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Chapter 1.


Question 01: It is primarily the _____ of _____ managers who argue for standardzation for the sake of
economies of scale.
A. Production; Finance B. Logistic; Manufacturer
C. Marketing; Distribution D. Primary; Secondary
Question 02: What are the four options of EPRG Framework?
A. Ethno Policies; Private Policies; Racial Policies; Geography Policies
B. Ethnocentrism; Polycentrism; Regioncentrism; Geocentrism
C. Energy; Privacy; Real-World, Giggity
D. Ethnocentrism; Polycentrism; Racialism; Governmental
Question 03: Ethonocentrism can simply be defined as:
A. Developinga simple diverse strategy for new market
B. Developone strategy for all countries worldwide
C. Use everywhere the same strategy as at home
D. Beingethnically centred on a global scale
Question 04: European and Japanese managers have been “thinking international” form the outset (beginning)
A. True B. False C. Not Given
Question 05: An uncounscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis
for decisions.
A.Tolerance Effect B. ProGlobalist
C. Self-Reference Criterion D. Culture
Question 06: Which stages of IM involvement are more reactive?
A. Infrequent & Regular B. Global & No Direct
C. International & Global D. Infrequent & No Direct

Question 01: Which country has the most Muslims?
A. India B. Indonesia C. Pakistan D. Bangladesh
Question 02: What food are Muslims prohibited from eating?
A. Beef B. Chicken C. Pork D. Lamb
Question 03: Which country has the oldest population?
A. Finland B. Italy C. Portugal D. Japan
Question 04: In which country do men wear skirts?
A. Scotland B. Ukraine C. Egypt D. Russia
Question 05: Where did afternoon tea originate?
A. France B. Denmark C. England D. Canada
Question 06: Which country has the most Christian?
A. Mexico B. US C. Brazil D. Nigeria
Question 07: Which country has the youngest population?
A. Mali B. Angola C. Uganda D. Niger
Question 08: Which country has the highest rate of illiteracy?
A. Afghasistan B. Bangladesh
C. Ethiopia D. Central African Republic
Question 09: Which country has won the most of World Cups?
A. Italy B. Brazil C. Spain D. Germany
Question 10: Which country flag is this?
A. France
B. Croatia
C. Czechia
D. Netherland



Question 01: All of the following are actual modes of market-entry EXCEPT:
A. Exporting B. Licensing C. Franchising D. Standardization
Question 02: Which of the following alternative market entry modes offers the least risk?
A. Strategic International Alliance B. Mergers and Acquistions
C. Contract Manufactoring D. Organic Growth
Question 03: ______ are a partnership of two or more companies that join forces to create a separate legal
A. Mergers and Acquistions B. International Joint Ventures
C. Co-Branding D. Indirect Export
Question 04: How do the vast majority of services enter a foreign market?
A. Licensing B. Importing C. Brokers D. Franchising
Question 05: The rule whereby the decision maker systematically compares and evaluates all entry modes
before any choice is:
A. The naive rule B. The pragmatic rule
C. The competition rule D. The strategy rule
Question 06: One of the following is not among the main internal factors affecting the choice for market entry
A. Demand Uncertainty B. International Experience
C. Firm Size D. Product
Question 07: The foreign entry mode pertaining to the lowest levels of control and risk is the _____ mode.
A. Intermediate B. Export
C. Hierarchical D. Strategic Alliance
Question 08: The rule whereby the decision maker uses a workable entry mode for each foreign market,
although it may not be the best?
A. The naive rule B. The pragmatic rule
C. The competition rule D. The strategy rule
Question 09: SMEs most probably use:
A. The naive rule B. The pragmatic rule
C. The naive or pragmatic rule D. The strategy rule
Question 10: One of the following is not a main external factor affecting the choice for market entry mode:
A. Demand Uncertainty B. International Experience
C. Market Size D. Intensity of Competition


Question 01: Which of these is the definition of “product” ?
A. A physical, tangible offering, capable of being delivered to a customer
B. A good offered to the market for exchange
C. A good, service or idea offered to the market for exchange
D. An intangible offering to the market
Question 02: A clothing company manufactures a range of underwear, singlets, socks and t-shirts for both men
and women. This range is _____
A. Product capacity B. Product item C. Product line D. Product mix
Question 03: A dairy company manufactures a range of flavoured skim milks. This range is known as the
company’s _____ .
A. Product line B. Product capacity C. Product item D. Product mix
Question 04: A collection of symbols e.g name, logo, slogan & design inended to create an image in the
customer’s mind _____ .
A. Brand image B. Brand name C. Trade mark D. Brand
Question 05: By legally registering “A” with IP AUS, the brewing company gained legally enforable rights to
the exclusive use of name
A. Brand image B. Brand name C. Trade mark D. Brand
Question 06: Most of the differentiating features are part of the ____ product layer of the total product concept
A. Augmented B. Core C. Expected D. Protential
Question 07: As products approach the decline phase of PLC, which of the following will not help possibly
enjoy a new phase of growth
A. Product upgrade B. Product deletion
C. Line extensions D. Product repositioning
Question 08: A variation or derivative of an existing product can be added to product line rather superseding
the original product
A. Modification B. Repositioned item C. Line extentions D. Brand extension
Question 09: What are two primary reasons that a company will adapt a product for a foreign market?
A. To market to specific needs of the local consumers and comply with local laws
B. To develop effective advertising and to sell products
C. To appease local governments and to sell products
D. To sell products and open new facilities in the foreign market
Question 10: Which of the following is an example of a tangible modification to a product?
A. Changing the brand name B. Changing the size
C. Changing the manner of advertisng D. Changing the type of distribution network
Question 11: What are two product strategies that a company may employ when placing its product into a new
foreign market?
A. Adaptatuon and non-adaptation B. Standardization and Adaptation
C. Adaptation and domestication D. Minimalism and Adaptation
Question 12: Product standardization works best with _____ product.
A. snack food B. high tech
C. agricultural D. fashion and clothing


Question 01: Which factor influence the pricing decision?
A. Demand B. Operational Market C. Organisation Objectives D. All of these
Question 02: Which type of counter trade, occur when 2 contract or a set of parallel cash sales agreement, each
paid in cash?
A. Parallel B. Buyback C. Barter D. Switch trading
Question 03: Which type of counter trade, requires a company to provide machinery and from this machinery
over an agreed-on period?
A. Parallel B. Buyback C. Barter D. Switch trading
Question 04: Which type of discounting does cheapter hotel prices in the winter, refer to?
A. Trade discount B. Allowance C. Cash discount D. Seasonal discount
Question 05: What is transfer pricing?
A. Companies allow their susidiaries to negotiate transfer price
B. One division in a company charges another division for goods and services
C. How much it costs the company to sell something at a loss
D. A division in a company charges another division for goods or services provided
Question 06: What kind of company is most likely to use tranfer pricing?
A. Small company that provides one service B. Large company that makes many things
C. Private company that provides one service D. Public company that makes only one thing
Question 07: The price of one nation’s currency in terms of another nation’s currency is called?
A. Foreign exchange B. Foreign exchange rate C. Exchange rate D. Currency converter
Question 08: Which type of counter trade, involves a triangular than bilateral trade agreement?
A. Parallel B. Buyback C. Barter D. Switch trading
Question 09: A firm charges $14 for a product. If the makeup is 40%, then the fully allocated average cost is
A. $19.60 B. $8.40
C. $10.00 D. None of the above is correct
Question 10: Setting a high price when a product’s first introduced and then gradually lowering its price over
time is referred to as
A. Value pricing B. Skimming C. Price lining D. Prestige pricing
Question 11: Developinh a product to sell at a predetermined price is called
A. Value pricing B. Prestige pricing C. Price lining D. Skimming


Question 0:

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