompé mon pneu jus-qu’il a
éclaté. I pump my bike [tire] until it exploded.
fotosenteesi emprunt: français. Noun.
photosynthèse; photosynthesis. ***: fellude, fusude, fusude, futtude;
synonyms: fellude, fusude, futtude.
fottaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fottagol.
Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: pottiiɗo-pottotooɗo plur:
2 • être présent; present (to be). Keeŋ
Keeŋan mi
fottiiɓe-fottotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
fottii kawrital.
kawrital. Hier, je suis allé à la réunion.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Yesterday I went to the meeting.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se déplacer
synonyms: taweede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
un peu, bouger un peu; move yourself a little.
***: foɗ
foɗtaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, adude, ruttaade, fotude Noun Form of Infinitive: fotugol.
disaade, eggude, diisaade, fottaade, Participles: sing: potuɗo-potoowo plur:
diisinde, footaade, gettude, foɗ
taade, fotuɓe-fotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
diinude, sottude, wosaade, dirnude, Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or
disinde; synonyms: adude, diinude, diisinde, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être le même,
dirnude, disinde, foɗ
foɗtinde, footaade, pareil (en nombre, taille), être à la taille de;
sottinde, sottude. Dialects: J,Y,M. same (to be the); fit (to). ***: taweede, kap,
2 • déménager le ménage; move your cak, kak, cap. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
household. compare: diisaade, disaade; 2 • être en paix ou en accord avec quelqu'un;
agreement (to be in); peace (to be at).
synonyms: foɗ
foɗtaade, footaade
footaade, fottaade,
synonyms: taweede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gettude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
3 • c'est ça, c'est tout; that's all; that's it.
compare: cak, cap, kak. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 157
fotundurde fuɗɗoode

fotundurde Noun Form of Infinitive: fotundurgol. Foy Sorting Designation: 5. Noun. 1 • un clan Fulbé
Participles: sing: qui vit au nord de Ouahigouya; a clan of Fulɓe
who live in the Bidi-Thiou area north of
potundurɗo-potunduroowo plur:
fotundurɓe-fotundurooɓe. Sorting
Ouahigouya. ***: Nomma, Kelli, Jaljallo,
Liptaaku, Jelgooji, Yaanga, Yaaga.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se rencontrer avec quelqu'un, se voir 2 • la région de Ouahigouya où le clan des Foy
avec quelqu'un; meet with someone. vivent; the area north of Ouahigouya where the
***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, hawrude, jakkitaade, Foy clan lives. compare: Jaljallo, Jelgooji,
sakkitaade; synonyms: hawrude; Kelli, Liptaaku, Nomma, Siiɓ
Siiɓe, Yaaga,
compare: jakkitaade, sakkitaade. Dialectal Yaanga. Dialects: J.
Forms: [Y,G] fotondirde, [M] fotondurde. Foynanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
fowru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Noun: Foynankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5.
Noun. un peul de la région au nord de
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Ouahigouya; a Pullo from the area north of
of Noun: pobbi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. hyène; hyena. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Ouahigouya (Thiou-Bidi). ***: Yaagaajo,
Hyaena hyaena or Hyaena crocuta. Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
***: korikoriyaare, leeyndu, buuru, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo, Kelliijo, Moosiijo,
kuungel, njuura; synonyms: buuru, leeyndu, Yaangaajo; compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Gurmaajo
korikoriyaare, kuungel, njuura. Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Moosiijo, Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo.
Dialects: J.
fowtinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fowtinagol.
Participles: sing: powtiniiɗo-powtinotooɗo Foynankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
plur: fowtiniiɓe-fowtinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, lg. Noun. dialecte fulfuldé parlé
au nord de Ouahigouya; the dialect of
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Fulfulde spoken by the Foynankooɓe north of
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se reposer un peu; rest for a few minutes
Ouahigouya. ***: Gurmaare, Jelgoore,
Maasinankoore, Gaawoore, Liptaakuure,
when tired out. synonyms: ŋottinaade;
Nommaare, Yaangaare, Moosiire,
***: ŋottinaade. Dialectal Forms: fowtinnde.
Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere; compare: Gaawoore,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore,
fowtinnde Verb. reposer, relaxer; rest; relax. Dialectal Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Moosiire,
Forms: fowtinaade. Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J.
fowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: fowtugol. foyre Noun. lumière; light. synonyms: jaayngol, iilde.
Participles: sing: powtuɗo-powtoowo plur:
fu Sorting Designation: 3. part. espèce de marque
fowtuɓe-fowtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
de la fin de proposition, agit comme une
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb virgule; The particle fu is often used to
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se conclude a subordinate clause begun with
reposer; rest. ***: fooftaade, ŋottude. either si or nde. Unlike fuu; this particle does
Dialectal Forms: foftude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. not mean all; but functions to denote the end of
2 • gaspiller, gâcher, dilapider, ne rien avoir the clause; sort of like a spoken comma; Si o
reçu pour ses efforts; have nothing for your warii fu ... If he comes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
efforts; squander what you have.
ɗɗirde Verb. commencer dans une certaine
synonyms: fooftaade, ŋottude.
manière, faire le premier pas; begin in a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. certain manner; first step (to take a specific).
foy Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. beaucoup, très Hannden en puɗɗ
ɗɗirii ƴi'al A. Aujourd'hui
nombreux; many; lot. Iɓe ngolla foy! Ils ont nous commençons par la lettre A. Today we
travaillé et travaillé. They just work and work! begin with the letter A. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Si goonga nii Aysatu na jannga foy. fuɗɗ
ɗɗoode1 Noun. embryon, début; embryo, beginning.
Truthfully, Aysatu really studies.
synonyms: puɗɗ
ɗɗal, fornyoondu.
synonyms: fos; ***: fos. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 158
fuɗɗoode fukkiniraa

ɗɗoode2 Noun. préface; preface, foreword. fuɗ
fuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuɗugol. Sorting
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
ɗɗoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • germer, bourgeonner, pousser;
Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. genèse; Genesis.
sprout. fuufude kure fuɗ fuɗngo
compare: Tawreeta. Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗoore synonyme: gadingol. Noun. initial; initial. 2 • lever (soleil et lune); rising (the sun &
ɗɗorde Noun. début; beginning. Catégorie moon). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Mathématique.
fukaawo Noun. plaine; plain. Catégorie : Terre.
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuɗɗugol. fukkaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Participles: sing: puɗɗuɗo-puɗɗoowo plur:
when they say "imo fukkii" they are
fuɗɗuɓe-fuɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
referring to the person's state; e.g. imo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fukkoo gaɗa mbottaari makko nyannde fu
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. commencer,
(refers to a habitual laying down, for
entamer, initier; commence; begin; start.
example after lunch). Noun Form of
synonyms: artaade, juurdude2;
Infinitive: fukkagol. Participles: sing:
***: juurdude2, artaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pukkiiɗo-pukkotooɗo plur:
ɗɗugol nyiiƴ
nyiiƴe Noun. dentition; dentition. fukkiiɓe-fukkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: yuntere. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
fuɗngo Plural Form of Noun: fuɗngooji. Noun. végétal, Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se coucher
pousse, plante; plant, vegetable, shoot, (gens), s'étendre; lie down (used of people
offshoot, plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes only); stretch out. "o fukki" is an emphatic
grimpantes. meaning "he is laying down." ***: yowaade,
fuɗ wawlaade, waalaade, lelaade, wahaade,
ngo-nokku Plural Form of
fooccaade, foortaade; compare: waalaade,
Noun: fuɗngooji-nokku. Noun. flore; flora.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. wawlaade, yowaade; synonyms: lelaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fuɗngooji Noun. couvert végétal; plant covering.
Catégorie : Végétaux, Herbes, plantes fukkeede Verb. faire coucher; lie down (to make).
fukkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: fukkingol.
fuɗngooji kokkooji lu’ooji expression. Participles: sing: pukkinɗo-pukkinoowo
légumineuses; leguminous plants. Catégorie plur: fukkinɓe-fukkinooɓe. Sorting
: Nourriture.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
fuɗtere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Verb. 1 • poser, étaler, disposer, déposer,
of Noun: puɗte. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. coucher, placer; set something down that does
Noun. flatulence, pet; flatulence; fart. not have a base; lay; put; place. ***: wallinde,
***: futtere, puytere, puttu, fuytere, yowude, resude, dekude, waɗ waɗtude,
suytere; synonyms: futtere, fuytere, puytere, wattude1, joƴƴ
ƴƴinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suytere. Dialects: M. 2 • faire coucher; lie down (to cause to).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fuɗtude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuɗtugol.
3 • déposer de l'argent à la banque, effectuer
Participles: sing: puɗtuɗo-puɗtoowo plur:
un dépôt; put a deposit down towards a
fuɗtuɓe-fuɗtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, purchase; deposit money in a bank.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb compare: dekude, joƴƴ
ƴƴinde, yowude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter; fart (to); synonyms: wallinde. Dialects: Y,G.
pass gas. ***: puttude, fuusude, suytude,
fukkiniraa Noun. gage; guarantee, pledge, token. ko
fuytude, riiɗ
riiɗude; synonyms: futtude,
fuusude, fuytude, puttude, riiɗ
suytude. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 159
fukkodaade funeejo debbo

fukkodaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fukkodagol. fulunfuudo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
pukkodiiɗo-pukkodotooɗo plur: Noun: fulunfuudooji. Sorting Designation: 3,
fukkodiiɓe-fukkodotooɓe. Sorting at. Noun. poumons (paire); lungs. Catégorie
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in : Le corps. Note : mooré synonyms: kuufe,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. wulsundere, wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere. Dialectal
Verb. avoir des rapports sexuels (humains); Forms: [M] fulumfuduuru
sexual intercourse (to have). ***: hatude, (ndu)/fulumfuduuji (ɗi). Dialects: M.
reewude, yowaade, naaddude, waɗɗ
fummaari Noun. petit déjeuner; breakfast. Catégorie
waaldude, yiitude, hoowude, naatidinde,
: Nourriture. Dialectal Forms: pummaari.
naandude, rentude; synonyms: hatude,
hoowude, naaddude, naandude, fummitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fummitagol.
naatidinde, rentude, reewude, waaldude, Participles: sing:
yiitude, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pummitiiɗo-pummitotooɗo plur:
fummitiiɓe-fummitotooɓe. Sorting
fukkorgal Noun. lit; bed. Catégorie : Équipement de
la maison. Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
fukkude coucher; lie down. Verb. manger à midi, déjeuner; eat lunch;
Fulɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting lunch (eat). ***: wottaade;
Designation: 1, cp. Noun. peuls; Fulani. synonyms: wottaade. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fummude Noun Form of Infinitive: Fummugol.
fulɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fulɗugol. Participles: sing: pummuɗo-pummoowo
Participles: sing: pulɗuɗo plur: fulɗuɓe. plur: fummuɓe-fummooɓe. Sorting
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
1 • avoir un coup long en mince, être beau / Verb. prendre le petit déjeuner; breakfast (eat);
belle, avoir des proportions de corps idéales, eat breakfast. ***: hiirtaade, nyaamude;
être bien proportionné; beautiful (to be); compare: nyaamude, hiirtaade, wottaade.
proportioned (to be well). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: girriɗ
girriɗinde, lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗ
silaade, taƴ
taƴaade, wooɗ
wooɗude; ***: pulaaku,
funcitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: funcitingol.
taƴaade, girriɗ
girriɗinde, silaade, wooɗ
wooɗude, ŋari, Participles: sing: puncitinɗo-puncitoowo

lobbiɗ plur: funcitinɓe-funcitooɓe. Sorting

lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗ arɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • le comportement d'un peul; comportment of Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
a Pullo. compare: pulaaku, ŋari. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na
Dialects: J,Y,G. funcita. Verb. 1 • révéler ce qui est caché,
exposer ce qui est caché; expose that which is
Fulfulde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting hidden; reveal. Ali funcitii moy wujjata be'i
Designation: 1, lg. Noun. la langue peul, amin. Ali a révélé la personne qui a volé nos
fulfuldé; Fulani language; language of the chèvres. Ali exposed who is stealing our goats.
Fulɓe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: suuttude, udditinde;
fulkuru synonyme: ndeeraari, ndeera, basaka . Noun. ***: wanginde, udditinde, suuttude,
estomac; stomach. Catégorie : Le corps. udditinde. Dialects: J,Y.
***: basaka. 2 • reconnaître ou déclarer quelqu'un
coupable; convict. Hannden Ruuhu Ceniiɗ Ceniiɗo
fulnyere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
funcitii ko ngollammi ɗum wooɗ
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This
Aujourd'hui le Saint Esprit m'a montré que ce
annual plant is often found in barren areas or
que je fais est mauvais. Today the Holy Spirit
where water has receded. It is not appetizing.
revealed to me that what I was doing was
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
wrong. synonyms: udditinde. Dialects: J,Y.
Boerhavia repens. Dialects: J,M.
funeejo debbo Noun. jumelle; twin. Catégorie : La

16/02/2020 160
funeejo gorko funude

funeejo gorko Noun. jumeau; twin. Catégorie : La funtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: funtingol.
Personne. Participles: sing: puntinɗo-puntinoowo
funeereejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. plur: funinɓe-puntinooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun: funeereeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. 1 • révéler quelque chose, montrer
Noun. jumeau, jumelle; twin. ***: sakiike;
quelque chose d'inconnu; show something not
compare: sakiike. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
known; reveal something. Tuubaaku funtinii
fungudu Plural Form of Noun: punguɗi. masin kaayniiɗ
kaayniiɗo. Le blanc nous a montré une
synonyme: kataare, keecol . Noun. hanche; machine étonnante. The white man showed us
hip. Catégorie : Le corps. an astonishing machine. Annabaajo
funkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. funtinanii en konngol Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Le prophète
nous a révélé la parole de Dieu. The prophet
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
revealed to us God's word. If you wish to say
of Noun: punke. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. someone explained something to me you need
Noun. ampoule; blister. Catégorie : Maladie. to add the infix -an- as well: funtinande;
synonyms: futtere, futun faaldu; ***: futtere, ***: wanginde, ɓanginde;
futun faaldu. Dialects: G,M. synonyms: ɓanginde, wanginde.
funkude Noun Form of Infinitive: funkugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: punkuɗo-punkoowo plur: 2 • commencer quelque chose de nouveau,
funkuɓe-funkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
commencer une nouvelle chose; begin
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
something new. Mi funtinii wasude kaŋŋ kaŋŋe
Wuro Yaagaaɓ
Yaagaaɓe. J'étais le premier à creuser
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. former une
ampoule; form a blister. Catégorie : Maladie. l'or à Wuro. I was the first to dig for gold in
synonyms: futtude; ***: futtude.
Wuro Yaagaaɓe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M. funtude Noun Form of Infinitive: funtugol.
funntude Verb. apparaître; appear. Participles: sing: puntuɗo-puntoowo plur:
funtuɓe-funtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
funnude Noun Form of Infinitive: funnugol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Participles: sing: punnuɗo-punnoowo plur: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • apparaître
funnuɓe-funnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, soudainement; appear suddenly.
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb ***: wangude, sayude, suuɗsuuɗitaade, si'ude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pousser ou ɓangude, cayam, yaltude, futtude,
bourgeonner, germer; sprout or push up. udditaade, siwtaade; synonyms: ɓangude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. suuɗ
suuɗitaade, udditaade, wangude, yaltude.
funtande Noun Form of Infinitive: funtangol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: puntanɗo-puntanoowo 2 • lorsque l'eau coule dans une maison au
plur: funtanɓe-funtanooɓe. Sorting niveau du sol; when water leaks into a building
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in along the ground. synonyms: futtude, sayude.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: Y,M.
Verb. 1 • apparaître; appear. Laamɗ
Laamɗo funtanii funude Noun Form of Infinitive: funugol.
Muusa dow waamnde. Dieu a apparu à Participles: sing: punuɗo-punoowo plur:
Moise sur une montagne. God appeared to funuɓe-funooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah,
Moses on the mountain. ***: wangande, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
ɓangande, wangude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jumeler; twin
2 • être révélé; revealed (to be). Ko maani (to). synonyms: harɓ
harɓude; ***: harɓ
waɗi Tenkodogo, ɗuum funtanii kam Dialects: J,Y,M.
Koupela. Ce que un tel a fait à Tenkodogo j'ai
entendu a Koupela. What whatishisname did
in Tenkodogo [which was not know there] I
hear about in Koupela. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • trouver quelque chose qui était soit volé ou
perdu; find something. synonyms: ɓangande,
wangande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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fuppitaade furfitaade

fuppitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fuppitagol. furɗ

furɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: furɗugol.
Participles: sing: puppitiiɗo-puppitotooɗo Participles: sing: purɗuɗo-purɗoowo plur:
plur: fuppitiiɓe-fuppitotooɓe. Sorting furɗuɓe-furɗooɓe. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être sale ou poussiéreux; white from dust
Verb. 1 • se lever brusquement et quitter (par or ashes; dusty (to be); dirty (to be). Si
peur ou colère); jump up and suddenly leave. dabbunde warii fu, terɗ
terɗe yimɓ
yimɓe purɗ
***: furfitaade, garbitaade, harbitaade, sabo ɓe cuusaa lootaade. Pendant l'hiver
gurbitaade, farfitaade. Dialects: J,M. tous sont sales car ils n'ont pas le courage de
2 • peut se référer aux yeux lorsqu'on a peur ou se laver (avec l'eau froide). During the winter
après noyade; can refer to the eyes when they everyone is dirty because they are not brave
protrude when afraid or after drowning; enough to bathe [in the cold]. Rawaandu
Nyannde o yoolinoo, gite makko makko wo furdu. Son chien est sale. His dog
puppitake. Lorsqu'il s'est noyé ses yeux is dirty. Hokku ƴi'al ngal furdu ndu, wanaa
étaient perturbés/ saillants. When he had nduuto. Donne cet os au chien poussiéreux, et
drowned his eyes protruded. Nde o yi'unoo non pas à celui-là. Give this bone to the dusty
fowru gite fu makko puppitii. Quand il a vu dog, not to that one there. In addition to the
la hyène ses yeux étaient saillants / grands. normal participles this verb can be used to
When he had seen the hyena his eyes bugged form ajectives for the various noun classes -
out. compare: garbitaade, gurbitaade; Group I ɓe/furɓe, ko1/furo, nde/furde,
ndu/furdu, nge/fure, ngo/furo Group II
synonyms: farfitaade, furfitaade. Dialects: J,M.
ɗe/pure, ɗi/puri, ɗum/purum, kal/pural,
furaade Noun Form of Infinitive: furagol. kol/puol, ngal/pural, ngel/purel, ngol/purol,
o/puro Group III ɗam/puram, ka/pura,
Participles: sing: puriiɗo-purotooɗo plur:
ki/puri, ko2/puro, koy/puroy, ndi/purdi,
furiiɓe-furotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nga/pura, ngi/puri, ngu/puru. ***: niɓɓ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
wuunɗude, tuunude, sollaare, puru,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tester,
erƴude, nyerƴ
nyerƴude, fuunude;
examiner; test; examine with a story problem.
compare: ŋerƴ
erƴude, nyerƴ
nyerƴude, niɓɓ
***: makkitaade, mantaade, heennaade,
puru; synonyms: tuunude, wuunɗ
jarribaade, purol, mawninde, toownude,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ƴotaade, daasude, ndaartindaade;
synonyms: ndaartindaade, jarribaade. furfata Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number
Dialects: J,Y. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • agir avec arrogance envers d'autres parc Noun: furfataaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
qu'on est plus éduqué qu'eux ou plus riche aluminium ou un métal léger, fer; aluminum or
qu'eux; to act with conceit and arrogance a light metal like tin. ***: fuufa, mbudu,
towards others because you have more
danndaku, alhan, njamndi;
education; better grades or more wealth or
synonyms: danndaku, fuufa, mbudu;
power than they have. Dialects: M.
compare: njamndi. Dialects: M.
3 • tirer, traîner, emmener; drag. Muusa, war,
fura leɗɗ
ɗɗe ɗeen. Moussa est venu ici et a furfitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: furfitagol.
traîné ce bois. Muusa come here and drag this Participles: sing: purfitiiɗo-purfitotooɗo
wood. synonyms: daasude; compare: purol. plur: furfitiiɓe-furfitotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: G. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se lever brusquement et quitter; hut or
thicket of bushes. synonyms: farfitaade,
fuppitaade; ***: garbitaade, harbitaade,
gurbitaade, farfitaade, fuppitaade;
compare: garbitaade, gurbitaade.
Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 162
furkaade futtere

furkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: furkagol. fuskere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: purkiiɗo-purkotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
furkiiɓe-furkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: puske. Sorting Designation: 3, dh.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb Noun. un abcès au bas du pied; abscess on the
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. réagir vite
bottom of a foot. Catégorie : Maladie.
sans penser beaucoup, être imprudent, ***: ɓuure. Dialectal Forms: [J] fusukere.
irréfléchi; reckless; react quickly without Dialects: J.
thinking about; heedless. Mi hawri Yuusufi, fusude Noun Form of Infinitive: fusugol.
na furkoo, yaade luumo. I met Yuusufi he
Participles: sing: pusuɗo-pusoowo plur:
was hurrying to market. synonyms: fuunyaade;
fusuɓe-fusooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
***: fuunyaade. Dialects: J,G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
furkaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • exploser,
Designation: 4. Noun. précipitation irréfléchi, craquer, éclater, briser; break; explode.
inconscient, imprudence, abandon; ***: fellude, fottude, futtude;
recklessness; heedless rushing; abandon. synonyms: fellude, fottude, futtude.
synonyms: fuunyaare; ***: fuunyaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: G. 2 • drainer, purger, s'écouler, crever (comme
furne Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
un abcès ou œuf pourri); pop open; drain.
synonyms: fottude, futtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: furneeji. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. futta-
utta-ɓoloore Noun. furoncle, abcès, kyste de
Noun. chaudière pour cuisiner ou faire du thé; lamblias; boil; furuncle; abscess. Catégorie
brazier; furnace (little). Note : français Dialectal : Maladie.
Forms: [Y] furna, [M] furno. Dialects: J,G. futte Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
furundurde Noun Form of Infinitive: furundurgol. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: Noun: futteeji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
purundurɗo-purunduroowo plur: bœuf ou vache donné pour sécuriser un
mariage, dot de mariage; bride price; dowry.
furundurɓe-furundurooɓe. Sorting
***: mbardi, hoowruge;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: hoowruge. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. rivaliser avec, être en compétition / futtere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
concours; compete. ***: ɓurundurde; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: ɓurundurde. Dialects: J,Y. of Noun: putte. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. 1 • éruption au niveau de la peau, avoir
furwude Noun Form of Infinitive: furwugol. Sorting
une éruption de boutons; nodular eruption of
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
the skin; pimple. ***: futtere, fuɗ
fuɗtere, fuyre,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
puytere, funkere, puttu, fuytere, suytere,
Verb. lorsque des ânes ou chevaux soufflent de
sorte que leurs lèvres vibrent; this refers to a futun faaldu; synonyms: fuyre.
noise that donkeys and horses make when they Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
blow and let their lips vibrate. 2 • ampoule; blister. Catégorie : Maladie.
synonyms: farnaade, farude, firnude; synonyms: funkere, futun faaldu.
***: firnude
firnude; compare: hanude, hijude. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: G. 3 • flatulence; gas; flatulence.
fus Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. rien, pas du tout; synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtere, futtere, fuytere, puytere,
not at all; nothing. Mi heɓ
heɓaay fus. Je n'avais suytere. Dialects: M.
rien. I had nothing. ***: faa'e, fay, fey, fes,
fuy; synonyms: fay, faa'e, fes, fey, fuy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 163
futtinde fuufude

futtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: futtingol. fuudo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: puttinɗo-puttinoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
futtinɓe-futtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: puude. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb anus, rectum; anus; rectum. Catégorie : Le
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • lancer corps. compare: hottere; ***: moddu
un regard furieux; glare at someone. Baaba hottere; synonyms: rotere, rubbere.
futtinii gite faa hulɓ
hulɓina sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe Le père a Dialects: J,Y,M.
lancé un regard furieux à l'enfant pour lui fuuɗ
fuuɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fuuɗagol.
faire peur. Father glared in order to frighten
Participles: sing: puuɗiiɗo-puuɗotooɗo
the children. ***: ƴeppitaade, suutinaade;
plur: fuuɗiiɓe-fuuɗotooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: ɗuurtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • regarder fixement; stare.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: suutinaade, ƴeppitaade.
Verb. colorer ou teindre la peau avec un
Dialects: J.
produit noir; dye your skin. ***: lalle, lelle,
futtoore Noun. cloque; blister. puddi2; compare: puddi1. Dialects: J,Y.
futtude Noun Form of Infinitive: futtugol. Sorting fuuɗ
fuuɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: fuuɗegol.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: puuɗaaɗo-puuɗeteeɗo
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. plur: fuuɗaaɓe-fuuɗeteeɓe. Sorting
Verb. 1 • éclater (chambre à air, pneu, ballon), Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
exploser (bombe); explode. ***: funtude, Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
funkude, fellude, fusude, fottude, puttude, Verb. avoir les pieds ou paumes peint en noir ;
sayude, fuusude, suytude, fusude, si'ude, to have your feet or palms dyed black.
fuytude, riiɗ
riiɗude, fuɗ
fuɗtude; synonyms: fellude, Dialects: J,Y.
fottude, fusude. Dialects: Y,G. fuuɗ
fuuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuuɗugol.
2 • formation d'un nodule ou abcès; the Participles: sing: puuɗuɗo-puuɗoowo plur:
formation of nodules or abscesses. Catégorie
fuuɗuɓe-fuuɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
: Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
3 • formation d'un ampoule ou des nuages
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mettre le
avant la pluie; the formation of a blister or
henné, noircir la peau, colorer la peau en noir
even of rain clouds; Mi remii han faa juuɗ
juuɗe (pieds ou paume); dye someone's skin.
am fuu putti. J'ai cultivé aujourd'hui jusqu'à compare: puddi
puddi1. Dialects: J,Y.
ce que mes mains avaient plein d'ampoules. I
hoed today until my hand were all blistered. fuufa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
synonyms: funkude. Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 3. Noun. aluminium, métal léger;
4 • lorsque l'eau coule dans un bâtiment au aluminum; metal (light); tin.
niveau du sol; when water leaks into a building synonyms: danndaku, furfata, mbudu;
along the ground. synonyms: funtude, sayude, ***: furfata, mbudu, danndaku, alhan,
si'ude. Dialects: Y,G. njamndi, janndi; compare: njamndi. Dialectal
5 • péter; pass gas. Dialects: M. Forms: [M] fuufata. Dialects: Y.

futun faaldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. fuufude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuufugol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: puufuɗo-puufoowo plur:
of Noun: putun paali. Sorting Designation: 3, fuufuɓe-fuufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
mt. Noun. ampoule; blister. ***: funkere, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
futtere; synonyms: funkere, futtere. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • souffler;
Dialects: J,Y. blow. ***: purƴ
purƴaade, puusaade, uppude,
wifude, uppude, rigisaade, ulude, gidaade,
futuro Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
suusinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1. Noun. crépuscule, obscurité;
2 • pulvériser, vaporiser; spray.
dusk; twilight; sundown. Catégorie : Ciel.
synonyms: purƴ
purƴaade, puusaade. Dialects: J.
***: janal naange. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

fuu Sorting Designation: 1. adj. tous, tout, toutes;

all. ***: kala; synonyms: kala.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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fuugum fuusude
3 • encourager ou provoquer quelqu'un de 5 • être sale ou crasseux / dégueulasse; dirty;
faire quelque chose; provoke someone to do filthy. compare: puundi, ufude;
something; encourage to do. synonyms: furɗ
furɗude, ŋerƴ
erƴude, tuunude.
synonyms: semmbinde, suusinde, ulude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
uppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • intimider en menaçant de faire du mal, fuunyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fuunyagol.
effrayer avec des menaces, menacer; to Participles: sing: puunyiiɗo-puunyotooɗo
frighten someone with threats; to intimidate plur: fuunyiiɓe-fuunyotooɓe. Sorting
someone by threatening to harm them. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: gidaade, rigisaade. Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. réagir vite sans réfléchir, imprudent,
5 • souffler de l'air dans le vagin d'une vache irréfléchi; reckless; react quickly without
pour aider que le lait vient; to blow air into the thinking; heedless. Ndemiraa ɗo hakkillo,
vagina of a newly freshened cow to help let the taa puunyoɗ
puunyoɗaa, sabo aawre nde na famɗ
milk down. compare: wifude; Becareful how you hoe here, don't rush,
synonyms: uppude. Dialects: J,G. because the plants are small. Haamidu wo
fuugum Noun. hibou; owl. Catégorie : Oiseau. puunyotooɗ
puunyotooɗo e haala. Haamidu is
heedless/reckless with his speech.
compare: biigamiimolel, juuriire, ngooƴ
***: furkaade; compare: haraade;
fuukoode Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. synonyms: furkaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
fuunyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
of Noun: puukooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh.
Noun. goitre; goiter. Catégorie : Maladie. Designation: 4. Noun. précipitation irréfléchie,
imprudence, abandon; recklessness; heedless
***: yookoode, yokkoode;
rushing; abandon. Gilla wo mi suka baabam
synonyms: yookoode. Dialects: G.
wi'ii kam, "fuunyaare na bonna golle."
fuumt-a synonyme: eeror-e, wowlir-e. Verb. Since I was a child my father told me,
prononcer, se prononcer ; to pronounce, "recklessness ruins the work." ***: furkaare;
utter . Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: furkaare. Dialects: J,Y,M.
fuunude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: fuusaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fuusagol.
"Imo fuuna" refers to a person who has
Participles: sing: puusiiɗo-puusotooɗo
gained and lost several fortunes plur: fuusiiɓe-fuusotooɓe. Sorting
(puunoowo). They would prefer saying Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
"njamndi ndi na fuuni" or that "metal is Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
rusty" than "njamndi ndi na fuuna" or Verb. taquiner, dire des choses inappropriées;
"that metal is rusting," although both are say inappropriate things; tease. Note : arabe
possible.. Noun Form of Infinitive: fuunugol. synonyms: leekude, jefutaade, toolaade;
Participles: sing: puunuɗo-puunoowo plur: ***: jefutaade, toolaade, leekude. Dialects: J.
fuunuɓe-fuunooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
fuusude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuusugol.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Participles: sing: puusuɗo-puusoowo plur:
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • rouiller
fuusuɓe-fuusooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
(métal) ou pourrir (bois, dents); decay; rust
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
(metal); teeth). ***: puundi, tunsude, ufude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter; fart;
synonyms: tunsude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pass gas slightly. ***: puttude, suytude
2 • modeler; mold. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fuytude, riiɗ
riiɗude, fuɗ
3 • devenir riche; wealthy (to become). Maani synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtude, futtude, fuytude,
fuunii sanne! Il est devenu riche. He has puttude, riiɗ
riiɗude, suytude. Dialects: J,Y.
become wealthy!; [J,Y] or to have been
wealthy for a long time. synonyms: ɓawlitinde.
Dialects: J.
4 • lorsque une jeune personne devient adulte;
when a young person reaches adulthood.
synonyms: baaligaade, hayaade, hillifeede,
mawnude. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 165
fuutaade ga'a

fuutaade Noun Form of Infinitive: fuutagol. Sorting fuy Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. rein, pas du tout;
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in not at all; nothing. Mi heɓ
heɓaay fuy. ***: faa'e,
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. fus, fay, fey, fes; synonyms: fay, faa'e, fes,
Verb. 1 • lorsque le cœur batte fort après un fey, fus. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
effort; for one's heart to race after an exertion;
Ɓernde am fuuteke sabo mi doggii sanne.
fuyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Mon cœur batte vite parce que j'ai couru vite. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
My heart is racing because I ran hard. of Noun: puƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt, dh.
***: sukkude, wuttaade; synonyms: sukkude. Noun. 1 • bouton, furoncle, éruption nodulaire
Dialects: J. de la peau, vésicule, ampoule; nodular
eruption of the skin; vesicle. Catégorie
2 • gonfler, augmenter, enfler à cause de
maladie ou blessure; swell from disease or : Maladie. ***: gunya, futtere.
injury. Moyni fuuti sanne. Il est gonflé. He is Dialects: J,Y,M.
really puffed up. synonyms: wuttaade. 2 • bouton sur la peau; pimple.
Dialects: G,M. synonyms: futtere; compare: gunya, puƴ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
fuuyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. bêtise, folie; foolishness.
fuytere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: cuubu, safiyaaku, puuyndam; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: cuubu, safiyaaku, puuyndam. of Noun: puyte. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. flatulence, pet, gaz; gas; flatulence; fart.
Dialects: J,G.
***: futtere, fuɗ
fuɗtere, puytere, puttu,
fuuytinkinaade Noun Form of suytere; synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtere, futtere, puytere,
Infinitive: fuuytinkinagol. Participles: sing: suytere. Dialects: G,M.
puuytinkiniiɗo-puuytinkinotooɗo plur:
fuytude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuytugol.
fuuytinkiniiɓe-fuuytinkinotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: puytuɗo-puytoowo plur:
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
fuytuɓe-fuytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, mt.
Plural: f/p. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. choisir d'agir comme un fou; to choose to Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
act like a fool - this would not be the person's Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter; fart;
normal behavior as with a "puuyɗo" or pass gas slightly. ***: puttude, fuusude,
"cuubaaɗo". ***: puuyɗ
puuyɗo, suubinkinaade; suytude, riiɗ
riiɗude, fuɗ
synonyms: suubinkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtude, futtude, fuusude,
fuuyude Noun Form of Infinitive: fuuyugol. puttude, riiɗ
riiɗude, suytude. Dialects: G,M.

Participles: sing: puuyuɗo-puuyoowo plur:

fuuyuɓe-fuuyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. manquer de
discernement, agir comme un fou; lack
discernment; act like a fool. ***: puuyndam,
mehaade, suubeede; synonyms: suubeede;
compare: puuyndam, mehaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

G - g

ga1 Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. ici; here. ga'a Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ko.
synonyms: ɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
Noun: ga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. un
ga2 Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. lequel, qui;
très gros taureau; bull (a very large). Catégorie
which. ***: ɗo, ɗon2, ɗoon, nga. Dialects: G.
: Mammifère. ***: nga'a; synonyms: nga'a,
2 • dpn. celui, cela; that; this. synonyms: nga.
nga'al, nga'i. Dialects: G.
Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 166
ga'al gaasi
2 • nombres de 0-9, unité; mathematically the
ga'al Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ko.
group of single digit integers; i.e. 0-9. suudu
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
gaale, suudu capanɗ
capanɗe, suudu keme, suudu
Noun: ga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. un
très gros taureau; bull (a very large). ujunaaje gaale, suudu ujunaaje cepanɗ
synonyms: nga'al, nga'a, nga'i; ***: nga'al. suudu ujunaaje keme unités, dizaines,
centaines, milles, unités de dix-milles, unités
Dialects: G.
de centaines de milliers. ones, tens,
ga'i1 Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gi plur: ko. hundreds,single thousands, tens of thousands,
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of hundreds of thousands. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: ga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. un gaanay Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
gros taureau; bull (a large). Catégorie
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
: Mammifère. synonyms: nga'i, nga'a, nga'al;
Noun: ganaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
***: nga'i. Dialects: G. Noun. espèce d'arbre avec fruits
ga'i2 Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting consommables; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Diospyros mespiliformis.
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. taureaux; bulls.
***: ngaanaahi, nelɓ
nelɓi; synonyms: nelɓ
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngaanaahi. Dialects: G.
gaaci Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
gaande synonyme: wakawal-ɓernde. Noun. thorax;
Designation: 4. Noun. musique (musique de
guitare); music; guitar music. thorax. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: gannde,
compare: hoddu, munkaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gabaare, wakawal-
wakawal-ɓecce; synonyms: domre.

gaafal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Gaani Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • le troisième mois de
l'année lunaire; third month of the lunar year.
Noun: gaafe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
poutre sur laquelle on met d'autres bois pour Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
le toit; beam. ***: puccuwal; 2 • la fête de la naissance de Mohammed /
Mahomet, Mouloud; feast of Mohammed's
synonyms: puccuwal. Dialects: Y.
birthday; Mouloud (feast). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gaafol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
gaaraasi Noun. fils, ficelles; strings; threads; cords.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: gaafi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. gaarawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
abreuvoir fait d'argile cuite; watering trough. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Récipient. compare: yarnirgal; Noun: gaaraaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
synonyms: walka; ***: akalal, walka. Dialectal ficelle ou fil fait de coton ou matériaux
Forms: [M] gaawol. Dialects: Y,G,M. synthétiques; string; thread. ***: ɓorowol,
ɓoggol; synonyms: ɓorowol. Dialectal
gaafol ndiyam tuunɗ
tuunɗam expression. égouts;
sewers. Catégorie : Eau. Forms: [J,Y,G,M] gaarowol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gaajaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gaajagol. gaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.

Participles: sing: gaajiiɗo-gaajotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
gaajiiɓe-gaajotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: ga'i. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
taureau; bull. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • converser ou bavarder avec quelqu'un, synonyms: ngaari; compare: ɓujiri, kalahaldi;
provoquer, défier; provoke; converse; ***: ngaari. Dialects: G.
challenge; chat with someone.
gaarowol Noun. fil, ficelle; yarn; string; thread.
synonyms: fillaade, yeewtude; ***: wi'ude,
yewtude, yeewtude, fillaade. gaasa Noun. cheveux; hair. Catégorie : Le corps.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gaasi Plural Form of Noun: gaasiiji. Variante: gaazi.
2 • parler de manière amoureuse avec Noun. gaz; gas. Note : français
quelqu'un du sexe opposé, flirter; flirt.
compare: haalude, wi'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gaale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting

Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • chapelet, rosaire;
rosary beads. Dialects: J,M.

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gaasol gabbel

gaasol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. gaaye Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Designation: 3, dh. n/adv/prep. 1 • varicelle;
Noun: gaasi. Sorting Designation: 4, mi. Noun. chicken pox. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: batte,
1 • longe cheveu de queue de cheval ou bœuf; hajja, targambasi, gam, saabe, gan1, barga;
hair of the horse's or cow's tail. ***: leembol, synonyms: barga, hajja, targambasi.
hoddu, ngaasa
ngaasa, geegeeru, jurkel, Dialects: J,G.
googineeru, ɓorowol, wuyko, ɓoggol, 2 • sans; without. Kawrital waɗ
waɗaay gaaye
yeegineeru, sukundu; compare: ngaasa. maa. Il n'y avait pas de réunion sans toi. No
Dialects: J,Y,M. meeting was held without you. Bita waawaa
2 • corde d'un instrument musical; string on a
waɗeede gaaye ndiyam. On ne peut pas faire
stringed instrument. compare: geegeeru, «bita» sans eau. You cannot make bita without
hoddu, jurkel, yeegineeru. Dialectal water. synonyms: batte. Dialects: J.
Forms: [G] gaacol. Dialects: J,Y,M. 3 • à cause de, parce que; because of. Mi
gaatere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. soodiraay nagge nge gaaye maa, ammaa
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form faa en fuu keɓ
keɓen nawtoroɗ
nawtoroɗennge waɗ waɗi de
of Noun: gaate. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. coodumi nge. Je n'ai pas acheté cette vache à
rot; burp. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cause de toi, mais je l'ai achetée pour le bien
de nous tous. I didn't buy that cow just because
gaatude Noun Form of Infinitive: gaatugol. of you, but I bought it so that all of us would
Participles: sing: gaatuɗo-gaatoowo plur: benifit. synonyms: fii, gam, gan1, gam, saabe.
gaatuɓe-gaatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
gaazol emprunt: français. Noun. gazole; diesel, fuel
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. roter, faire un oil. Catégorie : Voyager.
rot; burp. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gabaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gabagol.
gaawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: gabiiɗo-gabotooɗo plur:
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of gabiiɓe-gabotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun: gaawe. Noun. lance courte; spear (a Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
short). Catégorie : Outil. ***: labbo2, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • attraper
tawsaade, gawaade, loohaade, fiɗ fiɗude, brusquement, saisir; snatch; grab suddenly.
ɓaaru; compare: labbo1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: gabitaade, jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gaawol Variante: gaafol. Noun. abreuvoir, bassin; 2 • attraper quelque chose qu'on vous lance,
watering trough. Catégorie : Récipient. intercepter, attraper dans l'air; catch
something thrown to you.
Dialectal Forms: gaafol.
synonyms: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade. Dialects: G.
Gaawoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
gabaare Noun. thorax; thorax. ***: wakawal-
Designation: 5, lg. Noun. dialecte fulfuldé de la
région de Gao au Mali; A dialect of Fulfulde synonyms: gaande, domre, gannde.
originating in the Gao region of Mali. gabbaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur:
***: Gurmaare
Gurmaare, Jelgoore, Foynankoore, gabbaaje. Number One for this noun: wootere.
Maasinankoore, Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Plural Form of Noun: ɗe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Yaangaare, Moosiire, Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere; at. Noun. poitrine, thorax; thorax; chest.
compare: Foynankoore, Gurmaare, Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: ɓernde
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore, Liptaakuure, gannde; ***: gannde, ngaandi, ɓernde.
Maasinankoore, Moosiire, Nommaare, Dialects: G.
Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gabbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
gaawoy ndiyam Noun. flaques d’eaux; pools of Designation: 2, cs. Noun. graines, grains,
standing water. pépins, semences, céréales; seeds; grains.
Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
synonyms: wabbere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gabbel Noun. gramme; gram. Catégorie

: Mathématique. synonyms: garam.

16/02/2020 168
gabbi gadel
2 • insulter, nuire à, ternir, provoquer; injure;
gabbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
insult; provoke. synonyms: suuritinde,
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. hippopotame (bébé);
hippopotamus. Catégorie : Mammifère. toonyaade, wajude, wasaade, yennude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y,G,M.
3 • persécuter; persecute. Idrissa gacceke
gabbu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Jibo ɓolum sabo uddowii ɗum
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
gendarmar ɓe. Idrissa a persécuté Jibo sans
of Noun: gabbi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
raison. Idrissa persecuted Jibo for no reason
Noun. hippopotame; hippopotamus. Catégorie
because he had the gendarmes lock him up.
: Mammifère. Hippopotamus amphibius
synonyms: husinbinde
husinbinde, jarribaade, riibande,
kiboko. ***: ngabbu; synonyms: ngabbu.
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, toonyaade,
Dialects: G.
torrude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
gabitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gabitagol.
gacce Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Participles: sing: gabitiiɗo-gabitotooɗo
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • insultes, injures,
plur: gabitiiɓe-gabitotooɓe. Sorting
affronts; insults. ***: yennoore, feloore,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
wajoore, nyiŋ
nyiŋoore; synonyms: wajoore,
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. arracher à quelqu'un, prendre de yennoore. Dialects: Y,G,M.
quelqu'un, saisir, accaparer; grab; snatch 2 • défaut, faute, reproche, accusation, en
from someone. ***: jaɓ
jaɓude, yanude1, vouloir à; blame; fault. synonyms: feloore,
teetude, doolɗ
doolɗude, jamrude; nyiŋ
nyiŋoore. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude, gabaade, jaɓjaɓude, gaccude Noun Form of Infinitive: gaccagol.
teetude, yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: gaccuɗo-gacciiɗo plur:
gabuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. gaccuɓe-gacciiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
of Noun: gabuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, or. quelque chose qui plonge dans l'embarras,
Noun. milan noir, faucon, épervier; kite; hawk; embarrasser, honnir ou humilier quelqu'un;
black kite. Catégorie : Oiseau. Milvus nigrans. shame somebody; embarrass; humiliate
***: silgaare, ceda, siilde; synonyms: siilde, someone else. ***: ennude, semtinde,
silgaare. Dialects: J,Y,G. hersinde, aybinde, sentinde;
synonyms: aybinde, hersinde, semtinde.
ɓɓugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: gaɓɓule. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
gaddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gaddagol.
Noun. mâchoire, mandibule, joue (en fait ce Participles: sing: gaddiiɗo-gaddotooɗo
terme se réfère aux os du visage); cheek; jaw; plur: gaddiiɓe-gaddotooɓe. Sorting
mandible. Catégorie : Le corps. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
***: gaɓɓ
ɓɓulal, golal; synonyms: bokal, golal. Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialectal Forms: gaɓɓulal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. calomnier, diffamer, décrier, rapporter;
ɓɓulal Noun. mâchoire; jaw. Catégorie : Le corps. slander; malign; report. Nuuhu gaddeke
synonyms: gaɓɓ
ɓɓugal. Mumini, wi'i o hokkii jooro ɓoccooɗ
gertooɗe am. Nouhou a calomnié Moumouni
gaccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gaccagol. disant qu'il a donné les œufs de ses poules au
Participles: sing: gacciiɗo-gaccotooɗo plur: chef. Nuuhu maligned Mumini, said he gave
gacciiɓe-gaccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. the chief my chicken's eggs.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb synonyms: hujjaade, jurkude, mbonkaade,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • commettre munaafikaade; ***: waddondirde.
un acte qui fait honte; commit an act which Dialects: J,Y,G.
results in shaming yourself. ***: toonyaade, gadel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting
husinbinde, toonyaade, riibande, sentude,
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. fièvre éphémère,
tiinnande, torrude, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, semtude, fièvre de trois jours (virus bovin); ephemeral
hersude, saƴƴ
ƴƴ inde , jarribaade , aybude, fever; fever (three day). Catégorie : Maladie
toonyaade; synonyms: aybude, hersude, d'animaux. ***: baaliga, tonngogel, omre;
hoyude, semtude. Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: baaliga, omre, tonngogel.
Dialectal Forms: [M] gadedel. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 169
gadin galmaare

gadin Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. naggal gal une
nouveau; again. ***: kasen, gatin, katin, grande vache. a big cow. synonyms: ngal.
gasin, kadin; synonyms: gasin, gatin, kadin, Dialects: G.
kasen, katin. Dialects: Y,M. galaasi synonyme: malmalluure, maramalluure .
Noun. glace; ice. Catégorie : Eau.
gaɗa Sorting Designation: 1. prep. 1 • après, plus tard,
synonyms: ɓooɗ
ensuite; after; afterward. ***: caggal, ɓaawo1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Galaatiya Sorting Designation: nbl. Noun. la région de
2 • derrière; behind. synonyms: ɓaawo1,
Galatie en Asie Mineure d'antan (de nos jours
c'est en Turquie); the region of Galatia in
caggal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ancient Asia Minor; now in modern day
gaɗa junngo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: Turkey. Note : grec Dialects: biblical.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Galaatiyankooɓ
Galaatiyankooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
Form of Noun: gaɗa juuɗe. Sorting la lettre que Paul a écrit aux Galates; Paul's
Designation: 1, at. Noun. le dos de la main; letter of Galatians address to the churches of
back of the hand. Catégorie : Le corps. the Galatia region. Note : grec
***: junngo1, danki junngo; Dialects: biblical.
compare: junngo1; synonyms: danki junngo. galbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
gaɗawal Plural Form of Noun: gaɗaaje. Noun. patte Noun: galbe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
arrière; hind leg. Catégorie : Parties d’un parc à bestiaux, enclos pour vacciner les
animal. animaux; stockyard; corral; vaccination park.
***: kokuwol, hoggo; synonyms: hoggo,
gafakka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
kokuwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Noun: gafakkaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. gale Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. qui,
Noun. 1 • petit sac, sac à dos, cartable; bag (a quel, lequel; which for the noun class "gal".
small); knapsack or satchel. Catégorie Le'al gale keluɗ
keluɗaa? Quel bol en bois as-ut
: Récipient. ***: bokkasaare, sumalle, cassé ? Which wooden bowl did you break?
gempeere, bootooru, mbasu, mbarallaawu
mbarallaawu. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi faamii le'al gale o
2 • sacoche de selle; saddlebag. heli. Je sais quel bol il a cassé. I know which
synonyms: gempeere. Dialects: M. wooden bowl he broke.
3 • un sac de grains qu'on fixe à la tête du synonyms: ngale. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O
cheval; a sack of grain hung from a horse's faami gale o heli. Elle sait lequel il a cassé.
head. compare: bokkasaare, mbasu, She knows which (one/bowl) he broke.
mbarallaawu, sumalle. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Galili Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. Galilée;
gaggitere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Galilee. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
galle Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
of Noun: gaggitte. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyme: ƴakkirde. Noun. molaire (dent);
molar tooth. Catégorie : Le corps. Noun: galleeji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
ménage, maison, cour, concession; yard;
compare: hooreere, musinirde, ngaŋ
household; courtyard; compound. Catégorie
yareere, rawaanduure; ***: sakkitirde,
: Bâtiment. compare: tariyaare;
gawuure1, nyiinde, yareere, ƴakkirde,
synonyms: ɓaade, wuro; ***: tariyaare,
hooreere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ, musinirde, rawaanduure;
ɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: gawuure1, nyiinde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
galle laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo Noun. cour royale; chief's compound.
gajame Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. espèce de vipère; puff
gallu Noun. ville; city; town.
adders. Catégorie : Reptile. Dialects: Y.
galmaare Noun. louche; ladle. Catégorie : Récipient,
gal Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. qui, lequel, quel;
which. ***: ngal. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 170
galmol ganndeeje

galmol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi. gan2 Noun. gant; glove. Catégorie : Vêtement. Note :
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of français
Noun: [G] galmi/[M] galmooji. Sorting gandahoy Noun Class Markers: plur: ko. Number One
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sillon fait en for this noun: wooto. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
labourant la terre; furrow created by hoeing or Noun. espèce de plante; An annual plant found
plowing. compare: ƴoolde; ***: kubbol, on sand dunes in the Sahel. Catégorie : Herbes,
tampaanuwol, kubbol; synonyms: kubbol, plantes grimpantes. Ceratotheca
tampaanuwol. Dialects: G,M. sesamoides. Dialects: J.

galon Noun. galon; stripe. Note : français gangaaji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 4, in. Noun. grandes termites;
galse Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting termites (large); large termites. Catégorie
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. lait caillé; milk curds. : Insecte. Dialectal Forms: [G] gangaaje.
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: kosam Dialects: J,M.
aaniiɗam. Dialects: J,Y.
gangaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
galwagadoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural of Noun: gangaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
Form of Noun: galwagadooje. Sorting Noun. espèce de termite qui vit dans une
Designation: 3. Noun. œuf non fécondé; termitière et fait des tunnels; termite that lives
unfertilized egg; egg (unfertilized). in a termite hill. Catégorie : Insecte.
***: hennduure; synonyms: hennduure. compare: kurbaanaanu, yeebiiwu, yoobiiwu;
Dialects: M. ***: yeebiiwu, ngangaawu, yoobiiwu,
mooƴu, kurbaanaanu;
gam Sorting Designation: 2. adv/conj. parce que, à
cause de, puisque, car; since; because of; synonyms: ngangaawu, mooƴ mooƴu. Dialects: Y,M.
because. ***: batte, ngam, gaaye, gaaye, gangariiji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
kammbari, saabe, gan1; synonyms: batte, fii, Designation: 4, mi. Noun. tambours ou
gaaye, gan1, kammbari, ngam, saabe. tam-tams; tom toms; drums. Catégorie
Dialects: Y,G. : Instrument de musique. Dialects: J.

gami Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting ganndal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 2. Noun. danse; dancing. Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form
***: bami, wamude, bomi; of Noun: gannde. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
compare: wamude; synonyms: bami, bomi. long bâton pour le lit; long stick of Fulani bed.
Dialects: M. ***: gatal, nyiɓ
nyiɓal leeso; compare: gatal,
nyiɓal. Dialects: J.
gammbuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural ganndal-
ganndal-limooje Noun. arithmétique; arithmetic.
Form of Noun: gammbuuji. Sorting Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: anndal
Designation: 4. Noun. filet de pêche; fishing net. limoore.
Catégorie : Outil. ***: taaliwol, fiiliwol, gannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Plural Form of
bubbol; synonyms: bubbol, fiiliwol, taaliwol. Noun: ganɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. n/prep.
Dialects: M. 1 • thorax, poitrine; thorax. ***: ɓannge,
gampuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. gabbaare, wecco1, ɗakkol1, takkol, gabaare;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of synonyms: gabbaare, wecco1, gaande, ɓerol.
Noun: gampuuje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
porte; door. ***: dammbugal, ommbirgal, 2 • à côté de; next to. synonyms: ɓannge,
baafal; compare: dammbugal; ɗakkol1, takkol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: baafal, ommbirgal. ganndeeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, da. Noun. infection respiratoire
gan1 Sorting Designation: 2. adv/conj. parce que, à des bovins; respiratory infection (affects
cause de, puisque; since; because of; because. cattle). Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
***: batte, ngam, sabu, gaaye, kammbari, ***: ɓerɗ
erɗe, balaaje; synonyms: balaaje,
gam, saabe; synonyms: batte, fii, gaaye, gam, ɓerɗ
erɗe. Dialects: J.
kammbari, ngam, saabe. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 171
ganndi gariibu

ganndi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting gara Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 4, cs. Noun. touffes d'herbe laissés One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
après une culture rapide d'un champ; tufts of Noun: garaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
grass left after a half hazard hoeing of a field. espèce de plante utilisé pour teinture, teinture;
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. dye. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
***: daalimpo, semmbere; Indigofera tinctoria. synonyms: sigini, siini;
synonyms: daalimpo, semmbere. Dialectal ***: sigini, siini. Dialects: J,M,Y.
Forms: [J] gani. Dialects: M.
garam Variante: garaam. Noun. gramme; gram.
ganndol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Catégorie : Mathématique. Note : français
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of ***: gabbel.
Noun: ganndi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
garbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: garbingol.
harnais pour attacher la selle; harness for
Participles: sing: garbinɗo-garbinoowo
attaching the saddle. ***: lukure, kirke, ɓerol;
plur: garbinɓe-garbinooɓe. Sorting
compare: kirke; synonyms: ɓerol, lukure.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: Y.
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ganngiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Verb. demander,mendier, supplier; beg. Note :
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form arabe compare: ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, filaade, ŋaaraade,
of Noun: ganngiije. Sorting Designation: 4. ŋeenyo, rookaade; ***: rookaade, ŋeenyo,
Noun. espèce d'étagère au fond du lit; rack at ŋaaraade, filaade, ɗaɓɓude
the foot of the bed. compare: deege; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: deege. Dialects: M.
garbitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: garbitagol.
ganya ganyalo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: Participles: sing: garbitiiɗo-garbitotooɗo
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural plur: garbitiiɓe-garbitotooɓe. Sorting
Form of Noun: ganya ganyalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3, th. Noun. personne avide, Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
jalouse, égoïste; personne odieuse qui Verb. se lever brusquement; spring up all of a
supporte mal lorsque quelqu'un d'autre est sudden. ***: fuppitaade, harbitaade,
bénie; greedy person; jealous person; selfish
person; hateful person who resents anyone furfitaade, gurbitaade, farfitaade;
else having any sort of a blessing. compare: farfitaade, furfitaade, fuppitaade
synonyms: wanyandereejo; synonyms: gurbitaade, harbitaade. Dialectal
***: wanyandereejo; compare: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, Forms: [J,Y] garbisaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wanyande, woroɗ
woroɗinde. Dialects: M. garbuure Noun. canari; water pot. Catégorie
ganyaandi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting : Récipient.

Designation: 3. Noun. haine, inimité, hostilité; gargasaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
enmity; hatred. ***: nganyaandi; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: ganyo, wanyude
wanyude; Noun: gargasaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
synonyms: nganyaandi. Dialects: G. Noun. tanneur, cordonnier, bijoutier; jeweler;
tanner; cobbler; leather worker. Catégorie : La
ganyo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Personne. compare: jappaajo, koosaajo;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: kosoojo, maabo, jappaajo, koosaajo;
Noun: [J,Y,G,M] wayɓe, [J,Y] wanyuɓe. Sorting
synonyms: jappaajo, zappaajo.
Designation: 3. Noun. ennemi(e); enemy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: nganyaandi, ganyaandi, wanyude;
compare: wanyude, nganyaandi.
gariibu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: gariibuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
gappal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun. étudiant / élève coranique qui mendie
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of pour vivre, mendiant; Koranic student who
Noun: gappe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun. begs for his sustenance; beggar. Catégorie : La
boisson faite de : farine de mil, piment rouge, Personne. Note : arabe ***: ŋeenyo, aahiijo;
sel et lait caillé; drink (kind of). Catégorie synonyms: aahiijo; compare: ŋeenyo. Dialectal
: Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Forms: [J,Y,G,M] garibaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 172
garol gawdi

garol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting gasude Noun Form of Infinitive: gasugol. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. arrivée, venue; coming; Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
arrival. ***: ngarki. Dialectal Forms: ngarki. Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. être bien, parfait, satisfaisant; okay (to
be); satisfactory; perfect; good.
garoojum Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗum. Sorting ***: seynaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Noun. quelque chose qui se
passera dans l'avenir, chose future; something gataaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
coming in the future; Si Laamɗ
Laamɗo jaɓ
jaɓii fuu ko Designation: 2. Noun. premières pluies avant la
saison pluvieuse, pluie de mangues;
woni hakkunde meeɗ
meeɗen ɗum wo
preliminary rains before the rainy season
garoojum. Dieu voulant la dette sera payée starts; harbinger rains; mango rains. Catégorie
dans l'avenir. God willing that which happens
: Temps. ***: bƴuwoonde, ndunngu,
to be between us [a large debt] is coming [will
be payed]. this "noun" is really a participle ƴaamnde, ƴoonde, dunngu, korse,
(incomplete-active) of the verb warude. kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe; synonyms: korse; compare: ceeɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. colte, dabbunde, kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe, ndunngu,
ƴuwoonde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
garsude Verb. écrase; grind, crush, smash.
***: ɗigginde. gatal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
gartol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
Noun: gate. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. retour à la maison; home
1 • rondin pour lit; log for bed. ***: leggal
coming. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deege, ganndal, nyiɓ
nyiɓal leeso. Dialects: J,Y.
garuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. 2 • bois de traverse pour hangar; crosspiece of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of a hanger. Dialects: J,Y.
Noun: garuuje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
3 • lit; bed. compare: ganndal, leggal deege,
maison rectangulaire fait de briques;
rectangular house made of bricks. Catégorie miral, nyiɓ
nyiɓal, palal.
: Bâtiment. ***: winndeeru, worwordu, gatin Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de
hukum, wortaldu, nyallirdu
nyallirdu, sukkuuru, nouveau; again. ***: kasen, ɗimmitaade,
benal1, buguuru, bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, huɗhuɗooru; katin, gasin, kadin, gadin; synonyms: gadin,
synonyms: benal1, suudu1; gasin, kadin, kasen, katin;
compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, buguuru, huɗ huɗooru, compare: ɗimmitaade. Dialects: Y.
hukum, kunnguuru, loofeeru, sukkuuru,
gawaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gawagol.
winndeeru, worwordu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: gawiiɗo-gawotooɗo plur:
gas-a synonyme: huuɓ-a, hant-o, timm-a. Verb. gawiiɓe-gawotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fini (être -); finished (be -). Catégorie Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
: Mathématique. ***: timm-
timm-a. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chasser,
gase Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting poursuivre; hunt. ***: donsaade, donsaade,
Designation: 4. Noun. étangs creusés, bassins malfa, fiɗ
fiɗude, loohaade, tawsaade;
d'eau creusés; pools that have been dug out. compare: ɓaaru, fiɗ
fiɗude, gaawal, kural,
Catégorie : Eau. Dialects: J,Y,M. malfa; synonyms: donsaade, loohaade.
gasii bien, juste; right; good. Dialectal Forms: gawagol. Dialects: J.

gasin Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de gawagol Verb. chasser (faire la chasse), poursuivre;
nouveau; again. ***: kasen, gatin, katin, hunt. Dialectal Forms: gawaade.
kadin, gadin; synonyms: gadin, gatin, kadin, gawdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
kasen, katin; compare: ɗiimitinde. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Dialects: M. Noun: gawde. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
espèce d'acacia; acacia tree (kind of).
gasirde Noun. fin; end. Catégorie : Mathématique. Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia nilotica.
***: wortorde; synonyms: wortorde.
synonyms: ngawdi; ***: ngawdi. Dialectal
Forms: [G] gaware. Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 173
gawnde gaynude

gawnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting gayɗ

gayɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. la chasse; hunt. Designation: 3. Noun. trous dans le sol, tunnels,
***: loongal, loohiri, filnde; synonyms: filnde, terrier; burrow; holes in the ground; tunnels.
loongal, loohiri. Dialects: J. Catégorie : Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gawri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting gayɗ

gayɗe ndiyam tuunɗ
tuunɗam expression. fosses
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. 1 • plante de mil;
septiques; septic tank. Catégorie : Eau.
millet plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes gaye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
grimpantes. Pennisetum americanum.
lequel, laquelle; which. Araawa gaye waati
***: bogodollo, muutiri, sonnoori, yoyiiri.
keeŋan? Quel âne est mort hier ? Which
Dialects: J.
donkey died yesterday? ***: ngaye.
2 • mil; millet grain. Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
3 • toute sorte de mil ou sorgho; millet; gains
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi anndaa araawa gaye
commonly cultivated; sorghum. Catégorie
waati. I don't know which donkey died.
: Nourriture. compare: bogodollo;
synonyms: muutiri, sonnoori, yoyiiri. synonyms: ngaye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O
Dialects: Y,G,M. anndaa gaye waati. He doesn't know which
(one/donkey) died.
gawriyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
gayka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗe. Number
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Noun: ngawrihoy. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. grains de nénuphar; seeds of the water Noun: gayɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. trou
dans le sol, tunnel, terrier; tunnel; hole in the
lily. Catégorie : Nourriture. compare: boololol,
ground; burrow. ***: wudde, luggere,
daamarawol, kukkuturuutu, kuttukuruutol,
ngayka; synonyms: luggere, ngayka.
ɓɓere, tammere; ***: timbooriire,
Dialects: G.
ngommbiire; synonyms: guynaare,
ngommbiire, timbooriire
timbooriire. Dialects: M. gayka ndiyam tuunɗ
tuunɗam expression. puisard;
gawtooɗo Noun. chasseur; hunter. Catégorie
: Chasse et pêche, Travailleur. Dialectal gaylude Noun Form of Infinitive: gaylugol. Sorting
Forms: gawuujo. Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg
gawuujo Noun. chasseur; hunter. Catégorie : Chasse
et pêche, Travailleur. Dialectal (future). Verb. être presque mûr; ripe (to be
Forms: gawtooɗo. nearly). ***: ɓenndude, goosiɗ
guusiɗinde, gurɓ
gurɓinde, loorude;
gawuure1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. synonyms: gurɓ
gurɓinde, goosiɗ
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
inde; compare: ɓenndude, loorude.
of Noun: gawuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Dialects: J,G.
Noun. 1 • molaire (dent); molar tooth. Catégorie
: Le corps. ***: nyiinde, ƴakkirde, gaynaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
gaggitere. Dialects: M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
2 • molaire qui fait mal; sore molar. of Noun: gaynaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
synonyms: gaggitere, nyiinde; Noun. ratel; ratel; honey badger; badger.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Mellivora capensis.
compare: hooreere, musinirde, ngaŋ
***: dagammeere; synonyms: dagammeere.
yareere, rawaanduure. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
gawuure2 Noun. carie dentaire; caries, dental decay.
Catégorie : Maladie. gaynude Note : From French - gagner Noun Form of
Infinitive: gaynugol. Participles: sing:
gaydoombal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
gaynuɗo-gaynoowo plur:
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
gaynuɓe-gaynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Form of Noun: gaydoombe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. fennec; Fennec fox.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire du bien,
Catégorie : Mammifère. Canis zerda.
faire une bonne chose / bonne action, bien
***: wewbaagaaru, junkuuru; faire, réussir; succeed in doing; achieve; good
synonyms: junkuuru, wewbaagaaru. deed (to do a); well (to do well).
Dialects: J. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 174
gbagba geese

gbagba Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi. geegeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Noun: gbagbaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, of Noun: geegeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
or. Noun. canard; duck. Catégorie : Oiseau. Noun. violon; stringed instrument played with a
Note : Gourmanche ***: ladawal, tonkonowal;
bow made of wood; fiddle. Catégorie
: Instrument de musique. ***: hoddu,
synonyms: ladawal, tonkonowal. Dialects: G.
jurkel, googineeru, yeegineeru, gaasol;
ge Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel;
compare: gaasol, hoddu, jurkel;
which. ***: nge. Dialects: G. synonyms: googineeru, yeegineeru
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: nge. Dialects: Y,G.
Dialects: G.
geegeneeru Noun. violon; fiddle. Catégorie
geɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting : Instrument de musique. Dialectal
Designation: 2. Noun. parties de; parts of. Forms: geegeeru.
***: jeɓ
jeɓe. Dialects: J. geegude Noun Form of Infinitive: geegugol.
geddal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: geeguɗo-geegoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of geeguɓe-geegooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Noun: gedde. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun. mi. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng.
1 • gecko; gecko. Catégorie : Reptile. Note : Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jouer le
arabe ***: kerenngeesu, pallangal, porgitel, violon; fiddle. ***: yeegude, googude;
pallangel danki, fallaandu, pallabiitel, synonyms: googude, yeegude. Dialects: Y,G.
puragitel. Dialects: J,Y.
geelooɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
2 • contradiction, refus, quelqu'un qui n'obéit
pas aux commandements de Dieu; refusal; Designation: 2, ah. Noun. dromadaires,
contradiction; insubordination. geddal Alla. chameaux; camels. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Note : arabe synonyms: kerenngeesu, Dialects: J.
pallabiitel, pallangel danki, porgitel
porgitel, geenol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
puragitel; compare: fallaandu, pallangal. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] geddel - in Noun: geeni. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun. le
Tenkodogo this refers to a woman's dos du cou, la nuque; back of the neck.
disobedience. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Le corps. compare: daande1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
geddi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of geerte Noun. arachide; peanut. Catégorie : Nourriture,
Noun: geddiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Agriculture. ***: giriije; synonyms: sunkaaru,
débat, dispute, discussion, controverse, ; yertere.
dispute; argument; controversy. ***: jeddi,
geesaade Noun Form of Infinitive: geesagol.
kalala, yeddondirude; synonyms: jeddi,
Participles: sing: geesiiɗo-geesotooɗo plur:
kalala; compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
geesiiɓe-geesotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
geɗal Plural Form of Noun: geɗe. Variante: geɗel. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
Noun. donnée (d'un problème), part, partie; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. intercepter,
data (a problem), share, part. Catégorie attaquer, couper la route (bandits); waylay;
: Mathématique.
intersect; intercept. Hannden ley ladde
geɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe am ngeeseke sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe makko, piyi
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form ɗum'en. Today out in the bush my children
of Noun: geɗuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. intercepted his children and they hit them.
partie de, portion, part; part of; portion; share. ***: taƴ
taƴaade, falaade; synonyms: falaade,
***: gere, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, feccere1; taƴ
taƴaade. Dialects: J.
synonyms: baka, feccere1, gere, ngeɗ
geese Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
njeɗu, yemre. Dialects: G.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. 1 • visages, faces,
figures; faces. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • pis; udders. Dialects: J,Y.
3 • fil; yarn. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 175
geetiɗinde genɗe

geetiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: geetugol. Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi anndaa le'el gele
Participles: sing: geetuɗo plur: geetuɓe. coodammi tafon. Je ne sais pas quel bol
j’achèterai. I don't know yet which little
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
wooden bowl I will buy.
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st -
synonyms: ngele. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O
na geetiɗi. Verb. être sans faute, parfait;
perfect; free of faults; either in appearance or faamaay gele o soodata tafon. Elle ne sait
pas lequel elle achètera. She doen't know
behavior. O neɗɗ
ɗɗo geeto. Il est une bonne
which (one/little bowl) she will buy.
personne. He is a good person. hakkillo geeto
sans faute en pensée et en comportement. gelembol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
faultless in thought and practice. Adjectives Designation: 4. Noun. un vent froid; freezing
can be formed from this verb for the various cold wind. synonyms: bifol; ***: bifol.
noun classes representing living things.
Dialects: J,Y.
These adjectives are prefered in usage over the
participle forms. Group I ɓe/geeɓɓe, gelle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
nde/geetere, ndu/geeturu, nge/geete Group II Designation: 3. Noun. cités, villes; cities; towns.
ɗe/geete, ɗi/geeti, ɗum/geetum, kol/geetol,
Dialects: J,G.
ngal/geetal, ngel/geetel, o/geeto Group III
ko2/ngeeto, koy/ngeetoy, ndi/ngeetiri, gelleere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
nga/ngeeta, ngi/geeti, ngu/ngeetu;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,G.
of Noun: gelleeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
geeƴam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗi. Noun. fruit de la palme Hyphaene thebaica ;
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
the fruit of the palm tree Hyphaene thebaica
("gelley") It is a large hard fruit with a
Noun: geeƴi. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sweet pulp under the hard exterior. It is this
1 • graine; seed. ***: ngeeƴ
ngeeƴu. Dialects: G. pulp which is eaten. The seed of the fruit is
2 • noix, amande; nut. synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, sometimes chewed as well. ***: njelleehi,
ngeeƴu, wabbere. Dialects: G. njelleehi, ngelleehi, yelleere
geeƴ synonyms: yelleere. Dialects: G.
geeƴi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. grains; seeds. gelley Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Dialects: J,Y,M. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of

gejubu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Noun: gelleeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. espèce de palmier; palm tree of the
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Sahel. Catégorie : Arbres. Hyphaene thebaica.
Noun: gejubuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ***: njelleehi, ngelleehi, mbaliihi;
pare-vent, brise—vent; windbreak put around
synonyms: mbaliihi, ngelleehi, njelleehi.
a fire. ***: heeɗ
heeɗoore; compare: heeɗ
Dialects: G.
Dialects: J.
gemelal synonyme: hettere-korlal. Noun. mollet; calf.
gel Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel;
Catégorie : Le corps.
which. ***: ngel. Dialects: G.
gemene Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ngel.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: G.
Noun: gemeneeji. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
geldol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Noun. favoris, côtelette; sideburns. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of : Le corps. synonyms: saadewol; ***: waare,
Noun: geldi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. saadewol; compare: waare. Dialects: J,M.
excuse, sous prétexte, raison pour faire une
faute; excuse; plea; reason for making a gempeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
mistake. synonyms: jeldol, sabaabu, ujuuru; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: jeldol, ujuuru, sabaabu. Dialects: J,Y. of Noun: gempeeje. Noun. sacoche de selle;
saddlebag. ***: bokkasaare, sumalle,
gele Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
gafakka, bootooru, mbasu, mbarallaawu;
lequel, laquelle; which for the diminutive
synonyms: gafakka. Dialects: J,Y,G.
noun class "gel". Le'el gele coodataa? Quel
bol vas-tu acheter? Which small wooden bowl genɗ
genɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
will you buy? ***: ngele. Dialects: G. Designation: 3. Noun. villes, cités; cities; towns.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 176
genndi gertogal-Fira'awna

genndi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe. gere goɗɗ
ɗɗo Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. quelque
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of part; somewhere. synonyms: nokkuure.
Noun: gelle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • ville, cité; city; town. Catégorie : Localité.
gerembeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
***: njenndi, siire, ngenndi, ngenndi,
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
njenndi, wuro, huɓ
huɓeere; synonyms: ngenndi,
Noun: gerembeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
njenndi, siire, wuro. Dialects: G.
Noun. espèce de acacia; kind of acacia tree.
2 • pays; country. Catégorie : Région. Catégorie : Arbres. acacia sieberiana.
synonyms: leydi, ngenndi, njenndi. ***: alluki, cilluki; synonyms: alluki, cilluki;
Dialects: G. compare: ciidi, pattuki. Dialects: G.
Geno Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Geres Sorting Designation: 5, nbp. Noun. Grèce;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. le nom de Dieu avant Greece. Note : français compare: Masedoni;
que l'islam soit arrivé; the pre-Islamic name
***: Masedoni. Dialects: biblical.
for God; see Kumen by Ahmadou-Hampate
Ba. To quote Ron Nelson; "Geno created Geresankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
the world and all that is in it. Geno is not Designation: 4, lg. Noun. le grec, lange des gens
accessible now; but he does have ultimate grecques; Greek language. Note : français
control over all the good and bad forces which
Dialects: biblical.
are abroad in the world" ("Fulɓe Cultural
Elements as Contact Points for the Gospel;" p. gerfe Noun. mangue greffée; mango (grafted).
95). ***: Laamɗ
Laamɗo, Alla; synonyms: Alla, Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : français
Laamɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gerlal Noun. perdrix; partridge. Catégorie : Oiseau.
geŋerewal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Dialectal Forms: gerral.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of gerral
gerral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: geŋereeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
poteau fourchu pour construction de maison;
Noun: gerre. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
forked log. synonyms: bannjaruwal, francolin ou caille, perdrix; quail. Catégorie
denndeeruwal, giteyal, noppiyal, nyaygal, : Oiseau. Francolinus sp. or Coturnix sp..
teegorgal; ***: giteyal, noppiyal, Dialectal Forms: [M] gerlal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
denndeeruwal, nyaygal, bannjaruwal,
gerte synonyme: hufo, laalaaɗe giriije. Noun. coque
bimmbeere, teegorgal. Dialects: J.
d’arachides; peanut shells.
gere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number
gertogal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: gereeji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun: gertooɗe, cofe. Sorting Designation: 2,
1 • côté; side. Joƴƴ
ƴƴin ɗum gere lettugal
ah, or. Noun. poule; chicken; in particular a
toon. Met cela au côte est. Put that on the east
hen. Catégorie : Oiseau. compare: cofel,
side. ***: baka, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, sewre, yemre, geɗ
dontoori, ndontoori, sowru; ***: dontoori,
sera, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, sengo, feccere1, lunnde,
cofel, gortogal, cofal, sowru, ndontoori;
nokkuure, joonnde, yoga; synonyms: sera,
synonyms: cofal, gortogal. Dialects: J,M.
sengo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gertogal-Fira'awna Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
2 • un endroit, une place, un lieu; place. Taa
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
jooɗa ɗoon, wo gere makko.
Plural Form of Noun: gertooɗe-Fira'awna.
synonyms: joonnde, lunnde, nokkuure, sera,
Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun. dinde; turkey.
sengo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Oiseau.
3 • une partie de quelque chose; part of
synonyms: gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, kolokolo,
something. Ko aawumi gere majjum fuu
kulikuli, ndontoori-
fuɗii. La partie que j'ai planté a germé. That
***: gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, kulikuli,
part that I planted has all sprouted.
ndontoori-Fira'awna, foondu fira’awna
synonyms: baka, feccere1, geɗgeɗu, ngeɗ
rewru, kolokolo. Dialects: J.
sewre, yemre, yoga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gere fuu Adverb. partout; all over; everywhere.

16/02/2020 177
gesa gidi

gesa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗe. gi Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel,
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of laquelle; which. ***: ngi. Dialects: G.
Noun: gese. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ngi.
champ; field. synonyms: ngesa; ***: ngesa. Dialects: G.
Dialects: G.
Gi ɗaɗo Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (le
gese Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting grand) Ami; first name for a male, meaning:
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. champs; fields. (the big) friend. Catégorie : Nom.
Catégorie : Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gi'al Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
gettude Noun Form of Infinitive: gettol. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: gettuɗo-gettoowo plur: Noun: gi'e. Sorting Designation: 2, pl. Noun.
épine; thorn. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal
gettuɓe-gettooɓe. Verb Consonant Change in
ou d’une plante. ***: bullal, ji'al;
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. déménager le domicile; to move the synonyms: ji'al. Dialects: J,Y.
"wuro" where you live. ***: foɗ
foɗtaade, gi'eehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
eggude, fottaade, footaade; One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
compare: dabbude, ruumude, seeɗseeɗude; Noun: gi'eeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
synonyms: eggude, foɗ
foɗtaade, footaade, espèce d'acacia; kind of shrub. Catégorie
fottaade. Dialects: J,Y. : Arbres. Acacia seyal. ***: ɓulɓ
synonyms: ɓulɓ
ulɓi. Dialects: G.
geye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. quel,
lequel; which. Nagge geye coottataa? Quelle gi'el ngootuuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel
vache vas-tu vendre? Which cow will you plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel.
sell? ***: ngeye. Dialects: G. Plural Form of Noun: ngi'oy ngootuhoy.
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi suɓ
suɓaaki nagge geye Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce
coottammi tafon. Je n'ai pas encore choisi la d'arbuste; A shrub of the savannah. Catégorie
vache que je vais vendre. I haven't chosen the : Buissons, arbustes. Maytenus
cow which I will sell yet. senegalensis. ***: ji'e gootey; synonyms: ji'e
synonyms: ngeye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O gootey. Dialects: J,Y.
suɓaaki geye o soottata tafon. He hasn't gidaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gidagol.
chosen which (one/cow) he will sell yet.
Participles: sing: gidiiɗo-gidotooɗo plur:
ƴƴeede Noun Form of Infinitive: geƴƴegol. gidiiɓe-gidotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: geƴƴaaɗo-geƴƴeteeɗo Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
plur: geƴƴaaɓe-geƴƴeteeɓe. Sorting Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. intimider
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in quelqu'un avec des menaces; intimidate
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. someone with threats; frighten someone with
Verb. être attaché / ligoté parce qu'on est fou; threats. ***: fuufude, rigisaade;
tied up because you are crazy. synonyms: fuufude, rigisaade;
compare: haɓɓ
ɓɓeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: hulƴ
hulƴinde. Dialects: J,Y.
ƴƴelle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting giddal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3. Noun. chaîne, chaînes; chain; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
chains. ***: callalol; synonyms: callalol. Noun: gidde. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, pd.
Dialects: J,Y,G. Noun. fourré, forêt; thicket; dense woods;
forest; woods (dense). Catégorie : Terre.
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: geƴƴugol. ***: cukkuri1, toggere, wuumoore;
Participles: sing: geƴƴuɗo-geƴƴoowo plur:
synonyms: cukkuri1, toggere, wuumoore.
geƴƴuɓe-geƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. attacher un fou gidi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
(avec une chaîne); tie up a crazy person. Designation: 4. Noun. intimidation;
synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓude; compare: haaŋ
haaŋeede; intimidation. synonyms: puufi, rigisi;
***: haɓɓ
ɓɓeede, haɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: rigisi, puufi. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 178
giɗaale gilngu-reedu

giɗaale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting giiniwol-
giiniwol-ɓanndu Plural Form of
Designation: 3, th. Noun. amours; loves. Noun: giiniiji-ɓanndu. synonyme: huyre,
***: jille, jiɗ
jiɗaale; synonyms: jiɗ
jiɗaale, jille. suyre, adala . Noun. muscle; muscle. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G. : Le corps.

giɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number giirngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante;
Noun: yiɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. un
kind of annual plant. Catégorie : Herbes,
plantes grimpantes. Blepharis linariifolia.
ami proche; close friend; friend (close); loved
***: jiirngal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
(one who is). ***: banndiyo, higoo, yigoo,
2 • espèce de plante; Common annual plant
jiɗo, jaado, yiɗ
yiɗude; synonyms: jiɗ
jiɗo, yigoo;
found in sahelian river beds. Blepharis
compare: yiɗ
yiɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maderaspatensis. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Giɗo Variante: Giɗa. Noun. prénom masculin 3 • espèce de plante; A common unappetizing
(Signification : Ami); first name for a male annual plant found in damp sandy soil.
(meaning: Friend). Catégorie : Nom. Pandiaka involucrata. synonyms: jiirngal.
gigili Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of giisoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun: gigile. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
espèce de buisson; A common shrub that often
of Noun: giisooje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
grows near old termite hills. Catégorie
Noun. écureuil; ground squirrel; squirrel.
: Buissons, arbustes. Boscia senegalensis.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Xerus erythropus.
synonyms: ngigili, njigili. Dialects: G.
***: soltooru, siigaare; synonyms: siigaare,
gigitawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting soltooru. Dialects: Y,G.
Designation: 4. Noun. une direction entre les
giiteeli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
quatre points cardinaux d'une boussole; a
direction between the four cardinal points of Designation: 2. Noun. feux; fires. Dialects: J,Y.
the compass; horɗ
oore-gorgaare sud-ouest. gilaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number
southwest. horɗ
oore-lettugaare sud-est. One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of
southeast. soɓɓ
iire-gorgaare nord-ouest. Noun: gilaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
northwest. soɓɓ
iire-lettugaare nord-est. petits monticules de terre lorsqu'on cultive la
northeast. ***: jiha, dammbugal, lokoƴ
lokoƴere; terre; mounds of dirt made when cultivating.
compare: dammbugal, jiha; Catégorie : Terre. compare: kubbol;
synonyms: lokoƴ
lokoƴere. Dialects: J. ***: joorde, ƴoolde, hutaare;
synonyms: hutaare, ƴoolde. Dialects: M.
giigal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of gilɗ
gilɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Noun: giige. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. Designation: 3, in. synonyme: jilɗi ; gilƴi. Noun.
abcès au niveau de l'aine; abscess of the groin. 1 • vers; maggots. Catégorie : Animaux
Catégorie : Maladie. compare: ɓuure; inférieurs. ***: gilƴ
gilƴi, gilƴ
gilƴi. Dialects: J.
synonyms: jiigal, ƴiigal; ***: ƴiigal, ɓuure, 2 • chenilles; caterpillars. Dialectal
jiigal. Dialects: J. Forms: [Y,G] gilƴi. Dialects: J.

giilol Noun. vertiges; dizziness. Catégorie : Maladie. gilɗ

gilɗi nyaameteeɗ
nyaameteeɗi expression. chenilles;
caterpillars. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs,
Dialectal Forms: jiilol.
giinaaji Noun. tendons; tendons. Catégorie : Le corps.
gilla Sorting Designation: 1. adv/prep. 1 • depuis,, il y
giinawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. a; since; from. ***: fadde, illa, illa, jilla.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: giinaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. 2 • avant; before (with a negative verb).
tendon; tendon. Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: jilla, illa; compare: fadde.
***: ɗaɗol1, coddungol; synonyms: ɗaɗol1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: M.
gilngu-reedu Plural Form of Noun: jilɗi-reedu.
Noun. ascaris; roundworm. Catégorie
: Animaux inférieurs. ***: jalɓ

16/02/2020 179
giloohi giriire

giloohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ginnaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Noun: gilooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. of Noun: ginnaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie Noun. démon, mauvais esprit; evil spirit;
: Arbres. Stereospermum kunthianum. demon. ***: maleyka, nginnaawu, foondu,
synonyms: jiiloy, ngolobi; ***: ngolobi, jiiloy. Seyɗ
Seyɗaani, jinnaaru, henndu1, dabidabiyal,
Dialects: M. ladde; compare: maleyka, Seyɗ
gilƴi Noun. vers; worms. Catégorie : Animaux synonyms: dabidabiyal, foondu, henndu1,
inférieurs. synonyms: gilɗ
gilɗi, gilɗ
gilɗi. jinnaaru, ladde, nginnaawu. Dialectal
Forms: [Y,G,M] ginnol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gimmaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ginndoori Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
Noun: gimmaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Noun. quelqu'un qui est possédé of Noun: ginndooji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
volontairement par des démons, sorcier, Noun. bouc; buck; goat (male); billy goat.
démoniaque; demon possessed; witch doctor; Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: culkuuri,
demoniac. Catégorie : La Personne. cukuuri, danndi2, ndamndi, mboygoori,
compare: bokkooji; ***: bukoojo, bokkooji; mbeewa; synonyms: danndi2, mboygoori,
synonyms: bukoojo. Dialects: Y. ndamndi. Dialects: G.
ginan Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ne pas ginnduyel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur:
encore; not yet (used with a negative verb). O koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
waraay ginan. Il n'est pas encore venu. He Form of Noun: ginndoy. Sorting Designation: 3,
hasn't come yet. ***: tawam, tafon, tahen, ah. Noun. bouc; buck; male kid; kid (male).
tuwam. Dialects: Y. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: boygoyel;
2 • toujours, encore; still. Imo jannga ginan. synonyms: ɓotel, damngel, danngel.
Il étudie encore. He is still studying. Dialects: G.
Dialects: Y.
ginnol Noun. mauvais esprit, démon, génie; ghost;
3 • d'abord, premièrement; first. Ittu leggal
spirit (evil); demon. Dialectal Forms: ginaaru.
ngaal ley yitere maa ginan, ndeen a yi'an
faa woo ɗa. Enlève d'abord la poutre dans ton girbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
œil et puis tu vas voir bien. Remove the log Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
from your eye first, then you will see well. Noun: girbe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
synonyms: tafon, tahen, tawam, tuwam. cuiller, cuillère; spoon. Catégorie : Outil.
Dialectal Forms: [G] ginam. Dialects: Y. ***: jirbal, laaruwal, kurbirgal;
gineeji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting synonyms: jirbal; compare: laaruwal,
Designation: 2. Noun. possessions, biens, kurbirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
affaires, bagages; luggage; possessions; giriije Noun. arachide; peanut, groundnut. Catégorie
belongings. synonyms: jineeji; compare: jawdi; : Nourriture, Agriculture. synonyms: geerte,
***: jawdi, jineeji. Dialectal Forms: [J] yertere, sunkaaru.
ginereeji, [J,Y] giney. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
giriiji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Plural Form of
ginewol Noun. un objet; object. Noun: giriije. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
ginewol ɓanndu Noun. parure; finery. synonyme: gertere. Noun. pois de terre,
arachide; chick-peas. Catégorie : Nourriture.
ginna mori Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Dialects: J.
Designation: 4. Noun. des manœuvres, tours,
tour de passe-passe; slight of hand tricks. giriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: bila, tombola, mbila; synonyms: bila, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
mbila, tombola. Dialects: J,Y,M. of Noun: giriije njoorkoy. Sorting
Designation: 2, cs. Noun. 1 • pois (sg.);
ginnaaji Noun. génies, esprits, démons; spirits, ghosts,
chick-pea. Arachis hypogaea. ***: sunkaaru,
demons. Dialectal Forms: ginaaru.
yiriire, ngiriiwu; synonyms: ngiriiwu, yiriire.
Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 180
girooji goddi
2 • arachide; peanut. Catégorie : Nourriture.
gite-ngaari Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce
synonyms: sunkaaru. Dialectal Forms: [G] de plante; kind of perennial plant. It is not
giriwu. Dialects: Y. appetizing and its fruit is poisonous. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Solanum
girooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
incanum. ***: jite-
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. cochons, porcs; pigs.
synonyms: jite-
jite-ngaari. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G.
gite-gaariije. Dialects: J,Y.
girow Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
giteyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: girooji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
cochon, porc; pig. Catégorie : Mammifère. Noun: giteeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.

***: njiroowu, kurkuruuru, ngiroowu

ngiroowu; poteau fourchu; forked log. ***: geŋ
synonyms: ngiroowu, kurkuruuru, njiroowu. noppiyal, denndeeruwal, nyaygal,

Dialects: G. bannjaruwal, teegorgal;

synonyms: bannjaruwal, denndeeruwal,
girow cortaangu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu geŋ
geŋerewal, noppiyal, nyaygal, teegorgal.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootu. Dialects: M.
Plural Form of Noun: girooji cortaaɗi. Sorting
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. porc castré; hog;
giye Sorting Designation: 3. adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
castrated pig. Catégorie : Mammifère. lequel, laquelle; which. Naggi giye waati
***: kurkuruuru cortaangu, njiroowu keeŋ
keeŋan? Quel vache est mort hier ? Which
cortaangu, ngiroowu cortaangu; large cow died yesterday? ***: ngiye.
synonyms: kurkuruuru cortaangu, ngiroowu Dialects: G.
cortaangu, njiroowu cortaangu. Dialects: G. giƴƴ
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: giƴƴugol.
girow ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: Participles: sing: giƴƴuɗo-giƴƴoowo plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural giƴƴuɓe-giƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Form of Noun: girooji ladde. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. phacochère; warthog. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marcher en
Catégorie : Mammifère. Phacochoerus faisant du bruit; step / walking that you make a
aethiopicus aeliani. ***: ngiroowu ladde, nose. ***: damƴ
damƴude, rippude;
ngireewu; synonyms: ngiroowu ladde, synonyms: damƴ
damƴude, rippude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
njiroowu ladde. Dialects: G. go Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel;
girriɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: girriɗingol. which. ***: ngo. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: girraajo or girriɗinɗo plur: 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ngo.
girraaɓe or girriɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
go'o Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • un (nombre
Stative or Progressive: st - imo girriɗi. Verb. cardinal); one (cardinal number).
avoir un cou long et mince, être bien
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
proportionné, concept de beauté peul; to have
a long thin neck; to be well proportioned in all 2 • premier; first. compare: artude.
your parts; relates to the Fulɓe concept of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
beauty. ***: fulɗ
fulɗude, taƴ
taƴaade, silaade,
goddi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
wooɗude, ŋari, lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗ
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: ŋari; synonyms: fulɗ
fulɗude, lobbiɗ
Noun: goddiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. un
arɗude, silaade, taƴtaƴaade, wooɗ
wooɗude. désir, convoitise; longing for something;
Dialects: J. desire. Goddi am walaa e weltaare maɓɓ maɓɓe.
gital Plural Form of Noun: gite. Noun. œil; eye. Je n'ai aucun désir de participer à leur
célébration. I have no desire to participate in
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: yitere;
their celebration. A taƴ
taƴii kam goddi. Tu m'as
synonyms: yitere.
déçu - mon désir. You disappointed me -
gite Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting literally my desire. compare: eelude,
Designation: 1, at. Noun. yeux; eyes. Catégorie muuyantaaku, muuyɗ
muuyɗe, ngokka;
: Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G. ***: muuyantaaku, ngokka, muuyɗmuuyɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 181
godogodo gole

godogodo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting gok'gokkotoondu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. sauce fait avec des plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu.
gombos frais; sauce made with fresh okra. Plural Form of Noun: gok'gokkotooji. Sorting
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J. Designation: 4, or. Noun. pic; woodpecker.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Mesopicos sp /
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Mesopicous goertae / Mesopicos
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
pyrrhogaster. ***: kokkotoroore,
Noun: woɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. adj/ipn.
soppanataaru; synonyms: kokkotoroore
1 • quelqu'un, un personne inconnue, autrui;
soppanataaru. Dialects: J.
someone; an unknown person. ***: tomotte,
moyni, gonɗ
gonɗo, maani, neɗɗ
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
ɗɗo. gokambi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, ct. Noun. gingembre; ginger.
2 • un autre; another. compare: maani, moyni, Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Gourmanche

woɗ ***: kakaduru; synonyms: kakaduru.

woɗude; synonyms: neɗɗ
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ɗɗum Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗum. Number One gokkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gokkagol.
for this noun: gootel. Sorting Designation: 1. Participles: sing: gokkiiɗo-gokkotooɗo
Noun. quelque chose; something. plur: gokkiiɓe-gokkotooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: ɗumaanin, huunde; ***: huunde, Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
ɗumaanin. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. cogner, frapper, taper; knock.
ɗɗum ladde
ladde Noun. animal sauvage, qui est de la synonyms: fiide, fiyude, salminde, tappude;
brousse; wild animal.
***: fiyude, salminde, tappude, fiide.
goferneere emprunt: français. Noun. gouverneur. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique,
Travailleur. gokkuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
gofornema Noun. gouvernement, état; state;
of Noun: gokki. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
government. Catégorie : Gouvernement. Note :
français collier; collar. synonyms: golol; ***: golol.
Dialects: M.
goggiiwo Noun. tante paternelle; paternal aunt.
Catégorie : Parenté. Dialectal Forms: goggo. gol Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel,
laquelle; which. ***: ngol. Dialects: G.
goggo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ngol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: G.
Noun: goggiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. tante paternelle; paternal aunt. Yaaya golal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Saadu wo goggo Ali. La mère de Saadou est Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
la tante paternelle d'Ali. Saadu's mother is Noun: gole. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Ali's paternal aunt. Si ɓangal na waɗ
waɗa fuu, mâchoire, mandibule, joue (os); cheek bones;
wo goggiiwo, kam dawrata. Lorsqu'il y un cheek; jaw; mandible. Catégorie : Le corps.
mariage c'est la tante paternelle qui le dirige. ***: bokal, gaɓɓ
ɓɓugal; synonyms: bokal,
If there is a wedding the paternal aunt directs gaɓɓ
ɓɓugal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
it. this word takes on a few possessive
contracted forms: 1s NA, 2s NA, 3s (makko) gole Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
goggiiko, (muuɗum) goggom, (exclusive) NA, lequel; which. Laawol gole o rewi? Quel
1p (inclusive) goggii'en, [Y,G] goggiiɗen chemin a-t-il pris ? Which road did he take?
[both of these are the same as "goggo Dialects: G.
meeɗen"], 2p goggii'on, [Y,G] goggiiɗon
[both of these are the same as "goggo Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi anndaa laawol gole
mooɗon"], 3p (maɓɓe) goggiiɓe, (muɓɓen) o rewi. Je ne sais pas quel chemin il a pris. I
NA. Dialectal Forms: [J] goggiraaɗo, [J,M] don't know which road he took.
goggiiwo, [Y,M,G] goggiyo. synonyms: ngole. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. anndaa gole o rewi. Il ne sait pas lequel il a
pris. He doesn't know which (one/road) he

16/02/2020 182
gollal gollirɗum
2 • maudire (pour une personne); cursed (for a
gollal Noun. tâche, travail, action, formation, exposé,
fonction, mission, œuvre, prestation, rôle; person to be). synonyms: huɗ
work; job; action; task. Catégorie : Le travail et Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
diverses activités. ***: nafoore, nulal. golleeji fewreeji Noun. affairisme; wheeling and
gollal muumal synonyme: fiirtaaka tinndinol. dealing.
expression. infinitif; infinitive. Catégorie : La Golleeji Nulaaɓ
Nulaaɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
Grammaire. Actes des Apôtres (livre biblique du Nouveau
gollal-galle Noun. devoir (écolier); duty (school). Testament); Acts of the Apostles; the history
Catégorie : Apprendre. of the early post Pentecost church; written by
Luke. Dialects: biblical.
gollande Noun Form of Infinitive: gollangol.
Participles: sing: gollanɗo-gollanoowo plur: golleeji poggorteeɗ
poggorteeɗe Noun. revenu; income.
gollanɓe-gollanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. gollidiiwo Noun. collaborateur; coworker. Catégorie
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb : Travailleur.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. travailler pour gollidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: gollidingol.
quelqu'un; work for someone.
Participles: sing: gollidinɗo-gollidoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: gollidinɓe-gollidooɓe. Sorting
gollanteeɗo synonyme: gollinoowo. Noun. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
employeur; employer. Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
golle Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number na gollida. Verb. collaborer avec, travailler
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of avec; collaborate with; work with.
Noun: golleeji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
travail, travaux, activités; work; activities. gollidoowo Noun. partenaire; partner, companion.
Catégorie : Le travail et diverses activités.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gollinteeɗ
gollinteeɗo Noun. employé; employee. Catégorie
: Travailleur.
golle ɗe gofernema jeyaa expression. secteur
privé; private sector, private parties. Catégorie gollir-
gollir-a juuɗ
juuɗe Noun. manipulation; manipulation.
: Juridique. Catégorie : Mathématique.

golle gofernema expression. secteur public; public gollirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
sector, public domain. Catégorie Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
: Gouvernement, Juridique. of Noun: gollirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
golle iimaaɗ
iimaaɗe Noun. invention, création; invention; Noun. calebasse utilisée pour porter des
creation. céréales ou pour tamiser de la farine; calabash
used for carrying grain or sifting flour.
golle sardiŋ
sardiŋe Noun. jardinage; gardening. Catégorie Catégorie : Récipient. synonyms: kaakol,
: Agriculture. tummbude2; ***: kaakol, tummbude1.
golle suudu Noun. travaux ménagers; domestic Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
chores; housework. Catégorie : Le travail et
gollirde yidde Noun. conscience professionnelle;
diverses activités.
professional conscience. Catégorie : Juridique.
golle suudu baaba expression. service national;
gollirdu Noun. cabinet; cabinet, practice, office.
national service. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Juridique. gollirdu awoka Noun. cabinet d’avocat; law
golleede Noun Form of Infinitive: gollegol. practice.
Participles: sing: gollaaɗo-golleteeɗo - this gollirdu hooreejo leydi expression. présidence;
refers to one who has been cursed plur: presidency . Catégorie : Gouvernement,
gollaaɓe-golleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb gollirdu perefe perfektiiri expression. préfecture;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • un prefecture. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
travail particulier a accomplir; for a particular Juridique, Bâtiment.
job or piece of work to be accomplished. gollirɗ
gollirɗe Noun. outils; tools. Catégorie : Outil.
***: huɗ
huɗeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gollirɗum Noun. corps du texte; main text, text body.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
***: winndannde.

16/02/2020 183
gollirgal gondal

gollirgal Noun. outil de travail; tool for work; work gollude Noun Form of Infinitive: gollugol.
tool. Catégorie : Outil. Participles: sing: golluɗo-golloowo plur:
gollirgol e yarda synonyme: e yardamuye. golluɓe-gollooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
expression. volontairement; voluntarily, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
willingly, deliberately. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. travailler,
gollirgol masinaaji expression. mécanisation; agir; work. ***: waɗ
waɗude; synonyms: watude;
mechanization. Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: waɗ
waɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gollirgol sariya expression. application de la loi; gollugol Noun. exécution; carrying out;
application of the law. Catégorie : Juridique. implementation. Catégorie : Le travail et
diverses activités.
gollitirde dawral mum expression. trafic
d'influence; traffic of influence, influence golobbu Noun. globe; globe. Catégorie : Terre. Note :
peddling. Catégorie : Juridique. français

gollitirɗe Noun. ustensile, matériel; tool; material; golol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
utensil; equipment. Catégorie : Le travail et Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
diverses activités. Noun: goli. Sorting Designation: 3, cs, ah. Noun.
gollooɓe dokotoroore Noun. personnel de santé; 1 • espèce de collier; collar. ***: ɓoornorde,
health staff, medical staff. Catégorie gokkuru; synonyms: gokkuru. Dialects: J,Y,G.
: Travailleur. 2 • joug; yoke. synonyms: ɓoornorde.
golloore Variante: gollal. Noun. verbe; verb. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,M.
: La Grammaire. ***: werba, tinndinol. gom emprunt: français. Noun Class Markers: o/ɗi.
golloore fedde
fedde tataɓ
tataɓerde expression. verbe Noun. gomme; rubber, eraser. Catégorie
irrégulier; irregular verb. Catégorie : La : Lecture / écriture.
Grammaire. gomɗ
gomɗi Noun. larmes; tears.
golloore heɓɓ
ɓɓintinteende synonyme: gollal gomi Noun. amidon; starch. ***: amidon.
deereeral. expression. verbe transitif;
transitive verb. Catégorie : La Grammaire. gomma Sorting Designation: 2. adj. 1 • un jour; ; one
day}. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
golloore heƴ
heƴanoore hoorem synonyme: gollal
2 • une année; ; one year}. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jondiniingal. expression. verbe intransitif;
intransitive verb. Catégorie : La Grammaire. 3 • un jour ou l'autre, à un moment; "wakkati
gomma" {sometime}. Dialectal
golloore nde gollataa expression. verbe à Forms: [J,Y,G,M] gom. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
l’infinitif; infinitive form of a verb. Catégorie
: La Grammaire. gommbal Plural Form of Noun: gommbe. Noun. tige
de mil; millet stalk. Catégorie : Agriculture,
golloowo Noun. travailleur, qui est actif; worker. Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Catégorie : Travailleur.
synonyms: ƴommbal.
golloowo golle juuɗ
juuɗe Noun. artisan, travailleur gomngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
manuel; manual worker; craftsman; artisan.
Catégorie : Travailleur. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: gomɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
golloowo golle leɗɗ
ɗɗe Noun. menuisier; larme; tear. ***: gonngol; compare: waadere,
woodworker; carpenter. Catégorie
: Travailleur. waaydude, woyude, wullude;
synonyms: gonngol. Dialects: J.
golloowo kanŋ
kanŋe Noun. bijoutier; jeweler. Catégorie
: Travailleur. Gomoora Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Gomorrhe
(lieu); Gomorrah. Note : hébreu
golloowol Variante: golloowo. Noun. sujet; subject. compare: Sodom. Dialects: biblical.
synonyms: jokko-
gondal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. camaraderie, union libre,
cohabitation; togetherness; cohabitation.
Gondal na ɓuri ceedaagu welde. La
cohabitation est mieux que la division.
Togetherness is sweeter than divisiveness.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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gondo goonɗinaa

gondo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number goob-

goob-a Verb. colorier; to colour, color. Catégorie
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of : Mathématique, Lecture / écriture.
Noun: wondiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. goodunooɗ
goodunooɗo synonyme: fiirtere ko ƴaɓɓi ; ko
voisin; neighbor. ***: koddo, taakalemme, yottaaki. Noun. imparfait; imperfect. Catégorie
tanaa, yakkaajo; synonyms: koddo. : La Grammaire.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
goofe Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
gonɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Designation: 4, ah. Noun. migration avec le
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of bétail fait par des hommes; migration with the
Noun: woɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. adj/ipn. cows. ***: luusi, nootaade kolse;
quelqu'un ou une personne inconnue qui est à synonyms: luusi, nootaade kolse. Dialects: G.
un lieu particulier; someone or an unknown
goofoondi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
person who is in a particular place; Gonɗ
Number One for this noun: (n)gootiri. Plural
wuro Bureyma o wo moy? Qui est cette
personne à la maison de Boureima ? Who is Form of Noun: goofooɗi. Sorting Designation: 3,
that person at Boureima's? Suka am gonɗ
gonɗo at. Noun. 1 • cerveau; brain. Catégorie : Le
Amerik oon waran jeɗɗ jeɗɗiire
ɗɗiire waroore. Mon corps. synonyms: ngaandi; ***: busam,
enfant qui est aux États-Unis vient la semaine mbusam. Dialects: G.
prochaine. My child who is in America is 2 • moelle; bone marrow. Catégorie : Le corps.
coming next week. This is the adj form for the synonyms: busam, mbusam. Dialects: G.
o noun class - see wonude. synonyms: goɗɗ
goofoowo fijo Noun. artiste; artist. golloowo golle
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
ɗɗo; compare: maani, moyni,
wonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
googineeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
gonɗum Noun. mode indicatif; indicative mood.
Catégorie : La Grammaire. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: googineeji. Sorting Designation: 4,
gonɗum sagoo maa expression. présent du mi. Noun. espèce de violon joué avec arc en
subjonctif; present subjunctive.
bois; fiddle. Catégorie : Instrument de
gonɗum yelaaɗ
yelaaɗum expression. conditionnel musique. compare: gaasol, hoddu, jurkel;
présent; conditional present. Catégorie : La ***: geegeeru, yeegineeru;
synonyms: geegeeru, yeegineeru. Dialectal
gonginde Noun Form of Infinitive: gongingol. Forms: [G] googeeru. Dialects: M.
Participles: sing: gonginɗo-gonginoowo googude Noun Form of Infinitive: googugol.
plur: gonginɓe-gonginooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: googuɗo-googoowo plur:
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
googuɓe-googooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
mi. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng.
Verb. exhorter; exhort; speak forcefully telling
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jouer le
people what they need to do. ***: teeŋ
violon; play the fiddle. ***: yeegude,
synonyms: teeŋ
teeŋinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
geegude; synonyms: geegude, yeegude.
gonngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Dialects: G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
gooji Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Noun: gonɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
une larme; tear. ***: wullude, woyude,
Noun: goojiije. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
gomngol, waaydude; compare: waadere,
neem (arbre); neem tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
waaydude, woyude, wullude;
Azadirachta indica. synonyms: miliyaahi,
synonyms: gomngol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
niimuuhi, pongudaahi, tiirootiihi;
gonol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting ***: miliyaahi, pongudaahi, tiirootiihi,
Designation: 4. Noun. temps qu'on passe à un niimuuhi. Dialects: G.
endroit; time one passes in a place.
goomu Noun. groupe; group. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Mathématique. ***: denndal.
gonuɗum Noun. présent; present.
goonɗinaa synonyme: ko tabintinaa. adj. affirmatif;
synonyms: tawaaɗ
tawaaɗum, ko woowi, hannden,
affirmative. ko goonɗ
goonɗinaa Catégorie : La

16/02/2020 185
goonɗinal gootel

goonɗinal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting goongalaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. foi, confiance, Designation: 3, th. Noun. véracité; truthfulness.
conviction; belief; faith. synonyms: hoolaare; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: hoolaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gooniije Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
goonɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: goonɗingol. Designation: 3, dh. Noun. rougeole; rubeola;
Participles: sing: goonɗinɗo-goonɗinoowo measles. Catégorie : Maladie.
plur: goonɗinɓe-goonɗinooɓe. Sorting ***: nduuyoohoy, duuyooje, puƴ
puƴe, biige,
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in cewɗ
cewɗe; synonyms: biige, cewɗ
cewɗe, duuyooje,
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or nduuyoohoy, puƴ
puƴe. Dialects: Y,G.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. confirmer, croire en goonofere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
quelqu'un, faire confiance en quelqu'un ou
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
quelque chose, se fier à; believe in someone or
of Noun: goonofe. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
something; confirm. ***: laamnude, Noun. partie de la tête derrière le lobe de
faataade, tuugaade, hoolaade, duŋ duŋaade, l'oreille; the part of the head just behind the ear
laaɓnude; synonyms: duŋ
duŋaade, hoolaade, lobe. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: nohnowre;
laamnude; compare: tuugaade. synonyms: nohnowre. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. goonopere. Dialects: J,Y,G.
goonɗude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: goopaa synonyme: nyaw (-ɗum). faux; false.
"imo goonɗi" means that "he is truthful", Catégorie : Mathématique.
while "imo goonɗa" means "he habitually goopol Plural Form of Noun: boopol. Noun. faute;
tells the truth.". Noun Form of fault. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Infinitive: goonɗugol. Participles: sing: synonyms: njomu; ***: njomu.
goonɗuɗo-goonɗoowo plur:
gooro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
goonɗuɓe-goonɗooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun: goorooje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or
noix de cola; cola nut; kola nut. Catégorie
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. dire la vérité; tell the : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
truth. compare: goonga; ***: goonga. synonyms: goro; ***: goro. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Forms: [Y,G,M] gooroore. Dialects: Y,G,M.
goonga Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number gooruwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: goongaaji. Sorting Designation: 1, th. Noun: gooruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun. vérité; truth. Note: here are the various lit de fleuve ou de ruisseau / marigot; bed of a
adj forms: Group I ɓe/goongalaaɓe, stream or creek. Catégorie : Eau, Terre.
ko1/goongaaho, nde/goongaare,
***: pogowol, ceekoy, bubbol, coofol, celol,
ndu/goongaaru, nge/goongaawe,
ngo/goongaawo Group II ɗe/goongaaje, bubbinirgol; synonyms: bubbol, bubbinirgol,
ɗi/goongaaji, ɗum/goongajum, kal/goongahal, ceekoy, celol; compare: maayo.
kol/goongahol, ngal/goongawal, Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngel/goongawel, ngol/goongawol,
o/goongalaajo Group III ɗam/ngoongajam, goosiɗ
goosiɗidde Noun Form of Infinitive: goosiɗingol.
ka/ngoongaaha, ki/ngoongahi, Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant
ko2/goongaaho, koy/ngoongahoy, Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or
ndi/ngoogaari, nga/ngoongaawa, Progressive: st/prg (future) - na
ngi/ngoongaawi, ngu/ngoongaawu note: a
goosiɗi/goosiɗa. Verb. être presque mûr; ripe
second ending is also used for these adj.
-ala(a); e.g. nagge goongalaawe, coppi (to be nearly). ***: ɓenndude, guusiɗ
goongalaaji, kosam ngoongalajam. gurɓ
gurɓinde, loorude, gaylude;
***: henngitaade, fooccaade, cubinaade, synonyms: gaylude, guusiɗ
guusiɗinde, gurɓ
fonnditaade, hegitaade, dartaade, compare: ɓenndude, loorude. Dialects: G.
goonɗude; compare: goonɗ
ude. gootel synonyme: e teelal. Noun. singulier; singular.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : La Grammaire.

16/02/2020 186
gootidingol gorgal

gootidingol Noun. simplification; simplification. goral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
Catégorie : Mathématique. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: ɓolɗ
olɗingol. Noun: [J,Y,M] ngoro/[G] goro. Sorting
gooto Sorting Designation: 1. adj. un, une; one. this is Designation: 4. Noun. gros homme; large man
the form for the "o" noun class (group II), for (a very). ***: ngora1, ngori; synonyms: ngora1,
the other forms see wootude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ngori. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

gootum Sorting Designation: 2. adj/adv. la même chose, gorba Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
le même, aussi, identique; identical; also; same Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
(the). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: gorbi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
âne mâle; donkey (male); male donkey.
goowel synonyme: limirgal, ɓetirgal. Noun. unité;
unit. Catégorie : Mathématique. Catégorie : Mammifère. synonyms: ngorba;
compare: araawa, dakiya, mola, tefeewa;
goowlaari Noun Class Markers: sing: di/ndi plur: ɗe.
***: ngorba. Dialectal Forms: [G] gorbiri (di).
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Dialects: G.
Noun: goowlaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. cobra cracheur; cobra (the black necked gorbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
or spitting). Catégorie : Reptile. Naja Designation: 3, ah. Noun. ânes mâles; male
nigricollis. ***: ngoowla; synonyms: ngoowla. donkeys. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G.
gorfaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gorfagol.
goowle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Participles: sing: gorfiiɗo-gorfotooɗo plur:
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. cobras cracheurs; gorfiiɓe-gorfotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
spitting cobras. Catégorie : Reptile. Naja Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
nigricollis. Dialectal Forms: [J] gooli. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • serrer
Dialects: Y,M. quelqu'un dans ses bras, mettre ses bras
autour du cou de quelqu'un, embrasser; wrap
gooynude Noun Form of Infinitive: gooynugol.
your arm around someone or something's
Participles: sing: gooynuɗo-gooynoowo
neck; hug. ***: wakkaade, tappaade,
plur: gooynuɓe-gooynooɓe. Sorting
gorfude, hooɓ
hooɓaade; synonyms: gorfude,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hooɓaade, mubigaade, wakkaade.
Verb. crier, publier, circuler et annoncer à
Dialects: Y.
haute voix; publish; cry out. ***: ƴeewnaade;
2 • courir dans, trébucher, trébuché par
compare: feekaade, ƴeewnaade.
quelque chose; tripped up by something; run
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
into something. Leggal gofeke kam sabo mi
goppol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. yi'aayno ngal. Le rondin m'a fait trébucher
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of car je ne l'ai pas vu. The log tripped me
Noun: goppi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. because I didn't see it. Dialects: G.
traces ou piste fait par des bœufs; cow trail; 3 • taper légèrement quelqu'un avec le poing;
trail (cow). ***: corfol, coortol, celol, gotol, tap someone lightly with your fist.
guurtol; compare: balangol, cuppol, synonyms: fiyaade, foɓ
foɓaade. Dialects: M.
dartiingol, laawol1, mbedda, poocciingol; gorfude Noun Form of Infinitive: gorfugol.
synonyms: coortol, celol, corfol, gotol, Participles: sing: gorfuɗo-gorfoowo plur:
guurtol. Dialects: Y,G. gorfuɓe-gorfooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
goraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb
Designation: 3. Noun. âge d'homme, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. embrasser,
masculinité, virilité; masculinity; manhood. mettre ses bras autour du cou de quelqu'un;
synonyms: ngoraaku; ***: ngoraaku.
wrap your arm or arms around someone or
Dialects: G.
something's neck; hug. synonyms: gorfaade,
hooɓaade, mubigaade, wakkaade;
***: gorfaade, hooɓ
hooɓaade. Dialects: J.

gorgal Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. l'ouest; west.

***: lettugal, soɓɓ
ɓɓiire, hiirnaange,
horɗoore; compare: lettugal, soɓɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 187
gorgu gosirde gollooɓe ɓe ngollantaa gofernema

gorgu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. gorrol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: gorguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun: gorri. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
Noun. 1 • pénis (humain); penis (human). veau; calf. Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: suuyde, hallere, this word is not used in the singular - always in
cuusal, ngorgu1, ngorgu
ngorgu1; the plural. Dialectal Forms: [G] gordol
synonyms: ngorgu1, bawlirde, hallere, laasi, (gol)/gordi (ɗi); [M] gorlol (ngol)/gorli (ɗi).
lacol, lehi, ley1. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y.

2 • courage; courage. synonyms: cuusal, gortaalo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
feeteende, ngorgu1, suuyde. Dialects: G. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
3 • détermination; determination. Noun: wortalɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
synonyms: ciinal. Dialects: G. 1 • jeune homme célibataire, femme
célibataire; single man; single woman; young
goriiwo Noun. époux, mari; husband; spouse. Dialectal man of marriageable age. Catégorie : La
Forms: goroo, goriiyo, goriyo. Personne. ***: debbo nayeejo, japagariire,
gorko Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number yaaya koreeji, maayraaɗ
maayraaɗo deekum,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of colocolo, debbo mawɗmawɗo, maayraaɗ
Noun: worɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. gorum, celaaɗ
celaaɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • homme ou garçon; boy; man. Catégorie : La 2 • veuve, veuf, divorcé; widower; divorcée;
Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. widow. synonyms: japagariire, maayraaɗ
2 • mâle; male. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. deekum; compare: colocolo, debbo mawɗ mawɗo,
debbo nayeejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gorko nayeejo Noun. vieil homme ; old man.
Catégorie : La Personne. gortogal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
goro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Noun: gortooɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun. poule; chicken; hen. Catégorie : Oiseau.
Noun: gorooje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: cofal, gertogal; ***: gertogal,
noix de cola; kola nut (cola). ***: gooro;
cofal. Dialects: Y,G.
synonyms: gooro. Dialectal Forms: [J] goroore.
Dialects: J. gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna Noun Class Markers: sing:
ngal plur: ɗe. Number One for this
gorol Noun. colonne (vs ligne); column (vs. on line.
noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun: gortooɗe-Fira'awna. Sorting
goroo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Designation: 2, ah. Noun. dinde; turkey.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Catégorie : Oiseau. ***: gertogal-
Noun: goriraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. kulikuli, ndontoori-
ndontoori-Fira'awna, foondu
mari, époux; husband. Moy woni goroo fira’awna rewru, kolokolo;
debbo o? Qui est le mari de cette femme ? synonyms: gertogal-
gertogal-Fira'awna, kolokolo,
Who is that woman's husband? Goroo kulikuli, ndontoori-
ndontoori-Fira'awna. Dialects: Y.
Mayrama na ɓuri goroo Diko toowde. Le
mari de Mayrama est plus grand que le mari gosirde Noun. tribunal; court, judgment seat. Catégorie
de Diko. Mayrama's husband is taller than : Gouvernement, Juridique, Bâtiment.
Diko's husband. Debbo jooɗ
iiɗo o, o walaa synonyms: tirbinal.
goriiwo. La femme assise là-bas n'a pas de gosirde famarde expression. tribunal d’instance;
mari. That woman sitting there has no higher level court, Magistrate's Court.
husband. A nanii suka am heɓheɓii goriiwo Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
naa? As-tu entendu que ma fille a un mari?
gosirde gollooɓ
gollooɓe ɓe ngollantaa gofernema
Did you hear my child [daughter] has a
expression. tribunal du travail; labour court,
husband? Dialectal Forms: [J,M] goriiwo; [Y,G] employment tribunal, labour tribunal.
goriyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique, Le
travail et diverses activités.

16/02/2020 188
gosirde kiite sarwiisi goylere

gosirde kiite sarwiisi expression. tribunal gotol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
administratif; administrative tribunal, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
administrative court . Catégorie Noun: goti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
trace ou piste de bœufs; cow trail.
gosirde mawnde expression. tribunal de grande compare: balangol, cuppol, dartiingol,
instance ; court of first instance. Catégorie laawol1, mbedda, poocciingol; ***: corfol,
: Gouvernement, Juridique. coortol, celol, guurtol, goppol;
gosirde sariya bone expression. tribunal pénal; synonyms: coortol, celol, corfol, goppol,
criminal court. Catégorie : Gouvernement, guurtol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Juridique. synonyms: gosorde bonnde
gottoore Plural Form of Noun: ngottooje. Noun. nain;
mawnde. dwarf.
gosooɓe Noun. jurés; jurors. noddaaɓ
noddaaɓe mballa gotuy Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
ngosooɓe ngosa bonnde mawnde Catégorie One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Noun: gotuuji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
gosoowo Noun. juge; judge. Catégorie espèce de plante grimpante; a climbing plant
: Gouvernement, Juridique, Travailleur. found in damp areas. Catégorie : Herbes,
***: sariyanke. plantes grimpantes. Baissea multiflora. Note
: Gourmanche synonyms: ndelbi; ***: ndelbi.
gosoowo darni expression. ordonnance;
Dialects: Y,G.
prescription, decree. ko gosoowo darni
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. gowlugol Noun. prononciation; pronunciation.
synonyms: ordonansi. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: eeragol, puumtugol; ***: wi'ugol.
gosoowo lugotooɗ
lugotooɗo expression. juge
d’instruction; investigating judge. Catégorie goyaagaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
gosorde bonnde mawnde Noun. cour Noun: goyaagaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
criminelle; criminal court. Catégorie Noun. goyavier; guava tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
Psidium guajava. Note : français
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: gosirde
***: buyakkaahi, mbuyakkaahi;
sariya bone.
synonyms: buyakkaahi, mbuyakkaahi.
gosorde ɗiɗaɓerde Noun. cour d’assises, cour Dialectal Forms: [Y] goyaav. Dialects: G.
d'appel; Assize Court, court of appeal.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. goyaagaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur:
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
gosorde ƴeewoore buuɗ
buuɗi laamu expression.
cour de cassation; court of cessation . Form of Noun: goyaagaaje. Sorting
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. goyave; guava fruit.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : français
gosu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: buyakkaare; ***: buyakkaare.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Dialectal Forms: [Y] goyaav. Dialects: G.
Noun: gosuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
accusation, procès; accusation. ***: saragol, goye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,

tuume. Dialects: J,Y. lequel, laquelle; which. Sekko goye

canyuɗaa? Quelle natte as-tu tissée ? Which
gosude Noun Form of Infinitive: gosugol. mat did you weave? ***: ngoye. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: gosuɗo-gosoowo plur:
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Miɗ
Miɗo anndi sekko goye
gosuɓe-gosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
o sanyi. Je sais quelle natte elle a tissée. I
Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative know which mat she weaved.
or Progressive: prg. Verb. accuser; accuse.
synonyms: ngoye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. Imo
synonyms: dekude, felude, nyiŋ
nyiŋude, taafude,
anndi goye o sanyi. Il sait laquelle elle a
yowude. Dialects: J,Y,M. tissée. He knows which (one/mat) she weaved.
goylere Plural Form of Noun: goyle. synonyme: silɓere,
lirkitere. Noun. luxation; dislocation.

16/02/2020 189
goyli gude

goyli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting 2 • for a fire to flare up. synonyms: ƴuufude.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. puits profond; deep Dialects: J,Y.
wells. Catégorie : Eau. synonyms: boyli; guɓɓ
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: guɓɓagol.
***: boyli. Dialects: J. Participles: sing: guɓɓiiɗo-guɓɓotooɗo
goyngol Noun. communiqué; statement, plur: guɓɓiiɓe-guɓɓotooɓe. Sorting
announcement, release. Catégorie : Le langage Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
et la pensée. Verb. frapper quelqu'un avec le poing, donner
un coup de poing; strike or pound on someone
goyngol mayde Noun. communiqué nécrologique;
with a fist; punch. ***: fiyude, lukkaade,
obituary communication.
aagaade, tappude, reewnude, fiide,
goyngol mbinndaangol expression. publication; teɓɓ
ɓɓude, hakkitinde, guƴƴ
publication. Catégorie : Le langage et la
synonyms: guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, lukkaade, teɓɓ
compare: fiide, fiyude, reewnude, tappude.
goynude Verb. publier, crier pour annoncer, diffuser; Dialects: J.
publish; cry out. ***: hollitingol. Dialectal
guddiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: guddiɗingol.
Forms: gooynude.
Participles: sing: guddiɗinɗo plur:
goynugol Noun. diffusion; diffusion. ***: kollitol. guddiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Verb
gu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number Consonant Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of or Progressive: st - na guddiɗi. Verb. 1 • être
Noun: guuji or guwuuji. Sorting
court parce que coupé, amputé, rasé; sawed
off; amputated; short because part of a limb
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. étalon; stallion.
has been cut off. Nagge nge sammeerum
Catégorie : Mammifère. compare: molu,
naawi faa guddiɗ
guddiɗi. Une partie de la queue de
puccu, tefeewu. Dialectal Forms: gu. cette vache a été amputée. That cow's tail was
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hurt so badly part of it was cut off. Junngo
gu2 Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. quel, lequel, makko nyaamo ngo na guddiɗ guddiɗi. Sa main
laquelle; which. ***: molu, tefeewu, puccu, droit est amputée. His right hand is cut off.
ngu. Dialects: G. ***: raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗinde, lokkiɗ
lokkiɗinde, wuddiɗ
synonyms: wuddiɗ
wuddiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. naggu ngu une
petite vache. a small cow. this is one of two 2 • quelqu'un ou quelque chose qui est court;
noun classes used with diminutive noun forms short. Ɓii Yero koddaajo na guddiɗ
guddiɗi sanne.
- the plural forms of these words use the noun L'enfant de Yero est court de taille. Yero's last
class koy; synonyms: ngu. Dialects: G. child is short. Mi soorii e maaɗ
maaɗaa nyalohol
guddol rawanin. J’ai acheté une génisse dont
gubbitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: gubbitingol.
la queue a été coupée l'an passé. I bought a
Participles: sing: gubbitinɗo-gubbitoowo heifer who's tail was cut off last year.
plur: gubbitinɓe-gubbitooɓe. Sorting Hokkaram jalo guddo ngo. Donne-moi cette
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in daba courte. Give me that short hoe. the
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - various adjectives formed from this verb are
na gubbita. Verb. couper un arbre, abattre un prefered to the participle forms: Group I
ɓe/gudduɓe, ko/nguddo, nde/guddere,
arbre; cut a tree down. synonyms: juuɓ
ndu/gudduru, nge/gudde, ngo/guddo Group
kuutaade; ***: juuɓ
juuɓude, kuutaade. II ɗe/gudde, ɗi/guddi, ɗum/guddum,
Dialects: M. kal/guddal, kol/guddol, ngal/guddal,
ngel/guddel, ngol/guddol, o/guddo Group III
gubooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ka/ngudda, ki/nguddi, ko2/nguddo,
Designation: 4. Noun. écume résultant d'ondes; koy/nguddoy, ndi/nguddiri, nga/ngudda,
foam resulting from wave action. Catégorie
ngi/guddi, ngu/nguddu; synonyms: lokkiɗ
: Eau. ***: nguufo, guufo; synonyms: hufo,
ɓɓiɗinde. Dialects: J.
guufo. Dialects: J.
gude Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
gubude Noun Form of Infinitive: gubugol. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. pièce de tissu de 2 mètres
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in de longueur; pieces of cloth 2 meters long (see
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. wudere). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. 1 • mousser, écumer; froth; foam (to).
***: wawnyude. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 190
guɗɗe hinere Gura'aana

ɗɗe hinere Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting gummey Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Designation: 2, at. Noun. narines, naseaux; Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
nostrils. Catégorie : Le corps. Noun: gummeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. 1 • prunier noir; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Vitex doniana. ***: ngummeehi.
el-nguli Plural Form of Noun: guɗɗoy-nguli .
Dialects: Y,G.
synonyme: wudde-nguru, guɗɗel yaltinirgel
2 • espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub in the
nguli . Noun. pore; pore. Catégorie : Le corps.
southern savannah. Catégorie : Buissons,
***: wudde-
wudde-nguru. arbustes. Vitex simplicifolia.
gujjo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number synonyms: ngummeehi. Dialects: Y,G.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of gundoode Plural Form of Noun: gundooli. Noun.
Noun: wuyɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. jabot; crop. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
voleur; thief. Catégorie : La Personne.
gungumi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
***: banndii, wujjude; compare: banndii,
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
wujjude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: gongume. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
gujuwal synonyme: laalagal ɓoccoonde. Noun. Noun. espèce de buisson / arbuste; kind of
coquille, moule; shell, mould. shrub. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
gulaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Combretum micranthum. ***: ngungumi,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form ɗuyki, ɗoygiire, lawnyi, ɓuygi, ɗooki;
of Noun: gulaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. synonyms: ngungumi. Dialects: G.
fosse creusée pour se cacher; pit they dig in gunya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
order to hide in. ***: ngeera; One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: ngeera. Dialects: Y. Noun: gunyaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh.
gulcere Plural Form of Noun: gulce. Noun. caillot; clot. synonyme: gaaya. Noun. gale; scab; scabies;
Catégorie : Maladie. mange. Catégorie : Maladie. compare: fuyre;
guleeɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: fuyre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Noun. chaleur de l'air; heat guppe Noun. testicules; testicles. Catégorie : Le corps.
(air). ***: kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, nguli; synonyms: kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, synonyms: poorooɗ
poorooɗe, ponte.
nguli; compare: wulude. Dialects: G.
guppeede Noun Form of Infinitive: guppegol.
guli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting Participles: sing: guppaaɗo-guppotooɗo
Designation: 2. Noun. sueur ou transpiration; plur: guppaaɓe-guppotooɓe. Sorting
perspiration; sweat. ***: olowere, cabbam, Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant Change
kaamu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, nguli, olwere, oytere; in Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
synonyms: nguli; compare: haamu, kaamu, Verb. être in-circoncis; uncircumcised (to be).
ɓɓu, wulude. Dialects: G. ***: nguppeede, jofoleede;
synonyms: jofoleede, nguppeede. Dialects: M.
gullal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. vitesse; speed. Moy ɓuri guppere Plural Form of Noun: guppe. Noun. grappe;
gullal hakkunde maɓɓ
ɓɓe? Lequel entre eux est bunch, cluster. synonyms: wukkure, bulaaje,
plus vite ? Which of them is faster. Puucu hukumuuru; ***: hukumuuru.
Haamidu na woodi gullal. Le cheval de guppoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Haamidou est vite. Haamidu's horse is fast.
Designation: 3, mt, th. Noun. incirconcision;
***: njaaweeki; synonyms: njaaweeki.
uncircumcision. ***: nguppaaku, jofolaaku;
Dialectal Forms: [G] gullel. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: jofolaaku, nguppaaku. Dialects: M.
gullal gaɗ
gaɗaangol hakku leere expression.
Gura'aana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
vitesse moyenne; average speed.
Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. le Coran; Koran.
gulle Noun. semis; sowing. Catégorie : Agriculture. Note : arabe ***: Kura'aana, Alkur'aana,
synonyms: aawre
aawre, aawdiiri. Algura'aana; synonyms: Algura'aana,
Alkur'aana, Kura'aana. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 191
gurbitaade guru

gurbitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: gurbitagol. Gurmaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Participles: sing: gurbitiiɗo-gurbitotooɗo Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plur: gurbitiiɓe-gurbitotooɓe. Sorting Noun: Gurmaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in un peul qui vit dans la région Gourma; a Pullo
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
who lives in the Gourma region; particularly
Verb. se lever soudainement; jump or spring up
toward the east of Burkina Faso. Note :
Gourmanche ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo,
all of a sudden. ***: fuppitaade, huncaade,
Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo,
harbitaade, furfitaade, garbitaade,
Kelliijo, Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
farfitaade; synonyms: garbitaade,
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Jaljallo, Jelgoowo,
harbitaade; compare: farfitaade, furfitaade,
Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo, Nommaajo,
fuppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gurɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: gurɓingol. Sorting
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
Gurmaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 1, lg. Noun. dialecte fulfuldé parlé
Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or
dans la région Gourma; the dialect of Fulfulde
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être presque mûr; spoken by the Fulɓe in the Gourma region of
ripe (to be nearly). ***: ɓenndude, Burkina Faso; particularly in the eastern part
goosiɗidde, guusiɗ
guusiɗinde, loorude, gaylude; of that region; Kantchari-Mahadaga. Note :
synonyms: gaylude, goosiɗ
goosiɗidde, guusiɗ
guusiɗinde; Gourmanche compare: Foynankoore,
compare: ɓenndude, loorude. Dialects: Y. Gaawoore, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore,
Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Moosiire,
gure Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Nommaare, Yaagaare, Yaangaare
Designation: 1. Noun. ménages, villages, villes,
habitations; villages; households; dwellings; ***: Jelgoore, Foynankoore,
towns. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Maasinankoore, Gaawoore, Liptaakuure,
Nommaare, Yaangaare, Moosiire,
gureejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: gureeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp. gurral Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe.
Noun. paysan, quelqu'un qui vit en brousse, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
broussard; peasant; rural person. Noun: gurde. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
synonyms: laddeejo; ***: laddeejo, wuroojo; 1 • petit trou fait pour planter du mil; a little
compare: wuroojo. Dialects: Y,G,M. hole one makes with the "jabbirgal" for
planting a seed of millet (or other grain).
gurgurti Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting ***: jabbere, wullere, yabbere;
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. taureaux jusqu’à synonyms: jabbere, yabbere. Dialects: G.
trois ans; bulls. Catégorie : Mammifère.
2 • something planted. synonyms: wullere.
Dialectal Forms: [J] gurhurti. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: G.
gurgurtiri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
gursoy Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
Noun: gurgurti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. jeune taureau jusqu’à trois ans; bull up Noun: gursooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
to 3 years. Catégorie : Mammifère. Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Grewia
synonyms: ngurgurtiri; ***: ngurgurtiri;
villosa. synonyms: ngursoohi;
compare: ɓujiri, kalahaldi, nagge, ngaari.
***: ngursoohi. Dialects: G.
Dialects: G.
guru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
guri Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
Designation: 3. Noun. peaux; skins.
Noun: guri. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cuir, peau (hommes, animaux et quelques
fruits); skin; leather. guru manngoore
compare: hufo; ***: nguru; synonyms: nguru.
Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 192
guru hitere guurtol

guru hitere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. guugaaɗ
guugaaɗo exagérément gourmand; loving food too
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of much. ***: deereero. Dialectal
Noun: guri gite. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Forms: guugeede.
Noun. paupière; eye lid. Catégorie : Le corps.
guugeede Noun Form of Infinitive: guugegol.
synonyms: nguru yitere; ***: nguru yitere.
Participles: sing: guugaaɗo plur: guugaaɓe.
Dialects: G.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
gurunfuntuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Verb. être glouton; gluttonous.
Plural Form of Noun: gurunfuntuuji. Sorting ***: habiseede, deerorɗ
Designation: 4. Noun. une longue vallée ou synonyms: deerorɗ
deerorɗinde, haanɗ
crevasse causée par l’érosion; crevasse habiseede, reereeɗ
reereeɗinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
formed by erosion; valley. Catégorie : Terre.
Dialects: J,Y.
guugi Noun. gourmandise; gluttony.

gusa Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. sentir vraiment guure Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
bien; smells good. Ɗum na uuri gusa. Cela Designation: 4. Noun. abondance de nourriture,
sent vraiment très bien. That really smells beaucoup, suffisamment; bounty; abundance
nice. ***: buy, bugu, uurude, uur; of food; plenty. ***: nguurey1, haarannde,
synonyms: bugu, buy, uur; compare: uurude. ɗuuɗ
uuɗal; synonyms: haarannde, nguurey1.
Dialectal Forms: [J] gus. Dialects: J. Dialects: G.

gusuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. guurndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form One for this noun: gootam. Sorting
of Noun: gusuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Designation: 2. Variante: nguurdam. Noun. vie;
Noun. rat de Gambie, rat-voleur; giant life. ***: foofaango, nguurndam;
Gambian rat. Catégorie : Mammifère. compare: foofude, foofaango, foontude,
Cricetomys gambianus. compare: doomburu; mbeelu1, poowle, ruuhu, yonki;
synonyms: raygooru, saayogooru; synonyms: nguurndam. Dialects: G.
***: saayogooru, doowru, doomburu,
Guuro Variante: Gourowo. Noun. prénom masculin
soliiru, doomaaru, raygooru. Dialects: J,Y. (Signification : Celui qui va survivre); first
guu Noun. étalon; stallion. Catégorie : Élevage. name for a male (meaning: the one who is
going to follow). Catégorie : Nom.
Dialectal Forms: gu.
guurtel Noun. allée; path, drive, road.
guuɓal Plural Form of Noun: guuɓe. Noun. buisson;
bush, shrub. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. synonyms: laawel.
synonyms: wuumoore. guurtol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
guudo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Designation: 3. Noun. moule; mold; mould. Noun: guurti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, cs.
Noun. 1 • sentier de bœufs; cow trail; trail
***: puundi; synonyms: puundi. Dialects: M.
(cow). ***: ɓarsuwol, toogol, orol, corfol,
guudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number coortol, celol, gotol, goppol;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of synonyms: coortol, celol, corfol, gotol,
Noun: guudi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. goppol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
champignon; mushroom. Catégorie 2 • sillon sur un champ; row in a planted field.
: Mousses, champignons, algues.
compare: balangol, cuppol, dartiingol,
***: tuntumbagga, jooɗ
laawol1, mbedda, poocciingol;
mbaggu-bojel; synonyms: mbaggu-
synonyms: ɓarsuwol, orol, toogol.
tuntumbagga. Dialectal Forms: [M] guudo.
Dialects: Y,M.
Dialects: J.

guufo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting

Designation: 3. Noun. mousse; foam; suds.
***: nguufo, gubooje; synonyms: gubooje,
nguufo. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 193
guusiɗinde guƴƴaade

guusiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: guusiɗingol. guynaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Change in Plural: g/ng. Verb Stative or of Noun: guylaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Progressive: st/prg (future). Verb. être nénuphar ou ses racines ou ses grains; water
presque mûr; nearly ripe. Note : mooré lily or its root or seeds. Catégorie : Herbes,
plantes grimpantes. Nymphaea lotus. Note :
***: ɓenndude, goosiɗ
goosiɗidde, gurɓ
mooré compare: kukkuturuutu,
loorude, gaylude; synonyms: gaylude,
kuttukuruutol, taɓɓtaɓɓere
ɓɓere, tammere,
goosiɗidde, gurɓ
gurɓinde; compare: ɓenndude
ngommbiire, timbooriire;
loorude. Dialects: M.
synonyms: boololol, daamarawol, tammere,
guyakkaaje emprunt: français. taɓɓ
ɓɓere; ***: timbooriire, ngommbiire,
Variante: goyakkaaje. Noun. goyaves; guavas. gawriyel. Dialects: M.
Catégorie : Nourriture.
guƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
guye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
lequel; which. Mbaalu guye kirsataa? Quel
Noun: guƴuuji. Sorting Designation: 3,in. Noun.
mouton vas-tu tuer. Which sheep will you
espèce d'insecte qui fait des trous dans du
slaughter? Dialects: G. bois et tiges de mil; a wood boring insect that
Dialects: G.2 • adj. Mi suɓ
suɓaaki mbaalu gets in wood or millet stalks and eats them
guye kirsammi tafon. Je n'ai pas encore from the inside out; typically one notices
choisi le mouton que je vais tuer. I have not nothing other than the sawdust they produce
yet chosen the sheep I will slaughter. and the noise they make while eating.
synonyms: nguye. Dialects: G.3 • rpn. O Catégorie : Insecte. synonyms: mbuƴ
nguƴu; ***: mbuƴ
mbuƴu, nguƴ
suɓaaki guye o hirsata tafon.
compare: wuƴ
wuƴude. Dialects: G.
guyfal Noun. savane; Savannah. Catégorie : Terre.
synonyms: jaayal.
ƴƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: guɓɓagol.
Participles: sing: guɓɓiiɗo-guɓɓotooɗo
guyfal ɗo leɗɗ
ɗɗe keewi expression. savanes plur: guɓɓiiɓe-guɓɓotooɓe. Sorting
arborées; tree Savannah. Catégorie : Terre.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: jaayal. Verb. frapper avec poing; pound or punch with
guyka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting a fist. ***: fiyude, lukkaade, tappude,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. vol (ne pas vu par reewnude, guɓɓguɓɓaade
ɓɓaade, fiide, teɓɓ
quelqu'un); theft; when it is unseen. compare: fiide, fiyude, reewnude, tappude;
***: nguyka; synonyms: nguyka; synonyms: guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, lukkaade, teɓɓ
compare: wujjude. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
guylaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: guylaaje. Noun. nénuphar et ses
racines; water lily or its root. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Nymphaea
lotus. Note : mooré synonyms: boololol,
daamarawol, tammere, taɓɓ
***: daamarawol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, boololol,
tammere; compare: kukkuturuutu,
kuttukuruutol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, tammere,
ngommbiire, timbooriire. Dialects: M.

H - h

16/02/2020 194
haabu haako

haabu Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. haagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: haabuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun: haaguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. coton; cotton. Catégorie : Agriculture, Noun. divers breuvages faites d'herbes et
Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Note : Songhai d'écorces; concoctions. synonyms: basi, haaju;
***: li'eewa, li'a, ɓorowol; compare: li'eewa. ***: basi, haaju. Dialectal Forms: [G] haaguy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y,M.

haabuuɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting haahaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. femme adulte en âge Designation: 4, th. Noun. gloutonnerie;
d'avoir des enfants; mature women of child gluttony. ***: boronndi, joote,
bearing age. Catégorie : La Personne.
rawaandaaku, mboronndi, ndeereeraaku,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
habisaare, haanɗ
haanɗere, worolde, habisere;
haaccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haaccagol. compare: eelgal, himme, joote, worolde;
Participles: sing: kaacciiɗo-kaaccotooɗo synonyms: haanɗ
haanɗere, habisaare,
plur: haacciiɓe-haaccotooɓe. Sorting ndeereeraaku, rawaandaaku. Dialects: Y.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
haajaade Verb. vouloir; want to.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. voir quelque chose de loin; spot haajeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haajegol.
something at a distance. synonyms: haccaade, Participles: sing: kaajaaɗo-kaajeteeɗo plur:
haynaade, sooynaade; ***: haccaade
haccaade, haajaaɓe-haajeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
sooynaade, haynaade. Dialects: Y. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir
haaccude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaccugol.
besoin de, vouloir quelqu'un ou quelque chose
Participles: sing: kaaccuɗo-kaaccoowo plur: pour aider; want someone or something that
haaccuɓe-haaccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. can help you; need of. Note : arabe
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb compare: yiɗ
yiɗude, horsinde, muuyude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pousser un cri ***: muuyude, hatinginde, horsinde,
soudainement; one time scream; it is a short; to yiɗ
yiɗude; synonyms: hatinginde.
scream out suddenly as in fright. ***: wullude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
woyude, siikude, halɓ
halɓude, waaydude;
haaju Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: halɓ
halɓude, siikude;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: waaydude, woyude, wullude.
Noun: haajuuji. Sorting Designation: 1, mt.
Dialectal Forms: [M] haacude.
Noun. 1 • besoin, nécessité; need. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: haagu, namu, basi, muuyɗ
haaɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaɗugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kaaɗuɗo-kaaɗoowo plur: 2 • affaires (lieu de travail même si c'est au
haaɗuɓe-haaɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. champ); business (place of work). Note : arabe
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • cesser, 3 • différents breuvages fait d'herbes ou
d'écorces; Various concoctions made by
arrêter; stop. Ko njaami Mahadaga ɗum wo
taking herbs and tree barks and boiling them.
ɗoon kaaɗ
kaaɗumi, mi hewtowaay wuro These are then administered to small children
Aamadu. When I went to Mahadaga I stopped to give them good health. Note : arabe
there, I did not go to Aamadu's home. compare: muuyɗ
muuyɗe, namu; synonyms: basi,
***: lamsude, kati, daraade, roki, tok, haagu. Dialectal Forms: [J] haaje. Dialects: M.
kaddi; synonyms: daraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être amère, salé; salty or hot; to be bitter.
haako Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: lamsude; compare: haɗɗ
ɗɗere, kati, One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of

roki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: haakooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.

Noun. 1 • feuille, feuilles; leaf. Catégorie
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
***: layol; synonyms: kaakolol, leforowol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 195
haakolowol haalude ngoonga
2 • plante d'arachide; peanut plant. Catégorie
haalande Noun Form of Infinitive: haalangol.
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Participles: sing: kaalanɗo-kaalanoowo
synonyms: layol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: haalanɓe-haalanooɓe. Sorting
3 • pois chiche (plante); chickpea plant.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: layol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
4 • plante de haricot; the bean plant.
Verb. expliquer ou raconter; explain or tell
synonyms: layol. Dialects: J.
something to someone. ***: faaminde,
haakolowol une feuille; leaf. Catégorie : Parties d’un sifanaade, fiirtande, humpitinde, tindinde;
végétal ou d’une plante. ***: hufo. synonyms: humpitinde; compare: faaminde,
haakorowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. fiirtande, sifanaade, tindinde.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: haakorooji or haako. Sorting haalannde Noun. texte; text. Catégorie : Lecture /
Designation: 2, pl. Noun. 1 • feuille; leaf. écriture. synonyms: winndannde.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
plante. ***: leforowol, kaakolol.
haaldude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaldugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kaalduɗo-kaaldoowo plur:
2 • coquille et peau d'arachide; shell and the haalduɓe-haaldooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
skin of the peanut. synonyms: leforowol, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
kaakolol. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] haakolowol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. parler
ensemble, s'entendre, parler avec quelqu'un;
Dialects: Y,G,M.
talk with someone; get along with. ***: jiidal.
haakowel-pinndi Noun. pétale; petal. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
haalilawde Verb. prévenir; warn; anticipate.
haakowol Plural Form of Noun: haakooji. Noun.
feuille; leaf. haaltaro Noun. rapporteur; telltale; reporter; tattletale.
haala Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number haaltude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaltugol.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of Participles: sing: kaaltuɗo-kaaltoowo plur:
Noun: haalaaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. haaltuɓe-haaltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
1 • mot; word. ***: konngol1, bi'aangol, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
kabaaru1, kibaaru, filnde, lawju; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. répéter, dire
synonyms: bi'aangol, konngol
konngol1. encore une fois, redire, rapporter; repeating a
secret; repeat; say again; report.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: sirraade, suuritinde; ***: sirraade,
2 • parole, discours, expression, langue;
suuritinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
speech; language. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • message; message. compare: kabaaru1, haaltugol Verb. rapporter; report.
nyoore, sirri, sowndaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haaltugol ngoonga Noun. aveu; confession,
haala finaatawaa expression. langue nationale; acknowledgment, admission of guilt. Catégorie
: Juridique.
national language. Catégorie : Le langage et la
pensée. haalude Noun Form of Infinitive: haalugol.
haala forbaaha Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Participles: sing: kaaluɗo-kaaloowo plur:
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. lingua franca haaluɓe-haalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
(Français ou Mooré); lingua franca. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. parler,
discuter, énoncer; talk; speak. ***: wi'ude,
haala ka sottataa Noun. parole donnée; word
(given). yeewtude, dukude, gaajaade, merude,
fillaade, olkude; synonyms: merude,
haala yewtere expression. discours; discourse,
winndude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
speech. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
haalude ko waroyta expression. prédire; predict.
synonyms: heƴƴ
ƴƴude, anndude.

haalude ngoonga Verb. avouer; admit, confess.

Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 196
haalugol haandinde

haalugol synonyme: kolol. Noun. expression; haamninde Noun Form of Infinitive: haamningol.
expression. Catégorie : Le langage et la Participles: sing: kaamninɗo-kaamninoowo
plur: haamninɓe-haamninooɓe. Sorting
haalugol faa laaɓ
laaɓa expression. articulation; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
articulation. haalude faa laaɓ
laaɓa Catégorie : Le Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
langage et la pensée. Verb. exaspérer, agacer, fâcher, ennuyer,
irriter, tracasser, déranger; or vex; annoy;
haamilgol synonyme: saawugol, reedugol. Noun.
irritate; bother; upset; aggravate. Si goonga
fécondation; impregnation, pollination.
nii Hamma a haamninii! Hamma, tu m'agace
***: hekugol, puɗɗ
ɗɗe reedu, reedugol.
vraiment ! Hamma you really are aggravating!
haamili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Sukaaɓ
Sukaaɓe celataa haamninde sanaa nde ɓe
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ɗaanii. Les enfants arrêtent de nous agacer
Noun: haamili'en. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. quand ils dorment. Children only stop
Noun. une femme enceinte; pregnant woman. annoying when they are asleep. ***: riibande,
Note : arabe ***: debereedu, kaamili; husinbinde, mettinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande,
synonyms: debereedu, kaamili. Dialects: J,G. saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, torrude;
haamilude Noun Form of Infinitive: haamilugol. synonyms: husinbinde, mettinde, riibande,

Participles: sing: kaamilɗo-kaamiloowo saɗɗ

ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, torrude, tiinnande.
plur: haamilɓe-haamilooɓe. Sorting Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] haanninde.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. haamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Verb. être enceinte (femme); pregnant (to be). Designation: 3, mt. Noun. humidité; humidity.
Note : arabe ***: reedude, tummbude2, synonyms: kaamu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓu; ***: kuɓɓ
kaamilude; synonyms: dunyude, kaamilude, kaamu, guli. Dialects: M.
reedude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haamude Noun Form of Infinitive: haamugol.
haamnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haamnagol. Participles: sing: kaamuɗo-kaamoowo plur:
Participles: sing: kaamniiɗo plur: haamuɓe-haamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
haamniiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • presser,
Progressive: st. Verb. être agaçant, fâcheux, extraire, essorer de l'eau; wring out water;
ennuyeux, irritant; bothersome; vexing; squeeze out water. ***: liilude, hamƴ
irritating; annoying; aggravating (to be).
tuusude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Hamma, sel haamnaade! Hamma, arrête
d'être agaçant ! Hamma, stop being annoying! 2 • être humide; to be humid. compare: liilude;

Hankin mi heɓ synonyms: hamƴ

hamƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heɓii beero kaamniiɗ
kaamniiɗo sanne.
La nuit dernière j'ai eu un visiteur ennuyeux. haandinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haandingol.
Last night I had an aggravating guest.
Participles: sing: kaandinɗo-kaandinoowo
compare: husinbinde, mettinde, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
plur: haandinɓe-haandinooɓe. Sorting
torrude; ***: mettude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
haannaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. rêver de quelque chose qu'on aimerait
avoir, suggérer; daydream about something
you would like. ***: siinude, anniyaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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haandude haanere jeyal ko miilii yiiti
2 • être fou, insensé; insane; crazy.
haandude Noun Form of Infinitive: haandugol.
compare: eelude, himmeede, jooteede;
Participles: sing: kaanduɗo-kaandoowo
synonyms: haaŋ
haaŋeede, waylitaade
plur: haanduɓe-haandooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. haanere Noun. droit; right, law. haanere (kaane)
1 • quelque chose qui doit aller /fonctionner Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
avec quelque chose d'autre; something that ***: duruwa; synonyms: duruwa.
must go together with something else; Saaya
haanere anndal, nyeenyal e finaatawaa
lobba na haandi e paɗ paɗe lobbe Une jolie expression. droit à la culture; the right to
robe demande aussi des jolies chaussures. A culture. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
beautiful robe must go with nice shoes. Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • quelque chose qu'on a besoin pour faire haanere ɓii-
ii-leydaaku expression. droit à la
quelque chose; something that you need in citoyenneté; the right to citizenship. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
order to do something; Miɗ
Miɗo haandi e
moteere lobbere sabu miɗmiɗo waancoo haanere cellal expression. droit à la santé; the right
sanne. J'ai besoin d'une bonne moto car je to health. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
voyage souvent. I need a good motorcycle Juridique.
because I travel a lot. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haanere
haanere filaade golle gofernema expression.
droit d’accès aux fonctions publiques; equal
haanɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
access to the public service is guaranteed.
Plural Form of Noun: kaanɗi - the plural form Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
is used for craziness. Sorting Designation: 3,
haanere gollude expression. droit au travail; right
th. Noun. 1 • gloutonnerie; gluttony.
to work. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
***: boronndi, joote, rawaandaaku, eelgal, Juridique.
mboronndi, ndeereeraaku, habisaare,
haanere heɓ
heɓude ɓii-
haaŋeede, worolde, haahaa, habisere;
expression. droit à la nationalité; the right to
compare: eelgal, himme, joote, worolde; nationality. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
synonyms: haahaa, habisaare, ndeereeraaku, Juridique.
rawaandaaku. Dialects: J.
haanere heɓ
heɓude gosaneede expression. droit
2 • d'une manière insensée, folie, aliénation
d’accès à la justice; the right to access to
mentale; insanity; craziness; madness.
justice. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
compare: haaŋ
haaŋeede, waylitaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haanere heɓ
heɓude jannginee expression. droit à
l’éducation; the right to education. Catégorie
haanɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haanɗingol. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Participles: sing: kaanɗinɗo-kaanɗinoowo
haanere hiɓɓ
ɓɓere ɓanndu expression. droit à
plur: haanɗinɓe-haanɗinooɓe. Sorting l’intégrité physique; the right to physical
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in integrity. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Juridique.
Verb. rendre fou quelqu'un; drive someone
haanere hiɓɓ
ɓɓere ndimaaku expression. droit à
crazy; crazy (to drive someone).
l’intégrité morale; the right to moral
synonyms: haaŋ
haaŋude; ***: haaŋ
haaŋude; integrity. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
compare: haaŋ
haaŋeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Juridique.
haanɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: haanɗugol. haanere humpiteede expression. droit à
Participles: sing: kaanɗuɗo plur: haanɗuɓe. l’information; the right to information.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. haanere jeyal expression. droit de propriété;
Verb. 1 • être glouton; gluttonous (to be). property ownership rights, right of ownership.
***: habiseede, waylitaade, reereeɗ
reereeɗinde, Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
deerorɗinde, himmeede, eelude, haaŋ
haaŋeede, haanere jeyal ko miilii yiiti expression. droit de
guugeede, jooteede; synonyms: habiseede, propriété intellectuelle; the intellectual
reereeɗinde. Dialects: J. property right. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

16/02/2020 198
haanere miilaneede na laaɓi haaŋeede

haanere miilaneede na laaɓ

laaɓi expression. droit à haanere wottagol expression. droit de vote; right to
la présomption d’innocence; the right to be vote, voting power. Catégorie
assumed innocent until proven guilty. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
haanere wotteede expression. droit à l’éligibilité;
haanere muurtere expression. droit de grève; right the right of eligibility, right to stand as a
to strike. Catégorie : Gouvernement, candidate. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Juridique. Juridique.

haanere ndeenaagu tomotte expression. droit à haanere yaha wara ɗo haajaa expression. droit
la sécurité de la personne; the right to security d’aller et venir; the right to come and go as
of person. Catégorie : Gouvernement, you wish within your country . Catégorie
Juridique. : Juridique.

haanere nguurndam expression. droit à la vie; haange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
right to life. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
Noun: [J,M] kaangi, [Y,G] kaabi. Sorting
haanere piilki lobbi expression. droit à un Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisse qui a le
environnement sain; the right to a healthy premier veau, une vache qui a mis bas deux
environment. Catégorie : Gouvernement, fois; cow that has calved twice; heifer (first
Juridique. calf). Catégorie : Mammifère. compare: nagge;
haanere potal dow ndeenaagu sariya ***: nagge. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
expression. droit à l’égale protection de la loi; haanndinde
haanndinde Verb. imaginer; imagine. Catégorie : Le
the right to equal protection of the law.
langage et la pensée. synonyms: miilaade.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.

haanere potal yeeso sariya expression. droit à haanndingol Noun. imagination; imagination.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
l’égalité devant la loi; he right to equality
before the law. Catégorie : Gouvernement, synonyms: hakkillo.
Juridique. haanude Noun Form of Infinitive: haanugol.
haanere rafi aybineede synonyme: haanere Participles: sing: kaanuɗo plur: haanuɓe.
heɓugol ndimaaku. expression. droit à la Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
dignité; the right to human dignity. Catégorie Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. doit, il faut, devrais, aurais dû, fallait; should;
haanere rafi senndiiru expression. droit à la non must. na haani waɗwaɗude doit faire. must do.
discrimination; the right to The stative negative is often used, i.e.
non-discrimination. Catégorie "haanaa/kaanaa," and should not be confused
: Gouvernement, Juridique. with "kanaa." ***: karahan, sanaa,
waajibaade, kanaa, say, tilsude, sey,
haanere rafi yanngiteede expression. droit de ne
pas subir des tortures; the right not to be waajibi, yonude, tilay; synonyms: kanaa,
tortured. Catégorie : Gouvernement, sanaa, say, sey; compare: karahan, tilay,
Juridique. tilsude, waajibaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haanere reeneede nde ɗaɓɓi
ɓɓi ndeenaagu haaŋ
haaŋeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haaŋegol.
expression. droit d’asile; right to asylum, Participles: sing: kaaŋaaɗo plur: haaŋaaɓe.
asylum right. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh, mt. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
haanere salaare nde luttataa expression. droit Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être fou, insensé;
de veto; right of veto, veto right. Catégorie
insane; crazy. ***: kaanɗ
kaanɗi, raytude,
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
waylitaade, haanɗ
haanɗere, haanɗ
haanere taa nanngee dow ɓureede geƴƴ
ƴƴude, haanɗ
haanɗude; synonyms: haanɗ
semmbe expression. droit de ne pas être waylitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arrêté ou détenu arbitrairement; right from 2 • avoir la rage; rabies (having). Catégorie
arbitrary arrest or detention. Catégorie : Maladie. compare: haaŋ
haaŋude, haanɗ
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
kaanɗi, raytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haanere walleede expression. droit à la défense
(justice); right of defence. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 199
haaŋude haatumeere sahaaji

haaŋude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaŋugol. haarude Noun Form of Infinitive: haarugol.
Participles: sing: kaaŋuɗo-kaaŋoowo plur: Participles: sing: kaaruɗo-kaaroowo plur:
haaŋuɓe-haaŋooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. haaruɓe-haarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rendre fou Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être plein,
quelqu'un (dans le sens littérale); drive rassasié après avoir mangé; full (to be);
someone crazy. ***: haanɗ
haanɗinde, haaŋ
haaŋeede; satisfied after eating. ***: nyaɓ
nyaɓaade, faltude,
synonyms: haanɗ
haanɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hojude, hennyude, heƴ heƴude;
compare: hennyude, heƴ heƴude, hojude,
Haaram Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
nyaɓaade; synonyms: faltude.
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • le premier mois de
l'année lunaire; first month of the lunar year. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haasidaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haasidagol.
2 • fête de Nouvel An; the New Year feast. Note Participles: sing: kaasidiiɗo-kaasidotooɗo
: arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: haasidiiɓe-haasidotooɓe. Sorting
haarannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3. Noun. estomac plein /rempli, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
abondance, générosité; bounty; abundance; Verb. trouver des fautes, trouver à redire,
plenty; fullness of stomach. synonyms: guure, critiquer, diffamer; find fault; scoffer; critical.
***: weefaade, buykaade, wuykude,
nguurey1; ***: guure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaancude, manude; synonyms: jaancude,
haareere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. manude, nyiŋnyiŋude, weefaade, wuykude.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: kaareeje. Sorting Designation: 4, pl.
Noun. noix de karité; shea nut. Catégorie haasidaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante. Designation: 3, th. Noun. égoïsme; selfishness.
***: kaareehi, holoore; synonyms: holoore; ***: keedaraaku, wuykoore;
compare: kaareehi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: keedaraaku, wuykoore.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haarnude Noun Form of Infinitive: haarnugol.
Participles: sing: kaarnuɗo-kaarnoowo plur: haasidaare Noun. diffamation; defamation. Catégorie
haarnuɓe-haarnoowo. Sorting Designation: 3. : Juridique. ***: buykol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb haasitaade Verb. rapporter, médire; malign; speak ill
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. nourrir of; report.
quelqu'un jusqu'à ce qu'il est rassasié, faire
manger à satiété; feed someone or something haatannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
until they are full and satisfied. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: kaatane. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
Noun. l'une des pierres qu'on utilise pour poser
haartaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haartagol. la marmite au foyer; stone used to set the pot
Participles: sing: haartiiɗo-haartotooɗo
on for cooking. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: haartiiɓe-haartotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. haatim-
haatim-a Verb. quadriller; criss-cross. Catégorie
Verb. se racler la gorge et cracher; clear your : Mathématique.
throat and to spit it out. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, haatumeere Noun. tableau, tableau (grille) ; chart,
tuutude, kaartaade; synonyms: kaartaade; table, table (grid). Catégorie : Lecture /
compare: tuɓ
tuɓtude, tuutude. Dialects: Y,G. écriture.

haatumeere cowondiral Noun. table de

multiplication; multiplication table. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

haatumeere sahaaji Noun. emploi du temps;

schedule. Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 200
haawaade habisere

haawaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haawagol. haaynude Noun Form of Infinitive: haaynugol.
Participles: sing: kaawiiɗo-kaawotooɗo Participles: sing: kaaynuɗo-kaaynoowo
plur: haawiiɓe-haawotooɓe. Sorting plur: haaynuɓe-haaynooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. faire des commentaires sur quelqu'un qui Verb. faire fondre du beurre dans une marmite
a des bonnes choses; comment (to). Note: This sur le feu; melt butter in a pot over a fire.
is generally considered a bad thing to do and compare: taayude, yoosude; ***: taayude,
not taken as a complement. Generally it is kaaynaaɗ
kaaynaaɗam, taaynude, yoosude;
felt that such comments flow from jealousy
and spite as they believe that if someone says synonyms: taaynude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
good things about your things something evil habaru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
will befall them. ***: fiirtugol faa laaɓ
laaɓa, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
hunnduko; compare: hunnduko. Noun: habaruuji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nouvelles, informations; news. Note : arabe
haawtanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haawtanagol. synonyms: kabaaru1, kibaaru, tiiri;
***: kabaaru1, tiiri. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing:
kaawtaniiɗo-kaawtantooɗo plur: Habiila Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Abel (fils de
haawtaniiɓe-haawtantooɓe. Sorting Adam et Eve); Abel (son of Adam and Eve).
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Note : hébreu/arabe Dialects: biblical.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. habisaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb. courir vers quelqu’un ou quelque chose
Designation: 4. Noun. gloutonnerie,
pour attaquer ou chasser; run at something or
gourmandise; greediness towards food;
someone. ***: nyorɓ
nyorɓude, sakkaade,
gluttony. ***: rawaandaaku, ndeereeraaku,
riggaade, riiwude, rippude;
haanɗere, haahaa; synonyms: haahaa,
compare: nyorɓ
nyorɓude, riggaade, riiwude,
haanɗere, ndeereeraaku, rawaandaaku.
sakkaade, rippude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [J] habisere. Dialects: J.
haawto Noun. interjection; interjection. Catégorie
habiseede Noun Form of Infinitive: habisegol.
: Lecture / écriture.
Participles: sing: kabisaaɗo-kabiseteeɗo
haayla Noun. règles (menstruation); menstruation, plur: habisaaɓe-habiseteeɓe. Sorting
period. Catégorie : Le corps.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
haaynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haaynagol. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Participles: sing: kaayniiɗo-kaaynotooɗo Verb. être glouton; gluttonous.
plur: haayniiɓe-haaynotooɓe. Sorting synonyms: guugeede, haanɗ
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in reereeɗ
reereeɗinde; ***: reeree
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. deerorɗ
deerorɗinde, himmeede, eelude,
Verb. être surpris; surprised. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haanɗ
haanɗude, guugeede, jooteede;
compare: woroɗ
woroɗinde. Dialects: J.
haaynde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form habisere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
of Noun: haayndeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Designation: 4, th. Noun. gloutonnerie;
Noun. surprise, merveille, miracle; miracle; gluttony. ***: joote, mboronndi, worolde;
surprise; marvel. synonyms: kaayeefi; compare: eelgal, himme, joote, worolde;
***: kaayeefi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: haahaa, haanɗ
haanɗere, ndeereeraaku,
haayndeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. rawaandaaku. Dialects: J.

Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of

Noun: haayndeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Boswellia dalzielii.
synonyms: anakeehi, ƴiiƴ
iiƴaahi; ***: ƴibbi,
iiƴaahi, anakeehi, ibbi. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 201
haɓande haɓɓitaade

haɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓangol. haɓɓ
ɓɓaneede Note for Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: kaɓanɗo-kaɓanoowo plur: Progressive: Note: Obviously "imo
haɓanɓe-haɓanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. haɓɓanee" would be rare. Noun Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Infinitive: haɓɓanegol. Participles: sing:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aider kaɓɓanaaɗo-kaɓɓaneteeɗo plur:
quelqu'un avec quelque chose; help someone. haɓɓanaaɓe-haɓɓaneteeɓe. Sorting
Mi haɓ
haɓanii o faa o heɓ
heɓii deekiiwo. Je l'ai Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
aidé à trouver une femme. I helped him to have Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
a wife. ***: wallitinde, wannude, nafude, Verb. fiancée pour un mariage, pour une
wallude, ɓillitinde, faabaade, newnude; femme d'être négociée pour un mariage (tout
synonyms: ɓillitinde, faabaade, hoynude, ce qui reste à faire est le déménagement dans
nafude, newnude, waantude, wallude,
la cour du mari); engaged in marriage.
***: ɓaŋeede, fiɓaneede; compare: ɓaŋeede.
wallitinde, wannude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • aider à lutter, combattre à la place de Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
quelqu'un; to fight in someone's place; to help haɓɓ
ɓɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓɓegol.
someone fight. synonyms: jinngande
jinngande. Participles: sing: kaɓɓaaɗo-kaɓɓeteeɗo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: haɓɓaaɓe-haɓɓeteeɓe. Sorting
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓɓagol. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: kaɓɓiiɗo-kaɓɓotooɗo Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
plur: haɓɓiiɓe-haɓɓotooɓe. Sorting Verb. 1 • être attaché, embrouillé; tied up.

Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in ***: geƴƴ

ƴƴeede; synonyms: geƴƴ

Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Verb. 1 • se mettre la ceinture, se ceindre; put 2 • lorsque la cérémonie du mariage est
your belt on. ***: ɗowtanaade, jagganaade, terminé; when the wedding ceremony is over:
dewal1, jokkude, kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol, tokkude,
"ɓangal haɓɓaama". synonyms: ɓaŋude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tunndorgol, hoolnaade, rewude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haɓɓ
ɓɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • fixer quelque chose sur soi-même par Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
exemple un foulard, nouer sur soi-même, of Noun: kaɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, cs.
attacher sur soi-même; tie something on Noun. 1 • gerbe d'herbe, botte; sheaf of grass.
yourself. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: bokkoore, wubbere, donngal;
3 • être fidèle, suivre, devenir un disciple de; to synonyms: wubbere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
follow; to become a disciple of; to be faithful.
2 • fagot de bois; bundle of wood.
compare: kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol, hoolnaade;
synonyms: donngal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: dewal1, ɗowtanaade, jagganaade,
3 • gerbe de mil; bundle of millet.
jokkude, rewude, tokkude
tokkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: bokkoore, juuruure, wulaare.
ɓɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓɓangol. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: kaɓɓanɗo-kaɓɓanoowo haɓɓ
ɓɓere kaalis Noun. somme (d'argent); sum (of
plur: haɓɓanɓe-haɓɓanooɓe. Sorting money). Catégorie : Mathématique.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
ɓɓidii e abajadda
abajadda expression. alphabétique;
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • lorsqu'un homme éveille / attire alphabetical. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓidii e abajadda
l’intérêt d'une femme; for a man to engage a Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
woman. ***: fiɓfiɓande, nanngande, suddude. haɓɓ
ɓɓitaade Verb. s'attacher; fasten.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • attacher quelque chose pour quelqu'un; tie
something for someone. Dialectal Forms: 1.
fiɓande, nanngande, suddude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 202
haɓɓitinde haɓnde
3 • être soucieux, inquiet à propos de; worried;
ɓɓitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓɓitingol.
concerned about something. Ɗum haɓɓ haɓɓii
ɓɓii kam
Participles: sing: kaɓɓitinɗo-kaɓɓitoowo
hoore. I am concerned about this.
plur: haɓɓitinɓe-haɓɓitooɓe. Sorting
compare: ɓaŋude, fiɓfiɓude, kaɓɓ
ɓɓal, jomnude,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
ŋeetinde, teeŋ
teeŋinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
imo haɓɓita. Verb. défaire, dénouer, haɓ
haɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓegol.
détacher; untie. ***: yolnude, yolbinde, Participles: sing: kaɓaaɗo-kaɓeteeɗo plur:
jomnude, humtude1; synonyms: humtude1. haɓaaɓe-haɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] haɓɓitidde, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
haɓɓitinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir été dans
une lutte, combat; to have been in a fight.
ɓɓodi e hakkillo expression. intelligible;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
intelligible. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodi e hakkillo Catégorie
: Le langage et la pensée. haɓ
haɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓingol.
Participles: sing: kaɓinɗo-kaɓinoowo plur:
ɓɓodii e coɓ
coɓe expression. péril fécal; faecal peril.
haɓinɓe-haɓinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e coɓ
coɓe Catégorie : En bonne
santé. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. provoquer des
ɓɓodii e dartol binndi expression. gens ou des animaux pour qu'ils luttent les uns
orthographique; orthographic. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e contre les autres, provoquer d'autres a lutter
dartol binndi Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ou se bagarrer, agiter des animaux ou des
gens; stir up people or animals so that they
ɓɓodii e ladde expression. foresterie; forestry. fight with each other; provoke others to fight.
ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e ladde Catégorie : Arbres. ***: hamnude, haddinde, jurkondirde,
ɓɓodii e njahaki expression. systématique; waddundurde; synonyms: haddinde,
systematic. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e njahaki hamnude, waddundurde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

ɓɓondirde Verb. attacher ensemble; tie together; haɓ
haɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓitagol.
bond together. Participles: sing: kaɓitiiɗo-kaɓitotooɗo
plur: haɓitiiɓe-haɓitotooɓe. Sorting
ɓɓondirgol e joƴƴ
ƴƴingol ndewguuji
expression. régionalisation; regionalism. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Région. Verb. 1 • faire quelque chose avec difficultés,
essayer de faire sans savoir si cela réussisse;
ɓɓondiri e needi lobbiri expression. civisme; to do something with difficulty; to try
citizenship, public-spiritedness, something without knowing if you can do it or
civic-mindedness. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
not; Mi haɓ
haɓitoto, mi hanta golle am gilla
hiiraay. Je vais faire de mon mieux pour
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓɓugol. terminer mon travail jusqu'au soir. I am going
Participles: sing: kaɓɓuɗo-kaɓɓoowo plur: to do my best to finish my work before
haɓɓuɓe-haɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. evening. ***: firfirtude, haptaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb dawrande, durtaade, fippude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • attacher, synonyms: fippude, firfirtude, haptaade.
lier; tie; attach. ***: geƴƴ
ƴƴude, kaɓɓ
ɓɓal, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yolnude, fiɓfiɓude, yolbinde, jomnude, 2 • se maîtriser; to control yourself. Mi
ŋeetinde, huuptude; synonyms: geƴƴ geƴƴude
ƴƴude. haɓ
haɓitoto, mi yoppa yarude taba. J'essaie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d'arrêter de fumer. I am going to try to quit
2 • lorsqu'un imam déclare le mariage reconnu smoking. synonyms: dawrande, durtaade,
officiellement; for an imam to pronounce the durude, hawjaade, marude, ndaarude,
marriage as being official recognized; here this reentaade, waawande. Dialectal
is considered to be the binding part of the
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] haɓtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
relationship; i.e. they are considered to be man
and wife. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haɓ
haɓnde Noun. bagarre; fight.

16/02/2020 203
haɓo haddinde

haɓo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. hacinkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hacinkingol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: kacinkinɗo-kacinkinoowo
Noun: kaɓi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. lutte, plur: hacinkinɓe-hacinkinooɓe. Sorting
combat, bagarre; fight. ***: hawre, hamnde, Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hamre; synonyms: hamnde, hamre, hawre. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. être sûr, certain; certain; sure. Note :
arabe ***: tannyorde, tennyorde, taƴ
haɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: haɓugol.
inƴinde, laamnude, hakinkinde,
Participles: sing: kaɓuɗo-kaɓoowo plur:
teƴorde; compare: anndude, faamude;
haɓuɓe-haɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: hakinkinde, haƴ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
laamnude, tannyorde, tennyorde, taƴ
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lutter,
teƴorde. Dialects: M.
discuter, débattre, ne pas être d'accord,
s'opposer à, contester, disputer; disagree; haddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haddagol.
dispute; to fight; argue. ***: kalala, Participles: sing: kaddiiɗo plur: haddiiɓe.
ŋawlondirde, ŋawlaade, durwude, Sorting Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant
wannyondirde, luural, hamrude, Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
jiwndande, wolde, geddi
geddi, yeddude, Progressive: st. Verb. être circoncis;
jinngande, hamre, yeddondirude, kaɓ kaɓi, circumcised (to be). Hakkunde maɓɓ
ɓɓe moy
nyaɓude, jeddi, duurude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. artii haddaade? Parmi eux, qui était le
haɓugol Noun. confrontation; confrontation. Catégorie premier circoncis ? Among them, who was the
: Juridique. first one circumcised? ***: taadeede,
nanneede, taadaade, haddeede;
haccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haccagol.
synonyms: taadaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kacciiɗo-kaccotooɗo plur:
hacciiɓe-haccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. haddeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haddegol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Participles: sing: kaddaaɗo-kaddeteeɗo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. voir quelque plur: haddaaɓe-haddeteeɓe. Sorting
chose de loin; spot something at a distance. Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant Change
***: haaccaade, sooynaade, haynaade; in Plural: h/k. Verb. être circoncis;
synonyms: haaccaade, haynaade, sooynaade. circumcised (to be). compare: nguppaaku;
Dialects: J,G,M. ***: taadeede, nanneede;
synonyms: haddaade, nanneede, taadaade,
haciika Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
taadeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Adverb. certitude; sureness;
certainty. Mi anndaa haciika coggu majjum haddinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haddingol.
de ɗum waawaa faltaade buuɗ buuɗi ujunere. I Participles: sing: kaddinɗo-kaddinoowo
don't know for certain its price, but it can't be plur: haddinɓe-haddinooɓe. Sorting
more than 5,000 cfa. Note : arabe Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: hakiika, haƴ
iiƴa, tannyoral, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
taƴoral, tennyoral, teƴ
teƴoral; ***: taƴ
taƴoral, Verb. agiter, fomenter des dissensions,
tannyoral, tennyoral, teƴ
teƴoral, haƴ
iiƴa, provoquer d'autres à se bagarrer; stir up
hakiika. Dialects: M. people or animals so that they fight with each
other; provoke others to fight. ***: hamnude,
jurkondirde, waddundurde, haɓ haɓinde;
synonyms: haɓ
haɓinde, hamnude,
waddundurde. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 204
haddu hakiika

haddu Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • comme, tout haɗ

haɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: haɗugol.
comme, à la manière de, le/la même ... que; Participles: sing: kaɗuɗo-kaɗoowo plur:
like; just like; in the manner; as. Si a aawirii haɗuɓe-haɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
haddu no kollirmaami nii, ɗum fuɗfuɗan faa Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
wooɗa. Si tu plantes comme je te l'ai montré, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. empêcher
cela va bien pousser. If you plant like I showed quelque chose d'arriver, arrêter, prévenir,
you how, it [the seed] will start well. éviter, faire obstacle à, gêner, interdire;
synonyms: dagu, hagu, hano, hono, ndagu. prevent; stop something from happening;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. impede; forbid; prohibit. compare: harminde
2 • illimité, nombreux, infiniment; limitless; surtude; ***: yoofinde, jakkaade, selnude,
numerously; endlessly}. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yoppinde, surtude, harminde;
3 • autant que possible, jusqu'à, tout juste, la synonyms: faddaade, jakkaade, selnude,
fin de, la terminaison, la conclusion; the yoppinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
termination of; the conclusion; just to the limit
of; as far as possible; all of; the finish; the end haɗ
haɗugol Noun. interdit; prohibition, interdict.
of; up to. Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi nyiɓ
nyiɓanaa kam haddi Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
cuuɗi ɗiɗi. J'aimerais que tu me construises ***: kaɗ
tout juste deux maisons. I would like you to hagu Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. comme; like; as.
build me just two houses. Si caara nanngii ***: hano, iri2, haddu, hono, ndagu, dagu;
na'i maa, imo waawi hantude haddu na'i synonyms: dagu, hano, hono, ndagu.
maa fuu nde wootere. Si la peste infect tes Dialects: Y.
bœufs, cela peut attendre finalement tous tes
bœufs. If rinderpest infects you cows, it can hajja Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
finish [up to] all of you cows at one time. Mi Designation: 3, dh. Noun. varicelle; chicken
gollii haddi
haddi ko mbaawmi fay si hewtaay ko pox. Catégorie : Malade. synonyms: barga,
nji ɗumi. J'ai travaillé si dur que j'ai pu, même gaaye, targambasi; ***: targambasi, gaaye,
si cela n'était pas autant que j'avais voulu. I barga. Dialects: Y.
worked as hard as I could, even if it wasn't as
much as I wanted to. synonyms: kaddi. hajju Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting

Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] haddi. Designation: 4, th. Noun. pèlerinage à la

Mecque; pilgrimage to Mecca. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: kijju, hijju; synonyms: hijju, kijju.
haddude Noun Form of Infinitive: haddugol. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: kadduɗo-kaddoowo plur:
hakii adj. urgent; urgent. ko hakii synonyms: ko
hadduɓe-haddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. circoncire; hakiika Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
circumcise. synonyms: taadude; ***: taadude, Designation: 3, th. Noun. certitude, exact;
yarnude, muru, nannude1, jofolooru, sureness; certainty; exactly. Mi anndaa
juulnude2; compare: taadaade. hakiika coggu majjum de ɗum waawaa
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. faltaade buuɗ
buuɗi ujunere.
ujunere. Je ne sais pas avec
certitude son prix, mais cela ne devrait pas
haddugol Verb. circoncire; circumcise. dépasser 5000 F CFA. I don't know with
***: juulnude2. Dialectal Forms: haddude. certainty its price, but it can't be more than
haɗata laamu fercude expression. contre pouvoir; 5,000 cfa. Mi nanii o waran de mi heɓ heɓaay
hakiika. I hear she is coming but I didn't find
counter-power. ko haɗ
haɗata laamu fercude
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. out for sure. Note : arabe ***: fasii, haciika,
taƴoral, tannyoral, tennyoral, teƴ teƴoral,
ɗɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
iiƴa; synonyms: haciika, haƴhaƴiiƴ
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tannyoral, taƴ
taƴoral, tennyoral, teƴteƴoral.
of Noun: kaɗɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Noun. piment rouge, poivre rouge; pepper (hot
red); hot red pepper. ***: danndi1, haaɗ
kirinfi, hammbiire; synonyms: danndi2,
hammbiire. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 205
hakindaade hakkillowol

hakindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hakindagol. hakke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: kakindiiɗo-kakindotooɗo One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plur: hakindiiɓe-hakindotooɓe. Sorting Noun: hakkeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. transgression, péché; transgression. Note
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. : arabe ***: junuuba, aybere, haƴƴ
1 • être petit, peu nombreux, peu de, être un sokottu, laru; synonyms: haƴƴ
peu; few; little (to be a). Min toɓ
toɓaama hankin compare: junuuba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de iɗ
iɗum hakindii.
hakindii. Nous avons eu de la pluie hakkilangol Noun. conscientisation; awareness.
la nuit dernière, mais seulement un peu. We
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
got rain last night, but not much. Beɗ
Beɗi na
naata luumo ɗo de na hakindii. Des trépieds hakkilantaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu.
arrive ici au marché, mais ne pas beaucoup Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. sagacité,
/nombreux. Trivets come into the market here, intelligence; acumen; intelligence.
but not many. Inan kosam kakindiiɗ
kakindiiɗam. Ici il ***: hakkillo, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo; synonyms: hakkillo,
y a un peu de lait. Here is a little milk. haƴƴ
ƴƴillo. Dialects: J,Y,G.
***: heesindaade. Dialects: J,Y.
hakkilde Noun Form of Infinitive: hakkilgol.
2 • accommodant, souple, facile, simple à
Participles: sing: kakkilɗo-kakkiloowo plur:
aborder; easy going. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo o wo kakindiiɗ
hakkilɓe-hakkilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
sanne. Ce type est simple à aborder. That guy
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
is easy going. Arande wo o kaɓ kaɓeteeɗ
eteeɗo de
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être prudent;
joonin kaa o hakindeke. Avant il était un
careful. ***: haybude, reentaade;
querelleur, mais maintenant il est simple.
Before he was quarrelsome, but now he is easy synonyms: haybude, reentaade.
going. synonyms: heesindaade. Dialects: J,Y. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hakindaare Noun. moyenne; average. Catégorie hakkillo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
: Mathématique. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: hakkillooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
hakindinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hakindingol.
1 • sagacité, intelligence, imagination;
Participles: sing: kakindinɗo-kakindinoowo
acumen; intelligence. ***: ruuhu, ƴoƴude,
plur: hakindinɓe-hakindinooɓe. Sorting
faamu, ƴoyre, caral, paamu, pulaaku,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
sarude, hakkilantaaku, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, anndal,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
reentaare, haanndingol, miilo, hiilngo.
Verb. réduire à un niveau/quantité approprié;
reduce to an appropriate levels or amount. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Hakindin haala maa seeɗ
seeɗa faa mi nana ko 2 • sagesse, bon sens; social sense; wisdom;
haaletee. Arrête de parler beaucoup ainsi je good sense. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
peux voir ce qui se passe. Stop talking so much 3 • conscience, moralité; moral understanding;
so I can hear what is going on. conscience. synonyms: hakkilantaaku,
synonyms: ɓuytude, dawsaade, ɗuytude, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, hiilngo; compare: anndal, anniya,
famɗinde; ***: dawsaade. Dialects: J,Y. caral, jate, miilo, paamu, pulaaku, ruuhu,
hakinkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hakinkingol. sarude, ƴoyre, ƴoƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: kakinkinɗo-kakinkinoowo hakkillo miccitorngo Noun. mémoire; memory.

plur: hakinkinɓe-hakinkinooɓe. Sorting ***: binndi mballooji goseteeɓ
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hakkillowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Verb. être sûr; sure (to be). Note : arabe
Noun: hakkillooji. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
***: ɓuytude, tannyorde, ɗuytude,
Noun. artère du tempe; artery running through
famɗinde, tennyorde, taƴ
taƴorde, haƴ
inƴinde, the temple. Catégorie : Le corps.
laamnude, teƴ
teƴorde, hacinkinde, fanɗ
fanɗinde; ***: neenebal, haƴƴ
synonyms: laamnude, hacinkinde, compare: neenebal; synonyms: haƴƴ
inƴinde, tannyorde, tennyorde, Dialects: J,Y,M.
taƴorde, teƴ
teƴorde. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 206
hakkitinde haleede

hakkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hakkitingol. hakkundeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur:
Participles: sing: kakkitinɗo-kakkitoowo ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
plur: hakkitinɓe-hakkitooɓe. Sorting Form of Noun: hakkundeeji. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 1, at. Noun. majeur (doigt);
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - middle finger. Catégorie : Le corps.
na hakkita. Verb. soulever quelque chose pour ***: honndu; compare: honndu.
frapper quelque chose d'autre; raise Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something up in order to strike something else.
hakkundeewol Variante: halkkundewol. Noun.
***: ƴeƴude, aagaade, fiide, fiyude,
médiane; median. Catégorie : Mathématique.
tappude; synonyms: aagaade;
compare: ɓantude, fiyude, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, halaade Noun Form of Infinitive: halagol.
huncude, tappude, ƴeptude, ƴeƴude. Participles: sing: kaliiɗo-kalotooɗo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [Y] hakkitidde. haliiɓe-halotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être grand,
hakkunde Sorting Designation: 2. prep. 1 • entre, au haut de taille, être gros et solide; solidly built
milieu, parmi; between; among; middle of. and strong if a person; or to be big and strong if
***: hen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. an animal; to be tall. ***: nyaɓ
2 • moyen, normal, taille moyenne; average; kalahaldi, haleede, toowude;
normal or medium sized. this preposition can
compare: kalahaldi
kalahaldi, nyaɓ
be used to form a series adjectives which can
function as nouns in phrases: Group I Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓe/-hakkundeeɓe, ko1/hakkundeeho, halal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗi.
nde/hakkuneere, ndu/hakkundeeru,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
nge/hakkundeewe, ngo/hakkundeewo Group
II ɗe/hakkundeeje, ɗi/hakkundeeji, Noun: halalaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
ɗum/hakkundejum, kal/hakkundehal, possessions, biens, sa propre famille, fonds
kol/hakkundehol, ngal/hakkundewal, propres; possessions. Mi waawaa soottude
ngel/hakkundewel, ngol/hakkundewol, nagge nge sabo nge wanaa nagge am
o/-hakkundeejo Group III halal. I can't sell that cow because it is not
ɗam/hakkundejam, ka/hakkundeeha,
exclusively mine. Na'i joy ɗi ngoni halalaaji
ki/hakkundeehi, koy/hakkundehoy,
ndi/hakkundeeri, nga/hakkundeewa, am. I own outright five cows. Note : arabe
ngu/hakkundeewu (Note: because ko2 and ngi Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
refer exclusively to especially large things, this
adjective, by definition, is not applicable; e.g.
halal (ɓ
ɗɗo) Noun. enfant légitime; legitimate child .
Catégorie : Juridique.
konkooru hakkundeeru ndu {a medium sized
can}; cukalel hakkundewel ngel {an averge halɓ
halɓaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
sized child}; cofoy hakkundehoy koy {average
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
size chicks}; hakkundeewe {an average sized
Noun: kalɓaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
cow}. compare: feccude, feccirde;
cri, hurlement; scream; cry. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: hen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
halɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: halɓugol.
hakkunde jemma Noun Class Markers: sing: o.
Participles: sing: kalɓuɗo-kalɓoowo plur:
Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. minuit; midnight.
halɓuɓe-halɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
***: feccere jemma. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hakkunde laanye synonyme: kowe. expression. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crier, hurler
parenthèse; parenthesis. Catégorie : Lecture / soudainement; cry; scream out suddenly.
compare: woyude, wullude; ***: haaccude,
hakkunde lekki e lekki expression. intervalle; siikude, waaydude; synonyms: haaccude,
interval. Catégorie : Mathématique. siikude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hakkunde naange Noun Class Markers: sing: o. haleede Noun Form of Infinitive: halegol. Sorting
Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. midi; noon. Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg
hakkunde-binndi Noun. interligne; spacing. (future). Verb. être gros et fort (animal); big
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. and strong (animal). compare: halaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 207
halfinde haltude

halfinde Noun Form of Infinitive: halfingol. halkude Noun Form of Infinitive: halkugol.
Participles: sing: kalfinɗo-kalfinoowo plur: Participles: sing: kalkuɗo-kalkoowo plur:
halfinɓe-halfinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, halkuɓe-halkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. confier Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • damner,
soi-même ou quelque chose à quelqu'un ou à détruire, ruiner, punir, abîmer, dégrader;
Dieu; entrust. Mi halfinii ma ɓii mbaalu am destroy; damn; punish; ruin. ***: jukkude,
o faɗ
faɗo ngartumi. Je te confie mon agneau jarribaade, jukkaade, lallude, lallinde,
jusqu’à ce que je revienne. I entrust you with bonnude; synonyms: jarribaade, jukkaade,
my lamb until I get back. ***: dekaade, jukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wakkilde, reynude, diilaade, fawaade; 2 • se perdre, causer à être perdu; lost (get).
compare: dekaade, diilaade, fawaade; synonyms: lallinde, lallude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: reynude, wakkilde.
halkugol Noun. dégradation; degradation.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: bonnugol.
halfinnde Verb. confier; entrust.
halleende Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting
halitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: halitagol. Designation: 4. Noun. laideur; ugliness.
Participles: sing: kalitiiɗo-kalitotooɗo plur: ***: wannyaare, mbaansu, tannyaare,
halitiiɓe-halitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ɗaayre; synonyms: ɗaayre, mbaansu,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb tannyaare, wannyaare. Dialects: G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s’approprier,
prendre ce qui plaît; appropriate. hallere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: kalle. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
halkeede Note for Verb Stative or pénis, verge; penis. Catégorie : Le corps.
Progressive: Note:"imo halkee" or "ina ***: bawlirde, lacol, lehi, laasi, gorgu,
halkee" would only apply in the sense of ngorgu1; synonyms: bawlirde, gorgu, laasi,
being lost repeatedly or of being ruined lacol, lehi, ngorgu1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(such as in going bankrupt) repeatedly..
hallude Noun Form of Infinitive: hallugol.
Noun Form of Infinitive: halkegol.
Participles: sing: kalluɗo plur: halluɓe.
Participles: sing: kalkaaɗo-kalketeeɗo plur:
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
halkaaɓe-halketeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Progressive: st. Verb. être laid; ugly.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
***: ɗaayude, ɓolɗ
olɗude, wannyaade,
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être damné,
détruit, perdu, ruiné; destroyed; damned; lost; tannyaade; compare: waysude;

ruined. ***: lallineede, jukkeede; synonyms: ɓolɗ

olɗude, ɗaayude, tannyaade,
synonyms: jiɓ wannyaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
jiɓaade, jukkeede, lallineede,
lallude; compare: lallinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haltude Noun Form of Infinitive: haltugol.
halkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One for Participles: sing: kaltuɗo-kaltoowo plur:
this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3, th. haltuɓe-haltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. perte, damnation, destruction, punition; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
loss; damnation; destruction; lostness; Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être gros
punishment. this word carries a more /grosse, potelé, rebondi, rondelet; for
devastating connotation than the other syn. something or someone to be fat; chubby;
listed. ***: jukkoore, majjere, bonanda, pudgy. synonyms: wufinde; ***: kaltuɗ
lallere, jarribe, torra; synonyms: bonanda, Dialects: G.
jukkoore, lallere, majjere; compare: jarribe,
torra. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

halkere yimɓ
yimɓe ummanaande
synonyme: warugol yimɓe lenyol. expression.
génocide; genocide. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 208
halude hamre

halude Noun Form of Infinitive: halugol. hammbiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: kaluɗo-kaloowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
haluɓe-halooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. of Noun: kammbiije. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun. poivre rouge, piment rouge; hot red
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. laisser un
pepper; pepper; red pepper. Note : Gourmanche
animal devenir gros et fort; to let an animal ***: danndi1, kirinfi, haɗɗ
grow big and strong; to allow a male to remain synonyms: danndi2, haɗɗ
ɗɗere. Dialects: Y,G,M.
uncastrated. ***: fayinde, mawninde, hamnannde Verb. déranger; disturb.
uttinɗinde; synonyms: ɓuttinɗ
uttinɗinde, fayinde,
mawninde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hamnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hamanaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. of Noun: kaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form lutte, bagarre, combat, litige; fight.
of Noun: kamanaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. ***: hawre, haɓ
haɓo, hamre, luure;
Noun. épi de mil ou de maïs; ear of corn or
synonyms: haɓ
haɓo, hamre, hawre. Dialects: M.
maize. Zea mais. ***: ƴommbal kamanaari,
liccal kamanaari, kamanaari, hannaare; hamninde Verb. faire déranger; cause to disturb.
synonyms: hannaare
hannaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hamnude Noun Form of Infinitive: hamnugol.
hamma keekawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal Participles: sing: kamnuɗo-kamnoowo plur:
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootal. hamnuɓe-hamnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Plural Form of Noun: hamma keekaaji. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Designation: 4, or. Noun. rollier d’Abyssinie; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. agiter,
Abyssinian roller. Catégorie : Oiseau. émouvoir, provoquer des gens ou des animaux
à se bagarrer; provoke others to fight; stir up
Coracias abyssinica. ***: caacaa;
people to fight. synonyms: haɓ
haɓinde, haddinde,
synonyms: caacaa. Dialects: J.
waddundurde; ***: haddinde, jurkondirde,
Hammadi Noun. prénom masculin (Signification : waddundurde, haɓ haɓinde. Dialectal
Premier fils); first name for a male (meaning:
Forms: [J,Y,M] hamnande. Dialects: J,Y,M.
first son). Catégorie : Nom.
hampude Noun Form of Infinitive: hampugol.
hammadiijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Participles: sing: kampuɗo-kampoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
hampuɓe-hampooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun: hammadiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. fils premier-né; son (first born); first Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
born son. Note : arabe compare: sammbaajo, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. glisser du
tabac sous ses lèvres; to tuck chewing tobacco
yeraajo, paateejo, dembaajo, njobbaajo,
under one's bottom lip. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
koddaajo; ***: paateejo, njobbaajo,
dembaajo, koddaajo, sammbaajo
sammbaajo, yeraajo. hampurde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialectal Forms: [J] hammadiire. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: kampure. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. céphalophe; duiker; red-flanked duiker.
Hammadum Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. le nom Catégorie : Mammifère. Cephalophus
donné au fils premier-né; the traditional name
grimmia. ***: hanfurde, joboore, borgaare,
of the first son; given in honor of Mohammed;
variations include: Aamadu; Hammadi; jabaare; compare: jabaare, joboore;
Haamidu; Hamma. Note : arabe ***: Paate, synonyms: borgaare, hanfurde. Dialects: J.

Sammbo, Dembo, Njobbo, Yero, Afo, hamre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Ndembi; synonyms: Afo; compare: Sammbo, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Yero, Paate, Dembo, Njobbo. of Noun: kaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. combat, guerre; war; fight. ***: hawre, haɓ
wolde, hamnde; compare: haɓ
synonyms: haɓ
haɓo, hamnde, hawre, wolde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 209
hamrude hanndinde

hamrude Noun Form of Infinitive: hamrugol. hanfurde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: kamruɗo-kamroowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hamruɓe-hamrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. of Noun: kanfore. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun. céphalophe; duiker. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Cephalophus grimmia.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lutter contre,
synonyms: borgaare, hampurde;
combattre; fight with. O hamrii e malfa. Il a
combattu avec un fusil. He fought with a rifle. compare: jabaare, joboore; ***: borgaare,
compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialects: J,M. hampurde. Dialectal Forms: [J] hampurde.
Dialects: M.
hamude Noun Form of Infinitive: hamugol.
Participles: sing: kamuɗo-kamoowo plur: hanhande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
hamuɓe-hamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb of Noun: kanhane. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. vésicule biliaire; gall bladder. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire une
: Le corps. ***: heyre, kaaɗ
kaaɗungel, heeyre,
sauce; sauce (to make). ***: somay, li'am,
kankanngel, keefam; compare: heyre,
takay, hoy, maafe, puraade, li'o, lu'o;
keefam; synonyms: kaaɗ
kaaɗungel, kankanngel.
synonyms: puraade; compare: hoy, maafe,
Dialects: J.
somay, takay. Dialectal Forms: [Y] hamaade.
Dialects: J. hankin Noun Class Markers: sing: nde/o. Sorting
hamƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: hamƴugol. Designation: 1. Noun. hier soir, hier nuit, la nuit

Participles: sing: kamƴuɗo-kamƴoowo plur:

passée; last night. compare: jemma.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hamƴuɓe-hamƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hannaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • presser, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
serrer, appuyer sur; squeeze. ***: ɓillude, of Noun: kannaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
haamude, ɓinnyude, ɗeɗɗude ɗɗude, hurɓ
hurɓinde, Noun. épi de mil ou de maïs; ear of corn or
hirɓinde; synonyms: ɓillude, haamude.
maize. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d’une plante. Zea mais. ***: hamanaare;
2 • faire pression sur quelqu'un; pressure synonyms: hamanaare. Dialects: G.
someone. compare: ɓinnyude, ɗeɗɗudeɗɗude, hanndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hanndagol.
hirɓinde, hurɓ
hurɓinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kanndiiɗo-kanndotooɗo
hanaa Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in plur: hanndiiɓe-hanndotooɓe. Sorting
Plural: h/k. Verb. 1 • n'est pas, ce n'est pas; it is Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
not; not (it is). ***: wanaa; synonyms: wanaa. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. faire quelque chose tranquillement,
Dialects: Y,G,M.
calmement, prendre du retard; delay; late (to
2 • n'est-il pas? n'est pas?; is it not? be); do something in a leisurely manner;
compare: wonude. Dialects: Y,G,M. slowly (to do). ***: laalaade, takisaade,
handeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. laaltindaade, ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, laaltindaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form heese, laalaade, feewude, seesinaade,
of Noun: kandeeje. Sorting Designation: 3. neeɓ
neeɓude, heesindaade, seese, takisaade;
Noun. panier, corbeille en paille; basket; synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude, heesindaade,
hamper. Catégorie : Récipient. laalaade, laaltindaade, neeɓ
***: honndoore, njelleehi, sooɓ
sooɓo, adakaal, seesinaade, soosaade, takisaade.
mbaliihi, ngelleehi, keesuwal, selselnde, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
balol, sagiire, kilaal; compare: adakaal, balol,
hannden Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. aujourd'hui,
dakaal, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, njelleehi,
présent; today. ***: gonuɗ
sooɓo; synonyms: honndoore, kilaal, sagiire.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,G,M.
hanndinde Verb. retarder; hold up; delay.

16/02/2020 210
hanndude hanugol

hanndude Noun Form of Infinitive: hanndugol. 4 • mourir; die. synonyms: maayude, waatude;
Participles: sing: kannduɗo-kanndoowo compare: fooƴ
fooƴude, nyolsude.
plur: hannduɓe-hanndooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in hantagol synonyme: timmugol. Variante: hanntagol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Noun. extinction; extinction. ***: immugol.
Verb. entraver, empêcher, intervenir, se mêler;
interfere; hinder. ***: waannude, yaalude; hant-
hant-o Verb. fini (être -); finished (be -). Catégorie
synonyms: waannude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique. ***: timm-

hannɗuɗo Noun. fou; mad; crazy. hantoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hanngeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. of Noun: kantooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. la fin, conclusion, extrémité;
of Noun: kanngeeje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. termination; end; finish; conclusion. Hannden
Noun. piquet / poteau pour attacher un cheval;
ndemaa faro hantoode magga gere
hitching post for a horse. ***: kanngeere; lettugal. Aujourd'hui cultive vers l'extrémité
synonyms: kanngeere, juggal, tiggere. du champ à l'est. Today hoe toward the east
Dialects: M. end of the field. Hantoode wuro ngo faro
hanngude Noun Form of Infinitive: hanngugol. gorgal wo Moosinkooɓ
Moosinkooɓe. Les Mossi vivent
au bout / côté de l'ouest de la ville. The Mossi
Participles: sing: kannguɗo-kanngoowo
live on the west side of town. ***: timmoode,
plur: hannguɓe-hanngooɓe. Sorting
kaddi, cakitte; synonyms: cakitte, kaddi,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
kattuba, timmoode. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • gémir d'un chien; whine (when a dog). hantorde (nde)/kantorɗe (ɗe).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,G,M.
2 • stocker du mil sans d'abord le lier en bottes hantorde Noun. conclusion; conclusion.
/ gerbes; to store millet without tying it into ***: timminirka, kattuba.
bundles. Dialects: J.
hantude Noun Form of Infinitive: hantugol.
hano Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. comme; like; as.
Participles: sing: kantuɗo-kantoowo plur:
synonyms: dagu, hagu, hono, ndagu; ***: iri2,
hantuɓe-hantooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
haddu, hono, hagu, ndagu, dagu.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Dialects: Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • finir,
hantaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hantagol. terminer, utiliser, épuiser; finish; use up. Mi
Participles: sing: kantiiɗo-kantotooɗo plur: hantii gawri am J'ai fini mon mil (il n'y a plus
hantiiɓe-hantotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, rien). I finished my millet. ***: yottinde,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb timminde, tilaade, huumnude, humnude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir fini, huuɓ
huuɓinde; synonyms: timminde.
terminé, achevé; done; completed; finished (to Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
be). golle hanteke Le travail est terminé. the 2 • finir de faire, terminer, achever; finish
work is done. ***: ɗuytaade, fooƴfooƴude, doing something; complete. Mi hantii golle
re'ude, wannde, maayude, waatude, am J'ai terminé n travail. I finished my work.
timmude, tilaade, nyolsude, ɓuytaade, synonyms: huuɓ
huuɓinde, huumnude, tilaade,
re'ude; synonyms: huumnude, tilaade, timminde, yottinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
timmude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hanude Noun Form of Infinitive: hanugol. Sorting
2 • être utilisé et fini, consommé, fini, épuisé;
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
used up. Gawri am hanteke. Mon mil est fini
(on a tout mangé). My millet is used up. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. braire (âne); bray. ***: hijude, firnude,
synonyms: re'ude, timmude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • être malade et perdre du pois; sick and lose furwude; compare: farude, hijude.

weight. synonyms: ɓuytaade, ɗuytaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hanugol Noun. braiment; braying.

16/02/2020 211
hanyude harfu

hanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: hanyugol. harɓ

harɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: harɓugol.
Participles: sing: kanyuɗo-kanyoowo plur: Participles: sing: karɓuɗo-karɓoowo plur:
hanyuɓe-hanyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, harɓuɓe-harɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb mt, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. déféquer; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jumeler;
defecate. ***: nyegeere, salanga, si'ude, twin (to). ***: funude; synonyms: funude.
huuwude, joorude, suulude, bonnude; Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: bonnude, huuwude, joorude,
harfeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
si'ude, suulude; compare: nyegeere,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
salanga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: karfeeje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
hanyugol Noun. défécation; defecation. un mot, lettre; word. Catégorie : Lecture /
synonyms: bu'ugol, rubbitingol, si'ugol. écriture. Note : arabe ***: ƴi'al, masal;
compare: masal, ƴi'al; synonyms: alkulal,
haptaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haptagol.
daande2, kalimaawol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kaptiiɗo-kaptotooɗo plur:
haptiiɓe-haptotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. harfeere binndi celluɗ
celluɗi expression. mot
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
grammatical; grammatical word. Catégorie
: La Grammaire.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. essayer de
faire quelque chose de difficile, faire un effort harfeere ekkondiroore expression. mot
de faire, tenter de faire, s'attaquer à; attempt; comparatif; comparative word.
effort (to make an); try and do something
harfeere haɓɓ
ɓɓodiinde e binndi celluɗ
difficult. ***: firfirtude, fippude, haɓ
expression. élément grammatical; grammatical
synonyms: fippude
fippude, firfirtude, haɓ
haɓitaade. element. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
harfeere hawrondiroore expression. mot de
haraade Noun Form of Infinitive: haragol. liaison; conjunction, connective word.
Participles: sing: kariiɗo-karotooɗo plur: Catégorie : La Grammaire.
hariiɓe-harotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. harfeere holloore lunndagol expression.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb éléments de négation; elements of negation.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se Catégorie : La Grammaire.
dépêcher, se presse, se hâter; hurry.
harfeere lamndorde expression. mot interrogatif;
***: henyaade, wulude, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde, interrogative word, question word. Catégorie
duufaade, fuunyaade, yawɗ
yawɗaade, yaawude; : La Grammaire.
synonyms: duufaade, henyaade, wulude,
harfeere luɓ
luɓaande synonyme: luɓaangol.
yaawude, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde, yawɗ
yawɗaade. expression. mot d’emprunt; loan word.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
Haran Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. Haran (une harfeere nde maanda gooto expression.
ville en Syrie où Dieu avait appelé Abram); monosémie; monosemy. Catégorie : Le
Haran-the Syrian city from which God called langage et la pensée.
Abram. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
harfeere nde taƴ
taƴataake expression. mot
harbitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: harbitagol. discontinu; discontinuous word. Catégorie : Le
Participles: sing: karbitiiɗo-karbitotooɗo langage et la pensée.
plur: harbitiiɓe-harbitotooɓe. Sorting harfu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Noun: karfeeje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Verb. se lever soudainement, sauter sur ses
une syllabe; syllable. harfu jaangeteeɗ
pieds et partir; jump or spring up all of a
nyanndem. La syllabe du jour. The syllable
sudden. synonyms: garbitaade, gurbitaade; of the day. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Note :
compare: farfitaade, furfitaade, fuppitaade;
arabe ***: wowlaandu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: gurbitaade, garbitaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 212
harinaade harmude

harinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: harinagol. harminde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: a
Participles: sing: kariniiɗo-karinotooɗo Pullo tends to think of this concept of
plur: hariniiɓe-harinotooɓe. Sorting forbidding in a slightly different way than
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in we. Because of this he can say, "Baabam
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. na harmini (mi yara doro)." meaning "My
Verb. bousculer quelqu'un; hurry someone. father is in a state of forbidding/rejecting
***: yawɗ
yawɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. my using drugs." or he can say, "Baabam
harineede Noun Form of Infinitive: harinegol. na harmina mi yara doro." meaning "My
Participles: sing: karinaaɗo-karineteeɗo father continually forbids me to use
plur: harinaaɓe-harineteeɓe. Sorting drugs." [i.e. speaks with me repeatedly] or
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in he can say "Baabam harminii mi yara doro."
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. meaning "My father forbade me to use
Verb. être bousculé par quelqu'un; hurried by drugs." [with the continued forbidding
someone. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. implied].. Noun Form of Infinitive: harmingol.
Participles: sing: karminɗo-karminoowo
harl-a Verb. boucler; buckle. Catégorie
: Mathématique. plur: harminɓe-harminooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
harmajolloore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Verb. 1 • interdire car faux / mauvais ou péché;
Form of Noun: karmajollooje. Sorting forbid as wrong. Laamɗ
Laamɗo harminii zeenu
Designation: 2, at. Noun. pomme d'Adam; Dieu interdit la débauche sexuelle. God
Adam's apple. Catégorie : Le corps. forbids sexual immorality. Baabam harminii
***: hononde, morrungel; mi yara doro. Mon père m'interdit de boire de
synonyms: hononde, morrungel. la bière. My father forbids me to drink beer.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Be careful how you use this sense because it is
not exactly used in a phrase the way we would
use it in English, e.g. you would NOT say
"Baabam harminii kam mi yara doro." because
"mi yara doro" is the object of the verb not
"kam." ***: haɗ
haɗude, soƴƴ
compare: haɗ
haɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • rejeter, repousser; reject. Baabiiko
harminii o Son père l'a rejeté. His father has
rejected him [and continues to reject him up to
the present]. compare: saƴƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

harmingol Noun. bannissement; banishment.

Catégorie : Juridique.

harmude Noun Form of Infinitive: harmugol.

Participles: sing: karmuɗo (sinner) plur:
harmuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st. Verb. être interdit par Dieu,
immoral; sinful; forbidden as sinful by God.
Note : arabe ***: dagaade; compare: dagaade,
ƴƴe, junuuba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 213
harsaade hasude

harsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: harsagol. hasaabu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Participles: sing: karsiiɗo-karsotooɗe plur: Designation: 4. Noun. inventaire, état des lieux,
harsiiɓe-harsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. total; inventory; total (the). Foti woni
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hasaabu ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe na'i maa. Combien de bœufs
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être attrapé as-tu en tout ? How many cows do you have.
par une corde; to catch your foot or neck on a Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi kaalanaa kam hasaabu buuɗ
buuɗi ko
rope; wire or cord or in a trap made of those ndewataa o. Dis-mi combien d'argent en tout
things. Dialects: J,Y. tu lui as prêté. I would like you to tell me how
2 • lorsqu'un enfant commence à ramper; much money you have lent him. Note : arabe
when a child begins to crawl. Dialects: G. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] hasaaba.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
harseede Noun Form of Infinitive: harsegol.
Participles: sing: karsaaɗo-karseteeɗo plur: hasaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: this
harsaaɓe-harseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. verb seems to be exclusively conjugated
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb with the stative and is used as an auxiliary
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être attrapé verb. Noun Form of Infinitive: hasagol.
par un nœud d'un piège; to be caught in the Participles: sing: kasiiɗo plur: hasiiɓe.
noose of a trap; this applies only to being Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
captured by a rope. synonyms: heɓ
heɓeede, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
nanngeede; ***: nanngeede, heɓ heɓeede. faire habituellement, faire normalement,
Dialects: J. potentiellement être; potentially so; usually
do; habitually do. Miɗ
Miɗo hasii du'aade fajiri
harsude Noun Form of Infinitive: harsugol.
fuu. Normalement je prie tous les matins. I
Participles: sing: karsuɗo-karsoowo plur:
habitually pray each morning. Ko ɓuri
harsuɓe-harsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
hasaade, fajiri ngaɗ
ngaɗammi du'aawu. En
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb général, je prie tous les matins. Generally I
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. attraper avec pray each morning. Dialects: J,Y,M.
une corde, capturer; catch with a rope;
capture. ***: teppude, heɓ
heɓude, nanngude; hasi Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. peut-être,
synonyms: heɓ
heɓude, nanngude;
probablement; possibly; probably; perhaps;
compare: teppude. Dialects: J. maybe. compare: tawude; synonyms: ina
ƴƴa; ***: ina moƴƴ
ƴƴa, tawude.
harude Noun Form of Infinitive: harugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: karuɗo-karoowo plur:
haruɓe-harooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
hasude Noun Form of Infinitive: hasugol.
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: kasuɗo-kasoowo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. ronfler; snore. hasuɓe-hasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb

***: hurɓ Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or

hurɓude, ɗaanaade, hirɓ
compare: ɗaanaade, hirɓ Progressive: prg. Verb. payer chaque mois; pay
hirɓude, hurɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. each month. ***: yeenude, yoɓyoɓude,
yomrude; synonyms: yoɓyoɓude, yeenude,
harwude Noun Form of Infinitive: harwugol. yomrude. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: karwuɗo plur: harwuɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
être adroit, habile, agile, doué; adroit; skillful;
coordinated; dexterous; deft. ***: femɗ
synonyms: femɗ
femɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 214
hatinginde hawr-a

hatinginde Noun Form of Infinitive: hatingingol. hawjaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hawjagol.
Participles: sing: katinginɗo plur: Participles: sing: kawjiiɗo-kawjotooɗo plur:
hatinginɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb hawjiiɓe-hawjotooɓe. Sorting
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Designation: Ex. Verb Consonant Change in
Progressive: st. Verb. avoir besoin de, vouloir; Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
need; want. Mi hollii o nyaamdu de o Verb. 1 • superviser un travail, diriger un
hatinginaay e majjum. Je lui ai montré la
travail, être responsable pour, entretenir ;
nourriture, mais il ne voulait pas manger. I supervise work; charge (to be in).
showed him the food but he didn't want to eat. ***: haɓ
haɓitaade, laamaade, hilnaade,
Imo hatingini yarude doro. Il veut boire de hooraade, kawjo, ndaarude, durtaade,
la bière. He wants to drink beer. ardaade, dawrande, dawrude;
***: muuyude, haajeede; synonyms: dawrande, hilnaade, ndaarude.
compare: muuyude, yiɗyiɗude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: haajeede. Dialects: J. 2 • se maîtriser, maîtriser soi-même; "Imo
hawjii hoore makko" means that he is in
hattaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hattagol. control of himself; he is self disciplined.
Participles: sing: kattiiɗo-kattotooɗo plur: synonyms: nantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hattiiɓe-hattotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 3 • surveiller, protéger, garder; protect; watch
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb over. synonyms: doomude, mooɓmooɓude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. remarquer que reenude; compare: ardaade, hooraade,
quelque chose manque; notice that something
kawjo, laamaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or someone is missing. Be'i am njaaƴ
njaaƴeke de
mi hatteke ngoota waraay. My goats came hawjagol lampo expression. fisc; tax authority, tax
back but I noticed one was missing, it didn't office. Catégorie : Argent, Gouvernement.
return. Mi hatteke Ali wuro amam ɗo, mi hawjo Noun. entretien; maintenance; care. Dialectal
anndaa fuu ko waɗwaɗi. I noticed that Ali doesn't Forms: hawju.
stop by any more, I don't know why.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hawjoraade laamu no wooɗ
Variante: hawjoragol laamu no wooɗiri.
hatude Noun Form of Infinitive: hatugol. expression. bonne gouvernance; good
Participles: sing: katuɗo-katoowo plur: governance. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
hatuɓe-hatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Juridique.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hawju Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir des Designation: 4. Noun. entretien de, gestion;
rapports sexuels, dormir avec; sexual maintenance; upkeep. Hawju makko walaa e
intercourse (human only).
mobel ngel. Il ne fait pas d'entretien de son
synonyms: hoowude, fukkodaade, naaddude,
camion. He doesn't do any maintenance on that
naandude, naatidinde, rentude, reewude, truck. Catégorie : Le travail et diverses
waaldude, waɗɗ
ɗɗaade; ***: reewude, activités. Dialectal Forms: hawjo.
yowaade, naaddude, waaldude, hoowude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yiitude, naatidinde, fukkodaade, naandude,
hawju leydi Noun. administration territoriale;
rentude; compare: laamaade, waɗɗ
territorial administration. Catégorie
yiitude, yonngaade, yowaade. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hawju sarwiisi gofernema expression.
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting administration publique; government services,
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. oreillons; mumps. public administration. Catégorie
Catégorie : Maladie. epidemic parotitis. Note : : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Songhai ***: tampaliila, bagana jeeni, hawju sarwiisiiji siwil expression. administration
mboka, bontombora; synonyms: bagana civile; civil service. Catégorie : Juridique.
jeeni, bontombora, tampaliila. Dialectal
hawr-a synonyme: feew-a, sell-a. Verb. exact; exact.
Forms: haw daƴƴe. Dialects: J,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.
haweede Verb. être encorné; gored.

16/02/2020 215
hawre hayaade

hawre Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. hawrude Noun Form of Infinitive: hawrugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: kawruɗo-kawroowo plur:
of Noun: kaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. hawruɓe-hawrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
lutte, combat, bagarre, guerre; war; fight. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: haɓ
haɓo, hamnde, hamre, wolde; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rencontrer
***: haɓ
haɓo, wolde, hamnde, hamre. quelqu'un par hasard ou planifié, se voir avec,
Dialects: G. se croiser, s'entendre; meet with someone by
plan or by chance. ***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, batude,
hawriti Noun. qui est ensemble; that is together.
fotundurde, jakkitaade, sakkitaade;
hawritinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hawritingol. compare: jakkitaade, sakkitaade;
Participles: sing: kawritinɗo-kawritoowo synonyms: batude, fotundurde.
plur: hawritinɓe-hawritooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hawtude Noun Form of Infinitive: hawtugol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg
Participles: sing: kawtuɗo-kawtoowo plur:
- na hawriti/hawrita. Verb. se rassembler
hawtuɓe-hawtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
avec, être ensemble; gather together with.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Nagge lallunge nge hawritii e na'i
na'i mum. La
vache perdue est rassemblée avec le troupeau. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. partager
quelque chose, répartir, avoir en commun;
The lost cow is together with its herd. Maani
have in common; share something. Ɓe kawtu
e deekum ceediino de kawritii katin. Un tel
et sa femme étaient séparés, mais ils sont de baaba e yaaya fuu. Il partagent le même père
nouveau ensemble. Whatishisname and his et la même mère. Ils ont le même père et la
wife separated, but are together again. même mère. They have the same father and
synonyms: reentinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] mother. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hawritidde. Dialects: J,Y,M. hawude Noun Form of Infinitive: hawugol.
hawrondinde Verb. mettre ensemble, coupler; Participles: sing: kawuɗo-kawoowo plur:
couple (to); put together. hawuɓe-hawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hawrondingol Noun. combinaison; combination.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsqu'un
hawrondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: hawrundurgol. bœuf charge pour encorner; gore.
Participles: sing: ***: waawude, jaalaade, fiitaade, jawtaade.
kawrundurɗo-kawrunduroowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hawrundurɓe-hawrundurooɓe. Sorting 2 • vaincre ou battre dans un combat; defeat in
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in a fight or a war. synonyms: jaalaade,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. waawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. rassembler, collecter, mélanger; mix 3 • tresser une corde; braid a rope.
together; gather together; collect. synonyms: fiitaade, jawtaade.
***: suɓ
suɓude, reentinde; synonyms: reentinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suɓude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] hawrundurde,
hawronndirde. Dialects: Y,G,M. Hawwa Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Ève; Eve.
Note : hébreu/arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hawrondirgol synonyme: jiiɓondirol. Noun.
amalgame; amalgam. hayaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
"imo hayoo" refers to one in the process of
growing up. Noun Form of Infinitive: hayagol.
Participles: sing: kayiiɗo-kayotooɗo plur:
hayiiɓe-hayotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être mûr
/adulte physiquement, grandir, se développer;
physically mature; grow up. ***: hillifeede,
fuunude, baaligaade, baaligeede,
mawnude; synonyms: hillifeede, mawnude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 216
hayaagol hayre-kammu

hayaagol Noun. puberté; puberty. haynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haynagol.

haybeede Noun Form of Infinitive: haybegol. Participles: sing: kayniiɗo-kaynotooɗo plur:
hayniiɓe-haynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: kaybaaɗo-kaybeteeɗo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
plur: haybaaɓe-haybeteeɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. voir quelqu'un
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
ou quelque chose à distance; see someone or
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
something at a distance. ***: haaccaade,
Verb. pris soin de, s'occuper de; cared for.
yiide, haccaade, sooynaade, ndaarude,
***: ndaareede, hiinneede, hiimaneede;
yi'ude; synonyms: haaccaade, haccaade,
synonyms: hiimaneede, hiinneede,
sooynaade; compare: ndaarude, yiide,
ndaareede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yi'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haybude Noun Form of Infinitive: haybugol.
hayre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: kaybuɗo-kayboowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
haybuɓe-haybooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
of Noun: kaaƴe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Variante: haayre. Noun. 1 • roche, rocher, roc,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'occuper de,
prendre soin de, soigner, garder, assister; pierre, caillou; stone; rock. ***: tefaare,
attend to; tend to; look after; care for. seedeere, tilde1, taybiihi, tepaare, waalde1,
synonyms: hakkilde, hiimanaade, hiinnaade, waamnde, waannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓowaade, ndaarude, nantaade, 2 • grain au chapelet; bead on a rosary.
reentaade; ***: hakkilde, hiimanaade, synonyms: waalde1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
hiinnaade, reentaade, ndaarude. 3 • pile, batterie; battery. compare: seedeere,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. taybiihi, tefaare, tepaare, waamnde.
haybugol nokku synonyme: ndaarangol nokku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
expression. conservation de sol; conservation of hayre rimre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
the soil. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hayɗinaade extraordinaire; extraordinary. of Noun: kaaƴe dime. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. 1 • pierre précieuse, pierre d'ambre
hayɗinnde Verb. rendre extraordinaire; make utilisée pour des colliers; precious stone.
Catégorie : Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haykaade Noun Form of Infinitive: haykagol. 2 • perle; pearl. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kaykiiɗo-kaykotooɗo plur:
haykiiɓe-haykotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
hayre wahilde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • déterminer la faisabilité d'un travail; to Form of Noun: kaaƴe bahile. Sorting
determine the feasibility of a work. Designation: 4. Noun. roche ignée, roche
***: heƴƴ
ƴƴude, aykaade; volcanique; igneous rock; volcanic rock.
synonyms: anniyaade, aykaade, hencaade, Catégorie : Terre. ***: ndooƴ
jataade, miilaade, siwtorde, ummanaade. wanyaare; synonyms: ndooƴ
ndooƴikiire, wanyaare.
Dialects: Y. Dialects: Y,G.

2 • estimer; estimate. synonyms: aykaade, hayre-

hayre-kammu Plural Form of
etude1, heƴƴ
ƴƴude; compare: enndude, etude1. Noun: kaaƴe-kammu.
Dialects: Y. synonyme: hayre-raneere. Noun. cristal;
hayla Noun. règles; rules.

16/02/2020 217
haytalla hebbere

haytalla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number haƴƴ

ƴƴilande Verb. se mettre en tête; to put in one's
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of head.
Noun: haytallaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. haƴƴ
ƴƴillo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
événement qui se passe brusquement, dans un
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
clin d’œil, un moment court; something that
happens surprisingly quickly; a moment; a Noun: haƴƴillooji. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. 1 • sagacité, sens des affaires,
minute; Mi yi'ii o haddu haytalla de o uddii e
intelligence; acumen; intelligence.
he'am. Je l'ai vu pour un court moment d'une
***: hakkillo, hakkilantaaku, reentaare,
minute, puis elle a disparu. . I saw her for like
hiilngo. Dialects: J,Y.
a minute then she was hidden from me. Si o
2 • sagesse, bon sens; social sense; wisdom;
warii ɗo o ɓoyataa, hono haytalla tan o
good sense. Dialects: J,Y.
wa ɗata. S'il venait ici, il n'allait pas durer
3 • conscience; moral understanding;
plus qu'une minute. If he come here he won't
stay more than a minute. Dialects: J,M. conscience. synonyms: hakkilantaaku,
hakkillo, hiilngo; compare: anndal, anniya,
iiƴa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting caral, jate, miilo, paamu, pulaaku, ruuhu,
Designation: 3, th. Adverb. certitude, sarude, ƴoyre, ƴoƴude. Dialects: J,Y.
certainement, exact, sûr, net; sureness;
certainty. Mi anndaa haƴhaƴiiƴiiƴa coggu majjum
majjum haƴƴ
ƴƴillowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
de ɗum waawaa faltaade buuɗ buuɗi ujunere. Je Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
ne sais pas le prix avec certitude, mais cela ne Noun: haƴƴillooji. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
doit pas dépasser 5000 F CFA. I don't know Noun. tempe du front (artère au tempe); temple
for certain its price, but it can't be more than of forehead. Catégorie : Le corps.
5,000 cfa. Note : arabe ***: haciika, taƴ
taƴoral, ***: neenebal, hakkillowol;
tannyoral, tennyoral, teƴ teƴoral, hakiika; compare: neenebal; synonyms: hakkillowol.
synonyms: haciika, hakiika, taƴ taƴoral, Dialects: J.
tennyoral, teƴ
teƴoral. Dialects: J. haƴƴ
ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haƴƴingol.
inƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: haƴinƴingol. Participles: sing: kaƴƴinɗo-kaƴƴinoowo
Participles: sing: kaƴinƴinɗo-kaƴinƴinoowo plur: haƴƴinɓe-haƴƴinooɓe. Sorting
plur: haƴinƴinɓe-haƴinƴinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. faire craquer; crack (to cause to).
Verb. être sûr, certain; certain; sure. Note : Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arabe ***: faamude, tannyorde, tennyorde,
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: haƴƴugol. Sorting
anndude, taƴ
taƴorde, laamnude, hakinkinde,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
teƴorde, hacinkinde; synonyms: hacinkinde,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hakinkinde, laamnude, tannyorde, Verb. faire claquer, faire craquer (bruit);
tennyorde, taƴ
taƴorde, teƴ
teƴorde; crack; cracking noise. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: anndude, faamude. Dialects: J,Y.
he ƴ ƴoode laamu hooreejo leydi expression.
ƴƴaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. mandat présidentiel; residential term,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of presidential mandate. Catégorie
Noun: kaƴƴaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
un coup de tonnerre; peal of thunder; thunder hebbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
clap. Catégorie : Ciel. synonyms: felnyaango; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: felnyaango, riggaango; of Noun: kebbe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
compare: riggaango. Dialects: J,Y. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante; Common annual
grass found in the sandy soil of the Sahel.
ƴƴe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Cenchrus biflorus. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: haƴƴeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. 2 • espèce de plante; This grass is not as
Noun. transgression sociale pardonnable par
prevalent as C. biflorus. Cenchrus prieurii.
les humains; transgression. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: junuuba, aybere, hakke, suuttude,
harmude; compare: junuuba;
synonyms: hakke. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 218
hebbinde heɓindaade

hebbinde1 Noun Form of Infinitive: hebbingol. heɓ

heɓaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓanegol.
Participles: sing: kebbinɗo-kebbinoowo Participles: sing: keɓanaaɗo-keɓaneteeɗo
plur: hebbinɓe-hebbinooɓe. Sorting plur: heɓanaaɓe-heɓaneteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • avoir beaucoup; have a lot. Yero na Verb. trouver pour; found for you by someone.
hebbini na'i sanne. Yero a beaucoup de Mi heɓ
heɓanii Rik ndontoori lobbiri luumo
bœufs. Yero has a lot of cows. ***: wittinde, hannden. Aujourd'hui au marché j'ai trouvé
heewude, wittinde, wiltinde, hiɓɓhiɓɓinirde
un coq pour Rick. Today I found Rick a nice
yawtinde, diwtinde, ɗuuɗ uuɗude, faltinde,
rooster in the market. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗuunnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. heɓɓ
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓɓugol.
2 • faire ou dire trop, excessivement, exagérer; Participles: sing: keɓɓuɗo-keɓɓoowo plur:
exaggerate; exceed. Wakkati wakkati sanaa heɓɓuɓe-heɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
jannginoowo hebbina tindinooje muuɗ
muuɗum mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
faa janngooɓe paama
paama faa wooɗ
wooɗa. Parfois Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. remettre ou
l’enseignant doit trop expliquer les fixer un os fracturé; to set or fix a broken bone.
instructions pour que les élèves comprennent ***: jokkude; synonyms: jokkude.
bien. Some times a teacher must overdo her
Dialects: J,Y,M.
instructions so that the pupils understand
clearly. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. heɓ
heɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓegol.
3 • remplir; fill. Si aɗ
aɗa eta fu, kebbinaa
kebbinaa faa Participles: sing: keɓaaɗo-keɓeteeɗo plur:
wooɗa. Lorsque tu mesures de céréale, heɓaaɓe-heɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
remplis bien la mesure. If you measure [grain] Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
fill the measure completely up. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
synonyms: diwtinde, ɗuunnude, faltinde, possédé par; possessed or owned by.
wiltinde, wittinde, yawtinde; ***: harseede, nanngeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɗuuɗ
uuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • être capturé par, attrapé par; captured by.
synonyms: harseede, nanngeede.
hebbinde2 Verb. combler; fill, fulfill. ***: humtude2.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hebbitinnde Verb. compléter; complete.
heɓindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓindagol.
***: timmitin-
Participles: sing: keɓindiiɗo plur:
hebbito synonyme: kiɓino. Noun. complément; heɓindiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
complement, supplement, addition.
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
hebbito werba Noun. complément du verbe; verb Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • tenir bien ou
complement. Catégorie : La Grammaire. fermement; hold tightly; hold something
heɓ-a synonyme: dany-a, gany-o (fr). Verb. gagner; securely. Heɓ
Heɓinda boggol ngol faa wooɗwooɗa.
Tiens bien cette corde. Hold this rope securely.
synonyms: danyude, jogaade; ***: jawdi,
heɓan Noun. bénéfice, avoir; benefit; profit. Catégorie jogaade, danyude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
: Argent.
2 • avoir des richesses et bien les garder; to
heɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓangol. have riches and to hold them securely; O
Participles: sing: keɓanɗo-keɓanoowo plur: heɓ
heɓindeke e jawdi makko faa wooɗ wooɗi. Il
heɓanɓe-heɓanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. garde bien ses richesses. He takes good care of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb his possessions. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trouver
quelque chose pour quelqu'un; find something
for someone. Hasan heɓ heɓanii kam galle
coodeteeɗo. Hassan m'a trouvé une parcelle
en vente. Hasan found me a parcel that is for
sale. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 219
heɓirde heccorɗinde
3 • s'en occuper de sa vie sans aide extérieure;
hecci keeŋ
keeŋan Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
to be ready or prepared to deal with life's
problems without resorting to looking Designation: 1. n/adv. avant-hier, il y a deux
jours; two days ago; day before yesterday.
elsewhere for help; Hasan, kam ɓuri
compare: keeŋ
keeŋan, kiyam; ***: keeŋ
sakiraaɓe muuɗ
muuɗum fuu heɓ
heɓindaade, sabo
Dialectal Forms: [G] hecci keenyam.
si rafo waɗ
waɗii fu, wo kanko tiigotoo ɓe fuu.
Hassan est bien préparé plus que ses frères, Dialects: J,Y,M.
car s'il y a une famine c'est lui qui va les hecciɗ
hecciɗi vert, cru; raw; green; uncooked.
nourrir. Hasan is more prepared than all of his
brothers because if there is a famine it is he hecciɗ
hecciɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hecciɗingol.
who will feed them. synonyms: baanaade, Participles: sing: kecciɗinɗo plur:
heginaade, lalindaade, segilaade, siriyaade; hecciɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
compare: jawdi. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
heɓinaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Progressive: st - na hecciɗi. Verb. être frais,
fraîche, neuf, nouveau, nouvelle (animé); fresh
heɓirde Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓirgol.
(to be);, new (alive). synonyms: hesiɗ
Participles: sing: keɓirɗo-keɓiroowo plur:
heyɗude; ***: ɓeta, ɓati, heyɗ
heɓirɓe-heɓirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
hesiɗinde; compare: ɓati, heyɗ
heyɗude, keso,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
legi. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] hecciɗidde.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. recevoir
Dialects: J,M.
quelque chose de quelqu'un; receive
something from someone. Moy keɓ keɓirɗ
irɗaa hecciti keeŋ
keeŋan Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
ɗum? De qui as-tu reçu cela ? From whom Sorting Designation: 1. n/adv. il y a trois jours;
did you receive that? Aamadu keɓ keɓirmi ɗum. three days ago. ***: keeŋ
Je l'ai reçu d'Amadou. I received it from compare: keeŋ
keeŋan. Dialectal Forms: [G] hecciti
Aamadu. synonyms: hemrude; ***: hemrude. keenyam. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heccitiriiti keeŋ
keeŋan Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
heɓirgol nyaw ley neema mo newaaki Sorting Designation: 1. n/adv. il y a cinq jours;
intoxication alimentaire; food poisoning. five days ago. Dialects: J,Y,M.
heɓitagol Noun. délivrance (accouchement); heccitittiyel keeŋ
keeŋan Noun Class Markers: sing:
delivery, giving birth.
nde. Sorting Designation: 1. n/adv. il y a quatre
heɓtugol Noun. retrait, récupération; recovery; jours; four days ago. compare: keeŋ
withdrawal. Catégorie : Argent. ***: keeŋ
keeŋan. Dialectal Forms: [G] heccitittiyel
heɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: heɓugol. keenyam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: keɓuɗo-keɓoowo plur: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: heccorɗingol.
heɓuɓe-heɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Participles: sing: keccorɗinɗo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb heccorɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • obtenir, Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
avoir; have; obtain. ***: nanngude, jeyude, Progressive: st - imo heccorɗi. Verb. être
woodude, harsude, jogaade, tiigaade, égoïste ou jaloux; selfish (to be); jealous.
hewtude; synonyms: hemrude, hewtude, Gorko o wo keccorɗ
inɗo sanne sabo o
jeyude, jogaade, tiigaade, woodude. yiɗ
yi ɗaa fay gooto heɓ
heɓa nafaa. That guy is
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. really selfish because he doesn't want anyone
2 • attraper, capturer, saisir; seize; catch; else to receive something good.
capture. synonyms: harsude, nanngude, ***: heedorɗ
heedorɗinde, hirude, keccoraaku,
teppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wanyandereejo, boroɗ
boroɗinde, ganya ganyalo,
wanyanere, yoorude; synonyms: boroɗ
heɓude daliili Verb. remédier; to remedy.
heedorɗinde, wanyande, yoorude.
heɓude ndakam Verb. profiter; benefit. Dialects: J.
heɓugol daliili expression. remédiassions; remedy,

16/02/2020 220
heccude heedorɗinde

heccude Noun Form of Infinitive: heccugol. heɗɗ

ɗɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: keccuɗo plur: heccuɓe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in of Noun: keɗɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. Noun. caillot de sang; blood clot.
être plus âgé que; older than someone else. synonyms: heƴƴ
ƴƴere; ***: heƴƴ
compare: mawniraagu; ***: mawniraagu. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heedande Noun Form of Infinitive: heedangol.
heddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heddagol. Participles: sing: keedanɗo-keedanoowo
Participles: sing: keddiiɗo-keddotooɗo plur: heedanɓe-heedanooɓe. Sorting
plur: heddiiɓe-heddotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • remplacer quelqu'un temporairement,
Verb. 1 • rester derrière, demeurer; stay substituer à, remplacer; replace someone
behind; remain. ***: wuurude, foofude, temporarily; substitute for. Hannden mi
foontude; synonyms: doomude. waawaa yahude golle, a heedanan kam
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. toon naa? Aujourd'hui je ne peux pas aller au
2 • être vivant, être en vie; alive (to be). travail, peux-tu me remplacer ? Today I can't
go to work, can you fill in for me?
synonyms: foofude, foontude, wuurude.
***: hettande, yoɓ
yoɓande, loomtande,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fakaade; synonyms: hettande, loomtande.
heddaaki qui est fini, épuisé; exhausted. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hedde Sorting Designation: 2. prep. vers, envers, 2 • payer pour quelqu'un; pay for someone
environ; toward. ***: faro, heende; else. Aamadu torrii kam e dow nyamaande
synonyms: faro, heende. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nde o rewata
rewata kam de Bukari heedani kam.
Amadou voulait l'argent qu'il m'avait prêté,
heddo synonyme: kedde (ɗe), keddi (-ɗum). Noun. mais Boukari a paye pour moi. Aamadu was
reste; rest. Catégorie : Mathématique. after me about the money he lent me, but
heddoraade Noun Form of Infinitive: heddoragol. Bukari paid him for me. synonyms: hettande,
loomtande, fakaade, yoɓ yoɓande.
Participles: sing: keddoriiɗo-keddorotooɗo
plur: heddoriiɓe-heddorotooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • prêter à; loaning them something they need
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
but do not have. E nyimngo maa mi
Verb. garder, retenir, mettre de côte, réserver; heedante ndyidam e burwetti. Concernant
keep; set aside. Si aɗ
aɗa heddorii safaare fuu,
ta construction, je peux aider avec de l'eau et
avec la brouette. As far as your building, I can
tufanaa kam na'i am. Si tu as gardé des help with water and a wheelbarrow.
médicaments, alors traite mes bœufs avec cela.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
If you have some medicine left over treat my
4 • intercéder, aider quelqu'un, intervenir pour
cows. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
quelqu’un; intercede. Miɗ
Miɗo waawi heedande
heddude Noun Form of Infinitive: heddugol. ma e makko taa o torre. Je ne peux pas
Participles: sing: kedduɗo-keddoowo plur: intervenir pour qu'il ne te persécute pas. I can
hedduɓe-heddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. interceede to make sure he doesn't persecute
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb you. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. rester, heedorɗ
heedorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: heedorɗingol.
laissé en reste, restant; left over (to be);
Participles: sing:
remain. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
keedorɗinɗo-keedorɗinoowo plur:
heɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heɗagol. heedorɗinɓe-heedorɗinooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: keɗiiɗo-keɗotooɗo plur: Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
heɗiiɓe-heɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st -
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb imo heedorɗi. Verb. être égoïste ou jaloux;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. attendre; selfish (to be); jealous (to be).
wait for. ***: munyude, doomude, synonyms: boroɗ
boroɗinde, heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, hirude,
hettaade; synonyms: doomude, hettaade, wanyude, woroɗ
woroɗinde, yoorude;
muncaade, munyude. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, boroɗ
boroɗinde. Dialects: J.

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heedude heensade

heedude Noun Form of Infinitive: heedugol. heegaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: keeduɗo-keedoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
heeduɓe-heedooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. of Noun: keegaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun. perroquet; Senegal parrot; parrot.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Poicephalus senegalus.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être en
direction de, vers, proche de, à côté de; ***: ceegaaru, seeniiru; synonyms: ƴiiƴ
located by; direction of (to be in the); toward; ceegaaru, seeniiru. Dialects: J.
near. ***: loomtude, faro, hettude, hettude; heende Sorting Designation: 3, da. prep/n. 1 • vers,
synonyms: hettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
envers; toward. ***: seyre, kooɓ
kooɓal, raaynde,
2 • remplacer, succéder, substituer; substitute
yeende, faro, hedde; synonyms: faro, hedde.
for someone; replace; succeed.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: hettude, loomtande, loomtude.
2 • enflement d'une mâchoire de bœuf;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
swelling of a cows jaw. Catégorie : Maladie
heeɗingol Noun. réforme; reform. Catégorie d'animaux. synonyms: raaynde, seyre,
: Juridique. yeende. Dialects: J.
heeɗo maasa Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: heennaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heennagol.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Participles: sing: keenniiɗo plur: heenniiɓe.
Form of Noun: keeɗe maasa. Sorting Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. gril, plaque en fonte; Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
griddle used to make cakes. synonyms: piirugal être fier, arrogant, vantard; arrogant; boastful;
maasa; ***: piirugal maasa. Dialects: J,M. proud. ***: makkitaade, mawninde,
ƴeptude, toownude
toownude, ɓurnaade,
heeɗoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
mawnitaade, mawninkinaade;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: ɓurnaade, furaade, mawninde,
of Noun: keeɗooje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. morceau d'argile; broken piece of mawnitaade, mawninkinaade, toownude,
pottery. compare: gejubu; ***: gejubu. ƴeptude. Dialects: J.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] heeɗo. heennude Noun Form of Infinitive: heennugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: keennuɗo-keennoowo
heefagol leydi Noun. érosion; erosion. Catégorie plur: heennuɓe-heennooɓe. Sorting
: Terre. ***: hufagol. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
heefagol ngol henndu saabotoo expression. Verb. 1 • mettre, placer, bouger quelque chose;
érosion éolienne; wind erosion. Catégorie put; place something or someone somewhere.
: Temps.
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi heennude tabawal ngal dakkol
heefagol ngol ndiyam saabotoo expression. dammbugal. J'aimerais placer la table à côté
érosion hydrique; erosion caused by water. de la prote. I would like to move the table next
Catégorie : Eau, Terre. to the door. ***: hettinde; synonyms: hettinde.
heeferɓe Noun Class Markers: sing: ɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. incroyants; 2 • transférer, bouger, déplacer; move;
unbelievers. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. transfer something or someone somewhere.
Mawɗo maɓɓ
ɓɓe heennii o faro
faro keerol Niger.
heefirgal Noun. lime; file. Catégorie : Outil. Son patron l'a transféré près de la frontière
avec le Niger. His boss transfered him over
heefude Noun Form of Infinitive: heefugol.
near the Niger border. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: keefuɗo-keefoowo plur:
heefuɓe-heefooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. heensade Verb. faire exprès; do deliberately; do on
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb purpose.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. érafler,
gratter, limer, éplucher; file; scrape; peel.
synonyms: horsude1, ŋoosude; ***: ŋoosude,
nyiirtude, keefirgal, horsude1, ɓiirtude,
keefudi; compare: ɓiirtude, keefudi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 222
heentoore heewude

heentoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting heese-

heese-heese doucement, lentement; smoothly;
Designation: 4. Noun. enfant adopté comme slowly; gently.
résultat de marier sa mère (l'enfant est du heesinaade Verb. être patient, calme; quiet; calm;
mariage précédant); adopted child. the o noun
still; patient (be).
class is not used, suggesting a nonhuman
status! synonyms: takkaaɗ
takkaaɗo; heesindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heesindagol.
compare: heentude; ***: takkaaɗ
takkaaɗo. Participles: sing:
Dialects: Y,M. keesindiiɗo-keesindotooɗo plur:
heesindiiɓe-heesindotooɓe. Sorting
heentude Noun Form of Infinitive: heentugol.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: keentuɗo-keentoowo plur:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
heentuɓe-heentooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb. 1 • faire quelque chose de manière clame
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb et lente; to do something in a slow or leisurely
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • enlever de manner. ***: laalaade, takisaade, ɓuuɓ uuɓude,
la surface d'un liquide, écumer; skim the top
newaade, hanndaade, hakindaade,
of a liquid. Heentu kuulangol kosam ɗam.
seesinaade, neeɓ
neeɓude; synonyms: hanndaade,
Écume la peau sur le lait. Skim the membrane
neeɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
off of that milk. ***: nyeɗ
nyeɗude, heentoore,
2 • être paisible, lent à la colère, gentil, facile;
ŋelsude, huutude, helnyude, helnyaade;
gentle; easy going; slow to anger; peaceful.
synonyms: huutude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: hakindaade. Dialectal
2 • tailler, couper un peu de quelque chose;
Forms: [Y,G,M] heesinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
slice off a little of something; trim. Heentu
peɗeeli maa. Taille tes ongles. Trim your heesindaare Noun. patience, calme; calm; quietness;
nails. note: heentude is not used of trimming patience.
one's nails in Mahadaga. synonyms: helnyude; heesinde Verb. calmer; calm down.
compare: ŋelsude, nyeɗ nyeɗude.
heew- plusieurs; several. heew-
heew- (ɗum) Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique.
heeraade Noun Form of Infinitive: heeragol. heewi adj. qui est plein; full.
Participles: sing: keeriiɗo-keerotooɗo plur:
heeriiɓe-heerotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
heewude Noun Form of Infinitive: heewugol.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Participles: sing: keew(u)ɗo-keewoowo
plur: heew(u)ɓe-heewooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. choisir,
distinguer, différencier; distinguish; Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
differentiate; choose. Laamɗ
Laamɗo heerataako, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. 1 • être beaucoup de; lot of (to be a).
Imo tomna dow gese lobbuɓ
lobbuɓe e bonɓ
bonɓe fuu.
Dieu ne distingue pas, il laisse pleuvoir sur le ***: wiltude, bil, ɗuuɗ
uuɗude, pet, yawtude,
champ des bonnes personnes et de méchantes. ɗuunnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
God does not differentiate, He cause rain to 2 • très fâché, irrité; fig.; "ɓernde makko na
fall on the fields of the good and the evil. heewi" refers to someone being very angry or
Nyannde sakitotoonde Laamɗ
Laamɗo na heeroo upset. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lobbo e bon ɗo. Au dernier jour, Dieu 3 • normalement, la plus part du temps, en
distinguera les bons et les méchants. On the générale; "ko ɓuri heewude" means mostly or
last day God will distinguish between the good usually. compare: ɗuunnude, hebbinde1, pet,
and the evil. ***: ɓurande, senndude; wiltude; synonyms: ɗuuɗ
compare: ɓurande, senndude. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [J,Y,M] heertaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.

heernude Verb. limiter; restrict; confine; limit.

heese Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. prudemment,
calme, tranquille, gentiment, lentement,
doucement; slowly; leisurely; gently;
carefully. compare: laaltindaade, hanndaade,
newaare; ***: seese, munyal;
synonyms: newaare, seese. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 223
heeyre hekude

heeyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hegitaaki adj. anormal; abnormal, unusual. ko
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form hegitaaki
of Noun: [J] keenye, [Y,G] keeƴe. Sorting
hegitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hegitingol.
Designation: 3, at. Variante: heenyere, heere.
Participles: sing: kegitinɗo-kegitoowo plur:
Noun. foie; liver. Catégorie : Le corps. in
Maasinankoore the liver is called either hegitinɓe-hegitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
"heenyere" or "heeyre." ***: heyre; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: heyre; compare: hanhande, Stative or Progressive: prg - na hegita. Verb.
1 • tendre, redresser, ajuster, fixer, réparer,
kankanngel. Dialectal Forms: [M] heere.
améliorer la relation avec; mend a
Dialects: J,Y,G. relationship; repair; fix; straighten; mend.
heeƴannde suudu baaba synonyme: tayre ***: moƴƴ
ƴƴinde, henngitidde;
laamu leydi. expression. collectivité synonyms: dokkude, henngitidde, jokkude,
territoriale; territorial community, territorial moƴƴ
ƴƴinde, woonnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
collectivity. Catégorie : Juridique. 2 • arranger; arrange. O hegitinii hakkunde
heeƴoode Noun. exception; exception. am e juulaajo gilla mi waddaay na'i am,
ɗum waɗ
waɗi de coggu am newii. Il a arrangé
heeƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: heeƴugol.
les choses entre moi et le commerçant même
Participles: sing: keeƴuɗo-keeƴoowo plur: avant que j'ai amené les bœufs, voila pourquoi
heeƴuɓe-heeƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. les affaires vont bien. He fixed things up
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb between me and the merchant even before I
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trancher en brought my cows, that is why my profits are
coupant; slice open. synonyms: cegaade; favorable. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: cegaade, huusude; compare: huusude. hegitingol
hegitingol Noun. amendement; amendment,
Dialects: J,Y,M. modification . Catégorie : Juridique.
heeƴude golle Verb. programmer; to programme. hejjere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 1. Noun. au milieu de la nuit, après
heeƴugol buuɗ
buuɗi gollitirɗ
gollitirɗi leydi expression.
minuit; after midnight until near dawn; middle
budget; budget. Catégorie : Finance.
of the night. ***: isaa'i, jemma, safoko;
heginaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heginagol. synonyms: jemma; compare: safoko.
Participles: sing: keginiiɗo-keginotooɗo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: heginiiɓe-heginotooɓe. Sorting
hejjude Noun Form of Infinitive: hejjugol.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: kejjuɗo-kejjoowo plur:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être prêt ou préparé; prepared; ready. hejjuɓe-hejjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
synonyms: baanaade, lalindaade, segilaade, Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
siriyaade; ***: siriyaade, segilaade, Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quitter avant le lever
du soleil; leave before sun rise.
lalindaade, baanaade, segilanaade,
***: huujaade, dawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heɓindaade. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • se lever avant le soleil et commencer à
hegitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hegitagol. travailler; to get up before sun rise and begin
Participles: sing: kegitiiɗo-kegitotooɗo working. compare: dawude;
plur: hegitiiɓe-hegitotooɓe. Sorting synonyms: huujaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
hekude Noun Form of Infinitive: hekugol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Participles: sing: kekuɗo-kekoowo plur:
Verb. 1 • être droit; straight. ***: laaɓ
hekuɓe-hekooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
fonnditaade, dartaade, henngitaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
dartaade, mommiɗ
mommiɗinde, cubinaade.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rire de tout
Dialects: Y,G,M.
cœur; laugh heartily. ***: foofitinde,
2 • être vrai, juste, honnête; honest; just; to be
joggude, leekude, laahude;
true. synonyms: cubinaade, dartaade,
synonyms: jalude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
henngitaade, fonnditaade, fooccaade,
2 • caqueter (poule); cackles (when a chicken).
laaɓude; compare: goonga. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 224
hekugol heltude
3 • haleter, souffler; pant. compare: joggude; helmere ɓasaande Noun. mot composé;
synonyms: foofitinde, laahude, leekude. compound word. Catégorie : Lecture /
Dialects: Y. écriture.

hekugol synonyme: reedugol, dunyugol . Noun. helmere ɓolde Noun. mot simple; simple word.
fécondation; impregnation. ***: puɗɗ
ɗɗe Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
reedu; synonyms: haamilgol. helnyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: helnyagol.
helafittaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: kelnyiiɗo-kelnyotooɗo
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of plur: helnyiiɓe-helnyotooɓe. Sorting
Noun: helafittaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
: Arbres. Feretia apodanthera. Verb. tailler les ongles; clip one's finger nails.
***: buruugay, mburuuki, wurwude, synonyms: heentude. Dialects: J.
buruugal; synonyms: buruugay, mburuuki; helnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: helnyugol.
compare: buruugal, wurwude. Dialects: Y,M. Participles: sing: kelnyuɗo-kelnyoowo plur:
helɓinde Verb. garrotter; to tie up, to bind, muzzle. helnyuɓe-helnyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Wattanude kelɓ
kelɓol Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tailler les
helliɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: helliɗingol. Sorting ongles (soi-même ou à quelqu'un d'autre); trim
Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant Change in one's (or someone else's) nails.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st - na ***: heentude; synonyms: heentude.
helliɗi. Verb. tacheté (chèvre); speckled - only Dialects: J.
applies to goats. Adjectives for this word are
prefered to the participle forms: Group I heloore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
nde/hellere, Group II ɗi/kelli, ɗum/kellum, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ngal/kella, ngel/kelle Group III ko2/kello, of Noun: kelooje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
koy/kelloy, ndi/kelliri, nga/kella, ngi/kelli,
tesson; shard. Dialects: M.
ngu/kellu. ***: solɗ
solɗude, sayɗ
compare: sayɗ
sayɗude, solɗ
solɗude. Dialects: J. heltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heltugol.
Participles: sing: keltiiɗo-keltotooɗo plur:
hello Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
heltiiɓe-heltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Noun: hellooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. briser en
1 • page; page. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
pièces; break into two or more pieces.
***: lalgaare, wecco1, feenyo, fehnyo,
***: wurjinde, bonnude; compare: taccude,
fennyo, ɗerewol, kokuwol, laygaare;
taƴude; synonyms: bonnude, heltude,
synonyms: wecco1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wurjinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • un côté d'un mur, mur; side of a wall; wall.
synonyms: lalgaare, laygaare, kokuwol, heltere Noun. morceau; bit; piece; fragment.
wecco1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. heltude Noun Form of Infinitive: heltugol.
3 • gifle, calque, tape; slap on the face. Participles: sing: keltuɗo-keltoowo plur:
synonyms: feenyo, fehnyo, fennyo; heltuɓe-heltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
compare: ɗerewol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hellude Noun Form of Infinitive: hellugol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arrêt de la
pluie, cesser de pleuvoir; rain stops.
Participles: sing: kelluɗo-kelloowo plur:
***: wurjinde, taccude, taƴtaƴude, bonnude,
helluɓe-hellooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
ndunngu, dunngu, heltaade;
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
compare: ndunngu, taccude, taƴ taƴude,
Progressive: prg. Verb. taper des mains,
ƴuwoonde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
frapper dans ses mains, applaudir; clap. O
hellii o feenyo Elle l'a giflé. She slapped his
face. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
helmere synonyme: daande, konngol. Noun. mot,
lexème; word, lexeme. Catégorie : Lecture /
écriture. ***: daande2.

16/02/2020 225
helude hencaade

helude Noun Form of Infinitive: helugol. hemrude Noun Form of Infinitive: hemrugol.
Participles: sing: keluɗo-keloowo plur: Participles: sing: kemruɗo-kemroowo plur:
heluɓe-helooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb hemruɓe-hemrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Progressive: prg. Verb. casser, briser, rompre Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. recevoir;
en morceaux; break something into two or receive something from someone. Moy
more pieces. the Jelgooɓe also say "heltude" kemruɗ
kemruɗaa ɗum? From whom did you receive
with this same sense. ***: wurjinde, that? Aamadu kemrumi ɗum. I got it from
bonnude; synonyms: bonnude, wurjinde.
Aamadu. ***: heɓ
heɓirde, heɓude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: heɓ
heɓirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hemnde adj. cent; hundred. ***: teemedere. Dialectal hen Sorting Designation: 1. adv/prep. 1 • dans,
Forms: hemre.
dedans; in. Ndaaru hen. Regarde dans le
hemre1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. camion. Look inside [the truck]. Na hen C'est
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form dedans. It's inside. Inan dokkal ngal
of Noun: keme. Sorting Designation: 1. adj. ngaddammi on de Saydu walaa hen. Ici est
1 • cent, nombre cardinal 100; one hundred; le cadeau que j'ai pour toi, mais Saydou n'a
hundred. ***: teemedere. Dialectal rien a faire dans cela. Here is the gift I brought
Forms: hemnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. you, but Saydu has no part in it. ***: ley1,
2 • centième; hundredth. here are the ordinal dere, nder, e2, hakkunde; synonyms: dere, e1,
adjectives by noun class- to continue with this ley1, nder. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
series replace the ordinal adjective for one 2 • parmi; among. Ndaaru hen e majji, nguye
with that of two, three, etc: Group I ɓe/hemre
ɗɗaa. Regarde parmi ces moutons et dis
go'aɓe, ko/hemre go'aɓo, nde/hemre go'aɓerde,
ndu/hemre go'aɓurdu, nge/hemre go'aɓe, lequel tu aimerais. Look among all these sheep
ngo/hemre go'aɓo Group II ɗe/hemre go'aɓe, and see which you'd like. Mi ndaarii hen e
ɗi/hemre go'aɓi, ɗum/hemre go'aɓum, sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe maa ɓe faa mi nula gooto maɓɓmaɓɓe
kal/hemre go'aɓal, kol/hemre go'aɓol, njaɓ
de ɓe njaɓaay. J'ai regardé parmi tes enfants
ngal/hemre go'aɓal, ngel/hemre go'aɓel, pour envoyer un, mais ils n'ont pas voulu aller.
ngol/hemre go'aɓol, o/hemre go'o Group III I looked among your children in order to send
ɗam/hemre ngo'aɓam, ka/hemre ngo'aɓa, one of them, but they won't go.
ki/hemre ngo'aɓi, ko/hemre ngo'aɓo, synonyms: hakkunde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
koy/hemre ngo'aɓoy, ndi/hemre ngo'aɓirdi,
nga/hemre ngo'aɓa, ngi/hemre ngo'aɓi, hencaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hencagol.
ngu/hemre ngo'aɓu. compare: keme. Participles: sing: kenciiɗo-kencotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. henciiɓe-hencotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.

hemre2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
express; deliberately do something.
of Noun: keme. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
***: enndude, ummanaade, haykaade.
siècle; century. compare: keme. Dialects: tech.
Dialects: J,M.
hemreede Noun Form of Infinitive: hemregol. 2 • prendre l’initiative de faire quelque chose
Participles: sing: kemraaɗo-kemreteeɗo qui doit être faite; to take the initiative to do
plur: hemraaɓe-hemreteeɓe. Sorting something that needs to be done without being
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in told to do it. compare: enndude, mettinde,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. anniyaade; synonyms: ummanaade. Dialectal
Verb. avoir quelque chose à donner ou à Forms: [Y,G] hensaade. Dialects: J,M.
vendre; have something to give or to sell.
Yaakuuba hemraama dewte. Jacob a donné
les livres. Jacob gave the books. Diao na
hemree Koka. Diao a des coca kolas (à
vendre). Diao has [habitually] Coke [to sell].
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hemreeru Noun. centaine; hundred. Catégorie

: Mathématique. synonyms: teemedere,

16/02/2020 226
henginde henorde
2 • être vrai, juste, honnête ; righteous; honest;
henginde Noun Form of Infinitive: hengingol.
just; true. compare: goonga;
Participles: sing: kenginɗo-kenginoowo
synonyms: cubinaade, dartaade, hegitaade,
plur: henginɓe-henginooɓe. Sorting
fonnditaade, fooccaade, laaɓ laaɓude.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. serrer une corde; tighten a rope. henngitidde Noun Form of Infinitive: henngitiggol.
***: ŋeetinde, cotaade, foottude, sotaade, Participles: sing: kenngitiɗɗo-kenngitoowo
teeŋinde; synonyms: cotaade, foottude, plur: henngitiɓɓe-henngitooɓe. Sorting
sotaade, teeŋ
teeŋinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
henndu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Plural: d/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form na henngita. Verb. tendre, redresser, réparer;
of Noun: keni. Sorting Designation: 2, th. repair; fix; straighten; mend. ***: woonnude,
synonyme: bifol. Noun. 1 • vent, air; air; wind. moƴƴ
ƴƴinde, hegitinde; synonyms: hegitinde,
Catégorie : Ciel, Temps. ***: koyngel, moƴƴ
ƴƴinde, woonnude. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
balayel, nginnaawu, foondu, biwtol, henngitinde. Dialects: Y,G.
neeyngel, nduuydi, piɗ
piɗooyel, jinnaaru, hennyitoraade Noun Form of
bifol, kenkenam, neyngel, ginnaaru, Infinitive: hennyitoragol. Participles: sing:
dabidabiyal, ladde, duuydi; synonyms: bifol, kennyitoriiɗo-kennyitortooɗo plur:
biwtol, duluuru, duuydi, kenkenam, hennyitoriiɓe-hennyitortooɓe. Sorting
nduuydi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • démon, mauvais esprit; evil spirit; spirit Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
(evil); demon. synonyms: dabidabiyal, Verb. être content, satisfait; content; satisfied.
foondu, ginnaaru, jinnaaru, ladde, This verb is slightly different than "hennyude"
nginnaawu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or "heƴude" in that with this verb the person
may not have a sufficient amount of something
3 • espèce de maladie de bétail, carbone
but he is still content, where "hennyude" and
symptomatique; blackleg. synonyms: balayel, "heƴude" refer to having a sufficient amount of
koyngel, neeyngel, piɗ
piɗooyel. Dialects: G. something. e.g. "Neɗɗo na haani
hennyitoraade ko heɓi." {One should be
henndu2 Noun. atmosphère; atmosphere. Catégorie satisfied with what one has.}; "Taa teetu o
: Ciel, Terre. synonyms: henndu-
kuuɓundu. ngeɗu makko, hennyitora e ngeɗu maa."
{Don't take his portion, be satified with your
henndu dabbunde Noun. Harmattan; Harmattan
wind. Catégorie : Temps. own portion.}. ***: heƴ
heƴude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

henndu hunnduko Noun. haleine; breath. hennyude Noun Form of Infinitive: hennyugol.
Participles: sing: kennyuɗo-kennyoowo
kuuɓundu Noun. atmosphère;
plur: hennyuɓe-hennyooɓe. Sorting
atmosphere. Catégorie : Ciel. ***: henndu2.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hennduure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Verb. avoir assez; enough. ***: haarude,
of Noun: hennduuje. Sorting Designation: 3, heƴ
heƴude; compare: haarude, heƴ
ah. Noun. œuf non fécondé; unfertilized egg; Dialects: J,Y,M.
egg (unfertilized). synonyms: galwagadoore;
henorde Noun. fenêtre; window.
***: galwagadoore. Dialects: J,Y,G.

henngitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: henngitagol.

Participles: sing:
kenngitiiɗo-kenngitotooɗo plur:
henngitiiɓe-henngitotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. 1 • être droit; straight. ***: laaɓ
fooccaade, fonnditaade, dartaade,
seynaade, hegitaade, dartaade, cubinaade.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 227
henyaade hersitaade
2 • mottled; for people - to have blotches on
henyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: henyagol.
your skin. This verb is used to form adjectives
Participles: sing: kenyiiɗo-kenyotooɗo plur: for the various noun classes of things which
henyiiɓe-henyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. can be colored this way: Group I ɓe/herooɓe,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb nde/heroore, ndu/herooru, nge/heroowe
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se Group II ɗe/kerooji, ɗi/kerooji, ɗum/kerojum,
dépêcher, se presser, hâter; hurry. kol/kerohol, ngal/kerowal, ngel/kerowel,
o/keroojo Group III ka/kerooha,
synonyms: duufaade, haraade, wulude,
ko2/kerooho, koy/kerohoy, ndi/keroori,
yaawude, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde, yawɗ
yawɗaade; nga/keroowa, ngi/keroowi, ngu/keroowu; e.g.
***: wulude, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde, doggude, nagge heroowe, mbaalu keroowu, mbeewa
duufaade, ɓantude, yawɗ
yawɗaade, yaawude, keroowa, puccu keroowu, rawaandu herooru.
law, haraade, ɓeydude
eydude; compare: ɓeydude, synonyms: dargiɗ
dargiɗinde; compare: jamolɗ
doggude, law. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kerooji, noorɗ
noorɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G.

henyinde Noun Form of Infinitive: henyingol. hersinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hersingol.
Participles: sing: kenyinɗo-kenyinoowo Participles: sing: kersinɗo-kersinoowo plur:
plur: henyinɓe-henyinooɓe. Sorting hersinɓe-hersinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire honte,
Verb. noircir du ciel avant la pluie; blacken honnir, humilier, embarrasser; shame
(for the sky before it starts to rain). someone; humiliate; embarrass someone.
synonyms: hidinde; ***: hidinde. Dialects: M. ***: ennude, semtinde, gaccude, aybinde,
sentinde; synonyms: aybinde, gaccude,
henyude Verb. accélérer; accelerate; speed up.
semtinde. Dialectal Forms: hersinnde.
heppirde Noun Form of Infinitive: heppirgol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: keppirɗo-keppiroowo
hersitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hersitagol.
plur: heppirɓe-heppirooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: kersitiiɗo-kersitotooɗo
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: hersitiiɓe-hersitotooɓe. Sorting
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. échouer, rater, manquer; fail. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: hunngaade; compare: ronkude, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
jaalaade; ***: hunngaade. Dialects: G. Verb. 1 • interrompre; interrupt. Si goɗɗ
ɗɗii haala fu, taa kersitoɗ
kersitoɗaa o. Lorsque
heppude Noun Form of Infinitive: heppugol. quelqu'un parle, il ne faut pas l’interrompre. If
Participles: sing: keppuɗo-keppoowo plur: someone starts speaking, don't interrupt them.
heppuɓe-heppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J,Y.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb 2 • choisir quelque chose pour donner; to take
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être or pick something which will be given before it
angoissé, impatient, pressé; impatient; is actually given; Ko waɗ
waɗi baasi o wo ko
anxious; hurry (to be in a). ***: muncaraaku, kersitiɗ
kersitiɗaa, ittuɗ
ittuɗaa mbaalu mbelngu ma. Ce
sawtude; compare: muncaraaku, sawtude. qui a commencé le problème est que tu as
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
choisi un mouton (avant le temps approprié).
What started the problem was you picked out
herbinde Verb. presser, bousculer; press; squeeze; and took one of the sheep that pleased you
rush; bump into. [before they were actually given]. Dialects: J,Y.
herɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: herɗugol. 3 • empiéter, empêcher de passer, bloquer; get
in someone's way so they cannot pass you;
Participles: sing: kerɗuɗo plur: herɗuɓe.
interfere; cut off; hinder. Si on puɗɗ
Sorting Designation: 5, ah, mt. Verb Consonant
doggude fu, fay gooto taa hersitoo
Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
banndum. Lorsque vous commencez la
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • avoir des grandes
course, n'empêchez personne de vous
taches de couleur (animaux); This verb
dépasser. Once you start the race, don't cut
describes a color pattern of animal's coats with
each other off. Dialects: J,Y.
large patches of color. ***: waagiɗ
jamolɗinde, noorɗ
noorɗude, dargiɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 228
hersude hettande

hersude Noun Form of Infinitive: hersugol. hettaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hettagol.
Participles: sing: kersuɗo-kersoowo plur: Participles: sing: kettiiɗo-kettotooɗo plur:
hersuɓe-hersooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. hettiiɓe-hettotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • honnir Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. attendre; wait.
soi-même, embarrasser soi-même; embarrass Mi heppii sanne ammaa mi hettotoo
yourself; shame yourself. ***: yaagaade, wakkati seeɗ
seeɗa. Je suis pressé, mais je vais
sentude, hoyude, semtude, sentude, attendre un peu plus. I am in a hurry, but I will
edaade, gaccaade, aybude, semtude; wait a little longer. ***: munyude, doomude,
synonyms: aybude, gaccaade, hoyude, heɗ
heɗaade; synonyms: doomude, heɗ heɗaade,
semtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. munyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être timide, modeste, respectueux, réservé,
hettande Noun Form of Infinitive: hettangol.
digne, respectable; dignified; shy; respectable;
respectful; reserved; modest. Participles: sing: kettanɗo-kettanoowo plur:
synonyms: edaade, enndude, yaagaade; hettanɓe-hettanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
compare: semtinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
hesiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hesiɗingol. 1 • remplacer temporairement, substituer;
Participles: sing: keso. Sorting Designation: 3. replace someone temporarily; substitute for.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Mi yahan luumo jaango, aɗ
aɗa waawi
Stative or Progressive: st - imo hesiɗi. Verb. hettande kam e durngo? Je vais au marché
nouveau, nouvelle, neuf, neuve; new. demain, peux-tu me remplacer et surveiller
***: hecciɗ
hecciɗinde, heyɗ
heyɗude; mes bœufs ? I am going to market tomorrow,
synonyms: heyɗ
heyɗude; compare: hecciɗ
hecciɗinde. can you herd for me? ***: heedande,
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] hesiɗidde. loomtande, heedande, fakaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • payer pour; pay for. Min njehii silma
hesude Noun Form of Infinitive: hesugol.
hankin de Hasan hettanii min fuu e njobdi
Participles: sing: kesuɗo-kesoowo plur:
majjum. Nous sommes allés au cinéma hier
hesuɓe-hesooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
soir et Hassan a payé les billets pour nous
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or tous. We went to the movies last night and
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • presque faire; Hasan paid for all of our tickets.
nearly; almost. Mi hesii yottowaade toon de synonyms: fakaade, yoɓ
pornyiimi sabo mi hooƴ
hooƴaay talki am. Je suis Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
presque arrivé là, mais je suis retourné parce 3 • aider quelqu'un en lui prêtant ce dont il a
que j'ai oublié mes papiers. I nearly arrive besoin; to help someone by loaning them
there, but I went back because I didn't bring
something they need but do not have; Si aɗaɗa
my papers. synonyms: nesude; ***: nesude.
yiɗi waɗ
waɗude hoggo fu, mi hettante e
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
koosir ɗe. Si tu veux construire un enclos je
2 • couper les cheveux de qqn; to cut peux t'aider avec des branches. If you want to
someone's or something's hair. A yonii build a corral I can help you with some
hesude hoore maa sabo wuyko maa ko branches. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
juutii. The time has come to cut your hair 4 • intercéder pour quelqu'un; intercede. Mi
because it is long. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hettante e amiiru e dow yoɓyoɓugol lampo
maa. I will pull some strings with the chief
over the payment of your taxes.
synonyms: loomtande, heedande.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 229
hettinaade hewtude

hettinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hettinagol. hewtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hewtagoltabitinde.
Participles: sing: kettiniiɗo-kettinotooɗo Participles: sing: kewtiiɗo-kewtotooɗo plur:
plur: hettiniiɓe-hettinotooɓe. Sorting hewtiiɓe-hewtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rattraper;
Verb. écouter; listen to. compare: nanude. catch up to someone. ***: taaynude,
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] hettindaade. hewtude, tewnude. Dialects: J,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • lorsque quelque chose arrive à quelqu'un;
when something happens to someone.
hettinagol Noun. audition; audition, hearing.
synonyms: hewtude, taaynude, tewnude.
Catégorie : Le corps, Le langage et la
pensée. Dialects: J,G,M.

hettindaade Verb. écouter; listen. ***: nanude. hewtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hewtingol.
Dialectal Forms: hettinaade. Participles: sing: kewtinɗo-kewtinoowo
plur: hewtinɓe-hewtinooɓe. Sorting
hettinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hettingol.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: kettinɗo-kettinoowo plur:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hettinɓe-hettinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. 1 • inviter quelqu'un à la maison,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb accueillir quelqu'un; invite; welcome a guest
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre ou into the house. ***: yottinde, yaharude,
placer; put; place something or someone waddude, yaarude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
somewhere. Hettin ɗerewol yeeso ma faa 2 • prendre quelque chose quelque part; take
mbinndaa. Mets une feuille de papier devant someone or something somewhere.
toi pour écrire. Put a piece of paper in front of synonyms: waddude, yaarude, yottinde.
you to write on. ***: heennude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hewtitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hewtitagol.
2 • transférer, déplacer; move someone or
Participles: sing: kewtitiiɗo-kewtitotooɗo
something somewhere; transfer. Ali hettinii
plur: hewtitiiɓe-hewtitotooɓe. Sorting
na'i mum faro Gana Ali a déplacé / conduit
ces bœufs au Ghana. Ali moved his cows to Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Ghana. synonyms: heennude. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • trouver quelque chose qui était
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
perdue; find something which was lost.
hettude Noun Form of Infinitive: hettugol. ***: tukkude, hewtude; synonyms: tawude,
Participles: sing: kettuɗo-kettoowo plur: tukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hettuɓe-hettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 2 • racheter quelque chose que tu avais vendu;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb buy back something you sold.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être en compare: daɗ
daɗude, dattaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
direction de, vers, envers, proche de, près de;
hewtude Noun Form of Infinitive: hewtugol.
direction of (to be in the); toward; located;
Participles: sing: kewtuɗo-kewtoowo plur:
near. ***: heedude, settude, loomtude,
hewtuɓe-hewtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
heedude, faro, settude; synonyms: heedude.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • arriver,
2 • remplacer, substituer, succéder; substitute
atteindre; arrive; reach. ***: taaynude,
for; replace; succeed. synonyms: heedude,
tewnude, tukkude, yottaade, yiitude,
loomtande, loomtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hewtaade, hisude, heɓ heɓude;
3 • éplucher avec un couteau; peel something
synonyms: yottaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with a knife. synonyms: settude. Dialects: G.
2 • rattraper; catch up to.
synonyms: hewtaade, taaynude, tewnude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • obtenir quelque chose désirée; obtain
something you desire. synonyms: heɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 230
hewtude hoorem dow miilom heƴƴannde hoorem
4 • retrouver quelque chose qui était perdue;
heƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: heƴugol.
find something that was lost.
Participles: sing: keƴuɗo-keƴoowo plur:
synonyms: hewtitaade, tawude, yiitude.
heƴuɓe-heƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
5 • être délivré d'un problème; delivered from
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. suffire, être
a problem. O hewti hoore makko.
suffisant, assez; enough; sufficient.
synonyms: biltaade
biltaade, hisude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yawude, haarude, hennyude;
hewtude hoorem dow miilom expression. compare: haarude, hennyude,
liberté de penser; freedom of thought . hennyitoraade, yawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Juridique.
heƴugol hoorem Noun. autosuffisance;
hewtude hoorem nder tewtiiru synonyme: ley self-sufficiency, self-sustainability.
gollal. expression. liberté d'entreprise; freedom
of enterprise. Catégorie : Gouvernement, heƴ
heƴugol hoorem nder
nder neema expression.
Juridique, Le travail et diverses activités. auto-suffisance alimentaire; self-sufficiency
in the availability of food.
hewtugol hoorem Verb. être libre, accoucher; (be);
free; give birth. heƴƴ
ƴƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heƴƴagol. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
heyɗintinde Verb. restaurer; to restore. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
heyɗitinggol synonyme: hendutorde, yayningol. Verb. être étroit; narrow. Daande jollooru
Noun. aération; airing, ventilation. Catégorie ndu na heƴƴ
ƴƴii. le cou de la gourde est étroit.
: Agriculture, Élevage. The neck of the gourd is narrow.
heyɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: heyɗugol. synonyms: deeƴ
deeƴaade; ***: deeƴ
Participles: sing: keyɗuɗo plur: heyɗuɓe. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in heƴƴ
ƴƴande Noun Form of Infinitive: heƴƴangol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. Participles: sing: keƴƴanɗo-keƴƴanoowo
être nouveau, nouvelle, neuf, neuve; new (to plur: heƴƴanɓe-heƴƴanooɓe. Sorting
be). A series of adjectives are formed from this
root verb for the following four noun classes: Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Group I ɓe/heyɓe, nde/heyre, ndu/heyru Group Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
III ndi/keyri All the other noun classes form Verb. 1 • indiquer le temps utilisé; indicate to
adjectives meaning new with the verb someone the amount of time. Keƴƴ
ƴƴanaa kam
hesiɗinde. ***: hecciɗ
hecciɗinde, hecciɗ
hecciɗinde, pul, balɗ
balɗe foti ngaɗ
ngaɗammi de mi yoɓ
yoɓe Dis-moi
hesiɗinde; synonyms: hesiɗ
hesiɗinde; dans combien de jours je serai payé. Tell me
compare: hecciɗ
hecciɗinde, pul. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. how many days I have until I am paid. Mi
ƴƴanii ma balɗ
balɗe joy de njoɓ
njoɓaa kam
heynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: heynagol.
buu ɗi am. Je te donne cinq jours pour me
Participles: sing: keyniiɗo-keynotooɗo plur: payer mon argent. I will give you five days for
heyniiɓe-heynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. you to pay me my money. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb 2 • spécifier le montant à utiliser dans une
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. appeler certaine période de temps; specify the amount.
quelqu'un; call someone. synonyms: noddude. Keƴƴ
ƴƴanaa kam liitereeji foti mbaawumi
Dialects: J,Y,M. hooƴ
hooƴude nyannde fuu. Dis-moi combien de
litres je peux prendre chaque jour. Tell me
heyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
how many liters I can take each day.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: aykaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: keenye. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
3 • indiquer un certain quantité de ce qu'on
Noun. foie; liver. Catégorie : Le corps.
veut; to indicate a certain amount of something
synonyms: heeyre; compare: hanhande,
you want; Keƴƴ
ƴƴanaa kam to ɗam haaɗ haaɗata.
kankanngel; ***: heeyre, kaaɗ
kaaɗungel, Montre-moi combien je dois remplir le
hanhande, kankanngel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. récipient. Show me how full to fill [the
heƴɗingol ɓeernde expression. émotion; emotion, container]. compare: aykaade, fonndude.
feeling. Dialects: J,Y,M.

itaare Noun. autonomie; autonomy. Catégorie heƴƴ
ƴƴannde hoorem expression. auto suffire; be
: Juridique. self sufficient, to meet one's needs.

16/02/2020 231
heƴƴere hiɗɗi (ko)

ƴƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hiɓɓ
ɓɓinirde Noun Form of Infinitive: hiɓɓinirgol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: kiɓɓinirɗo-kiɓɓiniroowo
of Noun: keƴƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. plur: hiɓɓinirɓe-hiɓɓinirooɓe. Sorting
Noun. caillot de sang; blood clot. Designation: 4, th; 3, th. Verb Consonant
***: heɗɗ
ɗɗere; synonyms: heɗɗ
ɗɗere. Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Dialects: Y,G. Progressive: prg. Verb. rendre parfait,
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: heƴƴugol. compléter, remplir; fill; perfect; complete.
Saabe ko o laatii kirsamaari nde wootere
Participles: sing: keƴƴuɗo-keƴƴoowo plur:
ɗuum o hiɓɓ
ɓɓiniri seneteeɓ
seneteeɓe nde wootere
heƴƴuɓe-heƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
faa abada. Par un seul sacrifice il a rendu
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
parfait ceux qu'il a sanctifié. For by one
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • prédire offering He has perfected for all time those
l'avenir, estimer; estimate; indicate what will who are sanctified. (Heb. 10:14 NASB);
happen in the future; predict. Mi heƴƴ
ƴƴan Bootooru gawri ndu hiɓɓ
ɓɓaay, ammaa si aɗ
balɗe foti o waɗ
waɗoyta wuro maɓɓmaɓɓe
ɓɓe toon. Je yiɗ
yi ɗi fu, mi hiɓɓ
ɓɓiniran ɗum e mbayeeri. Ce
vais indiquer combien de jours elle peut rester sac de mil n'est pas plein, mais si tu veux je
à cet endroit. I will indicate how many days peux le remplir avec du sorgho. This sack of
she can stay at their place. ***: haalude ko millet is not full, but if you like I can fill it with
waroyta, fonndude, haykaade, biigaade, sorghum. synonyms: hebbinde1.
etude1, aykaade; synonyms: aykaade, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haykaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiɓɓugol.
2 • mesurer une quantité, enlever une certaine
quantité; measure out a quantity. Participles: sing: kiɓɓuɗo plur: hiɓɓuɓe.

synonyms: biigaade, etude1, fonndude. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant

Dialects: J,Y,M. Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or

Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être complet, entier,
ƴƴugol Noun. planification; planning, normal, parfait; whole; perfect; normal;
programming, scheduling. complete. Arande nde mi anndaa o miɗ miɗo
hibborde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. miiloo o hiɓɓ
ɓɓaa de joonin mi faamii imo
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form hiɓɓ
hi ɓɓi.
ɓɓi. Avant de le connaître je pensais qu'il
of Noun: kibborɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. n'est pas normal, mais maintenant je
Noun. poitrine d'un animal; brisket of an comprends qu'il est normal. Before I knew
him I thought he was not normal, but now I
animal. synonyms: bohogol, boofogol;
understand he is normal. ***: kiɓɓ
ɓɓal, ɓillude,
***: bohogol, boofogol. Dialects: J.
huuɓude, geetiɗ
geetiɗinde, sellude, teeŋ
ɓɓagol Noun. asphyxie; asphyxiation, suffocation. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓere Noun. entier, intégrité; whole, integrity, 2 • être serré, ferme; tight (to be). Paɗ
Paɗe ɗe na
wholeness, completeness. hi ɓɓere
ɓɓere (limre) kiɓɓ
ɓɓa kam. Ces chaussures sont trop serrés
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: kiɓɓ
ɓɓudi; pour moi. These shoes are too tight for me.
synonyms: kiɓɓ
ɓɓudi. synonyms: ɓillude, teeŋ
teeŋude; compare: kiɓɓ
sellude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓere ɓanndu synonyme: kiɓɓudi ɓanndu.
expression. intégrité physique; physical hidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hidingol.
integrity, physical safety. Catégorie Participles: sing: kidinɗo-kidinoowo plur:
: Juridique.
hidinɓe-hidinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
hiɓɓiɗ-a adj. entier; whole. Catégorie Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
: Mathématique. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque
le ciel se noircit avant de pleuvoir; for the sky
to blacken just before it starts to rain.
***: metaade
metaade, ɓawlinde, henyinde, ɓalinde;
synonyms: henyinde. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • être au bord des larmes; for someone to be
on the verge of tears. synonyms: metaade.
Dialects: J,Y.

ɗɗi (ko) adj. vieux, ancien; old; ancient.

16/02/2020 232
higgude hiilnaade

higgude Noun Form of Infinitive: higgugol. hiiɗɗ

ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiiɗɗugol.
Participles: sing: kigguɗo-kiggoowo plur: Participles: sing: kiiɗɗuɗo-kiiɗɗoowo plur:
higguɓe-higgooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, hiiɗɗuɓe-hiiɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. emballer ou Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être vieux,
entasser des choses ou des gens ensemble, ancien; old (to be). Amaana Kiiɗɗ
ɗɗo L'Ancien
mettre dans un espace limité; pack things or Testament. Old Testament. préfect kiiɗɗ
people together; round up into a circumscribed
l'ancien préfet. the old préfect. Taa
Taa dufa
space; Higgu njaareendi ndi toon de kogaa
tuuba kiikka. Ne met pas les vieux pantalons.
pereeje taa ndi sankitoo katin. Entasse le
Don't put on the old pants. This verb can be
sable là-bas et met des briques autour pour used to form a series of pariciples: Group I
qu'il ne se disperse plus. Gather the sand ɓe/hiiɓɓe, ko1/hiikko, nde/hiinnde,
together over there and put bricks around it to ndu/hiinndu, nge/hiinnge, ngo/hiinngo
keep it from being scattered again. Group II ɗe/kiiɗɗe, ɗi/kiiɗɗi, ɗum/kiiɗɗum,
***: joowude, tigimaade, joowude; kal/kiikkal, kol/kiikkol, ngal/kiinngal,
synonyms: joowude, reentinde, tigimaade. ngel/kiinngel, ngol/kiinngol, o/kiiɗɗo Group
Dialects: J,Y. III ɗam/kiiɗɗam, ka/kiikka, ki/kiikki,
ko2/kiikko, koy/kiikkoy, ndi/kiinndi,
higoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number nga/kiinnga, ngi/kiinngi, ngu/kiinngu.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: wurjude. Dialectal Forms: hiinɗude -
Noun: higiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Note: this would be the original form of the
ami; friend. synonyms: giɗ
giɗo, jaado, jiɗ
jiɗo, word, and the lexeme is the harmonized
yigoo; compare: sakiike; ***: yigoo. version. See Table 26.6 in Fulfulde
Dialects: G. Grammar for listing of adjective forms..
hiiɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiiɓugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kiiɓuɗo-kiiɓoowo plur: hiila Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
hiiɓuɓe-hiiɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun: hiilaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. parler mensonge, fausseté, tromperie, fraude; deceit.
indistinctement; speak indistinctly. Note : arabe compare: eytude, sarnude;
Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: fewre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hiileede Noun Form of Infinitive: hiilegol.

Participles: sing: kiilaaɗo-kiileteeɗo plur:
hiilaaɓe-hiileteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir été
trompé, dupé; deceived. Note : arabe
***: fenaneede, eyteede, sarneede,
jambeede, fewaneede; synonyms: eyteede,
sarneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hiilnaade Verb. s'occuper de; look after; take care of.

***: soobaade, siinude.

16/02/2020 233
hiilngo hiinneede

hiilngo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting hiinko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Designation: 3. Noun. attention, intelligence, Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
entretien; attention; intelligence. Ngat taa Noun: hiinkooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
hiilngo maa e suka o, taa o wurtoo. Sois Noun. la première culture du champ; first
attentif à cet enfant, ne le laisse pas sortir. Pay cultivation of a field. ***: remude, aranal,
attention to that child, don't let him go out. Si doditaade, bugaade, maytitaade, mbugiri,
deekam wurteke fu, sanaa mi waɗwaɗa hiilngo dodow, remitaade, bakkaade, maytaade,
am e naatoo ɓe ley galle. Lorsque ma femme joobu, mayto, dodaade; synonyms: aranal,
sorte, je dois faire attention à ceux qui joobu, mbugiri. Dialects: J.
viennent dans la cour. When my wife goes out
I have to pay attention to those coming into the hiinnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiinnagol.
yard. compare: anniyaade; ***: hakkillo, Participles: sing: kiinniiɗo-kiinnotooɗo
ƴƴillo; synonyms: hakkillo, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo. plur: hiinniiɓe-hiinnotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
hiilude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiilugol.
Verb. 1 • être compatissant; compassionate. Ko
Participles: sing: kiiluɗo-kiiloowo plur:
huɗo ko waataay wo Laamɗ
Laamɗo hiinnii ko. Le
hiiluɓe-hiilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
fait que cette herbe n'est pas desséchée montre
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or que Dieu a eu compassion. That this grass has
Progressive: prg. Verb. tromper, duper; not died shows God has been compassionate to
deceive. synonyms: eytude, jambaade, it. ***: haybude, hinney, hilnaade, hilnaade,
juhude, sarnude; ***: ƴoyre, caral, sarnude, hiimanaade, ndaarude; synonyms: haybude,
jambaade, eytude, fenude; compare: caral, hiimanaade, jaɓɓ
ɓɓowaade, ndaarude.
fenude, fewude, ƴoyre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • s'occuper diligemment des affaires,
hiimanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiimanagol.
s'occuper de ses responsabilités, être attentif,
Participles: sing: kiimaniiɗo-kiimanotooɗo soigner; diligently look after your affairs;
plur: hiimaniiɓe-hiimanotooɓe. Sorting attend to; attentive; care for your
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in responsibilities. Mi tawii Boureima na hiinnii
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. koreeji muuɗ
muuɗum faa wooɗ
wooɗi sabo o wattii
Verb. garder, entretenir, surveiller, s'occuper sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe makko fuu e jande. Je pense que
de, prendre soin de; attend to; tend to; look Boureima prend bien soin de sa famille car il a
after; care for. Sanaa kiimanaa araawa maa mis tous ses enfants à l'école. I found
sabo wo nga lokkiɗ
lokkiɗinnga. Tu dois prendre Boureima takes good care of his family
soin de ton âne car il est faible. You need to because he put all of his children in school.
look after your donkey because it is weak. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Gaɗa ko baabam maayi fu, miɗ
miɗo hiimanoo 3 • chercher la paix; seek peace; peace (seek).
yaayam. Depuis que mon père est décédé je A hiinneke hoore maa sabo aɗ
aɗa filoo jam.
m'occupe de ma mère. Since my father died I Tu prends bien soin de toi-même car tu
have cared for my mother. ***: haybude, cherche la paix. You take good care of
hiinnaade, ndaarude; synonyms: haybude, yourself because you seek peace.
hiinnaade, jaɓɓ
ɓɓowaade, ndaarude. compare: hinney. Dialectal Forms: [J] hiinaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hiimaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: hiimanegol. hiinneede Noun Form of Infinitive: hiinnegol.
Participles: sing: kiimanaaɗo-kiimaneteeɗo Participles: sing: kiinnaaɗo-kiinneteeɗo
plur: hiimanaaɓe-hiimaneteeɓe. Sorting plur: hiinnaaɓe-hiinneteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. pris soin de, s'occuper de; cared for (to Verb. 1 • pris soin de, s'occuper de; taken care
be). ***: ndaareede, hiinneede, haybeede; of. ***: ndaareede, hiimaneede, haybeede.
synonyms: haybeede, hiinneede, ndaareede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y. 2 • être supervisé; supervised; overseen.
synonyms: haybeede, hiimaneede,
ndaareede. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M]
hiilneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 234
hiinude hiirude

hiinude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiinugol. hiirndude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiirndugol.
Participles: sing: kiinuɗo-kiinoowo plur: Participles: sing: kiirnduɗo-kiirndoowo
hiinuɓe-hiinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. plur: hiirnduɗo-hiirndooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sauver, aider Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
quelqu'un de sortir du danger; escape a Verb. quitter dans l'après-midi; leave in the
danger; save. ***: dannude, daɗ
daɗinde, afternoon. ***: runnyude, dillude, dawude;
hisinde; synonyms: dannude, hisinde. compare: dawude, dillude, runnyude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hiinyalde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hiirnude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiirnugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: kiirnuɗo-kiirnoowo plur:
of Noun: kiinyaale. Sorting Designation: 3, at. hiirnuɓe-hiirnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun. gésier; gizzard. Catégorie : Parties d’un Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
animal. Dialectal Forms: [M] hiinyolde Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saluer
(nde)/kiinyolɗe (ɗe). Dialects: J,Y. quelqu'un le soir; greet someone in the
hiinyolde Noun. gésier; gizzard. Catégorie : Parties evening. compare: hownude, waalnude,
wennude, nyallinde; synonyms: jowtude;
d’un animal. Dialectal Forms: hiinyalde.
***: nyallinde, jowtude, waalnude,
hiinyude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiinyugol. wennude, hownude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kiinyuɗo-kiinyoowo plur:
hiiro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number
hiinyuɓe-hiinyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Noun: hiirooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. examiner,
soirée récréative; recreational evening.
enquêter, investiguer, se renseigner sur,
examiner ou étudier avant de décider, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
réfléchir, explorer; inquire; investigate; hiirtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiirtagol.
carefully consider something before accepting
Participles: sing: kiirtiiɗo-kiirtotooɗo plur:
or rejecting it. Fulɓ
Fulɓe wo hiinyuɓ
hiinyuɓe sanne.
sanne. Les
peuls sont se renseignent bien sur les choses. hiirtiiɓe-hiirtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1,
Fulani are careful to inquire about things. ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi cuɓ
onoɗon kam neɗɗ
ɗɗo, taa Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. manger le
repas du soir, dîner; eat the evening meal;
kiinyon siyiiji, kaa kiinyon tagu makko.
Choisis quelqu'un, ne prend pas en dine; dinner (to have). compare: fummude,
considération son ethnie mais regarde son hiraande, wottaade; ***: hiraande,
caractère. Chose me someone, don't consider fummude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
his ethnicity, but consider his character.
synonyms: yiitude nokkuure heyre,
hiirude Noun Form of Infinitive: hiirugol.
humpitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kiiruɗo-kiiroowo plur:
hiiruɓe-hiirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb
hiinyude ndaare synonyme: fiitude ndaara. Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
expression. vérifier; check, verify audit, test.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • visiter des gens le
hiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting soir; pass the evening visiting. Hankin en
Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • après-midi entre 16 h kiirii faa jenngi. Hier soir on a visité des gens
et 18 h; late afternoon - 4-6 o'clock. jusqu’à tard. Last night we visited until late.
synonyms: kiikiiɗ
kiikiiɗe, laasara, kiiral naange; ***: nyallude, waalude, jenngude,
***: isaa'i. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyawlude, laasara, weetude.
2 • soir entre 18 h et 21 h; evening - 6-9 Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
o'clock. synonyms: safoko, isaa'i. Dialectal 2 • arriver tard dans l'après-midi; arrive in the
Forms: [M] hiirngo/ngo. Dialects: J,Y,M. late afternoon. A waraay law, a hiirii , accu
hiirnaange Sorting Designation: 3. adv/n. ouest; west. faa subaka. You didn't come early, you're late
[in the afternoon], let it go until tomorrow.
synonyms: gorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: jenngude, laasara, nyallude,
Hiirnaange - Afirikki expression. Ouest-africain; nyawlude, waalude, weetude.
West-Africa. Catégorie : Région.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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hiisa hikka

hiisa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting hiitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiitagol.
Designation: 3. Noun. action de compter, Participles: sing: kiitiiɗo-kiitotooɗo plur:
dénombrement, calcul, mathématique; hiitiiɓe-hiitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
arithmetic; calculation; counting. Catégorie Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
: Mathématique. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. juger; judge.
hiisa hoore Noun. calcul mental; mental arithmetic. ***: sardaade, saraade, sariya, algaali, kiite;
Catégorie : Mathématique. compare: algaali, kiite, sariya;
hiisa wawtu synonyme: hiisa leereeji. Noun. nombre synonyms: saraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
complexe; complex number. Catégorie hiite Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
: Mathématique.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
hiisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiisagol. Noun: hiiteeji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Participles: sing: kiisiiɗo-kiisotooɗo plur: 1 • feu; fire. ***: yiite. Dialects: Y,G,M.
hiisiiɓe-hiisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 2 • enfer; hell. compare: huɓɓ
ɓɓude, wulude,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb curki; synonyms: yiite. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • prendre
soin de quelqu'un, s'occuper de, être inquiet hiito sariya Noun. jugement; judgment. Catégorie
pour quelqu'un; care about someone; : Juridique.
concerned. Mi yehii faa suudu makko faa mi hijjannde Noun. syllabe; syllable. Catégorie : Lecture
jowta o de o hiisaaki kam. I went to his / écriture. synonyms: hijjere; ***: wowlaandu.
house to greet him, but he didn't give a fig.
***: hilleede, limude, adadu.
hijjere synonyme: hijjannde. Noun. syllabe; syllable.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: hijjannde.

2 • calculer, compter; count; calculate. Mi hijjoyde Noun Form of Infinitive: hijjoygol.

hiiseke bulaaje
bulaaje am keeŋ
keeŋan, ɗe ngaɗ
ngaɗii Participles: sing: kijjoyɗo-kijjowoowo plur:
sappo e joy. J'ai compté mes bottes de céréale hijjoyɓe-hijjowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
hier, il y en a quinze. I counted my bundles of th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
grain yesterday, there are fifteen of them. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un
compare: adadu, limude; synonyms: hilleede. pèlerinage à la Mecque; pilgrimage to Mecca
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. (to make a). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hiiseede Noun Form of Infinitive: hiisegol. hijju Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Participles: sing: kiisaaɗo-kiiseteeɗo plur: Designation: 4, th. Noun. le pèlerinage à la
hiisaaɓe-hiiseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Mecque; pilgrimage to Mecca. Note : arabe
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb ***: kijju, hajju; synonyms: hajju, kijju.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • pris soin Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de; cared about. ***: limeede; hijude Noun Form of Infinitive: hijugol. Sorting
synonyms: hilleede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • être recensé dans un recensement; counted Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
as in a census. compare: limude; Verb. bruit du cheval; the neighing sound a
synonyms: limeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. horse makes. compare: farude, hanude;
hiis-o Verb. calculer; calculate. Catégorie ***: firnude, hanude, furwude.
: Mathématique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hiisorde Noun. opération; calculation; operation. hikka Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Catégorie : Mathématique. Designation: 2. Noun. cette année; this year;
hiisowal Noun. mathématique; mathematical. year (this). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 236
hilleede hinere

hilleede Noun Form of Infinitive: hillegol. himɓ

himɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: killaaɗo-killeteeɗo plur: Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • gens, personnes;
hillaaɓe-hilleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. people. synonyms: adunaaru, adunaaji,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb annaaji
annaaji, annaaru, duuniyaaru, nimɓnimɓe;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être inquiet ***: nimɓ
nimɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe, koreeji, annaaji,
pour, s'occuper de, concerné; care about; adunaaji. Dialects: Y,G.
concerned about. Miɗ
Miɗo hillaa si keekel am 2 • la grande famille; family (the extended);
yulii koy. Je suis concerné lorsque le pneu de extended family. synonyms: koreeji, yimɓ
mon vélo est dégonflé. I sure do care if my bike compare: jamaa, koreeji. Dialects: Y,G.
goes flat. Joonin min killaaka faysi
ƴuwoonde toɓ
himme Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
toɓaay sabo gese amin njottinii.
Nous ne sommes pas inquiets s'il ne pleut pas Designation: 4, th. Noun. désir, avidité,
maintenant car le champ est prêt à être convoitise; desire; covetousness; greed. Note :
récolté. We don't care now if it doesn't rain as arabe ***: keccoraaku, worolde, eelgal,
our fields are ready to harvest. haahaa, haanɗ
haanɗere, sago, mboronndi, joote,
compare: hiisaade, hoyfinde, hoynude, habisere, muuyɗ
muuyɗe, ndeereeraaku,
yeebaade; ***: yawude, hiiseede, hiisaade, boronndi; synonyms: boronndi, eelgal
eelgal, joote,
ɓɓaade; synonyms: loɓɓ
ɓɓaade. mboronndi, worolde; compare: eelgal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J.
hillifeede Noun Form of Infinitive: hillifegol. himmeede Noun Form of Infinitive: himmegol.
Participles: sing: killifaaɗo-killifeteeɗo Participles: sing: kimmaaɗo plur:
plur: hillifaaɓe-hillifeteeɓe. Sorting himmaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être avide, convoiter,
Verb. être physiquement mûr, adulte, grandi; avoir le sentiment qu'on n'a pas suffisamment;
physically mature; grown up. feel that what you have is insufficient; greedy.
synonyms: hayaade, mawnude; ***: fuunude, Dembo wo kimmaaɗ
kimmaaɗo, sabo hennyitoraaki
baaligaade, hayaade
hayaade, baaligeede, ko jogii. Dembo est avide car il n'est pas
mawnude. Dialects: J,Y,G. satisfait avec ce qu'il a. Dembo is greedy
because he is not satisfied with what he has.
hilnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hilnagol.
***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, eelude, jooteede,
Participles: sing: kilniiɗo-kilnotooɗo plur:
reereeɗinde, deerorɗ
deerorɗinde, haanɗ
hilniiɓe-hilnotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
jooteede; synonyms: boroɗ
boroɗinde, eelude,
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
jooteede, woroɗ
woroɗinde. Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • avoir de
2 • essayer de faire plus qu'on peut faire, avoir
la compassion; compassion (to have).
trop d'ambitions; ambitious; overextend
synonyms: barjaade, hiinnaade, yurmaade;
yourself. Gorko o wo kimmaaɗ
kimmaaɗo sabo imo
***: hawjaade, barjaade, yurmaade.
golla jemma e nyalooma fuu. Cette
Dialects: J,G,M. personne est (trop) ambitieuse, elle travaille
2 • superviser du travail; oversee or supervise jour et nuit. That fellow is overly ambitious, he
work. compare: ardaade, dawrande, works night and day. compare: haanɗ
hooraade; synonyms: hawjaade, hiinnaade. habiseede, reereeɗ
reereeɗinde. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hinde synonyme: geɗal, feccere. Noun. part; share.
hilneede Noun Form of Infinitive: hilnegol. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Participles: sing: kilnaaɗo-kilneteeɗo plur: hinɗ
hinɗinde Verb. rendre vieux, user; use; old (make);
hilnaaɓe-hilneteeɓe. Sorting Designation: th. wear out.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb.
1 • recevoir de la compassion; receive hinere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
compassion. ***: barjeede, yurmeede. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,G,M. of Noun: kine. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
2 • être surveillé; supervised; overseen. nez; nose. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: wudde
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hinere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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hinere hiraande
2 • enlever un toit pour le réparer; to remove a
hinere2 Plural Form of Noun: kine. Noun. nœud; knot.
roof made of wood or metal in order to repair
Nokkuure fuɗ
fuɗngo to hoore haakowol seŋ
it. synonyms: hummbitinde, huurtude.
e catal maa du to hoore catal seŋseŋii e lekki
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] hippitidde.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
plante. Dialects: J,Y,M.

hinere-pinndi Plural Form of Noun: kine-pinndi. hippoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyme: tummbirde. Noun. calice; calyx. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une of Noun: kippooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.
plante. Noun. couvercle ou couverture, bouchon; cork;
hinney Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting plug; cover; lid. synonyms: ommboode,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. grâce, bénédiction ommbirgal, uddoode; ***: uddoode,
imméritée; unmerited favor; grace. One can ommbirgal, ommboode. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
feel compassion (yurmeende) toward someone
hippude Noun Form of Infinitive: hippugol.
but be unable to help, whereas "hinney" is a
more active working out of the desire to help. Participles: sing: kippuɗo-kippoowo plur:
***: hiinnaade; compare: hiinnaade. Dialectal hoppuɓe-hippooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Forms: [J] hinnay, [G] hinnuwe. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couvrir,
coucher quelque chose face contre terre;
hinti Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting cover; lay something face down. Wanaa nii
Designation: 4. Noun. force, vigueur; vigor; ɗum wattirtee, a hippii ɗum. Ce n'est pas
strength. synonyms: semmbe. Dialects: J,Y,M. correcte, tu l'as posé face contre terre. That is
not how you put that away, you put it face
hippaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hippagol.
down. ***: kummbudi, kippudi,
Participles: sing: kippiiɗo-kippotooɗo plur:
hummbude, huurude, waylitinde, suddude,
hippiiɓe-hippotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
hippude, hummbude; synonyms: singude.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couché sur
le ventre, coucher face contre terre, incliner le 2 • mettre un toit sur un bâtiment; roof a
visage contre terre; lie down with your face on building. Hippu tool dow suudu gertoorɗ
the ground; bow your face to the ground. ɗe taa ndiyam naata. Mets un toit sur le
***: tikkinaade, sujidinde, tukkinaade, poulailler pour empêcher l'eau de rentrer. Put
hofaade, dikkinaade, turaade; some roofing on the chicken house to keep the
synonyms: sujidinde; compare: dikkinaade, water out. synonyms: hummbude, huurude.
hofaade, tikkinaade, tukkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • parler en utilisant des euphémismes; ;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • lorsqu'un récipient tombe à l'envers, sens euphemize. O haalanaay on goonga, wo o
dessus dessous; for a container to fall by hippu haala ka. Il ne t'a pas dit la vérité, il
accident upside down; Faatimata na a caché sa vraie intention. He didn't tell you
the truth, he disguised his true intention.
roondinoo tummbude de nde boɓɓ boɓɓii,
ɓɓii, nde
synonyms: hummbude, suuɗ suuɗude;
hippii e leydi. Fatimata a porté un pot sur sa
tête, mais il est tombé par terre sens dessus compare: hippude, huncude, huurtude,
dessous. Faatimata was carrying her bowl on kummbudi, suddude, waylitinde.
her head, but it fell and landed upside down on Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
the ground. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hiraande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
hippitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hippitiggol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: kippitinɗo-kippitoowo of Noun: kiraaɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, ct.
plur: hippitinɓe-hippitooɓe. Sorting Noun. repas du soir, souper, dîner; tea;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in evening meal; dinner; supper. ***: pummaari,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - hiirtaade, mbottaari; compare: hiirtaade,
imo hippita. Verb. 1 • tourner sens dessus pummaari, mbottaari. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dessous, à l'envers (ex. chemise); to turn
something right side up or right side out (such
as a shirt). ***: huurtude, hummbitinde,
waylitinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 238
hirɓihirɓoonde hirsugol

ihirɓoonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: hirnyere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Designation: 4, th. Noun. colère momentanée;
Form of Noun: kirɓikirɓooje. Sorting anger (momentary); momentary anger.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. hanche; head of the ***: tikkere, dukkuru, hukkere, ɓernde;
femur; hip. Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: ɓernde, dukkuru, hukkere,
***: ɓuusoonde, tigaal, ɓuccoɓ
uccoɓuccoonde, tikkere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ciilugaare; synonyms: ɓuccoɓ
hirnyinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hirnyingol.
ɓuusoonde, tigaal. Dialects: Y.
Participles: sing: kirnyinɗo-kirnyinoowo
hirɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hirɓingol. plur: hirnyinɓe-hirnyinooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: kirɓinɗo-kirɓinoowo Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: hirɓinɓe-hirɓinooɓe. Sorting Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Verb. faire quelque chose qui met quelqu'un en
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
colère pour un moment, fâcher quelqu'un; to
Verb. étrangler, étouffer; choke; strangle.
do something that makes someone angry for a
***: ɓinnyude, ɓillude, ɗeɗɗude
ɗɗude, hurɓ
moment. synonyms: ɓerninde, bilude,
dukkinde, tikkinde; ***: tikkinde,
hamƴude; synonyms: ɗeɗɗude
ɗɗude, hurɓ
dukkinde, bilude, ɓerninde;
compare: ɓillude, hamƴ
hamƴude. Dialects: J.
compare: mettinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
hirɓineede Noun Form of Infinitive: hirɓinegol.
Participles: sing: kirɓinaaɗo-kirɓineteeɗo
hirnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: hirnyugol.
plur: hirɓinaaɓe-hirɓineteeɓe. Sorting Participles: sing: kirnyuɗo-kirnyoowo plur:
hirnyuɓe-hirnyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être étranglé ou étouffé; strangled; Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être fâché,
choked. synonyms: ɗeɗɗeede
ɗɗeede, hurɓ
en colère, énervé pour un petit moment; angry
***: ɗeɗɗeede
ɗɗeede. Dialects: J.
for a minute; upset. ***: nyarɓ
dukkude, bileede, bilaade, mettude,
hirɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: hirɓugol. tikkude, ɓalinaade, ɓernude;
Participles: sing: kirɓuɗo-kirɓoowo plur: compare: mettude, nyarɓ
hirɓuɓe-hirɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. synonyms: ɓernude, bilaade, dukkude,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hukkude, tikkude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. respirer de
manière sifflante, dire d'une voix rauque, hirseede Noun Form of Infinitive: hirsegol.
crachoter; wheeze. synonyms: horɓ
horɓude, Participles: sing: kirsaaɗo-kirseteeɗo plur:
hurɓude; ***: siikude, harude, horɓ horɓude, hirsaaɓe-hirseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
looƴaade, hurɓ
hurɓude; compare: harude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb.
avoir la gorge coupée; throat cut (to have
looƴaade. Dialects: J.
your). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hirnyande Noun Form of Infinitive: hirnyangol.
Participles: sing: kirnyanɗo-kirnyanoowo
hirsude Noun Form of Infinitive: hirsugol.
plur: hirnyanɓe-kirnyanooɓe. Sorting Participles: sing: kirsuɗo-kirsoowo plur:
hirsuɓe-hirsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. s'énerver contre, être en colère contre, se Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. égorger,
fâcher contre; angry with (to get). couper la gorge, abattre; slaughter; cut the
***: dukkande, hukkande, ɓernande, throat. ***: kirsamaari, layyaade, lahaade;
mettande, tikkande, bilanaade; compare: kirsamaari; synonyms: lahaade,
synonyms: ɓernande, dukkande, hukkande, layyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tikkande; compare: mettande. Dialects: J,Y,M. hirsugol Noun. abattage; slaughter.

16/02/2020 239
hirude hobbere

hirude Noun Form of Infinitive: hirugol. hitaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: de.
Participles: sing: kiruɗo-kiroowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hiruɓe-hirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb of Noun: kitaale. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or une année, un an, douze mois; year; twelve
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être jaloux; jealous. months. ***: ndunngu, yontere, dunngu;
***: heedorɗ
heedorɗinde, keccoraaku, wanyanere; compare: ndunngu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, wanyande, hitere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
keccoraaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
hisinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hisingol. of Noun: gite. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Participles: sing: kisinɗo-kisinoowo plur: œil; eye. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: yitere;
hisinɓe-hisinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. synonyms: yitere. Dialects: G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hitere koyngal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sauver, faire plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere.
échapper au danger; escape from danger;
Plural Form of Noun: gite koyɗe. Sorting
save. ***: dannude, daɗ
daɗinde, kisinoowo,
Designation: 3, at. Noun. os de cheville; ankle
hiinude; synonyms: dannude, hiinude.
bone. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: holɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tonteere koyngal; synonyms: holɓ
hisnoowo Noun. sauveur; savior. Dialectal tonteere koyngal. Dialects: G.
Forms: kisinoowo.
hito Noun. son; sound. Catégorie : Lecture /
hisnude Verb. sauver, préserver; preserve; save. écriture. ***: ndiiru, sawto.

hisude Noun Form of Infinitive: hisugol. hobaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hobagol.
Participles: sing: kisuɗo-kisoowo plur: Participles: sing: kobiiɗo-kobotooɗo plur:
hisuɓe-hisooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. hobiiɓe-hobotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. échapper un Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. griller de la
danger ou problème, être sauvé, éviter, être viande; grill meat. synonyms: ayminde,
épargné; saved (to be); escape a danger or dibude; ***: ayminde, dibude. Dialects: Y,G.
problem; avoid. compare: kisindam;
***: kisindam, biltaade, daɗdaɗude, teetaade,
hobbere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
hewtude; synonyms: biltaade, hewtude, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
teetaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: kobbe. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
Noun. 1 • terme générique pour scarabée,
hitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hitagol. bousier; beetle (dung). Catégorie : Insecte.
Participles: sing: kitiiɗo-kitotooɗo plur: Heliocopris sp., Scarabaeus sp..
hitiiɓe-hitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb ***: hoohobbere, hoowonndoroore,
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or hoowonndoroore, hoowonndoroore,
Progressive: prg. Verb. crier sur quelqu'un, hoowonndoroore, koohobbere;
hurler; yell at someone or something in anger. synonyms: hoohobbere, hoowonndoroore.
Si en kootaay law fu, baaba men hitoto en. Dialectal Forms: [Y] hobbayre. Dialects: Y,G.
Si nous ne rentrons pas toute de suite le papa 2 • espèce de scarabée géant; Goliath beetle.
va crier sur nous. If we don't go right home Goliathus giganteus. synonyms: hoohobbere
Father will yell at us. ***: borbortude, hoowonndoroore. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
jawude, tikkude, jawande, dukude, felɓ felɓude, hobbayre. Dialects: Y,G.
tannyaade, ɓernude, dukande; 3 • lucane, cerf-volant; Hercules beetle.
synonyms: borbortude, felɓfelɓude, jawude, Dynastes hercules. synonyms: hoohobbere,
tannyaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. hoowonndoroore. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
hitaagal Noun. phonétique; phonetic. Catégorie hobbayre. Dialects: Y,G.
: Lecture / écriture. 4 • charançon; weevil. Sitophilus granarius.
synonyms: hoowonndoroore, koohobbere.
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 240
hoɓaade hoɗorde

hoɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hoɓagol. hoccude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: hoccugol.
Participles: sing: koɓiiɗo-koɓotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: koccuɗo-koccoowo plur:
hoɓiiɓe-hoɓotooɗo. Sorting Designation: 4. hoccuɓe-hoccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être proche Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • donner un
de, près de, s'accrocher, se coller; close to cadeau au visiteur pour l'honorer; gift (to
(be). ***: takkaade, seɓ
seɓaade; give your guest a). ***: tawude, koccaari,
synonyms: ɓadaade, ɓattaade, ɗakkaade, hokkude, dokkal, kokkaral;
feewndaade, seɓseɓaade, takkaade. Dialects: J. compare: koccaari, hokkude, dokkal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
2 • trouver quelque chose par terre; find
Designation: 2. Noun. visiteurs, invités, hôtes;
something lying on the ground.
visitors; guests. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: tawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hoɓɓitingol.
hoccude2 Verb. trouver par terre, ramasser,
Participles: sing: koɓɓitinɗo-koɓɓitoowo accueillir; gather; receive; collect; find on the
plur: hoɓɓitinɓe-hoɓɓitooɓe. Sorting ground; pick up; welcome.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Hoddaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Designation: 4. Noun. le cinquième mois de
imo hoɓɓita. Verb. décortiquer, enlever un l'année lunaire; fifth month of the lunar year.
peu d'écorce d'un arbre; to remove or pick off
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
a scab or the bark on a tree.
compare: koɓ
koɓalawal1. Dialectal hoddu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Forms: hoɓɓitinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form

hoɓɓ of Noun: kolli. Sorting Designation: 3, mi. Noun.

ɓɓuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
espèce de guitare à trois cordes; guitar.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
of Noun: koɓɓi. Sorting Designation: 4, or. compare: gaasol, geegeeru, jurkel,
Noun. tisserin gendarme; village weaver.
yeegineeru; ***: geegeeru, jurkel,
Catégorie : Oiseau. Ploceus cucullatus.
googineeru, gaaci, yeegineeru, gaasol.
***: woyɓ
woyɓoondu, cawcawuuru, hoobalaaru,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jumbaliiru; compare: cawcawuuru
hoobalaaru, sabboondu; hoddu tuubaaku Noun. guitare; guitar. Catégorie
synonyms: woyɓ
woyɓoondu, jumbaliiru. : Instrument de musique.
Dialects: Y. hoɗɗ
ɗɗude synonyme: entude. Verb. sevrer; wean.
hoɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hiɓitagol. Haɗ
Haɗude muynude
Participles: sing: koɓitiiɗo-koɓitotooɗo hoɗɗ
ɗɗugol Noun. sevrage; weaning. Haɗ
plur: hoɓitiiɓe-hoɓitotooɓe. Sorting muynugol synonyms: eentere, entugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
hoɗinnde Verb. faire installer; install (cause to).
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. s'éloigner de quelque chose; move away hoɗ
hoɗorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
from something. synonyms: takkitaade. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J. of Noun: koɗorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
campement, endroit où une famille passe une
hoɓtude Verb. éplucher, décortiquer; shell; hull;
partie de l'année (particulièrement en saison
husk; peel.
de pluies); camp. ***: ruumude;
hoɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoɓugol. Sorting compare: ruumude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. former une croûte; scab (to form a).
compare: koɓ
koɓalawal1; ***: koɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 241
hoɗude hojom

hoɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoɗugol. hoggo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: koɗuɗo-koɗoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
hoɗuɓe-hoɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun: koowle. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb enclos pour animaux, parc d'animaux,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • camper,
bergerie, étable, crèche; corral; animal pen.
s'installer, rester pour y vivre, habiter, se Catégorie : Élevage. ***: kohogol, kakaade,
poser sur (oiseau ou insecte); stay or live in kokuwol, wilaade, kaltaade, galbal;
one place; settle; camp. ***: wonude, koɗ koɗo, compare: kaltaade, wilaade; synonyms: galbal,
jooɗaade, daaƴdaaƴude; synonyms: jooɗ
jooɗaade, kokuwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hoggo daabaaje ladde Noun. zoo; zoo.
2 • jouer de la guitare; play a guitar.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hoggo-
hoggo-howaango expression. parc clôturé; fenced
animal pen. Catégorie : Élevage.
3 • séparer une vache qui allaite (ou brebis ou
chèvre) de son veau (ou agneau) ; to separate a hogitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hogitingol.
cow (or sheep or goat) from its calf (or its lamb Participles: sing: kogitinɗo-kogitoowo plur:
or kid) if it is nursing. synonyms: daaƴ
daaƴude; hogitinɓe-hogitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
compare: koɗ
koɗo. Dialects: M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hoɗude nokku gooto Verb. sédentariser; to settle. Stative or Progressive: prg - imo hogita. Verb.
tabitinde dow haɗ
haɗorde wootere découvrir, enlever quelque chose avec la main
(ex. une natte), ôter; generally refers to when
hoɗugol cuuɗ
cuuɗaangol expression. immigration you shelter something with your hand; and
clandestine; illegal immigration. Catégorie then remove your hand or the mat; remove; to
: Gouvernement, Juridique. uncover; or a mat. Hogitin sekko ngo faa
hofaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hofagol. henndu wifa en. Enlève la natte pour que le
Participles: sing: kofiiɗo-kofotooɗo plur: vent puisse souffler sur nous. Remove the mat
hofiiɓe-hofotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. so the wind can blow on us. ***: huurtude,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hositinde, wiirnitidde; synonyms: hositinde,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'agenouiller; wiirnitidde; compare: huurtude. Dialectal
kneel. ***: tikkinaade, dikkinaade, Forms: [Y,G] hogitidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tukkinaade, turaade, hippaade, sujidinde, hogude Noun Form of Infinitive: hogugol.
urfinaade; synonyms: dikkinaade, Participles: sing: koguɗo-kogoowo plur:
tikkinaade, tukkinaade; compare: hippaade, hoguɓe-hogooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
sujidinde, turaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hofanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hofanagol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • abriter de,
Participles: sing: kofaniiɗo-kofanotooɗo protéger contre, empêcher; shelter. Mi hogan
plur: hofaniiɓe-hofanotooɓe. Sorting leydi dammbugal galle am taa ndiyam
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in naata. Je vais barrer l'eau devant la porte
pour qu'elle ne rentre pas dans la maison. I
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
will build a little mud dam at the doorway of
Verb. s'agenouiller devant un roi; kneel before
my yard to keep the water out.
the king. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: hosude, wiirnude; ***: wiirnude,
hogaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hogagol. hosude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: kogiiɗo-kogotooɗo plur: 2 • cacher quelque chose; hide something.
hogiiɓe-hogotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Gujjo o hogii na'i ɗi ley ladde de imo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb soonnira woote woote. Le voleur a cache les
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'abriter, se bœufs en brousse et les avenus un à un. The
mettre à l'abri; shelter one's self. War, thief hid the cows in the bush and he sold them
one at a time. synonyms: suuɗ
kogoɗen ɗo faa henndu ɗuytoo. Viens
t'abriter ici jusque ce que le vent cesse. Come, Dialects: J,Y,M.
shelter here until the wind abates. hojom synonyme: minit. Noun. minute; minute.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 242
hojude hokkugol talkuru nanngirdu

hojude Noun Form of Infinitive: hojugol. hokkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hokkitingol.
Participles: sing: kojuɗo-kojoowo plur: Participles: sing: kokkitinɗo-kokkitoowo
hojuɓe-hojooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb plur: hokkitinɓe-hokkitooɓe. Sorting
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • manger un peu mais Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ne pas assez pour être rassasié; eat but not Verb. remettre, restituer, rendre quelque
enough to be satisfied. ***: haarude. chose; give back; restore. Mi hokkitii o
Dialects: J,Y. dewtere makko. Je lui ai rendu son livre. I
2 • ne pas avoir assez d'eau à boire (surtout gave him his book back. Hokkitin o ko
pour abreuvoir les animaux); to not have makko. Rends-lui ce qui lui appartient. Give
sufficient water to drink; especially when
him what is his. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
watering animals. compare: haarude. hokkitidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,G,M.
hokkitingol goɗɗ
ɗɗo dawral expression.
hokkata kibaaru fu expression. masse / masse délégation de pouvoir; delegation of power.
média; mass media. ko hokkata kibaaru fu Catégorie : Gouvernement.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
hokkondirde Verb. se donner mutuellement; to give
hokkeede ɓii-
ii-leydiyankaaku expression. in mutability.
naturaliser; naturalize, naturalise. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. hokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: hokkugol.
Participles: sing: kokkuɗo-kokkoowo plur:
hokkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hokkuɓe-hokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
of Noun: kokke. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner, offrir;
Noun. sécheresse en saison de pluie, lorsque la
pluie ne tombe pas pour une période de temps give; offer. ***: koccaari, yeɗ
yeɗude, hoccude1,
pendant la saison de pluies,une période dokko, dokkal, wannude, saakude, sadaka,
sèche; dry spell. Daragol ƴuwoonde ley wallitinde, holtinde, wallude, kokkaral,
nunngu Catégorie : Temps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sakkude; synonyms: saakude, sakkude,
waɗande, wannude, yeɗ
hokkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hokkitagol.
compare: dokkal, dokko, hoccude1, holtinde,
Participles: sing: kokkitiiɗo-kokkitotooɗo
koccaari, sadaka, wallude, wilsude.
plur: hokkitiiɓe-hokkitotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. hokkude laawol Verb. autoriser; authorize, allow,
Verb. se donner à quelqu'un (enseignant ou permit. Catégorie : Juridique.
roi); give yourself to someone. ***: jokkude, hokkude talkuru nanngirdu expression.
tokkude, sottitaade; compare: jokkude, décerner un mandat d’arrêt; to issue an
tokkude; synonyms: sottitaade. arrest warrant. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Dialects: J,Y,M. Juridique.

hokkitegol haanerem Noun. réhabilitation; hokkude talkuru waddirndu neɗɗ

rehabilitation. Catégorie : Juridique. semmbe expression. décerner un mandat de
synonyms: ruuɗ
ruuɗineede e haanerem. dépôt; issue a warrant for the detention, grant a
warrant for an arrest. Catégorie
hokkitere hawju komin expression. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
décentralisation; decentralization. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. hokkugol
hokkugol talkuru nanngirdu expression. mandat
d’arrêt; arrest warrant . Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 243
holɓundere holnyere

holɓundere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hollitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hollitingol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: kollitinɗo-kollitoowo plur:
of Noun: kolɓule. Sorting Designation: 3, at. hollitinɓe-hollitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. cheville, os de la cheville; ankle bone. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
inner malleolus, external malleolus. Stative or Progressive: prg - na hollita. Verb.
synonyms: hitere koyngal, tonteere koyngal; 1 • montrer quelque chose encore, apprendre à
***: hitere koyngal, tonteere koyngal, qqn, informer, aviser; inform. ***: yiitude,
jokkulde; compare: jokkulde. Dialects: J,Y. hollude, humpitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
holɓundere silɓ
silɓunde Noun Class Markers: sing: 2 • trouver quelque chose que quelqu'un a
perdu et lui le rendre; find something someone
nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this
has lost and give it back to them.
noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: kolɓule
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cilɓuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
3 • dire des nouvelles; tell someone some
entorse à la cheville; sprained ankle. Catégorie
news. compare: yiitude; synonyms: hollude,
: Maladie. synonyms: daande koyngal
humpitinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] hollitidde.
cilɓungal. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
holgo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
hollitingol Verb. diffuser; diffuse.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: goynude.
Noun: holgooji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
synonyme: holsere. Noun. 1 • sabot de cheval hollitoowo Noun. celui qui apprend à qqn, celui qui
ou d'âne; hoof (horse's or donkey's). informe; the one that teaches something to
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. somebody, the one who informs.
***: peɗeendu, feɗfeɗeendu, holnyere, hollude Noun Form of Infinitive: hollugol.
holnyuru. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: kolluɗo-kolloowo plur:
2 • sabot de bœuf; hoof (cow's). Dialects: G. holluɓe-hollooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
3 • ongle; fingernail. Catégorie : Le corps. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
compare: holnyuru, feɗ
feɗeendu, peɗ
peɗeendu. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. montrer,
Dialects: Y. démontrer, dire, raconter, indiquer, désigner,
expliquer; tell; show; point out; demonstrate.
holleede Noun Form of Infinitive: hollegol.
synonyms: hollitinde, humpitinde, fiirtude;
Participles: sing: kollaaɗo-kolleteeɗo plur:
***: ne'ude, hollitinde, humpitinde;
hollaaɓe-holleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
compare: birude, ne'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • montré hollude daliili fiya Verb. montrer la preuve;
quelque chose; shown something (to be). demonstrate the proof.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hollude
hollude heɓ
heɓa gollitiree expression. promulguer;
2 • recevoir une révélation de Dieu; receive a enact, promulgate, issue, pass. Catégorie
revelation from God. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: tabintinde.
Holleede Yaayaa Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
Apocalypse (livre de la Bible); Revelation hollude taagumaasi expression. justifier; justify.
(book of the New Testament). Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: laaɓ
Dialects: biblical. laamnirde.
hollir-a Verb. démontrer; demonstrate. Catégorie hollugo Noun. démonstration; demonstration.
: Mathématique. ***: dallin-
dallin-a; synonyms: dalliningol, kollirgol, dallingol.
synonyms: dallin-
holnyere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
hollirgol e haala expression. canal buccal; buccal Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
canal. Catégorie : Le corps.
of Noun: kolnye, kolnyi. Sorting Designation: 3,
at. Variante: holnyoldu. Noun. sabot (de
mouton, chèvre, bœuf, cheval, âne); hoof.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
synonyms: feɗ
feɗeendu, holnyuru, peɗ
holgo; ***: holnyuru. Dialects: Y,G,M.

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holnyuru hono

holnyuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. homtude Verb. décortiquer; shell (to); remove the
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form shell.
of Noun: kolnyuli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. honeede Noun Form of Infinitive: honegol.
Noun. sabot de mouton ou chèvre ou bœuf;
Participles: sing: konaaɗo-koneteeɗo plur:
hoof (cow, goat, sheep). Catégorie : Parties
honaaɓe-honeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
d’un animal. ***: holnyere, koyngal,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
feɗeendu, holgo; synonyms: holnyere,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être pillé;
feɗeendu, peɗ
peɗeendu; compare: holgo,
plundered. Jawdi maɓɓ
ɓɓe honete Leur
koyngal. Dialects: J,Y.
richesse sera pillé. Their wealth will be
holoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. plundered. see Zeph 1:13. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
honndolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
of Noun: kolooje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyme: ngeeƴu, ngeeƴam . Noun. noix de
of Noun: konndolle. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
karité, noyau; shea nut. synonyms: haareere; Noun. espèce de termitière; ant hill.
***: haareere
haareere. Dialects: J,G,M. ***: horondolde, hononolde;
holsere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. synonyms: hononolde, horondolde.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y.
of Noun: kolse. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. honndoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
os tibia d'un animal; shin bone of an animal.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. ***: korral;
of Noun: konndooje. Sorting Designation: 4.
compare: korral. Dialects: J,Y,G. Noun. panier ou corbeille fait d'écorce ou
holtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: holtingol. fibres; basket; hamper woven from bark or
thin strips of wood. Catégorie : Récipient.
Participles: sing: koltinɗo-koltinoowo plur:
synonyms: handeere, kilaal; ***: dakaal,
holtinɓe-holtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
njelleehi, handeere, adakaal, mbaliihi,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
ngelleehi, keesuwal, balol, kilaal;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner des
compare: adakaal, balol, dakaal, keesuwal,
habits, habiller dans un sens figuratif; to give
a gift of cloth or clothes; to dress or clothe in a mbaliihi, ngelleehi. Dialects: J.
figurative sense by providing clothing. honndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
***: ɓornude, hokkude, waɗ waɗande;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: ɓornude; compare: hokkude,
of Noun: kolli. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
waɗande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. doigt, orteil; toe; finger. Catégorie : Le corps.
holtude Noun Form of Infinitive: holtugol. ***: ciɓ
ciɓitel, ciwatel, feɗ
feɗeendu, honndu
Participles: sing: koltuɗo-koltoowo plur: wordu, sappordu, hakkundeeru;
holtuɓe-holtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: feɗ
feɗeendu; compare: honndu
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb wordu, sappordu, hakkundeeru, banndo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir des ciɓitel, ciɓ
ciɓitel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nouveaux habits, s’habiller; dressed (to get); honndu koyngal Noun. orteil; toe. Catégorie : Le
dress. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. corps.
holude Noun Form of Infinitive: holugol. honndu wordu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur:
Participles: sing: koluɗo-koloowo plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
holuɓe-holooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Form of Noun: kolli gori. Sorting Designation: 1,
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or at. Noun. pouce; thumb. Catégorie : Le corps.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir seulement des compare: honndu; ***: honndu.
vieux habits usés pour porter, avoir peu
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'habits; to have only old worn out clothes to
wear or only a few clothes to wear; Miɗ
Miɗo holi hono Sorting Designation: 1. synonyme: wano, ko
hannden sabo forgo gooto tan njogiimi. I wa’i no. 1 • Adverb. comme; like; as.
look ragged now because I only have one shirt. ***: hano, iri2, haddu, hagu, ndagu, dagu;
compare: re'ude
re'ude; ***: re'ude. synonyms: dagu, hagu, hano, ndagu.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • Noun. exemple; example. ***: yeru.

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hono nii hooɗeede

hono nii Adverb. comme cela, ainsi; thus; like that; so. hooddude Noun Form of Infinitive: hooddugol.
hononde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: koodduɗo-kooddoowo
plur: hoodduɓe-hooddooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: konole. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
Noun. pomme d'Adam; Adam's apple. Catégorie Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. rentrer à la maison avec quelqu'un ou
: Le corps. synonyms: harmajolloore,
quelque chose; go home with someone or
morrungel; ***: morrungel, harmajolloore;
something. compare: hootude, yaadude;
compare: daande1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yaadude, hootude. Dialectal Forms: [J]
hononolde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗe. hoondude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
hoodere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun: kononole. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Noun. termitière des fourmis noires; ant hill
of Noun: koode. Sorting Designation: 3, st.
made by the black ant. ***: horondolde,
Noun. étoile; star. Catégorie : Ciel.
honndolde; synonyms: honndolde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
horondolde. Dialects: G.
Hoodere Fajiri Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
honude Noun Form of Infinitive: honugol.
Sorting Designation: 3, st. Noun. étoile du
Participles: sing: konuɗo-konoowo plur: matin, Venus; Venus; Morning Star. Catégorie
honuɓe-honooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. : Ciel. synonyms: Hoodere Futuro;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb ***: Hoodere Futuro. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire un
raid sur, attaquer, piller; plunder; to raid; Hoodere Futuro Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
pillage. ***: ficcude, doolɗ
doolɗude, konu, Sorting Designation: 3, st. Noun. étoile du soir;
doolɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lit. the Evening Star; i.e. Venus. Catégorie
2 • dérober par force, arracher par force; to : Ciel. ***: Hoodere Fajiri;
take things away from someone by force. synonyms: Hoodere Fajiri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude, ficcude; compare: konu. hoodere-
durooɓe Noun. venus étoile du berger;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Venus. Catégorie : Ciel.
hoobalaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. hooɗ
hooɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: hooɗegol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: kooɗaaɗo-kooɗeteeɗo
of Noun: koobalaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or. plur: hooɗaaɓe-hooɗeteeɓe. Sorting
Noun. tisserin; weaver bird. Catégorie : Oiseau. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Ploceus velatus. ***: jumbaliiru, hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
sabboondu, woyɓ
woyɓoondu, cawcawuuru; Verb. 1 • vouloir du lait ou de la viande (gens);
compare: jumbaliiru, hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, sabboondu; for people to want milk or meat; Miɗ
Miɗo hooɗ
synonyms: woyɓ
woyɓoondu, cawcawuuru
cawcawuuru. hikka sabo mi walaa ɓireteeɗ
ireteeɗi. Je veux du
Dialects: J. lait car cette année je n'ai pas des vaches qui
donnent du lait. I want [milk] because this year
hooɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hooɓagol. I don't have any milking cows. ***: ɗomeede,
Participles: sing: kooɓiiɗo-kooɓotooɗo
yomeede, peleede, suuneede, omeede.
plur: hooɓiiɓe-hooɓotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • vouloir du sel (bétail), avoir besoin de sel;
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
for cattle to need salt; Na'i ɗi na kooɗ
kooɗaa sabo
Verb. 1 • enlacer les bras autour de qqn,,
iɗi metta ƴi'e. Ces bœufs ont besoin du sel car
mettre les bras autour de quelqu'un, serrer
dans les bras; wrap your arm or arms around ils lèchent des os. These cows need salt
someone or something's neck; hug. because they are licking bones.
synonyms: ɗomeede, omeede, peleede,
***: suuɗ
suuɗaade, takkaade, gorfude,
suuneede, yomeede. Dialects: J.
gorfaade; synonyms: gorfaade, gorfude,
mubigaade, wakkaade. Dialects: G.
2 • cacher derrière quelque chose; hide behind
something. synonyms: suuɗ
suuɗaade, takkaade.
Dialects: G.

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hoohobbere hoorde

hoohobbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hoolnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hoolnagol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: koolniiɗo-koolnotooɗo
of Noun: kookobbe. Sorting Designation: 5, in. plur: hoolniiɓe-hoolnotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. 1 • bousier; dung beetle. Catégorie Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
: Insecte. Heliocopris sp., Scarabaeus sp..
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
***: hoowonndoroore, hobbere, Verb. être fidèle, digne de confiance;
hoowonndoroore, hoowonndoroore, trustworthy; faithful. Taa hoola o sabo o
hobbere, hobbere. Dialects: M. wanaa koolniiɗ
koolniiɗo. Ne lui crois pas, il n'est pas
2 • espèce scarabée géant; Goliath beetle. digne de confiance. Don't believe him, he is
Catégorie : Insecte. Goliathus giganteus. not trustworthy. Imo hoolnii sabo yimɓ yimɓe fuu
Dialects: M. nji'ii tagu makko na wooɗwooɗi. Il est digne de
3 • cerf-volant, lucane; Hercules beetle. confiance, car tous voient son bon caractère.
Dynastes hercules. synonyms: hobbere, He is trustworthy because everyone sees he
hoowonndoroore. Dialects: M. has good character. Huɓɓ
ɓɓude yiite ley
buguuru de daanoo na hoolnii naa? Est-ce
hoolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hoolagol. qu'on peut allumer un feu dans une hutte en
Participles: sing: kooliiɗo-koolotooɗo plur: paille et va dormir en tout confiance ? Is
hooliiɓe-hoolotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, lighting a fire in a grass house and then going
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb to sleep trustworthy? Wo o koolniiɗ
koolniiɗo sabo
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. croire, golle ko kokkumi o fuu o yottinii faa wooɗ
faire confiance ou foi, se confier, se fier à; Il est fidèle car tout les travaux que je lui ai
confidence (to have); believe; faith in (to confié il les a faits. He is faithful because all
have); trust. ***: laamnude, dekaade, the work I gave him he did well. ***: dewal1,
faataade, tuugaade, goonɗ
goonɗinde, duŋduŋaade, rewude, haɓɓ
ɓɓaade; compare: dewal1,
diilaade, fawaade; synonyms: goonɗ
goonɗinde, haɓɓ
ɓɓaade, rewude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laamnude; compare: dekaade, diilaade,
hoolo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number
fawaade, tuugaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
hoolaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Noun: hoolooli. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 2, th. Noun. foi, croyance, écho; echo. synonyms: koolol, nootitaango;
confiance; belief; faith; trust. ***: goonɗ
goonɗinal, ***: koolol, nootitaango. Dialects: J,Y.
bakkilal; synonyms: bakkilal, goonɗ
goonɗinal. hooltinde Verb. offrir des vêtements; offer clothes.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hooltude Verb. s'habiller; dress (to); get dressed.
hooleede Noun Form of Infinitive: hoolegol.
Participles: sing: koolaaɗo-kooleteeɗo plur: hoomtude Verb. influencer; influence. Catégorie : Le
langage et la pensée.
hoolaaɓe-hooleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hooraade Noun Form of Infinitive: hooragol.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être fiable, Participles: sing: kooriiɗo-koorotooɗo plur:
en qui on a confiance; trusted (to be). hooriiɓe-hoorotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. mener,
conduire, diriger; lead. Imo waawi hooraade
yimɓe sabo imo woodi heese. Il peut diriger
des gens car il est facile /simple. He can lead
people because he is easy going.
synonyms: ardaade; ***: laamaade, hilnaade,
ardaade, hawjaade, dawrande, dawrude;
compare: dawrande, hawjaade, laamaade.
Dialects: J,M.

hoorde Noun. calebasse, louche; calabash; ladle.

Catégorie : Récipient, Outil.

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hoore hoorude

hoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. hooreejo dowuujo konuuji expression. chef
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form d’état major, général des armées; Chief of
of Noun: ko'e. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Defence Staff. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Juridique, Travailleur.
tête, devant, direction; head; ahead; direction.
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hooreejo faso expression. président du Faso;
President of Burkina Faso. Catégorie
hoore (na'i) Noun. troupeau; flock; herd. : Gouvernement, Juridique, Travailleur.
hoore balalwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: hooreejo leydi Noun. président; president. Catégorie
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Form of Noun: ko'e balaaje. Sorting
hooreejo wuro expression. responsable local; local
Designation: 2, at. Noun. omoplate; scapula;
representative, local authority. Catégorie
shoulder blade. Catégorie : Le corps. : Gouvernement, Travailleur.
***: alluwal-
alluwal-balaaje, walbo,
eppiriwal-balaawal; synonyms: walbo.
hooreere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: hooreeje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
hoore binndol Noun. alinéa ; paragraph. Catégorie Noun. incisive (dent); incisor tooth. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. ***: feccere tayre : Le corps. ***: gaggitere, sakkitirde,
binndi. nyiinde, yareere, musinirde, gawuure1,
hoore enndu Noun. mamelon; nipple. Catégorie : Le ngaŋ
ngaŋ, rawaanduure; synonyms: musinirde;
corps. synonyms: enndu. compare: gaggitere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ, nyiinde,
rawaanduure, yareere. Dialects: Y,G,M.
hoore haala Noun. introduction, avant propos,
thème; introduction. Catégorie : Le langage et hoore-
hoore-hallere Noun. gland; glans. Catégorie : Le
la pensée. corps. ***: ŋooyre.
hoore jannde Noun. titre, leçon; title of a lesson, hoorejum qui est devant; that is in the front, ahead.
lesson. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
hoore-tekettel Plural Form of Noun: ko'e-tekettoy.
hooreeɓe kawrital expression. présidium; Noun. duodénum; duodenum. Catégorie : Le
presidium. corps.
hooreeji Noun. bons animaux; good animals. hoornude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoornugol.
hooreejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Participles: sing: koornuɗo-koornoowo
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of plur: hoornuɓe-hoornooɓe. Sorting
Noun: hooreeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
dirigeant, chef, leader, meneur, responsable; Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
person in charge; leader. ***: dawroowo, Verb. abreuver les animaux tous les deux ou
trois jours par manque d'eau; to water your
ardo, mawɗ
mawɗo, arɗarɗo; synonyms: arɗ
animals every other or every third day because
dawroowo, mawɗ
mawɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of a shortage of water. compare: yarnude;
hooreejo battaa en expression. chef de ***: yarnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gouvernement, premier ministre; government
chief, government leader, prime minister . hoorude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "Imo
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique, hoori" means "He is fasting".. Noun Form of
Travailleur. Infinitive: hoorugol. Participles: sing:
hooreejo burkina darni expression. décret kooruɗo-kooroowo plur:
présidentiel; presidential decree. ko hooreejo hooruɓe-hoorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
burkina darni Catégorie : Gouvernement, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Juridique. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • ramener
à la maison; take home. Mi hoorii torkooru
hooreejo depite en expression. président de
l’assemblée nationale; President of the makko keeŋ
keeŋan. J'ai ramené sa charrette à sa
National Assembly. Catégorie maison. I took his cart back to him yesterday.
: Gouvernement, Juridique, Travailleur. ***: yaarude, suumaade; synonyms: yaarude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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hooruujo hoowude
2 • jeûner; fast. Mi waawaa gollude hannden 3 • être élevé (animaux); to be bred - used in
sabo wo mi hooru/kooruɗ
hooru/kooruɗo. Je ne peux pas this sense of animals only. Dialects: Y,G.
travailler aujourd'hui car je jeûne. I can't work hoownude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoownugol.
today because I am fasting.
Participles: sing: koownuɗo-koownoowo
synonyms: suumaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: hoownuɓe-hoownoowo. Sorting
3 • pour des animaux de ne pas boire chaque
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
jour; for animals not to drink daily; Mi
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yaarnan (or hoortinan) na'i am hannden
Verb. 1 • frapper quelqu'un; hit someone.
sabo ɗi koorii balɗ
balɗe ɗiɗi. Je vais abreuver
synonyms: fiyude, tappude; ***: ɓaŋinde.
mes bœufs aujourd'hui car ils n'ont pas bu
pendant deux jours. I will water my cows Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
today because they have not drunk in two days. 2 • aider à avoir une femme; to provide a wife
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. for someone; including paying all the expenses
of the marriage - usually it would be the father
hooruujo Noun. protocole; protocol, memorandum. of the young man involved who does this.
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: ɓaŋinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hoosaaɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting hoowonndoroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde
Designation: 2, pc. Noun. bouchers; butchers. plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural Form of Noun: koowooɗe. Sorting
hoosaare Noun. abattoir; slaughterhouse. Catégorie Designation: 5, in. Noun. 1 • bousier; dung
: Bâtiment. beetle. Catégorie : Insecte. Heliocopris sp.
Scarabaeus sp.. ***: hoohobbere, hobbere,
hootonnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
koohobbere, hobbere, hobbere, hobbere;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: hobbere, hoohobbere. Dialects: J.
of Noun: [Y] kootane, [J,G] kootone, [M]
2 • espèce de scarabée géant; Goliath beetle.
kootonɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Goliathus giganteus. synonyms: hobbere,
anneau; ring. hootonnde honndu annulaire.
hoohobbere. Dialects: J.
ring finger. hootonnde nowru boucle
3 • cerf-volant, lucane; Hercules beetle.
d'oreille. ear ring. hootonnde hinere anneau
Dynastes hercules. synonyms: hobbere,
de nez. nose ring. synonyms: fiyaare, tuggere,
hoohobbere. Dialects: J.
sumanndiire; ***: tuggere, fiyaare. Dialectal
4 • charançon; weevil. Sitophilus granarius.
Forms: [Y] hootannde. Dialects: J,G,M.
synonyms: hobbere, koohobbere. Dialects: J.
hootude Noun Form of Infinitive: hootugol. hoowruge Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: kootuɗo-kootoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
hootuɓe-hootooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun: koowruɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun. dot, bœufs ou argent pour payer la dot;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rentrer chez dowry. ***: mbardi, futte; compare: mbardi;
soi; go home. ***: wartude, hooddude, synonyms: futte. Dialects: J,Y,G.
suwtaade; compare: hooddude, suwtaade.
hoowude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoowugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: koowuɗo-koowoowo plur:
hoow Sorting Designation: 2. interj. il y a longtemps; hoowuɓe-hoowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
long time ago (a). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
hooweede Noun Form of Infinitive: hoowegol. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • avoir
des relations sexuelles (pour un homme),
Participles: sing: koowaaɗo-kooweteeɗo
s'accoupler; copulate; sex (for a male to have).
plur: hoowaaɓe-hooweteeɓe. Sorting
***: hatude, reewude
reewude, danyude,
Designation: 3, ah, mt. Verb Consonant Change
yonngaade, yowaade, naaddude,
in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ɗɗaade, waaldude, tummbude2, yiitude,
Verb. 1 • pour une femme d’avoir des relations
sexuelles; for a woman to have sex. laamaade, naatidinde, fukkodaade,
***: ɓaŋeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. naandude, rentude; synonyms: fukkodaade,
2 • pour une femme d'être mariée; married naaddude, naandude, naatidinde, rentude,
(pour une femme). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yiitude, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 249
hooynaade horitande
2 • être marié (pour un homme), épouser;
horde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
married (for a man to be); married (get).
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: kore. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
3 • élever (animaux); breed. This word is not
1 • pelle, mesure ou cuillère pour boire fait de
normally used in polite speech.
calebasse, louche, calebasse; calabash; ladle;
synonyms: danyude, laamaade, yonngaade, scoop made of a gourd. Catégorie : Récipient.
hatude. Dialects: Y,G. ***: kudu, suttuguure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hooynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hooynagol. 2 • tasse; cup. Catégorie : Récipient.
Participles: sing: kooyniiɗo-kooynotooɗo synonyms: nyerde. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
plur: hooyniiɓe-hooynotooɓe. Sorting hordeloonde, [J,M] horonoonde.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. horɗ
horɗoore Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. sud; south.
Verb. marcher en regardant vers le haut; walk
compare: gorgal, lettugal, soɓɓ
ɓɓiire. Dialectal
along looking up. compare: fergaade;
Forms: [J] hoorɗoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: fergaade. Dialectal Forms: [J]
hooyinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. horɗ
oore-gorgaare Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n.
direction sud-ouest; direction southwest;
hooƴeede Noun Form of Infinitive: hooƴegol. southwest. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kooƴaaɗo-kooƴeteeɗo
oore-lettugaare Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n.
plur: hooƴaaɓe-hooƴeteeɓe. Sorting
direction sud-est; southeast; direction
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
southeast. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être choisi ou pris; chosen or taken. horginde Noun Form of Infinitive: horgingol.
synonyms: itteede, suɓ
suɓeede; ***: itteede, Participles: sing: korginɗo-korginoowo
suɓeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: horginɓe-horginooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
hooƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: hooƴugol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: kooƴuɗo-kooƴoowo plur:
Verb. faire asseoir quelqu'un derrière sur un
hooƴuɓe-hooƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. vélo ou un cheval; sit someone behind you.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre,
horgineede Noun Form of Infinitive: horgingol.
saisir; seize; take. ***: nanngude, jaɓ
Participles: sing: korginaaɗo-korginteeɗo
suɓude, jamrude, ɓamtude, ittude;
plur: horginaaɓe-horginteeɓe. Sorting
synonyms: ɓamtude; compare: ittude, jaɓ
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
nanngude, suɓsuɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hoptude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoptugol. Verb. être assis derrière quelqu’un sur un vélo
Participles: sing: koptuɗo-koptoowo plur: ou cheval; ride behind someone on a bike.
hoptuɓe-hoptooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb. horitande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
décortiquer, écailler; remove the shell of an
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
egg or a peanut; shell (to). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: koritanɗe or koritane. Sorting
horɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun. morceau de savon utilisé;
Designation: 2. Noun. esclave (féminin); slaves soap (piece of); piece of used soap.
(female); female slaves. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: saabunnde, kaataare;
synonyms: kaataare, saabunnde. Dialectal
horɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: horɓugol.
Forms: [Y] hortinnde, [M] horkitande.
Participles: sing: korɓuɗo-korɓoo plur:
Dialects: J.
horɓuɓe-horɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. haleter, dire
d'une voix rauque; gasp; wheeze.
***: hirɓ
hirɓude, siikude, hurɓ
synonyms: siikude, hirɓ
hirɓude, hurɓ
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 250
horkitinde horsugol

horkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: horkitingol. horsineede Noun Form of Infinitive: horsinegol.
Participles: sing: korkitinɗo-korkitoowo Participles: sing: korsinaaɗo plur:
plur: horkitinɓe-horkitooɓe. Sorting horsinaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être aimé; cherished;
na horkita. Verb. 1 • se racler la gorge; clear loved. synonyms: yiɗ
yiɗeede; ***: yiɗ
your throat. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, korkitinde, barkineede, saaneede, mawnineede;
horsude1, ormitaade, ɗojjude, eemtaade, compare: mawnineede
mawnineede, saaneede,
tuutude; synonyms: eemtaade, horsude1, teddineede, yiɗ
yiɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ormitaade. Dialects: Y.
horsinnde Verb. adorer, apprécier, chérir,
2 • faire des cliquetis (bruit); rattling or considérer; appreciate; cherish; adore; hold
banging sound. compare: ɗojjude, kaartaade, dear.
tuutude; synonyms: korkitinde. Dialects: J,M.
horsude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: horsugol.
hornude Noun Form of Infinitive: hornugol. Participles: sing: korsuɗo-korsoowo plur:
Participles: sing: kornuɗo-kornoowo plur: horsuɓe-horsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
hornuɓe-hornooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
Stative or Progressive: st/prgd. Verb. 1 • se précieux, précieuse, être chéri; precious;
rendre compte, remarquer; notice something. cherished (be). Here are the various participles
***: ɗagginde, limnude, tiimude, daarnude, formed from this verb: Group I ɓe/horsuɓe,
ko1/horsuko, nde/horsunde, ndu/horsundu,
ndaarnude, taskaade, dabaade, faɗɗ faɗɗude
nge/horsunge, ngo/horsungo Group II
ɗannginde, taykaade, resude, laginde, ɗe/korsuɗe, ɗi/korsuɗi, ɗum/koruɗum,
korngal; synonyms: dabaade, taskaade, kal/korsukal, kol/korsukal, ngal/korsungal,
taykaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. ngel/korsungel, ngol/korsungol, o/korsuɗo
2 • lancer quelque chose sur une arbre ou Group III ɗam/korsuɗam, ka/korsuka,
bâtiment et cela ne revient plus; to throw ki/korsuki, ko2korsuko, koy/korsukoy,
something in a tree or on a building and to ndi/korsundi, nga/korsunga, ngi/korsungi,
have it not come back down. ngu/korsungu. ***: heefude, dawla,
synonyms: ɗagginde, ɗannginde, laginde; teddude, yiɗyiɗeede, horkitinde, ormitaade,
compare: faɗɗ
ɗɗude, limnude, resude
resude. re'ude, re'ude, eemtaade; compare: dawla,
Dialects: J. njinngu, saanude, teddude, yiɗ yiɗude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
horondolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • enlever le dernière reste d'eau, vider,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
vidanger; empty (to). compare: re'ude;
of Noun: konndolle. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
Noun. fourmilière; ant hill. synonyms: ɓeeɓ
eeɓude, re'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • se racler la gorge; clear your throat.
synonyms: hononolde, honndolde;
synonyms: eemtaade, horkitinde, ormitaade;
***: hononolde, honndolde. Dialectal
compare: ɗojjude, kaartaade, tuutude.
Forms: [M] horondorde. Dialects: J.
Dialects: G.
horsinde Noun Form of Infinitive: horsingol. 4 • gratter quelque chose avec les ongles ou
Participles: sing: korsinɗo plur: horsinɓe. une lame; to scrape something with either your
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant finger nail or a blade. synonyms: heefude,
Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or ŋoosude. Dialects: Y,G.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. chérir ou estimer
horsude2 synonyme: ɓeeɓude. Verb. tarir; to dry up.
précieux; regard as precious; cherish.
Tummude ndiyam ɓunndu maa ndiyamji
***: haajeede, jinngu, njinngu, saanude,
ɗɗi (weendu,
(weendu, maayo...)
yiɗeede, yiɗ
yiɗude; compare: haajeede,
njinngu, saanude, yiɗyiɗude, teddeengal. horsugol Plural Form of Noun: kotte. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tarissement; drying up.

16/02/2020 251
horude howru silɓundu

horude Noun Form of Infinitive: horugol. hosude Noun Form of Infinitive: hosugol.
Participles: sing: koruɗo-koroowo plur: Participles: sing: kosuɗo-kosoowo plur:
horuɓe-horooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb hosuɓe-hosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • enquêter sur, Progressive: prg. Verb. placer une natte comme
espionner; spy; investigate. ***: lekkude, abri; to stand up a mat as a shelter; Hosu
ɗaggude, jarribaade, jarribaade, fisaade, deŋ
deŋeleewo ngo e loosi ɗi faa naaten. Fais
ɗanngude, yonngaade, ƴeenyude, lagaade, un abri avec cette natte et ces bandes. Make a
ndaartindaade; synonyms: fisaade, lekkude.
shelter with that mat and those strips of bark to
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
shelter us. ***: hogude, wiirnude;
2 • tester, essayer; test; try. synonyms: hogude, wiirnude. Dialects: J,Y,G.

synonyms: jarribaade, ndaartindaade. hottere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
3 • monter mais ne plus pouvoir descendre; of Noun: kotte. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
climb up and not be able to get down. Mi horii clitoris; clitoris. Catégorie : Le corps.
dow lekki. Il a monté sur l'arbre mais il ne ***: sam(u)ru, sanndu, samndu, fuudo,
peut plus descendre. I climbed up the tree, but kottu, kuungu, nyammu, saɓ
couldn't get down. synonyms: ɗaggude, compare: fuudo, kottu, kuungu, nyammu,
ɗanngude, lagaade; compare: yonngaade. saɓ
saɓu, samndu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J.
howeede Noun Form of Infinitive: howegol. Sorting
horugol Noun. surveillance, attention; attention; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
surveillance; close watch over. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hosaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hosagol. Verb. être protégé par des branches; to be
protected by branches; generally to keep
Participles: sing: kosiiɗo-kosotooɗo plur:
animals from eating it. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hosiiɓe-hosotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hownude Noun Form of Infinitive: hownugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se brosser ou Participles: sing: kownuɗo-kownoowo plur:
nettoyer les dents; brush or clean your teeth. hownuɓe-hownooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
***: soccaade, kosorgal, coccorgal; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: soccaade; compare: coccorgal, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saluer
kosorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. quelqu'un le matin; greet someone in the
morning. ***: hiirnude, nyallinde, jowtude,
hosi Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très rugueux;
wennude, waalnude
waalnude; compare: wennude,
rough. Kaasa ka na nyaaɗ
nyaaɗi hosi. Cet habit en
laine est très rugueux. That wool robe is really nyallinde, hiirnude; synonyms: jowtude,
rough. ***: waki, nyar; synonyms: nyar, waki; waalnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: nyaaɗ
nyaaɗude. Dialects: Y. howru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
hositinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hositingol. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form

Participles: sing: kositinɗo-kositoowo plur: of Noun: koppi. Sorting Designation: 1, at.

hositinɓe-hositooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Variante: hofru. Noun. genou; knee. Catégorie
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg - na hosita. Verb. howru silɓ
silɓundu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu
enlever une natte qui protège; to remove a plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu.
standing mat which is sheltering something;
Plural Form of Noun: koppi cilɓuɗi. Sorting
Hositin sekko ngo e he'amin Remove this
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. genou entorsé;
mat for us. ***: hogitinde, wiirnitidde; sprained knee. Catégorie : Maladie.
synonyms: hogitinde, wiirnitidde. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [Y] hositidde. Dialects: J.

hosooɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, cp. Noun. cordonniers; leather
workers. Catégorie : La Personne. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 252
howruujo hoyfude

howruujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. hoyfinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hoyfingol.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: koyfinɗo-koyfinoowo plur:
Noun: howruuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. hoyfinɓe-hoyfinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
servant personnel qui sert le roi; servant Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
(slave) who cares for the king. ***: battaa
battaa; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ignorer
synonyms: battaa. Dialects: J,Y,M. quelqu’un, ne pas honorer quelqu'un,
dédaigner; ignore someone; not honor
howude Noun Form of Infinitive: howugol.
someone; disdain. O hoyfinii dokkal ɓangal
Participles: sing: kowuɗo-kowoowo plur:
ngal ngaddammi o. Il a dédaigné le cadeau
howuɓe-howooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. de mariage que je lui ai offert. He disdained
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb the wedding present I brought him.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. poser des ***: hilleede, hoynude, leeƴ
branches sur pour protéger; place branches on ɗuurtaade, yawude, leyƴ
leyƴinde, huyfinde;
something to protect it. ***: koosirgal; compare: leyƴ
leyƴinde; synonyms: ɗuurtaade,
compare: koosirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hoynude, huyfinde, yawude. Dialects: J.
hoy Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. hoyfineede Noun Form of Infinitive: hoyfinegol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: koyfinaaɗo-koyfineteeɗo
Noun: hoyiiji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct. Noun. plur: hoyfinaaɓe-hoyfineteeɓe. Sorting
1 • espèce de sauce pour le tô; sauce (kind of).
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: somay, takay,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
laalo, ɓokko, lu'o, li'am, puraade, li'o, Verb. être ignoré ou déshonoré; dishonored;
maafe, hamude; synonyms: li'o, lu'o, takay. ignored. ***: huyfineede, leyƴ
Dialects: J,Y. leeƴ
leeƴineede; compare: leyƴ
2 • leaf of baobab tree. synonyms: ɓokko, laalo; teddineede; synonyms: huyfineede.
compare: maafe, hamude, somay. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y.
hoyfintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hoyfintingol.
hoyaara Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Participles: sing: koyfintinɗo-koyfintinoowo
Designation: 4. Noun. quelque chose qui est plur: hoyfintinɓe-hoyfintinooɓe. Sorting
traité à la légère, sans importance; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
unimportant. Dialects: J. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
hoyɗude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: na hoyfintina. Verb. alléger quelque chose en
Rather than use the stative to describe one enlevant un poids; lighten something. Joonin
who is dreaming they will often use an o hoyfintinii donngal am. Il allégé mon
emphatic construction, e.g. "o hoyɗu" or fardeau. He just lightened my load. Hoyfintin
an incomplete, "o hoyɗan".. Noun Form of donngal
donngal araawa maa gilla nga wataay.
Infinitive: hoyɗugol. Participles: sing: Allège le pois de la charge sur l'âne avent
qu'il ne meure. Lighten you donkey's load
koyɗuɗo-koyɗoowo plur:
before it dies. synonyms: hoynude;
hoyɗuɓe-hoyɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: hoynude, huyfintinde;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
compare: leyƴ
leyƴinde. Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rêver; dream.
compare: huylitaade, koyɗ
koyɗol; hoyfude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoyfugol.
***: huylitaade, koyɗ
koyɗol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: koyfuɗo-koyfoowo plur:
hoyfuɓe-hoyfooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
hoyfere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • paresse, légèreté;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • ne pas
laziness. ***: huyfere. Dialects: J.
travailler, être paresseux; lazy; not work. Mi
2 • lightness. synonyms: huyfere. Dialects: J.
hooƴii golloowo de tawumi wo o koyfuɗ
J'ai embauché un travailleur mais je trouve
qu'il est paresseux. I hired a worker, but I
found he was lazy, ***: yanude1, teddude,
huyfude, jaasude, waamude;
synonyms: jaasude, yanude1. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 253
hoyfuɗo huɓɓeede
2 • ne pas être respecté ou honoré par d'autres;
hoyude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: the
to not have honor or respect from others; Fay
stative is hoy (see example below). Noun
gooto yahataa to makko sabo wo o
Form of Infinitive: hoyugol. Participles: sing:
koyfu ɗo. Personne ne va chez lui car il n'est
koyuɗo-koyoowo plur: hoyuɓe-hoyooɓe.
pas respecté. No one will go to him because he
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
is not respected. Dialects: J.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
3 • être léger; light (to be). Dewtere nde na Verb. 1 • être facile (ex. travail); easy (i.e.
mawni de na hoyfi. Ce livre est grand mais work). Mi heɓ
heɓii golle koyɗ
koyɗo gollude. J'ai un
léger. This book is big but light. travail facile à faire. I have work that is easy to
compare: teddude; synonyms: huyfude. do. ***: yaafude, sentude, yolude, semtude,
Dialects: J. hersude, tiiɗ
tiiɗude, gaccaade, aybude;
hoyfuɗo Noun. bon à rien, paresseux; lazy person; synonyms: yaafude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
good for nothing. 2 • être bon marché, ne pas cher; inexpensive.

hoyi Noun. sauce; sauce. Catégorie : Nourriture. Coggu gawri hikka ɓuri hoyde diina
rawanin. Le prix du mil est moins cher par
hoynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hoynagol. rapport à l'an passé. The price of grain is less
Participles: sing: koyniiɗo-koynotooɗo plur: expensive than last year. synonyms: yaafude.
hoyniiɓe-hoynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb 3 • être honni, embarrassé, dédaigné; shamed;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. incliner la embarrassed; disdained. Arande ɓe teddini o
tête en arrière; tip your head backward. de joonin o hoyii e ma
ɓɓe. Avant il était
synonyms: tiggitaade; ***: tiggitaade. honoré, mais maintenant il est dédaigné.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Before they honored him, but now they distain
him. synonyms: aybude, hersude, semtude.
hoynude Noun Form of Infinitive: hoynugol.
Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: koynuɗo-koynoowo plur:
hoynuɓe-hoynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 4 • être desserré; not tight; loose. Ɓoggol ngol
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb na hoy e daande mbaalu ngu. Cette corde
est desserrée au coup du mouton. That rope is
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • traiter
loose on the neck of that sheep.
quelque chose comme ne pas important, être
irrespectueux; disrespectful; regard someone synonyms: yorude, yolude; compare: tiiɗ
lightly. ***: hilleede, hoyfintinde, Dialects: J.
wallitinde, yaafinde, newnude, wannude, hoyugol Noun. facilité; easiness.
huyfintinde, hoyfinde, yawude, nafude,
hoƴugol synonyme: yarnirgol semmbe. Noun.
illitinde, huyfinde, haɓ
haɓande; gavage; fattening.
synonyms: hoyfinde, huyfinde, yawude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ƴƴudu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
2 • diminuer, réduire, faire plus petit, plus
léger; lessen something that hurts; light or of Noun: koƴƴuli. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
easy; reduce the price; ease. Noun. le derrière de la tête; back of the head.
synonyms: hoyfintinde, huyfintinde, Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
newnude, newude, yaafinde. hubude Noun Form of Infinitive: hubugol. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
3 • dédaigner; disdain. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. bêler (du bouc); bleat (male goat or
hoyooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
buck). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: koyooji. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. huɓɓ
ɓɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: huɓɓegol. Sorting
Noun. toux, coqueluche; whooping cough or Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
pertussis. Catégorie : Maladie. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: tokoo; ***: tokoo. Dialects: J,M. Verb. être allumé ou enflammé; aflame; lit.
hoytude Verb. devenir aisé, facile; easy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 254
huɓɓooru huɗo

ɓɓooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. huccude Noun Form of Infinitive: huccugol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: kuccuɗo-kuccoowo plur:
of Noun: kuɓɓooji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. huccuɓe-huccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. coliques, maux au abdomen; painful Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
abdomen; colic. Catégorie : Maladie. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. faire face à,
***: ŋatooru, reedu ŋatooru, duppooru; aller vers une direction; face toward.
synonyms: duppooru, ŋatooru. ***: fonndaade, looynirde, wiitude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. suppude; synonyms: fonndaade, suppude,
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: huɓɓugol. wiitude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kuɓɓuɗo-kuɓɓoowo plur: huduhudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
huɓɓuɓe-huɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Noun: huduhuduuji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • allumer un Noun. huppe; hoopoe. Catégorie : Oiseau.
feu, enflammer; set fire to; start a fire. Upupa epops. Note : arabe ***: wudawuda;
***: nyifude, hiite, wulude, yiite. synonyms: wudawuda. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
huɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: huɗegol.
2 • allumer la lumière; turn on a light.
Participles: sing: kuɗaaɗo-kuɗeteeɗo plur:
compare: wulude, curki, yiite, nyifude.
huɗaaɓe-huɗeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
huɓeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être maudit
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form par une prière; cursed by a prayer.
of Noun: kuɓeeje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: golleede; compare: kuddi;
village ou ville avec des maison en briques; ***: golleede, kuddi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
village or town of mud or cement brick houses.
synonyms: genndi, ngenndi, njenndi, wuro. huɗ
huɗitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huɗitagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kuɗitiiɗo-kuɗitotooɗo
plur: huɗitiiɓe-huɗitotooɓe. Sorting
huccintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: huccintingol.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
kuccintinɗo-kuccintinoowo plur: Verb. 1 • maudire quelqu'un qui vous a maudit
huccintinɓe-huccintinooɓe. Sorting par une prière; curse someone who has cursed
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in you. ***: yowude, nyiŋ
nyiŋude, dekude, felude.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
na huccintina. Verb. faire face à, donner sur, 2 • blâmer Dieu pour le mal qui t'arrive; to
direction; face someone or something; blame God for what evil has befallen you.
direction. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] huccintidde. compare: dekude, felude, nyiŋ
nyiŋude, yowude.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

huccitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: huccitingol. huɗ

huɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: kuccitinɗo-kuccitoowo Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
plur: huccitinɓe-huccitooɓe. Sorting Noun: kuɗooli, huɗooji. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 2, pl. Noun. herbe, mauvais herbe,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg paille; weed; grass. Catégorie : Herbes,
- imo hucciti or imo huccita. Verb. faire face plantes grimpantes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
à ; face in a direction. ***: feewtude;
synonyms: feewtude, fonndaade, wiitude.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] huccitidde.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 255
huɗo hecco huhude

huɗo hecco Sorting Designation: 2. adj. vert; green. hufo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
these are the various adjectives for the Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
appropriate noun classes, the conjugated Noun: hufooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
portion is related to the verb hecciɗinde, but 1 • coquille molle, coque d’arachides; pod;
the verb hecciɗinde does not form adjectives
like this when used by itself. While I have shell (soft); seed coat. hufo ngiriiwu chick pea
listed all of the possibilites, obviously not all skin. ***: nguru, kaakolol, guru, laalagal1,
of these would actually be used:: Group I nguufo, gubooje, pogoluwol;
ɓe/huɗo heccooɓe, ko1/huɗo heccooho, synonyms: kaakolol, laalagal
laalagal1, pogoluwol.
nde/huɗo heccoore, ndu/huɗo heccooru, Dialects: J,M.
nge/huɗo heccoowe, ngo/huɗo heccoowo
Group II ɗe/huɗo heccooje, ɗi/huɗo heccooji, 2 • peau; skin. hufo sunkaaru, peau fine sur
ɗum/huɗo heccojum, kal/huɗo heccohal, une arachide. hat is the skin on the peanut; the
kol/huɗo heccohol, ngal/huɗo heccowal, shell of the peanut is a "laalagal".
ngel/huɗo heccowel, ngol/huɗo heccowol, o/ compare: nguru; synonyms: haakolowol.
heccoojo Group III ɗam/huɗo heccojam, Dialects: J,M.
ka/huɗo heccooha, ki/huɗo heccoohi,
ko2/huɗo heccooho, koy/huɗo heccohoy, hufuneere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ndi/huɗo heccoori, nga/huɗo heccoowa, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ngi/heccoowi, ngu/huɗo heccoowu. of Noun: kufuneeje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. chapeau ou bonnet fait de tissu; hat or
huɗo mare Noun. fourrage; fodder. huɗ
huɗo cap made of cloth. ***: kufune, huuneere;
compare: sappaare, tenngaare;
wa’anaako mare Catégorie : Élevage.
synonyms: huuneere, kufune. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: huɗ
huɗo nyamnirko daabaaji.

huɗo nyamnirko daabaaji Noun. fourrage; huggiɗ
huggiɗinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "na
fodder. Catégorie : Élevage. ***: huɗ
huɗo mare. huggiɗa" refers to the potential of
something having a hump. Noun Form of
huɗo-heccojum Noun. qui est de couleur verte; Infinitive: huggiɗingol. Participles: sing:
kuggiɗinɗo plur: huggiɗinɓe. Sorting
huɗooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Designation: 4, da, dh. Verb Consonant Change
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
of Noun: huɗooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être courbé / bossu
case en paille; grass hut. Catégorie : Bâtiment. (ex. chameau ou arbre); hunchbacked;
***: buguuru, sukkuuru, winndeeru, humped. In addition to the participle forms
worwordu, hukum, nyallirdu, benal1, this verb can also form adjective for the
various noun classes that are applicable:
bokkuɗooru, garuwal; synonyms: buguuru,
Group I ɓe/hugguɓe, nde/huggere,
sukkuuru, suudu1; compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, ndu/hugguru, nge/hugge Group II ɗe/kugge,
bonngooru, garuwal, hukum, kunnguuru, ɗi/kuggi, kol/kuggol, ngal/kuggal;
kuurgal, loofeeru, winndeeru, worwordu. ngel/kuggel; o/kuggo Group III ki/kuggi,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kow/kuggo, koy/kuggoy, ndi/kuggiri,
nga/kugga, ngi/kuggi, ngu/kuggu. Dialectal
huɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: huɗugol. Forms: [Y,G] huggiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kuɗuɗo-kuɗoowo plur:
huhude Noun Form of Infinitive: huhugol.
huɗuɓe-huɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Participles: sing: kuhuɗo-kuhoowo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
huhuɓe-huhooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. maudire
quelqu'un par une prière; curse someone. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: waccaade; ***: huuwude, bedude, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner qqch à
qqn disant «voici prends»; here take this". this
waccaade, kuddi; compare: kuddi, kuuwgal,
word is seldom if ever used in speech.
nyaanko'aaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hufagol Noun. érosion; erosion. Catégorie
: Agriculture, Terre. synonyms: heefagol

16/02/2020 256
hujjaade hulɓinaade

hujjaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hujjagol. hukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: hukkugol.
Participles: sing: kujjiiɗo-kujjotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: kukkuɗo plur: hukkuɓe.
hujjiiɓe-hujjotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque qqn Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • brûler; burn. Nafi
vole qqch sans que tu le vois; when someone yeebeke fayannde mum faa hukki. Nafi a
you trust steals from you but you do not see it négligé sa marmite et ainsi la nourriture a
happen. ***: gaddaade, jambaade, wujjude; brûlé. Nafi neglected her pot so that the food
synonyms: jambaade, wujjude. Dialects: J. burned. ***: dukkude, bileede, bilaade,
2 • calomnier, diffamer, dire que ce que l'autre tikkude, ɓernude, nyanngude, hirnyude;
a dit n'est pas vrai; slander. Dialects: Y. synonyms: wulude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • demander en faisant des détours; to ask 2 • être coléreux, qui s'emporte facilement,
about something in a round about way. vite fâché; quick tempered. Sanaa mi huusa
Dialects: J,Y,G. luwe nagge nge, sabo inge hukki. Je dois
hujjere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. couper les cornes du bœuf car il est coléreux. I
need to cut that cow's horns because she is
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
quick to get upset. O heɓ
heɓan torraaji sabo
of Noun: kujje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
kukkuɗo ɓaŋi o. Elle va avoir des problèmes
synonyme: daaba. Noun. quelque chose car son mari est coléreux / vite fâché. She will
(souvent référé à des animaux), bête, animal; have problems because the one who married
animal; something. Kujje am kalki de miɗ miɗo her is quick to anger. compare: nyanngude.
filoo. Quelques-uns de mes animaux se sont Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
égarés et je les cherche. Some of my animals
are lost and I am looking for them. ***: daaba, hukum Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
huunde; synonyms: huunde. Dialects: Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: [J] hukumuuji, [Y] hukumaaji. Sorting
hukkande Noun Form of Infinitive: hukkangol.
Designation: 3. Noun. tente (souvent en cuir);
Participles: sing: kukkanɗo-kukkanoowo tent. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : Tamasheq
plur: hukkanɓe-hukkanooɓe. Sorting synonyms: suudu1; ***: winndeeru,
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in worwordu, wortaldu, nyallirdu, sukkuuru,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. benal1, buguuru, bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, garuwal,
Verb. être vite fâché contre qqn; quick
huɗooru, suudu1; compare: bokkuɗ
tempered. Mi waɗ
waɗaay ma faa'e de a hukkanii
buguuru, garuwal, huɗ
huɗooru, kunnguuru,
kam ɓolum. Je ne t'ai rien fait, et tu est vite
loofeeru, sukkuuru, winndeeru, worwordu.
fâché contre moi sans raison. I didn't do
anything to you, you were quick tempered with Dialects: J,Y.
me for no reason. ***: dukkande, hirnyande, hukumuuru Noun. grappe, régime; bunch; cluster.
ɓernande, tikkande, bilanaade; synonyms: guppere; ***: guppere.
synonyms: ɓernande, bilanaade, dukkande,
hulɓinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hulɓinagol.
hirnyande, tikkande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kulɓiniiɗo-kulɓinotooɗo
hukkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting plur: hulɓiniiɓe-hulɓinotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. colère; anger. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
***: tikkere, dukkuru, ɓernde, hirnyere; Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
synonyms: ɓernde, dukkuru, hirnyere, Verb. qui fait peur, faire peur, effrayant;
tikkere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. frightening; scary. Hakkunde rawaandu
hukkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hukkingol. ladde e nyiiwa, ɗume ɓuri hul
Qu'est-ce qui est plus effrayant, un lion ou bien
Participles: sing: kukkinɗo-kukkinoowo un éléphant? Which is more frightening, a lion
plur: hukkinɓe-hukkinooɓe. Sorting or an elephant? Si a yoppii sukundu maa faa
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in juuti fu, a hulɓ
hulɓinoto Si tu laisses pousser tes
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. cheveux tu as l'aire effrayant. If you let your
Verb. brûler de la nourriture en cuisinant ; hair grow out you will be scary. Dialectal
burn food while cooking it. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Forms: [J,Y,G] hulƴinaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 257
hulɓinde humnude

hulɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hulɓingol. hummbitinde Noun Form of
Participles: sing: kulɓinɗo-kulɓinoowo plur: Infinitive: hummbitingol. Participles: sing:
hulɓinɓe-hulɓinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. kummbitinɗo-kummbitoowo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb hummbitinɓe-hummbitooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. effrayer, faire Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
peur; frighten; scare. Ngooƴ
Ngooƴaare hulɓhulɓinii Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Aysatu hankin. Un hibou a effrayé Aysatou la imo hummbita. Verb. enlever le toit pour le
nuit passée. An owl frightened Aysatu last réparer; to remove the roof made of wood or
night. ***: kulol. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] metal in order to repair it. ***: huurtude,
hulƴinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. huurude, hippitinde; synonyms: hippitinde,
huurtude. Dialects: J,M.
huleede Noun Form of Infinitive: hulegol.
Participles: sing: kulaaɗo-kuleteeɗo plur: hummbude Noun Form of Infinitive: hummbugol.
hulaaɓe-kuleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Participles: sing: kummbuɗo-kummboowo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb plur: hummbuɓe-hummbooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir peur, Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
être effrayé, craindre; afraid. Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: jooteede, owude; ***: jooteede. Verb. 1 • faire le toit d'un bâtiment (bois ou
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tôle), couvrir avec tôles; roof a building. Miɗ

hulgo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number haajaa tooluuji capanɗ
capanɗe nay faa mi
hummba suudu am. J'ai besoin de 40 tôles
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
pour couvrir ma maison. I need 40 sheet of
Noun: hulgooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
roofing to roof my house. ***: hippude,
fourreau pour une épée ou un couteau, gaine;
kummbudi, kippudi, hippude, suuɗ suuɗude,
sheath for a sword or knife. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suddude; synonyms: hippude. Dialects: J,M.
hulsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hulsagol. 2 • parler en utilisant des euphémismes, parler
Participles: sing: kulsiiɗo-kulsotooɗo plur: de manière cachée; euphemize. Ali hummbii
hulsiiɓe-hulsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, haala ka, sabo miɗ
miɗo anndi o yiɗ
yiɗaa min
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb naata ley golle oon. Ali n'a pas parlé
Stative or Progressive: st (rare)/prg. Verb. avoir clairement ce qu'il sentait car il ne voulait pas
la peau qui s'épluche après brûlure; to have que nous nous melons dans ce travail. Ali
your skin peel after a sunburn or chemical didn't say what he really felt because I know he
burn. ***: ɓooltaade; compare: ɓooltaade. doesn't want us to get involved with that work.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: huncude, huurtude, kummbudi,
suddude; synonyms: hippude, suuɗ suuɗude.
hulude Noun Form of Infinitive: hulugol.
Dialects: J,M.
Participles: sing: kuluɗo-kuloowo plur:
huluɓe-hulooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb humnude Noun Form of Infinitive: humnugol.
Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: kumnuɗo-kumnoowo plur:
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir peur, craindre; humnuɓe-humnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
afraid. ***: kulol, jooteede, owude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
surwude; compare: surwude; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. terminer de
synonyms: jooteede, owude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. faire qqch complètement; completely finish
doing something. Idrissa gollii golle
hulƴinde Verb. effrayer; frighten; scare. muuɗ
muuɗum faa humni. Idrissa a complètement
***: rigisaade, gidaade. terminé son travail. Idrissa did his work until it
humanaade Verb. commander; command; order. was all done. ***: huumnude;
synonyms: hantude, huumnude, huuɓ huuɓinde,
humanagol Noun. commandement; commandment;
tilaade, timminde, yottinde. Dialects: G,M.
humaniiɗo Noun. commandant; commander-in-chief.
hummbagol Noun. desquamation; desquamation.
Catégorie : Maladie.

16/02/2020 258
humparawol humtude

humparawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: humpitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: humpitingol.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Participles: sing: kumpitinɗo-kumpitoowo
Form of Noun: humparaaji. Sorting plur: humpitinɓe-humpitooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. crochet pour une Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
corde; rope halter. ***: teɓɓ
ɓɓaare, parawol, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
sigiwol; synonyms: parawol, teɓɓ
ɓɓaare; imo humpita. Verb. expliquer, raconter;
compare: sigiwol. Dialects: Y. explain or tell. Buukari humpitii kam cuuɗ

humpeede Noun Form of Infinitive: humpegol. wondiiɓ

wondiiɓe amin fuu mboɓɓ
ɓɓeke keeŋ
Boukari m'a raconté que hier tous les maison
Participles: sing: kumpaaɗo-kumpeteeɗo de nos voisins sont écroulées. Buukari told me
plur: humpaaɓe-humpeteeɓe. Sorting that our neighbors' houses all fell down
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in yesterday. ***: hollude, anndinde,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. haalande, hollitinde, sifanaade, nandinde;
Verb. être inquiet, angoissé, soucieux parce synonyms: anndinde, haalande, hollitinde,
qu'on ne sait pas ce qui se passe; worried;
hollude, fiirtande, nandinde, sifanaade.
anxious; concerned. Maamuudu humpaama
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] humpitidde.
hankin sabo o faamaay salla suudu makko
Dialects: J,Y,M.
bo ɓɓeke
ɓɓeke naa boɓɓ
ɓɓaaki. Maamoudou était
soucieux la nuit dernière car il ne savait pas si humrude Noun Form of Infinitive: humrugol.
sa maison a écroulé ou non. Maamuudu was Participles: sing: kumruɗo-kumroowo plur:
anxious last night because he didn't know if his humruɓe-humrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
house had fallen down or not.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
compare: kumpa; ***: kumpa.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être distrait
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ou fâché, affolé; distracted. Dialects: J.
humpitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: humpitagol.
humtaare Noun. satisfaction; satisfaction.
Participles: sing: kumpitiiɗo-kumpitotooɗo
plur: humpitiiɓe-humpitotooɓe. Sorting humtude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: humtugol.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: kumtuɗo-kumtoowo plur:
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. humtuɓe-humtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Verb. 1 • enquêter, découvrir comment c'est, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
trouver, parvenir à savoir; investigate; find Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • satisfaire
out how something is. Fajiri o Maamuudu les besoins; satisfy someone's needs. Ali
noddii Djibo faa humpitoo
humpitoo ko fini wuro. Ce humtii kam hannden sabo o yaarii kam to
matin Maamoudou a téléphoné à Djibo pour
Bureyma. Ali m'a aidé aujourd'hui en me
savoir comment ils ont passé la nuit. This
amenant chez Boureima. Ali helped me today
morning Maamuudu called Djibo in order to
because he took me to Bureyma.
find out how they passed the night.
***: haɓɓ
ɓɓitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: hiinyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • faire que qqn réussit, aider qqn à réussir,
2 • savoir, connaître; know. Miɗ
Miɗo humpitii
humpitii ko aider qqn à traverser un temps difficile; help
ɓe ngollata fuu. Je sais tout ce qu'ils font. I accomplish something for someone else; help
know everything they are doing. someone through a difficultly; succeed (to
synonyms: faamude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cause someone else to). O humtanii kam
humpiteede Noun Form of Infinitive: humpitegol. ɓillaare am. Il m'a aidé dans mes difficultés.
He help me through my trouble.
Participles: sing: kumpitaaɗo-kumpiteteeɗo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: humpitaaɓe-humpiteteeɓe. Sorting
3 • défaire, dénouer, délier; untie. Humtu
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
araawa nga, naata ladde, nyaama. Délie
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. recevoir des nouvelles de quelqu'un;
l'âne pour qu'il puisse aller manger en
brousse. Untie that donkey so it can go to the
receive news from someone. Mi humpitaama
bush and eat. synonyms: haɓɓ
hankin e dow ko hewtii wondiiɓ
wondiiɓe am
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kee ŋan. J'ai reçu des nouvelles de ce qui s'est
passé hier avec mes voisins. I received news
last night about what happened to my
neighbors yesterday. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 259
humtude huncude
4 • desseller; unsaddle. Ali nyallii, na waɗɗ
ɗɗii huncaade
huncaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huncagol.
puccu mum faa faa hiiri de o humti ngu ley Participles: sing: kunciiɗo-kuncotooɗo plur:
lekki, o ŋotti. Ali spent the afternoon riding hunciiɓe-huncotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
his horse, but in the evening he unsaddled it
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
under a tree and rested. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se lever; get
humtude2 Verb. combler; fill, fulfill. up; rise. Hunca faa mi hooƴ
hooƴa forgo am.
synonyms: hebbinde2. Lève-toi, ainsi je peux prendre ma chemise.
Get up so I can grab my shirt. ***: ɓantaade,
humude Noun Form of Infinitive: humugol.
ummaade, daraade, ƴeptaade.
Participles: sing: kumuɗo-kumoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G.
humuɓe-humooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
2 • être soulevé par une force impersonnelle;
ah, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k.
lifted by an impersonal force. Kummbudi
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire
suudu am hunceke hankin sabo biwtel
échouer, contrarier; thwart someone from
accomplishing something; fail (cause someone waɗ
wa ɗii Le toit de ma maison a été enlevé la nuit
passé par un vent violent. The roof of my
else to). ***: suumude; synonyms: taataade.
house was riped off last night because of a gale
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
force wind. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • préparer les bagages pour aller quelque
3 • lorsqu'une réunion est terminée; when a
part; prepare your baggage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. meeting is finish - undoubtedly because
3 • se mettre une ceinture de munition ; to tie a
everyone gets up to leave; Mi dooman ɗo faa
"kumol" (amunition belt) about one's waist.
yimɓe ɓe fuu kuncoo de mi ada jooɗ jooɗorɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗe. Je vais attendre que la réunion soit
4 • seller un cheval; saddle a horse.
terminé et puis je vais ranger les chaises. I will
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wait until the meeting is done and then I will
5 • serrer le nez de quelqu'un pour qu'il ne peut remove the chairs. compare: gurbitaade;
plus respirer, étouffer, asphyxier; smother;
synonyms: ɓantaade, daraade, ummaade,
suffocate someone. synonyms: suumude.
ƴeptaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [M] humtude. Dialects: Y,G.
huncude Noun Form of Infinitive: huncugol.
hunaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hunagol.
Participles: sing: kuncuɗo-kuncoowo plur:
Participles: sing: kuniiɗo-kunotooɗo plur:
huncuɓe-huncooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
huniiɓe-hunotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • enlever le
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jurer (par toit d'une case en paille; remove the roof of a
Dieu), faire un serment, prêter serment; swear
grass house. Ley duuɓ
duuɓi tati fuu sanaa mi
by God; oath (to make an). Catégorie
hunca kunnguuru am de mi pininoo ndu.
: Juridique. synonyms: waataade, huttaade,
Tous les trois ans je dois remplacer le toit en
wallisaade; ***: huttaade, wallisaade, paille. Every three years I need to remove the
huninde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. grass roof and reroof it. ***: ƴeptude,
hunagol Verb. jurer; to swear . Catégorie huurude, aagaade, ɓantude, hummbude,
: Gouvernement, Juridique. rennude, hippude, hakkitinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hunayeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • enlever qqch qui est posé sur qqch d'autre;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
lift something that is lying on something else.
of Noun: hunayeeje. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Huncu dewtere
dewtere nde dow taabawal ngal.
Noun. serment; oath. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] Enlève ce livre de la table. Lift that book up
hunaare. Dialects: J,Y,G. off of the table. synonyms: ƴeptude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 260
huninde hurbude
3 • lorsque le vent soulève qqch; when the
hunndukoojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
wind lifts something up; Henndu huncii
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
suudu makko. Le vent a enlevé le toit de la
Noun: hunndukooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
maison. The wind blew the roof off of his
Noun. rapporteur, cafardeur, quelqu'un qui ne
house. Henndu huncii wudere Kumbo. Le sait pas garder des secrets ou des choses qu'on
vent a soulevé la chemise de Koumbo. The lui a confié, commérage; tale bearer; gossip.
wind lifted Kumbo's skirt up.
***: kaaltaro, foowude, munaafiki;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: kaaltaro, munaafiki.
huninde Noun Form of Infinitive: huningol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kuninɗo-kuninoowo plur:
hunngaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hunngagol.
huninɓe-huninooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: kunngiiɗo-kunngotooɗo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
plur: hunngiiɓe-hunngotooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire jurer,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
adjurer; adjure someone; swear (to cause to).
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
compare: hunaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. échouer; fail. ***: heppirde, jaalaade,
huningol Noun. délation; informing. ronkude; synonyms: heppirde;
hunkoodu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. compare: ronkude, jaalaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form hunoore Noun. serment; oath, pledge, vow, swearing.
of Noun: kunkooli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Catégorie : Juridique.
Noun. région lombaire du dos, en particulier la
colonne vertébrale, les reins, côtes; loin. huraade Noun Form of Infinitive: huragol.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ƴi'al ɓaawo, ƴi'al Participles: sing: kuriiɗo-kurotooɗo plur:
kunkuuru, kataare, kunkuuru, keecol, huriiɓe-hurotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
kente; synonyms: kunkuuru, ƴi'al ɓaawo; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
compare: kataare, keecol, kente. Dialects: J. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • entrer ans
une maison et fermer la prote, s'isoler, cacher;
hunnde Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. beaucoup, très; seclude yourself; go into a house and close the
very; lot. synonyms: sanne; ***: sanne. door; hide. ***: suuɗ
suuɗaade, ommbitaade,
Dialects: M. ɗaccuki, udditaade. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • lorsque les étoiles disparaisse de la vue
hunnduko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗe.
pendant leur rotation annuelle; when the stars
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of drop out of sight (set) in their yearly (not
Noun: kunnduɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. nightly) rotation; Nde ɗaccuki hurii fuu, a
Noun. 1 • bouche, gueule bec; mouth. Catégorie
faamii ndunngu ɓadeke When the Pleiades
: Le corps, Parties d’un animal.
leave the night sky you know that the rains will
***: waccoore
waccoore1, naafikaare, munaafikaare,
soon begin. synonyms: ommbitaade,
haawaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suuɗaade, udditaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • quelque chose qui fait que les gens en
parlent, commérages, nouvelles; gossip. hurbude Noun Form of Infinitive: hurbugol.
synonyms: munaafikaare, naafikaare. Participles: sing: kurbuɗo-kurboowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hurbuɓe-hurbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
3 • calomnie; slander. ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: munaafikaare, naafikaare. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mélanger
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ou battre avec une cuillère; mix or stir a batter
4 • le bord de l'eau; edge of the water. with a spoon. ***: diibude, laaruwal, iirtude,
hunnduko weendu compare: haawaade. jillitinde, kurbirgal, wurwude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: iirtude, jillitinde, wurwude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hunnduko daaba Noun. museau, gueule; muzzle;
snot; mouth. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. 2 • pagayer dans un barque sur l'eau, pousser
à la perche; paddle or pole through the water
hunnduko ndiyam Noun. berges; river banks. in a boat. compare: diibude, laaruwal,
Catégorie : Eau, Terre. kurbirgal; synonyms: awƴ
awƴaade, awnyude,
hunnduko rimndudu Noun. col de l’utérus; awƴ
awƴude, lummbude, summbude.
uterine cervix. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 261
hurɓinde husinbinde

hurɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: hurɓingol. hurgo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: kurɓinɗo-kurɓinoowo Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
plur: hurɓinɓe-hurɓinooɓe. Sorting Noun: kurle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. abri
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in en paille ou des nattes; shelter made of grass
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
or mats. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Verb. étouffer à la gorge, étrangler; choke; synonyms: kuurgal, soorowal; ***: kuurgal.
strangle. Mi hurɓ
hurɓinii mbeewa am sabo nga Dialects: M.
nyaami dewtere
dewtere am ley suudu. J'ai attrapé hurjude Noun Form of Infinitive: hurjugol.
ma chèvre à la gorge car elle a grignoté mon
Participles: sing: kurjuɗo-kurjoowo plur:
livre dans la maison. I grabed my goat by the
throat because it ate my book in the house. hurjuɓe-hurjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
***: ɓillude, ɗeɗɗude
ɗɗude, hirɓ
hirɓinde, hamƴ
hamƴude; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
synonyms: ɗeɗɗude
ɗɗude, hirɓ
hirɓinde; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lorsqu'un
«moodibbo» visite des gens en attendant des
compare: ɓillude, hamƴ
hamƴude. Dialects: Y.
cadeaux; when a "moodibbo" visits people in
hurɓineede Noun Form of Infinitive: hurɓinegol. the hopes that they will give him gifts.
Participles: sing: kurɓinaaɗo-kurɓineteeɗo ***: weerude, kurje2, filaade;
plur: hurɓinaaɓe-hurɓineteeɓe. Sorting compare: filaade, kurje2, weerude. Dialectal
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Forms: [Y,G] hurjaade. Dialects: J,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. hurl-
hurl-a synonyme: how-a, taartin-a. Verb. entourer,
Verb. être étranglé ou étouffé; strangled; cercler, encadrer; surround, strapping, frame.
choked. synonyms: ɗeɗɗeede
ɗɗeede, ɗeɗɗeede
ɗɗeede; Catégorie : Mathématique, Lecture / écriture.
***: hirɓ
hirɓineede, ɗeɗɗeede
ɗɗeede. Dialects: Y.
hurude Noun Form of Infinitive: hurugol. Sorting
hurɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: hurɓugol. Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: kurɓuɗo-kurɓoo plur: Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hurɓuɓe-jurɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Verb. mugir d'un taureau; bellow.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb compare: oonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ahaner, husinbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: husinbingol.
respirer difficilement avec un bruit; wheeze
Participles: sing: kusinbinɗo-kusinbinoowo
due to an obstruction of the airway.
plur: husinbinɓe-husinbinooɓe. Sorting
compare: harude, looƴ
looƴaade; ***: hirɓ
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
siikude, harude, horɓ
horɓude, looƴ
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: hirɓ
hirɓude, horɓ
horɓude. Dialects: Y,M.
Verb. 1 • aggraver, agacer, tracasser,
hurfaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. déranger, irriter, vexer, contrarier; annoy;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form irritate; bother; upset; to aggravate; vex.
of Noun: kurfaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Saydu bumɗ
bumɗo na husinbina kam nyannde
Noun. pierre salée, bloc de sel; salt lick. fuu. L'aveugle Saydou me tracasse chaque
synonyms: moonnde; ***: moonnde, jour. Blind Saydu aggravates me every day.
hurfinoyde, moonnude ***: haamninde, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saɗɗ
moonnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jarribaade, tiinnande, torrude, saƴƴ
hurfinoyde Noun Form of Infinitive: hurfinoygol. haamnaade, gaccaade, torrude, saɗɗ
Participles: sing: kurfinoyɗo-kurfinoowo tiinnande, riibande, jukkaade, saƴƴ
plur: hurfinoyɓe-hurfinooɓe. Sorting torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, jarribaade, jukkude,
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
tiinnande, saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, mettinde,
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
toonyaade, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
Verb. 1 • conduire les animaux à un bloc de sel
riibande; synonyms: riibande, saɗɗ
ou pierre salée; to take your animals to a salt
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude, haamninde,
lick. synonyms: moonnude; ***: mettinde,
mettinde. Dialects: J.
moonnude. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • acheter du sel pour les animaux; to buy salt
for your animals (hurfinde).
compare: hurfaare; synonyms: moonnude,
mettinde. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 262
husuba hutuure
2 • persécuter; persecute. Yimɓ
Yimɓe wuro ngo hutaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
kusinbinii min sabo ɓe accataa min ƴooga Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ɓunndu. The people of this village persecute of Noun: kutaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
us because they won't let us draw water from Noun. petites mottes / monticules de terre
the well. synonyms: riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, lorsqu'on cultive; mounds of dirt made when
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude, gaccaade, cultivating. Kutaaje ɗe na moƴƴ
ƴƴina gawri
jarribaade, toonyaade. Dialects: J. am sabo ndiyam na ndaaroo, na feewina
3 • tourmenter; torment. Yimɓ
Yimɓe Côte d'Ivoir yommbe ɗe. Les mottes de terre aident mon
kusinbinii yimɓ
yimɓe Burkina. Les gens en Côte mil car autrement l'eau dans le champs
d'ivoire tourmentent les gens du Burkina mouille trop les tiges. These little mounds help
Faso. The people of the Ivory Coast torment my millet because the water stands [on the
the people of Burkina. synonyms: riibande, field} and it moistens the stalks. ***: joorde,
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude, ƴoolde, gilaare; synonyms: gilaare
gilaare, ƴoolde;
jarribaade, jukkaade, jukkude. Dialects: J. compare: kubbol. Dialects: G.

husuba Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number huttaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huttagol.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of Participles: sing: kuttiiɗo-kuttotooɗo plur:
Noun: husibaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. huttiiɓe-huttotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
aggravation, ennuis, contrariété, agacement, th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
embêtement, tracasses, irritation, vexation; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • penser ou
annoyance; aggravation; bother; irritation; dire que ce sera un problème; to either think to
vexation. Husubaaji na keewi ley leydi yourself that if you do something that it will
ɓɓe. Il y a beaucoup d'ennuis dans leur cause a problem or to tell someone else that if
pays. There are many annoyances in their land. they do something that it will cause a problem.
synonyms: torra, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa; ***: torra, ***: yowude, nyiŋ
nyiŋude, hunaade, dekude,
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa; compare: torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde. wallisaade
wallisaade, felude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [J] husiba. Dialects: J,M. 2 • jurer par Dieu que tu n'as pas fait qqch;
swear. synonyms: hunaade, wallisaade.
hutaade Noun Form of Infinitive: hutagol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kutiiɗo-kutotooɗo plur: 3 • provoquer une malédiction sur toi si tu n'as
hutiiɓe-hutotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. pas honoré ta promesse; to call a curse down
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb on yourself if you fail to keep a promise;
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. dissocier, Aadama hutteke, 'si a wallii kam e na'i am
écarter, exclure, renvoyer, licencier, être fâché de mi hokkaay ma ɓii nagge Alla wan mi
contre, relâcher; dismiss; disassociate with; garbina Lasa.' Adama a juré en disant: «Si tu
upset with someone; release; fire. Mi huteke o 'aide avec mes vaches et cela ne te donne pas
keeŋan sabo o jaɓ
jaɓaay suka am fijja e un veau, alors Dieu n'a qu'à faire que je
sukaaɓe makko. J'étais fâché contre lui car il devines un mendiant à Lasa.». Aadama swore,
n'a pas laissé mon enfant jouer avec son "if you help me with my cows and I doesn't
enfant. I was upset with him yesterday because give you a calf, then may God make me beg in
he wouldn't let my child play with his child. Lasa." Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: accude, kutay, yoppude, woppude; huttude Noun Form of Infinitive: huttugol.
***: accude, kutay. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kuttuɗo-kuttoowo plur:
huttuɓe-huttooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dépecer,
débiter la viande, découper en morceaux;
butcher; cut an animal into bits.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

hutuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: kutuuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
un quart de noix de cola; quarter of a cola nut.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

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huuɓ-a huumaare

huuɓ-a Verb. fini (être -); finished (be -). huulannde
huulannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: timm-
timm-a. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: kuulanɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.
huuɓi1 Noun. qui est qu complet; that is complete.
Noun. 1 • un pas; step. ***: saaɓ
huuɓi2 adj. global; global, overall, general. ko huuɓ
huuɓi taaɓ
taaɓannde, yaaɓ
yaaɓere. Dialects: G,M.
huuɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: huuɓingol. 2 • une longueur de corde lorsqu’on la tire
Participles: sing: kuuɓinɗo-kuuɓinoowo pour puiser de l'eau d'un puits; a length of
rope one pulls out of a well while drawing
plur: huuɓinɓe-huuɓinooɓe. Sorting
water. synonyms: saaɓ
saaɓannde, taaɓ
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
yaaɓere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. finir quelque chose; finish something. Mi huulgo Plural Form of Noun: huulgooji. Noun.
huuɓinii golle am. I finished my work. enveloppe; envelope. Alahaali ngurel
***: yottinde, timminde, tilaade, saawungel
saawungel gabbe, ɓiɓɓe
huumnude, hantude, humnude; huulngo Noun. fourreau, enveloppe; sheath.
synonyms: hantude, huumnude, tilaade
tilaade, ***: anweloppi. Dialectal Forms: hulgo.
timminde, yottinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
huulnude Noun Form of Infinitive: huulnugol.
huuɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: huuɓugol. Participles: sing: kuulnuɗo-kuulnoowo plur:
Participles: sing: kuuɓuɗo-kuuɓoowo plur: huulnuɓe-huulnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
huuɓuɓe-huuɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. envelopper,
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • omniprésent faire un fourreau pour une épée ou une gaine
(Dieu); omnipresent. Laamɗ
Laamɗo wo KuuɓKuuɓuɗo. pour un couteau; to wreap, make a sheath for a
Dieu est omniprésent. God is everywhere. knife or a sword. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
huumaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • être normal, accompli et sain d'esprit; ;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
sane. synonyms: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: kuumaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, cs.
3 • être capable de faire un travail donné;
Noun. 1 • endroit où l'on brûle les tiges
capable of doing a job. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. /ordures du nettoyage d'un champ; a place
huujaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huujagol. where the wood from a field that is being
cleared is burned. ***: feenaare, waalaare.
Participles: sing: kuujiiɗo-kuujotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y.
huujiiɓe-huujotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
2 • à Mahadaga ce terme réfère aux festivités
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
au tombeau chez le peuple Gourma; in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quitter tôt Mahadaga this refers to the festivities that take
le matin avant le lever du soleil; leave early in place on a dead man's grave among the
the morning. ***: hejjude, dawude. Gourmas. synonyms: feenaare, waalaare.
Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
2 • se lever et travailler avant le lever du soleil;
to get up and start working before the sun rises.
synonyms: hejjude; compare: dawude.
Dialects: J.

huulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huulagol.

Participles: sing: kuuliiɗo-kuulotooɗo plur:
huuliiɓe-huulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • marcher,
monter dans, pare un pas; step. ***: yiifaade,
taaɓaade, saaɓsaaɓaade. Dialects: G,M.
2 • tirer la corde en puisant de l'eau dans un
puits; to pull lengths of rope up from a well
while drawing water. synonyms: saaɓsaaɓaade,
taaɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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huumnude huurtude

huumnude Noun Form of Infinitive: huumnugol. huunude Noun Form of Infinitive: huunugol. Sorting
Participles: sing: kuumnuɗo-kuumnoowo Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: huumnuɓe-huumnooɓe. Sorting Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Verb. meugler; lows or moos (cow).
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. ***: booltude, oonude; compare: booltude,
Verb. complètement finir de faire qqch; oonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
completely finish doing something. Mi hokkii huunyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ɓe tamborooje de mi huumnaay sabo iɓ iɓe Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ɗuu ɗi. I gave them dates, but I couldn't give
of Noun: kuunyaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
them all some because there were so many. Mi Noun. 1 • tortue; tortoise. Catégorie : Reptile.
huumnii ngesa am fuu birgi. J'ai ***: amre, boroore, kunkiriire,
complètement couvert mon champ avec du
samasammboonde, kuriire,
fumier. I completely covered my field with
samsammoondu; synonyms: amre,
manure. Sambaré huumnan jande muuɗ muuɗum
kunkiriire, kuriire. Dialects: J.
hikka. Sambaré terminera ses études cette
année. Sambaré will finish his studies this 2 • hérisson à ventre blanc; white-bellied
hedgehog. Erinaceus albiventris.
year. ***: yottinde, timminde, tilaade,
compare: boroore, kunkiriire, kuriire;
hantude, humnude, huuɓ huuɓinde, hantaade;
synonyms: samsammoondu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: hantude, humnude, huuɓhuuɓinde,
tilaade, timminde, yottinde. Dialects: J,Y. huuptude Noun Form of Infinitive: huuptingol.
Participles: sing: kuuptinɗo-kuuptinoowo
huunaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
plur: huuptinɓe-huuptinooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun: kuunaali. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. meuglement d'un bœuf ou d'une vache; Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. être assez longue (corde, ceinture); long
mooing sound a cow makes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enough. Kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol ngol huuptaay. Cette
huunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ceinture n'est pas assez longue. This belt isn't
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form long enough. Ɓoggol ngol huuptanii kam.
of Noun: kulle or kujje. Sorting Designation: 2, Cette corde est assez longue pour moi. This
rope is long enough for me.
ah. Noun. 1 • quelque chose, une chose; thing;
compare: haɓɓ
ɓɓude, jomnude.
something. ***: goɗɗ
ɗɗum, ɗumaanin,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hujjere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • un animal; animal. synonyms: goɗɗ
ɗɗum, huuraade Noun Form of Infinitive: huuragol.
hujjere, ɗumaanin. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kuuriiɗo-kuurotooɗo plur:
huuriiɓe-huurotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
huunde manaare Noun. matière plastique; plastic
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se couvrir avec
huunde nebinnde Noun. matière grasse; fatty une couverture; cover yourself.
material. ***: suddaade; synonyms: suddaade.
huunde tekkuɗ
tekkuɗe expression. matière solide; solid Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
huurtude Noun Form of Infinitive: huurtugol.
huuneere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: kuurtuɗo-kuurtoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form huurtuɓe-huurtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
of Noun: kuuneeje. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Noun. chapeau ou bonnet en tissu sans bord; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • enlever une
hat or cap made of cloth without a bill or a couverture en haut; to remove a cover that is
brim. Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: kufune, up high such; as the mats on a hangar; or the
hufuneere; compare: sappaare, tenngaare; tarp on a truck. synonyms: jippinde, rennude,
synonyms: hufuneere, kufune. Dialects: G,M. yowtude; ***: hippitinde, hummbude,
hippude, wiirnitidde, jippinde, hogitinde,
hummbitinde, jippinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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huurude huyfere
2 • enlever un toit pour le réparer; to remove
huusude Noun Form of Infinitive: huusugol.
the roof in order to repair it.
Participles: sing: kuusuɗo-kuusoowo plur:
synonyms: hippitinde, hummbitinde.
huusuɓe-huusooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
3 • enlever une couverture devant ou autour de
qqch; to remove a cover that is in front of or Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • scier,
around something (but not on it). couper; saw; cut. ***: taƴ
taƴude, heeƴ
synonyms: hogitinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. cegaade, soppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • couper en morceaux; cut into pieces.
huurude Noun Form of Infinitive: huurugol.
compare: cegaade, heeƴ
Participles: sing: kuuruɗo-kuuroowo plur:
synonyms: soppude, taƴ
huuruɓe-huurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre un huutooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
toit sur une case en paille, couvrir un hangar Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
avec des nattes, couvrir les poteaux d'une tente of Noun: kuutooji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
avec de cuir ou autre chose ; to put the roof on Noun. varan; iguana like lizard; monitor.
a grass house; to cover a hangar with mats; to
Catégorie : Reptile. compare: eleleldu,
cover a tent frame with leather or whatever the
fallaandu, pallangal; ***: pallangal,
tent is made of. ***: pinaade, hippude,
eleleldu, fallaandu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kuurngu; synonyms: pinaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. huutude Noun Form of Infinitive: huutugol.
2 • couvrir le d’avant de qqch ou mettre une Participles: sing: kuutuɗo-kuutoowo plur:
couverture tout autour; covering the front of huutuɓe-huutooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
something or putting a cover around ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
something (but not on it); such as wrapping
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. écrémer le
mats around your hangar to make a little
lait; skim the cream off of milk.
shelter. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: heentude; synonyms: heentude.
3 • couvrir; cover. Baawɗ
Baawɗe Laamɗ
Laamɗo kuurii o. Dialects: J,Y,M.
La puissance de Dieu lui a couvert. The power
of God covered her. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. huuwude Noun Form of Infinitive: huuwugol.
4 • d'une saison de pluies à une autre, un année Participles: sing: kuuwuɗo-kuuwoowo plur:
lunaire; "ndunngu kuurngu" means "rainy huuwuɓe-huuwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
season to rainy season"; i.e. one year; th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
"hitaande huurnde" or "Haaram to Haaram";
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • écrire qqch
i.e. one lunar calendar year.
ou faire qqch qui va agir comme malédiction
compare: hippude, hummbitinde, huncude, contre qqn; to write or do something which
kuurngu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. will act as a curse on someone else;
occasionally it can mean to write or do
huusaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. something which will give a person
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form supernatural protection; this is involved with
of Noun: kuusaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. occult practices. ***: si'ude, hanyude,
Noun. clou, pointe; nail. ***: pontiire, joorude, bedude, suulude, bonnude,
fontiire; synonyms: fontiire, pontiire. dabaade; synonyms: bedude, dabaade,
Dialects: Y,G. huɗ
huɗude. Dialects: J.
huuseeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. 2 • déféquer; to defecate. synonyms: bonnude,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form hanyude, joorude, si'ude, suulude;
of Noun: kuuseeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. compare: kuuwgal. Dialects: Y,M.
piège; trap. synonyms: bedorgal, kusal, huy Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection
tuugol, woyya; ***: kusal, tuugol, pour chasser des bœufs; an interjection used to
nannginde, bedorgal; compare: nannginde. chase away a cow. ***: ass, kuss, osi, tek,
Dialects: Y. tik, kiss; synonyms: ass, kiss, kuss, osi, oss,
tek, tik, usu. Dialects: J,Y,M.

huyfere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting

Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • paresse; laziness.
***: hoyfere. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 266
huyfi huylitaade
2 • légèreté; lightness. synonyms: hoyfere. huyfude Noun Form of Infinitive: huyfugol.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Participles: sing: kuyfuɗo plur: huyfuɓe.
huyfi Noun. qui est léger; that is light, easy. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
huyfinde Noun Form of Infinitive: huyfingol. 1 • ne pas travailler, être paresseux; lazy (to
Participles: sing: kuyfinɗo-kuyfinoowo plur: be); not work. Maani wo kuyfuɗ
kuyfuɗo. Un tel est
huyfinɓe-huyfinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. paresseux. Whatishisname is lazy.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb synonyms: jaasude, yanude1; ***: yanude1,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ignorer qqn, teddude, jaasude, hoyfude, waamude.
ne pas honorer qqn, dédaigner qqn, dénigrer, Dialects: Y,G,M.
ridiculiser; ignore someone; not honor
2 • ne pas être respecté ou honoré par d'autres;
someone; disdain. Yusuufi na huyfina
to not have honor or respect from others; O
Fulfulde Idrissa. Youssouf dédaigne le
huyfii sabo o wujjii girow kaananke Il n'est
fulfuldé que Idrissa parle. Yusuufi disdains
pas respecté parce qu'il a volé le cochon du
Idrissa's Fulfulde. compare: leyƴ
inde; roi. He is not respected because he stole the
***: hoynude, hoyfinde, leeƴ
leeƴinde, king' pig. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɗuurtaade, yawude, leyƴleyƴinde;
3 • être léger; light (to be). Tummbude maa
synonyms: aybinde, ɗuurtaade, hoynude,
na huyfi sabo waldaa e kosam. Ta calebasse
hoyfinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. est légère parce que tu n'as pas de lait dedans.
huyfineede Noun Form of Infinitive: huyfinegol. Your calabash is light because it has not milk
Participles: sing: kuyfinaaɗo-kuyfineteeɗo in it. synonyms: hoyfude; compare: teddude.
plur: huyfinaaɓe-huyfineteeɓe. Sorting Dialects: Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in huyinnde Verb. exciter, motiver; stir up; kindle;
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. motivate.
Verb. ne pas être respecté ou honoré, être
ignoré, déshonore; dishonored; ignored (be).
huylaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huylagol.
Participles: sing: kuyliiɗo-kuylotooɗo plur:
Maani huyfinaama sabo imo me'a. Un tel
n'est pas respecté parce qu'il bégaie. huyliiɓe-huylotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Whatishisname is ignored because he stutters. synonyme: yillude. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: hoyfineede; compare: leyƴ
leyƴineede, Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
teddineede; ***: hoyfineede, leyƴ
leyƴineede, Verb. 1 • être perdu ou désorienté; lost (to be).
leeƴineede. Dialects: Y,G,M. ***: winaade, lallude, wemmbeede;
synonyms: lallude, winaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
huyfingol Noun. allègement; reduction; relaxing.
2 • amnésique, s'endormir pour un cour
huyfinnde Verb. rendre léger; light (make). moment, s'assoupir; doze; fall asleep for a few
minutes. synonyms: surɓ
surɓaade. Dialects: G.
huyfintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: huyfintingol.
Participles: sing: kuyfintinɗo-kuyfintinoowo huylagol Plural Form of Noun: yillugol. Noun. amnésie;
plur: huyfintinɓe-huyfintinooɓe. Sorting amnesia. Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in huylitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: huylitagol.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Participles: sing: kuylitiiɗo-kuylitotooɗo
na huyfintina. Verb. alléger qqch en ôtant ce plur: huylitiiɓe-huylitotooɓe. Sorting
qui pèse dessus; lighten something. Seretti am Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
na teddoraa sanne, sanaa mi huyfintina Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ɗum seeɗ
seeɗa. Ma charrette est trop lourde, je Verb. 1 • retrouver les repères quand perdu;
dois l'alléger. My donkey cart is too heavy, I find your bearings when lost. ***: hoyɗ
need to lighten it a little. ***: hoynude; ɗaanaade, wintaade, koyɗ
koyɗol, ŋoŋude,
synonyms: hoynude, hoyfintinde. surɓ
surɓaade; synonyms: wintaade.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • s'assoupir et rêver, être désorienté et confus
après sommeil; to doze off and have a dream;
to be disoriented and confused after having
awaken from sleep or having been
unconscious. compare: surɓ
surɓaade, hoyɗ
koyɗol, ŋoŋude. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 267
huynude Iidi Faltagol

huynude Verb. crier pour chasser les animaux; cry to huywude Noun Form of Infinitive: huywugol.
chase animals away. Participles: sing: kuywuɗo-kuywoowo plur:
huynugol Noun. motivation; motivation. huywuɓe-huywooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
huyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lorsqu’un
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form objet submergé revient à la surface et flotte;
of Noun: kuƴe, kuse. Sorting Designation: 3, at, for a submerged object to resurface and float
pl. synonyme: adala, giiniwol-ɓanndu. Noun. on the water; Si jaawleeje na ɓuri balɗ
1 • noyau du fruit «prune noire»; pit of the jeegom fuu kuymban; si kese, ndiƴƴ
Sclerocarya birrea ("eedi") fruit. Les œufs de pintade qui ont plus de six jours
Dialects: J,Y,M. flottent, des nouveaux immergent, ou bien?
2 • muscle, viande, chair; flesh; meat; muscle. Guinea-fowl eggs that are more than six days
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: adala; old float; new ones sink? ***: weeyude,
synonyms: teewu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. royude; synonyms: royude, weeyude.
Dialectal Forms: [J] huymbude. Dialects: Y,M.
huyude Noun Form of Infinitive: huyugol.
Participles: sing: kuyuɗo-kuyoowo plur:
huyuɓe-huyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: h/k. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être heureux /
content, célébrer; celebrate; joyful.
synonyms: janjinde, weltaade; ***: weltaade,
jartinde, kuyam, janjinde; compare: kuyam.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

I - i

ibbere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. Ibrahiima Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Abraham; Abraham. Note : arabe
of Noun: ibbe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl, ct. ***: Abraama; compare: Abraama.
Noun. figue; fig; fruit of a fig tree. Catégorie Dialects: biblical.
: Nourriture. synonyms: ƴibbere;
Ibraninkooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun.
***: ƴibbere. Dialects: Y,G,M. l’épître aux Hébreux qui se trouve dans le
ibbi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Nouveau Testament; the New Testament letter
to the Hebrews; of uncertain authorship. Note :
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
grec Dialects: biblical.
Noun: ibbe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
figuier; fig tree. Catégorie : Arbres. Ficus i ɓe Sorting Designation: 1. spn. ils, elles; they.
gnaphalocarpa/sycomorus. synonyms: ƴibbi; synonyms: eɓe, na ɓe; ***: na ɓe, eɓe.
***: ƴibbi; compare: haayndeehi, ndundeehi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
iidi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
Ibiliisa Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Satan, le One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
diable; Satan; devil. Note : arabe Noun: iidiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
***: Seyɗ
Seyɗaani, Ibliisa; synonyms: Ibliisa, jour férié religieux; religious holiday. Note :
Seyɗaani. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. arabe compare: weltaare; synonyms: sattuma;

Ibliisa Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Satan, diable; ***: sattuma. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Satan; devil. Note : arabe ***: Seyɗ

Seyɗaani, Iidi Faltagol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Number
Ibiliisa; synonyms: Ibiliisa, Seyɗ
Seyɗaani. One for this noun: gootol. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, th. Noun. Pâques; Passover.
Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 268
iido ilaa'irgol

iido Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. iimaanaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Designation: 3, th. Noun. croit sincèrement en
Noun: iidooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dieu, foi sérieuse en Dieu, sincérité en faisant
bruit de moteur; noise a motor or an engine confiance en Dieu; sincerity of belief toward
makes. Ko nanaten joonin ɗum wo iido God. Iimaanaaku na na woni e bernde makko.
laana. Ce que nous entendons est le bruit d'un
Il croit sincèrement en Dieu dans son cœur. He
avion. What we are hearing now is the noise of sincerely believes God in his heart.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
an air plane. ***: ruubu; compare: duko,
ruubu, saaƴ
saaƴo, sawtu1, sonnyo. iirtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: iirtagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: iirtiiɗo-iirtotooɗo plur:
iidoo adj. sonore; voiced sound. Iidoo (-
(-jum) iirtiiɓe-iirtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Verb. 1 • être ressuscité; resurrected.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
***: ummitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
iidude Noun Form of Infinitive: iidugol. Sorting 2 • revenir à la vie (à ses sens) après
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. évanouissement; to be resuscitated after
Verb. faire un bruit régulier, bruit d'une foule, fainting. synonyms: ummitaade.
tempête, tonnerre; noise of a large crowd;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
thunder storm. Nebbam hantii, ɗum waɗ waɗi de
ngel iidataa faa wooɗ
wooɗa Il n'y plus d'huile iirtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: iirtingol.
dans le moteur, voilà pourquoi il ne marche Participles: sing: iirtinɗo-iirtinoowo plur:
pas normalement. The oil ran out, that is way it iirtinɓe-iirtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
[the motor] is not running smoothly. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
***: saawtinde, faayude, dukude, sawtinde, 1 • ressusciter de la mort; resurrect from the
sonnyude, saaƴ
saaƴude; compare: dukude, dead. ***: ummintinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
olkude, saaƴ
saaƴude, saawtinde, sawtinde, 2 • ramener à la vie qqn qui s'est évanoui;
sonnyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. resuscitate someone who has passed out.
synonyms: ummintinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
iilde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form iirtude Noun Form of Infinitive: iirtugol.
of Noun: iile. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. une Participles: sing: iirtuɗo-iirtoowo plur:
faible lumière, faible lueur, phare; head light; iirtuɓe-iirtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
glimmer; faint light; glow such as of the Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. remuer ou
shining of a light bulb. ***: jayngol, yaynam, mélanger avec un outil; stir or mix using an
njaynam, fooyre, annoora, foyre; implement. compare: diibude; ***: diibude,
compare: jayngol, njaynam; synonyms: fooyre. jillitinde, hurbude, wurwude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: hurbude, jillitinde, wurwude.
iililal Noun. drapeau, parapluie; umbrella; flag. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

iimaade Noun Form of Infinitive: iimagol. Iisaa Sorting Designation: 1, nbp. Noun. Jésus; Jesus.
Participles: sing: iimiiɗo-iimotooɗo plur: Note : arabe synonyms: Yeesu; ***: Yeesu.
iimiiɓe-iimotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] Iisa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. estimer, ilaa'irgol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi.
évaluer, imaginer qqch, inventer qqch; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
estimate; evaluate; make something up;
Noun: ilaa'irɗi. Noun. ruisselet d'eau; rivulet of
imagine something. Ɗum laataaki, o iimi
water. Catégorie : Eau. ***: dogginirgol,
ɗum tan. That didn't happen, he only
bubbinirgol; synonyms: bubbinirgol,
imagined it. Ndelle ko Ali haali keeŋ
keeŋan ɗum
dogginirgol. Dialects: G.
wanaa goonga, o iimi ɗum tan? So what Ali
said yesterday wasn't the truth, he only made
that up? synonyms: miijaade, miilaade,
jataade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

iimaade golle Verb. évaluer le travail; evaluate the


16/02/2020 269
ilam inna ceede

ilam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number One for ilude Noun Form of Infinitive: ilugol. Sorting
this noun: ngootam. Sorting Designation: 3. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun. 1 • source d'eau; spring of water. Verb. couler, lorsque l'eau suinte hors du sol;
Catégorie : Eau. ***: saawandere, ɓulude, oozes out of the ground (water). Catégorie
mamasiiru, ɓoodude, njunkumajam, : Eau. ***: ɓulude, ɓoodude, ɓayude;
mbubbam, njunkumajam, cayam, cewle, synonyms: ɓoodude, ɓulude, saawandere.
cayam, mbubban; synonyms: cewle, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mamasiiru, saawandere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. immugol Noun. extinction; extinction.
2 • inondation, ruissellement; flood. ilam synonyms: hantagol.
tuufaandu L'inondation au temps de Noé.
imo Sorting Designation: 1. spn. il, elle; he; she.
Noah's Flood. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: omo, na o; synonyms: omo, na o.
3 • eau de pluie qui vient d'une autre région;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
water that is produced in a rainfall in an other
area but flows through your area in the ina Sorting Designation: 1. part. c'est; it is. ***: na,
"gooruuji". synonyms: cayam, mbubbam, no; synonyms: na, no. Dialects: J,G.
njunkumajam; compare: ɓoodude, cayam,
ina moƴƴ
ƴƴa Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. peut-être,
mbubbam, njunkumajam, sayude, toɓ toɓude. c'est possible que, probablement; possibly;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
probably; perhaps; maybe. ***: hasi, tawude;
ilam tuufaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: dam. compare: tawude; synonyms: hasi. Dialects: J,Y.
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. inondation au inan Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. le voilà, c'est ici;
temps de Noé; this refers to the great Noachic
here it is. synonyms: nani; ***: nani. Dialectal
flood. Dialectal Forms: [G] ilam tuufaana, [M]
Forms: intensive form: inan nii or inani.
ilam tuufaani. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y.
ilamji synonyme: mbubbamji. Noun. inondations;
inundations. Catégorie : Eau, Temps. industri Noun. industrie; industry. Catégorie : Le
travail et diverses activités. Note : français
ilinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ilingol.
inɗe kawtuɗ
kawtuɗe maandaa expression. équivalent
Participles: sing: ilinɗo-ilinoowo plur:
orthographique; accepted orthographic
ilinɓe-ilinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb difference, orthographic equivalent. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crier (crie de : Lecture / écriture.
joie fait avec la luette en la faisant vibrer);
Injiila Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
ululate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. l'Évangile, le
illa Sorting Designation: 1. adv/prep. 1 • depuis; Nouveau Testament, les paroles de Jésus;
since; from. Illa o wari ɗo o gollaay faa'e word of Jesus (spoken); New Testament;
Depuis qu'il est arrivé ici il na pas travaillé. gospel. Note : arabe ***: Amaana Keso,
Since he arrive here he has not worked. Linjiila, Aadi Keyri; synonyms: Linjiila, Aadi
***: gilla, fadde, jilla, diina2; synonyms: gilla, Keyri, Amaana Keso. Dialects: J,Y.
jilla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
inna mère; mother. Catégorie : Parenté. ***: ayyaa,
2 • avant (avec verbe négatif); before (with a
eyɗo, saaraa, yaaya.
negative verb). Mi nanii ɗum illa o waraay.
J'ai entendu cela avant qu'il soit venu. I heard inna ceede Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe.
that before he cam. synonyms: gilla, jilla. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: inniraaɓe ceede. Sorting Designation: 4,
3 • mieux que, plus que; better than; more than. wl. Noun. coquillage; shell (sea); sea shell.
Djibo ɓurumi anndude illa e Fada. Je synonyms: daalawal; ***: wujo, seedere,
connais Djibo mieux que Fada. I know Djibo daalawal, konkoonuwol;
better than Fada. synonyms: diina1; compare: konkoonuwol
konkoonuwol, seedere, wujo.
compare: fadde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y.
illa tuubaaku warayno Noun. période
pré-coloniale; pre-colonial times.
illaalol Plural Form of Noun: illaali. Noun. rigole;
channel, drain, rivulet. Catégorie : Eau.

16/02/2020 270
innde iroiro

innde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. inniiwo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: inɗe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Noun: inniraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
1 • nom d'une chose ou d'un endroit; name. 1 • mère; mother. Catégorie : Parenté.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: soowoore, contracted possessive forms used: 1s innam, 2s
santere1, yaasoore, jammoore.
inna, 3s (makko) inniiko, (muuɗum) innum,
(exclusive) NA, 1p (inclusive) innii'en, [Y,G]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. inniɗen [both of these are the same as "inna
2 • prénom d'une personne; first name meeɗen"], 2p innii'on, [Y,G] inniɗon [same as
(person's); person's first name. inna mooɗon], 3p (maɓɓe) inniiɓe, (muɓɓen)
compare: jammoore, santere1, soowoore, innumen. Dialects: J,M.
yaasoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • tante maternelle; maternal aunt.
innde heertiinde synonyme: innde haɓɓodiinde e synonyms: ɓeyɗ
eyɗo, yaaya; compare: saaraa.
gooto. expression. nom propre; proper noun, Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] inniyo. Dialects: J,M.
proper name. Catégorie : Le langage et la iri1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
inndeeri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Noun: iriiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form 1 • type, genre, sorte, ordre, catégorie; type;
of Noun: inndeeriiji. Sorting Designation: 2. sort. Be'i am fuu wo iri gooto. Toutes mes
Noun. cérémonie pour donner un nom; naming chèvres sont de la même sorte. All of my goats
ceremony. synonyms: lamru, lawru; are the same type. Note : Hausa ***: taariki,
***: lawru, lamru. Dialectal Forms: [Y] ƴuwdi, sii, buudu, mbuuduuri, lenyol;
inndeeru (ndu). Dialects: J. synonyms: sii. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

inndeinnde huuɓ
huuɓunde expression. nom commun; 2 • race, lignage; race; lineage. Tuubaakuuɓ
common name, common noun. Catégorie : La e Araɓɓ
ɓɓe nganaa iri gooto. Les Européens et
Grammaire, Le langage et la pensée. les Arabes ne sont pas de la même race.
Europeans and Arabs are not the same race.
inndiraango Noun. terme; term, expression.
Note : Hausa synonyms: sii, buudu, lenyol
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
mbuuduuri, saare, taariki, ƴuwdi.
inndirde Noun Form of Infinitive: inndirgol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: inndirɗo-inndiroowo 3 • espèce; species. Nyiiwa e ngabbu nganaa
plur: inndirɓe-inndirooɓe. Sorting iri gooto. L'éléphant et le hippopotame ne
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sont pas de la même espèce. The elephant and
Verb. nommer, donner un nom; give a name; the hippo are not of the same species. Note :
name (to give a). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Hausa Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
inndireede Noun Form of Infinitive: inndiregol. iri2 Sorting Designation: 5. adj. comme; like. Miɗ
Participles: sing: inndiraaɗo-inndireteeɗo jogii forgo iri forgo maa. J'ai une chemise
plur: inndiraaɓe-inndireteeɓe. Sorting comme la tienne. I have a shirt like your shirt.
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. synonyms: hagu, hano, hono, ndagu.
Verb. être appelé, se nommer; named (to be); Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
called (to be). synonyms: limtude, wi'eede;
iri-iri par ordre, par classe; by order.
***: wi'eede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
iri-sukkara emprunt: arabe: sakar. Plural Form of
innditirde Noun. surnom; nickname.
Noun: iriiji-sukkara. Noun. glucose; glucose.
innditirde awoka synonyme: noteere. expression. ***: woodi sukkara.
maître; master. Catégorie : Juridique,
Travailleur. synonyms: wisiye.
iroiro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
inndude Noun Form of Infinitive: inndugol. Noun: iroirooji. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
Participles: sing: innduɗo-inndoowo plur: Noun. mois; moth. synonyms: dabidabiyal;
innduɓe-inndooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. ***: dabidabiyal. Dialects: G.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. nommer,
dire le nom de quelqu’un; call; speak
someone's name. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 271
irude ittude

irude Noun Form of Infinitive: irugol. ittaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ttagol. Sorting
Participles: sing: iruɗo-iroowo plur: Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
iruɓe-irooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Verb. se dé-serrer, se défaire, se détacher,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enterrer,
décolorer, sortir; come out of; come off (e.g. a
button); detach; loose (come); fade (e.g.
inhumer, ensevelir; inter; bury. ***: ufude,
color). Klé jaɓ
jaɓaay ittaade e sokoode nde. La
mooɓude, uwude, uwude; clé ne sorte pas de la serrure. The key won't
synonyms: mooɓ
mooɓude, ufude, uwude. come out of the lock. Naange na itta noone
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kaddungal. Le soleil a fait que l'habit s'est
irugol Noun. enterrement; burial. décoloré. . The sun bleaches the color from the
cloth. ***: ƴuwude, ƴiwude;
isaa'i Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
synonyms: ƴuwude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Noun. tôt le soir, soirée du
coucher du soleil jusqu’à 20 heures; early ittan sordaasi maa lekkol Noun. recrutement;
evening. Note : arabe ***: hiiri, safoko; recruitment.
compare: jemma, hejjere; synonyms: hiiri, itt-
itt-e e expression. ôté de ..; removed from ... Catégorie
safoko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique.

isansi emprunt: français. Noun. essence; gasoline, itteede Noun Form of Infinitive: ittegol.
gas. Catégorie : Voyager. Participles: sing: ittaaɗo-itteteeɗo plur:
Isiyaaka Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Isaac (fils ittaaɓe-itteteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
d'Abraham et de Sara, ) ; Isaac-Abraham & Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être choisi
Sarah's son and the recipient of the promise of ou pris; chosen or taken. Sukaaɓ
Sukaaɓe ɗiɗo
blessing. Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: Isiyaaku. ittaama keeŋ
keeŋan faa mballa
mballa ɓe. Deux enfants
Dialects: biblical. ont été choisis pour aider. Two children were
chosen to help them. ***: hooƴ
Israa'iila Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbl. Noun.
1 • Jacob; Jacob. Note : hébreu suɓ
suɓeede; synonyms: hooƴ
hooƴeede, suɓ
synonyms: Yaakuuba. Dialects: biblical. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • le pays d'Israël; Israel (the land of). Note : 2 • être relâché, enlevé, dégagé, libéré, jeté;
hébreu synonyms: Kanaana. Dialects: biblical. released; thrown away. Lekki mawki ngonki
gaɗa suudu am kiin ittaama. Le grand arbre
Israa'iilanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. derrière ma maison a été enlevé. The big tree
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of behind my house has been removed.
Noun: Isra'iila'en. Sorting Designation: 3, cbp. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. un Israélite ou Juif; Jew; Israelite. Note :
ittude Noun Form of Infinitive: ittugol.
hébreu compare: Alhuudiyanke,
Participles: sing: ittuɗo-ittoowo plur:
Yahuudiyanke. Dialectal Forms: [J,G]
ittuɓe-ittooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Israa'iilankeejo (o)/Israa'iilankooɓe (ɓe).
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever, ôter,
Dialects: biblical.
faire partir, prélever, supprimer, abolir;
istiloo emprunt: français. Variante: istoloo. Noun. abolish; remove; stop. ***: suɓ
suɓude, jaɓ
stylo; pen. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. basaade, ƴoogude, taartude, yaltinde,
iten Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting safude, ɗuytude, nanngude, ɓortude,
Designation: 4. Noun. soudure, brasure, étain; ɓortaade, ŋappitinde, jamrude, hooƴ hooƴude,
solder. Note : français ***: eten; taartaade, duhtude, nyeɗnyeɗude, ŋeppitinde,
synonyms: eten. Dialects: M. duhtaade, fiirtude, sirude, loowtude,
nokkude, wurtinde, rottude;
itikummpaaku Variante: ittakumpaaku. Noun.
compare: ɗuytude, hooƴ
hooƴude, jaɓ
curiosité; curiosity.
nanngude, nyeɗnyeɗude, safude, sirude,
itt-a e expression. retrancher; subtract. Catégorie suɓ
suɓude, ƴoogude; synonyms: fiirtude,
: Mathématique.
ɓortude, ɓortaade, duhtude, duhtaade,
ŋeppitinde, nyiggude, nokkude, rottude,
taartude, taartaade, wurtinde, yaltinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 272
ittude jeddi jaado

ittude jeddi Verb. confirmer la véracité d'une chose; ittugol laamu jiimuhollitingol leydi jeyal
confirm the truthfulness. ***: laaɓ
laaɓnude. hoorem expression. décolonisation;
decolonization. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

J - j

jaabaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaabagol. jaaɓ

jaaɓirdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: jaabiiɗo-jaabotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
jaabiiɓe-jaabotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun: jaaɓirɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Noun. le bas / fond / bout du pied, dessous du
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • répondre;
pied; bottom of a foot. Catégorie : Le corps.
***: njaabdi, yaaɓ
yaaɓoro; synonyms: njaabdi,
answer; reply. ***: nootaade;
yaaɓoro; compare: koyngal, yaaɓ
synonyms: nootaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
2 • exaucer, accorder; grant. Laamɗ
jaabaneke kam du'aawu am. Dieu a exaucé jaaɓ
jaaɓirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
ma requête. God granted my request. Laamɗ
Laamɗo Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
jaabu. Que Dieu exauce. May God grant. Noun: jaaɓirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pas, étape, marche (d'échelle), prise de pied;
foothold; step. ***: ƴeenyirgal, ŋaarowal,
jaabanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaabanagol. tangarawal, teelorgal; synonyms: ŋaarowal;
Participles: sing: jaabaniiɗo-jaabanotooɗo
compare: tangarawal, teelorgal.
plur: jaabaniiɓe-jaabanotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. jaaɓ
jaaɓo Plural Form of Noun: jaaɓo. Noun. feuille de
Verb. répondre pour quelqu'un; answer for jujube; leaves of jujube tree. Catégorie
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
some one. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ooyel-daamaraami Noun Class
jaabawol Noun. réponse; reply, answer. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Number One for
this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
jaabo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Noun: njaaɓoohoy-daamaraami. Sorting
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 5, or. Noun. jacana africain;
Noun: jaabooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. lily-trotter. Catégorie : Oiseau. Actophilornis
réponse, réaction; response. Dialectal africana. ***: yaaɓ
Forms: [J,Y,M] jaabu. Dialects: J,G,M.
synonyms: yaaɓ
ata-boolooli. Dialects: J.
jaabondirgol Noun. dialogue; dialogue. jaado Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
***: kaaldal.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
jaaɓere Plural Form of Noun: jaaɓe. Noun. jujube; Noun: yaadiiɓe/yaadooɓe/yaaduuɓe. Sorting
jujube. Catégorie : Nourriture. Designation: 3, at. synonyme: bammbol,
jaaɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number lanngol. Noun. 1 • ami, compagnon,
compagne; habitual companion; travel
One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
companion; friend. ***: banndiyo, higoo
Noun: jaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
jujubier, espèce d’arbuste; jujube bush. contol, yigoo, yaadude, jiɗ
jiɗo, bammbol,
Catégorie : Arbres. Ziziphus mauritiana. baawol; compare: yaadude; synonyms: giɗgiɗo,
***: njaaɓ
njaaɓi; synonyms: njaaɓ
njaaɓi; yigoo. Dialectal Forms: jaadoowo.
compare: ngulunnjaaɓ
ngulunnjaaɓi. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • placenta humaine; placenta of a human
being. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: lanngol;
compare: baawol, bammbol, contol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 273
jaadoowo jaango

jaadoowo Noun. compagnon; companion. Dialectal jaalɗ

jaalɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaalɗugol.
Forms: jaado. Participles: sing: jaalɗuɗo plur: jaalɗuɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. être illégitime, être
jaagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaagagol.
né sans père légitime, bâtard; illegitimate;
Participles: sing: jaagiiɗo-jaagotooɗo plur: born without a [legal] father.
jaagiiɓe-jaagotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: njaalɗ
njaalɗude; ***: njaalɗ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Dialects: G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire le
commerce de, commercer acheter et vendre; jaaleede Noun Form of Infinitive: jaalegol.
merchandise; buy and sell. MiɗMiɗo yiɗ
yiɗi Participles: sing: jaalaaɗo-jaaleteeɗo plur:
jaagaade kulle hakkunde Mali e Burkina. jaalaaɓe-jaaleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
J'aimerais faire le commerce de bœufs entre le Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Mali et le Burkina. I would like to buy and sell Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être vaincu,
cattle between Mali and Burkina. maîtrisé; defeated; conquered.
***: soonnude, sonnude, sottude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
luumaade, julaade, soodude, sippude,
jaaltaade Verb. vaincre; overcome; win; defeat;
soottude, yeeyude; compare: sippude;
synonyms: luumaade, julaade, soodude,
soonnude, soottude, yeeyude. jaalu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
of Noun: jaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
jaagu Noun. commerce; commerce; trade. enfant illégitime, bâtard; bastard; an
***: njeeygu. illegitimate child. ***: njaalu;
jaahili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number synonyms: njaalu. Dialects: G.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of jaancude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaancugol.
Noun: jaahili'en. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Participles: sing: jaancuɗo-jaancoo plur:
Noun. 1 • une personne méchante et immorale;
jaancuɓe-jaancooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
wicked or immoral person. Note : arabe
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
***: denjigaare, njaahilaaku, denjigi,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trouver des
woykuuraaku, pankaro, woykaade,
fautes, critiquer; find fault; criticize.
laalaade, denjigaade, annjaari, annjaari,
***: weefaade, wuykude, haasidaade,
keefeero; synonyms: annjaari, pankaro.
manude; synonyms: haasidaade, manude,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyiŋude, weefaade, wuykude. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • personne avec des mœurs légères;
promiscuous person. Note : arabe jaangeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jaangegol.
synonyms: annjaari, denjigi; Participles: sing: jaangaaɗo-jaangeteeɗo
compare: keefeero, laalaade, denjigaade, plur: jaangaaɓe-jaangeteeɓe. Sorting
jeenude, njaahilaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
jaajeeki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
Verb. avoir froid; cold (to be). ***: feeweede,
Designation: 3. Noun. la largeur; width;
jaangol, feewude; compare: jaangol.
breadth. synonyms: ɗeppeefi, njaajeefi;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: ɗeppeefi, njaajeefi. Dialects: Y,G,M.
jaango Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
jaalaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaalagol.
Designation: 1. n/adv. demain; tomorrow.
Participles: sing: jaaliiɗo-jaalotooɗo plur:
***: faɗɗ
ɗɗiti jaango, faɓɓ
ɓɓitittiyel jaango,
jaaliiɓe-jaalotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
subaka, faɓɓ
ɓɓi jaango, faɓɓ
ɓɓiti jaango, faɗɗ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jaango, faɗɗ
ɗɗitittiyel jaango;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. gagner un
combat u guerre, conquérir, vaincre, battre; synonyms: subaka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
win a fight or a war; defeat; conquer.
***: hawude, heppirde, hunngaade,
waawude, werude; compare: hunngaade;
synonyms: hawude, waawude, werude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 274
jaangol jaawleere

jaangol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting jaasude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaasugol.
Designation: 2. Noun. le froid; cold. Participles: sing: jaasuɗo-jaasoowo plur:
***: feewude, peewol, feeweede, ɓuuɓ
uuɓol, jaasuɓe-jaasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
jaangeede; compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jaangeede; synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓol, peewol. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être le
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. moindre, le pire; least; worst. Paɗ
Paɗe fuu hono
ɗe njaasi. Cette sorte de chaussure est la pire.
jaanndaangal Noun. féodalité; feudalism.
This sort of shoe is the worst. ***: jaayude,
jaaraade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaaragol. huyfude, nafude, yanude1, saytorɗ
Participles: sing: jaariiɗo-jaarotooɗo plur: bonde needude, hoyfude, waamude;
jaariiɓe-jaarotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: jaayude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb 2 • être inutile, incapable, paresseux; lazy; to
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire éloge be either unwilling or unable to work; to be
de, féliciter, louer, remercier; praise; thank. useless or unhelpful. Suka gorko o haanaa
***: yettude, anndande, ŋaaƴ aaƴude, ɓaŋude sabo imo jaasi. That young fellow
lenngude, jammude; synonyms: anndande, shouldn't get married because he is lazy.
jammude, ŋaaƴ aaƴude, yettude. Dialects: J,Y. synonyms: hoyfude, huyfude, yanude1.
2 • surplus donné après l'achat, donner un Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bonus, rabais; bonus. synonyms: lenngude. 3 • être impoli, in-accueillant; to be rude;
Dialects: Y,G. inhospitable. Taa mbeeranen ɓe sabo wo ɓe
jaaral Noun. félicitation; congratulation. jaasuɓ
jaasuɓe. Let's not stay with them because they
are inhospitable. synonyms: bonde needude,
jaareede Noun Form of Infinitive: jaaregol. saytorɗ
saytorɗinde; compare: nafude.
Participles: sing: jaaraaɗo-jaareteeɗo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaaraaɓe-jaareteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jaatagol Noun. analyse; analysis. ***: kiinyal.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être félicité, jaatagol celluka Voir entrée principale : . expression.
loué, remercié; praised; thanked. A jaaraama analyse grammaticale; grammatical analysis.
ko mballuɗ
mballuɗaa kam mburtiimi ndiyam ɗam. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Sois remercié de m'avoir aidé à sortir de l'eau. jaati Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. exactement,
You are thanked for helping out of the water.
précisément; precisely; exactly. ***: fasii,
***: yetteede, ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, mawnineede,
pay, pasii, mennga; synonyms: mennga, pay.
teddineede, jammeede, toowneede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y.
2 • recevoir un surplus après achat; receive an Jaawanɗ
Jaawanɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
extra measure of something you are buying. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: Y,G. Noun: Jaawanɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
Noun. groupe de personnes qui souvent
jaartude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaartugol. travaillent comme commerçants; a group of
Participles: sing: jaartuɗo-jaartoowo plur: people that often work as merchants;
jaartuɓe-jaartooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, historically they served in Pular society as
ct, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. advisors to the rulers and ambassadors.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ***: Saadaajo; compare: Saadaajo.
1 • refroidir un liquide en enlevant un peu et le Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
versant encore dedans; to cool a liquid (like
"bita") by scooping some out and pouring it
jaawleere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
back into the container holding it. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: jaawleeje. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
2 • galop d'un cheval, galoper; canter or gallop Noun. œuf de pintade; Guinea Fowl egg.

a horse. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: ɓoccoonde; synonyms: ɓoccoonde.

Dialects: J,Y.
jaasal ɗuuɗ
uuɗeefi Variante: rafi ɗuuɗeefi. expression.
minorité; minority. Catégorie : Juridique.
synonyms: ɓurɓ
urɓe famɗ

16/02/2020 275
jaawngal jabbe

jaawngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. jaaƴ

jaaƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaaƴagol.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Participles: sing: jaaƴiiɗo-jaaƴotooɗo plur:
Noun: jaawle, jawle. Sorting Designation: 2, ah, jaaƴiiɓe-jaaƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
or. Variante: jawngal. Noun. pintade; ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Guinea-fowl. Guttera edouardi or Numida Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rentrer chez
meleagris. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. soi au crépuscule / nuit tombante, retour le
jaawngol Verb. être avivé; intensified. soir; go home at dusk. Joonin en acciran nii
nyallo men, mi jaaƴjaaƴoyto. Terminons notre
jaayal Noun. savane; Savannah. Catégorie : Terre. visite pour cet après-midi, je rentre car la nuit
synonyms: guyfal ɗo leɗɗ
ɗɗe keewi; va tomber. Let's end our visit this afternoon
***: guyfal. now, I am going home [because it is alsmost
dark]. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaayngol Noun. lumière; light. ***: foyre. Dialectal
Forms: yayngol. jaba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
jaayri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
Noun: jabaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of oignon; onion. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note :
Noun: jaayriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Bambara ***: albaccere; synonyms: albasal
Noun. étendue, surface, clairière, espace libre;
Dialects: J.
expanse. jaayri kammu clairière dans la
brousse. an expanse in the sky; an open place jabaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
in the bush where there are not many trees, a Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
clearing; the sky, air. ***: mbeeyu, feeya, of Noun: jabaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
njaayri; synonyms: ladde, njaayri. Dialects: G. synonyme: jawre. Noun. ourébi; oribi antelope.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Ourebia ourebi.
jaayrude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaayrugol.
***: joboore, borgaare, hampurde,
Participles: sing: jaayruɗo-jaayroowo plur:
hanfurde; synonyms: joboore;
jaayruɓe-jaayrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
compare: borgaare, hampurde. Dialectal
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Forms: [Y] jaboore. Dialects: G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rire de
quelqu'un, se moquer de quelqu'un; make fun jabaciiwa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
of someone; laugh at someone; mock. Ɓe Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
njaayrii kam sabo ɓe inndirii kam jom Noun: jabaciiwi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
jawdi mawɗ
mawɗo. Ils se sont moqués de moi en Noun. guib harnaché; bush-buck. Catégorie
m'appelant grand possesseur de bovins. They : Mammifère. Tragelaphus scriptus knutsoni.
were mocking me because they called me a big synonyms: njamaciiwa; ***: njamaciiwa.
cattle owner. ***: jaltinde, jalnoraade; Dialects: G.
synonyms: jalnoraade, jaltinde;
jabba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
compare: jalude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
jaayude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: the stative Noun: jabbaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
form na jaayi is never used!. Noun Form of long habit pour hommes avec manches;
Infinitive: jaayugol. Participles: sing: jaayɗo garment for men with sleeves. Catégorie
plur: jaayɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb : Vêtement. Note : arabe ***: forkiya, wolfo,
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or dollokke, toggoore, forgo, saaya;
Progressive: st. Verb. être sans valeur, synonyms: forkiya; compare: dollokke, forgo,
paresseux; lazy; worthless. saaya. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: jaasude; ***: jaasude. jabbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,M. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. petits trous dans le sol
fait pour semer des grains; small holes made
to plant grain in (see yabbere). Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 276
jabbere jaɓɓitaade

jabbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. jabe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Designation: 4. Noun. cartouches de fusil,
of Noun: jabbe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. balles de fusil; bullets; rifle cartridges.
Noun. 1 • poquets, petit trou dans le champs synonyms: jebe. Dialects: M.
pour semer fait avec un bâton ; a little hole one
makes with the "jabbirgal" for planting a seed jabetti Noun. diabète; diabetes. Catégorie : Maladie.
Note : français
of millet (or other grain). synonyms: gurral,
yabbere; ***: gurral, yabbere. Dialects: Y. jabiyaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
2 • plantation; planting. Dialects: G,M. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: jabiyaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
jabbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun. albinos; albino. Catégorie : La
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Personne. ***: moygaajo;
Noun: jabbirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. synonyms: moygaajo. Dialects: J.
Noun. 1 • longue houe utilisé pour faire des
trous dans le sol pour planter du mil; the long Jabuura Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
handled hoe used to make narrow holes when One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
planting millet. Catégorie : Outil. Noun: Jabuuraaji. Sorting Designation: 3, nbb.
***: ceblaare, yappuriire, sabgaare, jalo, Noun. 1 • le livre des Psaumes; book of the
dummbaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Psalms. Note : arabe ***: Aadi Kiinndi,
2 • manche de houe; handle of a hoe. Amaana Kiiɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: dummbaare, jalo, sabgaare, 2 • un psaume; Psalm. Note : arabe
yabbere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jabbitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jabbitagol. jaɓ

jaɓanngol Noun. fidélité; loyalty, fidelity,
Participles: sing: jabbitiiɗo-jabbitotooɗo faithfulness.
plur: jabbitiiɓe-jabbitotooɓe. Sorting jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaɓɓagol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: jaɓɓiiɗo-jaɓɓotooɗo plur:
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. jaɓɓiiɓe-jaɓɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Verb. sautiller; jump around.
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
***: maymaytude, tamtamtude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rediriger
yayyaytude, damdamtude; des animaux, ralentir des animaux en marche;
synonyms: maymaytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to turn animals back; or slow them down; often
in order to catch one of them.
jabbude Noun Form of Infinitive: jabbugol.
synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
Participles: sing: jabbuɗo-jabboowo plur:
fornyude, onngude, ooncude;
jabbuɓe-jabbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
***: sakkaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, onngude,
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
runnude, ooncude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire un
petit trou dans le sol pour planter du mil; the Dialects: J,G,M.
diging of a little hole in the ground in which to 2 • aider; help. Dialectal Forms: [J,G,M]
plant millet. ***: aawude, lokuure, jaɓɓanaade (helping someone with their
wannyondirde, duurude, durwude, safude; bag). Dialects: Y.
synonyms: aawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jaɓɓitagol.
2 • faire trébucher qqn lors d'une lutte; trip
Participles: sing: jaɓɓitiiɗo-jaɓɓitotooɗo
someone when wrestling. O jabbii o ɓeral. IL
plur: jaɓɓitiiɓe-jaɓɓitotooɓe. Sorting
l'a fait trébucher avec sa jambe. He tripped
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
him with his leg. Dialects: J.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
3 • faire que la calebasse fonce dans l'eau pour
Verb. 1 • intercepter, prendre au vol, aller
se remplir lorsqu'on puise de l’eau; to cause
rencontrer quelqu’un ou quelque chose,
the "lokuure" to lay down in the water when
aborder quelqu’un; go meet someone or
drawing water from a well so that it fills with
something; intercept; catch in the air. Mi
water. compare: duurude, durwude, lokuure,
yahan, mi jaɓɓ
ɓɓitoo weerɓ
weerɓe. Je vais
safude. Dialects: J.
rencontrer les visiteurs. I will go and meet the
visitors. synonyms: jakkitaade, sakkitaade;
***: jakkitaade, sakkitaade, gabaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 277
jaɓɓitagol jaharal yeeso jamaa
2 • attraper quelque chose qu'on te lance;
jaccude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaccugol.
catch something thrown to you. Si mi limnii
Participles: sing: jaccuɗo-jaccoowo plur:
ɗum fu njaɓɓ
itoɗaa. Lorsque je te le lance,
jaccuɓe-jaccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
attrape-le. If I throw it, catch [it].
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
compare: fotundurde, hawrude;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être court,
synonyms: gabaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
manquer de, ne pas suffire; short (to be); lack
ɓɓitagol Noun. interception; interception. the strength to finish a job; lack. O fuɗɗ
jaɓɓ gollude ɗum de o jacci, o yoppiri noon. Il a
ɓɓowaade Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Verb
commencé le travail mais puis le gaz manquait
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or pour finir le travail. He started to do this but he
Progressive: prg. Verb. aller quelque part pour ran out of gas and left it like this.
contrôler les animaux; control the animals (to synonyms: ŋakkude
akkude, nyakude.
go somewhere to). ***: haybude, ndaarude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuumtaade, hiimanaade, hiinnaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jagganaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jagganagol.
Participles: sing: jagganiiɗo-jagganotooɗo
jaɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jaɓegol. plur: jagganiiɓe-jagganotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: jaɓaaɗo-jaɓeteeɗo plur: Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
jaɓaaɓe-jaɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Verb. 1 • être avec le patron ou le chef; to be
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être with the one you work for or with the chief.
accepté; accepted. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: ɗowtanaade, battaade, jamrude,
jokkude, tokkude, jaɓ
jaɓude, haɓɓ
jaɓnude synonyme: nannginde hakkillo. Verb.
convaincre; to convince, persuade. synonyms: battaade. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • obéir à Dieu; obey God.
jaɓtude Verb. reprendre, retirer; withdraw; take pack.
synonyms: ɗowtanaade, haɓɓ
ɓɓaade, jaɓ
Dialectal Forms: japtude.
jokkude, tokkude. Dialects: Y,G.
jaɓtugol Noun. retrait, récupération; recovery; jah Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection
withdrawal. Dialectal Forms: heɓtugol. pour appeler des chèvres; an interjection used
jaɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: jaɓugol. to call goats. Dialects: J,G.
Participles: sing: jaɓuɗo-jaɓoowo plur: jahaangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
jaɓuɓe-jaɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Noun: jahaale. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • prendre quelque 1 • voyage, excursion, déplacement; trip;
chose de la main de quelqu'un, saisir, journey; voyage. Catégorie : Voyager.
accepter; seize; accept; take something from ***: mbeerka, beerka, yahude;
someone's hand. ***: ɗowtanaade, synonyms: beerka, mbeerka.
jagganaade, nanngude, nyiggude, yanude1, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jamrude, teetude, ɓamtude, hooƴ hooƴude, 2 • groupe de voyage; traveling party.
gabitaade, ittude, doolɗ
doolɗude, yarraade, Hannden mi yi'ii jahaangal keewngal de mi
jamrude; synonyms: ɓamtude, doolɗ
doolɗude, anndaa to ɓe ponndii. Aujourd'hui j'ai vu un
gabitaade, hooƴ
hooƴude, jamrude, nanngude, grand groupe de voyage mais je ne sais pas où
teetude, yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ils allèrent. Today I saw a large group
2 • être d'accord avec, accepter; agree with; traveling together, but I don't know where they
accept. compare: ittude; were going. compare: buulol.
synonyms: ɗowtanaade, jagganaade, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jamrude, yarraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jahannama Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
jaɓugol Noun. discipline; discipline. Designation: 3, th. Noun. enfer; hell. Note :
hébreu/arabe synonyms: ɓunndu yiite;
jaccitingol Noun. agonie, épuisement; exhaustion; compare: laakara. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Jahannama enfer; hell. ***: laakara, ɓunndu yiite.
jaharal yeeso jamaa expression. progrès de
l’humanité; progress of humanity.

16/02/2020 278
jahdodinal jakkitaade

jahdodinal synonyme: nootondiral. Noun. accord; jakkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jakkagol.
agreement. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Participles: sing: jakkiiɗo-jakkotooɗo plur:
***: yarda. jakkiiɓe-jakkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
jahe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Designation: 2, in. Noun. scorpions; scorpions. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • bloquer,
empêcher d'arriver, empêcher de se passer,
***: jehe; synonyms: jehe. Dialects: J,G,M.
obstruer, endiguer, arrêter; block; stop
jahoowo Noun. voyageur, marcheur; walker; something from happening; dam. Hikka ɓe
passenger; traveler. Catégorie : Voyager. ngaɗ
ngaɗii baraasi faa ɓe njakkoo ndiyam.
jahoowo jahaangal Noun. voyageur; traveler. Cette année ils ont fait un barrage pour
Catégorie : Voyager. endiguer l'eau. This year they put in a dam to
stop the water. O jakkeke baali makko taa ɗi
jaka Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ainsi, donc;
kawrita e baali am. Il a empêché ses moutons
so; so then. Jaka o warii de a haalanaay kam? de se mêler avec mes moutons. He stopped his
Donc il est venu mais tu ne m'as rien dit ? So sheep from mixing with my sheep.
he came but you didn't tell me? ***: de1, synonyms: faddaade, falude; ***: haɗhaɗude,
ndelle, delle; synonyms: de2, ndelle. faddaade, faddaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • surveiller, protéger, se garder de; guarding
2 • même, même si, bien que; even though; against sin.; guard. Nyannde fuu sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe ɓe
even if; even. Jaka a waawaa ɓirude de na njakkoo taa kulle naata gese muɓɓ
mbiiɗaa kam aɗ aɗa waawi ɓirude. Bien que tu Chaque jour les enfants surveille les animaux
ne sais pas traire (une vache) tu m'as dit que tu pour qu'ils n'entrent pas les champs. Every
sais le faire. Even though you can't milk you day the children diligently gaurd against the
told me you could milk. This word tends to animals getting into their fields. this verb is
have negative or accusatory overtones. As much more active than "doomude or reenude",
such it often serves as an intensifying adverb. involving a vigorous prevention of something
synonyms: fay si. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] jako, [Y] happening; synonyms: faddaade, haɗ haɗude.
jake. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jakawalle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting jakkanaade hoore muuɗ
muuɗum masiiba
Designation: 4. Noun. cuivre; copper. ***: kire; njuwuɗ
njuwuɗo ɗum expression. légitime
synonyms: kire. Dialects: J,Y. défense; self-defence, legitimate defence.
Catégorie : Juridique.
jakka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of jakkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jakkitagol.
Noun: jakkaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Participles: sing: jakkitiiɗo-jakkitotooɗo
Noun. dîme, un dixième; tithe. Note : arabe plur: jakkitiiɓe-jakkitotooɓe. Sorting
***: sadaka, sappoɓ
sappoɓerde; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: sappoɓ
sappoɓerde; compare: sadaka. Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. aller rencontrer quelqu'un; meet
someone (to go). Mi yahan, mi
jakkitoo/jakkitowoo beero am. Je vais aller
pour rencontrer mon visiteur. I will go in order
to meet my guest. - OR. Mi
jakkitoto/jakkitowoto beero am. Je vais
aller rencontrer mon visiteur. I will go meet
my guest. in the first example there is an
implied "faa" - "Mi yahan faa mi jakkitoo" so
the subjunctive is used. In the second the
normal general incomplete is used. The
difference between jakitaade & jakitowaade is
one of distance. If you have to go a long way
to meet someone use the -ow- infix.
***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, hawrude, fotundurde,
sakkitaade; synonyms: jaɓɓ
sakkitaade; compare: fotundurde, hawrude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 279
jakkitingol jalo

jakkitingol Noun. débilité; debility. Catégorie Jaljalloore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
: Maladie. Designation: 4. Noun. la langue fulfuldé de la
jalbude Noun Form of Infinitive: jalbugol. région de Douenza au Mali; The Fulfulde of
the Jaljallo clan of eastern Mali; in the
Participles: sing: jalbuɗo-jalboowo plur:
Douentza area. synonyms: Jalluɓ
jalbuɓe-jalbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
***: Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere. Dialects: J,Y.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. briller, refléter la jallinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jallinagol.
lumière; shine brightly; reflect light. Participles: sing: jalliniiɗo-jallinotooɗo plur:
***: ɗelkude, laaɓ
laaɓude, yaynude; jalliniiɓe-jallinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: ɗelkude; compare: laaɓ
laaɓude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
yaynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être drôle,

jalɓi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
amusant; funny. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, da, dh. Noun. parasites Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
intérieurs, vers, amibes; amoeba; worms; Designation: 4, lg. Noun. langue fulfuldé parlé
internal parasites. Catégorie : Animaux dans la région de Douenza au Mali; The
inférieurs. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Fulfulde of the Jaljallo clan of eastern Mali; in
jalɓol Noun. ascaris; roundworm. Catégorie
the Douentza area. ***: Gurmaare, Jelgoore,
: Animaux inférieurs. Foynankoore, Maasinankoore, Gaawoore,
synonyms: gilngu-
gilngu-reedu. Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Yaangaare,
Moosiire, Yaagaare, Jaljalloore;
jalɓu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
compare: Foynankoore, Gaawoore
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
Gurmaare, Jelgoore, Liptaakuure,
Noun: jalɓi. Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh.
Maasinankoore, Moosiire, Nommaare,
Noun. parasite intérieur, ver; worm; internal
Yaagaare, Yaangaare; synonyms: Jaljalloore.
parasite. synonyms: njalɓ
njalɓu; ***: njalɓ
Dialects: J,Y.
nyapilegew; compare: ngilngu, njoola.
Dialects: G. jalninii adj. qui est drôle; odd; funny.
jaldiiɗo Noun. qui consente, consentement; consent. jalnoraade Noun Form of Infinitive: jalnoragol.
Participles: sing: jalnoriiɗo-jalnorotooɗo
jaleengo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting
plur: jalnoriiɓe-jalnorotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. rires; laughter.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Jaljallo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Verb. rire de quelqu'un, se moquer de
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of quelqu'un; make fun of some one; laugh at
Noun: Jalluɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. someone; mock. ***: jaltinde, jaayrude
1 • un clan de Fulbé dans la région de Douenza synonyms: jaayrude, jaltinde. Dialectal
au Mali; clan of Fulɓe in the area of Douentza; Forms: jannoraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Mali. ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo, Kelli,
jalnude Noun Form of Infinitive: jalnugol.
Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo, Liptaaku,
Participles: sing: jalnuɗo-jalnoowo plur:
Gurmaajo, Kelliijo, Jelgooji, Foy, Moosiijo,
jalnuɓe-jalnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Yaaga, Yaangaajo, Foynanke.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. être drôle, amusant,
2 • un membre du clan de Jaljallo; member of
faire des choses drôles, faire rire les gens;
the Jaljallo clan. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
funny (to be). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • la région du clan de Jaljallo; area that the
Jaljallo clan lives in. compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, jalo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Foynanke, Foy, Gurmaajo, Jelgoowo, Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Jelgooji, Kelliijo, Kelli, Liptaaku, Noun: jale. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun.
Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo, Nommaajo, Siiɓ Siiɓe,
houe, daba à longue manche; hoe. Catégorie
Yaagaajo, Yaaga, Yaangaajo, Yaanga. : Agriculture, Outil. ***: ceblaare,

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yappuriire, sabgaare, dummbaare,

jabbirgal; compare: dummbaare, jabbirgal,
sabgaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 280
jaltijaltinde jammba

jaltijaltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jaltijaltingol. jaman Noun. torche enflammée; burning torch.
Participles: sing: jaltijaltinɗo-jaltijaltinoowo jamba Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
plur: jaltijaltinɓe-jaltijaltinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. traîtrise, trahison;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
treachery; betrayal. compare: nyaŋ
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: nyaŋ
nyaŋre. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] jambi, [M]
Verb. rire de tout; laugh at everything.
jambu - some say "zambu". Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jambaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jambagol.
jaltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jaltingol.
Participles: sing: jambiiɗo-jambotooɗo
Participles: sing: jaltinɗo-jaltinoo plur:
plur: jambiiɓe-jambotooɓe. Sorting
jaltinɓe-jaltinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rire de
Verb. trahir, tromper, duper, être malhonnête
quelqu'un, se moquer de qqn; fun of some one
envers qqn; dishonest with someone; deceive;
(to make); laugh at someone; mock.
betray. ***: hiilude, sarnude, hujjaade,
synonyms: jaayrude, jalnoraade;
juhude; synonyms: hiilude, hujjaade, juhude,
***: jalnoraade, jaayrude. Dialectal
sarnude. Dialectal Forms: jammbaade.
Forms: jannoraade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaltoowo Noun. qui sort; that gets out.
jambeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jambegol.
jalude Noun Form of Infinitive: jalugol. Participles: sing: jambaaɗo-jambeteeɗo
Participles: sing: jaluɗo-jaloowo plur: plur: jambaaɓe-jambeteeɓe. Sorting
jaluɓe-jalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Progressive: prg. Verb. rire; laugh. Verb. être trahi, être déçu; betrayed (to be);
***: moosude, ɗiccorɗ
iccorɗinde, wajude, deceived (to be). ***: fenaneede, eyteede,
hekude, jaayrude
jaayrude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sarneede, fewaneede; synonyms: eyteede,
fewaneede, hiileede, sarneede.
jam Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1, th. n/interj. paix, joie, bonheur,
santé; joy; health; peace; happiness. jamɗ
jamɗal Noun. santé; health.
***: potal1, ndeenaagu, marhabaa,
jamɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. métaux,
rewrude1, batidal, dewral; synonyms: dewral,
métal; metals. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
marhabaa, ndeenaagu, potal1;
compare: rewrude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jamhoonyoldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu.
jam yimɓ
yimɓe fu expression. ordre public; public order,
public peace, social order. Catégorie Plural Form of Noun: jamkoonyooli. Sorting
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. escargot; snail.
Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
jamaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number ***: yerganaaru, daamihoonyoldu;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: daamihoonyoldu, yerganaaru.
Noun: jamaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialectal Forms: [M] jamahoonyoldu.
foule de personnes, public, assistance, groupe
social, peuple; audience; crowd of people; Dialects: J.

public. Note : arabe ***: nimɓ

nimɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe, jamiral synonyme: yamiroore, njamirka, ko tilsi.
himɓe; synonyms: yimɓ
yimɓe. Dialectal Forms: [M] Noun. impératif; imperative. Catégorie : La
jamaare, [J,Y,G] jama'a. Dialects: J,Y,M. Grammaire. synonyms: yamirɗ

jamaanu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. jamirooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 3, th. Noun. commandements;
Noun: jamaanuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. commandments. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. une génération, monde, époque; world;
jammba Noun. tromperie, escroquerie, complot,
generation; era. Note : arabe ***: zamaanu; fraude; deceit; swindle; fraud. Catégorie
synonyms: zamaanu
zamaanu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Juridique. ***: fiildu2.
jamaanuuji Noun. époques, temps; period; era; times.

16/02/2020 281
jammba wottooji jammude

jammba wottooji synonyme: jammba ley woteeji. jammeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jammegol.
expression. fraude électorale; electoral fraud. Participles: sing: jammaaɗo-jammeteeɗo
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
plur: jammaaɓe-jammeteeɓe. Sorting
jammbaade Verb. tromper; mislead; deceive; cheat. Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialectal Forms: jambaade. Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être félicité (gens); praised.
jammbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: yetteede, ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, mawnineede,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
teddineede, toowneede; synonyms: jaareede,
of Noun: jammbe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
mawnineede, ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, teddineede,
1 • hache; axe. Catégorie : Outil.
toowneede, yetteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: kukuruwal, ceblaare, yappuriire,
coppirgal, soppirde, sabgaare, jammere Plural Form of Noun: jamme. Noun. tamarin;
dummbaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tamarind. Catégorie : Nourriture.
2 • tête de hache; the axe head. synonyms: yetamere.
synonyms: coppirgal, soppirde; jammi synonyme: jetaɓi. Noun. tamarinier; tamarind
compare: dummbaare, kukuruwal, sabgaare. tree. Catégorie : Arbres. tamarindus indica.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialectal Forms: jamme.

jammbere konko Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de jammo Noun. feuille de tamarinier ; leaves of tamarind
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. tree. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
Plural Form of Noun: jammbe konkooje. d’une plante.

Sorting Designation: 4, in. Noun. mante jammooje nataaɗ

nataaɗe synonyme: jammooje leydi
religieuse; mantis. Catégorie : Insecte. nataaɗe . Noun. armoiries; emblem.
***: lonngere gujjo, dondonnguwal;
jammoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: dondonnguwal, lonngere gujjo.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: G.
of Noun: jammooje. Sorting Designation: 1.
jammbi Noun. trahison; treason; treachery. Noun. le nom de famille; family name.
jammbotooɗo Noun. trompeur, escroc; crook; ***: soowoore, innde, santere1, yaasoore;
swindler. compare: innde, santere1, soowoore,
yaasoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jammbu Noun. tromperie, escroquerie; deceit;
cheating; swindle; fraud. jammoore kuttorgol Noun. devise; motto, slogan.
jammbuure1 Noun. hache; axe. Catégorie : Outil. jammoore leydi synonyme: kuttorgol leydi.
expression. devise nationale; national motto.
jammbuure2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Catégorie : Gouvernement, Le langage et la
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural pensée.
Form of Noun: jammbuuje. Sorting
jammoore nataande expression. emblème,
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • crochet; hook.
armoirie; emblem. Catégorie
***: awirgal, mamaruwol; : Gouvernement.
synonyms: mamaruwol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jammude Noun Form of Infinitive: jammugol.
2 • à Sebba cela désigne la ligne de pêche et
l'hameçon; in Sebba this refers to the fishing Participles: sing: jammuɗo-jammoowo plur:
pole; the line; and the hook. synonyms: awirgal. jammuɓe-jammooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. féliciter
jamme Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting quelqu’un, louer; praise; compliment
Designation: 3, pl. Noun. tamarin (fruit et someone. ***: yettude, jaaraade, welnande,
arbre); tamarind tree and fruit. Catégorie
aaƴude, anndande; synonyms: jaaraade,
: Arbres. Dialects: J,M.
aaƴude, yettude; compare: anndande,
welnande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 282
jamolɗinde janjinooji takkaaɗi

jamolɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jamolɗingol. jande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number
Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of
Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Noun: jandeeji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Progressive: st - na jamolɗi. Verb. 1 • marbré, leçon, enseignement; lesson; teaching.
tacheté, pommelé, moucheté (couleurs de robe ***: soortewol; synonyms: soortewol.
/ pelage de bœufs); mottled; dappled. Dialectal Forms: [M] jannde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
***: waagiɗ
waagiɗinde, malliɗ
malliɗinde, noorɗ
jangirde Noun Form of Infinitive: jangirgol.
herɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: jangirɗo-jangiroowo plur:
2 • taches en couleur sur des vêtements; Spots
or patches of color on articles of clothing; e.g.: jangirɓe-jangirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
saaya njamala/spotted robe or dress; forgo mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jamalo/spotted shirt or blouse; disaare Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. sentir une
jamalde/spotted skirt. The adjectives for the douleur physique; pain (to feel physical).
applicable noun classes are formed from this synonyms: naaweede; ***: naaweede.
verb, these are prefered over the participle
Dialects: J,Y,M.
forms - Group I nde/jamalde, ndu/jamaldu,
nge/jamale Group II ɗe/jamale, ɗi/jamali, jangoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
ɗum/jamalum, kol/jamalo, ngal/jamalal, Designation: 4, mt. Noun. douleur localisé,
ngel/jamalel, o/jamalo Group III ka/njamala,
douleur, blessure; hurt; localized pain. Taa
ko2/njamalo, koy/njamaloy, ndi/njamaldi,
nga/njamala, ngi/njamali, ngu/njamalu. meemu ɗum, a ɓeydan jangoro. Ne le
touche pas, sinon tu causes encore plus de
compare: herɗ
herɗude, noorɗ
noorɗude. Dialectal
douleurs. Don't touch it, you will make it hurt
Forms: [Y,G] jamalɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
worse. synonyms: naawalla. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jamrude Noun Form of Infinitive: jamrugol.
janjannguuru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur:
Participles: sing: jamruɗo-jamroowo plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
jamruɓe-jamrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Form of Noun: janjannguuji. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. espèce de roussette;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • prendre bat (fruit); fruit bat. Catégorie : Mammifère.
qqch de la main de qqn, accepter; accept; take
Epomophorus gambianus. ***: poolel
something from someone's hand. ***: jaɓjaɓude,
garuuje. Dialects: G.
jaɓude; synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude, gabitaade,
jaɓude, teetude, yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. janjere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number
2 • être d'accord avec, accepter; agree with; One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of
accept. synonyms: ɗowtanaade, jagganaade, Noun: janjereeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
jaɓude, yarraade; compare: hooƴ
hooƴude, ittude,
célébration très animée; celebration; wild
nanngude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
party; party. synonyms: fijo; ***: fijo,
weltaare. Dialects: J,Y.
janal naange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge. Sorting
Designation: yanude. Noun. le coucher du
janjinde Noun Form of Infinitive: janjingol.
soleil; sunset. synonyms: futuro. Participles: sing: janjinɗo-janjinoowo plur:
janjinɓe-janjinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
janano Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • conseiller,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of recommander, essayer de convaincre; advise;
Noun: jananɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. convince. ***: huyude, weltaade, fijude,
étranger; stranger. Catégorie : La Personne. jartinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: koɗ
koɗo, beero; compare: beero; 2 • célébrer; celebrate; party.
synonyms: koɗ
koɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: manude; synonyms: fijude, huyude,
jananum Noun. qui vient d'ailleurs; that comes from jartinde, weltaade. Dialects: J,Y.
janjingol Noun. ambiance; ambiance, atmosphere.
janarma Noun. gendarme; gendarme. Catégorie
janjinnde Verb. animer; liven up.
: Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français

jandarmeri emprunt: français. Noun. gendarmerie; janjinooji takkaaɗ

takkaaɗi Noun. affiche publicitaire;
advertising poster.
gendarmerie, police station. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 283
jannde janngoowo

jannde Noun. leçon, enseignement, formation, science; janngaro Noun. douleur; hurt; pain. Catégorie
training; lesson; teaching. Catégorie : Maladie. Dialectal Forms: jangaro.
: Apprendre. synonyms: anndal, janngannde.
janngidgol renndaango synonyme: taro
jannde anndal tergal anatomie; anatomy. renndaango. Noun. lecture collective;
Catégorie : Le corps. collective reading. Catégorie : Lecture /
synonyms: mbaadi-
terɗe. écriture.

jannde ɓii-
ii-leydiyaaku expression. éducation jannginde Noun Form of Infinitive: janngingol.
civique; civil education. Catégorie : Le Participles: sing: jannginɗo-jannginoowo
langage et la pensée.
plur: jannginɓe-jannginooɓe. Sorting
jannde gunndaande expression. lecture Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
silencieuse; silent reading. Catégorie : Lecture Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
/ écriture. Verb. enseigner, faire étudier, former; study (to
jannde haala expression. linguistique; linguistics. cause to); train (to); teach. ***: dartinde,
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. anndinde, ne'ude, ekintinde, wi'ande,
waajaade; synonyms: wi'ande;
jannde haalaaji finaatawa expression.
alphabétisation; literacy. Catégorie compare: waajaade, birude, ne'ude. Dialectal
: Apprendre. Forms: jannginnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jannde jannginoowo expression. lecture janngingol no nyaamnirtee Noun. éducation

magistrale; brilliant reading. Catégorie nutritionnelle; nutrition education. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. synonyms: taro : Apprendre.
seernaawo. jannginoowo Noun. enseignant, formateur,
enseignement; trainer; teacher. Catégorie
jannde laaɓ
laaɓunde Noun. lecture courante; current
reading. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. : Apprendre. ***: musel, karansambaajo.
synonyms: taro regiingo. janngirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
jannde leeɓ
leeɓunde expression. lecture expressive; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
expressive reading. Catégorie : Lecture / of Noun: janngirɗe. Sorting Designation: 1.
écriture. Noun. école, salle de classe; school; classroom.
Catégorie : Apprendre, Bâtiment.
jannde neɗɗ
ɗɗo gooto expression. lecture synonyms: lekkol, madarasa; ***: madarasa,
individuelle; individual reading .
lekkol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
janndi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe.
janngirde harfu harfu expression. déchiffrer;
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
decipher, decrypt, unravel.
Noun: janɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
métal, fer; metal; iron. ***: alhan, njamndi; janngirdu Noun. classe; class, category.
synonyms: njamndi; compare: alhan, synonyms: fedde.
danndaku, fuufa, mbudu. Dialects: G. janngitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: janngitagol.
janng-a synonyme: tar-a. Verb. lire; to read. Catégorie Participles: sing: janngitiiɗo-janngitotooɗo
: Lecture / écriture. plur: janngitiiɓe-janngitotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
na-juula Noun. libellule; dragonfly; damsel
fly. Catégorie : Insecte. Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. relire quelque chose plusieurs fois pour
janngande Noun Form of Infinitive: janngangol. mémoriser; reread something a number of
Participles: sing: jannganɗo-jannganoowo times. ***: dursitaade; synonyms: dursitaade.
plur: jannganɓe-jannganooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
janngoowo Noun. lecteur, apprenant; reader; learner.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Catégorie : Apprendre.
Verb. lire à quelqu'un; read to someone.
Njannganaa en fillowol "Hamboɗ
"Hamboɗeejo e
Faatimata." Read to us the story of
"Hamboɗeejo e Faatimata." Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
janngannde Noun. leçon; lesson. Catégorie
: Apprendre. ***: jannde.

16/02/2020 284
janngude jarnirgal

janngude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: jappaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
"imo janngi" refers to how someone is - he Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
has read a lot and is thus knowledgeable. Noun: jappaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
Noun Form of Infinitive: janngugol. Noun. cordonnier, tanneur; tanner; cobbler;
Participles: sing: jannguɗo-janngoowo plur:
leather worker. Catégorie : Travailleur. Note :
mooré ***: gargasaajo, kosoojo, gargasaajo,
jannguɓe-janngooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
zappaajo, maabo, koosaajo;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
compare: koosaajo, kosoojo, maabo;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • lire;
synonyms: gargasaajo, zappaajo. Dialects: Y.
read. ***: ekitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • étudier; to study. compare: ekitaade, jappe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
taalibaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: jappeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
jannguɗo laaluwaaji Noun. juriste; lawyer; jurist. Noun. coussinet placé sur le dos d'un animal
Catégorie : Travailleur.
pour protéger (ex. sous la selle); pad placed on
janngugol soorte expression. lecture; reading. the back of a horse. ***: kirke, wawlaare;
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: taro. synonyms: kirke, wawlaare. Dialects: J,Y,G.

jannjinde Verb. animer; animate; liven up. japtude Verb. reprendre, retirer; withdraw; take back.
Dialectal Forms: jaɓtude.
jansooguuru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural jaram Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗi.
Form of Noun: jansooguuji. Sorting Number One for this noun: gootam. Plural Form
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. anguille (qui reste of Noun: jaramaaji. Sorting Designation: 2.
dans le sol pendant la saison sèche); eel which Noun. boisson, liquide buvable; drinkable
burrows into the mud during the dry season. liquid; drink. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Catégorie : Poisson. ***: mboonaawu; ***: njareteeɗ
njareteeɗam, njaram, jareteeɗ
synonyms: mboonaawu. Dialects: G. synonyms: jareteeɗ
jareteeɗam, njaram, njareteeɗ
Dialects: G.
jantal Noun. lévirat; levirate. Catégorie : Relations
humaines. jardiiɗ
jardiiɗo Noun. volontaire; voluntary, volunteer.
jantanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jantanagol. jareeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Participles: sing: jantaniiɗo-jantantooɗo Designation: 3, at. Noun. canine (dent); canine
plur: jantaniiɓe-jantantooɓe. Sorting teeth. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialectal
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Forms: jareere, yareere. Dialects: J.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. jareere Noun. canine (dent); canine tooth. Dialectal
Verb. raconter, énumérer ses vertus /talents /
fautes ou réussites; enumerate; recount. Forms: jareeje, yareere.

Jantanam ko Umaru waɗ

waɗi e ley jamaanu jareteeɗ
jareteeɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
muuɗum. Raconte ce que Oumarou a fait Designation: 2. Noun. liquide buvable, boisson;
dans sa génération. Recount what Umaru did drinkable liquid; drink. Catégorie : Nourriture.
in his generation. ***: mantaade, mantaade, ***: njareteeɗ
njareteeɗam, njaram, jaram;
limtude, manude; compare: limtude, synonyms: jaram, njaram, njareteeɗ
manude, mantaade. Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
janti Noun. jante; rim; wheel. Note : français jarnirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
japagariire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɓe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of

Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun: jarnirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. abreuvoir pour animaux; trough for
Noun: japagariije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
watering animals. Catégorie : Récipient.
veuve, veuf, divorcé(e) avec des enfants et en
âge de se remarier; widow/widower or ***: yarnirgal, akalal; synonyms: akalal,
divorced. Catégorie : La Personne. Note : yarnirgal; compare: nyaamrugal.
Gourmanche synonyms: gortaalo, maayraaɗ
maayraaɗo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deekum; ***: gortaalo
gortaalo, maayraaɗ
deekum, maayraaɗ
maayraaɗo gorum. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 285
jarribaade jataade
2 • persécution; persecution. Note : arabe
jarribaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jarribagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: jarribiiɗo-jarribotooɗo
3 • punition; punishment. Note : arabe
plur: jarribiiɓe-jarribotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 4 • teste; test. Note : arabe compare: saƴƴ
Verb. 1 • persécuter; persecute. Note : arabe synonyms: halkere, jukkoore, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
***: luttinde, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, halkude, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, torra. Dialectal Forms: [M] jarlibe, [G]
jukkude, ndaartindaade, horude, jarraba, [J] jarriba. Dialects: J,Y,G.
husinbinde, furaade, torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, jarribeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jarribegol.
jurkude, gaccaade, jukkaade, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, Participles: sing: jarribaaɗo-jarribeteeɗo
tiinnande, riibande, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, jukkaade, plur: jarribaaɓe-jarribeteeɓe. Sorting
torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, jukkude, tiinnande, Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
toonyaade, husinbinde, riibande; Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, Verb. être persécuté, puni, tenté, testé,
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude, gaccaade, tourmenté, torturé; tortured; persecuted;
toonyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G. punished; tormented; tempted; tested. Note :
2 • tourmenter, torturer; torture; torment. Note arabe synonyms: jukkeede; ***: jukkeede.
: arabe synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, Dialectal Forms: [M] jarlibeede. Dialects: J,Y,G.
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude, jartinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jaritingol.
jukkaade, jukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G. Participles: sing: jaritinɗo-jaritoowo
3 • punir; punish. Si suka maa waɗ
waɗii ko boni plur: jaritinɓe-jaritooɓe. Sorting
sanaa jarriboɗ
jarriboɗaa o seeɗ
seeɗa faa o mimsita Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
ɗum. Si ton enfant agit mal, il faut le punir Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
légèrement pour qu'il le regrette. If you child imo jarita. Verb. être heureux, joyeux, se
does wrong you should punish him a little so réjouir, sauter de joie; run and skip with joy;
he regrets it. Note : arabe synonyms: halkude, rejoice; happy; excited. War, yuurna sukaaɓ
jukkaade, jukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G. na njarita ley ƴuwoonde. Viens voir les
4 • essayer de faire du tort pour tester; to tempt enfants qui courent et sautent de joie sous la
to do wrong as a test. Note : arabe pluie. Come, look at the children running and
synonyms: ndaartindaade, horude, jurkude. skipping in the rain. ***: welweltinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G. moymoytude, muymuytude, janjinde;
5 • tester, entraîner; test; train. Jannginoowo synonyms: fijude, huyude, janjinde,
ina jarriboo janngooɓ
janngooɓe faa o ndaara moy moymoytude, muymuytude, weltaade,
ɓuri janngude hakkunde maɓɓ
ɓɓe. welweltinde; compare: seyaade. Dialectal
L'enseignement teste les enfants pour voir qui Forms: [J] jaritinde. Dialects: J,Y.
a bien travaillé. The teacher tests the students
to see who is studying the hardest among them. jataade Noun Form of Infinitive: jatagol.
Si a waɗ
waɗaama sordaasi fu, sanaa
sanaa Participles: sing: jatiiɗo-jatotooɗo plur:
njarribe ɗaa haddu hitaande. Si tu fais une jatiiɓe-jatotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
formation de soldat tu dois t'entraîner pendant Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
une année. If you are made a soldier you must Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • penser, planifier,
undergo training for a year. Note : arabe réfléchir; plan; think. ***: dimmude,
synonyms: ndaartindaade, horude, furaade; tuumude, haykaade, miijaade, ndolaade,
compare: luttinde, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa. Dialectal jikkude, anniyaade, sikkude, dimmude,
Forms: [M] jarlibaade. Dialects: J,Y,G. tammisaade, jikkude, sikkude, miilaade,
jarribe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number dimmude, miijaade, miijaade, miilaade,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of taafude, siwtorde, ngokkinde, sikkude,
Noun: jarribaaji or jarribeeji. Sorting miilaade, ɗammi'aade, yelaade, tijjaade,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • tentation; iimaade, sogude; synonyms: anniyaade,
temptation. Note : arabe ***: saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, aykaade, dimmude, miijaade, miilaade,
jukkoore, halkere, torra, torra. sikkude, siwtorde, jikkude. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 286
jate jawel
2 • être suspect, se méfier de; suspicious.
jawdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. Number
synonyms: anniyaade, aykaade, dimmude,
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
miijaade, miilaade, sikkude, sogude,
Noun: jawle. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
taafude, tuumude, jikkude. Dialects: J,Y. possessions, biens, richesses, fortune, bétail,
3 • espérer; hope. synonyms: anniyaade, ressource; livestock; riches; fortune;
aykaade, dimmude, miijaade, miilaade, possessions. ***: ceede, jineeji, buuɗ
sikkude, dimmude, miijaade, miilaade, suuraare, danyude, jogaade, aawdiiri,
miilude, sikkude, yelaade; heɓ
heɓindaade, ngalu, gineeji, faggudu, daliili,
compare: ɗammi'aade, ngokkinde, tijjaade. mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, kaalisi; compare: ceede, gineeji,
Dialects: J,Y. danyude, heɓ
heɓindaade, jogaade, kaalisi,
mbuuɗu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jate Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗe Note: This
word has both singular and plural jawdi allamaari synonyme: jawdi tawturuuri, jawdi
significance at the same time. plur: ɗi. tawaandi. Noun. ressource naturelle; natural
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of resource.
Noun: jateeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. jawdi kawtaandi Noun. bien commun; common
1 • pensée, plan; plan; thought. ***: miijo, good. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
seko, tuumo, seko, jikke, seko, sikke, sikke, jawdi laamu sarwiisi synonyme: jawdi leydi.
jikke, dimme, dimme, sikke, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, expression. trésor public; public purse, public
ndolo, miilo, anniya, hakkillo, dimme; treasury, government treasury. Catégorie
synonyms: dimme, miijo, miilo, seko, sikke. : Argent, Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y. jawdi ley leydi expression. ressource minière;
2 • méfiance, soupçon; suspicion. mineral resources. Catégorie : Le travail et
synonyms: dimme, miijo, miilo, seko, sikke. diverses activités, Terre.
Dialects: J,Y. jawdi suudu baaba expression. bien public,
3 • espérance, espoir; hope. synonyms: dimme, patrimoine public; public property, public
miijo, miilo, seko, sikke; compare: anniya, heritage. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
enndude, ngokka. Dialects: J,Y.
jawdi tawaturuuri expression. ressources
jaw Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très chaud; hot
naturelles; natural resources.
(very); very hot. na wuli jaw! it's very hot!
***: juk, taw, wulude; compare: wulude; jawdiri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
synonyms: de2, juk, taw. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Noun: jawɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
jawande Noun Form of Infinitive: jawangol. bélier; ram. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Participles: sing: jawanɗo-jawanoowo plur: compare: bortel, jawgel, mbaalu, mbortu;
jawanɓe-jawanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: njawdiri; ***: njawdiri. Dialects: G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jawɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crier sur
quelqu'un avec colère; shout at someone in Designation: 2, ah. Noun. béliers; rams.
anger. synonyms: dukande; Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: borbortude, felɓ
felɓude, hitaade, jawel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
tannyaade; ***: tannyaade, dukande, Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
dukande. Dialects: J,G,M. Noun: [J] njawoy/[G] jawoy. Sorting
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. anneau / biscuits
d'arachide, tourteau d'arachide; peanut ring.
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: kurakura,
kulikuli; synonyms: kulikuli, kurakura.
Dialects: J,G.

16/02/2020 287
jawga jeddi

jawga Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ko. jawtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jawtagol.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Participles: sing: jawtiiɗo-jawtotooɗo plur:
of Noun: jawko. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. jawtiiɓe-jawtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
gros bélier; ram (very large). Catégorie Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
: Mammifère. synonyms: jawgal, jawgi, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. défaire une
njawga, njawgi; ***: njawga, njawgi, jawgal, corde, dénatter une corde; unbraid a rope.
jawgi. Dialects: G. ***: hawude, fiitaade; synonyms: fiitaade,
hawude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jawgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of jawtuɗ
jawtuɗo Noun. défunt; deceased.
Noun: [J,Y,M] njawko/[G] jawko. Sorting
jawude Noun Form of Infinitive: jawugol.
Designation: 4. Noun. gros bélier; ram (a very
Participles: sing: jawuɗo-jawoowo plur:
large). ***: jawga, njawga, njawgi, jawgi;
jawuɓe-jawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
synonyms: jawga, jawgi, njawga, njawgi.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • parler à haute voix
jawgel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. en colère; speak loudly in anger.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of ***: borbortude, dukude, felɓ felɓude, tikkude
Noun: njawkoy. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. hitaade, ɓernude, wulude;
Noun. agneau mâle; male lamb; lamb (male). synonyms: borbortude, felɓfelɓude, hitaade,
Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: njawdiri, tannyaade. Dialects: J,G,M.
mbaala, jawdiri; compare: bortel, mbaalu, 2 • être en colère, fâché, contrarié; angry;
mbortu, njawdiri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. upset. synonyms: ɓernude, tikkude.
Dialects: J,G,M.
jawgi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gi plur: ko.
3 • utilisé pour des animaux lorsqu’ils
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
s'enfuient, têtu; used of animals when they
Noun: jawko. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. gros
break away and run off. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bélier; ram (very large). Catégorie
: Mammifère. ***: jawga, njawga, njawgi, jayɗ
jayɗo Noun. paresseux; lazy person.
jawgal; synonyms: jawga, jawgal, njawga, jayngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Number One
njawgi. Dialects: G. for this noun: gootol. Sorting Designation: 4.
jawle Noun. bovins; cattle. Catégorie : Élevage. Noun. lumière; light. compare: iilde, yaynaade;
synonyms: na'i. ***: njaynam, annoora, laytaade, torsaade,
iilde, yaynam, yaynaade, fooyre;
jawlel-jawlel Plural Form of Noun: jawloy-jawloy.
synonyms: annoora, njaynam, yaynam.
synonyme: dewtel-alla, dabidabiwal . Noun.
papillon; butterfly. Catégorie : Insecte. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jawngal Variante: jaawngal . Noun. pintade; jebe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Guinea-fowl. Catégorie : Élevage, Oiseau. Designation: 4. Noun. balles, cartouches pour
fusil; bullets; rifle cartridges. ***: jabe.
jawngal baggal Noun. pintadeaux; young guinea
Dialectal Forms: jabe. Dialects: J,Y,M.
fowl. Catégorie : Élevage. ***: ɓiɓɓe
jawngal. jeɓ
jeɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. pièce de, partie de; parts
jawnude Verb. aviver, animer; kindle; liven up.
of. synonyms: geɓ
geɓe. Dialects: Y.
Dialectal Forms: jannjinde, janjinnde.
jeɓee Noun. étapes; steps, stages.
jawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of jeddel-
jeddel-alla Plural Form of Noun: jeddoy-alla. Noun.
Noun: jawe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. gecko, salamandre; gecko, salamander.
bracelet; bracelet. Catégorie : Parure. Catégorie : Reptile. ***: palla-
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jeddi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. argument, dispute, débat,
discussion, controverse; dispute; argument;
controversy. synonyms: geddi, kalala;
***: kalala, geddi, yeddondirude;
compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 288
jeɗɗi jeenu

ɗɗi Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • sept (nombre jeelooba ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga
cardinal); seven. laɓ
laɓe jeɗɗ
ɗɗi geelooɗ
geelooɗi jeɗɗ
ɗɗi plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: goota.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural Form of Noun: jeeloobi ladde. Sorting
2 • septième; seventh. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, wl. Noun. girafe; giraffe.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Giraffa
ɗɗiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. camelopardalis reticulata. ***: tireewa;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form synonyms: njoolooba ladde, tireewa.
of Noun: jeɗɗiije. Sorting Designation: 1. Dialects: G.
Variante: jeɗɗire. Noun. semaine; week.
synonyms: aseere; ***: yontere, aseere.
jeelooɓi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. chameaux,
dromadaires; camels. Dialects: M.
ɗɗo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. sept (nombre
cardinal); seven. synonyms: njeɗɗ
jeenam Noun. feu de brousse; bush-fire.
***: njeɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: G. jeenay Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • neuf (nombre
ɗɗoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. sept (nombre cardinal); nine. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • neuvième; ninth. here are the ordinal
cardinal); seven. kulloy jeɗɗ
numbers for by noun class: Group I
synonyms: njeɗɗ
ɗɗ oy ; ***: njeɗɗ
ɗɗoy. Dialects: G. ɓe/jeenayaɓe, ko/jeenayaɓo,
jeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. nde/jeenayaɓerde, ndu/jeenayaɓurdu,
nge/jeenayaɓe, ngo/jeenayaɓo Group II
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
ɗe/jeenayaɓe, ɗi/jeenayaɓi, ɗum/jeenayaɓum,
Noun: jeɗuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. kal/jeenayaɓal, kol/jeenayaɓol,
partie de, portion de, part de; part of; portion; ngal/jeenayaɓal, ngel/jeenayaɓel,
share. ***: njeɗ
njeɗu; synonyms: baka, feccere1, ngol/jeenayaɓol, o/jeenayaɓo Group III
gere, geɗ
geɗu, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, yemre. ɗam/njeenayaɓam, ka/njeenayaɓa,
Dialects: G. ki/njeenayaɓi, ko/njeenayaɓo,
koy/njeenayaɓoy, ndi/njeenayaɓirdi,
jeegaɓo adj. sixième; sixth. nga/njeenayaɓa, ngi/njeenayaɓi,
jeegineeji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting ngu/njeenayaɓu. compare: njeenayo.
Designation: 4, mi. Noun. instruments à cordes Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
joué avec des arcs; stringed instruments jeenayo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. neuf; nine.
played with bows. Catégorie : Instrument de
jannginooɓe njeenayo synonyms: njeenayo;
musique. Dialects: J.
***: njeenayo. Dialects: G.
jeegom Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • six (nombre
jeenayoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. neuf; nine. lefoy
cardinal); six. ***: njeegomo.
jeenayoy synonyms: njeenayo;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: njeenayoy. Dialects: G.
2 • sixième; sixth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jeenndiɗ-a Verb. impair (être -); odd (be -). Catégorie
jeegomo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. six (nombre : Mathématique.
cardinal); six. na'o jeegomo
jeenu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
***: njeegomoy, njeegomo;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. adultère, fornication,
synonyms: njeegomo
njeegomo. Dialects: G. immoralité; fornication; adultery; immorality.
jeegoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. six (nombre Note : arabe ***: njeenu, zeenu;
cardinal); six. synonyms: njeegomoy. synonyms: njeenu, zeenu. Dialects: J,G.
Dialects: G.

jeelooba Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
Noun: jeelooɓi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. chameau, dromadaire; camel. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Camelus dromedarius.
***: njeelooba, njoolooba, ngeelooba;
synonyms: ngeelooba, njeelooba, njoolooba.
Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 289
jeenude Jelgoore

jeenude Noun Form of Infinitive: jeenugol. jefutaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jefutagol.
Participles: sing: jeenuɗo-jeenoowo plur: Participles: sing: jefutiiɗo-jefutotooɗo plur:
jeenuɓe-jeenooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. jefutiiɓe-jefutotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: f/p. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. commettre de Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. taquiner;
la fornication ou de l’adultère; adultery tease. ***: fuusaade, toolaade, leekude;
(commit); fornication (commit). synonyms: fuusaade, leekude, toolaade.
***: denjigaare, woykuuraaku, jaahili,
Dialects: Y,G.
annjaari, woykaade, zeenude, denjigaade,
yeenude, fijude; compare: denjigaade;
jehaaɗo Noun. parent, autochtone; relative; native.
synonyms: fijude, yeenude, zeenude. jehe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 2, in. Noun. 1 • scorpions;
jeetaare Noun. indépendance; independence. scorpions. Catégorie : Araignée. ***: jahe.
Catégorie : Juridique. ***: jeytugol hoorem. Dialects: Y.
2 • des pis (pl.); udders. synonyms: jahe.
jeetaare danyal synonyme: dawrande hoorem
Dialects: Y.
banngal riiku. expression. indépendance
économique; economic independence, jehre Noun. marché; market. synonyms: luumo;
economic self-sufficiency. Catégorie ***: luumo.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
jeldol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
jeetataɓo adj. huitième; eighth. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
jeetati Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • huit (nombre Noun: jeldi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
cardinal); eight. ***: jetti. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. excuse, raison pour avoir fait une faute; reason
2 • huitième; eighth. here are the various
for having made a mistake; excuse; plea.
ordinal numbers by noun class: Group I ***: geldol, ujuuru, sabaabu;
ɓe/jeetataɓe, ko/jeetataɓo, nde/jeetataɓerde, synonyms: geldol, sabaabu, ujuuru.
ndu/jeetataɓurdu, nge/jeetataɓe, ngo/jeetataɓo Dialects: J,Y.
Group II ɗe/jeetataɓe, ɗi/jeetataɓi,
ɗum/jeetataɓum, kal/jeetataɓal, kol/jeetataɓol, Jelgooji Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • clan peul
ngal/jeetataɓal, ngel/jeetataɓel, habitant dans la région de Djibo; a clan of
ngol/jeetataɓol, o/jeetataɓo Group III Fulɓe living in the Djibo area. ***: Nomma,
ɗam/njeetataɓam, ka/njeetataɓa, ki/njeetataɓi, Yaagaajo, Kelli, Jaljallo, Liptaaku, Foy,
ko/njeetataɓo, koy/njeetataɓoy,
Yaanga, Yaaga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndi/njeetataɓirdi, nga/njeetataɓa,
2 • région de Djibo; the Djibo area.
ngi/njeetataɓi, ngu/njeetataɓu. synonyms: jetti.
compare: Foy, Jaljallo, Kelli, Liptaaku,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Nomma, SiiɓSiiɓe, Yaaga, Yaanga.
jeetato Sorting Designation: 2. adj. huit (nombre Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cardinal); eight. ***: njeetato;
Jelgoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
synonyms: njeetato. Dialects: G.
Designation: 1, lg. Noun. dialecte fulfuldé de la
jeetatoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. huit (nombre région de Djibo; the dialect of Fulfulde spoken
cardinal); eight. keekoy jeetatoy by the Jelgooɓe of Djibo. ***: Gurmaare,
***: njeetatoy; synonyms: njeetatoy. Foynankoore, Maasinankoore, Gaawoore,
Dialects: G. Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Yaangaare,
Moosiire, Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
jeetol synonyme: ciftol. Noun. conte, fable, narration ;
story, folk-tale, fable, narration . Catégorie compare: Gaawoore, Gurmaare,
: Lecture / écriture. ***: ciftol
ciftol, tinndol, Foynankoore, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Liptaakuure,
pillitol. Maasinankoore, Moosiire, Nommaare,
Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 290
Jelgoowo jeydingol ɗemle

Jelgoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. jerondiral synonyme: tolnondiral. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of correspondance; correspondence. Catégorie
Noun: Jelgooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. : Lecture / écriture. ***: tolnondiral,
membre du clan Jelgoodji; member of the leeteere.
Jelgooji clan. ***: Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo, jerondirgol synonyme: jerondiral. Noun.
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo, Kelliijo, comparaison; comparison. Catégorie
Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke
Foynanke; : Mathématique, Le langage et la pensée.
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo, ***: yerondirol.
Jaljallo, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo,
jetaɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo.
Designation: 3, pl. Noun. tamariniers ou
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tamarins; tamarind trees or its fruits.
jelle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Tamarindus indica. Dialects: Y.
Designation: 3. Noun. villes ou cités; cities; jetami Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
towns. Dialects: M. One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
jelleeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Noun: jetame. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. fruits du palmier tamarinier; tamarind tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
doum; the fruits of the palm tree Hyphaene Tamarindus indica. synonyms: njammi;
thebaica (see yelleere). Catégorie : Parties ***: njammi, njetaɓ
njetaɓi; compare: yammere,
d’un végétal ou d’une plante. Dialects: Y,M. yetamere. Dialects: G,M.
jelol-haakowol Plural Form of jetti Sorting Designation: 1. adj. huit; eight. disaaje
Noun: jeli-haakolooji. Noun. foliole; leaflet. jetti cuuɗ
cuuɗi jetti synonyms: jeetati; ***: jeetati.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une Dialects: J.
jeyaaɗo Noun. ressortissant; national.
jelooki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of jeyal hoorem synonyme: ndimaaku senndikal.
expression. liberté syndicale; union freedom,
Noun: jelooɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
espèce d'arbuste; kind of sahelian shrub. trade-union freedom. ndeenaagu e ɓantaare
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Guiera nder gollal Catégorie : Gouvernement,
senegalensis. synonyms: ngelooki; Juridique.
***: ngelooki. Dialects: G. jeyal ko miilii yiiti expression. propriété
jemma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number intellectuelle; intellectual property, copyright,
intellectual ownership. Catégorie : Juridique.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: jemmaaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. jeydaaɗ
jeydaaɗum e innde synonyme: sete innde.
expression. groupe nominal; nominal group,
nuit; night. ***: isaa'i, hejjere, nimre,
noun phrase.
jenngude, safoko, hankin, niwre;
compare: hejjere, nimre, niwre, jenngude, jeydaaɗ
jeydaaɗum e mase expression. groupe voyelle;
safoko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. vowel cluster, vowel group. aei, uoa Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture.
jenngude Noun Form of Infinitive: jenngugol.
Participles: sing: jennguɗo-jenngoowo plur:
jeydaaɗum e tinndinoowal synonyme: e gollore.
expression. groupe verbal; verbal group.
jennguɓe-jenngooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arriver tard le jeydaaɗ
jeydaaɗum e ƴi'e expression. groupe de consonne;
soir; arrive late in the evening. ***: jemma, consonant clusters. md, nj, ng Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture.
hiirude, nyawlude; compare: jemma,
nyawlude, hiirude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jeydal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. parenté; kinship.
jennooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Catégorie : Parenté. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. 1 • ganglion
lymphatique; lymph nodes. Dialects: J,Y,M. jeydingol ɗemle expression. classification des
2 • pancréas; pancreases. Catégorie : Le corps. langues; classification of languages, language
classification. Catégorie : Le langage et la
Dialects: J,Y.
3 • insultes; insults. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 291
jeyɗo jiɓaade

jeyɗo Noun. propriétaire, parent; relative; owner. ji'al Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
jeyeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jeyegol.
Noun: ji'e. Sorting Designation: 2, pl. Noun.
Participles: sing: jeyaaɗo plur: jeyaaɓe.
épine; thorn. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal
Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
ou d’une plante. ***: gi'al; synonyms: gi'al.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
1 • appartenir à un groupe ex. à un village,
appartenir à quelqu'un ex. esclave ou bien par ji'al waare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
lien de mariage; belong to a group; belong to Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
someone. ***: ƴuwude, ƴuurude, ƴiwrude. of Noun: yi'e mbaahe. Sorting Designation: 1,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
at. Noun. menton; chin. Catégorie : Le corps.
2 • venir d'un endroit, être né à; come from a
synonyms: leggal waare; ***: leggal waare,
place; born somewhere (to be).
wakkudu; compare: waare. Dialects: M.
synonyms: ƴiwrude, ƴuurude, ƴuwude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ji'e gootey Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
jeyi artaade waɗ
waɗee expression. préalable; prior,
Noun: ji'e gooteeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
initial, previous, preliminary. ko jeyi artaade Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
waɗee Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Maytenus
jeyre Noun. parenté, origine; origin; kinship. senegalensis. synonyms: gi'el ngootuuhi;
***: gi'el ngootuuhi. Dialects: G.
jeytande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ji'ey ɓaley Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
of Noun: jeytanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
tour (ex. pendant un jeu ou une activité, Noun: ji'eeje ɓaleeje. Sorting Designation: 5,
prendre la responsabilité pour faire une pl. Noun. espèce d'acacia; acacia tree. Acacia
activité); turn. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. raddiana. ***: ji'i ndaneehi, ngonaaki,
jeytude Noun Form of Infinitive: jeytugol. ngawdalloohi; synonyms: ji'i ndaneehi,
Participles: sing: jeytuɗo-jeytoowo plur: ngawdalloohi, ngonaaki. Dialects: G.
jeytuɓe-jeytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb ji'i ndaneehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'approprier quelque Noun: ji'i ndaneeji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
chose ou quelqu'un; take something of Noun. acacia raddiana; acacia tree. Catégorie
someone else in order to make it your own. : Arbres. Acacia raddiana. synonyms: ji'ey
Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɓaley, ngawdalloohi, ngonaaki; ***: ji'ey
2 • avoir la responsabilité de faire qqch; to
ɓaley, ngonaaki, ngawdalloohi. Dialects: M.
have the responsibility of doing something.
Nyannde Bureyma jeyti duroyde fu, na'i ji'ile Noun. vues; views, sights. ***: jiiɗ
kaaran. The days when Bureyma is herding ji'otooɗ
ji'otooɗo Noun. qui est visible; visible.
the cows will be well fed. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jiɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jiɓagol.
jeytugol hoorem expression. indépendance; Participles: sing: jiɓiiɗo-jiɓotooɗo plur:
independence. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
jiɓiiɓe-jiɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Juridique. synonyms: jeetaare.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
jeyude Noun Form of Infinitive: jeyugol. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être confus,
Participles: sing: jeyɗo plur: jeyɓe. Sorting troublé; confused. ***: halkeede.
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. 2 • être embrouillé, emmêlé; tangled.
posséder ou avoir; own; possess. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: jogaade, heɓ
heɓude, tiigaade, 3 • être ravagé, ruiné; devastated; ruined. O
woodude; ***: woodude, jogaade, tiigaade,
jiɓeke saabe na'i makko fuu mbaatii. He is
heɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. really ruined because all of his cows died.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 292
jiɓande jiggaande

jiɓande Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb jiɓ
jiɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: jiɓugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. confondre Participles: sing: jiɓuɗo-jiɓoowo plur:
quelqu’un, embrouiller qqn; confuse someone; jiɓuɓe-jiɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
tangle. A jiɓ
jiɓanii kam gaaraaji am. Tu as Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
emmêlé mes fils. You tangled my threads. - in Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • confondre qqn,
this phrase the person speaking is taking this
quite a bit more personally than in the embrouiller qqn; confuse someone. Si a
expression using jiɓude. In other words, you taykeke fu, a tawan imo jiɓ
jiɓa haala taa fay
did this to me! compare: jiɓ
jiɓude. gooto faama. If you pay attention you will
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
see that he confuses the discussion so that no
one understands. Ko o haali garol mawniiko,
jiɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jiɓegol. ɗum jiɓ
jiɓii kam sabo mi naniino o maayii.
Participles: sing: jiɓaaɗo-jiɓeteeɗo plur: Lorsqu'il a parlé du retour de son frère aîné
jiɓaaɓe-jiɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. j'étais confus car je pensais qu'il était décédé.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb When he spoke of his older brother's return I
was confused because I had heard he was dead.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être confus;
***: wemmbude, bemmbude, jiɓ jiɓande,
confused. ***: wemmbeede.
jiɓinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • emmêlé, embrouillé; tangled. 2 • s’emmêler; to tangle. Ndaar, a jiɓ
synonyms: wemmbeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. gaaraaji am ɗi fuu. Tu as emmêlé tous mes
fils. Look, you have tangled all my threads.
jiɓinde Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb synonyms: wemmbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire que
quelqu'un est confus, embrouiller ce que jiɗ
jiɗaale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
l'autre a dit; tangle what they are doing or Designation: 3, th. Noun. amours; loves.
saying; confuse. Taa jiɓjiɓinam ko kaalammi ***: jille, giɗ
giɗaale; synonyms: giɗ
giɗaale, jille.
Ne fais pas que je m'embrouille avec ce que je Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dis. Don't cause me to confuse what I am
saying. compare: jiɓ
jiɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
jiɓtude Noun Form of Infinitive: jiɓtugol. Noun: yiɗuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Participles: sing: jiɓtuɗo-jiɓtoowo plur: quelqu'un qui aime qqch ou aime faire qqch;
jiɓtuɓe-jiɓtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb one who loves something or loves to do
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or something; Kanko wo o jiɗɗ jiɗɗo
ɗɗo goonga. He
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • démêler; untangle. truly loves the truth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: jiptude; ***: faamude, sarude, jiɗ
niiɗo adj. aimable, sympathique; kind;
jiptude, jiptude, ƴoƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sympathetic; pleasant; nice; lovely.
2 • trouver une solution à qqch de difficile, ex.
une devinette, comprendre, résoudre; figure jiɗ
jiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for this
out something difficult; solve; understand. noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ami
synonyms: jiptude, faamude, sarude, proche, un bon ami, littéralement: quelqu’un
qui est aimé; loved (lit. one who is); friend.
ƴoƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: giɗ
giɗo, higoo, yigoo; compare: yiɗ
synonyms: giɗ
giɗo, jaado, yigoo. Dialects: G,M.

jigaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: jigaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, or.
Noun. vautour, charognard; vulture. Catégorie
: Oiseau. Neophron monachus.
compare: dutal; ***: dutal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jiggaande synonyme: nyamlal (kaalis). Noun.

emprunt; borrowing. jiggaande (helmere)
Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 293
jigili jiitirgal soɓɓiire

jigili Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. espèce de jiiloy Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
buisson; a common shrub. Catégorie One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
: Buissons, arbustes. Boscia senegalensis.
Noun: jiilooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
Dialects: Y,M. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Stereospermum kunthianum.
jiha Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
***: giloohi, ngolobi; synonyms: giloohi,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ngolobi. Dialects: G.
Noun: jihaahi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. une
direction, inclus sont les points cardinaux de jiimtude Noun Form of Infinitive: jiimtugol.
la boussole (nord, sud, est et ouest); direction.
Participles: sing: jiimtuɗo-jiimtoowo plur:
Jiha oy Niger hetti? Dans quelle direction se
jiimtuɓe-jiimtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
trouve le Niger ? Which direction is Niger.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Note : arabe compare: gigitawal, lokoƴ
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être plus
***: gigitawal, lokoƴ
lokoƴere, dammbugal;
grand que; taller than. Ga e duuɓ
duuɓi ɗiɗi fu, a
synonyms: dambugal. Dialects: J.
jiimtan o. Dans les deux ans à venir tu seras
jihaale Noun. points cardinaux; cardinal points. plus grand que lui. In the next two years you
Catégorie : Pays, Terre. will be taller than he. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jiiba Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number jiimude Noun Form of Infinitive: jiimugol.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of Participles: sing: jiimuɗo-jiimoowo plur:
Noun: jiibaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. jiimuɓe-jiimooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
poche; pocket. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jiidal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dominer en
taille, être plus grand que, plus haute que;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
higher than; tower over. Suudu makko na
Noun: jiide. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
discussion secrète entre des personnes; jiima suudu am. Sa maison est plus haute que
discrete conference or confabulation. la mienne. His house is taller than my house.
***: yeewtere, yewto, nyo'ude, batu, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kawrital; compare: haaldude, kawrital, jiirngal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal. Sorting
yeewtere, yewto. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante;
This annual plant is often found in bare sandy
jiiɗe Noun. vue; sight. Catégorie : Le corps.
soil in the Sahel. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
synonyms: ji'ile, maate-
maate-jiile. grimpantes. Blepharis linariifolia.
jiigal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ***: giirngal. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • espèce de plante; Common annual plant
Noun: jiige. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. found in sahelian river beds. Blepharis
abcès au niveau de l'aine, ganglion; abscess of maderaspatensis. Dialects: G.
the groin. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: giigal, 3 • espèce de plante; A common unappetizing
ƴiigal, ɓuure; synonyms: ɓuure, giigal, ƴiigal. annual plant found in damp sandy soil.
Dialects: M. Pandiaka involucrata. synonyms: giirngal.
Dialects: G.
jiile Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. vision; vision.
jiitaale mawɗ
mawɗe expression. grande découverte; great
compare: yiide, yi'ude. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
jiide. Dialects: J,M. jiitirgal soɓɓ
ɓɓiire Noun. boussole; compass.
Catégorie : Outil.
jiileede Verb. avoir des vertiges; to be dizzy. Catégorie
: Maladie. synonyms: yiilaade.

jiilol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting

Designation: 3, mt. Noun. vertiges; dizziness.
compare: yiilaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 294
jikke jimel

jikke Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting jilɗ

jilɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • méfiance, soupçon; Designation: 3, in. Noun. 1 • vers; maggots.
suspicion. Ko na'i am mbujjaa mi walaa Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs. Dialects: M.
jikke e maɓɓ
ɓɓe. Concernant mes vaches qu'on 2 • chenilles; caterpillars. Catégorie : Animaux
a volé, je n'ai aucun soupçon. Regarding my inférieurs. Dialects: M.
stolen cows, I don't have any suspicion of
them. ***: seko, tuumo, seko, seko, sikke, jilinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jilingol.
sikke, dimme, ngokka, dimme, sikke, Participles: sing: jilinɗo-jilinoowo plur:
ndolo, miilo, dimme; synonyms: dimme, jate, jilinɓe-jilinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb

miilo, seko, sikke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. porter avec la main
2 • espoir, espérance; hope. Ɓaawo o waraay
sur le côté; carry by hand with your hand.
faa joonin mi ittii jikke am e makko.
***: wahnaade, wunngaade, wakkaade,
Puisqu'il n'est pas encore venu, j'ai perdu tout
espérance en lui. Now that he still hasn't come wuundaade, bammbude, wukaade;
I have lost my hope in him. synonyms: dimme, compare: wakkaade, wukaade, wunngaade,
jate, miilo, seko, sikke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wuundaade, wahnaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

3 • politesse; politeness. Idrissa weeranii jilla Sorting Designation: 1. adv/prep. 1 • depuis;

Jooɗooma, o waɗ
waɗanii o jikku sabo o since; from. ***: gilla, fadde, illa, illa.
nyaamni Idrissa ko weli, hokki o suudu faa Dialects: Y,M.
o fukkoo. Idrissa visited Jooɗooma and he 2 • avant (avec un verbe négatif); before.
was very polite to him as he gave something compare: fadde; synonyms: gilla, illa.
good to eat and a house to sleep in. Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jille Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
4 • humeur; mood. Ko maani jowtaay kam
Designation: 3, th. Noun. amours; loves.
ɗum, miɗ
miɗo miila imo wondi e jikku bonɗ
synonyms: giɗ
giɗaale, jiɗ
jiɗaale; ***: jiɗ
Because whatishisname didn't greet me I think
giɗaale. Dialects: J.
he is in a bad mood. compare: ndolo, ngokka.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] jikku. jillitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jillitingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: jillitinɗo-jillitoowo plur:
jillitinɓe-jillitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
jikku Noun. espoir, accueil; hope; welcome.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jikkude Noun Form of Infinitive: jikkugol. Stative or Progressive: prg - na jillita. Verb.
Participles: sing: jikkuɗo-jikkoowo plur: mélanger ou remuer; mix; stir. ***: diibude,
jikkuɓe-jikkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb iirtude, hurbude, wurwude;
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or synonyms: hurbude, iirtude, wurwude;
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se méfier, trouver compare: diibude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
suspect; suspicious. ***: dimmude, jillitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tuumude, miijaade, jippaade, ndolaade,
jilngu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
fittude, sikkude, tammisaade, miilaade,
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
dimmude, miijaade, diwude, miilaade,
Noun: gilƴi. Sorting Designation: 3, in. Noun.
taafude, ngokkinde, jataade, jataade,
1 • ver; maggot. Catégorie : Animaux
suurude, sikkitaade, ɗammi'aade, yelaade,
inférieurs. ***: njilngu, ngilngu. Dialects: G.
tijjaade, cikkude, cikkaade, sogude;
2 • chenille; caterpillar. Catégorie : Animaux
synonyms: dimmude, jataade, miilaade,
inférieurs. synonyms: ngilngu, njilngu;
sekinde, sikkitaade, sikkude, sogude,
compare: njalɓ
njalɓu, njoola. Dialects: G.
taafude, tuumude. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • espérer; hope. synonyms: dimmude,
jimel Noun. comptine; nursery rhyme. jimel (kl.
njimon) Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
jataade, miijaade, miilaade, miilude,
sikkude, yelaade. Dialects: J,Y.
3 • sauter en bas; jump down.
compare: ɗammi'aade, ngokkinde, tijjaade;
synonyms: cikkude, cikkaade, jippaade,
suurude. Dialects: J,G,M.

16/02/2020 295
jimminaade jippinnde

jimminaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jimminagol. jinngu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: jimminiiɗo-jimminotooɗo Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of
plur: jimminiiɓe-jimminotooɓe. Sorting Noun: jinnguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. amour; love. compare: horsinde,
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. yiɗ
yiɗude; synonyms: njinngu; ***: njinngu,
Verb. se courber en avant avec tête et épaules yidde. Dialects: G.
légèrement penchés; stoop forward. Ko waɗ
jinngude Verb. prendre parti, défendre; take sides.
miɗo haalda e maaɗ
maaɗa de aɗ
aɗa jimminii?
Pourquoi penches tu la tête quand je parle Dialectal Forms: jinngannde.
avec toi ? Why when I am talking to you do jinorɗ
jinorɗe Noun. nageoires; fins. Catégorie : Parties d’un
you hang your head? compare: turude. animal.
Dialects: J,Y.
jinorgal-liingu Noun. nageoire; fin. Catégorie
jimol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. : Parties d’un animal. ***: yiinorgal.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
jippaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jippagol.
Noun: jimi. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. chant,
Participles: sing: jippiiɗo-jippotooɗo plur:
cantique, chanson; song. compare: baytuwol;
jippiiɓe-jippotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: baytuwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jimoowo Noun. chanteur; singer. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • descendre,
sauter en bas; jump down; descend; climb
jineeji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
down; come down. ***: cikkude, suurude,
Designation: 2. Noun. possessions (sans argent,
ni véhicule, ni bétail); or livestock; vehicles; jikkude, regaade, cikkaade;
possessions. ***: gineeji; compare: jawdi; synonyms: cikkude, cikkaade, jikkude,

synonyms: gineeji. Dialectal Forms: [M] regaade, suurude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jinewol. Dialects: M. 2 • arriver où l'on se rende et y rester quelque
temps; arrive. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jinnaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
jippinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jippingol.
of Noun: jinnaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Participles: sing: jippinɗo-jippinoowo plur:
Noun. démon, esprit mauvais; evil spirit; jippinɓe-jippinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
demon. ***: nginnaawu, foondu, henndu1, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
ginnaaru, dabidabiyal, ladde; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • amener en
synonyms: dabidabiyal, foondu, ginnaaru, bas, abaisser; bring down. ***: rennude,
henndu1, ladde, nginnaawu; yowtude, huurtude, rennude, dentude,
compare: maleyka, Seyɗ
Seyɗaani. Dialects: M. dettude; synonyms: huurtude, rennude,
yowtude, dettude, dentude. Dialectal
jinngande Noun Form of Infinitive: jinngugol.
Forms: jippinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: jinnganɗo-jinnganoowo
2 • laisser pendre / descendre un bras; to let
plur: jinnganɓe-jinnganooɓe. Sorting
an arm down. synonyms: huurtude, rennude.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. aider qqn à lutter ou combattre, jippinirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
défendre; to help someone fight - can involve Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
physical fighting or just verbal fighting, of Noun: jippinirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
defend. ***: haɓ
haɓande, wallitinde; Noun. descente, par où l'on descend, quelque
compare: wallitinde, haɓ
haɓude. Dialectal chose pour baisser /descendre qqch; descent,
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] jinngude - this means the device for lowering things. Dialects: J,Y,G.
same thing. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jippinnde Verb. abaisser, baisser; reduce; pull down;
jinngangol Noun. défense; defence. lower. Dialectal Forms: jippinde.
jinngangollaamu Noun. défense publique ; public
defence. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

jinngannde Verb. prendre parti; take sides. Dialectal

Forms: jinngude.

16/02/2020 296
jippitorde jofoleede

jippitorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. jite-
jite-ngaari Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. plant
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form (espèce); A bushy perennial plant. It is not
of Noun: jippitorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
appetizing and its fruit is poisonous. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Solanum
Noun. pente, inclinaison, versant d'une colline
ou montagne; slope; descent of a hill or a incanum. synonyms: gite-
mountain. ***: wudditoroonde
wudditoroonde, dellitorde, ***: gite-
gite-ngaari. Dialects: M.
juunnitorde, tellitorde, regitaango; jiwdannde Verb. prendre parti; take sides. Dialectal
synonyms: dellitorde, juunnitorde, Forms: jinngude, jinngannde.
regitaango, tellitorde, wudditoroonde.
jiwndande Noun Form of Infinitive: jiwndanugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: jiwndanɗo-jiwndanoowo
jippu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number plur: jiwndanɓe-jiwndanooɓe. Sorting
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun: jippuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
jupe ou jupon ou combinaison; skirt or slip. Verb. aider quelqu’un à lutter; help someone
Catégorie : Vêtement. Note : français
fight. compare: wallitinde, haɓ
haɓude. Dialectal
synonyms: mukuru, zippu; ***: mukuru,
Forms: jinngande. Dialects: J.
disaare, zippu; compare: disaare.
Dialects: J,Y. joboore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
jiptude Noun Form of Infinitive: jiptugol.
of Noun: jobooje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Participles: sing: jiptuɗo-jiptoowo plur: Noun. ourébi; oribi. Catégorie : Mammifère.
jiptuɓe-jiptooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Orebia ourebi. synonyms: jabaare;
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or ***: borgaare, hampurde, hanfurde,
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • démêler; untangle. jabaare; compare: borgaare, hampurde.
***: jiɓ
jiɓtude, faamude, jiɓ
jiɓtude, sarude, Dialects: J.
ƴoƴude; synonyms: jiɓjiɓtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
joburu synonyme: seedaaku rafi tawegol. Noun. alibi;
2 • trouver une solution, comprendre,
alibi. Catégorie : Juridique.
résoudre; figure out something difficult;
solve; understand. synonyms: jiɓ
jiɓtude, joɓ
joɓoowo Noun. payeur; payer. Catégorie : Argent.
faamude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. joddi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
jirbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Noun: joddiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
Noun: jirbe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun. salaire, gaine; wage; pay. Catégorie : Argent.
cuiller, cuillère; spoon. Catégorie : Outil. ***: njobdi; synonyms: njobdi;
synonyms: girbal; ***: girbal; compare: barjaade, mbarjaari, yoɓ
compare: laaruwal, kurbirgal. Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: G.

jirgi Noun. train; train. Catégorie : Voyager. jofolaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt, th. Noun. incirconcision;
jiriije Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
uncircumcision. Note : Gourmanche
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. pois chiche; chick
***: nguppaaku, guppoore, nguppeede;
peas. Dialects: M.
synonyms: guppoore, nguppaaku.
jirkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: jirkitingol. Dialects: Y,G.
Participles: sing: jirkitinɗo-jurkitoowo plur:
jofoleede Noun Form of Infinitive: jofolegol.
jirkitinɓe-jurkitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: jofolaaɗo-jofoleteeɗo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
plur: jofolaaɓe-jofoleteeɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg - na jirkita. Verb.
Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant Change
éparpiller; scatter. synonyms: sankitaade.
in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. ne pas être circoncis; to be
uncircumcised. Note : Gourmanche
***: guppeede; synonyms: guppeede
nguppeede. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 297
jofolooru jokkondirgol

jofolooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. jogorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
of Noun: jofolooji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun: jogorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Noun. prépuce (du pénis); foreskin of the penis. poignée, manche; handle. synonyms: tiigorgal;
Catégorie : Le corps. Note : Gourmanche
***: tiigorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: muru; ***: muru;
compare: haddude, taadude. Dialects: Y,G.
jokkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jokkagol.
Participles: sing: jokkiiɗo-jokkotooɗo plur:
jogaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jogagol. jokkiiɓe-jokkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: jogiiɗo-jogotooɗo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jogiiɓe-jogotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être attaché
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
à; attached to. Suka o na jokkii e bammum
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • avoir,
sanne. L'enfant est très attaché à son père.
posséder; have; possess. ***: jeyude, The child is very attached to or fond of his
heɓindaade, woodude, tiigaade, jawdi, father. O sanyuduri manaaji ɗi e binndirgal
heɓude, danyude; synonyms: heɓheɓude, ngal faa jokkii. Elle a tissé les cordes jusqu’à
jeyude, tiigaade, woodude. ce qu'elles étaient attachées. She wove the
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plastic [threads] over the pen until they were
2 • être riche; rich (to be). compare: jawdi; attached. O moƴƴ
ƴƴii koyngal kelngal faa

synonyms: danyude, heɓ jokkii. Il a redressé / attaché l'os brisé. He set

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. the broken bone. ***: dobaade;
synonyms: dobaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jogagol Noun. possession; possession.
jokkiral Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. relations;
joggude Noun Form of Infinitive: joggugol. Sorting relationship. Sabo suka am ɓaŋii suka Yero,
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
noon waɗ
waɗi de jokkiral waɗ
waɗi hakkunde
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
amin. C'est parce que mon enfant a marié
Verb. crier; crow. Joggugol ndontoori Rik na l'enfant de Yaro qu'il y a une relation entre
findina fay maayɓ
maayɓe. Le cri du coq de Rick nous. Because my child married Yero's child,
réveille même les morts. The crowing of Rick's that is why there is a relationship between us.
rooster wakes even the dead. ***: hekude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: hekude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jokkiran Noun. liaison; link. ***: coɗ
jogiiɗo konngol Noun. orateur; orator; speaker. jokkirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
jogitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jogitagol. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: jogitiiɗo-jogitotooɗo plur: Noun: jokkirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
jogitiiɓe-jogitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, fermoir, boucle pour tenir des choses
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
ensemble; clasp for holding things together.
synonyms: dobirgal, dokkirgal, nannginirgal;
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. en vouloir
à, mal supporter, regretter, refuser de ***: dokkirgal, nannginirgal, dobirgal.
pardonner désirer de se venger, retenir, Dialects: M.
mémoriser; remember; memorize; begrudge;
refuse to forgive; revenge (desire to); resent. jokko persidan Noun. vice président; vice president.
Catégorie : Gouvernement. ***: ndewtuɗ
Ko nawnumi nagge makko nge, imo jogitii
ɗum faa han. He still wants revenge because I
injured his cow. Ko Idrissa semtini o jokkondiral Noun. liaison, communication; link,
nyannden faa hannden imo jogitii ɗum. He communication. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
still resents that Idrissa shamed him that day.
jokkondiral leɗɗ
ɗɗe abajadda expression. ordre
***: yomnitaade, tiigitaade, yonnitaade; alphabétique; alphabetical order. Catégorie
synonyms: tiigitaade; compare: yomnitaade. : Lecture / écriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jokkondirde Verb. se suivre, coordonner; follow
jogola Noun. entretien; maintenance; upkeep. each other. synonyms: juɓɓ

jokkondirgol Noun. coordination; coordination.

synonyms: juɓɓ
ɓɓol, femɗ

16/02/2020 298
jokko-werba jom ƴamngal

jokko-werba Noun. sujet; subject. ***: golloowol. jollooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
jokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: jokkugol.
of Noun: jollooji. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
Participles: sing: jokkuɗo-jokkoowo plur:
Noun. gourde avec un cou long dans laquelle
jokkuɓe-jokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, les femmes préparent du beurre ou du
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb fromage, gourde en calebasse; gourd (the long
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • suivre; neck). Catégorie : Récipient. ***: faandu1,
follow. ***: ɗowtanaade, jagganaade, walsere, ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam, kaaɗ
kaaɗam, ɗaatude,
nyemmbitinde, dokkude, tennude, wulsere; synonyms: faandu1;
hokkitaade, heɓɓ
ɓɓude, tokkude, ɓaanaade, compare: kaaɗ
kaaɗam, walsere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hegitinde, takkaade, sottitaade
sottitaade, haɓɓ
jolude Noun Form of Infinitive: jolugol.
ɓahanaade, durude, samndaade,
Participles: sing: joluɗo-joloowo plur:
nyimmintidde; synonyms: ɓaanaade,
joluɓe-jolooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
ɓahanaade, ɗowtanaade, haɓɓ haɓɓaade
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
jagganaade, takkaade, tokkude.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • traverser de l'eau ou
Dialects: J,M. un désert ou une forêt, traverser une frontière;
2 • réparer une bride d'une sandale, réparer
cross over water. ***: feƴƴ
une corde; repairing a rope.
Dialects: J,G.
synonyms: dokkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • passer par un temps difficile tel qu'un
3 • fixer un os brisé; fix/set a broken bone.
problème, souffrance ou une famine; pass
compare: hokkitaade, nyemmbitinde, through a problem or difficult time such as a
tennude; synonyms: heɓɓ
ɓɓude. famine. Dialects: J,G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jom Noun. le propriétaire; responsible; owner.
jokkulde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
jom amaana Noun. homme de parole; person who
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
keeps his word.
of Noun: [J,Y,M] jokkule. Sorting
Designation: 3, at. Variante: jokkulal. Noun. jom farmaasi Noun. pharmacien; chemist;
articulation; joint. Catégorie : Le corps. pharmacist. Catégorie : Travailleur.
***: salndu1, holɓ
holɓundere; jom jikku Noun. accueillant; welcoming person.
compare: holɓ
holɓundere; synonyms: salndu1.
jom laamu mboɗ
mboɗeewu synonyme: laamiiɗo
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] jokkere (nde)/jokke
bonɗo. expression. despote; despot, tyrant.
(ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,M. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
jokkule Noun. articulations; articulations; joints. jom munkaru Noun. musicien; musician.
jokolle Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number jom suudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: jokolɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: jomiraaɓe cuuɗi. Sorting Designation: 2.
jeune homme; young man. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. la femme du ménage, épouse; wife;
spouse; wife of the house. Catégorie : La
joldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Personne. ***: dey1, dee. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: joli. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun. jom tooru Noun. féticheur; fetishist.
écureuil volant; squirrel. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Anomalurops beecrofti.
jom wuro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
synonyms: zazammbaaru; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

***: zazammbaaru. Dialects: J,Y. Noun: jomiraaɓe gure. Sorting Designation: 2.

Noun. le doyen de la maison, le chef de la
maison, le mari; head of the household;
husband. Catégorie : La Personne. ***: baa
ɓaade, baa galle; synonyms: baa galle, baa
ɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jom ƴamngal Noun. celui qui demande la main

(mariage); the one who asks to marry

16/02/2020 299
jomaade jonnde ƴeewoore hawju buuɗi

jomaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jomagol. jomnude Noun Form of Infinitive: jomnugol.
Participles: sing: jomiiɗo-jomotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: jomnuɗo-jomnoowo plur:
jomiiɓe-jomotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, jomnuɓe-jomnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir une Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. attacher sans
par légitime dans une conversation, avoir le serrer; tie loosely. compare: haɓɓ
droit de participer; to have a legitimate part in haɓɓ
ɓɓitinde; ***: haɓɓ
ɓɓude, huuptude.
a conversation; to have the right to butt in;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Ɗume jomi ma hakkunde amin? Quel droit
as-tu de parler parmi nous? What business do jongomo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
you have amoung us? this is similar to saying... Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Baka maa walaa e haala ka. Tu n'as pas une Noun: jongomooji. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
part dans cette conversation/discussion. You Noun. un petit mur contre le feu pour
have no part in this discussion. ***: sarkaade. l’empêcher de brûler l'herbe; fire wall (small).
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: yemmbal, feenaare; synonyms: feenaare,
2 • gêner, être raide/dur; cramp; stiff. Ko yemmbal. Dialects: J.
pukkiɗaa pukkaaki mbonki, ɗum waɗ waɗi jongude Noun Form of Infinitive: jongugol.
daande maa jomii. Ton cou est raide parce Participles: sing: jonguɗo-jongoowo plur:
que tu t'est mal couché. Your neck is stiff
jonguɓe-jongooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
because you were lying with it twisted.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
synonyms: sarkaade. Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chauffer ou
jomnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jomnagol. Sorting bouillir de l'eau, cuire dans un liquide; heat or
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in boil water; cook in liquid. compare: waaƴ
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. wawnyude, ƴuufude; ***: ƴuufude, defude,
Verb. être attaché légèrement; lightly attached wawnyude, waaƴwaaƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or tied. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jonjonnguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
jomnaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi. ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of Form of Noun: jonjonnguuje. Sorting
Noun: jomnaariiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Designation: 4, in. Noun. essaim (d'abeilles);
Noun. restitution, compensation,
swarm. ***: nyaaku, nyumre, yiwre,
indemnisation, payement fait sur demande
pour un tord fait; restitution; payment made nyubbere; synonyms: nyubbere, nyumre,
upon request for some wrong or damage you yiwre; compare: nyaaku. Dialects: Y.
have done; compensation. Catégorie : Argent.
jonkaa Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. maintenant, c'est
compare: yomnaade; ***: njomnaari; pourquoi, donc, par conséquence; now;
synonyms: njomnaari. Dialects: G. therefore. synonyms: de2; ***: de1. Dialectal
jomnitaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi. Forms: [G,M] jonkay. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of jonnde Noun. conseil; council, board, . Catégorie
Noun: jomnitaariiji. Sorting Designation: 4. : Juridique.
Noun. un payement qu'on doit assumer pour
une faute commise; the payment one must bear jonnde hiitotoonde nde yimɓ
yimɓe mbaawaa
for some damage or wrong which one is fottude expression. huis-clos; to meet in a
responsible for as a consequence of having closed session. Catégorie : Juridique.
previously demanded the injured party to pay
for some damage done to you - this is revenge jonnde porokiire en e loomtoo
oomtooɓe ɗum en
on the part of the injured party because you expression. parquet; prosecution. Catégorie
made them pay for what they did to you at an : Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: toonyaaɗ
earlier time. ***: njomnitaari; ɗaɓɓu
ɓɓuɗo juɓ
synonyms: njomnitaari. Dialects: G.
jonnde suudu Noun. fondation; foundation.
jonnde ƴeewoore hawju buuɗ
buuɗi expression.
cour des comptes; Court of Auditors. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 300
jonngooɗe joodaalol

jonngooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting joobinde Noun Form of Infinitive: joobingol.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This Participles: sing: joobinɗo-joobinoowo plur:
annual plant grows in the sandy soil of the joobinɓe-joobinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Sahel during the rainy season. Catégorie cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Commelina
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir trop de
forskalaei. ***: barbar, walawannde, mauvaises herbes dans le champ; to have
balaasa; synonyms: balaasa, barbar, weeds overrun your field - the focus here is the
walawannde. Dialects: Y. lack of activity of the field's owner in
cultivating the field -it is this lack of work that
jonngorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. is causing the field to be overrun by weeds.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: summbude
Noun: jonngorɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. summbinde, summbireede;
macramé tisse pour suspendre des calebasses
synonyms: summbireede, summbinde.
depuis le plafond; hanger woven to suspend
Dialects: Y,G,M.
calabashes from the ceiling. ***: deegaruwol,
balol; compare: balol; synonyms: deegaruwol. joobu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: joobuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
jonte Noun. fièvres; fiver. Catégorie : Maladie.
Noun. première culture d'un champ; first
jonte keefam Noun. paludisme; malaria. Catégorie cultivation of a field. Catégorie : Agriculture.
: Maladie. synonyms: jonte-
jonte-nunngu. ***: aranal, hiinko, bugaade, mbugiri,
dodow, remitaade, bakkaade;
jonte pale Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗe. Sorting
synonyms: aranal, hiinko, mbugiri. Dialectal
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. fièvre provoquée par
le paludisme; fever as a result of a malarial Forms: [Y,G] joobuure. Dialects: Y,G.
infection. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: korseeje, joobude Noun Form of Infinitive: joobingol. Sorting
ƴaamndeeje, baantinooje, paɓɓpaɓɓe
ɓɓe, jontere; Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: baantinooje, jontere, paɓɓ
ɓɓe, Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
ƴaamndeeje. Dialects: J,M. Verb. lorsque des mauvaises herbes
envahissent le champ; weeds overrun a field -
jonteede Noun Form of Infinitive: jontegol. the focus here is on the state of the field - it is
Participles: sing: jontaaɗo-jonteteeɗo weedy. synonyms: summbude
plur: jontaaɓe-jonteteeɓe. Sorting Dialects: Y,G,M.
Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
joobuure Noun. la jachère; fallow. Catégorie
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
: Agriculture.
Verb. être fiévreux; feverish. Catégorie
: Maladie. synonyms: foowude. jooɓ
jooɓaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
Noun: jooɓaariiji (rare). Sorting Designation: 4.
jonte-nunngu Noun. paludisme; malaria. Catégorie
Noun. approvisionnements pour manger
: Maladie. ***: jonte keefam. pendant un voyage, argent utilisé en voyage;
jontere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. traveling money; provisions to eat while
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form traveling. Catégorie : Argent. ***: njooɓ
of Noun: jonte. Sorting Designation: 2, da, dh. compare: yooɓ
yooɓaade; synonyms: njooɓ
Noun. fièvre, paludisme; malaria; fever. Dialects: G.
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: korseeje, joodaalol Plural Form of Noun: joodaali. Noun. bave;
ƴaamndeeje, baantinooje, paɓɓ
ɓɓe, dribble, slaver, slobber. Tuttaaɗ
Tuttaaɗe ilooje e
nguleede, foowude
foowude, jonte pale; hunnduko ɓii-
ii-aadama maa hunnduko
compare: nguleede; synonyms: baantinooje, daabaaji goɗɗ
jonte pale, paɓɓ
ɓɓe, ƴaamndeeje.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

jontere durma Noun. pneumonie; pneumonia.

jontere ley reedu synonyme: jontere teketti.
expression. fièvres typhoïdes; typhoid fever.
Catégorie : Maladie.

16/02/2020 301
jooɗaade Joomiraaɗo Jom Baawdeeji

jooɗaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "Imo jooɗ
jooɗorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
jooɗii" refers to the person's state - he is in Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
a state of sitting. Noun Form of Noun: jooɗorɗe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Infinitive: jooɗagol. Participles: sing: chaise, tabouret, , banc, siège d’autorité;
stool; seat of authority; chair; bench. Catégorie
jooɗiiɗo-jooɗotooɗo plur:
: Équipement de la maison.
jooɗiiɓe-jooɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être jooɗ
orgal-fowru Noun. champignon; mushroom.
assis; sit. Fajiri fuu imo jooɗ
jooɗoo dammbugal synonyms: tuntumbagga, mbaggu-
galle makko. Chaque matin il est assis à la guudu.
porte de sa cour. Every morning he sits in the
joogaraafi Noun. géographie; geography. Catégorie
doorway to his yard. Mi tawii Umaru na : Apprendre. Note : français
jooɗii ley galle Bureyma. J'ai trouvé Ouaru
assis dans la cour de Boureima. I found jookoole Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Umaru sitting in Bureyma's yard. Designation: 3, dh. Noun. goitres; goiters.
***: yowaade, soppinaade
soppinaade, wonude, Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,M.
hoɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jooli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
2 • s'installer à un endroit, demeurer à un Designation: 3, wl. Noun. vers de terre,
endroit, installation; to dwell; to settle or stay lombrics; earthworms. Catégorie : Animaux
in a place. synonyms: hoɗ
hoɗude, wonude; inférieurs. Dialects: J,Y,M.
compare: soppinaade, yowaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jooloonga Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
anɗe doygal leydi mawɗ
mawɗe expression. Noun: joolooɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
principes fondamentaux de la constitution; Noun. ver de terre, lombric; earth worm.
the basic principles of the Constitution. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
***: njooloonga, njoola; synonyms: njoola,
ɗɗo Noun. voisin; neighbour. njooloonga; compare: ngilngu, njalɓ
iiɗo Noun. qui est assis; sitting (who is). Dialectal Forms: [G] joolongal ((n)gal).
Dialects: G.
jooɗnangol synonyme: ŋenyangol . Noun.
calligraphie; calligraphy. Catégorie : Lecture / joomeetiri Noun. géométrie; geometry. Catégorie
écriture. : Apprendre. Note : français ***: diidiwal.
jooɗnde Noun. place; place. Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
jooɗnde gosooɓ
gosooɓe mawnde expression. conseil Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
supérieur de la magistrature; High Judiciary Noun: joomiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Council. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Noun. Maître, se réfère à Dieu; Lord. This
Juridique. word takes these contracted possessive forms:
1s joomam, 2s jooma, 3s (makko) joomiiko,
jooɗnde hooreeɓ
hooreeɓe komin expression. conseil (muuɗum) joomum, 1p (inclusive) joomii'en,
municipal; municipal council, municipal [G,Y] joomiiɗen, (exclusive) joomiimen, 2p
board, city council. Catégorie joomii'on, [Y,G] joomiiɗon, 3p (maɓɓe)
: Gouvernement, Juridique. joomiiɓe, (muɓɓen) joomumen.
jooɗnde leydi Noun. conseil d’état; Council of State. synonyms: Alla, Laamɗ
Laamɗo; ***: Laamɗ
Laamɗo, Alla;
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. compare: amiiru, laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, kaananke, jooro.

jooɗ Dialectal Forms: [J,M] joomiiwo, [Y,G,M]

jooɗnde ndeenaagu leydi expression. conseil
supérieur de la défense; Supreme Defence joomiiyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Council. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo Jom Baawde Sorting Designation: 3,
th. Noun. Maître tout puissant; Lord Almighty.
jooɗnde sariya sarwiisi dowuure expression. Dialects: biblical.
conseil constitutionnel; constitutional council.
Catégorie : Juridique. Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo Jom Baawdeeji Noun. Maître des
Armées; Lord of Hosts. Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 302
joonaade joorude

joonaade Noun Form of Infinitive: joonagol. jooraade Noun Form of Infinitive: jooragol.
Participles: sing: jooniiɗo-joonotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: jooriiɗo-joorotooɗo plur:
jooniiɓe-joonotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, jooriiɓe-joorotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
appeler des chèvres en faisant un bruit de «jo, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. nettoyer un
jo»; to call goats by making a sound like; "jo; champ, préparer le champ pour les semailles;
jo". ***: ŋeencaade, muuccaade, kurnaade, prepare one's field for planting; clean up a
ɓuuccaade, ŋeesaade, ŋeccaade, aynaade; field. Joonin na heddii duuɓduuɓi joy ngesa
compare: kurnaade, ŋeccaade, ŋeesaade; joorataake [passive], tayri walaa. et il reste
synonyms: aynaade, noddude. Dialects: G. encore cinq ans sans labour ni récoltes. and
there are still five years in which there will be
de-gollirde Noun. institution; institution. neither plowing nor harvesting. (Genesis 45:6b
jooniire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. NASB). Ƴuwoonde ɓadeke toɓ toɓude, mi
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form yahan, mi jooroo ngesa am. Les pluies
commencent, j'irai préparer mon champ pour
of Noun: jooniije. Sorting Designation: 2, ct, pl.
semer. The rains are about to begin, I will go
Noun. grains de l'arbre Parkia biglobosa; the
seeds of the tree Parkia biglobosa; The seeds prepare my field to plant. ***: wuuwude,
are heated and the hard outer coat removed; balgaade, wargaade; synonyms: balgaade,
leaving the soft inner seeds; which are pressed wargaade, wuuwude. Dialects: J.
by hand into little balls and sold in market.
These little balls of seeds are then pounded and joorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
added to hot water to make a sauce. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: nareehi, nduutuuhi; of Noun: joore. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
synonyms: doosaare; ***: doosaare. 1 • un tas de quelque chose; pile of something.
Dialects: G. synonyms: ƴoolde; ***: ƴoolde.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
joonin Sorting Designation: 1. synonyme: ley wakkatim
2 • monticule dans un champ cultivé; mound in
; ko laati wawtu gooto. Adverb. maintenant,
a cultivated field. synonyms: gilaare, hutaare.
toute de suite, soudain, présent; immediately;
Dialects: Y,M.
now. ***: gonuɗ
gonuɗum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jooro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
joonnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Noun: joorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
of Noun: joolle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
administrateur, intendant, chef; chief;
1 • une place (dans un sens possessif); place.
administrator; steward. Catégorie : La
joonnde makko sa place. his place. Umma,
Personne. ***: kaananke, amiiru, laamu,
ɗo wanaa joonnde maa. Lève-toi,ceci n'est
laamiiɗo, Joomiraa
omiraaɗo; compare: amiiru,
pas ta place. Get up, that is not your place.
laamiiɗo, kaananke. Dialectal Forms: [G]
***: gere, lunnde, nokkuure.
joowro. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • la manière de s'asseoir; sitting (one's joorude Noun Form of Infinitive: joorugol.
manner of). Golle o tampinii kam hannden, Participles: sing: jooruɗo-jooroowo plur:
fay joonnde hoyaa kam. Le travail jooruɓe-joorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
d’aujourd'hui ma fatigué, même m’asseoir est Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
difficile. The work today tired me out so much Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • verser,
that even sitting is difficult. Mi sawtii couler; pour. O joorii ndiyam dow am faa
joonnde ɓolde nde, mi filoto ko mi golla.golla. Je leppumi. Elle a versé de l’eau sur moi jusqu’à
suis fatigué de m’asseoir sans rien faire, je ce que j’étais mouillé. She poured water on me
vais chercher du travail. I am sick of sitting
around doing nothing, I'm going to look for until I was wet. ***: saadaade, joowude,
si'ude, huuwude, rufude
rufude, hanyude,
work. synonyms: gere, lunnde, nokkuure.
suulude, bonnude; synonyms: rufude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
joonnde hiitotoonde Noun. audience; audience.
joopor Noun. cardinal; cardinal. joopor (-
Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 303
joote jowtiiru
2 • faire un petit tas de quelque chose; to make 3 • avoir peur, être craintif; afraid. Fay si
a little pile of something; O joorii kaaƴ
kaaƴe e gawri makko ndi heewi, ɓe nyaamataa ndi
ngesa makko joore keewɗ keewɗe. Il a fait sanne sabo imo jootaa ndi nyakan. Bien
plusieurs petits tas de pierre dans son champ. qu'il pleur bien, ils ne mangent pas beaucoup
He made a number of piles of stones in his car il craint que cela ne va pas suffire. Even
field. synonyms: joowude, saadaade. though he has a lot of grain they don't eat much
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. because he is afraid they will not have enough.
3 • déféquer; defecate. synonyms: bonnude, synonyms: hulude, huleede, owude.

hanyude, huuwude, si'ude, suulude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. joowtaali Noun. salutations; greetings.

joote Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting joowtude Verb. saluer; greet. Dialectal
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • avidité, convoitise; Forms: jowtude.
covetousness; greed. ***: keccoraaku,
joowude Noun Form of Infinitive: joowugol.
worolde, eelgal, haahaa, haanɗ
Participles: sing: joowuɗo-joowoowo plur:
mboronndi, himme, habisere,
joowuɓe-joowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
ndeereeraaku, wanyanere, boronndi.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire un
2 • radinerie; stinginess. compare: haahaa, petit tas de qqch; to make a little pile of
haanɗere, habisere, keccoraaku, something. synonyms: joorude, saadaade,
ndeereeraaku, rawaandaaku; higgude; ***: tigimaade, higgude, joorude.
synonyms: boronndi, eelgal, himme, Dialects: G.
mboronndi, worolde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • bourrer des choses dans un espace limité,
réunir des animaux ou des gens, mettre
jooteede Noun Form of Infinitive: jootegol.
ensemble; to pack things into a circumscribed
Participles: sing: jootaaɗo plur: jootaaɓe. space; to round animals or people up.
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant synonyms: higgude, tigimaade. Dialects: G.
Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
jorfoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être avide, convoiter;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
greedy (to be); covetous. O wo jootaaɗ
jootaaɗo sabo
of Noun: jorfooɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ko o heɓ
heɓi gawri faa heewi hikka ɗum fuu o
nez; noose. Catégorie : Le corps.
hennyaay faa imo eela keɓ
keɓuɗo seeɗ
seeɗa o. Il
synonyms: sotaga; ***: sotaga. Dialects: J,Y,G.
est avare car il a eu une bonne récolte mais il
convoite encore les grains de celui qui a jorfude Noun Form of Infinitive: jorfugol.
récolté peu. . He is greedy because even Participles: sing: jorfuɗo-jorfoowo plur:
though he harvested a lot of grain this year, it is
jorfuɓe-jorfooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
not enough, and he covets the grain of the guy
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
who only harvested a little. ***: huleede,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire une
woroɗinde, boroɗ
boroɗinde, ɗalude, eelude,
boucle, nouer; loop (to make a). ***: sotaade,
hulude, reereeɗ
reereeɗinde, wilsude, himmeede,
cotaade; synonyms: cotaade, sotaade.
deerorɗinde, ɗawude, owude, haanɗ haanɗude,
Dialects: J,Y,G.
woroɗinde; compare: haanɗ
haanɗude, habiseede,
reereeɗinde; synonyms: boroɗ
boroɗinde, eelude, jowɓ
it-a Verb. quintupler, augmenter cinq fois plus;
himmeede, woroɗ
woroɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to quintuple, to increase fivefold. 5 x ...
2 • être radin, avare, mesquin; miserly; stingy. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Gorko o wo jootaaɗ
jootaaɗo sabo o yiɗ
yiɗaa ittude jowtiiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
buuɗi makko faa o sooda ko o nyaama. Ce Designation: 4. Noun. salutation lors des
type est avare car il ne veut même pas
funérailles; funeral greetings. Dialects: J,Y,M.
s'acheter de la nourriture. That guy is a miser
because he hates even spending money to eat.
compare: yoorude; synonyms: boroɗ
alude, ɗawude, eelude, himmeede,
woroɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 304
jowtude juhude

jowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: jowtugol. juɓɓ

ɓɓudi ɓantaare expression. plan de
Participles: sing: jowtuɗo-jowtoowo plur: développement; development plan. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
jowtuɓe-jowtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb juɓ
juɓtere toonya expression. dommages-intérêts;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saluer; greet. recover damages. Catégorie : Juridique.
***: hiirnude, waynaade, salminde, juɓ
juɓtude Verb. dédommager; compensate, indemnify,
waalnude, wennude, silminde, nyallinde, reimburse . Catégorie : Juridique.
hownude; synonyms: hiirnude, hownude,
juɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: juɗugol.
nyallinde, salminde
salminde, silminde, waalnude,
Participles: sing: juɗuɗo-juɗoowo plur:
wennude; compare: waynaade. Dialectal
juɗuɓe-juɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
Forms: joowtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
joy Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • cinq (le nombre Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rôtir de la
cardinal); five. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. viande ou maïs sur le feu; roast meat or corn
2 • cinquième; fifth. here are the ordinal directly on the fire. ***: duppude, darnude,
numbers by noun class: Group I ɓe/joyaɓe, defude, buuɗ
buuɗude, wuuɗ
ko/joyaɓo, nde/joyaɓerde, ndu/joyaɓurdu, synonyms: duppude; compare: buuɗ buuɗude,
nge/joyaɓe, ngo/joyaɓo Group II ɗe/joyaɓe,
darnude, wuuwuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
ɗi/joyaɓi, ɗum/joyaɓum, kal/joyaɓal,
kol/joyaɓol, ngal/joyaɓal, ngel/joyaɓel, juggal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
ngol/joyaɓol, o/joyoɓo Group III Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
ɗam/njoyaɓam, ka/njoyaɓa, ki/njoyaɓi,
Noun: jugge. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
ko/njoyaɓo, koy/njoyaɓoy, ndi/njoyaɓirdi,
piquet / poteau pour attacher un cheval;
nga/njoyaɓa, ngi/njoyaɓi, ngu/njoyaɓu.
hitching post for a horse. ***: kanngeere,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hanngeere, tiggere; synonyms: kanngeere,
joyo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. cinq (nombre tiggere. Dialects: J,M.
cardinal); five. na'o joyo ***: njoyo;
jugorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe.
synonyms: njoyo. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
joyoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. cinq (nombre of Noun: jugorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
cardinal); five. synonyms: njoyoy; soufflet (comme utilisé par les forgerons);
***: njoyoy. Dialects: G. bellows. Note : Gourmanche synonyms: bifirgal,
ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: joƴƴingol. biwrugal, puufirgal, zuguduuru;
Participles: sing: joƴƴinɗo-joƴƴinoowo ***: biwrugal, zuguduuru, puufirgal.
plur: joƴƴinɓe-joƴƴinooɓe. Sorting Dialects: G.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in juhol Noun. une surprise; surprise.
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
juhude Noun Form of Infinitive: juhugol.
Verb. mettre, poser, placer quelque chose (par
Participles: sing: juhuɗo-juhoowo plur:
exemple un verre); put. ***: yowude, dekude,
juhuɓe-juhooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
wallinde, fukkinde; compare: dekude,
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
fukkinde, yowude, wallinde.
Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre l'avantage sur
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
un adversaire (cela peut inclure de cacher la
ƴƴinde sarɗ
sarɗi wotaade expression. voter une loi; vérité), surprendre; surprise; advantage (take).
to vote on a bill. Catégorie : Juridique. Si eɗ
eɗen njiɗ
njiɗi nanngude o sanaa njuhen o
ƴƴingol Noun. installation; installation. gilla o ummaaki fu, en mbaawaa tawude o
toon. Si nous voulons l'attraper, il faut que
ƴƴinnde huunde Verb. poser une chose; put nous le surprenions avant qu'il ne se lève sinon
down something. on ne va pas le trouver la-bas. If we want to
ɓɓol Noun. coordination; coordination. catch him we must surprise him before he gets
***: jokkondirgol
up or we won't find him there. ***: hiilude,
jokkondirgol; synonyms: femɗ
jambaade, suuɗ
suuɗude, fenude;
ɓɓondirde Verb. coordonner; to coordinate. compare: maɓɓ
ɓɓude, mogginaade, fenude,
***: jokkondirde. fewude; synonyms: jambaade, suuɗsuuɗude.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 305
juk julaade

juk Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très chaud; hot jukkoore famarde nde hewtay ujunaaji
(very). na wuli juk! synonyms: de2, jaw, taw; sappo expression. contravention;
***: taw, jaw, wulude; compare: wulude. contravention, infraction, transgression.
Dialects: J,Y.
jukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: jukkugol.
jukkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: jukkagol. Participles: sing: jukkuɗo-jukkoo plur:
Participles: sing: jukkiiɗo-jukkotooɗo jukkuɓe-jukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
plur: jukkiiɓe-jukkotooɓe. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • donner un
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. coup, peut être utilisé figurativement avec des
Verb. 1 • condamner, punir; damn; punish; mots tranchants; poke. Mi jukkan Idrissa faa
condemn. ***: halkude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, mi ndaaran salla o haari. Je vais donner un
jarribaade, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, tiinnande, coup à Idrissa pour voir s'il est plein. I will
bonnude, torrude, jarribaade, husinbinde; poke Idrissa to see if he is full. Karim jukkii
synonyms: halkude, jarribaade, jukkude. Jaara, wi'i imo ɓawli kirim. Karim a donné un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. coup à Jaara en disant qu'elle est noire comme
la nuit. Karim poked fun at Jaara, he said she
2 • tourmenter ou torturer; to torment or
was black as night. ***: jukkaade, tukkude,
torture someone. synonyms: husinbinde,
halkude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, jarribaade, riibande,
jarribaade, jukkude, riibande, saɗɗ
jukkaade, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, tiinnande, torrude,
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude.
jarribaade, husinbinde; compare: tukkude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
jukke mbarooje synonyme: jukkirgol maayde . 2 • damner, condamner, punir; damn; punish;
expression. peine de mort; death penalty,
condemn. synonyms: halkude, jarribaade.
capital punishment, death sentence. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Dialects: Y,G,M.
3 • tourmenter, torturer; torture someone;
jukkeede Noun Form of Infinitive: jukkegol. torment. synonyms: husinbinde, jarribaade,
Participles: sing: jukkaaɗo-jukketeeɗo plur: riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande,
jukkaaɓe-jukketeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, torrude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
juknude Verb. garantir; ensure, to guarantee, to
condamné, persécuté, tourmenté, puni ; secure. Catégorie : Juridique.
condemned; persecuted; punished; tormented jukunnde Noun. garantie; guarantee, warranty.
or tortured; damned. ***: halkeede, Catégorie : Juridique. ***: njeenaagu.
jarribeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
julaade Noun Form of Infinitive: julagol.
2 • donner un coup avec un bâton ou avec des
mots; this term also refers to the literal and Participles: sing: juliiɗo-julotooɗo plur:
figurative senses of "jukkude"; i.e. to poke juliiɓe-julotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
with a stick or words. synonyms: halkeede, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jarribeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. acheter et
vendre des marchandises, spécialement des
jukkere Noun. condamnation, peine; condemnation, animaux, faire le commerce de; buy and sell or
punishment. Catégorie : Juridique.
merchandise. ***: soonnude, sonnude,
synonyms: tampinere.
sottude, luumaade, njeeygu, njulaaku,
jukkoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. julaaku, soodude, sippude, jaagaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form soottude, yeeyude; compare: sippude;
of Noun: jukkooje. Sorting Designation: 3, th. synonyms: luumaade, jaagaade, soodude,
Noun. condamnation, punition, tourment, soonnude, soottude, yeeyude.
torture, damnation, sanction, amende, peine;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
torture; damnation; condemnation; torment;
punishment. synonyms: halkere, jarribe, torra,
mettal-ɓeernde; ***: halkere, jarribe, torra.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] jukkungo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 306
julaajo jurkel

julaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number junngo1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: julaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Noun: juuɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
commerçant, marchand; merchant; trader. 1 • bras; arm. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: danki
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: julaaku. junngo, balawal, seemde, gaɗ
gaɗa junngo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. walbo, daabawal
daabawal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
julaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. 2 • main; hand. compare: daabawal, danki
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of junngo, gaɗ
gaɗa junngo, seemde.
Noun: julaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
commerce (souvent des animaux); commerce;
junngo2 Noun. manuel; manual. Catégorie
trade. ***: njulaaku; compare: julaade, : Mathématique.
julaajo; synonyms: njulaaku. Dialectal
Forms: [J] jula (o). Dialects: G.
junngonyiiwa Noun. trompe d’éléphant; trunk of an
elephant. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
juldaandu mopeere Noun. noël; Christmas.
junnitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: junnitingol.
julɗe Noun. prières; prayers. Dialectal Forms: juule. Participles: sing: junnitinɗo-junnitoowo
jullal Noun. souche, chaume; stump; stock. plur: junnitinɓe-junnitooɓe. Verb Consonant
ƴommbe keddite tayere ngesa Catégorie Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
: Agriculture. Progressive: prg - na junnita. Verb.
1 • pencher, incliner quelque chose (pour
jum'a Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting verser le contenu); tilt; tip something to pour
Designation: 4. Noun. la prière musulmane du out. ***: lunndude, ruɗɗruɗɗitinde
ɗɗitinde, sintude.
vendredi; Friday Muslim prayers. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [G] juma, [M] jumɓa.
2 • tourner (ex. un livre), renverser; turn
Dialects: J,Y.
something upside down. synonyms: lunndude,
jumbaliiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗe. sintude. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form 3 • changer ce qu'on a dit; change what has
of Noun: jumbaliije. Sorting Designation: 4, or. been said. compare: ruɗɗ
ɗɗitinde. Dialects: J,Y.
Noun. tisserand; village weaver. Catégorie 4 • faire entrer tête en avant ( ex. dans un
: Oiseau. Ploceus culcullatus. puits); lower [G] a rope.
***: woyɓ
woyɓoondu, sabboondu, cawcawuuru,
junuuba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
hoobalaaru, hoɓɓ
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: cawcawuuru, hoobalaaru,
Noun: junuubaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
sabboondu; synonyms: hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, Noun. péché, violation de la loi morale de
woyɓoondu. Dialectal Forms: jumbaliyal. Dieu, acte que seul dieu peut pardonner; sin;
Dialects: J. violation of God's moral law. Note : arabe
compare: hakke, haƴƴ
ƴƴe; ***: haƴƴ
jummbugol Verb. exciser, circoncire (garçon);
excise; circumcise. suuttude, ayiibe, laru, aybere
aybere, harmude,
hakke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
junkuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form juranalist Noun. journaliste; journalist. Catégorie
: Travailleur. Note : français
of Noun: junkuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. renard fennec; fox (Fennec); Fennec jurkel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
fox. Catégorie : Mammifère. Canis zerda. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
***: wewbaagaaru, gaydoombal;
Noun: njurkoy. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
synonyms: gaydoombal, wewbaagaaru. Noun. petit instrument à cordes fait d'une
Dialects: Y. calebasse; stringed instrument made from a
calabash. Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
junndeefi Noun. longueur; length. ***: njuuteendi.
***: hoddu, geegeeru, googineeru,
yeegineeru, gaasol; compare: gaasol,
geegeeru, hoddu, yeegineeru.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 307
jurkondirde Juuldaandu

jurkondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: jurkundurgol. jusude Noun Form of Infinitive: jusugol.
Participles: sing: Participles: sing: jusuɗo-jusoowo plur:
jurkundurɗo-jurkunduroowo plur: jusuɓe-jusooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
jurkundurɓe-jurkundurooɓe. Sorting Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Progressive: prg. Verb. être prudent, être
Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. réservé, aller avec prudence; cautious;
Verb. causer une division entre des gens en prudent. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
racontant des mensonges, commérage,
accusation, calomnie; divisions between jutiisi darni Noun. décision de justice; court decision,
people by telling falsehoods; tempting or judicial decision. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
slandering; accusing; gossiping. Seyɗ
jurkundurii Hawwa e Laamɗ
Laamɗo nyannde jutiisi ndawranoowo hoorem expression.
ndeen. Satan a causé une division entre Eve et indépendance de la justice / magistrature;
Die en racontant des mensonges. Satan set Eve independence of the judiciary. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
and God against each other. Denjigi'en na
njurkundura worɓ
worɓe e Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Prostitutes juube Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
set men against God. synonyms: haɓ
haɓinde, Designation: 4, dh, da. Noun. maladie,
haddinde, hamnude, waddundurde; malaise; disease; sickness; illness. Catégorie
compare: munaafikaade, naafikaade, : Maladie. synonyms: laru, nyawu; ***: laru,
nyo'ude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] jurkundurde. nyaw. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: Y,G,M. juubeede Noun Form of Infinitive: juubegol.
jurkude Noun Form of Infinitive: jurkugol. Participles: sing: juubaaɗo-juubeteeɗo plur:
Participles: sing: jurkuɗo-jurkoowo plur: juubaaɓe-juubeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
jurkuɓe-jurkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • calomnier, malade; sick or ill. synonyms: nyawude.
diffamer (en vue de causer une division ou Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bagarre entre les gens); slander. Aan jurki o juuɓ
juuɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: prg. Participles: sing:
de o haɓ
haɓi e gondo makko. A cause de ce que juuɓuɗo-juuɓoowo plur:
tu lui as dit il s'est bagarré avec son voisin.
juuɓuɓe-juuɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Because of what you said to him he fought
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
with his neighbor. ***: wattude1, gaddaade,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper un
jarribaade, waɗ
waɗtude, ndaartindaade,
arbre, abattre un arbre; cut a tree down.
waddondirde, yurkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: gubbitinde, kuutaade;
2 • tenter pour faire le mal; tempt to do evil.
synonyms: gubbitinde, kuutaade.
Seyɗaani jurkii Hawwa nyannde ndeen.
Dialects: J,Y.
Satan a tenté Eve. Satan tempted Eve then.,
Denjigi'en na njurka worɓ
worɓe faa ɓe njeena juuɗ
juuɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Les prostituées tentent les hommes de Designation: 1, at. Noun. 1 • bras; arms.
commettre l’adultère. Prostitutes tempt men to
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
commit adultry. synonyms: jarribaade,
2 • mains; hands. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndaartindaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • enfoncer dans quelque chose, creuser; poke juuju Noun. juge; judge. Catégorie : Gouvernement.
something into something else. Note : français ***: sariyanke.
synonyms: wattude1, yurkude. Dialects: Y,G.
Juuldaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
jurmotooɗo Noun. qui a pitié, qui est sensible; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
compassion (who has). of Noun: Juuldaanduuji. Sorting Designation: 3,
jurnal Noun. journal; journal; newspaper. Catégorie th. Noun. 1 • la fête de fin du Ramadan; feast at
: Lecture / écriture. Note : français the end of the Ramadan; Islamic holy day.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jurnal leydi expression. journal officiel; official
2 • le mois après le Ramadan, le dixième mois
journal. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
de l’année lunaire; the tenth month of the
lunar year; the month following the Ramadan
fast. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 308
juulde juurdude

juulde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. juuraade Noun Form of Infinitive: juuragol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: juuriiɗo-juurotooɗo plur:
of Noun: juule. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. juuriiɓe-juurotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
prière musulmane (qu'on fait cinq fois par Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
jour); prays five times a day in Arabic. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • respecter,
synonyms: du'aawu; ***: du'aawu. honorer une personne importante ou un idole;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. respect to an important person or to an idol;
juuldugo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. honor. Hitaande fuu ɓe njaha to toowru
ɓɓe mawndu, ɓe njuuroo ndu. Chaque
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
année ils vont pour honorer leur fétiche.
Noun: juulduɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Every year they go to their chief idol and they
natte pour faire la prière; prayer mat.
pay homage to it. synonyms: teddinde;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: barkinde, toownude, mawnitaade,
juule Noun. prières; prayers. Dialectal Forms: julɗe. mawninkinaade, teddinde, saanude,
juulirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. mawninde. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 2 • vérifier ou surveiller qqn ou qqch tous les
quelques minutes; check on someone or
of Noun: juulirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. endroit de prière (ex. mosquée ou something every few minutes. Suka am na
église); mosque; place of prayer; church. ɗaanii ley suudu, njuuroɗ
njuuroɗaa o wakkati fuu.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: rewrude2, misiide; Mon enfant dort dans la maison, on le surveille
tous les quelque minutes. My child is sleeping
synonyms: misiide, rewrude1.
in the house, look in on her every few minutes.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: barkinde, mawninde,
juulnude1 Verb. faire prier; pray (cause to). mawninkinaade, mawnitaade, saanude,
toownude. Dialects: J,Y.
juulnude2 Verb. circoncire; circumcise. Taƴ
gurel huurungel hoore hallere gorko juurdude1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: haddugol, haddude. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: juurduɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
juulnugol Noun. circoncision; circumcision.
Noun. point d’accès pour un lac ou de l’eau;
synonyms: taadol.
access point to a lake or to water. Si a yehii
juulude Noun Form of Infinitive: juulugol. weendu
weendu fu a tawan puccu maa na darii dow
Participles: sing: juuluɗo-juuloowo plur: juurdude. Si tu vas au lac tu verras ton cheval
juuluɓe-juulooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. au bord de l'eau. If you go to the lake you will
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb find your horse standing next to the water's
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prier (se réfère edge. synonyms: regorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aux mots et gestes musulmanes utilisés); pray
(motions and words used in Islamic prayer).
***: wiirdude, du'aade; synonyms: du'aade;
compare: wiirdude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

juumre Noun. erreur; error. Catégorie

: Mathématique. synonyms: boofal.

juunnitorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: juunnitorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. pente , inclinaison, flanc, versant d'une
colline ou montagne; slope; descent of a hill or
a mountain. Catégorie : Terre. ***: jippitorde,
dellitorde, tellitorde, regitaango;
synonyms: dellitorde, jippitorde, regitaango,
tellitorde, wudditoroonde. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 309
juurdude ka

juurdude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: juurdugol. juurnude Noun Form of Infinitive: juurnugol.
Participles: sing: juurduɗo-juurdoowo plur: Participles: sing: juurnuɗo-juurnoowo plur:
juurduɓe-juurdooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. juurnuɓe-juurnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. abreuver un
1 • commencer, débuter; commence; begin; animal, amener un animal au point d'eau pour
start. Ko Aamadu
Aamadu yehi Tenkodogo, ɗum wo le faire boire; take animals to the water to
elevage artorii juurdude de sakitii yehi drink. compare: yarnude; ***: yarnude.
suudu Rik. Quand Amadou est allé à Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Tenkodogo, il a commencé par s'arrêter au « juurude Noun Form of Infinitive: juurugol. Sorting
élevage » et puis il est allé à la maison de Rick.
When Aamadu went to Tenkodogo he first Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
stopped at the elevage, then finally he went to Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Rick's house. Ko ngarumi Sebba ɗum police Verb. lorsque des animaux entrent dans l'eau
pour boire; when animals enter the water in
njuurdumi de sakitii njaami to mission.
Quand je suis allé à Sebba je me suis arrêté au order to drink; Ko kewtumi weendu mi tawii tawii
poste de police et ensuite je suis allé à la puccu Lobbo na juura. Quand je suis arrivé
station de la mission. When I went to Sebba I au lac j'ai vu le cheval de Lobbo dans le lac en
first stopped at the police [station] and then train de boire. When I got to the lake I found
finally I went to the mission. ***: regorde, Lobbo's horse in the lake drinking.
ɗɗude, regaade, juurude, artaade; synonyms: juurdude2, regaade;
synonyms: artaade, fuɗɗ
ɗɗude. ***: juurdude2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. juuruure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • entrer dans l'eau (animaux); enter the water Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
in order to drink (animals). Si a yotteke
yotteke of Noun: juuruuje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
weendu maɓɓ
ɓɓe fu a tawan na'i na njuurda Noun. des épis de mail attachés ensemble,
nokuure yaajunde. Lorsque tu arriveras au gerbe de mil; bundle of millet. ***: bokkoore,
lac tu verras des animaux en train de boire haɓɓ
ɓɓere, wulaare, wutaandu;
dans l'eau. If you come to their lake you will compare: wutaandu; synonyms: bokkoore,
find the cows drinking in the water at the wide
wulaare. Dialects: J.
place. synonyms: juurude, regaade
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. juuta-
enɗiihi Noun. cassia sieberiana; cassia
sieberiana; kind of tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
juuri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
juutinal synonyme: ɓartingol. Noun. périphrase;
Number One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
paraphrase. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Noun: uuriiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
miel; honey. Catégorie : Nourriture. juutirka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
***: njumndi, njuumndi, nyumndi; Designation: 3. Noun. la longueur; length.
synonyms: njuumndi; compare: benngaare, synonyms: njuuteefi; ***: njuuteefi. Dialectal
mbuuluulu, nyaaku, urkeewu. Dialects: G. Forms: [M] juutiri. Dialects: Y,G,M.

juuriire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. juutude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "na juuta"
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form refers to the capacity of something to be
of Noun: juuriije. Sorting Designation: 4, or. made long. Noun Form of Infinitive: juutugol.
Noun. hibou; owl. Catégorie : Oiseau. Note : Participles: sing: juutuɗo plur: juutuɓe.
mooré ***: fuugum, ngooƴ
ngooƴaare; Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
compare: biigamiimolel; Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
synonyms: ngooƴ
ngooƴaare. Dialects: G. Verb. être long; long (to be).
synonyms: toowude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

K - k

ka1 Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. lequel, quel; 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
which. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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ka kaaldal

ka2 Sorting Designation: 3. particle. quant à, kaaɗ

kaaɗungel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
concernant; as for. Miin ka, mi yahan joonin. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Quant à moi, je m'en vais maintenant. As for Noun: kaaɗukoy. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
me, I am going now. ***: le; synonyms: le. Noun. vésicule biliaire; gall bladder. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Le corps. synonyms: hanhande,
kankanngel; compare: heyre, keefam;
kaa Sorting Designation: 2. conj. 1 • mais; but.
***: kankanngel, hanhande. Dialects: G,M.
***: ammaa
ammaa, de1, kay, du2, do.
Dialects: J,Y,M. kaafaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
2 • toutefois, cependant, pourtant, en dépit; Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
however. synonyms: feeti, ammaa, de2, kay. Noun: kaafaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialectal Forms: (rare) [J] kaa noon. épée; sword. Catégorie : Outil. Note : arabe
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: karantiihi; ***: karantiihi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kaabaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: st, 5. Noun. constellation d'étoiles kaakaduru Noun. gingembre; ginger. Dialectal
appelée le Grand Carreau; Great Square. Forms: kakaduru.
Catégorie : Ciel. compare: Lahel Buraagi.
kaake defirɗ
defirɗe Noun. ustensiles; utensils. Catégorie
Dialectal Forms: [J] ka'baaje. Dialects: J,Y,M. : Outil.
kaabi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting kaakol Noun Class Markers: sing: kol plur: ɗe. Number
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisses ayant leur One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
premier veau, vaches qui ont eu deux fois des
Noun: kaake. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
veaux; first calf heifers; cows that have calved
calebasse, récipient; calabash; container.
twice. Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: Y,G.
Catégorie : Récipient. ***: gollirde,
kaabo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number tummbude1; synonyms: gollirde,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of tummbude2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: haabuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
kaakolol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
une femme âgée et mûre, femme en âge de se
marier et d'avoir des enfants; mature woman; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
woman who is old enough to be married and Noun: kaakooli, haako. Sorting Designation: 3,
give birth. Catégorie : La Personne. cs. Noun. 1 • feuille; leaf. Catégorie : Parties
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
***: leforowol, hufo, laalagal1, haakorowol
kaaccam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
haako, pogoluwol; synonyms: haakorowol,
Designation: 4. Noun. limite de la distance de
vision, distance, horizon; distance; horizon; leforowol. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • coquille moue, gousse; pod; shell (soft);
limit of one's distant vision. Miɗ
Miɗo haynoo
ɗɗum faa kaaccam to. I spoted something
seed coat. kaakolol ngiriiwu coquille
way off on the horizon. synonyms: kaccam; d'arachide. peanut shell. kaakolol ngiriiwu
ɓɓu coquille de pois chiche. chick pea
***: kaccam. Dialects: Y.
shell. synonyms: hufo, laalagal1, pogoluwol;
aaɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting compare: nguru. Dialects: Y,G.
Designation: 2, ah, ct. Noun. lait caillé, yaourt;
sour milk; yogurt. Catégorie : Nourriture. kaalaaka Noun. expression orale, énoncé; oral
***: walsere, jollooru, kosam ɗaaniiɗ
expression, oral communication, utterance.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture, Le langage et
aaniiɗam, wulsere, lammuɗ
la pensée. ***: winndannde.
compare: jollooru, walsere;
synonyms: ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam, lammuɗ
lammuɗam. kaalaandi Noun. prose; prose. Catégorie : Lecture /
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. écriture.

kaaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number kaaldal Noun. dialogue; dialog. Catégorie : Le langage
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of et la pensée. synonyms: jaabondirgol;
Noun: haaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. noir ***: batidal.
africain; black African; African (black).
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: ɓaleejo;
synonyms: ɓaleejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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kaaleyal kaane riiku

kaaleyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. kaamirgal Noun. presse; press.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
kaamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Noun: kaaleeje. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. 1 • sueur,
pagaie pour faire bouger une barque; paddle
transpiration; perspiration; sweat.
used to move a boat. Note : mooré
***: olowere, haamu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, nguli, olwere,
***: awƴ
awƴorgal, kurbirgal ndiyam,
cabbam, guli; synonyms: guli, olowere, nguli.
lummbirgal, cummbirgal;
Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: awƴ
awƴorgal, cummbirgal,
lummbirgal, kurbirgal ndiyam. Dialects: M. 2 • humidity. synonyms: haamu, kuɓɓ
Dialects: J,Y.
kaalimawol Noun. lexème; lexeme. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. kaanaal Noun. corbeau; crow. Catégorie : Oiseau.
synonyms: daawuwal, dowdaakal,
kaalisi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: kaalisiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. kaanankaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
argent; money. Catégorie : Argent. Designation: 3. Noun. souveraineté, royauté,
***: mbecca
mbecca, becca, mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, buuɗ
buuɗu, jawdi, chefferie; chiefdom; royalty; kingship;
daliili, ceede, nduttudi; compare: daliili, sovereignty. ***: amiiraaku;
jawdi, mbecca; synonyms: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, ceede. compare: amiiraaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kaananke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
kaaloowo haala expression. locuteur; speaker. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée. Noun: kaanankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. roi ou chef; king; chief. Catégorie : La
kaaltaro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Personne. ***: laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, ndewgu, amiiru,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
jooro, laamu, Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo; synonyms: amiiru,
Noun: haaltarɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
laamiiɗo; compare: jooro, laamu, ndewgu.
bavard, quelqu'un qui dit des commérages,
quelqu'un qui ne garde pas la confidentialité; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tale bearer; gossip. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo o wo kaaltaro kaanɗ
kaanɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Plural Form of
sabo mi haalanii
haalanii o haala Bureyma de o Noun: kanɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
haaltani ɗum. Cette personne ne garde pas la folie, possédé par un démon, épilepsie,
confidentialité car je lui ai dit quelque chose démence; demon possession; epilepsy;
concernant Boureima et il l'a dit à autrui. That insanity. Catégorie : Maladie.
person is a gossip because I spoke to him about synonyms: kirikiri, pooli; compare: haaŋ
Bureyma and he repeated it. Catégorie : La ***: pooli, kirikiri, haaŋ
Personne. ***: foowude, hunndukoojo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
munaafiki; synonyms: hunndukoojo,
munaafiki. Dialects: J,Y. kaane ɓii-
ii-aadama expression. droits de l’homme;
human rights . Catégorie : Gouvernement,
kaamili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Juridique.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
kaane debbo expression. droits de la femme;
Noun: kaamili'en. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. women's rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Noun. femme enceinte; pregnant woman. Juridique.
Catégorie : La Personne. Note : arabe
***: debereedu, haamili; kaane dow ko ronaa expression. droits
patrimoniaux; property rights. Catégorie
synonyms: debereedu, haamili. Dialects: Y,M.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
kaamilude Noun Form of Infinitive: kaamilugol.
kaane finaatawaa expression. droits culturels;
Participles: sing: kaamiliijo-kaamiloo plur: cultural rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
kaamiliiɓe-haamilooɓe. Sorting Juridique.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
kaane politikki expression. droits politiques;
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. political rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Verb. être enceinte; pregnant (used only of Juridique.
women). Note : arabe ***: tummbude2,
haamilude; synonyms: dunyude, haamilude,
kaane riiku expression. droits économiques;
economic rights . Catégorie : Gouvernement,
reedude. Dialects: Y. Juridique.

16/02/2020 312
kaane suka kaasaade
2 • lorsque quelque chose a du pouvoir sur
kaane suka expression. droits de l’enfant; children's
quelqu'un; for something to have power over
rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
someone - this power can be the addictive
kaane tomotte en expression. droits civils; civil property of something such as tea; cola nuts;
rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. tobacco; or it can be the occultic property of
something such as a charm to which one feels
kaane waɗ
anaaɗe yimɓ
yimɓe synonyme: kaane one owes one's security to; Mi waawaa
suudu baaba. expression. droits sociaux;
kaariya goro. Je ne peux pas résister au
social rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
pouvoir (à l'envie pour) des noix de cola. I
cannot resist the power of cola nuts.
kaane yimɓ
yimɓe expression. droits des peuples; the Dialects: J,Y,G.
rights of indigenous peoples. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. kaartaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kaartagol.
Participles: sing: kaartiiɗo-kaartotooɗo
kaangi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting plur: kaartiiɓe-kaartotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisses ayant le
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
premier veau; first calf heifers; heifers (first Verb. nettoyer/racler sa gorge et cracher; clear
calf). Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J. your throat and to spit it out. ***: tuɓ
aaɗo Noun. fou; mad person. ormitaade, ɗiilude, tuutude, haartaade,
nyilɓere, horkitinde, durma, eemtaade,
kaareehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
horsude1, ɗojjude, looƴ
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
synonyms: haartaade; compare: tuɓ tuɓtude,
Noun: kaareeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. arbre à karité, karité; Shea nut tree. tuutude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Arbres. Butyrospermum kaartudi Plural Form of Noun: kaartooɗe.
paradoxum, vitellaria paradoxa (see Maydell,
Variante: kartudi. Noun. crachat; spit.
p. 434). Note : français compare: haareere;
synonyms: tuɓ
taaɗe, tuute.
***: haareere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kaaruɗo rassasié; be satisfied, be full, had enough.
kaareeho Plural Form of Noun: kaareeho. Noun.
***: paltu
feuille de karité; leave of Shea-butter tree.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une kaaruwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
kaareeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Noun: kaaruuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3, pl. Noun. noix de karité (pl.); 1 • calcaire, poussière ou poudre d'os, kaolin,
shea nuts. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. craie; chalk; kaolin. ***: ngoore.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
kaari Sorting Designation: 4. interj. exclamation d'un
sentiment négative envers quelque chose; an 2 • craie; chalk. Dialectal Forms: [M] kaaruuri
exclamation of negative feelings about (ndi)/kaaruuje (ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,G.
something. synonyms: kayto; ***: kayto. kaasa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka/o plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: ngoota/gooto.
kaariya Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Plural Form of Noun: kaasaaji. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • avoir un fort besoin de Designation: 4. Noun. robe ou couverture fait de
qqn ou qqch; need something or someone. Mi laine; robe made of wool; blanket made of
wool. Catégorie : Vêtement. Note : Bambara
hokkataa ma dewtere nde sabo mi waawaa
***: suddamaare, totiire, wudere,
kaariya mayre. Je ne peux pas te donner ce
livre parce que j'en ai tellement besoin que je nyaaɗ
nyaaɗude, damiyoore, disaare, sakala,
ne veux pas m'en séparer. I won't give you that tappiire; compare: disaare, sakala,
book because I cannot be separated from it suddamaare, tappiire, totiire, wudere.
[implied because I need it]. Dialects: J,Y,G. Dialects: J,Y,M.

kaasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kaasagol.
Participles: sing: kaasiiɗo-kaasotooɗo plur:
kaasiiɓe-kaasotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • peigner les cheveux; comb your hair.
***: sancaade, cancorgal. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 313
kaaseede kaaynaaɗam
2 • ratisser, amasser; rake. Dialects: J,Y,M. kaataare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
3 • cogner quelqu'un ou quelque chose; run Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
into someone or something. Dialects: M. of Noun: kaataaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
4 • saisir, attraper soudainement ou par savon; soap. ***: saabunnde, kaata1,
surprise; grab suddenly or by surprise.
horitande; synonyms: horitande, saabunnde.
Silgaare kaasake cofel ngel. L'épervier a
Dialects: Y,G,M.
attrapé le poussin. The hawk grabbed the
chick. compare: cancorgal; kaatane foyer; cooking place; hearth; fireplace.
synonyms: sancaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: defirde.

kaaseede Noun Form of Infinitive: kaasegol. kaatane kese expression. foyers améliores; improved
Participles: sing: kaasaaɗo-kaaseteeɗo stoves, cooking places.
plur: kaasaaɓe-kaaseteeɓe. Sorting kaatatal Plural Form of Noun: kaatate. Noun.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. mille-pattes; centipede. Catégorie : Animaux
Verb. 1 • être peigné; combed (to be). inférieurs. synonyms: lingolinngoore.
***: sanceede; synonyms: sanceede.
kaatimgol Noun. quadrillage; grid. Catégorie
Dialects: J.
: Mathématique.
2 • être raclé; raked (to be). Dialects: J,Y,M.
kaaweesiyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
3 • cogner par accident; run into accidentally.
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
Dialects: M.
Form of Noun: kaaweesihoy. Sorting
4 • être saisi brusquement; ; grabbed suddenly.
Designation: 2. Noun. point d'exclamation;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
exclamation mark! Catégorie : La Grammaire.
kaasorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Dialects: tech.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
kaawtagol Noun. exclamation; exclamation. Catégorie
Noun: kaasorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. : Lecture / écriture.
1 • râteau, un morceau de bois utilisé pour
racler un terrain; rake; . Catégorie : Outil. kaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
***: sancaade, cancorgal, buuwtorgal, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
doonyirgal, caasorgal; Noun: kaawiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
synonyms: buuwtorgal, doonyirgal. Noun. oncle maternel; uncle on the mother's
Dialects: J,Y,M.
side. Catégorie : Parenté. contracted
possessive forms: 1s kaawam, 2s kaawa, 3s
2 • peigne; comb. compare: sancaade; (makko) kaawiiko, (muuɗum) kaawum,
synonyms: caasorgal, cancorgal. Dialects: J. (exclusive) NA, 1p (inclusive) kaawii'en,
[Y,G] kaawiiɗen [both of these are the same as
kaasude Noun Form of Infinitive: kaasugol. kaawu meeɗen], 2p kaawii'on, [Y,G]
Participles: sing: kaasuɗo kaasoowo plur: kaawiiɗon [both of these are the same as
kaasuɓe-kaasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. kaawu mooɗon], 3p (maɓɓe) kaawiiɓe,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. peigner (muɓɓen) kaawumen [same as kaawu
les cheveux de quelqu'un; comb someone muɓɓen]. ***: bappaanjo;
else's hair. synonyms: sancude; compare: bappaanjo. Dialectal Forms: [J,M]
***: sancude. Dialects: J. kaaw, kaawiiwo, [J] kaawiraaɗo, [Y] kaawo,
[Y,G] kaawiyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kaata1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of kaayeefi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Noun: kaataaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
cendres de tiges de mil; ashes of millet stalks. Noun: kaayeefiiji. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
compare: kaataare, ndoondi, saabunnde; Noun. surprise, merveille, miracle; miracle;
***: saabunnde, conndi, ndoondi, doondi. surprise; marvel. ***: haaynde;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: haaynde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

kaata2 Noun. potasse; potash. Huunde taayoore ley kaaynaaɗ

kaaynaaɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
ndiyam, haaɗ
haaɗunde nawtorteende ley ndefu Designation: 3, ct. Noun. beurre liquide cuit;
banngal taƴ
taƴugol lammugol huunde cooked liquid butter. compare: haaynude.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 314
kaaƴe kaɓtirɗe

kaaƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. 1 • rochers, kaɓɓ
ɓɓondiral leyɗ
leyɗe expression. relations
rocs, pierres; rocks. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. internationales; international relations, global
relationships. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
2 • batteries. Dialectal Forms: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓondiral leyɗ
leyɗe ɓuruɗ
uruɗe e ɓuraaɗ
kaaƴeeri Plural Form of Noun: kaaƴeeji. Noun. nodule; expression. relation nord-sud; North-South
nodule. Catégorie : Maladie. relationship. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
kabaaru1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Pays, Juridique.

Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of kaɓɓ

ɓɓorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Noun: kabaaruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
des nouvelles, message; message; news. Note : Noun: kaɓɓorɗi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
arabe ***: habaru, kibaaru, haala, tiiri, ceinture, tissu ou corde pour tenir les
filnde; synonyms: habaru, kibaaru, tiiri; pantalons en place; rope or band of cloth used
compare: filnde, haala. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to hold up pants; belt. synonyms: kumorgol,
tunndorgol; ***: kumorgol, haɓɓhaɓɓaade
kabaaru2 Plural Form of Noun: kabaaji. Variante: kaba.
tunndorgol; compare: haɓɓ
ɓɓaade. Dialectal
Noun. chien; dog. synonyms: rawaandu,
Forms: [Y,M] kaɓɓinorgol, [J] kaɓɓitorgol.
Dialects: J,M.
kaɓa karo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
ɓɓuko'u Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Noun: kaɓa karooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
of Noun: kaɓɓuko'uuji. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. un grand guerrier, héro; hero; chief
Noun. inquiétude ou préoccupation, soucis,
warrior of a place. Dialectal Forms: [J] kaɓa problème; problem; worry or problem;
haro. Dialects: J. concern. compare: baasi
baasi, himmeede,
ɓɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. masiiba, mettalla, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla; ***: kumpa,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, masiiba, waannde, mettalla, baasi;
Noun: kaɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: kumpa, waannde.
fiançailles ou mariage d'une femme, après Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cette cérémonie elle est officiellement mariée;
engagement of a woman in marriage. kaɓ
kaɓi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
***: koowgal, ɓangal, dewgal, haɓɓ haɓɓude
ɓɓude, Designation: 4. Noun. lutte ou combat; fighting
cuddal; compare: ɓangal, dewgal, haɓɓhaɓɓude
ɓɓude, or fights. ***: wolde; compare: haɓ
koowgal; synonyms: cuddal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: wolde. Dialects: J,Y.

ɓɓinorgol jebe Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol kaɓ
irɗe Noun. matériel, armement ; equipment,
weapons, armament. Catégorie
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol.
: Mathématique.
Plural Form of Noun: kaɓɓinorɗi jebe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. ceinture de munition, kaɓ
kaɓitirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
bande chargeur; ammunition belt. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: kumol; ***: kumol. Dialects: M. Noun: kaɓitirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
trousse d'outils, trousse ou kit d'instruments,
ɓɓitorgol Noun. ceinture; belt. Catégorie équipement; materials necessary for doing
: Vêtement. medical examinations; set of tools; equipment;
ɓɓol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. kit; set of medical instruments. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of : Outil. Dialectal Forms: [Y] kaɓitorgal.
Noun: kaɓɓi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
amulette; charm; amulet. ***: baakol, lohol, kaɓ
itirgal-tergal Plural Form of
talkuru; synonyms: baakol, talkuru. Noun: kaɓitirɗi-terɗe. Noun. anticorps;
Dialects: J,G,M. antibody. Catégorie : Traitement de la
maladie. ***: ko haɓ
haɓdata e ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe nyaw.
ɓɓol2 Plural Form of Noun: kaɓɓi.
synonyme: ɗaɗol-pattawol, ɗaɗol-giinol. kaɓ
tirɗe Noun. arme; weapon. Catégorie : Outil.
Noun. ligament; ligament. Catégorie : Le

16/02/2020 315
kaccam kakindii

kaccam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting kaɗɗ

ɗɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. limite de la vision à Designation: 3, cs. synonyme: kirinfi. Noun.
distance. horizon; horizon; limit of one's piment rouge; red peppers. Catégorie
distant vision. Miɗ
Miɗo hayno goɗɗ
ɗɗum faa : Nourriture. ***: kirinfi. Dialects: J,M.
kaccam to. I spoted something way off on the
kaɗngel Plural Form of Noun: kaɗkaɗkoy. Noun.
horizon. ***: kaaccam; synonyms: kaaccam. bile; bile. Catégorie : Le corps.
Dialectal Forms: [J] kaccooɗe gite.
kaɗol Noun. interdit; interdict, prohibition . Catégorie
Dialects: G,M.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
kaccam gite Noun. horizon; horizon. Catégorie synonyms: haɗ
: Terre.
kafe emprunt: français. Noun. café; coffee. Catégorie
kaciiguwa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗe. : Nourriture.
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
kahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Noun: kaceeguuje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun. espèce d'aigle; eagle (tawny); tawny
eagle. Catégorie : Oiseau. Aquila rapax. Note : Noun: kahe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
caïlcédrat; mahogany tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
Gourmanche ***: siilde, ceda, foolde;
Khaya senegalensis. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: foolde, siilde. Dialects: G.
kaho Plural Form of Noun: kaho. Noun. feuille de
kaddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
caïlcédrat; leaves of a specific tree. Catégorie
Designation: 3. Noun. la fin, point terminal, : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
limite, le bord, conclusion, terminaison,
totalité; termination; end; edge; totality; kak Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. 1 • exactement,
finish; limit; conclusion. Ɗo woni kaddi précisément, tout juste le même; exactly the
ngesa am. Ici est la limite de mon champ. same; just right; precisely. Pereeje ɗe kawrii
Here is the edge of my field. Mi gollante gilla kak. Il y avait tout juste le bon nombre de
briques. There was just the right number of
puɗal naange faa
faa sallifana, ɗum woni
bricks. ***: fasii, cap, pasii, kap, cak, tak,
kaddi golle am. Je travaillerai pour toi du
lever du soleil jusqu'à l'après-midi, voilà la fotude; synonyms: cak, cap, kap.
limite de mon travail. I will work for you from Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sun up until afternoon, that is the limit of my 2 • vraiment mort; dead. Araawa nga waatii
work. ***: kattuba, timmoode, hantoode, kak. L'âne est vraiment mort. That donkey is
haddu, keerol, cakitte, ceerol; really dead. compare: fotude; synonyms: poɗ
synonyms: cakitte, hantoode, kattuba, tak. Dialects: M.
timmoode; compare: haaɗhaaɗude, keerol.
kakaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kakagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: kakiiɗo-kakotooɗo plur:
kaddule Noun. vêtements; clothes. Catégorie kakiiɓe-kakotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
: Vêtement.
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
kaddungal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. un enclos en tissant des branches ensemble,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of faire une clôture, clôturer; fence; build a
corral by weaving branches together.
Noun: kaddule. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
un vêtement; article of clothing; clothing (an compare: hoggo; ***: kaltaade;
article of). Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: tekkere, synonyms: kaltaade, wilaade. Dialects: G.
koltal; synonyms: koltal, tekkere. kakaduru Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, ct. Noun. gingembre; ginger.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Hausa
kadin Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de
synonyms: gokambi; ***: gokambi. Dialectal
nouveau; again. compare: ɗiimitinde;
Forms: kaakaduru. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: kasen, gatin, katin, gasin, gadin;
synonyms: gadin, gasin, gatin, kasen, katin. kakindii adj. médiocre; poor.
Dialectal Forms: [G] kaden. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 316
kakkitorɗe kalori

kakkitorɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting kalawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 2. Noun. courte période entre Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
saison froide et saison chaude, généralement Noun: kalaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
au mois de mars; the short period between the arc; bow. Catégorie : Chasse et pêche.
cold season ("dabbunde") and the hot season synonyms: ɓaaru; ***: ɓaaru, kural, mbasu
("ceeɗu"); generally in March. ***: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, kure; compare: kural, mbasu kure. Dialectal
colte, dabbunde, ndunngu, korse,
Forms: [G] kalal, [M] kalasal. Dialects: J.
ƴaamnde, gataaje, dunngu, keeɗkeeɗu;
synonyms: colte; compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, dabbunde,
kalawiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
gataaje, ndunngu, ƴaamnde. Designation: 3, da. Noun. excréments liquides
d'un veau; the loose stool of a calf on an all
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
milk diet. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] kalawri.
kakoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Kaldiya Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
of Noun: kakooje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Noun. noix de coco; coconut. Catégorie Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Chaldée; Chaldea -
it is disputed if this is a region of southern
: Nourriture. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Babylon or of northern Mesopotamia.
kal Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. lequel, laquelle, Catégorie : Région. Note : hébreu
que; which. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: biblical.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Kaldiyanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
kala Sorting Designation: 3. adj/ipn. tous, toutes; all. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

synonyms: fuu; ***: fuu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: Kaldiyankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
cbp. Noun. chaldéen; ; Chaldean. Catégorie
kalahaldi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. : Communauté. Note : hébreu Dialectal
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form Forms: [biblical] Kaldiyankeejo.
of Noun: kalahali. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Dialects: biblical.
Noun. un gros taureau, un homme ou une
femme fort(e) /solide, géniteur; sire; solidly kale Sorting Designation: 3. adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
built man or woman; bull (large). quelle; which. Kosal kale njarataa? Quel
***: halaade, ngaari, gaari, ujiri, partie du lait vas-tu boire ? Which bit of milk
ngurgurtiri, ɓujiri, nagge, gurgurtiri; will you drink?; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: nagge, ngaari, ɓujiri, halaade. kalfiniiɗ
kalfiniiɗo Noun. réfugié; refugee, displaced. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Juridique. ***: mooliiɗ
kalahaldi ngirow Noun. porc; pig. Catégorie Kalifa Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (celui
: Élevage. qui est) Confié; first name for a male,
kalala Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. meaning: (the one who is) Entrusted. Catégorie
: Nom.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
of Noun: kalalaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. kaliifa suka Noun. tutorat; tutoring, tutorship,
dispute, débat, discussion, controverse; coaching. Catégorie : Apprendre.
dispute; argument; controversy. ***: jeddi, kalimaawol Noun. mot; word. Catégorie : Le langage
geddi, yeddondirude; synonyms: geddi, et la pensée. synonyms: daande2;
jeddi; compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: harfeere.
kalandiriyee Noun. calendrier; calendar. Note : kalimaawol jillungol synonyme: harfeere jillunde.
français expression. mot composé; compound word.
kalasal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of kalmatiisi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Noun: kalase. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
hampe pour épée; shaft of a spear. Noun: kalmatiisiije. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
compare: labbo1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. eucalyptus; Eucalyptus tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
synonyms: filaawo; ***: filaawo. Dialects: G.

kalori emprunt: français. Noun. calories; calories.

Catégorie : Nourriture.

16/02/2020 317
kalson kamiyon

kalson Noun. caleçon; boxer shorts; underpants. kam tan lui seul; he alone.
Catégorie : Vêtement. Note : français
kam'en Sorting Designation: 1. epn. ils, elles,
kaltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kaltagol. eux-mêmes; they; themselves. Rik e
Participles: sing: kaltiiɗo-kaltotooɗo plur: kooreejim, kam'en njey fotoo o. Cette photo
kaltiiɓe-kaltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, appartient à Rick et sa famille. This photo
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. belongs to Rick and his family. ***: kamɓ
clôturer, faire un enclos avec des branches; kamɓ
kamɓen; synonyms: kamɓ
kamɓe, kamɓ
fence; build a corral by weaving branches Dialects: J,Y,G.
together. ***: wilaade, hoggo, kakaade;
synonyms: kakaade, wilaade; compare: hoggo.
kamaalu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Dialects: Y. Designation: 4, th. Noun. fanfaronnade,
vantardise, suffisance; boasting; conceit;
kaltohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number bragging. ***: ri'aaku
ri'aaku, yiingaaku, mantaare;
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of synonyms: mantaare, mawnitaare, ri'aaku,
Noun: kaltoje. Sorting Designation: pl. Noun. yiingaaku. Dialects: J,Y.
espèce d'arbuste; A shrub of the Sahel.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Grewia kamanaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
tenax. ***: ciiɓ
ciiɓooli, ngursoohi; Designation: 3, cs. Noun. épis de céréale; ears
synonyms: ngengeehi; compare: ngursoohi. of corn. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
Dialects: J. d’une plante. Dialects: J,Y,M.

kaltuɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number kamanaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 2, cs. Noun. plante de mil ou de
maïs, grain de céréale; corn or maize plant;
Noun: kaltuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. un
kernels of corn; maize. Catégorie : Herbes,
jeune enfant potelé; child who is chubby;
plantes grimpantes. Zea mais. ***: liccal
pudgy. compare: haltude; synonyms: bufinɗ
kamanaari, kannaaje, ƴommbal kamanaari;
***: bufinɗ
bufinɗo. Dialects: G.
synonyms: kannaaje, liccal kamanaari,
kalude Noun Form of Infinitive: kalugol. ƴommbal kamanaari; compare: hamanaare.
Participles: sing: kaluɗo-kaloowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,M.
kaluɓe-kalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
kamɓe Sorting Designation: 1. epn. ils, elles,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • accrocher avec la jambe; hook with your eux-mêmes; they; themselves. Kamɓ
Kamɓe wo ɓe
leg. Note : français ***: yaalude. julaaɓ
julaaɓe. Ils sont des commerçants. They are
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. merchants. ***: kamɓ
kamɓen, kam'en;
2 • terme utilisé en parlant d'acheter des compare: kamɓ
kamɓen, kam'en. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bœufs; When a cattle merchant speaks to the kamɓ
kamɓen Sorting Designation: 1. epn. ils, elles,
other cattle merchants and tells them not to buy
eux-mêmes; they; themselves. Yuusufi'en,
a certain person's cattle as he has already
offered his price and the owner of the cattle kamɓ
kamɓen njeyaa Sebba pay. La famille de
refused to sell him his cattle. This has the Youssouf ne vient pas de Sebba. Yuusufi's
effect of price fixing. Note : français family don't really come from Sebba.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: kamɓ
kamɓe; ***: kamɓ
kamɓe, kam'en;
3 • entraver, faire obstacle; hinder. Note : synonyms: kam'en. Dialects: J,Y.
français Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kamiya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
kam1 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. il, elle, lui-même, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
elle-même; himself; he; herself; she. Aamadu, Noun: kamiyaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs,
kam tan remi ngesa nga. Amadou, lui seul a mt. Noun. poison; poison. ***: poso, posone;
cultivé le champ. Aamadu, he alone cultivated synonyms: poso. Dialects: Y.
this field. compare: kanko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kamiyon Noun. camion; lorry; truck. Catégorie
kam2 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. me; me. Mbuula : Voyager. Note : français
hokkii kam sunkaaji ɗiin. Mboulla m'a
donné les arachides. Mbuula gave me these
peanuts. ***: kanko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kam pay
pay Adverb. exactement; exactly.

16/02/2020 318
kammbari kanndi

kammbari Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. car, parce Kanaanankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
que; because. Kammbari mi heɓ heɓaay mobel, Sorting Designation: 5, lg. Noun. langue
ɗuum haɗhaɗi kam
kam warde. J'étais empêché de cananéen; Canaanite - the language of the
venir car je n'avais pas eu de voiture. What Canaanites. Part of the northwestern family of
stopped me from coming was that I didn't have semitic languages. Dialects: tech.
a car. Note : Bambara ***: ngam, ba de, gam, kandeeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
gan1; synonyms: batte, fii, gam, gan1, ngam,
Designation: 3. Noun. paniers, corbeilles;
sabu. Dialects: J,Y,M. baskets; hampers. Catégorie : Récipient.
kammbiije Noun. piment; pepper. Catégorie Dialects: J,G,M.
: Nourriture. ***: kirinfi; synonyms: kirinfi. kandidaa Noun. candidat; candidate. Note : français
kammbulam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting kanɗ
kanɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Noun. folie;
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. l'eau utilisée pour insanity; craziness; madness. Catégorie
laver le mil (ensuite elle est donnée aux : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
animaux); ; water used to wash the millet.
synonyms: lootam; ***: lootam. kankanngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur:
Dialects: J,Y,M. koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
Form of Noun: kankankoy. Sorting
kammu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. vésicule biliaire; gall
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
bladder. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: heyre,
of Noun: [J,Y] kammuuli or [J,Y,G,M]
kaaɗungel, heeyre, hanhande, keefam;
kammuuji. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
synonyms: hanhande, kaaɗ
1 • ciel, firmament, cieux; sky; heavens.
compare: heyre, keefam. Dialects: J,Y.
Catégorie : Ciel. synonyms: asama; ***: Eden,
Adnin, aljenna. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kankarawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
2 • étendu du ciel, paradis; heaven. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: aljenna, asama. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: kankaraaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. corbeau pie; crow; pied crow. Catégorie
kamnanoowo Noun. celui qui dérange; disturbs (one
: Oiseau. Corvus albus. synonyms: daawuwal,
dowdaakal; ***: kaanaal, daawuwal,
kanaa Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v. 1 • devrait, aurait dowdaakal. Dialectal Forms: [M]
dû; should. ***: karahan, haanude, sanaa, kankanaaral. Dialects: Y,G.
so wanaa, say, si wanaa, sey, waajibi,
kanko Sorting Designation: 1. epn. il, elle, elle-même,
yonude, tilay. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lui-même; himself; he; herself; she. Jooɗ
2 • doit, doivent; must. synonyms: haanude,
dow laawol toon, kanko jey bitiki oon. La
sanaa, say, sey, yonude; compare: karahan, femme assise au bord de la route, elle est la
tilay, tilsude, waajibaade, waajibi. propriétaire de ce magasin. The lady sitting by
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. the road back there, she is the owner of this
store. compare: kam2; ***: kam1.
Kanaana Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbl. Noun. 1 • le
pays de Canaan, Israël; Canaan; Israel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Région. Note : hébreu ***: Israa'iila. kannaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: biblical. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. 1 • épis de céréale /
2 • Canaan; Canaan. Note : hébreu maïs; ears of corn. Catégorie : Parties d’un
Dialects: biblical. végétal ou d’une plante. ***: kamanaari.
Dialects: G.
Kanaanankeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
2 • plante de mil ou de maïs, graines de
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
céréales; corn or maize plants; kernels of
Form of Noun: Kanaanankooɓe. Sorting
corn. synonyms: kamanaari, liccal kamanaari,
Designation: 3, cbp. Noun. Canaanite;
ƴommbal kamanaari. Dialects: G.
Canaanite. Catégorie : Communauté. Note :
hébreu Dialects: biblical. kanndi Noun. colostrum; colostrum. Kosam
modduɗam, alahaali oolam fu ardotooɗ
wurtaade e enɗ
enɗi soni debbo maa hujjere
rewere rimii ***: kosam enndu aranam.

16/02/2020 319
kanngeere karawal

kanngeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. karammbammba Noun Class Markers: sing: o
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gooto.
of Noun: kanngeeje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Plural Form of Noun: karammbammbaaji.
Noun. piquet / poteau pour attacher un cheval; Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. 1 • brancard,
hitching post for a horse. litière; litter with a wooden frame. Note : mooré
synonyms: hanngeere
hanngeere, juggal, tiggere; ***: kooƴ
kooƴirgal, dimba, adirgal,
***: hanngeere, juggal, tiggere. Dialects: Y. sagargaawo; synonyms: adirgal, kooƴ kooƴirgal.
kanŋe Noun. or; gold. Catégorie : Argent, Terre. Dialects: J,M.
Dialectal Forms: kaŋŋe. 2 • lit ou matelas fait de tiges de mil tissés;
mattress made of millet stalks; bed. Catégorie
kantaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kantagol. : Équipement de la maison. Note : mooré
Participles: sing: kantiiɗo-kantotooɗo plur: synonyms: dimba, sagargaawo. Dialects: J,M.
kantiiɓe-kantotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
karanji Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. grimper,
Designation: 3. synonyme: petoron, taaji. Noun.
escalader; climb over. synonyms: diwude; pétrole pour lampe; kerosene - lamp oil. Note :
***: diwude. Dialects: G,M. English ***: petoron, taaji. Dialectal
kaŋ Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très dur; really Forms: [M] karanzi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hard; hard (really). Leydi ɗo na yoori kaŋ
kaŋ. Le karansambaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
sol ici est vraiment dur. The ground here is
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
really hard. compare: yoorude; ***: koŋkoŋ,
Form of Noun: karansambaaɓe. Sorting
koloŋ, korom, yoorude, kayŋkayŋ;
Designation: 3. Noun. enseignant d'école;
synonyms: kayŋ
kayŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, koŋ
koŋ, koroŋ
koroŋ, korom. school teacher. Catégorie : Travailleur. Note :
Dialects: J,Y,G. mooré ***: musel; synonyms: jannginoowo.
ŋŋe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Dialects: M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of karantiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Noun: kaŋŋeeji. Sorting Designation: 2. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Variante: kanŋere. Noun. or; gold. Dialectal Noun: karantiije. Sorting Designation: 3.
Forms: kanŋe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyme: addaahi. Noun. machette,
kap Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. tout juste bien, coupe-coupe; cutlass; machete. Catégorie
exactement le même; exactly the same; just : Outil. Note : mooré ***: kaafaahi;
right. Pereeje ɗe kawrii kap. Il y avait tout compare: kaafaahi. Dialectal Forms: [M]
juste le bon nombre de briques. There was just karanteehi. Dialects: J,Y.
the right number of bricks. ***: fasii, cap,
karaw Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
pasii, cak, kak; compare: fotude;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: cak, cap, kak. Dialects: G.
Noun: karawuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
kapotti Noun. capote, préservatif; condom. Note : Noun. seau en bois pour traire les vaches;
français wooden container used when milking cows.
Catégorie : Récipient. ***: le'al. Dialects: J,Y.
karahan Sorting Designation: 4. aux. v. il faut, devoir
faire; must; by strong obligation or force. karawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Sanaa njahaa kawrital karahan! Tu dois aller Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
à la réunion. Il faut absolument que tu ailles à Noun: karaaje. Noun. clairière, grande surface
la réunion. You absolutely must go to the aride; barren area. Catégorie : Terre.
meeting! Note : arabe compare: haanude, ***: saggo, caddi, kollangal; compare: caddi;
kanaa, sanaa, sey, tilsude, waajibi;
synonyms: kollangal. Dialectal Forms: [G] karal
***: yonude, waajinbinde, say, sanaa,
- can also refer to a smaller open area as
waajibaade, sey, kanaa, waajibi, tilsude, taliyaare or tariyaare. Dialects: J,M.
haanude, tilay; synonyms: tilay. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 320
karbajuruwol kataare

karbajuruwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: kaseede duuɓ

duuɓi keewɗ
keewɗi expression. réclusion
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural criminelle; criminal detention. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Form of Noun: karbajuruuji. Sorting
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. rêne pour diriger un kaseede faa e bada synonyme: kaseede haaɗde
cheval; rein with which the horse is directed. nguurndam. expression. emprisonnement à
compare: labangal, sigiwol, parawol; vie; life imprisonment. Catégorie
***: sigiwol, labangal. Dialects: J. : Gouvernement, Juridique.

kardanti emprunt: français. Noun. carte d'identité; kasen Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de
identity card. Catégorie : Gouvernement, nouveau; again. synonyms: gadin, gasin,
Juridique. gatin, kadin, katin; ***: gatin, katin, gasin,
karfee synonyme: munjiduwel, dantal. Noun. lexique; kadin, gadin. Dialectal Forms: [G] kasem.
lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary. Catégorie Dialects: G.
: Lecture / écriture.
kaserol emprunt: français. Noun. casseroles;
karfeeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. syllabes, casseroles, pans. Catégorie : Récipient.
mots, vocabulaire; vocabulary; words;
syllables. Catégorie : La Grammaire. kasu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/o plur: ɗi.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngootu/gooto.

Plural Form of Noun: kasuuji. Sorting
karfeeje haala expression. vocabulaire; vocabulary. Designation: 3. Noun. prison; prison; jail.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : Songhai
synonyms: kelmeeji, maandinooje.
***: suudu kasu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
karfeeje konngol expression. segment; segment. kasu faa e bada expression. réclusion criminelle à
karja Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection perpétuité; condemned to life imprisonment,
utilisé pour chasser un chien qu'il s'éloigne; an life sentence, life imprisonment. Catégorie
interjection used to drive a dog away. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kasude Noun Form of Infinitive: kasugol.
karlol Noun. boucle; loop. Catégorie : Mathématique. Participles: sing: kasuɗo-kasoowo plur:
kasuɓe-kasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
karnee Noun. carnet; notebook. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. emprisonner,
: Apprendre. Note : français
enfermer; imprison; lock up; jail. Note :
karotti emprunt: français. Noun. carottes; carrots. Songhai Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
kasugol Noun. emprisonnement; imprisonment.
karti Variante: kartal. Noun. carte; card; map. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Catégorie : Voyager, Région. Note : français
kasuujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
kartudi Noun. crachat; spit (some). Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
kasaaɗo Noun. prisonnier; prisoner. Catégorie Noun: kasuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. prisonnier; prisoner. Catégorie : La Personne.
synonyms: kasuujo, paddaaɗ
paddaaɗo. Note : Songhai ***: kasaaɗ
kasaaɗo. Dialectal
Forms: [J,Y,G] kasunke (also see
kasanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
kaseede/kasaaɗo). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: kasankeeji. Noun. linceul blanc pour kataare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
enterrer un mort; body bag made of white Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
cloth; shroud. Note : mooré Dialectal Forms: 3. of Noun: kataaje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. taille, hanche; lower back; waist.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: seega, keecol,
kaseede Noun Form of Infinitive: kasegol.
kunkuuru, hunkoodu, kente;
Participles: sing: kasaaɗo-kaseteeɗo plur:
synonyms: baggol, kente, seega;
kasaaɓe-kaseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
compare: hunkoodu, kunkuuru. Dialects: J.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
emprisonné, enfermé en prison; locked in jail;
imprisoned. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 321
kati kaye

kati Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très amère; kawral3 synonyme: fiɓnde. Noun. accord; agreement,
bitter. Nivakin na haaɗ
haaɗi kati. La nivaquine est grammatical agreement. Catégorie : La
très amère. Nivaquine is very bitter! Grammaire.
compare: haaɗ
haaɗude; ***: tok, haaɗ
haaɗude, roki; kawral
kawral golle wakkatiyal expression. session;
synonyms: roki, tok. Dialects: J. session. Catégorie : Juridique, Le travail et
diverses activités.
katin Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. encore, de
nouveau; again. compare: ɗiimitinde; kawrital Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: kasen, gatin, ɗiimitinde, gasin, kadin, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
gadin; synonyms: gadin, gasin, gatin, kadin, Noun: kawrite. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
kasen. Dialects: J. 1 • une réunion, rencontre, assemblée, session;
gathering; meeting. ***: deental, wawtu
katinginɗo Noun. qui n'est pas patient, effronté; gollal, batu, jiidal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • église; church. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
katondirol Noun. coït; coitus.
3 • l'Église; the Church. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: deewondirol; ***: munkondirgol.
4 • association, organisation, groupe;
kattuba Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting association; organization; group.
Designation: 4. Noun. la fin, le bord, là où compare: batu, jiidal, yeewtere, yewto.
quelque chose s'arrête, le bout; end. Maayo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
geesi walaa kattuba. L'océan n'a pas de fin. kawrital leyɗ
leyɗe afirikki expression. Union
The ocean has no end. Dow kammu walaa Africaine. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Pays,
kattuba. There is no end to the heavens. Juridique.
synonyms: cakitte, hantorde, kaddi, kawrital partii kuuɓ
kuuɓungal expression. congrès;
timmoode; ***: timmoode, kaddi, congress, conference.
hantoode, keerol, cakitte, ceerol;
kawtaaɗo ley winndugo dewtere expression.
compare: keerol. Dialects: J. co-auteur; co-author. Catégorie : Lecture /
kawgu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number écriture, Le langage et la pensée. ***: mo
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of neɗɗ
ɗɗo waɗ
waɗdi huunde.
Noun: kawguuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. kawtal Noun. copropriété; joint ownership;
victoire; victory. Ɓe kaɓ
kaɓaama, ɓe kawii co-ownership.
kawgu lobbu sabo fay gooto maɓɓmaɓɓe
kawteteeɗo Noun. qui est généreux, sociable;
maayaay. Ils ont lutté et emporté une grande sociable; generous (who is). Catégorie : La
victoire car personne d'eux n'est mort. They Personne.
fought and won a wonderful victory because
not one of them died. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kawtiiwo Noun. associé; partner; associate.
kawjiiɗo Noun. gardien; guard. Catégorie kawtirɗ
kawtirɗo laawi kawtal expression. membre
: Travailleur. Dialectal Forms: kawjotooɗo. statutaire; charter member, statutory member.
Catégorie : Juridique.
kawjo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
kawto golloowo expression. membre actif; active
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
member. Catégorie : Juridique.
Noun: hawjiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. le
responsable, superviseur, dirigeant; ruler; kawto mo darja expression. membre d'honneur;
overseer; supervisor. Catégorie : La Personne. honorary member. Catégorie : Juridique.
***: hawjaade; synonyms: hawjaade. ***: teddinaaɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kay Sorting Designation: 4. conj. mais, cependant,
kawol Noun. tressage de corde; plaiting a string. pourtant, toutefois; but; however.
***: ammaa, de1, kaa; synonyms: ammaa, de2,
kawral1 Noun. 1 • exactitude; accuracy. Catégorie kaa. Dialects: J,Y,G.
: Mathématique. synonyms: peewal.
2 • compromis; compromise. kaye Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. que,
quel, lequel, quelle, laquelle; which. Saaya
kawral2 synonyme: fofof. Noun. somme, total; sum,
kaye ɓorniɗ
orniɗaa keeŋ
keeŋan? Quelle robe as-tu
total. Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: fofof. porté hier ? Which robe did you wear
yesterday? Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 322
kayee keccum
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj. Mi yeggitii saaya 2 • est; is. Tan ɓe cikki ke Muusa, kam
kaye ɓorniimi keeŋ
keeŋan. J'ai oublié quelle robe saabanii ɓe masiiba o fu. They think it is
j'ai porté hier. I forget which robe I was Moses, because of him this problem [has
wearing yesterday. overtaken them] OR. Tan ɓe cikki wo Muusa,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.3 • rpn. O yeggitii kaye o kam saabanii ɓe masiiba o fu. They think
ɓornii keeŋ
keeŋan. J'ai oublié laquelle il a porté because of Moses they have this problem. Note
hier. He forgot which (one/robe) he wore : français synonyms: wo, yo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
kebbe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
kayee emprunt: français. Noun. cahier ; notebook. Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; an
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. annual grass with a prickly seed (see hebbere).
kayeejo Noun. adolescent; teenager; adolescent. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : La Personne. Dialectal
kebbe-baali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Forms: kaykayo.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante;
Kayiinu Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Caïn; Cain An appetizing annual grass of the Sahel.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
(son of Adam and Eve). Dialects: biblical.
tragus berteronianus. Dialects: J,Y.
kayitol synonyme: ɗerewol. Noun. feuille, papier 2 • espèce de plante; An appetizing annual
(feuille de -); sheet, paper (sheet -). Catégorie grass occasionally found on compact sandy
: Lecture / écriture. soil in the Sahel. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
kayitol kaalis synonyme: biyeewol, buuɗi gaɗiraaɗi grimpantes. Tragus racemosus. Dialects: J,Y.
ɗereeji. Noun. billet de banque; banknote. keɓ
keɓa ley gollal expression. rendement; yield.
Catégorie : Argent. ***: buuɗ
buuɗi gaɗ
iraaɗi Catégorie : Agriculture.
keɓa ley leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. production végétale; crop
kaykayo Noun. adolescent; teenager; adolescent. production, plant production. Catégorie
Dialectal Forms: kayeeyo. : Agriculture.

kayŋ Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très dur, keɓ
keɓaa Noun. recette(s); Recipe (s). Catégorie
: Mathématique.
difficile; hard (really). Leydi ɗo na
na yoori
kayŋ. Le sol ici est très dur. The ground here keɓ
keɓal Noun. avoir, richesse, gain; holdings; riches;
is really hard. ***: koŋ
koŋ, kaŋ
kaŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, korom, assets. Catégorie : Argent. synonyms: danyal;
yoorude, koroŋ
koroŋ; synonyms: kaŋ
kaŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, ***: danyal
koroŋ, koŋ
koŋ, korom; compare: yoorude. keɓ
keɓal ley daabaaji expression. production animale;
Dialects: J,M. animal husbandry, animal production,
kayto interj. exclamation d'excitation de sentiments
livestock production. Catégorie : Élevage.
positifs ou bien négatifs; an exclamation of keɓɗ
ɓɗo Noun. celui qui a obtenu; received (the one
either positive excitement or negative who has). Catégorie : La Personne.
sentiments. ***: kaari; synonyms: kaari.
kecco-ɓeernde synonyme: jurmeteeɗo ;
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] kay. Dialects: J,Y,G.
jurmotooɗo. Noun. sensible; sensible,
kayye Noun. cahier; notebook. Catégorie sensitive.
: Apprendre. Note : français
keccol frais; cool; fresh.
ke Sorting Designation: 3. conj/v. 1 • que; that. Ko
keccoraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
waɗi Muusa waraay keeŋ
keeŋan? Mi nanii ke o
Designation: 3, th. Noun. jalousie; jealousy.
sellaa. Why didn't Moses come yesterday? I
***: boronndi, joote, hirude, mboronndi,
heard that he was sick. OR. Mi nanii o sellaa.
mboronndi, worolde, boronndi, kiram,
I heard he was sick. Note : français ***: yo,
wanyanere; synonyms: boronndi, kiram,
wo. Dialects: Y,G,M.
mboronndi; compare: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, himme,
hirude, joote, worolde. Dialects: J.

keccuɗo Noun. qui est plus âgé; older (who is).
keccum vert,cru; raw; green; uncooked.

16/02/2020 323
kedde keetu

kedde synonyme: heddo (ngo). Variante: keddi keegaaji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
(-ɗum). Noun. reste, résidus; remainder; rest. Designation: 4, or. Noun. perroquets; parrots.
Catégorie : Mathématique. Catégorie : Oiseau. Dialects: J.
kedde ko waati expression. fossile; fossil. keekeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
keecol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Noun: keekeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce de figuier; a shade tree. Catégorie
Noun: keeci. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
: Arbres. Ficus platyphylla.
abdomen, hanche; abdomen. Mi remii
synonyms: ndundeehi; compare: ƴibbi;
hannden faa keecol am naawii. J'ai cultivé
***: ndundeehi. Dialects: Y,G,M.
jusqu’à ce que mon abdomen m'a fait mal. I
hoed today until my abdomen ached. Catégorie keekel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
: Le corps. synonyms: kataare, kente; Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
***: kunkuuru, hunkoodu; Noun: keekoy. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
compare: hunkoodu
hunkoodu, kunkuuru. Dialects: J. vélo, bicyclette; bike; bicycle. Catégorie
: Voyager. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] keeke,
keedaraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
[G,M] keekeeru. Dialects: J,G,M.
Designation: 3. Noun. égoïsme; selfishness.
compare: haasidaaku, wuykoore; keenye
keenye Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
***: haasidaaku, wuykoore. Dialects: J. Designation: 3, at. Noun. foie (pl.); livers.
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J.
keeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of keeŋ
keeŋan Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Noun: keeɗuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Designation: 1. n/adv. hier; yesterday.
la saison chaude (de mars à mai ou juin); hot ***: hecci keeŋ
keeŋan, heccitittiyel keeŋ
season; . Catégorie : Temps. synonyms: ceeɗ
ceeɗu; kiyam, hecciti keeŋ
keeŋan; compare: hecci
***: ceeɗ
ceeɗu; compare: colte, dabbunde, keeŋ
keeŋan, hecciti keeŋ
keeŋan, heccitittiyel
kakkitorɗe, ndunngu, ƴaamnde. Dialects: M. keeŋan; synonyms: kiyam. Dialectal Forms: [G]
keefam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting keenyam, keeŋa. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. 1 • bile, fiel; bile. keerol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: kaaɗ
kaaɗungel, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
hanhande, kankanngel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: keeri. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
2 • espèce de maladie; have diarrhea; an illness limite, frontière; boundary; border.
in which the stomach feels full and where the ***: ceerol, kattuba, kaddi; synonyms: ceerol;
person may vomit bile; or be anorexic.
compare: kaddi, kattuba. Dialects: J,Y,G.
compare: hanhande, kankanngel.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. keesindiiɗ
keesindiiɗo adj. patient, calme; calm; patient.

keefeero Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. keesuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: heeferɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun: keesuuje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Noun. incroyant; unbeliever. Catégorie : La caisse, valise, boîte, malle, coffre; trunk; case;
box. Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français
Personne. Note : arabe ***: jaahili, annjaari,
***: bataaru, dutuuru, adakaal, honndoore,
yankirde; compare: jaahili. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dakaal; synonyms: adakaal, dakaal;
keefirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. compare: handeere, honndoore.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: keefirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
rabot, lime; plane. Catégorie : Outil. keetu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number

compare: heefude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: keetuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
keefudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting pierre à feu, briquet; flint for starting fires.
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. la croûte d'un aliment Catégorie : Outil. ***: yannde, almeytu,
raclé de la casserole; crust of any food
yamnde, mankisi; compare: almeytu,
scrapped out. Catégorie : Nourriture.
mankisi, yamnde. Dialects: M.
***: heefude; compare: wakkere, heefude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 324
keewal keppi

keewal1 Noun. abondance, pluriel; abundance. Kelliijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
***: suudu ɗuuɗ
uuɗal. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: Kelliiɓe. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun. un
keewal2 Noun. quantité; amount. Catégorie
membre d'un clan peul qui vit au nord de
: Mathématique. ***: ɗuuɗ
uuɗal. Djibo; a member of the Kelli clan of Fulɓe in
keewal partiiji expression. pluralisme politique; the Soboule area north of Djibo. Catégorie
political pluralism. Catégorie : Communauté. ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo,
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo,
keeƴal golle expression. programme; program. Gurmaajo, Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
synonyms: daliili gollitirɗ
gollitirɗo. compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo,
Jaljallo, Jelgoowo
Jelgoowo, Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo,
keeƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo. Dialects: J.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. foies; livers.
Dialects: Y,G. kelme canyaaɗ
canyaaɗe Noun. mots croisés ; crossword.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: sanyo
kelɓol Plural Form of Noun: kelɓi. Noun. garrot; kelme.
kelmeeji Noun. vocabulaire; vocabulary.
kelentewal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: karfeeje haala.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: kelenteeje. Sorting Designation: 4, or. kelol Plural Form of Noun: keli. Noun. fracture;
Noun. vanneau; plover (black-headed). fracture. Catégorie : Maladie.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Vanellus tectus. Dialectal
keltingol synonyme: helt-a. Noun. brisée (ligne);
Forms: [G] kelentiyal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
broken (line). keltingol (diidol -) Catégorie
keleweleeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. : Mathématique.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form keme Sorting Designation: 1. adj. centaine, des
of Noun: keleweleeji. Sorting Designation: 4, centaines; hundreds. ***: hemre2,
or. Noun. martinet; swift. Catégorie : Oiseau. teemedere, hemreeru, hemre1.
Apus sp. or Chaetura sp.. synonyms: poolel Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
garuuje, silaalayel; ***: silaalayel. Dialects: J.
keni Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
kelli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • vents; winds.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: kelle. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 2 • mauvais esprits; evil spirits.
espèce d'arbuste; A shrub of the Sahel found
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
on poor soil. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
Grewia bicolor. ***: ciiɓ
ciiɓooli, ngursoohi. keni ceeɗ
ceeɗu Noun. vent chaud; hot wind; wind (hot).
Dialectal Forms: [M] kelliihi. Dialects: J,Y,G. Catégorie : Temps.

Kelli Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. un clan peul qui kenkenam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
vit au nord de Djibo; a clan of Fulɓe who live Designation: 2. Noun. vent violent accompagné
north of Djibo in the Soboule area. Catégorie par la pluie, tornade, orage; wind (gale force).
: Communauté. compare: Foy, Jaljallo, Catégorie : Temps. ***: biwtol, henndu1,
Jelgooji, Liptaaku, Siiɓ
Siiɓe, Yaaga; ***: Jaljallo, bifol; synonyms: bifol, biwtol, duuydi,
Liptaaku, Jelgooji, Foy, Yaaga. Dialects: J. henndu1, nduuydi. Dialectal Forms: [J]
kenahenam, kenehenam. Dialects: Y,G,M.
kelli'najoohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of kente Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Noun: kelle'najooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Designation: 3, at. Noun. 1 • bas-ventre, taille;
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A shrub of the Sahel. abdomen (lower); waist. Catégorie : Le corps.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Grewia ***: seega, keecol, kunkuuru, kataare,
tenax. Dialectal Forms: [G] kellasafa (ga). hunkoodu; synonyms: kataare, seega.
Dialects: Y. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • aine; the groin. compare: hunkoodu,
kunkuuru; synonyms: lehi. Dialects: M.

keppi Noun. képi; kepi. Catégorie : Vêtement. Note :


16/02/2020 325
kerdii kibel

kerdii Noun. crédit; dept; credit; loan. Catégorie keyɗ

keyɗintinol anndal expression. remise à niveau;
: Argent. Note : français ***: baɗ
baɗal. bring up to required level, update.

kere emprunt: français. synonyme: kaadam. Noun. keytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: keytagol.
craie; chalk. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Participles: sing: keytiiɗo-keytotooɗo plur:
keytiiɓe-keytotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
kere daneejo Noun. craie blanche; white chalk.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. allumer
une allumette; strike a match.
kere goobu Noun. craie de couleur; coloured chalk. synonyms: fettaade; ***: fettaade.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
kerenngeesu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur:
keytu Noun. frottoir; scrubbing brush.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
Form of Noun: kerenngeesuuji. Sorting keƴ
keƴoowo hakkunde expression. intermédiaire;
intermediary, intermediate. Catégorie
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. gecko; gecko.
: Juridique.
Catégorie : Reptile. synonyms: geddal,
pallabiitel, pallangel danki, porgitel, ki Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, quel, lequel,
puragitel; ***: geddal, pallabiitel. Dialects: J. quelle, laquelle; which. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kerooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Noun. taches de
couleur sur blanc; patches of color on white. kibaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Catégorie : Couleur. ***: herɗ
herɗude. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G. Noun: kibaaruuji. Noun. des nouvelles, un
keruba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number message; message; news. Catégorie : Le
langage et la pensée. Note : arabe
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: habaru, kabaaru1, tiiri;
Noun: keruba'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
synonyms: kabaaru1, tiiri; compare: filnde,
Noun. chérubin; cherub. Note : hébreu
haala. Dialectal Forms: kibaaruuji.
compare: saraf; ***: saraf. Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: Y,M.
kerwet emprunt: français. Noun. crevettes; shrimp,
prawn. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs. kibaarujum Noun. presse; media, press. Catégorie
: Le langage et la pensée.
keryon Noun. crayon; pencil. Catégorie : Outil,
Apprendre. Note : français kibaaruuji nouvelles; news. Dialectal Forms: kibaaru.
keso adj. neuf, nouveau; new. ***: hecciɗ
hecciɗinde. kibaaruuji jooniiji synonyme: ko woni. Noun.
actualités; news. Catégorie : Le langage et la
kesum Noun. qui est neuf, nouveau; new (that is). pensée.
kettal1 Noun. brochette; skewer. Catégorie kibaaruuji radiyo expression. journal parlé; radio
: Nourriture. Dialectal Forms: cettal. news broadcast. Catégorie : Le langage et la
kettal2 Plural Form of Noun: kette. Variante: kettol.
Noun. récolte; harvest. Catégorie : Agriculture. kibaaruuji telwisiyon expression. journal télévisé;
synonyms: tayre, feƴƴ
ƴƴere, tayre. television news. Catégorie : Le langage et la
kettal gawri Noun. récolte du mil; harvest of millet.
Catégorie : Agriculture. kibbu emprunt: français. Noun. cube; cube. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
kettol Variante: kettal. Noun. récolte; harvest.
Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture. kibel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: ɗi.
***: soppere. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Noun: kibi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, in. Noun.
kettungol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
puce; flea. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: nusulu;
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
synonyms: nusulu. Dialects: M.
Noun: kettuli. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun.
crème du lait pour en faire du beurre; cream of
the mil. Catégorie : Nourriture.
compare: nebbam; ***: cettungol, nebbam;
synonyms: cettungol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

kewtuɗo hoorem Noun. qui est libre; free (who is).

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kiɓɓal kilo

ɓɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting kilaal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. perfection; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
perfection. Nde Laamɗ
Laamɗo tagi Aadama e Noun: kilaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Hawwa O hokkii ɓe kiɓɓkiɓɓal.
ɓɓal. When God corbeille ou panier en paille; basket; hamper.
created Adam and Eve He gave them Catégorie : Récipient. ***: honndoore,
perfection. compare: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude; ***: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude. njelleehi, handeere
handeere, mbaliihi, ngelleehi,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. balol, sagiire; compare: balol, mbaliihi,
ngelleehi, njelleehi, sooɓ
ɓɓudi Noun. intégrité; integrity. Catégorie
synonyms: handeere, honndoore, sagiire.
: Juridique. synonyms: hiɓɓ
ɓɓere; ***: hiɓɓ
Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɓɓudi leydi expression. intégrité territoriale;
territorial integrity, territorial inviolability. kile Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. fois; times. Wisu
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. lekki ki kile joy. Donne cinq fois de l'eau à

kiikiiɗ l'arbre. Water the tree five times. ***: laabi1,

kiikiiɗe Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. tard dans
l'après-midi, soir; afternoon (late); late cile; synonyms: cile, laabi1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
afternoon; evening. ***: hiiri, laasara; kile foti adj. combien; how much; how many.
synonyms: kiiral naange, laasara.
ooƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. engourdissement
kiinyal Noun. analyse; analysis. Catégorie : Le lorsque un membre du corps s'endort;
langage et la pensée. synonyms: silo, numbness. ***: cilimooƴ
jaatagol. synonyms: cilimooƴ
cilimooƴo. Dialectal Forms: [M]
kilmooƴoore. Dialects: J,Y,M.
kiiral naange
naange Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. tard dans
après midi ; late afternoon. ***: hiiri, laasara, kilkokkowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
kiikiiɗe; synonyms: laasara. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Form of Noun: kilkokkooje. Sorting
kiisorgel Noun. calculatrice, calculette; calculator.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. petit calao; horn-bill
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: masiŋ
(red-beaked horn-bill); grey horn-bill.
kiisorɗo. Catégorie : Oiseau. Tockus erytrorhynchus or
kiisotooɗo Noun. comptable; accountant. Catégorie Tockus nasutus. ***: coloncokkuwal,
: Travailleur. ***: limoowo ceede. ciloomuwal, cikootuwal, kokootuwal;
synonyms: cikootuwal, ciloomuwal,
kiite Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗe Note: the word
coloncokkuwal. Dialectal Forms: [J]
has both singular and plural significance at
kilinkootiyal. Dialects: J.
the same time plur: ɗi. Number One for this
noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun: kiiteeji. killiliyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Sorting Designation: 3, th. synonyme: gosorde Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
haalaaji mbonuɗi tedduɗi. Noun. jugement, Noun: killiliije. Sorting Designation: or, 4. Noun.
assises; judgment. Catégorie : Juridique. héron cendré; heron (grey); grey heron.
***: hiitaade, sariya, saraade; Catégorie : Oiseau. Ardea cinerea.
synonyms: sariya; compare: hiitaade, munyal, Dialects: Y,G,M.
saraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. killiwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
kijju Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 4, th. Noun. pèlerinage à la Noun: killiije. Sorting Designation: 5, or. Noun.
Mecque; pilgrimage to Mecca. Dendrocygne veuf; duck (white-faced
tree-duck). Catégorie : Oiseau. Dendrocygna
synonyms: hajju, hijju; ***: hajju, hijju.
viduata. ***: ciliiliwal; synonyms: ciliiliwal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [J] kililiwal. Dialects: J.
kijjugol Noun. syllabation; syllabification. un-
pi-lon. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. kilo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: kilooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
1 • kilomètre; kilometer. Note : français
***: cilo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 327
kilomeetere kirsamaari
2 • kilogramme; kilogram. Note : français
kirikiri Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
synonyms: cilo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. épilepsie, tourmenté /
kilomeetere Noun. kilomètre; kilometer. Catégorie possédé par un démon, attaque démoniaque;
: Mathématique. Note : français demon possession; seizures; epilepsy.
Catégorie : Maladie. Note : mooré ***: kaanɗ
kilon Noun. kilo, kilogramme; kilo. Note : français
pooli; synonyms: kaanɗ
kaanɗi, pooli. Dialects: J.
kiloogaram Variante: kilogaraam. Noun.
kilogramme; kilogram. Catégorie
kirim Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très noir; black.
: Mathématique. Note : français Catégorie : Couleur. compare: ɓawlude;
***: tiki, ɓawlude, kurum; synonyms: kurum,
kilotti Noun. culotte; knickers; pants; drawers;
tiki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
panties. Catégorie : Vêtement. Note : français
kilowat Noun. kilowatt; kilowatt. Note : français kirinfi Noun. piment; pepper. synonyms: kaɗɗ
kammbiije, haɗɗ
ɗɗere, hammbiire;
kine Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: kammbiije.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. nez (pl.); noses.
kiriyon emprunt: français. Noun. crayon; pencil.
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Kinniiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for
kirke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun. le miséricordieux, titre de Dieu qui
reconnaît qu'il est la source de toute Noun: kirkeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
miséricorde; Merciful One. Dialectal Noun. 1 • selle; saddle. ***: ɓerol, lukure,
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Kinnotooɗo. ganndol, jappe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • siège d'une moto ou un vélo; seat of a bike
or motorcycle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kippooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
3 • coussinet utilisé sous la selle pour protéger
Designation: 3. Noun. couvercles; lids.
le dos de l'animal de traite; pad used under a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
saddle. compare: ganndol, jappe, lukure.
kippudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Dialects: M.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
kirnyoowo adj. coléreux; irascible; quick-tempered.
of Noun: kippudiiji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. toit; roof. Catégorie : Équipement de la kiroowo Noun. jaloux; jealous.
maison. compare: hippude, hummbude; kirowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: pibine, kummbudi; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: kummbudi, pibine. Noun: kirooje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Dialects: Y,G,M. lime; file. Catégorie : Outil.
kippugu Noun. invasion; invasion. ***: kuuɓ
kuuɓol. synonyms: boggirgal; ***: boggirgal.
Dialects: J,Y.
kippungu baɓ
baɓatti expression. invasion des criquets;
locust invasion. Catégorie : Agriculture. kirsamaari
kirsamaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
kira'al Noun. lime; file. Catégorie : Outil.
of Noun: kirsamaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
kiram Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting Noun. 1 • un sacrifice; sacrifice. ***: hirsude.
Designation: 3. Noun. jalousie; jealousy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: keccoraaku, mboronndi, boronndi, 2 • sacrifice propitiatoire; propitiation. Gilla
wanyanere; synonyms: boronndi,
arande amiiru na hirsana weendu
keccoraaku, mboronndi, wanyanere.
kirsamaari de joonin ɓe celii waɗ
waɗude ɗum,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗuum waɗ
waɗi de weendu ndu heewataa katin.
kire Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Jadis le chef a fait un sacrifice au lac, mais on
a arrêté cela, voilà pourquoi il n'est plus plein.
Designation: 4. Noun. cuivre; copper.
Before the chief would sacrifice to the lake,
synonyms: jakawalle; ***: jakawalle. but they stopped doing that, that is why the
Dialects: J,Y. lake doesn't fill any more. compare: hirsude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 328
kisindam ko fotaa

kisindam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting 4 • dpn. that; this. Huɗ
Huɗo ko na wooɗ
wooɗi sanne.
This grass is very good. there are actually two
Designation: 3, th. Noun. salut; salvation.
different relative pronouns called "ko" - the
***: hisude; compare: hisude. Dialectal first (ko1) is in the Group I noun class and is
Forms: [Y] kisinam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. used with singular nouns; the second (ko2) is
in the Group III noun class and is used with
kisinoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
plural nouns - the plural forms of nouns from
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of either "nga," "ngi," or "ngal" use ko2 when
Noun: hisinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. referring to large things. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. sauveur; savior. Catégorie : La
Personne. compare: hisinde. ko adii synonyme: ko adan /idan. expression. avant;
before. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

kiss Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour

ko andaaka Noun. inconnu; unknown.
chasser un bœuf; a sound made in order to ko boni adj. qui est mauvais; bad.
chase a cow away. ***: ass, kuss, osi, tek,
ko ɓilli i adj. qui est suspendu; hanging.
usu, huy, oss, tik; synonyms: ass, huy, kuss,
osi, oss, tek, tik, usu. Dialects: J. ko ɓolɗ
olɗi gluant; sticky; slimy.
Kisso Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (Le) ko ɓolmi adj. qui est lisse; smooth.
Béni; first name for a male, meaning: (the)
ko ɓuri fu wooɗ
wooɗude Adverb. le mieux, excellent;
Blessed. Catégorie : Nom.
best; excellent.
kitaale Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
ko ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗi adj. qui est gros; thick; fat; large; big.
Designation: 1. Noun. ans, années; years.
synonyms: duuɓ
duuɓi; ***: duuɓ
duuɓi. ko ɓuuɓ
uuɓi adj. qui est frais; cool; fresh.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ko dartii qui est claire, sans équivoque; clear;
ambiguity (without).
kiyam Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting
Designation: 1. n/adv. hier; yesterday. ko deƴƴ
ƴƴi silencieux; quiet; silent.
***: hecci keeŋ
keeŋan, keeŋ
keeŋan; ko diwti adj. qui est exagéré; exaggerated.
synonyms: keeŋ
keeŋan. Dialects: G.
ko ɗaayi faa hulƴ
hulƴinii affreux, horrible; dreadful;
kiye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. que, horrible; ugly; hideous.
quel, lequel; which. Laɓ
Laɓi kiye kooƴ
kooƴataa? quel
couteau prendras-tu ? Which knife will you ko ɗuuɗ
uuɗi adj. qui est nombreux, abondant; abundant;
take? Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa laɓ
laɓi ko faaɗ
faaɗi adj. qui est étroit; narrow.
kiye o jey. Je ne sais pas quel couteau est à ko faalaaka qui est insoucieux; unconcerned.
lui. I don't know which knife is his.
ko faddaa Noun. qui est interdit; forbidden.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.3 • rpn. Mi anndaa kiye o
jey. Je ne sais pas lequel est le sien. I don't ko faltii Noun. parfait; perfect tense. Catégorie : La
know which (one/of the knives) is his. Grammaire.

ko Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, ce que, ko faltinoo Noun. le passé, passé composé; past
quoi; what. Inan ko kalfinɗ
kalfinɗaa kam. Here is tense. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
what you entrusted to me. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ko fayi gros, gras; fat; large; big.
2 • rpn. lequel; which. Huɗ
Huɗo ko kokkumi ko fiilii Noun. qui est emmêlé, confus; confused;
jawdi am nafii ndi sanne. L'herbe que j'ai tangled.
donné aux animaux les aident beaucoup. The
grass which I gave my animals helped them a ko fijiirtee Noun. jouet; toy.
lot. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ko fikitii qui est barbouillé; smeared.
3 • conj. le fait que, parce que; that; because.
ko finaatawa horsini expression. valeur
Ko ɓe njaɓ
njaɓaay adude nyawɗnyawɗo o maayii. Le
traditionnelle; traditional value. Catégorie : Le
fait qu'ils ont refusé de bouger la personne
langage et la pensée.
blessé a fait qu'elle est décédé. That/because
they refused to move the injured person she ko fodaa Noun. fatalité; mischance; bad luck;
died. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. inevitability; fate.
ko fotaa adj. qui est inégal; unequal; uneven.

16/02/2020 329
ko foti ko sehaa

ko foti qui est égal; equal. ko lammi adj. acide; sour, acidic.
ko foti nony expression. autant que; as far as. ko lamsi Noun. qui est aigre; sour.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
ko makko Noun. qui est à lui; that is his.
ko fukkii couché, posé; lie down; put down; flattened.
ko mawni Noun. qui est grand; large; big.
ko goonɗ
goonɗi vrai, réel; true; real.
ko minyata expression. conséquence; consequence.
ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e ɗuuɗ
uuɗal yimɓ
yimɓe leydi expression.
démographique; demographic. ko naatata ley piilki fu expression. écosystèmes;
ecosystems. Catégorie : L’univers, la création,
ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e finaatawa expression. pratique Terre.
culturelle; cultural practice. Catégorie
: Communauté. ko naawataa adj. qui ne fait pas mal; hurt (doesn't).

ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e piilki expression. écologique; ko naawi Noun. qui fait mal; hurts (that).
ecological. Catégorie : Agriculture, Herbes, ko nafataa qui est inutile, qui ne profite à personne;
plantes grimpantes, Terre. useless.
ko haɓɓ
ɓɓondiri e taariki adj. historique; historic. ko nawtoraaka Noun. inutilisé; unused.
ko haɓ
haɓdata e ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe nyaw expression. anticorps; ko ndaareetee Noun. ce qu'on regarde; looks at
antibodies. Catégorie : Traitement de la (that one).
maladie. synonyms: kaɓ
ko ne'ii Noun. qui est bien éduqué; brought up well.
ko haɗ
haɗaa expression. contre-indication;
contraindication. Catégorie : Traitement de la ko neɗɗ
ɗɗo waɗ
waɗi Noun. un acte; act; deed.
maladie. ko neeɓ
neeɓaay Adverb. récemment; recently.
ko heɓ
heɓaa Noun. un acquis; achievement; acquired. ko neeni expression. fertile; fertile. Catégorie
ko heedi ley qui est en bas; below; underneath. : Agriculture.

ko heesindii Noun. qui est calme, patient; patient ko newii Noun. qui est docile, résolu; docile; resolute;
(who is); calm. submissive.

ko heewa qui n'est pas abondant; abundant (not). ko nyaamata huɗ

huɗo Noun. herbivore; herbivore.
…aamoojum huɗhuɗo, daabaaji nyaamooji
ko heewi qui est beaucoup, nombreux; many; much;
hu wuurhuɗ
ɗo ***: wuurhu ɗoowa.
ko ŋaɗi adj. qui est ankylosé, raide; stiff.
ko hegitii synonyme: ko fonnditi ko rewi laawol.
Variante: ko hegiti. qui est convenable, ko ŋarɗ
arɗi adj. qui est beau; beautiful.
ordonné, réglementaire; convenient; orderly.
ko ombii Noun. qui est fermé; closed.
ko henyii qui est urgent; urgent. ***: hakii.
ko oolɗ
oolɗi Noun. qui est jaune; yellow. Catégorie
ko heyɗ
heyɗi adj. qui est neuf; new. : Couleur.

ko hoyaa qui n'est pas facile; easy (that is not). ko rimata sanne adj. fécond; fruitful; fertile.
ko hulƴ
hulƴinii qui est effrayant; dreadful; frightening. ko rimɗ
rimɗi Noun. qui est noble, pur, stérile; sterile; pure;
ko janngataako adj. qui est illisible; unreadable;
illegible. ko saabi Sorting Designation: 1. adv/interrog. pourquoi;
why. ***: konno, ko waɗwaɗi1; synonyms: ko
ko jeyaa e leydi faransi Noun. Français; French.
waɗi1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ko jeydaa e alsilaamaaku Noun. qui a trait à
l'islam; related to Islam. ko saabi waɗ
waɗude ɗum expression. contexte et
justification; context and justification.
ko jeydaa e sariya Noun. qui a trait à la loi; law
(that relates to the). ko samndii Noun. qui est à côté; side (that is at the).

ko juuti Noun. qui est long; long (that is). ko sankitondiri qui est en désordre; untidy; messy.

ko laaɓ
laaɓi Noun. qui est propre, clair; clear; clean. ko sannkitii qui est en désordre; untidy; messy.

ko laati banngal bii-

bii-leydi expression. civil; civil. ko seedi Noun. qui est différent; different.
Catégorie : Gouvernement. ko sehaa qui a été sculpté; carved; sculpted.

16/02/2020 330
ko sonnyataa koɓalawal

ko sonnyataa adj. qui est immobile; motionless. ko warti e lekkol

lekkol Noun. qui a trait à la
scolarisation; schooling. Catégorie
ko soofi adj. qui est mouillé; wet. : Apprendre.
ko sottataa adj. qui ne se déplace pas; move around ko waylataako adj. qui ne change pas; changeless.
(that doesn't).
ko weli bon; good.
ko suɓ
suɓtinaa Noun. qui a été glané; gleaned (that
was). ko wellitii adj. qui est exagéré; exaggerated. Dialectal
Forms: ko diwti.
ko suuda Verb. clandestin; underground, illegal. ko
waɗira cunccunka ***: cuuɗ
iiɗo. ko woɗɗ
ɗɗi adj. éloigné; distant; remote; far away.
ko tabitaay Noun. aspect inaccompli; imperfective ko woni Noun. le présent; present tense. Catégorie : La
verb aspect. Catégorie : La Grammaire. Grammaire. Dialectal Forms: ko woowi.
***: timmaali.
ko woodi haaje Noun. qui est utile, profitable;
ko tabiti Noun. 1 • aspect accompli; perfect verb profitable; useful; beneficial.
aspect. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
ko woodi ndakam Noun. qui a de la saveur, de la
2 • entrer en vigueur; come into effect.
valeur; value (that has); taste (that has).
Catégorie : Juridique.
ko woodi ndiyam adj. qui est liquide; liquid (that
ko teddi1 adj. lourd; heavy.
ko teddi2 adj. qui est lourd; heavy. ko wooɗ
wooɗaa adj. qui est mauvais; bad.
ko teeŋ
teeŋi adj. qui est solide; solid; strong; sturdy. ko woowi Noun. le présent; present tense. Catégorie
ko tilsi synonyme: ko waajibi ; ko ɓuri. adj. qui est : La Grammaire. ***: gonuɗ
obligatoire, essentiel; obligatory; compulsory.
ko woppaa
woppaa adj. qui est jeté, abandonné; abandoned;
ko timminaaka adj. qui est inachevé; unfinished. thrown away.
ko toowi adj. qui est haut; high. ko wumɗ
wumɗi adj. qui est aveugle; blind (that is).
ko toowi darnde adj. qui est de taille haute; tall. ko wuuri Noun. organisme; organism. Huunde
ko waami adj. paresseux; lazy. wuurunde fonnditiinde Catégorie : Le corps.

ko waati Noun. qui est mort; dead. ko yaawi adj. qui est rapide; fast; speedy; quick.

ko waɗ
waɗata jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire faa jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire adj. ko yoɓ
yoɓataake Noun. qui n'est pas salarié; salaried
(not). Catégorie : Argent.
hebdomadaire; weekly. ***: yonteree.
ko yoori adj. qui est sec; dry.
ko waɗ
waɗataako adj. qui ne peut pas se faire; that
cannot be done. ko ƴuwi e anndal tayka Noun. scientifique;
ko waɗ
waɗi1 Sorting Designation: 1. adv/interrog. pourquoi;
why. ***: konno, ko saabi; synonyms: ko ko'e Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
saabi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 1, at. Noun. têtes; heads. Catégorie
: Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ko waɗ
waɗi2 synonyme: ko waɗunoo. ce qui est fait,
événement; what has been done, event. koɓ
koɓalawal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
ko waɗ Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
waɗi onye onye adj. qui est gondolé, tordu;
crooked; crinkled; warped; twisted. Noun: koɓalaaje, [J] koɓaale/[Y]
koɓataaje/[G,M] koɓitaaje. Sorting
ko waɗ
waɗi waɗ
waɗinta qui se répète; repeating.
Designation: 3, mt, pl. Noun. 1 • croûte; scab.
ko waggiɗ
waggiɗi tendre, doux; tender; soft. ***: ceɓ
ceɓal, hoɓ
hoɓude, semre, hoɓɓ
ko wala darja expression. invalide; invalid. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • écorce; bark. compare: hoɓ
ko walaa kaddi adj. qui est illimité; unlimited.
synonyms: ceɓ
ceɓal, semre, sewre. Dialectal
ko walaa nanndi adj. unique; only; unique; single. Forms: [J] koɓagal, [Y,M] koɓal, [G,M]
ko warata Noun. futur; future tense. Catégorie : La koɓital, [J] koɓogal. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 331
koɓalawal kokkoowo

koɓalawal2 Plural Form of Noun: koɓalaaje. Noun. koɗ
koɗol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
écaille; scale, shell. Catégorie : Parties d’un Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: koɗi. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
koɓawal Plural Form of Noun: koɓaaje. Noun. coque; collier fait des pierres précieuses; necklace
made of semi precious stones. Catégorie
hull, shell. synonyms: koɓ
: Parure. ***: collol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
koɓolowal Noun. coque, écorce, enveloppe; shell;
envelop; hull; bark. ***: koɓ
koɗol2 Noun. sédentarisation; settlement. nokku
gooto ; tabital dow hoɗ
hoɗorde wootere
koɓoraaru Noun. écorce, carapace; carapace; shell;
bark. kofi synonyme: laanyi. Noun. crochets (droits);
hooks. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
koccaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoootiri. Plural
kofingol Noun. courbe (ligne); curve (line). kofingol
(diidol -) Catégorie : Mathématique.
Form of Noun: koccaariiji. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. un cadeau donné par kofof synonyme: hoforde. Noun. courbe; curve.
l'hôte pour honorer le visiteur; gift given by Catégorie : Mathématique.
the host. compare: dokkal, hoccude1, kofol Noun. crochets, [ ] ; square brackets. [ ]
hokkude; ***: hoccude1, hokkude, Catégorie : La Grammaire. Dialectal
kokkaral, dokkal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Forms: kofe.
koddaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. kohaɓɓ
ɓɓondiri e laamu potondiral expression.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of démocratique; democratic, participatory.
Noun: hoddaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
le dernier né; last born. Catégorie : La
kohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Personne. ***: hammadiijo;
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
compare: hammadiijo. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Noun: kohe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
kodda. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
koddal lobbal Variante: kooɗdal lobbal. Noun. bon : Arbres. Daniellia oliveri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
voisinage; good neighbourliness.
kohogol Noun. clôture; fence, closing, kraal. Catégorie
kodde Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting : Agriculture. synonyms: hoggo, kokuwol.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. farine à grosse
kohuuɓi Noun. généralités; generalities . ko fu
mouture; flour; coarsely ground grain.
compare: conndi, ɗiggude, seɗ
seɗude, unude; kojoli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
***: nyecce, ŋecce; synonyms: ŋecce, nyecce. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: kojole. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
koddo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number : Arbres. Anogeissus leiocarpus.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: hoddiiɓe. Noun. nouveau voisin, voisin
temporaire; neighbor; temporary neighbor. kokkaral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: gondo; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
***: taakalemme, gondo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: kokkare. Noun. cadeau, don; gift.
synonyms: dokkal, koccaari, sadaka;
kodorko Noun. pont; bridge. synonyms: pon.
***: dokkal; compare: hoccude1, hokkude.
koɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] kokkal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
kokkitol Noun. restitution; restitution. ***: kollitol.
Noun: hoɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
1 • étranger; stranger. Catégorie : La kokkoowo Noun. généreux; generous.
Personne. ***: beero, hoɗ
hoɗude, beeranaaɗ
janano; synonyms: janano. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • visiteur, invité; visitor; guest.
synonyms: beero; compare: hoɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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kokkotoroore kolokolo

kokkotoroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: kollangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Form of Noun: kokkotorooje. Sorting Noun: kollaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. pic vert; woodpecker. 1 • une surface d'argile, sol dur et infertile,
Catégorie : Oiseau. Mesopicos sp. clairière; barren area of baked clay. Catégorie
synonyms: gok'gokkotoondu, soppanataaru; : Terre. ***: saggo, caddi, ƴarorde,
***: gok'gokkotoondu, soppanataaru. sokkirde, karawal, zeegaare;
Dialects: Y. synonyms: karawal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • surface utilisé pour battre le céréale; place
kokootuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
used to thresh grain. compare: caddi;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: sokkirde, ƴarorde, zeegaare.
Noun: cikootuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun. petit calao à bec rouge; horn-bill;
red-beaked horn-bill. Catégorie : Oiseau. kolli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Tockus erythrorhynchus. Designation: 1, at, mi. Noun. 1 • doigts; fingers.
***: coloncokkuwal, ciloomuwal, Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cikootuwal; synonyms: cikootuwal, 2 • instrument de musique à trois cordes; three
coloncokkuwal, kilkokkowal. Dialects: M. stringed instruments (see hoddu). Catégorie
kokuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. : Instrument de musique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of kollirgol Noun. démonstration; demonstration.
Noun: kokuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: hollugo,
Noun. 1 • un mur isolé; free standing wall; wall dalliningol; synonyms: dalliningol.
(free standing). ***: lalgaare, wecco1, hello,
hoggo, kohogol, galbal, laygaare;
kollitaaɗo confident; confidant.
synonyms: lalgaare, laygaare, hello, wecco1. kollitol Noun. diffusion, restitution; diffusion,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. restitution. synonyms: goynugol, kokkitol.
2 • corral, enclos, parc à bestiaux; stockyard;
kolmolowol Plural Form of Noun: kolmolooji.
corral. synonyms: galbal, hoggo. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyme: konongol. Noun. œsophage;
kol Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, quel; which. esophagus. Catégorie : Le corps.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kolnye Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, at. Noun. sabots; hoofs.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. Dialectal
Kolaɗo Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (Le)
Fiable; (de) confiance; first name for a male, Forms: [Y] kolnyi. Dialects: M.
meaning: (the) Reliable, person of confidence. kolnyi Noun. ongles; nails; claws. Catégorie : Le
Catégorie : Nom. corps.
kole Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. que, kolnyuli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
quel, lequel, laquelle; which. Nyalohol kole o Designation: 3, at. Noun. sabots de bœufs,
jey? Laquelle de ces génisses est la sienne ? moutons ou chèvres; hooves of cows. Catégorie
Which of these heifers is his?}. : Parties d’un animal. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kolokolo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
nyalohol kole o jey. Je ne sais pas quelle
Noun: kolokolooje. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
génisse est la sienne. I don't know which heifer
Noun. dinde, dindon; turkey. Catégorie
is his.
: Oiseau. Note : mooré ***: foondu fira’awna
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.3 • pn. O anndaa kole o
rewru, gertogal-
jey. Il ne sait pas laquelle lui appartient. He
doesn't know which (heifer) is his. gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, kulikuli,
kolera Noun. choléra; cholera. Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: gertogal-
Note : français
gortogal-Fira'awna, kulikuli,
ndontoori-Fira'awna. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 333
koloŋ konnaare
2 • ourlet d'un habit; hem of a garment.
koloŋ Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. vraiment dur;
synonyms: koonorgol, kunndol.
hard. Leydi ɗo na yoori koloŋ
koloŋ. Le sol ici est
vraiment dur. The land here is really hard. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: koŋ
koŋ, kaŋ
kaŋ, korom, yoorude, kayŋ
kayŋ, kompanyalley Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
koroŋ; compare: yoorude; synonyms: kaŋkaŋ, Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
kayŋ, koroŋ
koroŋ, koŋ
koŋ, korom. Dialects: J. Noun: kompanyalleeje. Sorting Designation: 5,
Koloosi Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. la ville de pl. Noun. espèce d'acacia; acacia. Catégorie
Colosse dans le temps ancien (en Turquie); : Arbres. Acacia gourmaensis.
The city of Colossae in ancient Asia Minor; ***: konngobanay, ngompanyaleehi;
present day Turkey. Catégorie : Localité. Note : synonyms: konngobanay, ngompanyaleehi.
grec Dialects: biblical. Dialects: Y.
Koloosinkooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. komprimee Noun. comprimé; tablet. Catégorie
Épître écrite par Paul aux Colossiens; The : Maladie. Note : français
letter written by Paul to the Colossians. Note :
grec Dialectal Forms: Koloosi'en.
komsaariya Noun. commissariat; police station.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Bâtiment. Note :
Dialects: biblical. français
kolse1 Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Konda Noun. prénom masculin ou féminin
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. petit troupeau jusqu'à (Signification : Dernier fils, dernière née);
dix bœufs environ; herd (small). Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi first name for a male or female (meaning: last
kolse am sappo ɗe tufee. Je veux vacciner son, last-born daughter). Catégorie : Nom.
mon petit troupeau. I would like my small herd kongitirikoŋ
kongitirikoŋ Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
of ten cows vaccinated. compare: coggal, Designation: 4. Noun. lorsqu'un esclave a gagné
sewre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sa liberté; when a slave has won his freedom;
and then eventually has slaves of his own.
kolse2 Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. tibia,
jambe inférieure; shin bones or lower legs. synonyms: tantannguli jammbere;
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G. ***: tantannguli jammbere. Dialects: J.

koltal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. konkeehi

konkeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: kolte. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: konkeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
vêtements, habillement; clothing. Catégorie Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Detarium
: Vêtement. ***: tekkere, kaddungal;
microcarpum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: kaddungal, tekkere.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. konkoonuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural
kolte Noun. vêtements; clothes; clothing. Catégorie
: Vêtement. Form of Noun: konkoonuuji. Sorting
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. coquillage, palourde;
komersa Noun. commerçant, commerce; storekeeper; clam. ***: wujo, seedere, daalawal, inna
trade; business; trader. Catégorie : Travailleur.
Note : français ceede; synonyms: wujo; compare: daalawal
inna ceede, seedere. Dialects: M.
komin Noun. commune; district; town; village.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. Note : konkooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
français Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
komison emprunt: français. Variante: komiisiyon. of Noun: konkooji. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. commission; commission, committee. Noun. boîte, bidon; can. Catégorie : Récipient.
Catégorie : Juridique. ***: bataaru, dutuuru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

komite emprunt: français. Noun. comité; committee. konnaare Plural Form of Noun: konnaaje. Noun.
gombo; okra. Catégorie : Nourriture.
kommbol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
***: la’aaje; synonyms: la'aare.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: kombi. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun.
1 • bordure d'une natte; edge of a mat.
Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 334
konndollu kontaabulu

konndollu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. konngol jamirgol goonɗ
goonɗingol expression.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form phrase injonctive positive; positive injunctive /
of Noun: konndolli. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
imperative sentence. Catégorie : La
Noun. fourmi noire; black ant; ant (black).
Catégorie : Insecte. ***: puccu naange, konngol jamirgol lunndiingol expression.
mettellu, ɗaaloolu, korondollu, nyuunyu; phrase injonctive négative; negative injunctive
compare: ɗaaloolu, mettellu, nyuunyu, / imperative sentence. Catégorie : La
puccu naange; synonyms: korondollu.
Dialectal Forms: [G] kononolu. Dialects: J,Y. konngol jeddirgol synonyme: konngol jamirgol
lunndiingol. Noun. phrase négative; negative
konndooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Noun. sentence. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
corbeilles tissées, paniers tissés; baskets
(woven); woven baskets. Catégorie ***: konngol lunndiingol.

: Récipient. Dialects: J. konngol kaaytorgol Variante: konngol kaytorgol.

Noun. phrase exclamative; exclamation
konneeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting sentence. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Designation: 3, da. Verb. brucellose;
brucellosis. Catégorie : Maladie. konngol lamndorngol Variante: konngol
synonyms: nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe, ndiyam; laamndorgol. Noun. phrase interrogative;
***: nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe, bakkaale. Dialects: G. interrogative sentence. Catégorie : La
konngobanay Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
konngol lunndiingol expression. phrase négative;
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
negative sentence. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Noun: konngobanaaje. Sorting Designation: 5,
synonyms: konngol jeddirgol.
pl. Noun. espèce d'acacia; a small tree.
Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia gourmaensis. konngol ngol hooreejo leydi hollata leydim
synonyms: kompanyalley; expression. message à la nation; message to the
Nation. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Le
***: ngompanyaleehi, kompanyalley.
langage et la pensée.
Dialects: G.
konno Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interrog. pourquoi ?;
konngol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
question why? Konno ngattaa hono a yiɗ yiɗaa
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
ɗum nii. Pourquoi as-tu fait cela comme si tu
Noun: konngi. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. ne l'aimes pas ? Why did you do that as if you
1 • un mot ou quelques mots, parole, nouvelle;
didn't like it? O ƴamii kam konno ngaɗngaɗumi
speech; news; word or a few words. Catégorie
nii. Il m'a demandé pourquoi je l'ai fait ainsi.
: Lecture / écriture. ***: haala, bi'aangol,
He asked me why I did it like that.
daande2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ko waɗwaɗi1, ko saabi. Dialectal
2 • message; message. synonyms: bi'aangol, Forms: [J,Y] konnii. Dialects: J,Y.
haala. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
konongol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
konngol2 Noun. phrase, proposition; sentence, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
statement. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Noun: konoli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
konngol cellungol expression. phrase clé; key 1 • trachée, trachée-artère, gorge; trachea;
phrase, key sentence. Catégorie : Le langage windpipe; throat. Catégorie : Le corps.
et la pensée. ***: wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere, wulsundere, kuufe.
konngol deentungol expression. proposition Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
coordonnée; coordinated sentence. Catégorie 2 • œsophage; esophagus.
: La Grammaire. compare: wulsundere, wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere. Dialectal
konngol goonɗ
goonɗinaangol Variante: konngol Forms: [Y,G] konolol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

goonɗinoowol. Noun. phrase affirmative; konoowo Noun. voleur; thief.

affirmative sentence. Catégorie : La
Grammaire. konstitison Noun. constitution; constitution.
Catégorie : Gouvernement. Note : français
konngol jamirgol expression. phrase impérative;
imperative sentence. Catégorie : La kontaabulu Noun. comptable; accountant. Catégorie
Grammaire. : Travailleur. ***: limoowo ceede.

16/02/2020 335
kontara kootu

kontara emprunt: français. synonyme: ɗerewol aadi. koolkoy synonyme: faace, hakkunde kure. Noun.
Noun. contrat; contract. guillemets; quotation marks. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. synonyms: naace, ŋaccoy.
konu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of koolkoy peccaakoy synonyme: kowoy dowuhoy.
Noun: konuuji or konuuli. Sorting expression. guillemets (griffes); quotation
Designation: 4. Noun. guerre, armée, faire un
marks, quotes.
raid sur, attaquer, piller; war; raiding; army. koolniiɗ
koolniiɗo Noun. fidèle; faithful, loyal .
***: sordaasiiɓ
sordaasiiɓe, honude; compare: honude.
koolol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
konu huuɓ
huuɓungu Noun. guerre mondiale; world Noun: koolooli. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
écho; echo. ***: hoolo; synonyms: hoolo,
konuuji leydi Noun. forces armées nationales; nootitaango. Dialects: J,Y.
national military . Catégorie : Gouvernement.
kooltal Noun. vêtement; clothe. Catégorie : Vêtement.
koŋ Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très dur; hard.
koomti Noun. flatteries; flattery.
Leydi ɗo na yoori koŋ
koŋ. Le sol ici est très dur.
The ground here is really hard. synonyms: kaŋ
kaŋ, koonorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
kayŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, koroŋ
koroŋ, korom; ***: kaŋ
kaŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
yoorude, kayŋ
kayŋ, koroŋ
koroŋ; compare: yoorude. Noun: koonorɗi. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun.
Dialects: Y,G. bord d'une natte; edge of a mat. ***: kunndol,
kommbol; synonyms: kunndol. Dialects: Y,G.
kooba Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form koosaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
of Noun: koobi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun. antilope chevaline, hippotrague, koba; Noun: koosaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
antelope (roan); roan antelope. Catégorie boucher; butcher. Catégorie : Travailleur.
: Mammifère. Hippotragus equinus langheldi. ***: gargasaajo, kosoojo, jappaajo, maabo;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: gargasaajo, jappaajo, kosoojo,
kooɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. maabo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of koosirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: kooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, da. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
enflement de la mâchoire d'un bœuf; swelling
Noun: koosirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
on a cow's jaw. Catégorie : Maladie
Noun. branche ou ronce coupé pour clôturer
d'animaux. synonyms: heende, seyre, une maison ou jardin; branch or bramble.
yeende. Dialects: J,Y,G. compare: howude; ***: howude, liccal;
koode Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting synonyms: liccal. Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 3. Noun. étoiles; stars. Catégorie kooti Noun. puces; flea. Catégorie : Insecte.
: Ciel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kootone Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
koohobbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Designation: 2. Noun. anneaux; rings. Dialectal
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Forms: [Y] kootane, [M] kootonɗe.
of Noun: koohoobbe. Sorting Designation: 5, Dialects: J,Y,G.
in. Noun. charançon; weevil. Catégorie
: Insecte. Sitophilus granarius. kootu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
***: hoowonndoroore, hobbere; One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
synonyms: hobbere, hoowonndoroore. Noun: kooti. Sorting Designation: 3, in, ah, mt.
Noun. tique, puce; tick. Catégorie : Insecte.
Dialects: M.
***: ɓellellu, ellellu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kooli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: koole. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Catégorie
: Buissons, arbustes. Mitragyna inermis.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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koowgal kore

koowgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. koraade Noun Form of Infinitive: koragol.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Participles: sing: koriiɗo-korotooɗo plur:
Noun: koowle. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. koriiɓe-korotooɓe. Verb Stative or
Noun. 1 • cérémonie de mariage pendant Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • empiler et enlever
laquelle la fille se rends à la maison du mari; des déchets pour nettoyer l'endroit; to remove
wedding ceremony. ***: kaɓɓkaɓɓal
ɓɓal, ɓangal, dirt and debris and then pile it up in one place
dewgal; synonyms: ɓangal, dewgal. so as to clean an area up; Bureyma wuuwii
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tuundi, koreke nokku gooto. Boureima a
2 • relations sexuelles, rapports sexuels; balayé les saletés et les a entassées. Bureyma
intercourse (sexual); sexual intercourse. swept the debris, put it all in one area. Note :
compare: cuddal, kaɓɓ
ɓɓal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Gourmanche ***: doonyude, tutaade;
synonyms: doonyude, tutaade. Dialects: Y,G.
koowle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
2 • lorsque des fragments sont emportés par le
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. enclos (pl.), parcs vent ou de l'eau et sont retenus par un
d'animaux; pens; corrals. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. obstacle; when debris being carried by wind or
kooƴirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. water is caught by an obstacle; Ndiyam
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ndoggojam koreke tuundi galle ɗakkol
Noun: kooƴirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. kokuwol. L'eau coulante a déposé les déchets
Noun. 1 • brancard, civière; stretcher. au mur de la cour. The running water piled all
the trash in the yard next to the wall. Note :
***: nanngirgal foto, natirgal, adirgal,
Gourmanche Dialects: Y,G.
karammbammba; synonyms: adirgal,
3 • faire une digue pour arrêter l'eau; to make
karammbammba. Dialects: J,Y,M.
a dyke to stop the flow of water - can be in
2 • appareil photo, caméra; camera. your field or to stop the water from entering
synonyms: nanngirgal foto, natirgal. your house. Mi koroto kaakaaƴ
aaƴe taa ndiyam
Dialects: J,Y,M. bonna ngesa am. Je ferai une digue de pierre
kooƴol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. pour protéger mon champ de l'eau. I will pile
stones together (to form a dyke) so the water
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
doesn't ruin my field. Note : Gourmanche
Noun: kooƴi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: Y,G.
bave; drool. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
korbori Noun. taureau; bull. Catégorie : Élevage.
koppeteenga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur:
ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural korɗ
korɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Form of Noun: koppeteeɗe. Sorting One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; A Noun: horɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
perennial plant found in sandy soil of the Sahel 1 • esclave féminine; female slave; slave
and savannah. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes (female). Catégorie : La Personne.
grimpantes. Waltheria indica. ***: maraaɗ
maraaɗo1, maccuɗ
maccuɗo, diimaajo.
***: poppeteeki; synonyms: poppeteeki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y. 2 • une femme des «maccubé»; a female
member of the maccuɓe group; composed of
koppi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting the former slaves of the Fulɓe.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. genoux; knees. synonyms: maraaɗ
maraaɗo1; compare: maccuɗ
Catégorie : La Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kopporeeje Noun. monnaie (fiduciaire); currency kore Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
(Trustee). Catégorie : Argent.
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. cuillères fait de
gourdes; scoops made from gourd. Catégorie
: Outil. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 337
koreeji korral

koreeji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Number One for korngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Designation: 4. Noun. divination, présage;
famille; family. Koreeji Maamaadu e koreeji divination; augury. ***: daarngal, ndaarngal,
Rik njehii Bobo.
Bobo. La famille de Maamoudou et tiimngal; synonyms: daarngal, ndaarngal,
la famille de Rick sont allés à Bobo. tiimngal; compare: hornude. Dialects: M.
Maamaadu's family and Rick's family went to
Bobo. Catégorie : Parenté. ***: taariki, kornomeet emprunt: français. Noun. chronomètre;
stopwatch. Catégorie : Mathématique.
nimɓe, dammbe, ƴuwdi, himɓ himɓe, sii, yimɓ
buudu, tanaa, lenyol, himɓ
himɓe; korode Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
compare: buudu, lenyol, saare, sii
sii, taariki, Designation: 3, mt. Noun. yeux légèrement
ƴuwdi; synonyms: himɓ
himɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe. colorés; light colored eyes. gite korode
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,G.

korhayre Plural Form of Noun: korkaaƴe. Noun. korol Noun. enquête; investigation, inquiry.
gravillon; chippings. Catégorie : Terre. ***: tayka.
kori Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. avec un peu de korom Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très dur; really
chance, j'espère, avec optimisme; hopefully. hard; hard (really). Leydi ɗo na yoori korom.
Kori a warii e jam. J'espère que tu sois venu Le sol ici est vraiment dur. The ground here is
en paix. Hopefully you have come in peace. really hard. ***: koŋ
koŋ, kaŋ
kaŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, kayŋ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. koroŋ
koroŋ; synonyms: kaŋ
kaŋ, kayŋ
kayŋ, koloŋ
korikoriyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: compare: yoorude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural korondollu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Form of Noun: korikoriyaaje. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. hyène; hyena. of Noun: korondolli. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Hyaena hyaena or Noun. fourmi noire; black ant; ant (black).
Hyaena crocuta. synonyms: buuru, fowru, Catégorie : Insecte. compare: ɗaaloolu,
leeyndu, kuungel, njuura; ***: leeyndu, mettellu, nyuunyu, puccu naange;
buuru, kuungel, njuura, fowru. Dialects: J. synonyms: konndollu; ***: konndollu.
Korintu Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. la ville de Dialects: M.
Corinthe; The Greek city of Corinth. Catégorie
koroŋ Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très dur; really
: Localité. Note : grec Dialects: biblical.
hard. Leydi ɗo na yoori koroŋ
koroŋ. Le sol ici est
Korintunkooɓe Sorting Designation: nbb, 4. Noun. très dur. The ground here is really hard.
L'une des lettres que Paul a écrite aux ***: koŋ
koŋ, kaŋ
kaŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, yoorude, kayŋ
corinthiens; One of two letters (bataaki synonyms: kayŋ
kayŋ, koloŋ
koloŋ, koŋ
koŋ, korom;
ngo'aɓi/ɗiɗaɓi) to the Corinthians written by
compare: yoorude. Dialects: Y,G.
Paul. Note : grec Dialects: biblical.
koroowo Noun. observateur; observer.
Korka Sorting Designation: 4, th. Noun. jeûne de
***: ceedotooɗ
Ramadan, carême; Ramadan fast; fast
(Ramadan). ***: Suumayeeru; korral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
synonyms: Suumayeeru. Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: korre. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
korkaƴri synonyme: sagiiri. Noun. latérite; laterite.
os tibia d'une personne, jambe; leg; shin bone
Catégorie : Terre.
of a person. Catégorie : Le corps. in
korkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: korkitingol. Tenkodogo it also applies to animals. tibial
Participles: sing: korkitinɗo-korkitoowo crest. ***: ƴi'al-
i'al-korral, holsere;
plur: korkitinɓe-korkitooɓe. Sorting compare: holsere. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in korkorngal (ngal). Dialects: J,Y,G.
Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
na korkita. Verb. faire un bruit fracassant; to
make a rattling or banging sound - as when one
is looking through a drawer for something or
rattling one's dishes around.
synonyms: horkitinde; ***: horkitinde.
Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 338
korse koy

korse Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting kosoojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 2. Noun. premières pluies avant la Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
vraie saison des pluies, pluie de mangues; Noun: kosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
harbinger rains; mango rains. Catégorie Noun. travailleur de cuir, tanneur; tanner;
: Temps. compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, colte, dabbunde, leather worker. Catégorie : Travailleur.
kakkitorɗe, ndunngu, ƴuwoonde; compare: gargasaajo, jappaajo, koosaajo,
***: gataaje; synonyms: gataaje. maabo; ***: jappaajo, maabo, koosaajo.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J.

korseeje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Plural Form of kosorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: korre. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
fièvre qui apparaît en juin lorsque les pluies Noun: kosorɗe. Noun. bâtonnet utilisé pour
commencent; fever that occurs in June as the nettoyer les dents, cure-dents; toothpick; stick
rains are beginning. Catégorie : Maladie. used to brush one's teeth. Catégorie : Outil.
synonyms: baantinooje, jontere, jonte pale, ***: soccaade, coccorgal, hosaade;
ɓɓe, ƴaamndeeje; ***: baantinooje. compare: hosaade, soccaade;
Dialectal Forms: [J] korsooje. Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: coccorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kosaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number kosu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: kosaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun. Noun: kosuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
espèce de plante; milkweed. Catégorie endroit pour uriner; place to urinate. Note :
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Euphorbia
mooré ***: nyegeere, salanga, bawlirde,
aegyptiaca. ***: takumselleehi, mbarnoohi, fiilorde; compare: nyegeere, salanga;
enende; compare: badullaahi, njoddi,
synonyms: bawlirde, fiilorde. Dialects: Y,G.
takumselleehi; synonyms: enende.
Dialects: Y,M.
kotiiɗi adj. difficile; difficult.

kosam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗe. kotooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootam. Plural Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Form of Noun: kose. Sorting Designation: 1, ah. of Noun: kotooji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. lait; milk. Catégorie : Nourriture, Noun. babouin; baboon. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Papio cynocephalus.
Élevage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: pataaru, woroni; ***: woroni,
kosam ɓiraaɗ
iraaɗam Noun. lait frais; fresh milk. pataaru. Dialects: Y.
Catégorie : Nourriture.
kottu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
kosam ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam Noun. lait caillé; sour milk. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: ɗaaniiɗ
Noun: kotti. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
galse, walsere, wulsere, kaaɗ
kaaɗam. vulve et vagin; vulva; vagina. Catégorie : La
kosam ɗam walaa nebam Noun. laits écrémés; Personne. ***: nyammu, ley2, kuungu,
skimmed milk. Catégorie : Nourriture. sanndu, hottere, sam(u)ru, saɓ saɓu, samndu;
synonyms: kuungu, nyammu, saɓ saɓu, samndu,
kosam enndu Noun. lait maternel; breast milk,
mother's milk. Catégorie : En bonne santé, sanndu; compare: hottere. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Nourriture. kowol-
kowol-kowi Noun. accolades; brackets. Catégorie
kosam enndu aranam Noun. colostrum; : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: loŋ
colostrum. Catégorie : Nourriture.
kowoy pukkiikoy expression. guillemets chevrons;
synonyms: kanndi. quotation marks, quotes. Catégorie : Lecture /
koseele moƴƴ
inaaɗe Noun. laits diététiques; écriture.
dietetic milk. Catégorie : Nourriture. koy1 Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. certainement,
sûrement, bien-sur; surely; certainly; of
course. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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koy kuɓɓu

koy2 Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • rpn. que, qui; which koyngal-

koyngal-haakowol Plural Form of
(when referring to small things); who (when Noun: koyɗe-haakooji .
referring to people). Waddu coffoy koy synonyme: koyngal-waafuloore . Noun.
tufumi keeŋ
keeŋan. Amène les poussins que j'ai pétiole; petiole. Catégorie : Parties d’un
vacciné hier. Bring the chicks which I végétal ou d’une plante.
vacinated yesterday. Ngaddanaa kam ɓikkoy koyngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting
maa koy cawrumi. Amène-moi les enfants
Designation: 3, da. Noun. carbone
que j'ai menacé hier. Bring me your children
symptomatique; blackleg disease. Catégorie
who I treated yesterday. ***: ba, wulude.
: Maladie d'animaux. synonyms: balayel,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
henndu1, neeyngel, piɗ
piɗooyel; ***: balayel,
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. neeyngel, piɗ
piɗooyel, neyngel, henndu1.
koyɗaajo Noun. piéton; pedestrian. Dialects: J,Y,M.

koyɗo adj. docile, gentil; kind; docile. koynoowo paamal ley golle expression.
facilitateur; facilitator. Catégorie : Apprendre,
koyɗol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Travailleur.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
koyooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Noun: koyɗi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. rêve,
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. coqueluche;
songe; dream. ***: hoyɗ
hoyɗude, huylitaade;
whooping cough; pertussis. Catégorie
compare: hoyɗ
hoyɗude, huylitaade.
: Maladie. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
koyraaɗo Noun. qui est facile à vivre; that is easy to
koye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. live.
lequel, quel, quelle, laquelle; which. Huɗ
ƴƴa Noun. accueil; reception; welcome.
koye na'i nyaamata? Quelle herbe mangent
les bœufs ? Which grass do the cows eat? ku Variante: kuu. Noun. igname; yam. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa huɗ
huɗo kubbol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
koye na'i nyaamata. Je ne sais pas laquelle Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
ils mangent. I don't know which (grass) the Noun: kubbi. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
cows eat. 1 • sillon fait en cultivant; furrow created by
3 • adj/pn/interrog. quel; which. Ɓikkoy koye hoeing. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
mboyi hankin? Quels enfant sont crié la nuit ***: mufol, gilaare, tampaanuwol
tampaanuwol, ƴoolde,
passée ? Which babies were crying last night? galmol, hutaare; synonyms: galmol,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tampaanuwol. Dialects: J.
Koynaboroojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: 2 • la boue placée sur les briques pour les
protéger de la pluie; the mud placed on the top
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
row of bricks to protect them from the rain - it
Form of Noun: koynaborooɓe. Sorting is placed as a peak so the rain runs off.
Designation: 4. Noun. Bella au Mali qui parlent synonyms: galmol, tampaanuwol.
le songhai; a type of Bella in Mali - they speak
Dialects: J,Y.
Songhai. Catégorie : Communauté.
3 • coiffure féminine (temporaire); a temporary
***: Bellaajo; synonyms: Bellaajo. Dialects: J.
hairdo of women; especially when they do not
koyngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. have time to get their hair done properly.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of synonyms: mufol; compare: ƴoolde.
Noun: koyɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun. Dialects: Y,G,M.
1 • jambe, membre inférieur; leg. Catégorie
ɓɓu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
: Le corps. ***: njaabdi, jaaɓ
jaaɓirdi, holnyuru.
Designation: 4. Noun. la chaleur et l'humidité
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. vers la fin de la saison chaude, grande
2 • pied; foot. compare: holnyuru, yaaɓ
yaaɓoro. chaleur, sueur; heat and humidity of the late
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hot season. Catégorie : Temps. ***: haamu,
olowere, oytere, nguli, guleeɗ
guleeɗe, kaamu,
koyngal tew Noun. gigot (viande); leg of animal
(meat). Catégorie : Nourriture. olwere, guli; synonyms: haamu, kaamu;
compare: guli, guleeɗ
guleeɗe, nguli. Dialects: J,Y,M.

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kuɓɓuyel hiite kukkuturuutu

ɓɓuyel hiite Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel kufal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: kuɓɓoohoy hiite. Sorting Noun: kufe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Designation: 5, in. Noun. luciole, ver luisant; 1 • cadenas, antivol; pad lock.
glowworm beetle or lightning bug; firefly. ***: ommbirgal, ontirgal, omtirgal,
Catégorie : Insecte. ***: cootu, cuncu, sootu; cokirgal, sokoode; synonyms: cokirgal,
synonyms: cootu, cuncu, sootu. Dialects: G. sokoode. Dialects: Y,G,M.

kuɓondir Noun. symétrique; symmetric. kuɓ
kuɓondir 2 • clé, clef; key. synonyms: ommbirgal,
(-ɗum) Catégorie : Mathématique. omtirgal, ontirgal. Dialects: Y,G,M.

kuɓondiral Noun. symétrie; symmetry. Catégorie kufune Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe/i.
: Mathématique. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: kufuneeje/i. Sorting Designation: 2.
kuccitol Noun. sens; sense. synonyms: oral, maanda.
Noun. bonnet fait de tissus, casquette; cap; hat.
kuddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: sappaare,
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of tenngaare, malfaare, hufuneere
hufuneere, huuneere;
Noun: kuddiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. synonyms: hufuneere, huuneere;
Noun. malédiction; curse. ***: kuuwgal, compare: sappaare, tenngaare.
nyaanko'aaku, huɗ
huɗeede, dabare1, huɗ
huɗude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: huɗ
huɗeede, huɗ
huɗude, kuuwgal.
kujje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. choses, animaux,
kudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number mots; words; things; wild animals.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun: kuduuji. Sorting Designation: 4,ct. Noun. kujje ladde Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
louche ou couiller en métal; ladle; scoop.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. animaux sauvages;
Catégorie : Outil. Note : Bambara
wild animals. ***: kulle ladde;
compare: horde; ***: suttuguure.
synonyms: kulle ladde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
kukkiriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
kuɗel Noun. bâtonnet; stick.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
kuɗol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. of Noun: kukkiriije. Sorting Designation: 4.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Noun. manche de daba / houe; hoe handle. Note
Noun: kuɗi. Noun. 1 • paille, brin d'herbe; : mooré synonyms: ɓoolol; ***: ɓoolol;
straw; piece of grass. Catégorie : Herbes, compare: kukuruwal. Dialects: M.
plantes grimpantes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kukkuturuutu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
2 • paille placée pour protéger la nourriture
des mauvais esprits; a straw placed in the ɗi. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
"nyiiri" which is supposed to guard the food Form of Noun: kukkuturuutuuji. Sorting
from evil spirits. Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 4, pl. Noun. fleur et tige du
3 • à Tenkodogo ce mot ce réfère aux Mossi; in nénuphar; water lily. Catégorie : Herbes,
Tenkodogo this is a veiled reference to a plantes grimpantes. ***: kuttukuruutol,
Mossi. Dialects: M. timbooriire, guynaare, taɓɓ
daamarawol, gawriyel, ngommbiire,
ol-bakteeri Plural Form of
boololol, tammere, guylaare;
Noun: kuɗi-bakteeri. Noun. bacille; bacillus.
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: kuttukuruutol; compare: boololol,
daamarawol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, tammere,
kuɗooli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
ngommbiire, timbooriire. Dialects: Y.
Designation: 3, pl. Noun. herbes; grasses.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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kukuruwal kumbaajo

kukuruwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. kulloy meroohoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Sorting Designation: 4, in. Noun. insectes et
Noun: kukuruuje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. araignées, bestioles rampantes; insects and
Noun. manche de hache ou manche courte de spiders. ***: kulloy menyoohoy, kuukoy
daba; handle (axe or hoe). menyoohoy, kuukoy meroohoy, kuungel;
compare: dummbaare, jammbere, sabgaare; synonyms: kulloy menyoohoy, kuukoy
***: ceblaare, ɓoolol, yappuriire, menyoohoy, kuungel, menyumenyu.
jammbere, sabgaare, dummbaare, Dialects: Y,G.
kukkiriire; synonyms: ɓoolol. Dialects: J.
kulol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
kulikuli Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Designation: 3. Noun. peur; fear.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of compare: hulude, hulɓ
hulɓinde; ***: dofe.
Noun: kulikuliiji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah, ct. Dialectal Forms: [J] kulal (ngal).
Noun. 1 • dinde; turkey. Catégorie : Oiseau.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : Hausa ***: gertogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, kurakura,
kuloowo Noun. peureux; fearful person.
toori-Fira'awna, jawel, kolokolo; kulu Noun. peur; fear.
synonyms: gertogal-
kuluujaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Noun. 1 • rite
gortogal-Fira'awna, kolokolo, des Riimaybé d'origine songhai; A Riimayɓe
ndontoori-Fira'awna. Dialects: J. rite of Songhay origin. It means "thanks" in
2 • anneau de pâte d'arachide; peanut ring. Songhay. Note : Songhay Dialects: J.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Hausa 2 • à Mahadaga le jour du mariage les femmes
synonyms: kurakura, jawel. Dialects: Y,M. âgées se réunissent pour remercier le mari; in
Mahadaga the day of the wedding the older
kulle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
women gather and thank the groom. Note :
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. 1 • choses; things.
Songhay Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • à Tenkodogo, le jour du mariage on fait
2 • animaux; animals. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. entrer les nouveaux mariés dans une maison et
les femmes âgées restent dehors et les
kulle ladde Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting félicitent; in Tenkodogo the day of the
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. animaux sauvages; wedding they put the bride and groom in a
wild animals. synonyms: kujje ladde; house and then the old women stand outside
***: kujje ladde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. and praise them. Note : Songhay Dialectal
Forms: [G] kuluujam, [M] kuluujaama.
kulleeje neeninooje expression. nutriments;
Dialects: M.
nutriments. Catégorie : Nourriture,
Agriculture. kuluwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
kulleeje tuubaaku neeninooje expression. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
fertilisants chimiques; chemical fertilizers. Noun: kuluuje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Catégorie : Agriculture. Noun. manche longue de daba / houe; handle of

kulleewa Noun. lion; lion. Catégorie : Mammifère. a hoe (long). ***: leggal jalo;
synonyms: leggal jalo. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: laddeeru.

kulloy menyoohoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. kumaareyal Noun. grue couronnée ; crowned crane.
Catégorie : Oiseau.
Sorting Designation: 4, in. Noun. insectes et
araignées, bestioles rampantes; insects and kumbaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
spiders. Catégorie : Insecte. synonyms: kulloy Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
meroohoy, kuukoy menyoohoy, kuungel, Noun: kumbaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
menyumenyu; ***: menyumenyu, kuukoy la deuxième fille (née comme deuxième fille);
menyoohoy, kuukoy meroohoy, kuungel,
the second born daughter. Catégorie : La
Personne. compare: dikaajo, penndaajo,
kulloy meroohoy. Dialects: J,Y.
daadoojo, takkaajo, demmoojo, seeboojo;
***: dikaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo,
demmoojo, faatumaajo, takkaajo,
seeboojo. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] kummbaajo,
kummboojo. Dialects: J,M.

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kumbaareyal kunkuuru
2 • inquiétude, angoisse, soucis,
kumbaareyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
préoccupation, problème; anxiety; worry;
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
care; problem; concern. synonyms: kaɓɓ
Form of Noun: kumbaareeje. Sorting
compare: humpeede, mettalla.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. grue couronnée;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
crowned crane. Catégorie : Oiseau. Balearica
pavonina. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kumpital Noun. compte-rendu, procès verbal; report,
debriefing, record, minutes. Catégorie
Kumbo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
: Juridique. ***: talkuru kumpital, talkuru
pour la fille née comme deuxième; the
traditional name of the second born daughter; kumpital batu
also. ***: Daado, Seebo, Demmo, Faatuma, kumpital jurnaliisi en synonyme: kawrital
Penndo, Diko, Takko; compare: Diko, kumpital jurnaliisi en. expression. conférence
Penndo, Daado, Takko, Demmo, Seebo. de presse; press conference.
Dialectal Forms: [Y] Kummbo, [J] Kummba, kumpital ko waɗ
waɗi expression. rapport; report,
[J,Y,G] Kumbal, [J,Y,G] Kumboore, [J,Y,G,M] account.
Kumbel. Dialects: J,M.
kundiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Kummba Noun. prénom féminin (Signification : Celle Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
qui attache, deuxième née); first name for a of Noun: kundiije. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
female (meaning: the one who ties, second Noun. bosse (sur le dos d'un zébu, chameau ou
born daughter). Catégorie : Nom. personne); hump. Note : mooré
kummbaaje synonyme: oberjin. Noun. aubergines; ***: ƴuugoode, toojoore, ƴugoore;
aubergines, eggplants. Catégorie : Nourriture, synonyms: toojoore, ƴuugoode.
Agriculture. Dialects: Y,G,M.
kummbudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. kundukunndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. brouillard,
of Noun: kummbudiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. brume; fog; mist. Catégorie : Temps.
Noun. 1 • toit; roof. ***: pibine, hummbude, ***: boygel, daambol, sawawre, cuurki,
hippude, kippudi. Dialects: J. saawandere, sollungo, curki;
2 • plafond; ceiling. Catégorie : Bâtiment. synonyms: boygel, daambol, sollungo;
compare: hippude, hummbude; compare: saawandere, sawawre. Dialects: J.
synonyms: kippudi, pibine. Dialects: J.
kunkiriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
kumol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of of Noun: kunkiriije. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun: kumi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun. 1 • tortue; tortoise; turtle. Catégorie
ceinture de munition; munition belt. : Reptile. ***: amre, huunyaare, boroore,
***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓinorgol jebe; kuriire, huunyaare; synonyms: boroore,
synonyms: kaɓɓ
ɓɓinorgol jebe. Dialectal kuriire. Dialects: Y,G.
Forms: [J] kumurgol. Dialects: J,Y,G. 2 • tortue; tortoise. synonyms: amre,
kumorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. huunyaare, kuriire. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of kunkuriire (de)/kunkuriije (ɗe). Dialects: G.
Noun: kumorɗi. Noun. ceinture; belt. Catégorie kunkuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
: Vêtement. ***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol, tunndorgol; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol, tunndorgol. Dialects: J. of Noun: kunkuuji. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
kumpa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number Noun. partie basse du dos, vertèbre lobaire,
dos; lower back; back; lumbar spine. Catégorie
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
: Le corps. ***: ƴi'al ɓaawo, hunkoodu,
Noun: kumpaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
ɓaawo2, ƴi'al kunkuuru, kataare, keecol,
1 • portefeuille; wallet. synonyms: albel,
kente; compare: kataare, keecol, kente;
dannga; ***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, humpeede,
synonyms: hunkoodu. Dialectal Forms: [J]
mettalla, albel, dannga. Dialects: J,Y.
kunku. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 343
kunkuuru silɓundu kurbanaawa

kunkuuru silɓ
silɓundu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu kurakura Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: kunkuuji cilɓuɗi. Sorting Noun: kurakuraaje. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. entorse au dos, Noun. anneau de pâte d'arachide, tourteau;
vertèbre endommagée, nerf vertébral coincé ; peanut ring. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note :
sprained back; ruptured lumbar disk; pinched mooré synonyms: jawel, kulikuli; ***: jawel,
nerve in the lumbar region. Catégorie kulikuli. Dialects: J,M.
: Maladie. synonyms: ɓaawo silɓ
kural Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: ɓaawo silɓ
silɓungo. Dialects: M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
kunndol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Noun: kure. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of 1 • flèche; arrow. ***: tawsaade, gawaade,
Noun: kunndi. Sorting Designation: 5. Noun. kalawal, loohaade, mbasu kure, fiɗ
bord d'une natte; edge of a mat. pikkal, ɓaaru, ɓaaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: koonorgol; ***: kommbol, 2 • seringue, aiguille pour injection /
koonorgol. Dialects: J. vaccination; needle for giving an injection.
kunnduɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: pikkal.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. bouches; mouths. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 3 • piqûre, injection; injection. Catégorie
: Traitement de la maladie. synonyms: pikkal.
kunnganaaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
4 • dard de scorpion ou abeille; stinger of a
Form of Noun: hunnganaaɓe. Sorting
scorpion or a bee. compare: ɓaaru, kalawal,
Designation: 4. Noun. personne inutile qui fait
mbasu kure, loohaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seulement ce qu'elle veut; a worthless person
who only does what they want. ***: celaaɗ
celaaɗo; kural fuɗ
fuɗngo Plural Form of Noun: kure fuɗngo.
synonyms: celaaɗ
celaaɗo, meereejo. Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyme: puɗdi. Variante: kural-fuɗngo.
Noun. germe, bulbe; germ, sprout, bulb.
kunnguuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Catégorie : Agriculture, Herbes, plantes
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form grimpantes.
of Noun: kunnguuji. Sorting Designation: 4.
kural ley nguru expression. voie cutanée; dermal
Noun. case ronde fait de briques et un toit en
route. Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie.
paille; round house made of bricks with a grass
roof. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : mooré kural logotoro Noun. seringue; syringe.
***: winndeeru, hukum, bombooru,
kuran Noun. poinçon, aiguille; needle; awl. Catégorie
wortaldu, sukkuuru, benal1, buguuru, : Outil.
loofeeru, bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, garuwal, huɗ huɗooru,
suudu1; synonyms: bombooru, loofeeru,
kurbaanaanu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
suudu1. Dialects: J.
Form of Noun: kurbaanaani. Sorting
kunorgol Noun. devise; motto. Catégorie Designation: 4, in. Noun. termite ailée; winged
: Gouvernement. adult termite. Catégorie : Insecte.
kur Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. appel utilisé Trinervitermes spp.. ***: gangaare,
pour les bœufs, chevaux ou ânes; a call used to yeebiiwu, ngangaawu, mooƴ mooƴu, yoobiiwu;
call cows; horses or donkeys. synonyms: yeebiiwu, yoobiiwu;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: gangaare, mooƴ
mooƴu. Dialectal
Kura'aana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Forms: [J] kurubaanaanu, kurbanaanu.
Designation: 3, nb, th. Noun. le Coran; Koran. Dialects: J,M.
Note : arabe synonyms: Algura'aana, kurbanaawa Noun. éphémère; mayfly. Catégorie
Alkur'aana, Gura'aana; ***: Alkur'aana, : Insecte. Dialectal Forms: kurbaanaanu.
Gura'aana, Algura'aana. Dialects: M.

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kurbirgal kurukuru

kurbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. kurkuruuji Noun. porcins; pigs. ko haɓɓ
ɓɓodii e
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of kurkuruuji Catégorie : Élevage.
Noun: kurbirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
kurkuruuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Noun. spatule en bois; wooden spoon use to stir
the millet porridge. Catégorie : Outil. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
***: laaruwal, hurbude, jirbal, girbal; of Noun: kurkuruuji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Noun. cochon, porc; pig. Catégorie
synonyms: laaruwal; compare: girbal,
: Agriculture, Mammifère. Note : mooré
hurbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: njiroowu, ngiroowu, girow;
kurbirgal ndiyam Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal synonyms: girow, ngiroowu, njiroowu.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Dialects: M.
Plural Form of Noun: kurbirɗe ndiyam. Sorting
kurkuruuru cortaangu Noun Class Markers: sing:
Designation: 4. Noun. pagaie pour barque;
ngu plur: ɗi. Number One for this
paddle used to move a boat. Catégorie : Outil.
noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: kurkuruuji
***: awƴ
awƴorgal, kaaleyal, lummbirgal,
cortaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
cummbirgal; synonyms: awƴ
verrat, porc châtré; hog; castrated male pig.
cummbirgal, lummbirgal, kaaleyal. Catégorie : Mammifère. Note : mooré
Dialects: G. synonyms: girow cortaangu, ngiroowu
kurel Plural Form of Noun: kuroy. Noun. dard; sting. cortaangu, njiroowu cortaangu
cortaangu; ***: girow
cortaangu, njiroowu cortaangu, ngiroowu
kurel-pinndi Plural Form of Noun: kure-pinndi.
cortaangu. Dialects: M.
Noun. pistil; pistil. Catégorie : Parties d’un
végétal ou d’une plante. kurkuruuru rewru Noun. truie; sow. Catégorie
: Élevage.
kuriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form kurkutu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu/o plur: ɗi.
of Noun: kuriije. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Number One for this noun: wooturu/gooto.
Noun. 1 • tortue; turtle. Catégorie : Reptile. Plural Form of Noun: kurkutuuji. Sorting
***: amre, kunkiriire, huunyaare, Designation: 4, mi. Noun. tambour fait de
kunkiriire, boroore, huunyaare; calebasse; drum made of a calabash. Catégorie
synonyms: boroore, kunkiriire. Dialects: M. : Instrument de musique. ***: mbinderew,
2 • tortue; tortoise. synonyms: amre, bentigaaru, lungaaru, ndondoloowu,
huunyaare. Dialects: M. lonngaaru, bukkooru; synonyms: bukkooru.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
kurje1 Noun. jour de repos; day of rest.
kurnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kurnagol.
kurje2 Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Participles: sing: kurniiɗo-kurnotooɗo plur:
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • la visite d'un imam ou
kurniiɓe-kurnotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 5,
enseignant de l'islam qui espère qu'on lui
donne qqch; the visit of a "moodibbo" who is ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
hoping you will give him something. appeler des bœufs en disant «kur kur»; call
***: hurjude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cows by making a noise. ***: aynaade,
2 • vacances d'un étudiant; vacation for ŋeencaade, muuccaade, joonaade,
students. Dialects: J,Y,M. ɓuuccaade, ŋeesaade, ŋeccaade, noddude;
3 • jour de repos; day of rest. synonyms: noddude; compare: aynaade,
compare: hurjude. Dialects: J,Y. joonaade, ŋeccaade, ŋeesaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kurkaaƴe Noun. endroit caillouteux; stony place.
Catégorie : Terre. kurukuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
kurkeewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form

Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: kurukuruuji. Sorting Designation: 3,

of Noun: kurkeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. ah. Noun. poulailler; chicken coop; hen house.
Noun. petit outil utilisé pour couper du mil; the Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: fitiiru, fitaaru;
small tool that is used for cutting grain. synonyms: fitiiru. Dialects: J.
Catégorie : Outil. compare: taƴ
taƴude. Dialectal
Forms: [J] kurkabeere, [Y] kurkey. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 345
kurum kuufal

kurum Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très noir; black kuttukuruutol

kuttukuruutol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur:
(very); very black. Catégorie : Couleur. ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural
***: kirim, ɓawlude; compare: ɓawlude; Form of Noun: kuttukuruuti. Sorting
synonyms: kirim, tiki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4, pl. Noun. fleur et tige du
kuruyi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number nénuphar; flower and stem of the water lily;
water lily. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
grimpantes. synonyms: kukkuturuutu;
Noun: kuruuje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
***: kukkuturuutu, timbooriire, guynaare,
Noun. kapokier rouge; kapok tree (red).
Catégorie : Arbres. Bombax costatum. taɓɓ
ɓɓere, daamarawol, gawriyel,
***: boogaahi, mboogaahi; ngommbiire, boololol, tammere, guylaare;
synonyms: boogaahi, mboogaahi. Dialects: G. compare: boololol, daamarawol, taɓɓtaɓɓere
tammere, ngommbiire, timbooriire.
kurwaa Noun. croix; cross. Note : français
Dialects: J.
kusal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe.
Kutuba Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, th. Noun. « la nuit de puissance
Noun: kunsaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. » le 27ème jour du Ramadan; "the night of
piège métallique avec des dents; trap (metal); power" - the night when Muhammed received
metal trap with teeth. Catégorie : Outil. his first revelation. Occurs the 27th night of
compare: nannginde; ***: huuseeru, the Ramadan fast. Generally Muslims stay
bedorgal; synonyms: bedorgal, huuseeru, awake all night and either read from the Koran
tuugol, woyya. Dialects: G. or pray. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kusaw Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting kutupon Noun. coup de poing; punch.
Designation: 2. Noun. poussière, sable dans le kuu Noun. igname; yam. Catégorie : Nourriture,
vent; dust; sand blowing in the wind. Catégorie
Agriculture. ***: nyiiwaaje dunndu.
: Temps. synonyms: bolonngu, colla, puru,
sollaare; ***: taasiiri, sollaare, njaareendi, kuuɓ
kuuɓal gosooɓ
gosooɓe noddaaɓ
noddaaɓe expression. jury;
puru, bolonngu, colla; compare: cuddi,
jury, judging panel . Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
njaareendi. Dialects: J.
kuuɓol Noun. invasion; invasion. synonyms: kippugu.
kuss Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. 1 • bruit fait
pour chasser un bœuf afin qu'il quitte; sound kuudaku Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe.
made in order to chase a cow away. ***: ass, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
osi, tek, usu, huy, oss, tik, kiss, lah; Noun: kuudakuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
synonyms: ass, huy, kiss
kiss, osi, oss, tek, tik, Noun. espèce de tubercule semblable à la
usu. Dialects: J. patate douce; tuber similar to a sweet potato.
2 • bruit fait pour chasser des poules; sound Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: mbelkoy;
made to chase chickens. synonyms: lah. ***: mbelkoy. Dialects: Y,G.
Dialects: Y,G,M. kuudi Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗi.
kusuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of of Noun: kuudiiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
excréments; feces of humans and animals.
Noun: kusuuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
pipe pour fumer du tabac; pipe for smoking ***: doodi; compare: doodi, suulere,
tobacco. synonyms: boygal; ***: boygal. rubbunnde, welaande, wordoonde.
Dialects: J. Dialects: G.

kutay Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting kuufal Plural Form of Noun: kuufe. Noun. poumon;
lung. Catégorie : Le corps.
Designation: 4. Noun. désaccord ou dispute qui
divise les belligérants; dispute; disagreement. synonyms: bumsunga, bumpuƴƴ
***: hutaade; compare: hutaade. Dialectal wulsundere.
Forms: [Y] kutey, [G] kutuye. Dialects: J,G,M.

kuttorgol Noun. devise (unité – progrès – justice);

motto, slogan (unity - progress - justice).
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Le langage et la

16/02/2020 346
kuufe kuurgal

kuufe Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting 2 • membrane; membrane. kuulongol

Designation: 2, at. Noun. poumons; lungs. ɓocconde Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere, 3 • peu d'un serpent qui a été laissé par le
serpent; the skin of a snake which is shed
bumsunga, wulsundere, fulunfuudo;
periodically. synonyms: ɓoortannde,
compare: konongol; synonyms: wulsundere
lootiguwal. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] kuulangol,
wumpuƴere. Dialects: G.
[Y] kuululol, [G] kuulula, kuulolol.
kuukoky lamɗ
lamɗamuhoy Noun. sel minéraux; Dialects: J,Y,G.
mineral salts.
kuundal Noun. spatule; spatula. Catégorie : Outil.
kuukopawla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of kuungel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Noun: kuukopawlaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
in. Noun. cafard, blatte; cockroach. Catégorie Noun: kuukoy. Sorting Designation: 4, in, wl.
Noun. 1 • insectes ou araignées; insect or
: Insecte. Blatta spp.. synonyms: nyaamowa
spider. Catégorie : Insecte.
juuri, takaluuta, yalaare; ***: takaluuta,
***: korikoriyaare, kulloy menyoohoy,
yalaare, nyaamowa juuri. Dialects: J.
menyumenyu, kuukoy menyoohoy,
kuukoy balloohoy waylitingol nyaamndu leeyndu, buuru, kuukoy meroohoy, kulloy
expression. flore digestive. Catégorie : En meroohoy, njuura, fowru; synonyms: kulloy
bonne santé. synonyms: piilndi-
piilndi-reedu. menyoohoy, kulloy meroohoy, kuukoy
kuukoy kokkoohoy semmbe expression. menyoohoy, menyumenyu.
glucides; carbohydrate. Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • une petite chose; one small thing.
kuukoy menyoohoy Noun Class Markers: plur:
synonyms: buuru, fowru, leeyndu,
koy. Sorting Designation: 4, in. Noun. insectes
et araignées, bestioles; animals that crawl; korikoriyaare, njuura. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
insects and spiders. ku’ngel 3 • ce mot peut désigner un hyène car les gens
n'aiment pas tellement utiliser «fowru»; this
rngel-kuukukoy menyoohoy e
term is especially used in reference to hyenas
piiroohoy Catégorie : Insecte. ***: kulloy as they dislike using the word "fowru".
menyoohoy, kuukoy meroohoy, kuungel, Dialects: J,Y.
kulloy meroohoy; synonyms: kulloy
kuungel menyoowel Noun. vermine; vermin.
meroohoy, kulloy menyoohoy, kuukoy
Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs, Maladie.
meroohoy, kuungel, menyumenyu.
Dialects: J,Y,M. kuungu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
kuukoy menyoohoy piiroohoy Voir entrée
of Noun: kuungi. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
principale : . expression. insectes; insects.
Noun. vulve et vagin; vulva and vagina.
Catégorie : Insecte.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: nyammu, kottu,
kuukoy meroohoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. sanndu, hottere, sam(u)ru, saɓ
saɓu, samndu;
Sorting Designation: 4, in. Noun. insectes et synonyms: kottu, nyammu, saɓ
saɓu, samndu,
araignées; insects and spiders. ***: kuukoy sanndu; compare: hottere
hottere. Dialects: Y,M.
menyoohoy; synonyms: kulloy meroohoy,
kuunyaaje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
kulloy menyoohoy, kuukoy menyoohoy,
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. 1 • tortues; tortoises.
kuungel, menyumenyu. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J.
kuukoy neeninooh expression. éléments nutritifs;
2 • hérisson; hedgehog. Dialects: G,M.
nutritive elements. Catégorie : Agriculture.
kuurgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
kuukoy neeninoohoy Noun. nutriment; nutrient.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: kuurɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
kuulongol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. abri fait de paille ou des nattes; shelter made
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of of grass or mats. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Noun: kuulooɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, at. ***: hurgo, sukkuuru, buguuru, huɗ huɗooru,
Noun. 1 • diaphragme; diaphragm. soorowal; synonyms: hurgo, soorowal.
***: lootiguwal, ɓooltannde, ɓoortannde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 347
kuurngu laabuujo

kuurngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. kuuwgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
of Noun: kuurɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun: kuuwle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Noun. les pleins effets ou symptômes d'une malédiction par des pratiques occultes; curse
maladie; symptoms of a disease. Catégorie effected by occult means. compare: kuddi,
: Maladie. ***: huurude; compare: huurude. nyaanko'aaku; ***: dabare1, huɗ
huɗude, kuddi,
Dialects: J. huuwude. Dialects: J.
kuutaade Noun Form of Infinitive: kuutagol. kuyam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
Participles: sing: kuutiiɗo-kuutotooɗo plur: Designation: 3, th. Noun. joie, bonheur; joy;
kuutiiɓe-kuutotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. happiness. ***: seyo, neema, welo, huyude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. abattre un synonyms: neema, seyo; compare: huyude.
arbre, couper un arbre; cut a tree down. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: gubbitinde, juuɓ
synonyms: gubbitinde, juuɓ
juuɓude. Dialects: Y,G.
kuyfinol Noun. manque de respect; lack of respect.

kuutooji Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting kuyyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. varans; monitor Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
lizards. Catégorie : Reptile. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: kuyiije. Sorting Designation: or,4. Noun.
vanneau; plover (grey); grey plover. Catégorie
kuutorgal Noun. instrument; instrument. Catégorie : Oiseau. Pluvialis squatarola.
: Mathématique. ***: tuugnorgal. synonyms: doggaŋ
***: doggaŋ
doggaŋoŋowal. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
kuykuyuwal (ngal)/kuykuyiije (ɗe).
Dialects: M.

L - l

la'aade Noun Form of Infinitive: la'agol. la’aare kaddule Noun. hygiène vestimentaire;
Participles: sing: la'iiɗo plur: la'iiɓe. Sorting clothing hygiene. Catégorie : Vêtement.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. la’aare nyaamndu Noun. hygiène alimentaire; food
Verb. être méticuleusement propre; hygiene. Catégorie : En bonne santé,
fastidiously clean and neat. ***: laaɓ
laaɓude, Nourriture.
nyaaleejo, nyaaltaade;
la’aare tergal Noun. hygiène corporelle; body
synonyms: nyaaltaade; compare: laaɓ
laaɓude. hygiene. Catégorie : En bonne santé.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
laabi1 Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. fois; times. Maani
la'aare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. warii ɗo laabi tati, o ƴamanii ma. Un tel est
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form venu ici trois fois et voulait te voir.
of Noun: la'aaje. Sorting Designation: 2, cs, ct, Whatishisname came here three times and he
mt. Noun. 1 • gombo; gumbo; okra. Catégorie asked for you. synonyms: cile, kile; ***: kile,
: Nourriture. synonyms: maanaare; cile. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: konnaare, laaɓ
laaɓal, maanaare. laabi2 Noun. 1 • routes, chemins; roads; ways.
Dialects: Y,G,M. 2 • techniques; techniques, methods.
2 • propreté, hygiène; hygiene; cleanliness.
laabi kumpitirɗ
kumpitirɗi Noun. moyen de communication ;
synonyms: laaɓ
laaɓal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
means of communication. Catégorie : Le
la’aaje Variante: la'are. Noun. gombo; okra. Catégorie langage et la pensée.
: Nourriture, Agriculture.
laabuujo Noun. tatouage; tattoo. ***: cappaaɗ
synonyms: konnaare, maanaare;
surakaajo, sirfiijo.
***: maanaaje.

la’aare synonyme: laabal, laaɓal. Noun.

assainissement, hygiène; cleaning up,
improvement, hygiene. Catégorie : Terre.

16/02/2020 348
laaɓal laaɓungu

laaɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Number One for laaɓ
laaɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: laaɓugol.
this noun: gootal. Sorting Designation: 2, th, Participles: sing: laaɓuɗo-laaɓoowo plur:
mt. Variante: laabal. Noun. 1 • propreté, laaɓuɓe-laaɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
hygiène, salubrité; hygiene; cleanliness. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg (future).
***: la'aare, seney, senaare; Verb. 1 • être propre, pur; clean; pure. Amnatu
synonyms: la'aare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. lonnii kaddule muuɗ
muuɗum faa laaɓ
laaɓi. Amnatou
2 • pureté, sainteté, propreté, transparence; a lavé ses habits jusqu’à ce qu'ils étaient
holiness; purity; cleanliness. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. propre. Amnatu washed her clothes until they
3 • droiture, vertu, justification, franchise, were clean. ***: fooccaade, la'aade,
honnêteté; sincerity; honesty; righteousness; fonnditaade, nyaaltaade, dartaade,
frankness; justification. synonyms: senaare, seynaade, senaade, henngitaade,
seney. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hegitaade, laamnude, jalbude, dartaade,
4 • clarté de compréhension; clarity of cubinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
understanding. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • être vrai, honnête, juste; honest; just; true.
laaɓi adj. pure; pure. ko laaɓ
laaɓi Joonin Umaru laateke neɗɗ
ɗɗo laaɓ
laaɓuɗo sabo
o selii jambaade yimɓ
yimɓe. Oumarou est
laaɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: laaɓingol. maintenant une personne honnête csr il a
Participles: sing: laaɓinɗo-laaɓinoowo plur: arrête de tromper les gens. Umaru is now an
laaɓinɓe-laaɓinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, honest person because he has stopped
th. Variante: la’inde. Verb Stative or deceiving people. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. nettoyer, laver, épurer, 3 • être clair; clear. O haalanii kam haala ka
rendre propre, éclaircir, assainir, justifier; faa laaɓ
laaɓi. Elle m'a clairement expliqué le cas.
clean; wash; cleanse. ***: hollude She clearly explained the matter to me. The
taagumaasi, saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, yiggude, various adj. forms of laaɓude are: Group I
ɓe/laaɓ(u)ɓe, ko1/laaɓ(u)ko, nde/ laaɓunde,
laamnirde, lootude; synonyms: laamnirde,
ndu/laaɓundu, nge/laaɓunge, ngo/laaɓungo
lootude, yiggude. Dialectal Group II ɗe/laaɓ(u)ɗe, ɗi/laaɓ(u)ɗi,
Forms: laaɓinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ɗum/laaɓ(u)ɗum, kal/laaɓ(u)kal,
kol/laaɓ(u)kol, ngal/laaɓungal, ngel/laaɓungel,
laaɓingol Noun. nettoyage; cleaning.
ngol/laaɓungol, o/laaɓ(u)ɗo Group III
synonyms: soccugol. ɗam/laaɓ(u)ɗam, ka/laaɓ(u)ka, ki/laaɓ(u)ki,
laaɓinirde safaare Verb. désinfecter; disinfect. ko2/laaɓ(u)ko, koy/laaɓ(u)koy, ndi/laaɓundi,
Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie. nga/laaɓunga, ngi/laaɓungi, ngu/laaɓungu
Note: the main base form for these adjectives
laaɓinirgol Noun. désinfection; disinfection, is laaɓ(u) (the "u" is usually dropped except
sterilization. Catégorie : Traitement de la before a "n"), but there is a second pattern than
maladie. can be used for all but the o noun class: laam- +
noun class marker - in particular they like to
laaɓitinannde synonyme: holloore. Noun. use this before "ng"; e.g. nagge laamnge,
déterminant; specifier, determiner. Catégorie
puccu laamngu. synonyms: cubinaade,
: La Grammaire.
dartaade, fonnditaade, fooccaade,
laaɓngal synonyme: masal, dewal. Noun. voyelle; hegitaade, henngitaade, laamnude,
vowel. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
senaade; compare: jalbude, la'aade.
***: masoore, masal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laaɓnude Verb. confirmer; to confirm.
laaɓuɗo adj. qui est propre; clean.
synonyms: ittude jeddi, goonɗ
laaɓuka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
Designation: 2. Noun. grammaire (lit. un mot
qui est clair); grammar. ***: celluka;
synonyms: celluka, naahu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

laaɓungu Noun. qui est propre; clean (who is).

16/02/2020 349
laahude laalu

laahude Noun Form of Infinitive: laahugol. laalagal hoore Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Participles: sing: laahuɗo-laahoowo plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
laahuɓe-laahooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Form of Noun: laalaaɗe ko'e; ɗe. Sorting
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Designation: 3, at. Noun. crâne; skull. Catégorie
haleter, souffler; pant. ***: hekude, : Le corps. ***: le'al hoore, ƴi'al hoore,
foofitinde, leekude; synonyms: foofitinde, faandu-
faandu-hoore, luwal hoore; synonyms: le'al
hekude, leekude. Dialects: J. hoore, ƴi'al hoore. Dialects: J,Y,G.

laakara Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting laalentu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • séjour des morts, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
enfer, tombeau; grave; hell; place of the dead; Noun: laalentuuji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Sheol; hades; underworld. Note : arabe Noun. espèce de plante; a perennial creeper
compare: ɓunndu yiite, Jahannama; found in either sandy or stony soil. Catégorie
***: jahannama, aanyeere. Dialects: J,Y,M. : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Leptadenia
2 • tombe; grave. Note : arabe hastata. Note : Gourmanche
synonyms: aanyeere, saabeere, uwirde, synonyms: saɓɓ
ɓɓitoroohi, soɓɓ
ufirde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] laahara. ***: soɓɓ
ɓɓotoroy, saɓɓ
ɓɓitoroohi. Dialects: Y.

Dialects: J,Y,M. laaliiɗ

laaliiɗo adj. vaurien, bon à rien; rascal; no-good.
laalaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laalagol. laalo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: laaliiɗo-laalotooɗo plur: One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
laaliiɓe-laalotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, Noun: laalooji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. feuille de baobab; leaf of the baobab tree.
1 • promener sans but, faire du mal Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
continuellement, être méchant; wicked; plante. synonyms: ɓokko, hoy; ***: ɓokko,
wander aimlessly about. ***: laaltindaade, hoy. Dialects: Y,M.
uuɓude, feewude, njaahilaaku, laaltindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laaltindagol.
hanndaade, jaahili, annjaari, bonude;
Participles: sing: laaltindiiɗo-laaltindotooɗo
compare: jaahili, njaahilaaku.
plur: laaltindiiɓe-laaltindotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • bouger lentement; move slowly. Verb. 1 • ne pas vouloir faire qqch, hésiter de
synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, hanndaade, faire; hesitate; procrastinate; to not want to do
heesindaade, feewude, neeɓneeɓude, something. Imo laaltindoo e golle makko
seesinaade; compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude, faa mballen o. Il a hésité de faire son travail
hanndaade, laaltindaade, soosaade. jusqu'à ce que nous l'avons aidé. He
Dialects: J,Y. procrastinated doing his work until we could
help him. ***: takisaade, ɓuuɓuuɓude, heese,
laalagal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. laalaade, feewude, hanndaade, seese,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
takisaade; synonyms: hanndaade, soosaade,
Noun: laalaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. takisaade. Dialects: J.
Noun. 1 • coquille; shell. laalagal ɓoccoonde, 2 • faire qqch lentement sans se donner de la
coquille d’œuf. egg shell. laalagal sunkaaru peine, expressément traîner en faisant un
coquille d'arachide. peanut shell. travail; to habitually and deliberately do things
***: kaakolol, hufo, pogoluwol; in a leisurely manner; but not because you are
synonyms: hufo, kaakolol, pogoluwol. a slow person; Imo laaltindoo e ko o gollata
Dialects: J,Y. fu sabo wo o koyfuɗ
koyfuɗo. Il fait tout lentement
2 • morceau de calebasse brisée, débris; parce qu'il est paresseux. He does everything
portion of a broken calabash; fragment. leisurely because he is lazy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: hanndaade, soosaade, takisaade,
uuɓude, feewude, laalaade. Dialectal
laalagal2 Plural Form of Noun: laalaaɗe. Noun.
Forms: [Y] laaltinaade. Dialects: J.
carapace; carapace. Catégorie : Parties d’un
animal. laalu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. inutilité, sans valeur,
absence de valeur; worthlessness.
synonyms: meere2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 350
laamaade laamorde

laamaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laamagol. laaminirgol Noun. reproduction artificielle; assisted
Participles: sing: laamiiɗo-laamotooɗo reproduction. woofinirgol masinaaji
plur: laamiiɓe-laamotooɓe. Sorting Catégorie : Élevage.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or laamnirde Noun Form of Infinitive: laamnirgol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • régner sur, Participles: sing: laamnirɗo-laamniroowo
diriger, commander, devenir chef ou dirigent,
plur: laamnirɓe-laamnirooɓe. Sorting
gouverner; rule over. ***: danyude,
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
yonngaade, yowaade, waɗɗ waɗɗaade
Progressive: prg. Verb. justifier, bien nettoyer ;
hawjaade, hooraade, hoowude, hatude,
thoroughly cleanse; justify. ***: laaɓ
dawrude, dawrande; synonyms: dawrude.
hollude taagumaasi; synonyms: laaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] laannirde.
2 • rapports sexuels (animaux), élever,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
produire, reproduire; sexual intercourse
(animals only); breed. compare: dawrande, laamnude Noun Form of Infinitive: laamnugol.
hooraade, hawjaade; synonyms: danyude, Participles: sing: laamnuɗo-laamnoowo
hoowude, yonngaade, yowaade. plur: laamnuɓe-laamnooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se fier à, faire
laamagol synonyme: woofagol. Noun. reproduction
confiance à, croire; confidence in; trust;
naturelle; natural reproduction. Catégorie
: Élevage. believe in. ***: laaɓ
laaɓude, dekaade,
tannyorde, faataade, tuugaade, hoolaade,
laamɗaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
tennyorde, taƴtaƴorde, haƴ
Designation: 3, th. Noun. divinité, l'essence de
goonɗinde, hakinkinde, duŋ duŋaade, diilaade,
Dieu; godliness; essence of God.
teƴorde, hacinkinde, fawaade;
Dialects: biblical.
synonyms: goonɗ
goonɗinde, hoolaade.
Laamɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
this noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 1, th. 2 • être sûr; sure (to be).
Noun. Dieu, dirigeant; ruler; God. synonyms: hacinkinde, hakinkinde,
***: Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo, Alla, laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, Geno; haƴ
inƴinde, tannyorde
tannyorde, tennyorde,
compare: Alla, Geno, Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo. Dialectal taƴ
taƴorde, teƴ
teƴorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: Laamiiɗo, Lamndo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 3 • être propre; to be clean.
laameede Noun Form of Infinitive: laamegol. synonyms: laaɓ
laaɓude; compare: dekaade,
Participles: sing: laamaaɗo-laameteeɗo diilaade, tuugaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
plur: laamaaɓe-laameteeɓe. Sorting laannude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or laamondirgol synonyme: saamodirol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être engendré, élevé; Variante: laamodirol. Noun. copulation,
to be bred. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. accouplement; mating; copulation.
2 • être dirigé, commandé; ruled over. ***: tummbude3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laamoore Noun. chef-lieu; administrative center.
laamiiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Dialectal Forms: laamorde.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
laamorde1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun: laamiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
chef, dirigeant, roi; king; ruler; chief. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form

Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: amiiru, of Noun: laamorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3.

Noun. 1 • royaume; kingdom. synonyms: laamu,
kaananke; ***: ndewgu, amiiru, kaananke
ndewgu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jooro, laamu, Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo; compare: Alla,
2 • endroit du roi, trône, siège de l'autorité;
Laamɗo, jooro, ndewgu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seat of authority; palace of the king; throne.
laamiiɗo ndoolɗ
ndoolɗoowo synonyme: jom laamu Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
njoorngu. Noun. dictateur; dictator.
laamorde2 Noun. capitale, chef-lieu; capital city, main
laamingol Noun. nomination; nomination. Catégorie town, chief town, county seat. Catégorie
: Juridique. synonyms: suɓ
suɓagol. : Pays, Juridique.

16/02/2020 351
laamorde woto laasindagol

laamorde woto Noun. circonscription électorale; laana Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
electoral district. Catégorie : Gouvernement, One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Noun: laanaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
laamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/o plur: ɗi. 1 • barque, bateau, canoë, pirogue; boat;
Number One for this noun: ngootu/gooto. canoe. Catégorie : Voyager. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural Form of Noun: laamuuji. Sorting 2 • aéroplane, avion; airplane. Catégorie
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • royaume, état; : Voyager. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kingdom. Catégorie : Gouvernement. laana ndiyam bateau, barque, pirogue; boat; ship.
***: laamorde1, kaananke, ndewgu; Catégorie : Voyager. ***: akalal.
synonyms: ndewgu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • règne, souveraineté, domination, chefferie,
laanye Noun. parenthèse, ( ) ; bracket. ( tl. laañal )
autorité, pouvoir; chieftaincy; rule; dominion; Catégorie : La Grammaire.
sovereignty. Catégorie : Juridique. laaraaf Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
compare: amiiru, laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, kaananke, jooro. Designation: 4, th. Noun. purgatoire;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. purgatory. Note : arabe ***: aljenna. Dialects: J.
3 • administration; administration. Catégorie
: Juridique. Laarabuujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
laamu anndani expression. officiel; official. ko
Noun: Laarabuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, cp.
laamu anndani Noun. touarègue, tamacheq; Tuareg/Tamajeq.
laamu battaa en expression. pouvoir exécutif; ***: Burdaani, Tooreg, Cappaato;
executive power. Catégorie : Gouvernement, synonyms: Burdaani, Cappaato, Tooreg.
Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laamu depitee en expression. pouvoir législatif; laaruwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
legislative power, law-making authority .
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Noun: laaruuje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
laamu haɓɓ
ɓɓondirngu e gosugol expression. Noun. spatule pour remuer le tô; stirring stick.
pouvoir judiciaire; judicial power. Catégorie Catégorie : Outil. Note : Gourmanche
: Gouvernement, Juridique. synonyms: kurbirgal; ***: hurbude,
laamu jiimu synonyme: dawrangol leydi. Noun. kurbirgal, jirbal, girbal; compare: girbal,
colonisation; colonisation. Catégorie : Pays, hurbude. Dialects: Y.
laasara Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
laamu leydi Noun. État; State. Catégorie Designation: 1. Noun. après-midi tard de 16 h
: Gouvernement, Juridique, Région. jusqu'au coucher du soleil; late afternoon. Note
synonyms: etaa. : arabe ***: hiiri, sallifana
sallifana, kiikiiɗ
kiikiiɗe, hiirude,
laamu ngu senndaako expression. pouvoir kiiral naange; synonyms: kiikiiɗ
kiikiiɗe, kiiral
centralisé; centralized power, centralized naange; compare: sallifana, hiirude. Dialectal
control. Catégorie : Gouvernement. Forms: [J,Y] laasaraaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laamuwa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi. laasi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: laamuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun: laase. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
Noun. 1 • rate; spleen. Catégorie : Le corps. 1 • queue; tail. Catégorie : Parties d’un
Note : Gourmanche ***: ɗapoɗ
apoɗappongal, animal. ***: sammeere, bawlirde, ley2, lacol,
ɗaamol, labal; synonyms: ɗaamol. Dialects: G. hallere, lehi, gorgu, ngorgu1, lacol;
2 • engoulevent; nightjar. Catégorie : Oiseau. synonyms: lacol. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Caprimulgus sp.. Note : Gourmanche 2 • pénis (figuratif); penis. Catégorie : Le
synonyms: ɗapoɗ
apoɗappongal, labal. Dialects: G. corps. synonyms: bawlirde, hallere, lehi,
laamuyel Noun. lame; blade. Catégorie : Outil. lacol, ngorgu1. Dialectal Forms: [Y] laasol
synonyms: lamel. (ngol). Dialects: J,Y.

laasindagol Noun. interview; interview. Catégorie

: Le langage et la pensée.

16/02/2020 352
laataade laawol sariya gollirteengol

laataade Noun Form of Infinitive: laatagol. laawol3 synonyme: heɓugol laawol. Noun. autorisation,
Participles: sing: laatiiɗo-laatotooɗo plur: loi en vigueur; authorization, current law.
laatiiɓe-laatotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. sariya gonuɗ
gonuɗo hannden Catégorie
: Juridique.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
devenir, se passer, réaliser, être bien; happen; laawol cakkorgol Noun. modes de prévention ;
become; realize. ***: waɗ
waɗude, tabitinde; methods of prevention.
synonyms: tabitinde, waɗ
laawol daaɓ
daaɓirgol Noun. mode de transmission;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mode of transmission.
laataade baaliki Noun. être adulte; adult. laawol gollal
gollal synonyme: no gollal yaharata. Noun.
laatanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laatanagol. méthodologie; methodology. Catégorie : Le
langage et la pensée.
Participles: sing: laataniiɗo-laatanotooɗo
plur: laataniiɓe-laatanotooɓe. Sorting laawol gollirteengol hannden expression.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or règlement en vigueur; existing regulation,
current regulation. Catégorie : Juridique.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. devenir quelque
chose ou quelqu'un; become something to laawol ittirgol saɗɗ
ɗɗa expression. méthode de
someone. Suka am o laataneke kam résolution de problème (mrp); problem
semteende. Mon enfant est devenu un solving method. Catégorie : Mathématique.
embarras pour moi. My child has become an laawol jannginirgol mawɓ
mawɓe Noun. psychologie,
embarrassment to me. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. andrologie; psychology, andragogy, adult
education. Catégorie : Le langage et la
laati pay expression. autochtone; aboriginal, native. ko
laati pay
laawol laamu potondiral expression. processus
laati waajibi gonuɗ
gonuɗo expression. impératif présent; démocratique; democratic process,
present imperative. ko laati waajibi gonuɗ
gonuɗo democratization process . Catégorie
Catégorie : La Grammaire. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
laawa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga. Sorting laawol Makka Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol.
Designation: st. Noun. Voie lactée; Milky Way. Number One for this noun: gootol. Sorting
Catégorie : Ciel. ***: balangol Lahel Buraagi, Designation: st. Noun. Voie lactée; Milky Way.
diidol, laawol Makka, ndiida; compare: Lahel Catégorie : Ciel. ***: balangol Lahel Buraagi,
Buraagi; synonyms: balangol Lahel Buraagi, diidol, laawa, ndiida; synonyms: balangol
diidol, laawol Makka, ndiida. Dialects: G,M. Lahel Buraagi, diidol, laawa, ndiida.
laawel synonyme: guti. Noun. allée; path, drive, road. Dialects: Y.
***: guurtel. laawol ndiyam1 Plural Form of Noun: laabi ndiyam .
laawi laabi kumpitirɗ
kumpitirɗi expression. voie de synonyme: illaalol, ilaangol. Noun. rigole;
communication; transport link. Catégorie channel; drain. Catégorie : Eau.
: Voyager. laawol ndiyam2 expression. bassin versant; pool,
laawol1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. basin. nokku ɗo ndiyam rufirta gaafol
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of juppirgol ndiyam Catégorie : Eau, Terre.
Noun: [J,Y] laawi, [J,Y,G,M] laabi. Sorting laawol ngol laamu anndani expression. voie
Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • chemin, rue, route, officielle; official channel, official way.
voie, axe; way; road; street. ***: guurtol, Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
poocciingol, bedda, palol, cuppol, coortol, laawol sariya expression. procédure; procedure,
mbedda, dartiingol, gotol, balangol, proceeding. Catégorie : Juridique.
buuwaangol, goppol, corfol;
laawol sariya bonnde expression. procédure
compare: cuppol, dartiingol, poocciingol; pénale; criminal proceeding, penal procedure.
synonyms: bedda, balangol, buuwaangol, Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
mbedda. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laawol sariya gollirteengol expression. règlement
2 • méthode; method. synonyms: feere2. intérieur; internal regulations, by-law.
laawol2 Plural Form of Noun: laabi. Noun. fois Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
(multiplication) ; times (multiplication). ***: sarɗ
sarɗiiji gollitirɗ
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: sowugol.

16/02/2020 353
laawol sariya siwil laccel

laawol sariya siwil expression. procédure civile; labbo2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
civil procedure, civil process. Catégorie Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Noun: labbe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
laay Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number longue lance; spear. Catégorie : Outil.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of compare: gaawal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: laayiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun. labuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ail; garlic. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
français ***: albaccel; synonyms: albaccel.
of Noun: labuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun. corde utilisée pour attacher un veau à sa
laayooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. mère; rope (kind). Catégorie : Outil.
synonyms: ɓoggol, daɗ
daɗorgol, raande,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
tonngoode1; ***: ɓoggol, tonngorgol,
of Noun: laayooji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. singe rouge, patas; monkey (red); red raande, daɗ
daɗorgol, tonngoode1. Dialects: Y,G.
monkey. Catégorie : Mammifère. laɓ
laɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laɓagol.
Erythrocehus patas. compare: waandu. Participles: sing: laɓiiɗo-laɓotooɗo plur:
Dialects: Y.
laɓiiɓe-laɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
labal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se raser;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of shave oneself. ***: femmbaade;
Noun: labe. Sorting Designation: 4, ot. Noun. synonyms: femmbaade. Dialects: J.
engoulevent; nightjar. Caprimulgus sp. and
laɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: laɓegol.
Macrodipteryx sp.. ***: ɗapoɗ
Participles: sing: laɓiiɗo-laɓeteeɗo plur:
laamuwa; synonyms: ɗapoɗ
laɓiiɓe-laɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
laamuwa. Dialects: M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se faire
labangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. raser par quelqu'un; shaved by someone else.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of synonyms: femmbeede; ***: femmbeede.
Noun: labaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. Dialects: J.
mors pour bouche de cheval; bit for a horse's
laɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
mouth. ***: karbajuruwol;
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
compare: karbajuruwol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: laɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
labbel-fowru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: couteau; knife. Catégorie : Outil.
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Noun: labboy-pobbi. Sorting laɓ
laɓndal Variante: laɓndol. Noun. question; question.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
annual plant lives in sandy soil. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. laɓ
laɓndol Noun. question, interrogation; question,
Acanthospermum hispidum. ***: nyakkaɓ
nyakkaɓere. interrogation. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Dialects: J,Y. ***: naamnal.

labbo1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number laɓ

laɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: laɓugol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: laɓuɗo-laɓoowo plur:
Noun: Lawɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. Noun. laɓuɓe-laɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
1 • travailleur de bois, charpentier, menuisier; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. raser
carpenter; wood worker. Catégorie quelqu'un; shave someone. ***: toytude,
: Travailleur. ***: gaawal, kalasal, sekkeejo. femmbude; synonyms: femmbude
Dialects: J,M. Dialects: J,M.
2 • griot; A labbo may also work as a griot.
laccel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Travailleur. synonyms: sekkeejo.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,M.
Noun: laccel'en. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. mangouste; mongoose. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Herpestes sp. or Mungos sp..
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 354
lacciri lagaade

lacciri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number ladde faddaande synonyme: ladde heertaande.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of expression. forêt classée; protected forest.
Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.
Noun: lacciriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
Noun. couscous cuit à la vapeur fait du mil; ladde sukkunde Noun. forêt dense; forest (dense).
couscous (millet). Catégorie : Nourriture. Catégorie : Terre.
***: lakkiri; synonyms: lakkiri.
ladde yaynunde expression. forêts claires; sparse
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
forest. Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.
lacol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗe/ɗi.
laddeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: (tail) lacce/(penis) laaci. Sorting
Noun: laddeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
Designation: 3, at, dh, da. Variante: laacol. Noun. quelqu'un qui vit en brousse; one who
Noun. 1 • queue; tail. ***: bawlirde
bawlirde, ley2, lives in the bush. Catégorie : La Personne.
hallere, laasi, gorgu, laasi, ngorgu1, layre; ***: gureejo, wuroojo; compare: wuroojo;
synonyms: laasi. Dialects: G,M. synonyms: gureejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • pénis (figuratif); fig. a penis.
laddeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
synonyms: bawlirde, hallere, laasi, lehi,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
ngorgu1. Dialects: M.
of Noun: laddeeji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
3 • faiblesse, claudication; lameness. Catégorie Noun. lion; lion. Catégorie : Mammifère.
: Maladie. synonyms: layre. Dialects: G,M. Panthera leo massaica. ***: rawaandu,
ladawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. mawnga-
mawnga-ladde, rawaandu ladde, kulleewa,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ɓii ladde, muusuuru ladde2;
Noun: ladaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, or. synonyms: muusuuru ladde1, rawaandu
Noun. canard; duck. Catégorie : Oiseau. ladde, rawaandu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: gbagba, tonkonowal;
ladude Noun Form of Infinitive: ladugol.
***: tonkonowal, gbagba. Dialectal
Participles: sing: laduɗo-ladoowo plur:
Forms: [M] ladaal. Dialects: M.
laduɓe-ladooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ramper; scoot;
One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of crawl. ***: lanyude, daasaade, menyude,
Noun: laddeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah,th, dirbaade, ɓodude, layude, merude;
pl. Noun. 1 • la brousse; bush (the). Catégorie compare: ɓodude
odude, daasaade, dirbaade,
: Région, Terre. ***: jaayri, ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, lanyude, layude, menyude, merude.
nginnaawu, foondu, jinnaaru, wilsere, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
henndu1, ginnaaru, dabidabiyal, sigiire2,
lagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lagagol.
njaayri; synonyms: njaayri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: lagiiɗo-lagotooɗo plur:
2 • démon ou mauvais esprit; evil spirit; spirit
lagiiɓe-lagotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
(evil); demon. synonyms: dabidabiyal,
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
foondu, ginnaaru, henndu1, jinnaaru,
1 • grimper, monter sur /dans sans pouvoir
nginnaawu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
descendre; climb into. Yuusufi ƴeenyii dow
3 • espèce de maladie animale,
manngoy de lagii dow ton. Youssouf est
trypanosomiase; An animal disease monté sur un manguier mais il est coincé
(Trypanosomiasis or Babesiosis) characterized là-haut. Yusuufi climbed up the mango but got
by a gradual loss of weight and strength. It
can be caused by trypanosomes as a result of stuck up there. ***: ɗaggude, horude,
tsetse fly bites; or babesiosis as a result of tick fakaade, ɗagaade, ɗanngude;
bites or of intestinal parasites and a poor plane synonyms: ɗaggude, ɗanngude, horude.
of nutrition. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux. Dialects: G.
synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, puuɗ
puuɗel, sigiire2, wilsere.
Dialects: M.

ladde ɓaleere Noun. forêt dense; forest (dense).

Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.

16/02/2020 355
lagataare lallere doolɗaande
2 • enlever qqch d'un trou; remove something
Lahel Buraagi
Buraagi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
from a hole. Muusa, taa laga nyiiri ndi.
Designation: 4, st. Noun. espèce de
Moussa, ne fais pas un tunnel dans ton tô.
constellation des étoiles; lit. the horse of
Muusa, don't make a tunnel in the nyiiri.
Buraagi; a summer constellation. Catégorie
What is meant is that Muusa has started
creating a "hole' in the side of a lump of : Ciel. Note : arabe ***: balangol Lahel
"nyiiri" and he has enlarged the hole so much Buraagi, diidol, laawa, kaabaaje;
that it is as if he is reaching into the center of compare: balangol Lahel Buraagi, diidol.
the lump. Dialects: J. Dialectal Forms: [M] Lahel Buraasi.
3 • avoir un os ou une épine coincée dans la Dialects: J,Y.
gorge; to have a bone or a thorn stuck in your
lakkiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
throat. Nagge ƴakkii ƴiire de lagii. Le bœuf a
mangé l'os mais il est resté coincé dans sa One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
gorge. The cow chewed the bone, but it got Noun: lakkiriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
stuck in its throat. Dialects: Y. Noun. couscous à vapeur fait de mil moulu;
4 • mettre un mors dans la bouche d'un animal
couscous; steamed couscous. Catégorie
(cheval ou bœuf); in the case of a horse it is to : Nourriture. synonyms: lacciri; ***: lacciri.
direct; in the case of a cow it acts more like a Dialects: Y.
gag to keep them from eating; to place a bit in
lalgaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
an animals mouth. Adaama lagii naggem taa
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nyaama gawri muuɗ muuɗum. Adama a mis un
mors dans la bouche de son bœuf ainsi il ne of Noun: lalgaaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
mange pas son mil. Adaama gaged his cow so mur de clôture; wall (free standing). Note :
it doesn't eat his grain. compare: yonngaade. mooré synonyms: hello, kokuwol, laygaare,

Dialects: M. wecco1; ***: wecco1, hello, kokuwol,

laygaare. Dialects: J,M.
lagataare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
lalindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lalindagol.
of Noun: lagataaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Participles: sing: lalindiiɗo-lalindotooɗo
Noun. une portion de tô, boule de tô; lump of plur: lalindiiɓe-lalindotooɓe. Sorting
hot millet porridge; portion; serving. Catégorie Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
: Nourriture. ***: wakkaare, wutteere; Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être prêt, préparé, se
synonyms: wakkaare; compare: nyiiri. préparer, s'étendre; prepared; ready.
Dialects: G. ***: heginaade, siriyaade, segilaade,
baanaade, segilanaade, heɓheɓindaade;
laginde Noun Form of Infinitive: lagingol.
synonyms: baanaade, heginaade, segilaade,
Participles: sing: laginɗo-laginoowo plur:
siriyaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y] lalinaade.
laginɓe-laginooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jeter
dedans; throw something onto something. lalindo Noun. préparatifs; preparations.
***: ɗagginde, hornude, ɗannginde;
lalle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
synonyms: ɗagginde, ɗannginde, hornude;
Designation: 4. Noun. espèce de poudre noire
compare: limnude, faɗɗ
ɗɗude. Dialects: G. pour noircir les mains, henné; henna powder.
lah Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection compare: fuuɗ
fuuɗaade; synonyms: lelle, puddi1;
pour chasser des poules; an interjection used ***: lelle, puddi2. Dialects: M.
to chase chickens. ***: kuss; synonyms: kuss. lallere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Dialects: J,M.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. perte, perdition;
lahaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lahagol. lostness. ***: majjere, halkere;
Participles: sing: lahiiɗo-lahotooɗo plur: synonyms: halkere, majjere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lahiiɓe-lahotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
lallere doolɗ
doolɗaande expression. disparition forcée;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tuer une enforced disappearance, forced disappearance.
chèvre ou mouton pour sacrifier, sacrifier;
sacrifice; kill the goat or sheep of Layya.
***: layyaade, hirsude; synonyms: hirsude,
layyaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 356
lallinde lamndal

lallinde Noun Form of Infinitive: lallingol. lammbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: lallinɗo-lallinoowo plur: Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
lallinɓe-lallinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: lammbirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. causer Noun. tampon utilisé pour sceller qqch; stamp
que quelqu'un soit perdu; to cause someone to or seal used to create a seal on something else.
become lost. ***: halkude, halkeede; ***: nammbal; synonyms: nammbal.
synonyms: halkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y,G.

lallineede Noun Form of Infinitive: lallinegol. lammere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: lallinaaɗo-lallineteeɗo Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • manque de respect,
plur: lallinaaɓe-lallineteeɓe. Sorting
impudence; shamelessness; disrespect.
***: rawaandaaku, neetaraaku, nanaraaku;
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être perdu parce que quelqu'un vous a synonyms: naalaaku, nanaraaku, neetaraaku,
mal dirigé; lost (be). synonyms: halkeede; rawaandaaku. Dialects: J,Y.
***: halkeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • aigreur; sourness. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

lallude Noun Form of Infinitive: lallugol. lamminde Verb. fermenter; ferment. Catégorie
Participles: sing: lalluɗo-lalloowo plur: : Agriculture.
lalluɓe-lallooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb lammingol Noun. fermentation; fermentation.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être perdu, se Catégorie : Agriculture.
perdre, disparaître; disappear; lost (to be).
lammude Noun Form of Infinitive: lammmugol.
compare: majjude; ***: faljude, sortaade,
Participles: sing: lammuɗo plur: lammuɓe.
majjude, winaade, halkeede, halkude,
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
huylaade; synonyms: faljude, halkude,
Progressive: st/prg (see def. 1). Verb. 1 • être
huylaade, sortaade, winaade.
aigre; sour. ***: taray, tencude, torom,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
toɓol, neetorɗ
neetorɗinde, nanarɗ
nanarɗinde, corom.
laluwaa Noun. la loi; law. Catégorie : Gouvernement. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : français
2 • être irrespectueux; disrespectful.
lamɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting synonyms: nanarɗ
nanarɗinde, neetorɗ
Designation: 2. Noun. sel, sodium; salt. compare: tencude, torom. Dialects: J,Y.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lammuɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
lamɗam ngonduɗ
ngonduɗam yoodi expression. sel Designation: 2, ah, ct. Noun. lait aigre; soured
iodée; iodized salt. Catégorie : Nourriture. milk. ***: kaaɗ
kaaɗam, ɗaaniiɗ
am-dimam Noun. sel minéral; mineral salt. synonyms: ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam, kaaɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lamel Noun. lame; blade. Note : français
***: laamuyel. lamndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lamndagol.
Participles: sing: lamndiiɗo-lamndotooɗo
lamlam Noun. sulfate d’alun; aluminum sulphate
plur: lamndiiɓe-lamndotooɓe. Sorting
(alum). safaare diƴƴ
ƴƴinoore tuundi ndiyam
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
lammba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Verb. poser une question, demander,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of interroger; ask a question. synonyms: ƴamude;
Noun: lammbaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ***: ƴamtude, ƴamude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • nombre, numéro; number. ***: nammba, lamndal
lamndal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
maande1, limoore, nammba, nammba; Designation: 4. Noun. question, interrogation;
synonyms: limoore, nammba. Dialects: Y,G. interrogation; questioning. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • marque; brand. synonyms: nammba.
Dialects: Y,G.
3 • sceau; seal. synonyms: maande1, nammba.
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 357
lamndanaade larɗude

lamndanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lamndanagol. lankana Noun. foulard; scarf; headscarf. Catégorie
Participles: sing: : Vêtement.
lamndaniiɗo-lamndantooɗo plur: lanngol Plural Form of Noun: lanɗe. Noun. placenta;
lamndaniiɓe-lamndantooɓe. Sorting placenta. Saawdu taweteendu ley rimrude,
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. saawooru, neeminooru e waddooru
Verb. 1 • demander après quelqu'un, chercher
foofaango ɓinndoore ley reedu inniraaɗ
quelqu'un; looking for someone; ask for
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: jaado,
someone. ***: ƴamande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • demander d'après qqn; ask about someone.
synonyms: ƴamande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. lannyere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. botte / gerbe d'herbe,
Lamndo Noun. Dieu; God. Dialectal Forms: Laamɗo.
touffe d'herbes; bunch of grass. Catégorie
lamndol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of ***: rannyere; synonyms: rannyere. Dialects: J.
Noun: lamndi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. lantigaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
question; question. ***: ƴamol; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: ƴamol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: lantigaaji. Sorting Designation: 5, wl.
lampal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun. galago du Sénégal; Senegal bush-baby.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Galago senegalensis.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
***: armanga, lolongaaru;
Noun: lampe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: armanga, lolongaaru
lolongaaru. Dialectal
lampe; lamp. Note : français ***: fitilla;
Forms: [M] lantaaru. Dialects: Y,G.
synonyms: fitilla. Dialectal Forms: lampa.
Dialects: J,Y,M. lanyol Plural Form of Noun: lanyi. Noun. rameau;
branch. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
lampo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. d’une plante.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
lanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: lanyugol. Sorting
Noun: lampooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
taxe, impôt; tax. Catégorie : Argent, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Gouvernement, Juridique. Note : français Verb. ramper (plante), propager des rumeurs,
engendrer; spreading gossip; creep along.
***: usuru, patanti; synonyms: usuru.
***: dirbaade, rimude, daasaade, menyude,
Dialectal Forms: lampu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓodude, merude, layude, ladude;
lamru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. compare: ɓodude, daasaade, dirbaade,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form ladude, menyude, merude;
of Noun: lamruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: layude. Dialects: J,M.
cérémonie de donner un nom; naming
ceremony. ***: inndeeri, lawru; lanyugol Noun. ramification; ramification. Catégorie
: Parties d’un végétal ou d’une plante.
synonyms: inndeeri, lawru. Dialects: Y,M.
laral leydi Noun. surface terrestre, croûte terrestre;
lamsinde Verb. rendre aigre; sour (make).
surface (earthly). Catégorie : Terre.
lamsude Noun Form of Infinitive: lamsugol. Sorting larɗ
larɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: larɗugol.
Designation: 2, ct. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: larɗuɗo-larɗoo plur:
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. salé, goût salé; salty.
larɗuɓe-larɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
synonyms: haaɗ
haaɗude; ***: haaɗ
Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. avoir un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. défaut, difformité; deformity; fault (to have a).
langal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. synonyms: allude, aybude, maleede;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ***: allude, maleede, aybude. Dialects: Y,G.
Noun: langle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
poignée, anse; handle. Dialects: J,Y,G.
langal hinere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Form of Noun: lanɗe kine. Sorting
Designation: 3, at. Noun. septum nasal; nasal
septum. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 358
laru lawƴugol kaake

laru Noun Class Markers: sing: [Y,G] ngu/[M] o latude Noun Form of Infinitive: latugol.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this Participles: sing: latuɗo-latoowo plur:
noun: ngootu/gooto. Plural Form of latuɓe-latooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Noun: lari. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner un
1 • défaut, faute, imperfection, faiblesse; coup de pied; kick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
defect; flaw; weakness; blemish; imperfection;
fault. ***: juube, ayiibe, allaaru, malal, law Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. vite, rapidement,
sans tarder, tôt; quickly; early.
nyaw, sokottu; synonyms: allaaru, ayiibe,
***: henyaade, sikan; compare: henyaade;
malal, sokottu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: sikan. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • péché, faiblesse morale; moral weakness;
sin. synonyms: allaaru, ayiibe, aybere, boofol, lawju Noun. langage; language. Catégorie : Le
hakke, junuuba, sokottu, woofannde. langage et la pensée. synonyms: haala.
Dialects: Y,G,M. lawnyi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
3 • maladie; disease; sickness; illness. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
synonyms: juube, nyawu. Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun: lawnye. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
larwaade Verb. fouiller, visiter; search; visit. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Catégorie
: Buissons, arbustes. Combretum
laso Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • vingt (nombre aculeatum. ***: ngungumi, ɗuyki, ɗoygiire,
cardinal); twenty (cardinal number). Note :
ɓuygi, ɗooki; compare: ɓuygi, ɗooki,
Songhai ***: noogay. Dialects: G.
ɗoygiire, ɗuyki, gungumi, ngungumi.
2 • twentieth. here are the ordinal adjectives by
Dialects: J,Y,G.
noun class: Group I ɓe/lasoɓe, ko/lasoɓo,
de/lasoɓerde, du/lasoɓurdu, ge/lasoɓe, lawre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
go/lasoɓo Group II ɗe/lasoɓe, ɗi/lasoɓi, Designation: ad. Noun. mastite; mastitis.
ɗum/lasoɓum, kal/lasoɓal, kol/lasoɓol,
Catégorie : Maladie. compare: enndu;
gal/lasoɓal, gel/lasoɓel, gol/lasoɓol, o/lasoɓo
Group III ɗam/lasoɓam, ka/lasoɓa, ki/lasoɓi, ***: yeyre, enndu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ko/lasoɓo, koy/lasoɓoy, di/lasoɓirdi, lawru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
ga/lasoɓa, gi/lasoɓi, gu/lasoɓu. Note : Songhai
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: noogay. Dialects: G.
of Noun: lawruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
lasooji ɗiɗi Sorting Designation: 1. adj. quarante cérémonie pour donner un nom; naming
(nombre cardinal); forty. nagge lasooji ceremony. ***: inndeeri, lamru;
ɗiɗaɓe the fortieth cow. Dialects: G. synonyms: inndeeri, lamru. Dialects: Y,G.

lasooji nay Sorting Designation: 1. adj. quatre-vingts; lawƴ

lawƴirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
eighty. nagge lasooji nayaɓ
nayaɓe the eightieth Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
cow. Dialects: G. Noun: lawƴirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Noun. lavette, tissu pour laver la vaisselle;
lasooji nay e sappo Sorting Designation: 1. adj.
dishrag. ***: layɓ
layɓirgol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
quatre-vingt-dix; ninety. nagge lasooji nay e
sappoɓe the ninetieth cow. Dialects: G.
sappoɓ lawƴ
lawƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: lawƴugol.
Participles: sing: lawƴuɗo-lawƴoowo plur:
lasooji tati Sorting Designation: 1. adj. soixante; sixty.
lawƴuɓe-lawƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
nagge lasooji tataɓ
tataɓe the sixtieth cow.
ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. laver
Dialects: G. la vaisselle; wash dishes. Catégorie : Outil.
lasooji tati e sappo Sorting Designation: 1. adj. ***: layɓ
layɓude, lootude; synonyms: layɓlayɓude.
soixante-dix; seventy. nagge lasooji tati e Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sappoɓe the seventieth cow. Dialects: G. lawƴ
lawƴugol kaake Noun. vaisselle; dish-ware,
latikolo Noun. eau de parfum; perfume water. tableware. Catégorie : Récipient, Outil.

latikoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: latikorooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
parfum; perfume. synonyms: turaare;
***: turaare, urdi. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 359
layɓirgol layyaade

layɓirgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗe. laytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laytagol.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Participles: sing: laytiiɗo-laytotooɗo plur:
Noun: layɓirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. laytiiɓe-laytotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. lavette, quelque chose utilisé pour laver / Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. illuminer
nettoyer la vaiselle; dishrag. Catégorie : Outil. avec une torche; illumine with a flashlight.
synonyms: lawƴ
lawƴirgal. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] Note : English ***: torsaade, yaynaade;
layɓirgal. Dialects: Y,G,M. compare: annoora, jayngol;
layɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: layɓugol. synonyms: torsaade, tukkude, yaynaade.
Participles: sing: layɓuɗo-layɓoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
layɓuɓe-layɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. laytal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. laver la Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
vaisselle; wash dishes. synonyms: lawƴ
lawƴude, Noun: layte. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
lootude; ***: lawƴ
lawƴude. Dialects: Y,G,M. torche, lampe de poche, lampe électrique;
flashlight; torch. Catégorie : Outil.
laygaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
compare: doccal; synonyms: torsal.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: laygaaje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
mur de clôture; wall (free standing). Note : laytanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: laytanagol.
mooré ***: lalgaare, wecco1, hello, kokuwol; Participles: sing: laytaniiɗo-laytanotooɗo
synonyms: hello, kokuwol, lalgaare, wecco1. plur: laytaniiɓe-laytanotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. illuminer le chemin pour quelqu'un; light
layndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number or to illuminate the way for someone;
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of illuminate the way. Note : English
Noun: layndiiji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. synonyms: torsanaade, yaynanaade;
Noun. 1 • espèce de plante rampante; An ***: torsanaade, yaynanaade.
unappetizing annual creeper found growing in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sandy sahelian soil. Catégorie : Herbes,
plantes grimpantes. Ipomoea vagans. layude Noun Form of Infinitive: layugol. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • espèce de plante; An unappetizing annual Verb. ramper (plante), répandre des rumeurs;
plant found growing in sandy or stony soil in spreading gossip; creep along. ***: dirbaade,
the Sahel. Jacquemontia tamnifolia. Dialectal
daasaade, menyude, lanyude, ɓodude,
Forms: [G] laynde (nde)/layndeeji (ɗi).
merude, ladude; compare: ɓodude,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
daasaade, dirbaade, ladude, menyude,
layol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. merude; synonyms: lanyude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Layya Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Noun: layi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. plant
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • la fête de Tabaski;
d'arachide ou chiche ou haricot rouge; the
plant of the peanut; [M] a chick pea; [Y;G;M] Tabaski. Note : Hausa Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
a kidney bean. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes 2 • le douzième mois de l'année lunaire;
grimpantes. ***: haako, haako, haako;
twelfth month of the lunar year. Note : Hausa
synonyms: haako. Dialects: M. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] layyaaru.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
layre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 4, dh, da. Noun. claudication,
layyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: layyagol.
faiblesse, boiterie; lameness. ***: lacol; Participles: sing: layyiiɗo-layyotooɗo plur:
layyiiɓe-layyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
synonyms: lacol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
sacrifier, tuer une chèvre ou un mouton pour le
sacrifice; sacrifice; slaughter the goat or sheep
of Layya. synonyms: hirsude, lahaade;
***: lahaade, hirsude. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 360
layyaari leekere

layyaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. leɗɗ

ɗɗe cecce cakkorɗ
cakkorɗe henndu synonyme: piilol
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form leɗɗe cecce. expression. haie vive ; hedge.
of Noun: layyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Catégorie : Agriculture, Élevage.
Noun. le mouton ou la chèvre sacrifié pour
ɗɗe ladde synonyme: fuɗngooji ladde. Noun.
Tabaski; the sheep or goat sacrificed on
flore; flora. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
Tabaski. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. grimpantes.
layyaaru Noun. Tabaski; Tabaski. Dialectal Lee'a Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Léa épouse
Forms: layyaa. de Jacob; Leah-Jacob's wife. Note : hébreu
laƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: laƴugol. Dialects: biblical.

Participles: sing: laƴuɗo-laƴoowo plur: leeɓ

leeɓi Noun. poils, plumes; hair; feathers.
laƴuɓe-laƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
leeɓi foondu Noun. plumage; plumage. Catégorie
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. boiter; : Parties d’un animal.
limp. ***: bigitaade, lirkitaade, mulƴ
leeɓol Plural Form of Noun: leeɓi. synonyme: leemol.
compare: lirkitaade, mulƴ
Noun. plume, poils; feather, hair, fur.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leeɓude Note : Absa - this is something admirable Noun
le Sorting Designation: 3. particle. quant à; as for.
Form of Infinitive: leeɓugol. Participles: sing:
Miin ka Djibo njeyaami, aan le toy
leeɓuɗo-leeɓoowo plur:
njeye ɗaa. Je suis de Djibo, quant à toi, tu
leeɓuɓe-leeɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
viens d'où ? I am from Djibo, as for you, where
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
are you from? synonyms: ka2; ***: ka2.
1 • réaliser les attentes de la tradition lors
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d'une cérémonie (ex. mariage), accueillir des
le'al Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. visiteurs; hosting guests.; fulfill the
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of expectations of tradition. ***: paraade,
Noun: le'e. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun. moƴƴ
ƴƴinaade, welude
welude, seynaade, wooɗ wooɗude,
1 • bol en bois (peut être peinte en noir), lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, tabintinde, nyaaƴ
écuelle; bowl (a wooden). Catégorie ŋarɗ
arɗude; synonyms: tabintinde.
: Récipient. ***: tummbude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • être bien habillé, être joli; good looking;
2 • une ration de nourriture; ration of food. dressed (to be well). synonyms: moƴƴ
compare: karaw, taasawal, tummbude2. nyaaƴ
nyaaƴude, paraade, seynaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
le'al hoore Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. 3 • être charmant, séduisant, joli à voir; to be
attractive; pleasing to look at.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗ
arɗude, wooɗ
Noun: le'e ko'e; ɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. crâne; skull. Catégorie : Le corps.
4 • être agréable, aimable; pleasant.
synonyms: laalagal hoore, ƴi'al hoore;
synonyms: welude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: laalagal hoore, ƴi'al hoore, luwal
hoore, faandu-
faandu-hoore. Dialects: G,M. leegude Noun Form of Infinitive: leegugol.
le'al yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: leeguɗo-leegoowo plur:
leeguɓe-leegooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
Noun: le'e gite. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. orbite; eye socket. Catégorie : Le corps.
un lavement; enema (to give an).
synonyms: wuufande; ***: wuufude,
synonyms: lo'al yitere; ***: lo'al yitere.
wuufande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [G] le'al hitere. Dialects: J,Y.

lebbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Noun. mois (pl.);

leekere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
month. Dialectal Forms: 1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: leeke. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
ɗɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting caroncule d'un poulet, dinde etc., barbillon;
Designation: 2, pl. Noun. arbres; trees. wattle of a chicken. Catégorie : Parties d’un
Catégorie : Arbres. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. animal. synonyms: yonngoode;
***: yonngoode. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 361
leekude leetaade

leekude Noun Form of Infinitive: leekugol. leemburu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: leekuɗo-leekoowo plur: Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
leekuɓe-leekooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun: leemburuuji. Sorting Designation: 2, pl.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Noun. orange, agrume, citron; lime; citrus
1 • taquiner ou imiter qqn pour faire rire; tease fruit; orange; lemon. Catégorie : Nourriture.
or mimic in order to make people laugh. Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M]
***: fuusaade, hekude, jefutaade, leemburuure, lemmburu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
foofitinde, toolaade, laahude;
leemburuuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
synonyms: fuusaade, jefutaade, toolaade.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Dialects: J.
Noun: leemburuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
2 • haleter (chien); pant (dogs). Noun. citronnier; citrus tree (orange); lime;
synonyms: foofitinde, hekude, laahude. lemon. Catégorie : Arbres. Note : arabe
Dialects: G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leelaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leelagol. leemol-
leemol-yitere Noun. cil; eyelash. Catégorie : Le
Participles: sing: leeliiɗo-leelotooɗo plur: corps.
leeliiɓe-leelotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. leeptaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leptagol.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Participles: sing: leptiiɗo-leptotooɗo plur:
1 • taquiner en faisant semblant de donner;
leptiiɓe-leptotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
tease by offering something without giving it.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. insulter
***: toolaade, welweltinde. Dialects: J,M.
avec des commentaires négatifs, ridiculiser;
2 • jeter dans l'aire, bondir ou tourner dans ridicule; insult with negative comments.
l'air; throw something in the air; tumble or
synonyms: leptaade, toonyaade, wasaade,
spin while in the air. compare: toolaade;
yennude, wajude; ***: leptaade. Dialects: J.
synonyms: welweltinde. Dialectal Forms: [M]
leeltaade. Dialects: Y. leer Noun. heure; hour. Note : français ***: sahaa.

leelawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting leesɗ

in-a synonyme: jippin-a, tellin-a. Verb.
Designation: 4. Noun. clair de lune; moonlight.
abaisser; lower. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Catégorie : Ciel. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] leeso Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
leelewal, [Y,G] leelal. Dialects: J,Y. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of

leembol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Noun: leese. Noun. 1 • lit; bed. Catégorie
: Équipement de la maison. ***: sekko,
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
wajaalo, ndambugaawo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: leeɓi. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
cheveu ou plume; hair; feather. Catégorie : Le 2 • natte pour un lit; mat for beds.
corps, Parties d’un animal. synonyms: sekko; compare: feɗ
feɗo, sekko.
synonyms: gaasol, nawkowol; Dialects: G.
compare: safiɗ
safiɗinde, sukundu, wuyko; leesude Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴugol. Sorting
***: safiɗ
safiɗinde, ngaasa, wuyko, sukundu. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Dialectal Forms: [G,M] leeɓol. Dialects: J,Y. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bas, basse; low.
leembol nawki Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: compare: toowude; ***: leyƴ
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol or ngooti. synonyms: leyƴ
leyƴude. Dialects: G.
Plural Form of Noun: leeɓi nawki/leeɓi noyki leetaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leetagol.
- more than one arm pit - leeɓi nawɗe.
Participles: sing: leetiiɗo-leetotooɗo plur:
Noun. cheveu d'aisselle; underarm hair.
leetiiɓe-leetotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: nawkowol;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. regarder
***: nawkowol. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] leeɓol à côté sans tourner la tête; look out of the
nawki. Dialects: J,Y. corner of your eye; look at something beside
leembol yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: you without turning your head.
compare: yeeƴ
yeeƴaade; ***: yeeƴ
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Noun: leeɓi yitere. Sorting
Designation: 1, at. Noun. cil; eyelash. Catégorie
: Le corps. Dialectal Forms: [M] leeɓol yitere,
[G] leeɓol hitere. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 362
leeteere leggal abajadda

leeteere emprunt: français. Noun. correspondance; leeƴ

leeƴineede Noun Form of Infinitive: leeƴinegol.
correspondence. talkuru winnɗ
winnɗaandu Participles: sing: leeƴinaaɗo-leeƴineteeɗo
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture, Le langage et plur: leeƴinaaɓe-leeƴineteeɓe. Sorting
la pensée. synonyms: tolnondiral, Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
tolnondirgol, jerondiral. Verb. être humilié par quelque chose; humbled

leetere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. by someone else. ***: leyƴ
synonyms: leyƴ
leyƴineede; compare: hoyfineede,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
huyfineede, mawnineede, teddineede,
of Noun: leete. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
toowneede. Dialectal Forms: [G] leesineede.
lettre; letter (post). Note : français ***: ɓataaki;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ɓataaki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

leeyndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. leeƴ

leeƴinkinaade Noun Form of
Infinitive: leeƴinkinagol. Participles: sing:
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
leeƴinkiniiɗo-leeƴinkintooɗo plur:
of Noun: leeynduuji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. hyène; hyena. Catégorie : Mammifère. leeƴinkiniiɓe-leeƴinkintooɓe. Sorting
Hyaena hyaena or Hyaena crocuta. Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
***: korikoriyaare
korikoriyaare, buuru, kuungel, njuura, Progressive: prg. Verb. se baisser
fowru; synonyms: buuru, fowru, physiquement, se humilier sur conseil de
quelqu'un; lower yourself physically; humble
korikoriyaare, kuungel, njuura. Dialects: M.
yourself on the advice of someone else.
leeƴinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leeƴinagol. ***: leyƴ
Participles: sing: leeƴiniiɗo-leeƴinotooɗo synonyms: leyƴ
leyƴinkinaade. Dialectal Forms: [G]
plur: leeƴiniiɓe-leeƴinotooɓe. Sorting leesinkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
leeƴinnde Verb. abaisser, baisser; reduce; pull down;
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se baisser lower.
physiquement (par exemple s'asseoir); lower
oneself physically. ***: rewɗ
rewɗude, lefol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
leyƴinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
2 • s'humilier; humble yourself. Noun: leppi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bande d'herbe tissée ou de tissu, serviette,
foulard, étoffe; scarf; cloth; strip of either
3 • se soumettre; submit to someone or
woven grass or cloth; towel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something. synonyms: leyƴ
leyƴinaade, rewɗ
Dialectal Forms: [G] leesinaade. lefol laamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: lefi laamu. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
leeƴinaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
drapeau; flag. synonyms: deesewal;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. humilité; humility.
***: deesewal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ɗowtaare, leyƴ
***: leyƴ
leyƴinaare. Dialectal Forms: [G] lefol nate Noun. bande dessinée; strip cartoon.
leesinaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

leeƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴingol. leforowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: leyƴinɗo-leyƴinoowo plur: Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
leyƴinɓe-leyƴinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: leforooji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. humilier Noun. feuille; leaf. synonyms: haakorowol,
quelqu'un; humble someone. kaakolol; ***: haakorowol, haako, kaakolol.
compare: hoyfinde, huyfinde, mawninde, Dialects: J,G.
saanude, teddinde, toownude; leggal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: leyƴ
leyƴinde; synonyms: leyƴ
leyƴinde. Dialectal Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Forms: [G] leesinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: leɗɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. bois,
bâton, piquet; wood; pole. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leggal abajadda synonyme: harfeere ; ƴi’al.
expression. lettre; letter. synonyms: alkulal.

16/02/2020 363
leggal abajaɗɗa pammaral legor daneejo

leggal abajaɗɗ
ɗɗa pammaral expression. leggal palaangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
minuscule; lower-case, tiny, small. Catégorie plur: ɗe. Plural Form of Noun: leɗɗe palaaɗe.
: Lecture / écriture. synonyms: micutuwel, Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. croix; cross.
cuccukel, tokosal. synonyms: leggal bardugal; ***: leggal
leggal bardugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal bardugal. Dialects: biblical.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. leggal waare Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Plural Form of Noun: leɗɗe barduɗe. Sorting ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Designation: 3, th. Noun. croix; cross. Form of Noun: leɗɗe bahe. Sorting
***: leggal palaangal; synonyms: leggal Designation: 1, at. Noun. menton; chin.
palaangal. Dialects: biblical. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ji'al waare,
leggal daande sari expression. joug; yoke. wakkudu, waare; synonyms: ji'al waare;
Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: waare. Dialects: J,Y,G.

leggal deege Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: leggel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Form of Noun: leɗɗe deege. Sorting Noun: lekkoy. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • poteau fourchu qui 1 • petit morceau de bois; piece of wood.
tient le lit; forked pieces of wood which Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
support the be. ***: miral, gatal, nyiɓ
nyiɓal leeso, 2 • arbuste; bush; shrub. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deege, palal. Dialects: J,Y.
leggerdi Plural Form of Noun: leggerɗe.
2 • bois fourchu; the forked piece used to build
the low shelf they use in Sebba for storing their synonyme: leggel. Noun. arbuste, buisson;
shrub. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
dishes. compare: deege, gatal, miral, nyiɓ
leeso, palal. Dialects: Y. leggirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
leggal hinere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Noun: leggirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
bâton pour tisonner le bois à brûler; stick
Form of Noun: leɗɗe kine. Sorting that you poke the firewood with.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. partie du nez, os synonyms: duncirgal, tutorgal;
nasal; bridge of the nos. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: duncirgal, tutorgal. Dialects: Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leggude Noun Form of Infinitive: leggugol.
leggal jalo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: legguɗo-leggoo plur:
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
legguɓe-leggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun: leɗɗe jale. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre
Noun. manche longue d'une houe; handle of a
un bois dans le feu; feed a log into the fire.
hoe. synonyms: ɓoolol, kuluwal; ***: kuluwal. ***: duncude, uutude; synonyms: duncude.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
leggal jammbuure Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal 2 • parler d'un problème du passé; bring up a
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. past problem. Ali na legga haala ka faa ɗum
Plural Form of Noun: leɗɗe jammbuuje. laatoo wolde
wolde hakkunde amin. Ali a continué
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. canne à pêche; de parler d'un vieux problème, jusqu'à ce que
c'est devenu un vrai problème entre nous. Ali
fishing pole. synonyms: awirgal.
kept bringing up an old problem until it
Dialects: J,Y,M. became a serious dispute between us.
leggal janngeteengal expression. lettre du jour; synonyms: uutude. Dialects: G.
letter of the day. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
legi Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très doux,
leggal muugaangal expression. lettre muette; dumb tendre, mou, molle, souple; soft (really).
letter, silent letter. t, p, k Catégorie : Lecture / ***: butum, leti, doli, lesa, hecciɗ
écriture. synonyms: doli, lesa, leti;
compare: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde. Dialects: J,M.

legor daneejo Noun. leghorn blanche; white hen.

sifa coppe kewuɗ
kewuɗe lobagol Catégorie
: Élevage.

16/02/2020 364
lehi lennguru

lehi Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. parties lella Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga plur: ɗi.
génitales (ex. pénis, verge, aine, rectum); Number One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
private parts; groin; rectum; penis. Catégorie Noun: lelli. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
: Le corps. ***: ɓaawo2, bawlirde, ley2, plusieurs espèces d'antilopes ou de gazelles;
rubbere, fottooru, lacol, hallere, laasi, gazelle; antelope. Catégorie : Mammifère.
gorgu, ngorgu
ngorgu1, rotere, kente; synonyms: lewla; ***: lewla. Dialects: G.
synonyms: bawlirde, hallere, laasi, ngorgu1,
lelle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
ɓaawo1, fottooru, rotere, rubbere.
Designation: 4. Noun. henné, poudre noir pour
Dialects: J. embellir les mains ou pieds; t; henna.
lekki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ***: lalle, puddi2; synonyms: lalle, puddi1;
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of compare: fuuɗ
fuuɗaade. Dialects: G.
Noun: leɗɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, pl, mt. lelngo synonyme: jannde konngi e juɓɓi mum. Noun.
Noun. 1 • arbre; tree. ***: basi, conndi, syntaxe; syntax. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
ɓodde, safaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: tonngol haala.
2 • médicament; medicine. synonyms: safaare; lemlemtude Noun Form of Infinitive: lemlemtugol.
compare: ɓodde, conndi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: lemlemtuɗo-lemlemtoowo
lekki gooro Noun. colatier; cola-nut tree. Catégorie plur: lemlemtuɓe-lemlemtooɓe. Sorting
: Arbres. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. parler sans arrêt et vite; talk
lekkol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Plural Form of continuously and often rapidly.
Noun: "cuuɗi lekkol" Note: While this term
***: welweltinde, ɗelmude;
does refer to a place of study the Fulɓe do synonyms: ɗelmude, welweltinde.
not tend to think of it as a building and so Dialects: J,Y,M.
there is no plural form.. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. école; school. Catégorie lemmbam Noun. sperme; sperm; semen. Catégorie
: Le corps.
: Bâtiment. Note : français ***: janngirde,
madarasa; synonyms: janngirde, madarasa. lemmburu Noun. orange, citron, agrume; citrus fruit;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. orange; lemon. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialectal Forms: leemburu.
lekkude Noun Form of Infinitive: lekkugol.
Participles: sing: lekkuɗo-lekkoowo plur: lemmburuhi Noun. oranger, citronnier; lemon tree;
orange tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
lekkuɓe-lekkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. lempam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
1 • espionner, investiguer, observer, filer (se Designation: 3, mt. Noun. liquide vaginal (ne ps
cacher pour suivre); investigate; spy out. du sang); vaginal fluid. Catégorie : Le corps.
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi lekkude nagge am hannden faa Dialects: Y.
mi ndaara to nge rimowi. Je veux bien
observer ma vache pour voir où elle a mis bas.
lenkol Plural Form of Noun: lenki. Noun. moelle
I want to spy out my cow today so that I can épinière; spinal cord. Catégorie : Le corps.
see where it calved. synonyms: horude; lenngude Noun Form of Infinitive: lenngugol. Sorting
***: mettude, horude. Dialects: J. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • laper de l'eau ou du lait (chats et chines); Verb. 1 • sonner une grande cloche; ring (large
lap water or milk. synonyms: mettude. bell). synonyms: sonude; ***: sonude,
Dialectal Forms: [Y] lekkitidde, lekkitinde. jaaraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M. 2 • surplus offert après l'achat, rabais, bonus;
surplus offered. synonyms: jaaraade. Dialectal
lelaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lelagol.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] lennginde - to cause it to
Participles: sing: leliiɗo-lelotooɗo plur:
ring. Dialects: J.
leliiɓe-lelotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se coucher; lie lennguru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
down. ***: fukkaade, fooccaade; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: fukkaade. Dialects: J,G. of Noun: lenngi or lennguruuji. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. cloche, sonnette; bell.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 365
lennyaade lewla

lennyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lennyagol. leppude Noun Form of Infinitive: leppugol.
Participles: sing: lennyiiɗo-lennyotooɗo Participles: sing: leppuɗo-leppoowo plur:
plur: lennyiiɓe-lennyotooɓe. Sorting leppuɓe-leppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
Verb. tendre pour atteindre qqch; stretch to mouillé, humide, trempé; damp; soggy; wet.
reach something. Amnatu, haɓɓ
ɓɓu mbeewa Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maa sabo, inga lennyoo dow danɗ
danɗe woɓɓ
ɓɓe, leptaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leptagol.
yaade. Amadou attache ta chèvre car elle se
Participles: sing: leptiiɗo-leptotooɗo plur:
tende pour atteindre les céréales sur les
hangars des gens. Amnatu, tie your goat up leptiiɓe-leptotooɓe. Verb Stative or
because it is going about reaching on the top of Progressive: prg. Verb. insulter, ridiculiser;
people's hangars. synonyms: liiƴ
iiƴaade, ridicule; insult. ***: wasaade, toonyaade,
ƴuuwaade; ***: liiƴ
liiƴaade, liiƴ
liiƴaade, leeptaade, yennude, wajude;
ƴuuwaade. Dialects: G. synonyms: leeptaade, toonyaade, wasaade,
yennude, wajude. Dialects: J.
Lenyaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of leri synonyme: hakkunde, ne’aande. Noun. centre;
Noun: Lenyaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. centre. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun. un bissa; Bissa. Catégorie lesa Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. mou, molle,
: Communauté. ***: Busanke; souple; soft. ***: butum, leti, doli, legi;
synonyms: Busanke. Dialectal Forms: [M] synonyms: doli, legi, leti;
Lenya. Dialects: J,M. compare: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde. Dialects: M.
Lenyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting leten Noun. l'étain; pewter; tin. Note : français
Designation: 4. Noun. langue bissa; the
language of the Bissa people of south central leti Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. mou, molle,
Burkina in the Tenkodogo region. souple; soft. Nyiiri maa na waggiɗ
waggiɗi leti! Ta
***: Busankoore. Dialects: J,M. bouille est vraiment molle. Your nyiiri is really
soft! ***: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde, butum, doli, lesa,
lenyol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
legi; synonyms: doli, legi, lesa;
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
compare: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde. Dialectal Forms: [J] lete,
Noun: lenyi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
[M] letem. Dialects: J,Y,M.
lignage, généalogie, groupe ethnique, race;
race; genealogy; ethnic group; lineage. lettugal Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. l'est; east.
Catégorie : Communauté. ***: taariki, compare: gorgal, soɓɓ
ɓɓiire; ***: soɓɓ
dammbe, ƴuwdi, koreeji, sii, buudu, iri1, horɗ
horɗoore, gorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mbuuduuri, saare, mbuudu;
Lewi Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. 1 • Levi (fils
synonyms: buudu, iri1, koreeji, saare, sii, de Jacob, Genèse 29.34); Levi 1. Jacob's
taariki, ƴuwdi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. third born son (Gen. 29:34 ). Note : hébreu
leŋol Noun. ligne (vs colonne); line (vs. column). ***: Matta. Dialects: biblical.
Catégorie : Mathématique. 2 • le grand-père de Joseph; the
great-grandfather of Joseph; the adoptive
leppi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting father of Jesus (Lk 3:24). Note : hébreu
Designation: 3. Noun. bande de tissu ou d'herbe synonyms: Matta. Dialects: biblical.
tissé, bande de cotonnade; strip of cotton
3 • Matthieu, l'un des douze disciples ;
cloth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Matthew; one of the 12 disciples (Marku 2:14).
leppinde Noun Form of Infinitive: leppingol. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Participles: sing: leppinɗo-leppinoowo plur: lewla Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
leppinɓe-leppinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mouiller, of Noun: lewli. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
humecter; wet; dampen. ***: sownude, différentes espèces d’antilopes ou gazelles,
sownaade; synonyms: sownude. Dialectal biche; gazelle; antelope. Catégorie
Forms: lappinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mammifère. ***: tireewa, njoolooba ladde,
lella, njeelooba ladde; synonyms: lella.
leppinnde Verb. mouiller; wet; dampen. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Forms: lappinde.

16/02/2020 366
lewru leyƴinde
2 • pays, région, État, nation; country; land.
lewru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Pays, Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: lebbi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. leydi laamoraandi doygal expression. état de
1 • lune; moon. Catégorie : Ciel. droit; rule of law, constitutional state,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. law-abiding state. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
2 • mois; month. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leydi ndi laamoraaka doygal expression. état
lewru ɗiɗaɓurdu Noun. février; February. d'exception; state of emergency . Catégorie
lewru go'aɓ
go'aɓurdu Noun. janvier ; January. : Gouvernement, Juridique.

lewru jeɗɗ
ɗɗaɓurdu Noun. juillet; July. leydi ndi suudu baaba suɓ
suɓanii hoorem
expression. république ; republic. Catégorie
lewru jeenaɓ
jeenaɓurdu Noun. septembre; September. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
lewru joyaɓ
joyaɓurdu Noun. mai; May. leydi suudu baaba Noun. patrie; native land;
homeland. Catégorie : Pays, Région.
lewru nayaɓ
nayaɓurdu Noun. avril; April.
leydi tuubaakuuɓ
tuubaakuuɓe Noun. monde occidental;
lewru sappaɓ
sappaɓurdu Noun. octobre; October.
western world, occidental world. Catégorie
lewru sappo Noun. novembre; November. : Pays, Région.

lewru sappo e ɗiɗaɓurdu Voir entrée principale : . leydiyankaaku Noun. patriotisme; patriotism.
Noun. décembre; December.
leyɗe duuniyaaru fu expression. communauté
lewru tataɓ
tataɓurdu Noun. mars; March. internationale; international community .
Catégorie : Juridique.
lewru-lewru Noun. mensuel; monthly. ***: lewruu.
leyɗe piiliiɗ
piiliiɗe leydi expression. pays limitrophe;
lewruu Noun. mensuel; monthly. Catégorie country bordering ... Catégorie : Pays.
: Mathématique. synonyms: lewru-
leyƴinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴinagol.
ley1 Sorting Designation: 1. prep. 1 • dans; in. Participles: sing: leyƴiniiɗo-leyƴinotooɗo
synonyms: dere, e1, hen, nder; ***: dere, plur: leyƴiniiɓe-leyƴinotooɓe. Sorting
nder, e2, gorgu, ngorgu1, hen. Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se baisser
2 • sous, en dessous, en bas; under. physiquement (ex. s'asseoir); lower oneself
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. physically. ***: leeƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ley2 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
2 • s'humilier; humble yourself.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: leyiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. se
réfère au pénis ou le vagin, partie génitale 3 • se soumettre; submit to someone or
(humain); private parts (humans). Catégorie something. synonyms: leeƴ
leeƴinaade, rewɗ
: Le corps. synonyms: bawlirde, laasi, lacol, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lehi, ngorgu1, kottu, saɓ
saɓu, samndu, sanndu. leyƴ
eyƴinaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, th. Noun. humilité; humility.
ley danke Noun. sous le hangar; shed (under the). ***: leeƴ
leeƴinaare, ɗowtaare;
synonyms: ɗowtaare, leeƴ
ley hoolaare synonyme: ley tannyoral. expression.
fidèlement; faithfully, accurately, reliably, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
loyally. leyƴ
leyƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴingol.
ley sooroowal Noun. au rez-de-chaussée; ground Participles: sing: leyƴinɗo-leyƴinoowo plur:
floor. Catégorie : Bâtiment. leyƴinɓe-leyƴinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
leydi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. Number Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. humilier
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of quelqu'un; humble someone. ***: huyfinde,
Noun: leyɗe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. hoyfinde, leeƴ
leeƴinde, hoyfintinde;
1 • terre, sol, boue, terrain, patrie; earth; dirt; compare: hoyfinde, huyfinde, mawninde,
soil; land; ground. Catégorie : Terre. saanude, teddinde, toownude;
***: suudu baaba, nokku, ngenndi, njenndi, synonyms: leeƴ
leeƴinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
genndi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 367
leyƴineede liccal

leyƴineede Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴinegol. li'eewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: leyƴinaaɗo-leyƴineteeɗo Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
plur: leyƴinaaɓe-leyƴineteeɓe. Sorting of Noun: li'eeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. champ de coton; cotton field. Catégorie : Terre.
Verb. être humilié par quelqu'un; humbled by compare: haabu; ***: li'a, haabu;
someone else. synonyms: leeƴ
leeƴineede; synonyms: li'a. Dialectal Forms: [M] li'eeri.
***: hoyfineede, leeƴ
leeƴineede, huyfineede; Dialects: J,Y,M.
compare: hoyfineede, huyfineede,
li'o Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
mawnineede, teddineede, toowneede.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: li'ooji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct. Noun.
leyƴinkinaade Noun Form of sauce pour le tô; sauce in which the balls of
Infinitive: leyƴinkinagol. Participles: sing:
millet porridge are dipped. Catégorie
: Nourriture. ***: takay, lu'o, li'am, hoy;
leyƴinkiniiɗo-leyƴinkintooɗo plur:
synonyms: hoy, lu'o, takay; compare: maafe,
leyƴinkiniiɓe-leyƴinkintooɓe. Sorting
hamude, somay. Dialects: G.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. se baisser liɓ
liɓnude Noun Form of Infinitive: liɓnugol.
physiquement, s'humilier; lower yourself; Participles: sing: liɓnuɗo-liɓnoowo plur:
humble yourself. synonyms: leeƴ
leeƴinkinaade; liɓnuɓe-liɓnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
***: leeƴ
leeƴinkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. renverser
leyƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: leyƴugol. Sorting qqch qu'on porte sur la tête, faire tomber; fall
down (cause to); spill something you were
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
carrying on your head. ***: limnude,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bas; low (to be).
limnude, rufude; compare: rufude;
compare: toowude; synonyms: leesude;
synonyms: limnude, linnude.
***: leesude, toowude. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leyɗude. Dialects: J,M.
liɓnude reedu Verb. avorter; abort.
ƴƴannde Noun. seconde; second. Catégorie
: Mathématique. liɓ
liɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: liɓugol.
ƴƴitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: leƴƴitagol. Participles: sing: liɓuɗo-liɓoowo plur:
liɓuɓe-liɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Participles: sing: leƴƴitiiɗo-leƴƴitotooɗo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cogner, faire
plur: leƴƴitiiɓe-leƴƴitotooɓe. Sorting
tomber; knock down from a standing position.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: limnude, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, samminde,
Verb. plier, s'adosser contre; lean backwards.
ɓɓinde, yerƴ
yerƴude, wippitinde, fiinude,
***: wuuraade, onyaade, tiggitaade,
partaade, faatude, saaminde;
turaade; compare: onyaade, turaade,
synonyms: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, limnude, linnude,
tiggitaade, wuuraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
samminde; compare: dunƴ dunƴude, faatude,
li'a Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
ɗɗinde, partaade, tallude, yerƴyerƴude.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: li'eeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
champ de coton; cotton field. Catégorie : Terre. liccal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
synonyms: li'eewa; ***: li'eewa; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
compare: haabu. Dialectal Forms: li'aa. Noun: licce. Sorting Designation: 2, pl. Noun.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
branche; branch. Catégorie : Parties d’un
végétal ou d’une plante. ***: benal2,
li'aa Noun. champ de coton; cotton field. Catégorie
salndu1, catal, koosirgal; synonyms: catal,
: Agriculture. Dialectal Forms: li'a. koosirgal, salndu1. Dialectal Forms: liccilal,
li'am Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗi. liccungal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootam. Plural Form
of Noun: li'ooli. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun.
ingrédient pour sauce; ingredient used to
make sauce. Catégorie : Nourriture.
compare: hamude, hoy, li'o, lu'o, maafe,
takay; synonyms: somay. Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 368
liccal kamanaari liiƴaade

liccal kamanaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi liimaade Noun Form of Infinitive: liimagol.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Participles: sing: liimiiɗo-liimotooɗo plur:
Plural Form of Noun: licce kamanaari. Sorting liimiiɓe-liimotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. plante de maïs; corn th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
or maize plant. Zea mais. exécuter ou accomplir des devoirs de prêtre,
compare: hamanaare; synonyms: kamanaari, intercéder; intercede; priestly duties
ƴommbal kamanaari; ***: kamanaari, (perform). Note : arabe synonyms: almaade;
kannaaje, ƴommbal kamanaari. ***: almaade. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,M. liimaanaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
liccal mbayeeri Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal Designation: 3, th. Noun. prêtrise; priesthood.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Note : arabe synonyms: almaamaaku;
Plural Form of Noun: licce mbayeeri. Sorting ***: almaamaaku. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sorgho (plante); liimaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
sorghum plant. ***: sammeere, ƴommbal liimam Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
mbayeeri, mbayeeri; synonyms: mbayeeri, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ƴommbal mbayeeri. Dialects: J. Noun: liimam'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
liccilal Noun. branche; branch. Dialectal Forms: liccal. Noun. imam, prêtre; imam; priest. Catégorie
: Travailleur. Note : arabe ***: almaami;
liddi Sorting Designation: 4. adj/adv/n. le contraire,
synonyms: almaami. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
opposé, contradiction; opposite. Liddi
heɓude wo waasude. le contraire d'avoir est
liimtoojum synonyme: limre adadu. Noun. numéral
de ne pas avoir. The opposite of having is cardinal; cardinal numeral. Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: limirde jooporde.
lacking. Dialects: J,Y.
liikere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. liinga Noun. poisson; fish. Catégorie : Poisson.
Dialectal Forms: liingu.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: liike. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. liingu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
hoquet; hiccup. ***: liƴƴ
ƴƴitere, likkiƴ
likkiƴere; One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
synonyms: likkiƴ
likkiƴere, liƴƴ
ƴƴitere. Dialects: M. Noun: liƴƴi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
poisson; fish. Catégorie : Poisson. Dialectal
liikude Noun Form of Infinitive: liikugol.
Forms: [J,M] li'ingu, [M] liinga (nga).
Participles: sing: liikuɗo-liikoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
liikuɓe-liikooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. hoqueter; liitere Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
hiccup. ***: liƴƴ
ƴƴitidde, likkiƴ
likkiƴinde; One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: likkiƴ
likkiƴinde, liƴƴ
ƴƴitidde. Dialects: M. Noun: liitereeji. Variante: liitar. Noun. litre;
liter. Catégorie : Récipient, Mathématique.
liilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: liilagol. Note : français Dialectal Forms: [G] liital
Participles: sing: liiliiɗo-liilotooɗo plur: (ngal)/liite (ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
liiliiɓe-liilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. coucher au
liiƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: liiƴagol.
soleil pour sécher ou se chauffer; lie in the sun. Participles: sing: liiƴiiɗo-liiƴotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. liiƴiiɓe-liiƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tendre
liilude Noun Form of Infinitive: liilugol. pour atteindre; stretch up to reach something.
Participles: sing: liiluɗo-liiloowo plur:
Amnatu, haɓɓ
ɓɓu mbeewa maa sabo, inga
liiluɓe-liilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb liiƴ
lii ƴoo dow danɗ
danɗe woɓɓ
ɓɓe, yaade. Amadou,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire sécher au attache ta chèvre car elle atteins les hangars
soleil, étaler au soleil; dry something in the de gens. Amnatu, tie your goat up because it is
sun. ***: haamude, tuusude
tuusude; going about reaching on the top of people's
compare: haamude, tuusude. hangars. ***: lennyaade, ƴuuwaade;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: lennyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 369
likkiƴere limoore
2 • à Sebba et Mahadaga ce mot désigne
limlimnaneede Noun Form of
tendre pour atteindre si c'est haut ou non; In
Sebba & Mahadaga it means to stretch out to Infinitive: limlimnanegol. Participles: sing:
reach something whether it is up or not. limlimnanaaɗo-limlimnaneteeɗo plur:
synonyms: lennyaade, ƴuuwaade. limlimnanaaɓe-limlimnaneteeɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. fait à ou pour toi à répétition; done to or
likkiƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. for you repeatedly. Dialects: J.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: likkiƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. limlimnude Noun Form of Infinitive: limlimnugol.
Noun. hoquet; hiccup. ***: liƴƴ
ƴƴitere, liikere; Participles: sing: limlimnuɗo-limlimnoowo
synonyms: liikere, liƴƴ
ƴƴitere. Dialects: J,Y. plur: limlimnuɓe-limlimnooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
likkiƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: likkiƴingol. Verb. compter à répétition, recompter, compter
Participles: sing: likkiƴinɗo-likkiƴoowo plusieurs fois; recount; re-count; count
plur: likkiƴinɓe-likkiƴooɓe. Sorting something repeatedly. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M]
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or limlimtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. hoqueter; hiccup.
limmoro Noun. numéro; number. Note : français
***: liƴƴ
ƴƴitidde, liikude; synonyms: liikude,
***: limre. Dialectal Forms: limoore.
ƴƴitidde. Dialects: J,Y.
limngal Noun. compte, recensement; inventory;
limeede Noun Form of Infinitive: limegol. census; count.
Participles: sing: limaaɗo-limeteeɗo plur:
limnude Noun Form of Infinitive: limnugol.
limaaɓe-limeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: limnuɗo-limnoowo plur:
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
compté comme dans un recensement; counted. limnuɓe-limnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
synonyms: hiiseede; ***: hiiseede. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lancer,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jeter; throw; toss. ***: liɓ
liɓude, weddaade,
linnude, samminde, linnude, ɗagginde,
limgal Noun. recensement; census, count .
linnude, liɓ
liɓnude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, bugaade,
limgal talki wotto expression. dépouillement du laginde, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, ɗannginde, saaminde,
scrutin; counting of votes, vote counting . wiirnude, hornude; synonyms: bugaade,
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
ɗɗude, linnude, weddaade, wiirnude.
limgal wottooji expression. décompte du scrutin; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
counting votes. Catégorie : Gouvernement, 2 • laisser tomber ou renverser quelque chose
Juridique. porté sur la tête; spill; drop.
limgol Noun. numération; numeration. Catégorie synonyms: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, fottinde, liɓ
: Mathématique. linnude, samminde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • frapper faisant tomber; hit someone or
limirde Noun. numéral; numeral. Catégorie
: Mathématique. something so that it falls down. O faɗɗ
sawru makko, o limnii wojere. He threw his
limirde jooporde Noun. numéral cardinal; cardinal staff and he felled a rabbit. compare: hornude,
numeral. Catégorie : Mathématique.
ɗagginde, ɗannginde; synonyms: boɓɓ boɓɓinde
***: liimtoojum.
fottinde, liɓ
liɓnude, linnude, samminde,
limirde reggondirde synonyme: limirde doggol. liɓ
liɓude. Dialectal Forms: [J] limmude.
Noun. numéral ordinal; ordinal numeral.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: limre
limoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
limlimnande Noun Form of Infinitive: limlimnangol. of Noun: limooje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Participles: sing: nombre, chiffre, compte; number.
limlimnanɗo-limlimnanoowo plur: synonyms: lammba, nammba; ***: limre,
limlimnanɓe-limlimnanooɓe. Sorting nammba, lammba, adadu. Dialectal
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Forms: limmoro. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. faire plusieurs fois, répéter de faire,
refaire; repeatedly (do); do repeatedly.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 370
Limoore Liptaaku

Limoore Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. le livre Linjiila Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
nombres (4. Moise); Numbers. Designation: 3, th. Noun. l'Évangile, Le
Dialects: biblical. Nouveau Testament; New Testament; gospel.
Note : arabe ***: Amaana Keso, Injiila, Aadi
limoowo ceede expression. comptable; accountant.
Keyri; synonyms: Injiila. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: kontaabulu, kiisotooɗ

limre emprunt: français. synonyme: nyiinde adadu.

linngi linngiyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel
Noun. nombre, chiffre; number, figure. plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel.
Catégorie : Mathématique. synonyms: limoore, Plural Form of Noun: linngi linngihoy. Sorting
adadu, limmoro. Designation: 2, pl. Noun. le sommet d'un arbre;
upper tip of a tree. Catégorie : Parties d’un
limre ɗiɗiire Noun. nombre pair; even number. végétal ou d’une plante. ***: ceɓ
ceɓel leɓ
Catégorie : Mathématique.
tingel lengel, tengel lengel; synonyms: ceɓ
limre jeennde Noun. nombre impair; odd number. leɓ
leɓel, tengel lengel. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Catégorie : Mathématique. linngi linngi (gi). Dialects: Y.
limre jokkondirol expression. numéral ordinal; linngu Plural Form of Noun: liƴƴi. Noun. poisson; fish.
ordinal numeral. Catégorie : Mathématique. Catégorie : Poisson.
synonyms: limirde reggondirde.
linnude Noun Form of Infinitive: linnugol.
limt-a Verb. épeler; spell. l - i - m - t - a Catégorie Participles: sing: linnuɗo-linnoo plur:
: Lecture / écriture. ***: sawtude harfeere, linnnuɓe-linnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
siirude. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • jeter
limtagol Noun. décompte; count. Catégorie quelque chose; throw something.
: Mathématique. ***: limnude, limnude, liɓ
liɓude, weddaade,
samminde, wippitinde, liɓ
liɓnude, boɓɓ
limt-o Verb. dénombrer; count. Catégorie
: Mathématique. bugaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, limnude, saaminde,
wiirnude; synonyms: bugaade, faɗɗ
limtol Noun. liste; list.
limnude, weddaade, wiirnude. Dialects: Y,G.
limtude Noun Form of Infinitive: limtugol. 2 • laisser tomber ou descendre qqch qu'on a
Participles: sing: limtuɗo-limtoowo plur: porté sur la tête; drop something you were
limtuɓe-limtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. carrying on your head. synonyms: limnude,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. énumérer, saaminde, samminde, selude. Dialects: Y.
nommer, dire le nom des différentes éléments 3 • frapper faisant tomber; hit someone or
comptés, compter, lister; enumerate; name the something so that it falls down. O faɗɗ
different ones or different parts being counted; sawru makko, o linnii wojere. Il a lancé son
count. ***: jantanaade, inndireede, wi'eede; bâton et le lièvre est tombé. He threw his staff
compare: jantanaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. and he felled a rabbit. synonyms: boɓɓ
limude Noun Form of Infinitive: limugol. limnude, samminde. Dialects: Y,G.

Participles: sing: limuɗo-limoowo plur: lippitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lippitagol.

limuɓe-limooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Participles: sing: lippitiiɗo-lippitotooɗo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. compter; plur: lippitiiɓe-lippitotooɓe. Sorting
count. ***: hiiseede, hiisaade, adadu, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
fiwlaade; compare: adadu, hiisaade. Verb. regarder vite à côté lorsqu'on est surpris
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ou effrayé; look sideways when startled.
***: ƴewƴ
ewtude, wippitaade, yeyyeynude,
limugol Verb. comptage; counting. ƴeppitaade; synonyms: wippitaade;
linetti Noun. lunettes; glasses. Note : français compare: yeyyeynude. Dialects: J,M.

lingolinngoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Liptaaku Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • clan Fulbé /
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural peul qui vit dans la région de Dori; clan of
Form of Noun: lingolinngooje. Sorting
Fulɓe who live in the Dori area. Catégorie
: Communauté. ***: Nomma, Kelli, Jaljallo,
Designation: 4, in. Noun. mille-pattes,
scolopendre; centipede. Catégorie : Animaux Jelgooji, Foy, Yaanga, Yaaga.
inférieurs. ***: kaatatal. Dialectal Forms: [Y] Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
linngoore. Dialects: J,G,M.

16/02/2020 371
Liptaakuujo lo'ude
2 • un nom pour la région de Dori; Dori area; .
liwtorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗi.
compare: Foy, Jaljallo, Jelgooji, Kelli,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Nomma, Siiɓ
Siiɓe, Yaaga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: liwtorɗi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Liptaakuujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Noun. un long bâton avec un crochet au bout
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of pour tirer des branches d'arbre en bas pour les
donner à manger au bétail; stick (long).
Noun: Liptaakuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. membre du clan Fulbé / peul qui vit dans ***: liwndu; synonyms: liwndu;
la région de Dori; a member of the Liptaaku compare: loosol, sawru. Dialects: G.
clan of Fulɓe in Dori. Catégorie
ƴƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: liƴƴagol.
: Communauté. ***: Yaagaajo
Yaagaajo, Jaljallo,
Participles: sing: liƴƴiiɗo-liƴƴotooɗo plur:
Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo,
liƴƴiiɓe-liƴƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Kelliijo, Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pêcher,
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo,
attraper des poissons; fish. synonyms: awude;
Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Kelliijo, Moosiijo,
***: awnaade, awude. Dialects: G.
Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. liƴƴ
ƴƴi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. poissons; fishes.
Liptaakuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Catégorie : Poisson. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2, lg. Noun. les peuls de la région
de Dori; The Fulfulde of the Dori region. liƴƴ
ƴƴitere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
Catégorie : Communauté. ***: Gurmaare, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Jelgoore, Foynankoore, Maasinankoore, of Noun: likkiƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Gaawoore, Nommaare, Yaangaare, Noun. hoquet; hiccup. synonyms: likkiƴ
Moosiire, Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere; liikere; ***: likkiƴ
likkiƴere, liikere. Dialects: G.
compare: Foynankoore, Gaawoore, liƴƴ
ƴƴitidde Noun Form of Infinitive: liƴƴitiggol.
Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore, Participles: sing: liƴƴitiɗɗo-liƴƴitoowo plur:
Maasinankoore, Moosiire, Nommaare, liƴƴitiɓɓe-liƴƴitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
lirkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lirkitagol. hoqueter; hiccup. synonyms: likkiƴ
Participles: sing: lirkitiiɗo-lirkitotooɗo plur: liikude; ***: liikude, likkiƴ
likkiƴinde. Dialects: G.
lirkitiiɓe-lirkitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, lo'al yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
un entorse, se froisser un muscle; strain;
Noun: lo'e gite. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
sprain. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: mulƴ
mulƴitaade, Noun. orbite; eye socket. Catégorie : Le corps.
bigitaade, silɓ
silɓude, laƴ
laƴude; compare: laƴ
laƴude; ***: le'al yitere; synonyms: le'al yitere.
synonyms: bigitaade, mulƴ
mulƴitaade, silɓ
silɓude. Dialects: M.
Dialects: J.
lo'inkinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lo'inkinagol.
lirkitere Plural Form of Noun: lirkite. Participles: sing: lo'inkiniiɗo-lo'inkinotooɗo
synonyme: silɓere. Noun. entorse; sprain. plur: lo'inkiniiɓe-lo'inkinotooɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
liwliwndu Noun. chauve-souris, roussette; bat. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. faire semblant d’être
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialectal pauvre; to pretend to be a "lo'uɗo" or one who
Forms: wilwilndu. is either weak; poor; or powerless. .
compare: woytaade, woytinkinaade,
liwndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
yurminkinaade; ***: yurminkinaade,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
woytaade, woytinkinaade. Dialects: J,Y.
of Noun: liwɗi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
un long bâton avec un crochet au bout pour lo'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: lo'ugol.
tirer des branches d'arbre en bas pour les Participles: sing: lo'uɗo plur: lo'uɓe. Sorting
donner à manger au bétail; stick (long).
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Catégorie : Outil. ***: sawru, liwtorgal, Verb. 1 • être pauvre; poor (be).
loosol; compare: loosol, sawru; ***: talkiɗ
talkiɗinde, waanude. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: liwtorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 372
lobaade loɓɓaade
2 • être sans pouvoir, impuissant, faible;
lobbudu maayndu Noun. angle nul; zero angle.
powerless; weak. synonyms: talkiɗ
waanude. Dialects: J,Y. lobbudu naattundu Noun. angle rentrant; nip.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
lobaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lobagol. Sorting
lobbudu seeɓ
seeɓndu Noun. angle aigu; acute angle.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Mathématique.
Progressive: prg. Verb. pondre un œuf (utilisé
pour les oiseaux); lay an egg (birds). Note : lobbudu wertiindu Noun. angle obtus; obtuse
mooré ***: woppude, wallinde; angle. Catégorie : Mathématique.
synonyms: wallinde, woppude; lobbudu yaltundu synonyme: lobbudu
compare: ɓoccoonde. Dialects: M. fuŋŋiniindu. Noun. angle saillant; salient
lobagol Noun. ponte; laying (of eggs). Catégorie angle. Catégorie : Mathématique.
: Élevage. synonyms: wallingol. lobbugel Noun. coin; corner. Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: lobbudu.
lobbiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: lobbiɗingol.
Participles: sing: lobbiɗinɗo plur: lobbuli benyi Noun. angles alternes; alternate
lobbiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative angles. Catégorie : Mathématique.
or Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être joli a regarder, lobbuli benyi naattuɗ
naattuɗi Noun. angles alternes
être beau / belle; beautiful in appearance. internes; alternate interior angles. Catégorie
***: fulɗ
fulɗude, taƴ
taƴaade, girriɗ
girriɗinde, leeɓ
leeɓude, : Mathématique.
silaade, wooɗ
wooɗude, ŋari, lobbo, ŋarɗ arɗude. lobbuli cawndi Noun. angles adjacents; adjacent
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. angles. Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • avoir un bon comportement; behavior (to
be good in). Here in Burkina this verb is not lobbuli duŋ
ondirɗi Noun. angles opposés;
generally used in conjugated or participle opposite corners. Catégorie : Mathématique.
forms, but is the basis of a series of adjectives: lobbuli timmondirɗ
timmondirɗi Noun. angles
Group I ɓe/lobbuɓe, ko/lobbo, nde/lobbere, complémentaires; complementary angles.
ndu/lobburu, nge/lobbe, ngo/lobbo Group II Catégorie : Mathématique.
ɗe/lobbe, ɗi/lobbi, ɗum/lobbum, kal/lobbal,
kol/lobbol, ngal/lobbal, ngel/lobbel, loborde
loborde Noun. pondoir; nesting box. Catégorie
ngol/lobbol, o/lobbo Group III ɗam/lobbam, : Élevage. ***: wallinirde.
ka/lobba, ki/lobbi, ko/lobbo, koy/lobboy,
ndi/lobbiri, nga/lobba, ngu/lobbu. lobotoongal Noun. poule pondeuse; hen laying eggs.
compare: lobbo, ŋari; synonyms: fulɗ
fulɗude, Catégorie : Élevage. synonyms: cofal
girriɗinde, leeɓ
leeɓude, ŋarɗ
arɗude, silaade, wallinoowal.
taƴaade, wooɗ
wooɗude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] loɓ
loɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: loɓagol.
lobbiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: loɓiiɗo-loɓotooɗo plur:
lobbirgal Noun. rapporteur; protractor. Catégorie loɓiiɓe-loɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
: Mathématique. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
boueux (place); muddy (place).
lobbo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. être bien en
comportement ou beau / belle à voir, être d'un ***: loɓ
oloɓo, nufude. Dialects: Y.
bon comportement; good behavior; beautiful. 2 • enfoncer dans la boue; sink in the mud.
***: lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, moƴƴ
ƴƴo; compare: nufude. Dialects: Y.
compare: lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. loɓɓ
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: loɓɓagol.
Lobbo Noun. prénom masculin ou féminin, Participles: sing: loɓɓiiɗo-loɓɓotooɗo plur:
Signification : (La/le) Belle / Beau, le Bon; loɓɓiiɓe-loɓɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
first name for a male or a female, meaning: Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
(the) Beautiful, (the) Good. Catégorie : Nom. s'intéresser à, se soucier de, s'inquiéter pour;
lobbudu Noun. angle, coin; angle, corner. Catégorie care about; interest in (have an); concerned
(be). ***: hilleede; synonyms: hilleede.
: Mathématique. ***: lobbugel.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
lobbudu dariindu synonyme: lobbudu beƴ. Noun.
angle droit; right angle. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

lobbudu ɗeppuru Noun. angle plat; flat angle.

Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 373
loɓɓitaade lokotoro

ɓɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: loɓɓitagol. lohol waamnde Noun. falaise; cliff. Catégorie
Participles: sing: loɓɓitiiɗo-loɓɓitotooɗo : Terre.
plur: loɓɓitiiɓe-loɓɓitotooɓe. Sorting lohotooɗ
lohotooɗo Noun. chasseur; hunter. Catégorie
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. : Chasse et pêche, Travailleur.
Verb. ne pas s'occuper de, ne pas s'intéresser à,
ne pas se soucier de; to not have an interest in; lohuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
to not care about; to not be concerned; saying. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Mi loɓɓ
ɓɓiteke I don't care (means the same of Noun: lohi. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
thing as "Mi loɓɓaaki.") Dialects: J,Y. tourterelle masque de fer; long-tailed dove;
dove (long-tailed). Catégorie : Oiseau. Oena
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: loɓɓugol. capensis. ***: buubabaheeru, lokel,
Participles: sing: loɓɓuɗo-loɓɓoowo plur: wersawersaandu, santingaaru;
loɓɓuɓe-loɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: lokel, santingaaru,
Verb. avoir un problème (pour une personne
wersawersaandu. Dialects: Y.
qui n’écoute pas des conseils) « tu verras », «
tu vas voir »; to have a problem; this word is lokel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
used to scold someone who is not sensible or Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
who refuses to heed good advice; when they
Noun: lokoy. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
say; "a loɓɓan" it is akin to our saying "you'll
tourterelle masque de fer; long-tailed dove.
see." This is considered by the Fulɓe to be an
Catégorie : Oiseau. Oena capensis.
insult. apparently the neither the stative nor the
Progessive form is used with this verb, but ***: buubabaheeru, lohuru,
mainly the General Complete, e.g. "mi loɓɓii", wersawersaandu, santingaaru;
or the General Incomplete, e.g. "a loɓɓan." synonyms: lohuru, santingaaru,
***: weeyude, reewude, bilaade; wersawersaandu. Dialects: M.
synonyms: reewude, weeyude.
lokkaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
oloɓo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Noun: lokkaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. terrain glissant ou 1 • personne faible; weak person. ***: daɓɓ
boueux; muddy terrain; slippery place. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Terre. compare: loɓ
loɓaade. Dialectal 2 • personne courte de taille; short person.
Forms: [M] loɓokke. Dialects: J,Y,G. synonyms: daɓɓ
ɓɓo. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] lokka.
loggol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗe. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of lokkaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Noun: logge. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Designation: 3, mt. Noun. faiblesse; weakness.
linge; laundry. synonyms: lonngol; Dialects: J,M.
***: lonngol. Dialects: G.
lokkiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: lokkiɗingol.
lohaangal Noun. chasse; hunting. Catégorie : Chasse Participles: sing: lokkiɗinɗo plur:
et pêche. ***: lohagol. lokkiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb
lohagol synonyme: loohogol. Noun. aller à la grande Stative or Progressive: st - imo lokkiɗi. Verb.
chasse; go to the big hunt. Catégorie : Chasse 1 • être faible; weak (to be). ***: guddiɗ
et pêche. synonyms: lohaangal. yoosude; synonyms: yoosude.

lohol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être court de taille, petit; short.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
synonyms: guddiɗ
guddiɗinde, raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗinde. Dialectal
Noun: lohi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Forms: [Y,G] lokkiɗidde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
1 • grotte; cave. Catégorie : Terre. ***: baakol,
lowol, talkuru; synonyms: lowol. lokotoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • ceinture ou bracelet fait de cuir qui contient Noun: lokotorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt.
un amulette; belt or arm band made of leather Noun. médecin; doctor. Catégorie : Travailleur.
which contains a charm. synonyms: kaɓɓ
ɓɓol1, Note : français synonyms: dokotoro;
baakol, talkuru. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] compare: cawrooro; ***: dokotoro.
loho. Dialects: J. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 374
lokotoro ndimu lonnjoodu

lokotoro ndimu Noun. sage-femme; midwife. lomtondiroo Noun. commutation; commutation.

Catégorie : Travailleur. lomtondiroo (-
(-jum) Catégorie
: Mathématique.
lokotoroore Noun. dispensaire; dispensary; health
center. Catégorie : Bâtiment. lonjorɗ
lonjorɗe Noun. loupes, lunettes; glasses; magnifying
***: dokotoroore. glass. Catégorie : Outil.
lokoƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting lonngaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Noun. direction entre l'un des Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
points cardinaux de la boussole; direction of Noun: lonngaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
between the four cardinal points of the Noun. tambour d'aisselle, tambour sablier;
compass. hoorɗ
oore-gorgaare sud-ouest. sand-glass drum; drum; tom tom. Catégorie
southwest. hoorɗ
oore-lettugaare southeast; : Instrument de musique. Note : mooré
soɓɓiire-gorgaare {northwest). ***: mbinderew, lungaaru, bentigaaru,
iire-lettugaare nord-est. northeast. ndondoloowu; compare: bentigaaru,
***: jiha, dammbugal, gigitawal; kurkutu, mbaggu; synonyms: lungaaru,
compare: jiha; synonyms: gigitawal. Dialectal ndondoloowu. Dialects: Y,G.
Forms: [G] lokoɓere. Dialects: Y.
lonngere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
lokulo yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of of Noun: lonɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Noun: lukuli gite. Noun. sourcil; eyebrow. morceau ou boule de nourriture; lump or ball
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: waywayko,
of food. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
numbatiyel, meemeeku, tiimelol
synonyms: numbatiyel, tiimelol, waywayko. lonngere gujjo Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
Dialects: M. ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
lokuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Form of Noun: lonnge gujjo. Sorting
Designation: 4, in. Noun. mante religieuse;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
mantis. Catégorie : Insecte.
of Noun: lokuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
synonyms: dondonnguwal, jammbere konko;
Noun. calebasse avec cordes pour puiser de
l'eau; calabash fitted with ropes in order to ***: jammbere konko, dondonnguwal.
draw water. Catégorie : Récipient. Dialects: J,M.
***: bogoti, cawgal, jabbude, tummbude1,
lonngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗe.
siwooru, safude, fate; compare: fate,
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
jabbude, safude, siwooru, tummbude2;
Noun: lonne. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: cawgal. Dialects: J,Y.
linge, lessive; laundry. ***: loggol;
lokuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. synonyms: loggol. Dialectal Forms: [J] lonngo.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Dialects: Y,M.
Noun: lokuuje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
lonnjoodu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Noun. seau plein d'eau du puits; bucket full of
water drawn from a well. Catégorie Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
: Récipient. ***: cawgal; synonyms: cawgal; of Noun: lonnjooɗi. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. 1 • angle, coin intérieur, cul de sac;
compare: fate. Dialects: J.
interior corner; interior angle; angle; corner.
lolongaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. ***: loofoodu, soɓɓ
ɓɓundu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form 2 • *; in a well they describe the area dug out
of Noun: lolongaaji. Sorting Designation: 5, wl. by the flow of water at the base of a well as
Noun. galago du Sénégal; Senegal bush-baby. "lonyo". synonyms: loofoodu;
Catégorie : Mammifère. Galago senegalensis. compare: soɓɓ
ɓɓundu. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M]
***: armanga, lantigaaru; lonyo (ngo)/lonyi (ɗi). Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: armanga, lantigaaru. Dialects: M.

lomtondirgol Noun. commutation; commutation.

Catégorie : Lecture / écriture, Le langage et
la pensée.

16/02/2020 375
lonnude loomto jokko werba

lonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: lonnugol. loohiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Participles: sing: lonnuɗo-lonnoowo plur: Designation: 4. Noun. la chasse; hunt. Catégorie
lonnuɓe-lonnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. : Chasse et pêche. ***: loongal, filnde,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. laver des gawnde; synonyms: filnde, gawnde, loongal.
habits; wash clothes. ***: lootude. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
loomtande Noun Form of Infinitive: loomtangol.
loŋi synonyme: loŋɗi. Noun. accolades ; braces. loŋ
loŋi Participles: sing: loomtanɗo-loomtanoowo
(tl. loŋ
loŋol) / loŋ
loŋɗi (tl. loŋ
loŋdu) Catégorie plur: loomtanɓe-loomtanooɓe. Sorting
: Lecture / écriture. ***: kowol-
kowol-kowi. Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre la place de qqn,
looɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
remplacer qqn, substituer; substitute either
Designation: 2. Noun. canaris d'eau en argile; temporarily or permanently; replace someone;
clay water pots. Catégorie : Récipient. fill in for someone; take the place of.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: heedude, hettande
hettande, heedande,
loofal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. heedande, hettude; synonyms: heedande,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of hettande. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: loofe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. boue, loomtaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: loomtanegol.
sol argileux; mud; clay based soil. Catégorie
Participles: sing:
: Terre. Dialectal Forms: [J,G,M] loopal.
loomtanaaɗo-loomtaneteeɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y.
loomtanaaɓe-loomtaneteeɓe. Sorting
loofeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Progressive: prg. Verb. être remplacé, être
of Noun: loofeeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. substitué; substituted for; replaced.
case ronde fait de briques et toit en paille; Dialects: J,Y,M.
round house made of bricks with a grass roof.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: winndeeru,
loomtata adj. substitut; substitute, replacement. ko
hukum, bombooru, kunnguuru, sukkuuru,
benal1, buguuru, bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, garuwal, loomtirde e sappagol expression. pronom
huɗooru, suudu1; synonyms: bombooru, démonstratif; demonstrative pronoun.
Catégorie : La Grammaire.
kunnguuru, suudu1. Dialectal Forms: [G,M]
loopeeru. Dialects: Y. loomtirde e yuɓɓ
ɓɓorde expression. pronom relatif;
relative pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
loofoodu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form loomto Noun. pronom; pronoun. Catégorie : La
of Noun: lonnjooɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Grammaire.
Noun. coin intérieur, angle intérieur, cul de loomto halal neɗɗ
ɗɗo expression. pronom réfléchi;
sac; interior corner; interior angle. reflexive pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
compare: soɓɓ
ɓɓundu; synonyms: lonnjoodu;
loomto huunde expression. pronom objet; object
***: lonnjoodu, soɓɓ
ɓɓundu. Dialects: Y,G.
pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
loohaade Noun Form of Infinitive: loohagol.
loomto innde expression. pronom personnel;
Participles: sing: loohiiɗo-loohotooɗo plur: personal pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
loohiiɓe-loohotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
loomto innde jokko-
jokko-werba expression. pronom
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chasser,
personnel sujet; subject personal pronoun.
battue; in the Tenkodogo region this refers to a
Catégorie : La Grammaire.
multiple person hunting party; to hunt.
Catégorie : Chasse et pêche. ***: donsaade, loomto jeyal synonyme: loomtirde e jeyal.
kural, donsaade, malfa, fiɗ
fiɗude, gawaade, expression. pronom possessif; possessive
tawsaade, ɓaaru; compare: fiɗ
pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
fiɗude, malfa,
ɓaaru, gaawal, kural; synonyms: donsaade, loomto jokko werba expression. pronom sujet;
gawaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. subject pronoun.

16/02/2020 376
loomto porokiireer looteede

loomto porokiireer expression. substitut du loorude Noun Form of Infinitive: loorugol. Sorting
procureur; Assistant Public Prosecutor. Designation: 3, cs. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique,
Progressive: st/prg (future). Verb. être mûr;
ripe. ***: goosiɗ
goosiɗidde, gurɓ
loomto raɓɓ
ɓɓere expression. pronom bref; short form guusiɗ
guusiɗinde, ɓenndude, gaylude;
of the pronoun. Catégorie : La Grammaire. compare: gaylude, goosiɗ
goosiɗidde, gurɓ
loomtoowo Noun. suppléant; alternate, substitute. guusiɗ
guusiɗinde; synonyms: ɓenndude.
Catégorie : Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G.
loomtude Noun Form of Infinitive: loomtugol. loosol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: loomtuɗo-loomtoowo Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
plur: loomtuɓe-loomtooɓe. Sorting Noun: loosi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 1 • long bâton pour tirer les branches en bas,
Verb. succéder, suivre, remplacer, représenter; fouet; whip; stick (long). Catégorie : Outil.
follow in one's stead; replace; succeed. ***: sawru, liwndu, liwtorgal. Dialects: J,Y.
***: heedude, hettude; synonyms: heedude, 2 • tige en acier; metal rod. compare: liwndu,
hettude, luttude. Dialects: J,Y,M. sawru. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] loocol.
looncaade Noun Form of Infinitive: looncagol. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: loonciiɗo-looncotooɗo lootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lootagol.
plur: loonciiɓe-looncotooɓe. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: lootiiɗo-loototooɗo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. balancer, osciller (ex. lootiiɓe-loototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
dans un arbre); swing or bounce.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se
compare: fijude; ***: wuylaade, luulaade; laver ou se baigner; bathe; wash oneself.
synonyms: luulaade, wuylaade. Dialects: G. ***: sayɓ
sayɓaade, fisaade, wiɗ
wiɗaade, ɓortaade,
loonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ɓamtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 2 • muer la peau d'un serpent; shed its skin
of Noun: looɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. (snake). synonyms: wiɗ
wiɗaade. Dialects: Y,G.
canari pour l'eau; water pot; pot (clay water). 3 • lorsqu'un animal creuse un trou dans le sol;
Catégorie : Récipient. compare: fayannde; when an animal; such as a chicken; digs an
***: faannde, yuuguure, fayannde.
impression and then fidgets in it until it is
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
comfortable. compare: ɓamtude, saƴƴsaƴƴude
Dialects: Y,G.
loongal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. la chasse; hunt. Catégorie
lootagol Noun. douche; shower. Catégorie : En bonne
santé, Eau. synonyms: lootorde.
: Chasse et pêche. synonyms: filnde,
gawnde, loohiri; ***: loohiri, filnde, lootam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
gawnde. Dialects: Y,M. Designation: 4, ah. Noun. l'eau utilisée pour
laver du mil (puis elle est donné aux animaux
loonyagol Noun. consultation; consultation. pour boire); water used to wash the millet.
synonyms: ndaarugol; ***: faamitondirde.
Catégorie : Eau. ***: kammbulam;
loore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number synonyms: kammbulam. Dialectal Forms: [J]
One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of lootaaɗam. Dialects: G.
Noun: looreeji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. looteede Noun Form of Infinitive: lootegol.
voiture ou camion léger; truck (light); car.
Participles: sing: lootaaɗo-looteteeɗo plur:
Catégorie : Voyager. Note : English ***: mobel;
lootaaɓe-looteteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
synonyms: mobel. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être lavé;
looreya Noun. voiture; automobile; car. Catégorie washed. ***: yiggeede, socceede;
: Voyager. synonyms: socceede, yiggeede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 377
lootiguwal lopital

lootiguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe. loowturu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Noun: lootiguuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. of Noun: loowti. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
peau muée par un serpent; skin shed by a Noun. le quatrième estomac d'un ruminant;
snake. synonyms: kuulongol; abomasum - the fourth stomach of a ruminant.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
***: ɓooltannde, kuulongol, ɓoortannde.
***: waynaare, pureegaawa, durdude2,
Dialects: G.
teketti, tetekki, pureegayel durooɓ
durooɓe, cuurel
lootorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. nyaaki, reedu; compare: reedu, teketti,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form waynaare. Dialectal Forms: [M] looturu.
of Noun: lootorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Dialects: J,Y.
endroit pour se baigner, douche; bathe (a
place to). Catégorie : Eau. ***: nyegeere, loowude Noun Form of Infinitive: loowugol.
salanga, lootagol; compare: nyegeere, Participles: sing: loowuɗo-loowoowo plur:
salanga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. loowuɓe-loowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mettre
lootorgol Noun. filet de toilettes; washing net. qqch dans un sac ou une poche; put something
Catégorie : Outil.
into a sack. synonyms: saawude, wattude
lootude Noun Form of Infinitive: lootugol. ***: wattude1, nannude1, tummbude2,
Participles: sing: lootuɗo-lootoowo plur: naaddude, naandude, waɗ waɗtude, naatidinde,
lootuɓe-lootooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. saawude; compare: nannude1, tummbude2.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
laver une partie du corps (ex. les mains); wash
part of one's body. ***: laaɓ
looygel ɓernde Plural Form of
laaɓinde, layɓ
Noun: looykoy-ɓerɗe. Noun. diaphragme;
ƴƴude, sulmaade, wuyɓ
wuyɓaade, sulmude,
diaphragm. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: biiwol;
salligaade; synonyms: ɓamtude, salligaade,
synonyms: biiwol.
ƴƴude, sulmaade, wuyɓ
wuyɓaade, yiggude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. looynirde Noun Form of Infinitive: looynirgol.
2 • laver qqch ou qqn d'autre; wash something Participles: sing: looynirɗo-looyniroowo
or someone else. synonyms: laaɓ
laaɓinde, plur: looynirɓe-looynirooɓe. Sorting
lawƴude, lonnude, soccude, sulmude, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yiggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. se diriger vers un endroit, aller en
direction de, aller vers; go toward someplace.
loowdi Noun. contenu, sommaire; content. Catégorie Durooɓ
Durooɓe loynirii wuro Baytilaama faa ɓe
: Lecture / écriture. ***: tummbitere2.
ndaara suka oon de ɓe njetta Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Les
loowdi dewtere Noun. table des matières; table of bergers se dirigeaient vers Bethléem pour voir
contents. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. l'enfant. (from Njimanee Joomiraaɗo, #94)
The shepherds headed to Bethlehem in order to
loowirdu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. see the child and praise God.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form synonyms: fonndaade, huccude. Dialects: J,Y.
of Noun: loowirɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
looƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: looƴagol.
entonnoir; funnel. Catégorie : Outil. Dialectal
Participles: sing: looƴiiɗo-looƴotooɗo plur:
Forms: [G,M] loowirgal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
looƴiiɓe-looƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
loowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: loowtugol. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Participles: sing: loowtuɗo-loowtoowo plur: museler, bâillonner; gag. ***: hurɓ
loowtuɓe-loowtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. hirɓ
hirɓude, ɗojjude; compare: ɗojjude,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever hirɓ
hirɓude, hurɓ
hurɓude, kaartaade.
qqch d'un sac ou d'une poche; remove
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something from a sack or pocket.
***: wurtinde, yaltinde; synonyms: ittude, lopital Noun. hôpital; hospital. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
wurtinde, yaltinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Note : français

16/02/2020 378
loraade luccaade

loraade Noun Form of Infinitive: loragol. loƴ

loƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: loƴugol.
Participles: sing: loriiɗo-lorotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: loƴuɗo-loƴoowo plur:
loriiɓe-lorotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb loƴuɓe-loƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. pencher le Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tenir ou
cou; bend one's neck down. Nde o haaldi e pousser qqn sous l'eau, noyer; hold or push
he'am ndeen o lorii. Lorsqu'il parlait avec
someone or something alive under water.
moi il avait le cou penché. When he talked compare: yoolude; ***: yoolude, diinude;
with me then he was looking down?? synonyms: diinude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: turnude, turɓ
turɓinaade, piinaade; lu'o Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
synonyms: piinaade, turɓ
turɓinaade, turnude.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Noun: lu'ooji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct. Noun.
lotel Noun. hôtel; hotel. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : sauce pour le tô; sauce in which the balls of
français Dialectal Forms: loten.
millet porridge are dipped. Catégorie
: Nourriture. ***: takay, li'am, hoy, li'o,
loten Noun. hôtel; hotel. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note :
maafe; synonyms: hoy, li'o, takay;
français Dialectal Forms: lotel. compare: maafe, hamude, somay.
lowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Dialects: M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of lu'ooji Noun. condiments; seasoning. Catégorie
Noun: lawi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. grotte; : Nourriture.
cave. Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: lohol;
lu’ooji ɗaɗi1 expression. légumes racines; root
***: lohol
lohol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. vegetables. Catégorie : Nourriture,
lowre Noun. contexte; context. Catégorie : Le Agriculture.
langage et la pensée. synonyms: taarol2. lu’ooji ɗaɗi2 Noun. lit de rivière; riverbed. Catégorie
: Eau, Terre.
loygal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of lu’ooji ɗi ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe cecci expression. légumes fruits;
Noun: loyle, loyɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. fruit vegetables. Catégorie : Nourriture,
Noun. clavicule; collar bone. Catégorie : Le Agriculture.
corps. synonyms: naatta barkewal, ƴi'al lu’ooji haakooji expression. légumes feuilles; leave
ɓernde; ***: naatta barkewal, ƴi'al ɓernde, vegetables. Catégorie : Nourriture,
natta-barkewal. Dialects: J,G. Agriculture.

loƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: loƴagol. lu’ooji sardiŋ
sardiŋe Noun. légumes; vegetables. Catégorie
: Nourriture.
Participles: sing: loƴiiɗo-loƴotooɗo plur:
loƴiiɓe-loƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. lu’oojiɗ
lu’oojiɗi ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe leɗɗ
ɗɗe jooruɗ
jooruɗi expression.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. plonger légumes graines; seed vegetables. Catégorie
ou tomber dans l'eau profonde, se noyer; fall : Nourriture, Agriculture.
into deep water; dive into deep water; drown.
luɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: luɓagol.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: luɓiiɗo-luɓotooɗo plur:
loƴeede Noun Form of Infinitive: loƴegol. luɓiiɓe-luɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: loƴaaɗo-loƴeteeɗo plur: Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prêter ou
loƴaaɓe-loƴeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. emprunter; borrow; lend. synonyms: wuƴ
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être ***: nyalmaade. Dialects: J.
retenu sous l'eau par qqn; held under water by
luccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: luccagol.
someone. synonyms: diineede; ***: diineede,
Participles: sing: lucciiɗo-luccotooɗo plur:
mutineede; compare: mutineede.
lucciiɓe-luccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. siffler;
loƴol Noun. noyade; drowning. whistle. Luccagal e waccagol njadaa e
hunnduko wooto. You can't whistle and
chew at the same time. ***: wuccaade,
ruccaade; synonyms: ruccaade, wuccaade.
Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 379
lugagol lungaaru

lugagol Noun. enquête; survey, investigation, inquiry. lukkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lukkagol.
luggeefi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting Participles: sing: lukkiiɗo-lukkotooɗo plur:
lukkiiɓe-lukkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3. Noun. profondeur, épaisseur;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner un
depth. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] luggeeki.
coup de poing, frapper avec le coude ou bâton;
Dialects: J,Y,M. strike with your elbow; punch with your fist.
luggere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. synonyms: guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, teɓɓ
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form compare: fiide, fiyude, reewnude, tappude;
of Noun: lugge. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. un ***: guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, teɓɓ
ɓɓude, guƴƴ
trou dans le sol, fosse; pit; hole in the ground. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Terre. ***: wayre, wudde, ngeera,
lukkuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
gayka, ngayka; synonyms: gayka, ngayka.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] luggol - refers to a
Noun: lukkuuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
large hole or pit. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bâton avec le bout en fer pour creuser des
lugginde Noun Form of Infinitive: luggingol. trous; tool used for digging holes. Catégorie
Participles: sing: lugginɗo-lugginoowo plur: : Outil. ***: barmini, sulunguwal, basirgal,
lugginɓe-lugginooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. wasirde; synonyms: basirgal, sulunguwal,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. wasirde; compare: barmini. Dialects: Y.
approfondir, creuser; dig out; deeper (to lukure Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
make). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
luggude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: "na Noun: lukureeji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
lugga" refers to things which can be Noun. harnais; harness. synonyms: ɓerol,
deepened. Noun Form of Infinitive: luggugol. ganndol; ***: kirke, ɓerol, ganndol;
Participles: sing: lugguɗo plur: lugguɓe. compare: kirke. Dialects: J.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or lummbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être profond; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
profound. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Noun: lummbirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
luggiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. pagaie; paddle. Catégorie : Outil.
lukaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ***: awƴ
awƴorgal, kaaleyal, kurbirgal ndiyam,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form cummbirgal; synonyms: awƴ
of Noun: lukaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. cummbirgal
cummbirgal, kaaleyal, kurbirgal ndiyam.
Noun. grenier en paille ou en nattes; grain Dialects: J.
storage bin made of grass mats; granary.
lummbude Noun Form of Infinitive: lummbugol.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: beembal,
Participles: sing: lummbuɗo-lummboowo
bonngooru; compare: bonngooru, beembal.
plur: lummbuɓe-lummbooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Lukka Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. 1 • Luc Verb. pagayer; paddle (to). ***: awƴ
le physicien dans la bible; Luke the physican; hurbude, awƴ
awƴude, awnyude, summbude;
an associate of the apostle Paul (Col. 4:14; 2
synonyms: awnyude, awƴ
awƴude, summbude.
Tim. 4:11; Philemon 1:24) and author of Luke
and Acts of the Apostles. Note : Latin Dialects: J.
Dialects: biblical. lumnaade Verb. sentir, humer; sniff; smell.
2 • L’Évangile écrit par Luc; gospel written by
lungaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Luke. Note : Latin Dialects: biblical.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: lungaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
Noun. tambour sablier, tambour d'aisselle;
drum; tom tom. Catégorie : Instrument de
musique. Note : mooré ***: mbinderew,
bentigaaru, ndondoloowu, lonngaaru;
synonyms: lonngaaru, ndondoloowu;
compare: bentigaaru, kurkutu, mbaggu.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 380
lunnaade sariya luttata

lunnaade sariya expression. être en infraction; to lunnditinde Noun Form of Infinitive: lunnditingol.
commit an offence, to break the law. Catégorie Participles: sing: lunnditinɗo-lunnditoowo
: Gouvernement.
plur: lunnditinɓe-lunnditooɓe. Sorting
lunndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lunndagol. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Participles: sing: lunndiiɗo-lunndotooɗo na lunndita. Verb. tourner un livre vers le
plur: lunndiiɓe-lunndotooɓe. Sorting haut, tourner un habit dans le bon sens; turn a
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or shirt right side forward; . synonyms: sintitinde;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • refuser; refuse. ***: sintitinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: muurtere, salaade, sintaade, yankirde, lunndondiral Noun. opposition; opposition.
luttude; synonyms: salaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lunndude Noun Form of Infinitive: lunndude.
2 • rebeller ou se révolter contre; revolt
Participles: sing: lunnduɗo-lunndoowo
against; rebel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: lunnduɓe-lunndooɓe. Sorting
3 • s'opposer, ne pas être d'accord; disagree.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • tourner qqch
4 • se coucher avec la tête au bout de pieds, se
dans le bon sens; turn something that has a top
mettre a l'envers; lie down.
and a bottom upside down. ***: junnitinde,
synonyms: sintaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sintude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
5 • être à travers, renversé, dessus dessous;
2 • coucher quelqu'un dans le bon sens; to lay
turned upside down. compare: yankirde,
someone on a bed with his feet toward the head
luttude; synonyms: sintaade. of the bed; or even when two people lie down;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. but with one's face across from the other's feet
(lunndundurde or lunndundirde).
lunnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: junnitinde, sintude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: lunɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. luppu Noun. loupe; magnifying glass. Note : français
place, endroit, terrain; piece of undeveloped
luptude Noun Form of Infinitive: luptugol. Sorting
property; place. ***: gere, nokku, nokkuure,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
joonnde; synonyms: gere, joonnde,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. sentir l'odeur de
nokkuure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
loin; smell something at a distance. Dawaaɗ
lunndiiɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting luptii huunde ladde de ɗi ponndii toon. Les
Designation: 3, th. Noun. révolter, se rebeller; chiens ont senti 'odeur d'un animal sauvage et
revolt. compare: wolde; ***: wolde. se sont lancés à la poursuite. The dogs smelled
a wild animal in the distance and headed
Dialects: J,Y,M.
toward it. Dialects: J.
lunnditaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lunnditagol.
lusindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: lusindagol.
Participles: sing: lunnditiiɗo-lunnditotooɗo
Participles: sing: lusindiiɗo-lusindotooɗo
plur: lunnditiiɓe-lunnditotooɓe. Sorting
plur: lusindiiɓe-lusindotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être à travers, à
l'envers, dessus dessous; turned right side up; Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se relâcher dans
le travail, diminuer le travail; slacken off in
turned right side forward. Joonin dewtere
one's work. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nde lunnditeke faa wooɗwooɗi. Maintenant le
livre est bien positionné avec sa face en haut. 2 • mieux adosser qqch pour que cela ne tombe
Now the book is right side up.; for a person pas; to lean something at a greater angle so
who is lying with his head at the foot of the bed that it doesn't fall down. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or the foot of another person to turn around. 3 • reculer physiquement; back away
synonyms: sintitaade; ***: sintitaade. (physically). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
luttata Noun. contrepartie; counter-party, counterpart.
ko luttata Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 381
luttinde luumo

luttinde Noun Form of Infinitive: luttingol. luulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: luulagol.
Participles: sing: luttinɗo-luttinoowo plur: Participles: sing: luuliiɗo-luulotooɗo plur:
luttinɓe-luttinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, luuliiɓe-luulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
que qqn désobéit; disobey (to cause someone 1 • rebondir sur un arbre, se balancer,
else to). compare: jarribaade; ***: jarribaade. osciller; bounce on a tree limb; swing by your
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. arms. Note : mooré ***: wuylaade,
yimmbaade, tertertude, looncaade;
luttondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: luttondirgol.
synonyms: looncaade, wuylaade.
Participles: sing: luttondirɗo-luttondiroowo
Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: luttondirɓe-luttondirooɓe. Sorting
2 • chanceler, tituber, avancer d'un pas lourd,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. osciller; lumber like an elephant; stagger or
Verb. rater une rencontre lorsque chacun est sway; wobble. Note : mooré
allé pour trouver l'autre, ne pas rencontrer
synonyms: tertertude, yimmbaade.
l'autre à cause d'absence; miss each other.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] luttundurde.
Dialects: Y,G,M. luuluwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
luttude Noun Form of Infinitive: luttugol.
Noun: luuluuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Participles: sing: luttuɗo-luttoowo plur:
bouteille; bottle. Catégorie : Récipient.
luttuɓe-luttooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
***: butilaawa, paalel, mbutilaawa, butel,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
faandu1; synonyms: butel, paalel, butilaawa,
1 • désobéir; disobey. ***: loomtude,
faandu1, mbutilaawa. Dialects: J,Y,G.
lunndaade, yankirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • arriver chez quelqu'un après que celui-ci a luumaade Noun Form of Infinitive: luumagol.
quitté, arriver en l'absence de, ne pas trouver Participles: sing: luumiiɗo-luumotooɗo
quelqu'un qu'on voulait voir; miss someone plur: luumiiɓe-luumotooɓe. Sorting
you are looking for; arrive after someone else Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
has already left. compare: lunndaade, Verb. acheter et vendre, faire le commerce;
yankirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. merchandise; buy and sell. ***: soonnude
luu'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: luu'ugol. sonnude, sottude, julaade, soodude,
Participles: sing: luu'undu-luu'ooru plur: jaagaade, soottude, yeeyude;
luu'uɗi-luu'ooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb synonyms: jaagaade, julaade, soodude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. hurler (chien); soonnude, soottude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
howl (only dogs). ***: wullude; luumanke Noun. commerçant; trader. Catégorie
compare: wullude. Dialectal Forms: [G] : Travailleur.
luuɗude. Dialects: J,Y.
luumdol Noun. veto; veto. ***: salaare nde luttataa.
luuɓngol Noun. mauvais odeur; smell (bad). luumnude Noun Form of Infinitive: luumnugol.
luuɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: luuɓugol. Participles: sing: luumnuɗo-luumnoowo
Participles: sing: luuɓuɗo-luuɓoowo plur: plur: luumnuɓe-luumnooɓe. Sorting
luuɓuɓe-luuɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Verb. causer une mauvais odeur, faire puer; to
puer, avoir une mauvaise odeur, sentir cause to smell; refers to passing gas as well as
mauvais; stink; bad odor (to have a). bringing something smelly into the house.
compare: dus, luumnude, uurude; ***: luuɓ
luuɓude; compare: luuɓ
***: neesude, luumnude, uurude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: neesude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. luumo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: luumooji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
marché; market. Catégorie : Le travail et
diverses activités. ***: jehre;
synonyms: jehre. Dialectal Forms: [J] luumorde
(nde)/luume (ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 382
luumo maccungaaku luwral

luumo maccungaaku expression. traite négrière, luuro-

luuro-allamaaho Plural Form of
marché d’esclaves ; slave trade. Noun: luurooji-allamaaji . Noun. antre;
***: sonnugol ɓaleeɓ
aleeɓe. antrum. Luuro tergal Catégorie : Le corps.
luumo mawngo Noun. foire; fair. Catégorie : Le luurude Noun Form of Infinitive: luurugol.
travail et diverses activités.
Participles: sing: luuruɗo-luuroowo plur:
luumoojo Noun. commerçant; merchant; trader. luuruɓe-luurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Catégorie : Travailleur. Dialectal Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ne pas
Forms: luumanke. être d'accord habituellement; disagree or
search for something to disagree about.
luural Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
***: waccaade, sefaade. Dialects: J,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
2 • passer chez qqn qu'on veut voir; pass by
Noun: luure. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. someone you wish to meet with.
dispute ou désaccord, controverse,
compare: sefaade, waccaade. Dialectal
contentieux, discorde, contradiction; dispute;
disagreement. Catégorie : Juridique. Forms: [Y] luurrude. Dialects: J,G,M.
compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialectal Forms: [G] luusi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
luurdal, [Y] luurral. Dialects: J,G,M. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. migration (vers la fin
de la saison sèche); migration.
luurde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: goofe, nootaade kolse;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: nootaade kolse, goofe. Dialects: J,Y.
of Noun: duule. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
nuage, nuée; cloud. Catégorie : Ciel. luusiijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
***: duuldere, ruulde, duulal; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: duuldere, ruulde, duulal. Noun: luusiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Dialects: Y. Noun. quelqu’un qui émigre avec le bétail
avant les pluies ; one who migrates with the
luure Noun. litige; controversy, litigation, dispute. cows just before the rains and generally
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: hamnde. without any women. Dialects: J,Y,M.
luureede Noun Form of Infinitive: luuregol. luusin Noun. usine; factory. Note : français
Participles: sing: luuraaɗo-luureteeɗo plur:
luutuɗo e leydi synonyme: luuto leydi. expression.
luuraaɓe-luureteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
héros national; national hero. Catégorie
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être : Gouvernement, Juridique.
désagréable ou controversé, ne pas être
d'accord avec les autres, chercher un conflit; luwaa emprunt: français. Noun. loi; law. Catégorie
disagreeable; contentious. Dialectal Forms: [Y] : Gouvernement, Juridique. synonyms: sarɗ
luurreede. Dialects: J,G,M. luwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
luuro1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun: luwe. Sorting Designation: 2, at, mi.
Noun: luurooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Noun. 1 • corne d'animal, antenne; antler; horn
creux dans un arbre, trou dans un tronc (animal's). Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
d'arbre ou dans une termitière; hollow in a ***: barguwal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tree. Ndamndi na darii ley luuro ɓokki, na 2 • corne pour musique; musical horn.
huccintini rotere mum yaasin. La chèvre Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
s'est mis dans le creux d'un baobab, on voit son synonyms: barguwal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
derrière. The goat is standing in the hollow of
the baobab with its rear end pointing outside.
luwal hoore Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: luwe hoore. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
luuro2 Plural Form of Noun: luurooji. Noun. orbite; Noun. partie du crâne; the portion of the skull
orbit, eye-socket. Wudde wonunde dow cap of a person where; if you used your
yeeso ɓii-
ii-aadama e daabaaji to gite saawii imagination; horns would grow. Catégorie : Le
Catégorie : Le corps. corps. compare: laalagal hoore, le'al hoore,
ƴi'al hoore. Dialects: J,Y,G.
luuro ƴi'al kataare Plural Form of Noun: luurooji
ƴi'e kataaje . Noun. acétabulum; socket. luwral Noun. mésentente, désaccord; dissension;
Catégorie : Le corps. disagreement.

16/02/2020 383
luwude maamiyo gorko

luwude Noun Form of Infinitive: luwugol. luy Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. très pointu;
Participles: sing: luwuɗo-luwoowo plur: pointed; sharply pointed. Battal ngaal na
luwuɓe-luwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb seeɓ
seeɓi luy. L’aiguille est très pointue. That
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fixer des needle is very sharp. synonyms: cerem, nyirim,
petites cornes en argile sur des bœufs en ƴerem; ***: nyirim, cerem, seeɓ
argile; to put little mud horns on little mud ƴerem; compare: seeɓ
seeɓude. Dialects: Y,M.
cows. Note : français-def 2 Dialects: J,Y.
2 • louer, être locataire; rent. Note : français-def
2 Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

M - m

ma Sorting Designation: 1. opn. tu; you. maafe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: maafeeji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct.
maa1 Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. ton, ta, tes; your
Noun. suce pour riz; sauce served with rice.
(singular). ***: maaɗ
maaɗa, naa;
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: somay, li'am,
synonyms: maaɗ
maaɗa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
takay, hoy, puraade, hamude, li'o, lu'o;
maa2 Sorting Designation: 2. conj. ou, ou bien, ni, non compare: hoy, hamude, lu'o, somay, takay.
plus; or; nor. synonyms: naa. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,G.
Forms: [G,Y] ma. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maamiiwo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
maabo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun: maamiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun: maabuuɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. Noun. 1 • grand-père, grand-mère;
Noun. griot, chantre (ils produisent aussi des grandparent. Catégorie : Parenté.
choses en cuir); bard; griot. Catégorie ***: taaniiwo. Dialects: J,M.
: Travailleur. ***: kosoojo, jappaajo, 2 • ancêtre; ancestor. Here are the contracted
koosaajo; compare: gargasaajo, jappaajo, personal forms: 1s maamam, 2s maama, 3s
koosaajo, kosoojo; synonyms: nyeenyo. (makko) maamiiko, (muuɗum) maammum, 1p
maamii'en, [Y,G] maamiiɗen [both of these are
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
the same as "maamiiwo meeɗen"], 2p
maabuujo Noun. griot; poet and musician; griot. maamii'on, [Y,G] maamiiɗon [both of these
Catégorie : Travailleur. are the same as "maamiiwo mooɗon"], 3p
(maɓɓe) maamiiɓe, (muɓɓen) maamumen.
maadi1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number compare: taaniiwo, njaatiraaɗ
njaatiraaɗo. Dialectal
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
Forms: [J] maamiraaɗo, [G] maamiraawo,
Noun: maadiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
[Y,G] maamiyo. Dialects: J,M.
mur d'une maison; wall of a house. Catégorie
: Équipement de la maison. ***: wecco1. maamiraaɓ
maamiraaɓe Noun. grands-parents; grandparents.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Catégorie : Parenté.

maadi2 Verb. structurer; structure. maamiyo debbo Noun. grand-mère; grandmother.

Catégorie : Parenté.
synonyms: seŋ
seŋondirde, canyu.
maamiyo gorko Noun. grand-père; grandfather.
maadi konngol Noun. construction de phrases; Catégorie : Parenté.
sentence construction. Catégorie : La
Grammaire. ***: mahngo konngol. Dialectal
Forms: binndi konngol.

maaɗa Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. ton, ta; your
(singular). synonyms: maa1; ***: maa1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 384
maanaa maandinal

maanaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. maandaa goonɗ

goonɗingol expression. marque de
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of l’assertion; assertion marker. Catégorie : La
Noun: maanaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. explication, sens, signification, signe, maandaa keeraaɗ
keeraaɗo expression. marque du défini;
description; explanation; sign; description; definite marker. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
meaning. Mi janngii ɗum e Arab de mi
maandaa mo heeraaka expression. marque de
anndaa maanaa majjum e Fulfulde. Je lis
l’indéfini; indefinite marker. Catégorie : La
l'arabe mais je ne peux pas l'expliquer en
fulfuldé. I read it in Arabic but I can't explain it
in Fulfulde. Ɗume woni maanaa noddaango maandaa nokku expression. marque du locatif;
ngo? Quel est le sens de cette convocation ? locative marker. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
What is the meaning of this summons. Note : maande1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
arabe ***: filnde, tindinoore, tindinoore, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
filnde; compare: filnde, maande1, of Noun: maandeeji. Sorting Designation: 3.
maandinoore, tindinoore. Dialectal Noun. 1 • signe pour se rappeler, marque de
Forms: maandaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. propriétaire, seau de propriétaire; mark or a
written note; sign; seal of ownership;
maanaa gooto expression. synonyme; synonym. something to help one find or identify.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
***: filnde, lammba, pesogal1, cumogal,
maanaaje Noun. gombo; okra. Catégorie : Nourriture, nammba, maanaa, fesude;
Agriculture. synonyms: la’aaje. synonyms: cumogal, filnde, lammba, ŋaalal,
maanaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. nammba, pesogal1, tindinoore.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • astérisque; asterisk. Catégorie : Lecture /
of Noun: maanaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, cs,
écriture. synonyms: alaama.
ct. Noun. gombo; gumbo; okra. Catégorie
: Nourriture. Note : mooré ***: la'aare, la’aaje; maande2 synonyme: maandel. Noun. signe; sign.
synonyms: la'aare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

maanda Noun. signature, sens; signature, sense. maande seerndirde Noun. signe diacritique;
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. diacritic. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: waɗ
waɗude sinyatiiri, sinyatiiri; maande tampon expression. cacher, cacheter; put a
***: maanda sinyatiiri, kuccitol. stamp on something.
maanda annditiirɗ
annditiirɗo Noun. marque, signe; sign; maande toɓɓ
ɓɓirde Noun. signe de ponctuation;
mark. punctuation marks. Catégorie : Lecture /
maanda sawto synonyme: baar sawto. expression. écriture. ***: daaƴ
marque tonale; tone mark. Catégorie : La maandinal Noun. illustration; illustration. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. synonyms: natal.
maanda sinyatiiri expression. signature; signature.
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: sinyatiiri,

maandaa Noun. description, explication,

signification; explication; description;
meaning. Dialectal Forms: maanaa.
maandaa ciinal expression. marque d’insistance;
focus marker. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
maandaa dow adadu expression. marque du
nombre; mark of number. Catégorie : La

maandaa dow wawtu expression. marque du

locatif temporel; time marker. Catégorie : La

16/02/2020 385
maandinde maaro-pooli

maandinde Noun Form of Infinitive: maaningol. maandol synonyme: manndarga. Noun. code; code.
Participles: sing: maaninɗo-maaninoowo maandin-
maandin-a Catégorie : Mathématique.
plur: maaninɓe-maaninooɓe. Sorting
maani Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. quelqu’un, un tel;
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
someone. Maani waɗwaɗii kam ko boni.
Verb. expliquer qqch à qqn, matérialiser;
Quelqu'un m'a fait du mal. He/she did me
explain something to someone. Njahaa to wrong/evil.; however, it is also used in a
ɗɗo maaniijo daɓɓ
ɓɓo mo gite ɓutte, kam neutral or positive sense as well. ***: niɗɗ
woni maw ɗo amin, njaɓ
njaɓaa leetere am Va moyni, goɗɗ
ɗɗo, gonɗ
gonɗo, neɗɗ
chez la personne de petite taille et les gros
compare: goɗɗ
ɗɗo, neɗɗ
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
yeux, c'est le directeur, et cherche ma lettre.
Please go to the short person with the big eyes, synonyms: moyni. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
he is our director, and get my letter. Yahu to maane. Dialects: J,Y,M.

yimɓe maaniiɓ
maaniiɓe moƴƴ
inooɓe mobelaaji, maaninnde Verb. décrire, expliquer; describe;
oorniiɓe saayeeji bulabulaaji, ndaaraa explain.
salla mobel am moƴƴ
ƴƴinaama. Go to the maantaade Verb. se vanter; brag; boast. Dialectal
guys that fix cars who dress in blue coats, and
Forms: mantaade.
see if my car is fixed. Si a yehii to na'i
na'i am fu,
a yi'an nyalahol maanihol oolol, cumaa maantalla Noun. matelas; mattress. Catégorie
: Équipement de la maison. Note : français
ɗum. Si tu vas auprès e mes bœufs, tu verras
un bœuf jaune, marque-le. If you go to my Dialectal Forms: matala.
cows you will see a yellow cow, brand it. a maantinirɗ
maantinirɗum sawto expression. idéophone;
series of adjectives is formed for the various ideophone. Catégorie : Le langage et la
noun classes from this verb: Group I pensée.
ɓe/maaniiɓe, ko1/maaniiho, nde/maaniire,
ndu/maaniiru, nge/maaniiwe, ngo/maaniiwo maantotooɗ
maantotooɗo Noun. personne vaniteuse, un
Group II ɗe/maaniije, ɗi/maaniiji, vaniteux; conceited person.
ɗum/maanijum, kal/maanihal, kol/maanihol,
ngal/maaniwal, ngel/maaniwel, maarabu emprunt: français. Noun. marabout;
ngol/maaniwol, o/maaniijo Group III marabou stork. foondu ndu hoore e daande
ɗam/maanijam, ka/maaniiha, ki/maaniihi, laaɓ
unde Catégorie : Oiseau.
ko2/maaniiho, koy/maanihoy, ndi/maaniiri, synonyms: umaru-
nga/maaniiwa, ngi/maaniiwi, ngu/maaniiwu;
***: sifaade, fiirtude, fisaade; maari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
synonyms: fiirtude, fisaade, sifaade. Designation: 2, ct. Noun. soumbala; black
cakes. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: cenaare, makari, pintoori;
maandingol1 Noun. description, explication; ***: cenaare, pintoori, makari. Dialects: Y.
explication; description.
maaro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
maandingol2 Noun. codage, signature; coding,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
signature. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun: maarooji. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
maandinooje Noun. vocabulaire; vocabulary. Noun. riz; rice. Catégorie : Nourriture, Herbes,
Catégorie : La Grammaire. ***: karfeeje plantes grimpantes. Oryza sativa. Note :
haala. Bambara ***: dimpo, maaro-
maaro-pooli, sattiyo;
compare: burguuho, dimpo, maaro-
maandinoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
sattiyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
Form of Noun: maandinooje. Sorting maaro-
maaro-pooli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. explication, définition, Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de riz sauvage;
vocabulaire; explanation; definition. An annual grass that grows in sandy areas that
***: filnde, tindinoore, maanaa, fiirtugol; flood in the Sahel. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
grimpantes. Oryza barthii.
synonyms: filnde, tindinoore.
synonyms: burguuho, sattiyo; ***: dimpo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maaro, burguuho, sattiyo; compare: dimpo,
maanditingol Noun. repérage; locating, tracking, maaro. Dialects: J,M.
marking . Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

16/02/2020 386
maasa maayde

maasa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number maataneede Noun Form of Infinitive: maatanegol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: maatanaaɗo-maatanteeɗo
Noun: maasaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. plur: maatanaaɓe-maatanteeɓe. Sorting
Noun. gâteaux de mil, galettes de mil; millet Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
cakes cakes (fried millet); fried millet cakes. Verb. 1 • être écouté, être entendu; heard from.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : mooré Dialectal
***: nananeede, maneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] maasaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • avoir une réputation, être connu; to be
maasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: maasagol. known or renowned because of who you are
(not what you do); to be heard of; to have a
Participles: sing: maasiiɗo plur: maasiiɓe.
reputation. synonyms: maneede, nananeede.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être bien, être en
bonne santé (ce verbe est normalement utilisé maate-
maate-jiile Plural Form of Noun: maate-jiile. Noun.
dans une proposition négative pour dire qu'on vue; eyesight. Salndu tergal saabotoongal
n'est pas bien); healthy; well (be). Mi yi’ugol Catégorie : Le corps. ***: jiiɗ
maasaaki. Je ne me sens pas bien. Je ne suis
pas en bonne santé. I am not well. One can maate-
luuɓngol Noun. odorat; sense of smell.
also ask, "Aɗa maasii?" Are you well?, but this Salndu tergal
tergal saabotoongal nanugol
is rarely done. ***: manndaade, cellal, luuɓ
luu ɓngol maa uurngol Catégorie : Le
ɓayude, yanɗ
yanɗude, sellude, nyoraade, corps. ***: unorde e lumnorde.
yamɗude; synonyms: sellude, yamɗ yamɗude.
meemɗe Noun. toucher; the sense of touch.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Salndu tergal saabotoongal faamugol no
2 • condensation de l'eau sur un verre ou
huunde wa’i soni neɗɗ
ɗɗo meemii nde.
canari; transpiration of water; condensation of
water on a glass. synonyms: ɓayude, maate-
nanɗe Noun. ouïe; hearing. Catégorie : Le
manndaade, si'ude. Dialects: J,Y. corps. ***: yuɓɓ
ɓɓo nanirɗ
3 • soulever les habits (ex. lorsqu'on passe par maate-
maate-ndakam Noun. goût; the sense of taste.
l'eau); roll your pant legs up; lift your robe up.
Salndu tergal saabotoongal faamugol
synonyms: nyoofude, nyoraade. Dialects: Y,G.
ndakam huunde. ***: meeɗ
maasaare Noun. une galette de mil; cake (millet).
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialectal
maatude Noun Form of Infinitive: maatugol.
Forms: maasa. Participles: sing: maatuɗo-maatoowo plur:
maatuɓe- maatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Maasinankoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Sorting Designation: 2, lg. Noun. le parler 1 • deviner, sentir, ressentir, éprouver, tâter,
Massina de la langue fulfuldé parlé au mali; toucher, goûter; taste; feel; sense; smell.
The Masina dialect of Fulfulde spoken in the ***: meemude, uurnaade, martude,
Masina area of Mali. ***: Gurmaare, nanude; synonyms: meemude, uurnaade.
Jelgoore, Foynankoore, Gaawoore, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Yaangaare, 2 • entendre parler de, avoir des nouvelles de;
Moosiire, Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere; news of (to have); hear about.
compare: Foynankoore, Gaawoore, synonyms: martude, nanude.
Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Liptaakuure, Moosiire, Nommaare,
maayde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
maasinde Verb. illustrer; illustrate. of Noun: maayle, maydeeji. Sorting
synonyms: natude. Designation: 2, th. Noun. la mort, décès; death.
maasuuje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: saate; compare: saate. Dialectal
Designation: 4. Noun. ciseaux; scissors. Forms: mayde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Outil. synonyms: makkaal;
***: makkaal. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 387
maayo mahirde potiije

maayo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. maayude Noun Form of Infinitive: maayugol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: maayɗo or maayoowo plur:
Noun: maayooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. maayɓe or maayooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
1 • rivière large, fleuve; river (large). Catégorie th. Verb. mourir (humain), décéder; die
: Eau. ***: celol, weendu, gooruwol, feto. (people only). ***: ƴiwude, faltaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ƴuwude, hantaade, yawtude, saaɗsaaɗude,
2 • un grand lac; lake. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sankitaade; synonyms: faltaade, hantaade,
3 • océan, mer; sea. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. saaɗ
saaɗude, waatude; compare: sankitaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maayo ɓaleewo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooto. maɓɓ
ɓɓe Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. leur, leurs; their.
Plural Form of Noun: maayooji ɓaleeji. Sorting ***: muɓɓ
ɓɓen, mun'en, muuɗ
Designation: 3. Noun. océan, mer, fleuve; sea; compare: muɓɓ
ɓɓen, muuɗ
muuɗum'en, mun'en.
ocean. Catégorie : Eau. ***: maayo mawngo, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
teeku, maayo geesi; synonyms: maayo geesi, maɓɓ
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: maɓɓugol.
teeku. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: maɓɓuɗo-maɓɓoowo plur:
maayo geesi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: maɓɓuɓe-maɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Form of Noun: maayooji geesi. Sorting 1 • surprendre qqn en faisant ce qu’il ne
devrait pas faire, prendre en flagrant délit;
Designation: 3. Noun. océan, mer; sea; ocean.
surprise someone. ***: juhude.
Catégorie : Eau. ***: maayo ɓaleewo, teeku;
Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: maayo ɓaleewo, teeku.
2 • fermer la maison à clé; close the house up.
Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: M.
Maayo Lamɗ
Lamɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo.
maccuɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. la Mer Morte,
Mer de sel; Dead Sea; Salt Sea. Catégorie Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

: Eau. Dialects: biblical. Noun: maccuɓe. Sorting Designation: 1, cp.

Noun. 1 • esclave (mâle); male slave. Catégorie
maayo mawngo Noun. mer; ocean. Catégorie : Eau, : La Personne. ***: maraaɗ
maraaɗo1, korɗ
Terre. synonyms: maayo ɓaleewo
aleewo, maayo diimaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
raneewo. 2 • groupe des gens qui étaient autrefois des
esclaves et qui sont aujourd'hui une partie de
maayo raneewo Noun. océan, mer, fleuve; sea;
la société; the group of former slaves that form
ocean. Catégorie : Eau. ***: maayo mawngo.
part of Fulɓe society. compare: korɗ
maayraaɗo deekum Noun Class Markers: sing: o synonyms: maraaɗ
maraaɗo1, diimaajo.
plur: ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural Form of Noun: maayraaɓe deekiraaɓe.
maccungaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu.
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. veuf; widower.
Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. esclavage;
Catégorie : La Personne. ***: japagariire,
slavery. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gortaalo; synonyms: gortaalo, japagariire.
Dialects: Y,G,M. maccungaku Noun. esclave; slave. Catégorie : La
maayraaɗo gorum Noun Class Markers: sing: o
madarasa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
plur: ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: maayraaɓe goriraaɓe.
Noun: madarasaaji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. veuve; widow.
Noun. école coranique; Koranic school. Note :
Catégorie : La Personne. synonyms: gortaalo,
arabe ***: janngirde, lekkol;
japagariire. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: janngirde, lekkol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

magasen Noun. magasin; store; shop. Catégorie

: Bâtiment. Note : français

mahirde potiije Noun. poterie, moule; mold;

pottery; mould.

16/02/2020 388
mahngo binndannɗe makkitaade

mahngo binndannɗ
binndannɗe Noun. construction de majjude
majjude Noun Form of Infinitive: majjugol.
textes; construction of texts. Catégorie Participles: sing: majjuɗo-majjoowo plur:
: Lecture / écriture.
majjuɓe-majjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
mahngo kelme Noun. construction de mots ; word Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • ignorer,
building . Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ne pas savoir, être ignorant; ignorant. Arande
***: nyiɓ
nyiɓugol harfeere. miɗ
miɗo miiloo wo o jom anndal de ko min
mahngo konngi Noun. construction de phrases ; njanngidi, mi tawii wo o majjuɗ
majjuɗo. avant je
sentence construction . Catégorie : Lecture / pensais qu'il est savant, mais depuis j'étudie
avec lui, je vois qu'il est ignorant. Before I
écriture. ***: mahngo konngol.
thought he was knowledgeable but since we
mahngo konngol expression. construction de studied together I found he was ignorant.
phrase; sentence construction, sentence ***: lallude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
structure. synonyms: maadi konngol, mahngo 2 • être perdu; lost (to be). Si a yeebeke kulle
konngi, binndi konngol. maa ɗe fu, ɗe majjan. Si tu ne t'occupes pas
mahoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. de tes animaux ils se perdront. If you don't
take care of your animals they will get lost.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: lallude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: mahooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
1 • potier, potière; potter. Catégorie makari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
: Travailleur. ***: bahillo, baylo, baylo. Designation: 2, ct. Noun. soumbala; black
Dialects: Y,G. cakes for seasoning. Catégorie : Nourriture.
2 • forgeron (à Mahadaga); blacksmith. ***: maari, cenaare, pintoori;
synonyms: bahillo, baylo. Dialects: Y,G. synonyms: cenaare, maari, pintoori. Dialectal
Forms: [J,G,M] makariire (nde).
mahoowo potiije Noun. potier; potter. Catégorie
: Travailleur. Dialects: J,G,M.

mahude Noun Form of Infinitive: mahugol. Makka Sorting Designation: 3, nl. Noun. La Mecque;
Participles: sing: mahuɗo-mahoowo plur: Mecca. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mahuɓe-mahooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. makkaal Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Designation: 4. Noun. ciseaux; scissors.
1 • fabriquer qqch d'argile, construire; make Catégorie : Outil. ***: maasuuje, mesekeeje;
something from clay; form a likeness of
synonyms: maasuuje. Dialects: M.
something. synonyms: nyiɓ
nyiɓude, waɗ
***: waɗ
waɗude, boygal, tafude, nyiɓ
nyiɓude. makkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: makkitagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: makkitiiɗo-makkitotooɗo
2 • fabriquer qqch de métal; make something plur: makkitiiɓe-makkitotooɓe. Sorting
from metal. synonyms: tafude. Dialects: G. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • crépir les briques d'un mur avec de la
majala Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting boue ou du ciment une deuxième fois;
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. maux de tête, re-plastering; recover the bricks of a wall.
sinusite; headache of the frontal sinuses. Suudu am muuyi saamude sabo makkagol
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: paawngal; arandewol hanteke, say mi makkitoo ndu.
***: paawngal. Dialects: J. Le crépissage de ma maison est tombé, je dois
la recrépir. My house wants to fall down
majjere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting because the mud I plastered with before is
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • ignorance; gone, I need to recover it with mud.
ignorance. ***: halkere, lallere. synonyms: bolaade, tarwaade;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: mawninde, toownude, ƴotaade,
2 • être perdu, perdition; lostness. ɓurnaade, mawnitaade, mawninkinaade.
synonyms: halkere, lallere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y.
2 • être arrogant; arrogant.
synonyms: ɓurnaade, furaade, heennaade.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 389
makko malliɗinde

makko Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. son, sa, ses; his; maleede Noun Form of Infinitive: malegol.
hers. ***: mun, mum, muuɗ
muuɗum; Participles: sing: malaaɗo plur: malaaɓe.
compare: muuɗ
muuɗum, mum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st. Verb. être permanent déformé;
makkude Noun Form of Infinitive: makkugol.
deformed (to be permanently). ***: larɗ
Participles: sing: makkuɗo-makkoowo plur:
allude, aybude; synonyms: allude, aybude,
makkuɓe-makkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
larɗude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] malɗineede.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crépir un
mur, faire les plâtres d'une maison; Dialects: J,M.
rough-casting; covering an external wall; maleyka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
plastering. Suudu am ndu say mi makka Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ndu taa pereejem mbona. Je dois crépir ma
Noun: maleyka'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
maison pour que les briques soient protégés. I Noun. ange; angel. Note : arabe
need to cover my house with mud so its bricks
compare: ginnaaru, nginnaawu, Seyɗ
are not ruined. ***: nesaade, bolaade,
***: Seyɗ
Seyɗaani, nginnaawu, ginnaaru, saraf,
mappude, tarwaade; synonyms: bolaade,
jinnaaru. Dialectal Forms: [J] maleeka, [M]
takkude, tarwudi, mappude;
mala'ika, [G] malayka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: nesaade. Dialects: Y.
malfa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
makkudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Designation: 4. Noun. matériel de crépissage
(ciment ou boue), plâtre; plaster used to Noun: malfaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
arme à feu, fusil, revolver, pistolet, carabine;
rough-cast. ***: mbolguuri, tarwudi;
rifle; gun. ***: tawsaade, gawaade,
synonyms: mbolguuri, tarwudi. Dialects: Y.
loohaade, fiɗfiɗude, ɓaaru; compare: fiɗ
maksuuje Noun. ciseaux; scissors. Catégorie : Outil. gawaade, loohaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: mesekeeje. Dialectal Forms: maasuuje.
malfaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
malaganndiire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. of Noun: malfaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Plural Form of Noun: malaganndiije. Sorting chapeau tissé de feuilles de palme; hat woven
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. 1 • genette; Genet. from palm fronds. Catégorie : Vêtement.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Genetta sp.. Note : synonyms: tenngaare; compare: kufune,
Gourmanche ***: bawuuru, fiifo, muusuuru sappaare, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, njelleehi;
ladde2, colel ɗahi. Dialects: G. ***: tenngaare. Dialects: G.
2 • civette; civet cat. Catégorie : Mammifère.
malliɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: malliɗingol.
Viverra civetta. Note : Gourmanche
Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb Stative or
synonyms: colel ɗahi, fiifo, muusuuru ladde1.
Progressive: st - na malliɗi. Verb. tacheté
Dialects: G.
(robe ou pelage d'animal); spotted. This verb
Malakiya Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. 1 • le is used to form adjectives for the various noun
prophète Malachie; the prophet Malachi. Note classes that describe cows, carpet vipers,
: hébreu Dialects: biblical.
clothing, mats, buildings and people: Group I
ɓe/malleeɓe, nde/malleere, ndu/malleeru,
2 • nom du dernier livre de l'ancien testament
nge/malleewe, ngo/malleewo Group II
(bible); the last book of the Old Testament. ɗe/malleeje, ɗi/malleeji, ɗum/mallejum,
Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical. kol/mallehol, ngal/mallewal, ngel/mallewel,
malal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ngol/mallewol, o/maaleejo Group III
ka/malleeha, ko2/malleeho, koy/mallehoy,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ndi/malleeri, nga/malleewa, ngi/malleewi,
Noun: male. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. ngu/malleewu. compare: jamolɗ
difformité d'une partie, défaut, imperfection,
noorɗude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] malliɗidde.
faute, faille, faiblesse, handicap,
malformation; defect; flaw; weakness; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deformity of one part; blemish; imperfection;
handicap; fault; disability. Catégorie : Maladie.
***: bonude, ayiibe, allaaru, laru, aybere,
sokottu; compare: bonude; synonyms: allaaru,
ayiibe, laru, sokottu. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 390
malmalluure manndinooje

malmalluure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: mancabiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Form of Noun: malmalluuje. Sorting Noun: mancabiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Designation: 3. Variante: maramalluure. Noun. Noun. espèce d'arbre, résigner; kind of tree.
grêle, grêlon, glace; hail stone. Catégorie Catégorie : Arbres. Lannea acida. ***: cabiihi,
: Eau. ***: mammalluure, maramalluure; peguuhi, falfaahi, sibiihi; synonyms: sibiihi,
synonyms: mammalluure, maramalluure. peguuhi. Dialectal Forms: [G] mancabi.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: Y.

malsinde Noun Form of Infinitive: malsingol. maneede Noun Form of Infinitive: manegol.
Participles: sing: malsinɗo-malsinoowo Participles: sing: manaaɗo-maneteeɗo plur:
plur: malsinɓe-malsinooɓe. Sorting manaaɓe-maneteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
Verb. 1 • faire qqch plaisant / agréable (autre connu, avoir une réputation, être fameux;
que la nourriture); pleasant (to make reputation (to have a); known; famous; talked
something nice); nice (to make). about. ***: maataneede;
***: mansinde, welnude, maysinde. compare: maataneede, nananeede.
Dialects: M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • flatter; flatter. compare: belaade,
mangasan Noun. magasin; store; shop. Catégorie
ƴƴinde, eytude; synonyms: mansinde, : Bâtiment. Note : français Dialectal
maysinde, welnude. Dialects: M. Forms: magasen.
mamaruwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: manii Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Designation: 3, mt. Variante: mani. Noun.
Form of Noun: mamaruuji. Sorting sperme; sperm; semen. Catégorie : Le corps.
Designation: 4. Noun. canne à pêche et Note : arabe ***: ndufam, cille;
hameçon; hook and line for fishing; line for synonyms: ndufam, cille. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fishing. ***: jammbuure2;
mankisi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
synonyms: jammbuure2. Dialects: Y,G.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
mamasiiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Noun: mankisiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form allumette; match. ***: almeytu, keetu;
of Noun: mamasiiji. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: almeytu; compare: keetu.
Noun. source d'eau, puits très peu profond;
Dialects: Y,G,M.
spring. Catégorie : Eau. ***: saawandere,
ilam, cewle; synonyms: cewle, ilam, manna Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
saawandere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, th. Noun. manne, pain venu du
ciel; bread sent down from heaven; manna.
mammalluure Noun Class Markers: sing: de plur: Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
manndaa dow nokku expression. marque du
Form of Noun: mammalluuje. Sorting
locatif spatial; spacial marker.
Designation: 3. Noun. grêlon; hail stone.
Catégorie : Eau. synonyms: malmalluure, manndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: manndagol.
maramalluure; ***: malmalluure, Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
maramalluure. Dialects: Y,G. Progressive: prg. Verb. suinter, former des
gouttes d'eau (canari ou verre d'eau),
mana Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number condenser; condense; sweat or ooze water.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of synonyms: ɓayude, maasaade, si'ude;
Noun: manaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ***: ɓayude, si'ude, maasaade. Dialects: G.
plastique, caoutchouc, matériel synthétique;
plastic; rubber; synthetic material. Note : mooré manndinde Verb. décrire, expliquer; describe;
***: taari2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. explain. ***: nanndude.

mana gatteteeɗ
gatteteeɗo ley
ley hinere faa manndinooje Noun. descriptions; descriptions.
nyaamniree expression. sonde
nasogastrique; nasogastric tube. Catégorie
: Traitement de la maladie.

16/02/2020 391
manngaaku mantaade
2 • importance; importance.
manngaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
synonyms: manngaaku, mawngu,
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • grandeur, largeur;
teddeengal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bigness; largeness. ***: mawngu, manngu,
3 • maturité, intelligence, âge mûr, âge avancé,
mawngu, mawngu, manngu, manngu,
vieillesse; old age; intelligence; maturity.
manngu, mawngu, ɓural;
synonyms: manngaaku, mawngu.
synonyms: manngu, mawngu.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • supériorité (parlant de Dieu); superiority
2 • importance; importance.
(God). synonyms: manngaaku, mawngu,
synonyms: manngu, mawngu, teddeengal.
ɓural. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • maturité, intelligence, âge; age; manooje Noun. louanges; praises.
intelligence; maturity. synonyms: manngu, manoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
mawngu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
4 • supériorité (de Dieu); superiority (God). of Noun: manooje. Sorting Designation: 4.
synonyms: manngu, mawngu, ɓural. Noun. réputation, renommée, louange; praise;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fame; reputation. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
manngal synonyme: mawnde. Noun. majuscule mansinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mansingol.
(lettre); upper-case (letter). manngal, Participles: sing: mansinɗo-mansinoowo
mawnde (alkulal, harfere -) / dowrowal plur: mansinɓe-mansinooɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
mannganeesi Noun. manganèse; manganese. Verb. 1 • faire qqch agréable ou plaisant (autre
Catégorie : Terre.
que de la nourriture); pleasant; nice.
***: belaade, eytude, malsinde, welnude,
manngo adj. grand, vaste; huge; large; vast; big. deƴƴ
ƴƴinde, maysinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
manngoro emprunt: français. Plural Form of 2 • flatter; flatter. synonyms: malsinde,
Noun: manngorooje. Noun. mangue; mango. maysinde, welnude
welnude; compare: belaade,
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialectal deƴƴ
ƴƴinde, eytude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Forms: manngoroore.
mantaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mantagol.
manngoroohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: mantiiɗo-mantotooɗo
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of plur: mantiiɓe-mantotooɓe. Sorting
Noun: manngorooje, puɗoohi ley leyɗe Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
mbuluɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, pl. Noun. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se vanter,
manguier; mango tree. Catégorie : Arbres. s'enorgueillir; brag; boast about yourself;
Mangifera indica. Note : français Dialectal
praise yourself. synonyms: jantanaade,
Forms: [G] manngoy. Dialects: J,Y,M.
manude; ***: jantanaade, sortude, ujude,
manngorooho Noun. feuille de manguier; leave of ƴotaade, mantude1, manude. Dialectal
mango tree. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal Forms: maantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ou d’une plante.
2 • être vaniteux, vaniteuse; conceited.
manngoroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: synonyms: jantanaade, manude, furaade,
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural ƴotaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Noun: manngorooje. Sorting 3 • castrer; castrate. Ali manteke ga'i
Designation: 2, pl. Noun. mangue; mango fruit. muuɗ
muuɗum ɗiɗi. Ali a castré deux de ses
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialectal taureaux. Ali castrated two of his bulls.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] manngoro (ngo). compare: tappude, ujude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: mantude1, sortude. Dialects: G.
manngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • largeur, grandeur,
taille; bigness; largeness. ***: manngaaku,
manngaaku, mawngu, manngaaku,
manngaaku, ɓural; synonyms: manngaaku,
mawngu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 392
mantaare marhabaa

mantaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting maraaɗ

maraaɗo1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. fanfaronnade, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
vantardise, suffisance; boasting; conceit; Noun: maraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
bragging. Gorko o na heewi mantaare sabo esclave; slave. Catégorie : La Personne.
na wi'a na jogii huunde fuu de wo fewre! synonyms: diimaajo, maccuɗ
maccuɗo, korɗ
Cet homme est plein de vantardise car il dit ***: korɗ
korɗo, diimaajo, maccuɗ
qu'il a tout, mais ce n'est pas vrai. That man is Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
full of boasting because he said he has
everything, but that is false! ***: ri'aaku, maraaɗ
maraaɗo2 adj. éduqué; well brought up.
yiingaaku, kamaalu, mawnitaare; maraawa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
synonyms: kamaalu, mawnitaare, ri'aaku, Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
yiingaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: maraaji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
mantude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: mantugol. Noun. daman des rochers; rock hyrax.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Procavia capensis.
Participles: sing: mantuɗo-mantoowo plur:
Dialects: G,M.
mantuɓe-mantooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. maral piirooje synonyme: maral ndiwri kegiingal.
castrer; castrate. Ali mantii ga'i muuɗ
muuɗum Noun. aviculture; poultry farming. Catégorie
: Élevage.
ɗiɗi. Ali a castré deux de ses taureaux. Ali
castrated two of his bulls. ***: sortude, maramalluure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
ujude, mantaade; synonyms: mantaade, ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
sortude; compare: tappude, ujude. Form of Noun: malmalluuje. Sorting
Dialects: Y. Designation: 3. Noun. grêlon; hail stone.
***: mammalluure, malmalluure;
mantude2 Verb. louer les qualités; praise the qualities.
synonyms: malmalluure, mammalluure.
manude Noun Form of Infinitive: manugol. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: manuɗo-manoowo plur:
maranata Sorting Designation: 4, th. interj. « Oh
manuɓe-manooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
seigneur viens! » ou « Notre Seigneur viens !
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. louer ou »; "come O Lord" or "our Lord; come" or "the
critiquer, énumérer les vertus ou fautes de Lord comes;" found in I Corinthians 16:22.
quelqu'un d'autre, exagérer, vanter les
Note : Aramaic Dialects: biblical.
qualités; praise or criticize; enumerate the
virtues or faults of another; magnify. Manu mardi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
innde Joomiraaɗ
Joomiraaɗo Magnify the name of the Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • maîtrise de soi;
Lord. Ko Alay e Alu njehi toon ɓe manii self-control. Dialects: J,M.
Saydu jaasude. When Alay and Alu went 2 • servitude, esclavage, élevage; slavery;
there they criticized Saydu for being lazy. In servant-hood. Dialectal Forms: [J,M] maraadi,
Tenkodogo and Mahadaga it is only used in the [Y] mareedi. Dialects: J,M.
positive sense of praise. Note: This word can
be also used of a person praising himself, the mareede Noun Form of Infinitive: maregol.
same as mantaade. ***: weefaade, mantaade, Participles: sing: maraaɗo-mareteeɗo plur:
janjinde, wuykude, mantaade, jantanaade, maraaɓe-mareteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
haasidaade, jaancude; Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
synonyms: haasidaade, jaancude, élevé, s'occuper de pour faire grandir; raised
jantanaade, mantaade, weefaade, (to be). ***: biireede, aameede, bireede.
wuykude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être instruit pour vivre correctement;
mappude Noun Form of Infinitive: mappugol. instructed in how to live rightly.
Participles: sing: mappuɗo-mappoowo plur: synonyms: aameede, bireede, biireede,
mappuɓe-mappooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ne'aade, ne'eede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crépir,
plâtrer; rough-cast; plaster with mud or marhabaa Sorting Designation: 4. interj. paix; peace.
cement. ***: makkude, bolaade, tarwaade; Note : arabe ***: potal1, ndeenaagu, jam,
synonyms: bolaade, makkude, nesaade, dewral; synonyms: dewral, jam, ndeenaagu,
takkude, tarwaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. potal1. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 393
Marku masiiba mawɗo

Marku Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. masal daɓɓ

ɓɓal synonyme: masoore daɓɓal.
1 • Marc; Mark 1. John Mark; and associate expression. voyelle brève; short vowel.
of the disciples (Acts 12:12;25; 15:37;39; Col. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
4:10; 2 Tim. 4:11; Pilem. 1:24; 1 Pet. 5:13).
masal junngal synonyme: masoore juutungal.
Dialects: biblical.
expression. voyelle longue; long vowel. aa, ee,
2 • l'Évangile écrit par Marc; The gospel
written by John Mark; held traditionally to be ii, oo, uu Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
the recollections of Peter. Dialects: biblical. masal ngal nyonndaaka expression. voyelle
orale; oral vowel. Catégorie : Lecture /
marto Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: martooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. masal nydninaangal expression. voyelle nasale;
marteau; hammer. Catégorie : Outil. Note : nasal vowel. ã, ẽ,, ĩ, õ, ũ Catégorie : Lecture /
français Dialectal Forms: martoo. écriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. masalan Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
martoo Noun. marteau; hammer. Catégorie : Outil. Designation: 4. Noun. exemple, comparaison;
Note : français Dialectal Forms: marto. comparison; example. Note : arabe ***: yeru.
Dialects: J.
martude Noun Form of Infinitive: martugol.
Participles: sing: martuɗo-martoowo plur: masara Noun. syphilis; syphilis. Catégorie : Maladie.
martuɓe-martooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. masarakemmbu Noun. verre; glass.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entendre, synonyms: weeruuru.
recevoir des nouvelles; receive news; hear.
***: maatude; synonyms: maatude.
Masedoni Sorting Designation: 5, nbp. Noun.
Macédoine; Macedonia. Catégorie : Pays. Note
Dialects: J,Y.
: français ***: Geres; compare: Geres.
marucaaku Noun. communisme; communism. Dialects: biblical.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
masiiba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
marude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: "imo Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
maari be'i" means that he "has" sheep.. Noun: masiibaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th,
Noun Form of Infinitive: marugol. da, dh. Noun. 1 • un problème sérieux,
Participles: sing: maruɗo-maroowo plur: accident, circonstance grave hors de notre
maruɓe-marooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. contrôle, danger; serious problem; unfortunate
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. circumstance beyond one's control; accident.
1 • élever des animaux, enfants, esclaves; raise Note : arabe ***: baasi
baasi, ndaaɓ
(children, animals). ***: haɓ
haɓitaade, aamude, kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, doole, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, torra,
biirude, durtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. balaa'u, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, waannde; synonyms: baasi,
2 • instruire des enfants pour bien vivre; doole, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, torra.
instruct children how to live rightly. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: aamude, biirude, ne'ude. 2 • fléau, épidémie, calamité; plague. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Maladie. Note : arabe compare: kaɓɓ
3 • se garder, se discipliner, faire attention; synonyms: balaa'u, ndaaɓ
discipline yourself. marude hoorem avoir la Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maîtrise de soi. to be self controlled, to master.
synonyms: reentaade, nantaade.
masiiba mawɗ
mawɗo expression. fléau; scourge, plague,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

marugol Noun. élevage; livestock farming. Catégorie

: Élevage.

masal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: mase. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
voyelle; vowel. ***: ƴi'al, harfeere
harfeere, masoore;
compare: ƴi'al, harfeere; synonyms: laaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 394
masimbinde mawnin-a
2 • l’Évangile selon Matthieu; one of the four
masimbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: masimbingol.
gospels; written by Matthew. Note : hébreu
Participles: sing:
synonyms: Lewi. Dialects: biblical.
masimbinɗo-masimbinoowo plur:
masimbinɓe-masimbinooɓe. Sorting mawɗ
mawɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Verb. blesser sévèrement; injure someone. Noun: mawɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: barminde, maybinde, nawnude, 1 • adulte; adult. Catégorie : La Personne.
soppude, toonyaade; ***: barminde, ***: baaligi, dawroowo, ardo, arɗ
maybinde, nawnude, toonyaade, soppude; hooreejo, nayeejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • vieille personne, personne âgée; old
person. synonyms: nayeejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
masimbineede Noun Form of
3 • personne importante, dirigeant,
Infinitive: masimbinegol. Participles: sing: responsable, leader; important person; leader.
masimbinaaɗo-masimbineteeɗo plur: Catégorie : Travailleur. synonyms: arɗ
masimbinaaɓe-masimbineteeɓe. Sorting dawroowo, hooreejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être sévèrement blessé par qqn; injured Mawɗ
Mawɗo Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (Le)
Sage; first name for a male, meaning: (the)
by someone. compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗeede, soppeede;
Wise. Catégorie : Nom.
***: barmineede, ɗeeɗ
eeɗeede, soppeede,
maybineede, nawneede; mawɗ
mawɗo tiribinal expression. président du tribunal;
presiding judge, tribunal's chairman. Catégorie
synonyms: barmineede, maybineede,
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
nawneede. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mawnga-ladde Plural Form of Noun: mawɗi-ladde.
masin Noun. machine; machine. Note : français Noun. lion; lion. Catégorie : Mammifère.
masin dewte Noun. imprimerie; printing; book synonyms: laddeeru
laddeeru, rawaandu ladde, ɓii
printing. ladde.
masin niisoowo Noun. moulin; mill. mawngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
masin ƴeptoowo ko teddi Noun. grue; crane. Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • largeur, grandeur,
taille; bigness; largeness. ***: manngaaku,
masinaaji binndooji Noun. imprimerie; printing manngu, manngaaku, manngu,
works, print-shop. Catégorie : Le travail et
diverses activités. manngaaku, manngaaku, manngu,
manngu, ɓural; synonyms: manngaaku.
masiŋ kiisorɗ
kiisorɗo Noun. machine à calculer; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
calculator. Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • importance; importance.
synonyms: kiisorgel.
synonyms: manngaaku, teddeengal.
mason Noun. maçon; builder; mason; bricklayer. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Travailleur. Note : français 3 • maturité, intelligence, vieillesse; old age;
masoore Noun. voyelle; vowel. Catégorie : Lecture / intelligence; maturity. synonyms: manngaaku.
écriture, Le langage et la pensée. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: laaɓ
laaɓngal, masal, dewal3. 4 • supériorité (de Dieu); superiority (of God).

matala Noun. matelas; mattress. Catégorie synonyms: manngaaku, ɓural, manngu.

: Équipement de la maison. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: maantalla. mawniiwo Noun. aîné (frère ou sœur); older sister;
mati Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très froid; cold older brother. Catégorie : Parenté.
(really). ***: resem, yerem, nigi; mawnin-
mawnin-a Verb. agrandir; enlarge. Catégorie
compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude; synonyms: nigi, : Mathématique.
resem, yerem. Dialects: G,M.

Matta Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun.

1 • Matthieu, l'un des 12 disciples; Matthew 1.
one of the 12 disciples (Mat 10:3). Also
know as Levi (Lk 5:27ff). He was a tax
collector prior to his call to follow Jesus. Note :
hébreu ***: Lewi. Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 395
mawninde mawnude

mawninde Noun Form of Infinitive: mawningol. mawniraagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Number
Participles: sing: mawninɗo-mawninoowo One for this noun: ngootu. Sorting
plur: mawninɓe-mawninooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. le droit d'aînesse, droit
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or d'ancienneté, héritage de l’aînée; birthright;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • s'exalter; exalt inheritance of the oldest. compare: ndongu
oneself. ***: fayinde, halude, heennaade, sakiraagu; ***: heccude, ndongu, dongu;
ƴeptude, juuraade, ɓuttin
uttinɗinde, toownude, synonyms: heccude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ƴotaade, leeƴ
leeƴinde, ɓurnaade, saanude, mawnitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mawnitagol.
leyƴinde, ɓurnude, teddinde; Participles: sing: mawnitiiɗo-mawnitotooɗo
synonyms: ɓurnaade, mawninkinaade, plur: mawnitiiɓe-mawnitotooɓe. Sorting
mawnitaade, toownude, ƴeptude. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. s'élever, s'exalter,
2 • exalter qqn d'autre; exalt someone else. être arrogant; elevate oneself; arrogant.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: heennaade, mawninde, ƴeptude,
3 • être arrogant; arrogant. juuraade, teddinde; compare: juuraade,
synonyms: ɓurnaade, furaade, heennaade, teddinde; synonyms: ɓurnaade, heennaade,
makkitaade, toownude, ƴeptude, ƴotaade. makkitaade, toownude, ƴeptude, ƴotaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • nourrir pour faire grandir ou grossir; feed
someone or something so that it grows or
mawnitaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. vantardise,
fattens. synonyms: ɓuttinɗ
uttinɗinde, fayinde,
fanfaronnade, orgueil exagéré; boasting;
halude; compare: juuraade, saanude,
bragging. ***: ri'aaku, yiingaaku, mantaare,
teddinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kamaalu; synonyms: mantaare.
mawnineede Noun Form of Infinitive: mawninegol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing:
mawnitiiɗo adj. qui est hautain, orgueilleux;
mawninaaɗo-mawninteeɗo plur: over-proud; proud.
mawninaaɓe-mawninteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
mawnoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. donner de la valeur,
être honoré, être loué, recevoir des éloges; Noun: mawniraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
praised; important (to be made); honored. Noun. frère ou sœur aîné(e); older sibling.
Catégorie : Parenté. Here are the various
***: yetteede, ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, barkineede,
contracted personal forms: 1s mawnam, 2s
teddineede, saaneede, leyƴleyƴineede, mawna, 3s (makko) mawniiko, (muuɗum)
horsineede, jammeede, toowneede, mawnum, 1p (exclusive) NA, (inclusive)
leeƴineede; synonyms: jaareede, jammeede, mawnii'en, [Y,G] maawniiɗen, [both of these
aaƴeede, teddineede, toowneede, are the same as mawna meeɗen], 2p
yetteede; compare: horsineede, saaneede.
mawnii'on, [Y,G] maawniiɗon [both of these
are the same as mawna mooɗon], 3p (maɓɓe)
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mawniiɓe, (muɓɓen) mawnumen.
mawninkinaade Noun Form of ***: sakiike; compare: sakiike. Dialectal
Infinitive: mawninkinagol. Participles: sing: Forms: [J,M] mawniiwo [J] mawniraaɗo, [Y,G]
mawninkiniiɗo-mawninkinotooɗo plur: mawniyo. Dialects: J,Y.
mawninkiniiɓe-mawninkinotooɓe. Sorting mawnude Noun Form of Infinitive: mawnugol.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: mawnuɗo-mawnoowo
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • s’élever, plur: mawnuɓe-mawnooɓe. Sorting
s'exalter; exalt oneself. ***: heennaade, Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
mawninde, ƴeptude, juuraade, teddinde. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • croître, grandir,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. devenir adulte, mûrir, développer; grow up;
2 • être arrogant; arrogant. mature; grow. ***: fayude, hillifeede,
compare: juuraade, teddinde; ɓeydaade, toowude, fuunude, yolbude,
synonyms: ɓurnaade, heennaade, teddude, ƴaan
aanɗude, baaligaade, hayaade,
makkitaade, toownude, ƴeptude, ƴotaade. baaligeede, ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 396
mawnugol maytagol
2 • être grand, être large; big (to be); large.
mayde Noun. la mort; death. Dialectal Forms: maayde.
Here are the adjective forms: Group I:
ɓe/mawɓe, ko1/mawko, nde/mawnde, mayɗ
mayɗo Noun. un mort; dead person; death (a).
ndu/mawndu, nge/mawnge or mannge,
ngo/mawngo or manngo Group II: maymaytude Noun Form of Infinitive: maymaytugol.
ɗe/mawɗe, ɗi/mawɗi, ɗum/mawɗum, Participles: sing:
kal/mawkal, kol/mawkol, ngal/mawngal or maymaytuɗo-maymaytoowo plur:
manngal, ngel/mawngel or manngel, maymaytuɓe-maymaytooɓe. Sorting
ngol/mawngol or manngol, o/mawɗo Group
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
III: ɗam/mawɗam, ka/mawka, ki/mawki,
Verb. 1 • clignoter, vaciller, trembloter; flicker.
ko2/mawko, koy/mawkoy, ndi/mawndi,
nga/mawnga or mannga, ngi/mawngi or Lampal na maymayta, maƴƴ
ƴƴe na
manngi, ngu/mawngu or manngu. maymayta. A lamp flickers and lightening
compare: ɓeydaade, ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗinde, teddude, flickers. ***: jabbitaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
toowude; synonyms: hayaade, hillifeede, 2 • sauter de joie, sauter avec excitation; jump
aanɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. around with excitement.
synonyms: jabbitaade. Dialects: J.
mawnugol Noun. croissance, développement;
3 • lorsque de la graisse d'un morceau de
growth. ***: ɓantaare. viande goutte /coule dans le feu; for fat to melt
mawtuuri Sorting Designation: 2. n/adv. dans deux ans, off a piece of meat and drip into the fire.
l'an sur-prochain; two years (in); year after Dialects: Y,G.
next. Dialectal Forms: [J] mawtoori. maysinde Noun Form of Infinitive: maysingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: maysinɗo-maysinoowo
mawuuri Sorting Designation: 2. n/adv. l'an prochain, plur: maysinɓe-maysinooɓe. Sorting
l'année prochaine; next year. Dialectal Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Forms: [J] mawri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. 1 • faire qqch joli, agréable ou plaisant
(autre que la nourriture); nice (to make
maybinde Noun Form of Infinitive: maybingol. something). ***: belaade, eytude, malsinde,
Participles: sing: maybinɗo-maybinoowo mansinde, welnude, deƴƴ
ƴƴinde. Dialects: J.
plur: maybinɓe-maybinooɓe. Verb Stative or
2 • flatter; flatter. compare: belaade,
Progressive: prg. Verb. blesser sévèrement qqn
ƴƴinde, eytude; synonyms: malsinde,
ou qqch; injure someone or something else.
mansinde, welnude. Dialects: J.
***: masimbinde, barminde, ɗeeɗ
nawnude, aybinde, toonyaade, soppude; maysingol Noun. commentaire; commentary.
synonyms: barminde, masimbinde, synonyms: tapsiiru; ***: fiirtugol faa laaɓ
nawnude, soppude, toonyaade. Dialects: J.
maytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: maytagol.
maybineede Noun Form of Infinitive: maybinegol. Participles: sing: maytiiɗo-maytotooɗo
Participles: sing: plur: maytiiɓe-maytotooɓe. Sorting
maybinaaɗo-maybineteeɗo plur: Designation: 3, cs. Verb Stative or
maybinaaɓe-maybineteeɓe. Sorting Progressive: prg. Verb. sarcler, cultiver pour la
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. deuxième fois, racler pour la deuxième fois;
Verb. être sévèrement blessé par qqn; injured cultivate or weed your field or garden a second
by someone. compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗeede, soppeede;
time. Catégorie : Agriculture.
synonyms: dodaade, remitaade, roosaade;
***: barmineede, ɗeeɗ
eeɗeede, soppeede,
compare: hiinko, remude; ***: dodaade.
nawneede, masimbineede;
Dialects: Y,G.
synonyms: barmineede, masimbineede,
nawneede. Dialects: J. maytagol Noun. sarclage; hoeing. Catégorie
: Agriculture.
maybude Noun Form of Infinitive: maybugol.
Participles: sing: maybuɗo-mayboowo plur:
maybuɓe-maybooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
sévèrement blessé; severely injured.
***: ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, nawnaade, barmere,
barmude, nawneede; compare: ɗeeɗ eeɗaade;
synonyms: barmude, nawnaade. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 397
maytitaade mbaccataakoowa

maytitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: maytitagol. 2 • mouton, brebis; sheep. compare: bahiima,
Participles: sing: maytitiiɗo-maytitotooɗo daaba, mbaalu; synonyms: bortel,
plur: maytitiiɓe-maytitotooɓe. Sorting dammuhol, jawgel, njawdiri, mbaalu,
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Stative or mbortu. Dialects: M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. cultiver un champ pour mbaalanndiri Plural Form of Noun: mbaalanndiriiji.
la troisième fois; cultivate a field a third time. Noun. algue; alga. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: hiinko, grimpantes.
remude; synonyms: bakkaade, doditaade. mbaali Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number
Dialects: Y.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
mayto Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Noun: mbaalo. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Noun. gros mouton (utilisé rarement); sheep
Noun: maytooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. (large). Catégorie : Élevage. ***: baala,
synonyme: demal ɗiɗaɓal. Noun. la deuxième baalal, mbaala; synonyms: mbaala, baalal.
culture d'un champ, binage; second cultivation Dialects: J,Y,M.
of a field. Catégorie : Agriculture.
mbaalu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/kol-rare plur:
synonyms: dodow, rosa; compare: aranal,
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
hiinko, mbugiri, remude. Dialects: Y,G.
Form of Noun: baali. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
ƴƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Noun. mouton, brebis; sheep; ewe. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form : Mammifère, Élevage. ***: mbaala,
of Noun: maƴƴe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. njawdiri, baalu
baalu, jawgel, rammuccere,
éclaire, éclairage; lightening. Catégorie : Ciel. dammuccere, dammuhol, mbaala, jawdiri,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. njawdiri; synonyms: baalu, bortel,
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: maƴƴugol. dammuhol, njawdiri, mbaala, mbortu,
Participles: sing: maƴƴuɗo-maƴƴoowo rammuccere; compare: bahiima, daaba,
plur: maƴƴuɓe-maƴƴooɓe. Sorting mbaala. Dialectal Forms: [M] mbaala (nga).
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: J,Y.
Verb. 1 • clignoter, étinceler; flash. mbaalu-
mbaalu-yitere Noun. pupille; pupil. Catégorie : Le
***: tamƴ
tamƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. corps. synonyms: ɓiɗɗam
ɗɗam yitere.
2 • cligner (des yeux), clignoter; blink.
synonyms: tamƴ
tamƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mbaansu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. laideur; ugliness.
ƴƴugol Noun. clignement; blinking. Ko huunde ***: wannyaare, halleende, tannyaare,
ƴƴata. ɗaayre; synonyms: ɗaayre, halleende,
mbaadi Noun. caractère; character. tannyaare, wannyaare. Dialects: J,Y.

mbaadi jogola jawdi leydewgal mbaawaaɗ

mbaawaaɗo suɓ
suɓeede expression. éligible; eligible.
synonyme: mariyaasi. expression. régime Catégorie : Juridique.
matrimoniale; matrimonial regime. mbaɓ
mbaɓatu Plural Form of Noun: mbaɓati. Noun.
terɗe Noun. anatomie; anatomy. Catégorie acridien, criquet; locust. Catégorie : Insecte.
: Le corps. ***: jannde anndal tergal. mbaɓɓ
ɓɓattu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
mbaakinaaɗum synonyme: alaama kolloowo. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Noun. formule d’appel; Salutation of Noun: baɓɓatti. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
(recommended), the calling option. Catégorie Noun. sauterelle, criquet; grasshopper; locust.
: Lecture / écriture. Catégorie : Insecte. compare: ngurnyaawu,
mbaala Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko. tamminyoonaawu; ***: ngurnyaawu,
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form tamminyoonaawu, ŋaancuwa;
of Noun: mbaalo. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. synonyms: ŋaancuwa. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Noun. 1 • un gros mouton; large sheep; sheep mbaɓɓatta. Dialects: J,Y.
(large). Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage.
mbaccataakoowa Plural Form of
***: baala, baalal, mbaali, baalu, mbaalu,
Noun: baccataakooji. Noun. non ruminant; not
mbaalu; synonyms: baala, baalal, mbaali, ruminating.
baala, baalal, mbaali. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 398
mbaccotoonga mbamambi

mbaccotoonga Plural Form of mbaliihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
Noun: mbaccitotooɗi. Noun. ruminant; One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
ruminant. Catégorie : Mammifère. Noun: bali. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
mbadaadi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. palmier; palm tree of the Sahel. Catégorie
: Arbres. Hyphaene thebaica. ***: handeere,
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
tenngaare, njelleehi, malfaare, kilaal,
of Noun: badaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A shrub found in the ngelleehi, honndoore, balol, gelley;
southern savannah. Catégorie : Buissons, compare: balol, daago, handeere,
arbustes. Crossopteryx febrifuga. honndoore, kilaal, tenngaare, yelleere;
***: badaadi; synonyms: badaadi. Dialectal synonyms: gelley, ngelleehi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Forms: [J] mbadaaɗi. Dialects: Y,M.
mbalku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
mbaddrii Noun. taureau, 1 an; bull, 1 year old. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Catégorie : Élevage. of Noun: balki. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
mbadullaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. sangsue; leech. Catégorie : Animaux
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of inférieurs. ***: balku; synonyms: balku.
Noun: mbadullaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Dialectal Forms: [M] mbalaku. Dialects: J,Y.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of mballa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
the Sahel. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Euphorbia balsamifera. compare: enende,
Noun: mballaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
takumselleehi; ***: badullaahi, mbarnoohi; aide, assistance, secours; assistance; aid; help.
synonyms: mbarnoohi. Dialectal Forms: [Y] ***: nafaa1, mballitaari, balla, ballitaari,
mbadagerey. Dialects: J. moƴƴ
ƴƴere; synonyms: balla, ballitaari,
mbaggu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. mballitaari, moƴƴ
ƴƴere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form mballa hende e neema synonyme: mballa
of Noun: bawɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mi. banngal neema. expression. pension
Noun. 1 • tambour (fait de calebasse); drum alimentaire; maintenance allowance, alimony.
made from a calabash. Catégorie : Instrument Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
de musique. ***: lungaaru, ndondoloowu,
baggu, bentigaaru, mbinderew, lonngaaru;
mballa kaane
kaane ɓii-
ii-aadama expression. défense
des droits de l’homme; defence of human
synonyms: bentigaaru, mbinderew.
rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialects: J,M.
2 • tambour ou tam-tam; drum (kind). mballa ley golle bonɗ
bonɗe expression. complicité;
complicity. Catégorie : Juridique.
synonyms: baggu, ngangariiwu. Dialects: Y.
mballitaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Number
mbaggu-bojel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur:
One for this noun: ngootiri. Sorting
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
Designation: 4. Noun. aide, assistance, secours;
Form of Noun: baggi-boje, bawɗi-bajel.
assistance; aid; help. ***: nafaa1, mballa,
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. champignon;
balla, ballitaari, wallude, moƴƴ
mushroom. ***: guudu, jooɗ
synonyms: balla, ballitaari, mballa, moƴƴ
synonyms: guudu, tuntumbagga.
compare: wallude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mballondiral Noun. entraide; mutual aid.
mbakkoroori Plural Form of Noun: bakkorooji. Noun.
bouc; billy goat. Mbe’eewa ngora. mballondiral ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe leydi expression. solidarité
Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage. nationale; national solidarity. Catégorie
***: ndamndi; synonyms: mboygoori. : Gouvernement, Juridique.

mbamambi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: bamambe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of
the savannah. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
Calotropis procera. ***: pulumpuuguuhi;
synonyms: pulumpuuguuhi. Dialectal
Forms: [M] mbamandi. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 399
mbamboowa jahe mbattaaku

mbamboowa jahe Noun Class Markers: sing: nga mbarnoohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: bambooji jahe. Sorting Noun: barnooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Designation: 3, in. Noun. espèce de scorpion; Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of
scorpion horse. Catégorie : Insecte. the Sahel. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
synonyms: ɗuuɗ
uuɗayaaduwal, njaabaja, Euphorbia balsamifera. ***: badullaahi,
roojoroojowal; ***: ɗuuɗ
uuɗayaaduwal, mbadullaahi; compare: enende, kosaahi,
roojoroojowal, njaabaja. Dialects: M. njoddi, takumselleehi;
synonyms: mbadullaahi. Dialects: M.
mbammbaari Noun. maïs; corn, maize. Catégorie
: Nourriture. mbaroowo Noun. meurtrier, assassin; assassin;
mbantineehi Noun. kapokier; kapok tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. mbarulla Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
mbanyuɗo janano expression. xénophobe;
xenophobic. Catégorie : Juridique. of Noun: mbarullaaji. Sorting Designation: 3,
wl. Noun. python des rochers; python (rock or
mbanyuɗo sii synonyme: ɓurdinoowo lenyi. African). Catégorie : Reptile. Python sebae.
expression. raciste; racist. Catégorie
***: mbosiri, ngoola, mbolla, moɗ
: Juridique.
synonyms: mbosiri, moɗ
moɗoori. Dialectal
mbarallaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: Forms: [M] mbaluula. Dialects: J.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
mbasu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Form of Noun: barallaaji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. sac en cuir fait de peau de veau; sac One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
(leather); leather sack. Catégorie : Récipient. Noun: basi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. petits
***: gafakka, bokkasaare, mbasu, basu; sac fait en cuir de chèvre ou de mouton,
balluchon; leather bag made from the skin of a
synonyms: mbasu; compare: bokkasaare,
goat or sheep. Catégorie : Récipient.
gafakka, gempeere. Dialects: J.
***: gafakka, bokkasaare, sumalle, basu,
mbardi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting mbarallaawu, bootooru; synonyms: basu,
Designation: 3. Noun. don de noix de cola et de mbarallaawu; compare: bokkasaare,
sel donné aux futures beau-parents pour la gafakka, gempeere, sumalle. Dialects: J,Y,M.
dot; the gift of cola nuts; "doosaare;" and salt
the family of the groom gives to the family of mbasu kure Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
the bride; a traditional part of the bride price. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
compare: futte
futte, hoowruge; ***: hoowruge. of Noun: basi kure. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: M. Noun. carquois; quiver. Catégorie : Chasse et
pêche. synonyms: ɓaaru; ***: kalawal, kural,
mbarjaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Number One
ɓaaru, ɓaaru; compare: kalawal, kural.
for this noun: ngootiri. Sorting Designation: 3,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
th. Noun. récompense; recompense; reward.
***: barjeede, baraaji, njobdi, barjaade, mbatta Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
joddi; compare: barjaade; synonyms: baraaji. Designation: 3. Noun. troquer, troc, échange,
Dialects: J,Y,M. commerce; barter; exchange; trade. ***: batta,
wattitaare; synonyms: batta, wattitaare.
mbarkeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: gooti. Plural Form of
Noun: barkeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. mbattaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Noun. 1 • espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Designation: 4. Noun. association avec un roi,
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Piliostigma un chef ou un employé; association with either
thonningii. ***: baajol, barkerey. a king; chief; or an employer. ***: battaade;
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: battaade. Dialects: J.
2 • espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
Piliostigma reticulatum. compare: baajol;
synonyms: barkerey. Dialectal Forms: [M]
mbarkereehi, [J] mbarkeleehi.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 400
mbawlu mbeerka

mbawlu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. mbedda Noun Class Markers: sing: [J] ka /[M]
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form nga/[J,Y] o plur: ɗi. Number One for this
of Noun: bawli. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. noun: ngoota/gooto. Plural Form of
oreiller, coussin (fait en cuir); pillow. Noun: mbeddaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Catégorie : Équipement de la maison.
route, rue, voie; road. ***: balangol,
compare: wawlaade; ***: wawlaade,
poocciingol, cuppol, guurtol, dartiingol,
wawlaare, talla; synonyms: talla, wawlaare.
gotol, laawol1, corfol, coortol, goppol,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
buuwaangol, bedda; synonyms: balangol,
mbayeere Noun. sorgho; sorghum. Catégorie bedda, buuwaangol, laawol1;
: Nourriture, Agriculture, Herbes, plantes compare: cuppol, dartiingol, poocciingol
grimpantes. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mbayeeri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. mbeɗɗ
ɗɗudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
of Noun: bayeeje. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun: mbeɗɗuduuji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. 1 • sorgho (plante); sorghum plant.
Noun. cercle; circle. Dialects: tech.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
***: bayeeri, ƴommbal mbayeeri, liccal mbeɗ
mbeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
mbayeeri; synonyms: liccal mbayeeri, Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
ƴommbal mbayeeri. Dialects: J,Y,M. of Noun: beɗi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
2 • sorgho; sorghum. Catégorie : Nourriture. dessous-de-plat, couvercle; trivet. Catégorie
Dialectal Forms: bayeeri. Dialects: J,Y,M. : Équipement de la maison. ***: beɗ beɗu;
synonyms: beɗ
beɗu; compare: sanyude.
mbe'a Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
of Noun: be'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. mbeelu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
1 • grande chèvre; goat (large). Catégorie Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
: Élevage. ***: be'al, mbe'i, be'a. of Noun: beeli. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,M. 1 • fantôme; ghost. ***: yonki, ruuhu, beelu,
2 • chèvre; goat. Catégorie : Mammifère. nguurndam, guurndam, poowle.
synonyms: be'al, mbe'i. Dialects: Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mbe'eewa Variante: be'a. Noun. chèvre; goat. 2 • esprit; spirit. synonyms: beelu, yonki;
Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: nguurndam, foofaango, poowle,

mbe'i Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number ruuhu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
3 • ombre; shadow.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: be'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. mbeelu2 synonyme: ayaawo, natal. Noun. image;
grande chèvre; goat (a large). Catégorie image. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
: Mammifère. ***: mbe'a, be'al; mbeerka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi.
synonyms: mbe'a, be'al. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
mbecca Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting of Noun: beerkaaji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 2. Noun. monnaie, pièce d'argent; Noun. voyage, excursion, trajet; trip; journey;
coins; change. Catégorie : Argent. voyage. Mbeerka waddi ma ɗo, naa a hoɗ hoɗu.
compare: mbuuɗ
mbuuɗu, ceede, kaalisi
kaalisi, weccude; C'est un voyage qui t'a amené ici ou bien tu va
synonyms: becca; ***: buuɗ
rester ici? Did a trip bring you here or are you
buuɗu, kaalisi,
weccude, ceede, becca, mbuuɗ
going settle here? synonyms: beerka,
mbuuɗu, cewɗ
jahaangal; ***: jahaangal, beerka;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
compare: buulol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 401
mbeewa mboɓoli

mbeewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. mbilla Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
of Noun: be'i. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun. of Noun: billi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
chèvre (souvent femelle); female goat; goat. cob de Buffon, biche, gazelle, antilope;
Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: ɓotel, damngel, Buffon's kob; kob. Catégorie : Mammifère.
ndamndi, danngel, rammuccere, Kobus kob leutcotis. Dialects: G,M.
dammuccere, dammuhol, mboygoori, ɓota, mbinderew Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
be'a; synonyms: be'a, dammuhol, Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
dammuccere, rammuccere; of Noun: bindereeji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
compare: bahiima, ɓota, ɓotel, daaba, Noun. tam-tam; drum made from a calabash.
damngel, ginndoori
ginndoori, mboygoori, ndamndi. Catégorie : Instrument de musique. Note :
Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] mbe'a. Dialects: J,Y,M. Bissa compare: kurkutu, lonngaaru,
lungaaru, ndondoloowu, ngangariiwu;
mbeeyu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
***: bentigaaru, mbaggu;
Designation: 4. Noun. place vide, espace vide,
synonyms: mbaggu. Dialects: M.
surface vide, air; empty expanse; empty space;
air. Salla dabranke na waawi yahude dow mbinndaaka Noun. expression écrite, rédaction;
mbeeyi naa? Un magicien, peut-il marcher written expression, writing, essay. Catégorie
dans l'air? Can a magician walk in air? : Lecture / écriture.
compare: jaayri, njaayri. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] mbinndiiri Noun. écriture, orthographe;
mbeeyi. Dialects: J,Y. orthography; writing. ***: dartol binndi.
mbelirka Noun. goût, plaisir, joie; taste; pleasure. mbinndudi Noun. graphie; spelling, script. Catégorie
***: welo. : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: alaama, natal.
mbelko'aaku Noun. chance; good luck; luck. mbinƴ
mbinƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
mbelkoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. tubercule semblable à of Noun: binƴi. Sorting Designation: 3, in, mt.
des patates douces (avec peau rougeâtre), Noun. œuf de pou; nit; egg of a louse. Catégorie
patate douce; tuber. Catégorie : Nourriture. : Animaux inférieurs. ***: bingu, tenngu;
***: kuudaku; synonyms: kuudaku
kuudaku. compare: tenngu. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Dialects: J,M. mbinnga (nga)/binɗi (ɗi), [Y} mbinngu
mbersiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting (ngu)/binɗi (ɗi). Dialects: J.

Designation: 3, cs. Noun. culture de plantes mbirdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
comme des arachides; cultivation of plants Designation: 4, th. Noun. 1 • répétition d'une
like peanuts. Catégorie : Agriculture. prière utilisant un chapelet, éducation;
***: demal, ndemri, patamaari; education. Catégorie : Le langage et la
synonyms: demal, ndemri, patamaari. pensée. ***: wiirdi, birdi. Dialects: Y,M.
Dialects: J. 2 • upbringing. synonyms: birdi, du'aawu,
mbewa manɠ
manɠa Noun. chèvre (femelle); she-goat, wiirdi. Dialects: Y.
ewe. Catégorie : Élevage. mbiriiwa Noun. éphémère; mayfly. Catégorie
mbiirdi Noun. éducation; education. Catégorie : Insecte.
: Apprendre, Le langage et la pensée. mboɓɓ
ɓɓu Noun. chute; fall, drop, decline.
mbiitiriijo Noun. prestidigitateur; conjurer. ***: saamugol.

mbila Noun Class Markers: sing: ka/o plur: ɗi. mboɓ

mboɓoli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngoota/gooto. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: bilaaji. Sorting Noun: boɓole. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. prestidigitation, espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
tromperie; trickery; conjuring. ***: bila, : Arbres. Sterculia setigera. synonyms: boɓ
tombola, ginna mori; synonyms: bila, ginna ***: boɓ
boɓoli. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mori, tombola. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 402
mboddi mbordi

mboddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. mbonnanaaɗ

mbonnanaaɗo synonyme: toonyaaɗo. Noun.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form plaignant; complainant, plaintiff. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
of Noun: mbolle. Sorting Designation: 2, wl.
synonyme: ɓoggol-leydi. Noun. serpent; snake. mboodiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Catégorie : Reptile. ***: boddi, baajol, Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
ɓoggol, ɓoggol-
oggol-leydi; compare: baajol, Noun: boodiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
ɓoggol; synonyms: boddi. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun. 1 • espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Terminalia avicennioides.
mboɗa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number Dialects: J,M.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of 2 • espèce d'arbre; kind of tree found in river
Noun: mboɗaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. beds. Terminalia macroptera. Dialectal
tabou personnel, un interdit, totem; forbidden Forms: [Y] mboodi. Dialects: J,M.
thing; totem; personal taboo; taboo (personal).
synonyms: boɗ
boɗa; compare: woɗ
woɗaade; mboodi-
mboodi-tergal Plural Form of
***: boɗ
boɗa, woɗ
woɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: mboodi-terɗe.
synonyme: noonanguru, noonatergal . Noun.
mboɗa nyaamnduuji Noun. tabou alimentaire;
food taboo. Catégorie : Nourriture. mélanine; melanin. Huunde taweteende ley
tergal saabotoonde ɓawlugol maa laaɓ
mboka Noun. oreillon; mumps. Catégorie : Maladie. nguru tergal
synonyms: tampaliila, bontombora,
mbooɗirka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
ƴƴe, bagana jeeni.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. bonté; goodness.
mbolgoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting synonyms: moƴƴ
ƴƴuki; ***: wooɗ
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. sol crétacé, sol avec moƴƴ
ƴƴuki; compare: wooɗ
craie ; soil with chalk in it. Catégorie : Terre.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: naaneeri, ndaaneeri, mbulinkoori;
synonyms: naaneeri, ndaaneeri, mbulinkoori. mboofoondi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Dialects: M. Designation: 3, at, ct. Noun. jaune d’œuf; yolk
of an egg. ***: ngoofoondi;
mbolguuri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
compare: ɓoccoonde; synonyms: ngoofoondi.
Designation: 3. Noun. plâtre pour crépir le mur;
Dialects: Y,M.
plaster used to cover a wall.
synonyms: makkudi, tarwudi; ***: tarwudi, mboogaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
makkudi. Dialects: Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: boogaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
mbolla Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗe.
Noun. kapokier rouge; red kapok tree.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Catégorie : Arbres. Bombax costatum.
of Noun: bollaage. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. ***: boogaahi, kuruyi; synonyms: boogaahi,
Noun. python des rochers; rock python;
kuruyi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
python. Catégorie : Reptile. Python sebae.
***: ngoola; synonyms: mbarulla, moɗ
moɗoori. mboonaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Dialectal Forms: [M] mbodaga, mbolga, Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
mborga. Dialects: Y,M. of Noun: boonaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. anguille protoptère; eel which burrows
mbolo Noun. voix; voice. Catégorie : Lecture / into the mud during the dry season. Catégorie
écriture. ***: sawtu2. : Poisson. protopterus anectens.
mbonkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mbonkagol. synonyms: jansooguuru; ***: jansooguuru.
Participles: sing: mbonkiiɗo-mbonkotooɗo Dialects: J,Y.
plur: mbonkiiɓe-mbonkotoɓe. Sorting mboowka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Designation: 4. Noun. familiarité; familiarity.
Verb. parler du mal, calomnier, diffamer; ***: boowka; synonyms: boowka.
slander; speak evil. synonyms: bonkaade, Dialects: J,Y,M.
waccaade; ***: gaddaade, waccaade,
waccaade, naafikaade, munaafikaade,
mbordi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. pus; pus. Catégorie
bonkaade; compare: naafikaade,
: Maladie. synonyms: bordi; ***: bordi.
munaafikaade. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 403
mboronndi mbulinkoori

mboronndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting mboygoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4, th. Noun. 1 • mélange d'avidité Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
et de jalousie qui déteste de voir que d'autres of Noun: boygooji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
sont bénis, il veut toutes les bonnes choses Noun. bouc, mâle; buck; male goat; billy goat.
pour lui seul, jalousie; envy. Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage.
***: keccoraaku, worolde, eelgal, joote, ***: culkuuri, cukuuri, ginndoori, danndi2,
himme, boronndi, kiram, wanyanere. mbakkoroori, mbeewa; compare: mbeewa;
Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: ginndoori, ndamndi. Dialects: M.
2 • radinerie; stinginess. compare: haahaa,
mbubbam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
haanɗere, habisere, keccoraaku,
Designation: 4. Noun. courant, eau de pluie qui
ndeereeraaku, rawaandaaku; vient d'une autre région, flots, torrent; water
synonyms: boronndi, eelgal, himme, joote, that is produced in a rainfall; flood. Catégorie
keccoraaku, kiram, wanyanere, worolde. : Eau. compare: sayude, toɓ
toɓude; ***: ilam,
Dialectal Forms: [M] mborooɗam. wubbaango
wubbaango, njunkumajam, cayam, ilam;
Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: cayam, ilam, njunkumajam.
mborta Plural Form of Noun: borti. Variante: mbortu. Dialects: Y,M.
Noun. agnelle; female lamb. Catégorie mbubbam ƴuuroojam e tunte expression.
: Élevage. cascade; waterfall. Catégorie : Eau, Terre.
mbortoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting mbubban Noun. inondation; inundation.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. agneau (femelle), synonyms: ilam.
agnelle; female lambs. Catégorie : Mammifère,
Élevage. Dialects: J,Y,M. mbudu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
mbortu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Noun: mbuduuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form aluminium ou autre métal léger, étain;
of Noun: borti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. aluminum or a light metal like tin. ***: fuufa,
synonyme: ɓii mbe’eewa, mbaalu ndew. furfata, danndaku, alhan, njamndi, janndi;
Noun. agnelle, jeune brebis, est employé aussi
synonyms: danndaku
danndaku, furfata, fuufa;
pour les jeunes brebis n' ayant pas mis bas;
female lamb. Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage. compare: njamndi. Dialects: J.
***: njawdiri, mbaalu, jawgel, bortel, mbugiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
mbaala, jawdiri, bortu; synonyms: bortel, Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
bortu. Dialectal Forms: mborta. of Noun: bugiriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun. première culture; first cultivation.
Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: aranal, hiinko,
mbosiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
bugaade, joobu, mayto; synonyms: aranal,
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
hiinko, joobu. Dialects: M.
of Noun: bose. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
python des rochers; rock python or African mbukkudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
python. Catégorie : Reptile. Python sebae. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
synonyms: mbarulla, moɗ
moɗoori; ***: mbarulla, of Noun: mbukkudiiji. Sorting Designation: 1,
ngoola, moɗ
moɗoori. Dialects: Y. at. Noun. lobe de l'oreille; ear lobe. Catégorie
mbottaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. : Le corps. synonyms: selluru; ***: selluru,
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form nowru; compare: nowru. Dialects: Y,M.
of Noun: bottaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. mbulinkoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
déjeuner; lunch. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. sol crayeux, sol
***: pummaari, hiraande; crétacé; soil with chalk in it. Catégorie : Terre.
compare: hiraande, pummaari. ***: naaneeri, ndaaneeri, mbolgoori;
Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: naaneeri, ndaaneeri, mbolgoori.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 404
mbumndam mbuuɗu

mbumndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting mbuubuudu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. cécité, aveuglement; Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
blindness. Catégorie : Maladie. of Noun: buubuuli. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
***: bumndam; synonyms: bumndam. Noun. guêpe-maçonne; mud dauber wasp.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Catégorie : Insecte. Vespidae Eumeninae.
***: nyaaku, buubuuda, benngaare
mbumndam ɗam buubi ndiyam caabotoo
nyabbattu, njabbattu, urkeewu;
expression. onchocercose, cécité des rivières;
onchocerciasis, river blindness. Catégorie compare: benngaare, buubel demoowo,
: Maladie. nyaaku, mbuuluulu, urkeewu;
synonyms: buubuuda, njabbattu, nyabbattu.
mburuuki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] mbuubuutu, [G]
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
mbuubuuda. Dialects: J.
Noun: buruuɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie mbuudu emprunt: mooré. Plural Form of
: Arbres. Feretia apodanthera. Noun: mbuuduuji. Noun. race; sorte, type,
***: buruugay, wurwude, buruugal, species. synonyms: mbuuduuri, sii, lenyol.
helafittaahi; synonyms: buruugay,
helafittaahi; compare: buruugal, wurwude.
mbuuduuri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,M. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
of Noun: mbuuduuji. Sorting Designation: 4.
mburuutu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Noun. 1 • généalogie, lignage; genealogy;
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form lineage. Mi yi'ii yimɓ
yimɓe ɗiɗo toon, iɓ
iɓe nanndi
of Noun: buruuti. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. e mbuuduuri Ali'en. J'ai vu deux personnes
Noun. ver de Guinée, dracunculose; guinea qui avaient eu l'air d’être de la famille d'Ali. I
worm. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs, saw two people there that looked like they
Maladie. Dracunculus medinensis. were from Ali's family. Note : mooré
synonyms: buruutu; ***: buruutu. ***: mbuudu, taariki, ƴuwdi, sii, buudu, iri1,
Dialects: J,Y,M. saare. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mbusam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Plural Form 2 • race de gens, ethnie; race of people.
of Noun: mullam. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Koynaborooɓ
Koynaborooɓe wo mbuuduuri ɗume? Les
Koynaboroobe appartiennent à quelle race ?
Variante: busam. Noun. moelle d'os; bone
What race do the Koynaborooɓe belong to?
marrow. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Note : mooré Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: goofoondi, busam, mullam;
3 • espèce, type, sorte; type; sort; species.
synonyms: busam, goofoondi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Gawri ndi wo mbuuduuri lobbiri. This grain
mbutilaawa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: is a good type. Note : mooré synonyms: buudu,
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural lenyol, iri1, saare, sii, taariki. Dialectal
Form of Noun: butilaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Forms: [M] mbuuduuru - this refers to
Noun. grande bouteille en verre ou carafe,
different kinds of grain. Dialects: J,Y,M.
cruche; glass bottle; jug. Catégorie : Récipient.
Note : français ***: butilaawa, butel, paalel, mbuu
mbuuɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
faandu1, luuluwal; synonyms: luuluwal, Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
butilaawa, faandu1; compare: butel, paalel. of Noun: buuɗi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,M. pièce d'argent la plus petite, 5 F CFA, franc;
money of the smallest denomination; i.e. one
mbuuba Noun. mouche; fly. Catégorie : Insecte. five cfa coin is "mbuuɗu" or "one money",
Dialectal Forms: mbuubu. franc. Catégorie : Argent. ***: mbecca,
mbuubu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. becca, kaalisi, buuɗ
buuɗu, jawdi, daliili, ceede;
synonyms: buuɗ
buuɗu, ceede, kaalisi;
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
compare: jawdi, daliili, baawɗ
baawɗe, mbecca.
of Noun: buubi. Sorting Designation: 2, in.
Noun. mouche; fly. Catégorie : Insecte. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: buubu; synonyms: buubu, buubel
demoowo. Dialectal Forms: mbuuba.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 405
mbuuku meere

mbuuku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting meeɗ

meeɗol Noun. goût; sense of taste. Catégorie : Le
Designation: 3, dh, da. Variante: nguuku. corps, Nourriture.
Noun. enflure des testicules, hernie; inguinal synonyms: maate-
hernia; swelling of the testicles; hernia.
meeɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: meeɗugol.
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: fooroonde, nguuku;
Participles: sing: meeɗuɗo-meeɗoowo plur:
synonyms: fooroonde, nguuku.
meeɗuɓe-meeɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. manger
mbuuluulu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. seulement une petite quantité, manger peu; eat
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form only a small amount. synonyms: toɓɓ
of Noun: buuluuli. Sorting Designation: 5, in. ***: toɓɓ
ɓɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. espèce de petite abeille, font leur miel
dans des creux d'arbre; wax-tunnel bee; bee meelimaade Noun Form of Infinitive: meelimagol.
(wax-tunnel). Catégorie : Insecte. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
***: nyaaku, mbuubuudu
mbuubuudu, njuumndi, Progressive: prg. Verb. étalé, versé (utilisé pour
njabbattu, buubel demoowo, buubuuda, huile, gas-oil ou kérosène versé); spread out
juuri, benngaare, urkeewu, buuluulu, (oil); spilled. ***: merude;
nyabbattu; synonyms: buuluulu. Dialectal synonyms: mermertude, merude. Dialects: M.
Forms: [M] mbuubuulu. Dialects: J,Y,G. meemeede Noun Form of Infinitive: meemegol.
mbuutorkoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting Participles: sing: memaaɗo-memeteeɗo
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. boutons sur la plur: memaaɓe-memeteeɓe. Sorting
paupière; pimples on the eye lid. Catégorie Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
: Maladie. Dialects: J. Verb. 1 • être touché; touched.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mbuyakkaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. 2 • affecté négativement, lorsque qqch de mal
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of arrive; affected in a negative way; bad happen
Noun: buyakkaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. to you. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. goyavier; guava tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
Psidium guajava. Note : mooré meemeeku Noun. sourcil; eyebrow. Catégorie : Le
***: buyakkaahi, buyakkaare, goyaagaahi; corps. synonyms: numbatiyel, lokulo yitere,
synonyms: buyakkaahi, goyaagaahi. tiimelol.
Dialects: J. meemtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: agol.
mbuƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: tuggiiɗo-tuggotooɗo plur:
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form tuggiiɓe-tuggotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
of Noun: mbuƴuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, in. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Noun. insecte qui fait des trous dans le bois, 1 • toucher soi-même; touch yourself.
cafard perce bois; wood borer. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,M.
: Insecte. ***: guƴ
guƴu, nguƴ
nguƴu; synonyms: guƴ
guƴu, 2 • être mordu par un serpent; bitten by a
nguƴu. Dialects: M. snake. synonyms: tuggaade. Dialectal
Forms: [G] meentaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
me'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: me'ugol.
Participles: sing: me'uɗo-me'oowo plur: meemude Noun Form of Infinitive: meemugol.
me'uɓe-me'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Participles: sing: meemuɗo-meemoowo
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bégayer; plur: meemuɓe-meemooɓe. Sorting
stutter. Sokkottu haɓɓ
ɓɓodiingu e laabi haala, Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
saabotoongu saggugol karfeeje maa Verb. toucher, utiliser des ressource pour
konngi haaloowo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
accompli une œuvre; touch.
synonyms: maatude; ***: maatude.
me'ugol Noun. bégaiement; stammer, stutter. Ko Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗo me’ata soni na haala.
meere1 Noun. maire; mayor. Catégorie
meanisen Noun. mécanicien; mechanic; mechanical : Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français
engineer. Catégorie : Travailleur. Note : français Dialectal Forms: meer.
meeɗen Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. notre (inclusif);
our (inclusive). ***: men2; synonyms: men2.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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meere mellol

meere2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting meettaade Noun Form of Infinitive: meettagol.
Designation: 3. Noun. rien, absence de valeur, Participles: sing: meettiiɗo plur: meettiiɓe.
inutile (insulte); nothing; worthlessness. Ko Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. faire qqch qui fait
piiɗaa o ɗum wo dow meere tan. Tu l'as plaisir pour la première fois; to do something
frappé pour rien. You hit him over nothing. enjoyable for the first time; Gilla meettiɗ
***: laalu, ɓolum; synonyms: ɓolum. yahude toon a daraaki. Puis que tu as eu de
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plaisir là-bas, tu y est retourné. Since you
enjoyed yourself there the first time you
meereejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. haven't sat still - in other words he keeps going
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of back. Dialects: J,M.
Noun: meereeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
personne inutile; worthless (one who is).
mehaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mehagol.
Participles: sing: mehiiɗo plur: mehiiɓe.
***: celaaɗ
celaaɗo, kunnganaaɗ
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st. Verb. être simple, stupide, bête,
meerii Variante: meeri. Noun. mairie; town hall; town imbécile, confus, embrouillé, naïve; confused;
council. Catégorie : Gouvernement, simple; foolish. Si hakkillo neɗɗ
ɗɗo dareke
Juridique, Bâtiment.
sanne wakati wakati fu na mehoo. If
meese Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number someone is really upset from time to time he
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of can become confused. Abada mi yi'aay
Noun: meeseeji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ndagu Hasan e mehaade, sabo ko nulaa fu
mèche; wick. Note : français ***: barrol, jiɓ
ji ɓtataa. I have never seen anyone as simple
ɓoggol fitilla; synonyms: barrol, ɓoggol as Hasan because if he is sent on an errand he
always gets mixed up. The participle forms of
fitilla. Dialectal Forms: [M] meesi.
this verb are used more frequently than other
Dialects: J,Y.
conjugations. compare: fuuyude;
meesuuje Noun. allumettes; matches. Dialectal ***: fuuyude. Dialects: J,Y.
Forms: mengesuuje.
mellaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mellagol.
meetalol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: melliiɗo-mellotooɗo plur:
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of melliiɓe-mellotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun: meetali. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre
tissu d'homme autour de la tête (souvent noir); un tissu noir autour de la tête (souvent pour
the cloth that a man wraps around his head and homme); to wrap your head with a cloth; this
face; often black. Catégorie : Vêtement. term is only used for men; except in the
***: misooro, mellol, mukkol; Tenkodogo & Mahadaga regions it is use for
compare: misooro; synonyms: mellol, mukkol. both men and women. ***: misaade;
Dialects: J,G. synonyms: misaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

meeter kiɓɓ
ɓɓo Variante: meeter kaare. Noun. mètre melleede Noun Form of Infinitive: mellegol.
carré; square meter. Catégorie Participles: sing: mellaaɗo-melleteeɗo plur:
: Mathématique. mellaaɓe-melleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
meeter kofotooɗ
kofotooɗo Noun. mètre pliant; ruler. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir
Catégorie : Mathématique. entouré sa tête d'un tissu; to have your head
wrapped with a cloth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
meeter lefol Noun. mètre ruban; tape. Catégorie
: Mathématique. mellol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
meetere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: melli. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. tissu
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
noir autour de la tête; cloth that a man wraps
of Noun: meetereeji. Sorting Designation: 2. around his head and face. Catégorie
Variante: meeter. Noun. mètre; meter. : Vêtement. ***: misooro, mukkol,
Catégorie : Mathématique. Note : français
meetalol; compare: misooro;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: meetalol, mukkol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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mellude mesekeeje

mellude Noun Form of Infinitive: mellugol. menyude Noun Form of Infinitive: menyugol. Sorting
Participles: sing: melluɗo-melloowo plur: Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
melluɓe-mellooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb. grimper par terre (insectes); creep on the
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre ground. synonyms: merude; ***: dirbaade,
un tissu autour de la tête; to wrap a male's lanyude, daasaade, ɓodude, layude,
head with a cloth; in the Tenkodogo & merude, ladude; compare: ɓodude,
Mahadaga regions it refers to both men and daasaade, dirbaade, ladude, lanyude,
women. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. layude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
melon Noun. melon; melon. Catégorie : Nourriture. menyumenyu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Note : français
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
memmemtude Noun Form of Noun: menyumenyuuji. Sorting Designation: 4,
Infinitive: memmemtugol. Participles: sing: in. Noun. insectes et araignées (chose
memmemtuɗo-memmemtoowo plur: grimpante); insects and spiders. Catégorie
memmemtuɓe-memmemtooɓe. Sorting : Insecte. ***: kulloy menyoohoy, kuukoy
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. menyoohoy, kuukoy meroohoy, kuungel,
Verb. à tâtons, tâtonner, tâter; feel; grope. kulloy meroohoy; synonyms: kulloy
Saydu bumɗ
bumɗo na memmemta faa filoo menyoohoy
menyoohoy, kuungel. Dialects: J,Y,M.
teewu ley maaro. L’aveugle Saydou tâtonne
dans le riz pour trouver de la viande. Blind mermertude Noun Form of Infinitive: mermertugol.
Saydu gropes in the rice looking for meat. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • provoquer une
irritation / démangeaison à la peau; to
memude Verb. toucher, essayer; try; touch. Dialects: J. provoke an itchy reaction; such as working and
men1 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. nous (exclusif); us sweating; or working with hay or something
which is irritating to the skin; such as
(exclusive). synonyms: min2. Dialects: J.
chemicals; also lice. ***: meelimaade.
men2 Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. notre (inclusif); our Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(inclusive). synonyms: meeɗ
meeɗen; ***: min3, 2 • étaler, disperser (utilisé pour liquides
meeɗen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. comme huile, pétrole, mais aussi pour des
poux ou mouches sur des animaux); spread
mennga Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. 1 • exactement,
out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
précisément, la vrai chose, tout juste ça;
precisely; exactly. Min mbasii meetereeji merude Noun Form of Infinitive: merugol. Sorting
sappo e joy de min kewti hayre mennga. Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Nous avons creusé exactement 15 mètres Verb. 1 • grimper par terre (insectes); creep on
lorsque nous avons tapé un grand rock. We the ground. ***: menyude, dirbaade,
dug 15 meters then we hit a really big rock. lanyude, daasaade, haalude, ɓodude,
Note : mooré ***: jaati. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. layude, ladude, meelimaade;
2 • soi-même; with people we might translate it synonyms: menyude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
himself or herself; Aabu mennga coorumi 2 • étaler, disperser sur le sol (ex. huile versé
mbeewa nga. J'ai acheté cette chèvre de par terre); spread out on the ground.
Abou lui-même. From Aabu himself I bought synonyms: meelimaade. Dialects: J,Y.
this goat. O mennga warunoo, ƴamani ma.
3 • parler; speak. synonyms: haalude;
Lui-même est venu demander d'après toi. He
himself came and asked about you.- but it compare: ɓodude, daasaade
daasaade, dirbaade,
means the real person. Note : mooré ladude, lanyude, layude. Dialects: G,M.
synonyms: jaati, pay. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mesalal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
menyo Noun. insectes; insects. Catégorie : Insecte. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: mesele. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
aiguille; needle. Catégorie : Outil. ***: battal,
baatal, wuurnude; synonyms: baatal, battal;
compare: wuurnude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

mesekeeje Noun. ciseaux; scissors. Catégorie : Outil.

synonyms: maksuuje, makkaal, siijoo.

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metaade mettude

metaade Noun Form of Infinitive: metagol. mettellu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: metiiɗo-metotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
metiiɓe-metotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: mettelli. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être au Noun. fourmi qui pique, petite fourmi rouge;
bord de larmes, au seuil des larmes; to be on ant (kind). Catégorie : Insecte. ***: puccu
the verge of tears; Ko nagge Lobbo waatii, naange, konndollu, korondollu, ɗaaloolu,
imo toon, imo metaa. Lobbo est au bord des nyuunyu; compare: ɗaaloolu, konndollu,
larmes parce que sa vache est morte. Because nyuunyu, puccu naange. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Lobbo's cow died he is over there on the verge
of tears. synonyms: hidinde; ***: hidinde. mettinannde
mettinannde Verb. contrarier; thwart; upset;
frustrate; hinder.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
mettinanoowo Noun. celui qui indispose; the one
metta ƴiiƴ
iiƴaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: who annoys.
ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
Form of Noun: metta ƴiiƴaaɓe. Sorting mettinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mettingol.
Designation: 4. Noun. quelqu'un qui vexe / fâche Participles: sing: mettinɗo-mettinoowo
les autres par son comportement; upsetting plur: mettinɓe-mettinooɓe. Sorting
others. ***: ɗiccorɗ
iccorɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire des choses
mettal-ɓeernde Noun. peine; effort, trouble, fâcheuses / irritantes envers qqn; to do
sorrow, grief. ***: jukkoore. irritating or upsetting things to someone.
mettalla Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. ***: tampinde, hencaade, riibande,
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form husinbinde, haamninde, saƴƴ saƴƴinde
of Noun: mettallaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. ronkinde, haamnaade, moonnude,
Noun. quelque chose d'affligeant, navrant, tikkinde, ɓerninde, tiinnande, sominde,
pénible, inquiétant; anxiety; upsetting; saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, hurfinoyde,
distress. ***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, suno, cunu, dukkinde, hirnyinde, torrude, bilude;
waannde, baasi, kumpa; compare: baasi, synonyms: haamninde, husinbinde, riibande,
cunu, kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, kumpa. Dialectal saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, torrude.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] mettorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mettande Noun Form of Infinitive: mettangol. 2 • acheter du sel pour les animaux; to buy salt
Participles: sing: mettanɗo-mettanoowo for your animals. synonyms: hurfinoyde,
plur: mettanɓe-mettanooɓe. Sorting moonnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or mettinɗ
mettinɗo Noun. celui qui a indisposé; annoyed (who).
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être fâché, énervé,
contrarié envers qqch ou qqn; upset with mettinta adj. pénible; painful, hard, difficult. ko
someone or something. Mi tawii mi waawaa mettinta ***: tampinta.

wondude e makko sabo imo mettani kam. mettorgal Noun. tristesse; sadness, unhappiness,
Je ne supporte pas d’être avec lui car il sorrow.
m’énerve. I find I can't be with him because he
mettorgal ɓeernde expression. chagrin; chagrin,
upsets me. Hoy ko wo miin tan mettani naa
grief, sorrow, grieving.
yimɓe fuu? Est-c que c'est seulement moi qui
n'aime pas cette sauce, ou bien il y a d'autres mettu hoore Noun. malchance; misfortune; bad luck.
qui ont le même sentiment? Is is just me who is
upset by this sauce [because he doesn't like it]
mettude Noun Form of Infinitive: mettugol.
Participles: sing: mettuɗo-mettoowo plur:
or is it everybody? ***: bilanaade, tikkande,
mettuɓe-mettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ɓernande, dukkande, hirnyande;
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
compare: ɓernande, bilanaade, dukkande,
1 • être fâché, troublé; upset. Ɓernde am na
hirnyande, tikkande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
metti Je suis fâché. Mon cœur est troublé. My
heart is upset. ***: lekkude, tikkude, suno,
cunu, hirnyude, bileede, dukkude,
sunaade, ɓernude, bilaade, surwude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 409
meƴƴude miɗo
2 • être irritant, fâcheux; to be upsetting or
miccinde Noun Form of Infinitive: miccingol.
irritating. Golle suka oon na metti. Le
Participles: sing: miccinɗo-miccinoowo
comportement de l'enfant est irritant / fâcheux.
That child's behavior is upsetting. plur: miccinɓe-miccinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • rappeler qqn de qqch qu'il devrait se
3 • lécher; lick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. rappeler, rappeler à quelqu'un; remind
4 • laper; lap. synonyms: lekkude; someone of something they were supposed to
compare: ɓernude, bilaade, dukkude, remember. ***: sowtinde, anndintinde,
haamnaade, hirnyude, sunaade, surwude, aahiila, annditinde, wa'ude, alhaali,
tikkude. Dialects: J. nanndude, siwtinde, wayde, filnde, sifa,
faaytinde; synonyms: annditinde, siwtinde,
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: meƴƴugol.
sowtinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: meƴƴuɗo-meƴƴoo plur:
2 • ressembler à, quelqu'un ou quelque chose
meƴƴuɓe-meƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
qui vous rappelle de qqch ou de qqn; resemble.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • hâter
synonyms: faaytinde, nanndude, wa'ude;
sans faire attention où l'on va; hurry.
compare: aahiila, alaama, alhaali, filnde, sifa.
***: rufude, rufude, weƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] miccintinde - to
2 • couper avec une machette ou hache; chop
remind someone of something they have
something with a machete or axe. Dialects: J,M.
forgotten. Dialects: J,Y,M.
3 • renverser un peu, laisser tomber un peu de
qqch; spill a little of something. miccintinol Noun. rappel; reminder.
synonyms: rufude, weƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: M.
miccitaade Verb. se rappeler; remember.
mi Sorting Designation: 1. spn. je, moi; I.
miccude Noun Form of Infinitive: miccugol. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: da, 3. Verb Stative or
mi yettii merci; thank you. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avorter (animal);
mibinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mibinagol. abort (animals). ***: woppude, ficcude,
Participles: sing: mibiniiɗo-mibinotooɗo ɗalude, wiccude; synonyms: ɗalude, ficcude.
plur: mibiniiɓe-mibinotooɓe. Sorting Dialects: M.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 2 • secouer qqch de soi pour s'en débarrasser;
Verb. serrer dans les bras, embrasser; hug; shake something off yourself. Gaɗ
Gaɗa ko nagge
embrace. ***: mubigaade, mumbilaade, rewi ley loofal, nge miccii koyɗ
koyɗe magge faa
wumbilaade; synonyms: mubigaade, loofe ƴuwa. Après que le bœuf est passé par
mumbilaade, wumbilaade. Dialects: Y. la boue, il s'est secoué pour se libérer de la
boue. After the cow went through the mud it
miccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: miccagol. shook its legs to get the mud off.
Participles: sing: micciiɗo-miccotooɗo plur: synonyms: fiɗɗ
ɗɗude. Dialectal Forms: [M]
micciiɓe-miccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. miccitinde. Dialects: G.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se
micutuwel Noun. minuscule; lower-case; small.
souvenir de qqch qui s'est passé il y a
longtemps; remember something that ***: leggal abajaɗɗ
ɗɗa pammaral.
happened a long time ago. synonyms: siwtorde, miɗ
miɗen Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (exclusif); we
yiitude; ***: yiitude, siwtorde. Dialectal (exclusive). ***: na min, minen1;
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] miccitaade - to remember synonyms: na min, minen1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something that you had forgotten about.
miɗo Sorting Designation: 1. spn. je, moi; I. ***: na
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mi, mino; synonyms: na mi, mino.
micce Noun. souvenirs; memory; souvenir. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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miiɓaade miilaade

miiɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: miiɓagol. miilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: miilagol.
Participles: sing: miiɓiiɗo-miiɓotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: miiliiɗo-miilotooɗo plur:
miiɓiiɓe-miiɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. miiliiɓe-miilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. renifler; Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
sniffle in in order to keep your nose from 1 • penser, planifier, avoir une opinion,
running. ***: nyittaade, nyiiɓ
nyiiɓaade; réfléchir, imaginer; plan; opinion (to have);
compare: fiifaade, nyittaade; think. Gilla duuɓ
duuɓi ɗiɗi miɗ
miɗo miiloo waɗ
synonyms: nyiiɓ
nyiiɓaade. Dialects: Y,G,M. bitiki ley luumo. Depuis deux ans j'ai pensé
de commencer une boutique au marché. For
Miigaani Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting two years now I have been thinking about
Designation: 4. Noun. quatrième mois de starting a shop in the market. the ongoing
l'année lunaire; fourth month of the lunar year. nature of this plan. ***: dimmude, tuumude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. haykaade, miijaade, ndolaade, jikkude,
Miihaaram Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting sikkude, dimmude, tammisaade, tuumude,
Designation: 4. Noun. deuxième mois du jikkude, sikkude, siiwtorde, dimmude,
calendrier lunaire; second month of the lunar miijaade, siwtorde, ngokkinde, sikkude,
calendar. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jataade, jataade, haanndinde, jataade,
jataade, ɗammi'aade, yelaade, tijjaade,
miijaade Noun Form of Infinitive: miijagol.
iimaade, sogude; synonyms: dimmude,
Participles: sing: miijiiɗo-miijotooɗo plur:
jataade, sikkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
miijiiɓe-miijotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 2 • être méfiant, soupçonner; suspicious. Miɗ
1 • penser, planifier, avoir une opinion (et des miiloo wo kanko hooƴ
hooƴi laɓ
laɓi maa. Je
doutes); plan; opinion (to have an); think. soupçonne que c'était lui qui a pris ton
synonyms: miilaade, dimmude, jataade, couteau. I think [with some uncertainty] that it
was he who took your knife.
sikkude; ***: yelaade, jataade
jataade, jataade,
synonyms: sogude, tuumude, jikkude,
sikkude, siiwtorde, sikkude, jataade,
dimmude, jataade, sikkude.
sogude, sikkude, iimaade, dimmude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dimmude, jikkude, siwtorde, miilaade,
miilaade, dimmude. Dialects: J,Y,G. 3 • espérer; hope. Hannden wo luumo, miɗ
2 • se méfier de, être méfiant, soupçonner; miiloo Umaru waran. Aujourd'hui c'est le
jour du marché, je pense qu'Oumarou vient.
suspicious. synonyms: miilaade, sogude,
Today is market day, I think [not certain] that
tuumude, jikkude
jikkude, dimmude, jataade, Umaru will come today. My language
sikkude. Dialects: J,Y,G. informants tell me that the use of "miilude"
3 • espérer; hope. compare: ɗammi'aade, carries a greater degree of certainty than does
the use of "miilaade." This extends to all of
ngokkinde, tijjaade; synonyms: dimmude,
the above definitions - certainty of plans,
jataade, jikkude, miilaade, miilude, opinions, suspicions or hope. However, a
yelaade, dimmude, jataade, sikkude. second subtility here is that ongoing thoughts
Dialects: J,Y,G. would be expressed by "miilaade," while the
thought of the moment would be expressed by
miijaaɗum Noun. abstrait; abstract. Catégorie : Le "miilude." compare: ɗammi'aade,
langage et la pensée.
ngokkinde, tijjaade; synonyms: dimmude,
miijannde Noun. abstraction; abstraction. Catégorie jataade, jikkude, miijaade, yelaade,
: Le langage et la pensée. miijaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
miijo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: miijooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
une pensée, avis; thought. synonyms: dimme,
jate, miilo, seko, sikke; ***: seko, sikke,
dimme, miilo, jate, jate, jate. Dialects: J,Y,G.

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miilo min

miilo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. mililiitar emprunt: français. Noun. millilitre; millilitre.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun: miilooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. milimeet emprunt: français. Noun. millimètre;
1 • pensée, opinion, idée, soucis; idea; worry; millimetre. Catégorie : Mathématique.
thought; opinion. Catégorie : Le langage et la
pensée. ***: seko, ndolo, seko, tuumo, jate, miliyaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
hakkillo, anniya, sikke, dimme, dimme, Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
sikke, dimme
dimme, jikke, seko, jikke, miijo, Noun: miliyaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. neem, nim; neem tree. Catégorie
sikke, jate, jate, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo; synonyms: dimme,
: Arbres. Azadirachta indica. ***: gooji,
jate, jikke, seko, sikke, miijo.
pongudaahi, tiirootiihi, niimuuhi;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: gooji, niimuuhi, pongudaahi,
2 • soupçon, méfiance; suspicion.
tiirootiihi. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • espoir, espérance; hope. compare: anniya, miliyo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
hakkillo, ndolo, ngokka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: milyooji. Sorting Designation: 4.
miilooji Noun. sentiments; sentiments, feelings.
Variante: milyoŋ. Noun. million; million.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
1'000'000 Catégorie : Mathématique. Note :
***: yidde.
français Dialectal Forms: [J,G,M] milyo.
miilude Noun Form of Infinitive: miilugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: miiluɗo-miiloowo plur:
milyaar emprunt: français. Noun. milliard; billion.
miiluɓe-miilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • penser, planifier, avoir une opinion; plan; mimse Noun. regret; regret.
opinion (to have an); think. Miɗ
Miɗo miila mi mimsinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: memsinagol.
yahan luumo joonin. Je pense aller au
Participles: sing: mimsiniiɗo-mimsinotooɗo
marché maintenant. I think I will go to the
market now. this is a one off thought. plur: mimsiniiɓe-mimsinotooɓe. Sorting

***: jataade, sikkude, miijaade, dimmude, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. manger qqch de bon lentement, savourer,
jikkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sentir; savor; eat something tasty slowly.
2 • être méfiant, soupçonner; suspicious. Miɗ
Miɗo Idrissa heɓ
heɓii maaro, imo mimsinoo ngo
miila wo kanko hooƴ
hooƴi laɓ
laɓi maa. Je sabo ingo weli. Idrissa mange lentement le riz
soupçonne qu'il a pris ton couteau. I suspect puisqu'il est délicieux. Idrissa has some rice
[strongly] that it was he who took your knife. which he is savoring because it is so tasty.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ɓoltindaade; ***: ɓoltindaade.
3 • espérer; hope. Hannden wo luumo miɗ
miɗo Dialects: Y.
miila Umaru waran. C'est le jour du marché,
mimsitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mimsitingol.
je pense qu’Oumarou vient aujourd'hui.
Today is market day, I think [fairly sure] that Participles: sing: mimsitinɗo-mimsitoowo
Umaru will come today. My language plur: mimsitinɓe-mimsitooɓe. Sorting
informants tell me that the use of "miilude" Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
carries a greater degree of certainty than does na mimsita. Verb. changer d'avis, regretter;
the use of "miilaade." This extends to all of
change one's mind; regret. ***: waylitaade,
the above definitions - certainty of plans,
opinions, suspicions or hope. However, a accitinde, nimsitinde, fiirtude;
second subtility here is that ongoing thoughts compare: accitinde, waylitaade;
would be expressed by "miilaade," while the synonyms: nimsitinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
thought of the moment would be expressed by mimistidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
"miilude." Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
min1 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (exclusif); we
miin Sorting Designation: 1. epn. je, moi, moi-même; (exclusive). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
myself; I. synonyms: min2; ***: min2. Dialectal
min2 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. je, moi, moi-même;
Forms: min. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
myself; I. ***: miin, men1; synonyms: miin.
miligaraam emprunt: français. Noun. milligramme; Dialects: Y,G.
milligram. Catégorie : Mathématique.

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min misaade

min3 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. nous (exclusif); us miraade Noun Form of Infinitive: miragol.
(exclusive). synonyms: men2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: miriiɗo-mirotooɗo plur:
miriiɓe-mirotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
minen1 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (exclusif); we
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. plonger
(exclusive). ***: na min, miɗ
dans l'eau, se tremper dans l'eau, se
synonyms: miɗ
miɗen, na min. Dialects: G,M. submerger dans l'eau, s'immerger dans l'eau;
minen2 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. nous, nous-mêmes; dunk or submerge yourself in water.
ourselves (exclusive); we. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: mutude; synonyms: mutude.
Dialects: Y,G.
minɠel njawdiri Noun. agneau; male lamb.
Catégorie : Élevage. miral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
el-cofel Noun. poussin; chick. Catégorie
: Élevage. Noun: mire. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. bois
long pour lit ou hangar; a long piece of wood
minngel dawagel Noun. chiot; puppy, pup. that runs the length of the canopy over a bed
Catégorie : Élevage. that is placed in the center of the canopy on the
"pale" in order to stabilize the canopy; also the
minngel musuwel Noun. chaton; kitten. cross piece of a hangar that sits on the "nyibal."
mino Sorting Designation: 1. spn. je, moi; I. ***: na compare: deege, leggal deege, palal;
mi, miɗ
miɗo; synonyms: miɗ
miɗo. Dialects: G. ***: leggal deege, gatal, nyiɓ
nyiɓal leeso,
deege, palal. Dialects: J.
minteere Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of mirneede Noun Form of Infinitive: mirnegol.
Noun: minteere'en. Sorting Designation: 3. Participles: sing: mirnaaɗo-mirneteeɗo
Noun. un militaire, un soldat; soldier. Catégorie plur: mirnaaɓe-mirneteeɓe. Sorting
: Travailleur. Note : français compare: poliisi; Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
synonyms: sordaasi; ***: poliisi. Dialectal Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être immergé dans
Forms: miniteere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. l'eau; dunked or submersed in water.
***: mutineede. Dialects: Y,G.
minti Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
2 • être baptisé; baptized.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: mutineede. Dialects: Y,G.
Noun: mintaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
minute; minute. Note : français Dialectal mirnude Noun Form of Infinitive: mirnugol.
Forms: [J] minitti (o)/minittaaji (ɗi). Participles: sing: mirnuɗo-mirnoo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mirnuɓe-mirnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
minyiiwo Noun. frère cadet, sœur cadette; younger th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
brother; younger sister. Catégorie : Parenté. 1 • immerger qqn ou qqch dans l'eau; dunk
someone or something under water.
***: sakiike. Dialectal Forms: minyo.
***: mutinde. Dialects: Y,G.
minyo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number 2 • baptiser; baptize. synonyms: mutinde.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: Y,G.
Noun: minyiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. petit frère, frère cadet, petite sœur, sœur misaade Noun Form of Infinitive: misagol.
cadette; sibling (a younger). Catégorie Participles: sing: misiiɗo-misotooɗo plur:
: Parenté. Here are the contracted personal misiiɓe-misotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
forms: 1s minyam, 2s minya, 3s (makko)
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
minyiiko, (muuɗum) minyum, 1p (exclusive)
lorsqu'une femme met un tissu autour de sa
NA, (inclusive) minyii'en, [Y,G] minyiiɗen
tête; when a woman wraps a head scarf around
[both of these are the same as minyo meeɗen],
2p minyii'on, [Y,G] minyiiɗon [both of these her head. compare: mellaade
mellaade; ***: mellaade.
are the same as minyo mooɗon], 3p (maɓɓe) Dialects: J.
minyiiɓe, (muuɓɓen) minyumen.
compare: sakiike. Dialectal Forms: [J,M]
minyiiwo, [J] minyiraaɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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misaalu mo felnaaki

misaalu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number miso tekkungo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. fine pluie; light
Noun: misaaluuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. rain. Catégorie : Temps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
un exemple; example. Kulle ɗeen fuu misooro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
kewtake ɓe faa laatanoo en misaalu. Ces
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
choses les ont surprises pour que cela nous
sert d'exemple. These thing all overtook them Noun: misoorooji. Sorting Designation: 3.
so they would become an example to us. Note : Noun. foulard de femme, mouchoir de tête;
woman's head wrap; head scarf. Catégorie
arabe Dialects: ?.
: Vêtement. Note : français ***: mukkol,
miseede Noun Form of Infinitive: misegol. mellol, meetalol; compare: meetalol, mellol,
Participles: sing: misaaɗo-miseteeɗo plur: mukkol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
misaaɓe-miseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
missoneer Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
lorsqu'une femme a mis un tissu autour de sa Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
tête; for a female to have her head wrapped Noun: missoneer'en. Sorting Designation: 2.
with a scarf. Dialects: J. Noun. missionnaire; missionary. Catégorie
: Travailleur. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
misiide Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
misude Noun Form of Infinitive: misugol.
of Noun: misiidaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Participles: sing: misuɗo-misoowo plur:
Noun. mosquée ou église, lieu de culte; misuɓe-misooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
mosque. Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: rewrude2, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • pleuvoir
juulirde; synonyms: juulirde, rewrude1. légèrement; rain lightly. ***: wisude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • envelopper la tête d'un foulard (femme); to
misikinaaku synonyme: saɗɗa ; sukulla ; talkaaku.
Noun. misère; misery.
wrap a female's head with a scarf. Dialects: J.
3 • arroser, irriguer; water. Dialects: G.
Misira Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. Égypte;
Egypt. Catégorie : Pays. Note : arabe mo1 Sorting Designation: 1. rpn. qui, que, à qui, celui
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. qui; one that (singular); whom; who. Suka mo
njigundurɗaa oon warii ɗo. Le type qui est
Misirankeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
devenu ton ami est venu ici. The fellow you
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
have become friends with came here. Mi
Noun: Misirankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
anndaa mo nji'umi. Je ne sais pas qui j'ai vu.
cp, th. Noun. Égyptien; Egyptian. Note : arabe
I don't know whom I saw. compare: ɓe1, moy,
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Misiraajo.
o1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mo2 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. 1 • lui, à lui; him.
miskiini Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
***: ɓe3, o3. Dialects: Y,G.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • à elle, sa, ses; her. synonyms: ɗum, o1.
Noun: misikiini'en. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
Noun. un pauvre qui n'a rien; poor person who Dialects: Y,G.
has nothing. Catégorie : La Personne. Note : mo anndaa Noun. ignorant; ignorant person.
arabe compare: talkaajo; ***: talkaajo.
Dialectal Forms: [J,G] misikiini. Dialects: J,Y,M.
mo ɓeerndemum Noun. malheureux; unlucky;
miserable; unhappy.
miso Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
mo daandem limetee nder taƴ
ooɓe haala
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of expression. voix délibérative; vote, voting right
Noun: misooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. . Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
une légère pluie; sprinkling of rain. Catégorie
: Temps. ***: bƴuwoonde, suusuu, ƴoonde,
mo dawrataa indécis; undecided, indecisive,
irresolute. Catégorie : Juridique.
nyeko, sooso; compare: ƴuwoonde;
synonyms: nyeko, sooso, suusuu. mo felnaaki expression. innocent; innocent. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Juridique.

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mo gosoowo lugotooɗo tuumii moggitordu wotto

mo gosoowo lugotoo
lugotooɗo tuumii expression. moddude Noun Form of Infinitive: moddugol.
inculpé; accused persons. Catégorie Participles: sing: modduɗo-moddoowo
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: tuumaɗ
tuumaɗo. plur: modduɓe-moddooɓe. Sorting
mo hen fuu Sorting Designation: 3. adj. chacun, Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or
chacune; each one. ***: mono kala, mono Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • concentré, dense,
épais (liquide); concentrated; thick (liquid).
fuu; synonyms: mono fuu, mono kala.
***: tiɓ
tiɓa, tip, dik. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G.
2 • lutter violemment; fight violently.
mo jaalataake Noun. invincible; unbeatable; compare: tiɓ
tiɓa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
moɗgol Variante: moɗugol. Noun. élision; elision.
mo janngaay Noun. analphabète, illettré; illiterate Catégorie : La Grammaire.
person. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: cammingol.
mo ne'aaki qui est sans pudeur, sans éducation;
moɗoori Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
mo neɗɗ
ɗɗo waɗ
waɗdi huunde expression. co-auteur; of Noun: moɗooje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
co-author. Catégorie : Le langage et la Noun. python de rochers; rock python or
pensée. synonyms: kawtaaɗ
kawtaaɗo ley winndugo African python. Catégorie : Reptile. Python
dewtere. sebae. ***: mbosiri, ngoola, mbarulla,
mo sidaa nanngi Noun. séropositif; HIV positive. mbolla; synonyms: mbarulla, mbosiri.
Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: G.

mo walaa baawɗ
baawɗe e semmbe expression. moɗ
moɗorgol Plural Form of Noun: moɗorɗi.
vulnérable; vulnerable. synonyme: moosinirgol . Noun. pharynx;
pharynx. Catégorie : Le corps.
mo walaa jikke Noun. qui n'est pas accueillant;
unwelcoming. moɗ
moɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: moɗugol.
mo walaa yaage adj. sans pudeur; shameless; Participles: sing: moɗuɗo-moɗoowo plur:
indecent. moɗuɓe-moɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
mo wooɗ
wooɗaa hawju adj. qui est irresponsable;
avaler, élider ; swallow. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
irresponsible; irresponsibly.
mo ƴi'ataake adj. qui est invisible; invisible. moɗ
moɗude cafaaje expression. absorber médicaments
; absorbing medicaments . Catégorie
mobbo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number : Traitement de la maladie.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of mogginaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mogginagol.
Noun: moodibaaɓe or moodiɓɓe. Sorting Participles: sing:
Designation: 3, th. Noun. enseignant islamique, mogginiiɗo-mogginotooɗo plur:
imam; Islamic teacher or imam. Catégorie
mogginiiɓe-mogginotooɓe. Sorting
: Apprendre, Travailleur. ***: moodibbo,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
almaami; compare: almaami; Verb. cacher, se cacher pour surprendre qqn,
synonyms: moodibbo. Dialects: J,Y,M. dissimuler; conceal oneself from view in order
mobel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. to surprise someone; hide. ***: togaade,
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of suuɗ
suuɗaade, juhude, molanaade;
Noun: moboy. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: molanaade, suuɗ
suuɗaade, togaade.
voiture, camion léger; truck (light); car. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Voyager. Note : français
moggitordu wotto expression. isoloir; booth,
synonyms: loore; ***: loore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. polling booth. Catégorie : Juridique.
moddu synonyme: fottooru. Noun. anus; anus.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: rubbere,
fuudo, bunna.

16/02/2020 415
mojaade mommiɗinde

mojaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mojagol. molmude Noun Form of Infinitive: molmugol.
Participles: sing: mojiiɗo-mojotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: molmuɗo-molmoowo
mojiiɓe-mojotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: molmuɓe-molmooɓe. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
envelopper le corps avec une couverture, se Progressive: prg. Verb. enduire, appliquer de
mettre un voile (femme); wrap herself in a veil; l'huile, s’oindre avec de l'huile, frotter,
wrap your arms or a blanket around yourself caresser; ointment or lotion; coat; caress; rub
when cold. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. in oil; put on; stroke; pet. ***: momlude,
mola Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. wujude, mooytude; compare: mooytude
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form wujude; synonyms: momlude.
of Noun: moli. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ânon; donkey foal; foal (donkey). Catégorie molu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
: Mammifère. compare: araawa, molu,
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
ngorba, tefeewa; ***: gorba, araawa,
Noun: moli. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
ngorba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. poulain; foal (horse). Catégorie : Mammifère.
mola tefeewa synonyme: mola ngorba . Noun. ânon ***: gu1, mola, tefeewu, puccu;
femelle/mâle; foal (donkey). Catégorie compare: gu2, puccu, tefeewu.
: Élevage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
molanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: molanagol. molu puccu Noun. poulain; foal. Catégorie : Élevage.
Participles: sing: molaniiɗo-molanotooɗo
momlaade Noun Form of Infinitive: momlagol.
plur: molaniiɓe-molanotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: momliiɗo-momlotooɗo
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se cacher en s'approchant, être couché plur: momliiɓe-momlotooɓe. Sorting
pour attendre; lie in wait for; hide behind Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
something while sneaking up on someone or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'oindre d’huile ou
something. compare: nyuɗ
nyuɗanaade; pommade, lotion ou avec de l'eau; rub yourself
***: togaade, suuɗ
suuɗaade, mogginaade, with oil. ***: molmaade, wujaade,
nyuɗanaade; synonyms: mogginaade, woggaade; synonyms: molmaade,
suuɗaade, togaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. woggaade, wujaade. Dialects: J,M.

molmaade Noun Form of Infinitive: molmagol. momloowo pentir Noun. peintre; painter. Catégorie
: Travailleur.
Participles: sing: molmiiɗo-molmotooɗo
plur: molmiiɓe-molmotooɓe. Sorting momlude Noun Form of Infinitive: momlugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Participles: sing: momluɗo-momloowo
Verb. s'oindre d'huile, appliquer de l'huile ou plur: momluɓe-momlooɓe. Sorting
pommade, rincer avec de l'eau; rinsing off
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
with water; ointment; or water; to rub
yourself with oil; lotion. Progressive: prg. Verb. oindre avec huile,
caresser; caress; rub in oil; stroke; pet.
synonyms: momlaade, woggaade, wujaade;
synonyms: molmude; ***: molmude;
***: wujaade, momlaade, woggaade.
compare: mooytude, wujude. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
momlude pentir Verb. peindre; paint.
molmoltude Noun Form of Infinitive: molmoltugol.
Participles: sing: mommiɗ
mommiɗinde Noun Form of
molmoltuɗo-molmoltoowo plur: Infinitive: mommiɗingol. Participles: sing:
molmoltuɓe-molmoltooɓe. Sorting mommiɗinɗo-mommiɗoowo plur:
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. mommiɗinɓe-mommiɗooɓe. Sorting
Verb. s’éclipser discrètement; sneak off. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: st -
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ina mommiɗi. Verb. 1 • de valeur, précieux;
valuable. Dialects: G.
2 • bien fonctionner; work well.
synonyms: saahaade. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 416
momt-a moodibbo
3 • être bien, poli; polite; to be good.
mooɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mooɓagol.
synonyms: hegitaade
hegitaade, wooɗ
wooɗude. Dialectal
Participles: sing: mooɓiiɗi-mooɓotooɗo
Forms: [Y] mommiɗidde. Dialects: G.
plur: mooɓiiɓe-mooɓotooɓe. Sorting
momt-a Verb. effacer ; delete, rub out, erase. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être sauve, en
mon Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. votre, vos; your sécurité, protégé; protected; secure (be); safe
(plural). ***: mooɗ and secure. Ɗo na woodi dawaaɗ
dawaaɗi ladde
mooɗon; synonyms: mooɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sanne, ammaa si a waalii dow lekki ɗo fuu
a moo ɓoto. Il y a beaucoup des lions ici, mais
monnde Noun. cure salée; Festival of the Nomads. si on dort sur un arbre, on est en sécurité.
Nokkuuje lamɗ
lamɗaaje, ɗo daabaaji mettoyta There are a lot of lions here, but if you sleep in
leydi lamɗ
lamɗaari a tree you will be safe. synonyms: reenaade;
***: reenaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
monndijara Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of mooɓ
mooɓirde Noun. lieu où on garde; place where is
Noun: monndijaraaji. Sorting Designation: 4, kept.
or. Noun. euplecte franciscain; bishop bird mooɓ
mooɓoowo Noun. qui garde bien les choses; who
(red). Catégorie : Oiseau. Euplectes orix. Note : keeps things well.
Gourmanche ***: boɗ
boɗiyel, ciiwel;
mooɓt-a synonyme: mooft-a, res-a. Verb. épargner;
synonyms: boɗ
boɗiyel. Dialects: G. to save. Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
mono fuu Sorting Designation: 3. adj/ipn. chacun, mooɓ
mooɓtere synonyme: mooftere desal. Noun. épargne;
chacune; each one. ***: mono kala, mo hen saving. Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
fuu; synonyms: mono kala, mo hen fuu.
mooɓude Note for Verb Stative or
Dialectal Forms: [G,M] mon fuu. Dialects: J,Y.
Progressive: Note:"imo mooɓi bido" means
mono kala Sorting Designation: 3. adj/ipn. chacun; "he has [in storage] a container.". Noun Form
each one. synonyms: mono fuu, mo hen fuu; of Infinitive: mooɓugol. Participles: sing:
***: mono fuu, mo hen fuu. Dialects: J. mooɓuɗo-mooɓoowo plur:
monteere Noun. motocyclette, moto; motorbike. mooɓuɓe-mooɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Catégorie : Voyager. Note : français Dialectal Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
Forms: moteere. 1 • conserver, mettre à l'abri, garder; store;
keep. ***: ufude, doomude, hawjaade,
montoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
reenude, irude, resude, uwude, uwude;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: resude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: montorooji. Sorting Designation: 2.
2 • stocker, ranger, mettre de côté; put away.
Noun. montre, horloge, pendule; clock; watch.
synonyms: resude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : français Dialectal Forms: [J] moomtoro.
3 • protéger, surveiller; protect; watch over.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: reenude, doomude.
montoro mawɗ
mawɗi Noun. réveil; alarm clock. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Outil.
4 • enterrer qqn, inhumer qqn; bury someone.
montoro mawɗ
mawɗo Noun. pendule; clock. synonyms: irude, ufude, uwude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
montorooji Noun. horloger; watchmaker. Catégorie
: Travailleur. moodibbo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: moodibaaɓe or moodiɓɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, cp. Noun. enseignant islamique,
imam; imam; Islamic teacher. Catégorie
: Travailleur. synonyms: mobbo;
***: almaami, mobbo; compare: almaami.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 417
moodibbuwa mooreede

moodibbuwa Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga moomtude Noun Form of Infinitive: moomtugol.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Participles: sing: moomtuɗo-moomtoowo
Plural Form of Noun: moodibbooji. Sorting plur: moomtuɓe-moomtooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, in. Noun. papillon; butterfly. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Insecte. ***: dewtel-
dewtel-alla, Progressive: prg. Verb. nettoyer le derrière
dabidabiyal; synonyms: dabidabiyal. après avoir déféqué; to wipe someone's
Dialects: Y,G.
bottom after they have had a bowel movement.
synonyms: ɓiirude, woogude, woggude;
Moodibo Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (L') ***: ɓiirude. Dialects: J.
Éducateur / (le) Sage; first name for a male,
meaning: (the) Educator, (the) Wise. Catégorie moonnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
: Nom. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
mooɗon Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. votre, vos; your of Noun: moonndeeji. Sorting Designation: 3,
(plural). synonyms: mon; ***: mon. ah. Noun. pierre salée naturelle, bloc de sel ;
salt lick (natural); natural salt lick. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Terre. ***: hurfaare; synonyms: hurfaare.
moofiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: moofiɗingol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: moofiɗinɗo-moofiɗoowo
moonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: moonnugol.
plur: moofiɗinɓe-moofiɗooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: moonnuɗo-moonnoowo
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: st -
plur: moonnuɓe-moonnooɓe. Sorting
na moofiɗi. Verb. être cagneux, cagneuse;
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or
knock-kneed. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mener les animaux à
moofiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
un endroit de pierre salée; to take your
moolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: moolagol. animals to a salt lick. ***: hurfinoyde,
Participles: sing: mooliiɗo-moolotooɗo mettinde, hurfinoyde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: mooliiɓe-moolotooɓe. Sorting 2 • acheter du sel pour les animaux; to buy salt
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or for your animals. compare: hurfaare;
Progressive: prg. Verb. demander la protection; synonyms: mettinde, hurfinoyde.
ask for protection. Mooleke Alla. Que Dieu Dialects: Y,M.
me protège de cela. God protect me from this.
moontorgel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur:
Ko gollooɓ
gollooɓe ɓeen kaɓ
kaɓi ɗum gooto maɓɓ
koy. Number One for this noun: ngootel. Plural
to mawɗ
mawɗo maɓɓ
ɓɓe moolowi. Parce que les
travailleurs ont lutté, l'un d'eux a demandé le Form of Noun: moontorkoy. Sorting
patron de les protéger. Because the workers Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. bouton sur la
fought is why one of them appealed to their paupière; pimple on the eye lid.
boss for protection. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ɓiirorgel, buutorgel, ɓuure;
***: ɓiirorgel, buutorgel, ɓuure. Dialects: G.
moolaaɗo Noun. qui a mauvaise réputation; person of
bad reputation. mooraade Noun Form of Infinitive: mooragol.
mooliiɗo Noun. réfugié; refugee, displaced. Catégorie Participles: sing: mooriiɗo-moorotooɗo
: Juridique. synonyms: kalfiniiɗ
kalfiniiɗo. plur: mooriiɓe-moorotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
moomaade Noun Form of Infinitive: moomagol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se tresser les
Participles: sing: moomiiɗo-moomotooɗo cheveux (femme); braid her own hair.
plur: moomiiɓe-moomotooɓe. Sorting ***: feɗ
feɗaade, soɗ
soɗaade; synonyms: feɗfeɗaade,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. soɗ
soɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. se frotter, érafler, écorcher, griffer, se
gratter contre un objet; scrape; rub; scratch mooreede Noun Form of Infinitive: mooregol.
yourself against. Fajiri fuu miɗ
miɗo yi'a nagge Participles: sing: mooraaɗo-mooreteeɗo
nge na moomoo e lekki ki. Chaque matin je plur: mooraaɓe-mooreteeɓe. Sorting
vois cette vache se gratter contre cet arbre. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Every morning I see that cow rubbing up Verb. se faire tresser les cheveux; hair braided
against that tree. ***: soccaade, yiggaade; or plaited. synonyms: soɗ
synonyms: nyaanyaade, soccaade, yiggaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 418
moorngo mooytude

moorngo Noun. coiffure, tresse (cheveux); plait; moosude Noun Form of Infinitive: moosugol.
hairstyle; braid; hairdressing. Participles: sing: moosuɗo-moosoowo plur:
moorude Noun Form of Infinitive: moorugol. moosuɓe-moosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: mooruɗo-mooroowo plur: Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
mooruɓe-moorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • sourire; smile. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tresser les 2 • rire légèrement, glousser; laugh a little;
cheveux d'une femme; braid or fix up another chuckle. compare: jalude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
woman's hair. ***: soɗ
soɗude, yommbude, mootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mootagol. Sorting
dobude, feɗ
feɗude; synonyms: dobude, soɗ soɗude, Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or
yommbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: prg. Verb. fondre; melt.
Moosiijo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. synonyms: yoosude; ***: yoosude.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun: Moosiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. mootinde Verb. dissoudre; dissolve. ***: yoosinde.
peul vivant dans une zone dominé par la
population mossi / mooré-phone; a Pullo who mooytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mooytagol.
lives in the area of Burkina Faso dominated by Participles: sing: mooytiiɗo-mooytotooɗo
the Mossi Those from the Kaya-Boulsa plur: mooytiiɓe-mooytotooɓe. Sorting
region are known as Ganjirankooɓe. Those
from the Koupela-Tenkodogo area are known Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
as Sarankooɓe. Catégorie : Communauté. Note Verb. se frotter avec un tissu pour sécher, se
sécher; dry yourself with a cloth or towel.
: mooré ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo,
***: tuusaade; synonyms: tuusaade.
Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Kelliijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo, mooyteede Noun Form of Infinitive: mooytegol.
Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo, Participles: sing: mooytaaɗo-mooyteteeɗo
Nommaajo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo. plur: mooytaaɓe-mooyteteeɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. être frotté par qqn pour sécher, se fraie
Moosiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting sécher; dried by someone else.
Designation: 1, lg. Noun. le dialecte peul / synonyms: tuuseede; ***: tuuseede.
fulfulde parlé par des gens qui vivent dans une
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
région mooré-phone; The dialect of Fulfulde
spoken by the Fulɓe living in areas of Burkina mooytude Noun Form of Infinitive: mooytugol.
Faso where Moré is the dominant language. Participles: sing: mooytuɗo-mooytoowo
There are two subgroups known as
plur: mooytuɓe-mooytooɓe. Sorting
Ganjirankoore (Kaya-Boulsa); Sarankoore
(east of Koupela). Note : mooré Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • essuyer, épousseter, effacer un
***: Gurmaare, Jelgoore, Foynankoore,
tableau noir; wipe; dust; erase. ***: tuusude,
Maasinankoore, Gaawoore, Liptaakuure,
tosude, molmude, tuusude, momlude.
Nommaare, Yaangaare, Yaagaare,
Dialectal Forms: moƴtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Jalluɓeere; compare: Foynankoore,
2 • caresser, frotter; caress; stroke; rub; pet.
Gaawoore, Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Nommaare,
3 • sécher avec un tissu; dry with a cloth.
Yaagaare, Yaangaare
Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: tosude, tuusude;
moosindorde Noun. pomme d’Adam; Adam's apple. compare: molmude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Le corps.

Moosinkoore Sorting Designation: 1, lg. Noun. la

langue mooré; Mooré language.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

mooso Noun. sourire; smile.

16/02/2020 419
mooƴu moƴƴ-a

mooƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. mottude Noun Form of Infinitive: mottugol.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form Participles: sing: mottuɗo-mottoowo plur:
of Noun: mooƴuuji, mooƴi. Sorting mottuɓe-mottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3, in. Noun. espèce de fourmi ou Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. filer le
de termite; termite; . Catégorie : Insecte. coton; spin cotton. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: waande2, yeebiiwu, ngangaawu,
mowaɗataa sariya lobbo expression. injuste;
yoobiiwu, gangaare, kurbaanaanu;
compare: kurbaanaanu, waande2, yeebiiwu,
yoobiiwu; synonyms: gangaare, ngangaawu. moy Sorting Designation: 1. interrog. qui ?; who?
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: mo1; compare: ɓeye. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

mooƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: mooƴugol. Sorting moye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel?
laquelle ? lequel ou qui ?; who?; which?
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Debbo moye o ɓaŋata? Quel fille va-t-il
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsqu'un bois est
rongé par des termites; when a piece of wood marier ? Which girl will he marry? ***: oye.
is eaten by termites ("mooƴuuji"). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: wuƴ
wuƴude; synonyms: wuƴ
wuƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj. Miɗ
Miɗo anndi debbo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. moye o ɓaŋata. I know which girl he will
mopeereejo Noun. chrétien, catholique; catholic
believer; Christian. Note : français synonyms: oye. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.3 • rpn. Imo
anndi moye o ɓaŋata. He knows which
mornyitaade Verb. effriter (s); erode, flake, crumble, (one/girl) he will marry.
moygaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
mornyite Noun. débris; debris.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
morreere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Noun: moygaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. albinos; albino. synonyms: jabiyaajo;
of Noun: morreeje. Sorting Designation: 4. ***: jabiyaajo. Dialects: Y,M.
Noun. 1 • cartouche ou balle de fusil; bullet;
moymoytude Noun Form of Infinitive: moymoytugol.
rifle cartridge. ***: yebere, yabere.
Participles: sing:
Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • une chique de tabac; plug of tobacco. muymuytuɗo-moymoytoowo plur:
moymoytuɓe-moymoytooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: yabere, yebere. Dialects: J.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
morrungel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être enthousiasmé et
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of content; excited in a joyful way.
Noun: morrukoy. Sorting Designation: 2, at. ***: welweltinde, muymuytude, jartinde;
Noun. pomme d'Adam; Adam's apple. Catégorie synonyms: jartinde, muymuytude,
: Le corps. ***: hononde, harmajolloore; welweltinde
welweltinde. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: harmajolloore, hononde.
Dialects: G,M.
moyni Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. quelqu'un;
someone. Moyni waɗwaɗii kam ko boni.
mota Noun. chevreau femelle, chevrette, est employé Quelqu’un m'a fait du mal. He/she did me
aussi pour les jeunes n' ayant pas mis bas; wrong/evil. ***: niɗɗ
ɗɗo, goɗɗ
ɗɗo, gonɗ
female goat kid. Catégorie : Élevage.
maani, neɗɗ
ɗɗo; compare: goɗɗ
ɗɗo, neɗɗ
motoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number niɗɗ
ɗɗo; synonyms: maani. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
moytude Verb. supprimer; remove, delete, eliminate.
Noun: moteeje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
motocyclette; motorcycle. Catégorie moƴ
moƴtude Variante: moytude. Verb. essuyer, caresser;
: Voyager. Note : français Dialectal dry; wipe. Dialectal Forms: mooƴtude.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] moteere (nde).
ƴƴ-a Adverb. bien; well.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 420
moƴƴere moƴƴuki

ƴƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. moƴƴ
ƴƴingol Noun. préparation; preparation.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form synonyms: ndefu.
of Noun: moƴƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
ƴƴingol nokkuuje expression. aménagements
Noun. manifestation visible de gentillesse,
paysagers; territory planning. Catégorie
grâce, aide, don, cadeau; gift. Si a fantii wuro : Terre.
makko fu a tawan heewuɓ
heewuɓe toon sabo imo
ƴƴingol nokkuure expression. préparation du
woodi moƴƴ
ƴƴ ere. Si tu arrives chez lui, tu
terrain; preparation of the ground. Catégorie
verras beaucoup de gens car il aide souvent
: Agriculture.
des gens. If you stop by his place you will find
lots of people there because he helps people a moƴƴ
ƴƴinnde Verb. arranger, réparer; arrange; repair.
lot. Imo woodi moƴƴ
ƴƴere sabo imo walla Dialectal Forms: moƴƴinde.
yimɓe e nyaamri. Il est généreux car il aide
les gens avec de la nourriture. He is gracious
ƴƴintingol nokku Noun. amendement;
enrichment. Catégorie : Agriculture.
because he helps people with food.
***: nafaa1, mballa, mballitaari, nafude, moƴƴ
ƴƴintinol Noun. réforme; reform, change,
wannude, sadaka, balla, ballitaari, wallude; revision.
compare: nafude, sadaka, wallude, moƴƴ
ƴƴo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
wannude; synonyms: balla, ballitaari, mballa, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
mballitaari, nafaa1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: moƴƴuɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ƴƴiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: moƴƴiɗingol. bienfaiteur, généreux, quelqu'un qui fiat des
bonnes œuvre, de généreux, personne
Participles: sing: moƴƴiɗinɗo plur: généreuse; benefactor; generous person.
moƴƴiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
synonyms: dokko, lobbo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st - imo moƴƴiɗi. Verb.
être aimable, affable; gracious. Laamɗ
Laamɗo na
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: moƴƴugol.
Participles: sing: moƴƴuɗo plur: moƴƴuɓe.
ƴƴiɗi sabo na yowi hinnay muuɗ
dow adunaa ru fuu. Dieu montre sa grâce Sorting Designation: 2, th. Verb Stative or
dans le monde entier. God is gracious because Progressive: st. Verb. être bien, faire du bien;
His grace is on the entire world. ***: nafaa1. good (to be). Rik na moƴƴ
ƴƴi sabo to hoɗ
hoɗi fu
Dialects: J,Y,G. sawran kulle, wooɗ
wooɗi holla dokotorooɓ
dokotorooɓe no
kulle oppirtee du. Rick est bien car il s'est
ƴƴinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: moƴƴinagol. installé pour aider à traiter le bétail et il
Participles: sing: enseigne comment bien s'occuper des
moƴƴiniiɗo-moƴƴinotooɗo plur: animaux. Rick is good because he settled in
moƴƴiniiɓe-moƴƴinotooɓe. Sorting order to treat cattle, also he shows the techs
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or how to operate on animals. ***: wooɗ
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bien habillé, seynaade; synonyms: wooɗwooɗude, wannude.
bien habillé et coiffé; dressed (well); groomed Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(well). Si ɓangal waɗ
waɗii fu, yimɓ
yimɓe fuu moƴƴ
ƴƴuki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
ƴƴinto de njaha. S'il y a un mariage, tous
Designation: 3, th. Noun. bonté, gentillesse;
s’habillent bien pour y aller. If there is a
wedding everyone gets dressed up and then kindness; goodness. Hikka min tampii e
goes. ***: paraade, ɗuurtaade, leeɓleeɓude, ɗomka sanne de e moƴƴ
ƴƴuki Laamɗ
seynaade, nyaaƴ
nyaaƴude; synonyms: leeɓleeɓude, ƴuwoonde toɓ
toɓii law. Cette année il n'y a pas
assez d'eau, mais par la grâce / bonté de Dieu
nyaaƴude, paraade, seynaade;
les pluies ont commencé tôt. This year we were
compare: ɗuurtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. really short of water but by the grace of God
ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: moƴƴingol. the rains began early. ***: mbooɗ
Participles: sing: moƴƴinɗo-moƴƴinoowo synonyms: mbooɗ
mbooɗirka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: moƴƴinɓe-moƴƴinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. réparer, régler, préparer; repair; fix (to);
prepare. ***: woonnude, henngitidde,
hegitinde; synonyms: hegitinde,
henngitidde, woonnude
woonnude. Dialectal
Forms: moƴƴinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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mubigaade muktuuru

mubigaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mubigagol. muddiɗ

muddiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: muddiɗingol.
Participles: sing: mubigiiɗo-mubigotooɗo Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
plur: mubigiiɓe-mubigotooɓe. Sorting Progressive: st - na muddiɗi. Verb. être
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. émoussé; blunt. compare: seeɓ
Verb. embrasser, serrer dans ses bras; hug; ***: seeɓ
seeɓude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
embrace. synonyms: mibinaade, wumbilaade; muddiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: mumbilaade, gorfude, gorfaade,
muddiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
mibinaade, wumbilaade, hooɓ
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: M.
of Noun: muddiije. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: muɓɓagol. Sorting Noun. mesure, bol pour mesurer; measure; cup
Designation: 3, pl, mt. Verb Stative or for measuring; scoop. Catégorie : Récipient.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se refermer (fleur); synonyms: eterde, etirde, etorde, yorbaal;
when a flower closes up. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: taasawal, yorbaal. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • se fermer d'une blessure, coudre un mufol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
blessure pour la refermer; closes up (wound).
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: kubbi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ɓɓen Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. leur, leurs; their. coiffure de femme; hairdo of women; .
compare: maɓɓ
ɓɓe; ***: muuɗ
muuɗum'en, mun'en, synonyms: kubbol; ***: kubbol. Dialects: J.
ɓɓe; synonyms: mun'en, muuɗ
muuɗum'en. mugu Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. moulu très fin;
Dialects: J,Y,M. ground very fine. Gawri ɗiggii mugu. Le mil
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: muɓɓugol. est moulu très fin. The millet is ground very
Participles: sing: muɓɓuɗo-muɓɓoowo
fine. ***: doli, butum, yoti, neke, ɗiggude;
plur: muɓɓuɓe-muɓɓooɓe. Sorting compare: ɗiggude, yoti; synonyms: neke.

Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: M.

Verb. 1 • fermer (bouche); close. ***: uddude, Muhammadum Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
munnude, tummbude2, ommbude, Designation: 3, np, th. Noun. Mahomet;
tammbaade, mummude; Mohammed. Note : arabe ***: Annabiijo;
synonyms: deƴƴ
ƴƴinaade, mummude, synonyms: Annabiijo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
munnude, ommbude, uddude.
mukkiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mukkiɗingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: mukkiɗinɗo-mukkiɗoowo
2 • arrêter de parler à demi phrases; to stop
plur: mukkiɗinɓe-mukkiɗooɓe. Sorting
talking in mid sentence. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
3 • porter dans la paume de la main avec la
Progressive: st - na mukkiɗi. Verb. être
main fermée; to carry something in your palm
édenté; toothless. synonyms: mulgiɗ
with the hand closed. compare: tummbude2;
***: mulgiɗ
mulgiɗinde. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: munnude, tammbude.
Dialects: J,Y,M. mukkol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
mudde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun: mukki. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tissu que les hommes se mettent autour de la
of Noun: muuɗe. Sorting Designation: 4, ct. tête (souvent noir); the cloth that a man wraps
Noun. espèce de boules de farine de mil; balls around his head and face; often black.
of millet flour used when making cobbal and
Catégorie : Vêtement. compare: misooro;
gappal - to prepare cobbal they boil these balls
- after they are boiled they are pounded again; ***: misooro, mellol, meetalol;
spices are added and mixture is mixed with synonyms: meetalol, mellol. Dialects: G.
milk. Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: tamre; muktuuru
muktuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
***: tamre. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: muktuuji or muktuuruuji. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • livre avec couverture
en cuir; a leather bound book or a book stored
in a leather case. ***: dewtere. Dialects: J,M.

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mukuru mummuttere
2 • petite boite en cuir qu'on se met autour du
mumbilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mumbilagol.
cou; a little leather box that one hangs around
one's neck; used to store papers; charms and Participles: sing:
money. compare: dewtere. Dialects: J,M. mumbiliiɗo-mumbilotooɗo plur:
mumbiliiɓe-mumbilotooɓe. Sorting
mukuru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb. serrer dans les bras, embrasser; hug;
Noun: mukuruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. embrace. synonyms: mibinaade, mubigaade,
jupe ou jupon; slip; skirt. Catégorie
wumbilaade; ***: mibinaade, wumbilaade.
: Vêtement. ***: jippu, disaare, zippu;
Dialects: J.
synonyms: jippu, zippu; compare: disaare.
Dialects: Y,G. mummitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mummitingol.
Participles: sing:
mulgiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mulgiɗingol.
mummitinɗo-mummitoowo plur:
Participles: sing: mulgiɗinɗo-mulgiɗoowo
mummitinɓe-mummitooɓe. Sorting
plur: mulgiɗinɓe-mulgiɗooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
na mummita. Verb. 1 • ouvrir ses yeux; open
Progressive: st - na mulgiɗi. Verb. être édenté;
your eyes. ***: omtude, ontude,
toothless. ***: mukkiɗ
munnitidde, tammbitinde, feertude.
synonyms: mukkiɗ
mukkiɗinde. Dialectal Forms: [M]
Dialects: J,Y,M.
mulɓiɗinde, [G] mulkiɗidde. Dialects: J.
2 • ouvrir sa main; open your hand.
mulgo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number synonyms: feertude, munnitidde, omtude,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of tammbitinde, udditinde. Dialectal
Noun: mulguɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Forms: [Y,M] mumnitinde. Dialects: Y,M.
personne édentée; toothless person. Dialectal
mummude Noun Form of Infinitive: mummugol.
Forms: [M] mulɓo, [G] mulko. Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: mummuɗo-mummoowo
mullam Noun. moelle; bone marrow. Catégorie : Le plur: mummuɓe-mummooɓe. Sorting
corps. synonyms: busam, mbusam. Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • fermer ses yeux; close your eyes.
mulƴitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mulƴitagol.
***: uddude, ommbude, tammbaade,
Participles: sing: mulƴitiiɗhis verb spɗɗo
tamƴude, munnude, muɓɓ
plur: mulƴitiiɓe-mulƴitotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
2 • fermer sa main; close your hand.
Progressive: prg. Verb. se faire une entorse, se
synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓude, munnude. Dialectal
blesser; strain; sprain. synonyms: bigitaade,
Forms: [J,G,M] mumnude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
lirkitaade, silɓ
silɓude; ***: bigitaade, silɓ
laƴude, lirkitaade; compare: laƴ
laƴude. mummumre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: Y. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: mummumje. Sorting Designation: 4.
mum Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. son, sa, ses; his;
Noun. langue gestuel, communiquer par
hers. ***: mun, makko, muuɗ
signes; sign language. synonyms: muugaare;
compare: makko; synonyms: mun, muuɗ
***: muugaare. Dialects: J,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mummuttere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
mumaade Noun Form of Infinitive: mumagol.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
Participles: sing: mumiiɗo-mumotooɗo
Form of Noun: mummutte. Sorting
plur: mumiiɓe-mumotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah, wl. Noun. animaux muettes;
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Stative or
dumb animals. synonyms: daaba;
Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever du mil grillé de
compare: bahiima; ***: daaba.
la tête; to remove roasted millet from the head.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 423
mumnande munnitidde

mumnande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. munaafikaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
of Noun: mumnanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Form of Noun: munaafikaaje. Sorting
Noun. poing fermé; closed fist. Designation: 4, th. Noun. calomnie,
***: tammbannde; synonyms: tammbannde. diffamation, commérages; slander; gossip.
Dialects: G,M. Note : arabe ***: bonkaade, hunnduko,
waccoore1, naafikaare, hunnduko;
mumuri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
synonyms: hunnduko, naafikaare.
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. le grain après avoir
été grillé et enlevé de la tête; grain after it has Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
been roasted and removed from the head. munaafiki
munaafiki Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: muuri;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: muuri. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: munaafiki'en. Sorting Designation: 3.
mumuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Noun. personne qui dis des commérages,
calomnies, diffamations, calomniateur,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
diffamateur, rapporteur; telltale; slanderer;
of Noun: mumi. Sorting Designation: 4,ct. Noun.
gossip. Note : arabe ***: foowude, kaaltaro,
mil presque mûr utilisé pour griller; nearly
ripe millet used for roasting on the head - this hunndukoojo; synonyms: hunndukoojo,
term refers to the head of grain before it is kaaltaro. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
roasted and while it is being roasted. Catégorie
muncaade Noun Form of Infinitive: muncagol.
: Nourriture. synonyms: wutaandu.
Participles: sing: munciiɗo-muncotooɗo
Dialects: J,Y.
plur: munciiɓe-muncotooɓe. Verb Stative or
mun Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. son, sa, ses; his; Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être patient pour
hers. synonyms: mum, muuɗ
muuɗum; un court moment; patient for a short while.
compare: makko; ***: mum. Dialects: Y,G. ***: munyude, munyitaade, doomude,
sawraade, heɗheɗaade, feewndaade.
mun'en Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. leur, leurs; their.
Dialects: J,Y.
***: muɓɓ
ɓɓen, maɓɓ
ɓɓe; compare: maɓɓ
2 • attendre pour un court moment; wait for a
synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓen, muuɗ
short while. synonyms: munyitaade.
Dialects: G,M.
Dialects: J,Y.
munaafikaade Noun Form of
muncaraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Infinitive: munaafikagol. Participles: sing:
Designation: 4. Noun. impatience, agacement;
munaafikiiɗo-munaafikotooɗo or
impatience to the point of being rude.
munaafiki plur:
compare: heppude; ***: heppude.
munaafikiiɓe-munaafikotooɓe or
Dialects: J,Y,M.
munaafiki'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire des munkaru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
commérages sur qqn, bavarder, accuser, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
diffamer, calomnier; slander; accuse; gossip Noun: munkaruuji. Sorting Designation: 4.
about someone. Note : arabe Noun. musique, tout ce qui n'est approuvé par
compare: bonkaade, sefaade, waccaade, la foi; music. Note : arabe ***: gaaci. Dialectal
waddundurde; ***: waccaade, sefaade, Forms: [J] munkari. Dialects: J,Y,G.
gaddaade, waddundurde, nyo'ude,
munkondirgol Noun. coït; coitus.
mbonkaade, naafikaade, jurkondirde;
synonyms: katondirol, deewondirol.
synonyms: mbonkaade, naafikaade, nyo'ude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. munnitidde Noun Form of Infinitive: munnitingol.
Participles: sing: munnitinɗo-munnitoowo
plur: munnitinɓe-munnitooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • ouvrir ses yeux; open your eyes.
***: mummitinde, feertude. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 424
munnude musel
2 • ouvrir sa main; open your hand.
muppude Noun Form of Infinitive: muppugol.
synonyms: feertude, mummitinde,
Participles: sing: muppuɗo-muppoowo
tammbitinde; compare: omtude, udditinde.
plur: muppuɓe-muppooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: G.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
munnude Noun Form of Infinitive: munnugol. Verb. battre, frapper, taper; strike; beat; hit.
Participles: sing: munnuɗo-munnoowo ***: fiyude, nyippude, tappude, reewnude,
plur: munnuɓe-munnooɓe. Sorting fiide, nyappude, sammude; synonyms: fiide,
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. fiyude, reewnude, tappude, nyappude,
Verb. 1 • porter qqch dans la main serrée; carry nyippude, sammude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something in your palm with the hand closed.
muraade Noun Form of Infinitive: muragol.
Laamu munnii o sabo o gujjo. Il est dans la
main du gouvernement (s'est fait arrêter) Participles: sing: muriiɗo-murotooɗo plur:
parce qu'il est un voleur. He is in the hand of muriiɓe-murotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
the government [he has been arrested] because Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. refuser
he is a thief. synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓude, tammbude; de répondre; refuse to answer.
***: tammbaade, muɓɓ muɓɓude
ɓɓude, muɓɓ
ɓɓude, synonyms: salaade; ***: salaade.
mummude. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • fermer ses yeux; close your eyes. murl Noun. rond; round. murl (-
(-um) Catégorie
synonyms: mummude. Dialects: G. : Mathématique.
munyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting murliɗ
murliɗ-a Verb. rond (être -); round (be -). Catégorie
Designation: 3, th. Noun. patience, : Mathématique.
détermination; fortitude; patience. ***: sariya, murliɗ
murliɗirgal synonyme: kompaa. Noun. compas;
pulaaku, kiite; compare: pulaaku, sawraade, compass. <= murlol, beɗ
beɗirgal, <= mbeɗ
sariya; synonyms: heese. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.
munyitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: munyitagol. murlol Noun. ronde (ligne -); round (row -). murlol
Participles: sing: munyitiiɗo-munyitotooɗo (diidol) Catégorie : Mathématique.
plur: munyitiiɓe-munyitotooɓe. Sorting
mursu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être patient pour un
court moment, attendre un court moment, se Noun: mursuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.

patienter; patient for a short while. Munyita une perte; loss. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seeɗa si aɗ
aɗa waawi, o waawaa ndaarude mursude Noun Form of Infinitive: mursugol.
ma joonin. Si tu peux, attends un peu de Participles: sing: mursuɗo-mursoowo plur:
temps, il ne peut pas te voir maintenant. If you mursuɓe-mursooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
can, wait a little while, he cannot see you now.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. perdre;
***: muncaade; synonyms: muncaade.
lose. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
murtere Noun. rébellion, grève; rebellion; strike.
munyude Noun Form of Infinitive: munyugol.
Participles: sing: munyuɗo-munyoowo plur: muru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
munyuɓe-munyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se Noun: muruuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. prépuce du sexe masculin; foreskin of
patienter; patient. synonyms: sawraade;
the penis. Catégorie : Le corps.
***: doomude, sawraade, hettaade,
***: jofolooru; synonyms: jofolooru;
heɗaade, feewndaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: haddude, taadude. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • attendre; wait. synonyms: muncaade,
musel Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
doomude, heɗ
heɗaade, hettaade.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: muselaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
mup Sorting Designation: 4, mt. Adverb. être Noun. enseignant d'école, instituteur, maître;
totalement aveugle; blind (be). O wumii mup. teacher; school teacher. Catégorie
Il est totalement aveugle. He is totally blind. : Apprendre, Travailleur. Note : français
synonyms: cay, dak; ***: cay, wumude, dak; synonyms: jannginoowo, karansambaajo.
compare: wumude. Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 425
musey muugaare
2 • être baptisé; baptized.
musey Noun. monsieur; sir. Note : français
synonyms: mirneede; compare: loƴ
musinde Noun Form of Infinitive: musingol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: musinɗo-musinoowo plur:
mutude Noun Form of Infinitive: mutugol.
musinɓe-musinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Participles: sing: mutuɗo-mutoowo plur:
mt. Variante: musinnde. Verb Stative or
mutuɓe-mutooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Progressive: prg. Verb. téter (du lait du sein);
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
suck milk from a teat. Ko ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo cecco maa
s'immerger dans l'eau, se plonger dans, se
hujjere wuurdata e kosam enɗ
enɗi inna mum submerger ; dunk or submerge yourself in
synonyms: muynude; ***: muynude, water. synonyms: miraade; ***: miraade.
muytude; compare: muytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
muuccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: muuccagol.
musingol huunde Noun. succion; sucking, suction. Participles: sing: muucciiɗo-muuccotooɗo
musinirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. plur: muucciiɓe-muuccotooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
of Noun: musinirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • baiser, donner un
Noun. incisive; incisor tooth. Catégorie : Le baiser à, embrasser; kiss.
corps. ***: gaggitere, sakkitirde, nyiinde, synonyms: ɓuuccaade; ***: ɓuuccaade.
yareere, hooreere, gawuure1, ngaŋ
ngaŋ, Dialects: J,Y,M.
rawaanduure; synonyms: hooreere, nyiinde; 2 • faire un bruit de baiser en appelant un
compare: gaggitere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ, yareere, animal; kissing sound when calling your dog.
rawaanduure. Dialects: J,G,M. compare: aynaade, joonaade, kurnaade,
ŋeccaade, ŋeesaade; synonyms: ɓuuccaade,
musinnde Verb. allaiter; to breast feed. Ko ɓiɗɗo
noddude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
cecco maa hujjere wuurdata e kosam enɗ
inna mum ***: muyninnde.
muuɗum Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. son, sa, ses; his;
hers. ***: mun, makko, mum;
musinngal Noun. allaitement; bottle-feeding; compare: makko; synonyms: mum.
breast-feeding. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: muyningol.
muuɗum'en Sorting Designation: 1. ppn. leur, leurs;
musuuji Noun. félins; feline, cats. Catégorie : Élevage.
their. synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓen; ***: muɓɓ
musuuru Plural Form of Noun: musuuji. mun'en, maɓɓ
ɓɓe; compare: maɓɓ
Variante: ŋuusuuru, muusuuru. Noun. chat; Dialects: Y,G,M.
cat. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: soloru.
muugaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
mutinde Noun Form of Infinitive: mutingol. Designation: 4. Noun. langage de signes; sign
Participles: sing: mutinɗo-mutinoowo plur: language. ***: mummumre;
mutinɓe-mutinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, synonyms: mummumre. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M]
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. muumaare. Dialects: Y,G,M.
1 • tremper ou plonger / immerger qqn ou qqch
dans l'eau; dunk someone or something under
water. ***: mirnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • baptiser; baptize. synonyms: mirnude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

mutineede Noun Form of Infinitive: mutinegol.

Participles: sing: mutinaaɗo-mutineteeɗo
plur: mutinaaɓe-mutineteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être immergé, plongé
dans l'eau; dunked or submersed in water.
***: diineede, mirneede, loƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 426
muugeede muusuuru ladde

muugeede Noun Form of Infinitive: muugegol. muuri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
Participles: sing: muugaaɗo plur: Designation: 4, ct. Noun. grain après avoir été
muugaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Verb enlevé de la tête; the grain after it has been
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. muet, muette,
roasted and removed from the head. Catégorie
sourd-muet; mute; deaf mute. Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: mumuri;
: Maladie. a series of adjectives for things than ***: mumuri. Dialects: G.
can be deaf can be formed from this verb's
root: Group I ɓe/muumɓe, nde/muumre, muurtal mawngal synonyme: muurtere mawnde
ndu/muumru, nge/muume Group II jamaa. expression. insurrection populaire;
ɗe/muumɗe, ɗi/muumɗi, ɗum/muumɗum, popular upraise, popular revolt. Catégorie
kol/muumkol, ngal/ muumngal, : Gouvernement, Juridique.
ngel/muumngel, o/muumɗo Group III
muurtere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
ko2/muumko, koy/muumkoy, ndi/muumri,
nga/muuma, ngi/muumi, ngu/muumu. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
***: muumɗ
muumɗude, beebiɗ
beebiɗinde; of Noun: muurtereeji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. rébellion, révolte, grève; rebellion;
synonyms: beebiɗ
beebiɗinde, muumɗ
strike. compare: lunndaade, salaade.
compare: faaɗ
faaɗude, fahɗ
fahɗude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
muum adj. sourd; unvoiced. Muum(-
Muum(-um), t, k , f, p
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. muurtere nde reway laawol expression. grève
illégale / sauvage; unlawful strike. Catégorie
muumal synonyme: ƴi’al, goral. Noun. consonne; : Juridique.
consonant. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
muurtuɗo Noun. rebelle; rebel. Catégorie : Juridique.
muumɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: muumɗugol.
Muusa Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Moise;
Participles: sing: muumɗuɗo plur:
Moses. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
muumɗuɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être muet, muusuru-
muusuru-rewru Noun. chatte; female cat.
muette, sourd-muet; deaf-mute; mute.
Catégorie : Maladie. a series of adjectives for
muusuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
this than can be deaf can be formed from this Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
verb's root: Group I ɓe/muumɓe, of Noun: muusuuji. Sorting Designation: 2.
nde/muumre, ndu/muumru, nge/muume Noun. chat; cat. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Group II ɗe/muumɗe, ɗi/muumɗi, ***: ŋeewude, ŋuusuuru;
ɗum/muumɗum, kol/muumkol, ngal/ synonyms: ŋuusuuru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
muumngal, ngel/muumngel, o/muumɗo
Group III ko2/muumko, koy/muumkoy, muusuuru ladde1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu
ndi/muumri, nga/muuma, ngi/muumi, plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu.
ngu/muumu. synonyms: beebiɗ
beebiɗinde, Plural Form of Noun: muusuuji ladde. Sorting
muugeede; ***: muugeede, faaɗ faaɗude, Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This
fahɗude, beebiɗ
beebiɗinde; compare: faaɗ
aaɗude, creeping plant is found along river beds in
fahɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M. gravelly soil. It is not appetizing. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Asparagus
muumo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number flagellaris. ***: rawaandu, rawaandu ladde,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of nyaara foondu, malaganndiire,
Noun: muumɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. dangel-
dangel-muusuuru, fiifo, laddeeru
laddeeru, ɓii
personne sourd-muette; deaf-mute. Catégorie
ladde, colel ɗahi; synonyms: nyaara foondu.
: Malade. ***: beebeejo;
Dialects: M.
synonyms: beebeejo
beebeejo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
muusuuru ladde2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu
muuraadu e sariya synonyme: anniya sariya.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu.
expression. proposition de loi; proposed law,
law proposal, legal proposal . Catégorie Plural Form of Noun: muusuuji ladde. Sorting
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Designation: 4, wl. Noun. 1 • lion; lion.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Panthera leo
massaicus. synonyms: ɓii ladde, laddeeru,
rawaandu. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • genette; Genet. Catégorie : Mammifère.
Genetta sp.. synonyms: colel ɗahi, fiifo,
malaganndiire. Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 427
muusuwel leydi muytude

muusuwel leydi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel muuyude Noun Form of Infinitive: muuyugol.
plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Participles: sing: muuyuɗo-muuyoowo plur:
Plural Form of Noun: muusuhoy leydi. Sorting muuyuɓe-muuyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Designation: 5, in. Noun. larve de fourmilion; th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
the larva of the ant lion. Catégorie : Insecte. désirer, vouloir, souhaiter; wish; desire; want.
Hagenomyia sp.. synonyms: dakiyel beembel, ***: haajeede, hatinginde, yiɗ
dugu1, nuguuru; ***: dakiyel beembel, compare: haajeede, hatinginde;
dugu1, nuguuru. Dialects: Y. synonyms: eelude, yiɗ
yiɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

muutiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. Plural muymuytude Noun Form of Infinitive: muymuytugol.
Form of Noun: muute-this refers to the field Participles: sing:
of millet. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. muymuytuɗo-muymuytoowo plur:
1 • plante de mil; millet plant. Catégorie muymuytuɓe-muymuytooɓe. Sorting
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Pennisetum
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
americanum. ***: gawri, sonnoori, yoyiiri. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être excité de joie,
Dialects: J,Y,M. exalté de joie, enthousiasmé; excited in a
2 • graine de mil; millet grain. joyful way. ***: welweltinde, moymoytude,
compare: bogodollo; synonyms: gawri, jartinde; synonyms: jartinde, moymoytude,
sonnoori, yoyiiri. Dialects: J,Y,M. welweltinde. Dialects: J,G.
muuyande Noun Form of Infinitive: muuyangol. muyninde Noun Form of Infinitive: muyningol.
Participles: sing: muuyanɗo-muuyanoowo Participles: sing: muyninɗo-muyninoowo
plur: muuyanɓe-muuyanooɓe. Sorting plur: muyninɓe-muyninooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
Verb. vouloir qqch pour donner à qqn; want
Progressive: prg. Verb. faire téter, donner le
something in order to give it to someone else. sein, allaiter, nourrir; nurse; breast or teat to
***: welnande, yiɗ
yiɗande, yettude;
suck (give); suckle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: yiɗ
yiɗande; compare: welnande,
yettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. muyningol Noun. allaitement; breast-feeding.
Catégorie : En bonne santé, Nourriture.
muuyantaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. synonyms: muynugol, musinngal.
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. désire, envie;
muyninirgol biberon Noun. allaitement artificiel;
desire. ***: goddi, eelgal, ngokka;
artificial feeding.
compare: eelgal, goddi, ngokka. Dialects: J,Y.
muyninnde Verb. allaiter; to breast feed. Catégorie
muuyɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting : En bonne santé, Nourriture.
Designation: 2, th. Noun. 1 • désire; desire. synonyms: musinnde
***: goddi, haaju, eelgal, ngokka.
muynude Noun Form of Infinitive: muynugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: muynuɗo-muynoowo plur:
2 • volonté; will. compare: eelgal, goddi,
muynuɓe-muynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
haaju, himme, ngokka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. téter,
muuyɗe bonɗ
bonɗe Noun. mauvaises intentions, vouloir sucer le sein, allaiter; suck milk from a breast
le mal; bad intentions. or teat. ***: musinde
musinde; synonyms: musinde.
muuynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: muuynagol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: muuyniiɗo-muuynotooɗo muynugol Variante: musinngol. Noun. allaitement;

plur: muuyniiɓe-muuynotooɓe. Sorting breast feeding. ***: muyningol.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
muytude Noun Form of Infinitive: muytugol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. susciter un désir,
Participles: sing: muytuɗo-muytoowo plur:
éveiller un désir, attirer, séduire; entice;
muytuɓe-muytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
seduce; arouse lust or desire. Debbo o
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sucer (ex.
muuyneke kam. Cette femme a suscité un
un bonbon); suck on (e.g. candy).
désir en moi. That woman created a desire
compare: musinde; ***: musinde.
within me. compare: eelude; ***: eytude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
eelude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 428
na naafikaade

N - n

na Sorting Designation: 1. part. c'est; it is. naace Noun. guillemets; quotation marks, quote (s). «
synonyms: ina, no; ***: no, ina. Dialects: J,Y,M. naace (tl. ŋaacal) » Catégorie : Lecture /
écriture. ***: koolkoy.
na a Sorting Designation: 1. spn. tu; you (singular).
***: aɗa, ana; synonyms: aɗa, ana. naaddude Noun Form of Infinitive: naaddugol.
Dialects: J,M. Participles: sing: naadduɗo-naaddoowo
plur: naadduɓe-naaddooɓe. Sorting
na ɓe Sorting Designation: 1. spn. ils, elles; they.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
***: iɓe, eɓe; synonyms: eɓe, iɓe.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • entrer avec qqn;
Dialects: J,M.
enter somewhere with someone. add "e" if
na en Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (inclusif); we entering somewhere with something or
(inclusive). synonyms: eɗen, enen2; ***: eɗen, someone. ***: hatude, reewude
reewude, naatidinde,
anen2. Dialects: J,M. yowaade, waɗɗ
ɗɗaade, waaldude, naandude,
yiitude, hoowude, naatidinde, fukkodaade;
na hen Verb. être concerné; concerned (to be);
affected. synonyms: naandude, naatidinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
na laatoo Verb. être possible; possible. 2 • avoir des relations sexuelles; sexual
na mi Sorting Designation: 1. spn. je, moi; I. intercourse (to have). synonyms: fukkodaade,
synonyms: miɗ
miɗo, mino; ***: miɗ
miɗo. hatude, hoowude, naandude
naandude, naatidinde,
Dialects: J,M. rentude, reewude, waaldude, yiitude,
yowaade; compare: loowude, resude,
na min Sorting Designation: 1. spn. nous (exclusif); we
tummbude2, wattude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(exclusive). synonyms: miɗ
miɗen, minen1;
***: miɗ
miɗen, minen1. Dialects: J,M. naadiri Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 4. Adverb. de temps en temps,
na o Sorting Designation: 1. spn. il, elle (forme longe
parfois, quelque fois; once in a while. Note :
pronom sujet); she; (long form subject
arabe Dialects: J.
pronoun) he. ***: omo, imo; synonyms: imo,
omo. Dialects: J,M. naaɗ
naaɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: naaɗagol.
Participles: sing: naaɗiiɗo-naaɗotooɗo plur:
na on Sorting Designation: 1. spn. vous; you (plural).
naaɗiiɓe-naaɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
synonyms: oɗon, onon2; ***: onon2, oɗon.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,M.
s'étirer, tendre soi-même; stretch oneself.
na'i Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1, ah. Variante: ne'i. Noun. bœufs,
naafikaade Noun Class Markers: sing: Arabic. Noun
vaches, bovins; cows. Catégorie : Élevage.
Form of Infinitive: naafikagol. Participles: sing:
***: jawle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
naafikiiɗo-naafikotooɗo or naafiki plur:
naa Sorting Designation: 2. conj/interog particle. naafikiiɓe-naafikotooɓe or naafiki'en.
1 • ou, ou bien, ni ... ni; or; nor. Be'i njiɗɗ
ɗɗaa Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
marude naa baali? Aimes-tu élever des Progressive: prg. Verb. accuser, bavarder,
chèvres ou bien des moutons ? Do you like papoter, faire des commérages, calomnier;
raising goats or sheep? synonyms: maa1; accuse; gossip or slander someone behind their
***: maa2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. back. ***: sownaade, waddundurde,
2 • particule d'interrogation; used as an nyo'ude, mbonkaade, munaafikaade,
particle in questions; En njahan to makko jurkondirde; synonyms: mbonkaade,
naa? Devions nous aller chez lui ? Should we munaafikaade, nyo'ude;
go to him? Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] na. compare: sownaade, waddundurde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 429
naafikaare naarugal

naafikaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. naandude Noun Form of Infinitive: naandugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: naanduɗo-naandoowo
of Noun: naafikaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, th. plur: naanduɓe-naandooɓe. Sorting
Noun. calomnier, diffamer, faire des Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
commérages; slander; gossip. Note : arabe Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • entrer avec qqn;
***: waddondirde, hunnduko, waccoore1,
enter somewhere with someone. Hamma
hunnduko, munaafikaare;
naandii e minyum lekkol. Hamma est entré
synonyms: hunnduko, munaafikaare. l'école avec son petit frère. Hamma went into
Dialects: J,Y. the school with his little brother. add "e" if
entering somewhere with something or
naahu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
someone; ***: hatude, reewude, naatidinde,
Designation: 4. Noun. grammaire; grammar.
yonngaade, yowaade, naaddude,
Note : arabe ***: celluka, laaɓ
laaɓuka. Dialectal
ɗɗaade, waaldude, naaddude, yiitude,
Forms: [M] naahwu - per Arabic. Dialects: J,Y.
hoowude, naatidinde, fukkodaade
naalaade Noun Form of Infinitive: naalagol. synonyms: naaddude, naatidinde.
Participles: sing: naaliiɗo-naalotooɗo plur: Dialects: J,Y,M.
naaliiɓe-naalotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, 2 • avoir des relations sexuelles; sexual
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. intercourse (to have). compare: loowude,
avoir un handicap physique (tel que jambe non resude, tummbude2, wattude1;
fonctionnelle, un œil aveugle, lèpre etc.);
synonyms: fukkodaade, hoowude, hatude,
physical handicap (to have). Mi yi'ii o de mi
naatidinde, reewude, rentude, waaldude,
annditaay o sabo o naaleke. Je l'ai vu mais
yiitude, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
je ne le connaissais pas car il a un handicap. I
saw him but I didn't know him because he has naaneeri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
a handicap. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. sol avec de la craie;
soil with chalk in it. Catégorie : Terre.
naalaaku Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. manque de
respect, in-hospitalité, impolitesse; brashness; synonyms: mbolgoori, mbulinkoori,
inhospitality; disrespect; rudeness; ndaaneeri; ***: ndaaneeri, mbolgoori,
impoliteness. Taa hollu naalaaku. Ne sois mbulinkoori. Dialects: G.
pas impoli. Don't be rude. O waɗ
waɗii naalaaku naanen Adverb. peu de temps avant, il y a peu de
keeŋan sabo o riiwii beero makko yeeso temps, il y a un petit moment; short while ago.
yim ɓe fuu. Il était impoli hier car il chassé Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
son visiteur devant tout le monde. He was rude
(and inhospitable) yesterday because he naange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge. Number One for
chased off his guest in front of everybody. this noun: woote. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
***: rawaandaaku, neetaraaku, bonde soleil; sun. Catégorie : Ciel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗaaku, lammere; synonyms: bonde naarude Noun Form of Infinitive: naarugol.
ɗɗaaku, nanaraaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: naaruɗo-naaroowo plur:
naam Sorting Designation: 4. interj. réponse à un naaruɓe-naarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
appel «oui, je suis là»; response to being Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entrer
called. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G. comment ou par où; enter with a view toward
naamnal Noun. interrogation, question; interrogation, how or where. Toy naaruɗ
naaruɗaa? Dammbugal
question. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. naarumi Où est-tu entré ? Je suis entré par la
porte. Where did you enter? I entered at the
synonyms: laɓ
door. Dialectal Forms: [J] naarrude.
naana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. menthe; mint.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. naarugal Noun. entrée; entrance.
***: anaana; synonyms: anaana. Dialects: J.

naanaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: naanaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. rayon de lumière; beam or a ray of light.
compare: annoora. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 430
naatidinde naawuɗo

naatidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: naatidingol. naaw Noun. mal, maladie; difficulty; disease;
Participles: sing: naatidinɗo-naatidoowo sickness; illness.
plur: naatidinɓe-naatidooɓe. Sorting naawaaɗ
naawaaɗo Noun. convalescent; convalescent.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
naawalla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Progressive: prg - imo naatida e. Verb.
1 • entrer avec qqn; enter somewhere with Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
someone. add "e" if entering somewhere with Noun: naawallaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
something or someone. ***: hatude, Noun. douleur, peine; pain. ***: jangoro,
reewude, yonngaade, yowaade, naaddude, nyaw; synonyms: nyaw. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗaade, waaldude, naaddude, naawɗ
naawɗo douloureux; painful, hurting, aching.
naandude, yiitude, hoowude, fukkodaade, Dialectal Forms: naawuɗo.
naandude, rentude; synonyms: naaddude,
naaweede Noun Form of Infinitive: naawegol.
naandude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • avoir des relations sexuelles; sexual Participles: sing: naawaaɗo-naaweteeɗo
plur: naawaaɓe-naaweteeɓe. Sorting
intercourse (human). synonyms: fukkodaade,
Designation: 2, mt. Verb Stative or
hatude, hoowude, naaddude, naandude,
Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir mal, avoir des
rentude, reewude, waaldude, yiitude,
douleurs, être affligé, être malade; sick;
yowaade; compare: loowude, resude,
hurting or in pain; ill. Mi hownowii o, tawumi
tummbude2, wattude1. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
imo naawee. I greeted him this morning and I
naatididde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
found he was in pain. Mi yehii to makko de
naatirka Noun. introduction; introduction. tawumi o naawaama sanne. Je suis allé le
voir et j'ai constaté qu'il a beaucoup de
naatondirde Noun. fusion, assimiler; fusion, merger,
douleurs. I went to him and I found he was in a
lot of pain. ***: jangirde, nawneede;
naatondirde leyɗ
leyɗe ndewgu expression. synonyms: jangirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
intégration régionale; regional integration.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. naawi sanne synonyme: ko woodi janngaro.
Variante: ko naawi sanne. douloureux;
naatondirgol Noun. intégration, assimilation;
painful, dolorous.
integration, assimilation. ***: naatugol.
naawu Noun. maladie, mal; disease; sickness; illness.
naatonndirgol s’emboîter; snap into place,
interlock. naawu noppi Noun. otites; otitis, ear infection.
Catégorie : Maladie.
naatta barkewal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. naawude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Plural Form of Noun: naatta barkeeje. Sorting "imo naawi" is a rare usage which lit.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. clavicule; collar bone. means he hurts [to be with], or he is a
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: loygal, ƴi'al difficult person. "Na naawi" or {it hurts} is
ɓernde; synonyms: loygal, ƴi'al ɓernde. commonly used.. Noun Form of
Dialects: Y. Infinitive: naawugol. Participles: sing:
naawuɗo (used in the sense of someone
naattingol Noun. annexion; annexation. Catégorie
who hurts others) plur: naawuɓe. Sorting
: Juridique.
Designation: 2, mt. Verb Stative or
naatude Noun Form of Infinitive: naatugol. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • faire mal à,
Participles: sing: naatuɗo-naatoowo plur: causer des douleurs à, nuire à, infliger des
naatuɓe-naatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. douleurs; hurt; harm; inflict pain. Kural na
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entrer, naawa. L'injection fait mal. A needle/injection
adhérer, intégrer; join; enter; adhere. hurts. ***: nawnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: tummbaade; compare: tummbaade. 2 • être douloureux, faire mal; hurt; painful.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Hoore am na naawa. Mon cœur me fait mal.
naatuɗo Noun. adhérent; member. My head hurts. compare: nawnude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
naatugol Noun. intégration; integration.
synonyms: naatondirgol. naawuɗ
naawuɗo adj. douloureux; aching; hurting; painful.
Dialectal Forms: naawɗo.

16/02/2020 431
naayaade naggal

naayaade Noun Form of Infinitive: naayagol. nafaa finaatawaa expression. valeur culturelle;
Participles: sing: naayiiɗo-naayotooɗo plur: cultural value. Catégorie : Communauté, Le
langage et la pensée.
naayiiɓe-naayotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tendre les nafaa leydi expression. intérêt national; national
bras pour mesurer la longueur (environ 2 interest, national concern . Catégorie
mètres); to stretch your arms out in order to : Gouvernement, Juridique.
measure the length of something; such as cloth
or rope - it represents about 2 meters. nafaa neemaaji Noun. valeur nutritionnelle;
nutritional value. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y.
nafaaji Noun. avantages; benefits, advantages.
naayannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nafakka Noun. intérêt; interest. synonyms: pawdi,
of Noun: naayanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. nafaa2.
Noun. mesure d'un bout des doigts à l'autre
main (environ 2 mètres de longueur); a length
nafoore Noun. fonction; function. synonyms: nafaa1,
of measure from the finger tips of one hand to gollal.
the finger tips of the other hand when the arms nafoowo Noun. utile; useful; helpful.
are spread - it is supposed to be about 2 meters.
Dialects: J,Y. naftoraade Verb. utiliser; use; make use of.
nabboowol synonyme: ƴeeŋoowol (doggol -). nafude Noun Form of Infinitive: nafugol.
Noun. croissant (ordre); growing (about). Participles: sing: nafuɗo-nafoowo plur:
Catégorie : Mathématique. nafuɓe-nafooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
iiƴam Plural Form of Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aider,
Noun: naɓoohoy-ƴiiƴam. Noun. artériole; faciliter; aid (to); help (to). ***: bammbude,
arteriole. Catégorie : Le corps. wannude, ɓillitinde, faabaade, moƴƴ moƴƴere

naɓ jaasude, haɓ

haɓande, sakkude, newnude;
naɓoowol ƴiiƴ
iiƴam Plural Form of Noun: naɓooji
synonyms: ɓillitinde, faabaade, haɓ haɓande,
ƴiiƴam. Noun. artère; artery. Laawol ƴiiƴ
hoynude, newnude, sakkude, waɗ waɗande,
ngol ƴiiƴ
iiƴam ɓernde rewata dey saakoo ley
waantude, wallude, wallitinde, wannude.
tergal heddiingal Catégorie : Le corps.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗe leydi Noun. relief; relief. Catégorie : Terre.
2 • être utile; to be useful. compare: jaasude,
ɗɗere Plural Form of Noun: naɗɗe. Noun. bas-fond, moƴƴ
ƴƴere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dépression; dip, shoal. Catégorie : Terre.
nagalu Noun. économie; economy. Catégorie
ɗɗere leydi expression. relief; relief. Catégorie : Mathématique. synonyms: faggudu.
: Terre.
nagga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko.
ɗɗinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: naɗɗinagol.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Participles: sing: naɗɗiniiɗo-naɗɗinotooɗo
of Noun: na'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
plur: naɗɗiniiɓe-naɗɗinotooɓe. Sorting une grosse vache, un gros bœuf; a big cow -
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or this term is rarely used. ***: naggal, naggi;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. cambrer le dos, se synonyms: naggal, naggi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
cambrer; arch one's back; throw one's
shoulders back. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. naggal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
nafaa1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Noun: na'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
gros bœuf; big cow. synonyms: nagga, naggi;
Noun: nafaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
***: nagga, naggi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
assistance, secours, aide, avantages, fonction;
advantage; assistance; aid; help. ***: nafoore,
ƴƴere; synonyms: balla, ballitaari, mballa,
mballitaari, moƴƴ
compare: moƴƴ
ƴƴiɗinde, wallude, wannude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nafaa2 Noun. intérêt; interest. ***: nafakka.

16/02/2020 432
nagge namtiiri

nagge Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi. naminde Noun Form of Infinitive: namingol.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of Participles: sing: naminɗo-naminoowo plur:
Noun: na'i. Sorting Designation: 1, ah. Noun. naminɓe-naminooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
bœuf, vache, bovin; cow. Catégorie : Élevage. ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
***: nyale, ngaari, haange, kalahaldi, ujiri, moudre, écraser, broyer au moulin; mill in a
ngurgurtiri, wiige, rimare, ɓujiri, nyalohol, mill; grind. compare: niisude, nirsude;
gurgurtiri; compare: ɓujiri, haange, synonyms: nikinde; ***: nikinde. Dialects: G.
kalahaldi, ngaari, ngurgurtiri, nyalohol,
nammaadi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
rimare, wiige. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
nagge ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: Noun: nammaade. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Noun. espèce de arbuste; Common bush of the
Form of Noun: na'i ladde. Sorting
Sahel. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. buffle; buffalo;
Bauhina rufescens. Dialectal Forms: [M]
African buffalo. Catégorie : Mammifère. nammaahi. Dialects: J,Y.
Syncerus caffer nanus. ***: eda; nammba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: eda. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
naggi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number Noun: lammbaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • nombre, chiffre, numéro; number. Note :
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
English ***: lammba, maande1, limoore,
Noun: na'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
gros bœuf, bovin; a large cow - this term is lammba
lammba, lammba; synonyms: limoore,
rarely used. ***: naggal, nagga; lammba. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: nagga, naggal. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • marque; brand. Note : English
synonyms: lammba. Dialects: J,Y,M.
najru gooto gooto Noun. prix unitaire; unit price.
3 • sceau, cachet; seal. Note : English
Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
synonyms: lammba, maande1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
nakkisal Noun. malformation; malformation.
nammbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Malɗugol tagudi tergal maa
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
nakkitaaɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Noun: nammbe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. brucellose; tampon ou sceau utilisé pour faire un cachet;
brucellosis. Catégorie : Maladie. stamp or seal used to create a seal on
***: konneeje, ndiyam, bakkaale; something else. Catégorie : Outil.
synonyms: bakkaale, konneeje, ndiyam. synonyms: lammbirgal; ***: lammbirgal.
Dialectal Forms: [Y] nakkisaaɗe. Dialects: M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

namarde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. nammbude Noun Form of Infinitive: nammbugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: nammbuɗo-nammboowo
of Noun: namarɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. plur: nammbuɓe-nammbooɓe. Sorting
Noun. grande pierre utilisé comme meule; Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
stone upon which grain is ground. Verb. tamponner, cacheter, sceller, numéroter;
synonyms: niisirde; ***: niisirde. Dialectal stamp (to); seal (to). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [G] namirde. Dialects: G.
nampuutere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
nameede Noun Form of Infinitive: namegol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: namaaɗo-nameteeɗo plur: of Noun: nampuute. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
namaaɓe-nameteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. sécrétion de l’œil, collyre, pus; eye
Verb. être écrasé, concassé, broyé, réduit en matter. synonyms: dononde, rononde;
poudre; crushed; ground into dust; smashed. ***: rononde, dononde. Dialects: Y.
compare: dampeede, femmbineede,
namtiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
ferneede; synonyms: niiseede, nirseede;
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sésame; sesame; this
***: nirseede, niiseede. Dialects: G.
annual plant is cultivated in damp sandy soil
for its sesame seeds. Catégorie : Herbes,
plantes grimpantes. Sesamum indicum.
***: nyayiiri, siiliiri; synonyms: nyayiiri, siiliiri.
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 433
namu nanndinde

namu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number nanarɗ

nanarɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nanarɗiggol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: nanarɗiɗɗo/nanarɗoowo
Noun: namuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. plur: nanarɗiɓɓe-nanarɗooɓe. Sorting
Noun. besoin ou problème; need; problem. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Namu soottintaa neɗɗ
ɗɗo wiige wo tawreede Progressive: st/prg - imo nanarɗi/nanarɗa.
tan. Ce n'est pas un besoin qui te fait vendre Verb. être irrespectueux; disrespectful.
une génisse, c'est parce que tu l'as. It is not ***: lammude, saytorɗ
need which makes you sell a heifer, it is synonyms: lammude, neetorɗ
because you have it that you sell it.
saytorɗinde. Dialectal Forms: [G]
compare: haaju; ***: haaju. Dialects: J,Y.
nanarɗidde, [Y] narorɗidde, narorɗinde.
namude Noun Form of Infinitive: namugol. Dialects: G,M.
Participles: sing: namuɗo-namoowo plur:
nandinde Note : Absa doubts that this is Gourmaare Noun
namuɓe-namooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Form of Infinitive: nandingol. Participles: sing:
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. moudre
du grain sur une pierre, écraser; grind grain. nandinɗo-nandinoowo plur:
nandinɓe-nandinooɓe. Sorting
***: ɗigginde, nirsude
nirsude, niisude;
synonyms: niisude, nirsude; compare: nikinde. Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. apporter des nouvelles de qqn ou qqch;
Dialects: G.
bring news of someone or something.
nanande Noun Form of Infinitive: nanangol. synonyms: humpitinde; ***: humpitinde.
Participles: sing: nananɗo-nananoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G.
nananɓe-nananooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. nandude Verb. ressembler; look like; resemble.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. recevoir
des nouvelles; receive news about someone or nani Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. le voilà, la voilà,
something. Mi nananii yiigo am faa Bamako. voici; here it is. ***: inan; synonyms: inan.
J'ai reçu des nouvelles de mon ami qui est à Dialects: Y,G,M.
Bamako. I heard news of my friend who is in
nannangu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Bamako. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
nananeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nananegol. Noun: nannanguuji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: nananaaɗo-nananteeɗo Noun. moulin à moteur; motorized mill; mill
plur: nananaaɓe-nananteeɓe. Verb Stative or (motorized). ***: nikanika;
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être entendu, avoir synonyms: nikanika. Dialects: J,Y,M.
des nouvelles, être au courant; heard from.
nanndinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nanndingol-a
***: maataneede, maneede.
metaphor. Participles: sing:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nanndinɗo-nanndinoowo plur:
2 • avoir une réputation, être connu, être
fameux; reputation (to have a); heard of; nanndinɓe-nanndinooɓe. Sorting
known or renowned. synonyms: maataneede. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. 1 • comparer; compare. Aɗa nanndina o
e Umaru de ɓe nanndaa. Tu le veux
nanaraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting comparer à Oumarou, mais ils ne sont pas
Designation: 4. Noun. manque de respect comparables. You want to compare him to
envers, brusquerie, impolitesse, in-hospitalité; Umaru, but they are not comparable.
brashness; inhospitality; disrespect; rudeness; ***: yerondirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
impoliteness. ***: rawaandaaku, 2 • faire qqch comme, semblable ou
neetaraaku, bonde neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, naalaaku, comparable à; to make something like or
lammere; synonyms: lammere, neetaraaku, comparable; Suzan ina waawi ndaarude
rawaandaaku. Dialects: Y,G,M. hunnde de o nanndina ɗum e natal. Susan
peut regarder qqch et dessiner qqch qui a
l'aire d’être pareil. Susan can look at
something and then draw something that looks
the same. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 434
nanndineede nanngitaade

nanndineede Noun Form of Infinitive: nanndinegol. nanngeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nanngegol.
Participles: sing: Participles: sing: nanngaaɗo-nanngeteeɗo
nanndinaaɗo-nanndinteeɗo plur: plur: nanngaaɓe-nanngeteebe. Sorting
nanndinaaɓe-nanndinteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Verb. être capturé, pris, saisi, attrapé, arrêté;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être comparé à caught; captured. ***: harseede, heɓ
/avec qqch ou qqn; compared with something synonyms: harseede, heɓ
or someone. Dokotoro o nanndinaamano e Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Eliyotto. Ce médecin à été comparé au
nanngegol-lewru Noun. éclipse lunaire; lunar
docteur Elliott. That doctor has been compared
eclipse. Catégorie : Ciel.
to Elliott. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être comme quelqu'un d'autre, ressembler nanngegol-
nanngegol-naange Noun. éclipse solaire; solar
eclipse. Catégorie : Ciel.
à; be like someone else; resemble. Suka
Eliyotto nanndinaama e bammum. Elliott's nanngere Noun. éclipse; eclipses. Catégorie : Ciel.
child resembles his father. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nannginde
nannginde Noun Form of Infinitive: nanngingol.
nanndol Noun. synonyme; synonym. Catégorie : Le Participles: sing: nannginɗo-nannginoowo
langage et la pensée. plur: nannginɓe-nannginooɓe. Sorting
nanndude Noun Form of Infinitive: nanndugol. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. attraper qqch ou qqn dans un piège,
Participles: sing: nannduɗo plur: nannduɓe.
prendre un poisson (avec hameçon); hook a
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or fish; catch something or someone in a trap.
Progressive: st. Verb. ressembler, être comme, ***: tuugol, kusal, deeƴ
deeƴinaade, woyya,
être comparable à, sembler être comme,
huuseeru, bedorgal, tuufinde;
apparaître être comme; comparable; seem
like; be like; resemble; appear like. compare: huuseeru, tuugol;
***: miccinde
miccinde, aahiila, wa'ude, alhaali, synonyms: deeƴ
deeƴinaade, tuufinde.
wayde, sifa, faaytinde; compare: aahiila, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
alaama, alhaali, manndinde, sifa; nannginirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
synonyms: faaytinde, miccinde, wa'ude. ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Form of Noun: nannginirɗe. Sorting
nanndugol Noun. analogie; analogy. Designation: 4. Noun. fermoir utilisé pour tenir
des choses ensemble, un outil pour prendre
nanndugol mase ley harfeere expression. qqch; tool to grab something; clasp used to
harmonie vocalique; vowel harmony. hold things together. Catégorie : Outil.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: jokkirgal, dokkirgal, dobirgal;
nanneede Noun Form of Infinitive: nannegol. synonyms: dobirgal, dokkirgal, jokkirgal.
Participles: sing: nannaaɗo-nanneteeɗo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: nannaaɓe-nanneteeɓe. Sorting nanngirgal foto Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb. 1 • être circoncis; plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
circumcised. ***: taadeede, haddeede. Plural Form of Noun: nanngirɗe foto. Sorting
Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 3. Noun. appareil photo, caméra;
2 • être mis dans qqch d'autre, être emboîté; camera. synonyms: kooƴ
kooƴirgal, natirgal;
put into something else. compare: nguppaaku; ***: natirgal, kooƴ
kooƴirgal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: haddaade, haddeede, taadaade,
nanngitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nanngitagol.
taadeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing:
nanngande Noun Form of Infinitive: nanngangol. nanngitiiɗo-nanngitotooɗo plur:
Participles: sing: nannganɗo-nannganoowo nanngitiiɓe-nanngitotooɓe. Sorting
plur: nannganɓe-nannganooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • résister, résister
Verb. fiancer une fille; betroth a young girl.
au mal; resist evil; resist. synonyms: dartaade,
***: fiɓ
fiɓande, suddeede, suddude;
nantaade, reentaade; ***: dartaade,
synonyms: fiɓ
fiɓande, haɓɓ
ɓɓande, suddude.
nantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 435
nanngude nantinoowo
2 • être discipliné, puni; disciplined.
nantaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nantagol.
synonyms: dartaade, nantaade, reentaade.
Participles: sing: nantiiɗo-nantotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nantiiɓe-nantotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
nanngude Noun Form of Infinitive: nanngugol. th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
Participles: sing: nannguɗo-nanngoowo 1 • résister, résister le mal; resist evil; resist.
plur: nannguɓe-nanngooɓe. Sorting ***: nanngitaade, haybude, ndaarude,
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. dartaade, durude, reentaade, nanngitaade,
Verb. saisir, attraper, prendre, s'emparer, marude, dawrande, waawande, hawjaade;
capturer; catch; capture; grab; (if inanimate). synonyms: dartaade, nanngitaade,
***: heɓ
heɓude, jaɓ
jaɓude, nyiggude, harsude, reentaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.
jamrude, ɓamtude, hooƴ
hooƴude, ittude, 2 • être discipliné; disciplined. nanta se
teppude; compare: hooƴ
hooƴude, ittude, jaɓ jaɓude; contrôler, maîtrise de soi. control yourself.
synonyms: harsude, heɓ
heɓude, teppude. synonyms: reentaade. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. naŋtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.
nannude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: nannugol. nantaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: nannuɗo-nannoowo plur: Designation: 3, th. Noun. maîtrise de soi, avoir
nannuɓe-nannooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. du sang-froid; self control. "Ammaa Ruuhu
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mette ina waɗ
waɗa njinngu e seyo e jam e munyal e
qqch dans qqch d'autre, emboîter; put
dokkal e mbooɗ
mbooɗirka e goonɗ
goonɗinal e
something into something else. ***: saawude,
leeƴinkinaare e nantaare." Galatiya'en
wattude1, taadude, waɗ
waɗtude, loowude; 5:22-
5:22 -23 Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: wattude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • à Sebba et Mahadaga on circoncit un nantinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nantinagol.
groupe de garçons et les met dans une case Participles: sing: nantiniiɗo-nantinotooɓe
jusqu’à leurs guérison; in Sebba and plur: nantiniiɓe-nantinotooɓe. Sorting
Mahadaga they sometimes circumcise a group Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
of boys and then put them into a house in the Verb. comprendre se qu'on t'a dit; understand
bush where they stayed until they healed.
what is said to you. synonyms: faamude.
compare: loowude, saawude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: haddude, taadude. Dialects: Y,G.
nantinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nantingol.
nannude2 Verb. rentrer; put in; enter.
Participles: sing: nantinɗo-nantinoowo plur:
nannude3 Verb. informer; tell; inform. nantinɓe-nantinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nannude ley suudu rewru expression. mettre au Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • traduire, interpréter; translate; interpret.
féminin; put into the female form. Catégorie
: La Grammaire. ***: olkude, ƴeewnaade, feekaade,
wanginde, ɓanginde, dukude. Dialectal
nannude ley suudu wordu expression. mettre au
Forms: nantinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
masculin; put into the masculine form.
Catégorie : La Grammaire. 2 • parler à haute voix pour être entendu;
speak loudly so as to make yourself heard.
nannugol Verb. faire rentrer; cause to go in. synonyms: ɓanginde, feekaade, olkude,
nano Sorting Designation: 1. adj. gauche; left. ƴeewnaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nantingol Noun. traduction; translation. ***: firo.
nanol Noun. rate; spleen. Catégorie : Le corps. nantinoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: ɗaamon. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: nantinooje. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. une traduction; translation. ***: firo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nantinoowo Noun. interprète, traducteur; translator;

interpreter. Catégorie : Travailleur, Le
langage et la pensée.

16/02/2020 436
nanude nawliiru

nanude Noun Form of Infinitive: nanugol. Natanayel Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun.
Participles: sing: nanuɗo-nanoowo plur: Nathanaël, l'un des 12 disciples, aussi connu
nanuɓe-nanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
sous le nom de Barthélemy; Nathanael; one of
the twelve disciples (Jn 1:47-48;21:2). Better
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entendre; hear. know as Bartholomew (Mat 10:3). Note :
***: maatude, hettinaade, narrude;
hébreu ***: Bartolome; synonyms: Bartolome.
compare: hettindaade; synonyms: maatude,
Dialects: biblical.
narrude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
natirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
nareehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: natirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Noun: nareeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. appareil photo, caméra; camera. Catégorie
Variante: nateehi. Noun. néré; dawa-dawa tree; : Outil. ***: nanngirgal foto, kooƴ
. Catégorie : Arbres. Parkia biglobosa. synonyms: kooƴ
kooƴirgal, nanngirgal
nanngirgal foto.
***: jooniire, nduutuuhi, doosaare; Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: nduutuuhi; compare: doosaare.
Dialects: J,G,M.
natl-a synonyme: nall-a. Verb. dessiner; to draw.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
nareeho Noun. feuille de néré; leave of dawa-dawa
tree. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou natoowo Noun. dessinateur; draftsman; designer.
d’une plante. Catégorie : Travailleur.

nareere Plural Form of Noun: nareeje. natta-

natta-barkewal Plural Form of
Variante: nateere. Noun. fruit du néré; Noun: natta-barkeeje. Noun. clavicule; collar
dawa-dawa fruit. bone. synonyms: ƴi'al ɓernde, loygal.

nareeri Noun. néré (poudre de); dawa-dawa powder. natude Noun Form of Infinitive: natugol.
Conndi (ooldi) ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe nateeje Participles: sing: natuɗo-natoowo plur:
natuɓe-natooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
narrude Noun Form of Infinitive: narrugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dessiner,
Participles: sing: narruɗo-narroowo plur:
tracer, illustrer; design; draw. ***: maasinde
narruɓe-narrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
synonyms: diidude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entendre;
hear. Mi narrii haala ka Aamadu. I heard nawki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
about that from Aamadu. synonyms: nanude; One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
***: nanude. Dialects: J,Y,G. Noun: nawɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
Variante: naawki. Noun. aisselle; arm pit.
nasi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: nasiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. eau nawkowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
utilisée pour nettoyer des ardoises coraniques; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
water used to rinse Koranic slates; is reputed to Noun: nawkooji. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
have supernatural power to protect. Catégorie Noun. cheveu d'aisselle; hair (under arm).
: Eau. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: leembol nawki,
nasonalitti Noun. nationalité; nationality. Note : leembol; synonyms: leembol nawki. Dialectal
français ***: ɓii-
ii-leydiyankaaku. Forms: [G] nawkiwol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

natal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. nawla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: nate. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. photo Noun: nawliraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
ou dessin, image, graphique, illustration; Noun. co-épouse; co-wife. Catégorie : La
image; photo; drawing. ***: mbinndudi, Personne. Dialectal Forms: [J] nawloo, [J,Y,M]
maandinal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nawliiwo, [Y,G] nawliyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

natal leydi Noun. globe terrestre; globe, earth. nawliiri Noun. polygamie; polygamy.
Catégorie : Terre.
nawliiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. bigamie, polygamie;
bigamy; polygamy. Dialectal
Forms: nawliraagu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 437
nawlinɗo nayikiɓɓal portingal

nawlinɗo Noun. bigame; bigamist. nawnude Noun Form of Infinitive: nawnugol.
nawlirde Noun Form of Infinitive: nawlirgol. Participles: sing: nawnuɗo-nawnoowo plur:
nawnuɓe-nawnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Participles: sing: nawlirɗo-nawliroowo plur:
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: n/ng.
nawlirɓe-nawlirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper,
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
faire mal, blesser qqch ou qqn; hurt; injure;
marier à plusieurs femmes; marry more than
cut; wound someone or something.
one wife. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: masimbinde, naawude, barminde,
nawlireede Noun Form of Infinitive: nawlirgol. ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, maybinde, barmere, aybinde,
Participles: sing: nawliraaɗo-nawlireteeɗo toonyaade, soppude; compare: naawude;
plur: nawliraaɓe-nawlireteeɓe. Sorting synonyms: barminde, ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, maybinde,
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. masimbinde, soppude, toonyaade.
Verb. lorsqu'un mari prend encore une femme; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
to have your husband take a second or
additional wife. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nawtoraade Noun Form of Infinitive: nawtoragol.
Participles: sing: nawtoriiɗo-nawtortooɗo
nawnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nawnagol.
plur: nawtoriiɓe-nawtortooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: nawniiɗo-nawnotooɗo
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
plur: nawniiɓe-nawnotooɓe. Sorting Verb. utiliser, profiter de, exploiter; use;
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. advantage of (take). Mi waawaa kaariya
Verb. être blessé par qqch; injured by
keekel am ngel, sabo wo kangel
something. ***: ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, maybude,
nawtortoomi. I can not separate from my bike
barmude; synonyms: barmude, maybude;
because I use it all the time. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, soppude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nawtoragol Noun. exploitation; exploitation.
nawneede Noun Form of Infinitive: nawnegol. nay Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • quatre (nombre
Participles: sing: nawnaaɗo-nawneteeɗo cardinal); four (cardinal number). na'i nay
plur: nawnaaɓe-nawneteeɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 2 • quatrième; forth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. être blessé par qqn; wounded by
nayaɓere adj. quatrième; fourth.
someone. ***: barmineede, ɗeeɗ
soppeede, maybineede, masimbineede; nayɓ
nayɓal Noun. quart; quarter. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗeede, naaweede, soppeede;
synonyms: barmineede, masimbineede, nayɓ
nayɓita aɗ
aɗo juunaaɗ
juunaaɗo coɓɓ
ɓɓuli Noun. losange;
maybineede, maybude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. lozenge; rhombus.

nawnitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nawnitagol. nayɓ

itaaɗo buuriɗ
buuriɗo Noun. parallélogramme;
Participles: sing: nawnitiiɗo-nawnitotooɗo parallelogram. Dialectal Forms: naycawndal
plur: nawnitiiɓe-nawnitotooɓe. Sorting buuriingal.
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. nayeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Verb. se blesser; injure yourself.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: soppitaade, ɗeeɗ
eeɗitaade, barmitaade;
Noun: nayeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
synonyms: barmitaade, ɗeeɗ
eeɗitaade, personne âgée, ancien, vieux; old person;
soppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. elder. Catégorie : La Personne. ***: mawɗ
synonyms: mawɗ
mawɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nayeewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting

Designation: 3. Noun. vieillesse; old age.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

ɓɓal Noun. carré; square. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

ɓɓal portingal Noun. losange;
diamond-shaped, -shaped, lozenge. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

16/02/2020 438
nayiwal ndaarngal

nayiwal Noun. quadrilatère; quadrilateral. Catégorie ndaakude Noun Form of Infinitive: ndaakugol.
: Mathématique. Participles: sing: ndaakuɗo-ndaakoowo
nayiyal dartiingal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ndaakuɓe-ndaakooɓe. Sorting
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. déménager quelque part pour un
Plural Form of Noun: nayiije dartiiɗe. Sorting
temporairement, visiter qqn pour une certaine
Designation: 4. Noun. carré; square. période de temps; move somewhere
Dialects: tech. temporarily. Dialects: J,Y.
ɓɓal Noun. carré; square. Dialectal ndaaneeri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Forms: nsaypotal. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. sol avec de la craie
nayo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. 1 • quatre (nombre dedans; soil with chalk in it. Catégorie : Terre.
cardinal); four. durooɓ
durooɓe nayo quatre ***: naaneeri, mbolgoori, mbulinkoori;
gardiens de troupeau. four herdsmen. synonyms: naaneeri, mbolgoori,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mbulinkoori. Dialects: Y.
2 • et avec des choses plus grandes; and with ndaarande nokku synonyme: haybude nokku .
large things in the "ko2" noun class. na'o nayo expression. conserver le sol; to keep the soil.
four large cows. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.

nayoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. quatre (nombre ndaarangol cellal Noun. surveillance médicale;
cardinal); four. cukaloy nayoy medical supervision. Catégorie : Traitement
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. de la maladie. synonyms: tuumtagol.

naypotal Noun. carré; square. Dialectal ndaarangol sukaaɓ

sukaaɓe expression. garde des
enfants; child care, child custody. Catégorie
Forms: naykiɓɓal.
: Travailleur.
naywude Noun Form of Infinitive: naywugol.
ndaarangol-nokku Noun. conservation du sol; soil
Participles: sing: naywuɗo plur: naywuɓe. conservation. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st. Verb. être vieux, vieille, vieillir;
ndaarɗe Noun. regards; looks.
old (to be). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ndaareede Noun Form of Infinitive: ndaaregol.
ndaaɓoowu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: ndaaraaɗo-ndaareteeɗo

Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form plur: ndaaraaɓe-ndaareteeɓe. Sorting

of Noun: daaɓooji. Sorting Designation: 3, dh, Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • être pris en charge; looked after.
da. Noun. épidémie, maladie, plaie,
contagieux; plague; contagious. Catégorie ***: hiinneede, hiimaneede, haybeede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Maladie. synonyms: balaa'u, masiiba;
2 • être desservi, s'en occuper; taken care of.
***: balaa'u, nyaw kuuɓ
kuuɓungu, masiiba.
synonyms: haybeede, hiimaneede,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hiinneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndaada Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
ndaaritaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ndaartagol.
Participles: sing: ndaartiiɗo-ndaartotooɗo
of Noun: daadi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. Cobe Défassa; water-buck. Catégorie plur: ndaartiiɓe-ndaartotooɓe. Sorting
: Mammifère. Kobus ellipsiprymnus Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ellipsiprymnus. synonyms: daada; ***: daada. Verb. se regarder dans un miroir; look at
Dialects: J,Y,M. oneself in a mirror. synonyms: ƴeewtaade.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] ndaartaade.
ndaaɗe juuɗ
juuɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. 1 • poignets; wrists.
Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ndaarngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
2 • avant-bras; forearms. Dialects: Y,G,M. Designation: 4. Noun. divination, augure;
divination; augury. ***: daarngal, tiimngal,
korngal; synonyms: daarngal, korngal,
tiimngal. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 439
ndaarnude ndakam
2 • s'occuper de, prendre soin, garder; attend
ndaarnude Noun Form of Infinitive: ndaarnugol.
to; look after; care for. synonyms: hawjaade,
Participles: sing: ndaarnuɗo-daarnoowo
haybude, hiimanaade, hiinnaade.
plur: ndaarnuɓe-daarnooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
3 • se maîtriser, avoir de la discipline envers
Progressive: prg. Verb. faire de la divination,
soi-même; self disciplined or self controlled.
augurer; practice augury or divination.
synonyms: nantaade. Dialects: J.
***: tiimude, daarnude;
4 • penser, réfléchir, considérer, se demander
synonyms: daarnude, hornude, tiimnude,
si; think about; ask oneself. Miiloɗ
tiimude. Dialects: Y,M.
ndaaraa dow majjum faa wooɗ wooɗa Réfléchi
ndaaroowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. bien à ces choses. Think this over carefully.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of compare: haynaade, yiide, yi'ude,
Noun: ndaarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. yuurnaade; synonyms: ƴamitaade, ƴeewude.
Noun. diseur de bonne aventure, voyant, devin, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
devineresse, surveillant, celui qui regarde;
fortune teller; seer; soothsayer. Catégorie ndaarugol Noun. consultation; consultation.
: Travailleur. ***: bagaajo, daggadaajo, ***: loonyagol, faamitondirde.
tiimoowo, sadaajo, daarnoowo; ndaasotoondi Plural Form of Noun: daasotooɗi.
synonyms: bagaajo, daggadaajo, daarnoowo, Noun. reptile; reptile.
sadaajo, tiimoowo. Dialects: J,Y.
ɓɓa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
ndaartaade Verb. vérifier; to check, verify, audit. Designation: 4. Noun. tâche, instructions,
Catégorie : Juridique. remarque claire, résumé; brief; summary;
ndaartindaade Noun Form of clear remark. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Infinitive: ndaartindagol. Participles: sing: ndaɓɓ
ɓɓa ndariiku expression. synoptique; synoptic.
ndaartindiiɗo-ndaartindotooɗo plur:
ɓɓa-ndariika synonyme: ko jogitete. Noun.
ndaartindiiɓe-ndaartindotooɓe. Sorting résumé; summary, outline.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • demander qqn de
ɗɗudi Noun. surface; surface.
faire qqch sans être sûr qu'il soit d'accord de ndaɗɗ
udi-ɓinndoore Plural Form of
le faire; ask someone to do something.
Noun: ndaɗɗudiiji-ɓinndooje. Noun. amnios;
***: furaade, jarribaade, jurkude, amnion. Catégorie : Le corps.
jarribaade, horude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗudu synonyme: mbeɗɗudu, njayri. Noun.
2 • tester qqn pour voir s'il peur faire le travail.
superficie; area.
examiner pour voir s'il a des défauts; examine
for fault; test; try someone out to see if they ndaggadaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu.
can do a job. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Noun. capacité de
3 • tenter qqn pour tester; to tempt someone as prédire l'avenir, divination; fortune telling;
a test. synonyms: furaade, jarribaade, tell the future (ability to). ***: dabaade,
jurkude; compare: horude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. daggadaajo, tiimude; compare: dabaade,
sadaajo, tiimude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndaartindagol Verb. éprouver, rechercher; test;
search out; look for. ndagu Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. comme; like; as.
ndaarude Noun Form of Infinitive: ndaarugol. ***: hano, iri2, haddu, hono, hagu, dagu;
Participles: sing: ndaaruɗo-ndaaroowo plur: synonyms: dagu, hano, hagu, hono.
ndaaruɓe-ndaarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ndakam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
1 • regarder, examiner; examine; look at. Designation: 4. Noun. ce qui est agréable au
***: haɓ
haɓitaade, tiimude, haybude, goût, ce qui plaît aux , plaisir, saveur, valeur;
yuurnaade, ƴeewude, yiide, ƴeewude, taste; pleasure; value. Ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe lekki ki ɓuri
hiimanaade, haynaade, hawjaade, ndakam. The fruits of this tree are the
hiinnaade, durtaade, ƴamitaade, yi'ude; sweetest. synonyms: welude; ***: welude.
synonyms: jaɓɓ
ɓɓowaade, tiimude, ƴeewude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 440
ndakiwa ndeen kaa

ndakiwa synonyme: mbaba. Noun. âne (mâle); male ndaneeri ɓoccoonde Noun. blanc d’œuf; egg
donkey. Catégorie : Élevage. white. Catégorie : Nourriture.
synonyms: ngorba.
ndaneeri yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde.
ndakowandiire Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. la partie
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. levure; yeast. Note : blanche de l’œil; the white of the eye.
Gourmanche synonyms: dorobi, rabilla; Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ɓii yitere, ɓaleeri
***: rabilla, dorobi. Dialects: G. yitere; compare: yitere, ɓaleeri yitere.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndambugaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooto. ndaneeri-
ndaneeri-nyiinde Plural Form of
Plural Form of Noun: dambugaaji. Sorting Noun: ndaneeri-nyiiƴe . Noun. couronne de la
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • espèce de une grande
dent; crown of a tooth. Catégorie : Le corps.
natte sur le lit; The large "sekko" that is placed ndanndorgal
ndanndorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
over the top of the bed and that hangs down
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
from side to side (and not from end to end like
the "feɗo"). They use two of these; one to Form of Noun: ndanndorɗe. Sorting
close off the back of the bed and one to close Designation: 2. Noun. miroir, glace; mirror; ice.
off the front of the bed. Catégorie ***: danndorgal, daandorgal;
: Équipement de la maison. Dialects: J. synonyms: daandorgal, danndorgal.
2 • A "sekko" placed just above the door and Dialects: J,M.
drapped over the top of a house made of
ndaraniiɓe ndeenaagu expression. forces de
"cekke." compare: feɗfeɗo, leeso, ommboogo,
sécurité; security forces. Catégorie
sekko. Dialectal Forms: [J] damugaawo, [G] : Gouvernement, Le travail et diverses
dambugaawo. Dialects: G. activités.
ndamkoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting ndaraniiɗ
ndaraniiɗo partii expression. militant; militant.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. chevreaux; male kids.
Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage.
ndaraniiɗo suudu baaba synonyme: jiɗuɗo
leydim. expression. patriote; patriot. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
ndamndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
ndaw Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
of Noun: damɗi, ndamɗi. Sorting
Noun: dabbi. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
Designation: 2, ah. Noun. bouc, bélier; buck; autruche; ostrich. Catégorie : Oiseau. Struthio
male goat; ram. Catégorie : Mammifère,
camelus. synonyms: dawwa. Dialectal
Élevage. ***: be'a, culkuuri, damngel,
Forms: [J,M] ndawu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
danngel, cukuuri, ginndoori, danndi2,
mboygoori, mbeewa; compare: be'a, nde Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. quand; when.
damngel, mbeewa; synonyms: mbakkoroori, ***: de2. Dialects: J,Y,M.
danndi2, ginndoori, njawdiri. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • rpn. quel, lequel, que; which.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndamnga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko.
3 • dpn. ceci cela; that; this. synonyms: de2.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: ndamko. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Noun. gros bouc; buck (male goat). Catégorie ndeelam
ndeelam Noun. liquide; liquid. Catégorie
: Mammifère, Élevage. synonyms: damngal, : Mathématique.
ndamngi; ***: damngal, ndamngi. ndeen Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. alors; then.
Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: deen; ***: deen. Dialectal Forms: [J]
ndamngi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. ndeen noon, [Y] nden. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of ndeen kaa Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. en ce
Noun: ndamko. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. temps-là, en ce moment-là; ; back then.
Noun. gros bouc; buck (male goat). Catégorie ***: deen kay; synonyms: deen kay. Dialectal
: Élevage. ***: ndamnga, damngal; Forms: [J] ndeenka. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: damngal, ndamnga.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

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ndeenaagu ndewgu

ndeenaagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting ndelle Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • Adverb. donc, par
Designation: 3. Noun. sécurité, paix, protection; conséquent, d'où; therefore; consequently;
safety; peace. ***: potal1, marhabaa, jam, hence; so then. ***: de1, jaka, delle.
dewral; synonyms: dewral, jam, marhabaa, Dialects: J,Y,M.
potal1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • adv/conj. par conséquent; (conj)
consequently. synonyms: de2, delle, jaka.
ndeenaagu kaane ɓii-
ii-aadama expression.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
protection des droits de l’homme; protection
of human rights. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Ndembi Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
Juridique. pour le cinquième fils; the traditional name of
ndeenaagu piilki expression. préservation de the fifth son. ***: Dembo;
l'environnement; conservation of the compare: Hammadum, Sammbo, Yero,
environment, environmental protection. Paate, Njobbo; synonyms: Dembo.
Catégorie : Terre. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndeendi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting ndemri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. nourriture, Designation: 2, cs. Noun. cultiver, binage,
alimentation; food. Catégorie : Nourriture. sarclage, culture du champ, désherbage;
synonyms: neema, nyaamdu, nyaamri; cultivation; farming; weeding; hoeing.
***: nyaamri, neema. Dialects: J. Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: demal, mbersiri,
ndeera Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko. patamaari; synonyms: mbersiri, patamaari
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: ndeero. Sorting Designation: 4, da, ndenɗ
ndenɗiraagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
dh. synonyme: fulkuru, basaka. Designation: 2. Noun. cousin(e) de côté
Variante: ndeeraari. Noun. gros ventre, panse; maternel, ce qui implique aussi une relation de
paunch - from eating well; bloated stomach; plaisanterie; cousin-hood; maternal cousins.
fat belly. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Parenté. synonyms: denɗ
***: denɗ
denɗiraagu. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
ndeeraari1 Variante: ndeera. Noun. estomac; stomach.
ndenɗiraaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: basaka.
nder Sorting Designation: 1. prep. dans, à, en; in.
ndeeraari2 synonyme: nyaŋaare. Noun. panse; paunch,
belly. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. ***: ley1, dere, e2, hen; synonyms: dere, e1,
***: nyaŋ
nyaŋaare. hen, ley1. Dialects: Y,M.

ndeereeraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. ndesa Noun. économie, réserve, retenue, compte,
stock; economy; supply; stock. Catégorie
Sorting Designation: 4, th. Noun. gloutonnerie;
: Élevage, Mathématique.
gluttony. ***: joote, rawaandaaku,
mboronndi, habisaare, haanɗ
haanɗere, worolde, ndewaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
haahaa, habisere; synonyms: haahaa, Designation: 3. Noun. féminité, féminin;
haanɗere, habisaare
habisaare, rawaandaaku; femininity; womanhood. Huunde holloore
compare: eelgal, himme, joote, worolde. yalla tomotte, daaba maa fuɗ
fuɗngo wo
Dialects: G,M. debbo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

ndefu Noun. cuisine, préparation; preparation; ndewgu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
kitchen. ***: moƴƴ
ƴƴingol. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
of Noun: ndewguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
ndelbi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Noun. 1 • royaume, chefferie, domination;
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of chiefdom; dominion; area of a king's rule;
Noun: delbe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. kingdom. ***: laamorde1, kaananke, amiiru
espèce de plante grimpante; a climbing plant laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, laamu; synonyms: laamu.
found in damp areas; it is tied onto a calabash
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
used for drawing water; and then the rope is
attached to it. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes 2 • localité, région; locality; region. ndewgu
grimpantes. Baissea multiflora. ***: gotuy; Tenkodogo la région de Tenkodogo.
synonyms: gotuy. Dialects: J,Y,M. Tenkodogo area. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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ndewgu laamu ndiyam tuunɗam
3 • province; province. ndewgu Boulgou la ndimaaku haala kaɓɓ
ondirɗi e anndinde
province de Boulgou. the province of Boulgou.
synonyme: ndimaaku binndi kaɓɓondirɗi e
compare: amiiru, laamiiɗ
laamiiɗo, kaananke.
anndinde. expression. liberté de presse;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. freedom of press, press freedom.
ndewgu laamu Noun. empire; empire. Catégorie ndimaaku jonnde synonyme: ndimaaku gollal .
: Pays, Région. expression. liberté d’établissement; freedom of
ndewtuɗo hooreejo expression. vice-président; establishment. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
vice president. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.

Juridique, Travailleur. synonyms: jokko ndimaaku miilo synonyme: jeyal hoorem banngal
persidan. miilo. expression. liberté d’opinion; freedom of
opinion. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
ndey Sorting Designation: 1. interrog. quand; when.
synonyms: dey2; ***: dey2. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndimaaku njaɓ
njaɓuki synonyme: jeyal hoorem
ndeye Sorting Designation: 3. adj/rpn/interrog. que, banngal diina. expression. liberté de croyance;
quel, lequel, laquelle; which. Dewtere ndeye religious freedom, freedom of worship.
o janngata? Quel livre lis-t-il ? Which book is Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
he reading? ***: deye. Dialects: J,Y,M. ndimaaku yonki expression. liberté de conscience;
ndi Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, quel; which. freedom of conscience. Catégorie : Juridique.
***: di. Dialects: J,Y,M. ndimaraaku Noun. stérilité; sterility. Laatagol
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: di. ndimaro
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndimaro Noun. stérile; sterile. Tomotte mo waawaa
ndiga Noun. zéro; zero, nought. Catégorie rimude
: Mathématique.
ndimoojum adj. fécond, fertile; fertile.
ndiida Noun Class Markers: sing: nga. Number One for
ndimu synonyme: ɓeyngu. Noun. maternité,
this noun: ngoota. Sorting Designation: 4, st.
naissance; maternity, motherhood, birth.
Noun. la Voie Lactée; Milky Way. Catégorie
: Ciel. ***: balangol Lahel Buraagi, diidol, ndimu ngu walaa janngaro expression.
laawol Makka, laawa; synonyms: balangol accouchement sans douleur; painless child
birth. Catégorie : En bonne santé.
Lahel Buraagi, diidol
diidol, laawa, laawol Makka.
Dialects: M. ndiwri Plural Form of Noun: ndiwriiji. Noun. volaille;
poultry, fowl. Catégorie : Agriculture, Oiseau.
ndiiŋaali Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
synonyms: piirooje.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: diiŋaale. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. ndiyam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗe.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A shrub of the Number One for this noun: ngootam. Plural
savannah. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Form of Noun: diyeele. Sorting Designation: 1,
Gardenia erubescens. synonyms: diiŋ
diiŋaali; da, dh. Noun. 1 • eau; water. Catégorie : Eau.
***: diiŋ
diiŋaali. Dialects: J,Y. ***: konneeje, nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe, bakkaale.
ndiiru Noun. son; sound. Catégorie : Lecture / Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
écriture. synonyms: sawto, hito. 2 • brucellose; brucellosis. Catégorie : Maladie.
synonyms: bakkaale, nakkitaaɗ
nakkitaaɗe. Dialects: J.
ndimaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. noblesse (dans le ndiyam bikarbonatti Noun. eau bicarbonatée;
comportement), intégrité, vertu morale, bi-carbonated waters. Catégorie : Eau.
dignité, intégrité morale; nobility. Catégorie ndiyam ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. jus; juice.
: Juridique, Le langage et la pensée. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndiyam jawel Noun. eau de javel; bleach. Catégorie
ndimaaku baale synonyme: ndimaaku kawrital ; : Traitement de la maladie, Eau.
jeyal hoorem banngal baale. expression.
liberté d’association; freedom of association. ndiyam laaɓ
laaɓuɗam expression. eau potable;
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. drinking water. Catégorie : Eau.

ndimaaku ɓii-
ii-leydi expression. vertu civique; civic ndiyam tuunɗ
tuunɗam expression. eaux usées;
virtue. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée. waste-water. Catégorie : Eau.

16/02/2020 443
ndiyam tuunuɗam ndoomoowo kasaaɓe

ndiyam tuunuɗ
tuunuɗam Noun. eaux souillées, eaux ndolu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
usées; polluted water, waste-water. Catégorie Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
: Eau.
of Noun: ndoli. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun.
ndiyam ƴoohoole expression. eaux fluviales; river chacal à flancs rayés; side-striped jackal;
water. Catégorie : Eau. jackal. Catégorie : Mammifère. Canis adustus.
***: suundu, woybaagaaru;
ndiyam-ɓinndoore Plural Form of
synonyms: suundu, woybaagaaru. Dialects: M.
Noun: ndiyam-ɓinndooje. Noun. liquide
amniotique; amniotic liquid. Catégorie : Le ndondoloowu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur:
corps. ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural
ndiyamjum Noun. liquide; liquid. Form of Noun: dondolooji. Sorting
Designation: 4, mi. Noun. tambour d'aisselle,
ndiyamkooji synonyme: wuurndiyamjum. Noun. tambour sablier; drum or tom tom. Catégorie
aquatique; aquatic. Catégorie : Eau.
: Instrument de musique. ***: mbinderew,
***: wuurndiyamjum.
lungaaru, bentigaaru, lonngaaru;
ndiye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. que, compare: bentigaaru, kurkutu, mbaggu;
lequel, laquelle; which. Ngaari ndiye o synonyms: lonngaaru
lonngaaru, lungaaru. Dialects: J.
yaarata luumo? Quel taureau prend-t-il au
ndongu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
marché ? Which bull is he taking to market?
Designation: 4. Noun. héritage; inheritance.
***: diye. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: dongu, mawniraagu, ronude;
Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa ngaari
compare: mawniraagu, ronude;
ndiye o yaarata luumo. J ne sais pas quel
synonyms: dongu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
taureau il prend au marché. I don't know
which bull he is taking to the market. ndonndorɗ
ndonndorɗe Noun. lunettes, miroir; glasses; mirror.
synonyms: diye. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • rpn. Miin, ndonngu Noun. héritage; inheritance.
mi faamii ndiye o yaarata. Moi, je sais lequel
il prend. Me, I know which (one/bull) he is ndontoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
taking. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
ƴƴudi Noun. solution; solution. ko mootii, ko of Noun: dontooje. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Variante: ndontori, dontoori . Noun. coq;
yoosi ley ndiyam
rooster; cock. Catégorie : Élevage, Oiseau.
ndolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ndolagol. ***: dontoori, gertogal; synonyms: dontoori;
Participles: sing: ndoliiɗo-ndolotooɗo plur: compare: gertogal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ndoliiɓe-ndolotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ndontoori-Fira'awna Noun Class Markers: sing:
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
espérer, avoir confiance; hope; confidence (to ndi plur: ɗe. Number One for this

have). ***: tijjaade, yelaade, ɗammi'aade, noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of

ɗammi'aade, tammisaade, tijjaade, Noun: dontooje-Fira'awna. Sorting

ngokkinde; synonyms: ngokkinde, tijjaade; Designation: 2, ah. Noun. dinde; turkey.

Catégorie : Élevage, Oiseau.
compare: ɗammi'aade, jataade, jikkude,
***: gertogal-
miilaade, sikkude, yelaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
gortogal-Fira'awna, kulikuli, foondu
ndolo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting fira’awna rewru, kolokolo;
Designation: 3, th. Noun. espérance, espoir, synonyms: gertogal-
espoir confiante; hope; confident hope. Note: gortogal-
gortogal-Fira'awna, kolokolo, kulikuli.
none of these words carries the same sense of a
Dialects: J,Y.
confident hope that ndolo does. ***: sikke,
dimme, ngokka, seko, miilo, jikke; ndontori
ndontori Variante: ndontoori. Noun. coq; rooster,
synonyms: dimme, jate, jikke, miilo, seko, cock, cockerel. Catégorie : Élevage.
sikke. Dialects: J,Y,M. ndookotooɗ
ndookotooɗo Noun. demandeur; requester,
applicant. synonyms: ƴamoowo, ɗaɓɓoowo

ndoomoowo kasaaɓ
kasaaɓe expression. garde de
sécurité pénitentiaire; prison staff, prison
officials. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

16/02/2020 444
ndoondi nduye

ndoondi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting ndunngu Noun Class Markers: sing: [J,Y,M] ngu/[M]
Designation: 3. Noun. cendres de bois; ashes of o/[M] kol plur: ɗi. Number One for this
wood. ***: kaata1, boosu, ƴulmere, doondi; noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: duuɓi.
compare: boosu, kaata1, ƴulmere; Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Variante: dunngu,
synonyms: doondi. Dialects: J,Y,M. nunngu . Noun. 1 • saison de pluies,
hivernage, été; rainy season; growing season;
ndoondo leydi Noun. hymne; Hymn. Catégorie
summer. Catégorie : Temps. ***: taccude,
: Gouvernement. synonyms: doygal1.
bƴuwoonde, ceeɗceeɗu, dabbunde, korse,
ndooƴikiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ƴaamnde, heltude, colte, nunngu, ƴoonde,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form gataaje, dunngu, hitaande, keeɗ
of Noun: ndooƴikiije. Sorting Designation: 4. kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun. roche ignée, roc volcanique; igneous 2 • une année, une année de pluie; one year.
rock; volcanic rock. Catégorie : Terre.
compare: ceeɗ
ceeɗu, colte, dabbunde, gataaje,
synonyms: hayre wahilde, wanyaare;
heltude, hitaande, kakkitorɗ
kakkitorɗe, taccude,
***: hayre wahilde, wanyaare. Dialects: J.
ƴaamnde, ƴuwoonde; synonyms: dunngu.
ndoyndoyyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: Dialects: J,Y,M.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
nduttudi Noun. monnaie (menu -); currency (menu -).
Form of Noun: ndoyndoyiije. Sorting Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. caméléon; synonyms: cewɗ
cewɗi, kaalisi.
chameleon. Catégorie : Reptile.
Chamaeleonidae sp.. ***: pallangal, nduutuuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
doonyorgal, fallaandu; compare: fallaandu, Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
pallangal; synonyms: doonyorgal. Dialects: J. Noun: duutuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. néré (arbre); kind of tree. Catégorie
ndu Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, quel, lequel; : Arbres. Parkia biglobosa. ***: jooniire,
which. ***: du1. Dialects: J,Y,M. doosaare, nareehi; synonyms: nareehi;
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: du1. compare: doosaare. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nduuydi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
ndufam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. sperme; sperm; of Noun: duuydiiji. Sorting Designation: 3.
semen. Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: cille, Noun. vent violent; wind (a gale force); gale
manii; ***: cille, manii. Dialects: J,Y,M. force wind. Catégorie : Temps. ***: biwtol,
henndu1, bifol, kenkenam, duuydi;
nduluuru Plural Form of Noun: duluuji. Noun.
tourbillon; whirlwind. Catégorie : Ciel, synonyms: biwtol, bifol, henndu1. Dialects: J.
Temps. nduuyoohoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting
ndundaraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. rougeole (au stade du
Designation: 4. Noun. obstination, entêtement, début); this refers to the early stage of the
inflexibilité; stubbornness; inflexibility; disease when there are many small vesicles;
measles or rubeola. Catégorie : Maladie.
obstinacy. synonyms: yoora'ko'aaku.
synonyms: biige, cewɗ
cewɗe, duuyooje, gooniije,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
puƴe; ***: duuyooje, puƴ puƴe, biige, cewɗ
ndundeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. gooniije. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
nduye Sorting Designation: 3. adj/pn/interrog. quel,
Noun: dundeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce de figuier; a shade tree. Catégorie lequel; which. Bootooru nduye o hooƴ
Quel sac as-tu pris ? Which sack did he take?
: Arbres. Ficus platyphylla. compare: ƴibbi;
***: duye. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: keekeehi, ƴibbi, ibbi;
synonyms: keekeehi. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 445
ne'aade neeɓude

ne'aade Noun Form of Infinitive: ne'agol. nebbam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: ne'iiɗo-ne'otooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gootam. Plural Form
ne'iiɓe-ne'otooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. of Noun: nebbeele. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir Noun. 1 • huile; oil. ***: kettungol, ɓellere,
reçu une bonne éducation pour vivre comme il cettungol. Dialectal Forms: nebam.
faut; to be instructed in how to live rightly - the Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
focus is on having received good instruction.
2 • crème, beurre; butter; cream.
***: biireede
biireede, mareede, aameede, bireede,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ne'eede; synonyms: aameede, bireede,
3 • graisse; grease. compare: ɓellere,
biireede, ne'eede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kettungol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ne'aaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
nebeele torrooje Noun. graisse à risque; excessive
Designation: 4. Noun. politesse, savoir-vivre,
fat, too much fat. Catégorie : Maladie.
décence, avec bienséance, en respectant les
convenances, normalité, pudeur; decorum; neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Number
mannerliness; propriety; normalcy; modesty. One for this noun: ngootu. Sorting
***: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, needi, nennga, neydi, Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • bienséance, en
tomottaaku; synonyms: needi, neydi, respectant les convenances, normalité,
ɗɗaaku, nennga, tomottaaku. politesse; decorum; mannerliness; propriety;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. normalcy; politeness. ***: jikke, bonde
ɗɗaaku, needi, tageefo, nennga, neydi,
ne'eede Noun Form of Infinitive: ne'egol.
ne'aaku, tomottaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: ne'aaɗo-ne'eteeɗo plur:
2 • humanité; although as mentioned in
ne'aaɓe-ne'eteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
definition 1; the Fulɓe would tend to remove
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être those who are crazy or extremely rude from the
bien instruit pour vivre comme il faut; to be group.; humanness in a general sense;
instructed in how to live rightly - the focus is
humanity. synonyms: ne'aaku, needi, nennga,
how one is. ***: biireede, mareede,
neydi, tomottaaku; compare: bonde
aameede, bireede, ne'aade;
ɗɗaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: bireede, bireede, ne'aade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. neɗɗ
inaaɗo Noun. personnage; character. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. ***: neɗɗ
ne'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: ne'ugol.
Participles: sing: ne'uɗo-ne'oowo plur:
ne'uɓe-ne'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. neɗɗ
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for this
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. instruire noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
un enfant pour bien vivre comme il faut, bien 1 • quelqu'un, une personne; someone; person.
éduquer un enfant; instruct children how to ***: tomotte, moyni, gonɗ
gonɗo, maani, goɗɗ
live rightly; rear a child well. ***: birude, niɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aamude, marude, biirude, hollude, 2 • chacun, chacune; "neɗɗo fuu" = "mono
jannginde; synonyms: aamude, biirude; fuu" or each one. synonyms: goɗɗ
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
compare: hollude, jannginde. tomotte; compare: maani, moyni.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nebam Noun. beurre, huile; butter; oil. Catégorie neɗɗ

ɗɗo nyemmoowo expression. personnage;
: Nourriture. Dialectal Forms: nebbam. character, protagonist, figure. Catégorie : Le
langage et la pensée. synonyms: neɗɗ
nebam bulannga Noun. beurre; butter. Catégorie
: Nourriture. neeɓ
neeɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: neeɓugol.
Participles: sing: neeɓuɗo-neeɓoo plur:
nebam mbujeteeɗ
mbujeteeɗam Noun. crème; cream.
neeɓuɓe-neeɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nebam pomaati Noun. pommade; ointment, balm, Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rester
salve, cream. longtemps quelque part; spend a long time
nebam ƴuuruɗ
uuruɗam e ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. somewhere. ***: laalaade, takisaade,
huile végétale; vegetable oil. Catégorie ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, ɓooyude, hanndaade,
: Nourriture. seesinaade, heesindaade;
synonyms: ɓooyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 446
neeɓugol neesu
2 • faire longtemps depuis qqch s'est passée; to
neeminde Noun Form of Infinitive: neemingol.
be a long time since something happened.
Participles: sing: neeminɗo-neeminoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: neeminɓe-neeminooɓe. Sorting
3 • travailler lentement; to work slowly.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: hanndaade, heesindaade,
Verb. nourrir, faire manger, restaurer; feed.
seesinaade, takisaade. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
compare: ƴakkinde. Dialectal
neeɓtude - this represents a shorter
Forms: neeminnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
period of time. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
neemingol Noun. nutrition; nutrition. Catégorie
neeɓugol Noun. durée; duration; length of time.
: Nourriture. synonyms: nyaamnugol,
***: ɓooyol.
needi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
neemirdu Plural Form of Noun: neemirɗi. Noun.
Designation: 4. Noun. politesse, savoir-vivre, appareil digestif; digestive system. Catégorie
décence, avec bienséance, en respectant les : Le corps.
convenances, normalité, pudeur; decorum;
mannerliness; propriety; normalcy; modesty. neenal njamndi synonyme: kalsiyoam, kalsiyom.
***: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, nennga, neydi, ne'aaku, Variante: neenal-njamndi. Noun. calcium;
tomottaaku; synonyms: ne'aaku, neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, calcium. Kulle neenuɗ
neenuɗe taweteeɗ
taweteeɗe ley
nennga, neydi, tomottaaku. neema, saabotooɗ
saabotooɗe mawngu tomotte en e
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. daabaaji goɗɗ

needi lobbiri Noun. civilité, politesse; courtesies, neene Noun. maman; mum; mother. Catégorie
civilities, politeness. ***: yaage. : Parenté.

neema Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number neenebal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: neemaaji. Sorting Designation: ct, 3. Noun: neenebe. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. 1 • nourriture; food. Note : arabe Noun. tempe; temple. Catégorie : Le corps.
***: seyo, kuyam, ndeendi, nyaamri, cellal, compare: hakkillowol, haƴƴ
nyaamdu; synonyms: ndeendi, nyaamdu, ***: hakkillowol, haƴƴ
ƴƴillowol. Dialects: G,M.
nyaamri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. neeningol nokkuuje expression. restauration des
2 • santé; health. Note : arabe synonyms: cellal. sols; soil restoration. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Dialects: J,Y. neeningol ƴuuroowol e leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression.
3 • bonheur, contentement, joie; joy; fertilisation organique; organic fertilization.
happiness. Note : arabe synonyms: kuyam, seyo. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Dialects: J,Y. neenyel innde synonyme: ɗowto innde. expression.
neemaaji deenooji Noun. aliments de protection; article (défini/indéfini); article
food for protection. Catégorie : En bonne (definite/indefinite). Catégorie : La
santé, Nourriture. Grammaire.

neemaaji kokkooji semmbe expression. neesu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
aliments énergétiques; energy food. Catégorie One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
: En bonne santé, Nourriture. Noun: neesuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
neemaaji mawninooji Noun. aliments de culture; culture. Neesu Tenkodogo e faro
croissance; foods for growth. Catégorie : En Jelgooji wanaa gootum. La culture à
bonne santé, Nourriture. Tenkodogo et vers le pays de Jelgoodji n'est
pas la même. The culture in Tenkodogo and
neemaaji nebeleeji expression. aliments lipides; toward the land of the Jelgooɓe is not the same.
high-fat foods. Catégorie : En bonne santé, synonyms: al'aada, finaatawaa, tagu,
tawaangal. Dialects: J,Y.
neemaaji paynooji synonyme: porotiddi. Noun.
protide; protein. Kulle neenude taweteeɗ
ley neema, paynooje. neemaaji gonduɗ
tew Catégorie : Nourriture.

neemagol Noun. nutrition; nutrition. Catégorie

: Nourriture. ***: nyaamnugol, neemingol.

16/02/2020 447
neesude neleede

neesude Noun Form of Infinitive: neesugol. nefude Noun Form of Infinitive: nefugol.
Participles: sing: neesuɗo-neesoowo plur: Participles: sing: nefuɗo-nefoowo plur:
neesuɓe-neesooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, nefuɓe-nefoowo. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être repoussé,
sentir un peu mauvais, avoir une mauvaise se dégoûter, répugnant, repoussant, répugner;
odeur; odor (to have a bad); stink a little. repugnant; disgusted; repulsive; repelled. Mi
synonyms: luuɓ
luuɓude; ***: uurude, luuɓ
luuɓude; nefii ley bawlirde toon sabo ko nji'umi
compare: uurude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tuundi keewundi toon. J'étais dégoûté
neesuuji lobbi Noun. bonnes mœurs; good morals. lorsque j'ai vu qu'il y a beaucoup de saletés
dans la toilette la-bas. I was disgusted in the
Catégorie : Juridique.
toilet there because I saw lots of filth.
neetaraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting compare: nyiddinaade; ***: nyiddinaade.
Designation: 4. Noun. impolitesse, manque Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'éducation, brusquerie, agressivité, manque
de respect, in-hospitalité; brashness; neke Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. moulu très
inhospitality; disrespect; boorishness; finement; ground very fine. Gawri ndi ɗiggii
rudeness; impoliteness. synonyms: bonde neke. Le mil a été moulu très finement. The
ɗɗaaku, naalaaku, lammere, nanaraaku, millet is ground very fine. "yoti" is even finer
rawaandaaku; ***: nanaraaku, bonde than "neke". ***: doli, mugu, butum, yoti,
ɗɗaaku, lammere. Dialectal ɗiggude; compare: ɗiggude, yoti;
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] neetoraaku. synonyms: mugu. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nelɓ
nelɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
neetorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: neetorɗingol. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: neetorɗinɗo plur: Noun: nelɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ébénier africain; kind of tree. Catégorie
neetorɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
: Arbres. Diospyros mespiliformis.
Stative or Progressive: st - imo neetorɗi. Verb.
***: ngaanaahi, gaanay; synonyms: gaanay,
manquer du respect, irrespectueux; when a
youth does not act respectfully towards his ngaanaahi. Dialects: J.
elders; to be disrespectful. Suka o ina neldal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
neetorɗiri sabo imo yenna mawɓ mawɓe Ce jeune Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form
est irrespectueux, car il insulte les vieux. That of Noun: nelɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ce
youth is disrespectful because he insults the qui a été envoyé, expédié; dispatched; sent
leaders/older people.; such a person may be
(that which is). ***: nildal, nuldal;
called a "neetaro". ***: lammude, tencude,
synonyms: nildal, nuldal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
saytorɗinde, nanarɗ
synonyms: lammude, saytorɗ
saytorɗinde. neldude Noun Form of Infinitive: neldugol.
Dialects: J,M. Participles: sing: nelduɗo-neldoowo plur:
nelduɓe-neldooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
neewre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. envoyer
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
qqch avec qqn, expédier; send something with
of Noun: [J,Y,G,M] neewe, [Y] neebe. Sorting
someone. ***: nuldude; synonyms: nuldude.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. paume de la main;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
palm of the hand. synonyms: newre.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
neleede Noun Form of Infinitive: nelegol.
Participles: sing: nelaaɗo-neleteeɗo plur:
neeyngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting nelaaɓe-neleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Designation: 3, da. Noun. carbone
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
symptomatique (veaux); blackleg. Catégorie
envoyé, expédié; sent (to be). ***: nuleede;
: Maladie d'animaux. ***: koyngel, balayel,
synonyms: nuleede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
piɗooyel, henndu1; synonyms: balayel,
henndu1, koyngel, piɗ
piɗooyel. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 448
nelude newre-jumngo

nelude Noun Form of Infinitive: nelugol. newaade Noun Form of Infinitive: newagol.
Participles: sing: neluɗo-neloowo plur: Participles: sing: newiiɗo-newotooɗo plur:
neluɓe-nelooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb newiiɓe-newotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. envoyer th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
quelqu'un, commissionner; commission; send 1 • être agréable, facile, mieux; easy; pleasant;
someone. ***: nulude; synonyms: nulude. better (to be). Si goonga nii, laawol am
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. neweke sabo mi heɓ
heɓaay baasi fay gooto.
Sans mentir, mon chemin était facile car je n'ai
nennga Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting pas rencontré des problèmes. Truthfully, my
Designation: 3, th. Noun. normalité; normalcy. way is easy because I haven't had a single
Ƴuwoonde toɓ
toɓii hankin faa walaa nennga. problem. ***: seesinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Il a eu une pluie exceptionnellement forte la 2 • aider, faire réussir; to make successful; to
nuit passée. It rained abnormally hard last
help. synonyms: heesindaade, wallude.
night. Note : mooré ***: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, needi,
Dialectal Forms: [J] newtaade - this is slightly
neydi, ne'aaku, tomottaaku;
different than "newaade" in that the person
synonyms: ne'aaku, neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, needi, neydi,
involved is not uniformly pleasant or easy
tomottaaku, ne'aaku, neɗɗneɗɗaaku
ɗɗaaku, needi,
going, but can be from time to time..
neydi, tomottaaku
tomottaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nesaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nesagol.
newaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: nesiiɗo-nesotooɗo plur:
Designation: 3, th. Noun. facilité, confort,
nesiiɓe-nesotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
aisance; ease; comfort. ***: heese, seese,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crépir un
batala, heese, seese; compare: batala, pere.
mur, crépissage initial dans une maison;
plaster; rough-casting inside a house. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: makkude; ***: bolaade, mappude, newnii Variante: ko newnii. adj. fluide; fluid.
tarwaade, makkude; synonyms: bolaade, synonyms: selbi.
takkude, tarwaade. Dialects: Y.
newnude Noun Form of Infinitive: newnugol.
nesansi Noun. acte de naissance; birth certificate. Note Participles: sing: newnuɗo-newnoowo plur:
: français
newnuɓe-newnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
nesude Noun Form of Infinitive: nesugol. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aider
Participles: sing: nesuɗo-nesoowo plur: quelqu’un; help someone. Si a yehii to
nesuɓe-nesooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb makko fu, imo hasii e newnude. Quand tu
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. presque se vas chez lui, il a besoin d'aide. If you go to
passer, presque arriver, faillir de; to be near or him, he needs help. ***: yaafinde, hoynude,
close to doing something or having something wannude, nafude
nafude, ɓillitinde, haɓhaɓande;
happen but something intervenes to keep it
synonyms: ɓillitinde, haɓ
haɓande, nafude,
from happening; to almost do something or to
wallitinde, wallude, wannude.
almost have something happen; Mi rookeke o
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faa o nesi hokkude kam de o acciti. Je lui ai
demandé jusqu'à ce qu'il était prêt à me le 2 • faciliter, soulager, atténuer, détendre,
donner, mais finalement il ne l'a pas fait. I alléger; lighter (to make it); ease. Si goonga
asked him until he was close to giving [it] to ni mi newnii golle mon o. Vraiment, j'ai
me but he didn't. ***: hesude; facilité ton travail. In truth, I lightened your
synonyms: hesude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. work. synonyms: hoynude, yaafinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

newre Noun. paume de la main; palm of the hand.

Catégorie : Le corps. ***: neewre,
newre-junngo. Dialectal Forms: neewre,
newre-jumngo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

newre-jumngo Noun. paume de la main; palm of
the hand. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialectal
Forms: neewre.

16/02/2020 449
newre-junngo ngado

newre-junngo Plural Form of Noun: newe-juuɗe. nga'i Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number
Noun. paume; palm of the hand. Catégorie : Le One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
corps. synonyms: newre. Noun: ga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
newre-koyngal Noun. plante du pied; bottom of a gros taureau; bull (a large). Catégorie
foot. Catégorie : Le corps. : Élevage. ***: nga'a, ga'i1, ga'al, ga'a,
nga'al; synonyms: ga'i1, nga'a, nga'al.
newude Noun Form of Infinitive: newugol.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: Newoowo-this applies to
God alone. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb ngaanaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. acte divin de Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
faciliter / soulager les circonstances (Dieu Noun: gaanaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
pourvoira); the divine act of making the Noun. ébénier d’Afrique; kind of tree. Catégorie
circumstances light or easy; it carries the : Arbres. Diospyros mespiliformis.
thought that God will provide. ***: yaafinde, synonyms: gaanay, nelɓ
nelɓi; ***: nelɓ
nelɓi, gaanay.
hoynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: Y,M.

neydi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting ngaandi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Noun. politesse, décence, Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
bienséance, en respectant les convenances, of Noun: ngaandiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
normalité, pudeur; decorum; mannerliness; Noun. cerveau, cervelle; brain. Catégorie : Le
propriety; normalcy; modesty; politeness. corps. ***: goofoondi; synonyms: gabbaare.
***: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, needi, nennga, ne'aaku, Dialects: J,Y,M.
tomottaaku; synonyms: ne'aaku, neɗɗ
needi, nennga, tomottaaku. Dialects: M.
ngaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
neyngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting Noun: ga'i. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. Noun.
Designation: 3, da. Noun. espèce de maladie de taureau, veau; bull. Catégorie : Mammifère,
bétail, carbone symptomatique; blackleg. Élevage. compare: ɓujiri, kalahaldi, nagge;
Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
***: gaari, kalahaldi, ujiri, ngurgurtiri,
synonyms: henndu1, koyngel, balayel,
ɓujiri, nagge, gurgurtiri; synonyms: gaari.
piɗooyel. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nga Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, quel, lequel;
ngaasa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
which. ***: ga2. Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ga2.
Noun: ngaasaaji. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyme: cukulol. Noun. longs cheveux
nga'a Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko. (homme ou femme); long hair on a human.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form Catégorie : Le corps. compare: gaasol;
of Noun: nga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. ***: gaasol; synonyms: leembol. Dialects: J,M.
Noun. gros taureau; bull (very large). Catégorie ngabbu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
: Élevage. synonyms: ga'a, nga'al, nga'i;
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
***: ga'i1, ga'al, ga'a, nga'al, nga'i.
of Noun: gabbi, ngabbi. Sorting Designation: 3,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
wl. Noun. hippopotame; hippopotamus.
nga'al Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ko. Catégorie : Mammifère. Hippopotamus
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form amphibius kiboko. synonyms: gabbu;
of Noun: ga'o. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. ***: gabbu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
gros taureau; bull (large). Catégorie : Élevage. ngado Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
***: nga'a, ga'i1, ga'al, ga'a, nga'i;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: ga'al, nga'a, nga'i. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: gadooje. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
nga'el Noun. veau; calf. Catégorie : Élevage. longue natte en tiges pour le lit; mat made of
millet stalks. Note : Hausa ***: ƴommbaariya,
ficco, dimbaawo, ƴommbeewo, cakaawo,
sekko; synonyms: cakaawo, dimbaawo, ficco,
sekko, ƴommbaariya. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
ngadaawo. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 450
ngaɗoowo politikki ngartiroowol

ngaɗoowo politikki expression. politicien, homme ngangariiwu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
politique; politician. Catégorie Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
: Gouvernement, Juridique, Travailleur.
of Noun: gangariiji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
ngaɗuki Noun. traitement; treatment, processing, Noun. espèce de tambour; drum or tom tom.
handling. Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
***: mbinderew, bentigaaru, baggu,
ngaɗuki aybinoohi expression. traitements
mbaggu. Dialectal Forms: baggu, mbaggu.
dégradants; degrading treatment. Catégorie
: Juridique. Dialects: J.

ngaɗuki cattuki expression. traitements cruels; nganki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
cruel treatment. Catégorie : Juridique. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: ganɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ngaɗuki mbonki expression. traitements inhumains;
espèce d'arbre; kind of tree is. Catégorie
inhuman treatment. Catégorie : Juridique.
: Arbres. Celtis integrifolia. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngajama Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗe.
nganyaandi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Noun. haine, aversion, hostilité,
of Noun: gajame. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
égoïsme; enmity; selfishness; hatred.
Noun. espèce de vipère; adder (puff); puff
adder. Catégorie : Reptile. Bitis arietans. compare: ganyo, wanyude;
synonyms: nyaanndi, nyaanngel, nyangoori; synonyms: ganyaandi; ***: ganyo,
***: nyangoori, nyaanndi. Dialects: Y,G. ganyaandi, wanyude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ngal Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which. nganyaari synonyme: bonofiis. Noun. bénéfice; profit.
***: gal. Dialects: J,Y,M. ngaŋ
ngaŋ Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: gal. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: ngaŋuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. dent de sagesse; wisdom tooth. Catégorie
ngale Sorting Designation: 3. adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
: Le corps. ***: gaggitere, sakkitirde,
quelle, lequel, laquelle; which. Le'al ngale
yareere, gawuure1, hooreere, musinirde,
keluɗaa? Quelle assiette as-tu cassée ? Which
rawaanduure; compare: hooreere, gaggitere,
wooden bowl did you break? ***: gale.
musinirde, yareere, rawaanduure.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y.
ngalu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
ngarjaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: ngaluuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Noun: garjaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
richesse, fortune, trésor; treasure; wealth.
espèce de couteau pour couper la paille; knife
synonyms: jawdi; ***: faggudu, suuraare.
(a serrated). Catégorie : Outil. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
ngarki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
ngam Sorting Designation: 2. adv/conj. parce que, car,
Designation: 4. Noun. l'arrivée, la venue;
puisque; since; because of; because.
coming; arrival. Ngarki maa ki na woodi
***: batte, sabu, kammbari, gam, saabe,
nafaa. ton arrivée est utile. Your coming is
gan1; synonyms: batte, fii, gam, gan1,
helpful. synonyms: garol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kammbari, saabe, sabu. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
ngan. Dialects: Y,M. ngaroojum Noun. futur, avenir; future. Catégorie : La
ngangaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ngartiroowol Noun. veine; vein. Catégorie : Le
of Noun: gangaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
Noun. espèce de grosse termite; termite (large).
Catégorie : Insecte. compare: kurbaanaanu,
yeebiiwu, yoobiiwu; ***: waande2, mooƴ
gangaare; synonyms: gangaare, mooƴ
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 451
ngawdalloohi ngele

ngawdalloohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. ngeelooba Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Noun: gawdallooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. of Noun: geelooɗi, ngeelooɗi. Sorting
Noun. espèce d’acacia; acacia tree (kind). Designation: 3, ah. Noun. chameau,
Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia raddiana. dromadaire; camel. Catégorie : Mammifère.
***: ngawdi, ŋooraahi, ji'i ndaneehi, ji'ey Camelus dromedarius. ***: njeelooba,
ɓaley, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, ngonaaki, pattuki, wuumoore; njoolooba, jeelooba; synonyms: jeelooba,
synonyms: ji'ey ɓaley, ji'i ndaneehi, njeelooba, njoolooba. Dialectal
ngonaaki. Dialects: Y. Forms: ngelooba. Dialects: J,M.
ngawdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ngeera Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Noun: gawde. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. Noun: ngeeraaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
espèce d'acacia; acacia tree (kind). Catégorie 1 • ravin, caniveau; gully; ravine.
: Arbres. Acacia nilotica. compare: ɓulɓ
ulɓi, synonyms: cunaawo; ***: cunaawo, gulaaru.
cayki, cilluki, ngawdalloohi, ngonaaki, Dialects: J,Y.
ŋooraahi, pattuki, wuumoore; 2 • fosse, creux; pit. synonyms: luggere.
***: ŋooraahi, gawdi, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, pattuki, Dialects: Y.
wuumoore; synonyms: gawdi. Dialects: J,Y,M. 3 • fosse; a pit they dig in order to hide in and
ngaye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. quel, to shoot a hyena or lion - they cover it with
logs leaving only a tiny spot to shoot through;
lequel, laquelle; which. Araawa ngaye waati
and then they bait it with meat. Catégorie
keeŋan? Quel âne est mort hier ? Which
: Terre. synonyms: gulaaru. Dialects: J.
donkey died yesterday? ***: gaye.
Dialects: J,Y,M. ngeereera Noun. ravin; ravine. Dialectal
Forms: ngeera.
Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa araawa
ngaye waati. Je ne sais pas quel âne est mort. ngeeƴ
ngeeƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
I don't know which donkey died. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
synonyms: gaye. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • pn. O of Noun: geeƴi, ngeeƴi. Sorting Designation: 3,
anndaa ngaye waati. Il ne sait pas lequel est cs. synonyme: holoore. Noun. 1 • grain dans sa
mort. He doesn't know which (one/donkey) coquille; seed. ***: wabbere, ɓiɗɗo
aawdiiri, eedi, geeƴ
geeƴam. Dialects: J,Y.
ngayka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗe. Number 2 • noix; nut. synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, geeƴ
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of wabbere. Dialectal Forms: [M] ngeeƴa (nga).
Noun: gayɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. trou Dialects: J,Y,M.
dans la terre, terrier, tunnel; tunnel; hole in
the ground; burrow. Catégorie : Terre. ngel Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which.
***: wudde, luggere, gayka; ***: gel. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: gayka, luggere
luggere. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: gel.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngayngu janaano Variante: ngayngu janano.
Noun. xénophobie; xenophobia. ngelahelaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
nge Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
***: ge. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: gelahelaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; Senegalese ebony.
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: ge. Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Dalbergia
Dialects: J,Y,M. melanoxylon. Dialects: J.
ngeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗe. ngele Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. quel,
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form lequel, laquelle; which. Le'el ngele
of Noun: geɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. coodataa? Quelle assiette vas-tu acheter ?
partie de, portion, part; part of; portion; share. Which small wooden bowl will you buy?
***: baka, gere, yemre, geɗgeɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, ***: gele. Dialects: J,Y,M.
feccere1; synonyms: baka, feccere
feccere1, geɗ
gere, njeɗ
njeɗu, yemre. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 452
ngelleehi ngireewu
Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa le'el ngesa maanaa expression. champ sémantique;
ngele coodammi tafon. Je ne sais pas quelle semantic domain. Catégorie : Le langage et la
assiette je vais acheter. I don't know yet which pensée.
little wooden bowl I will buy.
ngeye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. quel,
synonyms: gele. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • pn. O
lequel; which. Nagge ngeye coottataa?
coottataa? Quel
faamaay ngele o soodata tafon. Elle ne sait bœuf vas-tu vendre ? Which cow will you sell?
pas laquelle elle va acheter. She doesn't know
***: geye. Dialects: J,Y,M.
which (one/little bowl) she will buy.
Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Mi suɓ
suɓaaki nagge
ngelleehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
ngeye coottammi tafon. Je n'ai pas encore
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of choisi quel bœuf je vais vendre. I haven't
Noun: gelleeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. chosen the cow which I will sell yet.
Noun. palmier doum; palm tree (kind).
synonyms: geye. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • rpn. O
Catégorie : Arbres. Hyphaene thebaica.
suɓaaki ngeye o soottata tafon. Il n'a pas
***: handeere, tenngaare, njelleehi,
choisi lequel il va vendre. He hasn't chosen
malfaare, kilaal, honndoore, mbaliihi, balol, which (one/cow) he will sell yet.
gelley; compare: balol, daago, handeere,
ngi Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which.
honndoore, kilaal, tenngaare;
***: gi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: gelley, mbaliihi, gelleere.
Dialects: J,Y. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: gi.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngelooba Noun. chameau, dromadaire; dromedary;
camel. Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialectal ngigili Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Forms: ngeelooba. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: gigile. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ngelooki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of : Buissons, arbustes. Boscia senegalensis.
Noun: gelooɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. ***: puddi1, njigili, gigili; compare: puddi1;
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
synonyms: njigili. Dialects: J.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Guiera
senegalensis. ***: jelooki; synonyms: jelooki. ngilngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Dialectal Forms: [M] ngeloohi. Dialects: J,Y. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
of Noun: [J] gilɗi, [Y] gilƴi. Sorting
ngengeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, in. Noun. 1 • ver; maggot.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs. ***: jilngu,
Noun: gengeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. njalɓ
njalɓu, njilngu, jalɓ
jalɓu, njoola, jooloonga.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Grewia Dialects: J,Y.
tenax. ***: kaltohi. Dialects: J. 2 • chenille; caterpillar. synonyms: jilngu,
njilngu; compare: njalɓ
njalɓu, njoola. Dialects: J,Y.
ngenndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form nginnaawu
nginnaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
of Noun: [J] genɗe, [J,Y] gelle. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • ville, cité; city; town. of Noun: ginnaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
***: njenndi, siire, genndi, njenndi, genndi, Noun. démon; demon. ***: maleyka, foondu,
wuro, huɓ
huɓeere; synonyms: genndi, njenndi, jinnaaru, henndu1, ginnaaru, dabidabiyal,
siire, wuro. Dialects: J,Y. ladde; synonyms: dabidabiyal, foondu,
2 • pays; country. synonyms: genndi, leydi, ginnaaru, henndu1, jinnaaru, ladde;
njenndi. Dialects: Y. compare: maleyka, Seyɗ
Seyɗaani. Dialects: J,Y.

ngesa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗe. ngireewu Noun. phacochère; wart hog. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form : Mammifère. synonyms: girow ladde,
of Noun: gese. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun. ngiroowu ladde.
champ; field. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
***: gesa; synonyms: gesa. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ngesa leɗɗ
ɗɗe Noun. verger; orchard. Catégorie
: Agriculture.

16/02/2020 453
ngiriiwu ngole

ngiriiwu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: go.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: giriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. ngokka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
pois chiche; chick-pea. Catégorie : Nourriture. One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
***: giriire, yiriire; synonyms: giriire, yiriire. Noun: ngokkaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: J. 1 • espoir, espérance; hope. ***: goddi, sikke,
ngiroowu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. muuyantaaku, eelgal, dimme, seko,
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form muuyɗ
muuyɗe, miilo, jikke, jate; synonyms: jikke,
of Noun: girooji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah. ndolo. Dialects: J,Y.
Noun. cochon, porc; pig. Catégorie 2 • désir, intérêt; desire; interest.
: Mammifère, Élevage. ***: njiroowu, synonyms: eelgal, goddi, muuyɗ
kurkuruuru, girow; synonyms: girow, muuyantaaku. Dialects: J,Y.
kurkuruuru, njiroowu. Dialectal
ngokkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ngokkingol.
Forms: ngirow. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: ngokkinɗo-ngokkinoowo
ngiroowu cortaangu Noun Class Markers: sing: plur: ngokkinɓe-ngokkinooɓe. Sorting
ngu plur: ɗi. Number One for this Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: girooji Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • espérer; hope
cortaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. porc (to). Yimɓ
Yimɓe fuu na ngokkini ƴuwoonde
châtré, verrat; hog; castrated male pig. hannden sabo gese maɓɓ maɓɓe
ɓɓe na njoori. Tous
Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage. espèrent qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui car les
***: kurkuruuru cortaangu, girow champs sont secs. Everyone hopes it will rain
cortaangu, njiroowu cortaangu; today because their fields are dry. Mi
synonyms: girow cortaangu, kurkuruuru ngokkinaay heɓheɓude golle oon. Je n'ai pas
cortaangu, njiroowu cortaangu. d’espoir de recevoir le travail. I have no hope
Dialects: J,Y. of getting that job. Mi noddii yimɓ
yimɓe njoyo
boogu de mi ngokkinaay gooto ley maɓɓ
ngiroowu ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu
I invited five people to my work bee but I don't
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. have any hope that one of them will come.
Plural Form of Noun: girooji ladde/gireeji ***: tijjaade, ɗammi'aade, tammisaade,
ladde. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun. miijaade, jikkude, ndolaade, dimmude,
phacochère, sanglier; wart hog. Catégorie
jataade, sikkude, yelaade, miilaade.
: Mammifère. Phacochoerus aethiopicus
Dialects: J,Y.
aeliani. synonyms: girow ladde, njiroowu
2 • s’intéresser à, désirer, avoir envie; to
ladde; ***: girow ladde, ngireewu, njiroowu
desire; to be interested in. Mi waddanii
ladde. Dialectal Forms: [M] ngireewu ladde.
nyawɗo o nyaamdu de o ngokkinaay ndu.
Dialects: J,Y.
J'ai apporté de la nourriture pour le malade
ngirow Noun. porc, cochon; pig. Catégorie mais il ne s'y est pas intéressé. I brought the
: Mammifère, Élevage. Dialectal sick person food but he wasn't interested in it.
Forms: ngiroowu. compare: ɗammi'aade, tammisaade,
dimmude, jataade, jikkude, miilaade,
ngiye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
sikkude, yelaade; synonyms: ndolaade,
lequel, laquelle; which. Naggi ngiye waati
tijjaade. Dialects: J,Y.
keeŋan? Quel bœuf est mort hier ? Which
large cow died yesterday? Dialects: J,Y,M. ngol Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which.

Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Mi anndaa naggi ***: gol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ngiye waati. Je ne sais pas quel bœuf est mort. 2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. synonyms: gol.
I don't know which large cow died. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: giye. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • rpn. O ngole Sorting Designation: 3. adj/pn/interrog. quel,
anndaa ngiye waati.
waati. Il ne sait pas lequel est lequel, laquelle; which. Laawol ngole o rewi?
mort. He doesn't know which (one/large cow) Quelle route a-t-il pris ? Which road did he
take? ***: gole. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngo Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que; which.
***: go. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 454
ngolobi ngorgu

ngolobi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ngootummbaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • solitude;
Noun: golobe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. aloneness. ***: wootonɗ
espèce d'arbre; A tree found in river beds. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Arbres. Stereospermum 2 • unité, uniformité; oneness.
kunthianum. ***: giloohi, jiiloy; compare: wootonɗ
wootonɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: giloohi, jiiloy. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
ngomoli. Dialects: J.
ngoowla Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi/ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
ngommbiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. of Noun: [J] goowli, [Y,M] goowle. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Designation: 3, wl. Noun. naja, cobra cracheur;
of Noun: ngommbiije. Sorting Designation: 5, spitting cobra. Catégorie : Reptile. Naja
pl. Noun. grains du nénuphar; these are edible; nigricollis. synonyms: goowlaari;
the seeds of the water lily found in the middle ***: goowlaari. Dialects: J,Y,M.
of its flower. Catégorie : Nourriture.
***: guynaare, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, daamarawol
daamarawol, ngooƴ
ngooƴaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
boololol, tammere, kuttukuruutol, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
timbooriire, kukkuturuutu, gawriyel, of Noun: ngooƴaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. hibou, chouette; owl. Catégorie : Oiseau.
guylaare; compare: boololol, daamarawol,
kukkuturuutu, kuttukuruutol, taɓɓ taɓɓere ***: fuugum, juuriire; synonyms: juuriire.
tammere; synonyms: gawriyel, guynaare, Dialects: J,Y,M.

timbooriire. Dialects: Y. ngora1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko.
ngompanyaleehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form

ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural of Noun: goro. Noun. gros homme; large man.

Form of Noun: gompanyaleeje. Sorting synonyms: goral, ngori; ***: goral, ngori.

Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de petite Dialects: J,Y,M.

acacia; a small tree of the savanna. Catégorie ngora2 adj. mâle; male.
: Arbres. Acacia gourmaensis.
synonyms: kompanyalley
kompanyalley, konngobanay; ngoraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
***: kompanyalley. Dialects: M. Designation: 3. Noun. masculinité, masculin;
masculinity; manhood. ***: goraaku;
ngonaaki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
synonyms: goraaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
Noun: gonaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. ngorba Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Noun. espèce d'acacia; acacia tree (kind). Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia raddiana. of Noun: gorbi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
***: ngawdi, ŋooraahi, ji'i ndaneehi, ji'ey Noun. âne mâle; donkey (male); male donkey.
ɓaley, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, ngawdalloohi, pattuki, Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: mola, gorba,
wuumoore; synonyms: ji'ey ɓaley, ji'i araawa, ndakiwa
ndakiwa; synonyms: gorba;
ndaneehi, ngawdalloohi. Dialects: J. compare: araawa, dakiya, mola, tefeewa.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngoofoondi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 3, at, ct. Noun. jaune d’œuf; yolk ngorgu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
of an egg. Catégorie : Nourriture. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
synonyms: mboofoondi; compare: ɓoccoonde; of Noun: ngorguuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
***: mboofoondi. Dialects: J,Y. Noun. 1 • pénis (d'homme); penis (human).
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: bawlirde, ley2,
ngoola Noun. python; python. Catégorie : Reptile.
suuyde, lacol, hallere, lehi, laasi, cuusal,
synonyms: moɗ
moɗoori, mbolla, mbarulla, bose,
gorgu, gorgu; synonyms: gorgu, bawlirde,
hallere, laasi, lacol, lehi, ley1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngoore Noun. calcaire; limestone. Catégorie : Terre. 2 • courage; courage. synonyms: cuusal,
synonyms: kaaruwal.
feeteende, gorgu, suuyde
suuyde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ngootumbaaku adunaaru expression. 3 • détermination; determination.
mondialisation; globalisation. synonyms: ciinal. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ngorgu2 Noun. honneur; honour.

16/02/2020 455
ngori ngummeehi

ngori Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number nguleefi naange nawtorteeki expression.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of énergie solaire; solar power. Catégorie : Ciel,
Le travail et diverses activités.
Noun: goro. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. gros
homme; large man; man (large). ***: ngora1, nguli Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
goral; synonyms: ngora1, goral. Designation: 2. synonyme: oytere, cabbam.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun. 1 • chaleur (air), air humide et chaude;
humid air; heat (temperature of the air).
ngoroori Noun. couleuvre; snake; grass snake. Catégorie : Temps. ***: olowere, kaamu,
Catégorie : Reptile.
cabbam, kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, olwere, guleeɗ
guleeɗe, guli,
ngoru Noun. mâle; male. wulude; synonyms: guleeɗ
guleeɗe, kuɓɓ
ngosaari synonyme: nokku sariya. Noun. juridiction; Dialects: J,Y,M.
jurisdiction. Catégorie : Gouvernement, 2 • sueur, transpiration; perspiration; sweat.
Juridique. compare: wulude; synonyms: guli, kaamu,
ngosondirooɓe Noun. parties au procès; parties to olwere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
the proceedings. Catégorie : Gouvernement, ngulinde Verb. transpirer; perspire; sweat.
ngulu synonyme: waawaa sifeede. Noun. indéfini;
ngoye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/pn/interrog. quel, indefinite. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
lequel; which. Sekko ngoye canyuɗ
Quelle natte as-tu tissée ? Which mat did you ngulu ladde Noun. feu de brousse; bush-fire.
Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.
weave? ***: goye. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.2 • adj. Miɗ
Miɗo anndi sekko ngulunnjaaɓ
ngulunnjaaɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
ngoye o sanyi. Je sais quelle natte elle a Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
tissée. I know which mat she wove. Noun: gulunjaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
synonyms: goye. Dialects: J,Y,M.3 • rpn. Imo Noun. 1 • espèce d'arbuste (près des
termitières); This shrub is often found on
anndi ngoye o sanyi. Il sait laquelle elle a
termite hills. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
tissée. He knows which (one/mat) she wove. grimpantes. Capparis corymbosa.
ngu Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • rpn. que, qui; which. ***: njaaɓ
njaaɓi, jaaɓ
jaaɓi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: gu2. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • espèce d'arbuste; A non appetizing
2 • dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. naggu ngu un
common shrub. Catégorie : Buissons,
arbustes. Ziziphus mucronata.
petit(e) bœuf/vache. a small cow. this is one of
two noun classes used with diminutive noun Dialects: J,Y,M.
forms - the plural forms of these words use the 3 • espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub.
noun class koy; synonyms: gu2. Dialects: J,Y,M. Ziziphus spina-christi. compare: njaaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nguleede Noun Form of Infinitive: ngulegol.
Participles: sing: ngulaaɗo-nguleteeɗo plur: ngummeehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
ngulaaɓe-nguleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Noun: gummeeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
être chaud (humains); hot (used of people). Noun. 1 • espèce d'arbre, prunier noir; kind of
***: jontere; compare: jontere, wulude. tree. Catégorie : Arbres. Vitex doniana.
Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: gummey. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Catégorie
nguleefi synonyme: tanperatiir. Noun. chaleur; heat. : Buissons, arbustes. 2. Vitex simplicifolia.
synonyms: fooweengu. synonyms: gummey. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
nguleefi e peeweefi synonyme: tamperatiir. ngummey. Dialects: J,Y,M.
expression. température; temperature. Catégorie
: Temps. ***: fooweengu.

nguleefi hantotooki expression. énergies non

renouvelables; non renewable energies.
Catégorie : Le travail et diverses activités.

nguleefi henndu Noun. azote; nitrogen. Catégorie

: Agriculture.

16/02/2020 456
ngungumi nguufo

ngungumi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. ngurnyaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Noun: gongume. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. of Noun: gurnyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Noun. criquet migrateur; migratory locust;
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Combretum locust (migratory). Catégorie : Insecte.
micranthum. compare: ɓuygi, ɗooki, ɗoygiire, Locusta migratoria. ***: mbaɓɓ
ɗuyki, lawnyi; synonyms: gungumi; tamminyoonaawu, ŋaancuwa;
***: gungumi, ɗuyki, ɗoygiire, lawnyi, compare: mbaɓɓ
ɓɓattu; synonyms: ŋaancuwa,
ɓuygi, ɗooki. Dialectal Forms: [J] nguumuuhi. tamminyoonaawu
tamminyoonaawu. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Dialects: J,Y,M. ngurnyaaw. Dialects: J.

nguppaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting ngursoohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, mt, th. Noun. incirconcision; Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
uncircumcision. synonyms: guppoore, Noun: gursooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
jofolaaku; ***: guppoore, taadeede, Noun. espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Grewia
nanneede, haddeede, jofolaaku. Dialectal
Forms: [J] nguppaaraaku. Dialects: J.
villosa. ***: ciiɓ
ciiɓooli, gursoy, kaltohi;
compare: ciiɓ
ciiɓooli, kaltohi, kelli;
nguppeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nguppegol. synonyms: gursoy. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Participles: sing: nguppaaɗo-nguppeteeɗo ngurseehi. Dialects: J,M.
plur: nguppaaɓe-nguppeteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
nguru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/kol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Progressive: st. Verb. être in-circoncis;
of Noun: guri. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
uncircumcised. "Ndelle si nguppooɓ
nguppooɓe ina
synonyme: kulse-tergal, nguru-dowuuwu.
njokki jamirooje fu wanaa nguppaaku
Noun. peau, épiderme, cuir; skin. nguru
ɓɓen laatanto ɓe hono haddagol naa?"
manngoroore cuir. leather. compare: hufo;
Roma'en 2:26 Si donc l'incirconcis observe
les prescriptions de la loi, son incirconcision ***: pogoluwol, hufo, kaakolol, guru;
ne lui sera-t-elle pas comptée comme synonyms: guru. Dialects: J,Y,M.
circoncision? Therefore, if the uncircumcised
follow the law doesn't their uncircumcision nguru ponte
ponte synonyme: nguru guppe. Noun. bourse;
become like circumcision? scrotum. Catégorie : Le corps.
synonyms: guppeede, jofolaaku; nguru yitere Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
***: guppeede, jofoleede. Dialects: J. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
ngurel Plural Form of Noun: nguroy. Noun. membrane; of Noun: guri gite, nguri-gite . Sorting
membrane. Nguru baggu, almungu Designation: 1, at. Noun. paupière; eye lid.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: guru hitere;
suddiingu dow calɗ
calɗi tarngal heewuɗ
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: guru hitere. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ngurel hakkunde kolli Noun. palmure; webbing, nguru-

nguru-hoore Plural Form of Noun: guri-ko'e. Noun.
webbed foot. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. cuir chevelu; scalp. Catégorie : Le corps.

ngurgurtiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. nguru-

nguru-lehiiwu Plural Form of Noun: guri-lehiiji .
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form Noun. derme; dermis. Ngurel almungel ngel
of Noun: gurgurti. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. nguru tergal daɗɗ
ɗɗii dow mum
Noun. jeune taureau jusqu'à 3 ans; young bull
ngustam Noun. rabais; discount. Catégorie : Argent,
up to 3 years. Catégorie : Élevage.
Mathématique. ***: ustaandi.
***: gurgurtiri, nagge; synonyms: gurgurtiri;
compare: ɓujiri, kalahaldi, nagge, ngaari. nguufo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting
Dialectal Forms: [J] ngurhurtiri (ndi)/gurhurti Designation: 3. Noun. écume, mousse; foam;
(ɗi). Dialects: Y,M. suds. synonyms: guufo, gubooje, hufo;
***: guufo. Dialectal Forms: [J] nguufa (ka).
Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 457
nguuku niɓɓinde

nguuku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting ni Sorting Designation: 4. part. 1 • bien; well. Si
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. enflement / [ni] a yehii fu, miɗ
miɗo jowta o. Bien, si tu vas,
enflure des testicules; swelling of the testicles. salue-le de ma part. Well, if you go, I greet
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: fooroonde, him. Si o warii [ni/tan], njehen Bien, s'il
mbuuku; synonyms: fooroonde, mbuuku. vient, allons y. Well, if he comes, lets go.
Dialects: M. ***: nii. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • bien, seulement; well; only. Si goonga
nguurdam Variante: guurndam. Noun. vie; life.
[ni/tan] mi newnii golle mon o. Bien,
nguurey1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting effectivement, j'ai allégé ton travail. Well,
Designation: 4. Noun. générosité, beaucoup, truthfully I lightened your work. compare: nii,
abondance de nourriture, vivres; bounty; tan. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
abundance of food; plenty. synonyms: guure;
ɓɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: niɓɓangol.
***: haarannde, nyaamdu, guure, ɗuuɗ uuɗal.
Participles: sing: niɓɓanɗo-niɓɓanoowo
Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: niɓɓanɓe-niɓɓanooɓe. Sorting
nguurey2 Noun. céréales; cereals, grains. Catégorie Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
: Agriculture.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être obscur;
nguurndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number obscure. Mi yi'aay ko pilotoomi, ley toon
toon na
One for this noun: ngootam. Sorting niɓɓ
ɓɓani kam sabo e naange ngonnoomi. Je
Designation: 2. Noun. vie, existence; existence; n'ai pas trouvé ce que je cherchais, car c'était
life. ***: ruuhu, foofaango, foofude, yonki, obscure là-dedans (et mes yeux n'étaient pas
encore habitué à l'obscurité). I didn't see what
poowle, beelu, mbeelu1, foontude,
I was looking for, things in there were obscure
guurndam; synonyms: guurndam; to me because I had been out in the sun [and
compare: foofude, foofaango, foontude, my eyes had not adjusted to the dark].
mbeelu1, poowle, ruuhu, yonki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • ne pas voir ou ne pas bien voir qqn ou
qqch; to not see or to see poorly something or
nguye Sorting Designation: 3. adj/pn/interrog. quel, someone; either because it is dark or your eyes
lequel, laquelle; which. Mbaalu nguye are bad; obscure; Mi hollii o ko wojji
wojji faa mi
kirsataa? Quel mouton vas-tu abattre ? Which
ndaartindoo o salla imo yi'a de o wi'i iɗ
sheep will you slaughter? ***: guye. niɓɓ
ni ɓɓani
ɓɓani o. Je lui ai montré qqch de rouge,
Dialects: J,Y,M. mais cela n'était pas très bien visible / claire
pour lui. I showed him something red to see if
nguyka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka. Sorting
he could see it, but he said the color was not
Designation: 3, th. Noun. du vol qui n'a pas été
clear to him. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
vue; theft. compare: wujjude;
3 • ne pas reconnaître qqn ou qqch parce qu'il
synonyms: guyka; ***: wujjude, guyka. ou cela a changé; to not recognize someone or
Dialects: J,Y,M. something because they or it has changed; Mi
nguyka jawdi leydi expression. détournement de yi'ii o hannden de imo niɓɓ
ɓɓani kam sabo
deniers publics; misappropriation of public ɓanndu makko na ɓawli. Je l'ai vu
funds. Catégorie : Argent, Gouvernement, aujourd'hui, mais je ne l'ai pas reconnu car il
Juridique. était si sombre. I saw him today but I didn't
recognize him because he was so dark.
nguƴu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: nguƴuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, in. niɓɓ
ɓɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: niɓɓingol.
Noun. espèce du ver de bois qui mange aussi Participles: sing: niɓɓinɗo-niɓɓinoowo plur:
les tiges de mil; wood boring insect. Catégorie niɓɓinɓe-niɓɓinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
: Insecte. ***: wuƴ
wuƴude, guƴ
guƴu, mbuƴ
buƴu; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
compare: wuƴ
wuƴude; synonyms: guƴ
guƴu, mbuƴ
mbuƴu. assombrir, obscurcir; darken; obscure.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 458
niɓɓude niisude

ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: niɓɓugol. niijeede Noun Form of Infinitive: niijegol.
Participles: sing: niɓɓuɗo-niɓɓoowo plur: Participles: sing: niijaaɗo-niijeteeɗo plur:
niɓɓuɓe-niɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. niijaaɓe-niijeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être dh, da. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
sombre, obscure, foncé, noirâtre; dark; avoir la cécité de nuit, héméralopie; night
blackish in color. compare: furɗ
furɗude, nimre, blind. Catégorie : Maladie.
niwre; ***: nimre, furɗ
furɗude, niwre. ***: niizonɗ
niizonɗineede, nundeede;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: bumɗ
bumɗo, wumude;
synonyms: dandigeede, niizonɗ
niɓnde Noun. obscurité; darkness. Dialectal
nundeede. Dialects: M.
Forms: niɓre, nimre, niwre.
niildal Noun. envoi; sending; posting.
niɓre Noun. obscurité; darkness. Dialectal
Forms: niɓnde, nimre, niwre. niimuuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
ɗɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Number One for this
Noun: niimuuje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
noun: gooto. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Noun. neem, nim; neem tree. Catégorie
quelqu'un, une personne; someone; person. : Arbres. Azadirachta indica. Note : français
***: tomotte, moyni, gonɗ
gonɗo, maani, goɗɗ
ɗɗo, ***: gooji, miliyaahi, pongudaahi,
ɗɗo; compare: maani, moyni; tiirootiihi; synonyms: gooji, miliyaahi,
synonyms: goɗɗ
ɗɗo, neɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: Y,G,M. pongudaahi, tiirootiihi. Dialectal Forms: [M]
nigi Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très froid; cold. niimaahi. Dialects: J,M.
compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude; ***: resem, niiseede Noun Form of Infinitive: niisegol.
yerem, mati; synonyms: mati, resem, yerem. Participles: sing: niirsaaɗo-niiseteeɗo plur:
Dialects: G. niisaaɓe-niiseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nii Sorting Designation: 2. part/adv. 1 • ceci, comme Verb. être écrasé, brisé, réduit en poudre;
crushed; ground into dust; smashed.
ceci; like this; this. No laaɓ
laaɓiri [hono/ndagu]
***: fompineede, nameede, femmbineede,
nii? Est-ce que ceci est propre ? Is this clean?
ferneede, nirseede, dampeede;
(bracketed words are optional). No foti
compare: dampeede, femmbineede,
[hono/ndagu] nii? Beaucoup comme ceci ?
ferneede; synonyms: nameede, nirseede.
Autant que ceci ? This much? ***: ni.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • de cette façon, de cette manière, comme ça; niisirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
manner (in this). Si [hono/ndagu] nii o waɗ waɗi, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
en kaɓ
kaɓan e makko. S'il a agi comme ça, nous of Noun: niisirɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
allons lutter contre lui. If this is what he did, Noun. meule, pierre pour moudre; stone upon
we will fight with him. Mi yiɗyiɗiraa which grain is ground. ***: namarde;
[hono/ndagu] ni. = Nii mi yiɗ yiɗiraa
iraa ɗum. Je synonyms: namarde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
n'aime pas cela. I don't like this. it is unusual
to find nii at the end of a sentence. When this niisirgal Noun. moulin; mill.
happens it is shortened to ni. This shortened niisude Noun Form of Infinitive: niisugol.
sentence final adverbial ni, which means "this"
Participles: sing: niisuɗo-niisoowo plur:
or "like this" should be distinguished from the
niisuɓe-niisooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
particle ni meaning "well"; compare: ni.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. moudre,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
écraser; grind. ***: namude, naminde,
niibaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. nikinde, nirsude; synonyms: namude
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nirsude; compare: nikinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: niibaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
se couvrir (le ciel, nuages, poussière);
overcast. ***: dunna, ulgu, cuddi;
synonyms: cuddi, ulgu; compare: dunna.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 459
niizonɗineede nirsude

niizonɗineede Noun Form of nildude Verb. envoyer qqch à qqn; something to
Infinitive: niizonɗingol. Participles: sing: someone; send.
niizonɗinaaɗo-niizonɗineteeɗo plur: nilude Verb. envoyer qqn; send someone.
niizonɗinaaɓe-niizonɗineteeɓe. Sorting
nimɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, dh, da. Verb Stative or
Designation: 3. Noun. gens, peuple; people.
Progressive: st. Verb. avoir la cécité de nuit;
night blind. Catégorie : Maladie. Note : mooré ***: himɓ
himɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe, annaaji, adunaaji;
synonyms: dandigeede, niijeede, nundeede; compare: jamaa, koreeji; synonyms: adunaaji,
***: nundeede, dandigeede, niijeede. annaaji, himɓ
himɓe, yimɓ
yimɓe. Dialects: G.
Dialects: M. nimre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
niizonndo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. obscurité, ténèbres;
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. cécité de nuit, darkness. ***: niɓɓ
ɓɓude, niwre, jemma;
héméralopie; vitamin A (retinal) deficiency; compare: jemma, niɓɓ
ɓɓude; synonyms: niwre.
night blindness. nyctalopia. Note : mooré Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: dandigi, nundaani, wumude;
nimsintinnde Verb. faire regretter; regret (cause to).
synonyms: dandigi, nundaani;
compare: wumude. Dialects: M. nimsitidde Verb. regretter; regret. Dialectal
Forms: nimsitinde.
nikanika Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of nimsitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nimsitingol.
Noun: nikanikaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Participles: sing: nimsitinɗo-nimsitoowo
Noun. moulin à moteur; motorized mill. plur: nimsitinɓe-nimsitooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: nannangu; ***: nannangu. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb. changer d'idée, regretter; change one's
mind; regret. synonyms: mimsitinde;
nikinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nikingol.
***: mimsitinde; compare: accitinde,
Participles: sing: nikinɗo-nikinoowo plur:
waylitaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
nikinɓe-nikinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
nimsitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. moudre à
la machine; grind or mill in machine. Ninewe Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Ninive,
***: nirsude, naminde, namude, niisude; capital de l'Assyrie; Nineveh; the capital of
Assyria. Catégorie : Localité. Note : hébreu
synonyms: naminde; compare: niisude,
***: Asuri. Dialects: biblical.
nirsude. Dialectal Forms: [Y] nikaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M. ninnju Noun. cécité nocturne, avitaminose;
avitaminosis; vitamin deficiency; night
nilaaɓe Noun. délégation; delegation. Catégorie blindness. Catégorie : Maladie.
: Juridique.
nirseede Noun Form of Infinitive: nirsegol.
nilaaɗo Noun. un envoyée; sent person; envoy.
Participles: sing: nirsaaɗo-nirseteeɗo plur:
nilal Noun. envoi; sending; posting. Dialectal nirsaaɓe-nirseteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Forms: niildal. Verb. être écrasé, brisé, réduit en poudre;
crushed; ground into dust; smashed.
nilande Verb. convoquer; convene, summon, convoke.
compare: dampeede, femmbineede,
Catégorie : Juridique.
ferneede; ***: fompineede, nameede,
nildaaɗo synonyme: nuldaaɗo. Noun. destinataire; femmbineede, ferneede, dampeede,
niiseede; synonyms: nameede, niiseede.
nildal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Dialects: J.
Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form
nirsude Noun Form of Infinitive: nirsugol.
of Noun: nilɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ce
Participles: sing: nirsuɗo-nirsoowo plur:
qui a été envoyé, expédition, dépêche,
message, lettre, envoi, commission; message; nirsuɓe-nirsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.

dispatch; letter. synonyms: neldal, nuldal; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. écraser,
briser, réduire en poudre; grind into dust;
***: neldal, nuldal. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
crush; smash. ***: namude, naminde,
nilal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
niisude, nikinde; compare: namude, nikinde;
synonyms: niisude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 460
niwre njajardi

niwre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting njaalu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 2. Noun. obscurité, ténèbres; One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
darkness. ***: niɓɓ
ɓɓude, jemma, nimre
nimre; Noun: jaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. enfant
synonyms: nimre; compare: jemma, niɓɓniɓɓude
ɓɓude. illégitime; illegitimate child. synonyms: jaalu;
Dialects: Y,G. ***: jaalu. Dialects: J,Y,M.

njaabaja Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. njaareendi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 2. Noun. sable; sand. Catégorie
Noun: jaabajaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, in. : Terre. ***: sollaare, colla, puru, kusaw,
Noun. espèce de scorpion; scorpion horse. taasiiri; compare: colla, kusaw, sollaare;
Catégorie : Insecte. ***: mbamboowa jahe, synonyms: taasiiri. Dialects: J,Y,M.
bammbowa jahe, ɗuuɗ
njaareendiijum Noun. sableux; sandy. Ko woodi
roojoroojowal; synonyms: ɗuuɗ
mbamboowa jahe, roojoroojowal.
Dialects: M. njaatiraaɗ
njaatiraaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
njaabdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Noun: njaatiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Noun. le père ou la mère des grand-parents ,
of Noun: njaabdiiji. Sorting Designation: 1, at. arrière grand-père, arrière grand-mère,
Noun. plante du pied; bottom of a foot. ancêtre; mother or father of one's grandparent;
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: jaaɓ
jaaɓirdi, ancestor; great grandparent. Catégorie
yaaɓoro; ***: jaaɓ
jaaɓirdi, yaaɓ
yaaɓoro; : Parenté. synonyms: sellita nofel;
compare: koyngal, yaaɓ
yaaɓude. Dialectal ***: maamiiwo, sellita nofel. Dialects: J,G,M.
Forms: [J] njaaɓirdi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
njaaweeki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
njaaɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Designation: 4. Noun. vitesse; speed.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of synonyms: gullal; ***: gullal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: jaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
njaayri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
jujubier; jujube bush. Catégorie : Buissons,
arbustes. Ziziphus mauritiana. One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
compare: ngulunnjaaɓ
ngulunnjaaɓi; ***: ngulunnjaaɓ
ngulunnjaaɓi, Noun: njaayriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
jaaɓi; synonyms: jaaɓ
jaaɓi. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun. étendue, surface; expanse. njaayri
kammu l'étendu du ciel, une clairière sans
njaahilaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting arbres en brousse, le ciel, l'air. the expanse of
Designation: 4, th. Noun. malice (se réfère à the heavens; an open place in the bush where
l'état avant la conversion à l’Islam); there are not many trees, a clearing, the sky,
wickedness. Note : arabe compare: laalaade, air. ***: mbeeyu, jaayri, feeya, ladde;
jaahili; ***: jaahili, annjaari, laalaade. synonyms: jaayri, ladde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
njabbattu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
njaajeefi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Noun. largeur, l'étendue; width; of Noun: jabbatti. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
breadth. ***: jaajeeki, ɗeppeefi; Noun. espèce de guêpe; wasp. Catégorie
synonyms: ɗeppeefi, jaajeeki. : Insecte. ***: nyaaku, buubel demoowo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mbuubuudu, buubuuda, benngaare,
nyabbattu, urkeewu; compare: benngaare,
njaajeendi Noun. largeur; width. Catégorie
buubel demoowo, mbuuluulu, nyaaku,
: Mathématique.
urkeewu; synonyms: mbuubuudu,
njaalɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: njaalɗugol. nyabbattu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: jaalɗuɗo plur: njaalɗuɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. être illégitime, né
njahaki Noun. cheminement; progression, pathway.
sans père légal; illegitimate; born without a njahaki gollal expression. chronogramme,
[legal] father. ***: jaalɗ
jaalɗude; chronologique; chronogram, chronological.
synonyms: jaalɗ
jaalɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.

njaalɗum Noun. hybrides; hybrids. Catégorie njajardi Noun. aire, superficie, surface; area, surface.
: Agriculture. Catégorie : Mathématique.
synonyms: wertaango; ***: wertaango.

16/02/2020 461
njakkaari njawdiri

njakkaari synonyme: sonnuuri. Noun. argile; clay. njangu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Catégorie : Terre. ***: sonnuuri. Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • du vol, prendre par
force; taking things by force; theft.
njalɓu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
***: yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
2 • violer; rape. compare: yanude1.
Noun: jalɓi. Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh.
Noun. parasite intestinal, ver; worm; internal Dialects: J,Y.
parasite. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs. njanjinoowo Noun. agitateur; agitator.
***: jalɓ
jalɓu, jilngu, nyapilegew, njilngu,
njoola, jooloonga, ngilngu;
njanngu Noun. extorsion; extortion, shakedown .
Catégorie : Juridique.
compare: ngilngu, njoola; synonyms: jalɓ
Dialects: J,Y,M. njaram Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootam. Plural
njamaciiwa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Form of Noun: njaramaaji. Sorting
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Designation: 2. Noun. boisson; drinkable liquid;
of Noun: jamiciiwi. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
drink. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Noun. guib harnaché; bush-buck. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Tragelaphus scriptus knutsoni. ***: njareteeɗ
njareteeɗam, jaram, jareteeɗ
***: jabaciiwa; synonyms: jabaciiwa. Dialectal synonyms: jaram, jareteeɗ
jareteeɗam, njareteeɗ
Forms: [J] njabaciiwa (jabaciiwaaji). Dialects: J,Y,M.

Dialects: J,Y,M. njareteeɗ

njareteeɗam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
njamdi Variante: njamndi, janndi. Noun. fer; iron. Designation: 2. Noun. boisson, liquide buvable;
drinkable liquid; drink. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Dialectal Forms: njamndi.
synonyms: jaram, jareteeɗ
jareteeɗam, njaram;
njammi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number ***: njaram, jaram, jareteeɗ
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun: jamme. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
tamarinier; tamarind tree. Catégorie : Arbres. njarnirɗ
njarnirɗi synonyme: janirɗi. Noun. abreuvoirs;
watering place. Catégorie : Élevage.
Tamarindus indica. ***: yetamere, jetami,
njetaɓi, yammere; compare: yammere, njarnirɗ
njarnirɗi piirooje synonyme: jarnirɗi ndiwri.
yetamere; synonyms: jetami. Dialectal expression. abreuvoirs pour volaille; watering
place for fowls. Catégorie : Élevage.
Forms: [J] njaɓɓi. Dialects: J,M.
njaru Noun. coût, prix; cost, price. Catégorie
njamndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
: Argent. synonyms: coggu; ***: coggu.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
of Noun: jamɗe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. njaru coodgol Noun. prix d'achat; purchasing price.
métal ou fer, acier, heure; metal; iron; steel. Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
***: furfata, mbudu, alhan, janndi, fuufa, njaru jeeygol Noun. prix de vente; selling price.
danndaku; synonyms: janndi; compare: alhan, Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
danndaku, furfata, fuufa, mbudu. Dialectal
njaru kawral Noun. prix total; total price. Catégorie
Forms: njamdi. Dialects: J,Y,M. : Argent, Mathématique.
njamndi mboɗ
mboɗeeri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi njaru ngartam Noun. prix de revient; cost price.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Catégorie : Argent, Mathématique.
Plural Form of Noun: jamɗe boɗeeje. Sorting
njawdiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Noun. laiton, cuivre jaune;
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
brass. synonyms: alhan; ***: alhan.
of Noun: jawɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyme: mbaalu ndew, ndamndiri mbaala.
njamndi sari Noun. étançon; shore. Catégorie Variante: njawdiiri. Noun. bélier; ram.
: Agriculture, Outil. Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage.
njamndi-ɓaleeri Plural Form of compare: bortel, jawgel, mbaalu, mbortu;
Noun: jamɗe-ɓaleeje . Noun. acier; steel. ***: mbaalu, jawgel, mbaala, jawdiri,
ndamndi; synonyms: mbaalu, jawdiri.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 462
njawdiri mbaalu njeetato

njawdiri mbaalu Noun. bélier; ram. Catégorie njeegomo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. six (nombre
: Élevage. cardinal); six. julaaɓ
julaaɓe njeegomo six
njawdiri mbewa Noun. bouc (de chèvre); billy goat. commerçants. six merchants; and for [J,Y,M]
Catégorie : Élevage. large things in the "ko" noun class; na'o
njeegomo six gros bœufs. six large cows.
njawga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ko.
synonyms: jeegom, jeegomo, njeegomoy;
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
***: jeegomo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
of Noun: njawko. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
très gros bélier; ram (a very large). Catégorie njeegomoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. six (nombre
: Élevage. ***: jawga, njawgi, jawgal, jawgi; cardinal); six. synonyms: jeegomo;
synonyms: jawga, jawgal, jawgi, njawgi. ***: njeegomo, jeegoy. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,M. Forms: [J,Y,M] njeegoy. Dialects: J,Y,M.

njawgi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngi plur: ko. Number njeelooba Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Noun: njawko. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. of Noun: jeelooɓi or jeelooɗi. Sorting
gros bélier; ram (a very large). Catégorie Designation: 3, ah. Noun. chameau,
: Élevage. ***: jawga, njawga, jawgal, jawgi; dromadaire; camel. Catégorie : Mammifère.
synonyms: jawga, jawgal, jawgi, njawga. Camelus dromedarius. synonyms: jeelooba,
Dialects: J,Y,M. ngeelooba, njoolooba; ***: njoolooba,
ngeelooba, jeelooba. Dialects: Y,M.
njawkoy Noun Class Markers: plur: koy. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. agneaux mâles; male njeelooba ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga
lambs. Catégorie : Élevage. Dialects: J,Y,M. plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: goota.
Plural Form of Noun: jeeloobi ladde. Sorting
njaynam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number One
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. girafe; giraffe.
for this noun: ngootam. Sorting Designation: 4.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Giraffa
Noun. lumière; light. synonyms: annoora,
camelopardalis reticulata. ***: njoolooba
jayngol, yaynam; ***: annoora, iilde,
ladde; synonyms: lewla, njoolooba ladde,
jayngol, yaynaade, fooyre; compare: fooyre,
tireewa. Dialects: G.
iilde, yaynaade. Dialects: M.
njeenaagu Noun. garantie ; warranty, guarantee.
njayri Noun. étendu, surface; surface area; extent;
synonyms: tolma, jukunnde.
njeenayo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. neuf (nombre
njeddoowo Noun. contestataire; protester. Catégorie
: Juridique. cardinal); nine. jannginooɓ
jannginooɓe njeenayo neuf
étudiants. nine students; and for large things in
ɗɗo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. sept (nombre the "ko" noun class; na'o njeenayo neuf gros
cardinal); seven. durooɓ
durooɓe njeɗɗ
ɗɗo sept bœufs. nine large cows. ***: jeenayo,
bergers. seven herdsmen; and with large
jeenayoy, jeenay; synonyms: jeenayo.
things in the "ko" noun class; na'o njeɗɗ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
sept gros bœufs. seven large cows. ***: jeɗɗ
synonyms: jeɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: J,Y,M. njeenayoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. neuf (nombre
cardinal); nine. synonyms: jeenayoy. Dialectal
ɗɗoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. sept (nombre
Forms: [J,Y,M] njeenahoy. Dialects: J,Y,M.
cardinal); seven. ***: jeɗɗ
synonyms: jeɗɗ
ɗɗ oy . Dialects: J,Y,M. njeenu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. adultère, fornication,
njeɗu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number immoralité; fornication; adultery; immorality.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Note : arabe synonyms: jeenu, zeenu;
Noun: njeɗuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. ***: jeenu, zeenu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
partie de, pièce, part, portion ; part of; portion;
share. ***: ngeɗ
ngeɗu, yemre, geɗ geɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, njeetato Sorting Designation: 2. adj. huit (nombre
feccere1; synonyms: baka, feccere1, gere, cardinal); eight. remooɓ
remooɓe njeetato huit
cultivateurs. eight farmers; and large things in
geɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, ngeɗ
ngeɗu, yemre. Dialects: Y,M.
the "ko2" noun class; na'o njeetato huit gros
bœufs. eight large cows. synonyms: jeetato;
***: jeetato. Dialects: J,Y,M.

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njeetatoy njiroowu cortaangu

njeetatoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. huit (nombre njiiden e jam au revoir; goodbye.
cardinal); eight. keekoy njeetatoy njiimngu ndiwtungu expression. impérialisme;
synonyms: jeetatoy; ***: jeetatoy. imperialism. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Dialects: J,Y,M. Juridique.
njeeygu Noun. commerce; trade. synonyms: jaagu, njiimu Noun. supériorité, esclavagisme; superiority.
julaade, njulaaku.
njiimu kesu expression. néocolonialisme;
njelleehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. neo-colonialism.
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of njilgu Noun. ver, chenille; worm; caterpillar.
Noun: jelleeje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
1 • palmier doum; palm tree. Catégorie
njilludi Noun. mélange; mix, mixture, blend.
: Arbres. Hyphaene thebaica. ***: handeere,
tenngaare, malfaare, kilaal, balol, gelley; njilngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
synonyms: gelley, mbaliihi, ngelleehi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Dialects: Y,M. of Noun: [Y] gilƴi, [M] jilɗi. Sorting
2 • fruit du palmier doum; The fruits are Designation: 3, in. Noun. 1 • ver, asticot;
known as "jelleeje" (see yellere). maggot. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
compare: balol, daago, gelleere, handeere, ***: jilngu, ngilngu. Dialects: Y.
honndoore, kilaal, tenngaare, yelleere; 2 • chenille; caterpillar. synonyms: jilngu,
synonyms: gelleere, yelleere. Dialects: Y,M. ngilngu; compare: njalɓ
njalɓu, njoola. Dialectal
njenndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. Forms: njilnga (nga). Dialects: Y.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form njimaandi Noun. poésie; poetry. Catégorie : Lecture /
of Noun: jelle. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. écriture.
1 • ville, cité; city; town. Catégorie : Localité.
njinngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗe.
synonyms: genndi, ngenndi, siire, wuro;
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
***: siire, ngenndi, genndi, ngenndi,
of Noun: [J,Y,M] giɗaale, [J,Y,M] jiɗaale, [J]
genndi, wuro, huɓ
huɓeere. Dialects: M.
jille. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. amour;
2 • pays; country. Catégorie : Pays.
love. ***: jinngu, horsinde, yiɗ
yiɗeede, yiɗ
synonyms: genndi, leydi, ngenndi. Dialects: M.
yidde, horsude1; compare: horsinde,
njenu Noun. adultère; adultery. Dialectal yiɗ
yiɗeede, yiɗ
yiɗude; synonyms: jinngu.
Forms: njeenu, jeenu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
njenycudi Noun. produit, résultat; product, result. njiroowu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
njetaɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number of Noun: jirooji. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Noun. cochon, porc; pig. Catégorie
: Mammifère, Élevage.
Noun: jetaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
tamarinier; tamarind tree. Catégorie : Arbres. synonyms: kurkuruuru, ngiroowu, girow;
Tamarindus indica. ***: yetamere, ***: kurkuruuru, ngiroowu, girow.
yammere; compare: yammere, yetamere; Dialects: Y,M.
synonyms: jetami, njammi
njammi. Dialects: Y. njiroowu cortaangu Noun Class Markers: sing:
njeyaaɗo eeroppo Noun. européen; European. ngu plur: ɗi. Number One for this
Catégorie : Communauté. noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: jirooji
cortaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun. porc
njiga Noun. charognard, vautour; vulture. Catégorie
châtré, verrat; hog; castrated male pig.
: Oiseau. Dialectal Forms: jigaare.
Catégorie : Élevage. ***: kurkuruuru
njigili Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number cortaangu, girow cortaangu, ngiroowu
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of cortaangu; synonyms: girow cortaangu,
Noun: jigile. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. kurkuruuru cortaangu, ngiroowu
espèce d'arbuste; kind of shrub. Catégorie cortaangu. Dialects: M.
: Buissons, arbustes. Boscia senegalensis.
***: puddi1, gigili, ngigili; synonyms: ngigili;
compare: puddi1. Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 464
njiroowu ladde njoolooba

njiroowu ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: njomnaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Form of Noun: jirooji ladde. Sorting of Noun: njomnaariiji. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. phacochère; wart th. Noun. restitution, compensation;
hog. Catégorie : Mammifère. Phacochoerus restitution; payment made upon request for
aethiopicus aeliani. ***: ngiroowu
ngiroowu ladde, some wrong; compensation. Catégorie
girow ladde; synonyms: ngiroowu ladde. : Argent. synonyms: jomnaari;
Dialects: Y,M. compare: yomnaade; ***: jomnaari,
yomnaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
njobbaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of njomnitaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Noun: njobbaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
fils né en sixième position, sixième fils; sixth of Noun: njomnitaariiji. Sorting Designation: 4.
born son. ***: hammadiijo, paateejo, Noun. paiement qu'on doit payer pour un tort;
dembaajo, sammbaajo, yeraajo;
the payment one must bear for some damage or
wrong which one is responsible for as a
compare: hammadiijo, sammbaajo, yeraajo, consequence of having previously demanded
paateejo, dembaajo. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] the injured party to pay for some damage done
njobboojo. Dialects: J,Y,M. to you - this is revenge on the part of the
injured party because you made them pay for
Njobbo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel what they did to you at an earlier time.
pour le sixième fils; the traditional name of the
Catégorie : Argent. synonyms: jomnitaari;
sixth son; also Maccuɓe use Njobooy and
Njobbooru; while Fulɓe use Njobbo. ***: jomnitaari. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: Paate, Sammbo, Dembo, Yero, Afo, njomu Noun. faute; fault. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Ndembi, Hammadum; ***: goopol; synonyms: goopol.
compare: Hammadum, Sammbo, Yero,
njooɓaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Paate, Dembo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
njobdi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number of Noun: njooɓaariiji (rare). Sorting
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of Designation: 4. Noun. approvisionnement pour
Noun: njobdiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. manger pendant un voyage; traveling money;
Noun. salaire, paie, traitement; wage; pay. provisions to eat while traveling. Catégorie
Catégorie : Argent. ***: yoɓ
yoɓude, joddi, : Nourriture. synonyms: jooɓ
barjaade; compare: barjaade, mbarjaari
mbarjaari, ***: yooɓ
yooɓaade, jooɓ
yoɓude; synonyms: joddi. Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: yooɓ
yooɓaade. Dialectal Forms: [J]
njooɓaangu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
njoɓdi golle Noun. salaire; salary. Catégorie
: Argent. njoola Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
njoddi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of of Noun: jooli. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun.
ver de terre, lombric; earth worm. Catégorie
Noun: jodde. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
arbuste toxique; A toxic bush of the savannah. : Animaux inférieurs. ***: njooloonga,
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Euphorbia jilngu, njalɓ
njalɓu, jooloonga, jalɓ
jalɓu, njilngu,
paganorum. ***: mbarnoohi, kosaahi, ngilngu; compare: ngilngu, njalɓ
takumselleehi, enende; synonyms: jooloonga, njooloonga.
compare: badullaahi, enende. Dialects: Y. Dialects: J,Y.

njokollaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting njoolooba Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Noun. jeunesse; youthfulness. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: jooloobi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. chameau, dromadaire; camel. Catégorie
: Mammifère, Élevage. Camelus
dromedarius. ***: njeelooba, ngeelooba,
jeelooba; synonyms: jeelooba, ngeelooba,
njeelooba. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 465
njoolooba ladde no jannde yaharata

njoolooba ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: nga njuumndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: goota. Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Plural Form of Noun: jooloobi ladde. Sorting of Noun: njuumndiiji. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. girafe; giraffe. Noun. miel; honey. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Giraffa ***: juuri, nyaaku, njumndi, nyumndi,
camelopardalis reticulata. synonyms: lewla, benngaare, urkeewu; compare: benngaare,
njeelooba ladde, tireewa; ***: jeelooba mbuuluulu, nyaaku, urkeewu;
ladde, njeelooba ladde. Dialects: Y. synonyms: juuri. Dialectal Forms: [Y] njumndi.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
njooloonga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form njuunndeefi Noun. longueur (distance); length
of Noun: joolooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. (distance).
Noun. ver; worm. Catégorie : Animaux
njuura Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
inférieurs. synonyms: jooloonga, njoola;
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
***: jooloonga, njoola. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
of Noun: juuraaji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
njooloola (nga)/joolooli (ɗi). Dialects: M. Noun. hyène; hyena. Catégorie : Mammifère.
njooru Noun. sécheresse; dryness; drought. Catégorie Hyaena hyaena or Hyaena crocuta.
: Temps. ***: korikoriyaare, leeyndu, buuru,
kuungel, fowru; synonyms: buuru, fowru,
njoyo Sorting Designation: 2. adj. cinq (nombre
leeyndu, korikoriyaare, kuungel. Dialects: J.
cardinal); five. rewɓ
rewɓe njoyo cinq femmes.
five women; and for large things in the "ko2" njuuteefi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
noun class; na'o njoyo cinq gros bœufs. five Designation: 3. Noun. la longueur; length.
large cows. synonyms: joyo; ***: joyo. ***: juutirka; synonyms: juutirka. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
njuuteendi Plural Form of Noun: njuuteeki. Noun.
njoyoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. cinq (nombre longueur; length. Catégorie : Mathématique.
cardinal); five. ɓikkoy njoyoy ***: joyoy; synonyms: junndeefi.
synonyms: joyoy. Dialects: J,Y,M. njuyɓ
njuyɓudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
njulaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Variante: njulaagu. Noun. of Noun: njuyɓudiiji. Sorting Designation: 4.
commerce; commerce; trade. Noun. index, table des matières; index; table of
synonyms: julaaku; compare: julaade; contents. synonyms: capporgel;
***: njeeygu, julaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: capporgel. Dialects: J.

njumndi Variante: njumri, nyumndi. Noun. miel; no Sorting Designation: 1. adv/part/rpn/v. 1 • c'est; it
honey. synonyms: juuri, njuumndi; is. ***: na, ina. Dialects: Y,G,M.
***: nyumndi. 2 • comment, de quelle manière qqch est fait;
the manner in which something is done; how.
njunkumajam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. no foti combien. how much. compare: noy;
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. eau de pluie qui synonyms: na, ina. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
est tombée à un autre endroit et passe chez
vous; water that is produced in a rainfall. no ɗuuɗ
uuɗiri expression. adverbe de quantité; adverb
Catégorie : Eau. compare: ilam, sayude, (quantity). Catégorie : La Grammaire.
toɓude; ***: ilam, mbubbam, cayam, ilam; no foti expression. combien ?; how much? no foti
synonyms: cayam, ilam, mbubbam. (hol/ho-
(hol/ho-) ? Catégorie : Mathématique.
Dialects: Y.
no gollal yaharata expression. méthodologie;
njunna Noun. mille; thousand. Catégorie methodology. Catégorie : Le langage et la
: Mathématique. synonyms: ujunere; pensée.
***: ujunereeru. no gollirta Noun. fonctionnement; function,
no jannde yaharata expression. déroulement;
sequence of events.

16/02/2020 466
no sariya yaarata nokkuure

no sariya yaarata expression. procédure judiciaire; nokku Noun. sol, lieu, endroit, milieu, place; place.
legal proceeding, judicial proceeding, court Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: leydi, lunnde.
proceeding. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Dialectal Forms: nokkuure.
nokku ɗo demal expression. ferme; farm,
no woɗ
woɗirtee expression. adverbe de manière; adverb
expressing manner. Catégorie : La Grammaire. farmhouse. maral e tiiragol leɗɗ
ɗɗe waɗ
Catégorie : Agriculture.
no worri expression. adverbe de temps; adverbs of
time . Catégorie : La Grammaire.
nokku forba synonyme: nokku jamaa. expression.
lieu public; public place, public space.
noddaaɗo gosu expression. défendeur (audience); Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
defendant. Catégorie : Juridique.
nokku fuɗɗ
ɗɗorde synonyme: nokku ummorde.
noddaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Noun. point de départ; starting point. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of : Mathématique.
Noun: noddaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nokku haaɗ
haaɗtirde synonyme: nokku wortorde.
appeler qqn de venir, dire de venir, appel; call Noun. point d'arriver; arriving point. Catégorie
someone to come. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mathématique.

noddeede laamu Noun. convocation; convocation. nokku hakkunde baamle ɗiɗi expression.
Catégorie : Juridique. vallée; valley. Catégorie : Terre.
nodditagol sariya expression. faire appel; to appeal. nokku nguurndam expression. cadre de vie; living
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. environment. Catégorie : Le travail et
diverses activités, Terre.
noddude Noun Form of Infinitive: noddugol.
Participles: sing: nodduɗo-noddoowo plur: nokku remeteengu expression. sol agricole;
nodduɓe-noddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
agricultural soil. Catégorie : Agriculture,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. appeler
quelqu'un ou quelque chose; call someone or nokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: nokkugol.
something. ***: ŋomsude, kurnaade, Participles: sing: nokkuɗo-nokkoowo plur:
joonaade, ɓuuccaade, ƴeewnaade, nokkuɓe-nokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
muuccaade, ɓaaƴ aaƴude, heynaade, aynaade; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saisir ou
compare: ɓaaƴ
aaƴude, feekaade, ŋomsude, attraper avec la main; grab; take something
ƴeewnaade; synonyms: aynaade, kurnaade, with your hand. ***: nyiggude, ittude;
ŋeesaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ittude, nyiggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

noddugol Noun. convocation, appel; convocation. nokkure ɗo kanŋ
kanŋe ittetetee expression. site
ɗerewol noddaango
aurifère; mining site.

ɗɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: noɗɗagol. nokkure reenaande expression. domaine protégé;
protected area. Catégorie : Terre.
Participles: sing: noɗɗiiɗo-noɗɗotooɗo
plur: noɗɗiiɓe-noɗɗotooɓe. Sorting nokkuuje ɗe ndemataako expression. terres
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. incultes; uncultivated land, wasteland.
Verb. faire claquer sa langue; click your Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
tongue in anger. ***: fettaade, toƴƴ
ƴƴaade, nokkuuje joorɗ
joorɗe expression. terres arides; arid
ɓɓitaade; synonyms: fettaade, toƴƴ
ƴƴaade, land. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
ɓɓitaade. Dialects: J. nokkuuje ndiyam Noun. cours d’eau; watercourse.
nohnowre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Catégorie : Eau.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nokkuuje ndiyam ndewgu expression. bassin;
of Noun: nobaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, at. pond, pool, fountain. Catégorie : Eau, Terre.
Noun. la partie de la tête derrière le lobe de
l'oreille; the part of the head just behind the ear
nokkuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
lobe. synonyms: goonofere; ***: goonofere.
of Noun: nokkuuje. Sorting Designation: 2.
Dialects: M.
n/ipn. 1 • endroit, lieu, place; place. nokkuure
nokkere Noun. point; dot. Catégorie : Mathématique. wonnde; ***: gere goɗɗ
ɗɗo, gere, lunnde,
synonyms: toɓɓ
ɓɓere2; ***: toɓɓ
ɓɓere2. joonnde. Dialectal Forms: nokku.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 467
nokkuure ɗo ndiyam heewi noone
2 • endroit dans un sens possessive; or
Nommaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
possessive sense; nokkuure makko
Designation: 3, lg. Noun. le parler fulfuldé
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. parlé dans la région de Fada; the dialect of
3 • quelque part, nulle part; nowhere; Fulfulde spoken by the Fulɓe of the Fada
somewhere. synonyms: gere, joonnde, region. Note : Gourmanche ***: Gurmaare,
lunnde. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] nokku (o). Jelgoore, Maasinankoore, Gaawoore,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Liptaakuure, Yaangaare, Moosiire,
nokkuure ɗo ndiyam heewi expression. zone Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
humide; humid area. Catégorie : Terre. compare: Foynankoore, Gaawoore,
Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore,
nokkuure fuɗ
fuɗngooji expression. sol végétal;
organic soil layer. Catégorie : Agriculture, Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Moosiire,
Terre. Yaagaare, Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nokkuure naɗɗ
ɗɗere Noun. plaine; plain. Catégorie non Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. comme, ainsi,
: Agriculture, Terre. comme ça, de cette manière, de cette façon;
like this; way (in this); manner (in this); as.
nokkuure njaareendiire expression. sol sableux; ***: noon; synonyms: noon. Dialects: Y,G,M.
sandy soil. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
noogay Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • vingt (nombre
nokkuure njaareendiire-
njaareendiire-taariire expression.
sol sablo argileux; sable-argilous ground. cardinal); twenty. ***: laso. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre. 2 • vingtième; twentieth. here are the ordinal
adjectives by noun class: Group I
nokkuure taariire synonyme: bolaawo. expression. ɓe/noogayaɓe, ko/noogayaɓo,
sol argileux; clay soil. Catégorie : Agriculture, nde/noogayaɓerde, nge/noogayaɓe,
Terre. ngo/noogayaɓo Group II ɗe/noogayaɓe,
ɗi/noogayaɓi, ɗum/noogayaɓum,
nokkuure taariire njaareendiire expression. sol
kal/noogayaɓal, kol/noogayaɓol,
argilo sableux; sandy clay soil. Catégorie
ngal/noogayaɓal, ngel/noogayaɓel,
: Agriculture, Terre.
ngol/noogayaɓol, o/noogayaɓo Group III
nokkuure toowunde seeɗ
seeɗa expression. plateau; ɗam/noogayaɓam, ka/noogayaɓa,
plateau. Catégorie : Terre. ki/noogayaɓi, ko/noogayaɓo,
koy/noogayaɓoy, ndi/noogayaɓirdi,
Nomma Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. la région autour nga/noogayaɓa, ngi/noogayaɓi,
de la ville de Fada N'gourma; The area around ngu/noogayaɓu. synonyms: laso.
Fada - perhaps a corrupted version of the old
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
precolonial name of Nungu. Catégorie
: Région. Note : Gourmanche compare: Foy, noon Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. comme, comme
Jelgooji, Liptaaku, Yaaga, Yaanga; ça, ainsi, de cette façon, de cette manière; like
***: Liptaaku, Jelgooji, Foy, Yaanga, Yaaga. this; manner (in this); way (in this); as.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: non; ***: non. Dialects: J,Y,M.

Nommaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. noone Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

Noun: Nommaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun: nooneeji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.

Noun. un peul qui vit dans la région de Fada; a couleur, pelage; color. ***: wa'ude, sii,
Pullo that lives in the Fada region. Catégorie wayde, sifa; compare: sifa, sii, wa'ude.
: Communauté. Note : Gourmanche Dialectal Forms: [J,M] noonde
***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo, (nde)/noondeeji (ɗi). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Gurmaajo, Kelliijo,
Moosiijo, Yaangaajo, Foynanke;
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo,
Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo
Moosiijo, Yaagaajo, Yaangaajo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 468
noonude noppi

noonude Noun Form of Infinitive: noonugol. noosude Noun Form of Infinitive: noosugol.
Participles: sing: noonuɗo-noonoowo plur: Participles: sing: noosuɗo-noosoowo plur:
noonuɓe-noonooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. noosuɓe-noosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • décrire Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
qqch selon sa couleur; describe according to annoncer; announce. Note : français
something's color. ***: sifaade, ɓawlinde, Dialects: J,Y,M.
suuwude, rawninde, boolude, boodude,
nootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nootagol.
oolɗinde, wojjinde, wa'ude;
Participles: sing: nootiiɗo-noototooɗo plur:
synonyms: fiirtude, fisaade, sifaade.
nootiiɓe-noototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. répondre,
2 • colorier ou teindre qqch; dye something; répliquer, réagir à un appel; answer; reply;
color something. synonyms: suuwude; respond when called. synonyms: jaabaade;
compare: ɓawlinde, boodude, oolɗ oolɗinde, ***: jaabaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
rawninde, wojjinde, ƴakkinde. Dialects: J.
nootaade kolse Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
noora Noun. caïman, crocodile; crocodile. une migration (tard dans la saison sèche);
noorɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: noorɗugol. Sorting migration. ***: luusi, goofe; synonyms: goofe,
Designation: 5, ah. Verb Stative or luusi. Dialectal Forms: [M] nootagol

Progressive: st. Verb. verbe se référant à un mbiinam. Dialects: G,M.

robe de bœuf de couleur blanche avec des nootagol jutiisi Noun. comparution; appearance.
taches de couleur soit noir, gis, brun, ou Catégorie : Juridique.
jaune; This verb refers to a coat pattern of
cows which is white with spots or patches of nootanaade leydim ley njananndi expression.
either black; grey; brown; and yellow. accréditer; accredit. Catégorie : Juridique.
Generally there are two colors on the white and
the animal is identified by the predominant
nootitaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
color; e.g: with "noore ɓaleewe" black is Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
predominant; with "noore wuneewe" grey is Noun: nootitaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
predominant; with "noore siinge" brown is écho; echo. ***: hoolo, koolol;
prodominant; and with "noore oole" yellow is synonyms: hoolo. Dialects: G,M.
predominant. this verb is also used to form
adjectives for those noun classes used to noowra Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
describe cows: Group I nde/noorde, Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
nge/noore Group II ɗi/noori, ɗum/noorum, of Noun: noobi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
kol/noorol, ngal/nooral, ngel/noorel Group III Noun. crocodile, caïman; crocodile. Catégorie
ko2/nooro, koy/nooroy, ndi/noordi, nga/noora,
: Reptile. Crocodylus sp.. ***: tola;
ngi/noori, ngu/nooru. ***: waagiɗ
synonyms: tola. Dialects: J,Y,M.
malliɗinde, jamolɗ
jamolɗinde, herɗ
compare: herɗ
herɗude, jamolɗ
jamolɗinde. noppi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 1, at. Noun. 1 • oreilles; ears.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ceekoy, ŋeeru.
noorol-kunkuuru Noun. colonne vertébrale; spine,
back bone. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • abcès ou blessure derrière les oreilles ou
synonyms: ƴi'al ɓaawo, ƴi'al kunkuuru.
au cou d'un enfant; an abscess or sore behind
noosande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. the ears or on the neck of children. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form : Maladie. synonyms: ceekoy, ŋeeru.
of Noun: noosanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: M.
Noun. 1 • marque, signe; birth mark; mark.
***: tosande. Dialects: J.
2 • tache ou point sur un habit; stain or spot on
a garment. Dialects: J.
3 • écorchure, abrasion, usure; abrasion.
synonyms: tosande. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 469
noppiyal numbatiyel

noppiyal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. nuguuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Noun: noppiije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. le of Noun: nuguuji. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
poteau fourchu au milieu de la maison pour Noun. larve de fourmilion; larva of the ant lion.
soutenir le toit; log (fork supporting). Catégorie : Insecte. Hagenomyia sp..
***: geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal, denndeeruwal
denndeeruwal, ***: muusuwel leydi, dakiyel beembel,
nyaygal, bannjaruwal, teegorgal; dugu1; synonyms: dakiyel beembel, dugu1,
synonyms: bannjaruwal, denndeeruwal, muusuwel leydi. Dialects: M.
geŋerewal, giteyal, nyaygal, teegorgal. nulal Noun. mission; mission. synonyms: gollal.
Dialects: Y.
nuldal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
noteere emprunt: français. Noun. notaire; notary. Number One for this noun: ngootal. Plural Form
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
of Noun: nulɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ce
nowru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. qui a été envoyé, lettre ou message,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form expédition; dispatched; sent (that which is).
of Noun: noppi. Sorting Designation: 1, at. ***: nildal, neldal; synonyms: neldal, nildal.
Noun. oreille; ear. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y.
***: selluru, mbukkudi; compare: mbukkudi,
nuldeteeɗo Noun. destinataire; recipient, addressee,
selluru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. intended recipient .
nowru-araawa Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: nuldude Noun Form of Infinitive: nuldugol.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Participles: sing: nulduɗo-nuldoowo plur:
Form of Noun: noppi-araaji. Sorting nulduɓe-nuldooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; An Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. envoyer
appetizing perennial sahelian plant found in qqch avec qqn; send something with someone.
damp sandy soil. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
synonyms: neldude; ***: neldude.
grimpantes. Stylochiton hypogaeus.
Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,M.
nuleede Noun Form of Infinitive: nulegol.
noy Sorting Designation: 1. adv/interrog. comment,
Participles: sing: nulaaɗo-nuleteeɗo plur:
de quelle manière; how. Mi anndaa noy
nulaaɓe-nuleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
suudu nyiɓ
nyiɓiretee. Je ne sais pas comment
une maison est construite. I don't know how a Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
house is built. Noy buguuru nyiɓ
nyiɓiretee? envoyé; sent (to be). synonyms: neleede;
Comment construit-on une case en paille ? ***: neleede. Dialects: J,Y.
How is a grass hut built? ***: no. nulude Noun Form of Infinitive: nulugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: nuluɗo-nuloowo plur:
noy foti Sorting Designation: 1. adj. combien ça coûte, nuluɓe-nulooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb
quel est le prix; how expensive; how much (the Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. envoyer
cost). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. quelqu'un; send someone. synonyms: nelude;
noyude Verb. critiquer; criticize. ***: nelude. Dialects: J,Y.

nufude Noun Form of Infinitive: nufugol. numbatiyel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur:
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
Participles: sing: nufuɗo-nufoowo plur:
Form of Noun: numbatihoy. Sorting
nufuɓe-nufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Designation: 2, at. Noun. sourcil; eyebrow.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. s'enfoncer
dans la boue ou dans le sable, s’embourber; Catégorie : Le corps. ***: meemeeku
sink into the mud; stuck in the mud. waywayko, lokulo yitere, tiimelol;
***: loɓ
loɓaade; compare: loɓ
loɓaade. synonyms: lokulo yitere, tiimelol, waywayko.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 470
nundaani nyaakuru

nundaani Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting nyaaɗ

nyaaɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaaɗugol.
Designation: 3, dh, da. Noun. cécité de nuit, Participles: sing: nyaaɗuɗo plur: nyaaɗuɓe.
héméralopie; vitamin A (retinal) deficiency; Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
night blindness. Catégorie : Maladie. Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être rugueux; rough.
nyctalopia. ***: dandigi, niizonndo, ***: waki, nyar, ɓoosiɗ
oosiɗinde, ɓoominde,
wumude; compare: wumude;
olmiɗidde, hosi, ɓotiɗ
synonyms: dandigi, niizonndo. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [M] nunjondo. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • être rêche; scratchy. compare: ɓoosiɗ
nundeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nundegol. kaasa
kaasa, waki. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: nundaaɗo-nundeteeɗo
nyaaɗuɗo rigoureux; rigorous; strict.
plur: nundaaɓe-nundeteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, dh, da. Verb Stative or nyaagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaagagol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir la cécité de nuit; Participles: sing: nyaagiiɗo-nyaagotooɗo
night blind (to be). ***: niizonɗ
niizonɗineede, plur: nyaagiiɓe-nyaagotooɓe. Sorting
dandigeede, niijeede; compare: bumɗ
bumɗo, Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
wumude; synonyms: dandigeede, niijeede, Verb. demander pour recevoir qqch; ask for

niizonɗineede. Dialectal Forms: [M]
something. synonyms: ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, eelude,
nunjonɗineede. Dialects: Y,G. filaade, ŋaaraade, rookaade; ***: ɗaɓɓude
rookaade, eelude, ŋaaraade.
nunngu Noun. hivernage; rainy season. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Temps. synonyms: dunngu, ndunngu.
nyaagaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
nunuugu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Noun: nyaagaaje. Sorting Designation: 2.
of Noun: nunuuguuji. Sorting Designation: 5, Noun. jeune enfant; young child; child (young).
pl. Noun. espèce de plante; An annual plant Catégorie : La Personne. Note : Gourmanche
found in river beds and damp fallow land in the ***: cukalel, ɓinngel, ɓii, ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, suka,
savannah. It is not appetizing. Catégorie baddo; synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, ɓinngel, cukalel,
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Hyptis
suka. Dialects: G.
spicigera. Dialects: G,M.
nyaagagol Verb. demander, quémander; beg; ask for.
nusulu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of nyaagunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Noun: nusuli. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, in. Designation: 4. Noun. sollicitations;
Noun. puce; flea. Catégorie : Insecte. solicitation. ***: eelgal, ŋaarnde, rooŋ
synonyms: kibel; ***: kibel. Dialects: M. synonyms: eelgal, ŋaarnde, rooŋ
Nuuhu Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Noé; Noah. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

***: Sem. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyaaka Noun. abeille; bee. Catégorie : Insecte.
nyaabal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ***: nyaakuru. Dialectal Forms: nyaaku.

Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of nyaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Noun: nyaabe. Sorting Designation: 2, or. Noun. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
pigeon; pigeon. Columba sp.. of Noun: nyaaki. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
synonyms: tantabaraaru; ***: wuugaandu, Noun. abeille de miel; honey bee. Catégorie
tantabaraaru; compare: wuugaandu. : Insecte. Apis mellifera. ***: yiwre,
Dialects: J,Y. mbuubuudu, njuumndi, njabbattu, buubel

nyaaɗ demoowo, nyubbere, buubuuda, juuri,

nyaaɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
benngaare, nyumre, jonjonnguwal,
Designation: 4. Noun. sévérité, dureté, rigueur,
gravité; strictness; harshness; severity. urkeewu, nyabbattu; compare: benngaare,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jonjonnguwal, nyubbere, nyumre,
njuumndi, mbuuluulu, urkeewu,
mbuubuudu, njabbattu, yiwre. Dialectal
Forms: nyaaka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nyaakuru Plural Form of Noun: nyaaki. Noun. abeille;

bee. Catégorie : Insecte. synonyms: nyaaka.

16/02/2020 471
nyaalal nyaamrugal

nyaalal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. nyaamndu heeƴ
heeƴanaandu nyalaande Noun.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of ration; ration.
Noun: nyaale. Sorting Designation: 3, or. Noun. nyaamndu huuɓ
huuɓundu Noun. repas équilibré;
héron de garde-bœufs; cattle egret. Catégorie healthy food dish. Catégorie : Nourriture.
: Oiseau. Note: The meat of this white egret is
black, this can be used to illustrate hypocrisy nyaamnirɗ
nyaamnirɗi Noun. mangeoires; manger, trough.
because it is the opposite on the inside of how …aamirɗ
aamirɗi Catégorie : Élevage.
it appears on the outside. Ardeola ibis.
nyaamnirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
nyaaleejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Form of Noun: nyaamnirɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Designation: 3, ah. Noun. auge pour nourrir les
Noun: nyaaleeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. animaux; manger; trough in which feed is
personne soignée méticuleusement; placed for animals. Catégorie : Récipient.
fastidiously clean and neat; neatnik. Catégorie synonyms: akalal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: La Personne. compare: la'aade.
nyaamnugol Noun. nutrition; nutrition. Catégorie
Dialects: Y,G.
: Nourriture. synonyms: neemagol;
nyaalel-kulel Plural Form of Noun: nyaaloy-kuloy . ***: neemingol.
Noun. pique-bœuf; cattle egret. Catégorie
: Oiseau. ***: ciiwal. nyaamo Sorting Designation: 1. adj. droite, droit; right.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyaaltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaaltaade.
Participles: sing: nyaaltiiɗo plur: nyaaltiiɓe. nyaamowa juuri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)ga
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: goota.
Progressive: st. Noun. être soignée Plural Form of Noun: nyaamoo juuri. Sorting
méticuleusement; fastidiously clean and neat. Designation: 3, in. Noun. cafard, blatte;
***: la'aade; compare: laaɓ
laaɓude; cockroach. Catégorie : Insecte. Blatta spp..
synonyms: la'aade. Dialects: Y,G. ***: kuukopawla, takaluuta, yalaare;
synonyms: kuukopawla, takaluuta, yalaare.
nyaam-a Verb. dépenser; spend. Catégorie
Dialects: G.
: Mathématique. ***: sank-
synonyms: sank-
sank-a. nyaamri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. nourriture, aliments;
nyaamdu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
food. Catégorie : Nourriture. ***: ndeendi,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
nyaamdu, neema; synonyms: ndeendi,
of Noun: nyaamduuji. Sorting Designation: 1.
neema, nyaamdu. Dialects: J.
Noun. nourriture, alimentation; food.
***: ndeendi, nyaamri, neema; nyaamrude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaamrugol.
synonyms: neema, nguurey1, nyaamri. Participles: sing: nyaamruɗo-nyaamroowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: nyaamruɓe-nyaamrooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
nyaameede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaamegol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. manger avec qqch (ex.
Participles: sing: nyaamaaɗo-nyaameteeɗo
mains, fourchette, cuillère); eat with
plur: nyaamaaɓe-nyaameteeɓe. Sorting
something. nyaamrude e diina vivre sans se
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. soucier de religion ou amulettes etc. to live
Verb. 1 • littéralement être mangé; lit. to be unscrupulously off of religion, such as writing
eaten. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. charms. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] nyaamirde.
2 • perdre un pari; fig. to lose when taking a Dialects: J,Y,M.
gamble. imo nyaamee D'habitude il perd. he
loses habitually. it is this meaning which nyaamrugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
employs the progressive. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: nyaamruɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
nyaamirde Verb. manger avec qqch; eat with. Noun. assiette, plat, bol pour servir de la
Dialectal Forms: nyaamrude. nourriture; dish; bowl; serving dish. Catégorie
nyaamndu Noun. repas; dish, food, lunch. Catégorie : Récipient. ***: yarnirgal, jarnirgal;
: Nourriture. compare: yarnirgal. Dialectal Forms: [J]
nyaamnirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 472
nyaamude nyaanyude

nyaamude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaamugol. nyaanndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: nyaamuɗo-nyaamoowo Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
plur: nyaamuɓe-nyaamooɓe. Sorting of Noun: nyaalle. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Noun. vipère heurtant; puff adder. Catégorie
Verb. 1 • manger; eat. ***: waccaade, : Reptile. Bitis arietans. ***: ngajama,
ƴakkude, fummude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyangoori; synonyms: nyaanngel, ngajama,
2 • gagner un pari; win when gambling. nyangoori. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyaanngel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
3 • être enceinte; pregnant. O nyaami nyebbe. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
compare: fummude, wottaade; Noun: nyaankoy. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
synonyms: waccaade, ƴakkude. Noun. vipère; viper (carpet); carpet viper.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Reptile. Echis carinatus.
***: ngajama, fooskere, nyangoori,
nyaamude laamu Verb. régner; reign; rule (to).
nyaanndi; synonyms: fooskere. Dialects: Y,G.
nyaamugol Noun. consommation; consumption, nyaanyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaanyagol.
consuming. ***: yarugol.
Participles: sing: nyaanyiiɗo-nyaanyotooɗo
nyaancaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaancagol. plur: nyaanyiiɓe-nyaanyotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: ŋaanciiɗo-ŋaancotooɗo Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
plur: ŋaanciiɓe-ŋaancotooɓe. Sorting Verb. se gratter; scratch your own itch.
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: ŋaarsitaade; synonyms: ŋaancaade;
Verb. se gratter; scratch your own itch. ***: ŋaarsitaade, moomaade, ŋaancaade,
compare: ŋaarsitaade; synonyms: ŋaancaade, nyaancaade. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M]
nyaanyaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. nyaancaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

nyaanceede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaancegol. nyaanyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: nyaancaaɗo-nyaanceteeɗo Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: nyaancaaɓe-nyaanceteeɓe. Sorting of Noun: nyaanyaaje. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. mt. Noun. démangeaison, allergie; allergy;
Verb. se faire gratter par quelqu'un; itch itch. Catégorie : Maladie.
scratched by someone else. synonyms: ŋaancaare; ***: ŋaancaare.
synonyms: ŋaanceede, ŋaarseede, Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyaanyeede. Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyaanyeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaanyegol.
nyaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: nyaanyaaɗo-nyaanyeteeɗo
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form plur: nyaanyaaɓe-nyaanyeteeɓe. Sorting
of Noun: nyaandeeji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun. balle; chaff. Catégorie : Parties d’un Verb. se faire gratter par qqn; itch scratched
végétal ou d’une plante. ***: sokkirde, for you by someone else.
ƴaraade; compare: sokkude, sokkirde, synonyms: ŋaanceede; ***: nyaanceede,
ƴaraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ŋaanceede. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M]

nyaanko'aaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. nyaanceede. Dialects: J,Y,M.

Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. malédiction parce nyaanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaanyugol.
qu'on a fait qqch de terrible; curse from doing Participles: sing: nyaanyuɗo-nyaanyoowo
something terrible. Ko o fiyi baabiiko wo plur: nyaanyuɓe-nyaanyooɓe. Sorting
nyaanko'aaku hewtii o. Une malédiction est Designation: 2. synonyme: feɗɗude. Verb Stative
venu sur lui parce qu’il a frappé son père. That or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • gratter partout,
he hit his father a curse has come upon him. - It qui me démange, démanger; scratch; itchy.
is implied that because of his evil deed God
***: wuuɗ
wuuɗude, sa'ude, defude, ŋaarsude,
will curse his life. ***: kuuwgal, huɗ
buuɗude, ŋaancude; synonyms: ŋaancude.
synonyms: kuddi. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] nyaancude.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 473
nyaara foondu nyalaande yaafondirnde leydi
2 • gratter une démangeaison de quelqu'un;
nyaɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaɓagol.
scratch someone else's itch.
Participles: sing: nyaɓiiɗo plur: nyaɓiiɓe.
synonyms: ŋaancude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M]
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
nyaancude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être de grande taille
3 • préparer de la nourriture sur le feu dans
(personnes et animaux); huge (people and
une poêle contenant du sable chaud ou de la
cendre chaude; to prepare food over a fire in a animals only). ***: fayude, halaade,
container containing hot sand or hot ashes. haarude. Dialects: J,Y.
compare: ŋaarsude; synonyms: buuɗ
buuɗude, 2 • être riche; to be rich. compare: fayude,
sa'ude, wuuɗ
wuuɗude. Dialects: J. haarude, halaade. Dialects: J,Y.
nyaara foondu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: nyaɓ
nyaɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaɓugol.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Participles: sing: nyaɓuɗo-nyaɓoowo plur:
Form of Noun: nyaara pooli. Sorting nyaɓuɓe-nyaɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre
creeping plant is found along river beds in en colère et se bagarrer; angry and fight (to
gravelly soil. It is not appetizing. Catégorie get). compare: haɓ
haɓude. Dialects: G.
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Asparagus
flagellaris. synonyms: muusuuru ladde1; nyakkaɓ
nyakkaɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: muusuuru ladde1, dangel-
dangel-muusuuru. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Dialects: M. Noun: nyakkaɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. espèce de plante; This annual grows in
irɗe Noun. parures; ornaments , fineries. sandy soil; often near villages. It is not
Catégorie : Parure. appetizing and has a fine picker. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
irɗum Noun. parure; finery. Acanthospermum hispidum.
nyaaƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaaƴugol. synonyms: labbel-
labbel-fowru. Dialectal
Participles: sing: nyaaƴuɗo-nyaaƴoowo Forms: [Y,G,M] nyakkaɓal (ngal).
plur: nyaaƴuɓe-nyaaƴooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
nyakude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyakugol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être bine habillé,
Participles: sing: nyakuɗo-nyakoowo plur:
être très soigné; well dressed or well groomed.
nyakuɓe-nyakooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: paraade, ɗuurtaade, moƴƴ
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
leeɓude, seynaade; synonyms: leeɓleeɓude,
insuffisant, manquer; insufficient; lack.
ƴƴinaade, paraade, seynaade;
***: jaccude, ŋakkude; synonyms: ŋakkude.
compare: ɗuurtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyabaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. nyalaande1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: nyabaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
of Noun: nyalaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun. verrue, grain de beauté, tumeur bénin;
Noun. 1 • un jour de 24 heures; day of 24 hours.
wart; mole or benign tumor. ***: wannjalde; ***: nyalooma, walɗ
walɗere, faggudu, suuraare.
synonyms: wannjalde. Dialects: M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyabbattu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gu plur: ɗi. 2 • grande richesse; wealth (great).
Number One for this noun: gootu. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G.
Noun: nyabbatti. Sorting Designation: 5, in. nyalaande2 Noun. date; date. Catégorie
Noun. espèce de guêpe (piqûre douloureuse);
: Mathématique.
wasp. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: mbuubuudu,
buubuuda, njabbattu;
nyalaande nde gollataake expression. jour férié;
public holiday, day off. Catégorie : Juridique.
synonyms: mbuubuudu, njabbattu;
compare: benngaare, buubel demoowo, nyalaande yaafondirnde leydi expression.
mbuuluulu, nyaaku, urkeewu. Dialects: G. journée nationale du pardon; day of
nationwide forgiveness. Catégorie
nyabuwol Noun. maladie; disease. : Gouvernement, Le langage et la pensée.

16/02/2020 474
nyalde nyalmiiɗo

nyalde Noun Class Markers: sing: de plur: ɗe. Number nyallirde1 Noun Form of Infinitive: nyallirgol.
One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of Participles: sing: nyallirɗo-nyalliroowo plur:
Noun: nyale. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. nyallirɓe-nyallirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ganglion lymphatique inguinal; inguinal Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ne pas
lymph node. Catégorie : Le corps. manger pendant la journée, jeûner pendant la
compare: ɗuulde, yennoore. Dialects: G. journée; daylight fast. Mi nyallirii hannden
nyale Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi. sabo
sabo ladde nyalloymi. Je n'ai pas mangé
aujourd'hui puisque j'ai passé la journée en
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
brousse. I didn't eat today because I spent the
Noun: nyalbi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
day in the bush. ***: suumaade, waaldude;
génisse de deux à trois ans; heifer (two or
three year old). Catégorie : Élevage. compare: suumaade, waaldude.
***: nyalohol, wiige; compare: nagge, wiige; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: nyalohol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyallirde2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
nyallaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyallagol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: nyalliiɗo-nyallotooɗo - In of Noun: nyallirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
l'endroit où l'on passe l'après-midi; the place
Mahadaga "nyalliiɗo" is the borrower. plur:
where the afternoon is passed; War, njehen
nyalliiɓe-nyallotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
nyallirde meeɗ
meeɗen, nyallowen. Viens, allons
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • prêter
là où nous allons passer l'après-midi. Come,
qqch à qqn, donner un crédit; lend; loan or
let us go to our place we spend the afternoon,
extend credit. Catégorie : Argent.
let's go spend the afternoon. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: rewude, nyamlaade. Dialects: G.
2 • emprunter; borrow. this term is hopelessly nyallirdu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
tangled in the Fulɓe's own minds. While they Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
use this term in referencing both lender and
of Noun: nyallirɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
borrower the participle form points to the
une maison pour un homme marrie qu'il utilise
borrower, which is counter intuitive to an
avec d'autres hommes (différent que la maison
Anglophone. compare: fimmbude, wuƴ wuƴaade, où il loge avec son épouse); a house for a
wuƴeede; synonyms: nyamlaade, rewude. married man to use with his friends; which is
Dialects: G. different than his wife's house. Catégorie
: Bâtiment. ***: worwordu;
nyalleede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyallegol.
synonyms: worwordu; compare: suudu1,
Participles: sing: nyallaaɗo-nyalleteeɗo - In
bokkuɗooru, buguuru, sukkuuru, huɗ huɗooru,
Mahadaga "nallaaɗo" is the lender of the
hukum, garuwal, winndeeru.
money. plur: nyallaaɓe-nyalleteeɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. prêt d'argent, emprunt d'argent, crédit; nyallude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyallugol.
extending credit; credit; lending money; Participles: sing: nyalluɗo-nyalloowo plur:
borrowing money. Catégorie : Argent. this
nyalluɓe-nyallooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
term is hopelessly tangled in the Fulɓe's own
minds. While they use this term in Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer
referencing both lender and borrower the l'après-midi, visiter qqn dans l'après-midi;
participle form points to the lender, which is pass the afternoon; visit in the afternoon.
counter intuitive to an Anglophone. compare: hiirude, waalude, weetude;
synonyms: nyamleede; compare: wuƴ wuƴeede; ***: waalude, hiirude, weetude.
***: nyamleede. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nyallinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nyallingol. nyalmaade

nyalmaade Verb. emprunter; borrow, loan, lend.
Participles: sing: nyallinɗo-nyallinoowo synonyms: luɓ
plur: nyallinɓe-nyallinooɓe. Sorting nyalmiiɗ
nyalmiiɗo Noun. débiteur, créancier; creditor; debtor.
Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Catégorie : Argent.
Verb. saluer dans l'après-midi; greet in the
afternoon. ***: hiirnude, jowtude, waalnude,
wennude, hownude; compare: hiirnude,
hownude, waalnude, wennude;
synonyms: jowtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 475
nyalohol nyannde fu

nyalohol Noun Class Markers: sing: kol plur: ɗi. nyamleede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyamlegol.
Number One for this noun: ngootol. Plural Form Participles: sing: nyamlaaɗo-nyamleteeɗo -
of Noun: nyalbi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. In Djibo "nyamlaaɗo" is the one who
Noun. jeune génisse jusqu’à 3 ans d'âge; heifer borrows the money, whereas in Sebba &
up to 3 years of age. Catégorie : Élevage.
Tenkodogo it is the lender of the money.
synonyms: nyale; ***: wiige, nyale, nagge;
plur: nyamlaaɓe-nyamleteeɓe. Sorting
compare: nagge, wiige. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
nyalooma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Verb. le fait de prêter de l'argent, crédit,
emprunt; the act of either lending money and
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
extending credit or borrowing money and
Noun: nyaloomaaji. Sorting Designation: 1.
receiving the credit. Aɗa waawi nyamleede
Noun. journée, pendant la journée; day time.
buuɗi seeɗ
seeɗa hannden naa? Peux-tu prêter
compare: nyalaande1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
un peu d'argent aujourd'hui ? Can you lend a
nyamaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. little money today? Hey Hasan, a waawaa
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nyamleede buuɗ
buuɗi ko heewi sabo a waawaa
of Noun: nyamaale. Sorting Designation: 2. yoɓ
yo ɓude. Hassan, tu ne eux pas emprunter de
Noun. 1 • crédit; credit. Catégorie : Argent. l'argent, car tu ne peux pas le rembourser.
***: rewude, baɗ
baɗal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Hey Hasan, you can't borrow a lot of money
2 • prêt, emprunt, dette, créances; debt; loan. because you can't pay it back. Catégorie
Catégorie : Argent. compare: rewude. : Argent. ***: nyalleede, wuƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: wuƴ
wuƴeede; synonyms: nyalleede.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyamaande nde laamu rewaa expression. dette
publique; public debt, government debt, nyamloowo Noun. créancier; creditor. Catégorie
national debt. Catégorie : Argent, : Argent.
Gouvernement, Juridique.
nyammu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗe/ɗi.
nyamdiiɗo Noun. créancier; creditor. Catégorie Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
: Argent. Dialectal Forms: nyalmiiɗo. of Noun: nyamme/nyammi. Sorting
nyamlaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyamlagol. Designation: 3, at. Noun. vulve, vagin (femme),
sexe féminin; vulva; vagina. Catégorie : Le
Participles: sing: nyamliiɗo-nyamlotooɗo
corps. synonyms: kottu, kuungu, saɓ
plur: nyamliiɓe-nyamlotooɓe. Sorting
samndu, sanndu; ***: kottu, kuungu,
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • prêter, donner un crédit, emprunter; sanndu, hottere, sam(u)ru, saɓ
saɓu, samndu;
loan (to give a); lend; extend credit. compare: hottere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Nyamliiɗo o fuu hewtataa. Tous qui lui nyamri Noun. nourriture, récolte céréalière; cereal
prêtent de l'argent, ne verront plus jamais leur harvest; food. Catégorie : Nourriture.
argent. Everyone who lends him money will
never see his money again. Catégorie : Argent. nyangoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe.
***: wuƴ
wuƴaade, rewude, fimmbude, Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
nyallaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. of Noun: nyangooje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
2 • emprunter; borrow. Nyamlii Noun. espèce de vipère dangereuse; adder
liiɗo o fuu
(puff); puff adder. Catégorie : Reptile. Bitis
yaafanaama. Chacun qui a emprunté de lui a
été gracié. (sa dette était annulée). Everyone arietans. ***: ngajama, nyaanndi;
who borrowed from him was forgiven. Mi synonyms: nyaanngel, ngajama, nyaanndi.

nyamlaaki, mi nyamlaaka. Je n'emprunte Dialects: M.

pas, je ne prête pas. I don't borrow, I don't nyannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
lend. OR I don't lend, I don't borrow.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: fimmbude, wuƴ wuƴaade, wuƴwuƴeede;
of Noun: nyalaaɗe (this is actually the plural
synonyms: nyallaade, rewude. Dialectal
of nyalaande, but it is also used as the
Forms: [J,Y] nyalmaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
plural of nyannde now). Sorting
Designation: 1. Noun. un jour de 24 heures; day
of 24 hours. ***: walɗ
walɗere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nyannde fu Noun. tous les jours; every day.

16/02/2020 476
nyannde ŋotteteende nyarɓinaade

nyannde ŋotteteende
otteteende Noun Class Markers: sing: nyapilegew Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: nyalaaɗe of Noun: nyapilegeeji. Sorting Designation: 3,
ŋotteteeɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. le mt. Noun. ver solitaire, ténia; tapeworm.
jour de repos, sabbat; sabbath; day of rest. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs.
***: nyannde powtiri; synonyms: nyannde compare: jalɓ
jalɓu, njalɓ
njalɓu. Dialects: Y.
powtiri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyappude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyappugol.
nyannde powtiri Noun Class Markers: sing: nde Participles: sing: nyappuɗo-nyappoowo
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. plur: nyappuɓe-nyappooɓe. Sorting
Plural Form of Noun: nyalaaɗe powtiri. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. un jour de repos, Verb. 1 • exterminer un feu en le frappant avec
sabbat; sabbath; day of rest; resting day. un ba6ton; put a fire out (extinguish).
synonyms: nyannde ŋotteteende; ***: nyippude, nyippude, nyirfude,
***: nyannde ŋotteteende. Dialects: Y,G,M. muppude, sammude; synonyms: nyippude,
muppude, nyippude, sammude. Dialects: M.
nyannden Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. l'autre jour;
2 • frapper qqn avec une branche; hit someone
other day. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. or something with a branch.
nyanngere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting synonyms: nyippude, fiide, fiyude, nyirfude.
Designation: 4. Noun. humeur violent, se mettre Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
facilement en colère, piquer facilement une
nyar Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • très rugueux,
crise; violent temper. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
rêche; rough. Kaasa ka na nyaaɗ
nyaaɗi nyar. Ce
nyanngude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyanngugol. habit en laine est très rugueux. That wool robe
Participles: sing: nyannguɗo plur: is really rough. ***: waki, hosi, tarr, cay;
nyannguɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative synonyms: hosi, waki. Dialects: G,M.
or Progressive: st. Verb. avoir un tempérament 2 • être très claire. lumineux; to be really light;
violent; temperament (violent); violent a term used of the early morning when there is
temperament. ***: hukkude; enough light to see clearly; Weetii nyar.
compare: hukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.
3 • gens aisées, riches (figuratif); used fig. of
nyantaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
those who are well off; Wuro maa weetii
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nyar. Il n'y a rien qui manque dans ta maison.
of Noun: nyantaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Your home lacks nothing.
Noun. espèce d'herbe; This perennial grass
compare: nyaaɗ
nyaaɗude; synonyms: cay, tarr.
makes excellent forage and is very appetizing.
. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] nyay. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Andropogon ascinodis. synonyms: yantaare; nyarɓ
nyarɓinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyarɓinagol.
***: sooɓ
sooɓo, yantaare, rannyere, selselnde; Participles: sing:
compare: rannyere. Dialects: Y,M. nyarɓiniiɗo-nyarɓinotooɗo plur:
nyaŋaare Plural Form of Noun: nyaŋaaje. nyarɓiniiɓe-nyarɓinotooɓe. Sorting
synonyme: ndeeraari. Noun. panse; paunch. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. Verb. avoir une mine triste, avoir un visage
synonyms: ndeeraari2.
triste, renfrogné, découragé, en colère;
countenance fall; downcast; frown; scowl; sad
nyaŋre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting or angry expression. compare: ɓernude,
Designation: 4, th. Noun. abus de confiance; hirnyude, sunaade, tikkude; ***: tikkude,
betrayal of trust. O waɗ
waɗii kam nyaŋ
nyaŋre sabo o ŋoornaade, hirnyude, ɓalinaade, sunaade,
ittii simo [cement] am mo kokkumi o ɓernude, ŋuyɓuyɓaade; synonyms: ɓalinaade,
nyi ɓira suudu am, o sottii. Il a busé de ma ŋoornaade, ŋuyɓuyɓaade. Dialects: J,G.
confiance car il a vendu de mon ciment que je
lui avais confié pour la construction de ma
maison. He betrayed me because he took my
cement that I gave him to build my house and
he sold it. ***: bonnugol hoolaare, jamba;
compare: jamba. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 477
nyaw nyayiiri

nyaw Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number nyawu ngu rafi nyaamnduuji kuuɓkuuɓuɗi
One for this noun: ngootu/gootu. Plural Form caabotoo expression. malnutrition;
of Noun: nyawuuji. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. malnutrition. Catégorie : Nourriture, Maladie.
Noun. 1 • maladie; disease; sickness; illness.
nyawu ngu tuundiiji reedu caabotoo
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: naawalla;
expression. parasitose; parasitosis. Catégorie
synonyms: laru, juube. Dialectal Forms: nyawu. : Maladie.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyawude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyawugol.
2 • douleur; pain. synonyms: naawalla.
Participles: sing: nyawuɗo-nyawoowo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [J,M] nyawu.
nyawuɓe-nyawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
nyaw becce Noun. bronchites; bronchitis. Catégorie être malade, tomber malade, ne pas se sentir
: Maladie. bien; sick (to be); ill. ***: raytude, juubeede;
nyaw ɓuytoowu semmbe expression. maladie compare: raytude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
débilitante; debilitating disease. Catégorie nyawde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Maladie.
nyawu-leeso Plural Form of Noun: nyabbi-leeso .
nyaw gite Noun. conjonctivite; conjunctivitis. Noun. maladie sexuellement transmissible;
Catégorie : Maladie. sexually transmitted diseases. Catégorie
: Maladie.
nyaw hunnduko Noun. stomatite; stomatitis.
Catégorie : Maladie. nyawu-
ndaaɓoowu Plural Form of
Noun: nyabbi-ndaaɓooji . Noun. maladie
nyaw jalɓ
jalɓi reedu expression. ascaridiase; infectieuse; infectious disease. Catégorie
ascariasis. Catégorie : Animaux inférieurs,
: Maladie.
nyawu-nguru Plural Form of Noun: nyabbi-nguru .
nyaw kuuɓ
kuuɓungu expression. épidémie; plague. Noun. dermatose; dermatosis. Catégorie
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: ndaaɓ
ndaaɓoowu. : Maladie.
nyaw kuungel menyoowel Noun. verminose; nyawuuji Noun. maladies; diseases, illness,
worm infection. Catégorie : Maladie. sicknesses. Catégorie : Maladie.
nyaw nguru nanngoowu nokkuuje nyawuuji daaɓ
daaɓooji Noun. maladies infectieuses;
iiɗe expression. herpès; herpes. infectious diseases. Catégorie : Maladie.

nyaw nguru nyiiwa expression. filariose de nyawuuji leeso expression. infections sexuellement
bankroft (éléphantiasis) ; elephantiasis. transmissibles, maladies sexuellement
Catégorie : Maladie. transmissibles, ist/mst; sexually transmitted
diseases, sexually-transmitted infection (STI).
nyaw tuundi reedu expression. amibiases Catégorie : Maladie.
intestinales; intestinal amoebas. Catégorie
: Maladie. nyaygal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
nyaw typhus Noun. typhus; typhoid. Catégorie
Noun: nyayle. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
: Maladie.
poteau fourchu pour soutenir le toit; forked
nyawlude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyawlugol. log used as a support to truss up the roof.
Participles: sing: nyawluɗo-nyawloowo plur: ***: geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal, noppiyal,
nyawluɓe-nyawlooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. denndeeruwal, bannjaruwal, bimmbeere,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arriver teegorgal; synonyms: bannjaruwal,
tard le matin, être en retard; arrive late in the denndeeruwal, geŋgeŋerewal, giteyal,
morning. ***: wenndoogo, hiirude, noppiyal, teegorgal. Dialects: J.
jenngude; compare: hiirude, jenngude,
nyayiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
wenndoogo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sésame; sesame.
nyawndaade Verb. s'immuniser; immunize. Catégorie : Nourriture, Herbes, plantes
grimpantes. Sesamum indicum.
nyawnyawnoowo adj. maladif; sickly.
synonyms: namtiiri, siiliiri; ***: namtiiri,
nyawu maladie; disease; sickness; illness. ***: rafi, siiliiri. Dialects: G.
juube, laru. Dialectal Forms: nyaw.

16/02/2020 478
nyaynude nyemmbirde

nyaynude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyaynugol. nyeenyude

nyeenyude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyeenyugol.
Participles: sing: nyaynuɗo-nyaynoowo Participles: sing: nyeenyuɗo-nyeenyoowo
plur: nyaynuɓe-nyaynooɓe. Sorting plur: nyeenyuɓe-nyeenyooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Progressive: prg. Verb. laisser promener les Verb. être capable, doué en, compétent,
bœufs dans un champ qui vient d’être récolté; pouvoir faire; capable; skillful in doing
to turn one's cows loose in a field that has just something; able (to be). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
been harvested. Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] nyeenyuɗ
nyeenyuɗo adj. expert dans ses travaux; expert in his
nyaylude. Dialects: J,G. domain of work.
nyebbe-bagge Noun. haricot vert; green bean. nyegeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Catégorie : Nourriture.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nyebbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. of Noun: nyegeeje. Sorting Designation: 3.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. toilettes, cabinets, latrines; toilet.
of Noun: nyebbe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Catégorie : Bâtiment. compare: bawlirde,
Noun. haricot; bean. Catégorie : Nourriture, fiilorde, hanyude, kosu, lootorde;
Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Vigna ***: kosu, bawlirde, lootorde, fiilorde,
unguiculate. ***: ŋebbere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bonnude, salanga, hanyude;
nyecce Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting synonyms: salanka, salanga. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. grain grossièrement nyeko Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting
moulu, farine; flour; coarsely ground grain. Designation: 4. Noun. une pluie légère après un
Catégorie : Nourriture. compare: conndi, pluie, brume; light rain at the end of a hard
ɗiggude, seɗ
seɗude, unude; ***: conndi, rain; sprinkle; mist. Catégorie : Temps.
ɗiggude, ŋecce, seɗseɗude, kodde; ***: suusuu, sooso, miso;
synonyms: kodde, ŋecce. Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: ƴuwoonde; synonyms: miso, sooso,
suusuu. Dialects: J,G,M.
nyeɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyeɗugol.
Participles: sing: nyeɗuɗo-nyeɗoowo plur: nyekugol synonyme: saayugol. Noun. condensation;
nyeɗuɓe-nyeɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. condensation. Catégorie : Eau. ***: tekkugol,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tremper saayugol.
dans, servir à la louche, enlever, creuser; or
nyelde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
scoop; ladle; dip. compare: heentude, ittude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
safude, ƴoogude; ***: heentude, ŋelsude,
of Noun: nyele. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
ƴoogude, ittude, safude; synonyms: ŋelsude
Noun. manque de dent(s) (particulièrement des
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
incisives); lack of a tooth/teeth. A faamii dee
nyeenyal Noun. art; art, craft. Bureyma na wondi e nyelde naa? Savais-tu
que la femme de Boureima manque de dents ?
nyeenyal haala expression. littérature; literature. Did you know that Bureyma's wife was
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
missing some teeth? ***: ŋelde, ŋappere;
nyeenyal haala binndi expression. littérature synonyms: ŋappere, ŋelde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
écrite; written literature. Catégorie : Lecture /
écriture. nyeliɗ
nyeliɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nyeliɗiggol.
Participles: sing: nyeliɗiɗɗo plur:
nyeenyal haalude expression. littérature orale; oral
nyeliɗiɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb
literature. Catégorie : Le langage et la
pensée. Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. manquer de
dents, être édenté; missing teeth.
nyeenyo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. synonyms: ŋappiɗ
appiɗinde; ***: ŋappiɗ
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of compare: nyiinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Noun: nyeeyɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, cp. nyeliɗidde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun. quelqu’un qui demande de l'argent pour
vivre (de la classe d'artisans); one who asks nyemaade Verb. murmurer; whisper, mutter.
for money for living - this term only applies to synonyms: sownaade.
a gargasajo or a maabo (the artisan classes);
not to others who beg. ***: maabo, ŋeenyo;
nyemmbirde synonyme: nyemmbirgal,
nyemmboode. Noun. modèle; model.
synonyms: ŋeenyo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: nyemmol.

16/02/2020 479
nyemmbit-a nyerƴondirde

nyemmbit-a Verb. copier; copy. Catégorie nyenyude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyenyugol.
: Mathématique. synonyms: waanjit-
waanjit-o; Participles: sing: nyenyuɗo-nyenyoowo
***: waanjit-
waanjit-o. plur: nyenyuɓe-nyenyooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
nyemmbitinde Noun Form of
Verb. inscrire dans, graver sur, décorer;
Infinitive: nyemmbitingol. Participles: sing:
engrave; inscribe; decorate. Inan, mi ŋenyan
nyemmbitinɗo-nyemmbitoowo plur:
enƴi dow hayre nde, mi ittan hakkeeji
nyemmbitinɓe-nyemmbitooɓe. Sorting
leydi ndi nyannde wootere. Je graverai une
Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or inscription ... (Zacharie 3:9b). "Behold, I will
Progressive: prg - miɗo nyemmbita. Verb. engrave an inscription on it," declares the Lord
suivre l'exemple de qqn, répéter qqch qui a été of hosts, "and I will remove the iniquity of that
dit, copier qqch d'écrit, faire qqch dans une land in one day." (see Jakariya 3:9b) NASB.
certaine manière; copy something written; Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] ŋenyude.
repeat something said; do something in a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
certain way; follow someone's example.
Amparanti na nyemmbita dorbotooɗ
dorbotooɗo. nyerde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
L'apprentie copie ce que le conducteur fait. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
The apprentice copies what the driver does. of Noun: nyerɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Note: many Fulfulde speakers do not Noun. tasse en métal, plastic, céramique etc;
distinquish between this word and
"nyemmbude." As a result you may hear it cup. Catégorie : Récipient. ***: horde.
used in contexts where it would be more Dialects: Y.
proper to use "nyemmbude." ***: jokkude, nyerƴ
nyerƴere Noun. inceste; incest. ndeental debbo e
tokkude, nyimmintidde; gorko ɓe njeyaa dewlondirde
synonyms: nyimmintidde; compare: jokkude,
nyerƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: nyerƴingol.
tokkude. Dialectal Forms: [G] nyemminde.
Participles: sing: nyerƴinɗo-nyerƴinoowo
Dialects: J,M.
plur: nyerƴinɓe-nyerƴinooɓe. Sorting
nyemmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyemmbugol. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: Verb. 1 • salir de la nourriture; dirty (to cause
nyemmbuɗo-nyemmboowo plur: food to be). Taa nyerƴ
nyerƴinaa teewu
teewu ngu. Ne
nyemmbuɓe-nyemmbooɓe. Sorting sali pas cette viande. Don't [drop/kick dirt on]
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. that meat so it gets dirty. ***: ŋerƴ
Verb. suivre l’exemple, copier, imiter; imitate; Dialects: J,Y,G.
mimic speech or mannerisms; follow 2 • salir quelqu'un; soil someone else. Bidon
someone's example; copy. Maani na vidansi o boɓɓ
ɓɓii de ŋerƴ
erƴinii kam. Ce
nyemmba puufoowo sereendu. récipient d'huile s'est renversé et m'a sali. This
Whatishisname imitated a flute player. jug of crank case oil fell and soiled me.
***: nyimmude; synonyms: nyimmude. synonyms: ŋerƴ
erƴinde. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,M.
nyerƴondirde Noun Form of
nyemminingol sawto expression. onomatopée; Infinitive: nyerƴondirgol. Participles: sing:
onomatopoeia. Catégorie : Le langage et la
nyerƴondirɗo-nyerƴondiroowo plur:
nyerƴondirɓe-nyerƴondirooɓe. Sorting
nyemmol Noun. modèle; model. Designation: 4, mt. Verb Stative or
synonyms: nyemmbirde. Progressive: prg. Verb. grincer des dents;
gnash or grind one's teeth.
synonyms: ŋerƴ
erƴondirde; ***: ŋerƴ
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] nyerƴundurde.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 480
nyerƴude nyiiɓaade

nyerƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: ŋerƴugol. nyiɓ
nyiɓugol leydi Noun. construction nationale;
Participles: sing: ŋerƴuɗo-ŋerƴoowo plur: national construction. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
ŋerƴuɓe-ŋerƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • laisser nyiddinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiddinagol.
tomber de la nourriture et ainsi la salir; to Participles: sing: nyiddiniiɗo plur:
drop food in the dirt so it is gritty; to kick dirt
nyiddiniiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative
into food; Dippen am saamii, nyerƴ nyerƴii Mon
or Progressive: st. Verb. être désagréable, sale,
pain est tombé et il est devenu sale. My bread
répugnant, dégoûtant, vulgaire, répulsive;
fell and has dirt on it. ***: tuunude, furɗ
furɗude, unpleasant; repulsive; smelly; icky; gross;
erƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G. dirty; filthy. Mi yi'ii nyiddiniiɗ
nyiddiniiɗo keeŋ
keeŋan. J'ai
2 • salir les habits avec qqch de mouillé; soil vu un personne répugnante hier. I saw
your clothing. compare: furɗ
furɗude; someone who was gross/repulsive yesterday.
synonyms: tuunude, ŋerƴ erƴude. Dialects: J. ***: nefude, sentude, semtude;
compare: nefude, semtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyiɓal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of nyiddude Verb. dégoûter; disgust.
Noun: nyiɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nyifude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyifugol.
poteau fourchu pour soutenir un hangar;
Participles: sing: nyifuɗo-nyifoowo plur:
forked piece of wood. ***: gatal, ganndal.
nyifuɓe-nyifooɓe. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • éteindre un feu;
nyiɓal leeso Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: extinguish a fire. ***: huɓɓ
ɓɓude, dakkude;
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural synonyms: dakkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Noun: nyiɓe leeso. Sorting 2 • éteindre une lumière ou une lampe; turn off
Designation: 4. Noun. poteau utilisé pour lit; a light or lamp. compare: huɓɓ
piece of wood used for a bed. ***: leggal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
deege; compare: ganndal, gatal, leggal
nyifude ko dawranoo expression. abroger;
deege, miral, palal. Dialects: J,Y. abrogate, repeal, revoke. Catégorie : Juridique.
nyiɓdi Noun. infrastructure; infrastructure. Catégorie nyiggude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiggugol.
: Le travail et diverses activités.
Participles: sing: nyigguɗo-nyiggoowo plur:
nyiɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiɓitagol. nyigguɓe-nyiggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: nyiɓitiiɗo-nyiɓitotooɗo Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saisir,
plur: nyiɓitiiɓe-nyiɓitotooɓe. Sorting attraper; grab. synonyms: jaɓ
jaɓude, nanngude,
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. nokkude; ***: ittude, ŋaarsude, nokkude.
Verb. reconstruire, rebâtir; rebuild. Mi Dialects: J,Y.
nyiɓitoto laygaare am helnde. Je
nyiiɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiiɓagol.
reconstruis mon mur endommagé. I am
rebuilding my broken wall. Participles: sing: nyiiɓiiɗo-nyiiɓotooɗo plur:
synonyms: nyiptaade; ***: nyiptaade. nyiiɓiiɓe-nyiiɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. renifler
pour que le nez ne coule pas; sniffle.
nyiɓoowo Noun. maçon, celui qui construit; builder; ***: nyittaade, miiɓ
miiɓaade, fiifaade;
mason; bricklayer. Catégorie : Travailleur.
synonyms: miiɓ
miiɓaade; compare: fiifaade,
nyiɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiɓugol. nyittaade. Dialectal Forms: [J] nyihɓaade.
Participles: sing: nyiɓuɗo-nyiɓoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y.
nyiɓuɓe-nyiɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
construire; build. ***: mahude, waɗ
nyimngo; synonyms: mahude, waɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

nyiɓugol Noun. construction; construction.
nyiɓugol harfeere expression. construction de mot;
word building. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
synonyms: mahngo kelme.

16/02/2020 481
nyiinde nyimmital

nyiinde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. nyiitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiitagol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: nyiitiiɗo-nyiitotooɗo plur:
of Noun: nyiiƴe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. nyiitiiɓe-nyiitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. dent; tooth. nyiiƴ
nyiiƴe dowuuje dents du Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. montrer
haut. upper teeth. nyiiƴ
nyiiƴe lehiije dents en bas / les dents; lay your teeth bare.
inférieurs. lower teeth. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: sinnyinaade; synonyms: sinnyinaade.
***: sakkitirde, gawuure1, musinirde, Dialects: Y,G,M.
appiɗinde, nyeliɗ
nyeliɗinde, hooreere, nyiiwa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
gaggitere, rawaanduure;
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
synonyms: hooreere, gaggitere, gawuure1,
of Noun: nyiibi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
musinirde, rawaanduure. Dialectal Noun. éléphant; elephant. Catégorie
Forms: [G] nyiire. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Mammifère. Loxodonta africana.

nyiineede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiinegol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: nyiinaaɗo plur: nyiinaaɓe. nyiiwaaje dunndu Noun. igname; yam. Catégorie
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or : Nourriture. synonyms: kuu.
Progressive: st. Verb. être heureux, chanceux,
nyiiƴe Noun. dents; teeth. Catégorie : Le corps.
avoir la chance; lucky; fortunate.
compare: wune; ***: riikeede, wune; nyilɓ
nyilɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: riikeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: nyilɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
nyiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
Noun. morve; mucoid nasal discharge; snot.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
***: ɗiilude, durma, ɗojjude;
Noun: [J] nyiiriiji, [J,Y] nyi'eeje (ɗe). Sorting
compare: ɗiilude, ɗojjude, durma,
Designation: 1, ct. Noun. bouille de mil, tô, pâte
kaartaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de mil cuite; millet porridge. Catégorie
: Nourriture. ***: wutteere, lagataare, nyilkinnde Verb. chatouiller; tickle.
wakkaare; compare: wakkaare
wakkaare. nyimmintidde Noun Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Infinitive: nyimmintiggol. Participles: sing:
nyiirtude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiirtugol. nyimmintiɗɗo-nyimmintoo plur:
Participles: sing: nyiirtuɗo-nyiirtoowo plur: nyimmintiɓɓe-nyimmintooɓe. Sorting
nyiirtuɓe-nyiirtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Progressive: prg. Verb. suivre l'exemple,
1 • enlever / ôter qqch qui colle, décoller, répéter qqch qui a été dit, copier un écriture,
détacher, gratter pour enlever; tear off; faire qqch d'une certaine manière, imiter;
remove something that is stuck to something copy something written; repeat something
or someone; peel off; pick at. Moy nyiirti ko said; follow someone's example. Si
takkaa dow ɗerewol ngol. Qui a décollé ce jannginoowo haalii, janngooɓ
janngooɓe na
qui était collé sur ce papier ? Who peeled off nyimmita ɗum If the teacher says something
that which was stuck on this paper? the students repeat it. Note: many Fulfulde
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. speakers do not distinquish between this word
2 • gratter n'importe comment, tripoter un peu; and "nyimmude." As a result you may hear it
used in contexts where it would be more
scrape haphazardly at something; pick at. Si a
proper to use "nyimmude."
selaay nyiirtude ɓuure maa nde fu, fewataa
***: nyemmbitinde;
law. Si tu n'arrêtes pas de gratter ta plaie, elle
synonyms: nyemmbitinde; compare: jokkude,
ne peut pas bien guérir. If you don't stop
picking at your sore it will never heal. tokkude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
compare: heefude, ŋoosude. Dialectal nyimmintinde, [Y] nyimmbintinde.
Forms: [J] nyirtude. Dialects: G. Dialects: Y,G.

nyimmital Noun. imitation; imitation.

16/02/2020 482
nyimmude nyittaade
2 • frapper qqn avec une branche; hit someone
nyimmude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyimmugol.
or something with a branch.
Participles: sing: nyimmuɗo-nyimmoowo
synonyms: nyappude, fiide, fiyude, nyirfude.
plur: nyimmuɓe-nyimmooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. suivre l'exemple, imiter, copier; imitate; nyiptaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiptagol.
mimic speech or mannerisms; copy or imitate; Participles: sing: nyiptiiɗo-nyiptotooɗo
follow someone's example. Ben-
Ben-hur nyimmi plur: nyiptiiɓe-nyiptotooɓe. Sorting
Yeesu, hokki mo ndiyam. Ben Hur followed Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Jesus' example, he gave Him water [in the Verb. reconstruire, rebâtir; rebuild. Si me
movie]. synonyms: nyemmbude; nyipteke ko liɓ liɓumi fuu ɗuum in holla mi
***: nyemmbude. Dialects: Y,G.
luttii. Si je reconstruis ce que j'ai détruit, je me
nyimngo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. présente moi-même comme coupable. (Gal.
2:18). If I rebuild what I have destroyed I
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
prove myself to be a transgressor. Gal. 2:18.
Noun: nyimngooji. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: nyiɓ
nyiɓitaade; synonyms: nyiɓ
Noun. bâtiment, immeuble, édifice,
construction; construction; building. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Bâtiment. compare: nyiɓ
nyiɓude. nyir Sorting Designation: 5. Adverb. très mince, fin;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. thin. na sewi nyir compare: sewude; ***: ŋiti,
nyiŋe Noun. critique; criticism. ɗer, nyiti, sewude; synonyms: ɗer, ŋiti, nyiti.
Dialects: Y,M.
nyiŋoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nyirfude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyirfugol.
of Noun: nyiŋooje. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Participles: sing: nyirfuɗo-nyirfoowo plur:
Noun. responsabilité, reproches, erreur, faute; nyirfuɓe-nyirfooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
blame; fault. ***: feloore, gacce; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
synonyms: feloore, gacce. Dialects: J,Y,M. 1 • fouetter, battre; whip with either whip or
branch. ***: nyippude, fiyude, dorrol,
nyiŋude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyiŋugol.
ɓoccude, tappude, ŋirfude, reewnude,
Participles: sing: nyiŋuɗo-nyiŋoowo plur:
fiide, nyappude; synonyms: ɓoccude, fiide,
nyiŋuɓe-nyiŋooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
fiyude, nyappude, nyippude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. critiquer
2 • gratter, égratigner, griffer; scratch.
qqn, trouver une faute, en vouloir à, accuser,
reprocher; find fault; accuse; blame; criticize compare: dorrol, reewnude, tappude;
someone to their face; respond to criticism synonyms: ŋaarsude. Dialects: G.
with criticism. ***: weefaade, yowude, nyirim Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. très pointu;
dekude, wuykude, felude, nyo'ude, pointed; sharply pointed. Battal ngaal na
huɗitaade, gosude, haasidaade, jaancude, seeɓ
seeɓi nyirim. L'aiguille est très pointue.
sappande, fawude; synonyms: dekude, That needle is very sharp. ***: luy, cerem,
fawude, felude, sappande, weefaade, ƴerem; compare: seeɓ
seeɓude; synonyms: cerem,
wuykude, yowude; compare: huɗ huɗitaade, luy, ƴerem. Dialects: G.
huttaade, nyo'ude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
nyiti Sorting Designation: 5. Adverb. très mince, fin;
nyippude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyippugol. thin. na sewi nyiti compare: sewude; ***: ŋiti,
Participles: sing: nyippuɗo-nyippoowo plur: nyir, ɗer, sewude; synonyms: ɗer, nyir, ŋiti.
nyippuɓe-nyippooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: J.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • éteindre un feu de brousse en frappant avec nyittaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyittagol.
une branche; to put a bush fire out (extinguish) Participles: sing: nyittiiɗo-nyittotooɗo plur:
by beating it with a branch. ***: fiyude, nyittiiɓe-nyittotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
nyirfude, muppude, fiide, nyappude, Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se
nyappude, sammude; synonyms: nyappude, moucher, essuyer le nez; blow your nose; wipe
muppude, sammude. Dialects: J,Y,G. your nose. ***: fiifaade, nyiiɓ
miiɓaade; compare: miiɓ
miiɓaade, nyiiɓ
synonyms: fiifaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 483
nyittorgel nyolude

nyittorgel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. nyobbeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyobbegol.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of Participles: sing: nyobbaaɗo-nyobbeteeɗo
Noun: nyittorkoy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. plur: nyobbaaɓe-nyobbeteeɓe. Sorting
mouchoir; handkerchief - something to blow Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
and wipe your nose with. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. pelotonné, tiré
nyo'aade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: ensemble, plié, ridé, froncé, fripé, froissé;
wrinkled; drawn together; curled up; folded;
"ina nyo'oo" means it is sewable, or that
bunched up. ***: nyoofeede;
you can pass a neddle through it.. Noun
synonyms: nyoofeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Infinitive: nyo'agol. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or nyobbude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyobbugol.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être cousu (ex. Participles: sing: nyobbuɗo-nyobboowo
tissu); sewn. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: nyobbuɓe-nyobbooɓe. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. mettre ensemble,
nyo'ol Noun. couture; sewing. pelotonner, plier, froisser, rouler en boule,
nyo'oowo Noun. couturier; dress designer. Catégorie plisser, enrouler; crumple; draw together or
: Travailleur. curl up; rumple; fold up; crease; wrinkle or
bunch something up. Taa nyobbu ɗerewol
nyo'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: 1.nyo'ugol.
ngol, mbonnaa ɗum. Ne froisse pas se
Participles: sing: nyo'uɗo-nyo'oowo plur: papier, sinon c'est gâté. Don't wrinkle this
nyo'uɓe-nyo'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. paper up and ruin it. ***: nyoofude, sowude.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Dialectal Forms: nyoofude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • coudre; sew. ***: suuraare,
nyokkude Verb. lorsque des bracelets au poignets se
waddundurde, sowndaade, nyiŋ
tapent comme instrument de musique; When
dekude, sirraade, naafikaade, bracelets hit together on wrists as percussion
munaafikaade, sownaade, jurkondirde, instrument. Catégorie : Instrument de
felude, wuurnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. musique.
2 • chuchoter; whisper. synonyms: sownaade, nyolo
nyolo Noun. décomposition; decomposition.
sowndaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: faccitingol.
3 • calomnier, diffamer; slander; malign; say
something bad about someone behind their nyolsude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyolsugol.
back. compare: dekude, felude, jiidal, Participles: sing: nyolsuɗo plur: nyolsuɓe.

nyiŋude, sirraade, suuraare, waddundurde, Sorting Designation: 3, da, dh. Verb Stative or

wuurnude; synonyms: munaafikaade, Progressive: st. Verb. être émacié, décharné,

maigre, mince, petit, affaibli, faible; weak and
naafikaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
in poor condition; thin; small; emaciated.
nyo'ugol Noun. couture; sewing. Dialectal ***: fooƴ
fooƴude, ɓuytaade, hantaade,
Forms: nyo'ol. ɗuytaade; compare: ɓuytaade, ɗuytaade,
hantaade, sewude; synonyms: fooƴ fooƴude.
nyobbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyobbagol.
Dialectal Forms: [G] nyolude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: nyobbiiɗo-nyobbotooɗo
plur: nyobbiiɓe-nyobbotooɓe. Sorting nyolude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note: The
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or progressive sense is only used of things
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. pelotonner, plisser, that spoil. Noun Form of Infinitive: nyolugol.
se rider (peau), se plier, rétrécir, contracter; Participles: sing: nyoluɗo plur: nyoluɓe.
hunch down; fold up; wrinkle (as with old Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
age); shrink; draw or bunch yourself together;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • pourrir, gâter,
curl up; folded up. Sekko ngo na faaɗ faaɗi, décomposer, détériorer, gâcher, abîmer;
pukkiiɗo fuu taa nyobboo faa keƴ keƴon. Cette decay; rot; spoil. ***: ufude.
natte est étroite, ceux qui y sont couchés ne
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
peuvent pas se pelotonner. This mat is narrow,
those lying on it cannot curl up if you don't 2 • enfant gâté qui cri souvent; to be a cry
want to fall off. synonyms: nyoofaade; baby; spoiled Note: This is the state of a
***: nyoofaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
child; Imo nyoli sabo imo yaawi woyude! Il
est gâté parce qu'il pleur vite (lorsque qqch lui
manque). He's spoiled because he's quick to
cry! synonyms: ufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 484
nyomre nyoraade

nyomre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting nyoofaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyoofagol.
Designation: 4, pl. Noun. endroit herbeux, place Participles: sing: nyoofiiɗo-nyoofotooɗo
herbeuse; grassy place. Catégorie : Élevage, plur: nyoofiiɓe-nyoofotooɓe. Sorting
Terre. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] nyoomal, Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
[J,M] nyoomre. Dialects: J,Y,M. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. pelotonner, plier, se
nyonndal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. plier, s'accroupir, plisser, rider, rétrécir,
contracter; hunch down; bunch up; fold up;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of draw yourself together; wrinkle (as with old
Noun: nyonnde. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. age); shrink; drawn together; curl up; folded
1 • nasale, consonnes nasales tels que par up. ***: nyobbaade; synonyms: nyobbaade.
exemple m, n, ŋ; that which is nasal in quality:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1. the nasal consonants (m;n;ŋ;ƴ) and the
dipthongs (mb; nd; ng; nj; ny). Dialects: J,Y,G. nyoofeede Noun Form of Infinitive: nyoofegol.
2 • des mots avec des qualités nasales; words Participles: sing: nyoofaaɗo-nyoofeteeɗo
which have a nasal quality; "haalaaji nyonndi" plur: nyoofaaɓe-nyoofeteeɓe. Sorting
such as; "nyaamdu; nyiiƴe". Dialects: J,Y,G. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
3 • parler par le nez (ex. lorsque enrhumé); Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être plissé,
nasal speech resulting from a nasal blockage; pelotonné, plié, accroupi, ridé, rétréci,
as during a cold. Dialects: J,Y,G. contracté; wrinkled; drawn together; curled
up; folded; bunched up.
nyonndere synonyme: nyonndal ; ko nyonninii.
Noun. nasal; nasal. synonyms: nyobbeede; ***: nyobbeede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yonnd-iɗ-a Noun. nasale; nasal. ŋ, ng, ny, ñ
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. nyoofude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyoofugol.
Participles: sing: nyoofuɗo-nyoofoowo
nyonndiɗinde Noun Form of
plur: nyoofuɓe-nyoofooɓe. Sorting
Infinitive: nyonndiɗingol. Participles: sing:
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
nyonndiɗinɗo plur: nyonndiɗinɓe. Sorting
Progressive: prg. Verb. rider, froisser, plisser,
Designation: 3, dh. Verb Stative or plier, enrouler, rouler; crumple; draw together
Progressive: st - na nyonndiɗi. Verb. parler or curl up; rumple; roll up; crease
par le nez causé par une obstruction; to speak (accidentally); fold up; wrinkle or bunch
with a nasal quality because of a nasal something up. Nyoofu koyngal maa faa mi
obstruction. Joonin gorko nyonndo fantii faltoo. Retire / plie tes jambes pour que je
ɗo. Il y a un instant, la personne qui parle par puisse passer. Pull your leg in so I can go by.
le nez était ici. Just now the guy who speaks synonyms: nyobbude; ***: nyoraade,
through his nose stopped by here. Catégorie
maasaade, sowude. Dialectal
: Le langage et la pensée. Dialectal
Forms: nyobbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [Y,G] nyonndiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y.

nyonndinde Verb. nasaliser; nasalise. Catégorie : Le nyoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
langage et la pensée. Designation: 3. Noun. chuchotements, plaintes;
whisperings; grumblings. ***: haala. Dialectal
nyonndo Sorting Designation: 3, dh. adj. personne qui
Forms: [J,Y] nyo'ore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
parle par le nez (causé par une obstruction);
one who speaks with a nasalized sound due to nyoraade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyoragol.
an obstruction of the nasal passages. Participles: sing: nyoriiɗo-nyorotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G.
nyoriiɓe-nyorotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
nyonndorgel tilde; tilde. Catégorie : Lecture / Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enrouler
écriture. synonyms: tilde2. les vêtements (ex. pour traverser de l'eau); to
roll your pant legs up or your robe up; for
nyoodo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number instance when passing through water.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of synonyms: nyoofude, maasaade;
Noun: nyoodooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ***: maasaade. Dialects: J,Y.
bénéfice, profit; profit. Catégorie : Argent.
Note : mooré ***: tino, riba, fiyannde, riiba;
synonyms: fiyannde, riba, tino. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 485
nyorɓude olkude

nyorɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyorɓugol. nyuɗ
nyuɗanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: nyuɗanagol.
Participles: sing: nyorɓuɗo-nyorɓoowo Participles: sing: nyuɗaniiɗo-nyuɗanotooɗo
plur: nyorɓuɓe-nyorɓooɓe. Sorting plur: nyuɗaniiɓe-nyuɗanotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. poursuivre qqn ou qqch; chase hard after Verb. s'approcher sans bruit; sneak up on.
something or someone. ***: molanaade; compare: molanaade.
compare: haawtanaade, riggaade, riiwude, Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] nyugganaade, [J]
sakkaade, rippude; ***: sakkaade, nyuuganaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
doggude, riggaade, riiwude, rippude
nyumndi Noun. miel; honey. Catégorie : Nourriture.
haawtanaade. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: juuri, njumndi, njuumndi.
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: nyoƴƴugol.
nyumre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One for
Participles: sing: nyoƴƴuɗo-nyoƴƴoowo
this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
plur: nyoƴƴuɓe-nyoƴƴooɓe. Sorting
Noun. essaim (ex. abeilles); swarm.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
***: nyaaku, yiwre, nyubbere,
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • pousser avec les
jonjonnguwal; synonyms: jonjonnguwal,
doigts, presser avec les doigts; push or
squeeze something with finger(s). nyubbere, yiwre; compare: nyaaku.
***: ɓillude, ruusude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,M.
2 • palper, pousser, ressentir, sentir; feel; nyuunyu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
palpate; push. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
3 • lorsqu'un coq saute sur une poule; when a of Noun: nyuuƴi. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
rooster breeds a chicken. synonyms: ɓillude. Noun. fourmi noir (qui pique, douloureux);
Dialects: Y,G. black ant whose bite is very painful. Catégorie
: Insecte. ***: puccu naange, konndollu,
nyubbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
mettellu, korondollu, ɗaaloolu;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: ɗaaloolu, konndollu, mettellu,
of Noun: nyubbe. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
puccu naange. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. essaim (ex. abeilles); swarm.
***: nyaaku, nyumre, yiwre, jonjonnguwal;
compare: nyaaku; synonyms: jonjonnguwal,
nyumre, yiwre. Dialects: J,M.

O - o

o1 Sorting Designation: 1. dpn. ceci, cela; that; this. olko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Number
Suka o na woodi hakkillo sanne Cet enfant One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
est raisonnable. That child has good sense. Noun: olkooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
***: mo2, mo1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bruit d'une foule de gens, bruit de moteur etc;
o2 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. il, elle; he or she.
noise. synonyms: duko; ***: duko.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

o3 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. lui, à lui, à elle, le,

olkude Noun Form of Infinitive: olkugol.
Participles: sing: olkuɗo-olkoowo plur:
l', la; him; her. synonyms: ɗum, mo2.
olkuɓe-olkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Dialects: J,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire du
oɗon Sorting Designation: 1. spn. vous; you (plural). bruit; noise (to make). ***: nantinde,
***: na on, onon2; synonyms: na on, onon2. saawtinde, ƴeewnaade, sawtinde,
Dialects: J,Y. feekaade, sonnyude, dukude, wanginde,
oksijen emprunt: français. Noun. oxygène; oxygen. saaƴ
saaƴude, ɓanginde, iidude, dukude;
Henndu dimuru, foofeteendu synonyms: dukude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 486
olowere omre
2 • parler à haute voix; speak loudly.
ommbitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ommbitagol.
synonyms: dukude, ɓanginde, feekaade,
Participles: sing:
nantinde; compare: felɓ
felɓude, haalude.
ommbitiiɗo-ommbitotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ommbitiiɓe-ommbitotooɓe. Sorting
olowere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 2, mt. Noun. transpiration, sueur; Verb. entrer une maison et fermer la porte;
perspiration; sweat. synonyms: guli, kaamu, enter the house and to close the door behind
nguli, olwere; ***: kaamu, olwere; you. ***: huraade, suuɗ
suuɗaade, udditaade;
compare: kuɓɓ synonyms: huraade, suuɗ
suuɗaade, udditaade.
ɓɓu. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
olude Noun Form of Infinitive: olugol. Sorting
Designation: 3, pl. Verb Stative or
ommboode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Progressive: prg. Verb. lorsque des feuilles Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form

tombent; when leaves fall. ***: sootaade, of Noun: ommbooɗe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. couvercle, fermeture; cover; lid.
solude; synonyms: solude, sootaade.
***: hippoode, uddoode, ommbirgal;
Dialects: J,M.
synonyms: hippoode, ommbirgal, uddoode.
olwere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2, mt. Noun. sueur, transpiration;
ommboogo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur:
perspiration; sweat. ***: olowere, nguli;
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural
synonyms: guli, kaamu, nguli, olowere;
Form of Noun: ommbooɗi. Sorting
compare: kuɓɓ
ɓɓu. Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 3. Noun. petite natte en paille pour
olwinde Noun Form of Infinitive: olwingol. fermer une entrée de maison; mat used as a
Participles: sing: olwinɗo-olwinoowo plur: door. compare: booyoowo, deŋ
olwinɓe-olwinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ***: deŋ
deŋeleewo, booyoowo, ndambugaawo.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
transpirer, suer; perspire; sweat.
ommbude Noun Form of Infinitive: ommbugol.
synonyms: wulinde; ***: wulinde. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: ommboowo plur:
omeede Noun Form of Infinitive: omegol. Sorting ommbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. fermer; close.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsque le bétail a ***: uddude, sukkude, muɓɓ
besoin du sel; when cattle need salt. synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓude, mummude, sukkude,
***: ɗomeede, yomeede, peleede, uddude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hooɗeede, suuneede; synonyms: ɗomeede,
hooɗeede, peleede, suuneede, yomeede.
omo Sorting Designation: 1. spn. il, elle; he; she.

Dialects: Y. synonyms: imo, na o; ***: imo, na o.

Dialects: Y,G.
ommbirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
omre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting

Noun: ommbirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. fièvre de trois jours;
1 • clé, clef, cadenas, serrure; tool used to ephemeral fever; fever (three day). Catégorie
close something; key. synonyms: cokirgal, : Maladie d'animaux. ***: baaliga, gadel,

kufal, omtirgal, ontirgal; ***: hippoode, tonngogel; synonyms: baaliga, gadel,

uddoode, ontirgal, kufal, baafal, tonngogel. Dialects: J,M.

ommboode, gampuwal, cokirgal.

Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • couvercle, fermeture; lid.
synonyms: hippoode, ommboode, uddoode.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
3 • porte; door. synonyms: gampuwal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 487
omtaade ontude

omtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: omtagol. onngude Noun Form of Infinitive: onngugol.
Participles: sing: omtiiɗo-omtotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: onnguɗo-onngoowo plur:
omtiiɓe-omtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. onnguɓe-onngooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arrêter /
1 • lorsqu'une porte ou fenêtre s'ouvre; when a empêcher qqn de quitter et le faire revenir; to
door or window blows open or opens of its stop something or someone from leaving; and
own accord. ***: woppitaade, udditaade, to cause them to return. ***: jaɓɓ
fiirtaade, ontaade, yoppitaade, feertaade, sakkaade, fai'tinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, wittude,
ontaade, weeɗ
weeɗaade, feetaade, ontaade; runnude, ooncude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude;
synonyms: ontaade, udditaade. synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fornyude, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, sakkaade, soƴƴsoƴƴinde
2 • être assis avec les jambes étendues; to sit wittude, yeccinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with your legs spread apart.
onon1 Sorting Designation: 1. epn. toi, toi-même; you;
synonyms: feetaade, ontaade, weeɗ
yourselves. synonyms: anon. Dialects: J,Y.
woppitaade, yoppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • lorsque des fleurs s'ouvrent; when a flower onon2 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. vous; you (plural).
opens. synonyms: feertaade, fiirtaade, ***: na on, anon, oɗon; synonyms: oɗon, na
ontaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. on. Dialects: G,M.

omtirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ontaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ontagol.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Participles: sing: ontiiɗo-ontotooɗo plur:
Noun: omtirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. ontiiɓe-ontotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
clé, clef; key. ***: ommbirgal, ontirgal, Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
kufal, cokirgal; synonyms: cokirgal, kufal, assis avec les jambes étendues; sit with your
ontirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. legs spread apart. ***: fiirtaade, omtaade,
yoppitaade, feertaade, omtaade, omtaade,
omtude Noun Form of Infinitive: omtugol.
weeɗaade, feetaade; synonyms: feertaade,
Participles: sing: omtoowo plur: omtooɓe.
omtaade, weeɗ
weeɗaade, woppitaade,
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
yoppitaade. Dialects: Y,G.
Progressive: prg. Verb. ouvrir; open.
2 • lorsqu'une porte ou fenêtre s'ouvre tout
synonyms: ontude, udditinde, sukkitinde, seule; when a door or window blows open or
tammbitinde, aarude, feertude, opens of its own accord. synonyms: omtaade,
mummitinde, weertude; ***: weertude, udditaade. Dialects: Y,G.
sukkitinde, udditinde, ontude, aarude, 3 • lorsqu'une fleure s'ouvre; when a flower
tammbitinde, mummitinde, feertude
feertude, opens. synonyms: omtaade. Dialects: Y,G.
munnitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ontirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
on1 Sorting Designation: 1. opn. vous; you (plural). Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: ɗon1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: ontirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
on2 Sorting Designation: 1. spn. vous; you (plural). 1 • clé; key. ***: ommbirgal, kufal, omtirgal,
***: ɗon1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cokirgal. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • instrument pour ouvrir qqch; device to
onndorowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
open something. synonyms: cokirgal, kufal,
ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
ommbirgal, omtirgal. Dialects: Y,G.
Form of Noun: onndorooje. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. conduit d'écoulement, ontude Noun Form of Infinitive: ontugol.
gouttière; gutter; downspout. Participles: sing: otoowo plur: ontooɓe.
synonyms: sorowal; ***: sorowal. Dialects: Y. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. ouvrir; open.
***: omtude; synonyms: omtude, udditinde,
sukkitinde, tammbitinde, feertude,
mummitinde, weertude. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 488
onyaade ooncaade

onyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: onyagol. oolɗ

oolɗitinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Participles: sing: onyiiɗo-onyotooɗo plur: Na oolɗiti describes the way something is,
onyiiɓe-onyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. its state. Na oolɗita can also describe
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. plier de the way something is as if to say this thing
côté, courber, pencher; bend sideways. is moving toward being yellow or it has
***: wuuraade, leƴƴ
ƴƴitaade, tiggitaade, yellow tendancies, even if its color is stable
turaade; compare: leƴƴ
ƴƴitaade, turaade, and unalterable. Na oolɗita can also
tiggitaade; synonyms: wuuraade
wuuraade. mean that it is something which can
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. become pink or yellow-orange, such as a
onyitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: onyitagol. piece of white fabric if dyed.. Noun Form of
Participles: sing: onyitiiɗo-onyitotooɗo Infinitive: oolɗitingol. Participles: sing:
plur: onyitiiɓe-onyitotooɓe. Sorting oolɗitinɗo (state or past
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. condition)-oolɗitoowo (becoming) plur:
Verb. redresser, ajuster; straighten up if bent oolɗintinɓe-oolɗitooɓe. Sorting
sideways. ***: wuurtaade, ooncaade, Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
dartaade; synonyms: dartaade, ooncaade, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. rose ou jaune-range;
wuurtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pink or yellow-orange. Catégorie : Couleur.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] oolɗitidde.
onyude Noun Form of Infinitive: onyugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: onyuɗo-onyoowo plur:
onyuɓe-onyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb oolɗ
oolɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: oolɗugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. plier, courber, Participles: sing: oolɗuɗo (state or past
pencher; bend. compare: dartinde, condition)-oolɗoowo (becoming) plur:
fonnditinde, ŋogude, ooncude; oolɗuɓe-oolɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: ooncude, dartinde, fonnditinde, Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. adj/v. être
jaune; yellow. Catégorie : Couleur. Note: the
ŋogude, turude; synonyms: turude.
various adjectives for the noun classes are
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. formed from the infinitive-Group I ɓe/oolɓe,
oolɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: oolɗingol. ko/oolo, nde/oolde, ndu/ooldu, nge/oole,
ngo/oolo Group II ɗe/oole, ɗi/ooli,
Participles: sing: oolɗinɗo-oolɗinoowo plur:
ɗum/oolum, kal/oolal, kol/oolol, ngal/oolal,
oolɗinɓe-oolɗinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ngel/oolel, ngol/oolol, o/oolo Group III
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. teindre ɗam/oolam, ka/oola, ki/ooli, ko2/oolo,
qqch en jaune; dye something yellow. koy/ooloy, ndi/ooldi, nga/oola, ngi/ooli,
Catégorie : Couleur. ***: ɓawlinde, boolude, ngu/oolu. compare: buy; ***: buy.
boodude, noonude, wojjinde, suuwude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
rawninde; synonyms: boodude, boolude,
oolol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
noonude; compare: ɓawlinde, rawninde,
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. 1 • jaunisse; icterus;
wojjinde, ƴakkinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaundice. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: sawaara,
cammbol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • hépatite; hepatitis. Catégorie : Maladie.
synonyms: cammbol, sawaara. Dialects: J,Y,M.

ooncaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ooncagol.

Participles: sing: oonciiɗo-ooncotooɗo plur:
oonciiɓe-ooncotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • changer de direction (peut signifier tomber
dans le péché), tourner; change your direction;
falling into sin. ***: fersude, wuurtaade,
onyitaade, selude, turtaade, wosaade,
dartaade; synonyms: wosaade. Dialectal
Forms: [M] ooncitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 489
ooncude orol
2 • redresser si courbé ver le côté; straighten 2 • aller quelque part; go somewhere.
up if bent sideways. compare: accude, Moodibbo o oorii, kurje. L'imam est allé
fersude, turtaade, selude, yoppude, demander de l'aide. That imam went soliciting
woppude; synonyms: dartaade, onyitaade, help. synonyms: yahude; compare: durude,
wuurtaade. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] soggude. Dialects: J,Y.
ooncitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. oppude Noun Form of Infinitive: oppugol.
ooncude Noun Form of Infinitive: ooncugol. Participles: sing: oppuɗo-oppoowo plur:
Participles: sing: ooncuɗo-ooncoowo plur: oppuɓe-oppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
ooncuɓe-ooncooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. opérer
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
(un malade); operate (surgically); surgically
1 • redresser; straighten. ***: jaɓɓ
operate. Note : français ***: sawrude,
seekude; compare: sawrude, seekude
onyude, sakkaade, fai'tinde, dartinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗitinde, fonnditinde, wittude, runnude,
ŋogude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude; or Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. interjection
synonyms: dartinde, fonnditinde. pour appeler des moutons; an interjection used
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to call sheep. ***: ar; synonyms: ar.
2 • canaliser / corriger vers la bonne direction, Dialects: J,Y,M.
faire suivre vers la bonne direction,
oral Noun. sens; sense. ***: kuccitol.
réorienter; redirect in the correct direction.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. oransi Noun. orange; orange. Catégorie : Nourriture.
3 • retourner, faire retourner; return; turn Note : français
back. compare: onyude, ŋogude; oransiihi Noun. oranger; orange tree.
synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
ordinateer Noun. ordinateur; computer. Note : français
fornyude, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, onngude, runnude,
sakkaade, soƴƴsoƴƴinde
ƴƴinde, wittude, yeccinde. ordonansi Noun. ordonnance; prescription. Note :
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. français ***: gosoowo darni.

oonude Noun Form of Infinitive: oonugol. Sorting orgol Noun. conduire les animaux au pâturage; lead
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
the animals to the pasture.
Progressive: prg. Verb. mugir (bœufs); bellow. ormitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ormitagol.
synonyms: booltude; compare: huunude; Participles: sing: ormitiiɗo-ormitotooɗo
***: hurude, huunude, booltude. plur: ormitiiɓe-ormitotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. racler sa gorge, dégager ce qui est dans
oonyude Verb. tordre; bend; twist.
la gorge; clear your throat. compare: ɗojjude,
oornude Noun Form of Infinitive: oornugol. kaartaade, tuutude; ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, horsude1,
Participles: sing: oornuɗo-oornoowo plur: horkitinde, ɗojjude, eemtaade, tuutude;
oornuɓe-oornooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, synonyms: eemtaade, horkitinde, horsude1.
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Dialects: J.
chasser un animal hors de la brousse et le faire
revenir à l maison; to chase the animals out to ornondirde Verb. être en rang; be in a row, rank.
the bush and then return home. orol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
oorude Noun Form of Infinitive: oorugol. Noun: ori. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun.
Participles: sing: ooruɗo-ooroowo plur: 1 • ligne, rangé, queue, colonne; line of
ooruɓe-oorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. people; rank; line; queue. ***: ɓarsuwol,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. toogol, coɗ
coɗondirol, guurtol
guurtol. Dialects: J.
1 • chasser un animal hors de la brousse et 2 • rang; row. synonyms: ɓarsuwol, guurtol,
l'accompagner; to chase the animals out to the toogol. Dialects: J.
bush; but then you go out with them.
***: soggude, ɗowude, yahude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 490
osi paamiral

osi Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour oye Sorting Designation: 3. 1 • adj/rpn/interrog. quel,
chasser un bœuf; a sound made in order to lequel; which. Montoro oye o soodata?
chase a cow away. ***: ass, kuss, tek, usu, Quelle montre va-t-il acheter ? Which watch
huy, oss, tik, kiss; synonyms: ass, huy, kiss, will he buy? Mi nanii Pullo Boussouma
kuss, oss, tek, tik, usu. Dialects: J,M. waddaama dokotoroore keeŋ
keeŋan, oye e ley
yigiraaɓe maa ɓeen? J'ai entendu qu'un peul
oss Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour
était amené à l’hôpital hier, c’était lequel de
chasser un bœuf; a sound made in order to
tes amis ? I heard a Fulani from Boussoma
chase a cow away. ***: ass, kuss, osi, tek, was taken to the hospital yesterday, which of
usu, huy, tik, kiss; synonyms: ass, kiss, kuss, your friends was it? ***: moye.
osi, tek, tik, usu. Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ottude Noun Form of Infinitive: ottugol. Note: "oye" is used for things that have been
Participles: sing: ottuɗo-ottoowo plur: put in the "o" noun class, although it can be
used of people as well (see example above).
ottuɓe-ottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
"moye" is generally used only for people.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. grogner;
synonyms: moye. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.2 • adj.
grunt. Gorko mo sellaa o na otta sanne! Le
Miɗo anndi montoro oye o soodata. Je sais
malade grogne souvent. That sick man grunts
quelle montre il va acheter. I know which
a lot! ***: ŋuylude, umsude, uumude;
watch he'll buy. Imo anndi montoro oye o
compare: ŋuylude, uumude, umsude.
soodata. He knows which watch he'll buy.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
oytere Noun. sueur; sweat. Catégorie : Le corps.
owude Noun Form of Infinitive: owugol.
synonyms: cabbam, kuɓɓ
ɓɓu, guli.
Participles: sing: owɗo-owoowo plur:
owɓe-owooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir peur;
afraid. Ko njaami wuro maani ɗum, mi owii
sabo mi hoolaaki ɓe. J'avais peur lorsque je
suis allé dans le village d'un tel car je ne leur
faisais pas confiance. I was afraid when I went
to whatishisname's village because I don't trust
them. ***: huleede, jooteede, hulude.
Dialects: J.
2 • avoir une fièvre; to have a fever - this has an
element of fear in it as well. synonyms: hulude,
jooteede. Dialects: M.

P - p

paaɓal Plural Form of Noun: paaɓi. Noun. crapaud; paalel cille Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
toad. Catégorie : Amphibien. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
synonyms: faambru; ***: faambru. Noun: paaloy cille. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. vessie urinaire; urinary bladder.
paalel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: bawlirdu;
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
synonyms: bawlirdu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Noun: paaloy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • une petite calebasse /gourde avec un cou; paamal Noun. compréhension; comprehension,
gourd with a neck. Catégorie : Récipient. understanding. Catégorie : Le langage et la
***: butel, mbutilaawa, luuluwal, butilaawa. pensée.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
paamiral Noun. entente, consensus; understanding,
2 • bouteille en plastique ou en verre ou une
harmony, consensus. synonyms: potal1.
jarre / pot; jar; bottle (plastic or glass).
Dialectal Forms: paamral.
synonyms: luuluwal, butel;
compare: butilaawa, faandu1, mbutilaawa.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 491
paamu paho

paamu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Number One for paca Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. humide, trempé,
this noun: ngootu. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. mouillé, ramolli; moist; soggy or wet. Nyiiri
compréhension; cognitive understanding; maa na leppi paca. ton tô / bouille est très
comprehension. synonyms: faamu; ramolli. Your millet porridge is really soggy.
***: faamude, ƴoyre, caral, faamu, anndal, ***: pata
pata, poto; synonyms: pata, poto.
ƴƴillo, hakkillo; compare: anndal, caral, Dialects: Y,G.
faamude, hakkillo, ƴoyre. Dialects: J,Y,M.
padaaladaa Variante: padaaladaal . Noun. canard;
paasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: paasagol. duck. Catégorie : Élevage, Oiseau.
Participles: sing: paasiiɗo-paasotooɗo plur: paddaaɗ
paddaaɗo Noun. prisonnier; prisoner. ***: kasaaɗ
paasiiɓe-paasotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Paddan-Aram Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer
Paddam-Aram (région en Syrie où Abraham
avec le fer de repassage, repasser, blanchir
avait passe du temps avec sa famille);
des vêtements; iron or press clothing. Note :
Paddam-Aram - the region in Syria that
français Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Abram's family settled into. Note : hébreu
paasiporo Noun. passeport; passport. Catégorie Dialects: biblical.
: Gouvernement. Note : français
ɗɗe Noun. jets; throwing, jet, bursts, shoots.
paasorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
paɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Designation: 1. Noun. chaussures; shoes.
Noun: paasirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Catégorie : Vêtement. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fer à repasser; iron for ironing or pressing
clothes. Catégorie : Outil. Note : français paggorɗ
paggorɗe Noun. capital de commerce; funds for
Dialectal Forms: [J,M] paasirgal. trading / business. Catégorie : Argent.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. paggotooɗ
paggotooɗo mawɗ
mawɗo expression. opérateur
Paate Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel économique; economic operator.
pour le quatrième fils, ou le sixième fils; the pagguri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
traditional name of the fourth son, or the sixths
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
son. Catégorie : Nom. compare: Hammadum,
of Noun: pagguriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Sammbo, Yero, Dembo, Njobbo; Noun. 1 • espèce d'herbe; kind of grass.
***: Sammbo, Dembo, Njobbo, Yero, Afo, Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Ndembi, Hammadum. Dialects: J,Y,M. Panicum laetum. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
paateejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. 2 • espèce de plante; An annual grass of the
sahelian zone. Brachiaria deflexa.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: paateeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
le quatrième fils; fourth born son. 3 • espèce de plante; Common annual grass.
***: hammadiijo, njobbaajo, dembaajo, Brachiaria distichophylla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sammbaajo, yeraajo; compare: hammadiijo, 4 • espèce de plante; Grows in damp and shady
soil and is appetizing. Brachiaria ramosa.
sammbaajo, yeraajo, dembaajo, njobbaajo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
5 • espèce de plante; This annual graminea is
paawngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting found on sandy soils. Brachiaria xantholeuca.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. maux de tête, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sinusite; headache of the frontal sinuses.
pahaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: majala;
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. surdité,
synonyms: majala. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. duretéd'oreille; deafness. Catégorie : Maladie.
ɓɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. espèce de fièvre paho Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
comme résultat de paludisme; fever (malaria).
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: korseeje,
Noun: [J,M] fahɗuɓe, [Y,G] fahuɓe. Sorting
ƴaamndeeje, jontere, jonte pale;
Designation: 3, mt. n/adj. sourd, dur d'oreille;
synonyms: baantinooje, jonte pale, jontere,
deaf person. Catégorie : Malade. ***: faaɗ
ƴaamndeeje, baantinooje
baantinooje, jonte pale,
fahɗude; compare: faaɗ
faaɗude, fahɗ
jontere, ƴaamndeeje. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 492
pakati pampaariire

pakati Noun. paquet; packet. Note : français Dialectal pallangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Forms: pakki. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: pallaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, wl.
pakisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pakisagol.
Noun. lézard, margouillat; lizard. Catégorie
Participles: sing: pakisiiɗo-pakisotooɗo
: Reptile. ***: huutooru, ndoyndoyyal,
plur: pakisiiɓe-pakisotooɓe. Sorting
geddal, doonyorgal, fallaandu, eleleldu;
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
compare: doonyorgal, geddal, huutooru,
Verb. être inutile à cause d'une dépendance; to
be worthless because of an addiction. ndoyndoyyal; synonyms: fallaandu.
Dialects: Y. Dialects: J,M.

pakitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pakitagol. pallangel danki Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel
Participles: sing: pakitiiɗo-pakitotooɗo plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gootel.
plur: pakitiiɓe-pakitotooɓe. Sorting Plural Form of Noun: pallakoy danki. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or Designation: 3, wl. Noun. gecko; gecko.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque quelque Catégorie : Reptile. ***: kerenngeesu,
chose qui tenait deux objets ensemble tombe / geddal, porgitel, pallabiitel, puragitel;
s’effondre /s'écroule, ou si quelqu'un tombe synonyms: geddal, pallabiitel, porgitel,
d'un arbre; when something that is spanning puragitel. Dialects: Y.
two objects falls or collapses of its own accord;
or someone falls out of a tree. ***: fakitaade, palol Noun. axe; axis. synonyms: laawol1.
fakitaade, sentaade, pataade, partaade, palondirɗ
palondirɗi croisés; crossed; mixed. Dialectal
soltaade, faltaade, sortaade, partaade; Forms: palpali.
synonyms: fakitaade, faltaade, partaade,
paltotooɗo Noun. passant; passer-by.
pataade. Dialects: M.
2 • se démettre; luxated; dislocated. paltuɗ
paltuɗo rassasié; to be full, satisfied, had enough.
compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade; synonyms: fakitaade, synonyms: kaaruɗ
partaade, sentaade, soltaade, sortaade. pamaraaku synonyme: leeƴinaare. Noun. infériorité;
Dialects: M. inferiority.
palal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. pamaro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: pale. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. barre Noun: famarɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
transversale; crossbar. ***: miral, leggal de petite taille; one who is small (even an
deege, gatal, nyiɓ
nyiɓal leeso, deege; adult). compare: famɗ
famɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: leggal deege, miral. pamarum adj. petit; little; small.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pamɗinirgel Noun. diminutif; diminutive. Catégorie
palii Noun. horizontal; horizontal. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
: Mathématique.
pamɗuɗo miilo Noun. inconscient; unconscious.
palingol Noun. diagonale; diagonal. palingol (peccol
***: pekkorɗ
pekkorɗo, dulluɗ
-) Catégorie : Mathématique.
pampaariire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
pallabiitel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
of Noun: pampaariije. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun: pallabiitoy. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun. petit bâtonnet pour défaire les tresses de
Noun. gecko; gecko. Catégorie : Reptile. cheveux; a small pick used to unbraid a
***: kerenngeesu, geddal, porgitel, woman's hair. Catégorie : Outil. Note :
pallangel danki, puragitel; Gourmanche ***: sancaade, cendal,
synonyms: geddal, kerenngeesu, pallangel sunndiyaare; synonyms: cendal,
danki, porgitel, puragitel. Dialects: J. sunndiyaare; compare: sancaade.
palla-biitel Plural Form of Noun: palla-biitoy. Noun. Dialects: Y,G.
gecko, salamandre; gecko, samamander.
Catégorie : Reptile. synonyms: jeddel-

16/02/2020 493
pampantu parsel

pampantu Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. pantuɗ

pantuɗo bonnde synonyme: puɗɗintinoowo ko
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of boni. expression. récidiviste; recidivist,
Noun: pampantuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl, persistent offender, re-offender. Catégorie
: Juridique.
ct. Noun. 1 • espèce de plante; This annual
plant is abundant in the Sahel. . Catégorie papay Noun. papaye; papaya. Catégorie : Nourriture.
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Cassia Note : français
obtusifolia. Note : Gourmanche ***: uulo.
pappattude Noun Form of Infinitive: pappattugol.
Dialects: Y.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
2 • espèce de plante; An annual plant found in
the Sahel and savannah. It is not appetizing Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • battre les ailes
and its seeds are toxic. It is used to make (oiseau); flapping of a birds wings.
medicine. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes synonyms: fippude, pippittude, wiɗ
grimpantes. Cassia occidentalis. Note : ***: wiɗ
wiɗaade, fippude, bibbitidde,
Gourmanche synonyms: uulo. Dialects: Y. pippittude. Dialects: G.
2 • sauter et bouger dans toutes les directions
panaade Noun Form of Infinitive: panagol.
(comme une poule dont on a coupé la gorge);
Participles: sing: paniiɗo-panotooɗo plur: the flopping around a chicken does when its
paniiɓe-panotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. throat is cut. synonyms: bibbitidde.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prier pour Dialects: Y,G,M.
la protection; pray for protection.
compare: panol; ***: fanaade, panol; paraade Noun Form of Infinitive: paragol.
synonyms: fanaade. Dialects: G,M. Participles: sing: pariiɗo-parotooɗo plur:
pariiɓe-parotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
pankaro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être bien
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
habillé; dressed (to be well). Nyannde iidi fuu
Noun: fankarɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
yimɓe na paroo faa wooɗwooɗa. Tous les jours de
Noun. personne méchante; wicked person. Note
fête, les gens s’habillent bien. Every religious
: arabe synonyms: annjaari, jaahili; ***: jaahili, holiday folks get dressed up nicely.
annjaari. Dialects: J,Y,G. synonyms: leeɓ
leeɓude, moƴƴ
ƴƴinaade, nyaaƴ
panndol Plural Form of Noun: panndi. Noun. seynaade; ***: moƴƴ
ƴƴinaade, leeɓ
appendice; appendix. Catégorie : Le corps. seynaade, nyaaƴ
nyaaƴude; compare: ɗuurtaade.
panndol cille Noun. prostate; prostate gland. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Le corps, Maladie. Paran Sorting Designation: 5, nbl. Noun. Paran
***: dammbuwol cille. (endroit dans le Sinaï) ; Paran; a place in the
Sinai wilderness; south of Israel; between
pannjamol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi.
Israel and Egypt. Ishmael settled in Paran
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of (Genesis 21:21). Catégorie : Région. Note :
Noun: pannjamaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Noun. parabole, proverbe; proverb; parable.
Note : Gourmanche ***: balnol, banndol; parawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
synonyms: balnol, banndol. Dialects: G. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: paraaji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
panol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. licol (pour cheval); rope halter; halter (rope).
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of ***: teɓɓ
ɓɓaare, karbajuruwol, humparawol,
Noun: pani. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. prière sigiwol; synonyms: humparawol, teɓɓteɓɓaare
pour la protection; prayer for protection.
compare: sigiwol. Dialects: J,G,M.
***: panaade, fanaade; compare: fanaade,
panaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. parfen Noun. parfum; perfume. Note : français

pantalo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number parlemaa synonyme: ɗo batetee. Noun. parlement;
Parliament. Catégorie : Gouvernement. Note :
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: pantalooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
pantalons, pantalon de survêtement; sweat parondirde Verb. parier; bet (to).
pants; trousers; slacks. Catégorie : Vêtement.
parritiiɗo adj. imprudent; careless.
Note : français compare: sarra, tuuba;
***: tuuba, sarra. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. parsel Noun. parcelle; plot of land. Catégorie : Terre.
Note : français

16/02/2020 494
partaade pattuki

partaade Noun Form of Infinitive: partagol. pataade Noun Form of Infinitive: patagol.
Participles: sing: partiiɗo-partotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: patiiɗo-patotooɗo plur:
partiiɓe-partotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. patiiɓe-patotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • lorsque quelque chose qui tenait deux 1 • lorsque quelque chose qui tenait deux
objets ensemble tombe / s’effondre /s'écroule; objets ensemble tombe / s’effondre /s'écroule;
when something that is spanning between two when something that is spanning two objects
objects falls down; this may have been caused falls or collapses of its own accord.
by a discernible force or not. ***: faataade, ***: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade, faataade, fakitaade,
fakitaade, fakitaade, saytaade, liɓliɓude, saytaade, partaade, pakitaade, faltaade,
ɓɓinde, sentaade, pataade, pataade, partaade; synonyms: fakitaade, faltaade,
faltude, soltaade, pakitaade, pakitaade, pakitaade, partaade. Dialects: Y,G.
faltaade, sortaade; synonyms: fakitaade, 2 • glisser dans un trou; slip into a hole.
faltude, pakitaade, pataade. Dialects: Y,G. synonyms: faataade, partaade, saytaade;
2 • se démettre d'un os; dislocated from its compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade. Dialects: Y.
joint; luxated. synonyms: fakitaade, pataaru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi.
pakitaade, sentaade, soltaade, sortaade.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Dialects: Y,G.
of Noun: pataaji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
3 • tomber dans un trou; fall into a hole. Noun. babouin; baboon. Catégorie
synonyms: faataade, pataade, saytaade; : Mammifère. Papio cynocephalus. Note :
compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, liɓ
liɓude. Dialects: G. Gourmanche ***: kotooru, woroni;
parti emprunt: français. Plural Form of Noun: partiiji. synonyms: kotooru, woroni. Dialects: G.
Noun. parti; party. Catégorie : Gouvernement, patamaari Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di. Sorting
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. cultiver des plantes
partii ɓuruɗ
uruɗo depittee en expression. parti comme les arachides; cultivation of plants like
majoritaire; majority party, ruling party. peanuts. Note : Gourmanche ***: demal,
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. mbersiri, ndemri; synonyms: demal,
partii gooto tilsuɗ
tilsuɗo expression. parti unique; mbersiri, ndemri. Dialects: G.
single party, unique party. Catégorie patanti Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
partii mo wonanaa laamu expression. parti Noun: patantiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
d'opposition; opposition party. Catégorie taxe qui certifie l'achat; tax that certifies those
: Gouvernement, Juridique. involved in buying and selling cattle. Catégorie
partii njogiiɗ
njogiiɗo laamu expression. parti au pouvoir; : Argent. Note : français compare: usuru;
ruling party, governing party. Catégorie synonyms: lampo; ***: usuru.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
partii politikki emprunt: français. expression. parti patoron
patoron Noun. patron; manager; owner; boss.
politique; political party. Catégorie Catégorie : Travailleur. Note : français
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
pattawol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
parude Verb. parer; parry; ward off. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
pasii Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. exactement, Noun: pattaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
précisément, juste, exact; precisely; exactly. veine jugulaire, nerf; jugular vein; nerve.
***: fasii; synonyms: fasii, jaati, cak, kak, kap, Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pay. Dialects: Y. pattuki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
pata Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très humide, One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
trempé, mouillé, ramolli; moist; soggy or wet. Noun: pattuɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Nyiiri maa na leppi pata. Ta bouille de mil Noun. 1 • espèce d'acaciam gommier blanc;
est très ramolli. Your millet porridge is really kind of acacia tree. Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia
soggy. synonyms: paca, poto; ***: poto, paca. dudgeoni. ***: ngawdi, ŋooraahi, ciidi,
Dialects: M. ɓulɓ
ulɓi, wuumoore, gerembeehi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 495
pawdi peewol
2 • espèce d'acacia; kind of acacia tree.
peɗnugol Noun. classement; ranking. Catégorie
Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia laeta.
: Mathématique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • espèce d'acacia; kind of acacia tree. peɗ
ooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia senegal. Designation: 2. Noun. boutons; buttons or
compare: ɓulɓ
ulɓi, cayki, cilluki, ngawdi, snaps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngawdalloohi, ngonaaki, ŋooraahi, peecu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
wuumoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
pawdi synonyme: entere. Noun. intérêt; interest. Noun: peesi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, in.
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: nafakka. Noun. mouche tsé-tsé; tsetse fly. Catégorie
: Insecte. Glossina sp.. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
pay Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. exactement,
peeku, [J] peesu. Dialects: G,M.
précisément; precisely; exactly. ***: fasii,
pasii, jaati, mennga; synonyms: jaati. Dialectal peeɗ
peeɗeengu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
Forms: [J] pai. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
of Noun: peeɗeeɗi. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
payanɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Noun. cigale; cicada. Catégorie : Insecte.
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. marmites; cooking Lacetus sp.. Dialectal Forms: [G] peeɗeeniw.
pots. Catégorie : Récipient. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y.
Forms: [M] paynɗe. Dialects: J,Y.
peeruɗo Noun. intelligent; intelligent.
peccal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of pees-
pees-a Verb. peser; to weigh. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
Noun: pecce. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
diviser qqch, séparer, division; dividing peesaade Noun Form of Infinitive: peesagol.
something; division. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: peesiiɗo-peesotooɗo plur:
pecce Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting peesiiɓe-peesotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 2. Noun. pièces de; pieces of. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. peser; weigh. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

peccugol Noun. division, partition; division, partition. peesagol1 Verb. gratter le sol; scratch the ground.
Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: ceerndugol; peesagol2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗe.
synonyms: feccugol. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
peccungol synonyme: jameeter. Noun. diamètre; Noun: peese. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
diameter. Catégorie : Mathématique. peser quelqu'un (ex. femme enceinte ou bébé);
weighing. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
peɗeeli Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Designation: 1, at. Noun. ongles, griffes, peesgol synonyme: peese (ɗe). Noun. pesée; weighing.
sabots; toe nails; finger nails; claws. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. peesirgal synonyme: balaas. Noun. balance; balance.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
peɗeendu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form peetu Noun. caleçon; underpants. Catégorie
of Noun: peɗeeli. Sorting Designation: 2, at. : Vêtement.
Noun. ongle, griffe, ongle de patte, sabot; peewal Noun. exactitude; accuracy. Catégorie
fingernail; nails of dog and cats; goats; hoofs
: Mathématique. ***: kawral1.
of cows. ***: holnyere, feɗ
feɗeendu, feɗ
holnyuru, holgo; synonyms: feɗfeɗeendu, holgo. peewngol Noun. droite; right. peewngol (diidol)
Dialects: G. Catégorie : Mathématique.

peɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting peewol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. longues nattes ou tapis Designation: 2. Noun. fraîcheur, froideur, le
qu'on met sur le lit; mats on top of Fulani beds. froid; cold; coolness. Catégorie : Temps.
Catégorie : Équipement de la maison. synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓol, jaangol; ***: ɓuuɓ
Dialects: J. jaangol. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] peeweengi
(ngi), [Y,G,M] peeweeki (ki).
peɗnal synonyme: pennal. Noun. classification;
classification. Catégorie : Mathématique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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pegujam peral

pegujam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting pempete Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 4. Noun. vin ou boisson fait des One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
raisins locales; wine made from the fruits. Noun: pempeteeji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: cabijam, Noun. cérumen; ear wax. Catégorie : Le corps.
falfajam; ***: cabijam, falfajam. Dialects: J. Dialects: J.

peguuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. pendel Noun. petit pagne porté en sous-vêtement;
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of small cloth used as underwear. Catégorie
: Vêtement.
Noun: peguuje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Noun. 1 • espèce de raisinier locale; kind of pene Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
tree. Catégorie : Arbres. Lannea acida.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. mensonges; lies.
***: mancabiihi, falfaahi, cabiihi, sibiihi;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: sibiihi, mancabiihi. Dialects: J.
2 • espèce de raisinier local; A tree of the pengel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
southern Sahel found on sandy soil. Catégorie Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
: Arbres. Lannea microcarpa. Noun: pengoy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
synonyms: falfaahi, cabiihi. Dialects: J. épingle; pin. Note : français synonyms: peŋ
peguure Plural Form of Noun: peguuje. Noun. raisin; ***: peŋ
peŋelel; compare: battal. Dialects: G,M.
grapes. Catégorie : Nourriture. pennal synonyme: peɗnal. Noun. classification;
synonyms: cabiire. classification.
pekkorɗo inconscient; unconscious. Pennda Noun. prénom féminin (Signification : Le petit
synonyms: pamɗ
pamɗuɗo miilo, dulluɗ
dulluɗo. pagne épais, la troisième née); first name for a
female (meaning: the small thick cloth, the
pel Noun. pelle; shovel. Catégorie : Outil. Note : third born daughter). Catégorie : Nom.
penndaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
peleede Noun Form of Infinitive: pelegol. Sorting
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
Noun: penndaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsque le bétail a Noun. fille née en troisième position; third born
besoin de sel; when cattle need salt. Catégorie
daughter. ***: kumbaajo, dikaajo, daadoojo,
: Élevage. ***: ɗomeede, yomeede,
demmoojo, faatumaajo, takkaajo,
hooɗeede, suuneede, omeede;
seeboojo; compare: dikaajo, kumbaajo,
synonyms: ɗomeede, hoo
hooɗeede, omeede,
daadoojo, takkaajo, demmoojo, seeboojo.
suuneede, yomeede. Dialects: M.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] penndoojo.
pellel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Penndo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
Noun: pelloy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. donné à une fille née en troisième position; the
petite tache sur la peau; spot (small); dot; traditional name of the third born daughter;
peck; specks of color on animals.
also Penndoori; Penndal. ***: Daado, Seebo,
synonyms: pettel, toɓɓ
ɓɓere1; ***: pettel,
Kumbo, Demmo, Faatuma, Diko, Takko;
ɓɓere1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: Diko, Kumbo
Kumbo, Daado, Takko,
pelli Noun. taches; spots; stains. Demmo, Seebo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
pelniiɗo Noun. coupable; guilty, culprit. Catégorie penoowo Noun. menteur; liar.
: Juridique.
penyaare Noun. carpe; carp. Catégorie : Poisson.
pelnyaali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
peŋelel Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Designation: 3. Noun. coups de tonnerre;
thunder claps. Catégorie : Temps. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: peŋeleeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
épingle de sûreté; safety pin. Note : français
pelooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting ***: pengel; synonyms: pengel;
Designation: 3. Noun. défauts, fautes; faults. compare: battal. Dialectal Forms: [J] peŋele.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: Y,M.

peral Noun. déplacement, émigration; emigration;


16/02/2020 497
pere petel

pere Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. confort, aisance; pesal dow Noun. apostrophe; apostrophe. l' d'
ease; comfort. synonyms: batala; Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: piccal
***: newaare, batala. Dialects: J,Y. dow.

perefe Noun. préfet (chef d'arrondissement); prefect, pesal tiba synonyme: pesal kufne. Noun. accent
reeve. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique, circonflexe ; caret, circumflex accent. ê â î ô û
Travailleur. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
perfee Noun. préfet; prefect. Catégorie ***: toɗɗ
ɗɗannde tural.
: Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français pesal-
pesal-palingal Noun. accent grave; grave accent. à
perfektir Noun. préfecture; prefecture. Catégorie è ì ù ò Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
: Gouvernement, Bâtiment. Note : français ***: toɗɗ
ɗɗannde tekkunde.
perfijon Noun. perfusion; drip. Catégorie : Maladie. pese Noun. vaccin; vaccination. Catégorie
Note : français
: Traitement de la maladie. ***: pesogal
perge Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
pesimaade Verb. défricher; to clear the ground.
Designation: 3. Noun. obstacles, pierres
Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: ruggaade.
d'achoppement; stumbling stones.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pesimagol Noun. défrichement; clearing the ground.
Catégorie : Agriculture. synonyms: ruggugol.
perol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. déménagement quelque pesogal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
part; a move where there is no particular Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
intention of returning to a place. ***: ferude; Noun: pesoode. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
compare: ferude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] peral Noun. marque qui est faite sans utiliser du feu;
(ngal). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mark or brand. ***: maande1, cumogal,
sokude, ŋaalal, fesude; synonyms: cumogal,
perre Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
maande1, ŋaalal; compare: fesude, sokude.
Designation: 3. Noun. bois, forêts; woods;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
forests. Catégorie : Terre. Dialectal Forms: [M]
perle. Dialects: J,Y,G. pesogal2 Noun. vaccin; vaccine. Catégorie
: Traitement de la maladie.
Persi Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Perse; Persia.
synonyms: pesooɗ
pesooɗe, pese, pesagol.
Catégorie : Localité. Note : français
Dialects: biblical. pesooɗ
pesooɗe Noun. vaccination; vaccination. Catégorie
: Maladie. ***: pesogal2. Dialectal
persidan Noun. président; president. Catégorie
: Gouvernement. Note : français Forms: pesagol.

persilli emprunt: français. Noun. persil; parsley. pesooɗ

pesooɗe yeeso Noun. cicatrice ethnique; ethnic
Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture. mark / scar.

Persinkoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting pesti Noun. peste; plague; pest. Catégorie : Maladie.
Note : français
Designation: 5, lg. Noun. langue Perse;
Persian-the language of the Persians. Note : pet Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. plein à
français Dialects: biblical. déborder; brimming full; full. ***: heewude,
peruɗ bil; compare: heewude; synonyms: bil.
peruɗo Noun. émigré, exilé; emigrant.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pesagol Noun. vaccination; vaccination. Catégorie
: Maladie. ***: pesogal2. Dialectal
pete Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. étangs; ponds. Catégorie
Forms: pesooɗe.
: Eau. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pesal Noun. accent; accent mark. é è ē ê Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. ***: tooɗɗ
petel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
pesal daringal synonyme: pesal ceeɓngal. Noun. Noun: petoy. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. petit
accent aigu; acute accent. é á ó Catégorie étang; pond (a small). Catégorie : Eau.
: Lecture / écriture. ***: toɗɗ
ɗɗannde ***: wayre, feto, weendu; synonyms: feto;
seeɓunde. compare: wayre, weendu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 498
petoron piirooje

petoron emprunt: français. synonyme: taaji. Noun. piɗ

piɗooyel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Number One
pétrole; kerosene. ***: taaji; for this noun: gootel. Sorting Designation: 3, da.
synonyms: karanji
karanji. Noun. espèce de maladie de bétail, carbone
symptomatique; blackleg. ***: koyngel,
pettel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
balayel, neeyngel, neyngel, henndu1;
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
synonyms: balayel, henndu1, koyngel,
Noun: pettoy. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
neeyngel. Dialects: M.
1 • grain de, petite tache, point, bouton; speck;
small spot; dot. ***: pellel, fellere, fettere, piiɗ
piiɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
ɓɓere1; synonyms: pellel, toɓɓ
ɓɓere1. Designation: 3. Noun. bastonnade, battage,
Dialects: J,Y,M. battement, recevoir des coups; beating; blows.
2 • étincelle; spark. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: fiide, fiyude, tappude; compare: fiyude,
tappude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ƴƴol Plural Form of Noun: peƴƴi. synonyme: ceekol,
ceelol. Noun. fissure, crevasse ; crack, fissure,
piilki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting
chap. Designation: 4. Noun. l’environnement, milieu;
environment. Kulle fiilnuɗ
fiilnuɗe en hono leɗ
pibine Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
nokkuuje e ko nanndi en mum
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: pibineeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
toit; roof. Note : mooré synonyms: kippudi, piilndi-
piilndi-reedu Noun. flore digestive; intestinal flora.
kummbudi; ***: kummbudi, kippudi; Catégorie : Le corps, Maladie. ***: kuukoy
compare: pinaade. Dialects: M. balloohoy waylitingol nyaamndu.

piɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting piilol1 Noun. bobine de fil, de lianes; yarn reel.
Designation: 2. Noun. nœuds; knot. piilol2 Noun. contours, périphériques; contours.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Agriculture, Terre.
piɓtugol synonyme: fiɓre. Noun. résolution (d'un piilol leɗɗ
ɗɗe joorɗ
joorɗe expression. haies mortes; dead
problème); resolution (a problem). Catégorie hedge. Catégorie : Agriculture.
: Mathématique.
piinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pinnagol.
piccal Variante: piccel. Noun. virgule; comma. , Participles: sing: piiniiɗo-piinotooɗo plur:
Catégorie : La Grammaire, Mathématique,
piiniiɓe-piinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Lecture / écriture. ***: poofirgel.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. baisser la
piccal dow expression. apostrophe; apostrophe. tête ou le visage (souvent avec face renfrogné,
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: pesal sombre ou en colère); to bend one's head down
dow. - often that person is frowning or upset; Nde o
haaldi e he'am ndeen o piinii.
piinii. When he
piccitel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. talked with me then, he was looking down.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of ***: turnude, turɓ
turɓinaade, loraade;
Noun: piccitoy. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. synonyms: loraade, turɓ
turɓinaade, turnude.
1 • accent (signe d'orthographe); accent mark. Dialects: G,M.
' Catégorie : La Grammaire. ***: poofirgel.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
piinndi Noun. fleurs; flowers. Catégorie : Herbes,
plantes grimpantes.
2 • virgule; comma. , synonyms: poofirgel.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. piirooha Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
piɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
of Noun: piirooji. Noun. avion; airplane.
Designation: 3, da, dh. Noun. charbon,
Catégorie : Voyager. Dialectal Forms: [G,M]
anthrax; anthrax. Catégorie : Maladie. Bacillus
piiroowa (nga). Dialects: J,Y.
anthracis. synonyms: ɗaamol, pittel.
Dialects: G. piiroohoy Noun. acridiens; locusts. Catégorie
: Insecte. ***: siiji baɓ

piirooje Noun. volailles; poultry. Catégorie : Élevage.

***: ndiwri.

16/02/2020 499
piirtol pippittude

piirtol Noun. définition, énoncé, décodage; definition, pinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pinagol.
statement, decoding. Catégorie : Le langage et Participles: sing: piniiɗo-pinotooɗo plur:
la pensée. ***: cifol, fiirtugol; piniiɓe-pinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: purol. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couvrir
piirugal maasa Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal un toit de maison avec des nattes en paille;
roof a hut with grass mats. Note : mooré
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal.
synonyms: huurude; ***: pibine, huurude.
Plural Form of Noun: piiruɗe maasa. Sorting
Dialectal Forms: [G] pintaade. Dialects: M.
Designation: 4, ct. Noun. plaque en fonte pour
faire des galettes / gâteaux; the griddle used to pinal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
make maasa cakes - originally this was made Designation: 4. Noun. expérience, éveil d'esprit;
of mud; but now most are made of metal. experience. Minyiiwo o na ɓuri mawnum
***: heeɗ
heeɗo maasa; synonyms: heeɗheeɗo maasa. pinal. La plus jeune a plus d'expérience que sa
Dialects: Y,G. grande sœur. The younger has more
piisirɗi Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗi. Sorting experience than her older sibling. ***: anndal
Designation: 2. Noun. balai; broom. Catégorie golliraangol, dunkol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Outil. synonyms: buurɗ
buurɗi, pittirɗ
pittirɗi; Pinehas Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Pinhas;
***: fiisude, wuuwude, buurɗ
uurɗi, pittirɗ
pittirɗi; Phinehas; the son of Eleazar; grandson of
compare: fiisude, wuuwude. Dialects: J. Aaron; Exodus 6:25ff. Note : hébreu
Dialects: biblical.
piisum Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. rouille; rust. Note : mooré pinii Noun. pneu; tire. Note : français
synonyms: puundi; ***: puundi. Dialects: M. pinirgal Noun. exercice; exercise. Catégorie
pijoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number : Apprendre, Lecture / écriture.

One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of pinirgal caataangal expression. corrigé d’exercice;
Noun: fijooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. correction of an exercise. Catégorie
musicien; musician. Catégorie : Travailleur. : Apprendre, Lecture / écriture.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] pijoo. pinndi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: gootiri. Plural Form of
pikkaal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun: pinndiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Noun. fleur, floraison, fleurs; blossom; flower.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Noun: pikkaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
éventail; fan woven from palm fronds. Note : ***: fiinndude, finndude;

mooré ***: fikkaawo, bifirgal; compare: finndude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

synonyms: bifirgal, fikkaawo. Dialects: M. pinpingal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
pikkal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of

Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Noun: pinpinɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Noun. arc-en-ciel; rainbow. Catégorie : Ciel.
Noun: pikke. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Noun.
1 • piqûre, injection; injection; shot. Note : ***: cimcimgal, ciiɓ
ociiɓongal, cincinngal;
français ***: kural, kural. Dialects: J,Y. synonyms: ciiɓ
ociiɓongal, cimcimgal.
2 • aiguille; needle. Note : français Dialects: M.
synonyms: kural. Dialectal Forms: [Y] pikkiir pintoori Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
(o), [M] pikkiiri (ndi). Dialects: J,Y. Designation: 2, ct. Noun. soumbala pour la
pilil emprunt: français. Noun. pilule; pill. Catégorie sauce; black cakes for seasoning. ***: maari,
: Traitement de la maladie. cenaare, makari; synonyms: cenaare, maari,
makari. Dialects: Y,M.
pillitol Noun. narration; narration. Catégorie : Lecture
/ écriture. synonyms: ciimtol, jeetol. pippittude Noun Form of Infinitive: pippittugol.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. battement d'ailes de
oiseau; flapping of a birds wings.
***: pappattude, wiɗ
synonyms: fippude, pappattude, wiɗwiɗaade.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 500
pirlilgol polaɓala

pirlilgol Noun. 1 • conjugaison au passé composé; past poɗ

poɗo Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. mort, sans vie,
perfect tense conjugation. werbagol ley crevé; dead. Ndakiya ga waatii poɗ poɗo. Cet
wawtu paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo Catégorie : La Grammaire. âne est vraiment crevé. That donkey is really
2 • conjugaison au présent; present tense dead.; can be used fig. for a lack of strength
conjugation. werbagol ley wawtu gonn
due to fatigue, illness or disappointment; Nde
nannoomi yigoo am wartataa fu ɓandu am
pitipata Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number poɗ
waati po ɗo. When I heard that my friend
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of wasn't coming I just went limp. synonyms: tak;
Noun: pitipataaji. Sorting Designation: 2, at. ***: tak, kak. Dialects: G.
Noun. 1 • espace entre lèvre supérieure et le
nez; the space above the upper lip and below pogoluwol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi.
the nose. ***: suumtorde. Dialects: J. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
2 • un empoté, dadais, pataud, balourd; klutz. Noun: pogoluuji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
synonyms: suumtorde. Dialects: J. Noun. coquille, gousse, cosse, son de grain;
pod; shell; seed coat. pogoluwol ngiriiwu
pittel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel. Sorting
coquille d'arachide. peanut shell. pogoluwol
Designation: 3, da, dh. Noun. anthrax; anthrax.
ngiriiwu ndaɓɓ
ɓɓu coquille de pois de chiche.
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: ɗaamol, piɗ
chick pea shell, pogoluwol ɓoccoonde
synonyms: ɗaamol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
coquille d’œuf. egg shell. compare: nguru;
pittirɗi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting ***: kaakolol, hufo, laalagal1;
Designation: 2. Noun. balai; broom. Catégorie synonyms: hufo, kaakolol, laalagal1.
: Outil. ***: piisirɗ
piisirɗi, buurɗ
buurɗi; Dialects: G.
synonyms: piisirɗ
piisirɗi. Dialects: M.
pogowol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
piwlol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Noun: pogooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Noun: piwli. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. marigot qui est en train de sécher mais laisse
lance-pierre, fronde (fait d'un petit sac en tissu encore des points d'eau dans certains endroits
et une corde); slingshot. Catégorie : Chasse et ; a stream or creek that is in the process of
pêche. ***: biwuure; synonyms: biwuure. drying up leaving temporary ponds here and
there where the water was deeper. Catégorie
Dialects: Y,G,M.
: Eau. ***: coofol; compare: gooruwol;
piyanɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting synonyms: coofol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Noun. des gros bénéfices, profit;
pokooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
profits (large). Catégorie : Argent. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Piyer Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. of Noun: pokooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • Simon Pierre; Simon Peter; one of the 12 seau en plastique utilisé pour puiser de l'eau,
disciples; brother of Andrew. Note : puisette; bucket used to draw water from a
grec/français Dialects: biblical. well. synonyms: cawgal, fate; ***: fate.
2 • Pierre qui a écrite deux épîtres dans e Dialects: M.
Nouveau Testament; one of two New
Testament letters written by Peter (bataaki polaɓ
polaɓala Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
ngo'aɓi and ɗiɗaɓi). Note : grec/français Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Dialects: biblical. of Noun: polaɓalaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Noun. drongo brillant; glossy-backed drongo.
pobbi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting
Catégorie : Oiseau. Dicrurus adsimilis.
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. hyènes; hyenas.
***: ciicibalawal, siisaandu, balaalawal;
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: balaalawal, ciicibalawal,
podooje Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting siisaandu. Dialects: G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • promesses;
promises. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • la volonté de Dieu, fatalité; will of God;
fate. Ko waɗ
waɗi fuu wo podooje LaamɗLaamɗo.
Quoique arrive, c'est la volonté de Dieu.
Whatever happens is God's will.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 501
poliisi poo

poliisi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number pompol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: poliisiiɓe or poliisi en. Sorting Noun: pompi. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Designation: 3. Noun. policier, agent de police; pompe à eau; water pump. Catégorie : Eau.
police officer. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Travailleur. Note : français ***: minteere;
pon Noun. pont; bridge. Note : français
compare: minteere, sordaasi. Dialectal
***: kodorko.
Forms: [Y,G] polisi. Dialects: J,M.
pongudaahi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
poliisi maa jandarma lugotooɗ
lugotooɗo fadde Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
sariya e tefeede expression. officier de Noun: pongudaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
police; police officer. Catégorie : Juridique. Noun. nim, neem; neem tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Azadirachta indica. Note : Hausa
poliisiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: gooji, miliyaahi, tiirootiihi, niimuuhi;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: gooji, miliyaahi, niimuuhi,
of Noun: poliisiije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
commissariat de police; police station. tiirootiihi. Dialects: M.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. Note : français Dialectal ponndecfiiji gese mawɗ
mawɗe expression. mesures
Forms: [Y,G] polisiire. Dialects: J. agraires; agrarian measures. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
polimiyeelitti Noun. poliomyélite; poliomyelitis.
Catégorie : Maladie. Note : français ***: poliyo. ponndirgal Noun. règle (instrument); ruler.
polintikki Noun. politique; politics. Catégorie ponndirgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
: Gouvernement. Note : français Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
politikki emprunt: français. Noun. politique; politics. Noun: ponndirɗi. Noun. carte, plan; map.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

politikki kaɓɓ
ɓɓondiral hakkunde njenndi e ponndol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
njenndi expression. diplomatie; diplomacy. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Le langage et la Noun: ponndi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
pensée. mesure pour mesurer la longueur; measuring
tape or stick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
poliyo emprunt: français. Noun. poliomyélite;
poliomyelitis. Catégorie : Maladie. pontaare Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
synonyms: polimiyeelitti. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
polle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting of Noun: pontaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. grenouille ou crapaud; frog; toad.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. oseille, espèce de
Catégorie : Amphibien. Note : Gourmanche
plante utilisée pour faire du soumbala; sorrel,
a plant used to make "makari" (see follere). ***: faamburu, famru; synonyms: faamburu.

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: G.

pollol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. ponte Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting

Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Designation: 3, at. Noun. testicules; testicles.
Noun: polli. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: guppe;

chanvre; hemp. ***: awraaji, bergaare, synonyms: poorooɗ

poorooɗe. Dialects: M.
barbiwol, bargiwol; compare: awraaji; pontiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: bargiwol
bargiwol, barbiwol, bergaare. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: pontiije. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
pointe, clou; nail. Note : français
pompaade Verb. pomper; pump (to).
synonyms: fontiire, huusaare; ***: huusaare,
pompi Noun. pompe; pump. Note : français fontiire. Dialectal Forms: ponti.
pompi ndiyam Noun. fontaine; fountain; spring. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Eau. poo Noun. poids (instrument); weight (instrument).
pompi teere emprunt: français. Noun. pommes de Catégorie : Mathématique.
terre; potatoes. Catégorie : Nourriture,

16/02/2020 502
poocciingol poowle

poocciingol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. pooli Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. oiseaux,
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of épilepsie, possession démoniaque; birds.
Noun: poocciiɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. n/adj. ***: kaanɗ
kaanɗi, kirikiri; synonyms: kaanɗ
route tout droite; straight road. kirikiri. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: balangol, bedda, buuwaangol,
pooli ladde eggooji expression. avifaune
laawol1, mbedda; ***: guurtol, cuppol, migratrice; migrating birds. Catégorie
balangol, gotol, corfol, coortol, goppol, : Oiseau.
dartiingol, celol, bedda, mbedda, laawol1,
pooraade Noun Form of Infinitive: pooragol.
buuwaangol; synonyms: cuppol, dartiingol.
Participles: sing: pooriiɗo-poorotooɗo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [M] poortiingol.
pooriiɓe-poorotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Dialects: J,Y,G.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
poofaali Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting être paralysé des deux jambes; paralyzed in
Designation: 2, mt, th. Noun. 1 • souffles; both legs; crippled. Catégorie : Maladie.
breaths. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: bonngaade; synonyms: bonngaade.
Dialects: M.
2 • vies; lives. synonyms: poowle.
Dialects: J,Y,M. pooreejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
poofirgel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Noun: pooreeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Noun. personne paralysée de deux jambes,
Noun: poofirkoy. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. paralytique; cripple; paralytic; lame in both
virgule; comma. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
legs. Catégorie : Malade. ***: boyɗ
***: piccitel
piccitel; synonyms: piccal, piccitel.
bonnguujo; compare: boyɗ
boyɗo, woyɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: bonnguujo. Dialects: M.
pooguuhi Plural Form of Noun: pooguuje. Noun. saba poorooɗ
poorooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
senegalensis, liane goïne; saba senegalensis.
Catégorie : Arbres, Herbes, plantes Designation: 3, at. Noun. testicules; testicles.
grimpantes. saba senegalensis. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: guppe, ponte.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
pooguuho Noun. feuille de saba senegalensis (liane
goïne); leaf of Saba tree. Catégorie : Parties pooske Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
d’un végétal ou d’une plante. Designation: 3, wl. Noun. espèce de vipères;
pooguure Plural Form of Noun: pooguuje. Noun. liane vipers (carpet); carpet vipers. Catégorie
goïne (fruit de); fruit of Saba tree. Catégorie : Reptile. Dialects: J,M.
: Nourriture.
pootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pootagol.
poole Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting Participles: sing: pootiiɗo-poototooɗo plur:
Designation: 4, or. Noun. aigles; tawny eagles. pootiiɓe-poototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Catégorie : Oiseau. Aquila rapax. Dialects: J. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
contaminer qqn avec une maladie, infecter
poolel boɓ
boɓi Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: qqn; infect; to give someone a contagious
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural disease or parasite; contaminate. Catégorie
Form of Noun: pooloy boɓi. Sorting : Maladie. ***: raaɓ
raaɓude; synonyms: raaɓ
Designation: 4, or. Noun. Combassou du Dialects: G.
Sénégal; finch (the Senegal indigo). Catégorie
: Oiseau. Vidua chalybeata. ***: tiirigel,
pootiri Noun. repos; rest.
ciiwel; synonyms: tiirigel. Dialects: Y,M. poowle Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
poolel garuuje Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: Designation: 3, mt. Noun. souffles; breath (in a

koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural plural sense). ***: nguurndam, foofude,
Form of Noun: pooloy garuuje. Sorting foofaango, yonki, guurndam, beelu,

Designation: 4, or. Noun. martinet; swift. mbeelu1, poofaali, foontude;

Catégorie : Oiseau. Apus sp. or Chaetura sp.. compare: foofude, foontude, mbeelu1,
***: keleweleeru, silaalayel; nguurndam, ruuhu, yonki;
synonyms: janjannguuru, janjannguuru. synonyms: foofaango. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 503
pooyngol puccu

pooyngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting posti Noun. poste; post. Note : francais
Designation: 2. Noun. aube, aurore; dawn.
postude Verb. envoyer par la poste; send by mail.
Catégorie : Ciel. ***: puɗ
puɗal naange;
synonyms: puɗ
puɗal naange. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. potal1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. accord, paix, entente,
pooƴuɗo qui a maigri; thinner (that got)); lost conciliation, consensus, unanimité;
agreement; peace. synonyms: dewral, jam,
poppeteeki Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. marhabaa, ndeenaagu; ***: paamiral,
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of ndeenaagu, marhabaa, curol, jam, dewral.
Noun: poppeteeɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. espèce de plante; A perennial plant. It
stays green even during the dry season; but is potal2 synonyme: potgol. Noun. égalité; equality.
not very appetizing. Catégorie : Herbes, Catégorie : Mathématique.
plantes grimpantes. Waltheria indica. poto Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très humide,
synonyms: koppeteenga; ***: koppeteenga. trempé, ramolli, mouillé; soggy; moist; wet.
Dialectal Forms: [G] poppeteenga ((n)ga). Nyiiri maa na leppi poto. La bouille de mi (le
Dialects: J. tô) est très ramolli. Your millet porridge is
really soggy. ***: pata, paca; synonyms: paca,
porgitel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
pata. Dialectal Forms: [J] poti. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
Noun: porgitoy. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. potondiral Noun. démocratie; democracy. Catégorie
Noun. gecko; gecko. Catégorie : Reptile. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
***: kerenngeesu, geddal, pallangel danki, synonyms: demokaraasi.
pallabiitel, puragitel; synonyms: geddal, potondiral dow laamu yimɓ
yimɓe expression.
pallabiitel, pallangel danki, puragitel. démocratie consensuelle; consensual
Dialectal Forms: [M] poragitel, poragiteeru democracy. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
(ndu). Dialects: M. Juridique.

porgoroore Noun. teigne; ringworm. Catégorie potondiranke Noun. démocrate; democrat. Catégorie
: Juridique.
: Maladie. synonyms: sadaɓ
sadaɓere, soɓ

porje emprunt: français. Noun. projet; project.

pottoo Noun. poteau; log; post. Note : français
powtiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
porokiireer Faso emprunt: français. expression.
procureur du Faso; prosecutor. Catégorie One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Noun: powtiriiji. Sorting Designation: 3.
adj/adv/n. reste, repos, congé; rest.
porokiireer jeneral emprunt: français. expression.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
procureur général; Attorney General, public
prosecutor. Catégorie : Gouvernement, pubel emprunt: français. Noun. poubelle; waste bin,
Juridique. dustbin, garbage.
poroteyin emprunt: français. Noun. protéine; protein. pucci Noun. équin; horses. Catégorie : Élevage.
Catégorie : Nourriture.
puccu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu/kol plur: ɗi.
porowensi emprunt: français. Noun. province; Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
province, district. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
of Noun: pucci. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
Noun. cheval; horse. Catégorie : Mammifère,
porwensi Noun. province; province. Catégorie Élevage. ***: gu1, molu, tefeewu;
: Gouvernement. Note : français compare: gu2, tefeewu, molu.
poso Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: posooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs, mt.
Noun. poison; poison. Note : français
synonyms: kamiya; ***: posone, kamiya.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

posone emprunt: français. Noun. poison; poison.

synonyms: poso, tooke, kamiya.

16/02/2020 504
puccu naange puppee

puccu naange Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: pul Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très joli, neuf,
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural nouveau, en très bonne condition; new; good
Form of Noun: pucci naange. Sorting condition; nice. Mobel maa na heyɗ heyɗi pul!
Designation: 4, in. Noun. espèce de grosse compare: heyɗ
heyɗude; ***: heyɗ
fourmi noir; a large; active black ant whose Dialects: J,G,M.
abdomen is bent up at a sharp angle from its
thorax. Catégorie : Insecte. pulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: pulagol.
compare: ɗaaloolu, konndollu, mettellu, Participles: sing: puliiɗo-pulotooɗo plur:
nyuunyu; ***: konndollu, mettellu, puliiɓe-pulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
korondollu, ɗaaloolu, nyuunyu. Dialects: J,Y. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se
comporter correctement comme un peul, être
puccun jamndi Noun. vélo, bicyclette; bike; bicycle. discret; to act like a Pullo; to be discreet; for
Catégorie : Voyager. example; you do not name your wife's name;
or your first child's name; or your in-law's
puccuwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. name; you do not eat at your in-laws; etc.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: puccuuje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
grosse poutre sur laquelle on met du bois et du pulaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Noun.
1 • Foulbe ou peul entant qu'ethnie; Fulɓe as
banco pour le toit; beam. synonyms: gaafal;
an ethnic group. Catégorie : Communauté.
***: gaafal, bimmbeere. Dialects: J.
***: semteende, munyal, senteende,
puddi1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number reentaare, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, hakkillo, fulɗ
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: puddiiji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 2 • l'essentiel qui fait un comportement peul;
espèce d'arbuste; A small tree of the the essence or comportment of being a Pullo;
Savannah-Sahelian zone. Catégorie which in its ideal state consists of patience and
: Buissons, arbustes. Bosica angustifolia. fortitude ("munyal"); wisdom ("hakkillo");
***: lalle, fuuɗ
fuuɗude, ngigili, fuuɗ
fuuɗaade, lelle
lelle, and modesty and reserve ("semteende").
njigili; compare: ngigili, njigili. Dialects: J,Y. compare: fulɗ
fulɗude, hakkillo, munyal,
semteende. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
puddi2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. espèce de poudre de Pullo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
plante (Boscia angustifolia) utilisé pour One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
noircir les mains ou les pieds, henné; henna. Noun: Fulɓe. Sorting Designation: 1, cp. Noun.
synonyms: lalle, lelle; compare: fuuɗ
fuuɗaade. fulani, peul; Fulani. Catégorie : Communauté.
Dialects: J,Y. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
puɗal naange Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. lever du pulumpuuguuhi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur:
soleil; sunrise; sunup. Catégorie : Ciel. ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural
synonyms: pooyngol; ***: pooyngol. Dialectal Form of Noun: pulumpuuguuje. Sorting
Forms: [G] puɗol naange. Dialects: J,Y,M. Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A
puɗdi Plural Form of Noun: puɗdiiji. common shrub of the savannah and Sahel.
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Calotropis
synonyme: kural-fuɗgo. Noun. bulbe; bulb.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une procera. Note : mooré synonyms: mbamambi;
plante. ***: mbamambi. Dialects: Y,G,M.

ɗɗal Noun. début; beginning, start. ***: fuɗɗ
ɗɗoode1. pummaari Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
ɗɗal ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe Noun. fructification; fruit formation,
yield. Catégorie : Agriculture. of Noun: pummaariiji. Sorting Designation: 1.
Noun. petit déjeuner; breakfast. Catégorie
ɗɗe reedu Noun. fécondation; impregnation. : Nourriture. compare: hiraande, mbottaari;
Catégorie : Élevage. synonyms: hekugol, ***: mbottaari, hiraande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
reedugol, haamilgol.
puncitinnde Verb. révéler; reveal. Dialectal
ɗɗirka Noun. préface; foreword. Catégorie Forms: funcitinde.
: Lecture / écriture.
puppee Noun. poupée; doll. Note : français
ɗɗitan lekkol Noun. rentrée scolaire; beginning
of school after vacation. Catégorie
: Apprendre.

16/02/2020 505
puraade puuɗel

puraade Noun Form of Infinitive: puragol. purƴ

purƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: purƴagol.
Participles: sing: puriiɗo-purotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: purƴiiɗo-purƴatooɗo plur:
puriiɓe-purotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. purƴiiɓe-purƴatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. préparer Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
une sauce; to make sauce. Note : Gourmanche 1 • asperger de l'eau de la bouche (pour
***: hamude; compare: hoy, maafe, somay, mouiller la paille lorsqu'on tresse une natte);
takay; synonyms: hamude. Dialects: G.
to spray water out of your mouth. This is the
term used to describe how a woman wets her
puragitel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur: koy. grass when weaving a mat when she uses her
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of mouth as an atomizer. ***: tuɓtuɓtude,
Noun: puragitoy. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. puusaade, fuufude, tuutude;
Noun. gecko; gecko. Catégorie : Reptile. synonyms: fuufude, puusaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: kerenngeesu, geddal, porgitel, 2 • faire un bruit avec les lèvres pour montrer
pallangel danki, pallabiitel; le mécontentement; to make a noise by
synonyms: geddal, pallabiitel, pallangel vibrating your lips and expelling air when
danki, porgitel. Dialects: G. something displeases you. compare: tuɓtuɓtude,
tuutude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pureegaawa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur:
ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural puske Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Form of Noun: pureegaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. abcès au pied;
abscesses on the bottom of a foot/feet.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. la panse et réticulum;
rumen and reticulum. Catégorie : Parties d’un Dialects: J,M.
animal. ***: waynaare, reedu, durdude
durdude2, putaral Noun. proverbes; proverbs. Catégorie : Le
pureegayel durooɓ
durooɓe, cuurel nyaaki; langage et la pensée. synonyms: banndi.
compare: waynaare, loowturu, pureegayel
putte Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
durooɓe, teketti; synonyms: reedu. Dialectal
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. boutons, ampoules,
Forms: [M] pureegaaru. Dialects: M.
éruptions au niveau de la peau; pimples.
pureegayel durooɓ
durooɓe Noun Class Markers: sing: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngel plur: koy. Plural Form of puttu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗe.
Noun: pureegahoy durooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
Designation: 3, at. Noun. troisième estomac du
of Noun: putte. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ruminant; omasum-the third stomach of a pet, flatulence; flatulence; fart.
ruminant. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtere, futtere, fuytere, puytere,
***: pureegaawa, durdude2, cuurel nyaaki,
suytere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
reedu, waynaare; synonyms: cuurel nyaaki,
durdude2, waynaare
waynaare; compare: reedu, puttude Noun Form of Infinitive: puttugol.
loowturu, pureegaawa. Dialects: M. Participles: sing: puttuɗo-puttoowo plur:
puttuɓe-puttooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
purol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter;
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
pass gas; fart. synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtude, futtude,
Noun: puri. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
problème d'une histoire, problème (calcul), fuusude, fuytude, riiɗ
riiɗude, suytude;
***: fuusude, suytude, fuytude, riiɗ
énoncé; algebra problem. Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗyiɗi hokkude
fuɗtude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ma purol de piirtaa ngol. Je te donne un
problème d'une histoire pour que tu puisses y puuɗ
puuɗel Noun Class Markers: plur: o. Sorting
réfléchir. I want to give you a story problem
Designation: da, 3. Noun. pleuropneumonie
for you to figure out. compare: furaade; bovine contagieuse; contagious bovine
***: piirtol, furaade. Dialects: J,Y,G. pleuropneumonia. Catégorie : Maladie
puru Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting d'animaux. synonyms: becce1, buuse;
***: becce1, ladde, ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, buuse, wilsere,
Designation: 4. Noun. poussière; dust.
sigiire2. Dialects: G.
***: kusaw, furɗ
furɗude, sollaare, bolonngu,
colla; compare: cuddi, furɗ
furɗude, njaareendi;
synonyms: bolonngu, colla, kusaw, sollaare.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 506
puufi raaɓude

puufi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting puuyɗ

puuyɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Designation: 4. Noun. intimidation; Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
intimidation. ***: gidi, rigisi; synonyms: gidi, Noun: fuuyɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
rigisi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. quelqu'un qui agit bêtement / irréfléchi; one
who acts foolish. compare: fuuytinkinaade,
puufirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe.
suubinkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Noun: puufirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. puuyndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
mugissements, beuglements; bellows. Designation: 3, th. Noun. folie, bêtise,
***: jugorgal, biwrugal, zuguduuru; impudence; shamelessness; foolishness; folly.
synonyms: bifirgal, biwrugal, jugorgal, compare: fuuyude; ***: fuuyre, cuubu,
zuguduuru. Dialects: G. safiyaaku, fuuyude; synonyms: cuubu,
fuuyre, safiyaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
puukooɗe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. goitres; goiters. puytere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: yokkoode. Dialects: G. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: puyte. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
puumtugol Noun. prononciation; pronunciation. Noun. flatulence, pet, gaz; gas; flatulence; fart.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: wi'ugol, ***: futtere, fuɗ
fuɗtere, puttu, fuytere,
gowlugol. suytere; synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtere, futtere, fuytere,
puundi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting suytere. Dialects: J.
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • pourriture; decay. puƴ
puƴe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
***: fuunude, ufaango, piisum, guudo. Designation: 3, dh. Noun. 1 • rougeole, boutons,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. furoncles; pimples; rubeola; measles.
2 • rouille; rust. synonyms: piisum. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: nduuyoohoy,
Dialects: J,G. duuyooje, fuyre, biige, cewɗ
cewɗe, gooniije;
3 • moisissure; mold; fungus. synonyms: biige, cewɗ
cewɗe, duuyooje, gooniije,
compare: fuunude; synonyms: guudo. nduuyoohoy. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • vésicules; pimples; vesicles.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
puusaade Noun Form of Infinitive: purƴagol.
Participles: sing: purƴiiɗo-purƴatooɗo plur: puƴ
puƴel Noun. sommet; top. Catégorie : Mathématique.
purƴiiɓe-purƴatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: rommet, rommaaki.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. asperger
de l'eau de la bouche (pour mouiller la paille
lorsqu'on tresse une natte); to spray water out
of your mouth. This is the term used to
describe how a woman wets her grass when
weaving a mat when she uses her mouth as an
atomizer. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, purƴ
purƴaade, fuufude,
tuutude; synonyms: fuufude, purƴpurƴaade;
compare: tuɓ
tuɓtude, tuutude. Dialects: Y,G,M.

R - r

raaɓaa Noun. infestation; infestation. ko raaɓ
raaɓaa raaɓ
raaɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: raaɓugol.
Catégorie : Maladie. Participles: sing: daaɓuɗo-daaɓoowo plur:
raaɓondirgol Noun. contamination; contamination. raaɓuɓe-raaɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: raaɓ
raaɓugol. mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. contaminer
qqn avec une maladie ou un parasite, infecter;
infect; contaminate. synonyms: pootaade;
***: pootaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 507
raaɓugol rafeede

raaɓugol Noun. contamination, contagion, infection, raɓɓ
ɓɓiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: raɓɓiɗingol.
transmission; contamination. Catégorie Participles: sing: daɓɓiɗinɗo plur:
: Maladie. ***: raaɓ
raaɓondirgol. raɓɓiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Raajibimawndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. le septième mois Progressive: st - na raɓɓiɗi. Verb. être court de
de l'année lunaire; seventh month of the lunar taille, petit; short in stature. a series of
adjectives is formed from the verb's root:
year. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Group I ɓe/raɓɓuɓe, ko1/raɓɓo, nde/raɓɓere,
raande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ndu/raɓɓuru, nge/raɓɓe, ngo/raɓɓo Group II
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ɗe/daɓɓe, ɗi/daɓɓi, ɗum/daɓɓum, kal/daɓɓal,
kol/daɓɓol, ngal/daɓɓal, ngel/daɓɓel,
of Noun: daaɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
ngol/daɓɓol, o/daɓɓo Group III
Noun. 1 • corde utilisée pour attacher le veau à
ɗam/ndaɓɓam, ka/ndaɓɓa, ki/ndaɓɓi,
sa mère; the rope used to tie a calf to its
ko2/ndaɓɓo, koy/ndaɓɓoy, ndi/ndaɓɓiri,
mother. ***: labuure, teppol, ɓoggol, nga/ndaɓɓa, ngi/ndaɓɓi, ngu/ndaɓɓu.
tonngorgol, daɗdaɗorgol, tonngoode1. synonyms: guddiɗ
guddiɗinde; ***: lokkiɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. guddiɗ
guddiɗinde, daɓɓdaɓɓo
ɓɓo; compare: daɓɓ
2 • corde; rope. Dialects: Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • courte corde pour attacher des animaux; a
short rope that can be used to fasten a calf or
inɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: raɓɓinɗingol.
sheep or goats. synonyms: ɓoggol, daɗ Participles: sing:
labuure, tonngoode1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. daɓɓinɗinɗo-daɓɓinɗinoowo plur:
raɓɓinɗinɓe-raɓɓinɗinooɓe. Sorting
raaynde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
of Noun: daayɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, da. na raɓɓinɗina. Verb. raccourcir qqch,
Noun. enflure de la mâchoire d'un bœuf; abréger; shorten something. Dialectal
swelling of a cow's jaw. Catégorie : Maladie
Forms: raɓɓindinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'animaux. ***: seyre, yeende, heende;
synonyms: heende, seyre, yeende. Dialects: Y. raɓɓ
inɗinnde Verb. abréger, raccourcir, résumer;
summarize; shorten; cut short. Dialectal
rabilla Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Forms: raɓɓinɗinde.
Designation: 3, ct. Noun. levure; yeast. Note :
mooré ***: ndakowandiire, dorobi;
ɓɓuɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. gens courts de taille,
synonyms: dorobi, ndakowandiire. Dialectal
petits gens; short people (see daɓɓo).
Forms: [M] rabille. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓɓiɗannde Noun. abréviation; abbreviation.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
raɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: raɗagol.
synonyms: coortaaɗ Participles: sing: daɗiiɗo-daɗotooɗo plur:
coortaaɗum; ***: coortaaɗ
raɗiiɓe-raɗotooɗo. Sorting Designation: 3,
ɓɓiɗi adj. court; short. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • attacher le
veau à la vache pour traire la vache; attach the
calf to the cow. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • frapper qqn ou qqch; hit someone or
something. synonyms: fiyude. Dialects: M.
rafeede Noun Form of Infinitive: rafegol.
Participles: sing: dafaaɗo-dafeteeɗo plur:
rafaaɓe-rafeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir faim;
hungry. synonyms: yolbude, weeleede;
***: weeleede, yolbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 508
rafi rannyere

rafi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting rafi yarraade expression. intolérance; intolerance.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. manque de, échec; Catégorie : Juridique, Le langage et la
lack of or a failure of/to. rafi cellal le manque
de santé (ce qui veut dire qu'on est malade). rafo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
lack of health (i.e. illness, sickness, disease).
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
rafi hakkillo manque d'intelligence,
Noun: rafooji. Noun. 1 • faim; hunger.
ignorance. a lack of intelligence, ignorance.
synonyms: yolbere; ***: weelo, yoolbere.
rafi hollude oubli de montrer qqch à qqn. a
failure to show someone something, to forget Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

to show them. rafi yiitude incapacité de voir 2 • famine; famine. synonyms: weelo.
qqch qu'on doit faire. a failure to see, a failure Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
to see something that needs to be done.
raggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: raggegol.
compare: nyawu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: daggiiɗo-daggotooɗo
rafi ɓii-
ii-leydiyankaaku Noun. apatride; stateless plur: daggiiɓe-daggotooɓe. Sorting
person. Catégorie : Juridique.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
rafi ɓurdinal Noun. équité; equity. Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • donner un coup de poing à la tête;
rafi dawrugol expression. indécision; indecision, punch someone in the head.
indecisiveness. Catégorie : Juridique.
synonyms: reggaade; ***: reggaade.
rafi heɓ
heɓude laamu aranan expression. Dialects: J.
ballottage; elections. Catégorie : Juridique. 2 • frapper qqn; hit someone anywhere.
rafi hiiseede expression. exclusion sociale; social Dialects: M.
exclusion, social marginalisation. Catégorie
rammuccere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
: Juridique.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
rafi hooraaku leydi expression. vacance de la Form of Noun: dammucce. Sorting
présidence; vacancy in the presidency.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. mouton ou chèvre;
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
goat; sheep. Catégorie : Mammifère. ***: be'a,
rafi jannde Noun. analphabétisme; illiteracy. mbaalu, dammuccere, dammuhol, danndi2,
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: rafi mbeewa; synonyms: dammuccere,
janngugol. dammuhol, mbeewa, mbaalu. Dialects: M.
rafi janngugol Noun. analphabétisme; illiteracy. raneeɓ
raneeɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Apprendre. ***: rafi jannde. Designation: 2. Noun. personne avec teint
rafi jukkeede expression. impunité; impunity. claire, peul; Fulɓe; light skinned people.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

rafi rewude
rewude sariya expression. illégalité; illegality, rannyere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
unlawfulness, lawlessness. Catégorie Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce d'herbe;
: Gouvernement, Juridique. This perennial grass can commonly be found
in large areas in flood plains. It makes a good
rafi senndiiru expression. impartial; impartial, forage plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
unbiased, objective. Catégorie : Juridique. grimpantes. Andropogon gayanus.
rafi senndugol expression. impartialité; impartiality, ***: selselnde, nyantaare, sooɓ
sooɓo, yantaare,
fairness, neutrality, objectivity . Catégorie lannyere; synonyms: sooɓ
sooɓo, selselnde.
: Juridique. Dialects: Y,G,M.
rafi tabintinde expression. invalider; invalidate. 2 • espèce d'herbe; kind of grass. Catégorie
Catégorie : Juridique. : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Hyparrhenia
smithiana. Dialects: G,M.
rafi tabintingol Noun. invalidité; invalidity, not
3 • à Sebba ce mot désigne des espèces d'herbe
valid. Catégorie : Juridique.
qui poussent en touffes; In Sebba it refers to a
rafi waylagol Noun. monotonie; monotony, boring. bunch of grass for grasses such as the
Andropogon sp. which grow in a bunch.
rafi wottaade synonyme: salaade suɓaade. Verb.
synonyms: lannyere; compare: nyantaare.
abstenir; abstain, refrain.
Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 509
ratoo rawnitinde

ratoo Noun. râteau; rake. Catégorie : Outil. Note : rawanin Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
français Designation: 2. n/adv. l'an passé, l'année
rawaandaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting passée; last year. ***: rowanin;
Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • effronterie, insolence, synonyms: rowanin. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
impertinence, manque de respect, impolitesse,
rawninde Noun Form of Infinitive: rawningol.
in-hospitalité; brashness; inhospitality;
Participles: sing: dawninɗo-dawninoowo
disrespect; rudeness; impoliteness. Accir min
plur: rawninɓe-rawninooɓe. Sorting
rawaandaaku maa ngu. Épargne-nous de ton
impolitesse. Spare us your rudeness. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
***: boronndi, joote, neetaraaku, Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. teindre en blanc; dye white.
nanaraaku, mboronndi, bonde neɗɗ neɗɗaaku
***: ɓawlinde, boolude, noonude,
ndeereeraaku, habisaare, haanɗ
boodude, wojjinde, suuwude, oolɗ
worolde, haahaa, habisere, lammere;
synonyms: noonude; compare: ɓawlinde,
synonyms: bonde neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, lammere,
boodude, oolɗ
oolɗinde, wojjinde.
naalaaku, nanaraaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • gloutonnerie; gluttony. synonyms: haahaa,
haanɗere, habisaare, ndeereeraaku. rawnitinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Dialects: J. Na rawniti describes the way something is,
its state. Na rawnita can also describe
rawaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
the way something is as if to say this thing
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
is moving toward being white or it has
of Noun: dawaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
white tendancies, even if its color is stable
Noun. 1 • lion; lion. Catégorie : Mammifère.
and unalterable. Na rawnita can also
synonyms: ɓii ladde, laddeeru, muusuuru
mean that it is something which can
ladde1, rawaandu ladde; ***: rawaandu
become white, such as a piece of fabric if
ladde, ɓoosaaru, laddeeru, ɓii ladde,
bleached.. Noun Form of
muusuuru ladde2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Infinitive: rawnitingol. Participles: sing:
2 • chien; dog. Catégorie : Mammifère.
dawnitinɗo (state or past
synonyms: ɓoosaaru; ***: kabaaru2.
condition)-dawnitoowo (becoming) plur:
Dialects: J,G,M.
rawnitinɓe-rawnitooɓe. Sorting
rawaandu ladde Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
Plural Form of Noun: dawaaɗi ladde. Sorting Progressive: st/prg. Verb. beige, kaki, fauve;
Designation: 3, wl. Noun. lion; lion. Catégorie khaki; to be beige; tan. Catégorie : Couleur.
: Mammifère. Panthera leo massaicus. synonyms: sayɗ
sayɗude; ***: sayɗ
***: rawaandu, mawnga-
mawnga-ladde, laddeeru, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓii ladde; synonyms: ɓii ladde, laddeeru,
muusuuru ladde1, rawaandu.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

rawaandu rewru Noun. chienne; female dog.

Catégorie : Élevage.

rawaanduure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:

ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
Form of Noun: rawaanduuje. Sorting
Designation: 3, at. Noun. canine (dent); canine
tooth. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: gaggitere,
sakkitirde, yareere, nyiinde, gawuure
hooreere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ, musinirde;
synonyms: sakkitirde, yareere;
compare: nyiinde, musinirde, hooreere,
gaggitere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 510
rawnude reedude
2 • être mal-nourri, maigrir; waste away
rawnude Noun Form of Infinitive: rawnugol.
(flesh); malnourished. synonyms: hantaade.
Participles: sing: dawnuɗo (state or past
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
condition)-dawnoowo (becoming) plur:
3 • lorsque l'eau s'est évaporé, tari; dried up
rawnuɓe-rawnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
(water). compare: holude, horsude1;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
synonyms: ɓeeɓ
eeɓude, horsude1.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. adj/v. être de
couleur claire blanchâtre, blanc, blanche, peut Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
désigner un peul de teint claire; white (to be Rebeka Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Rebecca,
the color). Note:the various adjectives for the épouse d'Isaac; Rebekah-wife of Isaac. Note :
noun classes are formed from the infinitive -
hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Group I ɓe/raneeɓe, ko1/raneeh, nde/raneere,
ndu/raneeru, nge/raneewe, ngo/raneewo reedu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Group II ɗe/daneeje, ɗi/daneeji, Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
ɗum/danejum, kal/danehal, kol/danehal,
of Noun: [J,M] deedi, [Y,G] deeɗi. Sorting
ngal/danewal, ngel/danewel or daneyel,
ngol/danewol, o/daneejo Group III Designation: 1, at, mt. Noun. 1 • ventre, partie
ɗam/ndanejam, ka/ndaneeha, ki/ndaneehi, supérieure de l'abdomen; belly; upper
ko2/ndaneeho, koy/ndanehoy, ndi/ndaneeri, abdomen. Catégorie : Le corps.
nga/ndaneewa, ngi/ndaneewi, ngu/ndaneewu. ***: waynaare, pureegaawa, durdude2,
***: daneejo, farr, tarr; compare: farr, tarr. teketti, tetekki, pureegayel durooɓ
durooɓe, cuurel
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyaaki, loowturu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • estomac; stomach. Catégorie : Le corps.
rawtanin Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. n/adv. il y a deux ans; two years
3 • rumen et réticulum; rumen and reticulum.
ago. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
raygooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. synonyms: pureegaawa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form 4 • avoir faim; "reedu taƴi" is an expression
of Noun: raygooji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. meaning; to be hungry. synonyms: yolbude.
Noun. rat géant, rat de Gambie; rat (giant Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Gambian); giant Gambian rat. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Cricetomys gambianus. Note : 5 • grossesse; pregnancy. synonyms: caarol,

mooré ***: gusuuru, saayogooru, soliiru, cartol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

6 • avoir la diarrhée; diarrhea (to have).
doomaaru; synonyms: gusuuru
gusuuru, saayogooru;
Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: doomburu. Dialectal Forms: [M]
7 • plaie d'estomac; sore stomach.
rayuugooru. Dialects: M.
compare: waynaare, loowturu, pureegayel
raytude Noun Form of Infinitive: raytugol. durooɓ
durooɓe, teketti. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: daytuɗo-daytoowo plur:
reedu aare Noun. dysenterie; dysentery.
raytuɓe-raytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
***: tabanoosonnde.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir des reedu eemturu Noun. dysenterie; dysentery.
hallucinations quand on est malade, être pris Catégorie : Maladie. ***: tabanoosonnde.
de délire; hallucinate when ill; delirious.
Catégorie : Maladie. compare: haaŋ
reedu ŋatooru Noun. coliques; colic. Catégorie
nyawude, sulaade; ***: sulaade, saytaade, : Maladie. synonyms: ŋatooru, huɓɓ
haaŋeede, nyawude; synonyms: saytaade
saytaade. reedude Noun Form of Infinitive: reedugol.
Dialects: J,M. Participles: sing: deeduɗo-deedoowo plur:
re'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: re'ugol. reeduɓe-reedooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,

Participles: sing: de'uɗo-de'oowo plur: mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
re'uɓe-re'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or enceinte; pregnant. synonyms: dunyude,
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être fini, usé, abîmé, haamilude, saawude; ***: tummbude2,
vétuste; finished; used up. ***: horsude1, haamilude, kaamilude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
eeɓude, hantaade, holude, horsude1;
synonyms: hantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 511
reedugol reenugol hoorem

reedugol synonyme: duñugol, saawugol, finnugol, reentaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
hekugol . Noun. fécondation; impregnation, Designation: 4. Noun. prudence, sensibilité,
pollination. ***: puɗɗ
ɗɗe reedu; sagesse; prudence; wisdom; sensibility. A yi'ii
synonyms: haamilgol. reentaare
reentaare na nafa naa? Vois-tu que la
prudence / sagesse est utile? Do you see that
reenaade Noun Form of Infinitive: reenagol.
prudence/wisdom is helpful? Kanko won jom
Participles: sing: deeniiɗo-deenotooɗo plur:
reentaare sabo o deƴƴ
ƴƴineke yeeso
reeniiɓe-reenotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
waawu ɓe o. Il a de la sagesse car il s'est tenu
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb tranquille en présence des gens plus puissants
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être que lui-même. He has sense because he was
protégé, être sain et sauf, être en sécurité; silent before those more powerful than he.
protected; safe and secure. ***: mooɓ
mooɓaade; synonyms: hakkillo, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, pulaaku.
synonyms: mooɓ
mooɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
reenndiyankaaku Noun. socialisme; socialism. reentiiɗ
reentiiɗo Noun. qui est prudent; cautious; careful.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
reentinde Noun Form of Infinitive: reentingol.
reentaade Noun Form of Infinitive: reentagol. Participles: sing: reentinɗo-reentinoowo
Participles: sing: deentiiɗo-deentotooɗo plur: reentinɓe-reentinooɓe. Sorting
plur: reentiiɓe-reentotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Verb. 1 • rassembler, cueillir, ramasser,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • prendre bien soin recueillir; gather; collect. Reentin gi'e ɗe e
de soi-même, être prudent; take good care of nokkuure wootere de mbulaa ɗe. Gather the
oneself; careful. Reenta e laawol manngol thorns in one place and then burn them.
ngol sabo mobilaaji na keewi. Sois prudent ***: suɓ
suɓude, hawritinde, higgude,
sur la grande route car il y a beaucoup de hawrondirde; synonyms: hawrondirde,
circulation. Be careful on the big road because
suɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
there is a lot of traffic. ***: haɓ
2 • se rallier, rassembler, regrouper; round up;
nanngitaade, nantaade, haybude, dartaade,
rally. Ndeentinon kulle mon mon fuu ley
hakkilde, nantaade, nanngitaade, marude,
kokuwol. Regroupe tous tes animaux dans
durtaade; synonyms: hakkilde, haybude. l'enclos. Round up all your animals into the
Dialects: J,G,M. park. Dialects: J,Y,G.
2 • résister le mal, être discipliné, avoir la
maîtrise de soi; self controlled; resist evil; reenude Noun Form of Infinitive: reenugol.
disciplined. reenta get a grip on yourself; Participles: sing: deenuɗo-deenoowo plur:
Mumini na reentii sabo o yaadataa e reenuɓe-reenooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
jaasu ɓe. Moumouni résiste le mal car il n'est Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
pas en contact avec des mauvais types. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. garder ou
Mumini resists evil because he doesn't hang protéger, bien garder, sécuriser; secure (to
out with worthless people. make); protect; guard. ***: doomude,
synonyms: dartaade, nantaade. Dialectal hawjaade, mooɓ
mooɓude; synonyms: doomude,
Forms: some pronounce this as: rentaade. mooɓ
mooɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,G,M.
reenugol hoorem Noun. auto-défense;
self-defence. Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 512
reereeɗinde regitaango

reereeɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: reereeɗingol. regaade Noun Form of Infinitive: regagol.
Participles: sing: deereeɗinɗo plur: Participles: sing: degiiɗo-degotooɗo plur:
reereeɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb regiiɓe-regotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Progressive: st - imo reereeɗi. Verb. être Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • descendre,
glouton, gloutonne; gluttonous. aller en bas; climb down. ***: jippaade,
***: habiseede, deerorɗ
deerorɗinde, himmeede, juurude, juurdude2; synonyms: jippaade.
eelude, haanɗ
haanɗude, guugeede, jooteede; Dialects: J,M.
synonyms: haanɗ
haanɗude, habiseede; 2 • entrer dans l'eau; enter the water. Si na'i
compare: eelude, himmeede, jooteede. ndegeke iɗ iɗi njara, iɗ
iɗi peƴƴ
ƴƴita. Quand les
Dialects: M. bœufs viennent, ils vont boire et puis traverser
reetugol Noun. évaporation; evaporation, drying up. l'eau. If the cows come they will drink and
then cross over. synonyms: juurdude2.
Catégorie : Eau. synonyms: ɓeeɓ
eeɓugol, caayol;
Dialects: Y,M.
***: suurtugol.

reewnude Noun Form of Infinitive: reewnugol. reggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: reggegol.
Participles: sing: deggiiɗo-deggotooɗo
Participles: sing: deewnuɗo-deewnoowo
plur: deggiiɓe-deggotooɓe. Sorting
plur: reewnuɓe-reewnooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. donner un coup de poing à la tête; punch
Verb. 1 • frapper qqn; hit someone.
someone in the head. ***: raggaade;
***: fiyude, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, waannude,
synonyms: raggaade. Dialects: G.
muppude, tappude, teɓɓ
ɓɓude, nyirfude,
lukkaade, fiide, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade; synonyms: fiide, reggondir-
reggondir-a Verb. aligner, classer (en ordre); align,
fiyude, guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, muppude, rank (in order). Catégorie : Mathématique.
nyirfude, tappude, teɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G. reggude Noun Form of Infinitive: reggugol. Sorting
2 • détruire les possessions de qqn; destroy Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
someone's possessions. synonyms: waannude. Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y. Verb. 1 • rouler (ex. bicyclette); roll. Jooɗ
reewude Noun Form of Infinitive: reewugol. ngal waɗ
waɗanaama taare faa ina regga.regga. La
Participles: sing: deewuɗo-deewoowo plur:
chaise était pourvue des roulettes ainsi elle
peut rouler. That chair has been outfitted with
reewuɓe-reewooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
wheels so it can roll. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
2 • couler (comme l'eau); flow. Huncu sekko
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir un
problème; problem (to have a). ***: hatude, ngo sabo ndiyam na regga faa sora ɗum.
Soulève cette natte car l'eau va couler
weeyude, yonngaade, yowaade, naaddude, au-dessous. Lift that mat because the water is
ɗɗaade, waaldude, rippude, loɓɓ
ɓɓude, going to run under it. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
naatidinde, fukkodaade, naandude,
bilaade; synonyms: loɓɓ
ɓɓude, weeyude.
regitaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • lorsqu'un homme introduit son pénis dans Noun: degitaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
une femme, avoir des relations sexuelles pente, inclinaison, flanc de colline ou
(humains); when a man inserts his penis in a montagne, descente; slope; descent of a hill or
woman; to have sex (human only). a mountain. Nagge makko boɓɓ boɓɓeke
ɓɓeke e
synonyms: fukkodaade, hoowude, hatude, regitaango waamnde nde de nge heli
naaddude, naandude, naatidinde, rentude, daande. Son bœuf est tombé dans la pente de
waaldude, yowaade. Dialects: J,G. la montagne et s'est brisé le cou. His cow fell
on the slope of that mountain and broke its
neck. Catégorie : Terre. ***: wudditoroonde,
jippitorde, dellitorde, juunnitorde,
tellitorde; synonyms: dellitorde, jippitorde,
juunnitorde, tellitorde, wudditoroonde.
Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 513
rego resem

rego Noun. descente; descent. remugol huɗ

huɗo mare expression. culture
fourragère; agriculture based on fodder.
regorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Catégorie : Agriculture.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: degorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
rendere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Noun. le point d'accès d'un lac ou d'un étendu Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
d'eau; access point to a lake or to water. of Noun: dene. Sorting Designation: 2, cs, pl.
Catégorie : Eau. ***: juurdude1; Noun. espèce de pastèque, melon d'eau;
synonyms: juurdude2. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
watermelon. Citrullus lanatus.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
regude Noun Form of Infinitive: regugol.
Participles: sing: deguɗo-degoowo plur:
renndere Noun. courge, melon; pumpkin; squash.
Catégorie : Nourriture.
reguɓe-regoowo. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or rennude Noun Form of Infinitive: rennugol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • trembler (de peur), Participles: sing: dennuɗo-dennoowo plur:
secouer, agiter, ébranler; tremble; shake with rennuɓe-rennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
fear. synonyms: diwnude, yergaade. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Dialects: M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • baisser,
2 • grelotter (lorsqu'on a froid); shiver when abaisser, descendre, faire descendre; bring
cold. synonyms: diwnude, yergaade, down; lower. ***: yowtude, huurtude,
sinnyude. Dialects: M. ɓantude, dentude, jippinde, jippinde,
dettude; synonyms: yowtude, dentude,
remeede Noun Form of Infinitive: remegol. Sorting
dettude, jippinde. Dialects: J.
Designation: 2, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • baisser un bras; let an arm down.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: jippinde. Dialects: J.
Verb. être cultivé; cultivated. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • féconder, avoir des relations sexuelles; sex
remitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: remitagol. (to have); impregnate. compare: ɓantude,
Participles: sing: demitiiɗo-demitotooɗo huncude. Dialects: M.
plur: remitiiɓe-remitotooɓe. Sorting
rentude Noun Form of Infinitive: reentugol.
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: dentuɗo-dentoowo plur:
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
rentuɓe-rentooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Verb. cultiver, sarcler ou enlever les mauvaises
herbes pour la deuxième fois, désherber la Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
deuxième fois, biner; weed a second time; hoe; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir des
cultivate. Catégorie : Agriculture. relations sexuelles (humains); sexual
synonyms: dodaade, roosaade; intercourse with (human). ***: hatude,
***: maytaade, dodaade; compare: hiinko, reewude, yowaade, naaddude, waɗɗ waɗɗaade
joobu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. waaldude, yiitude, hoowude, naatidinde,
fukkodaade, naandude;
remude Noun Form of Infinitive: remugol.
synonyms: fukkodaade, hatude, hoowude,
Participles: sing: demuɗo-demoowo plur:
naatidinde, waaldude, yiitude, yowaade.
remuɗo-remooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
Dialects: J.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cultiver, resaa archives; archives. ko resaa Catégorie
sarcler, désherber; weed; hoe; cultivate. : Juridique. synonyms: desirɗ
desirɗe dewte
Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: dodaade, binndaaɗ
doditaade, dodow, hiinko, demilal;
resem Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très froid; cold.
synonyms: bugaade, ŋoosude;
synonyms: nigi, mati, yerem; ***: yerem, nigi,
***: doditaade, ŋoosude, demilal,
mati; compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude.
maytitaade, dodow, bugaade, maytaade,
Dialects: G,M.
mayto, dodaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

remugol synonyme: maytagol, remugol hikko. Noun.

labour, sarclage; ploughing, plowing, hoeing.
Catégorie : Agriculture.

16/02/2020 514
resirde rewingol njahaki hakkunde innde e sifa

resirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. rewɗ

rewɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: rewɗugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: dewɗuɗo-dewɗoowo plur:
of Noun: desirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. rewɗuɓe-rewɗoowo. Sorting Designation: 4.
quelque chose pour ranger ou stocker des Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se
choses (ex. abri, placard, tiroir, caisse, boite), soumettre, subir, céder à, se laisser faire,
cachette; hiding-place. ***: reyrude; devenir comme une femme; submit. Joonin ka
synonyms: reyrude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. puccu ngu rewɗ
rewɗii faa wooɗ
wooɗi, na jaɓ
resude Noun Form of Infinitive: resugol. waɗɗ
wa ɗɗeede.
ɗɗeede. maintenant le cheval est
apprivoisé, il accepte qu'on monte sur lui.
Participles: sing: desuɗo-desoowo plur:
Now the horse is well broken, it permits itself
resuɓe-resooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
to be mounted. Nagge nge rewɗ rewɗii, inge jaɓ
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
ɓireede. Le bœuf se laisse tuer. The cow
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • conserver, garder,
submits to being milked. Arande iɓ iɓe kaɓ
kaɓa de
mettre de côté (ex. de l'argent à la banque),
mettre en sécurité; store; save - to save money joonin kaa deekiiko rewɗrewɗii. Avant ils se
bagarraient, mais maintenant la femme se
in a bank. ***: waɗ
waɗtande, tifude, tilude2,
soumette. Before they fought but now his wife
ƴolude, mooɓ
mooɓude, naaddude, waɗ waɗtude,
has submitted. Arande ɓe kaɓ kaɓii de joonin ka
naandude, wattande, naatidinde, wattude1,
goriiko rewɗ
rewɗii. Avant ils se bagarraient, mais
telude, mooɓ
mooɓude, hornude. maintenant le mari s'est soumis. Before they
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fought but now her husband has submitted.;
2 • mettre de côté, ranger, garder, conserver, Note: a series of adjectives denoting
stocker; put away; keep. synonyms: fukkinde, femininity are formed from this verb for the
wattude1, wattande, mooɓ
appropriate noun classes: Group I ɓe/rewɓe,
nde/rewre, ndu/rewru, nge/rewre Group II
compare: telude, ƴolude, hornude. ɗe/dewe, ɗi/debbi, ɗum/dewum, kol/dewol,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ngal/dewal, ngel/dewel, ngol/dewol, o/debbo
Group III ki/ndewi, ko2/ndewo, koy/ndewoy,
resude-haala expression. classement sans suite;
ndi/ndewri, nga/ndewa, ngi/ndewi, ngu/ndewu
close a case with no further action, cases are
Note that the adjectives for the ɗi and o noun
dropped. Catégorie : Juridique.
classes are irregular; e.g. na'i debbi, Pullo
resugol Noun. stockage; storing, stocking, storage. debbo. synonyms: leeƴ
rewan synonyme: ko minnyata. Noun. conséquence; compare: rewuɓ
rewuɓe; ***: leeƴ
consequence. leyƴ
leyƴinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

rewannde mawndde synonyme: sarti celluɗo. rewi laawol sariya expression. régulier; regular,
expression. principe fondamental; fundamental normal. ko rewi laawol sariya
principle, basic principle. Catégorie
: Juridique. rewi sariya expression. réglementaire; regulatory,
regulation, statutory, lawful. ko rewi sariya
reway sariya expression. illégal, irrégulier; illegal, Catégorie : Juridique.
unlawful, prohibited, irregular. ko reway
rewingol njahaki hakkunde innde e sifa
sariya, ko reway doyle Catégorie : Juridique.
expression. accord entre le nom et l’adjectif;
rewɓe Noun. femmes; women. Dialectal agreement between noun and adjective
Forms: rewuɓe. endings. Catégorie : La Grammaire.

16/02/2020 515
rewnude rewude

rewnude Noun Form of Infinitive: rewnugol. rewrude2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: dewnuɗo-dewnoowo plur: Designation: 4, th. Noun. un endroit de prière
rewnuɓe-rewnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ou une mosquée; mosque; place of prayer.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Note: The infinitive form of the verb is used
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire que qqch
here as a noun. synonyms: juulirde, misiide.
se passe d'une certaine manière; to cause Dialects: J,Y.
something to pass in a certain way; MiɗMiɗo yiɗ
yiɗi rewt-
rewt-a Verb. répéter; repeat. ***: ɓamt-
rewnude kulle ɗe to yimɓ
yimɓe njooɗ
iiɓe to de
rewtindaade Noun Form of Infinitive: rewtindagol.
iɗe kula. J'ai voulu faire que les animaux
passent à l'endroit où des gens étaient assis, Participles: sing:
mais les animaux avaient peur d'y passer. I dewtindiiɗo-dewtindotooɗo plur:
wanted to take these animals by where those rewtindiiɓe-rewtindotooɓe. Sorting
people are sitting but they [the animals] were Designation: 4, th. Verb Stative or
afraid [and won't pass that way].
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • venger, être à
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. égalité, nous sommes quittes; get even;
rewnude sariya synonyme: fonnditinde e sariya. avenge. ***: yonnitaade, yomnitaade,
expression. légitimer; legitimize, legitimate, wattaade, yoɓ
yoɓtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
justify. Catégorie : Juridique. 2 • suivre; follow. synonyms: wattaade,
rewolsiyon emprunt: français. Noun. révolution; yoɓ
yoɓtaade, yomnitaade. Dialectal
revolution. Forms: [Y,M] rewtinaade. Dialects: Y,M.
rewre Noun. femelle; female. Tomotte, hujjere maa rewtindo Noun. récitation; recitation. Catégorie
fuɗngo jogiingo tagumaasiiji debbo : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: dursito.
***: dewel.
rewtirde Verb. se réconcilier; reconcile.
rewrintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: rewrintingol.
rewto Noun. répétition; repeating. Catégorie : Lecture
Participles: sing:
/ écriture. ***: ɓamto.
dewrintinɗo-dewrintinoowo plur:
rewrintinɓe-rewrintinooɓe. Sorting rewt-
rewt-o Verb. réviser; to review. Catégorie
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in : Mathématique.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - rewuɓ
rewuɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
imo rewrintina. Verb. réconcilier, faire la Designation: 1. Noun. femmes; women.
paix; peace (make); reconcile. Hecci keeŋ
keeŋan Catégorie : La Personne. ***: rewɗ
min ndewrintiniiɓ
ndewrintiniiɓe. Hier, on les a Dialectal Forms: rewɓe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
réconciliés. Yesterday we reconciled them.
rewude Noun Form of Infinitive: rewugol.
...ina haani filoo rewrita e muuɗ
muuɗum gilla
Participles: sing: dewuɗo-dewoowo plur:
iɓe njaha dow balangol... On doit se
réconcilier avec eux avant qu'ils s'en vont. one rewuɓe-rewooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
must seek to be reconciled with him before Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
they go... (Matt 5:25). ***: fonndude, Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • passer; pass by; go
surude, sawrinde; synonyms: fonndude, by. ***: ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade, wittaade, fantude,
sawrinde, surude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. dewal1, dewoowol, nyamaande, faŋ faŋude1,
hoolnaade, nyallaade, haɓɓhaɓɓaade
rewrude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: rewrugol.
nyamlaade, faltaade; synonyms: faltaade,
Participles: sing: dewruɗo-dewroowo plur:
wittaade, ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
rewruɓe-rewroowo. Sorting Designation: 3.
2 • prêter de l'argent à qqn; to lend someone
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
money. synonyms: nyallaade, nyamlaade.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
d'accord, convenir, accepter de faire la paix, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faire la paix; agree; make peace. ***: dewral,
fonndude, juulirde, misiide, surude, jam.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • vivre en paix; live in peace.
compare: dewral, jam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 516
rewude laawol darja riggaango
3 • observer une pratique / usage (surtout relié
riba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
avec la religion), pratiquer, suivre, obéir;
obey; practice; follow; observe (especially as One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
related to ones faith). Mi rewan ngol Noun: ribaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
bénéfice ou profit mal-acquis, profit
anndumi na ɓurani kam rewude ngol mi
malhonnête; dishonest profit. Mayrama ɓirii
anndaa. Je préfère suivre la route que je
connais que celle que je ne connais pas. I nagge muuɗ
muuɗum de ɓeydi liitere ndiyam ley
would rather follow the road I know than the kosam ɗaam faa sippa ɗam de heɓ
heɓa riba.
road I don't know. Rewude Laamɗ
Laamɗo na ɓuri Mayrama a ajouté un litre d'eau au lait pour
faire un bénéfice mal-honnête. Mayrama
rewude huunde fuu. Suivre Dieu est mieux
milked her cow and added a liter of water to
que de suivre toute autre chose. Following
the milk so she could sell the milk and have a
God is better than following everything else.
[dishonest] profit. Note : arabe ***: tino,
compare: dewal1, fantude, hoolnaade,
nyoodo, fiyannde, riiba; synonyms: fiyannde
nyamaande; synonyms: haɓɓ
nyoodo, riiba, tino. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ribaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ribagol.
rewude laawol darja expression. voie
hiérarchique; chain of command, official Participles: sing: dibiiɗo-dibotooɗo plur:
channels, hierarchical channel. Catégorie ribiiɓe-ribotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb

rewude laawol kaɓɓ

ɓɓondiral hakkunde Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un
bénéfice; profit (to make a). ***: riibaade;
njenndi e njenndi expression. voie
synonyms: riibaade, tinaade. Dialects: J,Y.
diplomatique; diplomatic channel, diplomatic
path. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. riggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: riggagol.
reynude Noun Form of Infinitive: reynugol. Participles: sing: diggiiɗo-diggotooɓe plur:
Participles: sing: deynuɗo-deynoowo plur: riggiiɓe-riggotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
reynuɓe-reynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire un
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. confier qqch à bruit de tonnerre; thunder. ***: nyorɓ
qqn (on s'attende que l'autre s'occupe bien de sakkaade, felnyude, riiwude, rippude,
cela); entrust. ***: dekaade, wakkilde, haawtanaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
diilaade, halfinde, fawaade; 2 • un ou plusieurs poursuivent un grand
synonyms: halfinde, wakkilde; nombre; for one or a few to chase many;
compare: dekaade, diilaade, fawaade. Poliisi tawi yimɓ
yimɓe na kawriti de riggii
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ɗum'en de ndoggi. La police a trouvé des
gens qui étaient réunis et elle les a poursuivis
reyon Noun. rayon; radius. Note : français et dispersé. The police found people meeting
***: wudduwol2. so they chased them off. Mi yehii ngesa am
reyrude Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. de tawumi na'i na nyaama kam gawri
gawri de
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ndiggiimi ɗum'en. Je suis allé dans mon
champ et j'ai trouvé des bœufs qui mangeaient
of Noun: deyruɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
mon mil, ainsi je les ai chassés. I went to my
quelque chose pour garder des choses (ex.
field and I found cows eating my millet so I
abri, tiroir, armoire, boite, caisse); anything in
which you store things; it can be as big as a chased them away. compare: haawtanaade,
warehouse; a shed; a cabinet; a drawer or a box nyorɓ
nyorɓude, riiwude, rippude, sakkaade
or case. synonyms: resirde; ***: resirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J. riggaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
ri'aaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 4, th. Noun. vantardise; boasting. Noun: diggaali. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Note : arabe synonyms: kamaalu, mantaare, grondement de tonnerre, tonnerre; rumbling
thunder; thunder. Catégorie : Temps.
mawnitaare, yiingaaku; ***: yiingaaku,
***: felnyaango, haƴƴ
mantaare, kamaalu. Dialects: J.
compare: felnyaango, haƴƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 517
rigisaade riikeede

rigisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: rigisagol. riibande Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
Participles: sing: digisiiɗo-digisotooɗo plur: "imo riibanii" means "his prices are
rigisiiɓe-rigisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. expensive.". Noun Form of Infinitive: riibangol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Participles: sing: diibanɗo-diibanoowo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • intimider riibanɓe-riibanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
qqn en le menaçant de lui faire du mal, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
effrayer qqn par des menaces; intimidate Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
someone by threatening to harm them; frighten 1 • aggraver, exaspérer, agacer, contrarier,
someone with threats. ***: fuufude, gidaade. tracasser, déranger, vexer, irriter ; annoy;
Dialects: Y,G. irritate; bother; upset; vex; aggravate.
2 • être fâche contre qqn et l'insulter; upset ***: haamninde, saɗɗ saɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, jarribaade,
with someone and to verbally assault them. husinbinde, tiinnande, torrude, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
compare: hulƴ
hulƴinde; synonyms: fuufude, husinbinde, gaccaade, torrude, saɗɗ saɗɗinde
gidaade. Dialects: J,M. tiinnande, jukkaade, torrude, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
rigisi Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting jarribaade, jukkude, tiinnande, saɓɓsaɓɓitaade
Designation: 4. Noun. intimidation; mettinde, toonyaade, saɗɗ saɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
intimidation. ***: gidi, puufi; synonyms: gidi, husinbinde; synonyms: husinbinde,
puufi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, torrude, tiinnande,
haamninde, mettinde. Dialects: G.
riiba Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
2 • persécuter; persecute.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: husinbinde, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
Noun: riibaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
torrude, tiinnande, gaccaade, jarribaade,
profit mal-honnête (ex. ajouter de l'eau au lait,
ajouter du sable au mil avant de le vendre); toonyaade. Dialects: G.
dishonest profit. ***: riba; 3 • tourmenter; torment.
synonyms: fiyannde, nyoodo, riba, tino. synonyms: husinbinde, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
Dialectal Forms: [M] riibe. Dialects: G. torrude, tiinnande, jarribaade, jukkaade,
jukkude. Dialects: G.
riibaade Noun Form of Infinitive: riibagol. 4 • tirer profit de qqn; to make a profit from
Participles: sing: diibiiɗo-diibotooɗo plur:
someone. A riibanii kam Tu as tiré profit de
riibiiɓe-riibotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. moi. You made a profit from me.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Dialects: G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un
bénéfice, tirer profit de qqch; profit (to make riiɗ
riiɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: riiɗugol.
a). synonyms: ribaade, tinaade; ***: tinaade, Participles: sing: diiɗuɗo-diiɗoowo plur:
ribaade. Dialects: G,M. riiɗuɓe-riiɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter; pass
gas; fart. ***: puttude, fuusude, suytude,
fuytude, fuɗ
fuɗtude; synonyms: fuɗ
futtude, fuusude, fuytude, puttude,
suytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

riikeede Noun Form of Infinitive: riikegol.

Participles: sing: diikaaɗo plur: riikaaɓe.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Verb. être heureux, heureuse, avoir la chance,
être chanceux, chanceuse; lucky; fortunate.
compare: wune; synonyms: nyiineede;
***: nyiineede, wune. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 518
riiku rimndude

riiku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number rimdude Noun Form of Infinitive: rimdugol.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Participles: sing: dimduɗo-dimdoowo plur:
Noun: riikuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. rimduɓe-rimdooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
bénédiction; blessing. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo o, Laamɗ
Laamɗo Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
hokkii o riiku sanne. Cette personne là, Dieu Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir un
l'a beaucoup béni. That person, God has richly enfant avec qqn; to have a child with someone.
blessed them. Note : arabe ***: barke, arzuke, Ali rimdii e Aysatu sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe njoyo. Ali had
suuraare, fayda; synonyms: arzuke, barke, five children with Aysatu. Ali a cinq enfants
fayda, suuraare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. avec Aysatou. synonyms: rimndude;
***: rimndude. Dialects: J.
riimayɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, cp. Noun. esclaves, rimɗ
rimɗude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
cultivateurs; cultivators; slaves. Catégorie "Imo rimɗa" means that one who is a slave
: Communauté. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. will be set free.. Noun Form of
Infinitive: rimɗugol. Participles: sing:
riiwude Noun Form of Infinitive: riiwugol.
dimɗuɗo-dimɗoowo plur:
Participles: sing: diiwuɗo-diiwoowo plur:
rimɗuɓe-rimɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
riiwuɓe-riiwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • faire que
Progressive: prg. Verb. pourchasser, courir
quelqu’un devient un noble, libérer un
après, chasser qqn; chase. ***: nyorɓ
esclave; set a slave free. ***: dimo.
sakkaade, doggude, riggaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
haawtanaade; synonyms: haawtanaade,
2 • avoir l'apparence qu'on ne fait pas de
nyorɓude, riggaade, rippude, sakkaade. travail manuel pour gagner sa vie; to have the
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. appearance of one who does not do manual
rikaade Noun Form of Infinitive: rikagol. labor for a living. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: dikiiɗo-dikotooɗo plur: 3 • avoir le teint claire; to be light skinned.
rikiiɓe-rikotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb compare: dimo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'enfuir; elope. rimeede Noun Form of Infinitive: rimegol.
Note : mooré ***: ɗoofude; Participles: sing: dimaaɗo-dimeteeɗo plur:
synonyms: ɗoofude. Dialects: G,M. rimaaɓe-rimeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
rikke Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd.
Verb. être né, naître; born (to be).
Designation: 3. Noun. rancune, , malveillance,
méchanceté (provoqué pal une colère); spite. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: rikku. Dialects: J,Y. rimidegol Noun. congénital; congenital. Huunde ne
rikku Noun. rancune; resentment; grudge. Dialectal neɗɗ
ɗɗo maa goɗɗ
ɗɗum rimidaa e mum; tawa
Forms: rikke. na tiigii huunde nde illa wakkati nde rimaa
Catégorie : Maladie.
rimarɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
rimirdu Plural Form of Noun: ndimirɗi. Noun. appareil
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. femme stérile; sterile
reproducteur; reproductive organs. Catégorie
women. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Le corps. ***: yuɓɓ
ɓɓooj dimirɗ
rimare Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi. rimndude Noun Form of Infinitive: rimndugol.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: dimnduɗo-dimndoowo
Noun: dimari. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
plur: rimnduɓe-rimndooɓe. Sorting
une vache stérile; free-martin; sterile (a cow
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
that is). Catégorie : Élevage. compare: nagge;
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: nagge. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. 1 • charger qqch sur le dos d'un cheval,
rimɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting âne, chameau, vélo, mettre une charge sur une
Designation: 2, cp. Noun. nobles; nobles.
charrette ou camion ; load of something.
synonyms: rinndude, tiɗɗ
ɗɗude, tiƴƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: rimdude, tiƴƴ
ƴƴude , yowude , tiɗɗ
rinndude, rinndinde. Dialects: J,G,M.

16/02/2020 519
rimrudu Roma'en
2 • avoir un enfant avec une femme; to have a
rinndude Noun Form of Infinitive: rinndugol.
child with a woman; Mi rimndii e debbo o
Participles: sing: dinnduɗo-dinndoowo
sukaaɓe ɗiɗo. J'ai engendré deux enfants
plur: rinnduɓe-rinndooɓe. Sorting
avec cette femme. I gave birth by this woman
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
to two children. compare: yowude;
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: rimdude. Dialects: Y,M.
Verb. attacher une charge sur le dos d'un
rimrudu Variante: rimirudu. Noun. utérus; uterus. animal ou un vélo; tie a load of something on.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: rimndude; compare: yowude;

rimteede Noun Form of Infinitive: rimtegol. synonyms: rimndude, tiɗɗ

ɗɗude, tiƴƴ
Dialects: Y,M.
Participles: sing: dimtaaɗo-dimteteeɗo
plur: rimtaaɓe-rimteteeɓe. Sorting rippude Noun Form of Infinitive: rippugol.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: dippuɗo-dippoowo plur:
Plural: r/nd. Verb. être né de nouveau; born rippuɓe-rippooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
again. Dialects: biblical. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
rimtinirdu Noun. maternité; motherhood; maternity. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • marcher en
faisant du bruit avec les pas, marcher à pas
rimtude Noun Form of Infinitive: rimtugol. lourds; step so forcefully while walking that
Participles: sing: dimtuɗo-dimtoowo plur: you make a noise. ***: nyorɓ
nyorɓude, sakkaade,
rimtuɓe-rimtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, damƴ
damƴude, riggaade, riiwude, giƴƴ giƴƴude
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb haawtanaade; synonyms: damƴ damƴude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner giƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
naissance de nouveau, faire naître encore une 2 • faire du bruit avec le pied (ex. pour chasser
fois; to give birth again. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. qqch); stomp his foot. compare: haawtanaade,
rimude Noun Form of Infinitive: rimugol. nyorɓ
nyorɓude, riggaade, reewude, sakkaade.
Participles: sing: dimuɗo-dimoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
rimuɓe-rimooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. roɓɓ
ɓɓere Plural Form of Noun: doɓɓe.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb synonyme: wooɓoondu. Noun. étamine;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire naître stamen. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou
(humains, animaux, plantes), donner d’une plante. ***: wooɓ
naissance, accoucher, mettre bas, produire
(fruit), engendrer; give birth to; deliver. roɓɓ
ɗɗo Plural Form of Noun: doɓɓe-ɓiɓɓe.
Noun. ovule; ovule. Catégorie : Le corps.
***: dimaro, dikkaade, ɓeynude, afaade;
synonyms: ɓoccongel.
compare: afaade, dikkaade, lanyude;
synonyms: ɓeynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. roɓ
roɓinannde Noun. collection; collection. Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: doɓ
rimugol synonyme: ɓeynugol. Variante: ndimu. Noun.
accouchement, mise bas, reproduction (fruit); ***: doɓ
giving birth, production (fruit). roɓ
ind-o Verb. collecter; collect. Catégorie
rimugol-tergal Plural Form of Noun: rimugol-terɗe : Mathématique.
. Noun. callosité; callus. Catégorie : Maladie. roki Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très amère;
rinndinde Noun Form of Infinitive: rinndingol. bitter. Nivaki na haaɗ
haaɗi roki. La nivaquine est
Participles: sing: très amère. Nivaquine is very bitter!
dinndiniiɗo-dinndinotooɗo plur: compare: haaɗ
haaɗude; ***: tok, haaɗ
haaɗude, kati;
rinndinniiɓe-rinndinotooɓe. Sorting synonyms: kati, tok. Dialectal Forms: [Y] rok,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in [J,G] roko. Dialects: J,M.
Plural: r/d. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Roma Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. Rome,
Verb. charger une charge sur qqch; load. capitale de l’Italie; Rome; capital of previous
synonyms: rimndude, tiɗɗ
ɗɗude, tiƴƴ
ude. Roman empire; now capital of Italy. Catégorie
Dialects: G,M. : Localité. Note : Latin Dialects: biblical.

rinndinnde Noun. charge; load; burden. Roma'en Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. Romains,
Épître que Paul a écrite aux Romains;
Romans; the letter written by Paul to the
church at Rome. Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 520
rommaaki roojoroojowal

rommaaki synonyme: rommet, puƴel. Noun. sommet; rononde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
top. Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: puƴ
puƴel. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form

rommet synonyme: rommaaki, puƴel. Noun. sommet; of Noun: dononɗe - Note: Generally the
plural form is prefered.. Sorting
top. Catégorie : Mathématique. ***: puƴ
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. crotte des yeux, pus
ronkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ronkingol. des yeux, matière muqueuse des yeux; eye
Participles: sing: donkinɗo-donkinoowo matter; mucoid matter found in one's eye.
plur: ronkinɓe-ronkinooɓe. Sorting Catégorie : Le corps. ***: nampuutere,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in dononde; synonyms: dononde
dononde, nampuutere.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: J,M.
Verb. 1 • épuiser, fatiguer; tire out.
ronude Noun Form of Infinitive: ronugol.
***: sominde, tampinde;
Participles: sing: donuɗo-donoowo plur:
synonyms: sominde, tampinde.
ronuɓe-ronooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
2 • s'user; wear out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. hériter de; inherit.
3 • rendre les choses difficile pour qqn; to
***: ndongu, dongu; compare: ndongu.
make something difficult for someone.
Dialectal Forms: ronnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: mettinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ronƴalde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ronkude Noun Form of Infinitive: ronkugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: donkuɗo-donkoowo plur:
of Noun: dooƴaale. Sorting Designation: 3.
ronkuɓe-ronkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. vague, onde; wave. ***: bempeƴƴ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
dooƴaalen, berkeƴƴ
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
synonyms: bempeƴƴ
ƴƴe, bonkoƴƴ
ƴƴe, berkeƴƴ
fatigué; tired; fatigued. ***: heppirde,
Dialects: M.
somude, hunngaade, tampude;
synonyms: somude, tampude; roogo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
compare: hunngaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: roogooji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
ronndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ronndagol. Noun. manioc, patate douce; manioc; sweet
Participles: sing: donndiiɗo-donndotooɗo potatoes. Catégorie : Nourriture. Manihot
plur: ronndiiɓe-ronndotooɓe. Sorting esculenta. Note : Hausa synonyms: bantakuure;
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in ***: bantakuure. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • porter sur la tête; carry on the head. roojoroojowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur:
***: roondaade. Dialects: Y,G,M. ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural
2 • être responsable pour; responsible for. Form of Noun: roojoroojooje. Sorting
synonyms: roondaade. Dialects: Y,G,M. Designation: 3, in. Noun. espèce de scorpion;
scorpion horse. Catégorie : Insecte.
ronnde Verb. hériter; inherit. Dialectal Forms: ronude. ***: mbamboowa jahe, bammbowa jahe,
ronndude Noun Form of Infinitive: ronndugol. ɗuuɗ
uuɗayaaduwal, njaabaja;
Participles: sing: donnduɗo-donndoo plur: synonyms: ɗuuɗ
uuɗayaaduwal, mbamboowa
ronnduɓe-ronndooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. jahe, njaabaja. Dialectal Forms: [J] roojo.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mettre une
charge sur la tête de qqn, poser qqch sur la
tête de qqn; put a head load on someone's
head. ***: roondude; synonyms: roondude.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 521
rookaade royude

rookaade Noun Form of Infinitive: rookagol. roosaade Noun Form of Infinitive: roosagol.
Participles: sing: dookiiɗo-dookotooɗo Participles: sing: doosiiɗo-doosotooɗo
plur: rookiiɓe-rookotooɓe. Sorting plur: roosiiɓe-roosotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. demander, interroger, poser une Verb. cultiver pour la deuxième fois, deuxième
question; ask. ***: garbinde, ŋeenyo, culture d'un champ ou jardin; second
nyaagaade, ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, rooŋ
rooŋre, eelude,
cultivation of a field or garden.
***: remitaade, maytaade, dodaade;
ŋaaraade, filaade, du'aade;
synonyms: dodaade, dodaade. Dialects: M.
compare: garbinde, ŋeenyo;
synonyms: ɗaɓɓude
ɓɓude, eelude, filaade, rosa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
ŋaaraade, nyaagaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form

rookaade yaafee expression. demander pardon; ask of Noun: rosaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Noun. deuxième culture d'un champ; second
for forgiveness. synonyms: tuubande,
cultivation. ***: dodow, mayto;
synonyms: dodow. Dialects: M.
rookagol Noun. demande; request. ***: ɗaɓɓere
rotere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
rooko Noun. manioc; manioc. Catégorie : Nourriture. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: banndakuu, bantakuure. of Noun: dote. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
1 • fesse, le fond ou base / socle de qqch; base
roondaade Noun Form of Infinitive: roondagol.
or bottom of something; buttock. Catégorie : Le
Participles: sing: doondiiɗo-doondotooɗo
corps. ***: ɓaawo2, teketti, rubbere,
plur: roondiiɓe-roondotooɓe. Sorting
fottooru, tetekki, lehi, fuudo. Dialects: J,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • anus, derrière, rectum, postérieur; anus;
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
butt; rectum; rump. synonyms: ɓaawo1,
Verb. 1 • porter qqch sur la tête; carry
fottooru, lehi, rubbere. Dialects: J,M.
something on the head. ***: ronndaade.
Dialects: J. rottude Noun Form of Infinitive: rottugol.
2 • être responsable pour; fig. to be Participles: sing: dottuɗo-dottoowo plur:
responsible for. synonyms: ronndaade. rottuɓe-rottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Dialects: J. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever avec
roondude Noun Form of Infinitive: roondugol.
une cuillère; scoop with a large wooden
Participles: sing: doonduɗo-doondoowo
spoon; spoon out; dish up. ***: ittude;
plur: roonduɓe-roondooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: ittude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. rowanin Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb. mettre une charge sur la tête de qqn; put Designation: 2. n/adv. l'an passé, l'année
a head load on someone's head. passée; last year. synonyms: rawanin;
synonyms: ronndude; ***: ronndude. ***: rawanin. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J.
royude Noun Form of Infinitive: royugol.
rooŋre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Participles: sing: doyuɗo-doyoowo plur:
Designation: 4. Noun. demande, sollicitations; royuɓe-royooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
solicitation. Roo ŋre wo tawaangal Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
maabuuɓe. Sollicitations est une coutume Progressive: prg. Verb. flotter dans un liquide;
dans laquelle les griots sont née dedans. float in a liquid. ***: weeyude, huywude;
Solicitation is the custom (what they were born
synonyms: huywude, weeyude;
into) of the griots. ***: eelgal, nyaagunde,
compare: yingaade. Dialects: J.
ŋaarnde; compare: rookaade
synonyms: eelgal, ŋaarnde, nyaagunde.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 522
rubbere runnude

rubbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. rufaade Noun Form of Infinitive: rufagol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: dufiiɗo-dufotooɗo plur:
of Noun: dubbe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. rufiiɓe-rufotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt,
Noun. 1 • le fond / base /socle de qqch; bottom ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
or base of something. ***: ɓaawo2, fottooru, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. éjaculer du
lehi, fuudo, rotere. Dialects: Y,G,M. sperme; ejaculate semen. ***: sillude, rufude;
2 • anus, le derrière, rectum, le postérieur, synonyms: rufude, sillude. Dialects: J,Y.
fesse; anus; butt; rectum; rump. Catégorie : Le
corps. ***: moddu; synonyms: ɓaawo1, rufude Noun Form of Infinitive: rufugol.
fottooru, lehi, rotere. Dialects: Y,G,M. Participles: sing: dufuɗo-dufoowo plur:
rufuɓe-rufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
rubbitingol Noun. défécation; defecation. Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or
synonyms: bu'ugol; ***: hanyugol.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • verser, déverser,
rubbunnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. renverser, répandre; spill out; pour out.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ***: meƴƴ
ƴƴude, liɓ
liɓnude, faccude, siiwude,
of Noun: dubbunɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. weƴƴ
ƴƴude, yuppude, waylude, joorude,
Noun. matières fécales de bœufs ou ânes, rufaade; synonyms: joorude, meƴƴ
excréments de bœufs ou ânes, fumier, bouse de weƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
vache; cow "pie"; manure; feces of cows and 2 • éjaculer du sperme; ejaculate semen.
donkeys. ***: welaande, doodi, suulere, compare: faccude, liɓ
liɓnude, meƴƴ
wordoonde, kuudi, birgi, wurdere; siiwude, waylude, yuppude;
compare: birgi, doodi, suulere, wordoonde; synonyms: rufaade, sillude. Dialects: M.
synonyms: welaande. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ruggaade Verb. défricher; to clear the ground.
ruccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ruccagol. Catégorie : Agriculture. synonyms: duggude,
Participles: sing: ducciiɗo-duccotooɗo plur: pesimaade, wargaade.
rucciiɓe-ruccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. siffler;
ruggugol Variante: duggugol. Noun. défrichement;
clearing the ground. Catégorie : Agriculture.
whistle. ***: wuccaade, luccaade;
***: pesimagol.
synonyms: luccaade, wuccaade. Dialects: Y.
runnude Noun Form of Infinitive: runnugol.
ruɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ruɗagol.
Participles: sing: dunnuɗo-dunnoowo plur:
Participles: sing: duɗiiɗo-duɗotooɗo plur:
runnuɓe-runnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ruɗiiɓe-ruɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tourner de qqn
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se
ou qqch, refouler qqn, virer, se détourner de,
coucher de manière non acceptable, faire faire demi-tour à; turn something or
pelotonner; lie down in a socially
someone back; turn away. ***: sakkaade,
unacceptable way; curl up. Dialects: Y,M.
fai'tinde, soƴƴ
ƴƴinde, yeccinde, faɗɗ
2 • se jeter par terre lorsqu'on est fâché; to
throw yourself to the ground when very upset. wittude
wittude, ooncude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude;
Dialects: J. synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
fornyude, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, onngude, ooncude,
ɗɗitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ruɗɗitingol. sakkaade, soƴƴsoƴƴinde
ƴƴinde, wittude, yeccinde.
Participles: sing: duɗɗitinɗo-duɗɗitoowo Dialects: Y,M.
plur: ruɗɗitinɓe-ruɗɗitooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
imo ruɗɗita. Verb. changer qqch qui a été
écrit; to change what has been said or written -
this would include theological heresy when
applied to God's word. ***: junnitinde;
compare: junnitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 523
runnyude ruunde
2 • bouger pour éviter qqch qui va te frapper,
runnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: runnyugol.
entreprendre une action évasive; move out of
Participles: sing: dunnyuɗo-dunnyoowo the way of something; take evasive action.
plur: runnyuɓe-runnyooɓe. Sorting compare: adude, foɗ
foɗtaade, fottaade,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in footaade, sottude; synonyms: diisaade,
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. disaade, ruttaade, wosaade
wosaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Verb. s'absenter pour un certain temps, partir
pour un moment / longtemps / un instant au ruuɗ
ruuɗineede e haanerem expression.
marché local; or for a short trip to the local réhabilitation; rehabilitation, recovery,
market; such as a trip; to leave for a prolonged pardon. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
period. Jaango mi runnyan jahaangal am. Juridique. ***: hokkitegol haanerem.
Demain, je vais partir pour mon voyage.
Tomorrow I will leave on my trip. ruuhu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: dillude, wittude; ***: yaltude, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of

wurtaade, yawtude, dillude, hiirndude Noun: ruuhuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.

Noun. 1 • esprit; spirit. Note : hébreu/arabe
dawude; compare: dawude, hiirndude,
***: nguurndam, yonki, guurndam, poowle,
wurtaade, yaltude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
beelu, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, mbeelu1, hakkillo.
rutt-a Noun. remboursement; reimbursement. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Argent. 2 • conscience; conscience. Note : hébreu/arabe
ruttaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ruttagol. compare: hakkillo, mbeelu1, yonki,
Participles: sing: duttiiɗo-duttotooɗo plur: nguurndam. Dialectal Forms: [G] ruufu, [M]
ruttiiɓe-ruttotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ruugu (Zabré). Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: r/nd. Verb Ruuhu Ceniiɗ
Ceniiɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bouger pour Designation: 3, th. Noun. Saint Esprit, Esprit
éviter qqch qui va te frapper, entreprendre une Saint; Holy Spirit. Note : hébreu/arabe (ruuhu)
action évasive, décommander, fausser
Dialects: biblical.
compagnie; move out of the way; evasive
action. compare: adude, foɗ
foɗtaade, fottaade, ruulde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
footaade, sottude; ***: ruuɗ
ruuɗaade; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: diisaade, disaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, of Noun: duule. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
wosaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. nuage, nuée; cloud. ***: duuldere, luurde;
synonyms: duuldere, luurde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ruubu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. faible bruit de gens qui ruumude Noun Form of Infinitive: ruumugol.
parlent; the faint sound of people talking; Participles: sing: duumuɗo-duumoowo
Hankin hakkunde jemma mi maatii ruubu plur: ruumuɓe-ruumooɓe. Sorting
ɓɓe dammbugal galle am. La nuit Designation: 3, ah, cs. Verb Consonant Change
passée, j'ai entendu quelqu'un qui parlait in Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
devant ma porte. Last night in the middle of Verb. passer la saison pluvieuse quelque part;
the night I heard somebody talking in my to pass the rainy season somewhere.
doorway. Note : arabe synonyms: duumbo; compare: dabbude, hoɗhoɗorde, seeɗ
***: duumaade, iido, duumbo;
ƴaamnude; ***: gettude, dabbude,
compare: duko, iido, saaƴ
saaƴo, sawtu1, sonnyo. seeɗ
seeɗude, hoɗhoɗorde, ƴaamnude, eggude.
Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ruuɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ruuɗagol. ruunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: duuɗiiɗo-duuɗotooɗo Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: ruuɗiiɓe-ruuɗotooɓe. Sorting
of Noun: duuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3,. Noun.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in une île dans un lac, coteau plateau; island in
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. the sea. Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: denŋ
Verb. 1 • retourner; return; back (go); go back.
duundere, tummbere; ***: duundere,
***: yeccaade, wosaade, fai'tude, disaade,
danŋeere, denŋ
denŋeere, tummbere.
diisaade, ruttaade, wittude, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, Dialects: J,Y.
tottitaade, fornyaade; synonyms: fai'tude,
fornyaade, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, soƴƴ
yeccaade, wittude. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 524
ruusude saabeere

ruusude Noun Form of Infinitive: ruusugol. Sorting ruuyude Noun Form of Infinitive: ruuyugol. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: r/nd. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être emporté par le vent; blown away by
Verb. lorsqu'un coq saute sur une poule (pour the wind. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
féconder); when a rooster breeds a chicken.
synonyms: nyoƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: M.

ruuyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Noun. quelque

chose vole dans le vent, qqch qui s'envole avec
le vent; something blown in the wind.
Dialects: J.

S - s

sa'aa Noun. temps; time. synonyms: wawtu. saabaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saabagol.
sa'iiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting Participles: sing: caabiiɗo-caabotooɗo plur:
saabiiɓe-saabotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. orge; barley.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. susciter, faire
sa'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: sa'ugol. que qqch se passe, causer qqch, provoquer;
Participles: sing: ca'uɗo-ca'oowo plur: provoke; cause to happen. Ɓowɗ
owɗi na mbaawi
sa'uɓe-sa'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. saabaade faa neɗɗ
ɗɗo jontee. Les moustiques
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb peuvent faire que les gens ont le paludisme.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • frire dans Mosquitoes can cause a person to have a fever.
l'huile; fry in oil. ***: wuuɗ
wuuɗude, nyaanyude, Kusaw o saabotoo durma. La poussière
cause le froid. The dust causes a cold. Note :
buuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arabe synonyms: umminde; ***: umminde.
2 • cuire dans du sable chaud ou dans des
cendres chaudes; cooking in hot sand or hot Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ashes. synonyms: buuɗ
buuɗude, nyaanyude, saabanaade
saabanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saabanagol.
wuuɗude. Dialects: G,M. Participles: sing: caabaniiɗo-caabanotooɗo
saa'a Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting plur: saabaniiɓe-saabanotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. bonne chance, fortune, Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
bonheur; good luck; fortune. O heɓ
heɓii saa'a ko Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. faire que quelqu'un d'autre fait quelque
o runnyaay filowaade nagge makko nge de
chose, faire faire, faire que, causer; cause
o maatani nge. Il était chanceux d'avoir
someone else to do something. Ɓowɗ owɗi
quitté pour chercher sa vache. He was
fortunate that he had left to look for his cow caabantoo neɗɗ
ɗɗo jontere. Les moustiques
because he received news about her [before font qu'on a de la fièvre. Mosquitoes cause a
leaving]. Note : Hausa synonyms: wune; person [to have] a fever. synonyms: umminde;
***: wune, belɗ
belɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: umminde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

saabe Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. parce que, à

cause de, car; because of. Note : arabe
***: batte, ngam, gaaye, gam, fii, gan1;
synonyms: fii, gaaye, gam, gan1, ngam.
Dialectal Forms: [J] saabi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

saabeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: [J,Y,M] caabeeje/[G] saabeeje.
Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. tombe, tombeau;
grave; tomb. ***: laakara, yanaande, uwirde,
aanyeere, ufirde; synonyms: ufirde, uwirde,
yanaande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 525
saabunnde saahaade

saabunnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. saadewol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
of Noun: caabune. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: saadeeji. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
savon; soap; traditionally prepared from the Noun. favoris, côtelette; side-burn.
ashes of burned millet stalks and butter. Note : compare: waare; ***: gemene, waare;
français synonyms: horitande, kaataare; synonyms: gemene. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: kaata1, kaataare, horitande;
saaɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: saaɗugol.
compare: kaata1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: caaɗuɗo plur: saaɗuɓe.
saaɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saaɓagol. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: caaɓiiɗo-caaɓotooɗo plur: Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
saaɓiiɓe-saaɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. mourir sans avoir été tué; die without being
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb killed. Mbaalu makko waatii, saaɗ
saaɗii Son
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marcher dans / mouton est mort sans qu'on a fait couler le
sur, faire un pas; step (to). ***: taaɓ sang. His sheep died without having been bled.
O saaɗ
saaɗii sabo o sulmaaka. Il es mort de
huulaade; synonyms: huulaade, taaɓ taaɓaade.
manière impure car on n'a pas lavé son visage.
Dialects: J. He died impure because his face was not
saaɓannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. washed. compare: saattinde, sulmeede;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ***: wannde, sulmeede, maayude,
of Noun: saaɓanɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. waatude, sattinde, saattinde;
Noun. un pas, démarche; step. synonyms: maayude, waatude.
***: huulannde, taaɓ
taaɓannde, yaaɓ
yaaɓere; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: huulannde, taaɓ
taaɓannde, yaaɓ
saafude Noun Form of Infinitive: saafugol.
Dialects: J.
Participles: sing: caafuɗo-caafoowo plur:
saadaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saadagol. saafuɓe-saafooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Participles: sing: caadiiɗo-caadotooɗo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
saadiiɓe-saadotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. traire une
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb vache un peu seulement, faire sortir du lait
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un petit d'un trayon / tette; to milk an animal a little; to
tas de qqch (souvent pour vendre); to make a strip milk out of a teat. compare: ɓirude;
little pile or a group of something; usually used ***: ɓirude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
in reference to selling things; Saada albasal
saahaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saahagol.
joy, joy Put the onions in little piles of five.
Participles: sing: caahiiɗo-caahotooɗo
synonyms: joorude; ***: joowude, joorude.
plur: saahiiɓe-saahotooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Saadaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of (rare). Verb. 1 • être poli, montrer du respect,
Noun: Saadaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp. être respectueux, être hospitalier; polite;
Noun. un groupe de peuls qui vivent au nord de hospitable; respect for those you meet on the
Soboulé dans la province du Soum; a group of road and who visit you. Mi weeranii o
Fulɓe that live north of Soboulé in Soum rawanin, imo saahii sanne. Je l'ai visité l'an
Province. Catégorie : Communauté. passé, il était très hospitalier. I visited him last
compare: Jaawanɗ
Jaawanɗo; ***: Jaawanɗ
Jaawanɗo. year, he was very hospitable. It would
Dialects: J,Y. normally be the stative form of this verb which
would be used, e.g. "imo saahii". "Imo
saadaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. saahoo" would refer to one who is occassionly
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form this way, and would be an uncommon usage.
of Noun: caadaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. ***: bonde needude, mommiɗ
Noun. un tas de qqch, un groupe de, pile de; saytorɗ
saytorɗinde, caahu1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pile or group of something. Saadaare
sunkaaji fuu buu
uuɗi joy. Each little pile of
peanuts costs 25 cfa. Dialects: J.

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saahel saaneede
2 • d'un usage courant; to be common or 2 • abattre, renverser; knock something down
numerous; Imo woodi tummbuɗ
tummbuɗe de that is standing. synonyms: samminde,
caahaaki. Il a des calebasses mais seulement boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, liɓ
liɓude. Dialectal Forms: [J]
quelques-unes (ou seulement peu). He has saamdinde. Dialects: G,M.
calabashes but only a few. Generally this is
used in a negative sense ("saahaaki") saamondirol synonyme: laamondirol. Noun.
indicating something which is rare or accouplement; mating. Catégorie : Élevage.
consisting of only a few. compare: caahu1, ***: tummbude3.
saytorɗinde. Dialects: J,Y. saamtude Noun Form of Infinitive: saamtugol.
saahel Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. 1 • nord; north. Participles: sing: caamtuɗo-caamtoowo
***: soɓɓ
ɓɓiire. Dialectal Forms: saaheli. plur: saamtuɓe-saamtooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • le nord, sahel; the north, the Sahel. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. tomber sur qqch, trouver, rencontrer;
saahelinke Noun. sahélien; Sahelian. find by chance; happen upon; fall upon; come
saakude Noun Form of Infinitive: saakugol. upon. Si a saamtii e makko luumo toon fu,
Participles: sing: caakuɗo-caakoowo plur: mbi'aa o miɗmiɗo haajaa o. Si tu le trouve /
saakuɓe-saakooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
rencontres au marché, dis-lui que j'ai besoin
de lui. If you happen to see him in the market,
cs, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c.
tell him I need to see him. synonyms: ukkaade,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
yandude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
1 • répandre, éparpiller, semer en lançant,
lancer des grains aux volailles, distribuer, saamude Noun Form of Infinitive: saamugol.
parsemer qqch; cast grain to chickens; scatter;
Participles: sing: caamuɗo-caamoowo plur:
give money to the crowd; sprinkle; sow seed
by casting; disperse; pass out or distribute saamuɓe-saamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.

literature. ***: aawude, yeɗ

yeɗude, hokkude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb

sankitande, yorude, sankitinde, sookude, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tomber; fall.

toɓude; synonyms: aawude, hokkude, synonyms: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade, yanude1;
sankitinde, sankitande, yeɗyeɗude. ***: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade, yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. saamugol Noun. chute; fall, drop, decline.
2 • tomber de la pluie; rain to fall. synonyms: mboɓɓ
synonyms: sookude, toɓ
saamugol-reedu Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: saamugol-deedi. Noun. avortement;
saakuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. abortion. synonyms: boortugol, ficcugol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
saaneede Noun Form of Infinitive: saanegol.
of Noun: caakuuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Participles: sing: caanaaɗo-caaneteeɗo
sac; sack. Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français
plur: saanaaɓe-saaneteeɓe. Sorting
***: caaku, bootooru; synonyms: bootooru,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
caaku. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
saamdude Verb. tomber, chuter; fall; fall down. Verb. être bien reçu par qqn, accueillir qqch;
***: yandude, ukkaade. received or greeted by someone in a hospitable
way so as to be honored. ***: toowneede,
saaminde Noun Form of Infinitive: saamdingol.
barkineede, horsineede, mawnineede;
Participles: sing: caamdinɗo-caamdinoowo
compare: horsineede, mawnineede,
plur: saamdinɓe-saamdinooɓe. Sorting
teddineede, toowneede
toowneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • laisser tomber, jeter par terre; drop
something; throw something down.
***: linnude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, wippitinde,
ɓɓinde; synonyms: samminde, faɗɗ
fottinde, limnude, linnude. Dialects: G,M.

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saanude saawoore

saanude Noun Form of Infinitive: saanugol. saate Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: caanuɗo-caanoowo plur: One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
saanuɓe-saanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: saateeji. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Noun. 1 • temps; time. saate, saate de temps à
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. recevoir qqn, temps. from time to time; MiɗMiɗo yaha to
saluer qqn, accueillir qqn; receive or greet makko saate saate. Je vais parfois chez lui. /
someone in a hospitable way so as to honor Je vais chez lui de temps à temps. I go to him
him. ***: toownude, juuraade, horsinde, from time to time. Note : Hausa ***: wakkati,
leeƴinde, leyƴ
leyƴinde, mawninde, horsude1, maayde, wawtu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
teddinde; compare: horsinde, mawninde, 2 • le temps de la mort; the time of death;
juuraade, teddinde, toownude. Joonin kaa, saate makko warii. Maintenant
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. son temps de mourir est venu. Now his time of
death has come. Note : Hausa
saara Noun. parents; parents; relative (close); kin.
compare: maayde; synonyms: wakkati, wawtu.
Catégorie : Parenté. ***: abba. Dialectal
Dialectal Forms: [J] saati, [J,Y] saatu.
Forms: saaraa.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
saaraa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
saat-o Verb. corriger ; correct. Catégorie : Lecture /
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
écriture. ***: feewtin-
Noun: saaraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
synonyms: feewtin-
parent; parent. Catégorie : Parenté.
compare: yaaya, inna; ***: baaba, inniiwo, saattinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saattingol.
yaaya. Dialectal Forms: saaraa. Participles: sing: caattinɗo-caattinoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: saattinɓe-saattinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
saare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
imo saattina. Verb. égorger un animal; cut the
of Noun: ca'e. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
lignage, généalogie, groupe ethnique, ethnie; throat of an animal. ***: saaɗ
saaɗude, sattinde;
genealogy; ethnic group; lineage. ***: taariki, synonyms: sattinde; compare: saaɗ
ƴuwdi, koreeji, sii, buudu, iri1, mbuuduuri, Dialects: J,Y.
lenyol; synonyms: buudu, lenyol, mbuuduuri, saatude Noun Form of Infinitive: saatugol.
ƴuwdi. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: caatuɗo-caatoowo plur:
saari emprunt: français. Noun. charrue; plough, saatuɓe-saatooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
plow. Catégorie : Agriculture, Outil. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. corriger un
saarude Noun Form of Infinitive: saarugol.
étudiant; correct a student. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: caaruɗo-caaroowo plur:
saaruɓe-saarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, saawandere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • rosée; dew.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir la ***: sawawre, mamasiiru, daambol, ilam,
diarrhée, récurer; diarrhea (to have); scour. cewle, boygel, saawoore, ilude, sollungo,
***: sartude; synonyms: sartude. kundukunndu; synonyms: sawawre. Dialectal
Dialects: J,Y,M. Forms: [M] saawoore. Dialects: J.
saataade Verb. corriger; correct. Dialectal 2 • de l'eau qui suinte ou jaillit hors du sol;
spring water that oozes out of the ground.
Forms: saatagol.
synonyms: cewle, ilam, mamasiiru;
saatagol Noun. corriger, correction; correct, compare: boygel, kundukunndu, ulgu.
Dialects: Y.

saawirde Noun. enveloppe; envelop.

saawoore Noun. rosée; dew. Catégorie : Eau.
synonyms: cammam, sawawre, saawandere.

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saawtinde sabboondu

saawtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saawtingol. saayogooru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur:
Participles: sing: caawtinɗo-caawtinoowo ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
plur: saawtinɓe-saawtinooɓe. Sorting Form of Noun: saayogooji. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 4, wl. Noun. rat, rat voleur, rat de
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Gambie; rat (a giant Gambian). Catégorie
Verb. faire un faible / léger bruit; to make a : Mammifère. Cricetomys gambianus.
faint noise; Hettinda, a nanan goɗɗ
ɗɗum na compare: doomburu; ***: gusuuru,
saawtina gaɗ
gaɗa maa. Écoute bien et tu raygooru; synonyms: gusuuru, raygooru.
entendras que quelque chose fait un léger bruit Dialects: G.
derrière toi. Listen and you will hear
something making a faint noise behind you. saayugol Plural Form of Noun: caaƴe. Noun.
condensation; condensation. Catégorie : Eau.
compare: dukude, iidude, olkude, saaƴ
***: tekkugol; synonyms: nyekugol.
sonnyude; ***: dukude, sonnyude,
sawtinde, saaƴ
saaƴude, iidude; saaƴ
saaƴo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo/o plur: ɗi.
synonyms: sawtinde. Dialects: Y. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: saaƴooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
saawude Noun Form of Infinitive: saawugol.
léger bruit, faible bruit (ex. pluie, vent,
Participles: sing: caawuɗo-caawoowo plur: moteur eau qui coule, eau qu'on fait bouillir);
saawuɓe-saawoowo. Sorting Designation: 3, noise (soft); soft noise. Note : arabe
ah, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. ***: sawtu1, ruubu, iido; synonyms: sawtu1,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sonnyo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • emballer quelque chose dans un tissu,
mettre qqch dans un sac; wrap something in a saaƴ
saaƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: saaƴugol.
piece of cloth; put something into a sack. Participles: sing: caaƴuɗo-caaƴoowo plur:
***: diikude, loowude, wattude1, nannude1, saaƴuɓe-saaƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
dunyude, waɗwaɗtude, reedude, tummbude2; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
synonyms: loowude, wattude1. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un bruit
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. indistinct, faire du vacarme; noise (indistinct).
2 • lorsqu'un animal est plein (à Tenkodogo), ***: saawtinde, dukude, sawtinde,
lorsqu'une femme ou animal est enceinte; in sonnyude, iidude; compare: dukude, iidude,
the Tenkodogo region this refers to an animal olkude, saawtinde, sawtinde, sonnyude.
being pregnant; while in Sebba & Mahadaga it Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
can refer to either an animal or human being
pregnant. compare: nannude1; sabaabu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: dunyude. Dialects: Y,G,M. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: sabaabuuji. Sorting Designation: 3.
saawurde Verb. envelopper; wrap; envelop. Noun. la raison, la cause, la source ou
saaya Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number coupable, circonstance; cause; reason; plea.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of Rik waɗ
waɗi sabaabu de Lobbo heɓ
heɓi keekel.
Rick est la cause / raison / initiateur que Lobbo
Noun: saayaaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. un
a un vélo. Rick is the reason Lobbo has a bike.;
habit long qui dépasse les genoux mais
an excuse or a reason why something wasn't
n'arrive pas jusqu'aux pieds, habit longue,
tenue longue, vêtement; garment or robe done or didn't happen. Note : arabe ***: geldol,
(outer); dress. Catégorie : Vêtement. jeldol, ujuuru; synonyms: geldol, jeldol,
***: forkiya, toggoore, wolfo, jabba, ujuuru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dollokke, forgo; synonyms: toggoore; sabboondu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
compare: dollokke, forkiya, forgo, jabba. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Dialectal Forms: [J] saaye. Dialects: J,G,M. of Noun: cabbooli. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
saayinde Verb. dissoudre; dissolve. ***: yoosinde. Noun. espèce de tisserin; weaver bird.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Ploceus nigerrimus.
saayo jilee Noun. gilet; waistcoat; vest. Catégorie ***: jumbaliiru, hoɓɓ
ɓɓuru, cawcawuuru,
: Vêtement.
woyɓoondu, hoobalaaru;
saayo ndiyam Noun. imperméable; raincoat. compare: cawcawuuru, hoobalaaru,
Catégorie : Vêtement. jumbaliiru. Dialects: J,Y,M.

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sabgaare sadaajo
2 • faire un bruit qui indique la colère ou le
sabgaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
désaccord; to make a clicking sound which
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form conveys anger or disagreement - this is a
of Noun: cabgaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. different sound than for the other "synonyms".
Noun. 1 • houe à manche courte, daba; hoe (a synonyms: fettaade, noɗɗ
ɗɗaade, toƴƴ
short handled). Catégorie : Agriculture, Outil.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
***: kukuruwal, yappuriire, jammbere,
3 • réduire la force / valeur d'un champ en
ceblaare, jalo, jabbirgal, dummbaare. plantant sans ne jamais y mettre du fumier;
Dialects: J. deplete the strength of a field.
2 • lame en fer de la houe / daba; metal head of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
a short handled hoe. synonyms: ceblaare, 4 • dire ou faire qqch qui contrarie / déplaît les
dummbaare, yappuriire; compare: jabbirgal, autres (ex. rire lorsqu'il ne le fallait pas); to
jalo, jammbere, kukuruwal. Dialects: J. say or do things that upset others - this includes
laughing at inappropriate times.
sabu Sorting Designation: 1. adv/conj. parce que, à synonyms: haamninde, husinbinde,
cause de, puisque, comme, étant donné que;
mettinde, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
since; because. Note : arabe ***: batte, ngam,
tiinnande, torrude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kammbari; synonyms: gam, gan1, ngam.
5 • nettoyer, enlever de la saleté; to remove the
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] sabo, [J,Y,M] sabo
dirt; to clean. Lootu juuɗ
juuɗe maa faa caɓɓcaɓɓitoo
de, sabo dey, [J,Y,G,M] sabu de. Lave tes mains jusqu'à ce qu'ils sont propres.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Wash your hands until they are clean. Lonnu
ɓɓintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saɓɓintingol. forgo maa faa saɓɓ saɓɓitoo.
ɓɓitoo. Lave ta chemise
jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit propre. Wash your shirt
Participles: sing:
until it's clean. synonyms: laaɓ
caɓɓintinɗo-caɓɓintinoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
saɓɓintinɓe-saɓɓintinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in saɓɓ
ɓɓitoroohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
saɓɓitina. Verb. 1 • diluer fortement; dilute (to Noun: saɓɓitorooje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
heavily). Ko ngattuɗ
ngattuɗaa ndiyam faa heewi Noun. espèce de plante; A perennial creeper
ley cemmbam ɗam a saɓɓ saɓɓintinii
ɓɓintinii ɗam Le fait
found in either sandy or stony soil. Catégorie
: Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Leptadenia
que tu as ajouté de l'eau à la boisson l'a
beaucoup dilué. That you added a lot of water hastata. ***: laalentu, soɓɓ
to the cemmbam has really diluted it. synonyms: laalentu, soɓɓ
ɓɓotoroy. Dialects: J.
***: selbinde, semmbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
saɓu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
2 • diminuer la plaisir de qqch, faire que c'est
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
ennuyant; diminish the pleasure of something;
Noun: saɓuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun.
make boring. Ko Muusa fuɗɗ fuɗɗi
ɗɗi bami, ɗum na na
vulve, vagin; vulva; vagina. Catégorie : Le
weli yimɓ
yimɓe, ammaa ko o salii selude law, o
corps. ***: nyammu, ley2, kottu, kuungu,
ɓɓ intinii bami makko. Le fait que Moussa
sanndu, hottere, sam(u)ru, samndu;
a commencé à danser a plu aux gens, mais
qu'il ne voulait plus s'arrêter a diminué le synonyms: kottu, kuungu, nyammu, samndu,
plaisir de cette danse. That Muusa started sanndu; compare: hottere. Dialects: J,Y.
dancing pleased everyone, but that he refused
sadaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
to stop quickly diminished the pleasure of his
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
dance.; synonyms: semmbude, selbinde.
Noun: sadaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. diseur de bonne aventure, voyant, devin;
ɓɓitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saɓɓitagol. fortune teller; seer; soothsayer. Catégorie
Participles: sing: caɓɓitiiɗo-caɓɓitotooɗo : Travailleur. ***: bagaajo, daggadaajo,
plur: saɓɓitiiɓe-saɓɓitotooɓe. Sorting ndaggadaaku, ndaaroowo, tiimoowo,
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in daarnoowo, dabaranke, tiimude, sukunya;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. compare: dabaranke; synonyms: bagaajo,
Verb. 1 • être fortement /beaucoup dilué; dilute. daarnoowo, daggadaajo, ndaaroowo,
***: fettaade, toƴƴ
ƴƴaade, noɗɗ
ɗɗaade; tiimoowo. Dialects: J.
synonyms: semmbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 530
sadaɓere safaare waroore huɗo

sadaɓere Variante: saɗawere. Noun. teigne; saɗɗ
ɗɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saɗɗingol.
ringworm. Catégorie : Maladie. Participles: sing: caɗɗinɗo-caɗɗinoowo
***: porgoroore, soɓ
soɓre. plur: saɗɗinɓe-saɗɗinooɓe. Sorting
sadaka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. 1 • exaspérer, agacer, contrarier,
Noun: sadakaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
tracasser, irriter, énerver, vexer, nuire; annoy;
Noun. 1 • don ou aumône donné à Dieu; alms
irritate; bother; upset; vex; aggravate.
given to God. Note : arabe synonyms: dokkal;
***: haamninde, jarribaade, husinbinde,
***: sappoɓ
sappoɓerde, hokkude, kokkaral,
tiinnande, torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, husinbinde,
fidaa'u, moƴƴ
ƴƴere, dokkal, jakka.
gaccaade, torrude, tiinnande, riibande,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jukkaade, torrude, torra, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
2 • prix en animaux ou en argent donné à un
jarribaade, jukkude, tiinnande, saɓɓ saɓɓitaade
imam pour qu'il prie pour une défunt,
sacrifice; sacrifice. Note : arabe mettinde, toonyaade, riibande, saƴƴ saƴƴinde
compare: jakka, hokkude, moƴƴ moƴƴere
ƴƴere, husinbinde, riibande; synonyms: husinbinde,
sappoɓerde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. riibande, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude,
haamninde, mettinde. Dialects: Y.
saɗawere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • persécuter; persecute.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
of Noun: caɗawe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh.
tiinnande, torrude, gaccaade, jarribaade,
Noun. démangeaisons de peau, teigne; itchy
skin rash; skin rash. Catégorie : Maladie. toonyaade. Dialects: Y.
Dialectal Forms: [G] saɗaɓere (de)/caɗaɓe 3 • tourmenter; torment.
(ɗe). Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saƴƴsaƴƴinde
tiinnande, torrude, jarribaade, jukkaade,
ɗɗa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number jukkude. Dialects: Y.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: saɗɗaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. safa Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Noun. 1 • aggravation, ennuis, contrariété, Designation: 3, da. Noun. 1 • maladie du bétail
irritation, énervant, nuisance, misère; qui affecte les pieds et la bouche; foot and
annoyance; aggravation; bother; irritation; mouth disease in cattle. Catégorie : Maladie
vexation. Saɗɗ
ɗɗa makko
makko na ɓuri nafaa d'animaux. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
makko. Il est plus énervant qu'autre chose. 2 • maladie de bouche des petits ruminants; in
He is more of a pain than he is worth. small ruminants - contagious ecthyma; sore
***: saƴƴ
ƴƴa, daruura, jarribe, doole, husuba, mouth; orf - a zoonotic disease affecting
primarily the lips. Catégorie : Maladie
torra, masiiba, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, bononnda, baasi,
d'animaux. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
torra, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, waannde, jarribaade, torra,
tiiɗalla; synonyms: husuba, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, torra. safaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: Y,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
2 • problème difficulté; difficulty; problem. of Noun: [J,Y,M] cafaaje /[G] safaaje. Sorting
synonyms: baasi, doole, masiiba, saƴƴsaƴƴa
ƴƴa, Designation: 2, mt. Noun. médicament, remède;
tiiɗalla, torra. Dialects: Y,M. remedy; medicine. Catégorie : Traitement de
3 • persécution; persecution. la maladie. ***: lekki, conndi, ɓodde;
compare: husinbinde, jarribaade, torrude; synonyms: lekki; compare: ɓodde, conndi.
synonyms: doole, jarribe, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, torra. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,M. safaare ɓeydoore semmbe expression. fortifiant;
strengthening, fortifying.
safaare keefam Noun. médicament anti-paludisme;
antimalarial medicine.
safaare moɗ
moɗeteende expression. voie orale; oral
route. Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie.
safaare waroore huɗ
huɗo Noun. pesticide; pesticide.
Catégorie : Agriculture.

16/02/2020 531
safi sago

safi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number saggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saggagol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: caggiiɗo-caggotooɗo plur:
Noun: safi'en. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Noun. saggiiɓe-saggotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
idiot, imbécile; fool. Dialects: J,M. ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
attraper ou saisir la tête d'un bœuf et la
safiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: safiɗingol. tourner; to grab a hold of the head of a cow
Participles: sing: cafiɗinɗo or cafoojo plur: and twist it - the usual way of holding a cow.
safiɗinɓe or safooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ***: ŋeemaade, ŋoorude, ɓoylude,
ah, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. caattaade; compare: ɓoylude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st - imo safiɗi. synonyms: caattaade, ŋeemaade. Dialects: G.
Verb. être poilu (humains et animaux); hairy.
***: leembol; compare: leembol. Dialectal
sagginde Noun Form of Infinitive: saggingol.
Forms: [Y] safiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: cagginɗo-cagginoowo
plur: sagginɓe-sagginooɓe. Sorting
safiyaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 4, th. Noun. bêtise, folie, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
impudence; shamelessness; foolishness. Verb. préparer le thé; prepare tea.
***: fuuyre, cuubu, puuyndam; ***: dekude; synonyms: dekude.
synonyms: cuubu, fuuyre, puuyndam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,M.
saggitorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
safoko Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 1. Noun. soirée tôt, du coucher du of Noun: caggitorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
soleil à 20 heurs; evening (early). Note : arabe Noun. dictionnaire, expliquer le sens d'un mot
***: hiiri, jemma, isaa'i, hejjere; ou bien la prononciation d'un mot; dictionary.
compare: jemma, hejjere; synonyms: isaa'i. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
Dialects: J,Y,G. saggo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
safude Noun Form of Infinitive: safugol. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: cafuɗo-cafoowo plur: Noun: caggi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. une
safuɓe-safooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. large région avec du sol caillouteux et petites
collines; A large area with gravelly soil; has
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
small hillocks of gravel. Catégorie : Terre.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aimer qqch
compare: karawal, kollangal; ***: calle,
ou qqn, aimer bien; like someone or
caddi; synonyms: caddi. Dialects: Y,M.
something. Mi safaay sakko mi sawta. Je ne
l'aimait pas ... I didn't like it let alone get bored saggude Noun Form of Infinitive: saggugol.
with it. ***: jabbude, nyeɗnyeɗude, lokuure, Participles: sing: cagguɗo-caggoowo plur:
ittude, ƴoogude, fate. Dialects: J,Y. saggiɓe-saggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
2 • puiser de l'eau d'un puits; draw water from Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
a well. synonyms: ƴoogude; compare: fate, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. expliquer
ittude, lokuure, jabbude, nyeɗ nyeɗude. comment prononcer un mot ou expliquer quel
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. est son sens; explain. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sagargaawo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe. sagiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Noun: sargargaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: cagiije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Noun. lit ou matelas fait de tiges de mil; bed or corbeille tressé d'herbes / paille; basket woven
mattress made of woven millet stalks. from grass. Catégorie : Récipient.
***: dimba, karammbammba; ***: handeere, kilaal; compare: sooɓ
synonyms: dimba, karammbammba. synonyms: handeere, kilaal. Dialects: J.
Dialects: Y.
sago Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo/o. Sorting
Designation: 1. Noun. souhait, désir, vœu de
paix; wish; desire. Sago men tan. Tous mes
bons souhaits. Our wishes only.
synonyms: himme. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M]
sagoo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 532
sago maa paltiiɗo sakkagol

sago maa paltiiɗ

paltiiɗo expression. passé du subjonctif; 2 • final, finalement; finally; final. Hitaande
past subjunctive. Catégorie : La Grammaire. naatii faa ɓoyii, ƴuwoonde toɓ
toɓaay faa
yimɓe kuli, de sakitii toɓ
toɓi. La saison
sahaa Noun. heure. Catégorie : Mathématique.
pluvieuse a commencé il y a un certain temps,
synonyms: waktu, leer. mais ne sont pas tombées, ainsi les gens se
sakala Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗe. Number sont faits des soucis, mais finalement la pluie
est venue. The rainy season started awhile ago,
One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of
but the rain didn't fall so that everyone was
Noun: sakalaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
worried, but finally it fell. Yuusufi arti warde,
couverture fait des bandes de tissu; blanket
made from colorful strips of woven cotton sakitii garumi. Youssouf était le premier à
arrive, finalement je suis aussi arrivé. Yuusufi
sewn together. ***: damiyoore, suddamaare,
was the first to arrive, finally I arrived. Suudu
wudere, tappiire, disaare, kaasa, totiire;
Haaruuna artoriimi, sakitii ngarumi ɗo. J'ai
compare: disaare, kaasa, suddamaare,
commencé à la maison de Harouna,
wudere; synonyms: damiyoore, tappiire, finalement je suis venu ici. I started at
totiire. Dialectal Forms: [G] sakalaare ((n)de). Haruuna's house, finally I came here. Cakitti
Dialects: G. makko wo ley kasu o maayata. À la fin il est
sakiike Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number décédé en prison. Finally he died in jail.
Subaka won etu cakitotoongu. Demain sera
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
son examen final. Tomorrow is the final exam.
Noun: sakiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. From this verb springs the various participle
frère, sœur, cousin; cousin; sibling. Catégorie forms meaning the "last or final one" relating
: Parenté. ***: minyo, banndiyo, higoo, to the noun classes: Group I ɓe/sakitiiɓe,
funeereejo, yigoo, mawnoo; compare: yigoo; ko/sakitiiko, nde/sakitiinde, nge/sakitiinge,
synonyms: funeereejo, mawnoo, minyiiwo. ngo/sakitiingo Group II ɗe/cakitiiɗe,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗi/cakitiiɗi, ɗum/cakitiiɗum, kal/cakitiikal,
kol/cakitiikol, ngal/cakitiingal,
sakiraagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting ngel/cakitiingel, ngol/cakitiingol, o/cakitiiɗo
Designation: 3. Noun. consanguinité, parenté Group III ɗam/cakitiiɗam, ka/cakitiika,
étroite, parent par le sang, cousinage; ki/cakitiiki, ko2/cakitiiko, koy/cakitiikoy,
cousin-hood; blood relations; sibling-hood. ndi/cakitiindi, nga/cakitiinga, ngi/cakitiingi,
Catégorie : Parenté. ***: mawniraagu. ngu/cakitiingu; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sakitiiɗ
sakitiiɗo Noun. le dernier; last (the).
sakitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sakitagol. sakkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sakkagol.
Participles: sing: cakitiiɗo-cakitotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: cakkiiɗo-cakkotooɗo plur:
sakitiiɓe-sakitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. sakkiiɓe-sakkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être le Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'arrêter et
dernier ou la dernière; last (to be). Mi retourner, se détourner; stop and turn back;
sakiteke hantude
hantude ndemri. J'étais le dernier à turn away. synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗfaɗɗitinde
terminer le travail de cultiver. I was the last fai'tinde, fornyude, jaɓɓ
ɓɓaade, onngude,
one finished cultivating. Kanko woni ooncude, runnude, soƴƴ soƴƴinde
ƴƴinde, wittude,
cakitiiɗo naatude ley suudu ndu. Il était le yeccinde; ***: fai'tinde, soƴƴ
dernier à entrer dans la maison. He was the nyorɓ
nyorɓude, yeccinde, faɗɗ faɗɗitinde
ɗɗitinde, onngude,
last one to enter the house. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. riggaade, riiwude, rippude, wittude,
runnude, haawtanaade, ooncude,
ɓoylitinde, fornyude. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • chasser, renvoyer, faire partir; chase away.
synonyms: haawtanaade, nyorɓnyorɓude,
riggaade, riiwude, rippude. Dialects: J,Y.

sakkagol synonyme: faddagol. Noun. prévention;

prevention. Daliiliiji haɗ
haɗooji ko muuyaaka

16/02/2020 533
sakkagol nyaw salɗinde

sakkagol nyaw Noun. traitement préventif; salaade Noun Form of Infinitive: salagol.
preventive treatment. Catégorie : En bonne Participles: sing: calotooɗo plur: salotooɓe.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
sakkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sakkitagol. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: cakkitiiɗo-cakkitotooɗo Verb. 1 • refuser; refuse. ***: muurtere,
plur: sakkitiiɗo-cakkitotooɓe. Sorting lunndaade, muraade, yankirde, yeddude.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 2 • rebeller, se révolter; revolt; rebel (to).
Verb. aller rencontrer qqn ou qqch; meet Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
someone or something. ***: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, 3 • ne pas être d'accord, s'opposer à; disagree.
hawrude, fotundurde, jakkitaade; synonyms: lunndaade, yeddude;
synonyms: jaɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, jakkitaade; compare: muraade, yankirde.
compare: fotundurde, hawrude. Dialects: J,Y. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sakkitinde Verb. véhiculer; convey, to spearhead. salaare
salaare nde luttataa expression. veto; veto.
***: yaajinde. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: luumdol.
sakkitirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form salaati Noun. salade; salad. Catégorie : Nourriture.
of Noun: cakkitirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Note : français
Noun. canine (dent); canine tooth. Catégorie salagol fes expression. réticence; reluctance,
: Le corps. synonyms: rawaanduure, yareere; unwillingness.
***: yareere, rawaanduure;
salagol gosude Noun. déni de justice; denial of
compare: nyiinde, musinirde, hooreere, justice. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
gaggitere, ngaŋ
ngaŋ. Dialects: M.
salagol naatude ley wotto expression. boycott;
sakkitirdi synonyme: ko sakitotoo. Noun. boycott. salaade naatugol watto Catégorie
postposition; postposition. Catégorie : La : Juridique.
salagol suɓ
suɓagol synonyme: rafi wotaade. Noun.
sakko Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. beaucoup moins, abstention; abstention. Catégorie : Juridique.
encore moins, sans parler de, à plus forte
raison; much less; let alone. Mi safaay sakko salanaade laamu synonyme: salanagol laamu .
expression. désobéissance civile; civil
mi sawta. Je n'ai pas aime de commencer,
disobedience. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
encore moins de continuer pour longtemps. I
didn't like it to start with let alone get tired of
it. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. salanga Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
sakkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sakkugol.
Noun: salangaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Participles: sing: cakkuɗo-cakkoowo plur:
toilettes, cabinet, WC, latrines; toilet.
sakkuɓe-sakkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
compare: bawlirde, fiilorde, hanyude, kosu,
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
lootorde; ***: kosu, bawlirde, nyegeere,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner un
lootorde, fiilorde, bonnude, hanyude;
cadeau à un pauvre pour glorifier Dieu; to
give someone poor a gift or "sadaka" in order synonyms: nyegeere. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
to glorify God. ***: yeɗ
yeɗude, hokkude, salanka. Dialects: J,G.
wannude, nafude, faabaade; salanka Noun. latrines; latrine, toilets. ***: nyegeere.
synonyms: faabaade, hokkude, nafude,
salɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: salɗingol. Sorting
waantude, wallude, wannude, yeɗ yeɗude.
Designation: 4, pl. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg -
sakoosi Noun. sacoche; bag; saddlebag. Catégorie na salɗini/salɗina. Verb. diversifier, pousser
: Récipient. Note : français des nouvelles pousses, germer, laisser
pousser, bourgeonner; sprout new shoots;
branch out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 534
salgaade sam(u)ru
2 • articulation; joint. Catégorie : Le corps.
salgaade Noun Form of Infinitive: salgagol.
synonyms: jokkulde. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: calgiiɗo-calgotooɗo plur:
3 • bras de fleuve, branche de rivière, affluent;
salgiiɓe-salgotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
branch of a river or stream; tributary. Catégorie
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
: Eau. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] saldu.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. glisser; slip;
Dialects: J,Y.
slide. synonyms: taataade; ***: taataade.
Dialects: M. salndu2 Plural Form of Noun: calɗi. synonyme: tergal,
yuɓɓo. Noun. organe; organ. Catégorie : Le
salla Sorting Designation: 2. adv/conj. 1 • si, si ... ou
corps. ***: yuɓɓ
ɓɓo terɗ
terɗe, yuɓɓ
non; whether; whether or not; if. ***: faa,
yalla, de1; synonyms: yalla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. salndu3 Noun. chapitre, section, étape; chapter,
section, step, stage. Catégorie : Le langage et
2 • de façon à ce que, ainsi, pour que, afin que;
la pensée. synonyms: yemre.
so that; in order that. Ɓe ngaddii o
Tenkodogo yalla imo heɓ heɓa safaare. On l'a salndu ɗaɗi ngaandi Plural Form of Noun: calɗi
amenée à Tenkodogo pour qu'elle puisse avoir ɗaɗi ngaandi . synonyme: yuɓɓo ɗaɗi
les médicaments. They brought her to ngaandi . Noun. système nerveux; nervous
Tenkodogo so that she could get medicine.
system. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: yuɓɓ
ɓɓo ɗaɗi
synonyms: yalla, de2, faa. Dialectal Forms: [J]
sallaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
salndu maayo Noun. Fleuve; river, stream. Catégorie
sallifana Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting : Eau, Terre.
Designation: 1. Noun. après-midi (entre 14 h et
16 h); early afternoon. compare: laasara; salndu-
ƴƴe Plural Form of
***: laasara. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: calɗi-bumpuƴƴe. Noun. bronche;
bronchus. Catégorie : Le corps.
salligaade Noun Form of Infinitive: salligagol. ***: salndu-
salndu-kuufe; synonyms: salndu-
Participles: sing: calligiiɗo-calligotooɗo
salndu-kuufe Noun. bronche; bronchus. Catégorie
plur: salligiiɓe-salligotooɓe. Sorting
: Le corps. synonyms: salndu-
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
***: salndu-
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. faire ses ablutions; ceremonially wash salndu-
salndu-maate Plural Form of Noun: calɗi-maate.
before praying; ablutions. ***: lootude; synonyme: tergal-maate, yuɓɓo-maate.
synonyms: lootude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. organe de sens; organ of senses.
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: yuɓɓ
salminde Noun Form of Infinitive: salmingol.
ɓɓooji maatirɗ
Participles: sing: calminɗo-calminoowo
plur: salminɓe-salminooɓe. Sorting saltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saltagol.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: caltiiɗo-caltotooɗo plur:
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. saltiiɓe-saltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Verb. 1 • saluer lorsqu'on arrive en disant pl. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
salaamu aleykum; greet when arriving. Note : Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever une
arabe ***: gokkaade, fiyude, jowtude, branche d'un arbre; remove a branch from a
tappude, silminde, fiide; synonyms: jowtude. tree. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sam(u)ru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
2 • frapper, taper; knock. Note : arabe
Number One for this noun: ngootu/gooto.
synonyms: fiide, fiyude, gokkaade, tappude;
Plural Form of Noun: sam(u)ruuji. Sorting
compare: silminde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. vulve, vagin
salndu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. (animaux); vulva or vagina - used of animals.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
of Noun: [J,Y,G] calɗi, [M] cali. Sorting compare: hottere; synonyms: kottu, kuungu,
Designation: 3, pl, at. Noun. 1 • bourgeon d' un nyammu, saɓ saɓu, samndu, sanndu. Dialects: J.
arbre, bifurcation, branche; branch;
bifurcation; shoot on a tree. Catégorie : Parties
d’un végétal ou d’une plante. ***: liccal,
wilitere, catal, jokkulde
jokkulde; synonyms: catal,
liccal. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 535
samandiire samndaade

samandiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. samminde Noun Form of Infinitive: sammingol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: camminɗo-camminoowo
of Noun: samandiije. Sorting Designation: 3. plur: samminɓe-samminooɓe. Sorting
Noun. pilier (souvent fait de briques); pillar. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Note : mooré synonyms: bimmbeere. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: M. Verb. 1 • laisser tomber qqch, jeter par terre;
drop something; throw something down.
Samariya Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Samarie;
***: limnude, limnude, faɗɗfaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, liɓ
Samaria. Catégorie : Localité. Note : hébreu
linnude, linnude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, wippitinde,
Dialects: biblical.
fiinude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, saaminde, saaminde;
samasammboonde Noun. hérisson; hedgehog. synonyms: faɗɗ
inde, fottinde, limnude,
Catégorie : Mammifère. synonyms: huunyaare, linnude. Dialects: Y.
camcammooli. 2 • abattre qqch qui est debout, faire tomber,
Sammba Noun. prénom masculin (Signification : jeter à terre, renverser; knock something
second fils); first name for a male (meaning: down that is standing. synonyms: boɓɓ
second son). Catégorie : Nom. liɓ
liɓude. Dialectal Forms: saaminde.
sammbaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Dialects: Y.

Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of sammude Noun Form of Infinitive: sammugol.
Noun: sammbaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Participles: sing: cammuɗo-cammoowo
Noun. le deuxième fils; second born son. plur: sammuɓe-sammooɓe. Sorting
***: hammadiijo, paateejo, njobbaajo, Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
dembaajo, yeraajo; compare: hammadiijo, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yeraajo, paateejo, dembaajo, njobbaajo. Verb. 1 • frapper les feuilles d'un arbre pour
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] sammboojo. qu'elles tombent et ainsi les animaux peuvent
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. les manger; to hit the leaves of a tree with a
staff to knock the leaves off so one's animals
Sammbo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom can eat them. ***: nyippude, muppude,
traditionnel pour le deuxième fils; the nyappude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
traditional name of the second son; variations
2 • frapper sur un feu de brousse avec une
include Sammboore and Sammbaare;
branche pour l'éteindre; to beat a bush fire
Maccuɓe also use Sammboldi. ***: Paate, with a branch to extinguish it.
Dembo, Njobbo, Yero, Afo, Ndembi
Ndembi, synonyms: muppude, nyappude, nyippude.
Hammadum; compare: Hammadum, Yero, Dialects: Y,M.
Paate, Dembo, Njobbo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
samndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: samndagol.
sammeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: camndiiɗo-camndotooɗo
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form plur: samndiiɓe-camndotooɓe. Sorting
of Noun: cammeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, at, Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
cs. Noun. 1 • le bout de la queue; tip of the tail. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. Verb. 1 • être ensemble, rester ensemble,
***: bukkude1. Dialects: Y,G. marcher ensemble, côtoyer; stay together; next
2 • tête ou épi de sorgho; head of sorghum; ear. to (to be); walk together; together (to be).
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une Suudu
Suudu Boureima na samndii e suudu Rik.
plante. compare: laasi, liccal mbayeeri, La maison de Boureima est ensemble avec la
ƴommbal mbayeeri; synonyms: bukkude1. maison de Rick. Boureima's house is together
Dialectal Forms: [J] sammeeru, sammeeri. with Rick's house. Ali na samndii yigoo
Dialects: Y,G. muuɗ
muuɗum, iɓ iɓe ponndii luumo. Ali marche
ensemble avec son ami pour aller au marché.
Ali is walking with his friend to market.
***: ɓattondirde, ɗakkondirde,
takkondirde, seɓ
seɓondirde, ɓadondirde;
synonyms: wondude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 536
samndondirde sanaa
2 • suivre derrière; to follow behind. Ali samtande Noun Form of Infinitive: samtangol.
samndeke gaɗ
gaɗa Muusa, yaade Ali is Participles: sing: camtanɗo-camtanoowo
following behind Muusa. synonyms: jokkude, plur: samtanɓe-samtanooɓe. Sorting
tokkude. Dialects: G. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
samndondirde Noun Form of Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Infinitive: samndondirgol. Participles: plur: Verb. 1 • se sentir mieux, aller mieux après une
maladie ou une période de précarité; better
samndondirɓe-samndondirooɓe. Sorting
after an illness (to be). na samtani o il va
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
mieux. he is better. Mi hownowii o, mi tawii
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Verb. se mettre en ligne pour faire une course; na samtani o. Je suis allé le saluer et je trouve
to line up at the starting line in order to race. qu'il va mieux. I went to greet him and found
Dialectal Forms: [J] samndundurde. him to be better. ***: samtude, ɓurtude,
Dialects: Y,G,M. diilaade, ɓurande; synonyms: ɓurtude,
samtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
samndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. 2 • préférer légèrement, légèrement
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form préférable; slightly preferable. Joonin ko
of Noun: samnduuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
keɓumi nagge woote nge na samtani kam
Noun. vulve ou vagin; vulva; vagina. Catégorie
no ngorrunoomi. Je préfère d'avoir un bœuf,
: Le corps. ***: nyammu, ley2, kottu, c'est mieux qu'avant lorsque je n'en avais pas.
kuungu, sanndu, hottere, sam(u)ru, saɓ
saɓu; Now that I have one cow is better than the way
compare: hottere; synonyms: kottu, kuungu, I was [with no cows.] synonyms: ɓurande,
nyammu, saɓ
saɓu, sanndu. Dialects: Y,G. diilaade
diilaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sampiyon Noun. champion; champion. Note : français samtude Noun Form of Infinitive: samtugol.
sampude Noun Form of Infinitive: sampugol. Participles: sing: camtuɗo plur: samtuɓe.
Participles: sing: campuɗo-campoowo plur: Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant
sampuɓe-sampooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • se sentir mieux après
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entasser, une maladie; feel better after an illness. na
mettre en tas, empiler, stocker; pile up; samti. synonyms: ɓurtude, samtande;
stockpile. Idrissa, hooƴ
hooƴii haako, sampii ***: samtande, ɓurtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gaɗa lalgaare Idrissa a empilé les feuilles à 2 • être mieux que quelqu'un d'autre; better
l'autre côté du mur. Idrissa took the leaves and than someone else. Miɗ
Miɗo samti o waawude
piled them on the other side of the wall. remude. Je sais mieux cultiver que lui. I can
synonyms: tiɗɗ
ɗɗude, tiggude, tiƴƴ
ƴƴude. hoe better than he [can]. synonyms: ɓurande.
Dialects: M. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] samude.
sampugol Noun. abondance; abundance. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

samsa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗe. Number samude Noun Form of Infinitive: samugol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: camuɗo-camoowo plur:
Noun: samsaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. samuɓe-samooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. beignet de haricot; fried bean cake; bean Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
cake. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : mooré Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. damer un sol
***: ceceena; synonyms: ceceena. de latérite; tamp. ***: tappirgal, camirgal;
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: camirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
samsammoondu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu sanaa Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v. 1 • devrai; should.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. ***: karahan, haanude, kanaa, so wanaa,
Plural Form of Noun: camcammooli. Sorting say, si wanaa, sey, waajibi, yonude, tilay.
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. hérisson; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
white-bellied hedgehog. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Erinaceus albiventris. 2 • devoir; must. synonyms: haanude, kanaa,

***: huunyaare; synonyms: huunyaare. say, sey; compare: karahan, tilay, tilsude,
Dialects: J. waajibaade, waajibi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 537
sancaade sannyude

sancaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sancagol. sankitaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: canciiɗo-cancotooɗo plur: Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • désordre, chaos;
sanciiɓe-sancotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. disorder; chaos. ***: fikitaare;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb synonyms: fikitaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se peigner les 2 • dispersion d'une foule; dispersal of a
cheveux; comb your hair. compare: cancorgal, crowd. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kaasorgal, pampaariire, sunndiyaare; sankitande Noun Form of Infinitive: sankitangol.
***: sunndiyaare, kaasorgal, cendal,
Participles: sing: cankitanɗo-cankitanoowo
kaasaade, cancorgal, pampaariire;
plur: sankitanɓe-sankitanooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: kaasaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
sanceede Noun Form of Infinitive: sancegol. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Participles: sing: cancaaɗo-canceteeɗo imo sankitana. Verb. nourrir des animaux en
plur: sancaaɓe-sanceteeɓe. Sorting leur donnant des grains ou du foin, éparpiller,
disperser; feed animals by scattering grain or
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
hay for them; to disperse; scatter something
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • être peigné; combed.
about. ***: saakude; synonyms: saakude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: kaaseede; ***: kaaseede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sankitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sankitingol.
2 • être déplacé, réaffecté; reassigned; Participles: sing: cankitinɗo-cankitoowo
re-stationed. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: sankitinɓe-sankitooɓe. Sorting
sancude Noun Form of Infinitive: sancugol. Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Participles: sing: cancuɗo-cancoowo plur:
imo sankita. Verb. éparpiller, répandre,
sancuɓe-sancooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
disperser, nourrir des volailles, mettre en
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb désordre; scatter or disperse; feed chickens.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. peigner les
***: saakude; synonyms: saakude. Dialectal
cheveux de qqn d'autre; comb someone else's
Forms: [Y,G] sankitidde, sankitinnde.
hair. ***: kaasude; synonyms: kaasude.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sanndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
sangalde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: sannduuji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
of Noun: cangale. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun. vulve, vagin; vulva and vagina. Catégorie
Noun. porc-épic; porcupine. Catégorie
: Le corps. ***: nyammu, ley2, kottu,
: Mammifère. Hystrix cristata.
kuungu, sam(u)ru, saɓ
saɓu, samndu;
***: saŋ
asaŋalde, saŋ
saŋalde; synonyms: cenda
compare: hottere; synonyms: kottu, kuungu,
saŋalde. Dialects: J,M.
nyammu, saɓ
saɓu, samndu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
sank-a Verb. dépenser; spend. Catégorie
: Mathématique. synonyms: nyaam-
sanne Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. beaucoup, très;
***: nyaam-
very; lot (a). ***: hunnde; synonyms: hunnde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sankitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sankitagol.
Participles: sing: cankitiiɗo-cankitotooɗo
sannyude Noun Form of Infinitive: sannyugol.
Participles: sing: cannyuɗo-cannyoowo
(future) plur: sankitiiɓe-sankitotooɓe
plur: sannyuɓe-sannyooɓe. Sorting
(future). Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • tomber en ruine;
Verb. tisser; weave. compare: canyorgal,
fall apart. ***: jirkitinde, maayude.
sanyude; ***: canyorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être étalé ou éparpillé, s'éparpiller;
scattered; spread out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • être déchiqueté, râpé ; hacked into pieces
by someone; torn to shreds by an animal.
compare: maayude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 538
santere sappo

santere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. sappaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sappagol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: cappiiɗo-cappotooɗo plur:
of Noun: cante. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. sappiiɓe-sappotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
surnom; nick name. ***: soowoore, innde, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
jammoore, yaasoore; compare: innde, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pointer avec
jammoore; synonyms: soowoore, yaasoore. l'index, indexer; point your index finger.
Dialects: J. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

santere2 Noun. centre; center. Note : français sappaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
santigaraam emprunt: français. Noun. centigramme;
of Noun: cappaaje. Sorting Designation: 4.
centigram. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun. chapeau en tissu; cloth cap with a bill or
santiliitar emprunt: français. Noun. centilitre; a brim. Catégorie : Vêtement.
centilitre. Catégorie : Mathématique. compare: kufune, tenngaare; ***: tenngaare,
santimeeter emprunt: français. Noun. centimètre; malfaare, hufuneere, huuneere, kufune.
centimetre. Catégorie : Mathématique. Dialectal Forms: [G,M] sappoore. Dialects: J,Y.

santingaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. sappanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sappangol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: cappaniiɗo-cappanotooɗo
of Noun: santingaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or. plur: sappaniiɓe-sappanotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. tourterelle masque de fer; dove Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
(long-tailed). Catégorie : Oiseau. Oena Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
capensis. ***: buubabaheeru, lokel, lohuru, Verb. 1 • indiquer du doigt à qqn, montrer;
wersawersaandu; synonyms: buubabaheeru, point something out for someone.
lohuru, lokel, wersawersaandu. Dialects: M. ***: fodanaade, anniyaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sanyo kelme Noun. mots croisés; crossword.
2 • avertir, prévenir; warn. Sappanaade wo
***: kelme canyaaɗ
wi'ude goɗɗ
ɗɗo, 'reenta, tinta waɗ
waɗu nii.' Un
sanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: sanyugol. avertissement dit à qqn «Attention, ne fais pas
Participles: sing: canyuɗo-canyoowo plur: cela.». Warning is saying to someone, 'Control
sanyuɓe-sanyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. yourself, you must not do this.'.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tisser des 3 • promettre qqch à qqn; promise something
herbes /paille pour faire des nattes, to someone. synonyms: fodanaade.
couvercles, corbeilles; weave grass into mats Dialects: J,Y.
or bowl covers; or baskets. ***: sekko,
sappande Noun Form of Infinitive: sappangol.
sannyude, beɗ
beɗu, booyoowo, tiisaade,
Participles: sing: cappanɗo-cappanoowo
mbeɗu; synonyms: tiisaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: sappanɓe-sappanooɓe. Sorting
saŋalde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
of Noun: caŋale. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Verb. 1 • dire avec vigueur en faisant un geste
Noun. porc-épic; porcupine. Catégorie avec le doigt; to forcefully make a point while
: Mammifère. Hystrix cristata. pointing or shaking your finger at the
synonyms: cenda, sangalde; ***: sangalde, listener(s). ***: nyiŋ
nyiŋude, yowude, dekude,
cenda. Dialects: J,Y. felude, fawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • s'en vouloir, faire des reproches, accuser;
asaŋalde Noun. porc-épic; porcupine. Catégorie
blame. synonyms: dekude, fawude, felude,
: Mammifère. synonyms: sangalde, cenda,
nyiŋude, yowude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sappo Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • dix (nombre
sapannde Noun. dizaine; decade, tens. Catégorie
cardinal); ten. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Mathématique. ***: sappooru.

16/02/2020 539
sappo e go'o sarɗiiji binndi
2 • dixième; tenth. Note: here are the ordinal
Saratu Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Sarah
numbers by noun class: Group I ɓe/sappoɓe,
(épouse d'Abraham); Sarah-the wife of
ko/sappoɓo, nde/sappoɓerde, ndu/saooɓurdu,
nge/sappoɓe, ngo/sappoɓo Group II Abraham. Note : hébreu ***: Saray;
ɗe/sappoɓe, ɗi/sappoɓi, ɗum/sappoɓum, compare: Saray. Dialects: biblical.
kal/sappoɓal, kol/sappoɓol, ngal/sappoɓal,
Saray Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Saraï
ngel/sappoɓel, ngol/sappoɓol, o/sappoɓo
(épouse d'Abram); Sarai-the wife of Abram.
Group III ɗam/sappoɓam, ka/sappoɓa,
ki/sappoɓi, ko/sappoɓo, koy/sappoɓoy, Note : hébreu compare: Saratu; ***: Saratu.
ndi/sappoɓirdi, nga/sappoɓa, ngi/sappoɓi, Dialects: biblical.
ngu/sappoɓu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sardaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sardagol.
sappo e go'o adj. onze, 11; eleven. Participles: sing: cardiiɗo-cardotooɗo plur:
sardiiɓe-sardotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
sappo e jeegom adj. seize, 16; sixteen.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sappo e joy adj. quinze, 15; fifteen. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être jugé avec,
sappo e nay adj. quatorze, 14; fourteen. justice entre deux ou plusieurs parties; judged
with. Nanngu na'i am ɗi, tiiganam, de
sappoɓerde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number paamaa si a nyaamii ɗi fu en cardoto.
One for this noun: wootere. Sorting Prends mes bœufs, garde-les pour moi, mais
Designation: 3, th. Noun. dîme; tithe. sache que si tu les «bouffes» on va aller au
compare: sadaka; ***: sadaka, jakka; tribunal. Take my cows, hold them for me, but
understand, if you "eat" them we will go to
synonyms: jakka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
court. Mi wartii, mi tawii o nyaamii kam
sappooru Noun. dizaine; tens. Catégorie baali. Min cardeke faa o yoɓ yoɓii kam. Je suis
: Mathématique. synonyms: capanɗ
capanɗe, venu trouver qu'il a vendu mes moutons. Nous
sapannde. sommes allés au tribunal et il me les a payé. I
came and found that he sold my sheep. We
sappordu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. went to court so he paid me. Note : arabe
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form compare: hiitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: capporɗi. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
Noun. index (doigt), l'index; index finger. sardiŋ
sardiŋe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Catégorie : Le corps. compare: honndu; One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: honndu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: sardiŋeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Noun. jardin, jardinage; garden. Catégorie
sappori Noun. taureau de dix ans; bull of 10 years. : Agriculture. Note : français Dialectal
Catégorie : Élevage. Forms: [G] sardinnge (nge). Dialects: J,Y,M.
saraade Noun Form of Infinitive: saragol. sardiŋ
sardiŋe lu’ooji Noun. jardin potager; vegetable
Participles: sing: cariiɗo-carotooɗo plur: garden. Catégorie : Agriculture.
sariiɓe-sarotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
sarɗi1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Designation: 4, th. Noun. date ou heure limite,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. juger, estimer; délai, le temps ou jour convenu; appointed
judge. Note : arabe synonyms: hiitaade; time or day; deadline. Note : arabe
***: algaali, hiitaade, kiite; compare: algaali, Dialects: J,Y,M.
kiite. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sarɗi2 Noun. 1 • loi, condition; law, condition.
saraf Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ***: luwaa.
Noun: saraf'en. Sorting Designation: 3, th. 2 • stratégie; strategy, policy. ***: dabare2.
Noun. séraphin; seraph. Note : hébreu
sarɗi wottooji synonyme: dewtere sariya wote.
***: keruba; compare: keruba, maleyka.
Noun. code électoral; electoral code, electoral
Dialects: biblical. rules. Catégorie : Juridique.
saragol Noun. procès; trial, lawsuit. Catégorie sarɗ
sarɗiiji binndi expression. règle (grammaticale);
: Gouvernement, Juridique. synonyms: gosu. grammatical rule. Catégorie : La Grammaire.

16/02/2020 540
sarɗiiji gollitirɗi sarneede

sarɗiiji gollitirɗ
gollitirɗi expression. règlement intérieur; sariyankooɓ
sariyankooɓe synonyme: jusitiisi ; gosorde. Noun.
rules of procedure, by-law, internal magistrature; legal authority, magistracy.
regulations. Catégorie : Juridique. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: laawol sariya gollirteengol.
sariyankooɓe ndaraniiɓ
ndaraniiɓe heɓ heɓa sariya
sarɗiiji laamu potondiral expression. règles du rewee expression. ministère public; public
jeu démocratique; the democratic rules of the prosecutor. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
game. Catégorie : Juridique. Juridique.
sarɗiiji njoƴ
njoƴƴini expression. disposition; sariyankoore dowuure synonyme: gosorde
disposition. ko sarɗ
sarɗiiji njoƴƴ
ƴƴini mawnde. expression. magistrature suprême;
sarɗinaa synonyme: ko sariya yamiri. légal; legal, supreme magistracy . Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
lawful, legitimate . ko sarɗ
sarɗinaa Catégorie
: Juridique. sariyankoore fu dowuure synonyme: gosorde fu
sarɗinere Noun. légitimité; legitimacy. Catégorie dowuure. expression. cour suprême; Supreme
: Juridique. Court, High Court. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
sarɗingol synonyme: ko fonnditaa e sariya. Noun.
légalité; legality, lawfulness . Catégorie sarkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sarkagol.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. Participles: sing: carkiiɗo-carkotooɗo plur:
sarkiiɓe-sarkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
sareede Noun Form of Infinitive: saregol.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: caraaɗo-careteeɗo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'étouffer
saraaɓe-sareteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. lorsqu'on avala un liquide, tousser lorsqu'on
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb avale un liquide dans la trachée; cough after
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être jugé; swallowing liquid into the trachea; choke
judged. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. when swallowing a liquid. Ndiyam ɗam
sarkeke kam. This water made me
saretti Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
cough/choke. ***: jomaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • intervenir dans une discussion sans y être
Noun: sarettiiji. Sorting Designation: 2.
été invité à participer, se mêler dans une
Variante: sareti. Noun. charrette; chariot; cart. discussion, interrompre; butt into a discussion
Catégorie : Agriculture, Voyager. Note : to which you have no rightful place.
français ***: seretti, torkooru; synonyms: jomaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: seretti, torkooru. Dialects: Y,G.
sarla Noun. culotte, pantalon; trousers; pants;
sariya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number drawers; panties. Catégorie : Vêtement.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialectal Forms: sarra.
Noun: sariyaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
sarneede Noun Form of Infinitive: sarnegol.
Noun. jugement, loi, justice; law; judgment.
Participles: sing: carnaaɗo-carneteeɗo
Note : arabe ***: hiitaade, algaali, munyal,
plur: sarnaaɓe-sarneteeɓe. Sorting
kiite; compare: hiitaade, munyal, algaali;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: kiite. Dialectal Forms: sariyaa.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. être trompé, être dupé; deceived - often
sariya bonɗ
bonɗo expression. injustice; injustice, includes enticements. ***: fenaneede,
unfairness. eyteede, hiileede, jambeede, fewaneede;
sariya e tefeede expression. judiciaire; judicial, synonyms: eyteede, fewaneede, hiileede,
legal, judicial proceeding. Catégorie jambeede. Dialects: J,Y.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

sariya finansi synonyme: sariya banngal ceede.

expression. loi des finances; Finance Law.
Catégorie : Argent, Juridique.

sariyanke Noun. magistrat; judge, magistrate .

Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique,
Travailleur. synonyms: juuju, gosoowo,

16/02/2020 541
sarnude sattiyo

sarnude Noun Form of Infinitive: sarnugol. sarwiisi gofernema emprunt: français. expression.
Participles: sing: carnuɗo-carnoowo plur: fonction publique; public service, civil service,
sarnuɓe-sarnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
public administration. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Le travail et diverses
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb activités.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tromper,
duper, séduire; seduce; deceive. ***: hiilude, sarwiisi mawɗ
mawɗo synonyme: jooɗnde mawnde.
expression. institution; institution. Catégorie
eytude, hiila, jambaade, eytude
eytude, fenude;
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: eytude, fewande, hiilude,
jambaade; compare: fenude, fewude. sarwiisi ndawranoowo expression. autorité de
tutelle; supervisory authority. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y.
: Juridique.
saroraade Noun Form of Infinitive: saragol. sarwiisiiji sariya expression. institutions judiciaires;
Participles: sing: cariiɗo-carotooɗo plur: judicial institutions. Catégorie
sariiɓe-sarotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sarwiisinke gofernema emprunt: français.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. juger dans une expression. fonctionnaire; civil servant, public
certaine manière; judge in a certain manner. servant, officer. Catégorie : Travailleur.
"Celee saroraade huunde e sifa muuɗ
satalla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
de caroroɗ
caroroɗon nde e laaɓ
laaɓal." Yaayaa 7:24
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: satallaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
sarra Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number théière en plastic pour faire les ablutions; the
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of plastic "teapot" they carry around in order to
Noun: sarraaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. do their ablutions. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
pantalons traditionnels avec un cordon de Songhai compare: barraadu; synonyms: buuta;
serrage, culotte; trousers (traditional); pants. ***: buuta, barraadu. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Catégorie : Vêtement. ***: pantalo, tuuba;
satti adj. devenu difficile, indiscipliné; difficult;
synonyms: pantalo, tuuba. Dialectal Forms: [M] undisciplined.
sarla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sattinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sattingol.
sarti Noun. accord, contrat, délai; period of time;
Participles: sing: cattinɗo-cattinoowo plur:
agreement; deadline; consent.
sattinɓe-sattinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
sartude Noun Form of Infinitive: sartugol. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: cartuɗo-cartoowo plur: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. égorger un
sartuɓe-sartooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. animal, couper la gorge d'un animal, abattre
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb un animal; slaughter; cut the throat of an
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. avoir la animal. compare: saaɗ
saaɗude; ***: saattinde;
diarrhée; diarrhea (to have). synonyms: saattinde. Dialects: G,M.
synonyms: saarude; ***: saarude. sattiyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting
Dialects: J,G,M. Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce d'herbe; An
sarude Noun Form of Infinitive: sarugol. annual grass that grows in sandy areas that
flood in the Sahel. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
Participles: sing: caruɗo plur: saruɓe. Sorting
grimpantes. Oryza barthii.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
***: maaro-
maaro-pooli, dimpo, maaro,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
burguuho; compare: dimpo, maaro;
juger, discerner, comprendre, avoir de
l’intelligence; discern; understand; judge. Note synonyms: burguuho, maaro-
: arabe ***: ƴoyre, caral, anndude, faamude, Dialects: G.
jiɓtude, haƴƴ
ƴƴillo, hakkillo, ƴoƴude;
compare: anndude, caral, hakkillo, ƴoyre;
synonyms: faamude, jiɓjiɓtude, jiptude,
ƴoƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sarwetti emprunt: français. Noun. serviette; towel.

Catégorie : Vêtement.

sarwiisi Noun. service; service. Note : français

16/02/2020 542
sattude sawru

sattude Noun Form of Infinitive: sattugol. sawraade Noun Form of Infinitive: sawragol.
Participles: sing: cattuɗo plur: sattuɓe. Participles: sing: cawriiɗo-cawrotooɗo plur:
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in sawriiɓe-sawrotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. th, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c.
1 • être obstiné, têtu, faire le contraire de ce Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir
qu'on a été demandé de faire; obstinate; do the une patience à toute épreuve, être patient,
opposite. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo o na satti sanne sabo ko o pardonner; long-suffering or patient; forgive;
wi'aa taa o waɗ
waɗa fu o waɗwaɗan. Ce type est patient (to be). ***: munyude, munyal,
têtu, quoi qu'elle lui demande de ne pas faire, waaltaade, feewndaade, cawraagu;
c'est cela qu'il fait. That guy is obstinate, synonyms: feewndaade, muncaade,
whatever she tells him not do do is what he
munyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
does. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • se calmer; calm yourself. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être beaucoup ou trop, excessif; lot (to be
3 • prendre un médicament; take medicine.
a); too much; excessive. Lamɗ
Lamɗam na satti
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
maatude ley hoy ko. Il y a trop de sel dans la
sauce. There is too much salt in the sauce. sawraare Noun. tolérance; tolerance. Catégorie
Laamɗo, Aɗ
Aɗa satti anndude yaadu am. : Juridique, Le langage et la pensée.
Dieu, Tu connais vraiment mon chemin. God, synonyms: yarlagol, cawraagu.
You really know my way. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sawreede Noun Form of Infinitive: sawregol.
3 • être trop cher / chère; expensive (to be too).
Participles: sing: cawraaɗo-cawreteeɗo
Ɓii nagge nge na satti. Ce veau est trop cher.
plur: sawraaɓe-sawreteeɓe. Sorting
That calf is too expensive. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
sattuɗo adj. indiscipliné, têtu; stubborn; Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
undisciplined. Verb. être sous traitement médical; medical
sattuma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number treatment (to be under). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of sawrinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sawringol.
Noun: sattumaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Participles: sing: cawrinɗo-cawrinoowo
Noun. jour férié religieux; religious holiday;
plur: sawrinɓe-sawrinooɓe. Sorting
holiday (religious). ***: iidi; synonyms: iidi.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
sawaara Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Verb. réconcilier, faire la paix, intervenir ou
Designation: 3, mt, dh, da. Noun. 1 • jaunisse;
pacifier dans une lutte / bagarre; intervene or
icterus; jaundice. Catégorie : Maladie. break up a fight; reconcile or make peace.
***: oolol, cammbol. Dialects: J,G,M. ***: fonndude, rewrintinde, surude,
2 • hépatite; hepatitis. Catégorie : Maladie. surtude; synonyms: fonndude, rewrintinde,
synonyms: cammbol, oolol. Dialects: J,G,M. surude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sawawre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting sawrirde gite Noun. ophtalmologie; opthalmology.
Catégorie : Maladie.
Designation: 3. Noun. rosée; dew. Catégorie
: Eau, Temps. synonyms: saawandere; sawrirdesukaaɓ
sawrirdesukaaɓe Noun. pédiatrie; paediatrics.
compare: boygel, kundukunndu, ulgu; Catégorie : Maladie.
***: daambol, saawandere, saawoore, sawroowo gite Noun. ophtalmologue; eye doctor.
boygel, sollungo, kundukunndu. Catégorie : Travailleur.
Dialects: Y,G. sawru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
sawdu to ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe ndewaaku moƴƴ
ƴƴintee Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
expression. ovaire; ovary. Catégorie : Le corps. of Noun: cabbi. Sorting Designation: 2, ah.
synonyms: ɓoccinoowel, dimrugol. Noun. bâton du berger; staff (a shepherd's);
shepherd's staff. compare: ɓoldeeru, liwndu,
sawnd-o Verb. parallèle (être -); parallel (to be -).
Catégorie : Mathématique. loosol; ***: liwndu, tuugorgal, liwtorgal,
loosol, ɓoldeeru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 543
sawru wecco sayɗude

sawru wecco Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: sawtu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Noun. un léger
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural bruit, un faible bruit; faint noise. Miɗ
Miɗo nana
Form of Noun: cabbi becce. Sorting sawtu yaasin galle am. J’entends un léger
Designation: 2, at. Noun. côte; rib. Catégorie bruit dehors de ma cour. I hear a faint noise
: Le corps. ***: ƴi'al wecco, ƴiire wecco;
outside my yard. - this would be something
you hear but do not see. Note : arabe
synonyms: ƴiire wecco, ƴi'al wecco.
synonyms: saaƴ
saaƴo, sonnyo; ***: saaƴ
saaƴo, ruubu,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
iido. Dialectal Forms: [Y] sawto. Dialects: J,M.
sawrude Noun Form of Infinitive: sawrugol.
sawtu2 Noun. voice. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Participles: sing: cawruɗo-cawroowo plur:
synonyms: daande1, mbolo.
sawruɓe-sawrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb sawtude Noun Form of Infinitive: sawtugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. soigner, Participles: sing: cawtuɗo-cawtoowo plur:
donner un traitement pour guérir, donner des sawtuɓe-sawtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
médicaments; look after; give medicine; treat; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
give treatments that bring healing.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être fatigué de
compare: daɗ
daɗinde; ***: daɗ
daɗinde, dannude, qqch, en avoir assez de qqch, être ennuyé de,
oppude; synonyms: oppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. en avoir marre de; fed up; tired of something;
sawrugol Noun. soin, traitement; care, treatment, bored. ***: heppude; compare: heppude.
concern. Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sawrugol nyaw Noun. traitement curatif; curative sawtude harfeere expression. épeler; spell.
treatment. Catégorie : Traitement de la Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
maladie. synonyms: limt-
limt-a, siirude.

sawtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sawtingol. say Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v. 1 • devrais,
Participles: sing: cawtinɗo-cawtinoowo aurais; should. ***: haanude, sanaa, kanaa,
plur: sawtinɓe-sawtinooɓe. Sorting so wanaa, si wanaa, sey. Dialects: Y.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in 2 • doit, devrait, devoir faire; must. Say mi
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. yaha luumo, mi sooda kaataare. Je dois
Verb. faire un faible / léger bruit; to make a aller au marche pour acheter du savon. I
faint noise; Hettinda a nanan goɗɗ
ɗɗum na must/should go to the market and buy soap.
sawtina gaɗ
gaɗa maa. Écoute, tu entendras compare: karahan, tilay, tilsude, waajibaade,
quelque chose qui fait un léger bruit derrière waajibi; synonyms: haanude, kanaa, sanaa,
toi. Listen, you will hear something making a sey. Dialects: Y.
noise behind you. ***: dukude, saawtinde,
sonnyude, saaƴ
saaƴude, iidude;
sayɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sayɓagol.
compare: dukude, iidude, olkude, saaƴ
saaƴude, Participles: sing: cayɓiiɗo-cayɓotooɗo plur:
sonnyude; synonyms: saawtinde. Dialects: J,G. sayɓiiɓe-sayɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se laver
sawto Plural Form of Noun: sawtooji. Noun. bruit, son, les parties intimes du corps; wash one's private
timbre; sound; noise. ***: ndiiru; parts. compare: lootaade, saƴƴ
synonyms: hito. Dialectal Forms: sawtu. sulmaade; ***: ɓantude, ɓamtude;
sawto mo mase ɗiɗi ceeduɗ
ceeduɗe expression. synonyms: ɓamtude, ɓantude. Dialects: G.
diphtongue; diphthong. Catégorie : Le langage sayɗ
sayɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: sayɗugol.
et la pensée.
Participles: sing: cayɗuɗo plur: sayɗuɓe.
sawto ƴuuroowo e toni ɗiɗi expression. Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant
bilabiale; bilabial. b, m, mb Catégorie : Le Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
langage et la pensée. Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être beige ou blanc
sawtooji Noun. sons; sounds. sale; off white; beige. ***: solɗ
helliɗinde, rawnitinde;
sawtooji haalaaji hakkunde leyɗ
leyɗe expression.
alphabet phonétique international; synonyms: rawnitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
International Phonetic Alphabet. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture.

16/02/2020 544
saygiɗinde saƴƴa
2 • lorsque des feuilles deviennent jaune ou
saytorɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saytorɗingol.
brun; when leaves die and turn yellow and
brown. Note: this word forms a set of Participles: sing: caytorɗinɗo plur:
adjectives: Group I ɓe/sayeeɓe, ko1/sayeeho, saytorɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
nde/sayeere, ndu/sayeeru, nge/sayeewe, Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
ngo/sayeewo Group II ɗe/cayeeje, ɗi/cayeeji, Progressive: st - imo saytorɗi. Verb. ne pas
ɗum/cayejum, kal/cayehal, kol/cayehol, montrer du respect lors d'une rencontre ou
ngal/cayewal, ngel/cayewel, ngol/cayewol, visite, ne pas aimer des visiteurs, être
o/cayeejo Group III ɗam/cayejam, inhospitalier, être impoli; dislike guests;
ka/cayeeha, ki/cayeehi, ko2/cayeeho,
inhospitable; rude. Neɗɗ
ɗɗo o na saytorɗ
koy/cayehoy, ndi/cayeeri, nga/cayeewa,
Cette personne n'est pas hospitalier /
ngi/cayeewi, ngu/cayeewu.
accueillante. That person is not hospitable.
compare: helliɗ
helliɗinde, solɗ
***: tencude, bonde needude, neetorɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
saahaade, jaasude, nanarɗ
nanarɗinde, caytaro;
saygiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saygiɗingol. synonyms: bonde needude, jaasude,
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in nanarɗ
nanarɗinde, neetorɗ
neetorɗinde; compare: caytaro,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. saahaade, tencude. Dialects: J.
être tacheté (poil, pelage, robe); speckled. The
adjectives formed from this verb are prefered sayude Noun Form of Infinitive: sayugol. Sorting
to the participle forms. Here are the relevant Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
adjectives: Group I nde/saygere, nge/sayge Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Group II ɗe/cayge, ɗi/caygi, ɗum/caygum, Verb. lorsque l'eau entre une bâtiment par le
kol/caygol, ngal/caygal, ngel/caygel Group sol; ; when water leaks into a building along
III ko2/caygo, koy/caygoy, ndi/caygiri, the ground. ***: funtude, mbubbam,
nga/cayga, ngi/caygi, ngu/caygu.
njunkumajam, si'ude, cayam, futtude, ilam,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siwtaade; synonyms: funtude, futtude;
sayre Noun. domaine; domain, area, sector. compare: cayam, si'ude, siwtaade. Dialects: J.
saytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: saytagol. saƴƴ
ƴƴa Noun Class Markers: sing: ka /o plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: caytiiɗo-caytotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
saytiiɓe-saytotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: saƴƴaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Noun. 1 • agacement, contrariété, ennui,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tomber embêtement, irritation; annoyance;
dans un trou, glisser lorsqu'on grimpe, aggravation; bother; irritation; vexation.
marcher sur un mur, grimper un poteau; Saƴƴ
ƴƴa makko na ɓuri nafaa makko Il
walking on a wall; fall into a hole; lose your m'agace beaucoup. He is more of a pain than
footing when climbing on a mountain. Idrissa he is worth. ***: baasi, daruura, husuba,
ƴeenyii lekki de saytii, o boɓɓ
ɓɓii. Idrissa a saɗɗ
ɗɗa, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, torra, doole, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, masiiba,
grimpé un arbre mais il a glissé et est tombé. torra
torra, jarribe, torra, saɗɗ
ɗɗa , jarribaade ,
Idrissa was climbing a tree but slipped and fell. waannde; synonyms: husuba, saɗɗ saɗɗa
ɗɗa, torra.
***: faataade, raytude, pataade, partaade; Dialects: J,Y,G.
synonyms: faataade, partaade, pataade.
2 • problème; problem. synonyms: baasi,
Dialects: M.
doole, masiiba, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, torra.
2 • frapper légèrement qqn; hit someone
Dialects: J,Y,G.
lightly. O fiyaay o, ammaa o sayteke o
3 • persécution; persecution. synonyms: doole,
seeɗa. Il ne l'a pas frappé, il a seulement tapé
légèrement. He didn't hit him, he only tapped jarribe, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, torra; compare: husinbinde,
him lightly. Dialects: J. jarribaade, torrude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
3 • avoir des hallucinations lorsqu'on a de la
fièvre, délirer; delirious; hallucinate when
feverish. synonyms: raytude. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 545
saƴƴinde sediyye

ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: saƴƴingol. seɓ
seɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seɓagol.
Participles: sing: caƴƴinɗo-caƴƴinoowo Participles: sing: ceɓiiɗo-ceɓotooɗo plur:
plur: saƴƴinɓe-saƴƴinooɓe. Sorting seɓiiɓe-seɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Verb. 1 • agacer, contrarier, gêner, irriter, 1 • s'approcher; approach - the focus is to draw
embêter, vexer; annoy; irritate; bother; upset; near to. Idrissa seɓ
seɓa ga faa nji'aa binndi
vex; aggravate. ***: haamninde, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, masin. Idrissa, approche-toi et regarde
jarribaade, husinbinde, tiinnande, jarribe, l'écriture dans l'ordinateur. Idrissa, come here
torrude, husinbinde, haamnaade, and look at this writing on the machine
gaccaade, torrude, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, tiinnande, [computer]. ***: feewndaade, ɓattaade,
riibande, jukkaade, torrude, torra, feewndaade, takkaade, sukkaade,
jarribaade, jukkude, tiinnande, saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, hoɓ
hoɓaade, ɓadaade, ɗakkaade. Dialects: J,M.
mettinde, toonyaade, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, 2 • être proche, près de; close to; near (to be).
husuba, husinbinde, riibande; Yuusufi seɓ
seɓeke masin faa yi'a binndi sabo
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, gite mum mbonii. Youssouf est proche de
l'ordinateur pour bien voir l'écriture car ses
tiinnande, torrude, haamninde, mettinde.
yeux ont des problèmes. Yuusufi is close to the
Dialects: J,Y,G. machine [computer] in order to see the writing
2 • persécuter; persecute.
because his eyes are bad. synonyms: ɓadaade,
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, ɗakkaade, feewndaade, hoɓ hoɓaade,
tiinnande, torrude, gaccaade, jarribaade,
sukkaade, takkaade. Dialects: J,M.
toonyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.
3 • tourmenter; torment. seɓ
seɓinde Noun Form of Infinitive: seɓingol.
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, Participles: sing: ciɓinɗo-ceɓinoowo plur:
tiinnande, torrude, jarribaade, jukkaade, seɓinɓe-seɓinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
jukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. amener proche
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: saƴƴugol. de, près de, s'approcher de; bring near to or
Participles: sing: caƴƴuɗo-caƴƴoowo plur: next to; draw close to. Seɓ
Seɓin ndiyam faa
saƴƴuɓe-saƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. njaren. Amène l'eau ici pour que nous
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb pussions la boire. Bring the water here so we
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se laver (ex. can drink. ***: ɗakkinde, ɓattinde,
mains), laver qqn; wash a part of yourself; ɓannude; synonyms: ɓannude, ɓattinde,
wash someone or something else. Amnatu ɗakkinde. Dialects: J,M.
ƴƴii kaake mum faa laaɓ laaɓi. Amnatou a lavé
sa vaisselle jusqu'à ce qu'elle était propre. seɓ
seɓondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: seɓondirgol.
Amnatu washed her dishes until they were Participles: sing: ceɓondirɗo-ceɓondiroowo
clean. ***: sayɓ
sayɓaade, lootaade, lootude, plur: seɓondirɓe-seɓondirooɓe. Sorting
ɓamtude, sulmaade, wuyɓ wuyɓaade, harminde; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: ɓamtude, lootude, sulmaade, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
wuyɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. être proche l'un de l'autre, être l'un près
de l'autre; next to each other; close to each
se Sorting Designation: 1. conj. si; if. ***: si, so; other. ***: ɓattondirde, ɗakkondirde,
synonyms: si, so. Dialects: G. takkondirde, ɓadondirde;
synonyms: ɓadondirde, ɓattondirde,
ɗakkondirde, samndaade, takkondirde,
wondude. Dialectal Forms: [J] seɓundurde.
Dialects: Y.

sedewol rafi kaseede expression. casier

judiciaire; criminal record, police record,
judicial record.
sediyye emprunt: français. Noun. cédille ; cedilla.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

16/02/2020 546
seɗɗa seedere

ɗɗa Sorting Designation: 1. 1 • adv/adj. un peu, une seedaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seedagol.
petite portion, une partie de; bit; small Participles: sing:
amount; little. O ɗaani seɗɗ
ɗɗa. Il a dormi un ceediiɗo/seedee-ceedotooɗo plur:
peu. He slept a little. Dialects: Y,G,M. seediiɓe-seedotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
synonyms: seeɗ
seeɗa. Dialects: Y,G,M.2 • adj. O th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
nyaamii nyiiri seɗɗ
ɗɗa. Il a mangé un peu de tô. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. témoigner,
He ate a little nyiiri. être un témoin, assister à; testify; witness (to
seɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: seɗugol. be a). Note : arabe ***: wakiili;
compare: wakiili. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: ceɗuɗo-ceɗoowo plur:
seɗuɓe-seɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. seedaagol Noun. témoignage; testimony.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb synonyms: seedaaku.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tamiser,
seedaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
passer qqch au tamis, vanner; sift.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. témoignage;
***: nyecce, kodde, wesaade, tembaade,
testimony. Note : arabe ***: seedaagol.
conndi, teme, tame, teymaade, ŋecce,
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] seedaagu.
teemaade, ƴaraade, ƴaartaade, yemaade;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: conndi, ŋecce, nyecce, teme,
teymaade, wesaade, ƴaartaade, ƴaraade, seedanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seedanagol.
yemaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: ceedaniiɗo-ceedanotooɗo
plur: seedaniiɓe-seedanoto. Sorting
Seebo Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
donné à la septième fille; the traditional name Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
for the seventh born daughter. ***: Daado, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. témoigner pour qqn; bear witness; testify
Kumbo, Demmo, Faatuma, Penndo, Diko,
on behalf of someone; Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi ceedano
Takko; compare: Diko, Kumbo
Kumbo, Penndo,
kam faa mi hokka o buuɗ
buuɗi Ali. Je veux que tu
Daado, Takko, Demmo. Dialects: J,Y.
témoignes que je lui ai donné l'argent d’Ali. I
seeboojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. would like you to witness my giving him Ali's
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of money. Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: seebooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. seedee Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
la septième fille née; seventh born daughter.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo,
Noun: seedeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
demmoojo, takkaajo; compare: dikaajo, Noun. témoin; witness. Catégorie : La
kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo, takkaajo, Personne. Note : arabe ***: wakiili;
demmoojo. Dialects: J,Y. synonyms: wakiili. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seeɓu adj. pointu; pointed; sharp. seedeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
seeɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: seeɓugol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: ceeɓuɗo plur: seeɓuɓe. of Noun: ceedeeje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. gros grain qui divise le chapelet en
parties (parfois il y en a trois ou cinq); a large
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
bead that divides the smaller beads on a rosary;
1 • être tranchant, coupant, bien aiguisé, être
pointu, bien taillé; sharp; sharply pointed. some rosaries have 3; some have 5. ***: hayre,
***: cerem, welude, nyirim, ƴerem, waalde1, taybiihi, tasbiihi; compare: hayre,

muddiɗ waalde1, taybiihi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

muddiɗinde, luy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être très intelligent; intelligent or "sharp". seedere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
compare: luy, muddiɗ
muddiɗinde, welude, ƴerem. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: ceede. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
cauris (avant c'était utilise comme argent, de
nos jours c'est une décoration); cowrie shell.
***: barkari1, wujo, boolaare, boodi,
daalawal, inna ceede, konkoonuwol;
compare: daalawal, inna ceede,
konkoonuwol, wujo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 547
seedintinaade seeno
2 • fendre du bois; split wood.
seedintinaade Verb. contresigner ; to countersign.
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: feccude, feraade; compare: ceekal,
oppude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seedude Noun Form of Infinitive: seedugol.
Participles: sing: ceeduɗo plur: seeduɓe. seelude Noun Form of Infinitive: seelugol.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: ceeluɗo-ceeloowo plur:
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. seeluɓe-seelooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
1 • être différent; different. ***: ceergal, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
woppude, ɗalude, seerude. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. couper qqch,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. inciser; cut something. ***: ceelirki,
2 • divorcer ou séparer; divorce; separate. ceelirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: accude, ɗalude, seerude, seemde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
woppude, yoofude1, yoppude; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: ceergal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: ceeme. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. bras, humérus; arm (upper); upper arm.
seeɗa Sorting Designation: 1. adv/adj. un peu, petite
portion, une partie de; small amount; bit (a); Catégorie : Le corps. compare: daabawal,
little (a). O ɗaani seeɗ
seeɗa. Il a dormi un peu. junngo1; ***: junngo1, daabawal.
He slept a little. ***: seɗɗ
ɗɗa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.

seeɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: seeɗugol. seemɗ
seemɗuɗo adj. adroit; skillful.
Participles: sing: ceeɗuɗo-ceeɗoowo plur: seende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
seeɗuɓe-seeɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb of Noun: ceene. Sorting Designation: 4, cs.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer quelque Noun. petite superficie sablonneuse où rien ne
part la saison chaude; to pass the hot season pousse; sandy area where nothing is growing.
somewhere. ***: ruumude, gettude, Catégorie : Terre. ***: seeno; compare: seeno.
dabbude, ƴaamnude, eggude; Dialects: J,Y.
compare: dabbude, ruumude, ƴaamnude.
seeniiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
seega Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number of Noun: seeniiji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. perroquet youyou; parrot (the Senegal).
Catégorie : Oiseau. Poicephalus senegalus.
Noun: seegaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Noun. la taille; waist. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: ceegaaru, heegaaru;
Note : mooré synonyms: baggol, kataare, synonyms: ceegaaru, heegaaru. Dialectal
kente, wonndu, woonndu, wuttudu; Forms: [G] seemooru. Dialects: Y.
***: kataare, kente. Dialects: M. seennude Noun Form of Infinitive: seennugol.
seekande synonyme: harfeere ƴuuroore e. Noun. Participles: sing: ceennuɗo-ceennoowo
dérivé; derivative. Catégorie : La Grammaire. plur: seennuɓe-seennooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
seekirde garjaahi Noun. scie; saw. Catégorie
: Outil. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. prendre qqn comme témoin; witness (to
seekitannde leggal Noun. planche; board; plank. make someone a). Mi seennii ma de kokkumi
Seeku Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (Le) o keekel am. Je te prends comme témoin que
Saint; first name for a male, meaning: (the) je lui ai donné mon vélo. I made you a witness
Saint, Holy. Catégorie : Nom. that I gave him my bike. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seekude Noun Form of Infinitive: seekugol. seeno Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: ceekuɗo-ceekoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
seekuɓe-seekooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun: ceene. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. une
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb dune ou endroit sablonneux, zone
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couper, sablonneuse, désert; dune or sandy area.
déchirer, inciser; tear open; cut; rend. Catégorie : Terre. compare: seende;
***: soppude, feraade, feccude, oppude, ***: seende. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ceekal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 548
seera segilaade

seera Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number seesinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seesingol.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: seesiniiɗo-keesinotooɗo
Noun: seeraaji. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. plur: heesiniiɓe-heesinotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. une petite ulcération ou trou en bas du Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
pied; a small ulceration or hole in the bottom Plural: h/k. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
of the foot. Catégorie : Maladie. Verb. 1 • faire qqch de manière calme / détendu
***: taacooriire, sehere, temmeere; / lente; to do something in a slow or leisurely
synonyms: sehere, taacooriire, temmeere. manner. ***: laalaade, takisaade, ɓuuɓ uuɓude,
Dialects: Y,M. hanndaade, neeɓneeɓude; synonyms: hanndaade,
seeraare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. heesindaade, neeɓneeɓude, takisaade.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Dialects: Y,G.
of Noun: seeraaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. 2 • être paisible, lente à la colère, gentil,
outil pour sculpter du bois; ; router. patient; gentle; slow to anger; peaceful.
***: cergaare, sewtaare; synonyms: cergaare, synonyms: newaade. Dialects: Y,G.
sewtaare. Dialects: Y. seewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
seereede Noun Form of Infinitive: seeregol. One for this noun: gooto/ngootu. Plural Form
Participles: sing: ceeraaɗo-ceereteeɗo plur: of Noun: seewuuji. Sorting Designation: 4, mt.
Noun. être terrifié, terreur, peur, frayeur,
seeraaɓe-seereteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
effroi; fright; terror. Ko yigoo makko maayi
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
ɗum, seewu nanngii o. Parce que son ami est
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être divorcée
décédé il est effrayé / terrifié. Because his
(femme); divorced (woman only). Catégorie
friend died terror gripped him. Dialects: J.
: La Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

seert- sefaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sefagol.

seert-a Verb. différent (être -); different (be -).
Catégorie : Mathématique. Participles: sing: cefiiɗo-cefotooɗo plur:
sefiiɓe-sefotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
seerude Noun Form of Infinitive: seerugol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: ceeruɗo-ceeroowo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • parler de
seeruɓe-seerooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. manière négative de qqn (même si c'est vrai);
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb speak negatively about someone.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. divorcer, ***: munaafikaade, luurude, waccaade,
séparer, répudier; divorce; separate; yeensaade, waccaade, buykude,
repudiate. ***: ceergal, woppude, ɗalude, ŋurŋ
urŋurtude, ŋormaade. Dialects: J.
seedude; synonyms: ɗalude, seedude, 2 • se plaindre, ronchonner; grumble;
yoofude1, yoppude, woppude; complain. compare: luurude, munaafikaade;
compare: ceergal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: buykude, ŋormaade, ŋurŋ urŋurtude,
seese Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. prudemment, waccaade, yeensaade. Dialects: J.
calme, tranquille, détendu, gentiment, Sefaniya Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Sophonie
lentement; slowly; leisurely; gently; carefully.
(un prophète dans la Bible); Zephaniah; one of
synonyms: heese, newaare; ***: heese; the minor prophets. Note : hébreu
compare: laaltindaade, hanndaade, newaare. Dialects: biblical.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
segilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: segilagol.
seeseeru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: cegiliiɗo-cegilotooɗo plur:
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form segiliiɓe-segilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
of Noun: seeseeji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Noun. flûte en bois; flute made of wood.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être prêt ou
Catégorie : Instrument de musique.
préparé; prepared; ready (to be).
***: duuliyaaru, sereendu, dullaaru;
***: heginaade, siriyaade, lalindaade,
synonyms: boobiliyal, duuliyaaru, dullaaru,
baanaade, heɓ
sereendu. Dialects: G.
synonyms: baanaade, heginaade, lalindaade,
seesi Noun. chaise; chair. Catégorie : Équipement siriyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de la maison. Note : français

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segilanaade sekko

segilanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: segilanagol. sekaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sekagol.
Participles: sing: cegilaniiɗo-cegilanotooɗo Participles: sing: cekiiɗo-cekotooɗo plur:
plur: segilaniiɓe-segilanotooɓe. Sorting sekiiɓe-sekotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • payer des
Verb. être prêt pour qqch, aider qqn de frais de participation / contribution; pay a
préparer qqch; ready or prepared for participation fee. Eɗen kaani sekaade faa
something; help someone to prepare moƴƴ
ƴƴinen ɓunndu men. Nous devons payer
something. synonyms: baanaade, heginaade, une contribution pour que nous pussions
lalindaade, siriyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. réparer le puits. We must each pay so we can
segilinde Noun Form of Infinitive: segilingol. fix our well. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • lorsque des camarades d'âge se séparent
Participles: sing: cegilinɗo-cegilinoowo
d'un groupe; for age mates to separate
plur: segilinɓe-segilinooɓe. Sorting
themselves from a group. Dialects: G.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sekerter jeneral emprunt: français. Noun.
Verb. faire que qqn soit réparé / prêt; to cause secrétariat général; general secretary, central
someone to be prepared; ready. secretary. Catégorie : Travailleur.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sekinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sekingol.
sehere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: cekinɗo-cekinoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form sekinɓe-sekinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
of Noun: cehe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
petit ulcération ou trou en bas du pied; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire que qqn
ulceration or hole in the bottom of the foot. paye une cotisation d'une communauté ou d'un
Catégorie : Maladie. ***: seera, temmeere; groupe; to cause someone to pay a community
synonyms: seera, taacooriire, temmeere. or group fee; Ɗume sekini ma? Moƴƴ Moƴƴing
Dialects: J. ɓunndu amin sekini kam. Qu-est ce qui a
fait que tu contribues à notre fond
sehoowo Noun. artisan, sculpteur; sculptor; communautaire ? Réparer notre puits a fait
craftsman; artisan. Catégorie : Travailleur. que contribue. What cause you to chip in to the
community fund? Fixing our well caused me
sehude Noun Form of Infinitive: sehugol.
to chip in. ***: tuumude, jikkude, sikkude,
Participles: sing: cehuɗo-cehoowo plur:
sikkitaade, taafude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sehuɓe-sehooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or sekkeejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tailler du bois, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
sculpter du bois, raboter du bois; carve wood; Noun: sekkeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cp.
shave wood. Cehoowo o sehii leggal jalo Noun. menuisier, charpentier; carpenter; wood
ngal faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Il a bien taillé la manche de worker. Catégorie : Travailleur. ***: labbo1;
la daba. That wood worker carved that hoe synonyms: labbo1. Dialects: Y,G,M.
handle well. Moy sehi lekki ki? Qui a taillé un
peu de cet arbre ? Who shaved [a bit] from
sekko Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
this tree? Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: cekke. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
2 • sculpter (rocher); sculpt rock. Woɓɓ
ɓɓe na 1 • natte pour lit ou pour s' y asseoir dessus;
mbaawi sehude hayre faa ɓe nanndina nde mat for beds. ***: booyoowo, ƴommbaariya,
e ne ɗɗo.
ɗɗo. Quelqu'un a sculpte le roc; ainsi le ficco, sooɓ
sooɓo, ngado, dimbaawo,
roc à l'aire d’être une personne. Some can
deŋeleewo, leeso, ƴommbeewo, feɗ feɗo,
sculpt a rock so it looks like a person.
cakaawo, ndambugaawo, selselnde, leeso;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: leeso. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • épaisse natte d'herbe / paille; mat (grass).
synonyms: booyoowo, deŋ deŋeleewo.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

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seko sellita nofel
3 • natte en tiges de mil; mat made of millet
selɓo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
stalks. compare: sanyude, sooɓ
sooɓo, ƴommbal;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
synonyms: dimbaawo, ficco, ngado,
Noun: celɓi. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ƴommbaariya, ƴommbeewo. Dialects: Y. 1 • espèce d'herbe; These annual grasses are
seko Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting common in the Sahel and are eaten when
young. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • pensée, opinion;
grimpantes. Aristida spp.. ***: celɓ
thought; opinion. ***: miijo, tuumo, jikke,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
sikke, sikke, jikke, dimme, dimme,
2 • espèce d'herbe; kind of annual grass.
sikkisakka, sikke, ndolo, miilo, jate, jate,
Loudetia totoensis. Dialects: J,Y,M.
jate, dimme; synonyms: dimme, jate, jikke,
3 • espèce d'herbe; kind of grass is excellent
miilo, sikke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. for forage. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
2 • méfiance, soupçon; suspicion. grimpantes. Schoenefeldia gracilis. Dialectal
synonyms: miijo, dimme, jate, jikke, miilo, Forms: [Y,G,M] selɓere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
sikke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sella Sorting Designation: 4. prep. extérieur, dehors;
3 • espoir, espérance; hope. synonyms: dimme,
outside. Taa ŋawlunduree ley suudu ga,
jate, jikke, miilo, sikke; compare: ndolo,
njehee sella. Ne siffle pas dans la maison, va
ngokka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. à l'extérieur. Don't wrestle in the house, go
sekteere Noun. secteur; sector. Note : français outside. synonyms: yaasin. Dialects: J,M.

selaade Noun Form of Infinitive: selagol. sell-

sell-a synonyme: feew-a, hawr-a. adj. exact ; exact .
Catégorie : Mathématique.
Participles: sing: celiiɗo-celotooɗo plur:
seliiɓe-selotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. sellinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sellingol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Participles: sing: cellinɗo-cellinoowo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. planter un sellinɓe-sellinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
arbre; plant a tree. Note : mooré ***: tiiraade, mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
dartinde, darnitaade, ŋuu'aade, dasaade; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. guérir,
synonyms: dartinde, ŋuu'aade, tiiraade. apaiser; heal. synonyms: daɗ
daɗinde, dannude;
Dialects: M. ***: daɗ
daɗinde, dannude. Dialectal
selb-a Verb. liquide (vs solide/gazeux); liquid (vs. Forms: sellinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

solid / gas). (bny tiiɗ

tiiɗ-a, henɗ
henɗ-a) Catégorie sellingol Noun. guérison; healing. Catégorie : En
: Mathématique. synonyms: deelɗ
deelɗ-a. bonne santé. synonyms: daɗ
selbi Variante: ko selbi. adj. fluide; fluid. ***: yamɗ

***: newnii. sellita nofel Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
selbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: selbingol. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: sellita nofoy'en. Sorting Designation: 4.
Participles: sing: celbinɗo-celbinoowo plur:
Noun. la mère ou le père des grands-parents,
selbinɓe-selbinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
un arrière grand-parent, ancêtre (lit. qqn dont
cf. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb les oreilles sont éloignés de la tête); ancestor;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. diluer; dilute. great grandparent. Catégorie : Parenté.
***: toɓɓ
ɓɓude, semmbude, saɓɓ
ɓɓintinde; ***: njaatiraaɗ
njaatiraaɗo; synonyms: njaatiraaɗ
compare: saɓɓ
ɓɓintinde; synonyms: semmbude, Dialects: Y.
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

selbude Noun Form of Infinitive: selbugol. Sorting

Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
être dilué; diluted. ***: cololoy, celem;
compare: celem. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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sellude semmbere

sellude Noun Form of Infinitive: sellugol. selude Noun Form of Infinitive: selugol.
Participles: sing: celluɗo plur: selluɓe. Participles: sing: celuɗo-celoowo plur:
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in seluɓe-selooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
être en bonne santé, se porter bien; good Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • laisser derrière,
health. Imo selli Il est en bonne santé. He has distancer, laisser seul, omettre; leave alone;
good health. O sellaa Il n'est pas en bonne leave behind; leave out. ***: ɗalude,
santé. Il ne se porte pas bien. He doesn't have yoppude, woppude
woppude, accude, woppude,
good health - in other words he is sick. ɗalude, accude, accude, fersude, ɗalude,
***: cellal, hiɓɓ
ɓɓude, yanɗ
yanɗude, maasaade, accude, woppude, woppude, woppude,
yamɗude; synonyms: maasaade, yamɗ yamɗude; ɗalude, woppude, ooncaade, yoofude1,
compare: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ɗalude, ɗalude, accude, accude, woppude,
selluru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. linnude, ɗalude, accude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form 2 • laisser tomber, laisser aller, lâcher; let go;
of Noun: selluuji or selluruuji. Sorting drop. Dialects: J,G,M.
Designation: 1, at. Noun. lobe de l'oreille; ear 3 • cesser de faire; cease doing something.
lobe. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: mbukkudi, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nowru; compare: nowru; 4 • relâcher, libérer, dégager; release.
synonyms: mbukkudi. Dialectal Forms: [J] Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
selluuru. Dialects: J. 5 • licencier du travail, renvoyer; let go;
dismiss from employment; fire.
selnude Noun Form of Infinitive: selnugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: celnuɗo-celnoowo plur:
6 • divorcer; divorce. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
selnuɓe-selnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
7 • dissocier; disassociate. synonyms: accude,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
ɗalude, yoofude1, yoppude, woppude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arrêter qqch
qui est en train de se faire; stop something compare: fersude, ooncaade.
already in progress. compare: deƴƴ
ƴƴinde; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: yoofinde, yoppinde, haɗ haɗude, Sem Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Sem (fils de
ƴƴinde; synonyms: haɗhaɗude, yoppinde. Noé); Shem - one of Noah's sons; through
Dialectal Forms: [J] selinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. whom the promised deliver was to come. Note :
hébreu compare: Nuuhu. Dialects: biblical.
selselnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce d'herbe; semmbe Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Andropogon gayanus. Catégorie : Herbes, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
plantes grimpantes. andropogon gayanus. Noun: semmbeeji. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: rannyere, booyoowo, sooɓ
sooɓo. Noun. force, puissance, pouvoir, richesse,
Dialects: Y. fortune, vigueur; vigor; riches; strength;
2 • espèce d'herbe; Hyparrhenia smithiana. wealth; power; force. ***: hinti, suuraare.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Hyparrhenia smithiana. Dialects: Y. semmbe nde harfu janngirtee expression.
3• hauteur mélodique; tone level, pitch melody.
synonyms: rannyere, sooɓ
sooɓo; Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
compare: deŋ
deŋeleewo, handeere, sekko, semmbe-
semmbe-henndu Noun. pression atmosphérique;
nyantaare. Dialects: Y.4 •
atmospheric pressure. Hakke semmbe
henndu dow nokkuure Catégorie : Temps.

semmbere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: semmbereeji. Sorting Designation: 4,
cs. Noun. touffes d'herbe qui sont restés sur le
champ après une culture rapide; tufts of grass
left. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
***: daalimpo, ganndi; synonyms: daalimpo,
ganndi. Dialects: G.

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semmbinde senaade

semmbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: semmbingol. semtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: semtingol.
Participles: sing: Participles: sing: cemtinɗo-cemtinoowo
cemmbinɗo-cemmbinoowo plur: plur: semtinɓe-semtinooɓe. Sorting
semmbinɓe-semmbinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. humilier, honnir ou embarrasser qqn;
Verb. fortifier, encourager, enraciner, shame someone; humiliate; embarrass
renforcer, consolider; encourage; strengthen. someone. Gorko o na filoo semtinde kam.
***: fuufude, uppude, ulude, teeŋ
teeŋinnde, Ce type essaie de m'embarrasser. That fellow
suusinde; synonyms: suusinde.
is trying to humiliate/embarrass/shame me.
***: hersude, ennude, hersinde, gaccude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aybinde, sentinde; synonyms: aybinde,
semmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: semmbugol. gaccude, hersinde, sentinde. Dialectal
Participles: sing: cemmbuɗo-cemmboowo Forms: semtinnde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: semmbuɓe-semmbooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
semtude Noun Form of Infinitive: semtugol.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Participles: sing: cemtuɗo-cemtoowo plur:
Verb. diluer légèrement; dilute slightly. semtuɓe-semtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
***: toɓɓ
ɓɓude, saɓɓ
ɓɓintinde, selbinde, th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
ɓɓitaade; synonyms: selbinde, toɓɓ
ɓɓude; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'humilier,
compare: saɓɓ
embarrasser soi-même; humiliate yourself;
ɓɓintinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
embarrass yourself. O semtii sabo o nyaamii
semnde Noun. biceps; biceps. Catégorie : Le corps. ley luumo. Il s'est embarrassé car il a mangé
synonyms: camal. au marché. He embarrassed himself because
semre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. he ate in the market. Dimo mo semtataa,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form nguurey mum na hoy. In noble qui n'est pas
embarrassé a une vie facile. A noble [Pullo]
of Noun: ceɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
who isn't embarrassed will have an easy life.
écorce d'arbre; tree bark. Catégorie : Parties
***: yaagaade, nyiddinaade, hoyude,
d’un végétal ou d’une plante. ***: ceɓ
hersude, edaade
edaade, gaccaade, aybude;
sewre, koɓ
koɓalawal1; compare: baajol;
synonyms: aybude, gaccaade, hersude,
synonyms: ceɓ
ceɓal, koɓ
koɓalawal1, sewre.
hoyude, sentude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • être respectueux, sobre, discret, contenu,
semteende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting réservé; respectful; restrained. Imo semta. Il
Designation: 2, th. Noun. 1 • honte, humiliation; est respectueux. He is respectful. This respect
humiliation; shame. Ko o wujji de o nanngaa or restraint stems from continually being alert
ɗum laataneke o semteende. Le fait qu'on to the possiblity of embarrassing one's self and
l'a attrapé en train de voler lui a fait honte. is considered to be a very positive trait. Note:
That he was caught stealing brought him this sense of shame, restraint and
embarrassment is one of the defining features
shame. ***: yaage, aybere, pulaaku, edaare,
of pulaaku. compare: nyiddinaade;
ayiibe; synonyms: ayiibe. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: edaade, ennude, hersude,
2 • contenu, réservé, mesuré, modestie,
décence, pudeur, réticence; reserve; modesty. yaagaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

Imo semta ɗum waɗ

waɗi o yiɗ
yiɗaa naatude ley senaade Noun Form of Infinitive: senagol.
semteende. Il est modeste car il ne veut pas Participles: sing: ceniiɗo-cenotooɗo plur:
de honte. He is restrained because he doesn't seniiɓe-senotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,th.
want shame. compare: pulaaku; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
synonyms: edaare, yaage. Dialectal Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. pur, saint
Forms: senteende. Dialects: J,Y,M. "Laamɗ
(utilisé pour Dieu); pure; holy. "Laam ɗo na
senii." = "Laamɗ
"Laamɗo wo ceniiɗ
ceniiɗo." God is holy.
Note : arabe ***: laaɓ
laaɓude; synonyms: laaɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 553
senaare sentude
2 • trier, séparer, classer; sort (to); separate.
senaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
synonyms: bolaade, ɗakkitaade, suɓ
Designation: 3, th. Noun. sainteté,
sanctification; holiness; sanctification. Note : teeltidinde, takkitaade, wolaade.
arabe ***: laaɓ
laaɓal; synonyms: laaɓ
laaɓal, seney. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 3 • différencier; differentiate.
synonyms: heeraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sendude Verb. séparer, diviser; separate; divide.
Dialectal Forms: senndude. senndugol Noun. décomposition; decomposition.
***: faccitingol.
seneede Noun Form of Infinitive: senegol.
Participles: sing: cenaaɗo-ceneteeɗo plur: senngo Variante: seŋgo. Noun. côté; side. Catégorie
senaaɓe-seneteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, : Mathématique. synonyms: baŋŋ
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb ***: baŋŋ
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être sanctifié; sentaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sentagol.
sanctified. "Saabe ko o laatii kirsamaari nde Participles: sing: centiiɗo-centotooɗo plur:
wootere ɗuum o hiɓɓ
ɓɓiniri seneteeɓ
seneteeɓe nde sentiiɓe-sentotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
wootere faa abada." Heb 10:14 Note : arabe mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • démettre
(os), déboîter; dislocated (for a bone to be).
seney Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
***: fakitaade, partaade, soltaade,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. sainteté, pureté;
pakitaade, sortaade. Dialects: G.
holiness; purity. Note : arabe synonyms: laaɓ
2 • être amputé; amputated.
***: laaɓ
laaɓal, senaare. Dialectal Forms: [G]
synonyms: fakitaade, pakitaade, partaade,
senuwe. Dialects: J,Y,M.
soltaade, sortaade. Dialects: Y.
sengo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number
senteende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 2, th. Noun. 1 • honte; shame.
Noun: sengooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • un endroit dans un sens indéfini ou synonyms: ayiibe. Dialects: Y,G.
possessive; a place in an indefinite (e.g. "sengo 2 • modestie, réserve, modération, restriction;
wonngo") or possessive sense (e.g. "sengo reserve; modesty; restraint. compare: pulaaku;
am"). ***: gere, sera, gere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: edaare, yaage. Dialectal
2 • une côté, flanc, bord de fleuve; side of a Forms: semteende. Dialects: Y,G.
river; side. Sanaa mi tarwoo sengo suudu
sentinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sentingol.
am gere lettugal. Je dois enduire le côté est
Participles: sing: centinɗo-centinoowo plur:
de ma maison. I must rough cast the east side
sentinɓe-sentinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
of my house. synonyms: gere, sera.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. honnir ou
senndiiru Noun. discrimination, ségrégation; embarrasser, humilier; embarrass; shame
discrimination, segregation. someone; humiliate. Gorko o na filoo
synonyms: cenndiigu, cenndiigu. sentinde kam. Ce type essaie de me humilier.
senndika emprunt: français. Noun. syndicats; trade That fellow is trying to
unions, guilds, syndicates . Catégorie humiliate/embarrass/shame me.
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ***: semtinde; synonyms: aybinde, gaccude,
hersinde, semtinde. Dialects: Y,G.
senndirgol fedde fedde expression. découpage;
cutting, breakdown. sentude Noun Form of Infinitive: sentugol.
senndude Noun Form of Infinitive: senndugol. Participles: sing: centuɗo-centoowo plur:
sentuɓe-sentooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Participles: sing: cennduɗo-cenndoowo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
plur: sennduɓe-senndooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se humilier,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
embarrasser soi-même; humiliate yourself;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
shame or embarrass yourself.
Verb. 1 • diviser; divide. ***: teeltidinde,
synonyms: aybude, gaccaade, hersude,
feccude, wolaade, yeddude, heeraade,
hoyude; ***: semtude. Dialects: Y,G.
bolaade; synonyms: feccude, yeddude.
Dialectal Forms: sendude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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senude sewude
2 • être timide, respectueux; shy; respectful;
seretti Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
embarrassed. synonyms: edaade, ennude,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
hersude, yaagaade; compare: nyiddinaade.
Noun: serettiiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Dialectal Forms: semtude. Dialects: Y,G. charrette; chariot; cart. Catégorie : Voyager.
senude Noun Form of Infinitive: senugol. Note : français synonyms: saretti, torkooru;
Participles: sing: Cenuɗo-Cenoowo. Sorting ***: torkooru, saretti. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in serindo synonyme: yolnde, ceertugol. Noun. écart;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. gap. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Verb. purifier, œuvre de Dieu qui sanctifie qqn;
sanctifying someone; purify. Note : arabe serom Noun. sérum; serum. Note : français
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. settude Noun Form of Infinitive: settugol.
seŋondirde Verb. structurer; to structure, organize. Participles: sing: cettuɗo-cettoowo plur:
***: maadi2. settuɓe-settooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
seŋondirgol Noun. structuration; structuring,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tailler qqch
au couteau, aiguiser, affûter; whittle; sharpen
seppinde Noun Form of Infinitive: seppinngol. a piece of wood. ***: hettude.
Participles: sing: ceppinɗo plur: seppinɓe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or seppimɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Verb 2 • couper; cut. synonyms: hettude.
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Dialects: J,Y,M.
Progressive: st. Verb. avoir la lèpre, être 3 • peler (ex. patate, carotte, pomme),
lépreux; leprosy (to have). Catégorie : Maladie. éplucher; to peel a potato; carrot; orange; or an
compare: ceppam; ***: ceppam. apple. synonyms: hettude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sewre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
sera Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of of Noun: cefe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
Noun: seraaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • partie d'un grand troupeau; part of a large
1 • un endroit dans un sens indéfini ou herd or flock. Catégorie : Élevage. ***: ceɓ
possessive; a place in an indefinite (e.g. "sera gere, kolse1, feccere1, semre, koɓ
goɗɗo") or possessive sense (e.g. "sera am").
yoga; synonyms: feccere1, gere, yoga.
***: gere, sengo, gere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y.
2 • côté; side. Jooɗ
Jooɗa sera makko ɗo faa mi
2 • écorce d'arbre; bark. synonyms: ceɓ
wara. Assois-toi à côté d'elle jusqu'à ce que je
semre. Dialects: G.
vienne. Sit here next to her until I come.
synonyms: gere, sengo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sewtaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
sereendu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: cewtaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
outil pour sculpter du bois; a router; a tool
of Noun: [J,Y,M] cereeli, [G] cereeɗi. Sorting used by wood workers to carve wood. It has a
Designation: 3, mi. Noun. flûte fait en bois; short handel with a short curved blade for
flute made of wood. Catégorie : Instrument de carving. ***: cergaare, seeraare;
musique. ***: duuliyaaru, seeseeru, synonyms: cergaare, seeraare. Dialects: J.
boobiliyal, dullaaru; synonyms: boobiliyal,
duuliyaaru, dullaaru, seeseeru.
sewude Noun Form of Infinitive: sewugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: cewuɗo plur: sewuɓe.
Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant
serembe synonyme: fonnye. Noun. fonio; fonio. Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
Progressive: st. Verb. être maigre mais en
seremme Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting bonne santé; to be thin but not unhealthy.
Designation: 3, pl, cs. Noun. espèce de grain ***: nyiti, nyir, fooƴ
fooƴude, ŋiti, nyolsude, ɗer;
d'un herbe sahélienne, fonio; a couscous like synonyms: fooƴ
fooƴude; compare: ŋiti, nyir, nyiti.
grain that comes from a wild grass in the Sahel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Nourriture, Herbes, plantes
grimpantes. digitaria exilis. Dialectal
Forms: [M] serembe. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 555
sey si wanaa

sey Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v. 1 • devrait; seynoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
should. ***: karahan, haanude, sanaa, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
kanaa, so wanaa, say, si wanaa, waajibi, of Noun: ceynooje. Sorting Designation: 3.
yonude, tilay. Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun. bonne nouvelle; good news. Ko mbiiɗ
2 • devoir, doit; must. compare: karahan, tilay, kam, suka am wartii ɗum, seynoore nde
tilsude, waajibaade, waajibi; weliii kam sanne. Le fait que tu m'as dit que
synonyms: haanude, kanaa, sanaa, say. mon enfant est venu, cette bonne nouvelle me
réjouit beaucoup. That you told me my child
Dialects: Y,G,M.
came, that good news delighted me a lot.
seyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seyagol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: ceyiiɗo-ceyotooɗo plur: seynude Noun Form of Infinitive: seynugol.
seyiiɓe-seyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Participles: sing: ceynuɗo-ceynoowo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
seynuɓe-seynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
heureux, content, joyeux, joyeuse; joyful.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. plaire, réjouir;
***: diirude, welude, welnude, foccanaade,
please; bring joy. ***: diirude, welnande,
jartinde, feccanaade; compare: welnude;
welnude; synonyms: diirude, welnude,
synonyms: diirude, welude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
welnande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seyaare Noun. joie; joy; happiness. ***: welo.
seyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Number One for
Dialectal Forms: seyoore.
this noun: wooto. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Seyɗaani Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. Satan, bonheur, joie, plaisir; joy; pleasure;
diable; Satan; devil. Note : arabe ***: maleyka, happiness. ***: diirude, kuyam, neema,
nginnaawu, ginnaaru, Ibliisa, jinnaaru, welo, belirka; synonyms: kuyam, neema.
Ibiliisa; synonyms: Ibiliisa, Ibliisa; Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] seyoore, [G,M] seyaare.
compare: maleyka, ginnaaru. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: [Y,G] Seyɗan, [J,M] Seytaani. seyoore Noun. joie, bonheur; joy; happiness.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: welo. Dialectal Forms: seyaare.
seyiiɗum joyeux, heureux; joyous; merry; happy; seyre Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
seynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: seynagol. of Noun: seyreeji. Sorting Designation: 3, da.
Participles: sing: ceyniiɗo-ceynotooɗo plur: Noun. enflement d'une joue de bœuf; swelling
seyniiɓe-seynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. of a cow's jaw. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb synonyms: heende, raaynde, yeende;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • bien ***: kooɓ
kooɓal, raaynde, yeende, heende.
habillé, s'habiller et se coiffer avec soin, bien Dialects: G.
soigné (peut être utilisé pour un endroit); well
seytaani Noun. le diable, Satan; Satan; devil. Dialectal
dressed; well groomed. ***: paraade,
Forms: seyɗaani.
ƴƴinaade, leeɓ
leeɓude, nyaaƴ
synonyms: leeɓ
leeɓude, moƴƴ
ƴƴinaade, nyaaƴ
nyaaƴude, si Sorting Designation: 1. conj. si; if. synonyms: se,
paraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. so; ***: so, se. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • avoir un caractère joyeux, avoir de la si wanaa Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v/conj. 1 • sinon, à
bonté; joyful character; . moins que, sauf si; except; unless; (conj) if not.
synonyms: cubinaade, dartaade, gasude, Si wanaa mi yarna na'i hannden fu ɗi
fonnditaade, henngitaade, laaɓ laaɓude, tampan. Si je n'abreuve pas les bœufs
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. aujourd'hui, ils vont souffrir. If I don't water
Seyni Noun. prénom masculin, Signification : (celui the cows today, they will be stressed. ***: so
qui amène la) Joie/Chance; first name for a wanaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
male, meaning: (the one who brings) Joy / 2 • doit, est nécessaire; (aux. v) must; it is
Luck. Catégorie : Nom. necessary. Si wanaa mi yarna na'i hannden.
Je dois donner de l'eau aux bœufs aujourd'hui.
I must water the cows today. synonyms: kanaa,
sanaa, say, sey, so wanaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 556
si'ude sifondinol dogoowa

si'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: si'ugol. sifa gollal synonyme: ballo. expression. adverbe;
Participles: sing: ci'uɗo-ci'oowo plur: adverb. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
si'uɓe-si'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb sifa jeyal expression. adjectif possessif; possessive
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or adjective. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fuir, échapper,
sifa jooporde expression. adjectif démonstratif;
s'écouler, s'infiltrer; leak. ***: manndaade, demonstrative adjective. Catégorie : La
huuwude, simtude, sintude, hanyude, Grammaire.
joorude, sayude, maasaade, suulude,
sifa maral synonyme: sifa marugol. expression. mode
bonnude, futtude, siwtaade; d’élevage; livestock farming, kind of breeding.
synonyms: ɓayude, manndaade. Catégorie : Élevage.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sifa mardi expression. système d’élevage; livestock
2 • lorsque l'eau coule dans une maison par le farming system. Catégorie : Élevage.
milieu du toit; for the roof to leak in the middle
of a room. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sifa nguurndam expression. mode de vie; lifestyle,
the way of thinking, the way of life. Catégorie
3 • déféquer; defecate. synonyms: bonnude,
: Le langage et la pensée.
hanyude, huuwude, joorude, suulude;
compare: funtude, futtude, sayude, simtude, sifaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sifagol.
siwtaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: cifiiɗo-cifotooɗo plur:
sifiiɓe-sifotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
si'ugol Noun. défécation; defecation. ***: bu'ugol, Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. expliquer ou décrire
sibiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number comment qqch est, qualifier; describe how
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
something is; explain. Note : arabe
synonyms: faaminde, fiirtude, fisaade,
Noun: sibiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
espèce d'arbre avec des raisins; kind of tree. maandinde, noonude, tindinde;
Catégorie : Arbres. Lannea acida. ***: cabiihi, ***: fiirtude, noonude, maandinde, fisaade,
mancabiihi, peguuhi, falfaahi; tindinde, wa'ude; compare: wa'ude.
synonyms: mancabiihi, peguuhi. Dialects: J,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sibjonktiifu Noun. subjonctif; subjunctive. sifagol Noun. qualification; qualification.

synonyms: yelaa, yonɗ
yonɗum. sifanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sifnagol.
sifa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Participles: sing: cifaniiɗo-cifanotooɗo plur:
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of sifaniiɓe-sifanotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun: sifaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
1 • description, image, apparence de qqch, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner des
nature, modèle; image; appearance of indications à qqn, donner des instructions à
something; description. Note : arabe qqn; explain something to someone so that
***: nanndude, ayka, aahiila, faaytinde, they understand; directions (to give). Note :
aahiila, noone, wa'ude, miccinde, aahiila, arabe synonyms: faaminde, fiirtande,
sifoore, alhaali, alaama, wayde, alhaali, tindinde; ***: faaminde, tindinde,
alhaali; synonyms: aahiila, alhaali. haalande, fiirtande, humpitinde;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: haalande, humpitinde.
2 • plan, projet, proposition pour faire; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
blueprint; plan. Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila, sifondinol ɓennungol expression. participe passé;
alhaali, ayka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. past participle. Catégorie : La Grammaire, Le
3 • ressemblance; resemblance; likeness of langage et la pensée.
something else. Note : arabe synonyms: aahiila, sifondinol dogoowa expression. participe présent;
alhaali. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. present participle. Catégorie : La Grammaire,
4 • signe ou symptôme; symptom; sign. Note : Le langage et la pensée.
arabe synonyms: aahiila, alhaali, alaama;
compare: nanndude, miccinde, noone,
wa'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sifa bonɗ
bonɗo Noun. mauvais caractère; bad character.

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sifoore sii winndannde sifotoonde

sifoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting sigiwol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Designation: 4. Noun. description, qualificatif; Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
qualifier; description. Note : arabe Noun: sigiiji. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun.
synonyms: aahiila, alhaali, sifa. licol de cheval; leather halter. ***: teɓɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. karbajuruwol, parawol, humparawol;
siforgal Noun. adjectif qualificatif; qualifying compare: humparawol, karbajuruwol,
adjective. parawol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

sifortee adj. qualificatif; qualifying. Catégorie : La sii Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Grammaire. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
sifta Noun. 1 • dictée; dictation. Catégorie : Lecture / Noun: siyiiji, siiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
écriture. 1 • type, genre, sorte, race, origine, couleur;
2 • orthographe; orthography. Catégorie origin; type; color; sort. ***: taariki, ƴuwdi,
: Lecture / écriture. ***: dartol binndi. koreeji, mbuudu, iri1, buudu, noone, iri1,
mbuuduuri, lenyol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siftaade Noun Form of Infinitive: siftagol.
2 • race, lignage, ethnie, groupe ethnique;
Participles: sing: ciftiiɗo-ciftotooɗo plur:
race; ethnic group; lineage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siftiiɓe-siftotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
3 • espèce; species. compare: noone;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
synonyms: buudu, iri1, koreeji, lenyol,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dicter,
mbuuduuri, saare, taariki, ƴuwdi.
imposer; dictate. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siggiriije ɗiɗi synonyme: harfuuji ɗiɗi. expression.
dissyllabe; two syllable words. Catégorie : Le sii ɓiɓɓe
ɓɓe leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. fraises; strawberry.
langage et la pensée. Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.

sigiire1 Noun. syllabaire; primer. Catégorie sii ko wuuri fu expression. biodiversité; biodiversity.
: Apprendre. Catégorie : L’univers, la création, Terre.
synonyms: ɗuuɗ
sigiire2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 3, da. Noun. 1 • espèce de maladie sii konngol expression. phrase (type de); type of
d'animaux; An animal disease characterized sentence. Catégorie : La Grammaire, Le
by a gradual loss of weight and strength. It langage et la pensée.
can be caused by trypanosomes as a result of sii lamɗ
lamɗam Noun. chlore; Chlorine.
tsetse fly bites; or babesiosis as a result of tick
bites or of intestinal parasites and a poor plain sii neemaaji Noun. catégorie d’aliments; food group.
of nutrition. It can result in death of the Catégorie : Nourriture.
animal. . Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
sii nyaw gite Noun. trachome; trachoma. Catégorie
***: ladde, ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, wilsere. Dialects: M. : Maladie.
2 • trypanosomiase; trypanosomiasis.
Dialects: M. sii winndannde expression. genre textuel; textual
gender. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
3 • *; babesiosis. synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, puuɗ
ladde, wilsere. Dialects: M. sii winndannde dallinoore expression. genre
argumentatif; argumentative genre. Catégorie
sigini Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number : Le langage et la pensée.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
sii winndannde fiirtoore expression. genre
Noun: siginiiji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun. explicatif; explicative text genre.
1 • espèce de plante; This common perennial
plant is found growing in damp; sandy lime sii winndannde fillorde expression. genre
soil in both the Sahel and savannah. It is narratif; narrative text genre. Catégorie : Le
appetizing and its leaves are used to make an langage et la pensée.
indigo dye. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
sii winndannde jallinoore expression. genre
grimpantes. Indigofera tinctoria. ***: gara,
humoristique; humoristic text genre. Catégorie
siini. Dialects: J. : Le langage et la pensée.
2 • teinture indigo; indigo dye. synonyms: gara,
sii winndannde sifotoonde expression. genre
siini. Dialects: J. descriptif; descriptive text genre. Catégorie
: Le langage et la pensée.

16/02/2020 558
sii winndannde yamiroore siigaare

sii winndannde yamiroore

yamiroore expression. genre siiɗ
siiɗitinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Note:
injonctif; injunctive text genre. Catégorie : Le "Na siiɗiti" describes the way something is,
langage et la pensée.
its state. "Na siiɗita" can also describe the
siiɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: siiɓagol. way something is, as if to say this thing is
Participles: sing: ciiɓiiɗo-ciiɓotooɗo plur: moving toward being brown or it has
siiɓiiɓe-siiɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. brown tendancies, even if its color is stable
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb and unalterable. "Na siiɗita" can also mean
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • sucer, that it is something which can become
aspirer, absorber; absorb; suck. brown, such as a piece of white fabric if
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. dyed.. Noun Form of Infinitive: siiɗitingol.
2 • faire un bruit suçant avec la bouche comme Participles: sing: ciiɗitinɗo (state or past
signe de mépris; to make a sucking sound as a
condition)-ciiɗitoowo (becoming) plur:
sign of disdain. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. siiɗitinɓe-siiɗitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Siiɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Designation: 4. Noun. un clan des peuls (dont Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
un bon nombre sont des imams); A clan of brunâtre; mahogany brown. Catégorie
Fulɓe; many of whom are imams; who live : Couleur. Here are the adjective forms for the
south of Djibo (see Ciiɗo). Catégorie various noun classes: Group I ɓe/siiɗitinɓe,
: Communauté. ***: Kelli, Jaljallo
Jaljallo, Liptaaku, ko/siiɗitinko, nde/siiɗitinnde, ndu/siiɗitinndu,
nge/siiɗitinnge, ngo/siiɗitinngo Group II
Jelgooji, Foy, Yaaga. Dialects: J.
ɗe/ciiɗitinɗe, ɗi/ciiɗitinɗi, ɗum/ciiɗitinɗum,
siidiiho Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗe. Number kal/ciiɗitinkal, kol/ciiɗitinkol,
One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of ngal/ciiɗitinngal, ngel/ciiɗitinngel,
ngol/ciiɗitinngol, o/ciiɗitinɗo Group III
Noun: siidiije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ɗam/ciiɗitinɗam, ka/ciiɗitinka, ki/ciiɗitinki,
espèce d'herbe; An annual grass found in flood
ko/ciiɗitinko, koy/ciiɗitinkoy, ndi/ciiɗitinndi,
plains of the northern savannah and Sahel. It is
nga/ciiɗitinnga, ngi/ciiɗitinngi,
appetizing when green. It is used to make
straw hats. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes ngu/ciiɗitinngu. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
grimpantes. Eragrostis pilosa. ***: ciidiire, siinɗitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
diiriire; synonyms: ciidiire, diiriire. Dialects: J. siiɗ
siiɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: siiɗugol.
Participles: sing: ciiɗuɗo-ciiɗoowo plur:
siiɗuɓe-siiɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être brunâtre; brown
(to be mahogany). Catégorie : Couleur. Here
are adjective forms: Group I ɓe/siiɓe,
ko1/siiko, nde/siinde, nde/siinde, nge/siinge,
ngo/siingo Group II ɗe/ciiɗe, ɗi/ciiɗi,
ɗum/ciiɗum, kal/ciikal, kol/ciikol,
ngal/ciingal, ngel/ciingel, ngol/ciingol, o/ciiɗo
Group III ɗam/ciiɗam, ka/ciika, ki/ciiki,
ko2/ciiko, koy/ciikoy, ndi/ciindi, ndu/siindu,
nga/ciinga, ngi/ciingi, ngu/ciingu. Dialectal
Forms: [J,Y] siinɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

siifar Noun. chiffre; figure. Catégorie : Lecture /


siifara emprunt: français. Noun. chiffre; figure.

Catégorie : Mathématique.

siigaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: ciigaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. écureuil fouisseur; squirrel. Catégorie
: Mammifère. Euxerus erythropus.
***: soltooru, giisoore; synonyms: giisoore,
soltooru. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 559
siiji baɓatti siiroo

siiji baɓ
baɓatti Noun. acridiens; locusts. Catégorie siini Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
: Insecte. synonyms: piiroohoy. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: siiniiji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
siiji kulleeji buuruɗ
buuruɗi expression. diversité
1 • espèce de plante utilisée pour indigo; This
biologique; biological diversity. Catégorie
common perennial plant is found growing in
: Végétaux, Animaux.
damp; sandy lime soil. It is appetizing and its
siiji mbiiri ley haala expression. variante leaves are used to make an indigo dye.
dialectale; dialectal variety, dialectal variants. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée. Indigofera tinctoria. ***: gara, sigini
siiji nokkuuje ndiyam expression. cours d’eau; Dialects: Y,G.
course of a river. Catégorie : Eau, Terre. 2 • teinture indigo; indigo dye. synonyms: gara,
siiji nyaamnduuji Noun. groupes d’aliments; food sigini. Dialects: Y,G.
groups. Catégorie : Nourriture. siinude Noun Form of Infinitive: ciinal. Participles: sing:
siijoo Noun. ciseaux; scissors. Catégorie : Outil. Note : ciinuɗo-ciinoowo plur: siinuɓe-siinooɓe.
français ***: mesekeeje. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
siikaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Verb. 1 • être déterminé de faire qqch,
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of persister, persévérer, tenir à faire qqch,
Noun: ciikaali - In general it is the plural persévérer; persist; determined to do
form which is actually employed. Sorting something; persevere. Gorko o siinii
Designation: 4. Noun. cri perçant, hurlement, waawran Fulfulde, tilay. Ce type est vraiment
cri strident; shriek; shrill cry; cries of pigs déterminé d'apprendre le fulfulde. That guy is
when captured; screech. synonyms: sirkaango; really trying hard to learn Fulfulde.
***: sirkaango. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: tilsinde, soobaade, anniyaade,
ɗowtude, doolɗ
doolɗude, tinnitaade;
siikude Noun Form of Infinitive: siikugol.
synonyms: soobaade, tinnitaade.
Participles: sing: ciikuɗo-ciikoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siikuɓe-siikooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
2 • accompagner qqn; accompany someone.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Debbo o siinii beero muuɗ
muuɗum faa
faa hoota.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ahaner, Cette femme a accompagné son visiteur pour
crachoter; wheeze. synonyms: hirɓ
hirɓude, rentrer. That woman accompanied her guest
horɓude, hurɓ
hurɓude; ***: haaccude, on her way home. War, siinam luumo. Viens
horɓude, halɓ
halɓude. Dialects: J,Y. accompagne-moi au marché. Come, go with
2 • hurler, pousser un cri strident, crier; me to market. synonyms: ɗowtude;
shriek; shout; screech. synonyms: haaccude, compare: anniyaade, doolɗ
doolɗude, haandinde,
halɓude. Dialects: Y,G,M. hiilnaade, tilsinde. Dialects: J,Y.

siilde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. siinugol synonyme: ko waawi gollireede. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form pratique; practice.
of Noun: ciile. Sorting Designation: 3, or. Noun. siire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
1 • aigle ravisseur; eagle (tawny); tawny eagle. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Catégorie : Oiseau. Aquila rapax.
of Noun: ci'e. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ville
synonyms: ceda, foolde, kaciiguwa;
ou village; town; village. ***: njenndi,
***: kaciiguwa, ceda, silgaare, gabuure,
genndi, ngenndi, wuro; synonyms: genndi,
foolde. Dialects: M.
ngenndi, njenndi, wuro. Dialects: J,G.
2 • milan noir; hawk; kite (a black). Milvus
nigrans. synonyms: gabuure, silgaare. siiroo Noun. sirop; syrup. Note : français
Dialects: M.

siiliiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting

Designation: 3, cs. Noun. sésame (plante);
sesame plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
grimpantes. Sesamum indicum. ***: nyayiiri,
namtiiri; synonyms: namtiiri, nyayiiri.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 560
siirtude sikke

siirtude Noun Form of Infinitive: siirtugol. siiwtorde Noun Form of Infinitive: siiwtorgol.
Participles: sing: ciirtuɗo-ciirtoowo plur: Participles: sing: ciiwtorɗo-ciiwtoroowo
siirtuɓe-siirtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. plur: siiwtorɓe-siiwtorooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. peler ou Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
éplucher sans utiliser un couteau; peel without Verb. 1 • décider de faire, penser faire qqch;
using a knife. O siirtii leemburu makko. Il a think about doing something; decide to do
épluché son orange. He peeled his orange. something. Miɗ
Miɗo siiwtori yaade toon ley
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. balɗ
balɗe ɗe. J'ai décidé d'y aller dans quelques
jours. I have decided to go there in a few days.
siirude Verb. épeler; spell. synonyms: limt-
synonyms: anniyaade, miijaade, miilaade,
***: sawtude harfeere.
siwtorde; ***: siwtorde, siwtorde. Dialects: J.
siirugol harfeere expression. épellation; spelling. 2 • avoir une opinion, penser à quelque chose;
Catégorie : La Grammaire, Lecture / écriture. opinion (to have an); think about something.
siisaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: ɗi. Mi siiwtoraay salla iɓ
iɓe ngaɗ
ngaɗa gudoron
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form hakkunde Piilaaɗ
Piilaaɗi e Djibo abada. Je n'ai pas
pensé à une route goudronnée entre Piilaadi et
of Noun: ciicaali. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
Djibo. I have not thought about if they will
Noun. drongo brillant; glossy-backed drongo.
ever put in a paved road between Piilaaɗi and
Catégorie : Oiseau. Dicrurus adsimilis.
Djibo. Dialects: J.
***: ciicibalawal, balaalawal, polaɓ
synonyms: balaalawal, ciicibalawal, polaɓ
polaɓala. siiwude Noun Form of Infinitive: siiwugol.
Dialects: G. Participles: sing: ciiwuɗo-ciiwoowo plur:
siiwuɓe-siiwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
sii-salaati Noun. laitue; lettuce. Catégorie
: Nourriture, Agriculture. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • verser
siiwɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: siiwɗugol. Sorting doucement un liquide de sorte que ce qu'on ne
Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant Change in veut pas verser reste dans le récipient;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. carefully pour a liquid. ***: rufude, tokkaare,
être rayé (ex. pelage de chiens, chats, hyène); faccude, yuppude, waylude, tokkaade.
striped. Note: here are the various adjectives Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
for the appropriate noun classes which are
formed from this verb: Group I nde/siiwre, 2 • filtrer; filter. compare: faccude, rufude,
ndu/siiwru, nge/siiwe, ngo/seewo Group II yuppude, waylude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗi/ciiwi, ɗe/ciiwe, ɗum/ciiwum, ngal/ciiwal,
ngel/ciiwel, ngol/ciiwol, o/ciiwo Group III sikan Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. rapidement, vite,
ka/ciiwa, ko2/ciiwo, koy/ciiwoy, ndi/ciiri, tôt, de bonne heure; quickly; early. Fadde
nga/ciiwa, ngi/ciiwi, ngu/ciiwu. makko wartude, o tawi ɓe mboofi sikan
***: waagiɗ
waagiɗinde; compare: waagiɗ
waagiɗinde. dow yamiroore ɗiɗaɓerde. Avant de
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. retourner (Moise) a constaté qu'ils ont déjà
désobéi au deuxième commandement. Before
siiwko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. he [Moses] returned he found that they quickly
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of broke the second commandment.
Noun: siiwkooji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. synonyms: law; ***: law. Dialects: G,M.
Noun. espèce de plante; A sahelian annual
plant found in river beds and damp soil. It is sikke Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
not appetizing. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • pensée, opinion;
grimpantes. Cardiospermum halicacabum. thought; opinion. Note : arabe ***: miijo, seko,
Dialects: J. tuumo, seko, jikke, seko, jikke, dimme,
siiwtaade Verb. suinter; ooze; seep. dimme, sikkisakka, ndolo, miilo, jate, jate,
jate, dimme; synonyms: dimme, jate, jikke,
Siiwtaraandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting miilo, seko, miijo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Noun. onzième mois de l'année 2 • méfiance, soupçon, doute; suspicion; doubt.
lunaire; eleventh month of the lunar year.
Note : arabe synonyms: dimme, jate, jikke,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
miilo, seko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 561
sikkinde silaade
3 • espoir, espérance; hope. Note : arabe
sikkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sikkugol.
compare: ndolo, ngokka; synonyms: dimme,
Participles: sing: cikkuɗo-cikkoowo plur:
jate, jikke, miilo, seko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sikkuɓe-sikkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
sikkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sikkingol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: cikkinɗo-cikkinoowo plur: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • penser,
sikkinɓe-sikkinooɓe. Verb Consonant Change avoir une opinion, croire savoir que; believe;
in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. opinion (to have an); think. Mi sikkii
Verb. causer qqn à douter ou à se méfier / tuubaaku o hoɗ
hoɗan ɗo sabo fuɗɗ
ɗɗii waddude
soupçonner; suspect; doubt (to cause someone gineeji muuɗ
muuɗum, de mi anndaa tafon. Je
to). Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G. pense que le blanc va habiter ici car il a
commencé d'amener ses affaires, mais je ne
sikkisakka Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting suis pas sûr. I think that white person will live
Designation: 2, th. Noun. doute, incertitude; here, because he began to bring his stuff, but I
doubt; uncertainty. this word may be don't know yet. Note : arabe ***: dimmude,
pronounce with either one or two k's by
tennyorde, miijaade, ndolaade, jikkude,
various people in the four sub-dialect areas
covered by this dictionary. Note : arabe dimmude, tammisaade, tuumude, jikkude,
synonyms: seko, sikke. Dialectal Forms: [J,M] dimmude, miijaade, miilaade, ngokkinde,
sikisakka. Dialects: Y,G,M. jataade, jataade, jataade, jataade, miilaade,
sikkitaade, ɗammi'aade, yelaade, tijjaade,
sikkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sikkitagol.
sogude; synonyms: dimmude, jataade,
Participles: sing: cikkitiiɗo-cikkitotooɗo
miijaade, miilaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: sikkitiiɓe-sikkitotooɓe. Sorting
2 • être méfiant, soupçonner, supposer;
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
suspicious. Min cikkii ƴuwoonde toɓ toɓan,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ɗum haɗhaɗi min warde. Nous avons pensé qu'il
Verb. 1 • douter; doubt. Mi sikkitaaki salla Rik va pleuvoir, c'est pourquoi nous ne sommes
na waawi sawrude kulle! Je n'ai pas de pas venus. We suspected it would rain, that
doutes que Rick peut soigner des animaux. I stopped us from coming. Note : arabe
don't doubt that Rick can treat animals. Note : synonyms: dimmude, jataade, miijaade,
arabe ***: tuumude, tennyorde, jikkude, miilaade, tuumude, sekinde, sikkitaade,
sikkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sogude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • soupçonner, hésiter; suspect; hesitate. Mi 3 • espérer; hope. Hasan sikkii si na'i
sikkiteke salla wo na'i gorko o mbonni bammum
bammum ndimii fu, heɓ
heɓan ɓii nagge.
ngesa am. Je soupçonne que les bœufs de cet Hassan espère que si la vache de son père va
homme ont détruit mon champ. I doubt if it avoir un veau, il va recevoir le veau. Hasan
was that man's cows that ruined my field. Note hopes if his father's cows calved, he will have a
: arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M. calf. Note : arabe synonyms: dimmude, jataade,
3 • être déchiqueté /râpé en petites morceaux; jikkude, miijaade, miilaade, miilude,
shredded into little pieces. Note : arabe yelaade; compare: ɗammi'aade, ngokkinde,
compare: tennyorde; synonyms: jikkude, tijjaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sekinde, sikkude, tuumude. Dialects: M.
silaade Noun Form of Infinitive: silagol.
sikkitira adj. hypothétique; hypothetical. ko sikkitira Participles: sing: ciliiɗo plur: siliiɓe. Sorting
sikkoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 2, ct. Noun. sucre; sugar. Catégorie Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
: Nourriture. Note : arabe synonyms: sukkara; être bien proportionné (la beauté physique); to
be well proportioned; this term is connected
***: sukkara. Dialectal Forms: [G] sikkiri.
with the idea of beauty. ***: fulɗ
Dialects: J,M.
taƴaade, girriɗ
girriɗinde, wooɗ
wooɗude, ŋari,
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗarɗude; compare: ŋari;
synonyms: fulɗ
fulɗude, girriɗ
girriɗinde, lobbiɗ
ude, taƴ
taƴaade, wooɗ
wooɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 562
silaalayel Simon

silaalayel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: ɗi. silma Noun. cinéma; cinema; movie theater. Note :
Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of français Dialectal Forms: sinima.
Noun: silaalaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, or.
silminde Noun Form of Infinitive: silmingol.
Noun. martinet (diverses espèces); any one of a
number of different species of swifts. Catégorie Participles: sing: cilminɗo-cilminoowo plur:
: Oiseau. Apus sp. or Chaetura sp.. silminɓe-silminooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: keleweleeru; synonyms: keleweleeru, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
poolel garuuje. Dialects: M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. souhaiter la
bienvenue à un visiteur; welcome or greet a
silɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. guest. Note : arabe ***: jowtude, salminde
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: salminde; synonyms: jowtude.
of Noun: cilɓe. Sorting Designation: mt, 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyme: lirkitere, goylere. Noun. entorse
d'articulation (coude, genou, cheville etc); silo synonyme: yuurnito. Noun. analyse; analysis.
sprain of a joint; ruptured disc. Catégorie (<= sil-
sil-a, yuur-
it-o) Catégorie : Lecture /
: Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. écriture. ***: kiinyal.
silɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: st/prg. sim Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interj. interjection
Participles: sing: cilɓuɗo-cilɓoowo plur: indiquant une tranquillité soudaine; an
silɓuɓe-silɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. interjection meaning "to fall quiet all at once";
when occurring in a phrase with a verb it
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
functions as a adv.; Maayo ngo deƴƴ
ƴƴinii sim.
Stative or Progressive: silɓugol. Verb. faire une
Tout à coup la mer est devenu
entorse (ex. à la cheville ou poignet), blesser
tranquille/calme. The sea suddenly fell silent.
une articulation, se déplacer (articulation);
sprain a joint; strain a joint. Catégorie ***: siw, sip, sukum, sit; synonyms: sip, sit,
: Maladie. ***: mulƴ
mulƴitaade, bigitaade, siw, sukum. Dialects: Y,M.
lirkitaade; synonyms: bigitaade, lirkitaade, simaa Noun. ciment; cement. Note : français Dialectal
mulƴitaade. Dialects: M. Forms: siminti.
silgaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. simiisi Noun. chemise; shirt. Catégorie : Vêtement.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
simmitannde Plural Form of Noun: cimmitanɗe.
of Noun: silgaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, or.
synonyme: tellitorde. Noun. pente; slope.
Noun. milan noir, épervier; hawk; black kite.
Catégorie : Terre.
Catégorie : Oiseau. milvus migrans. Note :
mooré synonyms: gabuure, siilde; Simon Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. 1 • Simon
***: gabuure, siilde. Dialects: M. Pierre (frère d’André); Simon Peter; brother
of Andrew and one of the 12 disciples (Mat
sillirde gorko Noun. urètre, vessie; urethra, urinary 4:18). Dialects: biblical.
bladder. Catégorie : Le corps.
2 • Simon le Zélote; Simon the Zealot; one of
synonyms: bawlirgol.
the 12 disciples (Mat 10:4). Dialects: biblical.
sillirdu Plural Form of Noun: cillirɗi. 3 • Simon (le frère du seigneur); Simon; one of
synonyme: bawlirdu. Noun. appareil urinaire; the Lord's brothers. Dialects: biblical.
urinary tract. Catégorie : Le corps. 4 • Simon le lépreux; Simon the Leper; of
synonyms: bawlirdu; ***: bawlirdu, yuɓɓ
ɓɓooji Bethany (Mat 26:6). Dialects: biblical.
bawlirɗi. 5 • Simon (le pharisien qui avait invité Jésus);
5.Simon the Pharisee who invited Jesus to
sillude Noun Form of Infinitive: sillugol.
dinner (Lk 7:36ff). Dialects: biblical.
Participles: sing: cilluɗo-cilloowo plur:
6 • Simon de Cyrène; 6.Simon of Cyrene; who
silluɓe-sillooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt,
helped Jesus carry his cross (Mat 27:32).
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: biblical.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • uriner;
7 • Simon de la ville Samarie; Simon of
urinate. ***: bawlude, rufaade, rufude; Samaria; also historically know as Simon
synonyms: bawlude. Dialects: J,Y. Magus; an occultic practitioner (Acts 8:9ff).
2 • éjaculer; ejaculate semen. Dialects: biblical.
synonyms: rufaade. Dialects: G,M. 8 • Simon le tanneur; Simon the tanner of
Joppa (Acts 9:43ff). Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 563
simtinde sintinde

simtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: simtingol. sinndude Noun Form of Infinitive: sinndugol.
Participles: sing: cimtinɗo-cimtinoowo plur: Participles: sing: cinnduɗo-cinndoowo plur:
simtinɓe-simtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. sinnduɓe-sinndooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire verser un Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pendre au
liquide goutte à goutte (ex. faire passer de côté, suspendre / accrocher au côté; hang on
l'eau par un filtre, faire dégouliner, suinter; to the side. Wakkati fuu imo sinnda laɓ laɓi e
cause a liquid to drip; such as filtering water tuuba makko. Il accroche toujours un
through a filter. synonyms: sintinde; couteau à ses pantalons. He always hangs a
***: sintinde, tokkaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. knife from his pants. Dialects: J,Y.
simtinirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. sinnjaahi Plural Form of Noun: sinnjaaje.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form synonyme: juuta-enɗiije. Noun. espece de
of Noun: cimtinirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. cacia; kind of tree. Catégorie : Arbres.
Noun. filtre; filter. synonyms: sintinirde,
sinnyinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sinnyinagol.
tokkaare; ***: tokkaare. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: cinnyiniiɗo-cinnyinotooɗo
simtude Noun Form of Infinitive: simtugol. plur: sinnyiniiɓe-sinnyinotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: cimtuɗo-cimtoowo plur: Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
simtuɓe-simtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Verb. montrer ses dents (ex. personne qui rit,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tomber goutte
un chien qui menace); lay your teeth bare;
à goutte, dégouliner, faire goutter; drip. showing his teeth. synonyms: nyiitaade;
compare: si'ude; ***: si'ude, sintude, ***: nyiitaade. Dialects: J.
ɓɓaade; synonyms: sintude, toɓɓ
ɓɓaade. sinnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: sinnyugol.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: cinnyuɗo-cinnyoowo plur:
Sina (Waamnde) Sorting Designation: 5, nbl. Noun. sinnyuɓe-sinnyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Mont Sinaï; Mount Sinai. Note : hébreu mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: biblical. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. grelotter de
froid ou peur, frémir de peur, frissonner;
singaade Noun Form of Infinitive: st/prg. shiver - because of either cold or fear.
Participles: sing: cingiiɗo-cingotooɗo plur: ***: yergaade, regude, diwnude;
singiiɓe-singotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: diwnude, yergaade. Dialects: J,Y.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: singagol. Verb. coucher
sintaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sintagol.
sur le dos; lay on your back. ***: fooccaade, Participles: sing: cintiiɗo-cintotooɗo plur:
sintiiɓe-sintotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
foortaade; synonyms: foortaade.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
singude Noun Form of Infinitive: singugol. 1 • retourner au sens opposé (ex. un livre
Participles: sing: cinguɗo-cingoowo plur: tourné face contre terre); turned upside down.
singuɓe-singooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ***: lunndaade, lunndaade. Dialects: Y,G.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb 2 • coucher à sens envers; to lie down with
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. coucher qqn your head at the foot of the bed.
sur son dos, faire qu'un animal se couche sur synonyms: lunndaade. Dialects: Y,G.
son dos, renverser un vélo; turn a bike over;
lay an animal on its back; lay a person down on
sintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sintingol.
Participles: sing: cintinɗo-cintinoowo plur:
his/her back. ***: hippude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sintinɓe-sintinooɓe. Verb Consonant Change
sinnde synonyme: funeere. Noun. paire; pair. Catégorie in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
: Mathématique. Verb. faire qu'un liquide est versé goutte à
goutte (ex. faire passer de l'eau par un filtre);
to cause a liquid to drip; such as filtering water
through a filter. ***: simtinde, tokkaade;
synonyms: simtinde. Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 564
sintinirde siriyaade

sintinirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. sip Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interj. interjection
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form qui indique un silence soudain; an interjection
of Noun: cintinirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
meaning "to fall quiet all at once"; when
occurring in a phrase with a verb it functions as
Noun. filtre; filter. ***: simtinirde
simtinirde, tokkaare,
a adv.; Maayo ngo deƴƴdeƴƴinii
ƴƴinii sip. La mer est
ciiwrugal. Dialects: Y,G. devenu silencieuse soudainement. The sea
sintitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sintitagol. suddenly fell silent. ***: siw, sukum, sit, sim;
Participles: sing: cintitiiɗo-cintitotooɗo synonyms: sim, sit, siw, sukum. Dialects: M.
plur: sintitiiɓe-cintitotooɓe. Sorting sippude Noun Form of Infinitive: sippugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: cippuɗo-cippoowo
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. (cippoo) plur: sippuɓe-sippooɓe. Sorting
Verb. 1 • remettre dans le bon sens; turned right
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
side up. ***: lunnditaade. Dialects: Y,G.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
2 • se coucher dans le bon sens; when a person
who is lying with his head at the foot of the bed Verb. vendre du lai; sell milk. ***: soottude,
or at the foot of another person turns himself sonnude, yeeyude, julaade, jaagaade,
around. synonyms: lunnditaade. Dialects: Y,G. soonnude; compare: jaagaade, julaade,
soonnude, soottude, yeeyude.
sintitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sintitingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: cintitinɗo-cintitoowo plur:
sintitinɓe-sintitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. sira Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
Stative or Progressive: prg - na sintita. Verb. Noun: siraaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
tourner dans le bon sens; turn to the right side. poudre de tabac pour sniffer/priser; tobacco
Mi sintitii dewtere nde. J'ai tourne le livre powder used to sniff. compare: taba2.
dans le bon sens, face en haut. I turned the Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
book around so it is right side up.
siraade Noun Form of Infinitive: siragol.
***: lunnditinde; synonyms: lunnditinde.
Participles: sing: ciriiɗo-cirotooɗo plur:
Dialects: Y,G.
siriiɓe-sirotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
sintude Noun Form of Infinitive: sintugol. Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: cintuɗo-cintoowo plur: Progressive: prg. Verb. priser du tabac; sniff
sintuɓe-sintooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. tobacco. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Siradio Noun. prénom masculin (Signification :
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tomber
Lumière?); first name for a male (meaning:
goutte à goutte; drip. ***: lunndude, Light?)
junnitinde, toɓɓ
ɓɓaade, simtude;
sirfiijo Noun. tatouage; tattoo. Catégorie : Parure.
synonyms: simtude. Dialects: Y,G.
***: surakaajo; synonyms: laabuujo, ŋaalal.
2 • tourner dans le mauvais sens; turn upside
down. synonyms: junnitinde, lunndude. Siri Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Syrie; Syria.
Dialects: Y,G. Catégorie : Pays. Note : français
3 • coucher dans le mauvais sens; lay someone Dialects: biblical.
in the wrong direction. compare: si'ude. siriyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: siriyagol.
Dialects: Y,G. Participles: sing: ciriyiiɗo-ciriyotooɗo plur:
sinyatiiri Noun. signature; signature. Note : français siriyiiɓe-siriyotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: maanda sinyatiiri, maanda. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être prêt ou
sinyiŋonya synonyme: nyiginyoga. Noun.
préparé; prepared; ready. ***: heginaade,
gribouillage; doodle. Catégorie : Lecture /
écriture. segilaade, lalindaade, baanaade,
segilanaade, heɓ
siŋalde Noun. porc-épic; porcupine. Catégorie
synonyms: baanaade, heginaade, lalindaade,
: Mammifère. Dialectal Forms: saŋalde.
segilaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 565
sirkaade sitoroore

sirkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sirkagol. sirude Noun Form of Infinitive: sirugol.
Participles: sing: cirkiiɗo-cirkotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: ciruɗo-ciroowo plur:
sirkiiɓe-sirkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. siruɓe-sirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. au physique Progressive: prg. Verb. éplucher / enlever des
ingrat, laid, maudit, malchanceux; unlucky; bandes d'écorce d'un arbre; to peel strips of
star-crossed; ill-favored. Si goɗɗ
ɗɗo ɓaŋi bark from a tree. compare: baajol, ittude;
debbo o fu, o heɓ
heɓataa jawdi abada sabo o ***: baajol, ittude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cirkaaɗo. Si quelqu'un marie cette femme, ils sirƴ
sirƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sirƴagol.
ne seront jamais heureux car elle est
maudit/laid. If someone marries that woman Participles: sing: cirƴiiɗo-cirƴotooɗo plur:
they will never have riches because she is ill sirƴiiɓe-sirƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
favored. Ali dawataa Alkamiisa sabo nde Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sirkaande. Ali ne voyage pas le jeudi, car Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cracher dans
(pour lui le jeudi est) malchanceux. Ali doesn't un ruisseau / courant d'eau, produire un jet de
travel on Thursday because it is unlucky. salive; spit in a continuous stream.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, sirƴ
sirƴude, tuutude, tirƴ
synonyms: sirƴ
sirƴude, tirƴ
tirƴaade, tuɓ
sirkaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
tuutude. Dialects: Y,G.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun: cirkaali - general it is the plural form sirƴ
sirƴoowol Noun. aorte; aorta. Catégorie : Le corps.
which is actually employed. Sorting sirƴ
sirƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: sirƴugol.
Designation: 4. Noun. cris perçants; shrill cries. Participles: sing: cirƴuɗo-cirƴoowo plur:
***: siikaango; synonyms: siikaango. sirƴuɓe-sirƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sirkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sirkugol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cracher dans
Participles: sing: cirkuɗo-cirkoowo plur: un ruisseau / courant d'eau; spit in a
sirkuɓe-sirkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb continuous stream. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, tuutude,
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or tirƴ
tirƴaade, sirƴ
sirƴaade; synonyms: sirƴ
Progressive: prg. Verb. crier, pousser un cri tirƴ
tirƴaade, tuɓ
tuɓtude, tuutude.
aigu / strident, hurler; shout; screech; cry out Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with a shrill cry. Dialects: J,M. sit Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interj. interjection
sirraade Noun Form of Infinitive: sirragol. qui indique un silence soudain; an interjection
meaning "to fall quiet all at once"; when
Participles: sing: cirriiɗo-cirrotooɗo plur:
occurring in a phrase with a verb it functions as
sirriiɓe-sirrotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
a adv.; Maayo ngo deƴƴ
ƴƴinii sim.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Soudainement la mer est devenu calme. The
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. dire un secret sea suddenly fell silent. ***: siw, sip, sukum,
à qqn, révéler un secret; reveal an occult
sim; synonyms: sim, sip, siw, sukum.
secret; tell someone a secret. Note : arabe
Dialects: J.
compare: sownaade, sowndaade, suuraare;
***: suuraare, sownaade, haaltude, sitoron Noun. citron; lemon. Catégorie : Nourriture.
nyo'ude, sowndaade, suuritinde; Note : français Dialectal Forms: sitoroore.
synonyms: nyo'ude, haaltude, suuritinde. sitoroohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
sirri Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number Noun: sitorooje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. citrus (arbre), citronnier, oranger; citrus
tree. Catégorie : Arbres. Note : français
Noun: sirriiji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun.
un secret, un mystère; mystery; secret. Note : Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arabe ***: suuraare, haala; sitoroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
synonyms: suuraare. Dialectal Forms: [M] sirli. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: sitorooje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Noun. citron; lime; lemon. Catégorie
: Nourriture. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 566
sitti soɓɓiire-lettugaare
2 • décider de faire qqch, penser à faire qqch,
sitti Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
réfléchir à faire qqch; think about doing
Designation: 3. Noun. soufre; sulfur; brimstone.
something; decide to do something. MiɗMiɗo
Note : arabe synonyms: farin wutaa; ***: farin
siwtori yaade toon ley balɗ
balɗe ɗe. J'ai décidé
wutaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d'y aller dans quelques jours. I have decided to
siw Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interj. interjection go there in a few days. synonyms: anniyaade,
qui indique un silence soudain; an interjection jataade, miijaade, miilaade, siiwtorde.
meaning "to fall quiet all at once"; when Dialects: J.
occuring in a phrase with a verb it functions as
3 • avoir une opinion; opinion (to have an). Mi
a adv.; Maayo ngo deƴƴdeƴƴini
inii siw.
Soudainement, la mer est devenu calme. The siwtoraay salla iɓ
iɓe ngaɗ
ngaɗa gudoron
sea suddenly fell silent. synonyms: sim, sip, sit, hakkunde Piilaaɗ
Piilaaɗi e Djibo abada.
sukum; ***: sip, sukum, sit, sim. synonyms: siiwtorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. siyooru Noun. seau; bucket. Catégorie : Récipient.
siwooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. so conj. si; if. ***: si, se; synonyms: se, si.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: siwooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
so nii conj. si; if.
seau; bucket; pail. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
français synonyms: bogoti; compare: fate, so wanaa Sorting Designation: 2. 1 • adv/conj. sinon, à
lokuure; ***: lokuure, bogoti, sooru. moins que, à moins de, sauf si; except; if not;
Dialectal Forms: [Y] siwo (o), [J] siwoo (o). unless. So wanaa mi yarna na'i hannden fuu
Dialects: J,Y,M. ɗi tampan. Si je n'abreuve pas les bœufs
aujourd'hui, ils vont souffrir. If I don't water
siwtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: siwtagol. Sorting the cows today, they will be stressed. ***: si
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in wanaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 2 • Adverb. devoir, être nécessaire; necessary;
Verb. lorsque l'eau s'infiltre au long du mur et
must. So wanaa mi yarna na'i hannden. Je
coule en bas; to leak along the upper edge of a
dois abreuver les bœufs aujourd'hui. I must
room so that the water runs down the wall.
water the cows today. synonyms: kanaa,
***: si'ude, sayude; compare: funtude,
sanaa, say, sey, si wanaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
si'ude, sayude. Dialectal Forms: [J] siiwtaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sobbude Noun Form of Infinitive: sobbugol.
Participles: sing: cobbuɗo-cobboowo plur:
siwtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: siwtingol.
sobbuɓe-sobbooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Participles: sing: ciwtinɗo-ciwtinoowo plur:
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
siwtinɓe-siwtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire une
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
boisson de mil et de lait; to make cobbal.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rappeler qqn
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J.
de qqch; remind someone of something.
***: sowtinde, annditinde, miccinde; soɓɓ
ɓɓiire Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. nord; north.
synonyms: anndintinde, miccinde, sowtinde. ***: lettugal, horɗ
horɗoore, gorgal;
Dialects: M. synonyms: saahel; compare: gorgal, lettugal.
Dialectal Forms: [G] soɓɓirde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
siwtorde Noun Form of Infinitive: siwtorgol.
Participles: sing: ciwtorɗo-ciwtoroowo soɓɓ
iire-gorgaare Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n. la
plur: siwtorɓe-siwtorooɓe. Sorting direction nord-ouest; northwest; direction
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in northwest. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. soɓɓirde-gorgaare. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb. 1 • se souvenir de, se rappeler; soɓɓ
iire-lettugaare Sorting Designation: 2. adv/n.
remember. ***: siiwtorde, miccaade, la direction nord-est; direction northeast;
yiitude, jataade, anniyaade, haykaade; northeast. Dialectal Forms: [G]
synonyms: miccaade, yiitude. Dialects: Y,G,M. soɓɓirde-lettugaare. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 567
soɓɓotoroy soɗeede
3 • se brosser ou nettoyer les dents; brush or
ɓɓotoroy Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
clean your teeth. synonyms: hosaade;
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
compare: coccorgal, kosorgal.
Noun: soɓɓotorooje. Sorting Designation: 5,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pl. Noun. espèce d'herbe; A perennial creeper.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. socceede Noun Form of Infinitive: soccegol.
Leptadenia hastata. ***: laalentu, Participles: sing: coccaaɗo-cocceteeɗo plur:
ɓɓitoroohi; synonyms: laalentu, soccaaɓe-socceteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
ɓɓitoroohi. Dialects: G. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
ɓɓundu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être lavé ou
bien nettoyé / frotté; washed or scrubbed.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
***: yiggeede, looteede; synonyms: looteede,
of Noun: coɓɓuli. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
Noun. 1 • coude; elbow. Catégorie : Le corps. yiggeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: loofoodu, lonnjoodu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. soccude Noun Form of Infinitive: soccugol.
2 • coin extérieur; an exterior corner. Participles: sing: coccuɗo-coccoowo plur:
compare: lonnjoodu, loofoodu. soccuɓe-soccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
ɓɓundu silɓ
silɓundu Noun Class Markers: sing: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frotter,
s'oindre, appliquer de l'huile / pommade;
ndu plur: ɗi. Number One for this
scrub; rub ointment in. Mi soccii junngo am
noun: wooturu. Plural Form of Noun: coɓɓuli
faa laaɓ
laaɓi. J'ai frotté ma main jusqu'à ce
cilɓuɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Noun.
qu'elle soit propre. I scrubbed my hand until it
entorse au coude; sprained elbow. Catégorie
was clean. ***: yiggude, lootude;
: Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: yiggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
soɓre Noun. teigne; ringworm. Catégorie : Maladie.
soccugol Noun. nettoyage; cleaning. ***: laaɓ
***: porgoroore; synonyms: sadaɓ

soɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: soɓugol. Sodom Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Sodome;
Sodom. Catégorie : Localité. Note : hébreu
Participles: sing: coɓuɗo plur: soɓuɓe.
***: Gomoora. Dialects: biblical.
Sorting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant
Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or soɗ
soɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soɗagol.
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être sale, avoir une Participles: sing: coɗiiɗo-coɗotooɗo plur:
hygiène insuffisante; hygiene (to have poor); soɗiiɓe-soɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
dirty. ***: wannyaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
2 • être immoral; immoral. Dialects: J,Y,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se tresser
3 • avoir des paroles grossières, paroles des bijoux dans ses cheveux; plait either beads
répugnantes, être grossier, vulgaire; coarse or into your own hair. Diko soɗsoɗeke kaŋŋ
ŋŋe faa
crude; foul speech. synonyms: wannyaade. yaha ɓangal. Diko plaited gold [coins] into
Dialects: J,Y,M. her hair in order to go to the wedding.
***: feɗ
feɗaade, mooraade. Dialects: J,M.
soccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soccagol. 2 • suivre derrière quelqu’un; follow behind
Participles: sing: cocciiɗo-coccotooɗo plur: someone. Ko waɗwaɗi aɗ
aɗa soɗ
soɗii gaɗ
gaɗa makko?
socciiɓe-soccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Why are you following behind her?
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb synonyms: feɗ
feɗaade, mooraade.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
savonner, se frotter avec du savon; scrub
yourself with soap; lather yourself. soɗ
soɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: soɗegol.
***: kosorgal, yiggaade, moomaade, Participles: sing: coɗaaɗo-coɗeteeɗo plur:
coccorgal, hosaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. soɗaaɓe-soɗeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
2 • frotter, gratter, s'érafler; scrape; scratch Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
yourself against or with some exterior object; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être tissé
rub. synonyms: moomaade. Dialects: J,M. ensemble; woven together. ***: mooreede,
feɗeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • suivre derrière de près; followed closely
behind by someone. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 568
soɗondirde sokaade
3 • avoir des bijoux tressés dans les cheveux;
soggaange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
wooden beads or coins plaited into your hair.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
synonyms: feɗ
feɗeede. Dialects: J,M.
Noun: coggaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
soɗondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: soɗondirgol. un bœuf que le père donne à sa fille lors du
Participles: sing: coɗondirɗo-coɗondiroowo mariage de sa fille; cow a father gives to his
plur: soɗondirɓe-soɗondirooɓe. Sorting daughter. ***: suddaareewe;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: suddaareewe. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. soggitaaye. Dialects: J,Y.
Verb. faire la file indienne, s'aligner l'un
soggude Noun Form of Infinitive: soggugol.
derrière l'autre; follow each other in rank
(Indian file - one behind another); line up after Participles: sing: cogguɗo-coggoowo plur:
each. Mi yi'ii yimɓ
yimɓe na coɗ
coɗunduri faa piloo sogguɓe-soggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
talki faa naata. J'ai vu des gens s'aligner l'un ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
derrière l’autre pour acheter un ticket pour Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • diriger le
pouvoir entrer. I saw people lined up to buy a troupeau à une certaine destination; herd
ticket so they could enter. Dialectal Forms: [J] animals to a destination. compare: ɗowude,
soɗundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M. durude, oorude; ***: ɗowude, durude,
yaarude, oorude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
soɗorko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
2 • diriger un groupe pour aller quelque part;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
taking any kind of group with you to
Noun: soɗorkooji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. someplace; can be family or another group of
Noun. espèce d'herbe; A perennial grass that
people. compare: yaarude
yaarude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
grows around lakes and marshes in both the
Sahel and savannah. The regrowth is sogude Noun Form of Infinitive: sogugol.
appetizing. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes Participles: sing: coguɗo-cogoowo plur:
grimpantes. Vetiveria nigritana.
soguɓe-sogooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
soɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: soɗugol. Progressive: prg. Verb. soupçonner, trouver
Participles: sing: coɗuɗo-coɗoowo plur: suspect que, se méfier de; suspect; suspicious.
soɗuɓe-soɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb ***: tuumude, jikkude, miilaade, miijaade,
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or sikkude, jataade, dimmude, taafude;
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • recouvrir une partie compare: taafude; synonyms: dimmude,
d'herbe avec d'autre herbes lorsqu'on tresse jataade, jikkude, miijaade, miilaade,
une natte; to overlap the grass pieces as one sikkude, taafude, tuumude. Dialects: J.
weaves a mat; Si neɗɗ
ɗɗo na waɗ
waɗa tenngaare
sohude Noun Form of Infinitive: sohugol.
fu, sanaa itta ciiɗ
ciiɗi faa soɗ
soɗa de sanya. Si
quelqu'un tisse un chapeau, il met l'herbe en Participles: sing: cohuɗo-cohoowo plur:
bottes et puis il tisse ces bottes ensemble. If sohuɓe-sohooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
someone makes a hat they must take the fine Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
grass and bunch them together and then weave Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. deuxième de
them together. ***: moorude, feɗ feɗude. piler qqch; second pounding. ***: sottude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sokkitaade; synonyms: sokkitaade, sottude.
2 • tresser, natter; plait; braid often either Dialects: J,Y,M.
wood beads or silver or gold coins into a
woman's hair. O moorii, o soɗ soɗi mees e sokaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sokagol.
sukundu makko. Elle s'est coiffée, elle a Participles: sing: cokiiɗo-cokotooɗo plur:
tresse des mèches dans ses propres cheveux. sokiiɓe-sokotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
She fixed her hair, she braided false hair into Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
her hair. synonyms: feɗ
feɗude, moorude. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir les
Dialects: J,M. lèvres tatoués en noir autour de la bouche; to
have your lips and area around your lips
sofeere Noun. chauffeur; driver. Catégorie
tattooed black. ***: suumɗ
suumɗude, suunɗ
: Travailleur.
fesaade, sokude, sokeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 569
sokeede solɗude
2 • pouvoir être fermé; to be lockable;
sokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sokkugol.
Sokoode Ali na jaɓ
jaɓa sokaade.
sokaade. La serrure
Participles: sing: cokkuɗo-cokkoowo plur:
d'Ali fonctionne. Ali's lock works.
sokkuɓe-sokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
compare: fesaade, sokude, suumɗ
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. première fois
sokeede Noun Form of Infinitive: sokegol. de piler pour enlever le grain de l'épi; the first
Participles: sing: cokaaɗo or coketeeɗo pounding to remove the grain from the ear.
plur: sokaaɓe or soketeeɓe. Sorting compare: bukkude1, burkitaade,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in bumpitaade, bumpude, duufude, fiitaade,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sokkitaade, sottude; ***: burkitaade,
Verb. 1 • être fermé , être enfermé être unude, bumpitaade, nyaande, ƴaraade,
verrouillé; locked. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. bukkude2, duufude, bumpude.
2 • avoir les lèvres tatouées; lips tattooed. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: sokaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sokoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
sokitaade Verb. déboîter; dislocate. Seŋ
Seŋitaade ƴi’e Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
jokkulal of Noun: cokooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
sokitagol Noun. déboîtement, luxation; dislocation, serrure, verrou; lock. ***: kufal, cokirgal;
luxation. Sokitaade ƴi’e jokkulal Catégorie synonyms: cokirgal, kufal. Dialects: J,M.
: Maladie. sokottu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
sokkiɗidde Noun Form of Infinitive: sokkiɗingol. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: cokkiɗinɗo plur: Noun: sokottuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
sokkiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Noun. 1 • défaut, faute, faille, imperfection,
faiblesse; defect; flaw; weakness; blemish;
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
imperfection; fault. ***: ayiibe, allaaru, laru,
Progressive: st. Verb. avoir un cou court et
gros; nick (to have a short, thick). laru, malal; synonyms: allaaru, ayiibe, laru,

***: ɓenkiɗ malal. Dialects: J.

enkiɗinde, sunkiɗ
synonyms: sunkiɗ
sunkiɗinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y] 2 • péché; sin. synonyms: hakke. Dialects: J.
sokkiɗinde. Dialects: Y. sokude Noun Form of Infinitive: sokugol.
sokkirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: cokuɗo-cokoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form sokuɓe-sokooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
of Noun: cokkirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Noun. endroit où l'on pile pour enlever la balle Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fermer à clé,
des céréales, aire de battage; threshing area; verrouiller, bloquer; lock. ***: pesogal1,
place where the initial pounding is done. feseede, sokaade, fesude, ŋaalal.
compare: nyaande, ƴaraade; ***: kollangal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyaande, ƴarorde, ƴaraade, zeegaare; 2 • tatouer en noir les lèvres de qqn; to tattoo
synonyms: kollangal, ƴarorde, zeegaare. someone's lips black. compare: fesude, ŋaalal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pesogal1, sokaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sokkirgal Noun. mortier; mortar. solɗ
solɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: solɗugol. Sorting
sokkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sokkitagol. Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: cokkitiiɗo-cokkitotooɗo Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
plur: sokkitiiɓe-sokkitotooɓe. Sorting être tacheté moucheté (ex. bœufs, moutons,
poules); speckled. Note: This verb can be used
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
to form adjectives which are prefered to the
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. particples - Group I nde/solde, ndu/soldu,
Verb. deuxième fois de piler le mil pour enlever nge/sole Group II ɗe/cole, ɗi/coli,
le son; second pounding of millet in order to ɗum/colum, kol/colol, ngal/colal, ngel/colel
remove the last grains from the ear. Group III ko2/colo, koy/coloy, ndi/coldi,
***: sokkude, burkitaade, unude, nga/cola, ngi/coli, ngu/colu.
bumpitaade, bukkude2, duufude, sohude, synonyms: helliɗ
helliɗinde, sayɗ
bumpude; synonyms: sohude, sottude. ***: helli
lliɗinde, sayɗ
sayɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 570
soliiru somre

soliiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. solude Noun Form of Infinitive: solugol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: coluɗo-coloowo plur:
of Noun: soliiji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. soluɓe-solooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt,
Noun. musaraigne (odeur répugnante); rat (a pl. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
common black). Catégorie : Mammifère. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsqu'un
compare: doomaaru, gusuuru, raygooru. enfant perd une dent caduque; when a child
Dialects: M. loses a deciduous tooth. ***: sootaade,
sollaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting olude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 2. Noun. poussière, sable dans 2 • lorsqu'un arbre perdes ses feuilles; when a
l'air; dust; sand blowing in the wind. Catégorie tree sheds its leaves. synonyms: olude,
: Temps. ***: kusaw, taasiiri, njaareendi, sootaade. Dialects: Y.
puru, bolonngu
bolonngu, colla; compare: cuddi, somaade Noun Form of Infinitive: somagol.
furɗude, njaareendi; synonyms: bolonngu, Participles: sing: comiiɗo-comotooɗo plur:
colla, kusaw, puru. Dialects: Y,G,M. somiiɓe-somotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
sollewol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • acheter des
Noun: solleeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ingrédients pour un repas (ex. sel,
longueur du matériel qui est de trois ou six assaisonnements, gnons); buy furnishings
mètres; a length of material that is either three (salt). Note : Bambara ***: soodude.
or six meters (bolt). Dialectal Forms: [G] Dialects: J,Y,M.
sollool. Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • acheter des animaux commercialement;
commercially buy animals. Note : Bambara
sollungo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting
synonyms: soodude. Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 4. Noun. brouillard, brume; fog;
mist. Catégorie : Temps. ***: boygel, somay Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
daambol, kundukunndu; synonyms: boygel, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
daambol, kundukunndu; Noun: samayji/samayeeji. Sorting
compare: saawandere, sawawre. Designation: 3, ct. Noun. ingrédients pour la
sauce, condiments; ingredient used to make
Dialects: Y,M.
sauce; condiment. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note
soloru Noun. chat; cat. Catégorie : Mammifère. : Bambara compare: hamude, hoy, maafe,
synonyms: musuuru. takay; ***: takay, hoy, puraade, maafe,
soltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soltagol. hamude, li'am, li'o, lu'o. Dialects: J,Y,M.

Participles: sing: coltiiɗo-coltotooɗo plur: sominde Noun Form of Infinitive: somingol.

soltiiɓe-soltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Participles: sing: cominɗo-cominoowo plur:
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb sominɓe-sominooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pour un os qui Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
est démis, se démettre un par exemple l'épaule Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • épuiser,
/ la hanche; luxated; dislocated (for a bone to être éreinté, se fatiguer de; tire out.
be). ***: fakitaade, sentaade, partaade, ***: tampinde, ronkinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
pakitaade, sortaade; synonyms: fakitaade, 2 • s'user, être à bout de; wear out.
pakitaade, partaade, sentaade, sortaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G. 3 • faire qqch difficile pour qqn, rendre
soltooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. difficile; difficult for someone.
synonyms: ronkinde, tampinde;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
compare: mettinde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
of Noun: coltooji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl.
Noun. écureuil fouisseur, rat palmiste; squirrel. somre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Euxerus erythropus.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: giisoore, siigaare; ***: giisoore,
of Noun: come. Sorting Designation: 3, in. Noun.
siigaare. Dialects: J. grillon, criquet; cricket. Catégorie : Insecte.
***: famru; synonyms: famru. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 571
somude sonnuuri
2 • lorsqu'une famine / maladie / guerre tue
somude Noun Form of Infinitive: somugol.
tous les gens ou animaux, être annihilé,
Participles: sing: comuɗo-comoo plur: anéanti ou décimé; annihilated; decimated.
somuɓe-somooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Wuro ngo fuu sonkii saabe rafo ngo. Tout le
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb village était décimé à cause de la famine. The
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être fatigué, entire village is decimated because of the
épuisé; tired; fatigued. synonyms: ronkude, famine. Dialects: J.
tampude; ***: tampude, coomu, ronkude. sonndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sonndagol.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Participles: sing: conndiiɗo-conndotooɗo
somugol Noun. fatigue; tiredness. synonyms: comri, plur: sonndiiɓe-sonndotooɓe. Sorting
tampiri. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
soneer mobil Noun. klaxon; car horn.
Verb. tousser après avoir aspiré de la
songo-songo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. nourriture ou une boisson ou après avoir avalé
Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Noun. courir une mouche; to cough after aspirating food or
légèrement, faire du jogging, trotter (animal); drink or swallowing a fly. ***: ɗojjude;
trotting if an animal; jogging if a person. Waɗ
Waɗu synonyms: ɗojjude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
songo-songo, naatowa toon gilla a sonndude Verb. vendre; sell. Dialectal
leppaay. Cours là-bas et entre la maison Forms: sonnude.
avant d’être tout mouillé. Jog over there and
go into the house [so you can get out of the sonnoori Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)di plur: ɗe.
rain] before you get soaked. Plural Form of Noun: sonnooje. Sorting
compare: yappude. Dialects: J. Designation: 3, cs. Noun. 1 • plante de mil;
millet plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
sonkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sonkingol.
grimpantes. Pennisetum americanum.
Participles: plur: sonkinɓe-sonkinooɓe.
***: gawri, muutiri, yoyiiri. Dialects: G.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • graine de mil; millet grain.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
compare: bogodollo; synonyms: gawri,
Verb. pour un groupe de crier ou faire un bruit
et ainsi émettant un bruit unifié; for a group to muutiri, yoyiiri. Dialects: G.
either cry or otherwise make noise so that it all sonnoowo Noun. vendeur; seller; vendor. Catégorie
becomes one sound; Mi nanii yimɓyimɓe CDP na : Travailleur.
conkina hecci-
keeŋan. J'ai entendu les gens
sonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: sonnugol.
du parti CDP faire du bruit il y a deux jours. I
heard the people of the CDP [a political party] Participles: sing: connuɗo-connoowo plur:
making noise two days ago. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sonnuɓe-sonnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sonkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sonkugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. vendre; sell.
Participles: plur: sonkuɓe-sonkooɓe. Sorting
***: soonnude, sottude, soottude;
Designation: 3, cs, dh, da. Verb Consonant
synonyms: luumaade, jaagaade, julaade,
Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
soottude, soonnude, sottude, yeeyude;
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • pour un arbre de
compare: sippude, soorude. Dialectal
cesser de porter du fruit, (à Sebba ce mot se
réfère aussi à une femme qui cesse d'avoir des Forms: sonndude. Dialects: G,M.
enfants); when a tree ceases to bear fruit for sonnugol ɓaleeɓ
aleeɓe expression. traite négrière; slave
the season - in Sebba it refers when a women
trade. synonyms: luumo maccungaaku.
stops bearing children too; Wakkati nde
njahumi toon ndeen mi tawii manngorooje sonnugol suka expression. trafic d’enfant; child
makko conkii. Au temps que je suis allé
là-bas j'ai trouvé que les mangues ont cessé de sonnuuri Noun. argile; clay. Catégorie : Terre.
produire. At the time I went there I found his
synonyms: njakkaari.
mangoes has ceased bearing fruit.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 572
sonnyo soodande

sonnyo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. soobaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soobagol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: coobiiɗo-coobotooɗo
Noun: sonnyooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. plur: soobiiɓe-soobotooɓe. Sorting
froissement, bruit léger; faint sound; rustling. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
***: sawtu1, saaƴ
saaƴo, ruubu, iido. Dialectal Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Forms: saaƴo, sawtu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. être déterminé de faire qqch qu'on est
capable de faire; determined to do something.
sonnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: sonnyugol.
Koyngal am ngal sellaa sabo si mi soobeke
Participles: sing: connyuɗo-connyoowo
e yaadu fu ngal naawan. Mon pied n'est pas
plur: sonnyuɓe-sonnyooɓe. Sorting encore bien car si j'essaie de courir, cela fait
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in mal. My leg is not well because if I try to go
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. too fast it hurts. Mi sooboto hannden mi
Verb. froisser, bruit léger venant d'à côté; hanta tayri. Je suis déterminé de finir la
sound coming from near by; rustle. récolte de mon champ aujourd'hui. I am
***: saawtinde, dukude, sawtinde, determined to finish harvesting my field today.
saaƴude, iidude; compare: dukude, iidude, Mi anndaa ko danyi nagge nge sabo
olkude, saaƴ
saaƴude, saawtinde, sawtinde. wakkiti nde na'i ɗi coobii e nyaamɗ
nyaamɗe fu,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ndeen nnge
ge waaloto. Je ne sais pas ce qui ne
va pas avec mon bœuf, car quand les autres
sontirdu cafaaje Noun. pharmacie; drugstore;
sont déterminés de manger, lui il se couche. I
chemist's shop; pharmacy. ***: suudu cafaaje don't know what is wrong with that cow
conneteeɗe. because when the other cows are determined to
sontoowo cafaaje Noun. pharmacien; chemist; eat she lays down. compare: anniyaade,
pharmacist. Catégorie : Travailleur. hiilnaade
hiilnaade; ***: ekitaade, tinnaade,
anniyaade, siinude; synonyms: siinude,
sonude Noun Form of Infinitive: sonugol. Sorting
tinnaade, ekitaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sooɓ
sooɓo Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb. sonner, appeler quelqu'un au bip, sonner Designation: 5, pl. Noun. 1 • espèce de longue
légèrement avec une cloche ou alarme; buzz herbe; This perennial grass. Catégorie
as with a small bell or alarm; ring. Note : : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Andropogon
français ***: lenngude; synonyms: lenngude. gayanus. ***: sekko, handeere, selselnde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. rannyere, kilaal, booyoowo, sagiire.
Dialects: J.
2 • espèce d'herbe; kind of perennial grass.
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Hyparrhenia smithiana. compare: deŋ deŋeleewo,
handeere, sekko, nyantaare;
synonyms: rannyere, selselnde. Dialects: J.

sooɓoondu waamnde Noun. pic; peak. Catégorie
: Terre.

soodande Noun Form of Infinitive: soodangol.

Participles: sing: coodanɗo-coodanoowo
plur: soodanɓe-soodanooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. acheter qqch pour qqn d'autre; buy
something for someone else. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 573
soodi maammum laasi sooru

soodi maammum laasi Noun Class Markers: sing: soonni innum jaɓ
jaɓi laasi Noun Class
ngel plur: koy. Number One for this Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Number One for
noun: gootel. Plural Form of Noun: coodukoy this noun: gootel. Plural Form of Noun: soonni
maammum'en laasi. Sorting Designation: 4, innum'en jaɓi laasihoy. Sorting
or. Noun. Veuve d'Uelle; whydah. Catégorie Designation: 4, or. Noun. veuve d'Uelle;
: Oiseau. Vidua macroura, Vidua orientalis. whydah. Catégorie : Oiseau. Vidua macroura,
synonyms: soonni innum jaɓ
jaɓi laasi; Vidua orientalis. ***: soodi maammum
***: soonni innum jaɓ
jaɓi laasi, sotti gogom laasi, sotti gogom soodi laccol;
soodi laccol. Dialects: J. synonyms: soodi maammum laasi, sotti
gogom soodi laccol. Dialects: Y.
soodude Noun Form of Infinitive: soodugol.
Participles: sing: cooduɗo-coodoowo plur: soonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: soonnugol.
sooduɓe-soodooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Participles: sing: coonnuɗo-coonnoowo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb plur: soonnuɓe-soonnooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. acheter, Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
payer; buy. ***: somaade, soorude
soorude, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
luumaade, julaade, jaagaade; Verb. vendre; sell. synonyms: luumaade,
synonyms: luumaade, jaagaade, julaade, jaagaade, julaade, soottude, sonnude,
somaade; compare: soorude. sottude, yeeyude; ***: soorude, sonnude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sottude
sottude, luumaade, julaade, sippude,
jaagaade, soottude, yeeyude;
soodude ndimaaku Verb. corrompre; to corrupt,
to bribe. Catégorie : Juridique. compare: sippude, soorude. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: yeenude. sooro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
soodugol ndimaaku Noun. corruption; corruption. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: yeenugol. Noun: soorooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
tour, bâtiment à étages, immeuble, étage;
soofude Noun Form of Infinitive: soofugol. Sorting floor; multiple story building; tower; story.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Catégorie : Bâtiment. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. sooruwal (gal). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. devenir mou, molle, trempé, ramolli,
spongieux, se mouiller, tremper; wet; soggy or soorowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
mushy by becoming wet (ground. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
***: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde; synonyms: waggiɗ
waggiɗinde. Noun: soorooje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. un abri fait de nattes en paille; a long thin
shelter made of grass or mats in which women
sookude Noun Form of Infinitive: sookugol. Sorting make grass mats. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in ***: hurgo, wortaldu, kuurgal;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: kuurgal. Dialects: J,M.
Verb. pleuvoir, tomber de la pluie; fall (for rain
soortewol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
to); rain. ***: saakude, toɓ
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
synonyms: saakude, toɓ
toɓude. Dialects: J.
Noun: soorteeji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
soolooji Noun. géologie; geology. Salndu annde 1 • un chapitre, verset; verse; chapter. Note :
banngal jannde leydi e ko haɓɓhaɓɓodii
ɓɓodii e mum arabe ***: aayaare, suura, jande;
Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: anndal laral synonyms: suura. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
leydi. 2 • leçon; lesson. Note : arabe
compare: aayaare; synonyms: jande. Dialectal
Forms: [J] soorte. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: sooji. Noun. seau; bucket; pail.
Catégorie : Récipient. Note : français
synonyms: siwooru. Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 574
soorude sooylaade

soorude Noun Form of Infinitive: soorugol. soottinde Noun Form of Infinitive: soottingol.
Participles: sing: cooruɗo-cooroowo plur: Participles: sing: coottinɗo-coottinoowo
sooruɓe-sooroowo. Sorting Designation: 3, plur: soottinɓe-soottinooɓe. Sorting
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre de la Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
farine dans l'eau bouillante; to put "necce" Verb. voler qqch, dérober qqch, cambrioler;
into boiling water. ***: soottude, sonnude, steal something. synonyms: adude, diinude,
soonnude, soodude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diisinde, dirnude, foɗ
foɗtinde, sottinde;
2 • vendre à ... ou acheter de ..; sell to ...; buy ***: sottinde. Dialects: J,Y.
from ... Mi soori e Maamuudu nagge. J'ai soottude Noun Form of Infinitive: soottugol.
acheté un bœuf de Mamoudou. I bought a cow
Participles: sing: coottuɗo-coottoowo plur:
from Maamuudu. Mi soorii e makko keekel
soottuɓe-soottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
am. J'ai vendu mon vélo à lui. I sold my bike
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
to him. compare: soodude, soonnude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. vendre; sell.
soottude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] soorrude e.
***: soonnude, soorude, sonnude,
Dialects: J,M.
luumaade, julaade, sippude, jaagaade,
soosaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soosagol. yeeyude; compare: sippude, soorude;
Participles: sing: coosiiɗo-coosotooɗo plur: synonyms: luumaade, jaagaade, julaade,
soosiiɓe-soosotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. soonnude, sonnude, sottude, yeeyude.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Dialects: J,Y.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. faire qqch
de manière sans se presser, lambiner, sootu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
traînasser, être à la traîne; lollygag; lag; One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
dillydally. Miin e Ali, min njehii luumo, Noun: sootuuji. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
ammaa imo soosoo gaɗ gaɗa am. Ali et moi, Noun. luciole; glowworm beetle or lightning
nous sommes allés au marche, mais il a traîné bug; firefly. Catégorie : Insecte. ***: cootu,
derrière moi. Ali and I went to market, but he cuncu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓuyel hiite; synonyms: cootu,
lagged behind me. ***: laaltindaade, cuncu, kuɓɓ
ɓɓuyel hiite. Dialects: J.
laaltindaade, laalaade, feewude,
soowoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
hanndaade. Dialectal Forms: ɓuuɓude,
Designation: 1. Noun. surnom,nom pour éviter
feewude, hanndaade, laalaade,
le vrai nom; nickname. synonyms: santere1,
laaltindaade. Dialects: M.
yaasoore; compare: innde, jammoore;
sooso Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting ***: innde, jammoore, yaasoore, santere1.
Designation: 4. Noun. une pluie très fine / Dialects: G,M.
légère, une brume de pluie fine; rain (a very
light sprinkle of); misting of rain. Catégorie soowude Noun Form of Infinitive: soowugol.
: Eau, Temps. ***: suusuu, nyeko, miso; Participles: sing: coowuɗo-coowoowo plur:
compare: ƴuwoonde; synonyms: miso, nyeko, soowuɓe-soowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
suusuu. Dialects: G. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • appeler qqn
sootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sootagol. Sorting par un autre nom (ex.par un surnom) pour
Designation: 3, pl. Verb Consonant Change in éviter le vrai nom; to call someone by another
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. name (can be nick name) to avoid calling
Verb. lorsque des feuilles tombent; leaves fall. them by their real name. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: olude, solude; ***: olude, solude. 2 • cesser de parler à qqn avec qui on est
Dialects: Y,G. fâché; to cease speaking to someone with
whom you are angry. Dialects: J.
sooylaade Verb. serpenter; wind (to).

16/02/2020 575
sooynaade sordaasiiɓe

sooynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sooynagol. soppirgal Noun. hache; axe. Catégorie : Outil.
Participles: sing: cooyniiɗo-cooynotooɗo soppitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soppitagol.
plur: sooyniiɓe-sooynotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: coppitiiɗo-coppitotooɗo
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
plur: soppitiiɓe-soppitotooɓe. Sorting
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb. voir qqch à distance, apercevoir à
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
distance; see something at a distance. War,
Verb. se couper en frappant qqn avec une
sooyna, imo wara. Viens regarder, il vient hache; cut yourself while hacking at
(on le voit de loin). Come see he is coming [but something with an axe or machete.
he is still far away. ***: haaccaade, compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗitaade; synonyms: barmitaade,
haccaade, haynaade; synonyms: haaccaade, nawnitaade; ***: nawnitaade, ɗeeɗeeɗitaade,
haccaade, haynaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. barmitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
soppanataaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: soppude Noun Form of Infinitive: soppugol.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Participles: sing: coppuɗo-coppoowo plur:
Form of Noun: soppanataaji. Sorting soppuɓe-soppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Designation: 4, or. Noun. pic; woodpecker. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Catégorie : Oiseau. Mesopicos sp.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couper,
***: kokkotoroore, gok'gokkotoondu; émincer, hacher, frapper qqn, tailler dans;
synonyms: gok'gokkotoondu, kokkotoroore. chop; hack. ***: masimbinde, feraade,
Dialects: G,M. ɗeeɗ
eeɗaade, barminde, tonnyude, nawnaade,
soppeede Noun Form of Infinitive: soppegol. ɗeeɗ
eeɗude, wiitude, maybinde, barmere,
Participles: sing: coppaaɗo-coppeteeɗo taƴ
taƴude, nawnude, tonnyinde, huusude;
plur: soppaaɓe-soppeteeɓe. Sorting synonyms: feraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in 2 • blesser ou couper; wound or cut.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: ɗeeɗ
eeɗude; synonyms: barminde,
Verb. être coupé ou piraté par qqn, recevoir un nawnude, masimbinde, maybinde.
coup de pied de qqn, frappé par qqn; chopped; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hacked by someone. ***: maybineede, 3 • couper en morceaux, fendre du bois; cut
masimbineede, barmineede, nawneede, into pieces; split (wood). compare: feccude,
eeɗeede; synonyms: barmineede, feraade, seekude; synonyms: huusude,
nawneede; compare: ɗeeɗeeɗeede, taƴ
taƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
masimbineede, maybineede. 4 • picorer, chipoter; peck.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: tonnyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
soppere Noun. récolte; harvest. Catégorie soppude leɗɗ
ɗɗe déboiser, déboisement;
: Agriculture. synonyms: tayre, feƴƴ
ƴƴere, deforestation. Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.
kettol. soppugol leɗɗ
ɗɗe expression. coupe de bois; cutting
soppinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soppinagol. trees. Catégorie : Le travail et diverses
Participles: sing: coppiniiɗo-coppinotooɗo
plur: soppiniiɓe-soppinotooɓe. Sorting soppugol leɗɗ
ɗɗe ladde expression. déforestation;
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in deforestation. Catégorie : Arbres, Terre.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sordaasi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Verb. s'accroupir; squat or crouch.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
compare: jooɗ
jooɗaade; ***: jooɗ
jooɗaade. Noun: sordaasiiɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. soldat; soldier. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Travailleur. Note : français
soppirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: minteere, poliisi. Dialectal
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Forms: sordaasiijo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: coppirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
hachette ou hache; hatchet; axe. Catégorie sordaasi mawɗ
mawɗo Noun. officier; officer. Catégorie
: Outil. ***: jammbere, coppirgal; : Travailleur.
synonyms: jammbere, jammbere. sordaasiiɓ
sordaasiiɓe Noun. armée; army. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Gouvernement. synonyms: konu.

16/02/2020 576
sordaasiijo sotaade
2 • déboîter une articulation, démettre une
sordaasiijo synonyme: militeer. Noun. militaire;
articulation; dislocate a joint.
military. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Travailleur. synonyms: fakitaade, pakitaade, partaade,
sentaade, soltaade. Dialects: M.
sorfere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
3 • lorsqu'un animal s'éloigne du troupeau et
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form se perde; when an animal gets separated from
of Noun: corfuuɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, da. the herd and gets lost. synonyms: faljude,
Noun. maladie d'animaux; illness (animal);
lallude. Dialects: J,M.
sickness (animal); diseases of large and small
ruminants. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux. sortude Noun Form of Infinitive: sortugol.
***: corfu, coomu; synonyms: coomu, corfu. Participles: sing: cortoowo plur: sortooɓe.
Dialects: Y,G. Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant
sornude Noun Form of Infinitive: sornugol. Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: cornuɗo-cornoowo plur: Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • enlever qqch de qqch
qui est emballé autour cela ou bien qui est tissé
sornuɓe-sornooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
ensemble avec cela, retirer qqch de; to remove
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb something from within something else that is
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre qqch wrapped around it or woven together with it;
à l'ombre; put something in the shade. Mi sortii laɓ
laɓi am e hulgo mum. J'ai retiré
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mon couteau de mon fourreau. I drew my
2 • mettre qqch sous qqch d'autre; put knife from my sheath. Mi sortii wutaandu
something beneath something else. wooturu e wulaare. J'ai enlevé un épi de mil
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. de la botte de mil. I took one head of millet
3 • mettre un couteau ou parasol dans son from the bundle. Mi sortii gaarowol e saaya
fourreau; to place a knife or an umbrella into am. J'ai enlevé un fil de ma chemise. I
its sheath. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. removed a thread from my shirt.
sorowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ***: mantude
mantude1, mantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of 2 • enlever qqch sous qqch d'autre; to remove
something from under something else.
Noun: sorooje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
gouttière, caniveau; gutter; downspout. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Eau. ***: onndorowal; 3 • castrer en enlevant les testicules; to castrate
by actually removing the testicles.
synonyms: onndorowal. Dialects: J.
compare: tappude; synonyms: mantaade
sorsortude Noun Form of Infinitive: sorsortugol. mantude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: corcortuɗo-corcortoowo
sorude Noun Form of Infinitive: sorugol.
plur: sorsortuɓe-sorsortooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: coruɗo-coroowo plur:
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
soruɓe-soroowo. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. cheminer, se faufiler; worm your way; Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
wend ones way through a crowd or a thicket; Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aller à l'ombre, se
pick one's way. En corcorta, mburtoɗ
mburtoɗen ley
rendre à l'ombre, se mettre à l'ombre; go into
cukkuri ɗo. Essayons de trouver un chemin the shade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pour sortir de cette fourré. Let us pick our way 2 • aller au-dessous de qqch, aller sous qqch;
out of this thicket. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. go beneath something. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sortaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sortagol. sotaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sotagol.
Participles: sing: cortiiɗo-cortotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: cotiiɗo-cototooɗo plur:
sortiiiɓe-sortotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, sotiiɓe-sototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quitter
une boucle, nœud coulant; loop (to make a);
l'ombre; leave the shade. ***: faljude, noose. synonyms: cotaade, jorfude;
***: jorfude, cotaade, cotaade, henginde,
fakitaade, sentaade, partaade, lallude,
foottude. Dialects: G,M.
soltaade, pakitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • attacher fermement; to tie or attach tightly;
to tighten a loop or a rope on something.
synonyms: cotaade, foottude, henginde.
Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 577
sotaga soweteende
3 • être prêt à mourir pour défendre sa patrie
sotaga Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. Number
ou une ville contre des attaques; to be willing
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of to die to defend your country or city against
Noun: coti. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nœud attack. Dialects: J,Y,G.
coulant; noose. ***: jorfoode; 4 • dédier tout ses possessions pour un
synonyms: jorfoode. Dialects: M. dirigeant religieux qu'on aime et admire; to
dedicate yourself and all that you own to a
sotti gogom soodi laccol Noun Class
religious teacher because you love or admire
Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy. Number One for
him. Dialects: J,Y,G.
this noun: gootol. Plural Form of Noun: sotti
5 • se vendre comme esclave; to sell yourself to
gogom'en soodi laccoy. Sorting
someone as a slave. synonyms: hokkitaade;
Designation: 4, or. Noun. veuve d'Uelle;
compare: coottitaari, jokkude, tokkude.
whydah. Catégorie : Oiseau. Vidua macroura,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Vidua orientalis. ***: soonni innum jaɓ
laasi; synonyms: soodi maammum laasi, sottude Noun Form of Infinitive: sottugol.
soonni innum jaɓ
jaɓi laasi. Dialectal Forms: [G] Participles: sing: cottuɗo-cottoowo plur:
sotti innum soodi laccol. Dialects: M. sottuɓe-sottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sottinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sottingol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • la deuxième
Participles: sing: cottinɗo-cottinoowo plur:
fois de piler le mil lorsque le son est enlevé,
sottinɓe-sottinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. troisième fois de piler; second pounding of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb millet. ***: dumo, sokkude, bumpude,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire bumpitaade, soonnude, adude, unude,
bouger qqch de vivant (ex. animal), muter; duufude, dirnude, foɗ foɗtaade, ruttaade,
move something living; such as an animal.
soottude, footaade, sohude, disinde,
***: adude, soottinde, diisinde, fottaade,
diisaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, bukkude2, wosaade,
foɗtaade, diinude, winndude, ƴuuwnude,
sokkitaade, sonnude, dirude, disaade,
dirnude, footaade, disinde;
diinude, burkitaade, sottude, fottaade,
synonyms: adude, diinude, diisinde, dirnude,
diisinde, doobu; synonyms: sohude,
foɗtinde, soottinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
burkitaade. Dialects: G.
2 • faire une copie écrite, photocopier;
photocopies (make); copy (to make a written). 2 • bouger légèrement, se déplacer un peu;

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. move yourself slightly. synonyms: adude,

3 • voler qqch, dérober qqch; steal something. dimmbaade, dinngaade, dirnude, foɗ foɗtaade,
Dialects: G,M. fottaade, footaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • vendre; sell. synonyms: luumaade,
sottinere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
jaagaade, julaade, soonnude, sonnude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
sottude, yeeyude. Dialects: G,M.
of Noun: cottine. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
copie; copy. ***: cottinol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sow-
sow-a Verb. doubler; to double. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
sottinnde Verb. déplacer, recopier; dislodge;
dislocate; move. sowaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sowagol.
Participles: sing: cowiiɗo-cowotooɗo plur:
sottitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soottitagol.
sowiiɓe-sowotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Participles: sing: coottitiiɗo-coottitotooɗo
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
plur: soottitiiɓe-soottitotooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jeter du dos,
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in faire tomber du dos (cheval, ou des enfants qui
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. jouent ensemble); to throw or buck off of your
Verb. 1 • acheter qqch pour revendre et en faire back; generally used of unbroken horses; but
un bénéfice; buy something in order to resell it can apply to children at play. ***: tuuɗ
and to make a profit. ***: hokkitaade. weɗɗ
ɗɗaade, caanaade; synonyms: caanaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɗɗude, tuuɗ
tuuɗude, weɗɗ
ɗɗaade. Dialects: G.
2 • racheter; to redeem; to buy back.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sowannde Noun. multiple; multiple. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

soweteende Noun. multiplicande; multiplicand.

Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 578
sownaade sowtude

sownaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sownagol. sowre1 Sorting Designation: 3. adj. beaucoup de, un
Participles: sing: cowniiɗo-cownotooɗo grand nombre de; many. Si aɗ aɗa yiɗ
yiɗi ɓaŋude
plur: sowniiɓe-sownotooɓe. Sorting suka am sanaa ngaddaa na'i sowre. Si tu
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in veux marier ma fille, tu dois amener beaucoup
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
de bœufs. If you wish to marry my daughter
Verb. 1 • mouiller la tête; wet the head. you must bring many cattle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: sirraade, nyo'ude, waddundurde, sowre2 Variante: sowoore. Noun. double; double.
naafikaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • asperger de l'eau sur son corps,
sowre-desiimeeter Noun. double-décimètre;
éclabousser de l'eau sur son corps; splash
double-decimeter. Catégorie : Mathématique.
water over your body. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • chuchoter, parler doucement, murmurer; sowru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
speak softly; whisper. ***: nyemaade; Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
compare: leppinde, naafikaade, sirraade; of Noun: coppi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. poussin; chick. Catégorie : Élevage.
synonyms: nyo'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: gertogal, cofel; synonyms: cofel;
sowndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sowndagol. compare: gertogal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: cowndiiɗo-cowndotooɗo
plur: sowndiiɓe-sowndotooɓe. Sorting
sowtannde synonyme: sowtoore. Noun.
sous-multiple; sub-multiple. Catégorie
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
: Mathématique. ***: sowtoore.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. chuchoter, parler à voix basse; whisper. sowtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sowtingol.
***: sirraade, nyo'ude, haala; Participles: sing: cowtinɗo-cowtinoowo
synonyms: nyo'ude; compare: sirraade. plur: sowtinɓe-sowtinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in

sowneede Noun Form of Infinitive: sownegol. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. rappeler qqn de qqch; remind someone
Participles: sing: cownaaɗo-cowneteeɗo
of something. synonyms: anndintinde,
plur: sownaaɓe-sowneteeɓe. Sorting
miccinde, siwtinde; ***: annditinde,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
miccinde, siwtinde. Dialects: G.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • être humide, mouille légèrement; sowtoore Noun. sous-multiple ; sub-multiple.
slightly wet; damp. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • lorsque qqn te parle à voix basse, en synonyms: sowtannde.
chuchotant; whispered to. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: sowtugol.
sownude Noun Form of Infinitive: sownugol. Participles: sing: cowtuɗo-cowtoowo plur:
Participles: sing: cownuɗo-cownoowo plur: sowtuɓe-sowtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
sownuɓe-sownooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. déplier,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mouiller ou déployer, décroiser, dévoiler; unfold. Sowtu
humidifier qqn ou qqch (ex. mouiller la tête disaaje ɗe faa mi ndaara salla iɗ
iɗe mawni.
pour se raser), tremper dans l'eau; wet or Déplie ton tissu ainsi je peux voir si c'est assez
dampen someone or something. large. Unfold you material so I can see if they
synonyms: leppinde; ***: leppinde. are large. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

sowondirde Verb. multiplier; multiply. Catégorie

: Mathématique.

sowoore Noun. multiplicateur; multiplier. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

16/02/2020 579
sowude subaka

sowude Noun Form of Infinitive: sowugol. soƴƴ

ƴƴinde Noun Form of Infinitive: soƴƴingol.
Participles: sing: cowuɗo-cowoowo plur: Participles: sing: coƴƴinɗo-coƴƴinoowo
sowuɓe-sowooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. plur: soƴƴinɓe-soƴƴinooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • plier, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
replier; fold. Mi sowan kaddule am fuu, mi Verb. renvoyer qqch; send something back to
watta ley keesuwal. Je vais plier tous mes
where it came from; return something.
tissus et les mettre dans le camion. I will fold ***: sakkaade, fai'tinde, yeccinde,
all my clothes and put them in the trunk. faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, onngude, wittude, runnude,
compare: nyobbude, nyoofude. ooncude
ooncude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
2 • multiplier; multiply. fornyude, runnude, sakkaade, wittude,
sowugol Noun. multiplication; multiplication. yeccinde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Catégorie : Mathématique. soƴƴ
ƴƴitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soƴƴitagol.
synonyms: cowondiral, laawol2. Participles: sing: coƴƴitiiɗo-coƴƴotooɗo
soyliiru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. plur: soƴƴitiiɓe-soƴƴotooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: soyliiji. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun. espèce de rat noir; rat (common black). Verb. retourner une deuxième fois, faire deux
Catégorie : Mammifère. Dialects: M.
voyages / tours; return a second time; round
trips (to make two). ***: yeccaade,
ƴƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: soƴƴagol. ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, fornyitaade, yeccitaade
Participles: sing: coƴƴiiɗo-coƴƴotooɗo synonyms: fornyitaade, yeccitaade.
plur: soƴƴiiɓe-soƴƴotooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: soƴƴugol.
Verb. retourner, revenir avant d'avoir arrivé là Participles: sing: coƴƴuɗo-coƴƴoowo plur:
où on voulait aller; return; go back before soƴƴuɓe-soƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
arriving at where you set out to go. Mi ɗowtii o ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
faa mi soƴƴ
ƴƴeke. Je l'ai accompagné, puis je Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rejeter,
suis revenu. I accompanied him then I repousser; reject. synonyms: harminde;
returned. Mi runnyii faa mi yaha suudu ***: yeccude, surude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
makko de coƴƴcoƴƴiimi.
ƴƴiimi. J'ai quitté pour aller 2 • renvoyer qqn; send someone back.
chez lui, mais je suis revenu (avant d'y synonyms: yeccude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
arriver). I left to go to his house, but I returned
3 • laisser derrière quelques bœufs lors du
[before arriving there]. ***: yeccaade, déplacement du troupeau; to leave some cows
fai'tude, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, wittude, tottitaade, behind during the time when the others go on
fornyaade; synonyms: fai'tude, fornyaade
fornyaade, the transhumance; generally it is a few cows
ruuɗaade, yeccaade, wittude. which are being milked; and those who are too
weak to travel that get left behind.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: surude; compare: soƴƴ
ƴƴaange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
subaka Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Noun: coƴƴaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Noun. bœuf laissé derrière lors du Designation: 1. n/adv. 1 • tôt le matin, matin;
déplacement du troupeau; a cow which is left morning (early); early morning. Note : arabe
behind at the time of the transhumance. ***: jaango, fajiri, beetee; synonyms: fajiri;
synonyms: suraange; ***: suraange, compare: beetee. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ƴƴude. Dialects: J. 2 • demain; tomorrow. Note : arabe
synonyms: jaango
jaango. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 580
subdindinngol suddude

subdindinngol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. suddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suddagol.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Sorting Participles: sing: cuddiiɗo-cuddotooɗo
Designation: 3. Noun. beaucoup; lot (a). plur: suddiiɓe-suddotooɓe. Sorting
***: cumnal; synonyms: cumnal. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: Y,M. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se couvrir (ex. dans le lit), s'envelopper
suɓ-a Verb. trier; sort. Catégorie : Mathématique. dans une couverture, se mettre un
suɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suɓagol. imperméable; put on a rain coat; cover oneself
(usually in bed); wrap oneself up in a cloth or a
Participles: sing: cuɓiiɗo-cuɓotooɗo plur:
blanket. synonyms: huuraade; ***: huuraade.
suɓiiɓe-suɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. choisir, suddaareewe Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur:
sélectionner, élire; pick; choose. Catégorie ɗi. Number One for this noun: woote. Plural
: Juridique. ***: bolaade, cuɓcuɓaaɗ
aaɗo, Form of Noun: suddaareeji. Sorting
sumnude, tabintinde; compare: sumnude; Designation: 4. Noun. un bœuf que le père
synonyms: bolaade, tabintinde, wolaade. donne à sa fille lors du mariage; a cow given
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. by a father to his daughter when she is married.
synonyms: soggaange; ***: soggaange.
suɓaade diina mo rewata expression. liberté de
Dialectal Forms: [M] sudditaraawe.
religion et de culte; freedom of religion and
worship. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Dialects: M.
Juridique. suddamaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
suɓagol synonyme: cuɓol ; joƴƴingol. Noun. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nomination, suffrage; nomination, suffrage, of Noun: cuddamaaje. Sorting Designation: 3.
vote, polling. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Noun. couverture; cloth used as a cover;
Juridique. ***: laamingol. blanket. synonyms: disaare, wudere;
suɓagol politikki mo wonanta expression. ***: wudere, totiire, disaare, damiyoore,
choix politique; political choice . Catégorie sakala, tappiire, kaasa; compare: damiyoore,
: Gouvernement, Juridique. kaasa, sakala, tappiire, totiire.
suɓeede Noun Form of Infinitive: suɓegol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: cuɓaaɗo-cuɓeteeɗo plur: suddeede Noun Form of Infinitive: suddegol.

suɓaaɓe-suɓeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Participles: sing: cuddaaɗo-cuddeteeɗo
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb plur: suddaaɓe-suddeteeɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être choisi; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
chosen. ***: hooƴ
hooƴeede, itteede; Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: itteede, hooƴ
hooƴeede. Verb. être fiancée ou promis à qqn en mariage;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. betrothed; promised to someone in marriage.
synonyms: fiɓ
fiɓaneede, nanngande;
inɗinde Verb. faire choisir; choose (cause to). ***: fiɓ
fiɓaneede. Dialects: G,M.
suɓtinagol Noun. récapitulatif; summary, recap, suddude Noun Form of Infinitive: suddugol.
Participles: sing: cudduɗo-cuddoowo plur:
suɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: suɓugol. sudduɓe-suddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: cuɓuɗo-cuɓoowo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
suɓuɓe-suɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couvrir qqn
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or avec qqch, envelopper, emballer; cover
Progressive: prg. Verb. ramasser des chose something or someone in or with something;
dispersées, trier; collect or gather things wrap. ***: fiɓ
fiɓande, hummbude,
which are lying about or are scattered about. nanngande, hippude; compare: hippude,
***: teeltidinde, wolaade, ɓottude, hummbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓoptude, hawrondirde, reentinde, 2 • fiancer une fille en vue du mariage
senndude, hooƴ
hooƴude, ittude; lorsqu'elle aura l'âge; betroth a young girl or
synonyms: hawrondirde, reentinde; child. synonyms: fiɓ
fiɓande, haɓɓ
compare: ɓottude, hooƴ
hooƴude, ittude. nanngande. Dialects: G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 581
suddugol sukkitinde

suddugol Noun. couverture; blanket. Dialectal sukkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sukkagol.
Forms: suddamaare. Participles: sing: cukkiiɗo-cukkotooɗo plur:
sukkiiɓe-sukkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: suɗɗugol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: cuɗɗuɗo plur: suɗɗuɓe.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
proche de, être à côté de; next to or close to.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
Hooƴu dewtere na ɗoon sukkaade e
être petit, avoir peu de connaissance, peu de
compréhension (ex. un enfant); to be small in maaɗ
maaɗa, hokkam. Donne-moi le livre à côté de
size; or in knowledge and understanding; such toi. Grab the book there next to you and give it
as a child. ***: suunɗ
suunɗude, sunɗ
sunɗude; to me. ***: feewndaade, ɓattaade
synonyms: famɗ
famɗude, sunɗ
sunɗude, suunɗ
suunɗude. takkaade, ɓadaade, ɗakkaade, yarude,
Dialects: J,Y. ɓenaade, seɓseɓaade; synonyms: ɓadaade,
ɓattaade, ɗakkaade, feewndaade, seɓ seɓaade.
sujidande Noun Form of Infinitive: sujidangol.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: cujidanɗo-cujidanoowo
2 • boire de l'eau de ta main; drink water from
plur: sujidanɓe-sujidanooɓe. Sorting
your hand. synonyms: tukkaade. Dialects: J,M.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - sukkara Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
imo sujidana. Verb. se prosterner devant qqn; Designation: 2, ct. Noun. sucre; sugar. Catégorie
bow down with your head to the ground. : Nourriture. Note : arabe ***: sikkoro;
Gorko o wo cujidanoowo tooruuji. Ce type synonyms: sikkoro. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
se prosterne devant des idoles. That fellow sukkar, [M] sukkaro. Dialects: J,Y.
bows down before idols. O sujidanii
sukkaro Noun. sucre; sugar. Note : français Dialectal
kaananke maɓɓmaɓɓe.
ɓɓe. Il s'est prosterné devant
Forms: sukkara, sikkoro.
leur roi. He bowed before their king.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sukkeede Noun Form of Infinitive: sukkegol.
sujidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sujidingol. Participles: sing: cukkaaɗo-cukketeeɗo
plur: sukkaaɓe-sukketeeɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: cujidinɗo-cujidoowo plur:
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
sujidinɓe-sujidooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Verb. 1 • boucher un trou; stopped up; plugged
Stative or Progressive: prg - imo sujida. Verb.
se prosterner front à terre; bow down with up. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • lorsqu'un animal ou qqch est donné
your head to the ground. ***: tikkinaade,
lorsqu'on donne le nom à un enfant; to be
hippaade, tukkinaade, hofaade, given an animal or something by a family
dikkinaade, turaade; synonyms: hippaade; member when named as a child. Cukkaaɗ
Cukkaaɗo si
compare: dikkinaade, hofaade, tikkinaade,
wo suka fuu ɓurataa maccuɗ
maccuɗo, fay si kam
tukkinaade, turaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. jey ko sukkaa ɗuum fuu. (Gal 4:1)
suka Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of 3 • lorsqu'un membre de famille donne un
Noun: sukaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. animal ; to be given an animal by a family
enfant; child. ***: cukalel, ɓinngel, member at any age. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyaagaare, ɓii, ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, cukaaku, baddo; sukkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sukkitingol.
synonyms: baddo, ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, ɓinngel, Participles: sing: cukkitinɗo-cukkitoowo
nyaagaare, cukalel; compare: sukkude. plur: sukkitinɓe-sukkitooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
suka gorko Noun. jeune homme; young man. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Catégorie : La Personne. imo sukkita. Verb. déboucher, ouvrir,
débrancher; open; unstop; unplug.
***: omtude, udditinde, ontude;
synonyms: omtude, udditinde. Dialectal
Forms: [Y,G] sukkitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 582
sukkude sulluure

sukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: sukkugol. sukundu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: cukkuɗo-cukkoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
sukkuɓe-sukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, of Noun: cukuli. Sorting Designation: 1, at.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Noun. cheveu de femme, cheveux; woman's
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • boucher hair. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: leembol,
un trou; close up a hole. ***: cukkuri1, cukuli, wuyko; compare: gaasol, leembol,
uddude, ommbude, suka, fuutaade; wuyko. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ommbude, uddude. sukunya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
2 • être gros, épais, dense; thick. Ladde Noun: sukunyaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
faddaande na sukki. La brousse dans la forêt Noun. sorcier; sorcerer. synonyms: sadaajo.
protégée est épaisse/ dense. The bush in the Dialectal Forms: [G] sukuna. Dialects: J,Y,M.
protected forest is thick. Sumsumko maa na
sukunyaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
sukki. Ta moustache est dense. Your
Designation: 4. Noun. sorcellerie, magie;
moustache is thick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sorcery. compare: dabare1. Dialectal Forms: [G]
3 • battement du cœur après un effort; for one's
sukunaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M.
heart to race after an exertion; Ɓernde am
sukkii sabo mi doggi sanne. Mon cœur batte sulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sulagol.
fortement parce que j'ai couru vite. My heart is Participles: sing: culiiɗo-culotooɗo plur:
racing because I ran hard. synonyms: fuutaade. suliiɓe-sulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
4 • donner un animal à un enfant lors de la Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
cérémonie de baptême; to give a child an intoxiqué, ivre, soûl; intoxicated; drunk. Note :
animal at his naming ceremony. français ***: doro, raytude, bagi, feertaade,
compare: cukkuri1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yarooru, fiirtaade; compare: bagi, ɓooɗ
sukkuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. doro, feertaade, fiirtaade, raytude, yarooru.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: cukkuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. sulaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
case en paille; grass hut. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Designation: 4. Noun. ivresse, ivrognerie;
***: buguuru, winndeeru, worwordu,
drunkenness. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hukum, huɗ
huɗooru, nyallirdu, benal1,
bokkuɗooru, garuwal; synonyms: buguuru, sulaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
huɗooru, suudu1; compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
garuwal, hukum, kunnguuru, kuurgal, of Noun: culaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
loofeeru, winndeeru, worwordu, Noun. personne intoxiquée, ivrogne,
toxicomane, accro; drunkard; intoxicated;
bonngooru. Dialects: Y,M.
addict. Note : français synonyms: yarooru;
sukomiisiyon Noun. sous-commission; ***: doro, yarooru, bagi; compare: bagi,
sub-commission, subcommittee. Catégorie ɓooɗ
ooɗe, doro. Dialectal Forms: [G] sulanke (o).
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sukulla synonyme: misikinaaku ; saɗɗa ; talkaaku.
Noun. misère; misery.
sulbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sulbagol.
Participles: sing: culbiiɗo-culbotooɗo plur:
sukum Sorting Designation: 4. adv/interj. interjection sulbiiɓe-sulbotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
indiquant un calme soudain; an interjection
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
meaning "to fall quiet all at once"; when
occurring in a phrase with a verb it functions as Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. boire à petites
an adv.; Maayo ngo deƴƴ
ƴƴinii sukum. gorgées; sip. ***: wooɓ
wooɓude, surɓ
Soudainement la mer était devenu calme. The yarude; synonyms: surɓ
surɓaade, wooɓ
sea suddenly fell silent. ***: siw, sip, sit, sim; compare: yarude. Dialects: J,Y.
synonyms: sim, sip, sit, siw. Dialects: J. Suleymaana Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. Salomon;
Solomon. Note : hébreu, arabe Dialects: biblical.
sulluure Noun. charognard, vautour; vulture.
Catégorie : Oiseau.

16/02/2020 583
sulmaade summbireede

sulmaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sulmagol. sumanndiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
Participles: sing: culmiiɗo-culmotooɗo plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
sulmiiɓe-sulmotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Form of Noun: sumanndiije. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 4. Noun. boucle d’oreille; ear ring.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se laver le ***: hootonnde. Dialects: J.
visage; wash your face. ***: wuufude, sumeede Noun Form of Infinitive: sumegol.
wuyɓaade, sayɓsayɓaade, lootude, saƴƴ
Participles: sing: cumaaɗo-cumeteeɗo plur:
ɓamtude; compare: lootude, saƴƴ
sumaaɓe-sumeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
synonyms: wuufude, wuyɓ
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire passer
sulmeede Noun Form of Infinitive: sulmegol. au feu (aliment); burned or "fired" as a
Participles: sing: culmaaɗo-culmeteeɗo treatment for an ailment. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: sulmaaɓe-sulmeteeɓe. Sorting 2 • marquer, être marqué, graver; branded.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in compare: cumogal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. sumitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sumitagol.
Verb. se faire laver son visage (ex. un décédé);
Participles: sing: cumitiiɗo-cumitotooɗo
to have your face washed; this is very
important right after you die to have someone plur: sumitiiɓe-sumitotooɓe. Sorting
wash your face for you in order to be Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
considered clean. ***: saaɗ
saaɗude; Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se brûler avec qqch; to burn yourself
compare: saaɗ
saaɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
with something hot in order to treat an ailment.
sulmude Noun Form of Infinitive: sulmugol. synonyms: wulitaade; ***: cumogal,
Participles: sing: culmuɗo-culmoowo plur: wulitaade; compare: cumogal.
sulmuɓe-sulmooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
summbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: summbingol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. laver le visage
de qqn; wash someone else's face. Participles: sing:
***: lootude; synonyms: lootude. cummbinɗo-cummbinoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. summbinɓe-summbinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
sultude Verb. 1 • faire une petite pause; pause (to take Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
a small). ***: darngo. Verb. lorsque des mauvaises herbes
2• envahissent le champ; to have weeds overrun
your field - the focus is on the lack of work by
sulunguwal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
the owner of the field - he has caused the field
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of to be weedy by his lack of work.
Noun: sulunguuje. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: joobinde
joobinde; ***: joobinde,
Noun. outil pour faire des trous dans le sol; a
summbireede. Dialects: J.
tool used for digging holes with a handle made
of wood and a tip made of iron. Catégorie summbireede Noun Form of
: Agriculture. ***: barmini, lukkuwal, Infinitive: summbiregol. Participles: sing:
basirgal, wasirde; synonyms: basirgal, cummbiraaɗo-cummbireteeɗo plur:
lukkuwal, wasirde; compare: barmini. summbiraaɓe-summbireteeɗo. Sorting
Dialects: J. Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in
sumalle Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. lorsque des mauvaises herbes
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
envahissent le champ; to have your field
Noun: [J] cumali, [Y,G,M] sumalleeji. Sorting
overrun with weeds; Mi summbiraama. Mon
Designation: 4. Noun. outre en cuir; leather champ est envahi par des mauvaises herbes.
water bag. Catégorie : Récipient. My field is overrun with weeds.
***: gafakka, bokkasaare, mbasu, fate; ***: joobinde; synonyms: joobinde,
compare: bokkasaare, fate, gafakka, summbinde
summbinde. Dialects: J.
gempeere, mbasu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 584
summbude suninde

summbude Noun Form of Infinitive: summbugol. sumude Noun Form of Infinitive: sumugol.
Participles: sing: cummbuɗo-cummboowo Participles: sing: cumuɗo-cumoowo plur:
plur: summbuɓe-summbooɓe. Sorting sumuɓe-sumooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 3, cs. Verb Consonant Change in mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • brûler qqn
Verb. 1 • pagayer, patouiller; paddle. ou qqch avec un objet chaud soit pour le
***: awƴ
awƴaade, hurbude, cummbirgal, marquer ou pour traiter un aliment,
lummbude, joobude, awƴ
awƴude, awnyude;
cautériser; burn someone or something with a
synonyms: awnyude, awƴ
awƴude, lummbude.
hot object. ***: cumogal, suuntude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J.
2 • faire du savon; soap (to make).
2 • lorsque des mauvaises herbes envahissent
le champ; when weeds overrun a field - the compare: cumogal; synonyms: suuntude.
focus is on the condition of the field - it is Dialects: J,M.
weedy. synonyms: joobinde; sumugol Noun. cautérisation; cauterization. Sumude
compare: cummbirgal. Dialects: J.
daaba Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie.
sumnude Noun Form of Infinitive: sumnugol. sunaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sunagol.
Participles: sing: cumnuɗo-cumnoowo plur:
Participles: sing: cuniiɗo-cunotooɗo plur:
sumnuɓe-sumnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
suniiɓe-sunotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • jeter des
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
sorts, tirer au sort, loterie; choose as with the
découragé, déprimé, faire de la peine, affliger;
lottery; draw straws; cast lots. Ɓe cumnan discouraged or depressed; grieve.
moy laatotoo kaananke hakkunde maɓɓ
ɓɓe. ***: nyarɓ
nyarɓinaade, suno, cunu, suulaade,
Ils vont tirer au sort pour voir qui va devenir
mettude; compare: cunu, mettude,
roi. They will cast lots to see who among them
nyarɓinaade, suno. Dialectal
will become king. ***: cumnal, suɓsuɓaade.
Forms: suulaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • choisir; choose. Si o warii fu mi sumnan o sunɗ
sunɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: sunɗugol.
e cuuɗ
cuuɗi ɗi nduye ɓurani o. Lorsqu'elle arrive Participles: sing: cunɗuɗo plur: sunɗuɓe.
je vais choisir la maison qu'elle préfère. If she Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
comes I will chose the house which she Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
prefers. compare: cumnal, suɓ
suɓaade. être de petite taille, avoir peu de connaissance
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ou compréhension; small in size. Suka am
waawaa neleede sabo imo sunɗ sunɗi sanne. On
sumpitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: sumpitagol.
ne peut pas envoyer mon enfant pour cette
Participles: sing: cumpitiiɗo-cumpitotooɗo commission, car il est trop petit
plur: sumpitiiɓe-sumpitotooɓe. Sorting /inexpérimenté. My child cannot be sent [on
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in this errand] because he doesn't have the wits to
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. do this [because he is too small].
Verb. lorsqu'une personne faible ou malade se ***: suunɗ
suunɗude, suɗɗ
pelotonne; when a weak or sick person lies synonyms: famɗ
famɗude, suɗɗsuɗɗude
ɗɗude, suunɗ
down and curls up; Inan imo sumpitii dow Dialects: M.
daago ngo hono o sellaa ni. Il se pelotonne
suninde Noun Form of Infinitive: suningol.
sur cette natte comme s'il était malade. Here
he is curled up on that mat like he is sick. Participles: sing: cuninɗo-cuninoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,M. suninɓe-suninooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
sumsumko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. décourager
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of d'autres, déprimer d'autres; discourage;
Noun: sumsumkooji. Sorting Designation: 2, depress others. Tagu Lobbo suninii yimɓyimɓe So
at. Noun. moustache; mustache. Catégorie : Le faa ɓe fuu ɓe celii remude. L'habitude de
corps. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Lobbo a tellement découragé les gens de So
qu'ils ont arrêté de cultiver. Lobbo's habits
discourage the people of So so badly that they
all stopped cultivating. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 585
sunkaaru surande

sunkaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. sunndude Noun Form of Infinitive: sunndugol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: cunnduɗo-cunndoowo
of Noun: sunkaaji. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. plur: sunnduɓe-sunndooɓe. Sorting
Noun. arachide; peanut. Arachis hypogaea. Designation: 4, mt, ah. Verb Consonant Change
Note : mooré synonyms: giriire; ***: geerte, in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
giriire, giriije, yertere. Dialectal Forms: [M] Verb. 1 • essuyer, sécher; dry. ***: tuusude,
sunkaam (o), sunkamiire (nde). sunndu, tiireehi; synonyms: tuusude.
Dialects: J,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sunkiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: sunkiɗingol. 2 • préparer un médicament pour nouveau né;
to prepare medicine from the leaves of the
Participles: sing: cunkiɗinɗo plur:
"sunndu" tree in order to treat a new born when
sunkiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
his ears or head are itchy. Dialects: J.
Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or
3 • traiter une sécrétion nasale de mouton; to
Progressive: st - imo sukiɗi. Verb. avoir un treat the nasal discharge of sheep with a
cou court et gros; thick neck (to have a). mixture of ground gourds and peppers.
***: ɓenkiɗ
nkiɗinde, sokkiɗ
sokkiɗidde; compare: sunndu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: sokkiɗ
sokkiɗidde. Dialects: J.
suno Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
sunna Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. découragement,
Designation: 4, th. Noun. devoirs ou dépression, chagrin; grief; depression;
observances religieuses qui ne sont pas discouragement. ***: cunu, sunaade;
obligatoires mais bien de suivre; those
compare: sunaade, mettalla, mettude;
religious duties or observances which are not
absolutely necessary but are considered good synonyms: cunu. Dialects: Y,G,M.
to do as a Muslim; e.g. inndeeri or slaughtering suppu Noun. soupe; soup. Note : français
an animal at Layya. Note : arabe ***: fariila;
compare: fariila. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suppude Noun Form of Infinitive: suppugol.
Participles: sing: cuppuɗo-cuppoowo plur:
Sunnanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. suppuɓe-suppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Noun: Sunnankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. faire face à,
Noun. musulman sunnite; Sunni Muslim. Note : bouger vers; face towards; move towards.
arabe ***: Alsilaami, Suufiyanke, ***: fonndaade, huccude;
Wahaabiyanke; compare: Alsilaami, synonyms: fonndaade, huccude, wiitude.
Suufiyanke, Tijjaaninke, Wahaabiyanke
Wahaabiyanke. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suraange Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
sunndiyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun: curaaɗi. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
of Noun: cunndiyaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. bœuf laissé derrière lorsque les autres
Noun. petit tige utilisé pour défaire les tresses déménagent ailleurs; a cow left behind when
de coiffure; a small pick used to unbraid a the others migrate. ***: surude, soƴƴ
woman's hair. ***: sancaade, pampaariire, synonyms: soƴƴ
ƴƴaange. Dialects: Y,G,M.
cendal; compare: sancaade;
synonyms: cendal, pampaariire. Dialects: J.
surakaajo Noun. tatouage; tattoo. Catégorie : Parure.
synonyms: ŋaalal, laabuujo, sirfiijo;
sunndu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number ***: cappaaɗ
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: sunnduuji. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
surande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub. Designation: 4. Noun. aide, secours, soutien
Catégorie : Buissons, arbustes. Maerua morale; moral support or community support;
crassifolia. ***: sunndude, tiireehi; support; help. Si mawnam fiyii kam, a
synonyms: tiireehi; compare: sunndude. suranan kam? Si mon grand-frère me frappe,
Dialects: J.
viendras-tu m'aider en l'arrêtant de le faire ?
If my older brother hits me will you come to
my aid - by getting him to stop. ***: surude;
compare: surude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 586
surbaajo suubeede
2 • laisser derrière des bœufs pendant que les
surbaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
autres se déplacent; to leave some cows
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of behind during the time when the others go on
Noun: surbaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th. the transhumance - generally it is a few cows
Noun. jeune fille pas encore mariée, which are being milked and those who are too
demoiselle; young lady; girl who has not yet weak to travel that get left behind.
been married. Catégorie : La Personne. compare: suraange, surande;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: soƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
surɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: surɓagol. surwude Noun Form of Infinitive: surwugol.
Participles: sing: curɓiiɗo-curɓotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: curwuɗo-curwoowo plur:
surɓiiɓe-surɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. surwuɓe-surwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • somnoler; Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
doze. ***: huylaade, wooɓ
wooɓude, sulbaade, profondément peiné ou bouleversé, avoir très
huylitaade, ɗaanaade, ŋoŋude; peur, craindre; afraid; distressed.
synonyms: ɗaanaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: hulude, mettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • boire à petites gorgées; sip. 2 • lorsque le poil d'un animal se met debout
synonyms: sulbaade, wooɓ
wooɓude; parc qu'il est malade; when an animal's hair
stands on end because it's sick.
compare: huylitaade, ŋoŋude.
compare: hulude, mettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
susetti Noun. chaussettes; socks. Catégorie
sureede Noun Form of Infinitive: suregol.
: Vêtement. Note : français
Participles: sing: curaaɗo-cureteeɗo plur:
suraaɓe-sureteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, susureewa
susureewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être d’excusé of Noun: susureeji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
auprès de, être apaisé, réconcilié; appeased; Noun. noyau d'un abcès; core of an abscess.
reconciled; apologized to. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: sutureewa;
synonyms: sutureewa. Dialects: M.
suroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Designation: 3, th. Noun. pardon, indulgence; suttuguure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
pardon. Noy suroore mon laatorii, ɓe njaɓ
njaɓii Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
naa? Comment ton pardon à été reçu, ont-ils of Noun: suttuguuje. Sorting Designation: 4.
été d'accord ? How did your pardon turn out, Noun. louche, pelle, cuillère; ladle; scoop.
did they agree? Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Catégorie : Outil. Note : mooré synonyms: horde,
kudu. Dialects: M.
surtude Noun Form of Infinitive: surtugol.
Participles: sing: curtuɗo-curtoowo plur: sutureewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
surtuɓe-surtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb of Noun: sutureeji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. noyau d'un abcès; core of an abscess.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arrêter une
dispute, intervenir pour faire cesser une synonyms: susureewa; ***: susureewa.
dispute; intervene in a dispute; break up a Dialects: M.
fight. ***: haɗ
haɗude; compare: haɗhaɗude, suu emprunt: français. Noun. choux; cabbage.
sawrinde. Dialects: J. Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
surude Noun Form of Infinitive: surugol. suu pommi emprunt: français. Noun. chou pommes;
Participles: sing: curuɗo-curoowo plur: cabbage. Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
suruɓe-surooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th,
suubeede Noun Form of Infinitive: suubegol.
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Participles: sing: cuubaaɗo plur: suubaaɓe.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • s'excuser,
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
apaiser, faire la paix, négocier, réconcilier,
intervenir; apologize; appease; reconcile; Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
intervene; make peace; mediate. être fou, bête, imbécile, insensé; foolish; crazy.
***: soƴƴ
ƴƴude, fonndude, tuubande, ***: fuuyude, cuubu; synonyms: fuuyude;
rewrintinde, surande, sawrinde; compare: cuubu. Dialects: J,Y,M.

synonyms: rewrintinde, rewrude1, sawrinde.

16/02/2020 587
suubinkinaade suuɗitaade

suubinkinaade Noun Form of suudu kasu expression. maison d’arrêt et de

Infinitive: suubinkinagol. Participles: sing: correction; House of Arrest and Correction.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
cuubinkiniiɗo-cuubinkinotooɗo plur:
synonyms: kasu.
suubinkiniiɓe-suubinkinotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in suudu kurkuruuji expression. porcherie; pigsty.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Catégorie : Élevage. synonyms: fiilo
Verb. choisir d'agir de manière insensée ou kurkuruuji.
stupide / bête / folle, faire l'imbécile; goofing
around; foolishly or silly. ***: puuyɗ
puuyɗo, suudu maayɓ
maayɓe Noun. morgue; mortuary. Catégorie
: Bâtiment.
fuuytinkinaade; synonyms: fuuytinkinaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M. suudu rewru Noun. genre féminin, féminin (mettre
au); feminine gender. ko jeydaa e ndewaaku
suudu1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form suudu sariya synonyme: suudu jutiisi. Noun. palais
of Noun: cuuɗi. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. de justice; law courts. Catégorie
maison, case, bâtiment; house; cabin; hut. : Gouvernement, Bâtiment.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. ***: winndeeru, suudu wordu expression. masculin; masculine
buguuru, sukkuuru, hukum, bombooru, gender. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
wortaldu, huɗ
huɗooru, kunnguuru, nyallirdu, suuɗ
suuɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suuɗagol.
cuural, benal1, garuwal, loofeeru,
Participles: sing: cuuɗiiɗo-cuuɗotooɗo
bokkuɗooru; synonyms: benal1, bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, plur: suuɗiiɓe-suuɗotooɓe. Sorting
bombooru, buguuru, hukum, kunnguuru,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
loofeeru, winndeeru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
suudu2 Noun. case (math); box (math). Catégorie Verb. cacher, dissimuler; conceal oneself from
: Mathématique. view; hide. ***: hooɓ
hooɓaade, huraade,
togaade, mogginaade, ommbitaade,
suudu atiimi en Noun. orphelinat; orphanage.
Catégorie : Bâtiment. takkaade, molanaade, udditaade;
synonyms: hooɓ
hooɓaade, huraade, mogginaade,
suudu baaba Noun. communauté, patrie;
molanaade, ommbitaade, togaade,
community, homeland, fatherland. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Pays, Juridique. udditaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: leydi. suuɗ
suuɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: suuɗegol.
suudu cafaaje conneteeɗ
conneteeɗe expression. Participles: sing: cuuɗaaɗo-cuuɗeteeɗo
pharmacie; pharmacy, drug-store. Catégorie plur: suuɗaaɓe-suuɗeteeɓe. Sorting
: Traitement de la maladie, Bâtiment. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: farmaasii, sontirdu cafaaje. Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
suudu depite en Noun. assemblée nationale. Verb. être caché; hidden. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. suuɗ
suuɗii e lugagol synonyme: sirri lugagol.
suudu ɗemle expression. famille de langues; expression. secret d’instruction; confidentiality
language family. Catégorie : Le langage et la of investigations. ko suuɗ
suuɗii e lugagol
pensée. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.

suudu ɗuuɗ
uuɗal expression. pluriel; plural. suuɗ
suuɗitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suuɗitagol.
synonyms: keewal1. Participles: sing: cuuɗitiiɗo-cuuɗitotooɗo
plur: suuɗitiiɓe-suuɗitotooɓe. Sorting
suudu gollirdu Noun. atelier (lieu de travail);
workshop. Catégorie : Bâtiment. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
suudu gootummbaaku expression. singulier (au); Verb. reparaître après avoir été caché;
singular (in the). reappear after having been hidden.
suudu gosorde bonnde mawnde expression. ***: wangude, ɓangude, funtude, yaltude,
chambre criminelle; Criminal Division, udditaade; synonyms: ɓangude, funtude,
criminal court. Catégorie : Gouvernement, udditaade, wangude, yaltude.
Juridique. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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suuɗude suumtorde

suuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: suuɗugol. suumaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suumagol.
Participles: sing: cuuɗuɗo-cuuɗoowo plur: Participles: sing: cuumiiɗo-cuumotooɗo
suuɗuɓe-suuɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. plur: suumiiɓe-suumotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • cacher Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
qqch ou qqn; hide something or someone. Verb. jeûner (surtout utilisé pour le jeûne du
***: hippude, cuncunka, hogude, juhude, Ramadan); fast. Note : arabe
hummbude; synonyms: cuncunka, juhude. compare: nyallirde1, waaldude; ***: hoorude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyallirde1, waaldude; synonyms: hoorude.
2 • parler en euphémisme, parler de manière Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cachée ou déguisée; speak in such a way as to
suumayeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur:
disguise your true intention; euphemize.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural
synonyms: hummbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Form of Noun: suumayeeje. Sorting
Suufiyanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Designation: 3, th. Noun. jeûne, carême; fast.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Note : arabe Dialectal Forms: [G] suumeere.
Noun: Suufiyankooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Noun. disciple soufi, adepte soufi; follower of
the Sufi sect of Islam. Note : arabe Suumayeeru
Suumayeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting
***: Alsilaami, Sunnanke, Wahaabiyanke, Designation: 3, th. Noun. le mois du Ramadan,
Tijjaaninke; compare: Alsilaami, Sunnanke, le neuvième mois de l'année lunaire; Ramadan
(month of); month of the Ramadan fast; ninth
Wahaabiyanke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
month of the lunar year. Note : arabe
suugaare Noun. pioches; mattock, pickax. Catégorie synonyms: Korka; ***: Korka.
: Outil. synonyms: yalguuje. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suulagol. suumɗ
suumɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: suumɗugol.
Participles: sing: cuuliiɗo-cuulotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: cuumɗuɗo-cuumɗoowo
suuliiɓe-suulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, (future) plur: suumɗuɓe-suumɗooɓe.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
découragé ou déprimé, être affligé; lorsque les lèvres sont noires; for the lips to be
discouraged or depressed; grieve. Note : black; can be the result of tattooing
français synonyms: sunaade. Dialects: G. ("sokaade") or it can occur naturally.
compare: sokaade; synonyms: suunɗ
suulere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: suunɗ
suunɗude, sokaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: cuule. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. suumtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suumtagol.
Noun. matières fécales d'oiseaux ou de Participles: sing: cuumtiiɗo-cuumtotooɗo
reptiles; feces of birds and reptiles. plur: suumtiiɓe-suumtotooɓe. Sorting
***: doodi, rubbunnde, wordoonde, kuudi, Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
birgi, welaande, wurdere; compare: doodi, Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
rubbunnde, welaande, wordoonde. Verb. se raser la moustache ou la barbe; shave
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. off one's own mustache or beard.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suulude Noun Form of Infinitive: suulugol. Sorting
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in suumtorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb. lorsqu'un oiseau ou reptile défèque; of Noun: cumtorɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
when a bird or reptile defecates. ***: si'ude, Noun. lèvre supérieure, espace entre lèvre
huuwude, hanyude, joorude, bonnude; supérieure et le nez; upper lip.
synonyms: bonnude, hanyude, huuwude, synonyms: pitipata; ***: pitipata.

joorude, si'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 589
suumtude suuritinde

suumtude Noun Form of Infinitive: suumtugol. suuntude Noun Form of Infinitive: suuntugol.
Participles: sing: cuumtuɗo-cuumtoowo Participles: sing: cuuntuɗo-cuuntoowo plur:
plur: suumtuɓe-cuumtooɓe. Sorting uuntuɓe-suuntooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire du savon;
Verb. raser la barbe ou la moustache; shave soap (to make). synonyms: sumude;
off someone's beard or mustache. ***: sumude. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suunude Noun Form of Infinitive: suunugol.
suumude Noun Form of Infinitive: suumugol. Participles: sing: suunuɗo-suunoowo plur:
Participles: sing: cuumuɗo-cuumoowo plur: suunuɓe-suunooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
suumuɓe-suumooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fermer /
besoin de sel; need or crave salt. Hannden
serrer la bouche ou le nez ainsi qu'on ne peut
plus respirer, asphyxier, étouffer; smother; na'i na cuuna. Today the cows crave salt. this
clamp off the nose and mouth so one cannot can also apply to people. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
breath; asphyxiate; to suffocate someone. suura Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
synonyms: humude; ***: humude.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: suuraaji. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
2 • museler; muzzle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. chapitre; chapter. Note : arabe
suundu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. ***: aayaare, soortewol; compare: aayaare;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form synonyms: soortewol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: cuuli. Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun. suuraare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One
chacal à flancs rayés; side-striped jackal; for this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3.
jackal. Catégorie : Mammifère. Canis adustus. Noun. 1 • un secret ou dans le secret, sécurité;
synonyms: ndolu, woybaagaaru; ***: ndolu, security; secret. synonyms: sirri; ***: barke,
woybaagaaru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. arzuke, riiku, sirraade, sirri, nyo'ude, fayda.
suunɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: suunɗugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: cuunɗuɗo plur: suunɗuɓe. 2 • bonne santé ou bien-être; health (good);
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in good health; wellness. synonyms: jawdi, daliili,
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. ngalu, nyalaande1, semmbe.
1 • être de petite taille ou immature en Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compréhension ou connaissance; small in size. 3 • bénédiction; blessing. Koltal yo suuraare.
synonyms: famɗ
famɗude, suɗɗ
ɗɗude, sunɗ
sunɗude; Un bon vêtement est une bénédiction. [Good]
***: suumɗ
suumɗude, sunɗ
sunɗude, suɗɗ
ɗɗude. dress is a blessing. (The reason it is a blessing
Dialects: J. is because it keeps people from saying
2 • lèvres noires; lips to be black. negative things about you). compare: sirraade,
compare: sokaade; synonyms: suumɗ
suumɗude. nyo'ude; synonyms: arzuke, barke, fayda,
Dialects: Y,G,M. riiku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

suuneede Noun Form of Infinitive: suunegol. Sorting suuritinde Noun Form of Infinitive: suuritingol.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: cuuritinɗo-cuuritoowo
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. plur: suuritinɓe-suuritooɓe. Sorting
Verb. lorsque les bœufs ont besoin de sel; crave Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
salt (cows). Na'i cuunaama lamɗ
lamɗam. Les Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na
bœufs ont besoin de sel. The cows crave salt. suurita. Verb. 1 • révéler le secret de qqn,
***: ɗomeede, yomeede, peleede, divulguer; reveal someone's secret.
hooɗeede, omeede; synonyms: ɗomeede, ***: haaltude, ɓannginde, sirraade,
hooɗeede, omeede, peleede, yomeede. gaccaade, suuttude; synonyms: haaltude,
Dialects: J. sirraade, suuttude, ɓannginde.
Dialects: J,G,M.
2 • insulter qqn; insult someone.
Dialects: J,G,M.

16/02/2020 590
suuritinde leydim suuttude
3 • arracher les vêtement s de qqn (ainsi les
suusinde Noun Form of Infinitive: suusingol.
exposer); rip someone's clothes off. Dialectal
Participles: sing: cuusinɗo-cuusinoowo
Forms: [G] suuritidde, [J,Y,M] suurtude.
plur: suusinɓe-suusinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
suuritinde leydim Noun. haute trahison; high Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
treason. Catégorie : Gouvernement, Verb. encourager, fortifier; encourage;
strengthen. ***: fuufude, uppude, ulude,
suurtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: suurtingol. semmbinde; synonyms: fuufude,
Participles: sing: cuurtinɗo-cuurtinoowo semmbinde, ulude, uppude, yeewtinde.
plur: suurtinɓe-suurtinooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Change in suusude Noun Form of Infinitive: suusugol.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: cuusuɗo plur: suusuɓe.
Verb. faire cuire à la vapeur, fumer, passer à la
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
fumée, bouillir; steam or smoke something. Mi
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb.
suurtinii lacciri am. ***: cuurki, dempinde,
être courageux, braver, oser, être brave;
urude, curki; compare: cuurki;
courageous; dare; brave. synonyms: feetude;
synonyms: dempinde, urude.
compare: cuusal, suuyde; ***: cuusal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suuy(u)de, feetude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suurtinirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. suusuu Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 4. Noun. une très légère pluie;
of Noun: cuurtinirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. sprinkle of rain; misting of rain. Catégorie
Noun. cuiseur-vapeur; steamer. Catégorie
: Temps. synonyms: miso, nyeko, sooso;
: Récipient. ***: dempunuure, fayannde
***: nyeko, sooso, miso;
lakkiri; synonyms: dempunuure. Dialects: J,Y.
compare: ƴuwoonde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
suurtude Verb. fumer; smoke (to). suutinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suutinagol.
suurtugol Noun. évaporation; evaporation. Catégorie Participles: sing: suutiniiɗo-suutinotooɗo
: Eau. synonyms: ɓeeɓ
eeɓugol, reetugol, caayol. plur: suutiniiɓe-suutinotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
suurude Noun Form of Infinitive: suurugol.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Participles: sing: cuuruɗo-cuuroowo plur:
Verb. regarder fixement; stare. ***: futtinde,
suuruɓe-suurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ƴeppitaade; compare: ɗuurtaade;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
synonyms: futtinde, ƴeppitaade. Dialects: Y,G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • garder un
secret, ne pas révéler qqch d'embarrassant de suuttude Noun Form of Infinitive: suurtugol.
qqn, sécuriser, couvrir; secure (to make); Participles: sing: cuurtuɗo-cuurtoowo plur:
cover; keep a secret. ***: cikkude, jikkude, suurtuɓe-suurtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
jippaade, cikkaade, taafude.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • révéler
2 • être béni, des choses embarrassantes sont qqch qui était cachée, exposer des torts;
cachés des autres; blessed. Laamɗ
Laamɗo suure. expose wrong doings whether yours or
Que Dieu te bénisse. God bless you. someone else's; reveal that which is hidden. O
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. suuttii ko o suuɗ
suuɗunoo ley suudu. Il a révélé
3 • sauter en bas de qqch, bondir; jump down; / exposé ce qu'il avait caché dans la maison.
leap off of something. synonyms: jikkude, He revealed what he had hidden in the house.
jippaade. Dialects: J. ***: funcitinde, wanginde, udditinde,
suuritinde; synonyms: funcitinde, suuritinde,
udditinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • confesser ses péchés; confess one's sins. O
suuttii junuubaaji makko fuu yeeso
Laam ɗo. Il a confessé devant Dieu tous ses
péchés. He confessed all his sins before God.
compare: curki, haƴƴ
ƴƴe, junuuba, wulude,
yiite; synonyms: tuubande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 591
suuwtude suytude

suuwtude Noun Form of Infinitive: suuwtugol. suuyde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Participles: sing: cuuwtuɗo-cuuwtotoowo Designation: 4. Noun. bravoure, courage;
plur: suuwtuɓe-suuwtotooɓe. Sorting bravery; courage. ***: suuy(u)de, suusude,
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in cuusal, gorgu, feeteende, ngorgu1;
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. synonyms: cuusal, feeteende, gorgu,
Verb. 1 • vite enlever qqch de l'eau bouillante ngorgu1. Dialects: J.
ou du feu; quickly remove something from
either boiling water or the fire. Suuwtu suwtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: suwtagol.
occooɗe jaawle ɗe e ley ngulɗ
ngulɗam. Enlève Participles: sing: cuwtiiɗo-cuwtotooɗo plur:
les œufs de pintade de l'eau chaude. Remove suwtiiɓe-suwtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
the guinea hen eggs from the hot water. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsqu'une
2 • enlever qqch d'un puits ou d'un trou femme retourne chez sa maison paternelle à
profond; get something out of a well or deep cause d'un problème conjugale, lorsqu'on se
hole. War, cuuwten ɓii nagge ley ɓunndu sépare de son compagnon parce qu'on est
fâché; when a woman leaves her husband to
ga. Viens, on va enlever le veau du puits.
express her displeasure because of marital
Come, let us remove the calf from this well.
discord and returns to her father's household;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. when one separates from one's companions
3 • enlever un chiot ou un chaton d'un trou et when upset. ***: hootude, dillude.
l'amener à la maison; to bring a puppy home
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or kitten home - they say this because often
here dogs give birth to their puppies in a hole; 2 • se lever en sautant, sauter sur les pieds lors
so to take one you have to reach into a hole and d'une surprise; jump when startled; jump up
pull it out! Dialects: J,Y,G,M. from a sitting position. compare: dillude,
hootude. Dialectal Forms: note some
suuwude Noun Form of Infinitive: suuwugol.
speakers will say suhutaade.
Participles: sing: cuuwuɗo-cuuwoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suuwuɓe-suuwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb suyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Plural Form of

Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tremper, Noun: huyre. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun.
1 • muscle, un muscle étiré, courbature de
plonger; dip. Mi suuwan hoy si hamaama. Je
muscle, déchirure musculaire; muscle; a
trempe mon doigt dans la sauce lorsqu'elle est
pulled muscle in the upper body. Catégorie : Le
cuite. I will dip my finger in the sauce when it
is prepared.; fig. to dip into your work; corps. ***: adala. Dialects: J.
Hannden mi suuwii ndemri. Aujourd'hui je 2 • muscle qui fait mal au coup ou thorax; sore
commencerai mon sarclage. Today I will muscle in the neck and thorax area only.
start my hoeing. ***: noonude. Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. suytere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • teindre; dye. synonyms: noonude; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
compare: ɓawlinde, boodude, oolɗ
oolɗinde, of Noun: cuyte. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
rawninde, wojjinde, ƴakkinde. Noun. flatulence, pet; gas; flatulence; fart.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: futtere, fuɗ
fuɗtere, puytere, puttu,
fuytere; synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtere, futtere, fuytere,
suuy(u)de Noun Form of Infinitive: suuy(u)gol.
puytere. Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: cuuyɗo plur: suuyɓe.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in suytude Noun Form of Infinitive: suytugol.
Plural: s/c. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. Participles: sing: cuytuɗo-cuytoowo plur:
être courageux, courageuse; brave. suytuɓe-suytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Hakkunde maɓɓ
ɓɓe moy ɓuri suuyde? Parmi mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
eux, qui est le plus courageux ? Between them Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. péter; fart;
who is the bravest? compare: cuusal, suuyde; pass a little gas. ***: puttude, fuusude,
synonyms: feetude, suusude. fuytude, riiɗ
riiɗude, fuɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: fuɗ
fuɗtude, futtude, fuusude,
fuytude, puttude, riiɗriiɗude. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 592
taa taadugol

T - t

3 • bourgeonner d'un arbuste quand les pluies

taa Sorting Designation: 1. neg. aux. v/adv. 1 • ne pas
commencent, prospérer; flourish; greening of
faire; do not. ***: to1, tinna taa.
the bush when the rains begin. Joonin o ladde
Dialects: J,G,M.
taadeke sabo dunngu warii. Maintenant
2 • que ce ne soit pas; so as not. l'arbuste va bourgeonner car les pluies ont
synonyms: tinna taa, to3. Dialectal Forms: [Y] commencé. Now the bush will flourish because
ta. Dialects: J,G,M. the rains have come. compare: ɓornaade,
taabawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. duhaade, taartaade. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of taadeede Noun Form of Infinitive: taadegol.
Noun: taabaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. Participles: sing: taadaaɗo-taadeteeɗo
table; table. Note : français Dialectal (future) plur: taadaaɓe-taadeteeɓe.
Forms: [G,M] taabal. Dialects: J,Y. Sorting Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Stative or
taaɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taaɓagol. Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • lorsque qqn mette une
Participles: sing: taaɓiiɗo-taaɓotooɗo plur: couverture autour d'une femme ou un enfant;
for a woman/child to have a cloth wrapped
taaɓiiɓe-taaɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
around her by someone else. ***: nanneede,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: s/c. Verb
haddeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marcher,
avancer, monter dans, entrer dans, enjamber, 2 • être circoncis; circumcised.
continuer son chemin; step (to). compare: nguppaaku; synonyms: haddaade,
synonyms: huulaade, saaɓ
saaɓaade; haddeede, nanneede, taadaade.
***: saaɓ
saaɓaade, huulaade. Dialects: J,Y. Dialects: J,Y,M.

taaɓannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. taadol Noun. circoncision, excision; circumcision;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form excision. ***: juulnugol. Dialectal
of Noun: taaɓanɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Forms: taadugol.
Noun. un pas, étape; step. ***: huulannde, taadude Noun Form of Infinitive: taadugol.
saaɓannde, yaaɓ
yaaɓere; synonyms: huulannde
huulannde, Participles: sing: taaduɗo-taadoowo plur:
saaɓannde, yaaɓ
yaaɓere. Dialects: J,Y. taaduɓe-taadooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
taacooriire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. mt, th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 1 • envelopper qqn d'une couverture; wrap
of Noun: taacooriije. Sorting Designation: 3, someone in a cloth. compare: taartude;
dh. Noun. petite ulcération ou trou au bas du ***: haddude
haddude, ɓornude, yarnude, muru,
pied; a small ulceration or hole in the bottom taartude, nannude1, jofolooru, duhude.
of the foot. Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: seera; ***: seera, sehere, 2 • circoncire, exciser; circumcise.
temmeere, ɓuure. Dialects: G. synonyms: haddude, nannude1.
taadaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taadagol. Dialects: J,Y,M.

Participles: sing: taadiiɗo-taadotooɗo plur: taadugol Noun. excision; excision. Taƴ

taadiiɓe-taadotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ɓii-
ii-hottere maa toni hottere ɓikkoy
mt, th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. ndewoy
Verb. 1 • se mettre une couverture autour; wrap
a cloth around yourself. ***: dufaade,
taartaade, haddude, taadeede, duhaade,
haddaade, nanneede, ɓornaade, haddeede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être circoncis; circumcised.
synonyms: haddaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 593
taafude taanyude

taafude Noun Form of Infinitive: taafugol. taalude Noun Form of Infinitive: taalugol.
Participles: sing: taafuɗo-taafoowo plur: Participles: sing: taaluɗo-taaloowo plur:
taafuɓe-taafooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. taaluɓe-taalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. accuser Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. raconter une
qqn faussement, accuser à tort, soupçonner à courte histoire, un conte ou une devinette,
tort; falsely accuse or suspect someone. Taa conter; recount or to tell a short story; tell
taafee wondiiɓ
wondiiɓe mooɗ
mooɗon. (Wurt 20:16) Ne story. compare: fillaade; synonyms: takkude;
fais pas des fausses accusations contre ton ***: fillaade, takkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
prochain. Don't falsely accuse your neighbor.
taaneere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: tuumude, jikkude, sogude, jataade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
sogude, gosude; synonyms: jataade, jikkude,
of Noun: taaneeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
sekinde, sogude
sogude, suurude, tuumude.
enclume; anvil. Catégorie : Outil.
Dialects: J.
***: teeneere; synonyms: teeneere.
taafude dow fewer synonyme: tuumeede dow Dialects: J,G.
fewre. expression. accuser faussement; accuse
taaniiwo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
somebody wrongly. Catégorie : Juridique.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
taafugol Noun. accusation; accusation. Catégorie Noun: taaniraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
: Juridique. ***: tuume. petit-fils, petite-fille; grandchild. Catégorie
: Parenté. here are the various contracted
taaji emprunt: dioula. Noun. pétrole; kerosene.
personal forms: 1s taanam, 2s taana, 3s
synonyms: petoron, karanji. (makko) taaniiko, (muuɗum) taanum, 1p
(inclusive) taanii'en [Y,G] taaniiɗen [both of
taakalemme Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
these are the same as "taaniiwo meeɗen"],
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of (exclusive) NA, 2p taanii'on, [Y,G] taaniiɗon
Noun: taakalemmeeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. [both of these are the same as "taaniiwo
Noun. voisin; neighbor. Catégorie : La mooɗon"], 3p (maɓɓe) taaniiɓe, (muɓɓen)
Personne. synonyms: gondo, koddo. Dialectal taanumen. compare: maamiiwo;
Forms: [J] taakalemmbe. Dialects: J. ***: maamiiwo. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] taan, [J]
taalibaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. taaniraaɗo, [Y,G] taaniyo. Dialects: J,M.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of taanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: tanyugol.
Noun: taalibaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Participles: sing: taanyuɗo-taanyoowo plur:
Noun. disciple, adhérant, partisan de, étudiant; taanyuɓe-taanyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
student of; disciple; follower. Catégorie : La
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aller
Personne. Note : arabe ***: janngude. où qqch se trouve; go to where something is.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] taalibbo Nagge am rimii ley ceekol, kanaa mi taanya
(o)/taaliɓɓe (ɓe). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ngel, wartira. Ma vache a mis bas dans le lit
taaliwol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: ɗi. du ruisseau. Je vais les ramener à la maison.
My cow gave birth in the creek bed, I need to
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
go to the calf and bring it home [with the cow].
Noun: taaliiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. filet
synonyms: yahude. Dialects: Y,M.
de pêche; fishing net. Catégorie : Chasse et
2 • chercher qqch ou qqn, rechercher, essayer
pêche. Note : Gourmanche synonyms: bubbol,
de trouver; search for something or someone.
gammbuwol, fiiliwol; ***: gammbuwol,
Idrissa ɓoyii dillude, sanaa mi taanya mo.
fiiliwol, bubbol. Dialects: G. Idrissa est parti depuis quelqu temps. Il faut
taalol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. que j'aille le chercher / trouver. Idrissa has
been gone for some time, I should go looking
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
for him. synonyms: filaade. Dialectal Forms: [Y]
Noun: taali. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
taanude. Dialects: Y,M.
histoire, conte, récit, légende; fable; story;
tale. synonyms: fillawol; ***: fillawol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 594
taaraade taasiiri

taaraade Noun Form of Infinitive: taaragol. taarol1 Noun. cerceau, périmètre; perimeter. Catégorie
Participles: sing: taariiɗo-taarotooɗo plur: : Mathématique.
taariiɓe-taarotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. taarol2 Noun. contexte; context. Catégorie : Le
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. langage et la pensée. ***: lowre.
1 • tourner autour de, encercler; circle around.
Ko waɗ
waɗi aɗ
aɗa taaroo e he'am? Pourquoi tu taartaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taartagol.
tournes autour de moi ? Why are you circling Participles: sing: taartiiɗo-taartotooɗo plur:
around me? ***: fiilaade, fiilude; taartiiɓe-taartotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: fiilaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever
un tissu de soi, enlever un pagne, déshabiller;
2 • s'enrouler (serpent); coil (snakes). Mumini
remove a wrap around skirt from yourself;
tawii ngoowla na taarii dakkol sibiihi ki.
undress. compare: ɓortaade, duhtaade,
Moumini a trouvé une cobra enroulée près de
cet arbre. Mumini found a cobra coiled next to taadaade; ***: ittude, ɓortaade, taadaade,
that tree. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. duhtaade; synonyms: ittude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • enrouler autour de, envelopper, emballer, taartude Noun Form of Infinitive: taartugol.
enlacer, enserrer; wrap around. Mboddi Participles: sing: taartuɗo-taartoowo plur:
taareke e koyngal makko. U n serpent s'est taartuɓe-taartooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
enroulé autour de sa jambe. A snake Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever le
wrapped/coiled around her leg. pagne de qqn, ôter le pagne à, déshabiller
compare: fiilude, taarude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. qqn; remove a wrap around skirt from
taarde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. someone else. ***: taadude, duhtude, ittude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ɓortude; synonyms: ittude; compare: ɓortude,
of Noun: taare. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. duhtude, taadude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • coussin, coussinet; cushion. taarude Noun Form of Infinitive: taarugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: taaruɗo-taaroowo plur:
2 • anneau en feuilles de palmier pour poser
taaruɓe-taarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
des pots, cerceau; hoop. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
3 • cercle; circle. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 1 • enroule une corde, bobiner une corde; roll
taari1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting up or coil a rope or cord. ***: taaraade;
synonyms: fiilude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Noun. cire d'abeille; bee's wax.
2 • mettre une corde ou natte autour de qqch
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(ex. lorsqu'on veut encercler un bœuf pour le
taari2 Noun. gomme, colle, caoutchouc; rubber; faire entrer un enclos); wrap a rope or mat
eraser; glue; gum. synonyms: mana. around something; when herdsmen encircle
cows to force them to enter into a corral or a
taariki Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number vaccination park. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
taasawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Noun: taarikiiji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • généalogie, famille, lignage, race; race; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
family; genealogy; lineage. Note : arabe Noun: taasaaje. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
synonyms: buudu, iri1, koreeji, lenyol, Noun. 1 • plat ou bol en métal, cuvette; bowl
(metal); metal dish or bowl. Catégorie
mbuuduuri, saare, sii, ƴuwdi; ***: ƴuwdi,
: Récipient. Note : français ***: le'al,
koreeji, anndal kiinngal, sii, buudu, iri1,
tummbude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mbuuduuri, lenyol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • récipient pour mesurer; measuring cup;
2 • histoire; history. Note : arabe
measure; scoop. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
français synonyms: eterde, muddiire, yorbaal.
taariki wawtu hanndeego expression. histoire Dialectal Forms: [J,M] taasa (o), [Y,G,M] taasal
contemporaine; contemporary history. (ngal). Dialects: M.
taarikinke Noun. historien; historian. Catégorie taasiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: di. Sorting
: Travailleur.
Designation: 2. Noun. sable; sand. Catégorie
taariku nguurndam mbinndaaki expression. : Terre. compare: colla, kusaw, sollaare
biographie; biography. Catégorie : Le langage ***: njaareendi; synonyms: njaareendi.
et la pensée.
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 595
taataade tabitinde

taataade Noun Form of Infinitive: taatagol. taba1 Noun. tabac; tobacco. Note : français
Participles: sing: taatiiɗo-taatotooɗo plur: taba2 Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
taatiiɓe-taatotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Noun: tabaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • glisser; slip; slide. ***: boɓɓ
ɓɓaade, mâcher du tabac; chewing tobacco. Note :
salgaade, tabitinde, humude; français ***: sira. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: salgaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tabanoonsonndo Variante: tabanoonsonnde.
2 • ne pas se rendre compte, être contrecarré,
Noun. dysenterie; dysentery. Catégorie
être contrarié; to be thwarted; to not be
: Maladie.
realized. Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi waɗ
waɗude golle oon de mi
heɓaay waɗ
waɗude o faa o taateke.
taateke. J'ai voulu tabanoosonnde Variante: tabanoonsonndo. Noun.
faire ce travail, mais cela n'a pas marché, et dysenterie; dysentery. Catégorie : Maladie.
maintenant cela ne se fera pas ! I wanted to do synonyms: reedu aare, reedu eemturu.
that work, but it did not work out and now it
tabintinanɗe synonyme: ko tabintinta. expression.
won't happen. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. acte; act. Catégorie : Juridique.
3 • récidiver, tomber en arrière, faire un erreur
grave; backslide. O taateke hankin sabo o tabintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tabintingol.
fukkedeke e dee maani. Il a commis u n Participles: sing: tabintinɗo-tabintinoowo
grave péché car la nuit passée il a couché avec plur: tabintinɓe-tabintinooɓe. Sorting
la femme d'un tel. He backslide last night Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
because he slept with so and so's wife. Progressive: st/prg - na tabintini/tabintina.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. choisir ou décider de faire qqch pour que
cela devienne une réalité, accomplir, réaliser,
taaynaandi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗe. promulguer, valider, agréer; choose or decide
Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form to do something so that it becomes a reality;
of Noun: taaynaaɗe; taaynaaɗe. Sorting accomplish; fulfill. Mi tabintinii mi yahan
Designation: 4. Noun. métal fondu; molten toon subaka. J'ai décidé d'y aller demain. I
metal. ***: ciiwdi; synonyms: ciiwdi. decided to go there tomorrow. ***: leeɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. hollude heɓ
heɓa gollitiree, anniyaade,
taaynude Noun Form of Infinitive: taaynugol. suɓ
suɓaade; synonyms: anniyaade, leeɓleeɓude,
Participles: sing: taaynuɗo-taaynoowo plur: suɓ
suɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
taaynuɓe-taaynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, tabit Noun. concret; concrete. Catégorie
ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. : Mathématique.
1 • fondre du beurre au soleil ou sur le feu,
fondre du métal ou du cire; melt metal or wax; tabital Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
melt butter. ***: hewtude, tewnude, Designation: 3. Noun. réalisation,
accomplissement, finalité, validité; realization;
haaynude, hewtaade, yoosude;
fulfillment. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: haaynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • rattraper qqn; catch up to someone. tabitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tabitingol. Sorting
compare: yoosude; synonyms: hewtaade, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
hewtude, tewnude. Dialects: J,Y,G. ina tabita. Verb. rester quelque part pour
longtemps; stay somewhere for a long time.
taayude Noun Form of Infinitive: taayugol.
Fay si o yehi toon, o tabitataa. Même s’il va
Participles: sing: taayuɗo-taayoowo plur: là-bas, il ne restera pas pour longtemps. Even
taayuɓe-taayooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. if he goes there he won't stay long. Tabitin to
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • fondre, ngollataa. Reste à ton poste de travail. Stay at
lorsque le beurre, le métal ou le cire fondent à
your work [place]. ***: waɗ
waɗude, laataade;
cause de la chaleur; melts with heat.
synonyms: laataade, waɗ
***: haaynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: taataade. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
2 • lorsqu'une personne obèse transpire des
gouttes ; when a fat person sweats an oily tabitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
sweat. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • lorsqu'une personne obèse perd du poids;
when a fat person loses weight.
compare: haaynude. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 596
taɓɓere taggideede

ɓɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. tafsirde Noun Form of Infinitive: tafsirgol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: tafsirɗo-tafsiroowo plur:
of Noun: taɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. tafsirɓe-tafsirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. bulbe du nénuphar; it is edible; bulb of Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un
the water lily. Catégorie : Nourriture. commentaire sur un enseignement ou un
***: guylaare, timbooriire, guynaare, passage des Écritures, expliquer, interpréter;
daamarawol, guynaare, gawriyel, explain; comment on teaching or scripture.
ngommbiire, boololol, kuttukuruutol, Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
kukkuturuutu, guylaare, tammere; tafude Noun Form of Infinitive: tafugol.
compare: boololol, daamarawol, Participles: sing: tafuɗo-tafoowo plur:
kukkuturuutu, kuttukuruutol, ngommbiire, tafuɓe-tafooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
timbooriire; synonyms: guylaare, tammere. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. fabriquer,
Dialects: Y,G. forger, faire qqch en métal; manufacture;
make something out of metal; forge.
taccude Noun Form of Infinitive: taccugol.
***: mahude; synonyms: mahude
Participles: sing: taccuɗo-taccoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
taccuɓe-taccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couper tagaadi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi.
en deux; cut in two. ***: ndunngu, heltude, Number One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form
taƴude, dunngu, heltaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: tagaadiiji. Sorting Designation: 3.
2 • lorsque la pluie s'arrête pendant la saison Noun. manière de faire, coutume, habitude,
des pluies; when the rain stops during the rainy usage, pratique, norme; habit; one's way;
season; to have a dry spell. Catégorie : Temps. custom; practice. O wo deƴƴdeƴƴinii
iniiɗo, nii woni
compare: heltude, ndunngu; tagaadi makko. Il est calme, c'est sa façon
synonyms: taƴ
taƴude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d'être. He is quiet, that is just how he is.
***: finaatawaa, tagu, daa, al'aada,
Tacko Noun. prénom féminin, Signification : accolée tawaangal; synonyms: al'aada, daa, tagu;
(aux entrailles ...), la cinquième née; first
name for a female (meaning: the one who is compare: tawaangal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
attached to the womb), the fifth born daughter. tagaaɗ
tagaaɗo Noun. une personne; person.
Catégorie : Nom.
tageede Noun Form of Infinitive: tagegol.
Tadde Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. Thaddée;
Participles: sing: tagaaɗo plur: tagaaɓe.
Thaddaeus; one of the 12 disciples (Mat 10:3).
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb. être crée;
Note : Aramaic Dialects: biblical.
created. ***: waɗ
waɗeede; synonyms: waɗ
tafirgal Noun. moule (instrument); mold; mould. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tafngo synonyme: tafugol talimaaji kesi ; karfeeji tageefo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting
kese. Noun. néologie; neology. Catégorie : Le Designation: 4. Noun. humanité, être humain;
langage et la pensée.
mankind; humanity. synonyms: neɗɗ
tafon Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ne pas tomottaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
encore; not yet. O waraay tafon. Il n'est pas taggideede Noun Form of Infinitive: taggidegol.
encore venu. He hasn't come yet. ***: ginan,
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
tawam, tahen
tahen, tuwam. Dialects: J.
Progressive: prg. Verb. enrouler dans qqch;
2 • toujours, encore; still. Imo jannga tafon. rolled up in something else; roll you clothes up
Il étudie encore. He is still studying. Dialects: J. in a mat. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • premier, premièrement, d'abord; first. Ittu
leggal ngal ley yitere maa tafon, ndeen a
yi'an faa wooɗ
wooɗa. Enlève d'abord la poutre
dans ton œil, alors tu verras claire. Remove
the log in you eye first, then you will see well.
synonyms: ginan, tahen, tawam, tuwam.
Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 597
taggitinde takisaade

taggitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: taggitingol. tak Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • vraiment
Participles: sing: taggitinɗo-taggitoowo mort; dead (really). Araawa nga waatii tak.
plur: taggitinɓe-taggitooɓe. Sorting Cet âne est vraiment mort. That donkey is
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. really dead.; ***: poɗ
poɗo, kak. Dialects: J,Y.
Verb. dérouler une natte; roll a mat out. 2 • manque de force car fatigué,malade ou
compare: daɗɗ
ɗɗude, feertude, weertude, découragé; lack of strength due to fatigue.
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde; Nde nannoomi yigoo am wartataa fu
synonyms: weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde; ***: weertude, ɓanndu am waati tak. Quand j'ai entendu qu
mon ami ne vient pas, j'ai commencé à boiter.
ɗɗude, weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
When I heard that my friend was not coming I
feertude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] taggitidde.
just went limp. synonyms: kak, poɗ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y.
taggude Noun Form of Infinitive: taggugol.
takaluuta Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: tagguɗo-taggoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
tagguɓe-taggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun: takaluutaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enrouler Noun. cafard, blatte; cockroach. Catégorie
une natte, plier, abréger; roll a mat up; fold;
: Insecte. Blatta spp.. ***: kuukopawla,
shorten. compare: daɗɗ
ɗɗude, weertude,
yalaare, nyaamowa juuri;
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde; ***: daɗɗ
synonyms: kuukopawla, nyaamowa juuri,
weertude, weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
yalaare. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
takay Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
tagu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: takayji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
Noun: taguuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. sauce dans laquelle on trempe les morceaux de
coutume, pratique traditionnelle, habitude, tô; sauce. Catégorie : Nourriture. Note :
manière de faire, caractère, comportement;
Gourmanche ***: somay, lu'o, li'am, hoy,
habit; one's way; custom; traditional practice;
puraade, li'o, maafe, hamude;
character. ***: finaatawaa, tagaadi, daa,
synonyms: hoy, li'o, lu'o; compare: maafe,
al'aada, neesu, tawaangal;
hamude, somay. Dialects: Y.
synonyms: al'aada, daa, tagaadi;
compare: finaatawaa, tawaangal. takisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: takisagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: takisiiɗo-takisotooɗo plur:

tagude Noun Form of Infinitive: tagugol. takisiiɓe-takisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.

Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Participles: sing: Taguɗo-Tagoowo. Sorting
1 • hésiter; hesitate. ***: laaltindaade,
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
laaltindaade, hanndaade
hanndaade, seesinaade,
Progressive: prg. Verb. créer (seulement Dieu
peut le faire); create (only God can). neeɓ
neeɓude; synonyms: hanndaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. laaltindaade. Dialects: J.
2 • faire qqch tranquillement, lambiner;
tahen Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ne pas lollygag; do something in a leisurely manner;
encore; not yet-used with a negative verb. O dillydally; procrastinate.
waraay tahen. Il n'est pas encore venu. He synonyms: hanndaade, laaltindaade,
hasn't come yet. ***: ginan, tawam, tafon, heesindaade, neeɓneeɓude, seesinaade.
tuwam. Dialects: M. Dialects: J.
2 • encore, toujours; still. Imo jannga tahen. 3 • travailler pour rien; work for nothing.
Il étudie encore. He is still studying. Dialects: J.
Dialects: M.
3 • tout premièrement, d'abord; first of all. Ittu
leggal ngaal ley yitere maa tahen, ndeen a
yi'an faa wooɗ
wooɗa. Enlève d'abord la poutre
dans ton œil, puis tu verras bien. Remove the
log from your eye first, then you will see well.
synonyms: ginan, tafon, tawam, tuwam.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 598
takkaade takkude

takkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: takkagol. takkitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: takkitagol.
Participles: sing: takkiiɗo-takkotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: takkitiiɗo-takkitotooɗe
takkiiɓe-takkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. plur: takkitiiɓe-takkitotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
1 • suivre; follow. ***: feewndaade, Verb. séparer de, aller séparément de; go apart
ɓaanaade, hooɓ
hooɓaade, wakkaade, jokkude, from; separate from. ***: toowtude,
takkaade, wakkaade, ɓahanaade, tokkude, hoɓ
hoɓitaade, senndude, ɗakkitaade,
hoɓaade, ɓadaade, ɗakkaade, seɓ
seɓaade; woɗɗ
ɗɗaade, teeltude; compare: diisaade,
synonyms: jokkude, tokkude, wakkaade. wosaade; synonyms: ɗakkitaade, teeltude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. toowtude, woɗɗ
ɗɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être à côté, être proche de, se coller à; next takkitinnde Verb. décoller; take off; unstick.
to; stick close to; beside. synonyms: ɗakkaade,
Takko Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
ɓadaade, ɓattaade, feewndaade, hoɓ hoɓaade,
donné à la cinquième fille; the traditional
seɓaade, sukkaade, takkaade. name of the fifth born daughter; also.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ***: Daado, Seebo, Kumbo, Demmo,
3 • marcher à côté de, au long de; walk along Faatuma, Penndo, Diko; compare: Diko,
or skirt something. synonyms: wakkaade. Kumbo, Penndo, Daado, Demmo, Seebo.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] Takkooru, [Y]
4 • se cacher derrière qqch; hide behind Takkoore. Dialects: J,Y,M.
something. synonyms: hooɓ
hooɓaade, suuɗ
compare: ɓaanaade, ɓahanaade. Dialectal
takkol Sorting Designation: 1. prep. à côté de, près de;
Forms: [Y] takkinaade, [M] takkitaade.
next to; beside. ***: ɓannge, ɗakkol1,
gannde; synonyms: ɓannge, gannde, ɗakkol1.
Dialects: J,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G.
takkaaɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
takkondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: takkondirgol.
Noun: takkaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Participles: sing:
enfant adopté; adopted child. Catégorie : La takkonirɗo-takkondiroowo plur:
Personne. ***: heentoore; takkondirɓe-takkondirooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: heentoore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être ensemble, être
takkaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. des amis proches, être collé ensemble, se
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of coller; glued or stuck together; close friends;
Noun: takkaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. be together. ***: ɓattondirde, ɗakkondirde,
fille née en cinquième position; the fifth born seɓ
seɓondirde, ɓadondirde;
daughter. ***: kumbaajo, dikaajo, synonyms: ɓadondirde, ɓattondirde,
penndaajo, daadoojo, demmoojo, ɗakkondirde, samndaade, seɓ seɓondirde,
faatumaajo, seeboojo; compare: dikaajo, wondude. Dialectal Forms: [J] takkundurde.
kumbaajo, penndaajo, daadoojo, Dialects: Y,G,M.
demmoojo, seeboojo. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
takkoojo. Dialects: J,M.
takkude Noun Form of Infinitive: takkugol.
Participles: sing: takkuɗo-takkoowo plur:
takkata adj. visqueux; viscous, slimy. ko takkata takkuɓe-takkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
***: ɓoohi2. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
takkeede Noun Form of Infinitive: takkegol. 1 • coller à; stick to. ***: bammbude,
Participles: sing: takkotooɗo-takketeeɗo makkude, bolaade, taalude, nesaade,
plur: takkotooɓe-takketeeɓe. Sorting mappude, tarwaade, fillaade.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • suivre qqn de 2 • être adopté; adopted. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
près; follow someone closely. 3 • raconter des histoires; tell stories.
***: bammbeede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: fillaade; synonyms: taalude.
2 • adopter un enfant; adopt a child. Dialects: M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 4 • crépir un mur; rough-cast; plaster.
Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 599
takkuru ɗo inɗe gineeji mbinndaa talkuru wotto

takkuru ɗo inɗ
inɗe gineeji mbinndaa expression. talkiɗ
talkiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: talkiɗingol.
fiche d'inventaire; inventory sheet. Participles: sing: talkiɗinɗo plur: talkiɗinɓe.
takumselleehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
ɗe. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Progressive: st - imo talkiɗi. Verb. être
Form of Noun: takumselleeje. Sorting pauvre; poor (to be). synonyms: lo'ude,
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce d'arbuste; A waanude; ***: lo'ude, waanude.
toxic bush of the savannah. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Buissons, arbustes. Euphorbia
talkuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
paganorum. ***: mbadullaahi, mbarnoohi,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
kosaahi, enende; compare: badullaahi,
of Noun: talki. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
kosaahi, enende; synonyms: njoddi. papier, quelque chose écrit sur papier, note,
Dialects: J,M. identification, prescription, compte rendu
tal Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. très propre;
médical, charme, malédiction, amulette;
identification; charm; curse; note; written on
clean. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. paper; prescription; amulet; medical records.
Talaata Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number ***: baakol, kaɓɓ
ɓɓol1, lohol;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of compare: dabaade; synonyms: baakol,
Noun: alaataaji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. kaɓɓ
ɓɓol1, lohol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
mardi; Tuesday. Talaata paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo mardi talkuru annditirdu neɗɗ
ɗɗo expression. pièce
dernier,mardi passé. last Tuesday. Talaata d'identité; identity document. Catégorie
garoowo le mardi prochain. next Tuesday. : Gouvernement, Juridique.
Note : arabe ***: talaataare. Dialectal talkuru gosoowo kasirdu expression. mandat de
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Talaataare dépôt; detention warrant . Catégorie
faltiinde/waroore. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Gouvernement, Juridique.

talaataare Noun. mardi; Tuesday. synonyms: Talaata. talkuru hollooru ko neɗɗ

ɗɗo woni expression.
curriculum vitae; curriculum vitae, CV.
taliyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form talkuru in
inɗe wottotooɓ
wottotooɓe expression. liste
of Noun: taliyaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
électorale; voters list, electoral list. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
espace ouvert, cour; yard; open space.
***: tariyaare; synonyms: tariyaare. talkuru komanndi Noun. bon de commande; order
Dialects: J,Y,M. form, purchase order, order slip.

talka Noun. pauvre; poor person. Dialectal talkuru kumpital synonyme: konti-ranndi.
expression. compte-rendu; report. Catégorie : Le
Forms: talkaajo.
langage et la pensée. synonyms: kumpital.
talkaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
talkuru kumpital batu expression. procès-verbal;
minutes, transcript, report. Catégorie
Noun: talkaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
Noun. pauvre personne qui possède peu; poor : Juridique. synonyms: kumpital.

person who has a few things. ***: miskiini; talkuru naatirdu partii expression. carte
compare: miskiini. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] d'adhésion; membership card. Catégorie
talka. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Juridique.

talkaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting talkuru njoɓ

njoɓdi Noun. bulletin de paie; payslip.
Catégorie : Argent.
Designation: 2. Noun. pauvreté, misère;
poverty. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. talkuru noddirdu ɗo gosoowo expression.
mandat de comparution; summons to appear.
talki Noun. papiers, pièces, dossier; documents; Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
talkuru rimeede expression. acte de naissance; birth
talki sariya expression. législation; legislation. certificate. Catégorie : Juridique.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
talkuru seede Noun. attestation; attestation.
talkuru wotto Noun. bulletin de vote; ballot, voting
form, voting sheet. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

16/02/2020 600
talkuru wottordu tammbaade

talkuru wottordu Variante: talkuru wotirdu. Noun. tamaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tamagol. Sorting
carte d'électeur; voter's card. Catégorie Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être rond, comme
talla Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number une balle; round. Si gawri unaama faa ɗiggi
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of fu, na tamoo. Si le mil est pilé en farine fine,
Noun: tallaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. on peut en faire une boule. If millet is pounded
oreiller, coussin (souvent fait en cuir); pillow. to fine flour it rolls into a ball.
***: wawlaade, wawlaare, mbawlu; ***: ɗeppiɗ
eppiɗinde; compare: ɗeppiɗeppiɗinde.
compare: wawlaade; synonyms: mbawlu, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wawlaare. Dialects: J,Y. tamaatiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
tallaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tallagol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: talliiɗo-tallotooɗo plur: of Noun: tamaati or tamaatiije. Sorting
talliiɓe-tallotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Designation: 2, cs. Noun. tomate; tomato.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Note : français
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se rouler,
***: tomaati. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] tamaati
s'effondrer; roll or flop around; tumble. Puccu
(o); [M] tomatiire (nde). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
na talloo e leydi. Un cheval se roule dans la
poussière. A horse is rolling in the dust. tamboroohi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
***: bibbitidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
tallitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tallitagol. Noun: tamborooje. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. espèce de palme à dattes; date palm.
Participles: sing: tallitiiɗo-tallitotooɗo plur:
Catégorie : Arbres. Phoenix dactylifera.
tallitiiɓe-tallitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] tamoroohi, [J,Y]
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se
tamborohi. Dialects: J,Y,M.
laisser rouler, se retourner, rouler sur le dos /
ventre, tourner; roll yourself along; roll over. tamboroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Mi yi'ii bukoojo na tallitoo faa dow Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
waamnde, na boɓɓ
ɓɓoo e leydi. J'ai vu un of Noun: tamborooje. Sorting Designation: 3,
sorcier se faire rouler vers le bas de la colline. pl. Noun. datte; date; fruit of a date palm.
I saw a witch doctor roll down the hill.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: waylitaade; ***: waylitaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tambude Verb. empoigner, recevoir; seize; receive;
2 • rouer qqn de coups, se débattre, agiter; grab; get.
thrash about. Hasi reedu makko na naawa tame Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
sabo imo tallitoo. Je suppose que son One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
estomac fait mal car elle se roue de coups. I Noun: tameeji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
guess her stomach hurts because she is tamis, passoire, crible; sieve. Catégorie : Outil.
thrashing about. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Note : français compare: seɗ
tallude Noun Form of Infinitive: tallugol. synonyms: teme; ***: teme. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: talluɗo-talloowo plur: tammbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tammbugol.
talluɓe-tallooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Participles: sing: tammbiiɗo-tammbotooɗo
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rouler qqch, plur: tammbiiɓe-tammbotooɓe. Sorting
faire rouler, pousser à côté de soi; roll
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
something or someone along. O tallii keekel Verb. 1 • porter qqch dans la main
makko. Il pousse son vélo. He is rolling his serrée,saisir, empoigner, attraper, prendre;
bike along. ***: dunƴ
dunƴude, liɓ
liɓude, tutaade; take; grasp; grab; carry something in your
compare: dunƴ
dunƴude, tutaade. palm with the hand closed. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • à Tenkodogo ce mot se réfère à tenir qqch
dans la main ouverte en haut; in Tenkodogo it
refers to carrying something in an open hand
with the arm held up in the air.
synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓude, mummude, munnude;
compare: tummbude2. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 601
tammbannde tampinta

tammbannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: tammisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tammisagol.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Participles: sing: tammisiiɗo-tammisotooɗo
Form of Noun: tammbanɗe. Sorting plur: tammisiiɓe-tammisotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. poing fermé; closed fist. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: mumnande; ***: mumnande. Verb. vouloir qqch avec un sens d'excitation et
Dialects: J,Y.
d'aspiration de recevoir ce qu'on désire,
espérer, s'attendre à, croire que; hope for;
tammbitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tammbitingol. want something with a sense of anticipation
Participles: sing: and expectation. Taa tammisoɗ
tammisoɗaa a jogoto
tammbitinɗo-tammbitoowo plur: keekel am. Ne t'attends pas que tu puisses
tammbitinɓe-tammbitooɓe. Sorting garder mon vélo. Don't expect that you will
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - keep my bike. A tammiseke heɓ heɓde keekel.
Tu espères vraiment d'avoir un vélo. You
na tammbita. Verb. ouvrir sa main; open your
really expect to have a bike.
hand. ***: omtude, udditinde, ontude,
compare: ndolaade, ngokkinde, jataade,
munnitidde, mummitinde, feertude;
jikkude, miilaade, sikkude, yelaade;
synonyms: feertude, omtude, mummitinde,
synonyms: ɗammi'aade; ***: ngokkinde,
udditinde. Dialects: J,Y.
ɗammi'aade. Dialects: J.
tammbude Verb. porter dans la main fermée,
tamnde Noun. une boule; ball. Dialectal Forms: tamre.
empoigner; carry in palm with hand closed.
***: munnude, muɓɓ
ɓɓude, tummbude2. tampaanuwol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur:
Dialects: J,Y. ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural
Form of Noun: tampaanuuji. Sorting
tammere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, cs. Noun. un sillon fait par
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
l'action de cultiver / sarcler; furrow created by
of Noun: tamme. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
hoeing. Note : Gourmanche ***: kubbol,
Noun. bulbe de nénuphar (consommable); bulb
of the water lily. Catégorie : Nourriture. galmol, kubbol; synonyms: galmol, kubbol;
***: guylaare, timbooriire, guynaare, compare: ƴoolde. Dialects: G.
daamarawol, guynaare, gawriyel, tampaliila Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
ngommbiire, boololol, taɓɓ
ɓɓere, Designation: 3, dh. Noun. oreillons; mumps.
kuttukuruutol, kukkuturuutu, guylaare; Catégorie : Maladie. epidemic parotitis.
compare: boololol, daamarawol, ***: mboka, bagana jeeni, hawdaƴƴ
kukkuturuutu, kuttukuruutol, ngommbiire, bontombora; synonyms: bagana jeeni,
timbooriire; synonyms: guylaare, taɓɓ
ɓɓere. bontombora, hawdaƴƴ
ƴƴe. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J. tampinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tampingol.
tamminyoonaawu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu Participles: sing: tampinɗo-tampinoowo
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngootu. plur: tampinɓe-tampinooɓe. Sorting
Plural Form of Noun: tamminyoonaaji. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 4, in. Noun. criquet migratoire; Verb. 1 • s’épuiser, répression; tire out.
migratory locust. Catégorie : Insecte. Locusta ***: sominde, torrude caliiɗ
caliiɗo, ronkinde.
migratoria. ***: mbaɓɓ
ɓɓattu, ngurnyaawu, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ŋaancuwa; compare: mbaɓɓ
ɓɓattu; 2 • s'user; wear out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ŋaancuwa
aancuwa, ngurnyaawu. 3 • rendre les choses difficile pour qqn; to
Dialects: Y. make things difficult for someone.
compare: mettinde; synonyms: ronkinde,
sominde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

tampinere Noun. peine; sentence, penalty,

punishment. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Juridique. ***: jukkere.

tampingol Noun. violence; violence. synonyms: torra.

tampinta adj. pénible; painful, hard, difficult. ko
tampinta synonyms: mettinta.

16/02/2020 602
tampiri tannyaare

tampiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number tanaa Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: tampiriiji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. Noun: tanaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • difficulté, ce qui te fatigue (ex. le travail), la quelqu'un qui t'es proche comme par exemple
fatigue; difficulty; tires you out (that which); un membre de la famille ou un voisin; someone
fatigue. ***: somugol, comri. close to you such as family members or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. neighbors. synonyms: gondo, koreeji.
2 • épreuve, détresse, privations; hardship. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tangarawal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
tampude Noun Form of Infinitive: tampugol. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: tampuɗo-tampoowo plur: Noun: tangaraaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
tampuɓe-tampooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. échelle; ladder. ***: ŋaarowal, ƴeenyirgal,
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être jaaɓ
jaaɓirgal, teelorgal; synonyms: teelorgal;
fatigué, épuisé, fatigue; tired; fatigued. compare: jaaɓ
jaaɓirgal, ŋaarowal. Dialectal
***: somude, ronkude; synonyms: ronkude, Forms: [J] taŋarawal. Dialects: J.
somude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tannere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
tamre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: tanne. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
of Noun: tame. Sorting Designation: 4, ct. Noun. Noun. fruit d'arbre balanites; fruit of Balanites
une boule de qqch (ex. boule de farine de mil); aegyotiaca. Balanites aegyotiaca.
ball of something. ***: mudde; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: mudde. Dialectal Forms: tamnde. tanni Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
tamre junngo Noun. le poing; fist; punch. Catégorie Noun: tanne. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun.
: Le corps. espèce d'arbre; kind of tree. Catégorie
: Arbres. Balanites aegyptiaca.
tamtamtude Noun Form of Infinitive: tamtamtugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing:
tamtamtuɗo-tamtamtoowo plur:
tanno Noun. feuille de balanites aegyptiaca; leaf of
balanites aegyptiaca. Catégorie : Parties d’un
tamtamtuɓe-tamtamtooɓe. Sorting
végétal ou d’une plante.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • se balader sans but, se promener sans tannyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tannyagol.
but, errer; wander aimlessly. Participles: sing: tannyiiɗo plur: tannyiiɓe.
***: damdamtude, yayyaytude, yayyaytude, Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
damdamtude; synonyms: damdamtude, Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être laid, vilain; ugly.
yayyaytude. Dialects: J,M. ***: ɗaayude, borbortude, jawude,
2 • taper du pied, frapper du pied; stamp your wannyaare, jawande, ɓolɗ
olɗude, wannyaade,
feet. synonyms: jabbitaade, damdamtude, felɓ
felɓude, hitaade, dukande, hallude;
yayyaytude; compare: yiiltaade. Dialects: J,M. synonyms: ɓolɗ
olɗude, ɗaayude, hallude,
tamƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: tamƴugol. wannyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • crier sur qqn, hurler; yell at someone in
Participles: sing: tamƴuɗo-tamƴoowo
plur: tamƴuɓe-tamƴooɓe. Sorting anger. compare: waysude;
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. synonyms: borbortude, dukande, felɓ
Verb. cligner des yeux, clignoter; blink your hitaade, jawande. Dialects: M.
eyes. ***: maƴƴ
ƴƴude; compare: mummude; tannyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
synonyms: maƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,Y. Designation: 2. Noun. laideur; ugliness.
tan Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. seul, seulement, ***: mbaansu, halleende, ɗaayre;
uniquement; only. ***: ni. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ɗaayre, halleende, mbaansu,
wannyaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 603
tannyoral tar-a daande lees

tannyoral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting tappiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3. Noun. certitude, précision, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
conviction; sureness; certainty. ***: haciika, of Noun: tappiije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
taƴoral, tennyoral, teƴ
teƴoral, hakiika; couverture fait des bandes en couleur; blanket
synonyms: haciika, hakiika, haƴ
made from colorful strips. Note : français
***: damiyoore, suddamaare, wudere,
tennyoral, taƴ
taƴoral, teƴ
teƴoral. Dialects: J,Y,M.
disaare, sakala, kaasa, totiire;
tannyorde Noun Form of Infinitive: tannyorgol. synonyms: damiyoore, sakala, totiire;
Participles: sing: tannyorɗo-tannyoroowo compare: disaare, kaasa, suddamaare,
plur: tannyorɓe-tannyorooɓe. Sorting wudere. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] tappii.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Dialects: J,Y,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être certain, sûr, être
sûr que, bien sûr, sûrement; certain; sure. tappirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
synonyms: hacinkinde, hakinkinde, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
inƴinde, laamnude, taƴ taƴorde, Noun: tappirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
tennyorde, teƴteƴorde; ***: tennyorde,
battoir en bois pour compacter le sol, bois
pour damer; wooden tamper to compact
taƴorde, haƴ
inƴinde, laamnude,
surface. Catégorie : Outil. ***: camirgal;
hakinkinde, teƴteƴorde, hacinkinde.
compare: samude; synonyms: camirgal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
tanson jippotooɗ
jippotooɗo Noun. hypotension; low blood
pressure; hypo-tension. Catégorie : Maladie.
tappude Noun Form of Infinitive: tappugol.
Participles: sing: tappuɗo-tappoowo plur:
tanson ƴeenyo Noun. hypertension; high blood tappuɓe-tappooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
pressure; hypertension. Catégorie : Maladie.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
tantabaraaru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur: 1 • frapper, taper; strike; hit. Note : français
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural ***: gokkaade, ujude, fiyude, guƴƴ
Form of Noun: tantabaraaji. Sorting fiyude, sortude, mantaade, aagaade,
Designation: 2, or. Noun. pigeon, colombe; salminde, muppude, teɓɓ
ɓɓude, reewnude,
pigeon. Catégorie : Oiseau. Columba sp.. nyirfude, piiɗ
piiɗe, lukkaade, fiide, mantude1,
***: nyaabal; compare: wuugaandu
wuugaandu; fiide, hoownude, hakkitinde, guɓɓ
synonyms: nyaabal. Dialects: G. synonyms: fiide, fiyude, guɓɓ
tantannguli jammbere Noun Class Markers: sing: guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, muppude, nyirfude, reewnude,
o. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. lorsqu'un teɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
esclave reçoit sa liberté, et a son tour a des 2 • taper à la porte; to knock on a door. Note :
esclaves; when a slave obtains his freedom; français synonyms: fiide, fiyude, gokkaade,
and then has slaves of his own. salminde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: kongitirikoŋ
kongitirikoŋ; synonyms: kongitirikoŋ
kongitirikoŋ. 3 • castrer (tapant avec une pierre); castrate.
Dialects: Y. Note : français Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tappaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tappagol. 4 • battre; thresh. Note : français
Participles: sing: tappiiɗo-tappotooɗo plur: compare: aagaade, hakkitinde, piiɗ
tappiiɓe-tappotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. heurter, tapsiiru Noun. commentaire; commentary.
rentre dans; run into something. O doggini ***: maysingol, fiirtugol faa laaɓ
motere faa o tappii e leygaare. Il a conduit
sa moto avec trop de vitesse et il est rentré tar-
tar-a daande dow synonyme: janng-a daande
dans un mur. He ran the motorbike fast until it dow. Verb. lire à haute voix; read aloud .
hit a wall. ***: fiyaade, foɓ
foɓaade; tar-
tar-a daande lees synonyme: janng-a daande
compare: gorfaade; synonyms: fiyaade, lees. Verb. lire à voix basse; read in a low
foɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. voice. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

16/02/2020 604
taray tati

taray Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. acide, aigre; tarwaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tarwagol.
sour. Citron o lammu taray! Participles: sing: tarwiiɗo-tarwotooɗo plur:
compare: lammude; ***: corom, torom, tarwiiɓe-tarwotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
toɓol; synonyms: corom, toɓ
toɓol, torom. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crépir les
Dialects: M. murs d'un mur; cover the bricks of a wall with
either mud or cement. ***: makkitaade,
targambasi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
bolaade, nesaade, mappude;
Designation: 3, dh. Noun. varicelle; chicken
synonyms: bolaade, makkude, mappude,
pox. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: hajja, gaaye,
nesaade, takkude. Dialects: J.
barga; synonyms: barga, gaaye, hajja.
Dialects: M. tarwudi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. crépissage (matériel pour
tariyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
crépir); plaster used to cover a wall. Tarwudi
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
suudu am hanteke, sanaa mi tarwoo katin
of Noun: tariyaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
taa ndu boɓɓ
ɓɓoo. Le crépissage de ma maison
surface vide (souvent devant la maison), place
doit être refait pour que le mur ne tombe pas.
vide (sans herbe et propre), cour; yard; empty
The rough cast on my house is worn away, I
area. ***: galle, ɓaade, taliyaare; must replaster so it doesn't fall down.
synonyms: taliyaare; compare: ɓaade, galle. ***: mbolguuri, makkude, makkudi;
Dialects: J,M. synonyms: makkudi, mbolguuri. Dialects: J.
taro synonyme: targol, janngugol, jaŋde . Noun. tasbiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
lecture; reading. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
***: janngugol soorte.
Noun: tasbiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Taro aan tan synonyme: janngugol aan tan. Noun. chapelet; rosary. Note : arabe ***: taybiihi
lecture individuelle; individual reading. compare: waalde1, seedeere;
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: taybiihi. Dialectal Forms: [J] tasbii.
taro maandinngo synonyme: taro teskinngo. Noun. Dialects: J.
lecture expressive; expressive reading.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. taskaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taskagol.
Participles: sing: taskiiɗo-taskotooɗo plur:
taro regiingo Noun. lecture courante; current
taskiiɓe-taskotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
reading. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. observer,
***: jannde laaɓ
remarquer, s'apercevoir de, faire attention à,
taro sakkitiingo synonyme: taro sakket. Noun. prêter attention à; notice; pay attention to;
lecture finale; final reading. Catégorie observe. synonyms: dabaade, hornude,
: Lecture / écriture. taykaade; ***: hornude, dabaade,
taro seernaawo Noun. lecture magistrale ; taykaade. Dialects: J.
masterly read. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. tataɓ
tataɓo Noun. troisième personne; third person.
***: jannde jannginoowo. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
tarr Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. 1 • très blanc; tatɓ
it-a synonyme: taɓɓit-a. Verb. tripler; to triple. 3
white. Saaya maa na rawni tarr! Catégorie x ... Catégorie : Mathématique.
: Couleur. synonyms: farr; ***: nyar,
tatɓital synonyme: taɓɓital. Noun. triple; triple.
rawnude, cay, farr. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Mathématique.
2 • être très clair, bien éclairé; light (be
really). Weetii tarr. synonyms: cay, nyar; tati Sorting Designation: 1. adj. 1 • trois (nombre
cardinal); three (cardinal number).
compare: rawnude. Dialects: Y,G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 605
tatii taweede
2 • troisième; third. Ed. Note: here are the
tatte Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
ordinal numbers by noun class: Group I
ɓe/tataɓe, ko/tataɓo, nde/tataɓerde, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
ndu/tataɓurdu, nge/tataɓe, ngo/tataɓo Group Noun: tatteeji - note generally only the
II ɗe/tataɓe, ɗi/tataɓi, ɗum/tataɓum, plural form is used. Sorting Designation: 3.
kal/tataɓal, kol/tataɓol, ngal/tataɓal, Noun. partout, dans un sens local, proche dans
ngel/tataɓel, ngol/tataɓol, o/tataɓo Group III la région ou les environs; vicinity;
ɗam/tataɓam, ka/tataɓa, ki/tataɓi, ko/tataɓo, everywhere. Tatteeji amin fuu na ngoodi
koy/tataɓoy, ndi/tataɓirdi, nga/tataɓa,
jogiiɓe jawdi Partout ici il y a des
ngi/tataɓi, ngu/tataɓu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. propriétaires de bétail. There are animal
tatii synonyme: tatiɗ-a. triangulaire; triangular. owners everywhere here. Tatteeji fuu keɓ keɓii
Catégorie : Mathématique. gawri si wanaa ɗo. Partout dans les environs
il y a du mil, sauf ici. Everywhere around here
tatiiri Variante: nayiri; joyiiri. Noun. taureau, 3 ans;
bull of 3 years. Catégorie : Élevage. got millet except here. Dialects: J,Y,M.

tatiwa jubbol beƴ

beƴ synonyme: tatiwal jubbol taw Sorting Designation: 3. adv/interj. 1 • très chaud;

daringal. Noun. triangle rectangle isocèle;

hot. na wuli taw! ***: juk, jaw, wulude.
isosceles triangle. Catégorie : Mathématique. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • le bruit du tir d'une arme «boum», bruit de
tatiwal Noun. triangle; triangle. Catégorie
détonation; bang! synonyms: de2, jaw, juk;
: Mathématique.
compare: wulude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tatiwal ɓolal Noun. triangle quelconque; any
triangle. Catégorie : Mathématique. tawaaɗ
tawaaɗum adj. présent; present. ***: gonuɗ

tatiwal daringal synonyme: tatiwal beƴ. Noun. tawaaka adj. absent; absent.
triangle rectangle; right triangle. Catégorie tawaangal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
: Mathématique.
Designation: 3. Noun. né-trouvé, situation dans
tatiwal potal Noun. triangle équilatéral; equilateral laquelle on est né (ex. les coutumes, le travail
triangle. Catégorie : Mathématique. que la famille fait etc»); born into; customs.
synonyms: finaatawaa; ***: tagaadi, tagu,
tatiwal tiba synonyme: tatiwal jubbol. Noun. triangle
isocèle; isosceles triangle. Catégorie neesu, daa, finaatawaa, al'aada;
: Mathématique. compare: al'aada, tagaadi, tagu.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tatiyal dartiingal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: gootal. tawam Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ne pas
Plural Form of Noun: tatiije dartiiɗe. Sorting encore; not yet. O waraay tawam. Il n'est pas
Designation: 4. Noun. triangle; triangle. encore venu. He hasn't come yet. ***: ginan,
Dialects: tech. tafon, tahen, tuwam. Dialects: G.

tato Sorting Designation: 2. adj. 1 • trois (nombre 2 • encore, toujours; still. Imo jannga tawan.
Il étudie encore. He is still studying.
cardinal); three (the cardinal number). yimɓ
Dialects: G.
tato trois personnes. three people;
3 • d'abord, premièrement; first. Ittu leggal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • et pour des choses plus grandes au pluriel ngaal ley yitere maa tawam, ndeen a yi'an
de la classe «ko»; and for large things in the wooɗ
faa woo ɗa. Enlève d'abord la poutre dans ton
plural noun class "ko"; ni'o tato trois gros œil, puis tu verras plus clair. Remove the log
bœufs / vaches. three large cows. in your eye first, then you will see well.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ginan, tafon, tahen, tuwam.
Dialects: G.
tatoy Sorting Designation: 3. adj. trois (le nombre
cardinal); three. kuukoy tatoy taweede Participles: sing: tawaaɗo-taweteeɗo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: tawaaɓe-taweteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • être présent; present.
synonyms: fotude; ***: fotude, fottude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 606
tawhiidi taybiyon
2 • être trouvé; found. the different dialect
tawude Noun Form of Infinitive: tawugol.
areas have a variety of contractions of the
General Complete form "tawaama" [Y] Participles: sing: tawuɗo-tawoowo plur:
taama, [J] tamma, [M] tayma and the General tawuɓe-tawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Incomplete form "tawete" [J,Y,G,M] tawte, Stative or Progressive: prg. v/adv. 1 • trouver;
[J,M] tayte. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. find. ***: hasi, hoccude1, tukkude,
tawhiidi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting hewtitaade, hewtude, ina moƴƴmoƴƴa
ƴƴa, yiitude.
Designation: 4, th. Noun. la doctrine de l'unité Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
de Dieu; doctrine of God's oneness. Note : arabe 2 • trouver que c'est possible ou probable; find
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to be possible or probable. Hakkunde naange
warii joonin, tawan o hewtii Ouagadougou.
Tawreeta Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting C'est midi, probablement il est arrivé a
Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. la loi de Moise, Ouagadougou. It is noon, he has probably
Pentateuque; Law of Moses; Pentateuch. Note arrived in Ouagadougou. Si a waddaay law,
: arabe ***: Fuɗɗ
ɗɗoode, Wurtagol, Farillaaji tawan mi dillii. Si tu ne l’amènes pas
Lewinkooɓe, Aadi Kiinndi, Amaana Kiiɗɗ
ɗɗo. rapidement, probablement on trouvera que
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. j'aurai quitté. . If you don't bring [it] quickly
probably/most likely it will be found that I
Tawreeta Ɗiɗaɓerde Sorting Designation: 3, nbb.
have left. Tawan o yiitu mbaalu makko,
Noun. Deutéronome; Deuteronomy. Note :
ɗum waɗwaɗi o warti law. Probablement il a
arabe Dialects: biblical.
trouvé ses moutons, voilà pourquoi il est
tawsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tawsagol. revenu si vite. Most likely he found his sheep,
Participles: sing: tawsiiɗo-tawsotooɗo plur: that is why he has returned quickly.
tawsiiɓe-tawsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chasser; 3 • venir trouver que, advenir, devenir, comme
hunt. Catégorie : Chasse et pêche. c'était, découvrir que, en fait; as it was; come
compare: ɓaaru, fiɗ
fiɗude, gaawal, kural, to find out; turned out (as it). O fantii wuro
malfa; synonyms: donsaade, gawaade, am, tawi mi segilaaki. Il s'est arrêté chez
moi, mais en fait, je n'étais pas prêt. . He
loohaade. Dialects: M.
stopped by my place [but] as it was, I was not
tawsaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. ready. O hokkii kam teewu, tawi mi yiɗ yiɗaa. Il
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of m'a donné de la viande, mais il a découvert
Noun: tawsaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
que je ne la voulais pas. He gave me some
chasseur; hunter. Catégorie : Chasse et meat [but] come to find I didn't want it]. Tawi
pêche, Travailleur. synonyms: donsanke. Seyɗ
Seyɗaani heɓ
heɓii ko yiɗ
yiɗi sabo o jurkundurii
Dialects: M. ɓe. C'est devenu comme Satan le voulait, il a
pu causer une division parmi eux. As it turned
tawtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tawtingol. out Satan had what he wanted because he
Participles: sing: tawtinɗo-tawtinoowo plur: caused a division between them.
tawtinɓe-tawtinooɓe. Verb Stative or synonyms: hoccude1, yiitude; compare: hasi,
Progressive: prg. Verb. ajouter ou accroître ce ina moƴƴ
ƴƴa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
qu'on a; add to the number of what you have;
taybiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗi. Number
increase the number. Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗi yimɓ
yimɓe ɗiɗo
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
faa mi tawtina on. Je veux ajouter deux
Noun: taybiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
personnes aux travailleurs que j'ai déjà. I want
two people to add to [the workers] I have. Mi chapelet; rosary. ***: hayre, seedeere,
waalde1, tasbiihi; compare: hayre, waalde1,
tawtinan na'i ɗi e ngonɗ
ngonɗi ley hoggo ɗiin. Je
vais ajouter ces bœufs à mon troupeau dans seedeere; synonyms: tasbiihi. Dialectal
l'enclos. H 3. synonyms: ɓeydude. Forms: [J,M] taybiwol, [Y,G] taybiyol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.

taybiyon Noun. chapelet; rosary beads. Dialectal

Forms: taybiihi.

16/02/2020 607
tayka taƴugol haala
3 • arrêter une bonne relation avec qqn parce
tayka Noun. observations, remarques, nb (nota
que fâché contre lui, interrompre ou couper
bene), enquête; comments; remarks;
une relation; cut off a relationship with
observations. Catégorie : Le langage et la
someone because of anger toward that person.
pensée. synonyms: korol. Dialectal
synonyms: falaade, geesaade; compare: ŋari.
Forms: taykaaɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
taykaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taykagol.
taƴitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tayitagol.
Participles: sing: taykiiɗo-taykotooɗo plur:
Participles: sing: tayitiiɗo-tayitotooɗo plur:
taykiiɓe-taykotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
tayitiiɓe-tayitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
ds. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre
observer, rendre compte que, remarquer que,
un raccourci, raccourcir; short cut (to take a).
faire attention à, s’apercevoir; notice; pay
synonyms: fersude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
attention to; observe. ***: tennude, taskaade,
hornude, dabaade; synonyms: dabaade, taƴ
taƴoral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
hornude, taskaade, tennude. Designation: 3. Noun. certitude; sureness;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. certainty. ***: haciika, tannyoral, tennyoral,
teƴoral, haƴ
iiƴa, hakiika; synonyms: hakiika,
taykaaɗe Noun. observations, remarques; comments;
haciika, haƴ
iiƴa, tannyoral, tennyoral,
remarks; observations. Dialectal Forms: tayka.
teƴoral. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tayre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
taƴorde Noun Form of Infinitive: taƴorgol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: taƴorɗo-taƴoroowo plur:
of Noun: taƴe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. Noun.
récolte; harvest. Catégorie : Agriculture. taƴorɓe-taƴorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: soppere, ƴaamnde, kettal2, kettal2, Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
sûr, être certain; certain; sure.
ƴƴere; synonyms: feƴƴ
ƴƴere, ƴaamnde.
***: tannyorde, tennyorde, haƴ
Dialectal Forms: [J] tayri (ndi). Dialects: Y,M.
laamnude, hakinkinde, teƴ
tayre (binndi) Noun. paragraphe, article (texte); hacinkinde; synonyms: hacinkinde,
article; paragraph. ɗoowto innde; tayre hakinkinde, haƴ
inƴinde, laamnude,
winndannde Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. tannyorde, tennyorde, teƴ
***: tayre winndannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tayre sayre Noun. sous domaine; subcategory, taƴ
taƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: taƴugol.
sub-field. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
Participles: sing: taƴuɗo-taƴoowo plur:
tayre winndannde expression. paragraphe (texte); taƴuɓe-taƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
paragraph (text). Catégorie : Lecture / Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • couper
écriture. synonyms: tayre (binndi). en deux ou plusieurs parties, couper; cut into
taƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: taƴagol. two or more pieces; cut. ***: heltude,
taccude, heltaade, soppude, kurkeewu
Participles: sing: taƴiiɗo-taƴotooɗo plur:
taƴiiɓe-taƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. huusude; synonyms: huusude, soppude,

Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. taccude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

1 • avoir une bonne ligne, être beau ou belle de 2 • récolter du grain / céréale; harvest grain.
corps, être joli à regarder; good figure; Catégorie : Agriculture. Dialects: J,Y,M.
beautiful. ***: fulɗ
fulɗude, girriɗ
girriɗinde, silaade, 3 • manger le petit déjeuner (littéralement :
wooɗude, lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, falaade, ŋarɗ
arɗude, couper la salive); breakfast (to eat); eat
geesaade; synonyms: fulɗ
fulɗude, girriɗ
girriɗinde, breakfast. compare: heltude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗarɗude, silaade, wooɗ
wooɗude. taƴ
taƴude licce synonyme: sehude licce. expression.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tailler les branches; cut branches. Catégorie
2 • attaquer qqn, arrêter qqn, intercepter qqn, : Agriculture.
rencontrer qqn; waylay or intercept someone. taƴ
taƴugol haala1 Noun. arrêt, délibération, jugement
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. rendu; warrant, deliberation, judgment
rendered. taƴ
taƴugol haala (gosorɗ
(gosorɗe dowuuje)
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.

taƴugol haala2 Verb. départager; to decide between.
Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 608
teɓɓaare teegorgal

ɓɓaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. teddineede Noun Form of Infinitive: teddinegol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: teddinaaɗo-teddineteeɗo
of Noun: teɓɓaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. plur: teddinaaɓe-teddineteeɓe. Sorting
Noun. licol, crochet pour une corde; rope Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
halter. synonyms: humparawol, parawol; Progressive: prg. Verb. être honoré, être loué,
***: parawol, humparawol; être fait important, donner du poids; praised;
compare: sigiwol. Dialects: Y,M. important (to be made); honored.
***: yetteede, ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, hoyfineede,
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: teɓɓugol.
huyfineede, barkineede, mawnineede,
Participles: sing: teɓɓuɗo-teɓɓoowo plur:
saaneede, leyƴ
leyƴineede, horsineede,
teɓɓuɓe-teɓɓoowo. Sorting Designation: 4.
jammeede, toowneede, leeƴ leeƴineede;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frapper
synonyms: jaareede, jammeede,
ou taper sur qqch avec le poing; to strike or
mawnineede, ŋaaƴ aaƴeede, toowneede,
pound on someone with a fist. ***: lukkaade,
yetteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tappude, reewnude, guɓɓ guɓɓaade
ɓɓaade, fiide,
ƴƴaade; compare: fiide, fiyude, reewnude, teddinnde Verb. rendre lourd, respecter, admirer,
tappude; synonyms: guɓɓ
ɓɓaade, guƴƴ
ƴƴaade, considérer; consider; respect; admire. Dialectal
lukkaade. Dialects: G. Forms: teddinde.

teddeefi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting teddinngol Noun. respect, considération;
Designation: 2. Noun. le poids de qqch,
consideration; respect. Dialectal
lourdeur, gabarit; weight of something. Forms: teddungal.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G,M] teddeeki. teddinoowo adj. respectueux; respectful.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
teddude Noun Form of Infinitive: teddugol.
teddeendi synonyme: niseeki. Noun. poids (mesure); Participles: sing: tedduɗo plur: tedduɓe.
weight (measure). Catégorie : Mathématique.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
teddeengal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Number Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être lourd; heavy.
One for this noun: gootal. Sorting Designation: 3, ***: mawnude, hoyfude, huyfude,
th. Noun. gloire, splendeur, honneur, louange, horsude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
éloges, importance; praise; importance; honor; 2 • être honoré, être important; important;
glory. ***: fayda, mawngu, barke, horsinde, honored. compare: hoyfude, huyfude,
manngaaku, annoora, manngu; horsude1, mawnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: barke. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
tedduɗo Noun. notable; important person, significant,
teddungal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
notable. synonyms: caahiiɗ
teddinaaɗo Noun. membre d'honneur; honorary
member. Catégorie : Juridique. teddungal Noun. respect, considération;
consideration; respect. Dialectal
synonyms: kawto mo darja.
Forms: teddinngol.
teddinde Noun Form of Infinitive: teddingol.
teegorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: teddinɗo-teddinoowo
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
plur: teddinɓe-teddinooɓe. Sorting
Noun: teegorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
poteau fourchu qui soutient le toit; forked
Progressive: prg. Verb. honorer ou glorifier supporting log used to help hold the roof up.
(littéralement: faire que c'est lourd),, ***: geŋ
geŋerewal, giteyal, noppiyal,
magnifier; honor; glorify someone else or
denndeeruwal, nyaygal, bannjaruwal;
yourself. ***: juuraade, barkinde,
synonyms: bannjaruwal, denndeeruwal,
toownude, mawnitaade, mawninkinaade,
geŋerewal, giteyal, noppiyal, nyaygal.
leeƴinde, yettude, saanude, leyƴ leyƴinde,
Dialects: M.
mawninde; synonyms: juuraade;
compare: barkinde, mawninde,
mawninkinaade, mawnitaade, saanude,
toownude. Dialectal Forms: teddinnde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 609
teeku teeŋinde

teeku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number teeltude Noun Form of Infinitive: teeltugol.
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of Participles: sing: teeltuɗo-teeltoowo plur:
Noun: teekuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. teeltuɓe-teeltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
océan, mer; sea; ocean. Catégorie : Eau. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre
***: maayo ɓaleewo, maayo geesi; à part, se séparer des autres, se distancer ou
synonyms: maayo ɓaleewo, maayo geesi. isoler; separate yourself from others; distance
Dialects: J,G,M.
or isolate yourself; apart by yourself (to go).
***: toowtude, takkitaade, ɗakkitaade,
teeleende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. woɗɗ
ɗɗaade; synonyms: ɗakkitaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form takkitaade, toowtude, woɗɗwoɗɗaade
of Noun: teeleeɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,M.
calvitie, endroit chauve au milieu de la tête ou
derrière la tête; bald spot in the middle or back teelude Verb. secourir, aider, servir d'échelle; provide
of the head; baldness. compare: buuli; aid; rescue; help.
***: buuli. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. teemaade Noun Form of Infinitive: teemagol.
teelorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Participles: sing: teemiiɗo-teemotooɗo
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of plur: teemiiɓe-teemotooɓe. Sorting
Noun: teelorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or
échelle; ladder. Note : mooré ***: ŋaarowal, Progressive: prg. Verb. jeter hors de l'assiette
tangarawal, ƴeenyirgal, jaaɓ
ce qu'on ne veut pas; to shake what is
worthless out of a dish; this is what one who is
compare: jaaɓ
jaaɓirgal; synonyms: tangarawal.
panning for gold does. ***: teymaade,
Dialects: M.
wesaade; synonyms: teymaade, tembaade,
teeltidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: teeltidingol. wesaade, ƴaartaade; compare: seɗ seɗude,
Participles: sing: teeltidinɗo-teeltidoowo ƴaraade, yemaade. Dialects: G.
plur: teeltidinɓe-teeltidooɓe. Sorting
teemedere Noun. centaine; hundred. Catégorie
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
: Mathématique. synonyms: hemre1, keme,
Progressive: st/prg - miɗo teeltidi/teeltida.
hemnde; ***: hemreeru.
Verb. 1 • classer et puis séparer les choses,
mettre à part ses choses parmi celles des teeneere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
d'autres; sort and then separate your things
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
from those of others. Teeltidin gineeji maa
of Noun: teeneeje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
faa mi ndaara. Classe et sépare tes affaires enclume; anvil. Catégorie : Outil.
anis je peux regarder. Separate you stuff so I
synonyms: taaneere; ***: taaneere.
can see. synonyms: bolaade, senndude,
Dialects: Y.
suɓude, wolaade; ***: wolaade, bolaade,
toowtidinde, senndude. Dialects: J,M. teenude Noun Form of Infinitive: teenugol.
2 • se mettre à part; go apart with one or a few Participles: sing: teenuɗo-teenoowo plur:
persons. Buukari e Ali teeltidii faa njiiɗ
njiiɗa. teenuɓe-teenooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Boukari et Ali se sont mis à part des autres Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chercher
pour discuter qqch en privé. Buukari and Ali ou ramasser de bois à brûler; gather fire
went apart to discuss something in private. wood; search for fire wood. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: toowtidinde. Dialects: J,M.
teeŋiinde Verb. enraciner; to root, implant, establish.
teeltineede Noun Form of Infinitive: teeltinegol.
teeŋinde Noun Form of Infinitive: teeŋingol.
Participles: sing: teeltinaaɗo-teeltineteeɗo
Participles: sing: teeŋinɗo-teeŋinoowo plur:
plur: teeltinaaɓe-teeltineteeɓe. Sorting
teeŋinɓe-teeŋinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • serrer
Verb. être mis à part des autres, séparer des
qqch, resserrer qqch, bien attacher; fasten
autres, être isolé; taken aside or apart from the
something or someone tightly; tighten.
rest of the group; separated; isolated. O
***: ŋeetinde, gonginde, henginde,
teeltinaama sabo ɓe njiɗ
njiɗaa wondude e
ɓɓude; synonyms: foottude, henginde,
makko. Ils l'ont mis à part car ils ne voulaient
ŋeetinde. Dialectal Forms: teeŋinnde.
pas être avec lui. They took him aside because
Dialects: J,Y,M.
they didn't want to be with him. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 610
teeŋinnde teketol
2 • dire avec vigueur, parler avec instance,
teew Noun. viande; meat. Catégorie : Nourriture.
insister; speak forcefully; insist. Yimɓ
Yimɓe fuu
Dialectal Forms: teewu.
paamii wo kanko jey nagge nge sabo o
tee ŋinii haala makko. Tous savaient que teewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
c'était son bœuf car il était si insistant. One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Everyone knew it was his cow because he was Noun: teewuuji. Sorting Designation: 1, ct, at.
so insistent. synonyms: gonginde, ŋeetinde
eetinde. Noun. viande, chair, muscle; flesh; meat;
Dialects: J,Y,M. muscle. Catégorie : Le corps, Nourriture.
***: huyre. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] teew.
teeŋinnde Variante: teŋinde. Verb. consolider,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
solidifier; consolidate; strengthen; solidify.
synonyms: semmbinde. Dialectal teewuwal Noun. poulet de chair; broiler chicken,
Forms: teeŋinde. broiler meat. Catégorie : Élevage.

teeŋude Noun Form of Infinitive: teeŋugol. tefaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: teeŋuɗo plur: teeŋuɓe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or of Noun: tefaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
grand roche, grande pierre, rocher, roc,
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être serré, tendu, bien
latérite, granite; laterite; rock (large); large
attaché; tight. ***: hiɓɓ
ɓɓude, ɓillude,
rock. Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: tepaare,
yanɗude, ŋeetude, tekkude, yamɗ yamɗude;
tuntere; ***: hayre, tumtere, tilde1, tepaare,
synonyms: ɓillude, hiɓɓ
ɓɓude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
waamnde, waannde, tuntere;
2 • lier ou attacher fermement; to tie or attach
compare: hayre, waamnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tightly. Mi haɓɓ
ɓɓii ɓoggi paɗ
paɗe am faa teeŋ
faa mi dogga. J'ai bien attaché mes lacets de tefeewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
chaussure ainsi je peux bien courir. I tied my Plural Form of Noun: tefeeji. Sorting
shoe laces tight so I can run. Designation: 3, ah. Noun. ânesse (à Tenkodogo
synonyms: ŋeetude. Dialects: J,Y,M. aussi pour jument); donkey (a female); mare.
3 • être construit solidement; solidly built; Catégorie : Mammifère, Élevage. ***: mola,
built solidly. Ngaari ndi na teeŋ
teeŋi. Ce taureau gorba, teweefa, araawa, ngorba. Dialectal
est solide (bien fort /gros). That bull is solidly Forms: [G] tefeya. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
built. synonyms: tekkude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tefeewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
4 • être dense; dense. Wulaare nde teeŋ
Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
fey. Cette botte de mil n'est pas dense de tout.
of Noun: tefeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
This bundle of millet is not at all dense.
Noun. jument; mare. Catégorie : Mammifère,
compare: yamɗ
yamɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Élevage. ***: gu1, molu, puccu;
teetaade Noun Form of Infinitive: teetagol. compare: gu2, molu, puccu. Dialectal
Participles: sing: teetiiɗo-teetotooɗo plur: Forms: [M] tefeewa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
teetiiɓe-teetotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tefude Noun Form of Infinitive: tefugol.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. échapper;
Participles: sing: tefuɗo-tefoowo plur:
escape. ***: biltaade, hisude;
tefuɓe-tefooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
synonyms: biltaade, hisude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chercher,
teetude Noun Form of Infinitive: teetugol. rechercher, faire des recherches; search; look
Participles: sing: teetuɗo-teetoowo plur: for; seek. ***: ƴeewude, filaade, tewtude;
teetuɓe-teetooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: filaade, tewtude, ƴeewude.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever de Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
force, retirer de force; take away by force.
tek Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour
***: jaɓ
jaɓude, yanude1, gabitaade, doolɗ
doolɗude, éloigner / chasser un bœuf; a sound made in
jamrude; synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude, gabitaade, order to chase a cow away. ***: ass, kuss, osi,
jaɓude, yanude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. usu, huy, oss, kiss; synonyms: ass, huy, kiss,
teetude laamu leydi synonyme: teetirgol laamu e kuss, osi, oss, tik, usu. Dialects: G.
semmbe. expression. coup d'état; coup, teketol Variante: tekettol, tetekol. Noun. intestin;
overthrow. Catégorie : Gouvernement, intestine. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialectal
Forms: teketti.

16/02/2020 611
teketta telude

teketta Plural Form of Noun: teketti. Noun. intestin tekkugol Noun. condensation; condensation.
(gros); large intestine. Catégorie : Le corps. Catégorie : Eau. synonyms: saayugol,
tekettel Plural Form of Noun: tekettoy. Noun. intestin nyekugol.
grêle; small intestine. Catégorie : Le corps. tekotol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
teketti Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. 1 • morceau d'intestin;
Designation: 2, at. Noun. intestin; intestine. piece of intestine. ***: tetekol;
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: pureegaawa, synonyms: tetekol. Dialects: J,Y,G.
tetekki, reedu, loowturu; compare: reedu, 2 • coussinet en tissu pour porter des charges
loowturu, rotere; synonyms: tetekki. Dialectal sur la tête, tissu enroulé pour porter; roll of
material used as a cushion for carrying things
Forms: teketol. Dialects: J,Y,G.
on the head. synonyms: tetekol. Dialectal
teketti-nyiiwa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga Forms: [J,Y,G] teketol. Dialects: J,Y.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota.
tellitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tellitagol. Sorting
Plural Form of Noun: teketti-nyiibi. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This
Verb. être en pente, raide, pentu, abrupt, à pic;
creeper is often found along river beds in the
savannah and Sahel. It is used to make steep; sloped. Nokkure nde na tellitii faa
medicines. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes wooɗ
wooɗi, ndiyam darataako toon. Cet endroit
grimpantes. Cissus quadrangularis. est en pente, l’eau n'y restera pas. That place
***: tetekki-
tetekki-nyiiwa; is very sloped, water won't stand there.
synonyms: tetekki-
tetekki-nyiiwa. Dialects: J,Y,G. Dialects: J,Y,G.

tekkeefi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki. Sorting tellitorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3. Noun. épaisseur de qqch; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
thickness of something. synonyms: ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗeefi; of Noun: tellitorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. pente, versant, flanc, montée, descente;
***: ɓuttiɗ
uttiɗeefi. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
slope. Catégorie : Terre. ***: jippitorde,
tekkeeki, [J,Y,G,M] tekkudi.
juunnitorde, regitaango;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: dellitorde, jippitorde,
tekkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. juunnitorde, regitaango, wudditoroonde.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Dialects: J,Y,G.
of Noun: tekke. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • habit, vêtement, article vestimentaire; tellotoongol synonyme: jippotoongol (doggol -).
article of clothing. Catégorie : Vêtement. Noun. décroissant (ordre -); descending order
(order). Catégorie : Mathématique.
***: kaddungal, koltal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • chiffon; rag. synonyms: kaddungal, koltal. telude Noun Form of Infinitive: telugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: teluɗo-teloowo plur:
teluɓe-telooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
tekkinaaɗe synonyme: cowaaɗe. Noun. géminées;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entasser,
double letters. ɗɗ,
ɗɗ, kk, tt, gg Catégorie mettre en tas, empiler, s’amasser,
: Lecture / écriture.
s’accumuler; stack; pile up. O telii pereeje
tekkude Noun Form of Infinitive: tekkugol. makko faa toowi. Il a empilé ses briques
Participles: sing: tekkuɗo-tekkoowo plur: faisant un tas haut. He stacked his bricks up
tekkuɓe-tekkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. high. ***: tilude2, resude, ƴolude, tifude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être synonyms: tifude, tilude2, ƴolude;
épais, solide, dense, gros, épaissir; thick; compare: resude. Dialects: J.
solid; solidly built; thicken; dense.
***: yanɗ
yanɗude, yamɗ
yamɗude, teeŋ
synonyms: teeŋ
teeŋude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • enrouler des choses pour les porter sur la
tête; roll material up for carrying on the head.
compare: tetekol, yamɗ
yamɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

tekkudi Noun. épaisseur; thickness.

16/02/2020 612
tembaade tenngu

tembaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tembagol. tenkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tenkagol.
Participles: sing: tembiiɗo-tembotooɗo Participles: sing: tenkiiɗo-tenkotooɗo plur:
plur: tembiiɓe-tembotooɓe. Sorting tenkiiɓe-tenkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. traîner,
Progressive: prg. Verb. secouer pour faire quémander, taper, vivre de la manche,
sortir ce qu'on ne veut pas dans l'assiette; mendier; hang around some place where
shake what is worthless out of a dish. people are drinking tea or beer in the hopes of
compare: seɗ
seɗude, ƴaraade, yemaade;
being offered something to drink; scrounge; to
synonyms: teymaade, wesaade, ƴaartaade;
mooch; bum. Inan Ali na jonga atey, mi
yahan, mi tenkowoo o. Ali est en train de
***: teymaade, teemaade, ƴaraade,
faire du thé, je vais lui demander de m'en
ƴaartaade, wesaade. Dialects: M. donner un peu. There is Ali fixing tea, I will go
teme Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number bum a drink from him. Dialects: J,Y.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of tenkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Noun: temeeji. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun. Designation: 4. Noun. fait de traîner pour
1 • tamis, crible, passoire; sieve. Note : français
demander, quémander, vivre de la manche,
***: tame, seɗ
seɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M. fait de dépendre des autres pour manger;
2 • écran, paravent, rideau; screen. Note : mooching; scrounging; bumming.
français compare: seɗ
seɗude; synonyms: tame. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
tenndeere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
temmeere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form of Noun: tenndeeje. Sorting Designation: 2.
of Noun: temmeeje. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. Noun. hangar, auvent, bâche, abri; sun shade;
Noun. petit ulcération ou trou au bas de pied, hangar; awning. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
abcès; a small ulceration or hole in the bottom ***: danki, ɗoyki, ɗoogi, ɗowki;
of the foot, abscess. Catégorie : Maladie. compare: ɗowki; synonyms: danki.
***: ɓuure mawnde, seera, sehere; Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: seera, sehere, taacooriire.
tenndeere2 Noun. panier; basket. Catégorie
Dialects: J,M.
: Récipient.
tencude Noun Form of Infinitive: tencugol. tenngaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: tencuɗo-tencoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tencuɓe-tencooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
of Noun: tenngaaje. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être Noun. chapeau tissé de feuilles de palme; hat
discret ou pensif en ce qu'on dit ou fait, être woven from palm fronds. Catégorie
poli, gentil; polite; discreet or thoughtful in
: Vêtement. ***: sappaare, njelleehi,
what one says and does. Bukari tencataa
malfaare, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, hufuneere,
sabo o hollii amiiru nyaamdu na woni dow
huuneere, kufune; compare: kufune,
mellol muuɗ
muuɗum. Boukari n'était pas très
sappaare, mbaliihi, ngelleehi, njelleehi;
discret/poli car il a dit au chef qu'il y a de la
nourriture sur lui. Burkari is not discreet (or synonyms: malfaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
polite) because he pointed out to the chief that tenngu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
there was food on his head wrap. ***: bonde Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
needude, saytorɗ
saytorɗinde, lammude; of Noun: tenɗi. Sorting Designation: 2, in, mt.
compare: bonde needude, lammude, Noun. pou; louse. Catégorie : Insecte.
neetorɗinde, saytorɗ
saytorɗinde. Dialects: J. Pediculus sp. or Pthirus sp.. ***: bingu,
tenɗi Noun. poux; louse. Catégorie : Insecte. mbinƴ
mbinƴu; compare: mbinƴ
mbinƴu. Dialectal
Forms: [M] tennga (nga). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tengel lengel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel.
Number One for this noun: gootel. Sorting
Designation: 2, pl. Noun. sommet de l'arbre;
upper tip of a tree. ***: linngi linngiyel;
synonyms: ceɓ
ceɓel leɓ
leɓel, linngi
linngi linngiyel.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 613
tennude tergal

tennude Noun Form of Infinitive: tennugol. teppere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: tennuɗo-tennoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tennuɓe-tennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. of Noun: teppeeje, teppe. Sorting
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • suivre Designation: 1, at. Noun. talon; heel. Catégorie
les traces de, suivre les empreintes de; track. : Le corps. Dialectal Forms: [J] teppeere.
Ali na waawi tennude sanne, faa yiita ko Dialects: Y,G,M.
lalli. Ali peut suivre les traces pour retrouver
ce qui a été perdu. Ali can really track in order teppere paɗ
paɗal Noun. semelle; sole.
to find something which is lost. ***: jokkude, teppol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
taykaade, tokkude; compare: jokkude, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
tokkude. Dialects: J. Noun: teppi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
2 • suivre la progression de qqch, observer de longue corde; rope (a long).
près, s’intéresser à; to keep track of things; to synonyms: ɓoggol, raande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pay close attention. Ɗume tennataa kulle am
teppude Noun Form of Infinitive: teppugol.
ɗe? Pourquoi observes-tu si bien mes
Participles: sing: teppuɗo-teppoowo plur:
animaux ? Why are you paying such close
teppuɓe-teppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
attention to my animals? compare: taykaade.
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J.
attraper qqch avec une corde au pied; catch
3 • épouiller, enlever des poux; remove lice; something with a rope by the foot.
delouse. Dialects: Y,G,M. compare: harsude; ***: heɓ
heɓude, nanngude,
tennyoral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting harsude; synonyms: nanngude.
Designation: 3. Noun. certitude; sureness; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
certainty. ***: haciika, taƴ
taƴoral, tannyoral, teptaade1 Noun Form of Infinitive: teptagol.
teƴoral, haƴ
iiƴa, hakiika; synonyms: hakiika, Participles: sing: teptiiɗo-teptotooɗo plur:
haciika, haƴ
iiƴa, tannyoral, taƴ
taƴoral, teptiiɓe-teptotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
teƴoral. Dialects: J,G. pl. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
tennyorde Noun Form of Infinitive: tennyorgol. 1 • tomber d'un arbre (ex. fruit mûr); fall off a
Participles: sing: tennyorɗo-tennyoroowo tree. ***: tettaade. Dialects: J,Y.
plur: tennyorɓe-tennyorooɓe. Sorting 2 • tomber en bas (d'un arbre); fall out of a
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or tree. synonyms: tettaade. Dialects: J,Y.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être sûr, certain; teptaade2 Verb. cueillir; pick. Dialectal
certain; sure. ***: sikkitaade, faamude, Forms: teptude.
tannyorde, anndude, taƴ
taƴorde, haƴ
teptude Noun Form of Infinitive: teptugol.
laamnude, hakinkinde, teƴ
Participles: sing: teptuɗo-teptoowo plur:
hacinkinde; compare: anndude, faamude,
teptuɓe-teptooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
sikkude, sikkitaade; synonyms: hacinkinde,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cueillir
hakinkinde, haƴ
inƴinde, laamnude, des feuilles d'un arbre; pluck or pick leaves off
tannyorde, taƴ
taƴorde, teƴ
teƴorde. a tree. Jenaba yehii to ɓokki, teptowii haako
Dialects: J,G,M. makki. Jénéba est allée cueillir des feuilles du
teŋinde Variante: teeŋinnde. Verb. consolider; baobab. Jeneba went to the baobab tree and
consolidate. plucked its leaves. synonyms: tettude;
***: tettude. Dialectal Forms: teptaade.
tepaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: tepaaje. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. teren Noun. terrain; plot of land. Catégorie : Terre.
un gros roc, rocher, roche; rock (a large). Note : français
Catégorie : Terre. ***: tefaare, hayre, tilde1, tergal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
waamnde, waannde, tuntere; Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
synonyms: tefaare, tuntere; compare: hayre, Noun: terɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
waamnde. Dialects: J,Y. corps, organe; organ; body. Catégorie : Le
corps. ***: ɓanndu, yuɓɓ
synonyms: ɓanndu, calɗ
calɗi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 614
tergal cuuɗeteengal tewnude

tergal cuuɗ
cuuɗeteengal Noun. partie intime; private tetekki-
tetekki-nyiiwa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga
parts. Catégorie : Le corps. plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: ngoota.
tergal-maate Plural Form of Noun: terɗe-maate . Plural Form of Noun: tetekki-nyiibi. Sorting
synonyme: salndu-maate, yuɓɓo-maate. Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This
Noun. organe de sens; organ of sense. creeper is often found along river beds in the
savannah and Sahel. It is used to make
***: yuɓɓ
ɓɓooji maatirɗ
maatirɗi, yuɓɓ
medicines. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
tersude Noun Form of Infinitive: terugol. grimpantes. Cissus quadrangularis.
Participles: sing: tersuɗo-tersoowo plur: synonyms: teketti-
tersuɓe-tersooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ***: teketti-
teketti-nyiiwa. Dialects: M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marcher tetekol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol. Sorting
pieds nus, être nu-pieds; go barefoot.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. 1 • morceau d'intestin,
***: cotaade; synonyms: cotaade, fersude.
intestin; piece of intestine. ***: tekkude,
Dialects: M.
tekotol, tekotol. Dialects: M.
tertertude Noun Form of Infinitive: tertertugol. 2 • rouleau de tissu pour porter des charges
Participles: sing: tertertuɗo-tertertoowo sur la tête; head roll. synonyms: tekotol.
plur: tertertuɓe-tertertooɓe. Sorting Dialects: G.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
tettaade Noun Form of Infinitive: teptagol.
Verb. tituber, marcher d'un pas chancelant, en
titubant, chanceler, vaciller, marcher contre Participles: sing: teptiiɗo-teptotooɗo plur:
un vent fort, être ivre; stagger; reel; walking teptiiɓe-teptotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
into a strong wind; drunk. O tertertii faa o pl. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
ɓɓoo de o dartii. Il a titubé et serait 1 • tomber d'un arbre (ex. fruit); fall off a tree -
presque tombé, mais il s'est redressé. He such as ripe fruit. ***: teptaade1.
staggered and almost fell down, but then he Dialects: Y,G.
straightened up. ***: yimmbaade, luulaade; 2 • tomber d'un arbre; to fall out of a tree -
synonyms: luulaade, yimmbaade. such as someone or something climbing up a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tree. synonyms: teptaade1. Dialects: Y,G.
Tesaloniika Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. la ville tettude Noun Form of Infinitive: tettugol.
grecque de Thessalonique; The Greek city of Participles: sing: tettuɗo-tettoowo plur:
Thessalonica. Catégorie : Localité. Note : grec tettuɓe-tettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Dialects: biblical. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cueillir
Tesaloniyankooɓe Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. des feuilles d'un arbre; pick leaves off a tree.
Noun. les deux épîtres que Paul a écrit aux Jenaba yehii to ɓokki, tettowii haako
Thessaloniciens; The two letters Paul wrote to makki. Jénéba est allé cueillir des feuilles du
Thessalonica; refered to as bataaki ngo'aɓi and baobab. Jeneba went to the baobab tree and
ɗiɗiaɓi. Note : grec Dialects: biblical. plucked its leaves. ***: teptude
tetanoosi emprunt: français. Noun. tétanos; tetanus. synonyms: teptude. Dialects: Y,G.
Catégorie : Maladie. tewagol Noun. entretien (hygiène); looking after
tetanoosi keɓ
eteeɗo ley ndimu expression. (hygiene).
tétanos néo-natal; neonatal tetanus. Catégorie teweefa synonyme: mola ndakiwa. Noun. ânesse;
: Maladie. female donkey, she-ass. Catégorie : Élevage.
tetekki Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗi. Sorting synonyms: tefeewa.
Designation: 2, at. Noun. les intestins; tewnude Noun Form of Infinitive: tewnugol.
intestines. Catégorie : Le corps, Parties d’un
Participles: sing: tewnuɗo-tewnoowo plur:
animal. synonyms: teketti; compare: reedu,
tewnuɓe-tewnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
loowturu, rotere; ***: teketti. Dialects: M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. rejoindre
qqn, rattraper qqn; catch up to someone.
***: taaynude, hewtude, hewtaade;
synonyms: hewtude, hewtaade, taaynude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 615
tewtideteeɗo laamu tiɗɗude

tewtideteeɗo laamu synonyme: kirdo. Noun. teƴ
teƴorde Noun Form of Infinitive: teƴorgol.
adversaire politique; political opponent, Participles: sing: teƴorɗo-teƴoroowo plur:
political adversary. Catégorie teƴorɓe-teƴorooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
: Gouvernement.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
tewtoowo laamu Noun. candidat; candidate. sûr, certain; certain; sure. compare: anndude,
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. faamude; ***: faamude, tannyorde,
tewtude Noun Form of Infinitive: tewtugol. tennyorde, anndude, taƴ taƴorde, haƴ
Participles: sing: tewtuɗo-tewtoowo plur: laamnude, hakinkinde, hacinkinde;
tewtuɓe-tewtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. synonyms: hacinkinde, hakinkinde,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chercher, haƴ
inƴinde, laamnude, tannyorde,
rechercher, fouiller pour trouver; search; look tennyorde, taƴ
taƴorde. Dialects: J,Y,G.
for. ***: tefude, filaade; synonyms: filaade,
tiɓa Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. concentré,
tefude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
intense; concentrated. Cobbal ngal na moddi
tewtugol anndal synonyme: filnode annde kese. tiɓ
tiɓa! La boisson est vraiment très concentrée/
expression. recherche; research. Catégorie : Le épaisse. That Cobbal is really thick!
langage et la pensée. synonyms: tip; ***: tip, dik, moddude;
tewu Plural Form of Noun: tebbi. Variante: teew, compare: moddude. Dialects: J.
teewu. Noun. chair, viande; meat. Catégorie tiddude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiddugol.
: Nourriture.
Participles: sing: tidduɗo-tiddoowo plur:
tewuujum Plural Form of Noun: tewuuji. adj. charnu; tidduɓe-tiddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
plump, fleshy, meaty. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
teyaɓiriyel Noun. sketch; sketch, skit. Catégorie : Le 1 • lorsqu'un puits est bouché de saletés au
langage et la pensée. point qu'il ne se remplit plus d'eau; when a
well becomes clogged with dirt and silt to the
teyatiri emprunt: français. Variante: teyatiriyel. Noun. point that it stops filling with water.
jeu de rôle, scénette, théâtre, sketch; role ***: tiggude; synonyms: tiggude. Dialects: G.
game, role playing, theater; drama, sketch. 2 • charger un fusil, mettre des balles
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée. /cartouches dans un fusil; put the bullets in a
teymaade Noun Form of Infinitive: teymagol. gun; load a gun. Dialects: J,M.
Participles: sing: teymiiɗo-teymotooɗo tiɗɗ
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiɗɗugol.
plur: teymiiɓe-teymotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: tiɗɗuɗo-tiɗɗoowo plur:
Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or tiɗɗuɓe-tiɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Progressive: prg. Verb. secoure hors de
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
l'assiette ce qu'on ne veut pas; to shake what is 1 • bourrer qqch dans qqch d'autre, stocker;
worthless out of a dish; this is what one who is stuff something into something else;
panning for gold does. compare: seɗseɗude, stockpiling. Piilol am ngol tiɗɗ
ɗɗii. Ma
ƴaraade, yemaade; ***: tembaade, cigarette est tellement bourrée de tabac que la
teemaade, ƴaraade, ƴaartaade, yemaade, fumée ne passe pas. My [cigarette]
seɗude, wesaade; synonyms: teemaade, wrapper/paper is so stuffed the smoke cannot
tembaade, wesaade, ƴaartaade. pass. Halima tiɗɗ
ɗɗii laalo e bootooru. Halima
a bourré le sac avec des feuilles de baobab.
Dialects: J,Y.
Halima stuffed the sack with baobab leaves.
teƴoral Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting ***: rimndude, tiƴƴ
ƴƴude, tiggude, ɗibbude,
Designation: 3. Noun. certitude; sureness; tiƴƴ
ƴƴude, rinndude, rinndinde, ɗiisude,
certainty. ***: haciika, taƴ
taƴoral, tannyoral, sampude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tennyoral, haƴ
iiƴa, hakiika; 2 • charger une charrette ou un camion; load a
synonyms: haciika, hakiika, haƴ
iiƴa, cart or truck. Mumini tiɗɗ
ɗɗii doobu e seretti
tannyoral, tennyoral, taƴtaƴoral. Dialects: J,G. faa heewi. Moumini a chargé la charrette
avec des sacs de son. Mumini stuffed the cart
with [sacks of] bran. synonyms: ɗibbude,
ɗiisude, rimndude, tiƴƴtiƴƴude
ƴƴude. Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 616
tifude tiiɗude

tifude Noun Form of Infinitive: tifugol. tiggude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiggugol.
Participles: sing: tifuɗo-tifoowo plur: Participles: sing: tigguɗo-tiggoowo plur:
tifuɓe-tifooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb tigguɓe-tiggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. empiler, Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
entasser; stack; pile up. ***: tilude2, ƴolude, 1 • lorsqu'un puits devient bouché des saletés
telude; compare: resude; synonyms: telude,
au point que l'eau n'est plus là; when a well
becomes clogged with dirt and silt to the point
tilude2, ƴolude. Dialects: Y,M.
that it stops filling with water. ***: tontude,
tigaal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. tiddude, tiƴƴ
ƴƴude, sampude;
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of synonyms: tiddude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Noun: tigaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. 2 • marteler un clou, faire enfoncer un clou ou
tête du fémur; head of the femur. Catégorie : Le une pointe, taper sur un clou; hammer or drive
corps. ***: ɓuusoonde, hirɓ
ihirɓoonde, in a nail or spike. synonyms: tontude.
uccoɓuccoonde; Dialects: Y,G.
synonyms: ɓuccoɓ
uccoɓuccoonde, ɓuusoonde, 3 • bourrer qqch dans un coin de la chambre,
ihirɓoonde. Dialectal Forms: [M] tigaare. stocker qqch; or into part of a room; stockpile;
Dialects: M. stuff something into the corner of a room.
synonyms: tiɗɗ
ɗɗude, tiƴƴ
ƴƴude. Dialects: J,M.
tigedege Noun. pâte d’arachide ; peanut butter.
Catégorie : Nourriture. tigimaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tigimagol.
Participles: sing: tigimiiɗo-tigimotooɗo
tiggere Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe.
plur: tigimiiɓe-tigimotooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or
of Noun: tigge. Sorting Designation: 4, ah.
Noun. piquet / poteau pour attacher un cheval; Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • empiler qqch, faire
un tas, entasser qqch; stack things up into a
hitching post for a horse. ***: kanngeere,
pile. ***: joowude, higgude. Dialects: M.
hanngeere, juggal; synonyms: juggal,
2 • remplir un endroit avec qqch, entasser
kanngeere. Dialects: G.
qqch, regrouper des animaux ou des gens,
tiggitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiggitagol. rassembler des animaux ou des gens; pack
things into a circumscribed space; round
Participles: sing: tiggitiiɗo-tiggitotooɗo
plur: tiggitiiɓe-tiggitotooɓe. Sorting
animals or people up. synonyms: higgude,
joowude. Dialects: M.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • regarder vers le haut, pencher la tête tiiɗ
tiiɗalla Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
en arrière; bend the head back; look up. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: hoynaade, tiggitinde, wuuraade,
Noun: tiiɗallaaji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
onyaade, leƴƴ
ƴƴitaade, turaade; difficulté, problème, détresse, épreuve;
compare: leƴƴ
itaade, onyaade, turaade, difficulty; hardship; problem. ***: baasi,
wuuraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, doole, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, masiiba, torra,
2 • nettoyer un puits ou une toilette; to clean saɗɗ
ɗɗa, waannde; synonyms: baasi, doole,
out a well or pit toilet. synonyms: hoynaade; masiiba, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, torra;
compare: ɓottude, waafaade. Dialects: G. compare: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiggitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tiggitingol. tiiɗ
tiiɗallaji Noun. difficultés; difficulties.
Participles: sing: tiggitinɗo-tiggitoowo
ɗɗum synonyme: ɓannum. Noun. matière
plur: tiggitinɓe-tiggitooɓe. Sorting
(matériel); material (equipment). Catégorie
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - : Mathématique.
imo tiggita. Verb. nettoyer un puits ou une
toilette; clean out a well or pit toilet. tiiɗ
tiiɗi adj. complexe (mot); complex (word). ko tiiɗ
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
synonyms: tiggitaade; ***: ɓottude, ɓoptude,
waafaade; compare: ɓoptude, ɓottude, tiiɗ
tiiɗorma Noun. difficulté; difficulty.
waafaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. tiiɗ
tiiɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiiɗugol.
Participles: sing: tiiɗuɗo plur: tiiɗuɓe.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • être difficile, être dur;
difficult; hard. ***: hoyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 617
tiigaade tiimude
2 • être cher, coûter trop; expensive.
tiimitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiimitagol.
compare: hoyude; synonyms: yoorude.
Participles: sing: tiimitiiɗo-tiimitotooɗo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: tiimitiiɓe-tiimitotooɓe. Sorting
tiigaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiigagol. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Participles: sing: tiigiiɗo-tiigotooɗo plur: Verb. regarder à soi-même, se regarder dans
tiigiiɓe-tiigotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. un miroir, s'admirer; look at yourself; admire
yourself; look at yourself in a mirror.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • saisir avec les doigts, tenir avec les doigts; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
grasp with the fingers; hold with the fingers; tiimngal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal. Sorting
***: jeyude, woodude, jogaade, heɓ heɓude. Designation: 4. Noun. divination, augure,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. pratique occulte; divination; occult practices;
2 • posséder, avoir; own; possess. augury. Giney am hooƴ
hooƴaama, miɗmiɗo yiɗ
synonyms: heɓ
heɓude, jeyude, jogaade, waɗ
waɗude tiimngal faa mi ndaara moy hooƴ
woodude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. On m'a volé mes affaires, je veux utiliser la
divination pour trouver le coupable. My things
tiiginoore Noun. base; base, basis, foundation. have been stolen, I wish to use divination to
synonyms: fooɓ
fooɓere. find out who took them. ***: daarngal,
tiigitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiigitagol. ndaarngal, korngal; synonyms: daarngal,
Participles: sing: tiigitiiɗo-tiigitotooɗo plur: korngal, ndaarngal. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tiigitiiɓe-tiigitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, tiimnoowo Noun. devin; seer; soothsayer. Catégorie
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. : Travailleur.
1 • porter, tenir; hold; carry. Hokkaram buuɗ
tiimnude Noun Form of Infinitive: timnugol.
seeɗa ko mi tiigitoo. Donne-moi un peu
Participles: sing: tiimnuɗo-tiimnoowo plur:
d'argent pour tenir (et dépenser). Give me a
little money to carry [and spend] [because I tiimnuɓe-tiimnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
don't have any]. Mi heɓ
heɓii sawru tiigitiimi, Verb Stative or Progressive: timna. Verb. aller
chez le devin, diseur de bonne aventure pour
njaadumi ladde. J'ai le bâton que je tenais
savoir ce qui va se passer dans l'avenir; go to a
quand j’allais en brousse. I have the staff I was
carrying [when] I went to the bush. soothsayer. Mi yahan to daggadaajo faa mi
***: yomnitaade, jogitaade, yonnitaade. tiimnowa. I will go the the fortune teller to see
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. what my future will be. ***: tiimude,
2 • ne pas aimer, en vouloir à, mal supporter, ndaarnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
refuser de donner, vouloir se venger, avoir de tiimoowo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
la rancune contre; desire revenge; begrudge;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
refuse to forgive; to resent.
Noun: tiimooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
compare: yomnitaade; synonyms: jogitaade.
voyant, devin, devineresse, diseur de bonne
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. aventure; fortune teller; seer; soothsayer.
tiigorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. ***: bagaajo, daggadaajo
daggadaajo, ndaaroowo,
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of sadaajo, daarnoowo; compare: dabaranke;
Noun: tiigorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. synonyms: bagaajo, daarnoowo, daggadaajo,
poignée, anse, manche; handle. ***: jogorgal; ndaaroowo, sadaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: jogorgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tiimude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiimugol.
tiimelol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: tiimuɗo-tiimoowo plur:
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of tiimuɓe-tiimooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Noun: tiimeeli. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
sourcil; eyebrow. Catégorie : Le corps. 1 • regarder (ex. regarder dans un livre),
***: waywayko, numbatiyel, lokulo yitere, contempler; look down at something like a
book; contemplate; look at.
meemeeku; synonyms: lokulo yitere,
synonyms: ndaarude; ***: dabaade,
numbatiyel, waywayko. Dialects: Y.
daarnude, ndaarnude, ndaarude,
ndaggadaaku, dabaranke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 618
tiinde Tiitu
2 • prédire l'avenir, deviner; divine; tell the
tiireehi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe. Number
future; augur. synonyms: daarnude, hornude,
One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
ndaarnude, tiimnude; compare: dabaade,
Noun: tiireeje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Noun.
ndaggadaaku, sadaajo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. espèce d'arbuste; A common shrub of the
tiinde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. southern sahelien zone. Catégorie : Buissons,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form arbustes. Maerua crassifolia. ***: sunndu;

of Noun: tiiɗe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun. synonyms: sunndu; compare: sunndude.
1 • front; forehead. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialects: J,Y.
***: belɗ
belɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tiiri Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
2 • chance, bonheur; fortune; luck. Imo weli Designation: 4. Noun. nouvelles, informations;
tiinde. He is lucky. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. news. Aɗa anndi tiiri majjum. Sais-tu ces
3 • linteau; lintel. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nouvelles. You know this news. Note : mooré
***: habaru, kibaaru, kabaaru1;
tiinnande Noun Form of Infinitive: tiinnangol.
synonyms: habaru, kabaaru1, kibaaru.
Participles: sing: tiinnanɗo-tiinnanoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: tiinnanɓe-tiinnanooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or tiirigel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: koy.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • aggraver, agacer, Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural Form of
contrarier, gêner, tracasser, embêter, irriter; Noun: tiirigoy. Sorting Designation: 4, or. Noun.
annoy; irritate; bother; upset; vex; aggravate. Combassou du Sénégal; finch (the Senegal
Onon worɓ
worɓe du njiɗ
njiɗon deekiraaɓ
deekiraaɓe indigo). Catégorie : Oiseau. Vidua chalybeata.
mooɗon, taa tiinnanee ɓe. (Col. 3:19) synonyms: poolel boɓ
boɓi; ***: poolel boɓ
***: haamninde, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, jarribaade, Dialects: Y,M.
husinbinde, torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiiritaade Verb. transplanter, repiquer; transplant.
husinbinde, gaccaade, torrude, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, Catégorie : Agriculture.
riibande, jukkaade, torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, tiiritagol Noun. transplantation, repiquage;
jarribaade, jukkude, saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, transplantation. Catégorie : Agriculture.
toonyaade, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
tiirootiihi Noun Class Markers: sing: ki plur: ɗe.
husinbinde, riibande; synonyms: husinbinde,
Number One for this noun: ngooti. Plural Form of
riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, torrude,
Noun: tiirootiije. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
haamninde, mettinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. neem, nim; neem tree. Catégorie
2 • persécuter; persecute.
: Arbres. Azadirachta indica. ***: gooji,
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
miliyaahi, pongudaahi, niimuuhi;
ƴƴinde, torrude, gaccaade, jarribaade,
synonyms: gooji, miliyaahi, niimuuhi,
toonyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pongudaahi. Dialects: Y.
3 • tourmenter; torment.
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, tiisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiisagol.
ƴƴinde, torrude, jarribaade, jukkaade, Participles: sing: tiisiiɗo-tiisotooɗo plur:
jukkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tiisiiɓe-tiisotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tisser
tiiraade Noun Form of Infinitive: tiiragol. une natte; weave a mat. Note : def 2 - français
Participles: sing: tiiriiɗo-tiirotooɗo plur: ***: sanyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiiriiɓe-tiirotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. 2 • pousser contre qqn ou qqch, coincer,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. planter, acculer qqn; push against someone; corner
transplanter, repiquer (ex. arbre, fleur, mil); someone or something against a wall. Note : def
plant (to); transplant (e.g. a tree). 2 - français synonyms: sanyude. Dialects: J.
compare: aawude; synonyms: dartinde,
tiitoonde synonyme: fannu (janngannde, darsu,
darnitaade, dasaade, selaade; ***: selaade,
winndannde). Noun. objet (de leçon); object
dartinde, darnitaade, ŋuu'aade, dasaade.
(lesson). Catégorie : Mathématique.
Dialects: Y,M.
Tiitu Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. 1 • Tite,
tiiragol leɗɗ
ɗɗe synonyme: aawugol leɗɗe. Noun. un associé de l’Apôtre Paul; Titus; an
boisement; afforestation. Catégorie : Arbres, associate of the apostle Paul (2Cor. 2:13ff).
Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 619
tijjaade tikkude
2 • Épître écrite à Tite; Titus; a letter written
tikkande Noun Form of Infinitive: tikkangol.
by Paul to Titus. Dialects: biblical.
Participles: sing: tikkanɗo-tikkanoowo plur:
tijjaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tijjagol. tikkanɓe-tikkanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Participles: sing: tijjiiɗo-tijjotooɗo plur: th. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
tijjiiɓe-tijjotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, th. être en colère ou furieux contre qqn; angry
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. with someone or something. ***: dukkande,
espérer, avoir confiance, penser que qqch va hirnyande, hukkande, ɓernande, mettande,
se passer; hope; confidence (to have); think bilanaade; compare: mettande;
something is going to happen. Mi tijjeke en synonyms: ɓernande, bilaade, dukkande,
keɓan ƴuwoonde hannden. Je pense qu'il va hirnyande, hukkande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pleuvoir aujourd'hui. I hope (or think) we will
have rain today. This term is often used in the tikkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
mundane sense of having a hope of receiving Designation: 2, th. synonyme: rafi yarraare.
something, but when applied to receiving Noun. colère, ressentiment; anger.
something that God has promised, it carries a synonyms: ɓernde, dukkuru, hirnyere,
similar sense of certainty that our English idea
hukkere; ***: dukkuru, hukkere, ɓernde,
of hope carries. synonyms: ndolaade,
hirnyere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ngokkinde; ***: miijaade, jikkude,
ndolaade, dimmude, ngokkinde, jataade, tikkinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tikkinagol.
sikkude, yelaade, miilaade; Participles: sing: tikkiniiɗo-tikkinotooɗo
compare: ɗammi'aade, jataade, jikkude, plur: tikkiniiɓe-tikkinotooɓe. Sorting
miilaade, ndolaade, sikkude, yelaade. Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se mettre à genoux, s'agenouiller; kneel
Dialects: J.
down with knees on the ground.
Tijjaaninke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. compare: hippaade, sujidinde, turaade;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of synonyms: dikkinaade, hofaade, tukkinaade;
Noun: Tijjaaninkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. ***: hofaade, dikkinaade, tukkinaade,
Noun. appartenir au groupe Tijjaani de turaade, hippaade, sujidinde, urfinaade.
l'Islam; one belonging to the Tijjaani sect of
Dialects: J,Y.
Islam. Note : arabe ***: Alsilaami, Sunnanke,
Wahaabiyanke; compare: Alsilaami, tikkinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tikkingol.
Suufiyanke, Wahaabiyanke. Participles: sing: tikkinɗo-tikkinoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tikkinɓe-tikkinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
tijjamaare Noun. voile (femme); veil. Catégorie qqch pour énerver qqn, pour mettre qqn en
: Vêtement. colère, faire furieux; to do something to make
tik Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour someone angry. ***: hirnyinde
hirnyinde, dukkinde,
chasser / éloigner un bœuf /vache; a sound bilude, ɓerninde; synonyms: ɓerninde,
made in order to chase a cow away. ***: ass, bilude, dukkinde, hirnyinde;
kuss, osi, tek, usu, huy, oss, kiss; compare: mettinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ass, huy, kiss, kuss, osi, oss, usu.
tikkude Noun Form of Infinitive: tikkugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
Participles: sing: tikkuɗo-tikkoowo plur:
tiki Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. très noir; black. tikkuɓe-tikkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
Catégorie : Couleur. synonyms: kirim; Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être en
compare: ɓawlude; ***: kirim, ɓawlude, colère, être furieux, énervé; angry.
kurum. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] tik. Dialects: J,G. ***: nyarɓ
nyarɓinaade, dukkude, borbortude,
jawude, bileede, bilaade, mettude,
ɓalinaade, ɓernude, hirnyude;
compare: mettude, hitaade, nyarɓ
synonyms: ɓernude, bilaade
bilaade, dukkude,
hirnyude, hukkude, jawude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 620
tikuru tilƴolde

tikuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Sorting tilsinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tilsingol.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. douleur dans le côté Participles: sing: tilsinɗo-tilsinoowo plur:
de l'abdomen; a severe pain in the side of the tilsinɓe-tilsinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
abdomen. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: ɗiisal, Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
ɗuusel. Dialects: M. obliger, force; obligate; force.
***: waajinbinde, siinude, doolɗ
tilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tilagol.
compare: siinude; synonyms: doolɗ
Participles: sing: tiliiɗo-tilotooɗo plur:
Dialectal Forms: tilsinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tiliiɓe-tilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir fini de tilsinnde Verb. rendre obligatoire; obligatory;
faire, avoir terminé, achevé; finished doing compulsory. Dialectal Forms: tilsinde.
something. ***: yottinde, yottaade,
tilsude Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: only stative
timminde, timmude, huumnude, hantude,
and prg. forms are used. Noun Form of
humnude, huuɓ huuɓinde, hantaade;
Infinitive: tilsugol. Participles: sing: tilsuɗo or
synonyms: hantude, huuɓhuuɓinde, huumnude,
tilahiijo/tilsoowo plur: tilsuɓe or
timminde, timmude, yottinde.
tilahiiɓe/tilsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être obligé
2 • être fini, terminé, achevé; finished.
de faire, devoir faire, exiger; must do; obliged
synonyms: hantaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
to do; require. "Na tilsi o yaha jaango." =
tilay Sorting Designation: 2. aux. v. devoir faire, être "Tilay o yaha jaango." Il doit aller demain.
obligé de faire, exiger, être nécessaire; must He must go tomorrow. Note: tilsude carries a
do; required; to be necessary to do; to be very strong sense of obligation - stronger than
obliged. Si suka na naata jande fu, tilay haanude. ***: karahan, yonude, say, sanaa,
tawree talkuru rimeede. Lorsque l'enfant va sey, kanaa, waajibaade, haanude, tilay,
à l'école on doit avoir un certificat de tilay; compare: haanude, karahan, tilay;
naissance. If a child is entering school they
synonyms: waajibaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
must have a birth certificate. Sanaa o tawree
talkuru rimeede, tilay. Elle doit absolument tilude1 Verb. s'obliger à; force oneself to do.
avoir un certificat de naissance. She tilude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: tilugol.
absolutely must have a birth certificate.
Participles: sing: tiluɗo-tiloowo plur:
***: yonude
yonude, waajinbinde, say, sanaa,
tiluɓe-tilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
karahan, waajibaade, sey, kanaa, waajibi,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. entasser,
tilsude, haanude; synonyms: karahan, empiler, accumuler; stack; pile up.
tilsude, waajibi; compare: haanude, kanaa, synonyms: telude
telude, tifude, ƴolude;
sanaa, sey, tilsude, waajibaade. Dialectal compare: resude; ***: ƴolude, telude, tifude.
Forms: [Y] tilas. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,M.
tilde1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. tilƴ
tilƴolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: tile. Sorting Designation: 3. of Noun: tilƴole. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
synonyme: bamngel. Noun. petite colline de petite colline; hillock. synonyms: tonƴ
sable / ordures / choses, un tas de, monceau,
compare: tilde1; ***: tonƴ
tonƴolde. Dialects: Y.
monticule, petite élévation; hill of sand;
elevation; pile; mound. Catégorie : Terre.
***: tonƴ
tonƴolde, tilƴ
tilƴolde, bamngel;
compare: hayre, tefaare, tepaare, waamnde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

tilde2 Noun. tilde; tilde. Catégorie : Lecture /

écriture. ***: nyonndorgel.

tilde leydi hakkunde gurti expression. billon;

furrow, furrow ridge. Catégorie : Agriculture.
tilse Noun. obligations; obligations.

16/02/2020 621
timbooriire tinande

timbooriire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. timmoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: timbooriije. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. of Noun: timmooje. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. grains de nénuphar (comestible); these Noun. la fin, le final, la terminaison, la
are edible; the seeds of the water lily found in conclusion; termination; end; finish;
the middle of its flower. Catégorie conclusion. E ley timmoode dewtere toon
: Nourriture, Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
haala ka woni. C'est à la fin du livre que cela
compare: boololol, daamarawol, est écrit. At the end of the book is where that is
kukkuturuutu, kuttukuruutol, taɓɓ taɓɓere
ɓɓere, written. ***: kattuba, kaddi, hantoode,
tammere; ***: guynaare, taɓɓ taɓɓere
ɓɓere, cakitte; synonyms: cakitte, hantoode, kaddi,
daamarawol, boololol, tammere, kattuba. Dialectal Forms: timoode,
kuttukuruutol, kukkuturuutu, ngommbiire, timmorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gawriyel, guylaare; synonyms: gawriyel,
timmoore Variante: timmoode. Noun. fin; end.
guynaare, ngommbiire. Dialects: J.
timmorde Noun. fin, conclusion; end; conclusion.
timm-a Verb. fini (être -); finished (be -). Catégorie
Dialectal Forms: timmoode, timoode.
: Mathématique. synonyms: hant-
hant-o, huuɓ
gas-a. timmude Noun Form of Infinitive: timmugol. Sorting
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
timmaali synonyme: jogorngal. adj. inaccompli;
Verb. être fini, être fait, terminé, achevé,
perfective tense. ko timmaali Catégorie : La
accompli; finished; done; completed. Golle
Grammaire. synonyms: ko tabitaay, werba
timmii. Le travail est fait. The work is done.
***: hantaade, tilaade, hantaade;
timmi adj. final; final, closing, last. ko timmi synonyms: hantaade, tilaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
timmin-a Variante: timmitin-a. Verb. compléter;
complete. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. timmuɗ
timmuɗum synonyme: goor ; aadi jottiiɗo. Noun.
timminde Noun Form of Infinitive: timmingol. accompli, réalisé; perfect tense. Catégorie : La
Participles: sing: timminɗo-timminoowo
plur: timminɓe-timminooɓe. Sorting Timote Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun.
1 • Timothée, l'associé de l’apôtre Paul;
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Timothy; an associate of the apostle Paul's (see
Verb. finir, terminer, achever; finish. Mi
Acts 16:1ff). Note : grec Dialects: biblical.
timminii golle am. J'ai terminé mon travail. I
2 • L'une des deux épîtres que Paul a écrites a
finished my work. ***: yottinde, tilaade, Timothée; One of two letters Paul wrote to
huumnude, hantude, hantude, humnude, Timothy; referred to as bataaki ngo'aɓi and
huuɓinde; synonyms: hantude, huuɓ
huuɓinde, bataaki ɗiɗaɓi. Note : grec Dialects: biblical.
huumnude, tilaade, yottinde.
tinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tinagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tiniiɗo-tinotooɗo plur:
timminirka Noun. conclusion; conclusion. tiniiɓe-tinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
synonyms: hantorde. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire un
timmirgol Noun. dernière page, dernière parole; last bénéfice; profit (to make a). ***: riibaade,
page; last words. ribaade; synonyms: riibaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

timmitin-a synonyme: hiɓɓin-a. Verb. compléter; tinande Noun Form of Infinitive: tinnangol.
complete. synonyms: hebbitinnde. Participles: sing: tinnanɗo-tinnanoowo plur:
tinnanɓe-tinnanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. tirer
profit de qqn; profit from someone. A tinanii
kam. Tu as tiré un profit de moi. You made a
profit from me. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 622
tindinde tiŋŋinde

tindinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tindingol. tinndinawol Noun. participe; participle. Catégorie
Participles: sing: tindinɗo-tindinoowo plur: : La Grammaire.
tindinɓe-tindinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. tinndinde Verb. conseiller; to advise, assist,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bien recommend.
expliquer qqch à qqn, clarifier, avertir;
clarify; explain something to someone so that tinndinnde Verb. conseiller, recommander;
recommend; advice.
they understand; warn. War faa mi tindine to
tawataa o. Viens je vais expliquer où tu peux tinndinol Noun. verbe; verb. Catégorie : La
la trouver. Come so I can explain where you Grammaire. synonyms: werba, golloore.
will find her. ***: sifaade, sifanaade,
tinndinoore1 Noun. conseil, recommandation;
fiirtude, fisaade, faaminde, haalande, advice; recommendation.
fiirtande, filnde; synonyms: faaminde,
fiirtande, fisaade, sifaade, sifanaade;
tinndinoore2 Noun. définition; definition. Catégorie
: Mathématique. ***: fiirtugol
fiirtugol, cifol,
compare: filnde, haalande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
anndinoore; synonyms: anndinoore.
tindinoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tinndintee recommandé; recommended. ko
of Noun: tindinooje. Sorting Designation: 2. tinndintee
Noun. explication; explanation. ***: filnde, tinndol Noun. conte, proverbe; story, folk-tale,
maande1, filnde, maanaa, maandinoore; proverb. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
synonyms: filnde, maanaa, maandinoore; synonyms: jeetol.
compare: maanaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tinnitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tinnitagol.
tindinoowo ko anndani synonyme: tinndinoowo Participles: sing: tinnitiiɗo-tinnitotooɗo
anndanɗo golle. expression. conseiller plur: tinnitiiɓe-tinnitotooɓe. Sorting
technique; technical advisor, technical Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
consultant . Catégorie : Gouvernement, Progressive: prg. Verb. endurer, persévérer, se
Juridique. donner toute la peine; endure; persevere; keep
tingel lengel Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel plur: trying. Si a tinnitaaki fu a waawataa
koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural wondude
wondude e makko. Si tu ne persévères pas,
Form of Noun: tingoy lengoy. Sorting
tu ne pourras pas être avec lui. If you don't
persevere you won't be able to be with him.
Designation: 2, pl. Noun. le sommet d'arbre;
synonyms: siinude; ***: siinude.
upper tip of a tree. Catégorie : Parties d’un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
végétal ou d’une plante. ***: ceɓ ceɓel leɓ
synonyms: ceɓ
ceɓel leɓ
leɓel, linngi linngiyel. tino Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Dialects: M. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
tinna taa Sorting Designation: 2. Verb. ne fais pas, ne Noun: tinooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
pas faire, ne pas devoir faire, interdire de; profit, bénéfice, avantage; profit.
synonyms: fiyannde, nyoodo, riba; ***: riba,
must not; do not. Tinna taa sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe meema
nyoodo, fiyannde, riiba. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
gineeji am! Les enfants ne doivent pas
toucher à mes affaires. The children must not tinu wirfitaaɗ
wirfitaaɗo Noun. remise; discount. Catégorie
touch my stuff! ***: taa, to1; synonyms: taa. : Argent. ***: ustaandi.
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] tinta. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ŋŋinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tiŋŋingol.
tinnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tinnagol. Participles: sing: tiŋŋinɗo-tiŋŋinoowo plur:
Participles: sing: tinniiɗo-tinnotooɗo plur: tiŋŋinɓe-tiŋŋinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tinniiɓe-tinnotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. essayer, pelotonner, se mettre en rond, se racornir,
tenter de faire, faire un effort, s'efforcer, gondoler, se blottir; curl up. Dialects: M.
rivaliser avec, concurrencer, lutter contre;
compete; make a true effort; serious about
doing something; try; struggle against;
attempt. synonyms: soobaade; ***: soobaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 623
tip toɓɓaade

tip Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. être très tiƴƴ

ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: tiƴƴugol.
concentré; concentrated. Cobbal ngal na Participles: sing: tiƴƴuɗo-tiƴƴoowo plur:
moddi tip! La boisson est très concentrée. tiƴƴuɓe-tiƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
That Cobbal is really thick! ***: tiɓ
tiɓa, dik; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
synonyms: tiɓ
tiɓa; compare: moddude. 1 • bourrer qqch dans, stocker; stuff
Dialects: G.
something into something else; stockpile.
***: rimndude, tiggude
tiggude, ɗibbude, tiɗɗ
tippaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tippagol. rinndude, rinndinde, ɗiisude, sampude;
Participles: sing: tippiiɗo-tippotooɗo plur: synonyms: ɗibbude, ɗiisude, tiɗɗtiɗɗude
tippiiɓe-tippotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. tiggude. Dialects: G.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lancer 2 • charger une charrette ou un camion /
qqch qui est long (ex. une lance ou un véhicule; load a cart or truck.
couteau); throw something which is longer
synonyms: rimndude, tiɗɗ
ɗɗude. Dialects: G.
than it is wide. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • plonger dans l'eau; dive into the water. to1 Sorting Designation: 1. Verb. de ne pas faire,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. interdire de faire; do not. To dillu faa
3 • jeter un coup d’œil à; glance at. hakkunde naange wara de mbottoɗ
mbottoɗen. Ne
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. quitte pas avant le repas de midi. Don't leave
until noon then we will have lunch.
tippeede Noun Form of Infinitive: tippegol. synonyms: taa, tinna taa. Dialects: Y,M.
Participles: sing: tippaaɗo-tippeteeɗo plur:
to2 Sorting Designation: 1. adv/rpn. 1 • là, là-bas;
tippaaɓe-tippeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
there. Si a yehii to fu, a tawan o. Si tu vas
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
là-bas, tu vas le trouver. If you go there you
lancé, jeté; thrown. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. will find him. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être touché par une lance / couteau; hit by a
2 • où, quel endroit; where. Mi nanii to ɓe
lance; spear or knife. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
njehi toon na woodi kaŋŋ
ŋŋe. J'ai entendu que
tirbinal Noun. tribunal; court. Catégorie là où ils vont, il y a de l'or. I heard that where
: Gouvernement. Note : français ***: gosirde. they went there is gold. compare: toy, toon.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tireewa Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form to3 Sorting Designation: 1. prep. à, chez, auprès de,
of Noun: tireeji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. vers, de, depuis; from; to. O yehii to maɓɓ
Noun. girafe; giraffe. Catégorie : Mammifère. Il est allé chez eux. He went to them. Batte mi
Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata.
yehii faa mi sooda petoro to makko mi
synonyms: lewla, jeelooba ladde;
heɓataa sabo o tawataake wakkati fuu.
***: njoolooba ladde, jeelooba ladde, Même si je vais acheter du kérosène chez lui, je
njeelooba ladde. Dialects: J. n'en vais pas trouver, car il n'est pas là
souvent. Even if I go to buy kerosene from him
tirtingol Noun. lactation; lactation, milking. Catégorie I won't get any because he [the person selling
: En bonne santé, Nourriture.
it] is never there. ***: taa, toon, ton1;
tirƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tirƴagol. compare: toy, toon. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tirƴiiɗo-tirƴotooɗo plur:
to hoore binndol Verb. à la ligne; new paragraph.
tirƴiiɓe-tirƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cracher
dans un ruisseau; spit in a continuous stream. toɓɓ
ɓɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: toɓɓagol.
***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, sirƴ
sirƴude, tuutude, sirƴ
sirƴaade; Participles: sing: toɓɓuɗo-toɓɓoowo plur:
synonyms: sirƴ
sirƴaade, sirƴ
sirƴude, tuɓ
tuɓtude, toɓɓuɓe-toɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tuutude. Dialects: Y. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • goutter, couler, laisser tomber goutte à
tiyaabu Sorting Designation: 1. interj. merci, goutte, dégouliner de, suinter de, s'égoutter,
remerciement; thanks; thank you. ***: foofoo; goutter; drip. Si a rewii ley lekki ki fu,
synonyms: foofoo. Dialects: J. ndiyam toɓ
toɓɓoto dow maa. Si tu passes sous
cette arbre, de l'eau va goutter sur toi. If you
pass under that tree water will drip on you.
***: meeɗ
meeɗude, simtude; synonyms: simtude,
sintude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 624
toɓɓan-a toɓɓugol
2 • manger très peu de qqch; eat a tiny amount
ɓɓere batu expression. ordre du jour; agenda,
of something. Hannden na samtani o sabo o program. Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
ɓɓeke. Aujourd'hui elle va mieux, car elle a
mangé un peu. Today she is a bit better toɓɓ
ɓɓere daaƴ
daaƴirde Noun. point final; full stop. .
Catégorie : La Grammaire. Dialectal
because she ate a bit. synonyms: meeɗ
Forms: darnirde.
Dialects: J.
ɓɓere haawtorde synonyme: toɓɓere haytorde.
an-a Verb. noter; to note. Catégorie
Noun. point d’exclamation; exclamation mark.
: Mathématique.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
ɓɓande Noun Form of Infinitive: toɓɓangol.
ɓɓere haaytorde Variante: toɓɓere haytorde.
Participles: sing: toɓɓanɗo-toɓɓanoowo Noun. point d'exclamation, ! ; exclamation
plur: toɓɓanɓe-toɓɓanooɓe. Sorting mark. ! Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
ɓɓere jannde jannginteende expression.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre des
module; module.
médicaments liquides dans la bouche / yeux /
oreilles de qqn; ; put liquid medicine in toɓɓ
ɓɓere ko’e haala expression. schéma; pattern,
someone's mouth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diagram, graphic.
2 • donner un peu d'eau ou de lait à qqn (ex. a
ɓɓere lamndorde Variante: toɓɓere
des bébés ou à des malades); to give someone
a little water or milk; especially to babies or laamndorde. Noun. point d'interrogation, ?;
those who are sick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. question mark. ? Catégorie : La Grammaire.

ɓɓannde Noun. note; note. Catégorie toɓɓ
ɓɓere naamnal Noun. point d’interrogation ;
: Mathématique. question mark. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.

ɓɓe ɗiɗi Noun. deux-points, : ; colon. : Catégorie toɓɓ
ɓɓere piccal synonyme: toɓɓere e piccitel. Noun.
: La Grammaire, Lecture / écriture. point-virgule ; semicolon. ; Catégorie : La
ɓɓe ɗiɗi dow masal expression. tréma; umlaut,
diaeresis. toɓɓ
ere-e-piccal Variante: toɓɓere e piccitel.
Noun. point-virgule; semicolon. Catégorie
ɓɓe jowe synonyme: toɓɓe toɓɓe ; toɓɓe tati. : Lecture / écriture.
Noun. points de suspension; suspension points.
ɓɓere yowre ... Catégorie : Lecture /
ɓɓinde pointiller, goutte par goutte; stipple;
écriture. drop by drop.

ɓɓe njokkondirɗ
njokkondirɗe Noun. points de suspension; toɓɓ
ɓɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: toɓɓugol.
suspension points. ... Catégorie : La Participles: sing: toɓɓuɗo-toɓɓoowo plur:
Grammaire. toɓɓuɓe-toɓɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
ct, mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
ɓɓe tati expression. trois points de suspension; three 1 • mélanger le tô avec du lait fraîche; mix
suspension points. Catégorie : Lecture /
écriture. "nyiiri" with fresh milk. ***: semmbude,
toɓude, selbinde, diibude;
ɓɓere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. synonyms: diibude. Dialects: J,Y.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 2 • laisser tomber goutte à goutte; drip.
of Noun: toɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • petites taches de, points de, grains de; dots;
3 • mettre un peu d'eau dans le lait pour le
specks; small spots. ***: pellel, pettel, diluer; refers to adding a small amount of
waadere; synonyms: pellel, pettel. water into milk in order to dilute it.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: selbinde, semmbude.
2 • goutte; drop. synonyms: waadere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 4 • verser le lait dans des bols différents pour
3 • lait utilisé pour mélanger avec du tô; milk que chacun aie sa portion; to divide milk into
used for mixing with "nyiiri". separate bowls so each one has his own bowl.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: toɓ
toɓude. Dialects: G.

ɓɓere2 Noun. point; point. Catégorie : Lecture / toɓɓ
ɓɓugol Noun. ponctuation; punctuation. Catégorie
écriture. ***: nokkere; synonyms: nokkere. : Lecture / écriture. ***: daaƴ

16/02/2020 625
toɓol tokkude

toɓol Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. aigre, amer; togosi Sorting Designation: 2. adj. petit; small.
sour. Citron o lammu toɓ
toɓol! ***: corom, Dialects: M.
taray, torom; compare: lammude;
togude Noun Form of Infinitive: togugol.
synonyms: corom, taray, torom. Dialects: M.
Participles: sing: toguɗo-togoowo plur:
toɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: toɓugol. Sorting toguɓe-togooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre
Verb. pleuvoir; rain (to). ***: toɓɓ
ɓɓude, debout un abri contre le vent pour protéger le
mbubbam, njunkumajam, cayam, saakude,
feu; to set up a wind barrier to protect your fire.
***: falude. Dialects: J.
sookude, ilam; compare: cayam, toɓɓ
2 • bloquer le passage, gêner le passage,
synonyms: saakude, sookude.
entraver, coincer qqn, acculer qqn; obstruct
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. someones passage intentionally; corner
ɗɗannde seeɓ
seeɓunde expression. accent aigu; someone intentionally. synonyms: falude.
acute accent. á, é, í, ó, ú Catégorie : Lecture / Dialects: J.
écriture. synonyms: pesal daringal. tok Sorting Designation: 3. Adverb. amer; bitter.
toɗɗannde tekkunde expression. accent grave; Nivaki na haaɗ
haaɗi tok. la nivaquine est très
grave accent. à, è, ì, ò, ù Catégorie : Lecture / amère. Nivaquine is very bitter!
écriture. synonyms: pesal-
pesal-palingal. synonyms: kati, roki; ***: kati, roki;
compare: haaɗ
haaɗude. Dialectal Forms: [M] toki,
ɗɗannde tural expression. accent circonflexe;
[G] toko. Dialects: Y.
caret, circumflex accent. â, ê, î, ô, û Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. synonyms: pesal tiba. tokkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tokkagol.
Participles: sing: tokkiiɗo-tokkotooɗo plur:
togaade Noun Form of Infinitive: togagol.
tokkiiɓe-tokkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Participles: sing: togiiɗo-togotooɗo plur:
ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. filtrer
togiiɓe-togotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. (utilisé pour obtenir une base / lessive pour
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se cacher, sauce); filter. compare: siiwude, simtinde,
se camoufler ne pas montrer; conceal oneself
sintinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
from view in order to surprise someone; hide.
Toga gaɗ
gaɗa gampuwal ga taa o yi'e. tokkaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Cache-toi derrière la porte ainsi il ne peut pas Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
te voir. Hide behind the door here so he doesn't of Noun: tokkaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
see you. synonyms: mogginaade, molanaade, Noun. filtre (utilisé pour obtenir une base /
suuɗaade; ***: suuɗ
suuɗaade, mogginaade, lessive pour sauce); filter. ***: simtinirde,
molanaade. Dialects: J. ciiwrugal; compare: siiwude, simtinirde,
toggere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. sintinirde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form tokkirde potuɗ
potuɗi expression. conjonction de
of Noun: togge. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, pl. coordination; coordinating conjunction.
Noun. fourré, forêt, endroit touffu de plantes Catégorie : La Grammaire.
(souvent proche de l'eau); woods or forest;
tokkude Noun Form of Infinitive: tokkugol.
thicket. ***: cukkuri1, giddal, wuumoore;
Participles: sing: tokkuɗo-tokkoo plur:
synonyms: cukkuri1, giddal. Dialects: J,Y.
tokkuɓe-tokkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
toggoore Noun Class Markers: sing: de plur: ɗe. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. suivre;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form follow. ***: ɗowtanaade, jagganaade,
of Noun: toggooje. Sorting Designation: 3. nyemmbitinde, tennude, jokkude,
Noun. 1 • un habit long avec des manches, plus hokkitaade, ɓaanaade, takkaade,
long que les genoux mais pas arrivé aux pieds;
sottitaade, haɓɓ
ɓɓaade, ɓahanaade,
garment or robe. Catégorie : Vêtement.
samndaade, nyimmintidde;
synonyms: saaya; ***: saaya. Dialects: G.
synonyms: ɗowtanaade, haɓɓ
2 • un long habit sans manches (peut être aussi
pour femmes); a long outer robe without jagganaade, jokkude, takkaade;
sleeves - can be a woman's dress too. compare: ɓaanaade, ɓahanaade, hokkitaade,
compare: dollokke, forkiya, forgo, jabba. nyemmbitinde, tennude. Dialects: Y,G.
Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 626
tokkuɗo ton

tokkuɗo Noun. le suivant; next one (the); following tolno Verb. correspondant; corresponding. Catégorie
one (the). : Mathématique.

tokoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number tolnondiral

tolnondiral Noun. correspondance; correspondence.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. ***: leeteere;
Noun: tokooji. Sorting Designation: 3, dh. synonyms: jerondiral.
Noun. toux forte, coqueluche; whooping
cough; pertussis. Catégorie : Maladie. tolnondirgol synonyme: tolnondiral. Noun.
***: hoyooru; synonyms: hoyooru. Dialectal correspondance; correspondence. <= toln-
Forms: [G,M] toko, tokooru. Dialects: Y. ***: leeteere.

tokora Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Tomaa Sorting Designation: 4, nbp. Noun. Thomas, le
jumeau, l'un des 12 disciples; Thomas "the
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
twin;" one of the 12 disciples (Mat 10:3). Note :
Noun: tokoraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
hébreu Dialects: biblical.
quelqu’un avec le même nom, homonyme,
homo; same name (someone with the); tomaati emprunt: français. Noun. tomate; tomato.
namesake. Dialectal Forms: [J] tokara. Catégorie : Nourriture, Agriculture.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: tamaatiire.

tokorajum e binndi expression. homographe; tombola Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
homograph. One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
tokosal synonyme: leeslesal. Noun. minuscule (lettre); Noun: tombolaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
lower-case (letter). Catégorie : Lecture / 1 • loterie, loto; lottery. Note : français

écriture. ***: leggal abajaɗɗ

ɗɗa pammaral. ***: bila, mbila, ginna mori.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tola Noun Class Markers: sing: nga plur: ɗi. Number
2 • faire un tour à qqn avec la magie, astuce,
One for this noun: goota. Plural Form of truc; slight of hand tricks. Note : français
Noun: toleeji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl. Noun. synonyms: bila, ginna mori, mbila. Dialects: G.
crocodile; crocodile. Catégorie : Reptile.
Crocodylus sp.. synonyms: noowra; tomnude Noun Form of Infinitive: tomnugol.
***: noowra. Dialects: Y,G. Participles: sing: Tomnuɗo-Tomnoowo.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
tolma Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Progressive: prg. Verb. faire qu'il pleut (Dieu
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of seul peut le faire); to cause it to rain; this is
Noun: tolmaaji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. only something that God does.
Noun. 1 • garantie, caution, dépôt, prêt; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
guarantee; surety. Mi yiɗ
yiɗaa fay gooto
tomottaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
ɗɗoo keekel ngel sabo wo ngel tolma. Je
ne veux pas que qqn monte ce vélo, car il m'est Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • normalité, hospitalité,
prêté. I don't want anyone getting on this bike politesse; normalcy; hospitality; politeness.
because it is collateral [for a loan given]. Note : ***: neɗɗ
ɗɗaaku, needi, tageefo, nennga,
Hausa ***: njeenaagu. Dialects: J,Y,G. neydi, ne'aaku. Dialects: Y,G,M.
2 • remboursement d'un crédit pour recevoir ce 2 • humanité; humanness in a general;
qu'on avait donné comme garantie / dépôt; humanity. synonyms: ne'aaku, neɗɗ
down payment to recover your collateral item. needi, nennga, neydi. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
Catégorie : Argent. Note : Hausa Dialects: J,Y,G. tomattaaku. Dialects: Y,G,M.
tolmaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tolmagol. tomotte Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Participles: sing: tolmiiɗo-tolmotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
tolmiiɓe-tolmotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, Noun: tomotteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Noun. un être humain; human being.
donner un gage, garantie, dépôt, caution, synonyms: goɗɗ
ɗɗo, neɗɗ
ɗɗo, niɗɗ
ɗɗo; ***: neɗɗ
prêter, emprunter; guarantee (to give a);
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] tomette. Dialects: Y,G,M.
borrow; offer collateral; lend; down-payment.
Dialects: J,Y,G. ton1 Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. ici, là-bas, là; in
a referential sense; there. synonyms: ɗoon,
tolme Noun. caution; deposit. Catégorie : Finance,
Juridique. ɗon1, toon; ***: ɗon2, ɗoon, toon;
compare: to3, toy. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 627
ton tonte

ton2 emprunt: français. Noun Class Markers: o/ɗi. tonngorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
Noun. tonne; ton. Catégorie : Mathématique. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
tonkonowal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe. Noun: tonngorɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. corde utilisée pour attacher un veau
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
pendant qu'on trait la vache; rope used to
Noun: tonkonooje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, attach a calf to its mother's leg.
or. Noun. canard; drake; duck. Catégorie synonyms: daɗ
daɗorgol, labuure, raande;
: Élevage, Oiseau. ***: ladawal, gbagba; ***: daɗ
daɗorgol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ladawal, gbagba. Dialects: J,Y.
tonnyinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tonnyingol.
tonndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. Participles: sing: tonnyinɗo-tonnyinoowo
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form plur: tonnyinɓe-tonnyinooɓe. Sorting
of Noun: toni. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun. Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
1 • lèvre; lip. Catégorie : Le corps.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre des œufs
2 • bord de qqch (ex. bord 'un matelas), limite; étrangers sous une poule pour les couver;
border; edge of something like a mat. when you put some eggs that do not belong to
synonyms: toyre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. a chicken in the chicken's nest so that she
tonng-a Verb. résumer; summarize. Catégorie hatches them. ***: tonnyude.
: Lecture / écriture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • lorsqu'une poule picore un trou dans l’œuf
tonngo1 Noun. résumé; summary. Catégorie : Lecture /
pour aider le poussin à sortir/éclore; when a
hen pecks a hole in the egg to help the chick
tonngo2 Noun. grammaire; grammar. Catégorie : La escape. synonyms: tonnyude;
Grammaire, Lecture / écriture, Le langage et compare: soppude. Dialects: M.
la pensée. ***: celluka.
tonnyitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tonnyitagol.
tonngodiral Noun. synthèse; synthesis. Catégorie Sorting Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or
: Lecture / écriture. ***: cuɓ
cuɓtinol. Progressive: prg. Verb. faire éclore; hatch.
tonngogel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel. Sorting synonyms: tonnyude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. fièvre éphémère, tonnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: tonnyugol. Sorting
fièvre de trois jours (touche le bétail et peut
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
être mortel); ephemeral fever; three day fever -
effects cattle. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire éclore, éclore;
***: baaliga, gadel, omre; synonyms: baaliga, hatch. ***: tonnyinde, tonnyitaade,
gadel, omre. Dialects: G. soppude. Dialects: G,M.
2 • picorer, donner un coup de bec à; ; peck.
tonngol haala expression. syntaxe; syntax. Catégorie synonyms: tonnyinde; compare: soppude.
: La Grammaire. ***: lelngo. Dialects: J,Y.
tonngoode1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. tonnyugol Noun. éclosion; hatching.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: tonngooɗe. Sorting Designation: 4,
tonoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
ah. Noun. corde utilisée pour attacher des ânes One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
oud es chevaux; rope used to tie the feet of a Noun: tonooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
donkey or a horse. ***: labuure, ɓoggol, barrique, tonneau, fût; drum (a 55 gallon
metal); barrel. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
raande; synonyms: ɓoggol, daɗ
français synonyms: bargooru; ***: bargooru.
labuure, raande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G.
tonngoode2 synonyme: limre, niimara. Noun.
numéro; number. Catégorie : Mathématique. tonte Noun. piquets; pegs. Catégorie : Agriculture.

16/02/2020 628
tonteere koyngal toonyaade

tonteere koyngal Noun Class Markers: sing: nde toolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: toolagol.
plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Participles: sing: tooliiɗo-toolotooɗo plur:
Plural Form of Noun: tonteeje koyɗe. Sorting tooliiɓe-toolotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. os de la cheville; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
ankle bone. Catégorie : Le corps. 1 • taquiner, plaisanter avec; joke with; tease.
***: holɓ
holɓundere, hitere koyngal; ***: ŋawlondirde, ŋaaƴ
aaƴude, leelaade,
synonyms: holɓ
holɓundere, hitere koyngal. fuusaade, jefutaade, toolo, ŋawlaade,
Dialects: M. leekude, toonyaade; synonyms: fuusaade,
jefutaade, leekude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tontirgal Noun. pieu, pieux, instrument a fixer; stake,
picket, instrument for fixing. 2 • jouer avec; play fight. compare: leelaade,
aaƴude, toonyaade, toolo;
tonto sawto expression. accent; accent mark.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: ŋawlaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: tooɗɗ
ɗɗannde. toolo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
tontude Noun Form of Infinitive: tontugol. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Participles: sing: tontuɗo-tontoowo plur: Noun: toolooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
1 • plaisanterie, blague; joke.
tontuɓe-tontooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
***: wannyaare, toolaade, ŋawlo, ŋawlaade.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. clouer,
enfoncer une point ou un clou, fixer un pieu; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hammer or drive in a nail or spike. 2 • lutter en jouant, combattre pour s'amuser;
***: tiggude; synonyms: tiggude. play fight. synonyms: ŋawlo, wannyaare;
Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: toolaade, ŋawlaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tonƴolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form toon Sorting Designation: 1. Adverb. là, là-bas, ici;
of Noun: tonƴoole. Sorting Designation: 4. there. ***: ton1, ɗon2, ɗoon, to3, toy, to2;
Noun. petite colline; hillock. Catégorie : Terre. compare: to3, toy; synonyms: ɗoon, ɗon1, ton1.
***: tilƴ
tilƴolde; compare: tilde1; Dialects: J,M.
synonyms: tilƴ
tilƴolde. Dialects: J,M.
toonya synonyme: ko hollata toonya. Noun. plainte;
ɗɗannde Noun. accent; accent mark. Catégorie complaint, grievance, accusation. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture. ***: tonto sawto; : Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: pesal. toonya njaaraaɗ
njaaraaɗo jutiisi expression. plainte en
justice; complaint to a court. Catégorie
toogol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
Noun: toogi. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. toonyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: toonyagol.
ligne de céréale plantée; row of planted crops. Participles: sing: toonyiiɗo-toonyotooɗo
Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: ɓarsuwol, orol, plur: toonyiiɓe-toonyotooɓe. Sorting
guurtol; synonyms: ɓarsuwol, guurtol, orol. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: M. Verb. 1 • insulter, provoquer qqn; insult;
provoke somebody. ***: maybinde,
toojoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ɗɗinde, barmude, wasaade, toolaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
aybinde, torrude
torrude, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, leptaade,
of Noun: toojooje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
gaccaade, gaccaade, barminde,
Noun. bosse de zébu ou dromadaire; hump on
the back of a Zebu cow or a camel. Catégorie masimbinde, yennude, nawnude,
: Parties d’un animal. ***: ƴuugoode, tiinnande, jarribaade, leeptaade,
ƴugoore, kundiire; synonyms: kundiire, husinbinde, riibande; synonyms: gaccaade,
ƴuugoode. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. leptaade, yennude, wajude, wasaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tooke Noun Class Markers: plur: ɗe. Sorting
2 • blesser, nuire à, faire mal; injure.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. venin (ex. serpents,
synonyms: gaccaade, barminde, nawnude,
araignées, scorpions), poison; venom.
masimbinde, maybinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: posone. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

tookejum adj. venimeux; venomous, poisonous.

16/02/2020 629
toonyaaɗo ɗaɓɓuɗo juɓteede toowtineede
3 • persécuter; persecute. synonyms: gaccaade, toowneede Noun Form of Infinitive: toownegol.
husinbinde, jarribaade, riibande, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, Participles: sing: toownaaɗo-toowneteeɗo
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, torrude; plur: toownaaɓe-toowneteeɓe. Sorting
compare: toolaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
toonyaaɗo ɗaɓɓu
ɓɓuɗo juɓ
juɓteede expression. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être loué ou honoré,
partie civile; civil party, prosecution. Catégorie apprécié; praised; honored. ***: yetteede,
: Gouvernement, Juridique. ŋaaƴ
aaƴeede, barkineede, mawnineede,
synonyms: jonnde porokiire en e loomtooɓ
loomtooɓe teddineede, saaneede, leyƴ
ɗum en. jammeede, leeƴ
toonyaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. compare: barkineede, saaneede;
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of synonyms: jaareede, jammeede,
Noun: toonyaali. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. mawnineede, ŋaaƴaaƴeede, teddineede,
provocation, insulte; insult; provocation. yetteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M. toownude Noun Form of Infinitive: toownugol.
toonyiiɗo ngaddaaɗ
ngaddaaɗo tiribinal expression. Participles: sing: toownuɗo-toownoowo
prévenu; defendant, accused, prisoner. plur: toownuɓe-toownooɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Juridique.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or
Tooreg Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number Progressive: st/prg. Verb. honneur, louer,
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of exalter, augmenter l’importance de qqn, être
arrogant, élever, rendre haut; praise; increase
Noun: Tooreg'en. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
someone's importance; arrogant; exalt; honor;
un touarègue; Tuareg or Tamajeq. Catégorie
lift up. ***: leeƴ
leeƴinde, mawnitaade,
: Communauté. Note : français ***: Burdaani,
mawninde, ƴeptude, mawninde, ɓurnude,
Laarabuujo, Cappaato; synonyms: Burdaani,
saanude, leyƴ
leyƴinde, teddinde, ɓurnaade,
Cappaato, Laarabuujo. Dialects: J,Y.
juuraade, mawninkinaade, ɓurnaade,
Tooroodo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. ƴotaade, heennaade
heennaade; compare: juuraade,
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of saanude, teddinde; synonyms: ɓurnaade,
Noun: Tooroɓɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp. furaade, heennaade, makkitaade,
Noun. membre d'un groupe de peuls qui sont
mawninde, ƴeptude, ƴotaade.
originaires de la vallée senegalensis; A
member of a group of Fulɓe springing from the Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Senegal Valley. Note : Tukulor toowtidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: toowtidingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: toowtidinɗo plur:
tooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. toowtidinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Stative or Progressive: prg - miɗo toowtida.
of Noun: tooruuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb. se mettre à l'écart avec qqn ou qqch; to
Noun. idole, fétiche, gri-gri, objet de culte, go apart with someone or something;
totem; totem; fetish; idol. Dialectal Forms: [J] Nyannde fu na o toowtidin e dewtere
toowru, [Y,G,M] tooruure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. makko, imo jannga. Chaque jour il se met à
l'écart avec ses livres et lit. Every day he goes
toorude Verb. faire souffrir; suffer (cause to). apart with his book and reads.
tooweeki Noun. hauteur; height. Catégorie synonyms: teeltidinde; ***: teeltidinde.
: Mathématique. synonyms: tooweendi. Dialectal Forms: toowtididde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tooweendi Noun. hauteur; height. Catégorie
: Mathématique. ***: tooweeki.
toowtineede Noun Form of Infinitive: toowtinegol.
Participles: sing: toowtinaaɗo-toowtinteeɗo
toowndam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting plur: toowtinaaɓe-toowtinteeɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. taille, hauteur; height.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: darnde1; ***: darnde1. Dialectal Verb. être pris à part d'un groupe; taken aside
Forms: [J,Y,M] tooweefi (ki), [Y,G,M] from the rest of the group. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tooweeki (ki). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 630
toowtude torrude caliiɗo

toowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: toowtugol. torra Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
Participles: sing: toowtuɗo-toowtoowo plur: One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of
toowtuɓe-toowtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: torraaji. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se mettre 1 • aggravation, agacement, contrariété,
à part des autres, se séparer des autres, se désagrément, irritation, tourment, vexation,
distancer; off by itself; separate yourself from difficultés, souffrance, nuisance, violence;
others; distance yourself. annoyance; aggravation; suffering; bother;
synonyms: ɗakkitaade, takkitaade, teeltude,
difficulties; irritation; torment; vexation.
***: saƴƴ
ƴƴa, saɗɗa ɗɗa, bononnda, jarribe,
ɗɗaade; ***: takkitaade, ɗakkitaade,
doole, saɗɗ
ɗɗ husuba, halkere, masiiba,
a ,
ɗɗaade, teeltude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ƴƴa, baasi, jukkoore, saƴƴ saƴƴa
ƴƴa, waannde,
toowude Noun Form of Infinitive: toowugol. saɗɗ
ɗɗa, tampingol, tiiɗ tiiɗalla;
Participles: sing: toowuɗo (one who is synonyms: husuba, saɗɗ saɗɗa
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
tall)-toowoowo (still growing) plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
toowuɓe (those who are tall)-toowooɓe
2 • problème; problem. synonyms: baasi,
(still growing). Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
doole, masiiba, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, tiiɗ
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • grandir,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
augmenter de taille; grow taller. ***: leyƴ
3 • persécution; persecution. synonyms: doole,
juutude, mawnude, leesude, ƴaanɗ aanɗude,
jarribe, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓeydaade; compare: mawnude, ƴaanɗ aanɗude;
synonyms: ɓeydaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 4 • punition; punishment. synonyms: halkere,
jarribe, jukkoore; compare: saɗɗ
2 • être grand; tall. synonyms: halaade.
ƴƴinde. Dialectal Forms: [M] torla.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • être haut; high. compare: leyƴ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. torrude Noun Form of Infinitive: torrugol.
Participles: sing: torruɗo-torroowo plur:
tooƴolde Plural Form of Noun: tooƴole.
torruɓe-torrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyme: ƴuugoode, bankuure. Noun. bosse;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
hump, bump. ***: bankuure. 1 • aggraver, agacer, contrarier, irriter,
torkooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. déranger, gêner, énerver, vexer, faire souffrir;
annoy; irritate; bother; suffer (cause to); upset;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
vex; aggravate. ***: haamninde, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
of Noun: torkooji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
charrette, char; chariot; cart. Catégorie saɗɗ
ɗɗa, jarribaade, husinbinde, tiinnande,
: Voyager. ***: seretti, saretti; saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, husinbinde, haamnaade,
synonyms: saretti, seretti. Dialects: J. gaccaade, saɗɗ
ɗɗinde, tiinnande, riibande,
jukkaade, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, jarribaade,
torla suudu synonyme: torra ley dewgal. expression. jukkude, tiinnande, saɓɓ
ɓɓitaade, mettinde,
violence conjugale; domestic violence, marital
violence, conjugal violence. Catégorie toonyaade, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, husuba,
: Juridique. saƴƴ
ƴƴinde, husinbinde, riibande;
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
torom Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très amer, aigre;
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, haamninde, mettinde.
sour. Citron o na lammi torom! Ce citron est
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
très aigre. That lime is very sour! ***: corom,
2 • persécuter; persecute.
taray, toɓ
toɓol, lammude; compare: lammude;
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
synonyms: corom, taray, toɓ
toɓol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, gaccaade, jarribaade,
toonyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • tourmenter; torment.
synonyms: husinbinde, riibande, saɗɗsaɗɗinde
ƴƴinde, tiinnande, jarribaade, jukkaade,
jukkude. Dialectal Forms: [M] torlude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

torrude caliiɗ
caliiɗo Noun. répression; repression.
synonyms: tampinde.

16/02/2020 631
torsaade tottinde
3 • graine de beauté; birth mark.
torsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: torsagol.
synonyms: noosande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: torsiiɗo-torsotooɗo plur:
torsiiɓe-torsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. tosude Noun Form of Infinitive: tosugol.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Participles: sing: tosuɗo-tosoowo plur:
1 • illuminer avec une torche; illumine with a tosuɓe-tosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
flashlight. Note : français ***: yaynaade, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • effacer,
tukkude, laytaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. gommer, éliminer; strike out; erase.
2 • traîner les pieds lorsqu'on marche pied-nus Hokkaram gom faa mi tosa boofi am.
dans des endroits avec épines; to gingerly Donne-moi une gomme ainsi je peux effacer
shuffle along when walking in a place where ma faute. Give me an eraser so I can erase my
there are thorns without shoes; Imo torsoo mistakes. Ko waɗwaɗi ɓe tosi innde am?
koyɗe makko ley tuppe sabo o ɓornaaki Pourquoi mon nom est-il éliminé ? Why is my
paɗe. Il traîne ses pieds puisqu'il ne s'est pas name struck out? ***: mooytude, tuusude.
mis des chaussures. He is shuffling his feet Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
over the pickers because he didn't put his shoes 2 • effacer, faire partir, nettoyer (ex. le tableau
on. Note : français synonyms: laytaade, noir, la poussière des meubles); wipe off.
tukkude, yaynaade; compare: annoora, synonyms: mooytude, tuusude. Dialects: Y.
jayngol. Dialects: J,G,M. 3 • tacher, teindre; stain. A tosii kam pentur.
Tu m'a fait une tache avec ta peinture. You
torsal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
stained me [could be ones skin or ones clothes]
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of with paint.
Noun: torse. Sorting Designation: 2.
totiire Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Variante: torsi. Noun. torche, lampe électrique,
lampe de poche; flashlight; torch. Note : Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
français ***: laytal. Dialectal Forms: [Y] torsu of Noun: totiije. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
couverture peul fait des bandes cousues
(o). Dialects: M.
ensemble; blanket made of woven strips.
torsanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: torsanagol. ***: damiyoore, suddamaare, wudere,
Participles: sing: torsaniiɗo-torsantooɗo tappiire, disaare, sakala, kaasa;
plur: torsaniiɓe-torsantooɓe. Sorting compare: disaare, kaasa, suddamaare,
Designation: 2. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. wudere; synonyms: damiyoore, sakala,
Verb. illuminer, éclairer le chemin pour qqn; tappiire. Dialects: Y.
illuminate; light the way for someone.
Torsanoɗaa kam ley suudu ga faa mi tottinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tottingol.
ndaara salla cirgu woni ley leeso am. Shine Participles: sing: tottinɗo-tottinoowo plur:
a light in the house here so I can see if a tottinɓe-tottinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
leopard is under my bed. Note : français Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
***: laytanaade, yaynanaade; 1 • détourner; turn something away. Ɓe tottini
synonyms: laytanaade, yaynanaade. geese maɓɓ
ɓɓe taa ɓe nji'a taartagol
Dialects: J,Y,M. baabiiɓ
baabii ɓe. Ils ont détourné leur visage pour ne
pas voir la nudité de leur père. They turned
torsi Noun. torche; flashlight; torch. Note : français
their faces away in order not to see their
Dialectal Forms: tosal. father's nakedness. (Gen. 9:23).
tosal Noun. torche; flashlight; torch. Dialectal Dialects: J,Y,M.
Forms: torsi. 2 • réciter (ex. des versets); recite. Dialectal
Forms: [Y,G] tottintinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
tosande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: tosanɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
1 • marque de gomme, usure; eraser mark.
***: noosande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • tache sur un habit, écorchure, abrasion sur
une personne ou un animal; spot or stain on
clothing; abrasion on a person or animal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 632
tottitaade toƴƴaade
2 • peut impliquer : oublier, abandonner,
tottitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tottitagol.
renoncer à qqch ou qqn, laisser tomber, ne
Participles: sing: tottitiiɗo-tottitotooɗo plus compter sur; giving up on someone or
plur: tottitiiɓe-tottitotooɓe. Sorting something. Ɓernde am tottii e makko. Je ne
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or compte plus sur lui. I have given up on him.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se tourner et repartir Faa mi totta adunaaru, mi yarataa doro.
dans la direction dont on est venu; turn back Jusqu'à je mourrai, je renonce à boire de la
and head in the direction from which you have bière. Until I die - turn my back on the world -
come. Mi fuɗɗ
ɗɗu haaldude e makko tan, o I will not drink beer. Nde Laamɗ
Laamɗo yoppi
tottitii. J'ai commencé de parler avec lui Almasiihu maayi dow leggal bardugal na
lorsqu'il s'est détournée et a regarde dans nanndi O tottii e Muuɗ
Muuɗum. Lorsque Dieu a
l'autre direction. I just started talking with him laissé Christ mourir sur la croix, c'est comme
when he turned his head away from me. s'il lui aurait tourné son dos (se détourné de
***: tottude, fai'tude; synonyms: fai'tude, lui). When God let Christ die on the cross it
fiitaade, fornyaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, was as if He turned His back on Him.
yeccaade, wittude, yeeƴyeeƴaade
aade. synonyms: tottitaade
tottitaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. towude Noun Form of Infinitive: towugol.
2 • tourner son dos à (et partir); turn your body
Participles: sing: towuɗo-towoowo plur:
away; to turn your back on someone or
towuɓe-towooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
something. O wi'ii kam ko o ƴami ma a
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. porter qqch
tottiteke, a nootaaki o. Elle m'a dit que qui pende sur les épaules; carry something
lorsqu'elle t'a demandé, tu as tourne ton dos
d'elle et tu ne lui as pas répondu. She told me draped over your shoulders. ***: wahnaade,
that when she asked you, you turned away wakkaade, ɓilude; compare: ɓilude,
[and] you wouldn't answer her. O tottitii, o wahnaade, wakkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dilli yaade. Il a tourné son dos et a quitté. He toy Sorting Designation: [J,Y,G,M]; 1. adv/interrog.
turned and left; this can be used in a fig. way of
où; where. ***: toon, ton1, to3, to2;
what God did to Christ on the cross (see
compare: toon.
tottude too). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
toyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
tottude Noun Form of Infinitive: tottugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Participles: sing: tottuɗo-tottoowo plur:
of Noun: tonye or toyɗe. Sorting
tottuɓe-tottooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Designation: 2, at. Noun. le milieu de la lèvre
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se
supérieure; the middle of the upper lip.
tourner, tourner son dos à qqn, se détourner de
***: tonndu. Dialects: J.
qqn; turn your back on someone. Tottu faa mi
ndaara ɗume woni gaɗ
gaɗa ɓaawo maa. toytude Noun Form of Infinitive: toytugol.
Tourne-toi ainsi je peux voir ce qui est sur ton Participles: sing: toytuɗo-toytoowo plur:
dos. Turn around so I can see what is on your toytuɓe-toytooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
back. Ko waɗ
waɗi miɗ
miɗo haalda e maaɗ
maaɗa de aɗ aɗa Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se
totta? Pourquoi me tournes-tu ton dos lorsque raser la tête; shave the head.
je te parle ? Why do you turn your back on me synonyms: femmbude, laɓ
while I am speaking with you. Dialects: J,Y,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • couper toutes les branches d'un arbre; to
trim all the branches off of a tree.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

ƴƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: toƴƴagol.
Participles: sing: toƴƴiiɗo-toƴƴotooɗo plur:
toƴƴiiɓe-toƴƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire
claquer sa langue dans la colère; click your
tongue in anger. ***: fettaade, noɗɗ
ɓɓ itaade ; synonyms: fettaade , noɗɗ
ɓɓitaade. Dialects: Y.

16/02/2020 633
tuɓtaaɗe tukkinaade

taaɗe Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗe. Sorting tuggere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. salive, crachat; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
saliva; spit. synonyms: tuute; ***: tuute, of Noun: tugge. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
kaartudi. Dialectal Forms: tuttaaɗe. anneau peul qui est plat en haut; it is usually
Dialects: M.
made of silver; ring that is flat on the top.
***: hootonnde, fiyaare; synonyms: fiyaare,
tuɓtude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuɓtugol. hootonnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tuɓtuɗo-tuɓtoowo plur:
tuɓtuɓe-tuɓtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
tuggude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuggugol.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. Participles: sing: tugguɗo-tuggoowo plur:
tugguɓe-tuggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
cracher; spit. synonyms: haartaade,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'adosser
kaartaade, sirƴ
sirƴaade, sirƴ
sirƴude, tirƴ
sur qqch qu'on tient, s'appuyer sur qqch,
tuutude; compare: horkitinde, ormitaade, mettre la main sur qqch, poser la main sur
puusaade, purƴ
purƴaade, turre, tuure; qqch; lean on something you are holding; rest
***: sirƴ
sirƴude, tuutude, tirƴ
tirƴaade, puusaade, your hand on something. Taa tuggu toon, a
sirƴaade, purƴ
purƴaade, haartaade
haartaade, kaartaade. liɓ
liɓan gineeji. Ne t’appuie pas sur cela, sinon
Dialects: M. ça peut se gâter. Don't lean on/don't touch
there, you will knock the stuff over.
tufaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tufagol.
***: tuugaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tufiiɗo-tufotooɗo plur:
tufiiɓe-tufotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. tugudaare Noun Class Markers: nde, ɗe. Plural Form
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. of Noun: tugudaaje. Noun. pas, escalier; pas;
1 • injecté, piqué; injected. ***: feseede,
fesaade, tufeede; synonyms: fesaade. tukkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tukkagol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: tukkiiɗo-tukkotooɗo plur:
2 • avoir ses oreilles percées, se faire percer tukkiiɓe-tukkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
les oreilles; ears pierced. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
quelque chose qui est plus long / haut que
tufeede Noun Form of Infinitive: tufegol. large d’être debout; for something which is
Participles: sing: tufaaɗo-tufeteeɗo plur: longer than it is wide to be standing upright;
tufaaɓe-tufeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Sekko na tukkii. La natte se tient debout. The
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mat is standing upright., also when something
1 • être injecté, piqué; injected. ***: feseede. sharp is stuck into something in an upright
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. positions; Laɓ
Laɓi na tukkii dow leggal ngal. Le
2 • avoir oreilles oreilles percé; ears pierced. couteau est planté dans le bois (et ainsi il se
tient debout). The knife is sticking in that log.
synonyms: feseede, tufaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: daraade, sukkaade; synonyms: daraade.
tufude Noun Form of Infinitive: tufugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tufuɗo-tufoowo plur:
tukkinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tukkinagol.
tufuɓe-tufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Participles: sing: tukkiniiɗo-tukkinotooɗo
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • injecter dans, piquer, vacciner, percer; plur: tukkiniiɓe-tukkinotooɓe. Sorting

injection (to give an); pierce. ***: feseede, Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. s'agenouiller, se mettre à genoux; kneel.
fesude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: tikkinaade, hofaade, dikkinaade,
2 • percer les oreilles; pierce ears.
turaade, hippaade, sujidinde, urfinaade;
synonyms: fesude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: hippaade, sujidinde, turaade;
tuggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tuggagol. synonyms: dikkinaade, hofaade, tikkinaade.
Participles: sing: tuggiiɗo-tuggotooɗo plur: Dialects: J,M.
tuggiiɓe-tuggotooɓe. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. être mordu par un
serpent; bitten by a snake. O tuggeke
keeŋan. Hier, elle a été mordu par un serpent.
She was bitten by a snake yesterday.
***: meemtaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.

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tukkude tummbude

tukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: tukkugol. 3 • île; island. synonyms: denŋ

denŋeere, ruunde.
Participles: sing: tukkuɗo-tukkoowo plur: Dialects: M.
tukkuɓe-tukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. tummbirde1 Noun Form of Infinitive: tummbirgol.
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Participles: plur: tummbirɓe-tummbirooɓe.
1 • trouver; find. ***: torsaade, hewtitaade, Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
jukkude, laytaade; synonyms: hewtitaade, Progressive: prg. Verb. entourer, encercler;
hewtude, tawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. encircle; surround. ***: fiilude;
2 • mettre debout qqch qui est plus long que synonyms: fiilude. Dialectal Forms: [G,M]
large; to stand something upright which is tummbinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
longer than it is wide; Mi tukkii laɓ
laɓi ki dow
leggal ngal. Il a planté le couteau dans le
tummbirde2 Plural Form of Noun: tummbirɗe. Noun.
bois. I stuck the knife in that log. calice; calyx. Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal
ou d’une plante.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • toucher qqch avec le doigt / coude / genou / tummbitere1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
bâton etc; touch something with. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: tummbite. Sorting Designation: 4.
4 • regarder qqch par les jumelles; to look Noun. 1 • tas de feuilles ou de pages d'un livre;
through binoculars. synonyms: torsaade. a bunch of pages from a book or document - it
is principly used of Koranic students that take
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pages of the Koran to memmorize.
5 • illuminer qqn, éclairer vers qqn, viser la
Dialects: J,Y.
lumière sur qqn; shine a light on someone;
illuminate someone with a light. 2 • chapitre; chapter. Catégorie : Lecture /
compare: awnorgal, jukkude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tummbitere2 Noun. sommaire; summary, overview.
synonyms: loowdi.
tummbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tummbagol.
Participles: sing: tummbiiɗo-tummbotooɗo tummbude1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
plur: tummbiiɓe-tummbotooɓe. Sorting Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. of Noun: tummbuɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Verb. 1 • se mettre dans un récipient, conteneur Noun. 1 • calebasse; calabash. Catégorie
(même si seulement une partie entre dedans); : Récipient. Lagenaria siceraria.
to get into a container; even if only part of you Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enters; O tummbeke ley akalawal mobel 2 • plante de calebasse qui pousse sur le sol;
am. Il est entré dans le pont de ma voiture. He bottle gourd vine which grows the gourd.
got into the back of my truck. ***: naatude. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: le'al, lokuure, taasawal;
synonyms: gollirde, kaakol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être entre ... ou parmi ..; between. Miɗ
anndi ɓe fuu, si wanaa tummbiiɗ
tummbiiɗo tummbude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: tummbugol.
hakkunde Ali e Muusa oon. Je les connais Participles: sing: tummbuɗo-tummboowo
tous, sauf celui qui est entre Ali et Moussa. I plur: tummbuɓe-tummbooɓe. Sorting
know all of them, except the one between Ali Designation: 3, ah, mt. Verb Stative or
and Muusa. compare: naatude. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre qqch dans un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
récipient; put something into a container. Mi
tummbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. tummbii buuɗ
buuɗi am ley konkooru ga de mi
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form tawaay. J'ai mis mon argent dans cette boite,
of Noun: tummbe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. mais je ne le retrouve plus. I put my money in
Noun. 1 • chapitre, terrain non-cultivé; section; this can here but I didn't find it. ***: le'al,
chapter; uncultivated portion of a field. gollirde, lokuure, kaakol, naaddude,
Catégorie : Terre. ***: ruunde, duundere, muɓɓ
ɓɓude, naandude, naatidinde,
denŋeere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tammbaade, loowude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • espace inoccupé ou libre dans un village,
parcelle libre, bande de terre délimitée pour
être cultivée; vacant lot. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 635
tummbude turaare
2 • porter qqch dans sa main ouverte; carry 2 • roc ou bois qui fait trébucher; rock or piece
something in your open palm. Gorko oon of wood that just sticks out of the ground
tummbii roojo e junngo muuɗ muuɗum. Cette enough to trip you up. synonyms: fergere.
homme a tenu un scorpion dans sa main Dialects: J.
ouverte (sur la paume de sa main). That man 3 • souche, bout; stump. Dialects: J.
held a scorpion horse in his palm.
synonyms: tammbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. tuntuluyel
tuntuluyel Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gel plur:
3 • être enceinte (femme), être pleine (animal); koy. Number One for this noun: gootel. Plural
pregnant. synonyms: saawude, haamilude, Form of Noun: tuntuluhoy. Sorting
kaamilude, reedude, dunyude. Dialects: Y,G. Designation: 5, in. Noun. libellule ou
4 • pour un taureau de saillir sur une vache; demoiselle; dragonfly; damselfly. Catégorie
bull to breed a cow. compare: loowude, : Insecte. synonyms: baatal, battal,
ɓɓude; synonyms: hoowude. Dialects: M. ɗoytoroyel, yoobiiwu. Dialects: G.

tummbude3 Noun. accouplement; mating. Catégorie tuntumbagga Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi.
: Élevage. synonyms: laamondirgol, Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
saamondirol. Noun: tuntumbaggaaji. Sorting Designation: 4.
Noun. champignon; mushroom.
tumtere Noun. roche; rock. Catégorie : Terre. ***: jooɗ
orgal-fowru, guudu,
synonyms: tefaare. mbaggu-
mbaggu-bojel; synonyms: guudu. Dialects: Y.
tunndorgol Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gol plur: tuppere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ɗi. Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Form of Noun: tunndorɗi. Sorting of Noun: tuppe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Designation: 3. Noun. ceinture, corde ou bande Noun. espèce de plante; kind of plant. Catégorie
de tissu pour tenir les pantalons en place; belt. : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. Tribulus
***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓorgol, kumorgol; terrestris. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: haɓɓ
ɓɓaade; synonyms: kaɓɓ
tuppude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuppugol.
kumorgol. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: tuppuɗo-tuppoowo plur:
tunninde Verb. salir, polluer, souiller; soil (to); sully; tuppuɓe-tuppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
dirty (to). mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
tunningol Noun. pollution; pollution. Ko curkiiji maa percer un abcès; lance an abscess.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
siiji posoniiji goɗɗ
ɗɗi saakotoo ley piilki maa
ley kulle goɗɗ
ɗɗe dey saaboo
saaboo bonugol turaade Noun Form of Infinitive: turagol.
majjum Participles: sing: turiiɗo-turotooɗo plur:
tunnude Noun Form of Infinitive: tunnugol. turiiɓe-turotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se
Participles: sing: tunnuɗo-tunnoowo plur:
pencher en avant, se courber en avant,
tunnuɓe-tunnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. s'incliner, replier en avant; bend over forward.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. poser un ***: tikkinaade, wuuraade, onyaade,
piège, piéger; trap (to set a). ***: tuufude, leƴƴ
ƴƴitaade, tukkinaade, tiggitaade,
deeƴaade, bedaade; synonyms: bedaade, hofaade, dikkinaade, sujidinde;
deeƴaade, tuufude. Dialects: G. compare: dikkinaade, hippaade, hofaade,
tunsude Noun Form of Infinitive: tunsugol. Sorting leƴƴ
ƴƴitaade, onyaade, sujidinde, tikkinaade,
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or tiggitaade, tukkinaade, wuuraade.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rouiller; rust. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: fuunude. Dialects: Y. turaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • lorsqu'une dent se dégrade; tooth decays.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: fuunude. Dialects: G.
of Noun: turaaraaje. Sorting Designation: 4.
tuntere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Noun. parfum; perfume. ***: latikoro, urdi;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form synonyms: latikoro. Dialectal Forms: [Y] turaari
of Noun: tunte. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. (ndi). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • gros rocher, roc, roche; rock (a large).
Catégorie : Terre. ***: tefaare, tepaare;
synonyms: tefaare, tepaare. Dialects: Y,M.

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turɓinaade tuubande
2 • gratter des saletés ou des débris pour
turɓinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: turɓinagol.
nettoyer un endroit; scrape dirt and debris
Participles: sing: turɓiniiɗo-turɓinotooɗo away so as to clean an area up.
plur: turɓiniiɓe-turɓinotooɓe. Sorting compare: boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, tallude;
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or synonyms: doonyude, koraade. Dialects: Y,G.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. incliner le cou en
avant, pencher le cou en avant; bend one's tutorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)gal plur: ɗe.
neck forward. ***: turnude, loraade, Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
piinaade; synonyms: loraade, piinaade, Noun: tutorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
tisonnier, pique-feu, bâton pour arranger le
turnude. Dialects: G,M.
feu; fire poker. compare: doccal;
turnude Noun Form of Infinitive: turnagol. ***: leggirgal, duncirgal;
Participles: sing: turnuɗo-turnoowo plur: synonyms: duncirgal, leggirgal. Dialects: G.
turnuɓe-turnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
tuttaaɗe Variante: tuɓtaaɗe, tuute. Noun. salive;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
incliner le cou en avant, pencher le cou en saliva. Catégorie : Le corps. Dialectal
avant; bend one's neck forward. Forms: tuɓtaaɗe, tuute.
synonyms: loraade, piinaade, turɓ
turɓinaade; tuuba Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number
***: turɓ
turɓinaade, loraade, piinaade. One for this noun: ngoota/gooto. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,M. of Noun: tuubaaji or tuubalaaji. Sorting
turre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun. pantalons traditionnels;
pants (traditional). Catégorie : Vêtement.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. vomir; vomit.
***: pantalo, sarra; synonyms: pantalo, sarra.
***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, tuure, tuutude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: tuutude; synonyms: tuure.
Dialects: Y,G. tuubaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
turtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: turtagol. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: [J,Y] tuubaakuuɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: turtiiɗo-turtotooɗo plur:
Designation: 1. Noun. un blanc, européen
turtiiɓe-turtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
(littéralement quelqu'un qui porte des
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se pantalons); white person. Catégorie
redresser lors-qu’incliné en avant; straighten
: Communauté. ***: boɗboɗeejo, daneejo;
up if bent forward. synonyms: dartaade;
synonyms: boɗ
boɗeejo, daneejo. Dialectal
***: wuurtaade, ooncaade, dartaade;
Forms: [G,M] tuubaako (o)/tuubaakooɓe
compare: ooncaade, wuurtaade.
(ɓe). Dialects: J,Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuubande Noun Form of Infinitive: tuubangol.
turude Noun Form of Infinitive: turugol.
Participles: sing: tuubanɗo-tuubanoowo
Participles: sing: turuɗo-turoowo plur:
plur: tuubanɓe-tuubanooɓe. Sorting
turuɓe-turooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Designation: 3, th. Verb Stative or
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • courber,
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • demander pardon,
incliner qqch ou qqn en avant, pencher qqn ou
qqch en avant; bend something or someone s'excuser auprès de qqn; apologize; ask
someone to excuse a wrong that you have done
forward. ***: jimminaade, onyude. to them; forgiveness (ask for); ask for
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. forgiveness. ***: rookaade yaafee,
2 • attacher le cadre d'un toit de case; tie the suuttude; synonyms: surude.
frame of a roof together. synonyms: onyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • confesser un tort, confesser un péché;
tutaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tutagol. confess a wrong done. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: tutiiɗo-tutotooɗo plur:
tutiiɓe-tutotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • pousser; shove; push. ***: dunƴ
yerƴude, doonyude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, koraade,
tallude; synonyms: dunƴ
dunƴude, yerƴ
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 637
tuubude tuumeede

tuubude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuubugol. tuugaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tuugagol.
Participles: sing: tuubuɗo-tuuboowo plur: Participles: sing: tuugiiɗo-tuugotooɗo plur:
tuubuɓe-tuubooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, tuugiiɓe-tuugotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se th. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se
repentir, changer de comportement, se tourner pencher sur un bâton ou des béquilles en
vers Dieu, prononcer la confession de foi bougeant, s’appuyer sur des béquilles; lean on
islamique; say the Islamic confession of faith; a staff or crutch as you move. ***: dekaade,
change; returns to God; repent. ***: yeccaade; faataade, hoolaade, goonɗ
goonɗinde, laamnude,
synonyms: yeccaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diilaade, fawaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuuɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tuuɓagol. 2 • avoir confiance en, se confier à; can be
Participles: sing: tuuɓiiɗo-tuuɓotooɗo plur: used fig. of trust. tuuga e Laamɗ
Laamɗo avoir
confiance en Dieu. trust in God.
tuuɓiiɓe-tuuɓotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • s'incliner sur l'eau pour boire; bend over 3 • avoir seulement un morceau de déjeuner; to
with your face to the water to drink. Ko o only have a bite of breakfast; Mi tuugeke
tuuɓii e bargooru welaay ɓe. Le fait qu'il seeɗ
seeɗa de puɗpuɗumi golle am. J'ai pris un
s'est incliné sur la barrique pour boire ne leur morceau de nourriture et puis j'ai commencé
a pas plu. That he bent over and drank from le travail. I had a bite to eat and then I started
the barrel did not make them happy. my work. compare: dekaade, diilaade,
***: yarude, ɓenaade. Dialects: J,Y. fawaade, hoolaade, goonɗgoonɗinde, laamnude,
2 • poser sa face sur qqn ou qqch; put your tuggude. Dialects: M.
face on someone or something. Mayrama tuuginirgal synonyme: toginirgal. Noun. tuteurage;
tuuɓii, ŋati junngo gorum. Mayrama bent stringing / wiring, staking of plants. Catégorie
over and bit her husband's hand. Dialects: J,Y. : Arbres, Agriculture.

tuuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuuɗugol. Sorting tuugnorgal Noun. instrument; instrument. Catégorie
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Stative or : Mathématique. synonyms: kuutorgal.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • désarçonner, tuugnorgal-
tuugnorgal-ɓeto Noun. instrument de mesure;
lorsqu'un cheval rejet son cavalier, secouer du meter. Catégorie : Mathématique.
dos (cheval); buck; horse throws off its rider.
synonyms: caanaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, sowaade, tuugol Noun Class Markers: sing: ngol plur: ɗi.
ɗɗaade; ***: weɗɗ
ɗɗaade, dammbaade, Number One for this noun: gootol. Plural Form of
caanaade, sowaade. Dialects: J,M. Noun: tuuli or tuugi. Sorting Designation: 4.
2 • refuser de bouger; refuse to move. Noun. piège; trap. compare: nannginde;
synonyms: dammbaade. Dialectal Forms: [G] ***: huuseeru, kusal, nannginde, bedorgal;
tuurude - refuse to move. Dialects: Y. synonyms: bedorgal, huuseeru, woyya.
Dialects: J.
tuufinde Noun Form of Infinitive: tuufingol.
Participles: sing: tuufinɗo-tuufinoowo plur: tuugorgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
tuufinɓe-tuufinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. attraper Noun: tuugorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
qqch ou qqn dans un piège; catch someone or synonyme: ƴommbal. Variante: tuugordu.
something in a trap. ***: deeƴ
deeƴinaade, Noun. canne, bâton, appui; cane; support; staff.
nannginde; synonyms: deeƴdeeƴinaade, synonyms: sawru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nannginde. Dialects: J. tuumaaɗ
tuumaaɗo Noun. suspect; suspect. Catégorie
tuufude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuufugol. : Juridique.
Participles: sing: tuufuɗo-tuufoowo plur: tuumaɗ
tuumaɗo Noun. inculpé; accused person. nde
tuufuɓe-tuufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. gosoowo lugotooɗ
lugotooɗo tuumii Catégorie
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. poser un : Gouvernement, Juridique.
piège, piéger; set a trap. synonyms: bedaade, synonyms: feleede, mo gosoowo lugotooɗ
deeƴaade, tunnude; ***: deeƴ deeƴaade, tuumii.
bedaade, tunnude. Dialects: J. tuume Noun. accusation; accusation. Catégorie
: Juridique. synonyms: dillol1, taafugol, gosu.

tuumeede Verb. inculper; indict, accuse.

16/02/2020 638
tuumo tuuseede

tuumo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number tuundiiji manaaji expression. sachets plastiques;
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of plastic bags.
Noun: tuumooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. tuundi-
tuundi-mana Variante: Tuundiiji ɗi mana. Noun.
soupçon, méfiance; suspicion. A faamii déchet plastique; plastic waste.
tuumo maa dow makko wanaa goonga? Tu
ndi-nyoloori Plural Form of
comprends que tes soupçons envers lui ne sont
pas vraies ? You understand that your Noun: tuundiiji-nyolooji . Noun. déchet
suspicion of him is not the truth? Note : arabe biodégradable; biodegradable waist.
synonyms: dimme, jate, jikke, miilo, seko, tuunduuji Noun. impuretés; impurities.
sikke. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] tuume.
tuuninde Verb. salir; soil, make dirty.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuuningol piilki expression. pollution de
tuumtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tuumtagol. l'environnement; environmental pollution.
Participles: sing: tuumtiiɗo-tuumtotooɗo Catégorie : Terre.
plur: tuumtiiɓe-tuumtotooɓe. Sorting
tuunude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuunugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • visiter, surveiller qqch, vérifier, Participles: sing: tuunuɗo-tuunoowo plur:
contrôler (ex. une mère travaillant dehors qui tuunuɓe-tuunooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
va de temps en temps dans la case pour voir Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être
son bébé); check on something; go round; très sale, sali; soiled; dirty. ***: wuunɗ
visit. Dialects: J,Y. nyerƴ
nyerƴude, fuunude, ŋerƴ erƴude, furɗ
2 • visiter qqn pour voir comment ça va; visit synonyms: furɗ
furɗude, ŋerƴerƴude, nyerƴ
someone to see how they are.
wuunɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: jaɓɓ
ɓɓowaade. Dialects: J,Y.
tuure Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Number One for
tuumtagol Noun. visite, surveillance médicale; visit. this noun: wootere. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
***: ndaarangol
ndaarangol cellal. Noun. vomissement; vomit. Catégorie
tuumude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuumugol. : Maladie. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, turre, tuutude;
Participles: sing: tuumuɗo-tuumoowo plur: compare: tuutude; synonyms: turre.
tuumuɓe-tuumooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: J,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir tuurisismi emprunt: français. Noun. tourisme;
des soupçons, se méfier, être méfiant, se poser tourism. Catégorie : Voyager, Le travail et
des questions quant à; suspicious. Note : arabe diverses activités.
***: jikkude, miilaade, miijaade, sikkude,
tuusaade Noun Form of Infinitive: tuusagol.
jataade, sogude, dimmude, sikkitaade,
Participles: sing: tuusiiɗo-tuusotooɗo plur:
taafude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuusiiɓe-tuusotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
2 • accuser; accuse. Note : arabe
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'essuyer
synonyms: jataade, jikkude, miijaade,
avec une serviette; dry yourself with a towel.
miilaade, sekinde, sikkitaade, sogude,
synonyms: mooytaade; ***: mooytaade.
taafude; compare: sikkude, miilaade.
Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuuseede Noun Form of Infinitive: tuusegol.
tuundi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi. Sorting
Participles: sing: tuusaaɗo-tuuseteeɗo
Designation: 2, th. Noun. saleté, impureté,
plur: tuusaaɓe-tuuseteeɓe. Sorting
déchet, péché, parasites, ordure, règles
(menstruation); dirt; sin; internal parasites Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se faire essuyer par qqn; dried by
(worms). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
someone else. ***: mooyteede;
tuundi doro Noun. drêche; distiller's wash, brewer's synonyms: mooyteede. Dialects: J.
tuundi reedu Noun. parasite; parasite. Catégorie
: Animaux inférieurs.

tuundi ƴommbe sikkoro expression. mélasse;

molasses, muck. Catégorie : Élevage.
tuundiiji Noun. 1 • déchets; waste.
2 • résidus; remnants. Catégorie : Agriculture.

16/02/2020 639
tuusude uddirgal

tuusude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuusugol. 2 • vomir; vomit. compare: horkitinde,

Participles: sing: tuusuɗo-tuusoowo plur: ormitaade, purƴ
purƴaade, puusaade, turre,
tuusuɓe-tuusooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. tuure. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tuwam Sorting Designation: 2. Adverb. 1 • ne pas
1 • essuyer avec une serviette; dry with a cloth encore, toujours pas; not yet. O waraay
or a towel. ***: mooytude, liilude, tosude, tuwam. Il n'est pas encore venu. He hasn't
sunndude; synonyms: mooytude, sunndude. come yet. ***: ginan, tawam, tafon, tahen.
Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
2 • épousseter, enlever la poussière; dust.
2 • encore, toujours; still. Imo jannga tuwam.
synonyms: mooytude, tosude; il étudie encore. He is still studying.
compare: haamude, liilude. Dialects: J. Dialects: G.
tuute Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗe. Sorting 3 • tout d'abord, premièrement; first of all. Ittu
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. salive, crachat; leggal ngaal ley yitere maa tuwam, ndeen a
saliva; spit. ***: tuɓ
taaɗe, kaartudi; yi'an faa wooɗ
wooɗa. Enlève d'abord le poteau
synonyms: tuɓ
taaɗe. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] dans ton œil, puis tu verras bien. Remove the
tuutaaɗe. Dialects: J,G. log in your eye first, then you will see well.
synonyms: ginan, tafon, tahen, tawam.
tuuttude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuuttugol. Sorting
Dialects: G.
Designation: 4. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. pâlir des couleurs de tissu quand on lave; tuƴƴ
ƴƴam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Sorting
for dye in fabric or clothing to run some in the Designation: 3, mt. Noun. saignement de nez;
process of washing. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nose bleed. Catégorie : Maladie.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tuutude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuutugol.
Participles: sing: tuutuɗo-tuutoowo plur: tuƴƴ
ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: tuƴƴugol.
tuutuɓe-tuutooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Participles: sing: tuƴƴuɗo-tuƴƴoowo plur:
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tuƴƴuɓe-tuƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
1 • cracher; spit. ***: tuɓ
tuɓtude, ormitaade, mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
sirƴude, tirƴ
tirƴaade, horkitinde, puusaade, saigner du nez, lorsque le nez saigne; nose to
tuure, sirƴ
sirƴaade, eemtaade, purƴ
purƴaade, bleed; bleed (nose). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
horsude1, turre, haartaade, kaartaade;
synonyms: haartaade, kaartaade, sirƴ
sirƴude, tirƴ
tirƴaade, tuɓ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

U - u

uddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: uddagol. 2 • être stupide, bête, insensé; stupid. Mi
Participles: sing: uddiiɗo plur: uddiiɓe. nulataa Muusa sabo o uddiiɗ
uddiiɗo Je n'enverrai
pas Moussa, car il est stupide. I won't send
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Stative or
Muusa [on the errand] because he is stupid.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être bien fermé;
synonyms: uddude. Dialects: G.
tightly shut or closed. Gampuwal ngal
uddeke faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Cette porte est bien uddirgal Noun. couvercle; lid or cover. Dialectal
fermée. That door is shut tight.; often used in a Forms: uddoode.
stative form for something which is capable of
being tightly closed or sealed; Si a yehii
luumo fu, coodanaa kam butel, uddotoo
ngel faa wooɗ
wooɗa, ngaddanaa kam. Si tu vas
au marché, achète une bouteille pour moi,
ferme la bien et amène-la moi. If you go to
market, buy me a bottle, stop it well, and bring
it to me. Dialects: J,G.

16/02/2020 640
udditaade ujude

udditaade Noun Form of Infinitive: udditagol. uddude Noun Form of Infinitive: uddugol.
Participles: sing: udditiiɗo-udditotooɗo Participles: sing: udduɗo-uddoowo plur:
plur: udditiiɓe-udditotooɓe. Sorting udduɓe-uddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Verb. 1 • entrer dans une maison et fermer la 1 • fermer, couvrir; close. ***: sukkude,
porte derrière soi; enter the house and close ɓannude, ommbude, muɓɓ
ɓɓude, uddaade.
the door behind you. ***: wangude, huraade, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
suuɗaade, suuɗsuuɗitaade, ɓangude, 2 • être stupide, bête, insensé; stupid.
ommbitaade, omtaade, feertaade, funtude, synonyms: muɓɓ
ɓɓude, mummude, ommbude,
yaltude, ontaade; synonyms: huraade, sukkude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ommbitaade, suuɗ suuɗaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • apparaître dans un endroit d'où on était
ufaango Noun. moisissure; mould, mildew.
enlevé; to appear from a place where you were synonyms: puundi
concealed. synonyms: ɓangude, funtude, ufeede Participles: sing: ufaaɗo-ufeteeɗo plur:
suuɗitaade, wangude, yaltude. ufaaɓe-ufeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. être enterré; buried. ***: uweede;
3 • lorsqu'une fleure s'ouvre; flower opens. synonyms: uweede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: feertaade
feertaade, omtaade.
ufirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
udditii synonyme: ko omtii ; ko weeɗii. adj. ouvert; of Noun: ufirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
open. ko udditii tombe, tombeau; grave; tomb. ***: laakara,
udditinde Noun Form of Infinitive: udditingol. yanaande, uwirde, aanyeere, saabeere;
Participles: sing: udditinɗo-udditoowo plur: synonyms: saabeere, uwirde, yanaande.
udditinɓe-udditooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • ouvrir; ufude Noun Form of Infinitive: ufugol. Sorting
open. ***: funcitinde, omtude, funcitinde, Designation: 3, ct. Verb Stative or
weertude, wanginde, sukkitinde, ontude, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • enterrer; bury.
tammbitinde, mummitinde, suuttude, synonyms: uwude, irude, mooɓ
feertude, munnitidde; synonyms: omtude, ***: aawude, mooɓ
mooɓude, nyolude, fuunude,
sukkitinde, tammbitinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. irude, uwude, uwude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
2 • exposer ou révéler ce qui était caché; 2 • planter une graine / semence / pépin; plant
generally orally; expose or reveal that which is
a seed. synonyms: uwude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
hidden. synonyms: funcitinde, suuttude.
3 • lorsque de la nourriture se gâte ou pourrit;
Dialects: J,Y,M. food decays; rots or spoils (food).
3 • déclarer coupable, reconnaître coupable, compare: fuunude; synonyms: nyolude.
condamner; convict. synonyms: funcitinde. Dialects: J,Y.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] udditidde.
ujiri Noun Class Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number
Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of
uddoode Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Noun: uji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Noun.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form tourteau castré; castrated bull. Catégorie
of Noun: uddooɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. : Élevage. compare: nagge, ngaari,
Noun. couvercle, bouchon; cork; plug; cover; kalahaldi; synonyms: ɓujiri; ***: ɓujiri.
lid. ***: hippoode, ommbirgal, ommboode
ommboode; Dialects: Y,G,M.
synonyms: hippoode, ommboode,
ujude Noun Form of Infinitive: ujugol.
ommbirgal. Dialectal Forms: uddirgal.
Participles: sing: ujuɗo-ujoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ujuɓe-ujooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. castrer en
brisant les tuyaux spermatiques; castrate.
synonyms: tappude; ***: mantaade,
mantude1; compare: mantaade, mantude1.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 641
ujunere ummagol

ujunere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ukkude Noun Form of Infinitive: ukkugol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: ukkuɗo-ukkoowo plur:
of Noun: ujunaaje. Sorting Designation: 1. adj. ukkuɓe-ukkooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs,
1 • mille (nombre cardinal), 1000, millier; ct. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
thousand (the cardinal number). Catégorie 1 • planter / semer plusieurs semences dans le
: Mathématique. ***: ujunereeru, njunna
njunna. même trou; plant a number of seeds in the
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. same hole. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • millième; thousandth. here are the ordinal 2 • mettre de la farine et de la poudre dans
adjectives by noun class - to continue with this l’eau bouillante pour faire le tô; to put "ŋecce"
series replace the ordinal adjective for one and then "conndi" into boiling water in order to
with that of two, three, etc:Group I ɓe/ujunere cook "nyiiri". Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
go'aɓe; ko/ujunere go'aɓo; nde/ujunere
go'aɓerde; ndu/ujunere go'aɓurdu; nge/ujunere ulgu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
go'aɓe; ngo/ujunere go'aɓo Group II Designation: 4. Noun. le vent harmattan;
ɗe/ujunere go'aɓe; ɗi/ujunere go'aɓi; Harmattan; wind strong. Catégorie : Temps.
ɗum/ujunere go'aɓum; kal/ujunere go'aɓal; ***: cuddi, sawawre, dunna, saawandere,
kol/ujunere go'aɓol; ngal/ujunere go'aɓal;
niibaare; synonyms: cuddi, niibaare.
ngel/ujunere go'aɓel; ngol/ujunere go'aɓol;
o/ujunere go'o Group III ɗam/ujunere Dialects: M.
ngo'aɓam; ka/ujunere ngo'aɓa; ki/ujunere ulude Noun Form of Infinitive: ulugol.
ngo'aɓi; ko/ujunere ngo'aɓo; koy/ujunere
Participles: sing: uluɗo-uloowo plur:
ngo'aɓoy; ndi/ujunere ngo'aɓirdi; nga/ujunere
ngo'aɓa; ngi/ujunere ngo'aɓi, ngu/ujunere uluɓe-ulooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
ngo'aɓu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • encourager
qqn d'agir, provoquer que qqn fait qqch;
ujunereeru Noun. millier; thousand. Catégorie encourage or provoke someone to do
: Mathématique. synonyms: ujunere, njunna. something. ***: fuufude, uppude, suusinde;
ujunewal Noun. millième; thousandth. Catégorie synonyms: fuufude, semmbinde, suusinde,
: Mathématique. uppude. Dialects: G.
2 • attiser un feu, un feu qui reprend; fire to
ujuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
flame up. Dialects: J,Y.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: ujuuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. umaru-
umaru-bootooji Noun Class Markers: sing: o.
excuse, appel, demande, sous prétexte que, Sorting Designation: 5, or. Noun. marabout
raison pour avoir fait une faute; reason for (oiseau), cigogne; marabou stork. Catégorie
having made a mistake; excuse; plea. Note : : Oiseau. Leptoptilos crumeniferus.
arabe ***: geldol, jeldol, sabaabu; ***: maarabu. Dialects: J.
synonyms: geldol, jeldol, sabaabu.
ummaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ummagol.
Dialects: J,Y.
Participles: sing: ummiiɗo-ummotooɗo
ukkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ukkagol. plur: ummiiɓe-ummotooɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: ukkiiɗo-ukkotooɗo plur: Designation: 1. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ukkiiɓe-ukkotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. se lever, se mettre debout; get up; rise.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trouver ***: ɓantaade, daraade, huncaade,
par hasard, tomber sur qqch; happen upon ƴeptaade; synonyms: ɓantaade, daraade,
something or someone. Hannden mi ukkeke huncaade, ƴeptaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
e yigoo am, mo mbayrumi yi'ude. ummagol synonyme: ɓantagol gabbe. Noun.
Aujourd'hui j'ai trouvé un ami que je n'avais
montaison; growth of the plant. Catégorie
plus vu pendant longtemps. Today I ran into a
: Agriculture.
friend that I had not seen in a long time.
***: yandude, saamtude;
synonyms: saamdude, yandude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 642
ummanaade unndaade

ummanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ummanagol. ummitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: ummitagol.
Participles: sing: Participles: sing: ummitiiɗo-ummitotooɗo
ummaniiɗo-ummanotooɗo plur: plur: ummitiiɓe-ummitotooɓe. Sorting
ummaniiɓe-ummanotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Stative or
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • regagner la
Verb. décider de faire qqch qu'on sait faire, conscience après évanouissement, revivre,
commencer à faire qqch; start doing ressusciter; resuscitate; revive; regain
something; decide to do something that you consciousness after having passed out.
know you can do. Maani ummaneke ***: fekkorde, iirtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nyimngo galle muuɗ
muuɗum. Whatishisname has 2 • resurgir d'un problème ou d'une maladie,
started building his courtyard. Ko o nawni réapparaître, revenir, rechuter, retomber;
relapse; reoccur; resurface (to have a problem).
oon ɗuum, o ummanaaki. That he hurt him
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
was not intentional. synonyms: anniyaade;
3 • ressusciter des morts, être ressuscité,
***: enndude, hencaade, anniyaade,
revenir de parmi les morts; rise from the dead;
haykaade; compare: aykaade, enndude,
resurrected. synonyms: iirtaade;
hencaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: fekkorde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
umminde Noun Form of Infinitive: ummingol.
umroore synonyme: teddinol sariya. Noun. ordre;
Participles: sing: umminɗo-umminoowo order, command. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
plur: umminɓe-umminooɓe. Sorting Juridique.
Designation: 3. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. faire que qqn se lève, faire se lever,
umsaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
causer que quelqu'un va quelque part; go Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
somewhere (causes you to); get up (to cause Noun: umsaali. Sorting Designation: 3, mt, ah.
to). Haaju am umminii kam yahude luumo. Noun. léger gémissement; light groaning. En
Mes besoins ont fait que je suis allé au marché. anndaa noy ngaɗ
ngaɗirten du'aawu no haaniri,
My needs caused me to go to the market. ammaa Ruuhu oon ina waɗ
waɗana en ɗum e
***: saabanaade, saabaade;
umsaali ɓurɗ
urɗi haalaaji luggude. (Roma'en
synonyms: saabaade, saabanaade.
8:26) Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
umsude Noun Form of Infinitive: umsugol.
ummingol haala na yoni naa yonaa Participles: sing: umsuɗo-umsoowo plur:
expression. opportunité des poursuites;
umsuɓe-umsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
discretionary prosecution. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. gémir
légèrement, grogner, plaindre, râler; moan
ummintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: ummintingol. (lightly); groan (lightly). ***: ŋuylude,
Participles: sing: ottude, uumude; compare: ŋuylude, ottude;
ummintinɗo-ummintinoowo plur: synonyms: uumude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ummintinɓe-ummintinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Stative or
undugal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Progressive: prg - na ummintina. Verb.
1 • ressusciter qqn; resurrect someone. Noun: unnduɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
Noun. grand pilon; pestle with which they
***: iirtinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
pound grain. Catégorie : Outil.
2 • réanimer qqn; resuscitate someone.
compare: unude, wowru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • donner à qqn la permission de quitter; unndaade Noun Form of Infinitive: unndagol.
permission to leave (give people the). Participles: sing: unndiiɗo-undotooɗo plur:
synonyms: iirtinde. Dialects: J. unndiiɓe-undotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
ah. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • rester dans la maison pour une période de
temps parce qu'on est en colère ou vieux; stay
in the house for a period. ***: woofaade,
boofagal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 643
unndagol urude
2 • lorsqu'une fille qui va être amenée auprès 3 • souffler de l'air dans le vagin d'une vache
de son futur mari reste dans la maison de pour faire venir le lait plus facilement; to blow
quelqu'un pendant trois jours; fig. when a girl air into the vagina of a newly freshened cow to
who is about to be taken to her new husband help let the milk down. synonyms: fuufude.
stays in the house of someone in her family for Dialects: Y,G,M.
three days. Dialects: M.
3 • être en incubation, incuber, couver les uppundi Noun. œdème; oedema, edema. Catégorie
œufs, faire son nid; brood; incubate its eggs; : Maladie.
nest. synonyms: woofaade; compare: boofagal. Ur Sorting Designation: 4, nbl. Noun. Ur au pays
Dialects: Y,G,M. des Chaldéens, lieu de naissance d'Abraham;
Ur of the Chaldeans; birth place of Abraham.
unndagol Noun. couvaison, incubation; brooding, Catégorie : Localité. Note : hébreu
incubation. Catégorie : Élevage.
Dialects: biblical.
unndinde Noun Form of Infinitive: unndingol. urdi Note : Absa - should be two uurdi Noun Class
Participles: sing: unndinɗo-unndinoowo
Markers: sing: ndi plur: ɗi. Number One for this
plur: unndinɓe-unndinooɓe. Sorting
noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of Noun: urdiiji.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Stative or
Sorting Designation: 4, pl. Noun. encens
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire couver (souvent (produit localement); incense.
on met des œufs de pintade sous une poule);
compare: latikoro, turaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
incubate (to cause to). ***: dammbude;
synonyms: woofinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. urfinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: urfinagol.
2 • prendre une fille qu'on veut marier et la Participles: sing: urfiniiɗo-urfinotooɗo plur:
cacher jusqu'au moment qu'on peut la marier urfiniiɓe-urfinotooɓe. Verb Stative or
(avec son accord); to take a girl that you wish Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être à genoux avec
to marry and hide her away until you can les avant-bras aussi par terre; kneel on the
marry her (with her consent). ground with one's forearms also on the ground.
synonyms: dammbude. Dialects: M. compare: dikkinaade, hofaade, tikkinaade,
unorde e lumnorde Noun. odorat; sense of smell. tukkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Le corps. urkeewu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
synonyms: maate-
luuɓngol. Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
unude Noun Form of Infinitive: unugol. of Noun: urkeeji. Sorting Designation: 5, in.
Participles: sing: unuɗo-unoowo plur: Noun. abeille qui fait son nid sur le sol; honey
bee that forms its nest in the ground. Catégorie
unuɓe-unooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, ct.
: Insecte. synonyms: benngaare; ***: nyaaku,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. piler,
pilonner, pulvériser qqch; pound or pulverize mbuubuudu, njuumndi, njabbattu, buubel
something. ***: nyecce, kodde, undugal, demoowo, buubuuda, juuri, nyabbattu;
ɗaatude, ŋecce, ɗiggude, wowru; compare: njuumndi, nyaaku, mbuuluulu,
compare: ɗiggude, burkitaade, bumpitaade, mbuubuudu, njabbattu. Dialects: J,G,M.
bumpude, duufude, fiitaade, sokkude, urnata Variante: ko urnata. Noun. arômes; aromas,
sokkitaade, sottude; synonyms: ɗaatude. flavours.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. uru Sorting Designation: 5. interj. bruit fait pour
uppude Noun Form of Infinitive: uppugol. chasser / éloigner un âne; a sound made for
Participles: sing: uppuɗo-uppoowo plur: chasing off a donkey. synonyms: ara, ari;
uppuɓe-uppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, ***: ara, ari. Dialects: G,M.
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. urude Noun Form of Infinitive: urugol.
1 • gonfler, enfler, augmenter; swell.
Participles: sing: uruɗo-uroowo plur:
***: fuufude, ulude
ulude, fuufude, ɓuutude, uruɓe-urooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Verb
suusinde; synonyms: ɓuutude. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • cuire avec
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. de la vapeur ou de la fumée; cook with steam
2 • encourager ou provoquer qqn de faire or smoke. ***: cuurki, dempinde, defude,
qqch; encourage or provoke someone to do curki, suurtinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something. synonyms: fuufude, semmbinde, 2 • flairer; to scent using incense or perfume.
suusinde, ulude. Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: suurtinde; compare: curki, defude,
dempinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 644
Urusaliima uurnude

Urusaliima Sorting Designation: 3, nbl. Noun. uulo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
Jérusalem; Jerusalem. Catégorie : Localité. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: biblical. Noun: uulooji. Sorting Designation: 3, pl, ct.
Noun. 1 • espèce de plante; kind of of plant.
ust-a Verb. soustraire; subtract. Catégorie
Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
: Mathématique.
Cassia obtusifolia. ***: pampantu.
ustaandi Noun. rabais; discount. Catégorie : Argent, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Mathématique. synonyms: tinu wirfitaaɗ
wirfitaaɗo, 2 • espèce de plante; plant found in the Sahel
ngustam. and savannah. It is not appetizing and its seeds
are toxic. It is used to make medicine.
ustugol Noun. soustraction; subtraction. Catégorie Catégorie : Herbes, plantes grimpantes.
: Mathématique.
Cassia occidentalis. synonyms: pampantu.
usu Sorting Designation: 5, ah. interj. bruit fait pour Dialectal Forms: [J] uulorowol.
chasser /éloigner un bœuf; a sound made in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
order to chase a cow away. ***: ass, kuss, osi,
tek, huy, oss, tik, kiss; synonyms: ass, kiss,
uumude Noun Form of Infinitive: uumugol.
kuss, osi, oss, tek, tik. Dialects: G. Participles: sing: uumuɗo-uumoowo plur:
uumuɓe-uumooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
usuru Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
mt. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of gémir, râler, se plaindre; groan; moan.
Noun: usuruuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. ***: ŋuylude, umsude, ottude;
petite taxe pour le droit de vendre des compare: ŋuylude, ottude;
marchandises au marché; tax that is charged
in order to sell something in the market. synonyms: umsude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Catégorie : Argent. Note : français ***: patanti, uur Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. odeur agréable,
lampo; synonyms: lampo; compare: patanti. bonne odeur, sentir bon; smells good. Ɗum
Dialects: J,M. na uuri uur. Cela a vraiment une bonne
odeur. Cela sent vraiment bon / agréable. That
uugaade Noun Form of Infinitive: uugagol.
really smells nice. ***: buy, bugu, gusa;
Participles: sing: uugiiɗo-uugotooɗo plur:
compare: uurude; synonyms: bugu, buy, gusa.
uugiiɓe-uugotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • frotter
avec une pierre ponce pour lisser une uurdi Plural Form of Noun: ure. Noun. baume; balm,
calebasse ou gourde; rub a calabash. balsam.
***: woogude, woggude;
uurnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: uurnagol.
synonyms: woogude, woggude. Dialects: G,M.
Participles: sing: uurniiɗo-uurnotooɗo plur:
2 • être mou, souple, tendre, décrit un endroit
uurniiɓe-uurnotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
sablonneux où il est facile à cultiver; to be
soft; this describes a sandy spot in a field that Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sentir
is easy to hoe even if it does not rain; or a place qqch, flairer, humer, renifler, ; scent; smell
which on the surface is a bit soft in the something; sniff a scent. O wi'ii sanaa mi
morning; En njaha dow tilde toon sabo toon sooɗ
sooɗa turaare nde sabo mi omtii ɗum, mi
ɓuri uugaade. Allons là-bas auprès de la uurneke. Elle a dit que je dois acheter ce
colline, car là-bas il est facile de cultiver, Let's parfum car je l'ai ouvert et senti / humé son
go over on that hill because over there it will be odeur. She said I had to buy this perfume
easier to hoe. Toon feewaa, min uugoto tan. because I opened it and smelled it.
Là-bas il est sec, nous allons seulement synonyms: maatude; ***: maatude.
cultiver la surface. There it is dry, we will only Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hoe the surface. compare: uugorde, woogirde;
uurngol e lumngol Noun. odeur; smell, odour.
synonyms: waggi
ggiɗinde. Dialects: J,Y.
uurnude Verb. parfumer; flavor with; perfume on (to
uugorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. put).
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: uugorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
pierre ponce; pumice stone. ***: uugaade,
woogude, woogirde; synonyms: woogirde;
compare: woogude. Dialects: G,M.

16/02/2020 645
uurude waadere

uurude Noun Form of Infinitive: uurugol. uwirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: uuruɗo-uuroowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
uuruɓe-uurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb of Noun: uwirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir une tombe, tombeau; grave; tomb. ***: laakara,
bonne odeur, sentir bon; good odor; smell yanaande, aanyeere, caabeeje, ufirde,
good. ***: bugu, luuɓ
luuɓude, uur, gusa, saabeere; synonyms: saabeere, ufirde,
neesude; compare: gusa, luuɓ
luuɓude, neesude. yanaande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
uwude Noun Form of Infinitive: uwugol.
uutude Noun Form of Infinitive: uutugol. Participles: sing: uwuɗo-uwoowo plur:
Participles: sing: uutuɗo-uutoowo plur: uwuɓe-uwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
uutuɓe-uutooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • exhumer, 1 • enterrer,, inhumer; bury. ***: ufude,
déterrer, excaver; dig up. ***: leggude. aawude, mooɓ
mooɓude, ufude, irude;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ufude, irude, mooɓ
2 • faire remonter un ancien problème; fig. to Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bring up an old problem. synonyms: leggude. 2 • planter; used fig. for to plant.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ufude, irude, mooɓ
mooɓude, aawude.
uweede Noun Form of Infinitive: uwegol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: uwaaɗo-uweteeɗo plur: uwugol Noun. enterrement; burial, funeral. Dialectal
uwaaɓe-uweteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Forms: irugol.
Verb. être enterré, inhumé; buried.
synonyms: ufeede; ***: ufeede.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

V - v

vitamin emprunt: français. Noun. vitamine; vitamin.

***: witamin.

W - w

wa'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: wa'ugol. wa'ugol Noun. fauche; mowing, cutting grass.
Participles: sing: ga'uɗo or gaaɗo plur: wa’ude Verb. faucher; to mow, to cut, to scythe.
wa'uɓe or waaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Catégorie : Agriculture.
Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative
waadere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
or Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • ressembler, être
comme, avoir l'aire de; look like; resemble; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
like (to be). ***: firkaade, miccinde, aahiila, of Noun: baade. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
alhaali, sifaade, noone, nanndude, wayde, Noun. goutte; drop. ***: gonngol, gomngol,
ferkaade, sifa, faaytinde; compare: aahiila, toɓɓ
ɓɓere1; synonyms: toɓɓ
alaama, alhaali, noone, sifa; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: faaytinde, nanndude, miccinde,
wayde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • décrire; describe. compare: ferkaade,
firkaade, wuuwude; synonyms: noonude,
sifaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • faucher de l'herbe, couper de l'herbe avec
une lame; cut grass with a blade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 646
waafaade waajibi

waafaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waafagol. waajaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waajagol.
Participles: sing: baafiiɗo-baafotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: baajiiɗo-baajotooɗo plur:
waafiiɓe-waafotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. waajiiɓe-waajotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • rassembler Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prêcher,
des saletés et en former un tas avec ses mains donner des instructions religieuses,
ou avec un outil, creuser comme un chien; dig enseignement religieux, instruire, moraliser;
(dog); gather loose dirt together. Waafiindu preach; religious teaching; instruct. Note : arabe
fuu wo hoorem waafantoo. Le chien qui compare: jannginde; ***: jannginde.
creuse, creuse pour son propre bénéfice. The Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dog who digs, digs for its own benefit.; how a
bull paws the earth, how a person hoes, to waajibaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: only
gather something toward oneself - the focus is stative or progressive forms of this verb
pulling dirt toward oneself. ***: wahaade, are used. Noun Form of Infinitive: waajibagol.
ɓoptude, tiggitaade, ɓottude, tiggitinde; Participles: sing: baajibiiɗo-baajibotooɗo
synonyms: ɓoptude, ɓottude. Dialects: J,Y. plur: waajibiiɓe-waajibotooɓe. Sorting
2 • s'adosser à qqch, s’appuyer sur qqch; lean Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
against something. synonyms: wahaade. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Dialects: G. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être obligé de faire,
3 • placer les cadres du lit a leurs endroits devoir faire, être exigé de faire; must do;
entaillés; to place the boards of the bed on the obliged to do; required. Gollude na waajibi e
notched pieces that are fitted into the ground; jom koreeji fuu. Toute responsable de famille
the entire process is call "waafagol". doit travailler. Every head of a household
synonyms: darnude; compare: tiggitinde. must work. Note: waajibaade carries a very
Dialects: G. strong sense of obligation, stronger than
haanude. ***: say
say, sanaa, sey, kanaa,
waagiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waagiɗingol.
tilsude, haanude, tilay; compare: haanude,
Sorting Designation: 5, ah. Verb Consonant
karahan, tilay; synonyms: tilsude.
Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st - na waagiɗi. Verb. 1 • dessin
de pelage / robe d'animaux où le blanc est waajibaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting
parsemé de bandes de noir ou de jaune; a coat Designation: 3, th. Noun. l'essence d’être
pattern of cows; sheep; goats; dogs; cats and responsable; essence of being responsible.
zebras where the animal is white with large Waajibaaku Laamɗ
Laamɗo wo senaare e
bands of black or yellow. Catégorie : Couleur.
duumiiɗam e laaɓ
laaɓal e baawɗ
baawɗe e njinngu e
***: baagi, siiwɗ
siiwɗude. Dialects: J,G.
yurmeende e hinney e munyal e mbooɗ
2 • robe blanche avec bande noire; white
e teddeengal faa abada. L'essence de dieu
clothing with a black band. nagge waage est la sainteté, l'éternité, puissance, amour,
mbaalu mbaagu mbeewa mbaaga grâce, patience, bonté et gloire pour toujours.
rawaandu waaguru muusuuru waaguru The essential nature of God is holiness,
Catégorie : Couleur. This verb is used to form eternity, righteousness, power, love, mercy,
the various adjectives for the concerned noun grace, patience, goodness and glory forever.
classes: Group I nde/waagere, ndu/waaguru, Note : arabe Dialects: J,Y.
nge/waage Group II ɗi/baagi, ɗe/baage,
ɗum/baagum, ka/mbaaga, kol/baagol, waajibi Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
ngal/baagol, ngel/baagel, o/baago Group III Designation: 4. aux. v. être obligé de faire qqch,
ka/mbaaga, ko2/mbaago, koy/mbaagoy, être exigé, être absolument nécessaire;
ndi/mbaagiri, nga/mbaaga, ngi/mbaagi, obliged or required to do something;
ngu/mbaagu; compare: herɗ
herɗude, noorɗ
noorɗude, absolutely necessary. Waajibi njehen toon
jamolɗinde, siiwɗ
siiwɗude. Dialects: J,G. ndaarowen o. Je dois absolument y aller et le
voir. We absolutely must go there and see him.
Note : arabe ***: karahan, yonude, say,
sanaa, sey, kanaa, tilay; synonyms: karahan,
tilay; compare: haanude, kanaa, sanaa, sey.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 647
waajinbinde waaliyal

waajinbinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waajinbingol. waalde gofernemaaji expression. organisation

Participles: sing: intergouvernementale; intergovernmental
organization. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
baajinbinɗo-baajinbinoowo plur:
waajinbinɓe-waajinbinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in waalde mawnde nde gofernema joƴƴ
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. expression. organisation non-gouvernementale,
ONG; non-governmental organisation, NGO.
Verb. obliger, forcer; obligate; force. A
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
waajinbinii kam yahude toon fajiri fuu. tu
m'as obligé d'y aller chaque matin. You have waalde njeɗɗ
ɗɗe synonyme: waalde leyɗe adunaaru.
obliged/forced me to go there every morning. expression. organisation internationale;
Note : arabe synonyms: tilsinde; international organization. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
compare: karahan, tilay. Dialects: J,Y,G.
waaldeere1 Noun. structure, génération; structure,
waaju Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form of
Noun: waajuuji. Sorting Designation: 3, th. waaldeere2 Voir entrée principale : waalde1. Noun.
Noun. prêche, prédication, sermon, génération; generation.
enseignement religieux; sermon; preaching; waaldude Noun Form of Infinitive: waaldugol.
religious teaching. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: baalduɗo-baaldoowo plur:
waalaade Noun Form of Infinitive: walagol. Sorting waalduɓe-waaldooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • passer
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsqu'un animal ou la nuit avec qqn ou qqch; pass the night with
une personne folle se met /couche par terre; someone or something. ***: hatude,
when an animal or crazy person lies down. reewude, yonngaade, yowaade, naaddude,
***: fukkaade, wappude; suumaade, waɗɗ
ɗɗaade, yiitude, naatidinde,
compare: fukkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. fukkodaade, nyallirde1, naandude, rentude,
waalaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. baaldal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 2 • avoir des relations sexuelles; sexual

of Noun: waalaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, cs. intercourse (to have). synonyms: fukkodaade,
Noun. l'endroit où l'on brûle le bois qui hatude, hoowude, naaddude, naandude,
parvient du nettoyage d’un champ; a place naatidinde, rentude, reewude, yiitude,
where the wood from a field that is being yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cleared is burned. synonyms: feenaare, 3 • ne pas avoir mangé le soir, dormir à jeûne;
huumaare; ***: huumaare. Dialects: M. not have any dinner; not have eaten in the
waalde1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. evening. compare: baaldal, nyallirde1,
suumaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: gaale. Sorting Designation: 4. Variante waalirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
: waaldeere. Noun. 1 • grain du chapelet, il y Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
en a avec 99 ou avec 100 grains; bead on a of Noun: baalorɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
rosary. ***: seedeere, taybiihi, tasbiihi
tasbiihi, Noun. endroit pour se coucher, endroit de
hayre. Dialects: J,M. repos; place to lay down; resting place. Ndi
2 • être de la même promotion d'âge, laateke winnde ɓolde, waalorde kulle
association; association; age group (same); ladde. Elle deviendra une désolation, un
same age group. Miin e moyni yo waalde Lui endroit de repos pour des animaux. She has
et moi, nous sommes de la même promotion become a desolation, a resting place for beasts.
d'âge. He and I are from the same [age] group. Zeph 2:15. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,M] waalorde.
compare: seedeere, taybiihi; synonyms: hayre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waaliyal Noun. cigogne; stork. Catégorie : Oiseau.
waalde2 Noun. comité, commission, association,
organisation; committee, association,
commission, organisation. Catégorie
: Juridique.

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waalnude waandu

waalnude Noun Form of Infinitive: waalnugol. waamtude Noun Form of Infinitive: waamtugol.
Participles: sing: baalnuɗo-baalnoowo plur: Participles: sing: baamtuɗo-baamtoowo
waalnuɓe-waalnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. plur: waamtuɓe-waamtooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. saluer qqn tôt Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
le matin; greet someone early in the morning. Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • travailler dur,
***: hiirnude, nyallinde, jowtude, wennude, travailler beaucoup, faire son travail avec
hownude; compare: wennude, nyallinde, ardeur, travailler avec ardeur / zèle; work
hiirnude; synonyms: hownude, jowtude
jowtude. hard at one's work. ***: yooltude, waantude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • couper en deux une gourde ou calebasse;
waaltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waaltagol.
cut a gourd in half. synonyms: waantude,
Participles: sing: baaltiiɗo-baaltotooɗo
yooltude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: waaltiiɓe-waaltotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in waamude Noun Form of Infinitive: waamugol.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: baamuɗo-baamoowo plur:
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être calme, se waamuɓe-waamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
calmer; calm; calm down. O ɓeerniino Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
sanne, ammaa joonin ka o waalteke. Il était Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
très en colère, mais maintenant il s'est calmé. paresseux; lazy. Imo waami fay o ummoo, o
He used to be really angry, but now he has nyaama. Il est même trop paresseux pour se
calmed down. synonyms: feewtude, sawraade. lever et manger. He is too lazy to even get up
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. and eat. synonyms: hoyfude, huyfude,
jaasude, waatude, yanude1.
waalude Noun Form of Infinitive: waalugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: baaluɗo-baaloowo plur:
2 • être léthargique car fatigué ou malade, être
waaluɓe-waalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
plus lent que normalement; sluggish because
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
one is tired or ill. Konno o waamiri nii?
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer la pourquoi est-il si lent ? Why is he so sluggish?
nuit; pass the night. ***: nyallude, hiirude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
weetude; compare: hiirude, nyallude,
waancaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waancagol.
weetude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: baanciiɗo-baancotooɗo
waamnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. plur: waanciiɓe-waancotooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: [J,Y,M] baamle, [G] baalle. Sorting Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Designation: 3. Noun. grande colline, Verb. se promener, se balader, flâner, errer;
montagne; hill (large); mountain. Catégorie wander around; walk about.
: Terre. ***: hayre, tefaare, tilde1, tepaare, synonyms: yiiltaade; ***: yiiltaade.
waannde; compare: hayre, tefaare, tepaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialectal Forms: [G] waannde.
waande1 Noun. soucis, problème; worry; problem.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waande2 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
waamnde-galaasi Noun. glacier; glacier. Ndiyam
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
aaniiɗam, laatii tiilde toownde mawnde
of Noun: baaɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
Catégorie : Terre.
Noun. termitière, monticule; mound; termite
hill. Catégorie : Terre. compare: ngangaawu,
mooƴu; ***: mooƴ
mooƴu. Dialectal
Forms: [Y,G,M] waandeere. Dialects: J,Y,M.

waandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: baaɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. singe; monkey. Catégorie : Mammifère.
***: laayooru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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waandu mawndu waannyude

waandu mawndu Noun. chimpanzé; chimpanzee. waannude Noun Form of Infinitive: waannugol.
Catégorie : Mammifère. Participles: sing: baannuɗo-baannoowo
waandu rewru Noun. guenon; female monkey. plur: waannuɓe-waannooɓe. Sorting
Catégorie : Mammifère. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
waandu semmbereeru synonyme: dunkooru.
Verb. 1 • déranger, causer un désagrément,
Noun. babouin, gorille; baboon. Catégorie
inconvénient, empêcher qqn de faire qqch;
: Mammifère.
inconvenience; hinder someone from doing
waanjit-o Variante: waanjitt-o. Verb. copier, something. Ko o yoppidi kam e suka makko,
recopier; copy. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. o waannii kam sabo mi waawaa gollude
***: nyemmbit-
nyemmbit-a; synonyms: nyemmbit-
nyemmbit-a. golle am, mi waawaa yahude luumo. Le fait
waannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi/ɗe. qu'elle a laissé les enfants avec moi dérange
mon travail et aussi je ne peux pas aller au
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
marché. That she left her child with me has
of Noun: 1. [J,Y,M] waanndeeji 2. [G] baalle. inconvenienced me because I can't do my work
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. 1 • préoccupation, or go to market. ***: wemmbude, yaalude,
anxiété, problème, inquiétude, soucis, charge,
hanndude, reewnude; synonyms: hanndude.
difficulté; anxiety; worry; care; problem;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
concern. ***: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u; synonyms: doole,
2 • surmener en donnant un travail à faire
masiiba, saɗɗ
ɗɗa, saƴƴ
ƴƴa, tiiɗ
tiiɗalla, torra. qu'on ne peut pas faire, demander de faire
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. l'impossible, top exiger, demander trop;
2 • grande colline ou montagne; hill; overtax by giving someone something to do
mountain. Catégorie : Terre. that they cannot do. O waannii kam sabo o
compare: kaɓɓ
ɓɓuko'u, mettalla, hayre, wi'ii si wanaa mi haanta ndemri ngesa nga
tefaare, tepaare; synonyms: waamnde. hannden o yoɓ
yoɓataa kam. Il m'a surmené
Dialects: G. (exigé trop) car il a dit que si je ne peux pas
finir de cultiver le champ aujourd'hui, il ne va
waanneede Noun Form of Infinitive: waannegol. pas me payer. He overtaxed me because he
Participles: sing: baannaaɗo-baanneteeɗo said unless I finish hoeing the field today he
plur: waannaaɓe-waanneteeɓe. Sorting won't pay me. synonyms: reewnude.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 3 • déranger ou appauvrir qqn en prenant ou
Verb. 1 • être fait pauvre, (ex. parce que qqn a détruisant ce qu'il possède, mettre dans les
tout volé), devenir pauvre; poor (to be made). problèmes; inconvenience or impoverish
***: yaalaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. someone by taking or destroying their things.
2 • être surmené car donné qqch a faire qu'on O waannii kam sabo o lallinii klé moteere
ne peut pas faire; to be overtaxed by being am. Il m'a dérangé (mis dans les problèmes)
given something to do that you cannot do. car il a perdu la clé de ma moto. He has
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. inconvenienced me because he lost the key to
3 • être empêché de faire ce qu'on voudrait ou my motorcycle. Bujjuɗ
Bujjuɗo na'i makko o
devrait faire; hindered from doing. waannii o. Celui qui a volé son bétail l'a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. appauvri. The one who stole his cattle
impoverished him. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • préoccuper; preoccupy. Ɗum waanni
kam. Cela est tout ma préoccupation. That is
all I can think about. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waannyude Noun Form of Infinitive: waannyugol.
Sorting Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant
Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. relâcher le liquide
amniotique lorsqu'un animal met bas; the
release of the amniotic fluid when an animal
gives birth. synonyms: wamnude;
***: wamnude. Dialects: J,Y,G.

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waansude waawaa

waansude Noun Form of Infinitive: waansugol. waarudu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: baansuɗo-baansoowo Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
plur: waansuɓe-baansooɓe. Sorting of Noun: baaruɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. faucille; sickle. Catégorie : Outil.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. ***: wawdu; compare: coppirgal;
Verb. devenir laid / vilain comme conséquence synonyms: wawdu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'un décès / famine ou pauvreté; ugly (to
waasude Noun Form of Infinitive: waasugol.
become). synonyms: waysude
waysude; ***: waysude,
Participles: sing: baasuɗo-baasoowo plur:
ɗaayude. Dialects: J.
waasuɓe-waasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
waanteede Noun Form of Infinitive: waantegol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Participles: sing: baantaaɗo-baanteteeɗo Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. perdre, ne plus
plur: waantaaɓe-waanteteeɓe. Sorting avoir, ne pas avoir qqch dont on a besoin,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in manquer de qqch, ne pas trouver, ne pas
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
réussir ou atteindre; not have something you
Verb. être aidé dans une situation de dette;
need or desire; look for but fail to find; lack;
helped with a debt. Catégorie : Argent. fail to achieve something. Tennyoral e ko
***: walleede; synonyms: walleede. warata waasataake sakko ɓerɗ
erɗe meeɗ
Dialects: J,Y. metta sabo njinngu Alla ina heewi e ɓerɗ
meeɗen saabe Ruuhu Ceniiɗ
Ceniiɗo mo Alla
waantude Noun Form of Infinitive: waantugol.
hokki en. (Roma'en 5:5) Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: baantuɗo-baantoowo plur:
waantuɓe-waantooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. waasugol Noun. perte; loss; losing.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb waataade Verb. prêter serment; to swear, to attest.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aider, Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique.
donner une aide financière, secourir ***: hunaade.
financièrement; financial aid; help. Catégorie
: Argent. ***: waamtude, wallitinde, waatoreede Noun Form of Infinitive: waatoregol.
waɗande, wannude, nafude
nafude, wallude, Participles: sing: baatoraaɗo plur:
ɓillitinde, yawaade, faabaade, haɓ haɓande, waatoraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, dh, da.
sakkude; synonyms: waɗ
waɗande, yawaade. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Dialects: J,Y. Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être impuissant
sexuellement, ne pas avoir la capacité de
2 • travailler durement, être zélé dans le
reproduire; capacity to reproduce sexually has
travail; work hard at one's work.
died; sexually impotent. compare: waatude.
synonyms: waamtude, yooltude. Dialects: G.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • couper en deux une gourde ou calebasse;
cut a gourd in half. Dialects: G. waatude Noun Form of Infinitive: waatugol. Sorting
Designation: 2, mt, cs. Verb Consonant Change
waanude Noun Form of Infinitive: waanugol.
in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: baanuɗo-baanoowo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mourir (animaux et
waanuɓe-waanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
plantes), utilise aussi pour un sol appauvri;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb depleted soil); die (animals or plants).
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être ***: wannde, maayude, hantaade,
pauvre; poor (to be). ***: talkiɗ
talkiɗinde, lo'ude; baatoraaɗ
baatoraaɗo, saaɗsaaɗude, waatoreede,
synonyms: lo'ude, talkiɗ
talkiɗinde. Dialects: J,M. waamude; synonyms: hantaade, saaɗ saaɗude,
waare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. wannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form 2 • boiter, être paresseux; lazy; limp.
of Noun: bahe. Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
barbiche, barbe au menton; hair on the chin; 3 • «waatude ɓernde» désigne quelqu’un qui
goatee; beard on the chin. Catégorie : Le ne s'énerve jamais qui n'est jamais en colère;
corps. ***: saadewol, ji'al waare, leggal ". Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G] waadde.
waare, gemene; compare: gemene, leggal Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waare, saadewol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waawaa Sorting Designation: 1. Verb. ne peut pas, ne
pas pouvoir; cannot. compare: waawude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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waawaa sawreede waccaade

waawaa sawreede expression. incurable; incurable. waaydude Noun Form of Infinitive: waaydugol.
ko waawaa sawreede Participles: sing: baayduɗo-baaydoowo
plur: waayduɓe-waaydooɓe. Sorting
waawande Noun Form of Infinitive: waawangol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: baawanɗo-baawanoowo
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
plur: waawanɓe-waawanooɓe. Sorting
Verb. hurler au point d'avoir des larmes (ex. si
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in qqn est en colère); scream to the point of
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. having tears. ***: wullude, woyude,
Verb. être capable de maîtriser ou contrôler,
haaccude, gonngol, gomngol;
discipliner; able to master or control;
compare: gonngol, haaccude, halɓhalɓude,
discipline. waawande hoorem maîtriser
ƴeewnaade, wullude, woyude.
soi-même. control yourself. ***: haɓ
Dialects: J,Y,M.
durtaade; compare: nantaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. waaƴ
waaƴiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waaƴiɗingol.
waaweede Verb. être vaincu; defeated; conquered. Participles: sing: baaƴiɗinɗo plur:
waaƴiɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
waawi janngeede expression. lisible; readable, Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
legible. ko waawi janngeede Catégorie or Progressive: st - na waaƴiɗi. Verb. être
: Lecture / écriture. capable de courir très vite; run very fast (able
waawtude Verb. réussir; manage to do; succeed in to). Dialectal Forms: [J] waahiɗinde.
doing; achieve. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waawude Noun Form of Infinitive: waawugol. waaƴ
waaƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: waaƴugol.
Participles: sing: baaw(u)ɗo-baawoowo Participles: sing: baaƴuɗo-baaƴoowo plur:
plur: waaw(u)ɓe-waawooɓe. Sorting waaƴuɓe-waaƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être vite,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être capable de rapide; fast. synonyms: yaawude;
faire qqch; capable to do something. ***: jongude, ƴuufude, wawnyude.
***: hawude, baawɗ
baawɗe, Baawɗ
Baawɗo, waawaa, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jaalaade, werude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • bouillir; boil. synonyms: jongude,
2 • être capable de défendre qqn; capable of
ƴuufude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
defeating someone. Ngaari am na waawi
ngaari maa. Mon taureau peut vaincre ton wabbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
taureau. My bull can beat your bull. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: hawude, jaalaade, werude. of Noun: gabbe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. 1 • grain, graine, pépin, noyau, amande,
semences; grain; seed; kernel. Catégorie
waawude kaariya Verb. être capable de se passer : Agriculture. synonyms: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, ngeeƴ
de; able to do without.
***: ɓiɗɗo
ɗɗo, gabbe, ngeeƴ
ngeeƴu, aawdiiri,
waawude umminde sariya faa bononndaajo geeƴ
geeƴam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jukkee expression. action publique; public 2 • grain de sable; grain of sand.
action, government action. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
waccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waccagol.
waawugol yaharude haala muuɗ
muuɗum jutiisi Participles: sing: bacciiɗo-baccotooɗo plur:
expression. action en justice; legal action. wacciiɓe-waccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Catégorie : Juridique.
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • mâcher, ronger, chiquer, mordiller; chew.
***: munaafikaade, ƴaccitaade,
mbonkaade, luurude, huɗ
huɗude, sefaade,
yeensaade, buykude, ƴakkude, ŋormaade
bonkaade, nyaamude; synonyms: nyaamude,
ƴakkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 652
waccitaade waɗande
2 • parler de manière négative de qqn (même si
waddundurde Noun Form of
c'est vrai); speak negatively about someone.
Infinitive: waddundurgol. Participles: sing:
synonyms: bonkaade, mbonkaade,
gaddundurɗo-gaddunduroowo plur:
ŋormaade, ŋurŋ urŋurtude, sefaade,
waddundurɓe-waddundurooɓe. Sorting
yeensaade. Dialects: J.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
3 • se plaindre; complain.
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
synonyms: bonkaade, mbonkaade,
Verb. accuser, bavarder, diffamer, calomnier
ŋormaade, ŋurŋ urŋurtude, sefaade, pour monter les gens l'un contre l'autre,
yeensaade. Dialects: J. provoquer des gens à la bagarre; slander;
4 • maudire; curse. compare: luurude, accuse; gossip about with the purpose of
making people fight among themselves;
munaafikaade; synonyms: huɗ
huɗude. Dialects: J.
provoke people to fight. ***: munaafikaade,
waccitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waccitagol. hamnude, haddinde, nyo'ude, buykaade,
Participles: sing: baccitiiɗo-baccitotooɗo jurkondirde, haɓ
haɓinde, naafikaade;
plur: waccitiiɓe-waccitotooɓe. Sorting compare: munaafikaade, naafikaade,
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in nyo'ude, sownaade; synonyms: haɓhaɓinde,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. haddinde, hamnude. Dialectal
Verb. ruminer; chew a cud. ***: ƴakkude, Forms: [Y,G,M] waddondirde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
ŋoolude, ŋooltaade; compare: ŋoolude,
waɗ-a Verb. effectuer (une opération); perform (an
ƴakkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
operation). waɗ
waɗ-a (hiisorde) Catégorie
waccoore1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. : Mathématique.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
waɗ-a fiɓ
fiɓre expression. poser un problème; to state a
of Noun: baccooje. Sorting Designation: 4. problem. Catégorie : Mathématique.
Noun. bavarder, papoter, faire des
commérages sur qqn, diffamer, calomnier; waɗ
waɗ-a lime synonyme: niimaraaji. expression.
slander; gossip. synonyms: hunnduko, numéroter; to number. Catégorie
: Mathématique.
munaafikaare, naafikaare. Dialects: J.

waccoore2 Noun. action de ruminer, mâcher; waɗ

waɗ-a nyiginyoga synonyme: sinyiŋonya. Verb.
gribouiller; scribble. Catégorie : Lecture /
ruminating, chewing.
waddannde Verb. apporter à quelque chose; bring
waɗande Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗangol.
Participles: sing: gaɗanɗo-gaɗanoowo plur:
waddondirde Verb. calomnier; slander. waɗanɓe-waɗanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: naafikaare, gaddaade, jurkude. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
waddondirgol Noun. calomnie; slander, defamation. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire qqch
pour qqn; make or do something for someone.
wadduɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Hasan waɗ
waɗanii kam ko weli kam keeŋ
Designation: 3. Noun. jeunes enfants; children
sabo o riiwanii kam bonɗ
bonɗo o. Hier, Hassan
(young); young children. Catégorie : La
a fait qqch pour moi, car il a renvoyé le
Personne. Dialects: J,M. mauvais type. Hasan did me a favor yesterday
waddude Noun Form of Infinitive: waddugol. because he chased the bad guy away.
***: wallitinde, wannude, wannude,
Participles: sing: gadduɗo-gaddoowo plur:
wannude, hokkude, waantude, wannude,
wadduɓe-waddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
holtinde, nafude, wallude, yawaade.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. apporter,
2 • donner de l'argent à qqn, aider qqn; help
amener, associer; bring. compare: yaarude;
someone in general; give someone money. Mi
***: yottinde, yaarude, hewtinde
waɗanii sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe am ko weli ɓe, sabo mi
synonyms: hewtinde, yottinde.
soodanii ɓe balon J'ai fait plaisir à mes
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
enfants car je leur ai acheté un ballon. I
delighted my children because I bought them a
ball. synonyms: waantude
waantude, yawaade,
yoɓande; compare: holtinde.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 653
waɗanegol laabi buurtorɗi waɗude siiji keewɗi

waɗanegol laabi buurtorɗ
buurtorɗi expression. waɗ
waɗtande Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗtangol.
désenclavement; opening up. Catégorie Participles: sing: gaɗtanɗo-gaɗtanoowo
: Voyager.
plur: waɗtanɓe-waɗtanooɓe. Sorting
ɗɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗɗagol. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: baɗɗiiɗo-baɗɗotooɗo Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
plur: waɗɗiiɓe-waɗɗotooɓe. Sorting Verb. 1 • poser / mettre qqch quelque part pour
qqn; put something somewhere for someone.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: wattande, resude; ***: wattande,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • monter sur un animal comme un wattande. Dialects: J,M.
cheval / âne ou un vélo; mount an animal such 2 • habiller qqn, chausser qqn; dress someone
as a horse or a donkey or a bike. ***: hatude, else; put someone else's shoes on them.
yonngaade, yowaade
yowaade, hatude, baɗɗ
ɗɗo, synonyms: wattande, ɓornude. Dialects: J,M.
yowaade; synonyms: yowaade. 3 • échanger une chose avec une autre chose;
exchange one thing for another.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɓortude, ɓornaade. Dialects: J,M.
2 • avoir des relations sexuelles; sexual
intercourse. compare: baɗɗ
ɗɗo; waɗ
waɗtude Noun Form of Infinitive: wattugol.
synonyms: danyude, fukkodaade, hoowude, Participles: sing: gattuɗo-gattoowo plur:
laamaade, naaddude, naandude, wattuɓe-wattooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
naatidinde, rentude, reewude, waaldude, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
yonngaade, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • emboîter
qqch, mettre une chose dans une autre chose;
waɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗegol. put something in something else.
Participles: sing: gaɗaaɗo-gaɗeteeɗo plur: ***: wattude1; synonyms: faccude, loowude,
waɗaaɓe-waɗeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, jurkude, nannude1, saawude, wattude1,
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb wuurnude, ƴoogude, yurkude. Dialects: J,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • subir qqch; 2 • s'habiller, se mettre qqch (ex. chaussures,
have something done to you. ***: tageede. pantalons etc.), porter; dress yourself; wear.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ɓornaade. Dialects: J,M.
2 • être crée; created. synonyms: tageede. 3 • déposer de l'argent dans une banque; to put
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. money in a bank; deposit. Catégorie : Argent.
synonyms: fukkinde, resude. Dialects: J,M.
waɗeede goɗɗ
ɗɗum expression. subir; undergo, be
subject to, suffer. waɗ
waɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗugol.
Participles: sing: gaɗuɗo-gaɗoowo plur:
waɗi synonyme: ko woni. Noun. situation; situation.
waɗuɓe-waɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
ko waɗ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
waɗii jamaanuuji Adverb. autrefois; days gone by; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire,
formerly. accomplir; do; accomplish. ***: mahude,
waɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waɗingol. tabitinde, laataade, nyiɓ
nyiɓude, gollude.
Participles: sing: gaɗinɗo-gaɗinoowo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waɗinɓe-waɗinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 2 • fabriquer, confectionner; make.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb synonyms: mahude, nyiɓnyiɓude, wannude.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire faire, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faire que qqn fait qqch; cause someone or 3 • se passer, réaliser, être fait, se produire,
something to do something. Fay si kokkoɗ
kokkoɗaa arriver; happen; realized. synonyms: laataade,
o buuɗ
buuɗi faa heewi a waawaa waɗwaɗinde o ko tabitinde; compare: gollude
gollude, ɗiimitinde.
welaa o. Même si tu lui donnes de l'argent, tu Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ne peux pas faire qu'il fasse qqch qu'il ne veut
pas faire. Even if you give him a bunch of waɗ
waɗude faa laamu jeeta expression. nationaliser;
money you can't cause him to do something nationalise, nationalize. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
which he doesn't want to do. ***: wannude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. waɗ
waɗude siiji keewɗ
keewɗi expression. diversifier;
diversify, vary.
waɗt-a Verb. convertir; convert. Catégorie
: Mathématique.

16/02/2020 654
waɗude sinyatiiri wahaade
2 • souple, tendre, jeune; tender; young; soft.
waɗude sinyatiiri Verb. mettre une signature; put a
Cukalel ngel na waggiɗ
waggiɗi, waawaa duroyde.
signature. ***: maanda.
Cet enfant est trop jeune, il ne peut pas
waɗude warhoore mawnde expression. s'occuper du troupeau. That child is too
homicide; homicide, murder, killing, young, he cannot herd. Ngaddanaa kam loosi
manslaughter . Catégorie : Juridique. baggi faa mi turira suudu am. Amène-moi
waɗugol ceeri expression. délimitation; delimitation. des cordes souples pour que je puisse attacher
ma maison. Bring me some flexible cords so
waɗugol faa laamu jeeta expression. that I can tie my house together. Ley galle
nationalisation; nationalization . Catégorie makko na wondi e lekkoy mbaggoy. Il y a
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
des arbres jeunes dans sa cour. There are
waɗugol golle expression. application; application. young trees in his yard. Mi waddii hoy waggo
hannden. Aujourd'hui, j'ai amené des feuilles
waɗugol tile-
tile-tile expression. buttage; earthing up.
tendres. I brought some tender baobab leaves
Catégorie : Agriculture.
today. Note: this verb conjugates to form
wagasi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number adjectives for each applicable noun class.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Here are the relevant adjectives: Group I
ɓe/wagguɓe, ko/waggo, nde/waggere,
Noun: wagasiiji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
ndu/wagguru, nge/wagge, ngo/waggo Group
pagne ciré; waxed fabric. Catégorie
II ɗe/bagge, ɗi/baggi, ɗum/baggum,
: Vêtement. Note : English ***: bagi, disaare. kal/baggal, kol/baggol, ngal/baggal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ngel/baggel, ngol/baggol, o/baggo Group III
ka/mbagga, ki/mbaggi, ko/mbaggo,
waggiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waggiɗingol. koy/mbaggoy, ndi/mbaggiri, nga/mbagga,
Participles: sing: baggiɗinɗo or baggo
ngi/mbaggi, ngu/mbaggu; compare: ɓeta, ɓati,
plur: waggiɗinɓe or wagguɓe. Verb
leti; synonyms: soofude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • doux, mou, wagginɗ
wagginɗinde Verb. ameublir; to break up. Catégorie
: Agriculture.
agréable, flexible; flexible; tender; soft. A
waɗii nyiiri maa ndi faa waggiɗ
waggiɗi. Tu as fait wagon Noun. wagon; wagon. Catégorie : Voyager.
ton tô agréable et mou. You made your nyiiri Note : français
nice and soft. ***: ɓeta, ɓati, doli, butum, Wahaabiyanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
uugaade, legi, lesa, leti, soofude. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: Wahaabiyankooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 4. Noun. Musulman conservatif
appartenant au Wahhabites; a conservative
Muslim belonging to the Wahaabiya sect. Note
: arabe ***: Alsilaami, Sunnanke,
Suufiyanke, Tijjaaninke; compare: Alsilaami,
Sunnanke, Suufiyanke, Tijjaaninke. Dialectal
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] Wahhaabiyanke.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

wahaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wahagol.

Participles: sing: bahiiɗo-bahotooɗo plur:
wahiiɓe-wahotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s'allonger en
se posant sur son avant-bras; recline while
resting on your forearm. Moy woni
Yaakuuba, pukkiiɗ
pukkiiɗo o naa bahiiɗ
bahiiɗo o.
Lequel est Yakouba, celui qui est couché ou
bien celui qui est allongé et s’appuie sur son
avant-bras ? Which one is Yakuba, the one
lying down or the one resting on his elbow.
***: waafaade; synonyms: waafaade;
compare: fukkaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 655
wahilɓe wakkaare

wahilɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting waki Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. rugueux, rêche, ;
Designation: 2, cp. Noun. forgerons; rough. Kaasa ka na nyaaɗ
nyaaɗi waki. Cette laine
blacksmiths. Catégorie : Travailleur. est très rugueuse. That wool robe is really
Dialects: Y,G,M. rough. compare: nyaaɗ
nyaaɗude; synonyms: hosi
nyar; ***: hosi, nyaaɗ
nyaaɗude, nyar. Dialects: J.
wahnaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wahnagol.
Participles: sing: bahniiɗo-bahnotooɗo wakiili Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
plur: wahniiɓe-wahnotooɓe. Sorting One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun: wakiili'en. Sorting Designation: 4, th.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st Noun. témoin, représentant, fondé de pouvoir;
(rare-descriptive)/prg. Verb. s'envelopper
witness; representative. Catégorie : La
avec une couverture; to drape a blanket or Personne. Note : arabe compare: seedaade;
cloth over your shoulder then wrap it around synonyms: seedee; ***: seedee, seedaade.
your body. compare: jilinde, towude, Dialects: J,Y.
wakkaade, wukaade, wunngaade,
wakkaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wakkagol.
wuundaade; ***: wunngaade, wakkaade,
Participles: sing: bakkiiɗo-bakkotooɗo plur:
wuundaade, towude, jilinde, bammbude,
wakkiiɓe-wakkotooɓe. Sorting
wukaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
wajaalo Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of (rare-descriptive)/prg. Verb. 1 • pendre qqch
Noun: wajaalooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. aux épaules avec une corde; hang something
espèce d'herbe utilisée pour tisser des nattes à from your shoulder by a strap or rope.
coucher à Mahadaga; the grass used to weave ***: takkaade, wahnaade, wunngaade,
sleeping mats in Mahadaga. compare: leeso. wuundaade
wuundaade, takkaade, gorfude, gorfaade,
Dialects: G. towude, jilinde, ɓilude, bammbude,
wukaade, hooɓ
hooɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wajoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • marcher au long du bord de qqch,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
contourner qqch; walk or skirt along the edge
of Noun: bajooje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
of something. synonyms: takkaade.
insulte, injure, insulter qqn, injurier; insulting
someone because you think you are better than Dialects: J,Y,M.
they are; insult. ***: yennoore, gacce; 3 • poser le bras sur les épaules ou le coude
qqn; to drape your arm on the shoulder or neck
synonyms: yennoore; compare: gacce.
of of someone else. compare: ɓilude, jilinde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
takkaade, towude, wahnaade, wukaade,
wajude Noun Form of Infinitive: wajugol. wunngaade, wuundaade;
Participles: sing: bajuɗo-bajoowo plur: synonyms: gorfaade. Dialects: M.
wajuɓe-wajooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
wakkaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
or Progressive: prg. Verb. reprocher,
of Noun: bakkaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct.
ridiculiser; ridicule; reproach. Ali wajii
Noun. une portion de tô chaud; portion of
Buukari, ɗum waɗ
waɗi de Buukari fiyi o. Ali a porridge; lump of hot millet porridge.
ridiculisé Boukari, voilà pourquoi Boukari l'a
Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: lagataare,
frappé. Ali ridiculed Buukari, that is why
wutteere; ***: lagataare, wutteere, nyiiri;
Buukari hit him. ***: wasaade, toonyaade,
compare: nyiiri. Dialects: J,Y,M.
leeptaade, yennude, gaccaade, leptaade;
synonyms: yennude; compare: leptaade,
jalude, ŋaaƴ
aaƴude, wasaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

wakawal-ɓecce Plural Form of
Noun: wakaaje-ɓecce . Noun. thorax; thorax.
Catégorie : Le corps. synonyms: gabaare,
gaande, domre.

16/02/2020 656
wakkati waliisi

wakkati Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number walaa nennga adj. absurde; absurd.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
walawannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Noun: wakkatiiji. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Designation: 5, pl. Noun. espèce de plante; This
le temps, heure, instant, climat; time; hour;
annual plant grows in the sandy soil of the
moment. wakkati wakkati de temps en temps. Sahel during the rainy season; when it is
from time to time. wakkati fuu tout le temps. sought out by animals to eat. Catégorie
all the time. wakkati gooto tout au même : Herbes, plantes grimpantes. commelina
temps. all at once. O maayii wakkati gooto IL forskaolii. ***: barbar, jonngooɗ
jonngooɗe, balaasa;
a fait soudainement. Tout à coup il a fait. He synonyms: balaasa, barbar, jonngooɗ
suddenly died. Note : arabe synonyms: saate, Dialects: J.
wawtu; ***: saate, wawtu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
walbo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
wakkati filaade laamu umminaa expression. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
campagne électorale; election campaign. Noun: balbe. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. épaule, omoplate; shoulder; scapula; shoulder
wakkati ndemri expression. campagne agricole; blade. Catégorie : Le corps.
agricultural season, agricultural campaign. synonyms: balawal, hoore balalwal;
Catégorie : Agriculture. compare: junngo1; ***: balawal, hoore
balalwal. Dialects: G,M.
wakkere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form walbo silɓ
silɓungo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo
of Noun: bakke. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wooto.
Noun. fragment sec ou croûte de tô dans la Plural Form of Noun: balbe cilɓuɗe. Sorting
marmite; chip of dried "nyiiri". Catégorie Designation: 3, mt. Noun. entorse à l'épaule;
: Nourriture. ***: keefudi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sprained shoulder. Catégorie : Maladie.
wakkilde Noun Form of Infinitive: wakkilgol. synonyms: balawal cilɓ
cilɓungal; ***: balawal
Participles: sing: bakkilɗo-bakkiloowo plur: cilɓ
cilɓungal. Dialects: G,M.
wakkilɓe-wakkilooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, waldaa Sorting Designation: 3. Verb. 1 • différent, ne pas
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. le même; different; not the same. Boussouma
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se e Tenkodogo waldaa. Boussouma et
confier à Dieu; entrust yourself to God. Note : Tenkodogo ne sont pas les mêmes villes.
arabe ***: dekaade, reynude, bakkilal, Boussouma and Tenkodogo are not the same.
diilaade, halfinde, fawaade; ***: wondaa, wanaa gootum;
synonyms: halfinde, reynude; synonyms: wanaa gootum. Dialects: J,Y,M.
compare: dekaade, diilaade, fawaade. 2 • séparé de, ne pas ensemble avec, ne pas au
Dialects: J,M,Y. même endroit; separate from. Mi waldaano e
na'i am keeŋ
keeŋan. Hier, j'étais séparé de mes
wakkudu Plural Form of Noun: mbakkuɗi. Noun.
bœufs. I was separated from my cows
menton; chin. Catégorie : Le corps.
yesterday [but today we are together-implied].
synonyms: leggal waare, ji'al waare.
Titaw e Soboulé ngaldaa. Titao et Soboulé ne
waktu synonyme: sahaa/sa’aa, njamndi. Noun. sont pas proche l'un de l'autre. Titaw and
heure; time. Catégorie : Mathématique. Soboule are not near each other. Note: waldaa
***: sahaa. is a Negative Stative form of wondude.
synonyms: wondaa. Dialects: J,Y,M.
walaa Sorting Designation: 1. Verb. 1 • ne pas être
(aucun de); not be (any of). ***: fay, walɗ
walɗere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
woodude, wonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
2 • aucun, aucune, ne pas en avoir ; not have of Noun: balɗe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. un
any of; none. compare: wonude, woodude. jour; day (one); one day. synonyms: nyannde,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. nyalaande1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

walaa ɗon absent; absent. waliisi Noun. valise; suitcase. Catégorie : Voyager.
Note : français
walaa innde Sorting Designation: 1, at. Noun.
annulaire; ring finger. Catégorie : Le corps.
synonyms: banndo ciɓ ciɓitel; ***: banndo
ciɓitel. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 657
walka wallondirgol hakkunde leyɗe ndewgu

walka Noun Class Markers: sing: ka plur: ɗi. Number wallisaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wallisagol.
One for this noun: ngoota. Plural Form of Participles: sing: ballisiiɗo-ballisotooɗo
Noun: walkaaji. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. plur: wallisiiɓe-wallisotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. abreuvoir fait en banco; watering trough Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
made of baked mud. Catégorie : Eau, Élevage. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
***: gaafol, akalal; compare: yarnirgal; Verb. jure au nom de Dieu pour confirmer ce
synonyms: gaafol. Dialects: J,Y. qui a été dit; swear in God's name. wallaahi
wallaahi Sorting Designation: 3, th. interj. « Au nom de Alla au nom d’Allah. in the name of Alla.
Dieu »; name of God (in the). Note : arabe Goonga fu a yi'aay o? Wallaahi mi yi'aay o!
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Vraiment, tu ne l'a pas vu ? Au nom d'Allah, je
ne l'ai pas vu. Truthfully, you didn't see him?
wallala jannde sawto expression. signe By the name of Alla I did not see him.
diacritique; diacritical sign. ko wallala ***: huttaade, hunaade; synonyms: hunaade,
jannde sawto Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. huttaade. Dialectal Forms: [G] wallinaade.
walleede Noun Form of Infinitive: wallegol. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: ballaaɗo-balleteeɗo plur: wallitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wallitingol.
wallaaɓe-walleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Participles: sing: ballitinɗo-ballitoowo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wallitinɓe-wallitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être aidé, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
assisté; helped. synonyms: waanteede; Stative or Progressive: prg - miɗo wallita. Verb.
***: waanteede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. aider encore, aider de manière répétée; help
again or repeatedly. ***: jiwndande,
wallifo Noun. rédaction; editing; compilation; writing.
wannude, nafude, wallude, ɓillitinde,
Dialectal Forms: winndannde.
faabaade, jinngande, haɓhaɓande, newnude;
wallinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wallingol. synonyms: ɓillitinde, faabaade, haɓ
Participles: sing: ballinɗo-ballinoowo plur: hoynude, waɗwaɗande, wallude, waantude,
wallinɓe-wallinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, wannude; compare: hokkude, jinngande.
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] wallitidde.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • poser, Dialects: J,Y,M.
déposer, étaler, coucher, mettre, placer; or set
something down that does not have a base; put; wallitinnde Verb. aider, assister; aid (to); assist; help.
place; to lay. synonyms: fukkinde; Dialectal Forms: wallude.
***: yowude, woppude, dekude, lobaade, wallondirgol Noun. coopération; cooperation.
fukkinde, joƴƴ
ƴƴinde. Dialects: J,M. Catégorie : Juridique. synonyms: ballondiral.
2 • pondre un œuf (oiseau); lay an egg.
compare: dekude, joƴƴ
wallondirgol hakkunde leydi e leydi
ƴƴinde, yowude;
expression. coopération bilatérale, coopération
synonyms: lobaade, woppude. Dialects: J. multilatérale; bilateral cooperation,
wallingol Noun. ponte; laying (of eggs). Catégorie multilateral cooperation. Catégorie
: Juridique.
: Élevage. ***: lobagol.

wallinirde Noun. pondoir; nesting box. Catégorie wallondirgol hakkunde leyɗ

leyɗe ndewgu
expression. coopération régionale; regional
: Élevage. synonyms: loborde. cooperation. Catégorie : Gouvernement,

16/02/2020 658
wallude wanginde

wallude Noun Form of Infinitive: wallugol. wanaa Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: balluɗo-balloowo plur: Plural: w/ng. Verb. 1 • ce n'est pas; is not.
walluɓe-wallooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. ***: hanaa, wonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb 2 • n'est pas ?, n'est pas la question ?; the
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. aider, question - is it not? synonyms: hanaa;
secourir, contribuer; help. ***: wallitinde, compare: wonude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
bammbude, newaade, ballitaari, wanaa gootum Sorting Designation: 2. adj clause.
ballondiral, barjaade, hokkude, wannude, différent, ne pas le même; different; not the
mballitaari, nafude, ɓillitinde, faabaade, same. ***: waldaa; synonyms: waldaa,
ere, nafaa1, ballo, haɓ
haɓande, sakkude, wondaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
newnude; synonyms: ɓillitinde, faabaade,
wanaa tokorajum expression. antonyme; antonym.
haɓande, waɗ
waɗande, wallitinde, wannude,
ko wanaa tokorajum Catégorie : Le langage
waantude; compare: barjaade, hokkude,
et la pensée.
mballitaari, moƴƴ
ƴƴere. Dialectal
Forms: wallitinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wangande Noun Form of Infinitive: wangangol.
Participles: sing: banganɗo-banganoowo
walsere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
plur: wanganɓe-wanganooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: galse. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
lait caillé; milk curd. Catégorie : Nourriture.
Verb. 1 • apparaître; appear. Laamɗ
compare: ɗaatude, kaaɗ
kaaɗam, jollooru;
wanganii Muusa dow waamnde. Dieu est
synonyms: wulsere; ***: ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam, kaaɗ
apparu à Moise sur la montagne. God
wulsere, kosam
kosam ɗaaniiɗ
aaniiɗam, ɗaatude, appeared to Moses on the mountain.
jollooru. Dialects: J,Y,M. ***: funtande, ɓangande;
wamnude Noun Form of Infinitive: wamnugol. synonyms: ɓangande, funtande. Dialects: G.
Participles: sing: bamnuɗo-bamnoowo plur: 2 • être révélé (cela peut être un secret ou bien
wamnuɓe-wamnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, la volonté de Dieu); revealed. Ko maani waɗ waɗi
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Mahadaga, ɗuum wanganii kam
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire Namounou. Ce que un tel a fait à Mahadaga
une danse, se réfère à jouer avec des bébés m'a et/e révélé à Namounou. What
lorsqu'on les lance en l'air et les récupère; to whatishisname did in Mahadaga [which was
make to dance; this term is applied to playing not known there] I heard about in Namounou.
with babies by throwing them in the air; Giɗ
Giɗo Dialects: G.
yaaye wamnata biɗɗ biɗɗo.
ɗɗo. C'est l'amie de la 3 • retrouver qqch qui à été volé o perdu; find
mère qui fait danser le bébé. It is the mother's something which was either stolen or lost.
friend that makes the baby dance. Dialects: G.
***: waannyude, womnude; wanginde Noun Form of Infinitive: wangingol.
synonyms: womnude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: banginɗo-banginoowo
2 • relâcher le liquide amniotique lorsqu'on
plur: wanginɓe-wanginooɓe. Sorting
animal met bas; the release of the amniotic
fluid when an animal gives birth. Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in

synonyms: waannyude. Dialects: M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.

Verb. 1 • reconnaître coupable, déclarer
wamude Noun Form of Infinitive: wamugol. coupable, condamner, montrer les erreurs de
Participles: sing: bamuɗo-bamoowo plur: qqn, faire ressortir les erreurs; point out
wamuɗo-wamooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
someone's error; convict.
synonyms: funcitinde, udditinde;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
compare: suuttude; ***: ɓanginde, funtinde.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. danser; dance.
Dialectal Forms: [G,M] wanginande.
***: yerwaade, bomi, bami, womude,
Dialects: J,Y.
denjigaade, gami; synonyms: womude;
compare: bami, bomi, fijude, gami.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 659
wangude wannude
2 • parler à haute voix pour se faire entendre,
wannude Noun Form of Infinitive: wannugol.
crier; shout; speak loudly so as to make
Participles: sing: gannuɗo-gannoowo plur:
yourself heard. Wanginaa faa yimɓ
yimɓe nana.
Parle à haute voix ainsi les gens peuvent wannuɓe-wannooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
t'entendre. Speak up so people can hear you. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
synonyms: feekaade, nantinde, olkude, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • préparer
ƴeewnaade. Dialects: G. qqch pour qqn; prepare something for
3 • expliquer qqch à qqn qu'il ne savait pas, someone. Mi heɓ heɓii beero hannden de
révéler; explain to someone something that ngannumi o nyiiri. Aujourd'hui, j'ai eu un
they didn't know; reveal. Annabaajo visiteur et je lui ai préparé du tô. I had a guest
today and I prepared him "nyiiri."
wanginanii en konngol Laamɗ
Laamɗo. Le
prophète nous a révélé la parole de Dieu. The ***: wallitinde, moƴƴ
ƴƴude, hokkude,
prophet revealed to us God's word. waɗ
waɗude, nafude, wallude, ɓillitinde,
synonyms: ɓanginde, funtinde. Dialects: G. faabaade, moƴƴ
ƴƴere, nafaa1, haɓ
sakkude, newnude; synonyms: waɗ waɗande.
wangude Noun Form of Infinitive: wangugol.
2 • améliorer qqch; improve something. Ko
Participles: sing: banguɗo-bangoowo plur:
wanguɓe-wangooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. radio am boni de moƴƴ
ƴƴimmi ɗum wo
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb hoore am ngannumi. En réparant mon poste
de radio j'ai fait une amélioration. In that I
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. apparaître
fixed my broken radio I helped myself.
soudainement / tout à coup / subitement;
synonyms: waɗ
waɗande. Dialects: J,Y.
appear suddenly. synonyms: ɓangude,
3 • donne qqch, aider; give something; help.
funtude, suuɗ
suuɗitaade, udditaade, yaltude;
Ko o wanni ɓe hikka ɗum na wooɗ
wooɗi, sabo o
***: suuɗ
suuɗitaade, ɓangude, funtude,
wasanii ɓe ɓunndu. Il a bien fait de les aider
yaltude, udditaade; compare: funtande.
en creusant un puits pour eux. That he helped
Dialects: Y,G,M. them this year is good because he had a well
wannde Noun Form of Infinitive: waatugol. Sorting dug for them. synonyms: faabaade, haɓ haɓande,
Designation: 2, mt, cs. Verb Consonant Change hokkude, hoynude, moƴƴ moƴƴere
ƴƴere, nafude,
in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or newnude, sakkude, waantude, waɗ waɗande,
Progressive: prg. Verb. mourir (animaux ou wallude, wallitinde, yeɗude. Dialects: J,Y.
plantes), utilisé aussi pour un sol appauvri; die 4 • faire pour (utilisé dans des salutations);
(animals or plants); depleted soil). (waɗande) "Wan;" a form of "wannude;"
synonyms: hantaade, saaɗsaaɗude, waatude; commonly appears in salutations and
***: waatude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. blessings. Laamɗ
Laamɗo wan njiiden e jam. Que
Dieu fasse que nous nous rencontrons de
wanndoore Noun. proverbe; proverb. nouveau en paix. May God grant that we meet
wannjalde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. again in peace. Laamɗ
Laamɗo wan tawowaa jam.
May God grant that you find peace where you
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
are going. Laamɗ
Laamɗo wan ngaraa e jam May
of Noun: bannjaale. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Noun. 1 • verrue, grain de beauté; wart; mole God cause you to return in peace. Laamɗ
(on skin). ***: nyabaare. Dialects: J,Y,G. wan koyɗ
koyɗen ko wooɗ
wooɗi. May God give us
2 • tumeur; tumor. Catégorie : Maladie. good dreams. Laamɗ
Laamɗo wan pinɗpinɗe lobbe.
May God give a good wakening from sleep.
synonyms: nyabaare. Dialects: J,Y,G.
Laamɗo wan pinen e jam. May God give us
peace when we awaken. synonyms: waɗ waɗande.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
5 • faire que qqn fait qqch; (waɗinde) to cause
someone to do something; Si goonga ni, a
wannii kam ko welaa
welaa kam. You caused me to
do something that I am not happy about.
synonyms: waɗ
waɗinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 660
wannyaade wanyandereejo

wannyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wannyagol. wanyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: bannyiiɗo-bannyotooɗo Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: wannyiiɓe-wannyotooɓe. Sorting of Noun: waynyaaje. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. roche ignée, roche volcanique; igneous
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
rock; volcanic rock. Catégorie : Terre.
***: ndooƴ
ndooƴikiire, hayre wahilde;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être sale,
débraillé, décoiffé, en désordre, bariolé, synonyms: hayre wahilde, ndooƴ
comportement mal-vu, mauvais Dialects: M.
comportement; motley looking; disheveled;
wanyamlenyaaku Noun. tribalisme; tribalism.
dirty. ***: ɓolɗ
olɗude, soɓ
soɓude, tannyaade,
hallude; synonyms: ɓolɗ
olɗude, ɗaayude, wanyande Noun Form of Infinitive: wanyangol.
hallude, soɓ
soɓude, tannyaade. Dialects: J,Y,M. Participles: sing: banyanɗo-banyanoowo
2 • se débattre avec, lutter contre, se battre plur: wanyanɓe-wanyanooɓe. Sorting
avec; wrestle. synonyms: duurude, durwude; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
compare: waysude. Dialects: G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. détester, haïr au
wannyaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
point de ne pas être content si ça va bien pour
Designation: 3. Noun. 1 • laideur, souvent se l'autre, souhaiter du mal à l'autre, en vouloir
référant à un mauvais comportement; à, mal supporter si ça va bien pour l'autre;
ugliness; bad actions. ***: toolo, mbaansu, resenting them receive any sort of blessing;
halleende, tannyaare, ŋawlo, ɗaayre. hate. Imo wanyani kam fay cellal ngal
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Laamɗ
Laamɗo hokki kam. Il déteste de voir que
2 • combattre pour s'amuser; play fighting. Dieu m'a donné la santé. He hates to see even
synonyms: ŋawlo, toolo; compare: ɗaayude, the health God has given me. O wanyanii
wanyanii kam
halleende, mbaansu, tannyaade. fay cafaaje ɗe dokotorooɓ
dokotorooɓe kokki wuro,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sabo suudu fuu walaa ndu o hokkaay sanaa
suudu am. Il me déteste au point qu'il ne m'a
wannyinnde Verb. importuner, déranger, embêter;
même pas donné les médicaments donnés à
disturb; bother with.
distribuer à tout le village. He hates me to
wannyondirde Noun Form of even have the medicine the doctors gave the
Infinitive: wannyondirgol. Participles: sing:
village because he gave every household
[some] except mine. O wanyanii Ali moteere
bannyondirɗo-bannyondiroowo plur:
wannyondirɓe-wannyondirooɓe. Sorting nde heɓ
heɓi, ɗum waɗ
waɗi de o hooƴ
hooƴi nd,e o rewri
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in faro wuro duwan faa teeta nde. IL support
mal qu'Ali a reçu une moto. voilà pourquoi il
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
l'a pris et montré à la douane pour qu'ils la
Verb. lutter ensemble, se battre avec qqn;
confisquent. He resents that Ali has that
wrestle together. ***: duurude, ŋawlondirde, motorcycle, that is why he took it past the
durwude; compare: haɓ
haɓude, jabbude; customs office so they would seize it.
synonyms: duurude, durwude, ŋawlondirde. ***: hirude, heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, ɗalude,
Dialects: G,M. wanyandereejo, ɗawude, ganya ganyalo,
yoorude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wantaa Sorting Designation: 3. Verb. ne pas (forme
intensive de «wanaa»); not. Tuubaaku wi'i, wanyandereejo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:
"Mi wanaa Pullo, mi wantaa Pullo." Le blanc ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
a dit, : Je ne suis pas un peul, et je ne serrai Form of Noun: wanyandereeɓe. Sorting
jamais un peul.». The white person said, 'I am Designation: 3, th. Noun. une personne jalouse
not a Fulani, I will never be a Fulani.'. et pleine de haine qui n'aime pas le bien
Dialects: J,Y. d'autrui; a jealous; hateful person who resents
the one despised from having anything good
happen to them; and who may actively seek to
see evil befall the one hated. ***: ganya
ganyalo; compare: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, wanyande;
synonyms: ganya ganyalo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 661
wanyanere warude

wanyanere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting warhoore ummanaande1 Noun. assassinat,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. jalousie, meurtre; assassination, killing, murder.
mécontentement envers le bien-être des autres, warhoore ummanaande2 expression. homicide
ressentiment envers autrui; jealousy; resenting
volontaire; culpable homicide, deliberate
others receiving something good.
murder. Catégorie : Juridique.
***: mboronndi, kiram;
compare: heccorɗ
heccorɗinde, hirude, joote, waritaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waritagol.
worolde; synonyms: boronndi, kiram, Participles: sing: baritiiɗo-baritotooɗo
keccoraaku, mboronndi. Dialectal Forms: [Y] (future) plur: waritiiɓe-waritotooɓe. Sorting
wanyandere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb. 1 • se suicider, commettre
wanyuɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting suicide; commit suicide. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Noun. ennemies; enemies.
2 • se couper sévèrement / gravement; cut
Dialects: J,Y.
yourself severely. Dialectal Forms: [J,G]
wanyude Noun Form of Infinitive: wanyugol. wartaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: banyuɗo-banyoowo plur: wariwari Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
wanyuɓe-wanyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 4. Noun. jeu joué avec des cailloux
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb et des trous dans le sol; game played with
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. haïr, stones in indentations on ground. ***: dili;
détester, mépriser; despise; hate. compare: dili. Dialects: J,Y,G.
***: heedorɗ
inde, nganyaandi, ganyo,
ganyaandi; compare: nganyaandi, ganyo.
waroyta synonyme: ko waɗoyta. adj. ultérieur; later,
subsequent, ulterior.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wartirde Verb. ramener; take back; bring back.
wanyugol sii synonyme: ɓurdingol lenyi. expression.
racisme; racism. Catégorie : Juridique. wartude Noun Form of Infinitive: wartugol.
wappayɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting Participles: sing: gartuɗo-gartoowo plur:
Designation: 2. Noun. oncles paternels; uncles wartuɓe-wartooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
on the father's side. Catégorie : Parenté. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,M. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. revenir,
retourner, revenir à la maison; come back;
wappude Noun Form of Infinitive: wappugol. Sorting return home. compare: hootude.
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. se coucher à cause
wartude dow ko saranoo expression. révision de
de maladie ou famine (animaux); lie down procès; retrial, reopening of his case, review of
because of illness or famine (used of animals their trial. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
only). compare: waalaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
warude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: warugol.
warata caggal expression. postérité; posterity,
Participles: sing: bar(u)ɗo-baroowo plur:
offspring. ko warata caggal
war(u)ɓe-warooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
warde suka cecco synonyme: ittugol yonki suka Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
cecco. expression. infanticide; infanticide. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tuer,
Catégorie : Juridique. assassiner, massacrer, abattre; slaughter;
wargaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wargagol. murder; kill. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] warde.
Participles: sing: bargiiɗo-bargotooɗo plur: Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wargiiɓe-wargotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, warude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: war(u)gol.
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Participles: sing: gar(u)ɗo-garoowo plur:
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. préparer war(u)ɓe-warooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
le champ pour semer, nettoyer le champ pour Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
semer, défricher un champ; clearing the field
of trees and bushes; prepare one's field for Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. venir, revenir
à un endroit qui n'est pas ta demeure; come
planting. ***: wuuwude, jooraade, back to some place that is not your home;
balgaade, ruggaade; synonyms: balgaade,
come. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
jooraade, wuuwude. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 662
warude gilƴi reedu wattande

warude gilƴ
gilƴi reedu expression. déparasitage; wasude Noun Form of Infinitive: wasugol.
dis-infestation, removing parasites. Catégorie Participles: sing: basuɗo-basoowo plur:
: Traitement de la maladie. ***: warugol wasuɓe-wasooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
tuundi reedu. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
warugol Noun. abattage; slaughter. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. creuser,
bêcher, fouiller; dig. ***: bentaade, basirgal,
warugol mo gosaaka expression. exécution
bisaade, faatude; compare: basirgal,
sommaire; summary execution . Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique. bentaade, faatude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

warugol ngol gosooɓ

gosooɓe anndanaa expression. wasugol gayɗ
gayɗe Noun. trouaison; digging a hole.
exécution extrajudiciaire; extra-judicial Catégorie : Agriculture.
execution, extra-legal execution. Catégorie wattaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wattagol.
: Juridique.
Participles: sing: gattiiɗo-gattotooɗo plur:
warugol tuundi reedu expression. déparasitage; wattiiɓe-wattotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
dis-infection. Catégorie : Traitement de la th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
maladie. synonyms: warude gilƴgilƴi reedu. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • venger;
wasaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wasagol. avenge. ***: yonnitaade, rewtindaade,
Participles: sing: basiiɗo-basotooɗo plur: yomnitaade, yelaade, yoɓyoɓtaade;
wasiiɓe-wasotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: rewtindaade, yoɓyoɓtaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb yomnitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • insulter 2 • changer des aspects de son comportement
avec des remarques négatives, ridiculiser; pour devenir ce qu'on n'est pas (ex. s'associer
ridicule; insult with negative comments. avec des gens qui ne sont pas de la même
***: toonyaade, leeptaade, gaccaade, génération); to change some aspect of your
comportment to attempt to become something
wajude, leptaade. Dialects: Y.
you are not; such as to associate with people
2 • éroder (ex. une forte pluie); erode. that are not your age mates and with whom you
synonyms: leptaade, toonyaade, wajude, would not expect to be associating according
yennude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. to social conventions; Gorko o na yiɗ
wasirde Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. ɓornaade kaddule sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe faa wattoo
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form hono suka de wanaa! Cette personne
s'habille comme un jeune pour qu'il puisse se
of Noun: basirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
comporter comme un jeune, mais il ne l'est
outil pour creuser des trous (avec une long
pas. That guy like to dress like a young person
manche en bois et au bout une partie
so he can act like a youngster, but his isn't.
métallique); a tool used for digging holes with
a handle made of wood and a tip made of iron. Gorko o na wattoo hono wo muumo de
Catégorie : Agriculture, Outil. ***: barmini, wanaa. Cet homme fait semblant d’être muet
mais il ne l'est pas. That man pretends to be a
lukkuwal, sulunguwal, basirgal
mute, but he isn't. synonyms: yelaade.
compare: barmini; synonyms: basirgal,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lukkuwal, sulunguwal. Dialects: G.
wattande Noun Form of Infinitive: wattangol.
wasiya synonyme: haala maa binndol cakitiingol.
Noun. testament; testament, will. Catégorie Participles: sing: gattanɗo-gattanoowo
: Juridique. plur: wattanɓe-wattanooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
wasorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Verb. 1 • placer / mettre qqch quelque part
of Noun: basarɗe. Sorting Designation: 4, ah. pour qqn; put something somewhere for
Noun. 1 • fosse, trou dans le sol; pit. leydi gi'e someone. Wattanam talki am ley gafakka
e wasarde moonnde il n'y aura plus que maa taa ɗi mbona. Mets mes papiers dans ta
plantes épineuses et mines de sel. a land of serviette pour qu'ils ne soient pas gâtés. Put
thorns and salt pits (see Zeph 2:9). Dialects: M. my papers in you briefcase so they aren't
2 • endroit où l'on creuse des puits; place spoiled. ***: waɗ
waɗtande, waɗwaɗtande
tande, duhude,
where they dig wells. Dialectal Forms: [J] resude, ɓornude; synonyms: waɗ waɗtande,
wasarde. Dialects: J,Y. resude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 663
wattinkinaade wattonndirde
2 • habiller qqn ou mettre des chaussures à
wattitidde Verb. changer quelque chose; change
qqn qui ne sont pas les siennes; to dress
someone else with a garment that goes around something. Dialectal Forms: wattitinde.
the neck or to put someone else's shoes on wattitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wattitingol.
them. synonyms: waɗ
waɗtande, ɓornude. Participles: sing: battitinɗo-battitoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,M. wattitinɓe-wattitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
3 • échanger qqch pour une autre chose; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
exchange one thing for another. Watttanam Stative or Progressive: prg - na wattita. Verb.
muutiri am e mbayeeri. Échange mon mil changer qqch soi-même, alterner, échanger;
contre du sorgho. Exchange my millet for change something yourself. Munyu faa mi
sorghum. compare: ɓortude, ɓornaade. wattita kaddule am. Attend ainsi je peux
Dialectal Forms: [G] wattitande. changer mes habits. Wait so I can change my
Dialects: J,Y,M. clothes.}. O wattitii nyalaande nde o
wattinkinaade Noun Form of hokkunoo kam ndeen. {He changed the
Infinitive: wattinkinagol. Participles: sing: date he had given me. synonyms: waylitinde,
gattinkiniiɗo-gattinkinotooɗo plur: batidinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] wattitidde.
wattinkiniiɓe-wattinkinotooɓe. Sorting Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in wattitinde luumnde expression. transposition;
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. transposition, implementation.
Verb. être hypocrite; hypocritical. Waaju wattitingol synonyme: waylitingol, piiltol. Noun.
makko fu o wattinkinoto sabo imo haala de rotation, changement, commutation; rotation,
o waɗataa ko dewtere wi'i. Sa prédication change, switching. Catégorie : Agriculture.
est hypocrite car il n'agit pas selon ce que le synonyms: waylugol.
livre dit de faire. His preaching is hypocritical
because he speaks but he doesn't do what the wattitingol aawdiiri expression. assolement;
book says. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. rotation of crops. Catégorie : Agriculture.

wattinkinaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. wattitingol batta en expression. remaniement
ministériel; ministerial reshuffle, cabinet
Sorting Designation: 3, th. Noun. hypocrisie;
shuffle. Catégorie : Gouvernement.
hypocrisy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wattitirde Verb. échanger par; exchange for.
wattitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wattitagol.
Participles: sing: battitiiɗo-battitotooɗo
wattondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: wattondirgol.
plur: wattitiiɓe-wattitotooɓe. Sorting Participles: sing:
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in battondirɗo-battondiroowo plur:
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. wattondirɓe-wattondirooɓe. Sorting
Verb. changer, se transformer; transform Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
oneself; change. Suka o, ko o mawni, o Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
wattiteke. Ce jeune a beaucoup changé Verb. échanger; exchange. Dialectal Forms: [J]
depuis qu'il est adulte. That youngster, now wattundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
that she is grown, has really changed!
wattonndirde Verb. s'échanger; to be exchanged.
***: wattitaare; compare: wattitaare;
synonyms: waylitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

wattitaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: wattitaaje. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. échange; exchange. Ngaɗ
wattitaare, mi hokkete nagge am, aan du
kokkaa kam ngaari ndi. Faisons un échange,
je te donne ma vache et tu me donnes ton
taureau. Let's do an exchange, I give you my
cow and you give me your bull. ***: batta,
wattitaade, mbatta; compare: wattitaade;
synonyms: batta, mbatta. Dialects: M.

16/02/2020 664
wattude wawtu caggal tuubaaku

wattude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: wattugol. wawlaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wawlagol.
Participles: sing: gattuɗo-gattoowo plur: Participles: sing: bawliiɗo-bawlotooɗo plur:
wattuɓe-wattooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. wawliiɓe-wawlotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • emboîter Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. poser sa tête
qqch, mettre qqch dans qqch d'autre, mettre (ex. sur un oreiller); rest your head on
l'un dans l'autre; put something in something something. ***: mbawlu, fukkaade, talla;
else. ***: loowude
loowude, ɓornaade, wuurnude, compare: daɗɗ
ɗɗude, fukkaade, talla, mbawlu.
dufaade, jurkude, duhaade, resude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
nannude1, naaddude, ƴoogude, naandude,
wawlaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
waɗtude, naatidinde, yurkude, saawude;
Number One for this noun: wotere. Plural Form of
synonyms: faccude, loowude, jurkude,
Noun: [J,Y,M] bawlaaje/[G] wawlaaje. Sorting
nannude1, saawude, waɗ waɗtude, wuurnude,
Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • oreiller, coussin;
ƴoogude, yurkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
pillow. Catégorie : Équipement de la maison.
2 • s'habiller, se mettre des habits ou
synonyms: mbawlu, talla; ***: mbawlu, talla,
chaussures; dress yourself. Catégorie
jappe. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Vêtement. synonyms: ɓornaade.
2 • coussin qu'on met sur le dos d'un âne avant
Dialects: J,Y,M.
de mettre l'attelage; the pad on the back of a
3 • déposer de l'argent à la banque; to put donkey before placing the yoke of the donkey
money in a bank; deposit. Catégorie : Argent.
cart on the animal. synonyms: jappe.
synonyms: fukkinde, resude.
Dialects: M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wawnyude Noun Form of Infinitive: wawnyingol.
wattude2 Verb. échanger; exchange.
Participles: sing: bawnyuɗo-bawnyoowo
wattude e lunnde synonyme: e nokku. expression. plur: wawnyuɓe-wawnyooɓe. Sorting
placer; to put, to place. Designation: 2, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
wattude ko welnata nyaamndu expression. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg
assaisonner; to season with, flavour with. (future). Verb. 1 • bouillir; boil. ***: jongude,
Catégorie : Nourriture. ƴuufude, yaawude, wawnyude.
wattugol dartorɗ
dartorɗe expression. ponctuation; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
punctuation. Catégorie : La Grammaire, 2 • être contrarié / énervé et incapable de se
Lecture / écriture. ***: daaƴ
orɗe. calmer, vouloir faire qqch et ne pas
abandonner jusqu'à ce que c'est fait, ne pas
wattugol toɗɗ
anɗe expression. accentuation; pouvoir se calmer; to be upset and unable to
accentuation. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. settle down or to be consumed with the notion
of doing something and be unable to rest until
watude Verb. agir; to act. ***: gollude. it is done; be unable to be calmed.
wawaade Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. synonyms: gubude, jongude, waaƴwaaƴude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form wawnyude, ƴuufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: bawaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 4. wawtu Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
Noun. bouclier, protection; buckler; shield.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: wawtuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
wawdu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. le temps, moment, heure; time; moment.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form wawtu wawtu de temps en temps, de temps à
of Noun: bawɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. autre. from time to time. Note : arabe
Noun. faucille; sickle. Catégorie : Agriculture, ***: wakkati, saate, sa'aa; synonyms: saate,
Outil. compare: coppirgal; wakkati. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: waarudu; ***: waarudu,
wawtu ɓeydagol nyaw expression. phase
coppirgal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. d’évolution; phase of its evolution, stage in
their development. Catégorie : Maladie.
wawtu caggal tuubaaku Noun. période
post-coloniale ; post colonial times.

16/02/2020 665
wawtu ekkitol wayluɓe

wawtu ekkitol expression. stage; internship, waylitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waylitagol.
placement, practicum, trainee-ship. Catégorie Participles: sing: baylitiiɗo-baylitotooɗo
: Travailleur.
plur: waylitiiɓe-waylitotooɓe. Verb
wawtu gaɗ
aaɗo expression. temps mis; time taken. Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se changer,
wawtu garoowo
garoowo expression. temps futur; future
changer soi-même, se transformer; change
tense. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
yourself. ***: mimsitinde, accitinde,
wawtu gollal expression. session; session. haanɗ
haanɗere, tallitaade, wattitaade,
synonyms: kawrital. nimsitinde, haanɗ
haanɗude, haaŋ
wawtu gonuɗ
gonuɗo expression. temps présent; present Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
time. 2 • se retourner, tourner sur, rouler sur le dos /

wawtu paltiiɗ
paltiiɗo expression. passé composé, temps ventre; roll over. synonyms: tallitaade.
passé; present perfect . Catégorie : La Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Grammaire. 3 • devenir fou, folle, insensé; crazy (to go).
compare: accitinde, mimsitinde;
wawtu tuubaaku en Noun. période coloniale ;
colonial times. synonyms: haanɗ
haanɗude, haaŋ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wawtuuji musinngol Noun. tétées; feeds, breast
feeding. waylitidde Verb. transformer, transvaser; decant;
wayɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Noun. ennemies; enemies. waylitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: waylitingol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: baylitinɗo-baylitoowo
plur: waylitinɓe-waylitooɓe. Sorting
wayde Noun Form of Infinitive: wayugol.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: gayɗo plur: wayɓe. Sorting
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
na waylita. Verb. 1 • changer qqch, muter,
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. transformer; change something.
Verb. ressembler, avoir l'air de, être comme;
***: accitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, ɓoylitinde,
look like; resemble; like (to be). ***: wa'ude;
wattitinde, welnude, hippude, waylude,
compare: aahiila, alaama, alhaali, noone,
bonnitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
sifa; synonyms: faaytinde, nanndude,
2 • tourner qqch, tourner à l'envers, retourner,
miccinde, wa'ude. Dialects: J. renverser qqch, mettre au sens envers; turn
waylaade Verb. se transformer; change; transformed over something that does not have an obvious
(to be). right side up; reverse. compare: accitinde,
bonnitinde, ɓoylitinde, hippude;
waylagol Noun. métamorphose; metamorphosis.
synonyms: hippitinde, welnude. Dialectal
Daabaaji goɗɗ
ɗɗi soni na mawna fu mba’adi
Forms: [Y,G] waylitidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
tergal wayloto
waylitingol Noun. transformation; transformation.
waylagol neema ley reedu Noun. digestion;
***: baylugol.
digestion. Catégorie : Le corps. ***: waylagol
nyaamndu ley tergal. waylo Noun. thème; theme, topic, subject, matter.
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée.
waylagol nyaamndu ley tergal expression.
digestion; digestion. Catégorie : Le corps. wayluɓ
wayluɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
synonyms: waylagol neema ley reedu. Designation: 2, cp. Noun. forgerons (si
hommes), potières (si femmes), une caste des
waylagol-wakkatiiji Noun. changement peuls qui pratiquent le travail du forgeron et
climatique; climatic change. Catégorie de poterie; potters (if women); blacksmiths (if
: Temps. men). Catégorie : Le travail et diverses
waylataako adj. monotone; monotone, boring. ko activités. Dialectal Forms: [M] wayilɓe.
waylataako Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 666
waylude waywayko

waylude Noun Form of Infinitive: waylugol. Wayroldusuumay Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu.
Participles: sing: bayluɗo-bayloowo plur: Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. le mois avant
wayluɓe-waylooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Ramadan, huitième mois de l'année lunaire;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
eighth month of the lunar year; the month
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • transvaser,
before the Ramadan fast. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
verser un liquide d'un récipient dans un autre; wayrondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: wayrundurgol.
pour a liquid from one container to another.
Participles: sing:
***: rufude, faccude, siiwude, yuppude;
bayrundurɗo-bayrunduroowo plur:
synonyms: faccude, yuppude.
wayrundurɓe-wayrundurooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • changer ou modifier; modify; change.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
compare: rufude, siiwude;
miɗen mbayrundura. Verb. faire longtemps
synonyms: waylitinde. Dialects: G,M. depuis la dernière rencontre; long time since
waylude e Verb. traduire; translate. Catégorie : Le the last time you saw each other. Dialectal
langage et la pensée. Forms: [J,Y] wayrundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M.

waylugol Noun. changement; change. wayrude Noun Form of Infinitive: wayrugol.

***: wattitingol. Participles: sing: bayruɗo-bayroowo plur:
wayruɓe-wayrooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
waylugol e expression. traduction; translation.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Catégorie : Le langage et la pensée. ***: firo.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • longtemps
waynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: waynagol. depuis qqch s'est passé ou fait; long time since
Participles: sing: bayniiɗo-baynotooɗo plur: you did something or something happened.
wayniiɓe-waynotooɓe. Sorting Ƴuwoonde wayrii toɓ toɓude. Ça fait longtemps
depuis la dernière pluie. It has been a while
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
since it has rained. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. dire au-revoir à qqn qui parte; say 2 • laisser qqch ou qqn derrière; leave
goodbye or farewell to someone who is going something or someone behind. Mi wayrii
away. compare: jowtude; ***: jowtude. minyam gaɗ gaɗa toon. J'ai laissé derrière mon
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. petit-frère. I left my little brother behind. Ko
dillumi Tenkodogo mi wayrii iɓ
iɓe taƴ
waynaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Quand j'ai quitté Tenkodogo, ils étaient en
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form train de faire la récolte. When I left
of Noun: baynaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Tenkodogo they were harvesting [their fields].
Noun. le troisième estomac du ruminant; compare: ɓooyude; synonyms: yeewnude.
omasum-the third stomach of a ruminant.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
compare: reedu, loowturu, pureegaawa; waysude Noun Form of Infinitive: waysugol.
***: pureegaawa, durdude2, pureegayel Participles: sing: baysuɗo plur: waysuɓe.
durooɓe, cuurel nyaaki, reedu, loowturu;
durooɓ Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: cuurel nyaaki, durdude2, Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
pureegayel durooɓ
durooɓe. Dialects: J. Verb. être devenu laid à cause d'une maladie
ou de la pauvreté; ugly as a result of disease.
wayre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. ***: ɓolɗ
olɗude, waansude, tannyaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form wannyaade, hallude
hallude, ɗaayude;
of Noun: gase. Sorting Designation: 4. synonyms: waansude. Dialects: J.
Variante: yayre. Noun. étang qu'on a creusé;
pool that has been dug out. Catégorie : Eau. waywayko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko plur: ɗi.
compare: feto, luggere, petel, weendu; Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
***: petel, weendu, feto. Dialects: J,Y,M. Noun: waywaykooji. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
Noun. sourcil, poils; eyebrow. Catégorie : Le
Wayrolduraajibi Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. corps. synonyms: lokulo yitere, numbatiyel,
Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. sixième mois de tiimelol; ***: numbatiyel, lokulo yitere,
l'année lunaire; sixth month of the lunar year.
tiimelol. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 667
wecco weɗɗitinde

wecco1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. weɗɗ

ɗɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weɗɗagol.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: beɗɗiiɗo-beɗɗotooɗo
Noun: weccooji. Sorting Designation: 3, at. plur: weɗɗiiɓe-weɗɗotooɓe. Sorting
Noun. 1 • une page; page. ***: lalgaare, Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
gannde, hello, hello, ɗerewol, kokuwol, Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
laygaare; synonyms: hello. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. 1 • faire tomber du dos (ex. un cheval qui
2 • une côté d'un mur; one side of a wall. fait tomber le cavalier ou les enfants qui jouent
ensemble), ruer; throw or buck off.
synonyms: kokuwol, lalgaare, laygaare,
***: tuuɗ
tuuɗude, caanaade, sowaade;
maadi1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: caanaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, sowaade,
3 • thorax (particulièrement un côté du
thorax); thorax. Catégorie : Le corps. tuuɗ
tuuɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: ɗerewol; synonyms: gannde. 2 • causer de manière magique que quelqu'un
quitte la région pour toujours; to magically
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cause someone to leave the area for ever.
wecco2 Noun. côte; rib. Dialects: J,Y.
3 • secouer qqch dans un récipient pour voir ce
weccude Noun Form of Infinitive: weccugol.
qui est en bas de la surface; shake something
Participles: sing: beccuɗo-beccoowo plur:
in a container. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
weccuɓe-weccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
4 • mettre du mil en fagot / en botte; bundle
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
millet. Dialects: J.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
1 • éclabousser, asperger; splash. weɗɗ
ɗɗitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weɗɗitagol.
***: mbecca, becca, wiccude. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
2 • verser du liquide; pour something liquid Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être large,
out. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. normalement on se réfère à des cuvettes; wide.
3 • écoper de l'eau hors de qqch; bail water out Aysa, tummbude maa na weɗɗ weɗɗiti
itiɗii. Ayisa,
of something. Weccu ndiyam ngonɗ l’ouverture de ta calebasse est large. Aysa the
ngonɗam ley
mouth of your calabash is wide.
laana ka yaasin. Écope l'eau qui est dans la
synonyms: werbiɗ
werbiɗinde, yaajude;
barque. Bail out the water that is in the boat.
***: werbiɗ
werbiɗinde, yaajude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • remplir d'eau un abreuvoir sec en banco; weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: weɗɗitingo.
fill a dried mud trough with water. Participles: sing: beɗɗitinɗo-beɗɗitoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: weɗɗitinɓe-weɗɗitooɓe. Sorting
5 • faire la monnaie; to make change. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
compare: wiccude, mbecca. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
weddaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weddagol. na weɗɗita. Verb. 1 • dérouler une natte; roll a
Participles: sing: beddiiɗo-beddotooɗo mat out. ***: taggitinde, taggude
taggude, weertude,
plur: weddiiɓe-weddotooɓe. Sorting daɗɗ
ɗɗude, weƴƴ
ƴƴitinde, weƴƴ
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in feertude; synonyms: daɗɗ
ɗɗude, feertude,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. taggitinde, weertude, weƴƴ
Verb. jeter, lancer; throw. synonyms: bugaade, Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɗɗude, limnude, linnude, wiirnude; 2 • étaler des choses, exposer, parader;
***: linnude, bugaade, faɗɗ
ɗɗude, limnude, display; lay things out. Nyannde luumo
wiirnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yimɓ
yimɓe na mbeɗɗ
ɗɗita gineeji muɓɓ
ɓɓen. Au
jour du marché, les gens étalent leurs
marchandises. On market day the people lay
their merchandise out. synonyms: weƴƴ
compare: taggude. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
weɗɗitidde. Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 668
weeɓude weendu

weeɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: weeɓugol. Sorting weeleede Noun Form of Infinitive: weelegol.
Designation: 4, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: beelaaɗo-beeleteeɗo plur:
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. weelaaɓe-weeleteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb. être apprivoisé,complaisant; tame. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. avoir faim;
weeɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weeɗagol. hungry. O weelete si ɓoytii seeɗ
seeɗa sabo
Participles: sing: beeɗiiɗo-beeɗotooɗo ngurnyaaji nyaamii ngesa makko faa laaɓ
Il aura bientôt faim car les criquets ont mangé
plur: weeɗiiɓe-weeɗotooɓe. Sorting
/ détruit tout son champ. He will be hungry
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in soon because the locusts ate his field
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or completely up. ***: rafeede, yolbude;
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être entrouvert, synonyms: rafeede, yolbude. Dialects: J,G,M.
semi-ouvert; opened halfway; ajar. Gampuwal
suudu ndu na weeɗweeɗii. La porte de la maison
weelo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
est semi-ouverte / entrouverte. The door of that Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
house is ajar. ***: woppitaade, yoppitaade, Noun: weelooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
omtaade, weenyaade, feetaade, ontaade. famine, faim; hunger; famine. ***: rafo,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yoolbere; synonyms: rafo. Dialects: J,G,M.
2 • lorsqu'une femme est assise de manière weeltude Noun Form of Infinitive: weeyugol.
indécemment avec ses jambes écartées; for a
Participles: sing: beeyuɗo-beeyoowo plur:
woman to sit immodestly with her legs apart;
weeyuɓe-weeyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Ko waɗ
waɗi debbo o na weeɗ
weeɗorii nii? Pourquoi
est cette femme assise avec les jambes Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
écartées ? Why is that woman sitting with her Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • planer
legs apart? compare: weenyaade; au-dessus, voleter au-dessus; hover over.
synonyms: feetaade, omtaade, ontaade, synonyms: weeyude; ***: weeyude.
woppitaade, yoppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,G.
2 • survoler à répétition, survoler plusieurs
weeɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: weeɗugol. fois; fly over repeatedly. Dialects: J,G.
Participles: sing: beeɗuɗo-beeɗoowo plur:
3 • tomber; fall. compare: fiirude. Dialects: Y.
weeɗuɓe-weeɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb weencaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weencagol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. ouvrir qqch à Participles: sing: beenciiɗo-beencotooɗo
moitié; open something part way. plur: weenciiɓe-weencotooɓe. Sorting
***: weenyude; compare: weenyude. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. rechercher des œufs en brousse; look for
weefaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weefagol.
eggs in the bush. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: beefiiɗo-beefotooɗo plur:
weefiiɓe-weefotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4, weendu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trouver of Noun: beeli. Sorting Designation: 2.
des fautes, critiquer, montrer les fautes; find synonyme: goorugol, callugol. Noun. lac ou
fault; criticize. Fay si huunde na wooɗ
wooɗi o étang, marigot; pond (a large); lake. Catégorie
weefoto ɗum. Même si qqch est bien, il va : Eau. ***: wayre, petel, callugol, feto;
trouver des fautes à dire (il va critiquer). Even compare: feto, maayo, petel, wayre.
if something is good he will find fault with it. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: haasidaade
haasidaade, jaancude, manude,
nyiŋude, wuykude; ***: nyiŋ nyiŋude, wuykude,
haasidaade, jaancude, manude.
Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 669
weenyaade weetude

weenyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weenyugol. weertude Noun Form of Infinitive: weertugol.
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Participles: sing: beertuɗo-beertoowo plur:
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. weertuɓe-weertooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb. être légèrement ouvert, être entrouvert; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
slightly ajar; opened slightly. Miɗ
Miɗo miila toon Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • déplier,
o woni sabo suudu ndu na weenyii. Je pense dérouler une natte; unroll a mat; unfold.
qu'il est là, car la porte de la maison est ***: taggitinde, taggude, daɗɗ
légèrement ouverte. I am pretty sure he is there feertude, weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, weƴƴ
because the house [actually the door] is ajar.
feertude, dillude; synonyms: daɗɗ
***: weeɗ
weeɗaade; synonyms: weeɗ weeɗaade.
feertude, taggitinde, weɗɗ
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ƴƴitinde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
weenyude Noun Form of Infinitive: weenyugol. 2 • ouvrir un livre; open a book. Mi weertii
Participles: sing: beenyuɗo-beenyoowo dewtere. j'ai ouvert le livre. I opened the
plur: weenyuɓe-weenyooɓe. Sorting book. ***: omtude, ontude;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: feertude, omtude, udditinde.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb. 1 • ouvrir un peu, fendiller, casser, faire
3 • quitter un endroit qu'on vient de visiter;
craquer; open something slightly; crack open.
leave a place you have been visiting.
O weenyii gampuwal suudu makko faa
compare: taggude, dillude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
gertogal makko naata. Il a laissé un peu
ouvert la porte de sa maison ainsi que les weerude Noun Form of Infinitive: weerugol.
poules y entrent. He left the door of his house Participles: sing: beeruɗo-beeroowo plur:
ajar so his chicken would go in. weeruɓe-weerooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
***: weeɗ
weeɗude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
2 • dégager un endroit à la surface de l'eau où Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • aller voir,
l'on peut y puiser de l'eau ou y boire; to clear a rendre visite à, séjourner (étranger); stay;
little place on the surface of the water where
visit. ***: beero, hurjude, weerande.
you can scoop water out or drink; Weenyu
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndiyam ɗam de njaraa Dégage la saleté de
2 • passer la nuit, être en visite; spend/pass the
l'eau et puis tu peux y boire. Clean the water
night. Si mi yehii Tenkodogo fu mi weeran
off then drink. compare: weeɗ
to Rik. Quand je vais à Tenkodogo j'irai voir
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Rick. If I go to Tenkodogo I will visit Rick.
weerande Noun Form of Infinitive: weerangol. compare: hurjude, weerande.
Participles: sing: beeranɗo-beeranoowo Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
plur: weeranɓe-weeranooɓe. Sorting
weeruuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
of Noun: weeruuji. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun.
Verb. aller voir qqn, rendre visite à, visiter qqn,
verre; glass. Catégorie : Récipient. Note :
passer la nuit comme visiteur; visit someone;
spend the night with someone as a guest. français ***: masarakemmbu
masarakemmbu. Dialectal
Lobbo weeranii kam jeɗɗ
ɗɗiire faltiinde nde. Forms: [J,G] weer (o), [J] weeru (ndu), [Y,M]
Lobbo est venu me voir la semaine passée. weeruwal (ngal). Dialects: J,M.
(Lobbo m'a visité la semaine passée.) Lobbo
weeruwal Noun. verre; glass. Catégorie : Récipient.
visited me last week. ***: weerude;
Dialectal Forms: weeruuru.
compare: weerude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
weetude Noun Form of Infinitive: weetugol.
weerɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: beetuɗo-beetoowo plur:
Designation: 1. Noun. visiteurs, hôtes, invités;
weetuɓe-weetooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
guests. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
weerdude Noun. lieu du séjour (étranger); place of Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer le matin
staying (foreign land). / matinée, visiter qqn pendant la matinée; pass
weeroyde Verb. aller à l'étranger, voyager; go the morning; visit in the morning.
abroad; travel. ***: nyallude, waalude
waalude, hiirude, beetee;
compare: beetee, nyallude, hiirude, waalude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 670
weeyude welnude

weeyude Noun Form of Infinitive: weeyugol. welnande Noun Form of Infinitive: welnugol.
Participles: sing: beeyuɗo-beeyoowo plur: Participles: sing: belnuɗo-belnoowo plur:
weeyuɓe-weeyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. welnuɓe-welnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • voleter Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire ou dire
au-dessus, planer au-dessus, flotter; hover qqch pour plaire, donner un rapport positive,
over; float. ***: weeltude, royude, reewude, recommander; say something in order to
ɓɓude, huywude, fiirude, bilaade;
please; recommend; positive report about
synonyms: weeltude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
someone or something. A welnanii kam
2 • survoler à plusieurs reprises; fly over gondal e makko. Tu m'a donné une
impression positive de ta relation avec elle.
repeatedly. Dialects: J,Y,M. You gave me a positive impression of hanging
3 • avoir un problème; problem (to have a). Mi out with her. O welnanii ɓe yeewtere maɓɓ maɓɓe
weeyii, suudu am wulii. J'ai un problème, ma sabo o waddii atey e sunkaaji e teewu. Ils
maison a brûlé. I have a problem, my house ont fait que leur visite était agréable en
burned down. synonyms: loɓɓloɓɓude
ɓɓude, reewude. amenant du thé, arachides et de la viande. He
Dialects: J. made their visit pleasant by bringing tea,
4 • flotter dans l'eau; float in water. peanuts and meat. ***: welude, muuyande,
synonyms: huywude, royude; yiɗ
yiɗande, welnude, yettude, seynude,
compare: fiirude. Dialectal Forms: [J] jammude, anndande; compare: anndande,
weeytude (birds only). Dialects: G. jammude, muuyande, welude, yettude,
yiɗande; synonyms: seynude, welnude.
welaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: belaaɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. welnude Noun Form of Infinitive: welnugol.
Noun. bouse de vache, bouse de bœuf, matières Participles: sing: belnuɗo-belnoowo plur:
fécales de bœuf, fumier; manure; feces of welnuɓe-welnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
cows. Catégorie : Élevage. ***: dubbungal, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
doodi, suulere, wordoonde, rubbunnde, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • plaire ou
kuudi, birgi, wurdere; synonyms: rubbunnde; apporter de la joie, réjouir; please; bring joy.
compare: birgi, doodi, suulere, wordoonde. ***: seyaade, belaade, eytude, barkinde,
Dialects: Y,G. malsinde, mansinde, diirude, welnande,
wellintinde Verb. exagérer, abuser; go too far; deƴƴ
ƴƴinde, seynude, maysinde, waylitinde.
exaggerate; overdo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • flatter; flatter. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wellitii Noun. abus; abuse.
3 • faire la nourriture agréable ou bon à
manger; to make food nice or pleasant.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • sucrer, rendre sucré; sweeten.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
5 • changer le cœur et la pensée de qqn qui est
fâche; to change the heart and thoughts of one
who is upset; Mi faamii cunu nanngii ɓernde
Hasan sabo o wayrii yi'ude koreeji makko
de ko ngaɗ
anɗaa o dalii faa o hootii ɗum
welnii bernde makko sanne. Je comprend
que Hassan est déprimé car il n'a pas vu sa
famille depuis un bout de temps, mais le fait
que tu lui as donné de l'argent pour rentrer
chez sa famille l'a réjouit / encouragé
beaucoup. I understand Hasan is depressed
because he hasn't seen his family for awhile
but that you gave him the funds to go home
really encouraged his heart a lot.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 671
welo wemmbirde
6 • bénir; bless. compare: deƴƴ
ƴƴinde, belaade, welweltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: welweltingol.
eytude, seyaade; synonyms: barkinde, Participles: sing: belbeltinɗo-belbeltinoowo
diirude, malsinde, mansinde, maysinde, plur: welweltinɓe-welweltinooɓe. Sorting
seynude, waylitinde, welnande. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
welo Noun. joie; joy. synonyms: seyoore, mbelirka, Progressive: st/prg - na
kuyam, seyo, seyaare, weltaare. welweltini/welweltina. Verb. 1 • chanceler,
zigzaguer, tituber dans l'air, tournoyer,
weltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weltagol. tourner dans l'air; tumble or spin while in the
Participles: sing: beltiiɗo-beltotooɗo plur: air. ***: moymoytude, muymuytude,
weltiiɓe-weltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. lemlemtude, weltaade, ɗelmude, leelaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb jartinde; synonyms: leelaade.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heureux, content, de bon humeur, célébrer, 2 • être extrêmement content, joyeux, très
fêter; content; feel happy; celebrate. enchanté; exceedingly joyful; joyful.
***: welweltinde, huyude, fijude, jartinde, synonyms: jartinde, moymoytude,
janjinde; synonyms: fijude, huyude, janjinde, muymuytude, weltaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
welweltinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 3 • parler continuellement (avec grande joie);
weltaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. talk continuously (overwhelmed by joy).
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form synonyms: ɗelmude, lemlemtude. Dialectal
of Noun: weltaareeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Forms: [Y,G] welweltidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun. 1 • allégresse, réjouissance, joie; wemmbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wemmbagol.
rejoicing. ***: iidi, welo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing:
2 • célébration; celebration. synonyms: fijo, bemmbiiɗo-bemmbotooɗo plur:
janjere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wemmbiiɓe-wemmbotooɗo. Sorting
3 • vacances, congé, jour férié, loisir ; holiday. Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. échouer à trouver qqch malgré des
weltaare leydi Noun. fête nationale; national
efforts; fail to find something despite looking
holiday, national day.
hard for it. synonyms: bemaade;
welude Noun Form of Infinitive: welugol. ***: bemaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: beluɗo-beloowo plur:
wemmbeede Noun Form of Infinitive: wemmbegol.
weluɓe-welooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Participles: sing:
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
bemmbaaɗo-bemmbeteeɗo plur:
or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être agréable,
réjouir, rendre heureux; happiness (cause); wemmbaaɓe-wemmbeteeɓe. Sorting
joy (cause); pleasing. ***: diirude, seyaade, Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
welnande, leeɓ
leeɓude, foccanaade, ndakam, Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
seeɓude, feccanaade; synonyms: diirude, Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être confus, être
leeɓude, seyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. perdu; confused; lost. ***: jiɓ
2 • être content de, avoir l'air content, faire synonyms: huylaade, jiɓ
jiɓeede, winaade.
plaisir de; pleased. synonyms: ndakam. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • être gêné ou dérangé parce que qqch
manque dont on a besoin; to be
3 • être doux, sucré, gentil; sweet (to be).
inconvenienced because you need something
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
that you do not have. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
4 • tranchant (lame), coupant, bien aiguisé;
sharp (for a blade to be). compare: seeɓ
seeɓude, wemmbirde Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
welnande. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être
confus ou troublé d'une certaine manière;
confused in a certain manner. Ɗum haanaa
wemmbirde ma noon. Cela ne devrait pas te
troubler comme ça. That should not concern
you like that. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 672
wemmbude werbagol

wemmbude Noun Form of Infinitive: wemmbugol. wennyaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wenyagol.
Participles: sing: bemmbuɗo-bemmboowo Participles: sing: benyiiɗo-benyotooɗo plur:
plur: wemmbuɓe-wemmbooɓe. Sorting wenyiiɓe-wenyotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Verb. 1 • semer la confusion pour qqn, troubler Progressive: st/prg. Verb. s'étaler de manière
qqn; confuse someone. synonyms: bemmbude, embarrassante (ex. un petit enfant); sprawl out
jiɓude; ***: bemmbude, jiɓ jiɓude. in an embarrassing way. Dialects: M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wennyondi-a e expression. opposé à (être -);
2 • prendre qqch que qqn d'autre a besoin; opposed to (be -). Catégorie : Mathématique.
déranger ou troubler / gêner qqn;
inconvenience; take something that someone wenyude Noun Form of Infinitive: wenyugol.
else needs. synonyms: waannude
waannude. Participles: sing: benyuɗo-benyoowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wenyuɓe-wenyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
3 • être inquiet et dans le doute sans savoir Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
quoi faire, soucieux et ne pas savoir quoi faire; Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se frayer un
concerned and uncertain or confused as to chemin, écarter qqch (ex. l'herbe lorsqu'on
what to do. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. cherche des œufs d'oiseaux sauvages, ex. les
cheveux lorsqu'on cherche des poux); part;
wenndoogo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Number parting animals so you can walk between
One for this noun: wooto. Sorting Designation: 1. them; clear a path for someone. Imo wenya
Noun. tard le matin, entre dix heures a midi;
huɗo faa o ndaara ɓoccooɗ
occooɗe jaawle.
jaawle. Elle
late morning; from about 10 A.M. until noon.
écarte l'herbe pour rechercher des œufs de
Note : mooré ***: beetee, fajiri, nyawlude; pintade. She is parting the grass looking for
compare: fajiri, nyawlude; synonyms: beetee. guinea-fowl eggs. Sanaa mbenyaa sukundu
Dialects: J,M. fuu, a waawaa yi'ude tenɗ
tenɗi. Tu dois écarter
wennude Noun Form of Infinitive: wennugol. tous les cheveux, sinon tu ne trouveras pas le
pou. You need to part all the hair, [otherwise]
Participles: sing: bennuɗo-bennoowo plur:
you won't see the lice. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wennuɓe-wennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb werba Noun. verbe; verb. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • saluer qqn Note : français synonyms: golloore;
tard le matin; greet someone in the late ***: tinndinol.
morning. Mi yahan,
yahan, mi wennowa o jam. Je
werba gaɗ
gaɗuɗo Noun. verbe d'action; action verb.
vais le saluer et lui souhaiter la paix. I will go
Catégorie : La Grammaire.
greet [between 9-11 A.M.] him and wish him
peace. Note : mooré ***: hiirnude, nyallinde, werba mo werbaaka expression. infinitif (forme);
jowtude, waalnude, hownude. infinitive. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. werba sagga Noun. aspect inaccompli; imperfective
2 • lorsque Dieu fait que la nuit passe (ce qui verb aspect. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
arrive tous les jours - jusqu'à présent); when ***: timmaali.
God causes the night to pass (which he does
every day-so far); Laamɗ
Laamɗo wennii en e jam. werba yottoo Noun. aspect accompli; perfect verb
Dieu nous a amené à travers la nuit et nous a aspect. Catégorie : La Grammaire.
donné la paix. God brought us through the werbagol Noun. conjugaison; conjugation. Catégorie
night to the morning in peace. Note : mooré : La Grammaire.
compare: hownude, waalnude, nyallinde,
hiirnude; synonyms: jowtude.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 673
werbiɗinde weƴƴitinde

werbiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: werbiɗingol. wesaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wesagol.
Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Verb Consonant Participles: sing: besiiɗo-besotooɗo plur:
Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or wesiiɓe-wesotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Progressive: st - na werbiɗi. Verb. être large ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
(ex. cuvette); wide. Aysa, tummbude maa na Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. secouer
werbiɗi. Ayisa, l'ouverture de ta calebasse est qqch dans un récipient (pour trier), vanner;
large. Aysa, the mouth of your calabash is shake something around in a dish; winnow. Si
wide. ***: weɗɗ
ɗɗitaade, yaajude; a wattii nebbam ley nyaamdu fu, sanaa
synonyms: weɗɗ
ɗɗitaade, yaajude. mbesoɗ
mbeso ɗaa faa hawrita.
hawrita. Si tu mets de l'huile
Dialects: J,Y,M. dans la nourriture tu dois la secouer pour bien
mélanger les deux. If you put oil in food you
wersawersaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu must shake/toss the food to mix the oil in.
plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. compare: seɗ
seɗude, ƴaraade, yemaade;
Plural Form of Noun: wersawersaaɗi. Sorting ***: tembaade, teymaade, teemaade,
Designation: 4, or. Noun. tourterelle masque de ƴaraade, ƴaartaade, yemaade, seɗ seɗude;
fer; long-tailed dove; dove (long-tailed). synonyms: teemaade, tembaade, teymaade,
Catégorie : Oiseau. Oena capensis.
ƴaartaade. Dialects: J,Y.
***: buubabaheeru, lokel, lohuru,
santingaaru; synonyms: lohuru, lokel, wewbaagaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur:
santingaaru. Dialects: M. ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
Form of Noun: wewbaagaaji. Sorting
wertaango Noun. aire, superficie, surface; area,
Designation: 4, wl. Noun. fennec, renard;
surface. Catégorie : Mathématique.
fennec fox; fox (fennec). Catégorie
***: njajardi; synonyms: njajardi. : Mammifère. Canis zerda / vulpes zerda.
wert-o Verb. obtus (être -); obtuse (be -). Catégorie synonyms: gaydoombal, junkuuru;
: Mathématique. ***: junkuuru, gaydoombal. Dialects: M.
werude Noun Form of Infinitive: werugol. weyiyaasi sidaa Noun. VIH SIDA; HIV/AIDS.
Participles: sing: ber(u)ɗo-beroowo plur: Catégorie : Maladie.
wer(u)ɓe-werooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. weƴƴ
ƴƴitaango synonyme: yaajingol ; jaharal yeeso.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Noun. expansion; expansion.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • étaler /
éparpiller / épandre du grain pour sécher ou
ƴƴitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: weƴƴitingo.
pour trier; spread grain out to dry or to sort. O Participles: sing: beƴƴitinɗo-beƴƴitoowo
plur: weƴƴitinɓe-weƴƴitooɓe. Sorting
werii butaali faa o suɓ
suɓoo ɓurɗ
urɗi juutude.
Elle a étalé les épis de mil pour choisir les plus Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
longs. She spread out the heads of millet in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
order to choose the longest ones. na weƴƴita. Verb. dérouler une natte; roll a
***: waawude, jaalaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mat out. ***: weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, taggitinde,
2 • être capable de vaincre ses opposants (ex. taggude, taggitinde, weertude, daɗɗ
un taureau qui vaincs un autre); to be able to
ɗɗitinde, feertude; compare: taggude;
defeat your opponent; often refers to the ability
synonyms: weɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, daɗɗ
ɗɗude, feertude,
of one bull to beat another one up; Nde duuri
taggitinde, weertude, weɗɗ
ngaɗi fu, wo Ali werata. Lorsqu il a des
luttes, c'est Ali qui va gagner. When there are Dialects: J,Y,G.
wrestling matches it is Ali who will win.
synonyms: jaalaade, waawude. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 674
weƴƴude wifitaade

ƴƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: weƴƴugol. wiccude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiccugol.
Participles: sing: beƴƴuɗo-beƴƴoowo plur: Participles: sing: biccuɗo-biccoowo plur:
weƴƴuɓe-weƴƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. wiccuɓe-wiccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Variante: wisude. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. verser un Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
liquide, répandre un liquide, renverser un Verb. arroser un liquide, irriguer, éclabousser,
liquide; spill; throw a liquid out. Ko o looti asperger, gicler; sprinkle a liquid.
juuɗe makko, o weƴƴ
ƴƴii ndiyam ɗam ***: weccude, wisude; compare: weccude,
yaasin. Après avoir lavé ses mains il a wisude; synonyms: miccude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
renversé /jeté l'eau dehors. When he had wiccugol Variante: wisugol. Noun. arrosage;
washed his hands he threw the water outside.
watering. Catégorie : Agriculture, Eau.
***: meƴƴ
ƴƴude, rufude
rufude; compare: meƴƴ
rufude. Dialects: J. wiɗ
wiɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wiɗagol.
Participles: sing: biɗiiɗo-biɗotooɗo plur:
wi'ande Noun Form of Infinitive: wi'angol.
wiɗiiɓe-wiɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Participles: sing: bi'anɗo-bi'anoowo plur:
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
wi'anɓe-wi'anooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • vibrer,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb voleter, voltiger (oiseau), donner / bouger des
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enseigner en ailes; tumble (to); flap (birds); flop.
se faisant répéter par les étudiants; teach by ***: lootaade, pappattude, fisaade,
having the student repeat what the teacher
bibbitidde, pippittude; synonyms: fippude,
says. Catégorie : Apprendre. ***: anndinde,
pappattude, pippittude. Dialects: J,M.
jannginde; synonyms: jannginde.
2 • lorsqu'un animal (ex. une poule) creuse un
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. trou au sol et s'y couche confortablement;
wi'eede Noun Form of Infinitive: wi'egol. when an animal; such as a chicken; digs an
impression and then fidgets in it until it is
Participles: sing: bi'aaɗo-bi'eteeɗo plur:
comfortable. synonyms: fisaade, lootaade.
wi'aaɓe-wi'eteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 1.
Dialects: J,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être appelé wiɗ
wiɗitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wiɗitagol.
ou nommé; named; called. ***: inndireede. Participles: sing: biɗitiiɗo-biɗitotooɗo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wiɗitiiɓe-wiɗitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
2 • être accusé; accused. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
synonyms: inndireede, limtude. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 1 • rechercher, investiguer, fouiller dans un
livre, effectuer une recherche, chercher,
wi'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: wi'ugol. feuilleter dans un livre; rummage; search; leaf
Participles: sing: bi'uɗo-bi'oowo plur: through a book. Wakkati ndeen mi wiɗ wiɗitoto
wi'uɓe-wi'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Urusaliima e fitillaaji A ce moment-là, je
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative prendrai une lampe et je fouillerai la ville de
or Progressive: prg. Verb. dire, exprimer,
Jérusalem. And it will come about at that time
parler, prononcer; say. Catégorie : Le langage that I will search Jerusalem with lamps. (Zeph
et la pensée. compare: fillaade, gaajaade,
1:12). ***: fincitinde, fincitinde;
synonyms: filaade, fincitinde. Dialects: J,Y.
haalude; ***: wiide, gaajaade, fillaade;
2 • une poule qui cherche des insectes dans sur
synonyms: wiide. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
le sol; a chicken scratching dirt looking for
wi'ugol Noun. prononciation; pronunciation. Catégorie insects. Dialects: J,Y,M.
: Le langage et la pensée.
wifitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wifitagol.
synonyms: puumtugol, eeragol, gowlugol.
Participles: sing: bifitiiɗo-bifitotooɗo plur:
wifitiiɓe-wifitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. s’éventer; fan
yourself. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 675
wifude wijaade

wifude Noun Form of Infinitive: wifugol. wiirnitidde Noun Form of Infinitive: wiirnitingol.
Participles: sing: bifuɗo-bifoowo plur: Participles: sing: biirnitinɗo-biirnitoowo
wifuɓe-wifooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb plur: wiirnitinɓe-wiirnitooɓe. Sorting
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • souffler; blow Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
(wind). ***: fuufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb. découvrir qqch qui était couvert;
2 • éventer, attiser, aviver; fan (to). uncover. Mi wirnii sekko to lootorde de
compare: fuufude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sabo ndunngu warii mi wiirnitan go taa go
bona. J'avais placé une natte où nous lavons
wiide Noun Form of Infinitive: wiigol.
la lessive, mais à cause des pluies je vais
Participles: sing: biiɗo-bi'oowo plur: l'enlever pour qu'elle ne se gâte pas. I set up a
wiiɓe-wi'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb mat where we wash but because the rains have
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative started I will take it down so it isn't wrecked.
Note the Gurmaare pronouns are "go" for
or Progressive: prg - imo wi'a. Verb. dire,
prononcer; say. synonyms: wi'ude; "sekko" rather than "ngo." ***: hogitinde,
hositinde; compare: huurtude;
***: wi'ude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: hogitinde, hositinde. Dialects: Y,G.
wiige Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
wiirnude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiirnugol.
Participles: sing: biirnuɗo-biirnoowo plur:
Noun: [J] biigi, [Y,G,M] bijji. Sorting
wiirnuɓe-wiirnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. génisse qui a plus de
trois ans mais n'a pas encore eu de veau; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
heifer more than 3 years old. Catégorie Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • abriter,
: Élevage. ***: nyale, nyalohol, nagge; protéger avec une natte ou la main; shelter (to
compare: nagge, nyalohol, nyale.
stand up a mat as a); use your hand to shelter a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
match; shelter. ***: hogude, weddaade,
linnude, hosude, bugaade, faɗɗ faɗɗude
wiirdi Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number limnude; synonyms: hogude, hosude.
One for this noun: ngootiri. Plural Form of Dialects: Y,G.
Noun: wiirdiiji. Sorting Designation: 4, th. Noun. 2 • jeter / lancer une grosse pierre ou un bâton;
répétition d'une prière utilisant un chapelet; throw a large rock or large piece of wood.
repetition of a rosary or a prayer using prayer
synonyms: bugaade, faɗɗfaɗɗude
ɗɗude, limnude,
beads. Note : arabe synonyms: birdi, du'aawu,
linnude, weddaade. Dialects: J,M.
mbirdi; ***: birdi, mbirdi, du'aawu;
compare: du'aade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wiitude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiitugol.
Participles: sing: biituɗo-biitoowo plur:
wiirdude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiirdugol, wiirdi.
wiituɓe-wiitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
Participles: sing: biirduɗo-biirdoowo plur:
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
wiirduɓe-wiirdooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • redire qqch; say
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
something again. ***: fonndaade, huccude,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. répéter
suppude, huccitinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
les 99 noms de Dieu à l'aide d’un chapelet ou
répéter des incantations; repeat the 99 names 2 • se diriger vers, faire face à; face; head
of God. compare: juulude; ***: du'aade, towards. Toy mbiituɗ
mbiituɗaa joonin?
joonin? Luumo
juulude; synonyms: du'aade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mbiitumi. Vers où te diriges-tu ? Je me dirige
vers le marché. Where are you headed now? I
am headed to market. synonyms: huccude,
fonndaade, soppude. Dialects: J,Y,M.

wijaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wijagol. Sorting

Designation: 4, ah, pl. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Verb. 1 • lorsque des branches sont courbées
vers le bas (ex. branches du baobab); for a
tree's branches to curve downwards - usually
this is a baobab tree; ɓokki mbijaahi
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 676
wikken wilsude
2 • lorsque des cornes de bœuf sont courbées
wilsere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
vers le bas; for a cow's horns to curve down;
"nagge wijaawe" or "nagge wijaaye". Designation: 3, da. Noun. 1 • espèce de maladie
d'animaux; An animal disease characterized
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
by a gradual loss of weight and strength. It
wikken Noun. week-end; weekend. Note : français can be caused by trypanosomes as a result of
tsetse fly bites; or babesiosis as a result of tick
wilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wilagol. bites or of intestinal parasites and a poor plain
Participles: sing: biliiɗo-bilotooɗo plur: of nutrition. It can result in death of the
wiliiɓe-wilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. animal. It mainly affects cattle; but can also
affect sheep; goats; donkeys; horses; and dogs.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
It is found in areas that receive more than 800
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • faire un mm of rain. Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux.
enclos en tissant des branches l'une dans
***: ladde, ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, sigiire2. Dialects: M.
l'autre, clôturer, entourer d'une clôture; fence;
2 • trypanosomiase; trypanosomiasis.
build a corral by weaving branches together. O
Catégorie : Maladie d'animaux. Dialects: M.
soppii koosirɗ
koosirɗe faa o wiloo hoggo makko.
Il a coupé des branches pour en faire une 3 • espèce de maladie; babesiosis.
clôture. He cut the branches so he could weave synonyms: ɓuuɓ
uuɓal, ladde, puuɗ
puuɗel, sigiire2.
his corral. synonyms: kaltaade; ***: kaltaade, Dialects: M.
hoggo, kakaade; compare: hoggo
hoggo. Dialects: J. wilsinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wilsingol.
2 • lorsque des pages d'un livre se décollent et
Participles: sing: bilsinɗo-bilsinoowo plur:
se froissent; for the pages of a book to fall out
wilsinɓe-wilsinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
and be scrambled up; Sukaaɓ
Sukaaɓe mbilii
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
dewtere am. Les enfants ont froissé les pages
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. donner un peu
de mon livre. The children scrambled the
pages in my book. compare: wiltude. de qqch; give a little of something. Taa yarnu
ɗum sanne, wilsin tan. N'arrose pas trop
Dialects: J,Y.
cela, donne seulement un peu d'eau. Don't
wilitere Plural Form of Noun: bilite. Noun. bourgeon; water that too much, only give a little water.
shoot of a plant. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes Ɓe kokkaay min gawri faa heewi, ɓe
grimpantes. synonyms: doɓɓ
ɓɓe, salndu1. mbilsin min tan. Ils ne nous ont pas donné
beaucoup de céréales, ils nous en ont donné un
wilitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wilitingol.
peu seulement. They didn't give us a lot of
Participles: sing: bilitinɗo-bilitoowo plur:
grain, they only gave us a little. Dialects: J.
wilitinɓe-wilitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wilsude Noun Form of Infinitive: wilsugol.
Stative or Progressive: prg - na wilita. Verb. Participles: sing: bilsuɗo-bilsoowo plur:
1 • bourgeonner des nouvelles feuilles, wilsuɓe-wilsooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
repousser les feuilles (arbre); bud. Came ɗe Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
mbilitan gataaje. Cet arbre bourgeonnera en Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être petit,
avril. The Pterocarpus lucens will bud in April. peu; little. Ƴuwoonde toɓ
toɓaay toon sanne,
Dialects: J,Y,M. wilsu tan. Il n'a pas plu beaucoup là-bas, il a
2 • retrouver de l'argent ou des possessions seulement, il y a plu peu seulement. . It didn't
matérielles, récupérer; regain. Na'i makko rain there much, it only sprinkled a little.
nesiino hantaade ammaa joonin ka ɗi ***: ɗalude, hokkude, ɗawude;
mbilitii. Il avait presque perdu tout son bétail, synonyms: jooteede, woroɗ
woroɗinde, yoorude.
mais maintenant il est en train d'en retrouver / Dialects: J.
multiplier /récupérer. He came close to losing 2 • s’arrêter quelque part occasionnellement;
all his cattle, but now they are multiplying. stop by someplace occasionally.
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] wilitidde. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 677
wiltinde winndoowo

wiltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wiltingol. winndannde Noun. rédaction, texte, leçon, corps du
Participles: sing: biltinɗo-biltinoowo plur: texte, énoncé; editing; compilation; writing.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
wiltinɓe-wiltinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: kaalaaka, gollirɗ
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
***: haalannde. Dialectal Forms: wallifo.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire ou dire
trop, excéder, trop faire, exagérer; exaggerate; winndannde filloore expression. texte narratif;
exceed; overdo; to do or say too much. Ko narrative text. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
kaaluɗaa haala makko a wiltinii. Ce que tu
winndannde jaltorde expression. texte
as dit de lui est une exagération. That which
argumentatif; argumentative text. Catégorie
you said about him is an exaggeration.
: Lecture / écriture.
Golleeji ɗi kokkuɗ
kokkuɗaa o ɗi a wiltinii, sabo na
faltii baaw ɗe makko. Tu lui as donné trop de winndannde siforɗ
siforɗe expression. texte descriptif;
travail, c'est plus que ce qu'il peut faire. You descriptive text. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
gave him too much work, it is more than he can winndannde yamiroore expression. texte
do. ***: wittinde, wittinde, hebbinde1, injonctif; injunctive text. Catégorie : Lecture /
yawtinde, yawtinde, diwtinde, ɗuuɗ uuɗude, écriture.
faltinde, ɗuunnude; synonyms: diwtinde, winnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
ɗuunnude, hebbinde1, faltinde, wittinde,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
yawtinde. Dialects: J,Y.
of Noun: bille. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
wiltude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiltugol. Sorting 1 • endroit où l'on passe la saison pluvieuse;
place where someone passes the rainy season.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
2 • campement abandonné; camp (deserted);
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être trop, quantité
excessive; excessive quantity; too much. deserted camp. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: heewude, wilaade, yawtude, ɗuuɗ
uuɗude. winndeeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Dialects: J,Y. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
2 • réunir les pages dans l'ordre correcte; of Noun: billeeji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
collate pages in their correct order. maison dans laquelle personne n'habite; house
compare: ɗuuɗ
uuɗude, heewude; where no one is living. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
synonyms: yawtude. Dialects: J,Y. synonyms: suudu1; compare: bokkuɗ
buguuru, garuwal, huɗhuɗooru, hukum,
wilwilndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
kunnguuru, loofeeru, sukkuuru;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
***: worwordu, hukum, wortaldu, nyallirdu,
of Noun: bilbilɗi. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. chauve-souris; bat. Catégorie sukkuuru, benal1, buguuru, bokkuɗ
: Mammifère. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] garuwal, huɗ
huɗooru, suudu1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wilwindu, wilwinndu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. winndirde masin Verb. saisir, dactylographier;
wilwinndu Noun. chauve-souris; bat. Catégorie keyboard (to); type (to).
: Mammifère. Dialectal Forms: wilwilndu. winndirgol calɗ
calɗi calɗ
calɗi expression. décomposition
(de la lettre du jour); break down the word of
winaade Noun Form of Infinitive: winagol. the day. Catégorie : Apprendre, Lecture /
Participles: sing: biniiɗo-binotooɗo plur: écriture.
winiiɓe-winotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
winndoowo Noun. écrivain; writer. Catégorie
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
: Travailleur. Dialectal Forms: binndoowo.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être perdu
ou égaré, avoir perdu le bon sens
d'orientation; lost and to also have lost your
sense of direction. synonyms: huylaade,
lallude; ***: lallude, wemmbeede,
huylaade. Dialects: G.

winnd-a Verb. écrire; write. Catégorie : Lecture /

16/02/2020 678
winndude wisiye
2 • repousser qqn ou qqch qui veut te saisir ou
winndude Noun Form of Infinitive: winndugol.
attraper; push someone or something away.
Participles: sing: binnduɗo-binndoowo
synonyms: dirbaade, dimmbaade;
plur: winnduɓe-winndooɓe. Sorting
compare: yeyyeynude. Dialects: G,M.
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. wippitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wippitingol.
Verb. écrire, énoncer, rédiger, transcrire; Participles: sing: bippitinɗo-bippitoowo
write. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. plur: wippitinɓe-wippitooɓe. Sorting
compare: binndirgal, sottinde; ***: haalude, Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
binndirgal. Dialectal Forms: winndugol. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. na wippita. Verb. terrasser qqch, abattre qqch
qui est debout, déraciner, arracher qqch qui
winndugol Verb. écrire; write. Catégorie : Lecture /
est attaché, défoncer; knocking or blowing
écriture. Dialectal Forms: winndude. something standing down; tearing up
winndugol no nanirtee expression. transcription something attached. Henndu wippitii
phonétique; phonetic transcription. deŋ
deŋeleeji ɗi o huuri dow danki makko. Le
vent a arraché les nattes qu'il avait sur son
winnude Noun Form of Infinitive: winnugol.
hangar. The wind ripped up the mats he had
Participles: sing: binnuɗo-binnoowo plur:
put on his hangar. synonyms: boɓɓ
winnuɓe-winnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
faatude, faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, liɓ
liɓude, linnude,
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
saaminde, samminde. Dialectal Forms: [G]
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. fertiliser
wippitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
avec du fumier, mettre de l'engrais / fumier;
fertilize with manure. Catégorie : Agriculture. wirfitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wirfitingol.
***: wirginde; synonyms: wirginde. Participles: sing: birfitinɗo-birfitoowo plur:
Dialects: M. wirfitinɓe-wirfitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
wintaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wintagol. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.

Participles: sing: bintiiɗo-bintotooɗo plur: Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - na wirfita.

Verb. faire tourner qqn ou qqch, retourner;
wintiiɓe-wintotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
return. Wirfitin na'i ɗi, ponndoo wuro. Fais
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
tourner les bœufs, amène-les a la maison. Turn
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. retrouver
the cows, head them home. Wirfitin o, o
l'orientation lorsque perdu; find your bearings
huccita e he'am. Fais qu'il se retourne et me
when lost. synonyms: huylitaade;
fait face. Turn him so he is facing me.
***: huylitaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G.
wippeengo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: wirginde Noun Form of Infinitive: wirgingol.
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural
Participles: sing: birginɗo-birginoowo plur:
Form of Noun: bippeele. Sorting Designation: 2,
wirginɓe-wirginooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
at. Noun. aile (oiseau ou avion); wing.
cs. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Catégorie : Parties d’un animal. Dialectal
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. fertiliser
Forms: [Y] wippoongo (ngo)/bippooli (ɗi).
avec du fumier; fertilize with manure.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Catégorie : Agriculture. synonyms: winnude;
wippitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wippitagol. ***: winnude. Dialectal Forms: [J] wirgude.
Participles: sing: bippitiiɗo-bippitotooɗo Dialects: Y,G,M.
plur: wippitiiɓe-wippitotooɓe. Sorting
wisiye Verb. huissier; bailiff, judicial officer.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Travailleur. ***: innditirde awoka.
Verb. 1 • rapidement regarder en arrière
lorsque surpris ou effrayé; turn and look
behind when startled. Si en piɗ
piɗii gaɗ
gaɗa maɓɓ
fu ɓe mbippitoto. Si nous tirons avec le fusil
derrière eux, il vont se tourner et regarder en
arrière. If we fire [a gun] behind them they
will turn around. synonyms: lippitaade;
***: lippitaade, ƴeppitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 679
wisude Woɗaaɓe

wisude Noun Form of Infinitive: wisugol. wittodaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wittodagol.
Participles: sing: bisuɗo-bisoowo plur: Participles: sing: bittodiiɗo-bittodotooɗo
wisuɓe-wisooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, cs. plur: wittodiiɓe-wittodotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. arroser, Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
irriguer; water (to). synonyms: misude; Verb. passer de côté en portant qqch; pass by
compare: wiccude; ***: wiccude. carrying something. ***: faltodaade;
Dialects: J,Y,M. synonyms: faltodaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

witamin emprunt: français. Noun. vitamine; vitamin. wittude Noun Form of Infinitive: wittugol.
Catégorie : Nourriture. synonyms: vitamin. Participles: sing: bittuɗo-bittoowo plur:
wittuɓe-wittooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
wittaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wittagol.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Participles: sing: bittiiɗo-bittotooɗo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • retourner,
wittiiɓe-wittotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
repartir; return; go back. ***: runnyude,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
yeccaade, fai'tude, sakkaade, fai'tinde,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. passer de côté,
ƴƴinde, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, yeccinde, faɗɗ
dépasser; pass by; go past. Idrissa wariino
onngude, dillude, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, runnude,
subaka o de witteke. Idrissa s'est arrête ici
ooncude, tottitaade, fornyaade, ɓoylitinde,
ce matin, mais puis il a continué son chemin.
Idrissa stopped by this morning, but he went fornyude; synonyms: fai'tude, fornyaade,
on. ***: ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade, rewude, faltaade; ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, yeccaade. Dialects: G.
synonyms: faltaade, rewude, ƴaɓɓaade
ɓɓaade. 2 • renvoyer qqn ou qqch, repousser, rejeter,
faire faire demi-tour, retourner qqch ou qqn;
Dialects: Y,G,M.
turn something or someone back; turn away.
witteesi Noun. vitesse; gear; speed. Note : français synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
wittinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wittingol. fornyude, onngude, ooncude, runnude,

Participles: sing: bittinɗo-bittinoowo plur: sakkaade, soƴƴ

ƴƴinde, yeccinde. Dialects: G.
wittinɓe-wittinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. wiƴƴ
ƴƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • chercher la of Noun: biƴƴe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
bagarre avec qqn en lui faisant des ennuis, Noun. granule d'engrais pour coton;
taquiner pour faire la bagarre; to look for cottonseed meal - a single pellet. Catégorie
trouble with someone by doing bad things to : Agriculture. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
him. synonyms: diwtinde, ɗuunnude
wo Sorting Designation: 1. Verb. est, c'est; is; it is. O
hebbinde1, wiltinde; ***: faltinde,
wo suka am. Il est mon enfant. He is my
hebbinde1, wiltinde, yawtinde, diwtinde,
child. Wo ɓe Jelgooɓ
Jelgooɓe. Ils sont des Jelgoobe.
faltinde, ɗuunnude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
They are Jelgooɓe. ***: yo, ke; synonyms: ke,
2 • faire que les animaux passent quelque part,
conduire un troupeau d'animaux; drive yo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
animals past somewhere. synonyms: faltinde, woɓɓ
ɓɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
yawtinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 2. Noun. autres, personnes
3 • faire ou dire trop, excéder, exagérer; inconnues; unknown persons; others.
exaggerate; exceed; overdo; do or say too Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
much. Idrissa remii hikka faa wittinii
aaɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
rawanin. Idrissa a cultivé beaucoup plus cette
année que l'an passé. Idrissa hoed a lot more Designation: 3, cp. Noun. Peuls nomades de
Niger; nomadic Fulɓe of Niger. Catégorie
this year than last year. synonyms: ɗuunnude,
: Communauté. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
faltinde, hebbinde1, wiltinde, yawtinde.
Dialects: Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 680
woɗaade wofude

woɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woɗagol. woɗ
woɗude Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant
Participles: sing: boɗiiɗo-boɗotooɗo plur: Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
woɗiiɓe-woɗotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être autrement, être
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb qqn d'autre; to be other; to be another; Ed.
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. considéré
Note: while this word is used in Mali it is not
comme interdit pour soi-même, interdire qqch used in Burkina Faso. Nonetheless it is used
à soi-même; forbid something to yourself; to for a series of adjectives for each noun class
signifying "another" or "other." Be careful
taboo for yourself. ***: mboɗ
mboɗa, boɗ
boɗa, not to conflate this set of adjectives with those
boɗaade; synonyms: boɗ
boɗaade; coming from wonude as many of their forms
compare: mboɗ
mboɗa. Dialects: J,Y,M. are identical (see Table 26.5 in the Fulfulde
Grammar for the details). Here are the
Woɗaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. adjective forms: Group I ɓe/woɓɓe,
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of ko1/wokko, nde/wonnde, ndu/wonndu,
Noun: Woɗaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp. nge/wonnge, ngo/wonngo Group II
Noun. membre de groupe peul Wodaabé; a ɗe/goɗɗe, ɗi/goɗɗi, ɗum/goɗɗum, kal/gonkal,
member of a group of highly nomadic Fulani kol/gokkol, ngal/gonngal, ngel/gonngel,
from northern Niger. Catégorie ngol/gonngol, o/goɗɗo Group III
: Communauté. synonyms: BoɗBoɗaajo; ɗam/ngoɗɗam, ka/ngokka, ki/ngokki,
ko2/ngokko, koy/ngokkoy, ndi/ngonndi,
***: Boɗ
Boɗaajo. Dialects: Y,M.
nga/ngonnga, ngi/ngonngi, ngu/ngonngu.
ɗɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woɗɗagol. ***: wojjude, goɗɗ
ɗɗo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: boɗɗiiɗo-boɗɗotooɗo 2 • être rouge; to be red. Ed. Note: this verb
plur: woɗɗiiɓe-woɗɗotooɓe. Sorting root also is used in the formation of adjectives
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in meaning red: Group I ɓe/woɗeeɓe,
ko1/woɗeeho, nde/woɗeere, ndu/woɗeeru,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
nge/woɗeewe, ngo/woɗeewo Group II
Verb. se distancer de; distance oneself.
ɗe/boɗeeje, ɗi/boɗeeji, ɗum/boɗejum,
***: toowtude, takkitaade, ɗakkitaade, kal/boɗehal, kol/boɗehol, ngal/boɗewal,
teeltude; compare: diisaade, wosaade; ngel/boɗewel, ngol/boɗewol, o/boɗeejo Group
synonyms: ɗakkitaade, takkitaade, teeltude, III ɗam/mboɗejam, ka/mboɗeeha,
toowtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ki/mboɗeehi, ko2/mboɗeeho, koy/mboɗehoy,
ndi/mboɗeeri, nga/mboɗeewa, ngi/mboɗeewi,
ɗɗinnde Verb. éloigner; move away. ngu/mboɗeewu. synonyms: wojjude.
ɗɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: woɗɗugol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: boɗɗuɗo-boɗɗoowo plur: wofinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wofingol. Sorting
woɗɗuɓe-woɗɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être loin, être à Verb. faire qu'un chien aboie; bark (to cause a
distance; distant; far away (to be). dog to). ***: wufinde, ŋofinde;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: ŋofinde, wufinde. Dialects: M.
woɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: woɗingol. wofude Noun Form of Infinitive: wofugol. Sorting
Participles: sing: boɗinɗo-boɗinoowo plur: Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
woɗinɓe-woɗinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb. aboyer; bark (to). ***: ŋofude, wufude;
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire que synonyms: ŋofude, wufude. Dialectal
qqn cesse de manger ou de boire, interdire Forms: wohude. Dialects: M.
qqch; forbid something; stop someone from
eating or drinking. Lobbo
Lobbo woɗ
woɗini Samaa, wi'i
ɗum, 'taa wattu sukkara e safaare maaɗ
Lobbo a dit à Samaa: «Ne mets plus de sucre
dans les médicaments.». Lobbo forbade
Samaa, saying to her, "don't put sugar in your
medicine." synonyms: woonnude;
***: woonnude, boɗ
boɗinde. Dialects: J,M.

16/02/2020 681
woggaade wokkitinde

woggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woggagol. wojere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: boggiiɗo-boggotooɗo Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
plur: woggiiɓe-woggotooɓe. Sorting of Noun: boje. Sorting Designation: 3, ah, wl.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Noun. lapin, lièvre; hare; rabbit. Catégorie
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. : Mammifère, Élevage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. appliquer de l'huile sur sa peau, s'oindre,
wojjinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wojjingol.
pommade, lotion, rincer avec de l'eau; rub
Participles: sing: bojjinɗo-bojjinoowo plur:
yourself with oil. ***: molmaade, wujaade,
wojjinɓe-wojjinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
momlaade; synonyms: molmaade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
momlaade, wujaade. Dialects: Y,G.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. teindre rouge;
woggude Noun Form of Infinitive: woggugol. dye red. ***: ɓawlinde, boolude, noonude,
Participles: sing: bogguɗo-boggoowo plur: boodude, suuwude, rawninde, oolɗ
wogguɓe-woggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, compare: ɓawlinde, boodude, oolɗ
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. rawninde; synonyms: noonude.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • frotter Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
une calebasse avec qqch, nettoyer les fesses de
qqn; ; to wipe someone's rear end clean. wojjitinde Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: Na
***: woogude, moomtude, ɓiirude, wojjiti describes the way something is, its
boggirgal, uugaade. Dialects: Y,G,M. state. Na wojjita can also describe the way
2 • moudre, écraser, broyer qqch comme une something is as if to say this thing is
noix de cola; to grind something like a cola nut moving toward being red or it has red
up; Jibo na wogga goro muuɗ muuɗum sabo o tendancies, even if its color is stable and
mulgo. Jibo écrase sa noix de cola car il n'a unalterable. Na wujjita can also mean
plus de dents. Jibo grinds his cola nut up that it is something which can become
because he has no teeth. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. orange-red, such as a piece of white fabric
3 • frotter un cuir / peau avec qqch pour if dyed.. Noun Form of Infinitive: wojjitingol.
l'assouplir; to rub a piece of leather with a tool
Participles: sing: bojjitinɗo (state or past
to smooth it; Gargasaaɓ
Gargasaaɓe na mbogga nguru
condition)-bojjitoowo (becoming) plur:
faa ɓoohiɗ
oohiɗa. Les tanneurs frottent le cuir
wojjitinɓe-wojjitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
jusqu'à ce qu'il soit assez souple. The tanners
rub the leather until it is smooth. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. rouge
foncé, orange-rouge; red; orange-red.
4 • remuer une plaque de sel dans la sauce; to
Catégorie : Couleur. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
stir a slab of salt in the sauce; Hureeta woggii
wojjitidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓodde lamɗ
lamɗam ley hoy muuɗ muuɗum. Elle
remue la plaque de sel dans la sauce (pour la wojjude Noun Form of Infinitive: wojjugol.
faire fondre). Hureeta stirred the slab of salt in Participles: sing: boɗeejo or bojjuɗo (state
her sauce. synonyms: woogude, uugaade. or past condition)-bojjoowo (becoming)
Dialects: J. plur: woɗeeɓe or wojjuɓe-wojjooɓe. Sorting
wohude1 Verb. aboyer; bark (to). Dialectal Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
Forms: wofude. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être rouge; red (to
wohude2 Noun Form of Infinitive: wohugol.
be). Catégorie : Couleur. synonyms: woɗ
Participles: sing: bohuɗo-bohoowo plur:
***: woɗ
woɗude, boɗboɗeejo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wohuɓe-wohooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wokkitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wokkitingol.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire beaucoup Participles: sing: bokkitinɗo-bokkitoowo
de bruit en s'amusant / jouant, cri joyeux; plur: wokkitinɓe-wokkitooɓe. Sorting
joyful cry. Keeŋ
Keeŋan sukaaɓ
sukaaɓe Bureyma na Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
mboha. Hier, les enfants de Boureima ont fait Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
beaucoup de bruit en jouant. Yesterday Progressive: st/prg - na wokkiti/wokkita.
Bureyma's children were making lots of noise Verb. s'ennuyer de ses parents, avoir le mal du
while playing. Dialects: M. pays, penser à sa famille; think about your
home and family; homesick. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 682
wolaade wondude

wolaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wolagol. wonande Noun Form of Infinitive: wonangol.
Participles: sing: boliiɗo-bolotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: gonanɗo-gonanoowo plur:
woliiɓe-wolotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. wonanɓe-wonanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. choisir, Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être au
sélectionner, trier, classer; choose; sort. centre des intérêts ou des activités; to be the
***: teeltidinde, bolaade, senndude, focus of one's interests or activities; O eggii
suɓaade; synonyms: bolaade, senndude, toon, huunde fuu ko jogii to o woni ɗoon
suɓude, teeltidinde. Dialects: J,Y. wonani o. Il a déménagé et tout ce qu'il
possède est avec lui. He moved and everything
wolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
he owns is with him. O eggii wuro maɓɓ
ɓɓe ko
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ɓooyi, kaa kulle makko na ngonani o wuro
of Noun: bolwole. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
ɓɓ e toon. Il a déménagé sa demeure il y a
guerre, bagarre; war; fight. ***: hawre, un certain temps, mais ses animaux sont
lunndiiɗi, hamre, kaɓ
kaɓi; synonyms: hamre, toujours là où il était avant. He moved his
hawre, kaɓ
kaɓi; compare: haɓ
haɓude, lunndiiɗ
lunndiiɗi. household a while ago, but his animals are still
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. where they used to live. Durngol ngol o
wonani. Il se concentre sur l'élevage du
wolfo Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)go plur: ɗi.
troupeau. He is focused on herding.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
***: faayude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: wolfooji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
2 • être partial, être porté sur, favoriser,
grand boubou sans manches; outer garment
without sleeves. Catégorie : Vêtement. préférer; partial (to be). Kanko,
Kanko, omo wonani
synonyms: dollokke; compare: forkiya, jabba, gondo makko, ɗum waɗ
waɗi de imo walla o,
saaya; ***: dollokke. Dialects: G. ammaa o wallataa sakiike am. Lui, il préfère
son voisin, c'est pourquoi il l'aide, mais il
womnude Noun Form of Infinitive: womnugol. n'aidera as mon frère. Him, he prefers his
Participles: sing: bomnuɗo-bomnoowo neighbor, that is why he helps him, but he
plur: womnuɓe-womnooɓe. Sorting won't help my brother. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in wondaa Sorting Designation: 4. Verb. ne pas être
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. ensemble au même endroit, ne pas être proche
Verb. danser (lorsqu'on s'amuse avec des bébés l'un de l'autre; not together in the same place;
en les jetant en l'air et les attrape); to make to to not be close together; Boussouma e
dance; this term is applied to playing with
Tenkodogo wondaa. Boussouma et
babies by throwng them in the air; GiɗGiɗo yaaye Tenkodogo ne sont pas proches l'un de l'autre.
womnata biɗɗ
ɗɗo. C'est l'amie de maman qui Boussouma and Tenkodogo are not near each
fait danse le bébé. It is the mother's friend that other. Note: this is a Neg. Stative form of
makes the baby dance. ***: wamnude; wondude. synonyms: waldaa;
synonyms: wamnude. Dialects: J,Y,M. compare: wondude; ***: wanaa gootum,
womude Noun Form of Infinitive: womugol. waldaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: bomuɗo-bomoowo plur: wondiiɓ

wondiiɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
womuɓe-womooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Designation: 2. Noun. voisins; neighbors.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. danser; dance.
wondude Noun Form of Infinitive: wondugol.
***: yerwaade, denjigaade, wamude;
Participles: sing: gonduɗo-gondoowo plur:
compare: fijude; synonyms: wamude.
wonduɓe-wondooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Dialects: J,Y,M.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng.
won-a ɗiɗi Verb. pair (être -); pair (be -). Catégorie Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
: Mathématique. ensemble avec; together with.
***: ɓattondirde, ɗakkondirde,
takkondirde, seɓseɓondirde, ɓadondirde,
samndaade, wondaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 683
wonndu wooɗude
2 • avoir une maladie ou une difformité; illness
wooɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: wooɓugol.
or a deformity (to have an). Imo wondi e
Participles: sing: booɓuɗo-booɓoowo plur:
jontere. Il a le paludisme. He has malaria.
wooɓuɓe-wooɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Imo wondi e malal. Il a un défaut. He has a
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
defect. Catégorie : Maladie. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. boire à petites
wonndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. gorgées; sip. compare: yarude;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form synonyms: sulbaade, surɓ
of Noun: bolli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Noun. ***: surɓ
surɓaade, sulbaade, yarude.
côté de l'abdomen; side of abdomen. Catégorie Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Le corps. ***: seega, wuttudu, woonndu,
woodi sukkara Variante: ko woodi sukkara. Noun.
baggol; synonyms: baggol, woonndu,
glucose; glucose. synonyms: iri-
wuttudu. Dialects: J.
woodude Noun Form of Infinitive: woodugol.
wonnitinde Verb. arranger, réparer; arrange; repair.
Participles: sing: gooduɗo plur: wooduɓe.
wonnoowo cokirde Noun. serrurier; locksmith. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
Catégorie : Travailleur.
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
wonnugol dewte Noun. reliure; binding. Verb. 1 • être (un peu de qqch), exister; exist;
be (some of something). ***: jeyude, walaa,
wonorde Noun. milieu; middle. Catégorie
jogaade, tiigaade, wookude, heɓ
: Mathématique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wonude Noun Form of Infinitive: wonugol. 2 • avoir (un peu de qqch), posséder; own;
Participles: sing: gonuɗo-gonoowo plur: have (some of something); possess. Note: the
wonuɓe-wonooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Negative Stative form of this verb is walaa.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être, exister, 3 • bruit que les bœufs font lorsqu'ils font la
vivre, être à; be; exist; live. Note: This verb is bagarre, mugir, beugler; bellow.
used to form the adjectives for the various Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
noun classes. Be careful not to conflate this 4 • crier de joie (ex. lorsqu'on gagne un match
set of adjectives with those coming from de football); cry out with joy.
woɗude as many of their forms are identical
synonyms: heɓ
heɓude, jeyude, jogaade,
(see Table 26.5 in the Fulfulde Grammar for
the details) - but their meanings are different. tiigaade; compare: walaa. Dialects: G.
Here are the adjective forms: Group I wooɗ
wooɗaa Adverb. ce n'est pas bien; good (that is not).
ɓe/wonɓe or woɓɓe, ko/wonko or wokko,
nde/wonnde, ndu/wonndu, nge/wonnge, wooɗ
wooɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: wooɗugol.
ngo/wonngo Group II ɗe/gonɗe or goɗɗe, Participles: sing: booɗuɗo-booɗoowo
ɗi/gonɗi or goɗɗi, ɗum/gunɗum or guɗɗum, plur: wooɗuɓe-wooɗooɓe. Sorting
kal/gonkal or gokkal, kol/gonkol or gokkol,
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in
ngal/gonngal, ngel/gonngel, ngol/gonngol,
o/gonɗo or goɗɗo Group III ɗam/ngonɗam or Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
ngoɗɗam, ka/ngonka or ngokka, ko/ngonko or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être bien, bon
ngokko, ki/ngonki or ngokki, koy/ngonkoy or excellent; excellent; good (to be).
ngokkoy, ndi/ngonndi, nga/ngonnga, ***: fulɗ
fulɗude, taƴ
taƴaade, moƴƴ
ngi/ngonngi ngu/ngonngu. ***: wuurude, girriɗ
girriɗinde, leeɓ
leeɓude, woonnude, silaade,
walaa, hanaa, gonɗ
gonɗo, wanaa, hoɗhoɗude, ŋari, lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, mommiɗ
mommiɗinde, ŋarɗ arɗude,
jooɗaade, worrude; synonyms: hoɗ hoɗude, mbooɗ
mbooɗirka; synonyms: moƴƴ moƴƴude
jooɗaade, worrude, wuurude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: wanaa, walaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • joli, beau, belle; beautiful.
wonugol na daɗ
daɗa expression. convalescence; compare: mbooɗ
mbooɗirka, ŋari;
convalescence. Catégorie : Traitement de la synonyms: fulɗ
fulɗude, girriɗ
girriɗinde, leeɓ
maladie. lobbiɗ
lobbiɗinde, ŋarɗarɗude, silaade
silaade, taƴ
wooɓoondu Plural Form of Noun: booɓooli. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
étamine; stamen. Catégorie : Parties d’un
végétal ou d’une plante. synonyms: roɓɓ

16/02/2020 684
woofaade woongude

woofaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woofagol. Sorting woogirde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. of Noun: boogirɗe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb. 1 • couver; brood over eggs; sit on its Noun. pierre ponce (utilisé pour frotter une
eggs; incubate. ***: boofagal, unndaade. calebasse); pumice stone. ***: uugaade,
Dialects: J,Y. woogude, uugorde; synonyms: uugorde.
2 • lorsqu’une femme va chez sa mère pour Dialects: J,Y,M.
donner naissance; for a woman to go to her
mother's to have her baby; however; this verb woogude Noun Form of Infinitive: woogugol.
is never used in this way; instead it used to Participles: sing: booguɗo-boogoowo plur:
construct the noun "boofagol"; Maani hootii wooguɓe-woogooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
boofagal. Elle est rentré chez sa mère pour Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
accoucher. She has gone home to her mother's Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frotter de la
to have her baby. (The play on words implies craie blanche avec un pierre ponce pour
she has gone to incubate her "eggs.") blanchir les calebasses; to rub "mbulinkoori"
compare: boofagal; synonyms: unndaade. (chalk) into either "tummbude;" "horde" or a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. "jollooru" with a palm sized pumice stone to
make it white; to wipe someone's rear end
woofannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: clean. compare: uugorde, woogirde;
ɗi/ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. synonyms: uugaade, woggude; ***: uugorde,
Plural Form of Noun: boofanɗe. Sorting woggude, moomtude, ɓiirude, uugaade.
Designation: 2, th. Noun. une faute, un erreur, Dialects: J.
un péché; mistake; error; sin. ***: boofol,
wookude Noun Form of Infinitive: wookugol.
woowre, laru; synonyms: boofol, woowre.
Participles: sing: bookuɗo-bookoowo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [Y,M] woofere.
wookuɓe-wookooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
woofinde Noun Form of Infinitive: woofingol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. cris joyeux par
Participles: sing: boofinɗo-boofinoowo ceux qui par exemple gagnent un match de
plur: woofinɓe-woofinooɓe. Sorting football, meugler; joyful cries.
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: woodude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. woonde Plural Form of Noun: wooɗe. Noun.
Verb. faire couver (souvent on met des œufs de bas-ventre; lower abdomen. Catégorie : Le
pintade sous des poules pour les couver à leur corps.
place); incubate (to cause to). ***: unndinde.
woongere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y.
Designation: 3, mt. Noun. un besoin maladif,
woofude Noun Form of Infinitive: woofugol. grande envie d'avoir, dépendance (ex,
Participles: sing: boofuɗo-boofoowo plur: toxicodépendance, tabagisme); addiction;
woofuɓe-woofooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, craving. Catégorie : Maladie. ***: ɗonka;
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. synonyms: ɗonka. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se woongude Noun Form of Infinitive: woongugol.
tromper, errer, faire une faute, faire un erreur,
Participles: sing: boonguɗo-boongoowo
avoir tort, manquer, rater, pécher; err; wrong
(to be/go); miss; mistaken (to be); make a plur: woonguɓe-woongooɓe. Sorting
mistake; sin. compare: woowre, wosaade; Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
***: woowre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être dépendant de,
woogaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woogagol. avoir besoin de qqch manière maladive, avoir
Participles: sing: boogiiɗo-boogotooɗo un grand envie de; addicted to; crave.
plur: woogiiɓe-woogotooɓe. Sorting ***: ɗonɗ
onɗude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. frotter ou brosser contre qqch, brosser;
brush (to); rub against something.
Dialects: J,Y,G.

16/02/2020 685
woonndu woowude

woonndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. wootonɗ

wootonɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wootonɗingol.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form Participles: sing: wootonɗinɗo. Sorting
of Noun: boolli. Sorting Designation: 3, at. Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
Noun. côté de l'abdomen, taille; side of Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
abdomen; waist. Catégorie : Le corps. Progressive: st/prg - na
***: seega, wuttudu, baggol, wonndu;
wootonɗini/wootonɗina. Verb. être tout
synonyms: baggol, wonndu, wuttudu. seule; all alone (to be).
Dialects: Y. compare: ngootummbaaku;
woonnude Noun Form of Infinitive: woonnugol. ***: ngootummbaaku. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: boonnuɗo-boonnoowo wootude Noun Form of Infinitive: wootugol.
plur: woonnuɓe-woonnooɓe. Sorting Participles: sing: bootuɗo-bootoowo plur:
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in wootuɓe-wootooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Verb. 1 • fixer, arranger, réparer; fix. A Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
woonnii suudu maa faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Tu a bien un, uni, unique, un de qqch; unique. Here are
arrangé ta maison. You fixed your house up the adjectives for the various noun classes:
nice. ***: woɗ
woɗinde, boɗ
boɗinde, moƴƴ
ƴƴinde, Group I ko1/wooto, nde/wootere,
henngitidde, hegitinde; compare: wooɗ
ndu/wooturu, nge/woote, ngo/wooto Group
II ɗum/gootum, kal/gootal, kol/gootol,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. ngal/gootal, ngel/gootel, ngol/gootol, o/gooto
2 • faire qqch bien ou joli; make something Group III ɗam/ngootam, ka/ngoota, ki/ngooti,
good or nice. Alla woonne. Que Dieu te fasse ndi/ngootiri, nga/ngoota, ngi/ngooti,
bien / bon. May God make you good. ngu/ngootu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: henngitidde, moƴƴ
ƴƴinde. 2 • sevrer en appliquant de la bouse sur les
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. mamelles ou seins pour arrêter qu'on tète
3 • interdire ou empêcher qqn de faire qqch; encore; to wean by rubbing feces on the teat of
forbid or stop someone from doing something. either an animal or another person so the
synonyms: boɗ
boɗinde, woɗ
woɗinde. Dialects: Y.
offspring won't suck any more.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
woopannde synonyme: goopol/boopol . Noun. faute;
fault. boopol woop-
woop-a, janol, yan-
woowre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.
Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: boofi. Sorting Designation: 2, th. Noun.
wootaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wootagol. une faute, un erreur, un péché; mistake; error;
Participles: sing: bootiiɗo-boototooɗo plur: sin. ***: boofol, woofude, woofannde;
wootiiɓe-woototooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, synonyms: boofol, woofannde;
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. compare: woofude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • sevrer
un enfant en appliquant de la bouse sur les woowtude Noun Form of Infinitive: woowtugol.
seins; wean a child. ***: entude. Participles: sing: boowtuɗo-boowtoowo
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. plur: woowtuɓe-woowtooɓe. Sorting
2 • toucher ou entrer en contacta avec qqch qui Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
rend sale ou impur, souiller; soiled; defiled; Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
touch something which causes you to be dirty. Verb. devenir habitué à; used to (to become).
A wooteke e fayannde. Tu as touché le pot et Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
cela t'a sali / souillé. You touched the pot and
woowude Noun Form of Infinitive: woowugol.
it soiled you. compare: entude.
Participles: sing: boowuɗo plur: woowuɓe.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
wootidin-a Verb. simplifier; simplify. Catégorie Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
: Mathématique. synonyms: ɓolɗ
in-a. Verb. 1 • faire habituellement, être habitué à
faire qqch; habitually (to do); used to doing
something. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être capable de faire qqch qu'on faisait
d’habitude; to be capable of doing something
you used to do habitually; having not done it
for a long time. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 686
woppitaade woroɗinde

woppitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: weeɗagol. worɓ

worɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Participles: sing: boppitiiɗo-boppitotooɗo Designation: 1. Noun. hommes; men. Catégorie
plur: woppitiiɓe-woppitotooɓe. Sorting : La Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
worde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Designation: 4. Noun. homme corpulent,
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. lorsqu'un femme est impaire; stout man; unpaired; odd. Catégorie
assise avec les jambes écartées de manière
: La Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
indécente; for a woman to sit immodestly with
her legs apart. synonyms: feetaade, omtaade, wordoonde
wordoonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
weeɗaade; ***: yoppitaade, omtaade, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
weeɗaade, feetaade, ontaade. of Noun: bordooɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Dialects: Y,G,M. Noun. matières fécales de mouton, chèvre,
biche, parfois cheval, âne, dromadaire (si cela
woppude Noun Form of Infinitive: woppugol. est en boules); feces of sheep; goats; deer;
Participles: sing: boppuɗo-boppoo plur: occasionally of horses; donkeys; and camels -
woppuɓe-woppooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, if it comes out in small balls. ***: doodi,
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. rubbunnde, suulere, kuudi, wurdere, birgi,
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • laisser welaande; compare: birgi, doodi,
derrière, laisser seul, omettre; leave alone; rubbunnde, suulere, welaande;
leave behind; leave out. ***: seedude, synonyms: wurdere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
seerude, lobaade, ɗalude, yoppude,
worɗinaaka synonyme: ko rewɗinnaaka. adj. neutre;
ficcude, accude, ɗalude, accude, accude,
neuter. ko worɗ
worɗinaaka synonyms: ɓolum.
hutaade, ɗalude, accude, selude, ɗalude,
ooncaade, yoofude1, ɗalude, ɗalude, worɗ
worɗude Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant
accude, accude, wallinde, ɗalude, accude; Change in Plural: w/ng. Verb. être masculin,
mâle; male (to be). Ed. Note: this verb is
synonyms: accude, ɗalude, selude, yoofude1,
conjected as it only is used in the formation of
yoppude. Dialects: Y,G,M. a series of adj. meaning masculine. It is not
2 • laisser tomber qqch qu'on ne veut plus; used for all noun classes, only the following:
drop something. synonyms: accude, ɗalude, Group I ɓe/worɓe, nde/worde, ndu/wordu
selude, yoofude1, yoppude. Dialects: Y,G.M. Group II ɗe/gore, ɗi/gori, ɗum/gorum,
kol/gorol, ngal/goral, ngel/gorel, ngol/gorol,
3 • cesser de faire qqch qu'on avait l'habitude
o/gorko Group III ka/ngora, ki/ngori,
de faire; cease doing. synonyms: accude, ko2/ngoro, koy/ngoroy, nga/ngora, ngi/ngori,
ɗalude, selude, yoofude1, yoppude. ngu/ngoru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: Y,G,M.
woroɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: woroɗingol.
4 • relâcher; release. synonyms: accude,
Participles: sing: boroɗinɗo plur:
ɗalude, selude, yoofude1, yoppude,
woroɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, th. Verb
seedude, seerude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
5 • licencier du travail, renvoyer du travail,
virer du travail; let go; dismiss from or Progressive: st - imo woroɗi. Verb. 1 • être
gourmand et égoïste pour recevoir mais
employment; fire. synonyms: accude, ɗalude,
mécontent lorsque d'autres sont bénis; greedy
selude, yoofude1, yoppude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
and selfish. synonyms: boroɗ
boroɗinde, jooteede,
6 • divorcer; divorce. synonyms: accude, yoorude; ***: heedorɗ
heedorɗinde, boroɗ
ɗalude, selude, yoofude1, yoppude. ɗalude, eelude, habiseede, boroɗ
Dialects: Y,G,M. jooteede, wilsude, himmeede, deerorɗ
7 • se dissocier, ne plus s'associer avec; ɗawude, ganya ganyalo, jooteede.
disassociate. synonyms: accude, ɗalude, Dialects: J,Y,M.
selude, yoofude1, yoppude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
8 • pondre un œuf (oiseau); lay an egg (for a
bird to(. synonyms: lobaade, wallinde.
Dialects: Y,G.
9 • avorter (animal); abort (animals only).
synonyms: ɗalude, ficcude, miccude.
Dialects: Y,G.

16/02/2020 687
worolde worwordu
2 • être radin, mesquin; to seldom or never
worsaade Noun Form of Infinitive: worsagol.
give anything; to be stingy; miserly. Gorko o,
Participles: sing: borsiiɗo-borsotooɗo plur:
imo woroɗ
woroɗi sanne, fay gooto yi'aay imo
worsiiɓe-worsotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
wa ɗa mooƴ
mooƴere abada. That guy is really
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
miserly, no one has ever been helped by him.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb.
synonyms: ɗalude, ɗawude, jooteede,
1 • enlever les feuilles d'une branche d'arbre;
yoorude. Dialectal Forms: [Y] woroɗidde.
strip the leaves off a branch. Mi worseke
Dialects: J,Y,M.
haako yammo faa mi waɗ waɗa bita. Il a enlevé
worolde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting les feuilles du tamarinier pour paire une
Designation: 3, th. Noun. 1 • avidité, bouille. I stripped some tamarind leaves in
gourmandise, convoitise; covetousness; greed. order to make a gruel. Dialects: J,Y.
***: keccoraaku, eelgal, haahaa, haanɗ
haanɗere, 2 • se rincer / laver les pieds et les mains
mboronndi, joote, himme, habisere, seulement; rinse lower legs or arms off. Mi
ndeereeraaku, wanyanere, boronndi. lootataako, mi worsoto tan. Je vais me
Dialects: J,Y,M.
laver. Je lave seulement mes pieds et mes
mains. I'm not going to bathe, I'm only going
2 • radinerie; stinginess. Worolde maa nde
to rinse my feet off. Dialectal Forms: [G,M]
na mawni faa laatanii ma semteende. Ta
worcaade. Dialects: J,Y.
radinerie est devenu une honte pour toi. Your
stinginess is so bad it has become your shame. wortalɓ
wortalɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
synonyms: boronndi, eelgal, himme, joote, Designation: 3. Noun. veuves veufs; widowers;
mboronndi; compare: haahaa, haanɗhaanɗere, widows. Catégorie : La Personne.
habisere, keccoraaku, ndeereeraaku, Dialects: J,Y,M.
rawaandaaku. Dialects: J,Y,M. wortaldu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Number One
woroni Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number for this noun: wooturu. Sorting Designation: 3.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Noun. maison d'un homme célibataire; house
of an unmarried man. Catégorie : Bâtiment.
Noun: woroniiji. Sorting Designation: 3, wl.
Noun. babouin; baboon. Catégorie synonyms: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru; compare: buguuru,
: Mammifère. Papio cynocephalus. Note : garuwal, hukum, kunnguuru, soorowal,
Bambara ***: kotooru, pataaru; suudu1, winndeeru, worwordu;
synonyms: kotooru, pataaru. Dialects: J,M. ***: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

woronja Sorting Designation: 1. adj. trente; thirty. Note wortorde Noun. fin; end. Catégorie : Mathématique.
: Songhai synonyms: capanɗ
capanɗe tati. synonyms: gasirde; ***: gasirde.
Dialects: Y,G. worwordu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu. Number
worre Plural Form of Noun: gori. synonyme: gorum. One for this noun: wooturu. Sorting
Noun. mâle; male. Designation: 4. Noun. une maison mise à part
pour le mari et ses amis (donc différent de la
worrude Noun Form of Infinitive: worrugol. maison de l’épouse); a house set apart for a
Participles: sing: gorruɗo plur: worruɓe. married man and his friends to use; i.e.
Sorting Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in different from his wife's house. Catégorie
Plural: w/ng. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. : Bâtiment. compare: bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, buguuru,
Verb. 1 • l'essence d’être de qqn ou qqch, la garuwal, huɗ
huɗooru, hukum, sukkuuru
manière d’être de qqn ou qqch, la nature de winndeeru; ***: hukum, nyallirdu,
qqn ou qqch, état de qqn ou qqch, comment
une personne est vraiment, être (manière); wortaldu, sukkuuru, benal1, buguuru,
nature or state of something or someone; how bokkuɗ
bokkuɗooru, garuwal, huɗ huɗooru;
something or someone is. ***: wonude. synonyms: nyallirdu. Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être, exister; be (to); exist.
synonyms: wonude. Dialectal Forms: [J]
woyrude - Note: This tends to be a
Maccuɓe usage. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 688
wosaade woyɓoondu

wosaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wosagol. wotto kolloowo salle jaɓ

jaɓaama naa jaɓ
Participles: sing: bosiiɗo-bosotooɗo plur: expression. référendum; referendum. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
wosiiɓe-wosotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wotto mo wooɗ
wooɗay expression. vote nul; blank
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • changer de votes. Catégorie : Juridique.
chemin, abandonner la route, quitter le
wotto wottoytooɓ
wottoytooɓe expression. suffrage indirect;
chemin, figurativement : commettre un péché;
indirect elections. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
sin (entering into); leave the road; change one's
way. ***: fersude, takkitaade, ooncaade,
ɗakkitaade, disaade, ruuɗruuɗaade, diisaade, wotto yonuɓ
yonuɓe wottaade fu expression. suffrage
universel; universal suffrage. Catégorie
woofude, ruttaade, woɗɗwoɗɗaade
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
synonyms: fersude, ooncaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wottoraade junngo synonyme: wotoraade
2 • s'écarter du chemin, faire de la place, se ɓantugol junngo. expression. vote à main
mettre à côté du chemin, céder la place; move levée; show of hands. Catégorie : Juridique.
out of the way. synonyms: diisaade, disaade, wottotooɗ
wottotooɗo Variante: wototooɗo. Noun. électeur;
ruuɗaade; compare: adude, foɗ foɗtaade, voter, elector . Catégorie : Gouvernement,
fottaade, footaade, sottude. Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wotude Verb. voter; vote (to). Catégorie
wosinnde Verb. faire contourner, éviter; get around; : Gouvernement.
avoid; skirt around. wowlaandu Noun. syllabe; syllable. Catégorie
wosude Noun Form of Infinitive: wosugol. : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: hijjannde,
Participles: sing: bosuɗo-bosoowo plur: harfu.
wosuɓe-bosooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. wowlaango synonyme: wowlannde. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb articulation; articulation. Catégorie : Lecture /
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. amener un écriture.
cadeau lorsqu’un bébé est né (ex. un chevron
wowlude Verb. articuler; articulate. Catégorie
que le père du papa amène); gift when a baby
: Lecture / écriture.
is born (to bring). Dialects: J,Y,M.
wowru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
wote Noun. vote; vote; voting. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
: Gouvernement. Note : français
of Noun: boɓi. Sorting Designation: 2, ct. Noun.
wotoro Noun. pousse-pousse; water barrel on wheels. mortier; mortar in which grain is pounded.
Catégorie : Eau. Catégorie : Outil. ***: undugal;
wottaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wottagol. compare: unude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: bottiiɗo-bottotooɗo plur: woybaagaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur:
wottiiɓe-wottotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Form of Noun: woybaagaaji. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. manger le Designation: 4, wl. Noun. chacal à flancs rayés;
déjeuner à midi, manger à midi; eat lunch or side-striped jackal; jackal. Catégorie
the noon meal. ***: hiirtaade, nyaamude, : Mammifère. Canis adustus. Note : mooré
fummitaade, fummude; ***: suundu, ndolu; synonyms: ndolu,
synonyms: fummitaade
fummitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. suundu. Dialects: M.
wottiiɓe faa wooɗ
wooɗi expression. suffrage exprimé; woyɓ
woyɓoondu Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur:
votes cast. Catégorie : Gouvernement, ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
Form of Noun: boyɓooli. Sorting Designation: 4,
wottiiɗo Variante: wotiiɗo. Noun. votant; voter. or. Noun. tisserin; weaver birds. Catégorie
Catégorie : Juridique. : Oiseau. Ploceus cucullatus.

wottinde Verb. faire prendre le déjeuner; cause to synonyms: hoɓɓ

ɓɓuru, jumbaliiru;
take breakfast. compare: cawcawuuru, hoobalaaru,
sabboondu; ***: hoobalaaru, cawcawuuru,
wotto Variante: wote. Noun. vote; vote. Catégorie
ɓɓuru, jumbaliiru. Dialects: G.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 689
woyɗuɗo wubbaango

woyɗuɗo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. woytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woytagol.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Participles: sing: boytiiɗo-boytotooɗo plur:
Noun: woyɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. woytiiɓe-woytotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
estropié d'une jambe, boiteux d'une jambe; Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
lame in one leg. Catégorie : Maladie. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. raconter son
compare: bonnguujo; ***: boyɗ
boyɗo, pooreejo. problème pour évoquer de la sympathie ou la
Dialects: M. pitié, ronchonner, se plaindre de; grumble;
woygu Sorting Designation: 1. adj. cinquante; fifty. complain; recount your problems. Imo jogii
jawdi sanne de imo woytoo. Il est riche mais
Note : Songhai synonyms: capanɗ
capanɗe joy.
il essaie toujours de faire de sorte que les gens
Dialects: Y,G,M. ressentent de la compassion envers lui. He is
woykaade Noun Form of Infinitive: woykuuragol. rich but he is always trying to make people feel
Participles: sing: sorry for him. ***: lo'inkinaade, buykude,
woykuuriiɗo-woykuurotooɗo plur: ŋurŋ
urŋurtude, yurminkinaade,
woykuuriiɓe-woykuurotooɓe. Sorting woytinkinaade; synonyms: woytinkinaade,
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in yurminkinaade
yurminkinaade; compare: lo'inkinaade.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • se prostituer, woytinkinaade Noun Form of
faire le commerce du sexe; sex for pay; Infinitive: woytinkinagol. Participles: sing:
prostitute. ***: denjigaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. boytinkiniiɗo-boytinkintooɗo plur:
2 • avoir des mœurs légères; sexually woytinkiniiɓe-woytinkintooɓe. Sorting
promiscuous. Note: this verb is almost never
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
used, but the nominal form may occassionally
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
be used. synonyms: denjigaade;
Verb. inventer une triste histoire pour
compare: fijude, jaahili, jeenude, zeenude. provoquer la sympathie ou la pitié; make up a
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sad story. O warii suudu am hannden, imo
woykuuraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting woytinkinoo. Il est venu chez moi aujourd'hui
Designation: 3. Noun. prostitution; prostitution. avec une triste histoire. He arrived at my place
synonyms: denjigaare; ***: denjigaare; today with a sad story. ***: lo'inkinaade,
compare: jeenude, jaahili. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. woytaade, yurminkinaade;
synonyms: woytaade, yurminkinaade;
woykuuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
compare: lo'inkinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: woykuuji. Sorting Designation: 3. woyude Noun Form of Infinitive: woyugol.
Noun. une prostitué, femme immorale; immoral Participles: sing: boy(u)ɗo-boyoowo plur:
woman; prostitute. ***: denjigi; woy(u)ɓe-woyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
synonyms: denjigi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. crier, pleurer;
woyndu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
cry; weep. ***: wullude, halɓ
halɓude, haaccude,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
gonngol, bojji, gomngol, wullaango,
of Noun: [J] goyli/[Y,G] boyli. Sorting
waaydude; compare: haaccude, gonngol,
Designation: 3, ah. Noun. puits profonde; deep
wullude, waaydude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
well. Catégorie : Eau. ***: ɓunndu;
synonyms: ɓunndu. Dialects: J,Y,G. woyya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: woyyaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
piège fait avec un nœud coulant métallique;
trap made with a metal noose. Note : Hausa
***: huuseeru
huuseeru, kusal, tuugol, bedorgal;
compare: nannginde. Dialects: G.

wubbaango Noun. torrent; torrent. Catégorie : Eau.

synonyms: mbubbam.

16/02/2020 690
wubbere wudere

wubbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. wudde-

wudde-nguru Plural Form of Noun: guɗɗe-nguru.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Noun. pore; pore. Catégorie : Le corps.
of Noun: bubbe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah. synonyms: guɗɗ
Noun. gerbe d'herbe; sheaf of grass.
wuddiɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wuddiɗingol.
synonyms: haɓɓ
ɓɓere; ***: haɓɓ
Sorting Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
wubbude Noun Form of Infinitive: wubbugol. Sorting Progressive: st - na wuddiɗi. Verb. amputé (ex.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in queue ou membre raccourci); amputated.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Nagge nge saammeerum naawi faa taƴ taƴi,
Verb. 1 • couler, lorsque beaucoup d'eau coule; wuddiɗ
wuddi ɗi. La queue de ce bœuf était si blessé
flow. Ndiyam ɗam wubbii, tuundi ndi fuu que c'est tombe, c'est raccourci / amputé. That
dillinii. L'eau a coule avec force et a emmené
cow's tail got hurt so bad the end fell off, it is
les débris. Water rushed through and carried short. synonyms: guddiɗ
all the debris away. ***: doggude. ***: guddiɗ
guddiɗinde. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wuddiɗidde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • faire du foin (inclus de la faire sécher et wudditoroonde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde
ramasser); hay (to make hay). Joomiraaɓ
Joomiraaɓe plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere.
torkooji mbubbii ɗo fuu faa laaɓ laaɓi. The Plural Form of Noun: budditorooje. Sorting
owners of the carts cut all the hay here up.
Designation: 4. Noun. pente, inclinaison,
compare: firkaade, ferkaade; versant, montée, flanc; slope. Catégorie
synonyms: doggude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. : Terre. synonyms: dellitorde, jippitorde,
wuccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuccagol. regitaango; ***: jippitorde, dellitorde,
Participles: sing: bucciiɗo-buccotooɗo plur: juunnitorde, tellitorde, regitaango.
wucciiɓe-wuccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Dialects: M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wuddu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. siffler; whistle. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
synonyms: luccaade, ruccaade; ***: luccaade, of Noun: bulli, gulli. Sorting Designation: 3, at,
ruccaade. Dialects: J. dh, da. Noun. 1 • nombril, ombilic; belly
wudawuda Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. button; umbilicus; navel. Catégorie : Le corps.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • maladie au nombril; ; navel ill.
Noun: wudawudaaji. Sorting Designation: 4,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
or. Noun. huppe fasciée; hoopoe. Catégorie
: Oiseau. Upupa epops. Note : arabe wudduwol1 Plural Form of Noun: wudduuji. Noun.
synonyms: huduhudu; ***: huduhudu. cordon ombilical; umbilical cord. Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y. : Le corps.

wudde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. wudduwol2 Noun. rayon; radius. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form : Mathématique. synonyms: reyon.
of Noun: guɗɗe or buɗɗe or bulle. Sorting wudere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 3. Noun. trou (ne pas dans le sol), Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
ouverture; opening; hole. Wudde wootere of Noun: gude. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
tan woni e kumbudi suudu am. Mon toit a 1 • pagne, tissu d'environ deux mètres de
un trou. I have one hole in my roof. longueur; cloth (a piece of cloth two meters
compare: gayka, luggere, ngayka; long). ***: suddamaare, daɗɗ
synonyms: yulde; ***: yulde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. totiire, disaare, disaare, bagi, damiyoore,
wudde hinere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: sakala, tappiire, kaasa;

ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural synonyms: daɗɗ
ɗɗamaare, disaare,
Form of Noun: guɗɗe hinere, buɗɗe-kine . suddamaare; compare: damiyoore, kaasa,

Sorting Designation: 2, at. Noun. narine, sakala, tappiire, totiire. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
naseau, fosse nasale; nostril. Catégorie : Le 2 • air (chant, musique), mélodie; tune.
corps. compare: hinere1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 691
wufinde wulaare

wufinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wufingol. wujude Noun Form of Infinitive: wujugol.
Participles: sing: bufinɗo-bufinoowo plur: Participles: sing: bujuɗo-bujoowo plur:
wufinɓe-wufinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. wujuɓe-wujooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, mt.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st (see def. 1)/prg (see Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. appliquer de
def. 2). Verb. 1 • être corpulent, solide, gros l'huile sur son corps, oindre d'huile, se mettre
(enfant ou jeune animal); solid or fat; stout. Ɓii de la pommade, frotter de l'huile dans sa peau;
rawaandu makko wufinii faa wooɗ wooɗi. Son
apply or rub in an ointment. ***: molmude,
chiot est vraiment gros. His puppy is really fat. momlude; compare: molmude.
***: fayude
fayude, haltude, bufinɗ
bufinɗo, wofinde, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ŋofinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. wujude nebam Verb. enduire de beurre ou d'huile;
2 • faire qu'un chien aboie; bark (to cause a smear with butter.
dog to). Sukaaɓ
Sukaaɓe wondiiɓ
wondiiɓe Rik na mbufina
wukaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wukagol.
Emma wakkati fuu. Les enfants du voisin font
Participles: sing: bukiiɗo-bukotooɗo plur:
que le chien de Rick aboie. The children of
Rick's neighbors are always making Emma wukiiɓe-wukotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
bark. synonyms: ŋofinde, wofinde. Dialects: J. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. porter dans
wufude Noun Form of Infinitive: wufugol. Sorting
ses bras devant soi; carry in your arms. Imo
Designation: 3, ah. Verb Consonant Change in
wukii suka makko. Il porte son enfant. He is
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
carrying his child. ***: wahnaade,
Verb. aboyer; bark. ***: ŋofude, wofude;
wakkaade, wuundaade, jilinde, wunngaade,
synonyms: ŋofude, wofude. Dialects: J.
bammbude; synonyms: wunngaade,
wujaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wujagol. wuundaade; compare: jilinde, wakkaade,
Participles: sing: bujiiɗo-bujotooɗo plur: wahnaade. Dialects: J.
wujiiɓe-wujotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
wukkure Noun. grappe; bunch; cluster. ***: guppere.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. appliquer wukkuru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
de l'huile sur son corps, oindre d'huile, se Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
mettre de la pommade, frotter de l'huile dans of Noun: bukki. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
sa peau; apply or rub yourself with oil. Noun. 1 • une boule de coton brut; cotton (a ball
***: molmaade, momlaade, woggaade; of raw). Ittu wukkuru haabu wooturu,
compare: molmaade, momlaade, woggaade. hokkaram. Donne-moi une boule de coton.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Take one bunch of cotton and give it to me.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wujjude Noun Form of Infinitive: wujjugol.
2 • botte, fagot, gerbe, grappe, ensemble;
Participles: sing: bujjuɗo-bujjoowo plur:
bunch; cluster. Imo tiigii wukkuru falfaaje. Il
wujjuɓe-wujjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
a eu une botte de raisons sauvages. He had a
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb cluster of fruits of Lannea microcarpa.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. voler à qqn Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
(sans que qqn le voit), dérober; steal.
***: nguyka, gujjo, hujjaade, yanude1, wulaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
guyka; compare: gujjo, nguyka, yanude1; Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: hujjaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. of Noun: bulaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Noun. gerbe de mil; bundle of millet made up
wujo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. Number of the variety of millet that has short heads.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Catégorie : Agriculture. ***: bokkoore,
Noun: wuji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. haɓɓ
ɓɓere, juuruure, wutaandu;
palourde, coquillage; clam; clam shell. compare: wutaandu; synonyms: bokkoore,
compare: daalawal, inna ceede, seedere; juuruure. Dialects: J.
synonyms: konkoonuwol; ***: seedere,
daalawal, konkoonuwol, inna ceede.
Dialectal Forms: [J] wujuwal. Dialects: Y,M.

16/02/2020 692
wulinde wulude

wulinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wulingol. wullude Noun Form of Infinitive: wullugol.
Participles: sing: bulinɗo-bulinoowo plur: Participles: sing: bulluɗo-bulloowo plur:
wulinɓe-wulinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, wulluɓe-wullooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • pleurer
1 • transpirer, suer; perspire; sweat. avec des larmes, crier angoissé, hurler;
***: olwinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. scream; cry (with tears); weep in anguish.
2 • être chaud, faire chaud; hot (to be). ***: wullude, halɓ
halɓude, woyude, haaccude,
synonyms: olwinde. Dialectal Forms: [M] gonngol, gomngol, waaydude, luu'ude.
wulwinde. Dialects: Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • braire (âne); bray (donkey).
wulintinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wulintingol.
synonyms: wullude; compare: haaccude,
Participles: sing: bulintinɗo-bulintinoowo
gonngol, luu'ude, woyude, waaydude.
plur: wulintinɓe-wulintinooɓe. Sorting
Dialects: M.
Designation: 4, ct. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - wulnde adj. chauffé; warmed up; heated up.
na wulintina. Verb. réchauffer (ex. wulsere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
nourriture); rewarm (food). Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
wulitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wulitagol. of Noun: gulse. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun.
Participles: sing: bulitiiɗo-bulitotooɗo plur:
lait caillé, yaourt; milk curd. Catégorie
: Nourriture. ***: walsere, kosam
wulitiiɓe-wulitotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
aaniiɗam; synonyms: walsere;
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
compare: ɗaatude, kaaɗ
kaaɗam, jollooru
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se brûler;
Dialectal Forms: [G] wulcere (nde)/gulce (ɗe).
burn yourself. ***: sumitaade;
Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: sumitaade. Dialectal
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] wultaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. wulsundere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
wullaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: bulsuɗe. Sorting Designation: 2, at.
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Noun. poumon; lung. Catégorie : Le corps.
Noun: bullaali. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
***: wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere, bumsunga, kuufe, kuufal,
pleurer angoissé; weeping; crying (sustained
konongol, fulunfuudo; compare: konongol;
anguished). compare: woyude.
synonyms: kuufe, wumpuƴ
wumpuƴere. Dialects: Y.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

wulleede Participles: sing: bulaaɗo plur: wulaaɓe. wulude Noun Form of Infinitive: wulugol.
Sorting Designation: 2, mt. Verb Consonant Participles: sing: buluɗo-buloowo plur:
wuluɓe-wulooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative
Progressive: prg. Verb. être brûlé; burned.
or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • brûler, incinérer;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
burn. ***: henyaade, curki, nguli, guleeɗ
wullere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. foowude, cuurki, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde, suuttude,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form haraade, yawɗ
yawɗaade, doccinde, nguleede,
of Noun: gulle. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. Noun. hiite, hukkude, yaawude, duufaade, yiite,
quelque chose planté (mil, sorgho etc.);
guli, huɓɓ
ɓɓude, juk, jaw, taw.
planted (crops, something). Catégorie
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Agriculture. ***: gurral; synonyms: gurral.
Dialects: J,Y,M. 2 • être chaud; hot. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
3 • chauffer; heat (to). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wullitordu synonyme: talkuru wullitordu. Noun.
pétition; petition. Catégorie : Gouvernement, 4 • être plein d'énergie, travailler vite,
Juridique. énergique, dynamique; work quickly; energy
(full of). synonyms: duufaade, haraade,
henyaade, yaawude, yaawtorɗ
yawɗaade; compare: curki, de2, huɓɓhuɓɓude
jaw, jawude, juk, koy2, nguli, taw, yiite.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 693
wumbilaade wurdunnde

wumbilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wumbilagol. wune Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Participles: sing: wumbiliiɗo-wumbilotooɗo Designation: 2. Noun. chance, heureux hasard,
plur: wumbiliɓe-wumbilotooɓe. Sorting bonheur, succès, victoire; success; victory;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in good fortune; luck. ***: nyiineede, riikeede,
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. saa'a, belɗ
belɗo; compare: nyiineede, riikeede;
Verb. embrasser, serrer dans ses bras; hug; synonyms: saa'a
saa'a. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
embrace. ***: mubigaade, mumbilaade, wunngaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wunngagol.
mibinaade; synonyms: mibinaade,
Participles: sing: bunngiiɗo-bunngotooɗo
mubigaade, mumbilaade. Dialects: G.
plur: bunngiiɓe-bunngotooɓe. Sorting
wumpuƴere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Form of Noun: bumpuƴƴe. Sorting Verb. porter dans ses bras devant soi; carry in
Designation: 2, at. Noun. poumon, poumons; your arms. Idrissa wunngeke tekke
lung (set of two lungs). Catégorie : Le corps. muuɗ
muuɗum faa yaara ɗe lonnee Idrissa a porté
synonyms: kuufe, wulsundere; ses vêtements dans ses bras pour aller les
compare: konongol; ***: kuufe, wulsundere,
laver. Idrissa carried his clothes in front of him
konongol, fulunfuudo. Dialects: J.
to be washed. ***: wahnaade, wukaade,
wakkaade, wuundaade
wuundaade, jilinde, bammbude;
wumtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wumtingol. compare: jilinde, wakkaade, wahnaade;
Participles: sing: bumtinɗo-bumtinoowo synonyms: wukaade, wuundaade. Dialects: Y.
plur: wumtinɓe-wumtinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
wuntinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wuntingol.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - Participles: sing: buntinɗo-buntinoowo
plur: wuntinɓe-wuntinooɓe. Sorting
na wumtina. Verb. 1 • guérir les yeux de qqn,
restaurer la vue; restore sight; heal someone's Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
eyes. ***: wuntinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
2 • illuminer qqn (figurativement), éclaircir na wuntina. Verb. 1 • guérir les yeux de qqn,
/éclairer qqn; enlighten someone. restaurer la vue; restore sight; heal someone's
synonyms: wuntinde. Dialects: J,Y,M. eyes. ***: wumtinde. Dialects: Y,G.
2 • éclairer qqn; enlighten someone.
wumtude Noun Form of Infinitive: wumtugol.
synonyms: wumtinde
wumtinde. Dialects: Y,G.
Participles: sing: bumtuɗo-bumtoowo plur:
wumtuɓe-wumtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, wuntude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuntugol.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Participles: sing: buntuɗo-buntoowo plur:
Verb. avoir ses yeux guéris, avoir la vue wuntuɓe-wuntooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
restaurée; to have your eyes healed; to have mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
your sight restored. synonyms: wuntude; Verb. avoir ses yeux guéris, avoir sa vue
***: wuntude. Dialects: J,Y,M. restaurée; to have your eyes healed; to have
your sight restored. ***: wumtude;
wumude Noun Form of Infinitive: wumugol.
synonyms: wumtude. Dialects: Y,G.
Participles: sing: bum(u)ɗo-bumoowo
plur: wum(u)ɓe-wumooɓe. Sorting wurdere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Designation: 2, dh, da. Verb Consonant Change Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or of Noun: burde. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Noun. caca en boules, matières fécales en
Progressive: prg (progressive onset). Verb.
être aveugle, malvoyant; blind. boule; feces. synonyms: wordoonde;
***: nundeede, nundaani, ɗokkiɗ
okkiɗinde, cay, compare: birgi, doodi, rubbunnde, suulere,
dak, niizonndo, bumɗ
bumɗo, niijeede, mup, welaande; ***: wordoonde. Dialectal
dandigi; compare: dak, dandigi, mup, Forms: [M] wurduunde (nde)/burduuɗe
niizonndo, nundaani. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. (ɗe). Dialects: M.

wurdunnde Noun. grumeau; lump.

16/02/2020 694
wurduunde wurwere

wurduunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. wuroojo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
of Noun: gurduuɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. Noun: wurooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, cp.
Noun. petites boules de farine de mil pour faire Noun. citadin; dweller (a town or city).
une bouille; balls of millet flour. Catégorie ***: laddeejo, gureejo; compare: gureejo,
: Nourriture. synonyms: ɓodde bita; laddeejo. Dialectal Forms: [J,G] wuronkeejo
***: ɓodde bita. Dialects: J,Y,M. (o)/wuronkooɓe (ɓe). Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wurduunde daande synonyme: nyaalde; ƴiigal. wurtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wurtagol.
Noun. ganglion; lymph node, ganglion.
Participles: sing: burtiiɗo-burtotooɗo plur:
Catégorie : Maladie.
wurtiiɓe-wurtotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
wurjinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wurjingol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Participles: sing: burjinɗo-burjinoowo plur: Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. sortir, quitter
wurjinɓe-wurjinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. pour un moment, démissionner; exit or leave.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb ***: yaltude, runnyude, dillude;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. briser, compare: dillude, runnyude;
rompre, ruiner, détruire; destroy; break; ruin. synonyms: yaltude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
A wurjinii ko ɓe nyiɓ
nyiɓi fuu. Tu as détruit tout
ce qu'ils ont construit aujourd'hui. You ruined
wurtagol1 Noun. épiaison; ear emergence, heading of
everything they built today. the grains. Catégorie : Agriculture.
synonyms: bonnude, helude, heltude, wurtagol2 Noun. démission; resignation, abdication.
heltaade; ***: bonnude, heltaade, helude. Catégorie : Juridique.
Dialects: J,Y. Wurtagol Sorting Designation: 3, nbb. Noun. Exode;
wurjineede Noun Form of Infinitive: wurjinegol. Exodus. compare: Tawreeta. Dialects: biblical.
Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in wurtagol-
wurtagol-ndimu Noun. ménopause; menopause.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Ko debbo maa daaba ndewa duubi mum
Verb. être gâté, détruit, ruiné; spoiled; ruined.
ɓɓotoo rimugol ɓiɗɗo
synonyms: bonneede. Dialects: J,Y.
wurtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: wurtingol.
wurjude Noun Form of Infinitive: wurjugol. Sorting
Participles: sing: burtinɗo-burtinoowo plur:
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
wurtinɓe-wurtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Verb. être gâté, brisé, détruit, ruiné; spoiled;
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. enlever qqch
destroyed; broken. Ko kaalduɗ
kaalduɗaa e he'am
de qqch d'autre; remove something from
limoore am wurjii. Parce que tu mas parlé
something else. ***: ittude, yaltinde,
j’ai oublié où je suis en comptant le nombre.
loowtude; synonyms: ittude, loowtude,
Because you spoke to me I lost my count. Ko
yaltinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ɓe keɓ
keɓaay ko fonndirtee nyimngo
nyimngo maɓɓ
ngo wurjii. Parce qu'il n'ont pas eu l'outil wurtingol ndiyajum
ndiyajum Noun. sécrétion; secretion.
approprié leur construction s'est gâtée. Catégorie : Le corps.
Because they didn't have a level their building
wurwere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
was spoiled. ***: bonude;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
synonyms: bonneede, bonude, hiiɗɗ
of Noun: burwe. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Dialects: J,Y. Noun. follicule de poil; hair follicle on a
wuro Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe. person's head or an animal's body. Catégorie
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of : Maladie d'animaux. synonyms: yillorde;
Noun: gure. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. ***: yillorde. Dialects: G,M.
1 • ménage, toute la maison, foyer; household.
***: njenndi, siire, galle, genndi, ngenndi,
ɓaade, huɓ
huɓeere. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • village, ville, cité; city; town; village.
synonyms: genndi, ngenndi, njenndi, siire.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 695
wurwude wuugaandu

wurwude Noun Form of Infinitive: wurwugol. wuuɗ

wuuɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuuɗugol.
Participles: sing: burwuɗo-burwoowo plur: Participles: sing: buuɗuɗo-buuɗoowo plur:
wurwuɓe-wurwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, wuuɗuɓe-wuuɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. ct. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. mélanger Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. griller /
un liquide en tournoyant le bâtonnet entre les rôtir dans les cendres chaudes; roast in hot
paumes de la main; to mix with a "buruugal" ashes. synonyms: buuɗ
buuɗude, nyaanyude,
by rolling the stick rapidly between your sa'ude; ***: darnude, sa'ude, defude,
palms. compare: diibude, helafittaahi, nyaanyude, ŋaancude, duppude, juɗ juɗude,
mburuuki; ***: diibude, buruugal, iirtude,
buuɗude; compare: defude, darnude,
jillitinde, hurbude, buruugay, mburuuki,
duppude, juɗjuɗude, ŋaancude. Dialects: J,Y,G.
helafittaahi; synonyms: iirtude, jillitinde,
hurbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wuufande Noun Form of Infinitive: wuufugol.
Participles: sing: buufanɗo-buufanoowo
wutaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. plur: wuufanɓe-wuufanooɓe. Sorting
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Designation: 4, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
of Noun: butaali. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Noun. épi de mil (à Tenkodogo aussi épi de
Verb. faire un lavement orale; enema orally (to
maïs, à Sebba et Tenkodogo: cosse de néré);
millet (head of). Catégorie : Agriculture. give). ***: leegude; synonyms: leegude.
Dialects: J,M.
***: mumuru, juuruure, wulaare, bokkoore;
compare: bokkoore, juuruure, wulaare. wuufude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuufugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: buufuɗo-buufoowo plur:
wuttaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuttagol. Sorting wuufuɓe-wuufooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
Designation: 3, mt. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tenir dans
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. enfler / gonfler de l'abdomen, ballonner sa bouche, saisir avec la bouche; grasp
de l'abdomen (ex. maladie, ou animal crevé); something in your mouth; hold something in
for the abdomen to swell from disease or your mouth. O wuufii ndiyam, o purƴ purƴii kam.
injury; can be used in a fig. sense; often Elle a tenu de l'eau dans sa bouche et l'a giclé
describes the bloating of a dead animal. sur moi. She put water in her mouth and
Moyni wutti sanne. Il est vraiment gonflé / sprayed me. ***: wuyɓ
wuyɓaade, sulmaade;
ballonné. He is really puffed up. Catégorie synonyms: leegude. Dialects: J,M.
: Maladie. ***: fuutaade; 2 • se laver le visage et rincer sa bouche le
synonyms: fuutaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. matin; wash one's face and rinse one's mouth.
synonyms: sulmaade, wuyɓwuyɓaade. Dialectal
wutteere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Forms: [Y,G] wuufaade. Dialects: J,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: gutteeje. Sorting Designation: 3, ct. wuugaandu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
Noun. boule de tô, une portion de tô; lump of Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
hot millet porridge; portion; serving. Catégorie of Noun: buugaali. Sorting Designation: 2, or.
: Nourriture. ***: wakkaare; compare: nyiiri; Variante: wuugaandu ladde. Noun.
synonyms: lagataare, wakkaare. Dialects: G,M. tourterelle, colombe, pigeon; pigeon; dove.
Catégorie : Oiseau. Streptopelia sp..
wuttudu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
***: tantabaraaru, nyaabal;
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
compare: nyaabal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: [J] guttuli/ [Y,G,M] buttuli. Sorting
Designation: 3, at. Noun. flanc d'animal, côté
d'une corps humain au niveau de la taille;
flank of an animal; side of a person at the
waist. Catégorie : Le corps, Parties d’un
animal. ***: seega, woonndu, baggol,
wonndu; synonyms: baggol, wonndu,
woonndu. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

wuturneere Noun. vétérinaire; veterinary. Catégorie

: Travailleur. Note : français

16/02/2020 696
wuulaade wuungaandu

wuulaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuulagol. wuunɗ

wuunɗitinde Note for Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: buuliiɗo-buulotooɗo plur: Progressive: Note: "Na wuunɗiti" describes
wuuliiɓe-wuulotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. the way something is, its state. "Na
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb wuunɗita" can also describe the way
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jouer dans something is as if to say this thing is
l'eau, nager; play in the water. Sukaaɓ
Sukaaɓe na moving toward being grey or it has grey
mbuuloo ley luggere. Les enfants jouent tendancies, even if its color is stable and
dans l'eau. The children are playing in the unalterable. "Na wuunɗiti" can also mean
water hole. ***: yinaade, yiinaade; that it is something which can become
compare: yinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. greyish, such as a piece of white fabric if
wuuluunde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. dyed.. Noun Form of Infinitive: wuunɗitingol.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Participles: sing: buunɗitinɗo (state or past
of Noun: buuluuɗe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. condition)-buunɗitoowo (becoming) plur:
Noun. espèce d'herbe (utilisé pour faire des wuunɗitinɓe-wuunɗitooɓe. Sorting
nattes et couvrir des maisons); kind of grass. Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
It is extensively used to make mats and to roof Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
houses. Catégorie : Herbes, plantes
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. gris, brun, marron;
grimpantes. Cymbopogon schoenanthus.
blue gray; brown gray; light gray; to be a shade
Dialectal Forms: [Y] wuuluuho, [J] wuuluuko resembling gray; medium brown. Catégorie
(ko). Dialects: Y,G,M. : Couleur. Dialectal Forms: [Y,G]
wuumoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. wuunɗitidde. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form wuunɗ
wuunɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuunɗugol.
of Noun: guuɓe. Sorting Designation: 5, pl. Participles: sing: buunɗuɗo (state or past
Noun. 1 • espèce d’acacia; This acacia tree is
found in the Sahel. Catégorie : Arbres. Acacia condition)-buunɗoowo (becoming) plur:
wuunɗuɓe-wuunɗooɓe. Sorting
ataxacantha. ***: ngawdi, giddal, ŋooraahi,
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
ŋooraahi, guuɓ
guuɓal, ɓulɓ
ulɓi, cukkuryel, pattuki;
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
synonyms: ŋooraahi. Dialects: Y,G,M.
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être gris; gray.
2 • fourré, forêt, touffe de plantes, bosquet,
buisson; thicket; dense woods; forest. Note:the various adjectives for the noun
classes are formed from the infinitive: Group I
Catégorie : Terre. synonyms: cukkuri1, giddal, ɓe/wuneeɓe, ko1/wuneeho, nde/wuneere,
toggere; compare: ɓulɓulɓi, cayki, cilluki, ndu/wuneeru, nge/wuneewe, ngo/wuneewo,
ngawdi, ngawdalloohi, ngonaaki, pattuki. Group II ɗe/buneeje, ɗi/buneeji,
Dialectal Forms: [G] wuure - a thicket made ɗum/bunejum, kal/bunehal, kol/bunehol,
up of Acacia ataxacantha;. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ngal/bunewal, ngel/buneyel or bunewel,
ngol/bunewol, o/buneejo Group III
wuundaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuundagol. ɗam/bunejam, ka/mbuneeha, ki/mbuneehi,
Participles: sing: buundiiɗo-buundotooɗo ko2/mbuneeho, koy/mbunehoy, ndi/mbuneeri,
nga/mbuneewa, ngi/mbuneewi,
plur: wuundiiɓe-wuundotooɓe. Sorting
ngu/mbuneewu, ***: tuunude, furɗ furɗude.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
2 • être sale, poussiéreux, blanchâtre de
Progressive: st/prg. Verb. porter qqch devant
poussière ou des cendres; white from dust or
soi; carry something in front of yourself.
ashes; dusty; dirty. synonyms: furɗ
Yaaya funeeɓ
funeeɓe bamba o, wuundoo o. La
mère des jumeaux a porté un enfant sur son tuunude
tuunude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dos et un enfant devant soi. The mother of the wuungaandu Variante: wuugaandu wuro. Noun.
twins carried one on her back and one in her pigeon; pigeon. Catégorie : Oiseau.
arms. ***: wahnaade, wukaade, wakkaade,
jilinde, wunngaade, bammbude;
compare: jilinde, wakkaade, wahnaade;
synonyms: wukaade, wunngaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 697
wuuraade wuuweede

wuuraade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuuragol. wuurtaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuurtagol.
Participles: sing: buuriiɗo-buurotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: buurtiiɗo-buurtotooɗo
wuuriiɓe-wuurotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. plur: wuurtiiɓe-wuurtotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. courber vers le Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
côté, incliner vers le côté; bend sideways. Nde Verb. se redresser, devenir droit; straighten up
o jooɗ
jooɗii fuu o wuuroto gere nyaamo. one's self when bent sideways. Joonin o
Lorsqu'il est assis, il est courbé vers la droite. wuurteke, imo jooɗjooɗii faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Maintenant
When he sits he bends to the right. En cora
cora ley il s'est redressé et il est bien assis. Now he has
lekki mbuuriiki ki. Allons à l'ombre de cet straightened up and is sitting just fine. Ko o
arbre incliné. Let's go into the shade of that famɗ
famɗunoo imo wuurii de joonin kaa o
bent tree. Donngal maa ngal wuureke. Ta wuurteke. Quand il était petit il était courbé
charge s'est inclinée. You load has shifted. vers le côté, mais maintenant il s'est bien
synonyms: onyaade; compare: leƴƴ leƴƴitaade
ƴƴitaade, redressé. When he was little he was bent
turaade, tiggitaade; ***: leƴƴleƴƴitaade
sideways, but now he has straightened up.
Abada lekki ki wuurtataako. Cet arbre ne va
tiggitaade, onyaade, turaade.
jamais se redresser / devenir droit. That tree
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
will never straighten up. synonyms: dartaade,
wuurhuɗoowa Plural Form of Noun: mbuurhuɗooji ooncaade, onyitaade; ***: onyitaade,
. Noun. herbivore; herbivore. synonyms: ko turtaade, ooncaade, dartaade;
nyaamata huɗ
huɗo. compare: turtaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wuurndiyamjum Plural Form of wuurtewuuwa Plural Form of Noun: mbuurtewuuji.
Noun: wuurndiyamji. Noun. aquatique; Noun. carnivore; carnivorous.
aquatic. Catégorie : Eau.
wuurude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuurugol.
synonyms: ndiyamkooji.
Participles: sing: buurɗo plur: wuurɓe.
wuurnude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuurnugol. Sorting Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant
Participles: sing: buurnuɗo-buurnoowo Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or
plur: wuurnuɓe-wuurnooɓe. Sorting Progressive: st. Verb. 1 • vivre, être vivant; alive
Designation: 3, mt, th. Verb Consonant Change (to be); live. Gorko nayeejo o na wuuri faa
in Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or han. Ce vieux homme est encore vivant. That
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • donner la vie, old man is still alive. ***: wonude, foofude,
donner ce qui maintient la vie (comme par ex. foontude, heddaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
la santé, nourriture, c'est ce que Dieu fait); life
2 • incliner /pencher qqch pour former un
(to give). Laamɗ
Laamɗo na wuurna huunde fuu.
angle; incline something at an angle. Si aɗ
Dieu donne la vie et toute chose. God give life
darna ɗum fu taa mbuuraa ɗum. Si tu le met
to all things. ***: battal, wattude1, nyo'ude,
debout, ne laisse pas que cela soit incliné. If
yurɓude, yulɓ
yulɓude, waɗ
waɗtude, baatal, you stand it up don't let it incline.
mesalal. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: heddaade, foofude, wonude;
2 • pourvoir aux besoins, fournir, apporter, compare: foofude, foontude.
donner, assurer; provide for. Nagge nge Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
waawaa wuurnude ɓiyum. Cette vache ne
peut pas garder son veau en vie, elle n'a pas wuuruɗ
wuuruɗum adj. vivant; living, alive. Ko waataay
assez de lait. That cow can't keep its calf alive wuuweede Noun Form of Infinitive: wuuwegol. Sorting
- it doesn't have enough milk.
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in
synonyms: wattude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
3 • enfiler un fil dans une aiguille, enfiler des
perles au collier; string beads; thread a needle. Verb. être balayé; swept. ***: fiiseede;
Jiile makko ɗuyteke sabo o waawaa synonyms: fiiseede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wuurnude gaarawol e wudde battal. Sa vue
diminue car il ne peut plus enfiler un fil dans
l'aiguille. His vision is diminished because he
can't thread a needle. synonyms: yulɓ
yurɓude; compare: battal, mesalal, nyo'ude.
Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 698
wuuwude wuƴaade

wuuwude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuuwugol. wuykude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuykugol.
Participles: sing: buuwuɗo-buuwoowo plur: Participles: sing: buykuɗo-buykoowo plur:
wuuwuɓe-wuuwooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. wuykuɓe-wuykooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • balayer; Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trouver
sweep. ***: fiisude, fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, firkaade, faute, critiquer, être critique, avoir une
jooraade, balgaade, ferkaade, piisirɗ
piisirɗi, attitude négative envers; find fault; critical. O
wargaade, buurɗ
buurɗi, fittude, wa'ude; na wuyke, a waɗwaɗaay ɗum faa'e. Il est
synonyms: fiɗɗ
ɗɗude, fiisude, fittude.
critique envers toi, bien que n'aies rien fait
contre lui. He is critical of you, but you have
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
done nothing to him. ***: weefaade, nyiŋnyiŋude,
2 • couper l'herbe avec un bâton fourchu; cut
or mow dry grass with a forked stick. haasidaade, jaancude, manude;

synonyms: ferkaade, firkaade. Dialects: G. synonyms: dekude, buykude, felude,

3 • prépare le champ pour semer, nettoyer le haasidaade, jaancude, manude, nyiŋ nyiŋude,
champ pour semer; clearing the field of trees weefaade. Dialects: G.
and bushes; prepare one's field for planting.
wuylaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuylagol.
synonyms: balgaade, jooraade, wargaade;
Participles: sing: buyliiɗo-buylotooɗo plur:
compare: piisirɗ
piisirɗi. Dialects: Y.
wuyliiɓe-wuylotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
wuuwugol Noun. balayage; sweep. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
synonyms: fiisugol. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. balancer (ex.
wuyɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuyɓagol. dans un arbre), rebondir; bounce; swing. Inan
imo wuyloo liccal. Là-bas elle balance dans
Participles: sing: buyɓiiɗo-buyɓotooɗo
un arbre. There she is bouncing on the branch.
plur: wuyɓiiɓe-wuyɓotooɓe. Sorting
synonyms: looncaade, luulaade;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
***: luulaade, denjigaade, looncaade;
Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. se laver le visage (le matin); wash your compare: fijude. Dialects: J.

face. ***: wuufude, lootude, saƴƴ

ƴƴude, wuƴ
wuƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: wuƴagol.
sulmaade; synonyms: wuufude, sulmaade; Participles: sing: buƴiiɗo-buƴotooɗo plur:
compare: lootude, saƴƴ
ƴƴude. wuƴiiɓe-wuƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb
wuyɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. emprunter ou
prêter qqch (ne pas l'argent); lend something;
Designation: 2. Noun. voleurs; thieves.
borrow. Mi wuƴ
wuƴete forgo am njaadaa
Catégorie : La Personne. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
luumo. Je te prête ma chemise pour aller au
wuyko Noun Class Markers: sing: ko. Sorting marché. I will lend you my shirt to go to the
Designation: 1, at. Noun. les cheveux de tête market. A wuƴ
wuƴeke kam binndirgal de a
d'un mâle noir; The hair of a black male's wartiraay ngal. Tu a emprunté mon bic, mais
head. The thing that apparently distinguishes tu ne me l'as pas encore rendu. You borrowed
"wuyko" from "sukundu" is the length of the my pen but you have not returned it. Si aɗ
hair; which is determined by the sex of the
yiɗi wuƴ
wuƴaade dewtere nde fu, sanaa ƴamaa
person. ***: leembol, sukundu;
mawnam. Si tu veux emprunter ce livre, tu
compare: gaasol
gaasol, leembol, sukundu. dois demander mon frère. If you wish to
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. borrow that book you will have to ask my
wuykoore Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de. Sorting brother. compare: nyamlaade; ***: nyallaade,
Designation: 3, th. Noun. égoïsme; selfishness. luɓ
luɓaade, nyamlaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: keedaraaku, haasidaaku;
synonyms: haasidaaku, keedaraaku. Dialectal
Forms: [G] wuyko. Dialects: G.

16/02/2020 699
wuƴeede yaafa hooreejo leydi

wuƴeede Noun Form of Infinitive: wuƴegol. nyalleede, nyamlaade, nyamleede;
Participles: sing: buƴaaɗo-buƴeteeɗo plur: compare: nyamleede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wuƴaaɓe-wuƴeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. wuƴ
wuƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: wuƴugol. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: w/mb. Verb Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être emprunté Plural: w/mb. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
ou prêté qqch (sauf l'argent); borrowed; lent. Verb. lorsqu un bois est rongé par des espèces
Mi waawaa wuƴ
wuƴaade ma dewtere nde sabo de vers / insectes; for a piece of wood to be
nde wuƴ
wuƴaama hoow. Je ne peux pas te prêter eaten by "nguƴuuji". compare: nguƴ
ce livre car je l'ai prêté à qqn il y a quelque ***: nguƴ
nguƴu, guƴ
guƴu, mooƴ
temps. I cannot lend you that book because I synonyms: mooƴ
mooƴude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
lent it to someone awhile ago. ***: nyallaade,

Y - y

yaaɓaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaaɓagol. yaaɓ
yaaɓude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaaɓugol.
Participles: sing: jaaɓiiɗo plur: yaaɓiiɓe. Participles: sing: jaaɓuɗo-jaaɓoowo plur:
Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in yaaɓuɓe-yaaɓooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Verb. 1 • ya; mud mixed thoroughly. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. marcher sur,
***: diibaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. piétiner, écraser avec la roue; step on; run
2 • être écrasé si qqn passe dessus; squashed if over with a tire or wheel. ***: fiinude,
run over. synonyms: diibaade. dampude, ɗigginde, faɗɗ faɗɗinde
ɗɗinde, fernude,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. femmbinde, ɗigginde, njaabdi, fiinude,
ata-boolooli Noun Class Markers: sing: ngel dankude, jaaɓjaaɓirdi, fompinde;
compare: dampude, yaaɓ yaaɓoro;
plur: koy. Number One for this noun: gooti.
synonyms: faɗɗ
ɗɗinde, femmbinde, fernude,
Plural Form of Noun: yaaɓata-booloolihoy.
fiinude, fompinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Sorting Designation: 5, or. Noun. jacana
africain; lily-trotter. Catégorie : Oiseau. yaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaagol.
Actophilornis africana.
Participles: sing: jaaɗo-jahoowo plur:
synonyms: jaaɓ
yaaɓe-yahooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb
***: jaaɓ
ooyel-daamaraami. Dialects: J,Y.
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
yaaɓere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Progressive: prg. Verb. aller, partir; go.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form ***: yahude; synonyms: yahude.
of Noun: jaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl. Noun. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
1 • une marche, étape, un pas; step.
yaadiiɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
***: huulannde, saaɓ
saaɓannde, taaɓ
Designation: 3. Noun. amis; friends. Dialectal
synonyms: huulannde, saaɓ
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] yaadooɓe/yaaduuɓe.
taaɓannde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • fruits du jujubier; fruits of the jujube.
Catégorie : Nourriture. Ziziphus mauritiana. yaadude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaadugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: jaaduɗo-jaadoowo plur:
yaaɓoro Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɗi. yaaduɓe-yaadooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Noun: yaaɓorooji. Sorting Designation: 1, at. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. aller avec,
Noun. plante du pied; bottom of a foot. accompagner; go with. ***: jaado, yahdude,
Catégorie : Le corps. ***: yaaɓ
yaaɓude, koyngal, hooddude; compare: hooddude, jaado;
njaabdi, jaaɓ
jaaɓirdi; synonyms: jaaɓ
jaaɓirdi, synonyms: yahdude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
njaabdi. Dialects: J. yaafa hooreejo leydi expression. grâce
présidentielle; presidential pardon,
presidential amnesty. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.

16/02/2020 700
yaafaade Yaagaajo

yaafaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaafagol. yaafude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaafugol.
Participles: sing: jaafiiɗo-jaafotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: jaafuɗo plur: yaafuɓe.
yaafiiɓe-yaafotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pardonner, Verb. 1 • être facile, moins cher, bon-marché, à
excuser, être indulgent; excuse an offense un bon prix; easy; inexpensive; cheap.
directed against you personally; forgive; Connoowo oon na yaafi coggu. Ce
pardon. ***: yarraade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. commerçant vend ses marchandises
bon-marché. That merchant is inexpensive.
yaafaade dow innde sariya Verb. amnistier; Nareeje na yaafi ley luumo joonin. Les néré
pardon, grant amnesty. Catégorie : Juridique. sont bon-marché à présent. Nareeji are cheap
yaafagol sariya Noun. amnistie; amnesty. Catégorie in the market now. Catégorie : Argent.
: Juridique. ***: hoyude, hoyude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être négligent, imprudent, bâclé; careless.
yaafanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaafanagol.
Si neɗɗ
ɗɗo yaawii riiɗ
riiɗude fuu
fuu imo yaafi. Si
Participles: sing: jaafaniiɗo-jaafanotooɗo
qqn pète tout le temps, il est négligeant (de la
plur: yaafaniiɓe-yaafanotooɓe. Sorting politesse). If someone is always passing gas he
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in doesn't care. (lit. he regards the prohibition to
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. not pass gas lightly). synonyms: hoyude.
Verb. 1 • annuler une dette; forgive a debt. Mi Dialects: J.
yaafaneke ma ko heddii e nyamaande maa. Yaaga Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • clan de peuls
J'annule ce qui reste a payer de ta dette. I
qui vivent à Sebba; a clan of Fulɓe that live in
forgive you what is left of your debt.
the Sebba region. Catégorie : Communauté.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: Nomma, Kelli, Jaljallo, Liptaaku,
2 • renoncer à sa part, céder à, abandonner;
Jelgooji, Foy, Yaanga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
relinquish one's share in the division of
2 • la région de Sebba où les Yaaga vivent; the
something between two or more people. Mi
Sebba region where the Yaaga live. Catégorie
yaafaneke ma gawri ndi o hokki en. Je te
: Région. compare: Foy, Jaljallo, Jelgooji,
cède ma part du mil qu'on nous a donné. I
give you my part of the grain he gave us. Kelli, Liptaaku, Nomma, Siiɓ
Siiɓe, Yaanga.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialectal Forms: [Y] Yaga. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

yaafinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yaafingol. yaagaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaagagol.
Participles: sing: jaafinɗo-jaafinoowo plur: Participles: sing: jaagiiɗo-jaagotooɗo plur:
yaafinɓe-yaafinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. yaagiiɓe-yaagotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. faire facile, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • respecter
faciliter, simplifier le chemin; ease the way; qqn, honorer qqn; respect for someone; honor.
make easy. Laamɗ
Laamɗo yaafin. Que Dieu te ***: hersude, sentude, edaade, semtude.
facilite les choses. May God make it easy for Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
you. Ko njahumi faa mi jaɓ jaɓa jalo ngo e 2 • être timide, embarrassé, être modeste; shy
junngo makko o yaafinaay ɗum fey. Il n'a or embarrassed; modest (to be).
pas fait que c'est facile pour moi d'aller synonyms: edaade, hersude, semtude.
récupérer la daba. That I went to get the hoe Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
he didn't make it easy at all.
Yaagaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
synonyms: hoynude, newnude, newude;
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
***: newnude, hoynude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Noun: Yaagaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
yaafoore Noun. un pardon; forgiveness; pardon. personne de la région de Sebba; a member of
the Yaaga clan in the Sebba area.
compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Foynanke, Gurmaajo,
Jaljallo, Jelgooji, Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo,
Moosiijo, Nommaajo, Yaangaajo;
***: Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Nommaajo, Gurmaajo, Kelliijo, Moosiijo,
Yaangaajo, Foynanke. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 701
Yaagaare Yaanga
4 • Jacques, frère de Jésus et l'auteur de
Yaagaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
l’épître de Jacques; James; one of Jesus'
Designation: 1, lg. Noun. parler fulfuldé parlé brothers; and the author of the New Testament
dans la région de Sebba; The dialect of
book of James. Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Fulfulde spoken by the Fulɓe of the Sebba
5 • épître de Jacques dans le Nouveau
region. ***: Gurmaare, Jelgoore,
Testament; the New Testament letter of James.
Foynankoore, Maasinankoore, Gaawoore,
Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Yaangaare,
Moosiire, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere; compare: Foynankoore, yaalaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaalagol.
Gaawoore, Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore, Participles: sing: jaaliiɗo plur: yaaliiɓe.
Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Moosiire, Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Nommaare, Yaangaare
Yaangaare. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Verb. être dérangé / gêné dans son travail, être
yaage Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting empêché de faire, être inconvénient;
Designation: 2. Noun. respect, modestie, inconvenienced; interfered with; hindered in
pudeur, modération, politesse; respect; what you are doing. En njaaleke sabo en
reserve; modesty; restraint. synonyms: edaare, ƴuuri to woɗɗ
ɗɗii de en keɓ
keɓaay faa'e. C'était
semteende, needi lobbiri; ***: edaare, inconvénient pour nous car nous sommes
senteende, semteende
semteende. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. venus de loin, mais nous n'avons rien reçu. We
were inconvenienced because we came from
yaajinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yaajingol. some distance but we received nothing.
Participles: sing: jaajinɗo-jaajinoowo plur: synonyms: waanneede
waanneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yaajinɓe-jaajinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
yaalaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Designation: 4. Noun. inconvénient,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. élargir, dérangement, empêchement, entrave, misère;
augmenter la largeur, étendre, généraliser, inconvenience; misery; hindrance;
véhiculer; enlarge; widen.
impediment. Abada yaalaare waawaa
synonyms: sakkitinde. Dialectal
ɓurude yaalaare nde njaaliɗ
njaaliɗen hannden.
Forms: yajinnde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Aucun empêchement est pire que celui qu'on a
yaajinde kaane ɓii-
ii-aadama expression. dû surmonter aujourd'hui. No impediment
vulgarisation des droits de l’homme; could be worst than the impediment we
propagating human rights. Catégorie overcame today. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
yaalude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaalugol.
yaajinere Noun. ampliation; copy, amplification. Participles: sing: jaaluɗo-jaaloowo plur:
Catégorie : Juridique. yaaluɓe-yaalooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
yaajude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaajugol. Sorting Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Designation: 2. Verb Consonant Change in Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. empêcher qqn
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
de faire qqch, intervenir, se mêler dans,
Verb. être large, vaste, grand; wide. interférer, déranger; interfere; inconvenience;
hinder someone from doing something.
***: weɗɗ
ɗɗitaade, werbiɗ
Ƴuwoonde nde yaalii en e fijude balon. La
synonyms: weɗɗ
ɗɗitaade, werbiɗ
werbiɗinde. pluie nous a empêché de jouer au ballon. The
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. rain interfered with our playing ball.
Yaakuuba Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. synonyms: hanndude, kalude, waannude.
1 • Jacob, le deuxième fils d'Isaac; Jacob; the Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
second son of Isaac (Gen. 25:26ff). Note :
Yaanga Sorting Designation: 3. Noun. région de
hébreu ***: Israa'iila. Dialects: biblical.
Comin-Yanga à Ouargayé; the area of
2 • Jacques, fils de Zébédée, frère de Jean, l'un Komin-Yanga to Ouargaye where the group of
des douze disciples; James; the son of Fulɓe who are known as Yaangaaɓe live. It
Zebedee; brother of John; and one of the 12 appears that the Fulɓe have borrowed the name
disciples (Mat 4:21). Note : hébreu of the local Yanga or Yansé people. Catégorie
Dialects: biblical. : Région. Note : Yanga ***: Nomma, Jaljallo,
3 • Jacques, fils d'Alphée, l'un des douze Jelgooji, Foy, Yaaga; compare: Foy, Jelgooji,
disciples; James; the son of Alphaeus; one of
Liptaaku, Nomma, Yaaga. Dialects: J,M.
the 12 disciples (Mat 10:2). Note : hébreu
Dialects: biblical.

16/02/2020 702
Yaangaajo yaawude

Yaangaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. yaarugol haala gosorde dowuure expression.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of cassation; cessation. Catégorie
: Gouvernement, Juridique.
Noun: Yaangaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Noun. peul qui vit dans la région de Yanga; a yaasin Sorting Designation: 2. prep. dehors de, à
Pullo who lives in the Yaanga region. Note :
l’extérieur de, hors de; outside of. ***: sella.
Yanga ***: Yaagaajo, Liptaakuujo, Jaljallo,
Dialectal Forms: yaasi. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Jelgoowo, Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, Nommaajo, Gurmaajo,
Kelliijo, Moosiijo, Foynanke; compare: Ciiɗ
Ciiɗo, yaasin huunde Adverb. hors de; outside; out of.
Foynanke, Gurmaajo, Jaljallo, Jelgoowo, yaasoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Kelliijo, Liptaakuujo, Moosiijo, Nommaajo, Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Yaagaajo. Dialects: J,M. of Noun: yaasooje. Sorting Designation: 1.
Yaangaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting Noun. surnom; nick name. ***: soowoore,
Designation: 3, lg. Noun. variété du parler peul innde, jammoore, santere1; compare: innde,
parlé dans la région entre Comin-Yanga et jammoore; synonyms: santere1, soowoore.
Ouargaye; the Fulfulde spoken by the Fulɓe of Dialects: Y.
the Komin-Yaanga to Ouargaye region;
southwest of Fada. It appears that the Fulɓe yaawanyoludeejum Plural Form of
have borrowed the name of the local Yanga or Noun: nyolanako'e-lawuuji . adj.
Yansé people to describe their language. Note : biodégradable; biodegradable. Kulle
Yanga ***: Gurmaare, Jelgoore, nyolanooje hoorem tawa ittaay wakkati,
Foynankoore, Maasinankoore, Gaawoore, wooɗ
wooɗi wattaaka cafaaje
Liptaakuure, Nommaare, Moosiire,
yaawtorɗinde Noun Form of
Yaagaare, Jalluɓ
Infinitive: yaawtorɗingol. Participles: sing:
compare: Foynankoore, Gaawoore,
jaawtorɗinɗo plur: yaawtorɗinɓe. Sorting
Gurmaare, Jalluɓ
Jalluɓeere, Jelgoore,
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Liptaakuure, Maasinankoore, Moosiire,
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st -
Nommaare, Yaagaare. Dialects: J,M.
imo yaawtorɗi. Verb. être impoli et impatient,
yaare1 Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. être pressé de (de manière négative); hurry in
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form a negative sense; rude and impatient. Imo
of Noun: [J,G,M] jahe/[Y] jehe, njahe. Sorting yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗi sabo o yottaaki
yottaaki fey de o haali
Designation: 2, in. Noun. scorpion; scorpion. ɗum. Il a été impatient car il a commencé à
Catégorie : Araignée. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. parler de son problème dès qu'il est arrivé. He
is impatient because he barely arrived when he
yaare2 au hasard; chance (by). began to talk about it. Tuubaakuuɓ
Tuubaakuuɓe wo
yaarude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaarugol. yaawtorɗ
inɓe Les blancs sont impatients.
Participles: sing: jaaruɗo-jaaroowo plur: Whites are impatient. ***: henyaade, wulude,
yaaruɓe-yaarooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. yaawude, haraade; synonyms: haraade,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb henyaade, wulude, yaawude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. emporter, yaawude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaawugol.
emmener, prendre avec, se faire accompagner
Participles: sing: jaawuɗo-jaawoowo plur:
par, amener avec; take along; take someone or
yaawuɓe-yaawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
something somewhere. Karen yaarii Sayidu
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Boussouma. Karen s'est fait accompagner
par Sayidou pour aller à Boussouma. . Karen Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • faire
qqch rapidement, faire vite; do something
took Sayidu to Boussouma. ***: waddude,
quickly. A yaawii yottaade. Tu est arrivé
yottinde, hoorude, yaharude, soggude,
rapidement. You arrived quickly.
hewtinde; compare: hoorude, waddude;
***: henyaade, wulude, yaawtorɗ
synonyms: hewtinde, soggude, yaharude,
waaƴude, duufaade, yawɗ yawɗaade, haraade.
yottinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yaarude jawdim ɗo haajaa expression. libre
circulation des biens; the free flow of goods.
jeyal hoorem banngal yaharugol jawdim to
yi ɗi Catégorie : Juridique.

16/02/2020 703
yaaya yahdodinde
2 • être rapide ou vite habituellement; to be
yabbere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
fast or quick habitually. Mbabbii ina yaawi e
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
nyimngo sanne Mbabbii pose les briques
of Noun: jabbe. Sorting Designation: 3, cs.
rapidement. Mbabbii lays bricks quickly.
Noun. petit trou fait avec un long bâton pour
synonyms: duufaade, haraade, henyaade, semer des céréales; a little hole one makes
wawnyude, wulude, yaawtorɗ
yaawtorɗinde. with the "jabbirgal" for planting a seed of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. millet (or other grain). Catégorie : Agriculture.
***: jabbere, jabbirgal, gurral;
yaaya Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
synonyms: gurral, jabbere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: yaayiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun. yabere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
1 • mère; mother. Catégorie : Parenté. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
contracted possessive forms: 1s yaayam, 2s of Noun: jabe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
yaaymaa, 3s (makko) yaayiiko, (muuɗum) cartouche de fusil, balle d'arme; bullet; rifle
yaayem, 1p (exclusive) NA, (inclusive)
cartridge. ***: morreere, yebere;
yaayamen, 2p. yaay(a)mon, 3p. (maɓɓe)
synonyms: morreere, yebere. Dialects: M.
yaayiiɓe, (muɓɓen) NA. ***: ayyaa, ɓeyɗ eyɗo,
saaraa, inniiwo. Dialects: J. yafaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
2 • tante maternelle; maternal aunt. Catégorie Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
: Parenté. contracted possessive forms: 1s of Noun: yafaaje. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
yaayam debbo, 2s yaaymaa debbo, 3s (makko) longue pluie de 5 heure à 10 heures; rain from
yaayiiko debbo, (muuɗum) yaayem debbo, 1p 5 to 10 A.M. Catégorie : Temps.
(inclusive) yaayamen debbo, (exclusive) NA, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2p. yaay(a)mon debbo, 3p. (maɓɓe) yaayiiɓe
debbo, (muɓɓen) NA. synonyms: ɓeyɗ eyɗo, inna; yah-
yah-a hoore binndol expression. aller à la ligne;
compare: saaraa. Dialectal Forms: [J] yaaye.
to begin a new paragraph. Catégorie : Lecture /
Dialects: J.
yaha wara henndu expression. aérer le texte; space
yaaya koreeji Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. the text. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Noun: yaayiraaɓe koreeji. Sorting
yaharude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaharugol.
Designation: 4. Noun. veuve avec enfants qui est Participles: sing: jaharuɗo-jaharoowo plur:
en âge de ne plus se marier; widow (elderly). yaharuɓe-yaharooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Catégorie : La Personne. compare: colocolo, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
gortaalo, debbo mawɗmawɗo, debbo nayeejo. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se faire
Dialectal Forms: [J] yaaye koreeji. Dialects: J. accompagner de qqn, prendre qqn ou qqch
avec soi; take along; take someone or
Yaayaa Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. something somewhere. Aɗa waawi yaharude
Jean-Baptiste; John the Baptist. Note : arabe o Ouagadougou naa? Ne peux-tu pas la
Dialects: biblical. prendre à Ouagadougou ? Can you take her to
yaaynude Verb. s'éclairer; light up. Ouagadougou? ***: yaarude. Dialects: J,M.
2 • manière de marcher; the manner in which
yaayre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
one goes; how one is able to go. Noy o yahari
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Amerik? How was he able to go to America?
of Noun: jaaye. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
Toy o yahari de o naatowi leydi ndiin?
Noun. pleine avec de l'eau pendant la saison
Where did he go in order to enter that country?
pluvieuse, marécage, marais; flood plain;
marsh; place where water stands during the synonyms: hewtinde, yaarude, yottinde.
rainy season; swamp; bog. Catégorie : Eau, Dialects: J,M.
Terre. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yahde jahaangal Verb. partir en voyage; leave for a
yahdodinde synonyme: nootondire. Noun. accorder
(avec …); agree (make -) with. Catégorie
: Lecture / écriture.

16/02/2020 704
yahdude yaltirde

yahdude Noun Form of Infinitive: yahdugol. yakkaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe.
Participles: sing: jahduɗo-jahdoowo plur: Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
yahduɓe-yahdooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Noun: yakkaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb voisin; neighbor. Note : mooré
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. aller avec, synonyms: gondo. Dialects: Y,M.
partir avec; go with. synonyms: ɗowtude, yalaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
yaadude; ***: ɗowtude, yaadude. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Dialects: J,M. of Noun: yalaaje. Sorting Designation: 3, in.
yahude Noun Form of Infinitive: yahugol. Noun. cafard, blatte; cockroach. Catégorie
: Insecte. Blatta spp.. ***: kuukopawla,
Participles: sing: jahuɗo-jahoowo plur:
takaluuta, nyaamowa juuri;
yahuɓe-yahooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb
synonyms: kuukopawla, nyaamowa juuri,
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
takaluuta. Dialects: G,M.
Progressive: prg. Verb. aller, partir; go.
***: taanyude, oorude, fooɗ
fooɗude, yaade; yalguuje Noun. pioches; mattock. Catégorie
synonyms: fooɗ
fooɗude, oorude, yaade; : Agriculture, Outil. ***: suugaare.
compare: jahaangal. Dialectal Forms: yahugol.
yalla Sorting Designation: 2. conj. 1 • si, si oui ou non;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
whether; whether or not; if. ***: faa, de1,
yahugol Verb. aller; go. Dialectal Forms: yahude. salla, salla; synonyms: salla. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

yahugol ɗo haajaa synonyme: jeyal hoore yehude 2 • pour que, ainsi que, afin que; so that; in
order that. Ɓe ngaddii o Tenkodogo yalla
to haajaa. expression. libre circulation des
personnes; the free movement of persons. imo heɓ
heɓa safaare. On l'a amené à Tenkodogo
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique. pour qu'elle puisse avoir les médicaments.
They brought her to Tenkodogo so that she
Yahuuda Sorting Designation: 3, nbp, nbb. Noun. could get medicine. synonyms: de2, faa.
1 • Juda, fils de Léa et Jacob; ; Judah. Note :
Dialectal Forms: [J] yallaa. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hébreu Dialects: biblical.
2 • Judas Iscariot, l'un des douze disciples, il a yaltinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yaltingol.
trahi Jésus; ; Judas Iscariot. Note : hébreu Participles: sing: jaltinɗo-jaltinoowo plur:
Dialects: biblical. yaltinɓe-yaltinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
3 • l'un des frères de Jésus, et l'auteur de Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
l’épître de Jude; One of Jesus' brothers; and Stative or Progressive: prg - na yaltina. Verb.
the author of the New Testament book of Jude enlever qqch de qqch d'autre, faire sortir par,
(Mat. 13:55). Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical. vers, faire bouger; remove. Njaltinee na'i
4 • Jude fils de Jacques, l'un des douze mon ɗi ley galbal ga. Enlève tes bœufs de
disciples; son of James; 16); Judah. Note : l'enclos. Remove you cows from the park.
hébreu Dialects: biblical. ***: ittude, wurtinde, loowtude;
5 • Jude Barsabas, un associé de Silas; Judah synonyms: ittude, loowtude, wurtinde.
Barsabbas; an associate of Silas' (Acts
Dialects: J,Y,M.
15:22ff). Note : hébreu Dialects: biblical.
6 • épître court du Nouveau Testament; the yaltirde Noun. sortie; outing; exit.
short New Testament book of Jude. Note :
hébreu Dialects: biblical.

Yahuudiyanke Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur:

ɓe. Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural
Form of Noun: Yahuudiyankooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3, cbp. Noun. un juif; Jew.
Catégorie : Communauté. Note : arabe
synonyms: Alhuudiyanke; ***: Israa'iilanke,
Alhuudiyanke. Dialectal Forms: [J]
Yahuudiyaajo (o)/Yahuudiya'en (ɓe).
Dialects: biblical.

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yaltitinde yamnde

yaltitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yaltitingol. yamɗ

yamɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: yamɗugo.
Participles: sing: jaltitinɗo-jaltitoowo plur: Participles: sing: jamɗuɗo-jamɗoowo plur:
yaltitinɓe-yaltitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. yamɗuɓe-yamɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2,
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg - na yaltita. Verb. Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. être en bonne
changer d'idée / d'avis, changer l'opinion, santé; health (to have good). Mi yehii wuro
renoncer à, abandonner; change one's mind; makko,
makko, mi tawii imo yamɗ yamɗi faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Je
renounce. Mi yaltitii e coggu majjum. J'ai suis allé chez lui et je l'ai trouvé en bonne
changé d'avis concernant l'achat de cela. I santé. I went to his house and I found he is
changed my mind about buying it. Golle oon very well. ***: cellal, tekkude, yanɗ
yaltitii kam. Ce travail m'a fait changer sellude, teeŋ
teeŋude, maasaade;
d'avis. That job caused me to change my mind compare: teeŋ
teeŋude, tekkude;
[about the work.] Ko kaalduɗ
kaalduɗen keeŋ
keeŋan dow
synonyms: maasaade, sellude, yanɗ yanɗude.
dillol yaltitii ma. C'était notre discussion hier
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
qui t'a fait changer d'opinion. It was our
discussion yesterday about leaving that caused yamiraaka Variante: ko yamiraaka. déconseillé;
you to change your mind. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. advised not to.

yaltude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaltugol. yamirde Noun Form of Infinitive: yamirgol.
Participles: sing: jaltuɗo-jaltoowo plur: Participles: sing: jamirɗo-jamiroowo plur:
yaltuɓe-yaltooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb yamirɓe-yamirooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • quitter, abandonner, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. suggérer,
sortir pour un moment; leave; go out of. Mi prescrire, ordonner à, commander, donner des
ordres, dire de faire, recommander; suggest;
yehii wuro makko de tawumi o yaltii. Je suis
allé chez lui mais j'ai constaté qu'il était sorti. command; prescribe. Wakkati fuu aɗ aɗa yamira
I went to his house but I found he had gone out. min, min ngaɗ
ngaɗa ko tiiɗ
tiiɗi. Tu nous ordonnes
***: wangude, suuɗ
suuɗitaade, runnyude, toujours de faire des choses difficiles. You are
always commanding us to do that which is
ɓangude, wurtaade, funtude, dillude,
hard. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
udditaade; synonyms: wurtaade.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yamirɗ
yamirɗum Noun. impératif; imperative. Catégorie : La
2 • apparaître; appear. Wakkati gooto o yaltii Grammaire. ***: jamiral.
ley suudu. Tout à coup il est apparu devant sa yamiroore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
maison. All at once he appeared out of the Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
house. War, ndaar, joonin lewru yaltii faa of Noun: jamirooje. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
wooɗi. Viens voir, la lune a apparu Noun. commandement, loi, consigne, décret ,
complètement. Come, see, the moon has now recommandation; commandment; law.
fully appeared. compare: dillude, runnyude; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: ɓangude, funtude, suuɗ
yammbalde Plural Form of Noun: jammbaale. Noun.
udditaade, wangude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. aréole; areola. Catégorie : Le corps.
yamɗingol Noun. guérison; healing. Catégorie yammere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
: Maladie. synonyms: daɗ
daɗnugol, sellingol. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: jamme. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
Noun. fruit du tamarinier, tamarin; tamarind
(fruit). ***: njammi, njetaɓ
njetaɓi, jetami,
yetamere; synonyms: yetamere;
compare: njammi, njetaɓ
njetaɓi. Dialects: J,M.

yamnde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: yamndeeji. Sorting Designation: 2.
Noun. 1 • une heure; hour. ***: keetu, yannde.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

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yan-a yantaare
2 • pièce de métal; piece of metal.
yankirde Noun Form of Infinitive: yankirgol.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Participles: sing: jankirɗo-jankiroowo
3 • outil en acier utilisé pour faire du feu; the
plur: yankirɓe-yankirooɓe. Sorting
steel used for striking a stone or flint to start a
Designation: 3, th. Verb Consonant Change in
fire. compare: keetu; synonyms: yannde.
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Dialects: J,Y,M.
Verb. blasphémer, ne pas croire, comprendre
yan-a synonyme: pert-a. Verb. perdre (commerce); to mais ne pas obéir, parler mal de Dieu, ne pas
waste (trade). Catégorie : Argent. donner à Dieu l'honneur qui lui est dû;
understand but not obey or follow; blaspheme;
yanaande Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. not give God the glory; speak evil about God.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form Gorko o yankirii sabo o wi'ii wanaa Laamɗ
of Noun: janaale. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. tomni ƴuwoonde. Cette personne a
tombe, tombeau; grave; tomb. blasphémé Dieu car elle a dit que ce n’est PAS
synonyms: saabeere, uwirde, ufirde; Dieu qui a fait qu'il pleut. That fellow
***: uwirde, ufirde, saabeere. blasphemed because he said it wasn't God that
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. made it rain. ***: lunndaade, luttude,
salaade; compare: keefeero, lunndaade,
yandude Noun Form of Infinitive: yandugol.
luttude, salaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Participles: sing: janduɗo-jandoowo plur:
yanduɓe-yandooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. yankirgol synonyme: harfeere haɗoore. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb négation; negation. synonyms: diwtugo.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. tomber dessus, yankude Verb. souffrir, être puni; suffer; punished.
tomber sur, être là par hasard, trouver par
hasard, ramasser ce qui est là; happen upon; yannde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
pick up whatever is at hand. Gujjo na fiya jom Designation: 2. Noun. 1 • heure; hour.
galle oon, jom galle oon tuggoyi juuɗ
juuɗem, ***: yamnde. Dialects: Y,G.
yandi e leegal, gurbitii, tappi gujjo oon. Le 2 • pièce en métal; piece of metal.
voleur a frappé le propriétaire de la maison, Dialects: Y,G.
puis le propriétaire a tendu sa main et a 3 • acier pour faire un feu; steel for starting
ramassé un bois et a frappé le voleur avec
fires. compare: keetu; synonyms: yamnde.
cela. The thief hit the home owner, [then] the
home owner's reached out his hand, it Dialects: Y,G.
happened upon a piece of wood, he jumped up yanngada mawɗ
mawɗo expression. torture; torture,
and hit the thief [with the wood]. Laamɗ
Laamɗo torment.
wallii cukalel ngel de Bureyma yandi e
yantaare Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
maggel de wartiri ngel. Dieu a aidé l'enfant
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
puisque Boureima est venu le trouver et l'a pu
amener à la maison. God helped the child as of Noun: yantaaje. Sorting Designation: 5, pl.
Bureyma happened upon her and helped her Noun. espèce d'herbe; This perennial grass
makes excelent forage and is very appetizing.
home. synonyms: saamdude, ukkaade;
It is found in the savannah. This grass is often
***: saamtude, ukkaade. Dialects: J,Y. used for making mats. Catégorie : Herbes,
yanɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: yanɗugo. plantes grimpantes. Andropogon ascinodis.
Participles: sing: janɗuɗo-janɗoowo plur: ***: nyantaare; synonyms: nyantaare;
yanɗuɓe-yanɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, compare: rannyere. Dialects: Y,G,M.
mt. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: st. Verb. avoir une bonne
santé; good health. compare: teeŋ
tekkude; synonyms: maasaade, sellude,
yamɗude; ***: yamɗ
yamɗude. Dialects: Y,G.

yankere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting

Designation: 4, th. Noun. blasphème,
souffrance, punition; suffering; blasphemy;
punishment. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

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yanude yarooru

yanude1 Noun Form of Infinitive: yanugol. yareere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
Participles: sing: januɗo-janoowo plur: Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
yanuɓe-yanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. of Noun: jareeje. Sorting Designation: 3, at.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Noun. canine (dent); canine tooth. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • lorsque : Le corps. ***: gaggitere, sakkitirde,
qqch tombe et disparaît (ex. coucher du soleil, rawaanduure, gawuure1, hooreere, ngaŋ
quand qqch tombe dans l'eau); when musinirde; synonyms: rawaanduure,
something falls and disappears; used of the sakkitirde; compare: hooreere, gaggitere,
setting of the sun and of things that fall into
musinirde, ngaŋ
ngaŋ. Dialects: J.
water; Lokuure am yanii ley ɓunndu. Ma
calebasse est tombé et a disparu dans le puits. yarlagol Noun. tolérance; tolerance. Catégorie
My calabash fell (and disappeared) into the : Juridique, Le langage et la pensée.
well. ***: jaɓ
jaɓude, huyfude, teetude, ***: sawraare.
wujjude, saamude, gabitaade, njangu,
yarnirgal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
jaasude, doolɗ
doolɗude, hoyfude, doolɗ
Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
jamrude, waamude; synonyms: saamude,
Noun: jarnirɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, ah.
yolude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun. abreuvoir pur animaux; trough for
2 • prendre ou emprunter contre la volonté du watering animals. Catégorie : Récipient,
propriétaire, prendre par force; to take or Élevage. ***: gaafol, jarnirgal, walka,
borrow against the owner's desire; often this
akalal, nyaamrugal; synonyms: jarnirgal;
means taking something by force; Denɗ Denɗam
compare: nyaamrugal. Dialects: Y,G,M.
yanii kam mellol am. Ma cousine a pris mon
foulard. My cousin took my head wrap. yarnude Noun Form of Infinitive: yarnugol.
synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude, gabitaade, jaɓ jaɓude, Participles: sing: jarnuɗo-jarnoowo plur:
teetude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yarnuɓe-yarnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3,
3 • violer; rape. synonyms: doolɗ
doolɗude. ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Dialects: J. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • donner de

4 • être paresseux; lazy. synonyms: hoyfude, l'eau, abreuver; water animals or people. Mi
huyfude, jaasude; compare: njangu, yarnii kulle am ɓulli gooruwol. Il a abreuvé
mes animaux au puits. I watered my animals at
wujjude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
the wells in the creek bed. Catégorie : Eau.
yanude2 Verb. extorquer; extort. Catégorie : Juridique. ***: juurnude, hoornude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • circoncire un garçon; circumcise a boy.
yappo Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo. Sorting
synonyms: haddude, taadude. Dialects: M.
Designation: 4, ah. Noun. trot; trot.
3 • teindre un tissu; dye fabric.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
compare: durude, hoornude, juurnude.
yappude Noun Form of Infinitive: yappugol. Dialects: M.
Participles: sing: jappuɗo-jappoowo plur:
yarooru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.
yappuɓe-yappooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
ah. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
of Noun: jarooji. Sorting Designation: 3, mt.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. trotter; trot.
Noun. personne ivre, soûlard, drogué; drug
***: songo-
songo-songo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
addict; drunk. ***: sulaaru, doro, sulaade,
yappuriire Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)de plur: ɗe. bagi, fiirtaade; synonyms: sulaaru;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form compare: bagi, ɓooɗ
ooɗe, doro, fiirtaade,
of Noun: yappuriije. Sorting Designation: 3, cs. sulaade. Dialectal Forms: [G] yaranke.
Noun. lame métallique de daba ou houe; metal Dialects: J,Y,M.
head of hoe. Catégorie : Agriculture. Note :
Gourmanche ***: sabgaare, ceblaare,
dummbaare; synonyms: ceblaare,
dummbaare, sabgaare; compare: jabbirgal,
jalo, jammbere, kukuruwal. Dialects: G.

yarda Noun. accord; agreement. Catégorie

: Juridique. synonyms: jahdodinal, amaana.

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yarraade yawaade

yarraade Noun Form of Infinitive: yarragol. yarude Noun Form of Infinitive: yarugol.
Participles: sing: jarriiɗo-jarrotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: jar(u)ɗo-jaroowo plur:
yarriiɓe-yarrotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, yar(u)ɓe-yarooɓe. Verb Consonant Change in
th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • accepter Verb. 1 • boire; drink. ***: wooɓ
ce qui arrive car ça vient de Dieu, résigner à, sulbaade, ɗomɗ
omɗitinde, ɓenaade.
s'abandonner à la volonté de Dieu, être Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
d'accord; accept that which happens to you as
coming from God; agree; resigned to. 2 • devenir enceinte; pregnant (to become). O
***: jamrude, jaɓ
jaɓude; synonyms: jaɓ
jaɓude. yarii ndiyam Dialects: J.
Dialects: J,Y. 3 • partir pour longtemps, aller très loin,
2 • pardonner; forgive; pardon.
s’éloigner beaucoup; go away for a long time;
synonyms: yaafaade. Dialectal
go a long way away. A yarii ndiyam
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Forms: yayraade, [M] yarlaade, [Y,G]
4 • avoir les choses facilement; fig. to have
yardaade. Dialects: J,Y.
things easy; A yarii batala; A yarii adunaaru;
yarramuye Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting A yarii belɗ
belɗum/ko weli compare: sulbaade,
Designation: 4. Noun. acceptation joyeuse, wooɓ
wooɓude; synonyms: ɓenaade, sukkaade,
acceptation avec joie; joyful acceptance. Mi tuuɓ
uuɓaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
hokkii o buuɗ
buuɗi dede wanaa e yarramuye. Je
lui ai donne / de l'argent, mais non pas avec yarugol Noun. consommation; consuming,
joie. I gave him money, but not with joy. Ko consumption. synonyms: nyaamugol.
ngaɗumi fuu e yarramuye ngaɗ ngaɗirmi. Tout yarugol taba wellitiingol expression. tabagisme;
ce que j'ai fait, je l'ai fait avec une joyeuse smoking.
acceptation. Everything I did, I did with joyful
acceptance. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yawaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yawagol.
Participles: sing: jawiiɗo-jawotooɗo plur:
yarranaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yarranagol. yawiiɓe-jawotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: jarraniiɗo-jarranotooɗo Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
plur: yarraniiɓe-yarranotooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
mécontent; dissatisfied. Mi miileke Yuusufi
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
hokkan kam na'i sappo de ko o hokki kam
Verb. 1 • donner d'un cœur généreux, donner
joyeusement, donner librement / volontiers; wojere tan, nden njawiimii nde. J'ai pensé
que Youssouf me donnera dix bœufs, mais
give from a generous heart. Hitaande ɓaŋumi lorsqu'il ma donné un lapin seulement, j’étais
ndeen baabam yarraneke kam nagge nge. mécontent. I thought Yuusufi would give me
L'année de mon mariage, mon oncle m'a donné ten cows, but when he only gave me a rabbit I
joyeusement ce bœuf. The year I got married was dissatisfied. ***: waɗ
waɗande, waantude;
my uncle generously gave me that cow.
synonyms: yawude. Dialects: G,M.
***: yayranaade. Dialects: J,Y.
2 • regarder avec mépris, mépriser, dédaigner;
2 • montrer qu'on est d'accord, montrer de la
despise or disdain; look down on; regard
confiance en qqn; show that you agree with
doing something; show confidence in lightly. Joonin o mi yaaweke Yuusufi sabo o
wujjii baalu Idrissa. Je méprise Youssouf car
someone. Ko naatumi golle oon, o
il a volé le mouton d'Idrissa. I disdain Yuusufi
yarranaaki kam. Il n'était pas ravi / content because he stole Idrissa's sheep.
que je suis entré dans ce travail. It did not
synonyms: yawude. Dialects: G,M.
please him that I entered that work. Si a
yarraneke kam fu, mi heɓ heɓan golle. Si tu est
content avec moi (confiant en moi), j'aurai du
travail. If you (are pleased with me/have
confidence in me) I will have work.
synonyms: yayranaade. Dialectal Forms: [M]
yarlanaade, [Y,G] yardanaade. Dialects: J,Y.

16/02/2020 709
yawɗaade yawude
3 • aider qqn avec une dette ou un besoin
yawtude Noun Form of Infinitive: wiltugol.
financier, aider financièrement; help someone
Participles: sing: jawtuɗo-jawtoowo plur:
with a debt or some financial need. Joonin mi
yawtuɓe-yawtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
yaweke Yuusufi buuɗ
buuɗi hemre sabo o
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
nyaamii de o walaa buuɗ
buuɗi faa o yoɓ
yoɓa. J'ai
aidé Youssouf avec 500 CFA car il a mangé Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. 1 • être
mais n'a pas eu l'argent pour payer. I helped trop, excessive, beaucoup trop, dépasser;
Yuusufi now with 500 cfa because he ate but excessive quantity; too much. Ko ƴamuɗamuɗaa
had no money to pay [for his food]. Catégorie kam joonin, ɗum na yawti anndal am. Ce
: Argent. synonyms: waɗ
waɗande, waantude, que tu viens de me demander dépasse ma
yoɓande. Dialects: G,M. connaissance. What you just asked me is
beyond my knowledge. A watti sukkara faa
yawɗaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yawɗagol. yawti ley café am. Tu as mis trop de sucre
Participles: sing: jawɗiiɗo-jawɗotooɗo plur: dans mon café, You put too much sugar in my
yawɗiiɓe-yawɗotooɓe. Sorting coffee. ***: wiltude; synonyms: wiltude.
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. 2 • continuer le voyage, aller plus loin, quitter;
Verb. aller vite, marcher rapidement, se presse,
leave; move on. Maani yawtorii toon joonin.
faire vite, être pressé, se presser, se dépêcher; Il a bougé de là-bas. He has moved from there
fast (to walk or bicycle); hurry; go quickly.
now. Narogo yawti Garango. Narogo a quitté
compare: doggude; ***: henyaade, wulude,
Garango. Narogo left Garango.
doggude, duufaade, haraade, duufaade;
synonyms: dillude, runnyude.
synonyms: duufaade, haraade, henyaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wulude, yaawude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 3 • décéder, mourir (littéralement continuer
yawɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yawɗingol. dans l'éternité); move on into eternity; die
Participles: sing: jawɗinɗo-jawɗinoowo (people). Baa Saala yawtii
yawtii gilla rawanin. Le
père de Saala est mort l’année passée. Saala's
plur: yawɗinɓe-yawɗinooɓe. Sorting
father died last year. compare: ɗuuɗ
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
heewude; synonyms: maayude.
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
na yawɗina. Verb. faire que qqn se dépêche,
faire dépêcher, accélérer; hurry up. yawude Noun Form of Infinitive: yawugol.
synonyms: harinaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: jaw(u)ɗo-jawoowo plur:
yawtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yawtingol. yaw(u)ɓe-yawooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Participles: sing: jawtinɗo-jawtinoowo plur: Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
yawtinɓe-yawtinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb mécontent de; dissatisfied. O yawii dokkal
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • chercher la ngal kokkuɗ
kokkuɗaa o sabo o wi'ii ɗum na famɗ
bagarre avec qqn en lui faisant des bêtises, Elle n'était pas satisfaite du cadeau que tu lui
chercher des problèmes avec quelqu'un en le as donné car elle dit que c'est petit. She was
provoquant /agaçant; to look for trouble with not satisfied with the gift you gave him
someone by doing bad things to him; Ko because she said it was small. ***: hoynude,
piiɗaa o faa suudu makko a yawtinii. Tu yawaade, hoyfinde, yawaade, heƴ heƴude.
cherches vraiment des problèmes quand tu lui Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
frappes devant sa maison. You are really 2 • mépriser, dédaigner, regarder avec mépris,
looking for trouble when you beat him up in considérer méprisable, ne pas estimer; look
front of his home. ***: faltinde, wittinde, down on; despise; regard lightly; disdain. Mi
hebbinde1, wiltinde, diwtinde, faltinde, yawii o hannden e ley boogu ngu, sabo wo
ɗuunnude, wittinde; synonyms: faltinde, koyfuɗ
o koyfu ɗo. J'ai ressenti du mépris envers lui
wiltinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. aujourd'hui pendant le travail au champ parce
2 • faire ou dire trop, parler trop, exagérer; qu'il est paresseux. I disdained him today
during the hoeing because he is lazy.
exceed; overdo; do or say too much. A
compare: heƴ
heƴude, hilleede;
yawtinii haala. Tu as trop dit. Tu as parlé
trop. You have said too much. synonyms: hoyfinde, hoynude, huyfinde.
synonyms: ɗuunnude, hebbinde1, faltinde, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wiltinde, wittinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 710
yay yayyaytude

yay Noun Class Markers: o/ɗi. synonyme: yolnde. yaynude Noun Form of Infinitive: yaynugol.
Noun. espace vide; blank space. Catégorie Participles: sing: jaynuɗo-jaynoowo plur:
: Lecture / écriture.
yaynuɓe-yaynooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
yaynaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaynagol. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Participles: sing: jayniiɗo-jaynotooɗo plur: Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. éclairer,
yayniiɓe-yaynotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. briller, reluire, rayonner, illuminer, donner de
la lumière, aérer; air (to); light up; illumine;
Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb.
1 • mettre feu à, brûler, allumer un feu, allumer emit light; shine. Ley suudu ga yaynii faa
une lampe; fire (to start/light a); light a lamp. wooɗ
wooɗi joonin sabo lampal huɓɓ
***: jayngol, torsaade, njaynam, laytaade; L’intérieur de la maison est bien éclairé car la
lampe est allumée. The interior of the house is
synonyms: yomnaade, yonnaade.
well illuminated now because the lamp is lit.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Leelawal na yayni hannden. La pleine lune
2 • allumer une lampe, illuminer, éclairer; brille cette nuit. The full moon is shinning
illuminate; light on (to turn a). Mi yayneke ley tonight. Jemma fuu lewru na yayna. Chaque
suudu fuu de mi yi'aay tummbude nde. J'ai nuit la lune brille. Every night the moon
allumé la lumière dans toute ma maison, mais shines. ***: doccal, jalbude, annoora;
je n'ai pas trouvé la calebasse. I shined my
compare: jalbude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
light all over the house, but I didn't see the
calabash. The difference between yaynaade yayranaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yayranagol.
and yaynude is that with yaynaade someone
Participles: sing: jayraniiɗo-jayranotooɗo
does something (light a fire, lamp, flashlight,
turn on a light) to illuminate, where with plur: yayraniiɓe-yayranotooɓe. Sorting
yaynude the thing (fire, lamp, light) is emiting Designation: 4, th. Verb Consonant Change in
light. synonyms: laytaade, torsaade; Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
compare: annoora, jayngol, njaynam. Verb. 1 • donner de bon cœur, donner
généreusement /volontiers, donner librement;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
give from a generous heart. ***: yarranaade.
yaynam Noun Class Markers: sing: ɗam. Number One Dialects: J.
for this noun: gootam. Sorting Designation: 4. 2 • montrer qu'on est d'accord, montrer de la
Noun. lumière; light. ***: njaynam, annoora, confiance envers qqn; show that you agree
jayngol; compare: fooyre, iilde; with doing something; show confidence in
synonyms: annoora, jayngol. Dialects: G. someone. synonyms: yarranaade. Dialects: J.

yaynanaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yaynangol. yayre synonyme: naɗɗere. Noun. marécage, clairière,
bas-fond; glade; marsh; clearing; swamp.
Participles: sing: jaynaniiɗo-jaynanotooɗo
Catégorie : Terre.
plur: yaynaniiɓe-yaynanotooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in yayyaytude Noun Form of Infinitive: yayyaytugol.
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Participles: sing: jayjaytuɗo-jayjaytoowo
Verb. illuminer le chemin pour qqn, éclairer le plur: yayyaytuɓe-yayyaytooɓe. Sorting
chemin pour qqn, ; light the way for someone; Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
illuminate something for someone. Aamadu Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yaynaneke kam keekel am faa mi moƴƴ
ƴƴinii Verb. 1 • parcourir, se promener, se balader,
ɗum. Amadou a illuminé mon vélo pendant flâner, errer; wander. O yayyaytii ley ladde
que je l'air réparé. Aamadu illuminated my toon fuu, o ndaarii nagge makko. Il a
bike while I fixed it. ***: laytanaade, parcouru la brousse là-bas pour chercher son
torsanaade; synonyms: laytanaade, bœuf. He wandered around all over the bush
torsanaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
out there looking for his cow.
***: damdamtude, tamtamtude,
yayngol Noun. lueur, lumière, éclairage; lighting; damdamtude, yiiltaade, tamtamtude;
glow; light.
synonyms: damdamtude, tamtamtude
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 711
yebere yeddondirude
2 • taper des pieds; stamp your feet. Imo yeccitaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeccitagol.
yayyayta sabo inniiko dillii, yoppii o. Il a Participles: sing: jeccitiiɗo-jeccitotooɗo
tapé des pieds parce que la mère est parti sans
plur: yeccitiiɓe-yeccitotooɓe. Sorting
lui (il était mécontent). He was stamping his
feet [pitching a fit] because his mother went Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
and left him. synonyms: jabbitaade, Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. retourner pour la deuxième fois, faire
damdamtude, tamtamtude;
deux tours / voyages; return a second time;
compare: yiiltaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
round trips (to make two). ***: soƴƴ
yebere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. fornyitaade; synonyms: fornyitaade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form soƴƴ
ƴƴitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: jebe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
yeccude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeccugol.
cartouche de fusil, balle d'arme à feu; rifle
Participles: sing: jeccuɗo-jeccoowo plur:
cartridge or bullet. ***: morreere, yabere;
yeccuɓe-yeccooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
synonyms: morreere, yabere.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. renvoyer qqn
yeccaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeccagol. ou un animal là d'où il est venu, faire repartir;
Participles: sing: jecciiɗo-jeccotooɗo plur: send someone or an animal back to where it
yecciiɓe-yeccotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. came from. Yeccu nagge nge taa naata
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb kamanaawa nga. Chasse cet animal pour
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • retourner, qu'il n'entre pas le champ de maïs. Chase that
aller là où l'on a commencé, aller au début, cow back so it doesn't get into the corn.
repartir au commencement; go back; return ***: soƴƴ
ƴƴude; synonyms: fai'tude, soƴƴ
where you started from. synonyms: fai'tude, Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
fornyaade, ruuɗ
ruuɗaade, soƴƴ
ƴƴaade, yeddidinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yeddidingol.
ƴƴitaade, wittude; ***: fiitaade, fai'tude, Participles: sing: jeddidinɗo-jeddidoowo
ruuɗaade, tuubude, wittude, soƴƴ soƴƴaade
ƴƴaade, plur: yeddidinɓe-yeddidooɓe. Sorting
tottitaade, fornyaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
2 • se repentir; repent. O tuubii, o yecceke e Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Laamɗo. He repented and returned to God. imo yeddida. Verb. partager qqch avec qqn,
synonyms: tuubude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. diviser qqch; share; divide something with
someone else. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yeccinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yeccingol.
Participles: sing: jeccinɗo-jeccinoowo plur: yeddondirude Noun Form of
yeccinɓe-yeccinooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Infinitive: yeddunduregol. Participles: sing:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb jeddunduraaɗo-jeddundureteeɗo plur:
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. prendre qqch yeddunduraaɓe-yeddundureteeɓe. Sorting
ou qqn là d'où c'est venu, renvoyer qqn ou Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
qqch, ramener qqn ou qqch au lieu d'origine; Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
return something or someone somewhere; take Verb. discuter, débatte, disputer, argumenter,
something or someone back to where it came ne pas être d'accord; disagree; dispute; argue.
from. Ɓe njeccinii o faa leydi ndi o ƴuuri. Ils compare: geddi, jeddi, kalala;
l'ont ramené au pays d’origine. They took him
synonyms: haɓ
haɓude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
back to the land he came from. Yeccin
yeddundurude. Dialects: Y,G,M.
ɓiinngel poolel ngel to tawuɗ
tawuɗaa ngel.
Prends le petit oiseau là où tu l'as trouvé. Take
the baby bird back to where you found it.
***: sakkaade, fai'tinde, soƴƴ
ɗɗitinde, onngude, wittude, runnude,
ooncude, ɓoylitinde, fornyude;
synonyms: ɓoylitinde, faɗɗ
ɗɗitinde, fai'tinde,
fornyude, runnude, sakkaade, soƴƴ soƴƴinde
wittude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 712
yeddude yeegineeru

yeddude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeddugol. yeebaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeebagol.
Participles: sing: jedduɗo-jeddoowo plur: Participles: sing: jeebiiɗo or jeebotooɗo
yedduɓe-yeddooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. plur: yeebiiɓe or yeebotooɓe. Sorting
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • diviser; Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg.
divide. Yeddu ngesa nga, hokku mono fuu Verb. ne pas bien prendre soin de qqn ou qqch,
être négligent, imprudent, négliger; care (to
ngeɗu muuɗ
muuɗum. Divise le champ, donne à
chacun sa part. Divide the field, give everyone not take good); neglect; careless. Jeebiiɗ
his part. ***: salaade, feccude, accintinde, nguurndam muuɗ
muuɗum ley
ley adunaaru ga
senndude, fewude, fenude; wondan e majjam faa ɗam laatoo
synonyms: feccude, senndude. keddotooɗ
keddotoo ɗam. (Yaayaa 12:25) Celui qui
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
aime sa vie la perdra, mais celui qui refuse de
s'y attacher dans ce monde la gardera pour la
2 • me pas être d'accord, s'opposer, être en
vie éternelle. The one who hates his life in this
désaccord, démentir, nier, contredire,
world shall keep it to life eternal. Si a yeebeke
infirmer; disagree; deny; contradict. O yeddii
kulle maa fu, pobbi nyaaman ɗi. Si tu ne
ko mbiimi joonin sabo o anndaa. Il n'est pas
prends pas bien soin de tes animaux, la hyène
d'accord avec ce que je viens de dire car il ne va les dévorer. If you don't take good care of
sait pas. He disagreed with what I said now your animals the hyenas will eat them.
because he doesn't know. synonyms: salaade. ***: hilleede, yeeborɗ
yeeborɗinde, yoppitaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yogumburaaku; synonyms: yeeborɗyeeborɗinde;
3 • mentir en disant que qqch n'est pas comme
compare: yogumburaaku, yoppitaade.
ça si c'est comme ça; lie by saying something
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
is not so when it is so. Ko o yeddi en ɗum, o
henci sabo imo anndi wo ɗum goonga de o yeebiiwu Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu plur: ɗi.
yi ɗaa minyiiko nanngee. Il a nié exprès car il Number One for this noun: ngootu. Plural Form
sait que c'est la vérité mais il ne veut pas que of Noun: yeebiiji. Sorting Designation: 4, in.
son petit-frère soit arrêté. He disagreed on Noun. termite ailée; winged adult termite.
purpose because he knows this is the truth but Catégorie : Insecte. Trinervitermes spp.. Note :
he doesn't want his little brother to be arrested. Gourmanche ***: gangaare, ngangaawu,
synonyms: fenude, fewude; compare: haɓ haɓude. kurbaanaanu, mooƴ
mooƴu, yoobiiwu;
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: kurbaanaanu, yoobiiwu;
yeɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeɗugol. compare: gangaare, mooƴ
mooƴu. Dialectal
Participles: sing: jeɗuɗo-jeɗoowo plur: Forms: [Y] yeebiw. Dialects: Y.
yeɗuɓe-yeɗooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb yeeborɗ
yeeborɗinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yeeborɗingol.
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: jeeborɗinɗo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. donner , distribuer, yeeborɗinɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb
partager; give; distribute; share. O yeɗ
yeɗii Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
yimɓe fuu kamanaaje de o yeɗ
yeɗaay kam. Il a Progressive: st - imo yeeborɗi. Verb. être
distribué du maïs à tous, mais il n'en m'a pas
négligent, imprudent, bâclé; careless. Aɗa
donné. He gave everyone corn, but he didn't
yeeborɗiri sabo aɗ
aɗa yoppa gineeji
gineeji maa to
give [any] to me. synonyms: hokkude,
ke ɓuɗaa fuu. Tu es négligent car tu laisses
saakude, sakkude; ***: hokkude, wannude,
tes affaires traîner partout. You are careless
saakude, sakkude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. because you leave your stuff lying all over.
synonyms: yeebaade; ***: yeebaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

yeegineeru Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi.

Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
of Noun: jeegineeji. Sorting Designation: 4, mi.
Noun. espèce de violon; fiddle. Catégorie
: Instrument de musique. ***: hoddu,
jurkel, geegeeru, googineeru, gaasol;
synonyms: geegeeru, googineeru;
compare: gaasol
gaasol, hoddu, jurkel. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 713
yeegude yeewinnde

yeegude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeegugol. yeenugol Noun. corruption; corruption. Catégorie
Participles: sing: jeeguɗo-jeegoowo plur: : Juridique. ***: soodugol ndimaaku.
yeeguɓe-yeegooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4,
yeeso1 Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗe.
mi. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. jouer le
Noun: geese, ngeese. Sorting Designation: 1,
violon; fiddle (to). synonyms: geegude,
at. Noun. face, figure, visage, front, devant,
googude; ***: googude, geegude. façade; face; front. Catégorie : Le corps.
Dialects: J. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yeende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. yeeso2 Sorting Designation: 1. adv/prep. 1 • avant,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form devant, de face, en face de; in front of; front of
of Noun: jeendeeji. Sorting Designation: 3, da. (in); across from; before. Suudu makko yo
Noun. enflement d'une mâchoire de bœuf; yeeso luumo.
luumo. Sa maison est en face du
swelling of a cow's jaw. Catégorie : Maladie marché. His house is across from/beyond the
d'animaux. ***: seyre, kooɓ
kooɓal, raaynde, market. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
heende; synonyms: heende, raaynde, seyre. 2 • en avant, devant, au-delà de, de l'autre côté
Dialects: M. de, en-avant, avancer; beyond; ahead;
yeendu Noun Class Markers: sing: ndu plur: ɗi. forward. Mi yahan yeeso. Je vais avancer. Je
vais en avant. I am going on ahead.
Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural Form
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
of Noun: [M] geeɗi, [G] jeeɗi, [J,Y] jeeli.
Sorting Designation: 4, wl. Noun. oryctérope, yeesowal Plural Form of Noun: yeesooje. Noun. patte
fourmilier; ant bear; aardvark. Catégorie avant; foreleg, front leg. Catégorie : Parties
: Mammifère. Orycteropus afer. d’un animal.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Yeesu Sorting Designation: 1, nbp. Noun. Jésus; Jesus.
yeenoowo Noun. corrupteur; briber, corrupter. Note : hébreu ***: Iisaa; synonyms: Iisaa.
Catégorie : Juridique. ***: coodoowo Dialects: biblical.
ndimaaku. yeeweede Noun Form of Infinitive: yeewegol.
yeensaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeensagol. Participles: sing: jeewaaɗo-jeeweteeɗo
Participles: sing: jeensiiɗo-jeensotooɗo plur: yeewaaɓe-yeeweteeɓe. Sorting
plur: yeensiiɓe-yeensotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/j. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. remarquer la disparition de, manquer,
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. ronchonner, se plaindre, murmurer;
regretter l'absence, être seule, solitaire, isolé,
se sentir seul; lonely; miss someone who has
grumble; complain; murmur. ***: sefaade,
left you. O yeewaama sabo yigiraaɓ
waccaade, waccaade, buykude,
makko fuu eggii. Il se sens seul car tous ses
urŋurtude, ŋormaade; synonyms: buykude, amis ont déménagé. He is lonely because all of
ŋormaade, ŋurŋ
urŋurtude, sefaade, waccaade.
his friends moved away. Ley balɗ balɗe seeɗ
seeɗa mi
Dialects: G.
yeewnete. Dans quelques jours tu vas être
yeenude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeenugol. seul (car je vais quitter). In a few days I will
make you lonely (because I am leaving).
Participles: sing: jeenuɗo-jeenoowo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [J] yeewneede - the focus is
yeenuɓe-yeenooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
on someone making you lonely;.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/j. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • payer,
acheter, graisser la patte à, soudoyer, yeeweende Noun Class Markers: sing: nde. Sorting
corrompre; pay; bribe. synonyms: barjaade, Designation: 3. Noun. solitude, isolement,
hasude, yoɓyoɓude
ude, yomrude; ***: soodude ennui; loneliness; boredom. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
ndimaaku, yoɓyoɓude, hasude, zeenude,
yeewinnde Verb. être solitaire; lonely; solitary (to
yomrude, jeenude, barjaade. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • commettre une immoralité sexuelle,
forniquer, faire de l'adultère; commit
adultery; fornicate; commit sexual immorality.
synonyms: jeenude, zeenude.

16/02/2020 714
yeewnude yeeyude

yeewnude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeewnugol. yeewtinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yeewtingol.
Participles: sing: jeewnuɗo-jeewnoowo Participles: sing: jeewtinɗo-jeewtinoowo
plur: yeewnuɓe-yeewnooɓe. Sorting plur: yeewtinɓe-yeewtinooɓe. Sorting
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg -
Verb. laisser qqn derrière et ainsi causer qu'ils na yeewtina. Verb. encourager qqn en lui
sont seuls ou isolés; to leave someone behind parlant; encouragement to someone by talking
causing them to miss you or causing them to be with them. ***: suusinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
lonely; Ko Bureyma dilli ɗum yeewnii en. Le
fait que Boureima nous a quitte a fait que nous yeewto Noun. causerie, conversation; talk; chat;
sommes seuls (a fait qu'il nous manque). conversation.
Bureyma's leaving has caused us to miss
yeewtude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeewtugol.
him/caused us to be lonely. ***: wayrude.
Participles: sing: jeewtuɗo-jeewtoowo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [J,Y,G,M] yeewinde.
yeewtuɓe-yeewtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
yeewtere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗi. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. bavarder,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form causer, discuter, parler, s'entretenir avec;
of Noun: yeewtereeji. Sorting Designation: 3. talk; chat; converse; discuss. ***: gaajaade
Noun. une conversation, un entretien, yewtude, fillaade; compare: haalude;
discussion, propos, causerie, exposé, visite; synonyms: fillaade, gaajaade, yewtude.
discussion; talk; chat; conversation; visit. Mi Dialects: J,Y,G.
ummaaki law hannden sabo yeewtere
yeeytaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeeytagol.
mbaaldumi hankin. Je ne me suis pas levé tôt
ce matin, car la nuit passée j'ai parlé pendant Participles: sing: jeeytiiɗo-jeeytotooɗo plur:
longtemps. I didn't get up early today because I yeeytiiɓe-yeeytotooɓe. Sorting
was up last night talking. compare: jiidal; Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
***: jiidal, kawrital, yewto; synonyms: batu, Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
yewto. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] yeewto. Verb. marchander, négocier, marchander un
prix plus bas; negotiate over the price of
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
something; dicker; bargain. ***: barkitaade,
yeewtinaade Note for Verb Stative or Progressive: "imo barsaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yeewtinii" means he/she likes conversation
yeeyude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeeyugol.
- this is the way this person is.. Noun Form of
Participles: sing: jeeyuɗo-jeeyoowo plur:
Infinitive: yeewtinagol. Participles: sing:
yeeyuɓe-yeeyooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
jeewtiniiɗo-jeewtinotooɗo plur:
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
yeewtiniiɓe-yeewtinotooɓe. Sorting
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. essayer de
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in
vendre, exposer pour la vente, colporter des
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st/prg. marchandises, offrir en vente, vendre; sell (to
Verb. chercher une conversation; to seek wander around trying to); sell something on a
conversation - it might be live company or route; offer something for sale; attempt to sell
listening to the radio or TV; Hakkunde yimɓyimɓe something; market something. Mi yi'ii yimɓ
ɗiɗo ɓe moy ɓuri yeewtinaade? Parmi les Senegal na njeeya montorooji e daandorɗ
deux là, lequel parle le plus sans s’arrêter ?
gite ley Ouagadougou. A Ouagadougou, j'ai
(lequel est un moulin à paroles?) Between the
vu des sénégalais qui vendaient des montres et
two of them, who is the bigger chatter box?
des lunettes de soleil. In Ouagadougou I saw
Doomoowo na yeewtinoo. Le gardien some guys from Senegal selling watches and
cherche un interlocuteur. The guard seeks
sun glasses. ***: soonnude, sonnude,
someone to talk to - or it might be he wants to
listen to the radio if he is alone so he doesn't sottude, julaade, sippude, jaagaade,
get sleepy. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. soottude; compare: sippude;
synonyms: luumaade, jaagaade, julaade,
soonnude, soottude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 715
yeeƴaade yendoowo

yeeƴaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yeeƴagol. yelaango Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: jeeƴiiɗo-jeeƴotooɗo plur: Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
yeeƴiiɓe-yeeƴotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun: jelaaji. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb souhait, désir, vœu; wish. Mono fuu heɓ
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • regarder yelaango muuɗ
muuɗum. Chacun a vu son souhait
pardessus l'épaule; look over your shoulder. accompli. Everyone had his wish fulfilled.
***: leetaade, tottitaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Dialects: J,Y,M.
2 • retourner, rentre, repartir; back; to return.
yelleere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
compare: leetaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
yeggitinde Noun Form of Infinitive: yeggitingol. of Noun: [J] gelleeje, [Y,M] jelleeje. Sorting
Participles: sing: jeggitinɗo-jeggitoowo Designation: 3, pl. Noun. fruit de palme; fruit of
plur: yeggitooɓe-yeggitooɓe. Sorting the palm. Catégorie : Nourriture. Hyphaene
Designation: 1. Verb Consonant Change in thebaica. ***: njelleehi, njelleehi, mbaliihi,
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg - gelleere; synonyms: gelleere. Dialects: J,Y,M.
imo yeggita. Verb. oublier; forget. Mi yeggitii yemaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yemagol.
binndirgal am ley suudu maa. J'ai oublié Participles: sing: jemiiɗo-jemotooɗo plur:
mon stylo dans ta maison. I forgot my pen in
yemiiɓe-yemotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
your house. Taa yeggitin haalande o mi
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
waran to makko subaka. N'oublie pas de lui
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. chercher de
dire que je vais venir demain chez lui. Don't
l'or, récolter de l'or, enlever les saletés d'une
forget to tell him I will come to him tomorrow.
assiette; remove grain from small stones; pan
Dialectal Forms: [Y,G] yeggitidde.
for gold. ***: wesaade, tembaade,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
teymaade, teemaade, ƴaraade, ƴaartaade,
yelaa Noun. subjonctif; subjunctive. seɗ
seɗude; compare: seɗ seɗude, teymaade,
***: sibjonktiifu. wesaade, ƴaartaade, ƴaraade.

yelaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yelagol. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

Participles: sing: jeliiɗo-jelotooɗo plur: yemmbal Noun Class Markers: sing: ngal plur: ɗe.
yeliiɓe-yelotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Number One for this noun: gootal. Plural Form of
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Noun: yemmbaaje. Sorting Designation: 4, ct.
Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. Noun. pare-feu pour empêcher le feu de se
1 • souhaiter, espérer qqch, espérer que; hope propager, barrière de sécurité contre le feu;
for something; wish (to). Imo yeloo laataade firewall built. synonyms: feenaare, jongomo;
jannginoowo. J’espère devenir un ***: jongomo, feenaare. Dialects: G,M.
enseignant. He hopes to become a teacher.
yemre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
***: wattaade, jataade, ɗammi'aade,
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
tammisaade, sikkude, tijjaade, miijaade,
of Noun: [J] geɓe, [Y] jeɓe. Sorting
dimmude, ngokkinde, ndolaade, jikkude,
Designation: 4. Noun. une partie de, portion de,
miilaade; synonyms: dimmude, jataade,
étape; part of. ***: baka, salndu3, gere,
jikkude, miijaade, miilaade, ndolaade,
ngeɗu, geɗ
geɗu, njeɗ
njeɗu, jeɗ
jeɗu, feccere1, yoga;
sikkude. Dialects: J,Y,M.
synonyms: baka, feccere1, gere, ngeɗ
2 • simuler, faire semblable, faire comme si;
njeɗu, yoga. Dialects: J,Y.
pretend. Taa yela muumɗ
muumɗude. Ne fais pas
semblable d’être sourd. Don't pretend to be yendoowo Noun. celui qui partage; one who is
deaf. synonyms: wattaade; sharing.
compare: ɗammi'aade, ngokkinde, tijjaade.
Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 716
yenjude yeru

yenjude Noun Form of Infinitive: yenjugol. Yeremiya Sorting Designation: 3, nbp. Noun. le
Participles: sing: jenjuɗo-jenjoowo plur: prophète Jérémie; the prophet Jeremiah; 2
yenjuɓe-yenjooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Chronicles 35:25. Note : hébreu
Dialects: biblical.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • mettre de yergaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yergagol.
l'eau et des cailloux dans une gourde et la Participles: sing: jergiiɗo-jergotooɗo plur:
secouer pour la nettoyer avant qu'elle ne soit
yergiiɓe-yergotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
utilisée pour les produits laitiers; to place
water and stones inside of a "jollooru" and then Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
shake it in order to clean the inside out before it Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. grelotter,
is ever used to prepare milk products. frémir, trembler de froid ou de peur, secouer;
***: dinngude, yonkude, dimmbude, tremble; shiver or shake as with cold or fear.
yergude. Dialects: J,G,M. synonyms: diwnude, sinnyude; ***: regude,
2 • bercer un enfant pour le tranquilliser; sinnyude, regude, diwnude. Dialects: J,Y.
bounce a baby in order to quiet it. yerganaaru Noun Class Markers: sing: (n)du plur:
compare: dimmbude, dinngude, yergude, ɗi. Number One for this noun: wooturu. Plural
yonkude. Dialectal Forms: [M] yengude. Form of Noun: yerganaaji. Noun. escargot
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. terrestre; snail. Catégorie : Animaux
yenndude Verb. partager; share (to). inférieurs. synonyms: daamihoonyoldu,
jamhoonyoldu; ***: jamhoonyoldu,
yennoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. daamihoonyoldu. Dialects: G.
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: jennooje. Sorting Designation: 3, at. yergude Noun Form of Infinitive: yergugol.
Noun. 1 • insulte; insult. ***: nyalde, wajoore, Participles: sing: jerguɗo-jergoowo plur:
ɗuulde, gacce; synonyms: wajoore, gacce. yerguɓe-yergooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
2 • ganglion lymphatique; lymph node. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. secouer qqch;
Catégorie : Maladie. synonyms: ɗuulde. shake something. ***: yenjude, dinngude,
Dialects: J,Y,M. yonkude, diƴ
diƴaade, dimmbude;
3 • pancréas; the pancreas. Catégorie : Le synonyms: dimmbude, dinngude;
corps. Dialects: J,Y. compare: diƴ
diƴaade, yenjude, yonkude.
Dialects: J,Y.
yennude Noun Form of Infinitive: yennugol.
Participles: sing: jennuɗo-jennoowo plur: Yero Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. nom traditionnel
pour le troisième fils, aussi appelé «Yerdu»,
yennuɓe-yennooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Quatrième fils; the traditional name of the
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb third son; also Yerdu, forth son. Catégorie
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. insulter, : Nom. ***: Paate, Sammbo, Dembo,
injurier; insult. ***: wasaade, toonyaade, Njobbo, Afo, Ndembi, Hammadum;
wajude, leeptaade, gaccaade, leptaade; compare: Hammadum, Sammbo, Paate,
synonyms: leptaade, toonyaade, wajude. Dembo, Njobbo. Dialects: J,Y,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yerondirde Verb. comparer; compare.
yeraajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. synonyms: nanndinde, ekkondirde.
Number One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
yerondirol Noun. comparaison; comparison.
Noun: yeraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun. le
troisième fils né; third born son. synonyms: ekkondirgol, jerondirgol.
***: hammadiijo, paateejo, njobbaajo, yertere Plural Form of Noun: gerte. synonyme: giriire.
dembaajo, sammbaajo; Noun. arachide; peanut, groundnut. Catégorie
compare: hammadiijo, sammbaajo, : Nourriture. ***: giriije, geerte
paateejo, dembaajo
dembaajo, njobbaajo. Dialectal synonyms: sunkaaru.
Forms: [J,Y,G,M] yeroojo. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yeru Variante: yerw. Noun. exemple; example.
yerem Sorting Designation: 4. Adverb. très froid; cold. Catégorie : Lecture / écriture. synonyms: dagu,
compare: ɓuuɓ
uuɓude, feewude; ***: resem, hono, masalan.
nigi, mati; synonyms: mati, nigi, resem.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

16/02/2020 717
yerwaade yeyre

yerwaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yerwagol. yettude Noun Form of Infinitive: yettugol.
Participles: sing: jerwiiɗo-jerwotooɗo plur: Participles: sing: jettuɗo-jettoowo plur:
yerwiiɓe-yerwotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. yettuɓe-yettooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. danser; dance. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • louer qqn,
synonyms: wamude, womude. Dialects: G. adorer (si c'est envers Dieu), magnifier;
worshiping (God); praise someone.
yerƴude Noun Form of Infinitive: yerƴugol. ***: jaaraade, anndande, barkinde
Participles: sing: jerƴuɗo-jerƴoowo plur: welnande, muuyande, ŋaaƴ aaƴude, jammude,
yerƴuɓe-yerƴooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. yiɗ
yiɗande; synonyms: teddinde.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. pousser qqch 2 • être reconnaissant, remercier; thankful;
qui est dur; push someone or something hard.
thank you (say). synonyms: anndande,
Njerƴee laygaare nde saama si wanaa noon
barkinde, jaaraade, jammude, ŋaaƴ aaƴude;
saaman dow goɗɗ
ɗɗo. Pousse le mur comme
compare: muuyande, welnande, yiɗ yiɗande.
ça il ne va pas tomber sur qqn. Push the wall
over so it doesn't fall on someone. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: dunƴ
dunƴude, liɓliɓude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde, tutaade; yewto Noun Class Markers: sing: ngo plur: ɗi.
synonyms: dunƴ
dunƴude, tutaade; Number One for this noun: wooto. Plural Form of
compare: liɓ
liɓude, boɓɓ
ɓɓinde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Noun: yewtooji. Sorting Designation: 3. Noun.
conversation, entretien, causerie, discussion,
yetamere Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
visite; discussion; talk; chat; conversation;
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
visit. Ko ngarumi Tenkodogo ɗo yewto ngo
of Noun: jetaɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, pl.
welii kam. La conversation ici à Tenkodogo
Noun. tamarin; fruit of the tamarind tree.
Catégorie : Parties d’un végétal ou d’une
m'a plu. The conversation here in Tenkodogo
plante. compare: njammi, njetaɓ
pleased me. compare: jiidal; ***: batu, jiidal,
***: jammere, njammi, njetaɓ
njetaɓi, yammere, yeewtere, kawrital; synonyms: batu,

jetami; synonyms: yammere. Dialects: Y,G. yeewtere

yeewtere. Dialects: M.

yetteede Noun Form of Infinitive: yettegol. yewtude Noun Form of Infinitive: yewtugol.
Participles: sing: jettaaɗo-jetteteeɗo plur: Participles: sing: jewtuɗo-jewtoowo plur:
yettaaɓe-yetteteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, yewtuɓe-yewtooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.

th. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb

Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être loué, Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. discuter qqch,
causer de, parler de, s'entretenir sur au sujet
félicité; praised. synonyms: jaareede, de, converser; discuss something; chat about;
jammeede, mawnineede, ŋaaƴ
talk about. synonyms: fillaade, gaajaade,
teddineede, toowneede; ***: ŋaaƴ
yeewtude; ***: yeewtude, fillaade.
mawnineede, teddineede, jammeede,
Dialects: M.
toowneede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yeyre Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe.
yettoore Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form
of Noun: [J,Y] geese/[G,M] jehe. Sorting
of Noun: jettooje. Sorting Designation: 3, th.
Designation: 3, at. Noun. pis; udder. Catégorie
Noun. louer, féliciter, faire des éloges, faire
l'éloge de, remerciement; praise; thanks. : Parties d’un animal. compare: enndu,

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. lawre; ***: enndu. Dialects: J,Y,M.

16/02/2020 718
yeyyeynude yiɗude heedande ndewgum

yeyyeynude Noun Form of Infinitive: yeyyeynugol. yiɗ

yiɗande Noun Form of Infinitive: yiɗangol.
Participles: sing: jeyjeynuɗo-jeyjeynoowo Participles: sing: jiɗanɗo-jiɗanoowo plur:
plur: yeyyeynuɓe-yeyyeynooɓe. Sorting yiɗanɓe-yiɗanooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. vouloir
Verb. regarder d'un côté à l'autre plusieurs qqch pour donner à qqn d'autre; to want
fois; to look from side to side several times. something in order to give it to someone else;
***: wippitaade, lippitaade
lippitaade, ƴewƴ
ewƴewtude, Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗani ma saaya ka de buuɗ
buuɗi maa
ƴeppitaade; synonyms: ƴewƴ ewƴewtude; kewtaay. Je te veux vendre set habit, mais tu
compare: lippitaade, ƴeppitaade. n'as pas assez d'argent. I would like to [sell]
Dialects: J,Y,M.
you this robe, but you don't have enough
money. Miɗ
Miɗo yiɗ
yiɗani ɓe wawlaare nguru.
yi'ondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: yi'undurgol. J'aimerais leur donner un coussin en cuir. I
Participles: sing: ji'undurɗo-ji'unduroowo would like to give them a leather pillow.
plur: yi'undurɓe-yi'undurooɓe. Sorting ***: welnande, muuyande, yettude;
Designation: 3. Verb Consonant Change in synonyms: muuyande, welnande;
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. compare: yettude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Verb. se voir, voir l'un l'autre; see each other.
yiɗanere Noun. népotisme; nepotism, crony-ism.
synonyms: yiidude. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y]
yi'undurde. Dialects: Y,G,M. yiɗ
yiɗanngol ndewgum tan expression.
régionalisme; regionalism. Catégorie : Région.
yi'ude Noun Form of Infinitive: yi'ugol. ***: yiɗ
yiɗude heedande ndewgum.
Participles: sing: ji'uɗo-ji'oowo plur:
yi'uɓe-yi'ooɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Verb
yiɗeede Noun Form of Infinitive: yiɗegol.
Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or Participles: sing: jiɗaaɗo-jiɗeteeɗo plur:
Progressive: prg. Verb. voir, percevoir, yiɗaaɓe-yiɗeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 2, th.
regarder; see. ***: yiide, jiile, haynaade, Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb

ndaarude; synonyms: yiide; Stative or Progressive: st/prg. Verb. être aimé;

compare: haynaade, ndaarude. loved. ***: njinngu, horsineede;

Dialects: J,Y,G,M. synonyms: horsude1, horsineede;
compare: dawla, horsinde, njinngu, yiɗ
ɓɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 3. Noun. amis proches, amis
intimes; close friends; friends (close). yiɗ
yiɗude Noun Form of Infinitive: yiɗugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: jiɗɗo plur: yiɓɓe. Sorting
Designation: 2, th. Verb Consonant Change in
yidde Noun Class Markers: sing: o. Sorting
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st.
Designation: 3, th. Noun. amour, sentiments; Verb. 1 • aimer, aimer bien, apprécier, vouloir,
love. synonyms: miilooji, jinngu, njinngu. plaire; like; appreciate; love. ***: haajeede,
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
dawla, jinngu, hatinginde, njinngu,
horsinde, jiɗ
jiɗo, horsineede, giɗ
giɗo, yiɗ
muuyude, horsude1. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • vouloir , avoir besoin de, désirer; desire;
want. compare: dawla, giɗ
giɗo, horsinde,
haajeede, muuyude, njinngu.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

yiɗude heedande ndewgum Voir entrée
principale : . expression. régionalisme;
regionalism. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
Juridique. synonyms: yiɗ
yiɗanngol ndewgum

16/02/2020 719
yiggaade yiifaade

yiggaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yiggagol. yigoo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Participles: sing: jiggiiɗo-jiggotooɗo plur: One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
yiggiiɓe-yiggotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun: yigiraaɓe. Sorting Designation: 1. Noun.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb ami, amie; friend. Catégorie : La Personne.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se frotter en ***: banndiyo, sakiike, giɗ
giɗo, higoo, jiɗ
se lavant; scrub yourself while washing. jaado; synonyms: higoo, giɗ
giɗo, jaado, jiɗ
***: moomaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. compare: sakiike. Dialectal Forms: [Y] yigo,
2 • se frotter contre, se gratter; rub up against [J,M] yigiiwo, [Y] yigiyo. Dialects: J,M.
something; scratch yourself.
yiide Noun Form of Infinitive: yiugol.
synonyms: moomaade, soccaade.
Participles: sing: jiiɗo-jioowo plur:
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yiiɓe-yiooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
yiggeede Noun Form of Infinitive: yiggegol. Consonant Change in Plural: j/nj. Verb Stative or
Participles: sing: jiggaaɗo-jiggeteeɗo plur: Progressive: prg. Verb. voir, (aussi voir des
yiggaaɓe-yiggeteeɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. choses mystiques); see. synonyms: yi'ude;
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb compare: haynaade, ndaarude; ***: jiile,
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. être lavé ou haynaade, ndaarude, yi'ude.
frotté / nettoyé; washed or scrubbed.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
synonyms: looteede, socceede;
***: looteede, socceede. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yiidude Noun Form of Infinitive: yiidugol.
Participles: sing: jiiduɗo-jiidoowo plur:
yiggude Noun Form of Infinitive: yiggugol.
yiiduɓe-yiidooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Participles: sing: jigguɗo-jiggoowo plur:
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
yigguɓe-yiggooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • se voir, voir l'un
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb l'autre; usually in a private discussion; to see
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. frotter qqn; each other. Miin e Ali, min njiidii keeŋ
scrub someone or something. ***: laaɓ
laaɓinde, Hier, Ali et moi, nous nous sommes vus en
lootude, lootude, soccude; privé. Ali and I met in private yesterday.
synonyms: laaɓ
inde, soccude. ***: yi'ondirde. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 2 • avoir les mêmes parents; same parents (to
have the). Ɓe njiidu yaaya e baaba. Ils ont la
yigiiwo Noun. ami, camarade; friend. même mère et le même père. They have the
yigiraagu gure Noun. jumelage; twinning. same mother and father. Dialects: J.
yigiraaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting yiifaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yiifagol.
Designation: 3. Noun. amitié; friendship. Participles: sing: jiifiiɗo-jiifotooɗo plur:
Dialectal Forms: [J] yigiraagu. yiifiiɓe-yiifotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • tirer une
yigondirde Noun Form of Infinitive: yigondirgol.
longue corde (ex. hors d'un puits); draw or pull
Participles: sing: jigondirɗo-jigondiroowo
on a long rope. Sanaa mi yiifoo ɓoggol ngol
plur: yigondirɓe-yigondirooɓe. Sorting
faa mi yi'a hoore maggol. Je dois tirer cette
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in corde jusqu'à ce que je trouve le bout. I need to
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: st. pull on this rope until I find its head.
Verb. se faire des amis, développer une amitié synonyms: huulaade
huulaade. Dialects: Y,G,M.
avec qqn, gagner un ami; make friends with
2 • être étiré, tendu (ex. caoutchouc); stretched
someone. Iɓe njigunduri faa wooɗ
wooɗi. Ils sont
out. Manaaji cewɗcewɗi ɗi ɓuri yiifaade. Les
devenus des bons amis. They have become
caoutchoucs fins sont plus faciles à étirer. The
good friends. Dialectal Forms: [J,Y] thinner rubber strips are easier to stretch.
yigundurde. Dialects: Y,G,M. synonyms: fooɗ
fooɗude. Dialects: J.

16/02/2020 720
yiifude yiitugol saɗɗa

yiifude Noun Form of Infinitive: yiifugol. yiite Noun Class Markers: sing: nge plur: ɗi.
Participles: sing: jiifuɗo-jiifoowo plur: Number One for this noun: woote. Plural Form of
yiifuɓe-yiifooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Verb Noun: giiteeli, yiiteeji. Sorting Designation: 1.
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Noun. 1 • feu; fire. ***: cuurki, suuttude,
Progressive: prg. Verb. étirer un caoutchouc ou curki, huɓɓ
ɓɓude, duɗ
duɗal, wulude, hiite.
pratique ou tissu avec des fibres synthétiques; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
stretch a piece of rubber. Taa yiifu mana o, 2 • enfer; hell. synonyms: hiite;
taƴan Don't pull that rubber, [it] will break. compare: huɓɓ
ɓɓude, wulude, curki.
synonyms: fooɗ
fooɗude; ***: fooɗ
fooɗude. Dialects: J. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yiilaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yiilagol. yiitilawgol nyaw Noun. dépistage précoce; early
Participles: sing: jiiliiɗo-jiilotooɗo plur: screening test. Catégorie : Traitement de la
yiiliiɓe-yiilotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3, mt. maladie, En bonne santé.
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb yiitirde Noun. adresse; address. synonyms: adereesi.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • avoir des
vertiges; dizzy. ***: jiilol, jiileede. yiitude Noun Form of Infinitive: yiitugol.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Participles: sing: jiituɗo-jiitoowo plur:
2 • se balader, flâner, errer; wander around. yiituɓe-yiitooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. Verb
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • revoir qqch, voir
yiilnde Noun. promenade, vagabondage; promenade; encore qqch, déceler; see something again.
***: tawude, yowaade, naaddude,
yiilnude Verb. faire promener; cause to walk, wander, miccaade, waaldude, hatude, hollitinde,
go for a walk. siwtorde, hoowude, naatidinde, hewtude,
yiiltaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yiiltagol. fukkodaade, naandude, rentude;
Participles: sing: jiiltiiɗo-jiiltotooɗo plur: synonyms: hewtude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
yiiltiiɓe-yiiltotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3. 2 • trouver après recherche, trouver après
avoir cherché, retrouver, détecter; find after
Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
searching. synonyms: tawude.
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. se promener,
se balader, marcher, parcourir; walk about; Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
wander; perambulate. ***: damdamtude, 3 • se souvenir, se rappeler; remember.
yayyaytude, waancaade, tamtamtude; synonyms: miccaade, siwtorde.
synonyms: waancaade; compare: yayyaytude. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Dialects: J,Y,G,M. 4 • lorsqu'un type a une relation sexuelle avec
une fille en secret; when a guy has sex with a
yiinaade Variante: yinaade. Verb. nager; swim. girl he likes in secret. compare: hollitinde;
Catégorie : Eau. synonyms: wuulaade. synonyms: hatude, hoowude, fukkodaade,
yiingaaku Noun Class Markers: sing: ngu. Sorting naaddude, naandude, naatidinde, rentude,
Designation: 4, th. Noun. vantardise; boasting. waaldude, yowaade. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
***: ri'aaku, mantaare, kamaalu; yiitude jihaale Verb. s'orienter; to find one's
synonyms: kamaalu, mantaare, mawnitaare, bearings.
ri'aaku. Dialects: J,Y.
yiitude nokkuure heyre expression. explorer;
yiinorgal Plural Form of Noun: njiinorɗeyiite. Noun. explore. ***: hiinyude.
nageoire; fin. Catégorie : Parties d’un animal.
yiitugol nyaw Noun. dépistage; screening test.
synonyms: jinorgal-
Catégorie : Traitement de la maladie, En
yiit-a synonyme: fennyin-a. Verb. découvrir, trouver bonne santé.
(solution); discover, find (solution). yiit-
yiit-a yiitugol saɗɗ
ɗɗa expression. identification du
piɓtol Catégorie : Mathématique. problème; identification of the problem.
Catégorie : Mathématique.

16/02/2020 721
yillorde yirgude

yillorde Noun Class Markers: sing: nde plur: ɗe. yimre Noun. poème; poem. Catégorie : Lecture /
Number One for this noun: wootere. Plural Form écriture.
of Noun: jillorɗe. Sorting Designation: 3, at. yimude Noun Form of Infinitive: yimugol.
Noun. follicule de poil/cheveux; hair follicle.
Participles: sing: jimuɗo-jimoowo plur:
Catégorie : Maladies des végétaux ou
yimuɓe-yimooɓe. Sorting Designation: 2. Verb
plantes. ***: wurwere; synonyms: wurwere.
Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or
Dialects: J,Y.
Progressive: prg. Verb. chanter; sing.
yillude Verb. (être) amnésique; have amnesia. Lallude Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
e hakkillo mum
yinaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yinagol.
yillugol Noun. amnésie; amnesia. Ɓuytagol maa Participles: sing: jiniiɗo-jinotooɗo plur:
lallugol hakkille neɗ
neɗɗo Catégorie : Maladie. yiniiɓe-yinotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 3.
yim-a Verb. chanter; to sing. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. nager;
swim. compare: wuulaade; ***: wuulaade.
yimɓe Noun Class Markers: plur: ɓe. Sorting
Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
Designation: 1. Noun. 1 • gens, groupe social,
société; people. Catégorie : Gouvernement, yingaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yingagol.
Communauté. ***: nimɓnimɓe, koreeji, annaaji, Participles: sing: jingiiɗo-jingotooɗo plur:
himɓe, jamaa, adunaaji. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. yingiiɓe-yingotooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
2 • la grande famille, la famille élargie; the Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
extended family. Catégorie : Parenté. Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. osciller, se
synonyms: adunaaji, annaaji, himɓ
himɓe, nimɓ
nimɓe; balancer, chanceler, avancer d'un pas lourd;
compare: jamaa, koreeji. Dialects: J,Y,G,M. sway; lumber; swing; rock (to).
compare: fijude; ***: royude.
yimɓe ɓe cuɓ
cuɓaaki nder yimɓ
yimɓe 100
expression. taux d'abstention; rate of Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
abstention. Catégorie : Mathématique, yinnude Noun Form of Infinitive: yinnugol.
Participles: sing: jinnuɗo-jinnoowo plur:
yimɓe ɓe kaɓɓ
ɓɓondiray politikki maa yinnuɓe-yinnooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
soldaasiiɓe expression. société civile. Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. porter qqn en
yimɓe cuɓ
iiɓe nder yimɓ
yimɓe 100 expression. nageant, assister qqn dans l'eau; assist
taux de participation; participation rate, rate of someone in the water; carry someone while
participation. Catégorie : Gouvernement,
swimming. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.

yimɓe leydi expression. peuple; nation, folk, people. yirgaajo Noun Class Markers: sing: o plur: ɓe. Number
Catégorie : Gouvernement, Juridique, One for this noun: gooto. Plural Form of
Communauté. Noun: yirgaaɓe. Sorting Designation: 4. Noun.
qqn qui est écervelé, étourdi, absent en
yimmbaade Noun Form of Infinitive: yimmbagol. pensées; scatterbrained; absent minded. Note :
Participles: sing: jimmbiiɗo-jimmbotooɗo mooré Dialects: J,Y,M.
plur: yimmbiiɓe-yimmbotooɓe. Sorting
yirgude Noun Form of Infinitive: yirgugol.
Designation: 4. Verb Consonant Change in
Participles: sing: jirguɗo-jirgoowo plur:
Plural: y/nj. Verb Stative or Progressive: prg.
Verb. 1 • chanceler, osciller tituber, vaciller; yirguɓe-yirgooɓe. Sorting Designation: 4.
sway; stagger or reel. Belko na yimmboo Verb Consonant Change in Plural: y/nj. Verb
sabo o yarii bagi faa heewi. Belko titube car Stative or Progressive: prg. Verb. 1 • être
il a bu top de bière. Belko is staggering étourdi, écervelé, absent en pensées;
because he drank a lot of beer.; scatterbrained; absent minded.
***: tertertude, luulaade. Dialects: G. Dialects: J,Y,G,M.
2 • être tremblant, chancelant, faible après 2 • frotter qqch sur / contre le sol; rub
sommeil ou maladie; wobbly on his feet. something on the ground. O yirgii juuɗ juuɗe
Dialects: G. makko e leydi faa o itta loofal. Il a frotté ses
3 • avancer d'un pas lourd (ex. éléphant); mains contre le sol pour enle

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