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 F  M 


Strength (STR)

Constitution (CON)

Dexterity (DEX)

Intelligence (INT)

Power (POW)

Charisma (CHA)


Hit Points (HP)

Willpower Points (WP)

Sanity Points (SAN)

Breaking Point (BP)



Violence    adapted Helplessness    adapted

 Accounting (10%)  First Aid (10%)  Ride (10%)

 Alertness (20%)  Forensics (0%)  Science (0%):

 Anthropology (0%)  Heavy Machinery (10%)

 Archeology (0%)  Heavy Weapons (0%)  Search (20%)

 Art (0%):  History (10%)  SIGINT (0%)

 HUMINT (10%)  Stealth (10%)

 Artillery (0%)  Law (0%)  Surgery (0%)


 Athletics (30%)  Medicine (0%)  Survival (10%)

 Bureaucracy (10%)  Melee Weapons (30%)  Swim (20%)

 Computer Science (0%)  Military Science (0%):  Unarmed Combat (40%)

 Craft (0%): Unnatural (0%)

 Navigate (10%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills:

 Criminology (10%)  Occult (10%) 

 Demolitions (0%)  Persuade (20%) 


 Disguise (10%)  Pharmacy (0%) 

 Dodge (30%)  Pilot (0%): 

 Drive (20%) 

 Firearms (20%)  Psychotherapy (10%) 

Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.


Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury?  yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further



Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls.










Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited.


DD 315 112382
The Character Sheet
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

Stats Bonds Weapons

A Delta Green Agent is defined on two A Bond is one of the most important “Skill %” is your Agent’s skill with that
sides of one page: the character sheet. human relationships in your Agent’s life. kind of weapon. Copy it from the front
Download it at It’s usually a specific person (spouse; son of the sheet: Firearms, Heavy Weapons,
The first few lines are self-explana- or daughter; best friend) but it might Melee Weapons, Unarmed Combat, or
tory: name, profession, age, etc. Leave be a group of people who are tightly whatever applies.
“code name” blank unless the Handler enough bound that a relationship with Get the other entries from the
(the Game Moderator) says otherwise. one affects relationships with the others Delta Green rules. “Base Range” is the
Statistics (stats) define what your (platoon from the war; support group). distance at which the weapon can be
Agent is broadly good or bad at. Most Each Bond has a score that equals used without a penalty. “Damage” is
human adults have a score of 9 to 12 the Charisma stat. When a Bond’s the amount it reduces the target’s Hit
in each. score falls, that relationship suffers. Points. “Armor Piercing” is the amount
Each stat has space for its “×5” Especially demanding professions it reduces the target’s Armor Points.
rating. Multiply the stat by 5 and fill in allow fewer Bonds. Write notes about other important
that number. We’ll explain that later. equipment in the “Armor and Equip-
Finally, each stat has a space for ment” space. Wearing body armor lets
“What Others Notice.” There just put Motivations you subtract its Armor Points from a
in an adjective, something that stands damage roll.
out, for each stat that’s below 9 or Your Agent starts with five motivations:
above 12. If your Agent’s INT is 15 personal beliefs, drives, or support
you might write “Very clever,” for mechanisms. They don’t have scores Special Training
example. and aren’t as powerful as Bonds. In-
stead, motivations are expressions of Some bodies of knowledge aren’t com-
Sanity. Bring them up in play to show mon to every Agent but don’t require
Attributes what makes your Agent tick: what mo- the extensive commitment of skills. An
tivates and supports your Agent, what Agent might know how to use lockpicks
Derived Attributes are point values gives his or her life meaning. Each time without having a career in Craft (Lock-
that change. “Hit Points (HP)” indi- your Agent’s SAN hits the Breaking smith), for example.
cate physical health. “Willpower Points Point, remove one motivation. Each kind of special training is
(WP)” indicate mental fortitude and based on an existing stat or skill: DEX
drive. “Sanity Points (SAN)” indicate for lockpicking, Swim for SCUBA gear,
your Agent’s connection with reality Skills Athletics for throwing hand grenades,
as most humans understand it. If your and so on.
agent loses SAN, the “Breaking Point” Each skill is a body of specialized knowl- If the Handler says your Agent has
is the exact point of SAN at which he or edge that takes months or years to learn a particular kind of special training,
she will develop a new disorder. and decades to fully master. Each skill write it and the relevant stat or skill in
Under “Incidents of SAN Loss has a percentile rating, from zero to 99. one of the spaces.
Without Going Insane” are three check That’s your chance of using the skill in a
boxes each for Violence and Helpless- terrible crisis.
ness. If your Agent loses SAN due to Every skill has a base value in ‘Home’ Notes
Violence or Helplessness but doesn’t go parentheses, like “Athletics (30%)”.
insane or suffer a new disorder, mark Every Delta Green Agent starts with Take notes when events in a Delta Green
an appropriate check-box. If the Agent that much. Having a skill above the operation have an impact (rarely good)
goes insane or gains a new disorder base value indicates more training on your Agent’s career and personal life.
due to that type of trauma, erase all and experience in it. With 40 or more If your Agent gains a new disorder, for
its marks. If you mark all three boxes, above base value you’re an expert or a example, it may not manifest right away.
your Agent becomes “Adapted” and full-time professional. Note how you got it and determine the
can tolerate that kind of trauma more details between operations.
than other characters; circle “Adapted.”

Agent Creation
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

1. Statistics 5. Finishing Details

Pick one of the following sets and assign each score to one »» Name, age, appearance, personality, motivations.
stat. Trade points from one stat to another if you like. »» Describe something admirable about your agent.
»» Describe something others dislike about your agent.
13 13 12 12 11 11
What Brought You to Delta Green?
Choose one type of traumatic background and apply all the
15 14 12 11 10 10 listed modifiers.
17 14 13 10 10 8
Extreme Violence
»» +10% to Occult.
2. Derived Attributes »» –5 SAN.
»» –3 CHA.
»» HIT POINTS (HP): Average of STR and CON. »» Losing 3 CHA means –3 from each Bond.
»» WILLPOWER POINTS (WP): POW. »» You are Adapted to Violence.
»» BREAKING POINT: SAN minus POW. Captivity or Imprisonment
»» +10% to Occult.
»» –5 SAN.
3. Profession and Skills »» –3 POW (this does not affect SAN).
»» You are Adapted to Helplessness.
Choose a profession from Need to Know or the Agent’s
Handbook that suits your Agent’s stats and your interests. Hard Experience
»» +10% to Occult.
»» Write down starting skills. All others are at the base »» +10% to any four skills (except Unnatural). (This can
values listed on the character sheet. raise a skill higher than 80%.)
»» Note the number of Bonds. »» –5 SAN.
»» Choose any eight skills (except Unnatural). Add 20% »» Remove one Bond.
to the current value of each. You can increase a skill
more than once, but none higher than 80%. Things Man Was Not Meant to Know
»» +10% to Unnatural.
»» +20% to Occult.
4. Bonds »» Reduce SAN by POW.
»» Reset Breaking Point to new SAN minus POW.
Each starts with a score equal to your Agent’s CHA. »» Gain a disorder caused by the Unnatural.

Bond Examples
1. Spouse or ex-spouse
2. Son or daughter
3. Favored parent or grandparent W hat S kil l R at ing s M ea n
4. Best friend
01%–19% Dabbler (assuming the skill began
5. Long-time coworker or partner at 0%)
20%–29% Hobbyist
6. Psychologist or therapist
30%–39% Basic training or a college minor
7. Spouse and children
40%–59% Years of experience or a college maj
8. Parents or
60%–79% Decades of experience or a grad deg
9. Siblings ree
80%–99% A lifetime’s mastery
10. Colleagues in an intense, difficult job or calling
11. Church or support group
12. Fellow survivors of a shared trauma

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

The Program: Agents

A typical Agent of the Program is a federal law-enforcement officer, intelligence officer, or special-operations officer: an ed-
ucated professional who is capable of conducting difficult investigations and covering them up, and who is well-trained in
self-defense. Agents are often accompanied by specialists (see page 2), who have deep academic, medical, or scientific skills, or
important bureaucratic access and contacts. Each profession includes its page number in the Agent’s Handbook. Those in bold
are generic or standard professions that can apply to many different agent backgrounds.


Federal Agent 20 Special Operator 21 Soldier or Marine 25 Intelligence Case Criminal 23
Officer 24
Police Officer 25 CIA SAD/SOG 152 U.S. Army 1st Brigade, CIA Clandestine Firefighter 23
1st Cavalry 131 Service 152
FBI CID 113 DEA FAST 117 U.S. Army 4th MIST 144 CIA SAD/PAG 152

DEA Operations 117 FBI HRT/SWAT 113 U.S. Army 10th FBI Directorate of
Mountain Division 131 Intelligence 113
ICE HSI 121 ICE Special Response U.S. Army 902nd FBI Intelligence and
Team 121 Military Intelligence 130 Operations Support 113
ICE Removal USAF 24th Special USMC Combat FBI National Security
Division 121 Operations Wing/720th Camera 138 Branch 113
Special Tactics
Group 143
USMS Investigative U.S. Army 1st Special USMC Security Force
Operations 124 Forces Group 143 Regiment 139
U.S. Navy NCIS 135 U.S. Army 75th Ranger U.S. Navy EOD 135
Regiment 143
Dept. of State Bureau of U.S. Army ISA 144
Diplomatic Security 156
EPA Office of Criminal USMC FORECON 138
Enforcement, Forensics
and Training 163
FBI National Security USMC Maritime Special
Branch 113 Purpose Force 138
USMC Raider
Regiment 145


SEALs 145

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

The Program: Specialists

Many of the Program’s Agents are specialists, who have deep academic, technical, or medical skills, or important bureaucratic
access and contacts. Many specialists do not have investigative or self-defense training, so they are usually accompanied by
agents who do (see page 1). A specialist usually has a “home” team of Agents but may be temporarily assigned to other teams
as needed. Each profession includes its page number in the Agent’s Handbook. Those in bold are generic or standard profes-
sions that can apply to many different Agent backgrounds.


Anthropologist or Computer Scientist Physician 21 Pilot or Sailor 25 Foreign Service Intelligence
Historian 20 or Engineer 20 Officer 23 Analyst 24
Media Specialist 24 Scientist 21 Nurse or USAF 41st Rescue Lawyer or Business CIA Directorate of
Paramedic 25 Squadron 132 Executive 24 Analysis 152
CDC Office of Public CDC Emergency CDC Emergency USAF 354th Fighter Program Dept. of State
Health Scientific Operations Operations Squadron 133 Manager 25 Intelligence and
Services 160 Center 160 Center 160 Research 156
DEA Operational CDC Office of Public CDC Office of Public USAF 432nd CDC Emergency FBI Directorate of
Support 117 Health Preparedness Health Preparedness Operations 133 Operations Intelligence 113
and Response 160 and Response 160 Center 160
Dept. of State CDC Office of Public CDC Office of Public U.S. Army 160th CDC Office of Public FBI National
Intelligence and Health Scientific Health Scientific Special Operations Health Preparedness Security 113
Research 156 Services 160 Services 160 Aviation 144 and Response 160
ICE HSI/ DEA Operational FBI Intelligence DEA Operational ICE HSI/
Intelligence 121 Support 117 and Operations Support 117 Intelligence 121
Support 113
DEA Special Public Health Service Dept. of State USAF 70th
Operations Commissioned Intelligence and Intelligence,
Division 117 Corps 160 Research 156 Surveillance and
Reconnaisance 133
EPA Regional Office U.S. Army Medical Dept. of State USAF 614th
Specialist 163 Corps 131 INL 156 Air and Space
Operations 132
FBI Intelligence U.S. Navy Hospital Dept. of State
and Operations Corps 135 WHA 156
Support 113
Public Health Service Diplomatic Courier
Commissioned Service 156
Corps 160
USAF 70th
Surveillance and
Reconnaisance 133
USAF 318th
Operations 133

The Incursion
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

What Brought Your Agent to Delta Green?

Beyond the edges of reality are unnatural powers that outstrip human understanding. Sometimes those powers bleed through
and destroy everything they touch. Sometimes people study them, and the knowledge festers like a cancer of the mind. Your
Agent probably experienced the unnatural in some crisis that caught the attention of Delta Green. The Agent was recruited, so
we know a few things about how the Agent reacted—but the reasons for your Agent’s responses are up to you:

»» Your Agent recognized the catastrophic danger of the incursion.

»» Your Agent helped stop it.
»» Your Agent agreed to stay quiet for the sake of protecting the public and preventing another incursion.
»» When Delta Green needed help with another investigation and cover-up later, your Agent answered the call.

What happened in the incursion is up to the Handler. If the Handler says to make it up and you want some ideas, roll 1D4,
1D6, 1D8, 1D10, and 1D12 and look up details here.


1 Urban 1 Your Agent was badly hurt
2 Suburban or exurban 2 Witness audio, video, or photos went online
3 Rural 3 Journalists had to be misled
4 Wilderness or ocean 4 First responders were hurt or killed
5 Bystanders were hurt or killed
6 Professional blowback
1 A lone wolf
7 Legal or criminal repercussions
2 A family cult
8 Part of the threat escaped
3 A militant or corrupted religious sect
9 Evidence went to a non-Delta Green lab
4 A linguistic or historical discovery
10 Your Agent does not remember some of what happened
5 A scientific or technological discovery
6 A bystander exposed accidentally D12 INCURSION
An unnatural entity or phenomenon…
1 …feeding on human flesh and blood
1 Violent crime across state lines or on federal property
2 …feeding on psychic energies
2 Terrorism
3 …reproducing
3 Theft or fraud
4 …seeking servants
4 Drug trafficking
5 …studying humanity
5 Environmental crime
6 …taking physical form through human infestation
6 Kidnapping
A human being…
7 Natural disaster
7 …seeking contact with an unnatural entity
8 Plane, train, or ship disaster or disappearance
8 …utilizing an unnatural artifact or device
9 …performing an unnatural ritual
10 …transforming into something unnatural
11 …psychically possessed
12 …studying the remnants of an unnatural incursion

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // CREATING AN AGENT

What Keeps Your Agent Going?

Motivations help an Agent regain WP and SAN. To create a motivation, roll 1D12 for a category and 1D10 for the motivation.
If necessary, roll 1D8 for the motivation’s object. Add details to fit the Agent’s background, occupation, and personality.

1 Achievement 6–7 Protection 10–11 Opposition

1 Exploiting the Unnatural 1–2 Protect a Bond (choose one) 1–3 Investigating…
2 Recognition for achievements 3–4 Protect my family 4–6 Revenge against…
3 Showing others how it’s done 5 Protect my friends/colleagues 7–8 Staying one step ahead of…
4 Correcting past mistakes 6 Protect an organization 9–10 Stopping…
5 Success despite obstacles 7 Protect a community
6 Proving my worth 8 Protect my country Object of Opposition…
7 Getting the job done 9 Protect humanity D8 OBJECT
8 Living up to expectations 10 Protect innocents 1–4 The Unnatural
9 Doing a job no one else can do 5–6 An individual (name them)
10 Constant improvement Protect Them From… 7–8 An organization (name it)
2–3 Understanding 1–2 The Unnatural 12 Solace
D10 MOTIVATION 3 Unwelcome truths D10 MOTIVATION
1 Conspiracy theorizing 4 A dangerous enemy or rival 1 A beloved pet
2 Making sense of a past tragedy 5 Failure 2 Favorite academic pursuit
3 The thrill of discovery 6 Harm 3 Favorite art form
4 Exploration 7 The future 4 Favorite bad habit
5 Solving a particular mystery 8 Corruption 5 Favorite hobby
6 Understanding the Unnatural 6 Finding true meaning
7 Learning a group’s secrets 8–9 Relationships 7 Home
8 Expanding human knowledge D10 MOTIVATION 8 Sports
9–10 Solving hard problems 1 Figuring out what people want 9 Intimacy
to hear
10 Anything for a sense of control
2 Telling lies from the truth
4–5 Principle
3 Communication
4 Diplomacy
1 Survival at all costs
5 Family obligations
2 Professionalism
6 Knowing what makes people tick
3–4 Doing what’s right
7 We can fix this
5 Following the law
8 Never letting a particular Bond
6 Healing down (choose one)
7 Faith 9 New romance
8 Patriotism 10 Recruiting new Agents and
9 Personal integrity Friendlies
10 Atonement
Skills and Willpower
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // PLAYING THE GAME

Using Skills Willpower Bonding With

»» ROLL DICE: When a crisis calls for Agents require Willpower Points to keep Delta Green
randomness and things are not going despite exhaustion, to resist inter-
under control; in combat; when rogation and persuasion, to withstand After someone in your Agent’s Delta
it hinges on unpredictable NPC mental trauma, and to resist or enact Green team undergoes a catastrophic
behavior. Roll the skill’s rating or unnatural rituals. trauma—suffers temporary insanity,
lower on percentile dice to succeed. gains a new disorder, is incapacitat-
»» DON’T ROLL DICE: When things are »» LOW WILLPOWER: At 1 or 2 WP ed by injuries, etc.—your Agent must
calm and under control. The bet- the stresses on the Agent incur a make a SAN test. Success has no effect.
ter the skill, the more your Agent –20% penalty to all actions until Failure means bonding with up to five
achieves or discovers. WP rise above 2. teammates.
»» USING STATS: If it’s “common »» NO WILLPOWER: At 0 WP an
knowledge” or something most Agent collapses in a breakdown, »» If the Agent doesn’t already
people might achieve without ex- incapacitated and perhaps uncon- have a Bond with the teammate,
tensive education or training, use scious, and cannot succeed at any gain a new Bond equal to half
a stat × 5 as the rating instead of tests including SAN tests. your Agent’s CHA. Immediately
a skill. »» REGAINING WILLPOWER: A full lose 1D4 points from one other
night’s sleep restores 1D6 WP. (non-Delta Green) Bond.
Modifiers »» If your Agent already has a Bond
Bonuses and penalties are uncommon Exhaustion with the teammate, add 1D4 to it
outside combat. If a modifier does apply, An Agent who works too long or faces (up to your Agent’s CHA). Sub-
it’s usually ±20% (things are especially injury or extreme stress loses 1D6 WP tract 1 from one other (non-Delta
good or bad for your Agent) or, rarely, and suffers incurs a −20% penalty to Green) Bond.
±40% (you almost shouldn’t even need all tests (including SAN tests). Further
to roll). exhaustion may cost more WP. A good
night’s sleep removes the penalty. Home
Crits and Fumbles
»» CRITICAL SUCCESS: 01 or success »» STIMULANTS: Taking mild stim- A long-term Delta Green game features
with matching dice (11, 22, 33, ulants removes the exhaustion occasional scenes that focus on agents’
etc.). A critical success is much penalty for 1D6 hours, or 2D6 for everyday lives. Use them to explore the
more effective than usual. hard drugs. Frequent use makes things that are most important in your
»» FUMBLE: 00 or failure with match- addiction likely as your Agent’s agent’s life and the costs of involvement
ing dice (99, 88, 77, etc.) A fumble next disorder. in Delta Green.
is an even worse failure than usual. An Agent in a “Home” scene may
Sleeplessness choose a personal pursuit. See PERSONAL
Opposed Rolls The first time you try to sleep after suf- PURSUITS on page 12.
If one character actively interferes with fering temporary insanity or gaining a Use a “Home” scene to describe
another, both roll. A critical beats an new disorder you must make a SAN test what has changed for the Agent in the
ordinary success; otherwise the highest to get any rest. aftermath of the last operation:
successful roll wins. If no rolls are re-
quired, the highest rating wins. »» SEDATIVES: Alcohol or sleeping »» Bonds damaged or broken.
pills grant a +20% bonus to the »» Permanent injuries sustained.
SAN test to get to sleep. If the test »» New disorders gained.
Sanity Tests fails anyway your Agent is sick the »» Repercussions at work for mis-
next day, at a –20% penalty to all using contacts, authority, or
Make a Sanity (SAN) test by rolling the tests. Frequent use makes addic- resources.
Agent’s current SAN or lower on per- tion likely as your Agent’s next »» Criminal prosecution if arrested.
centile dice. See SANITY THREATS on page disorder.
11 for the effects of failure.

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // PLAYING THE GAME

The Combat Turn Damage Unusual Attacks

Each turn represents a few seconds of At 1 or 2 HP, your Agent is critically »» POINT-BLANK: +20%, up to 3 m.
fighting. Combatants act in order from hurt and incapacitated. At 0 HP, your »» LONG RANGE: −20% beyond base
highest DEX to lowest. When your Agent dies. HP don’t go below 0. range, or −40% beyond 2× base
Agent’s turn comes, pick one action. range.
»» AIM: +20% to the next roll. »» TASER: Stun (CON test to act), to hit beyond point-blank range;
»» ATTACK: Inflict damage. One at- then −20% for 1D20 turns double the target’s Armor Points.
tack and damage roll usually rep- »» CLUB OR KNIFE: 1D4 or 1D6 »» HOLLOW-POINT BULLETS: +1 dam-
resents a few shots or blows. »» PISTOL: 1D8, 1D10, or 1D12 age but double the target’s Armor
»» CALLED SHOT: Ignores cover or »» RIFLE: 1D12 or 1D12+2 Points.
armor but at a −20% penalty, or »» SHOTGUN (FIRING SHOT): 2D10 up »» LASER SIGHT: +20% if your Agent
−40% for an especially hard shot. to 10 m range, 2D6 up to 20 m, or has taken no damage since his or
»» DISARM: Roll Unarmed Combat. 1D6 beyond 20 m her last turn.
The target gets a free Melee Weap- »» TELESCOPIC SIGHT: Double base
ons roll to oppose it. Lethality range if taking the aim action.
»» DODGE: Roll Dodge to oppose A heavy weapon like a grenade or ma- »» 3-ROUND BURST: Lethality 10%,
an attack, disarm or pin. You can chine gun makes a percentile Lethality one target.
take this action before your turn roll instead of rolling ordinary damage. »» 10-ROUND SPRAY: Lethality 10%,
comes up. Your roll can protect Kill Radius 2 m.
you from more than one attack. »» SUCCESS: Target drops to 0 HP. »»
»» ESCAPE: Escape being pinned. Roll »» FAILURE: Add up the roll’s digits as
STR, DEX, or Unarmed Combat ordinary damage.
opposed by a free STR or Unarmed Healing
Combat roll by your opponent. Kill Radius
»» FIGHT BACK: You can take this A heavy weapon may have a Kill Radius. »» FIRST AID: Restores 1D4 HP. At
action before your Agent’s turn. Choose its center before attacking.An 0 HP, it helps only if the Handler
Roll Melee Weapons or Unarmed attack with a Kill Radius of 10+ m is at says so.
Combat to oppose an attack. +20% to hit. »» SURGERY OR MEDICINE: Restores
Choose an action with which to 1D4 HP once per week.
fight back: an attack, a called shot, »» HIT: Roll Lethality for everyone in- »» REST: Roll CON×5 daily to heal 1
a disarm, or a pin. One roll can side the radius, unless the Handler HP.
protect against multiple attacks in says some go unhurt. Everyone
a turn, but can inflict damage (or who survives is suppressed.
disarm or pin) only once. »» MISS: Everyone who would have
»» MOVE: Jog 10 m, run 20 m, or been in the radius is suppressed.
sprint 30 m. (Or move up to 3 m »» SUPPRESSION: Your Agent’s next
as part of another action.) action must be to hide behind cov-
»» PIN: Hold someone down. The er or go prone; or lose 1 SAN.
target gets a free Unarmed Com-
bat roll to oppose it. Your Agent Armor
can attack the pinned target in »» BODY ARMOR: Reduces HP dam-
later turns. Unarmed and Melee age from any attack except a
Weapons attacks on a pinned tar- called shot, but has no effect on a
get are at +20%. successful Lethality roll.
»» WAIT: Act after someone else. »» COVER: Makes a Lethality roll
»» ANYTHING ELSE: Anything that fail automatically; reduces HP
takes a moment’s concentration. damage from any attack except a
called shot.

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // PLAYING THE GAME

Sanity Threats Insanity Resistance

The three types of SAN loss are Vio- Losing SAN leads to insanity. A short, An Agent can resist SAN loss and insan-
lence, Helplessness, and the Unnatural. sharp shock can cause temporary insan- ity through adaptation and the strength
Roll SAN. Success: Suffer the first listed ity. Traumas accumulated over time can of Bonds.
loss (the minimum possible with a criti- cause long-term disorders.
cal). Failure: Suffer the second listed loss Adaptation
(the maximum possible with a fumble). Temporary Insanity An Agent who loses SAN from a threat
If you lose 5 or more SAN from one three times without going insane be-
incident, you go temporarily insane. comes adapted. An adapted Agent al-
Suffering Violence Loss That’s a complete breakdown where the ways succeeds at SAN tests for that
Ambushed or hit by gunfire 0/1 “fight, flight, or submit” response com- threat. No Agent can adapt to the
Surprised by a corpse 0/1 pletely takes over until the Handler says Unnatural.
…It’s someone you love 0/1D4 you snap out of it.
Stabbed, strangled or shot 0/1D4
»» VIOLENCE: Lose 1D6 CHA and the
Set on fire 0/1D6
Reduced to 2 HP or fewer 0/1D6
Disorders same amount from each Bond.
Tortured 0/1D10 Each time your SAN hits your Breaking »» HELPLESSNESS: Lose 1D6 POW
Point, two things happen instantly. (1) (this does not change SAN).
You gain a long-term disorder accord-
Inflicting Violence Loss ing to the threat that caused the SAN Projection
Seriously harm an innocent 0/1D4 loss. (2) Reset your Breaking Point to When your Agent loses SAN, you can
Shove a teammate’s body into your new SAN minus your POW. Here spend 1D4 WP to reduce the SAN loss
an incinerator to thwart are sample disorders. Details and others by the same amount. Reduce one Bond
outside investigation* 0/1D4 can be found in the Agent’s Handbook. by that much. Next time the Agent in-
Kill in self-defense* 0/1D4 teracts with that Bond, describe the
Kill a murderous enemy Disorders From Violence deterioration.
in cold blood* 0/1D6
Torture someone 0/1D8
Accidentally kill an innocent* 0/1D8
»» Depression Repressing Insanity
Kill an innocent in cold blood, »» Addiction An Agent suffering temporary insanity
even for a good reason* 1/1D10 »» Sleep disorder or an acute episode of a disorder can try
to repress it by focusing on Bonds.
* For a failed roll, add 1 per victim up to the Disorders From Helplessness
maximum possible roll. »» Depression »» Spend 1D4 WP.
»» Obsessive/compulsive disorder »» Reduce one Bond by the WP spent.
»» Anxiety disorder The next time the Agent interacts
Helplessness Loss »» Addiction with that Bond, describe the strain.
Fired from your job 0/1 »» Attempt a new SAN test. If it suc-
Nearly get a Bond hurt or killed 0/1 Disorders from the Unnatural ceeds, your Agent stifles the symp-
A Bond’s score is reduced to 0 0/1D4
»» Depersonalization disorder toms of insanity and you retain
Sentenced to prison 0/1D4
Wake up paralyzed or blind 0/1D4
»» Depression control of the character.
Find a friend’s remains 0/1D4 »» Sleep disorder
Flung into a pit of corpses 0/1D4 »» Amnesia
A Bond suffers permanent
harm or indefinite insanity 1/1D4 Permanent Insanity
See or hear a friend being If SAN drops to zero, your Agent goes
gruesomely killed 0/1D6 permanently insane and becomes a
The subject of a Bond dies 1/1D6 non-player character.
See or hear the subject of a
Bond get gruesomely killed 1/1D8

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game // PLAYING THE GAME

Personal Pursuits
In a “Home” scene, choose and describe one personal pursuit for each Agent. Determine how it affects the Agent’s Bonds,
skills, and Sanity. No personal pursuit can increase SAN beyond POW×5 or a Bond’s score beyond the Agent’s CHA.


Fulfill responsibilities None. SAN. »» Fumble: Reduce a Bond by 1D4.
»» Failure: No effect.
»» Success: Improve a Bond by 1D6.
»» Critical: Improve a Bond by 1D6 and gain 1 SAN.
Back to nature Reduce a non-DG SAN. »» Fumble: Lose 1D4 SAN.
Bond by 1. »» Failure: No effect.
»» Success: Gain 1D4 SAN.
»» Critical: Gain 4 SAN.
Establish a new Bond Reduce a non-DG CHA×5. »» Failure: No effect.
Bond by 1D4. »» Success: Gain a new Bond with a score of ½ CHA.
Go to therapy, sharing Reduce a non-DG Luck or the »» Fumble: Lose 1 SAN.
truthfully Bond by 1. therapist’s »» Failure: No effect.
Psychotherapy »» Success: Gain 1D6 SAN.
skill.* »» Critical: Gain 6 SAN. A disorder goes into remission. Gain
a Bond with the therapist at ½ CHA (or add 1D4 to an
existing Bond).
Go to therapy, not sharing Reduce a non-DG Luck or the »» Fumble: Lose 1 SAN.
truthfully Bond by 1. therapist’s »» Failure: No effect.
Psychotherapy »» Success: Gain 1D4 SAN.
skill. »» Critical: Gain 4 SAN. A disorder goes into remission. Gain
a Bond with the therapist at ½ CHA (or add 1D4 to an
existing Bond).
Improve a skill or stat Reduce a non-DG The skill or stat to »» Failure: Add 1 to a stat or 1D10 to a skill.
Bond by 1. be improved. »» Success: No effect.
Indulge a personal motivation Reduce a non-DG SAN. »» Fumble: Lose 1 SAN.
Bond by 1. »» Failure: No effect.
»» Success: Gain 1 SAN.
»» Critical: Gain 1D4 SAN.
Special training Reduce a non-DG None. Gain special training with a skill or stat.
Bond by 1.
Stay on the case Reduce a non-DG Criminology »» Fumble: Uncover a dangerously wrong clue.
Bond by 1 and or Occult; the »» Failure: No effect.
gain 1D6−3 SAN. Handler rolls »» Success: Uncover a pertinent clue.
secretly. »» Critical: Uncover an especially valuable clue.
Study the unnatural Reduce a non-DG Depends on the Depends on the source.
Bond by 1D4. source.

* If you describe criminal or unnatural events and the therapist thinks they are delusions, the roll is at a −20% penalty. If the therapist
does not think they’re delusions, there’s a risk of criminal investigation or further exposure of the unnatural.


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