Groover FundModMFG 2012

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Page xii


0.1 Overview of Casting Technology

.2 Heating and Pouring 23

3 Solidification and Cooling 23

Page 230

he starting work material is eithe

a liquid or is in a highly plastic condition, and a par

is created through solidification of the materia

solidification processes can be classified according to

he engineering material that is processed: (1) meta

2) ceramics, specifically glasses,1 and (3) polymers an

polymer matrix composites (PMCs)

Casting is a process in which molten metal flows b

gravity or other force into a mold where it solidifies

he shape of the mold cavity

The principle of casting seem

imple: melt the metal, pour it into a mold, and let

cool and solidify; yet there are many factors and va

bles that must be considered in order to accomplish

successful casting operatio

Casting includes both the casting of ingots and th

casting of shapes. The term ingot is usually assoc

ated with the primary metals industries

Page 232
Shape casting involves the production of more comple

geometries that are much closer to the final desired shape of the part or

, thus making it one of the mos

ersatile of all manufacturing processe

Casting can be used to create complex part geometries, including both


and internal shapes

Some casting processes are capable of producing parts to net shape. No


manufacturing operations are required to achieve the required geometry


dimensions of the parts

Other casting processes are near net shape

additional shape processing is require

n order t

chieve accurate dimensions and deta

produce very large parts. Castings weighing more tha

100 tons have been made

can be performed on any metal that can be heated to th

liquid stat

suited to mass production

disadvantages associated with castin

imitations on mechanical properties

porosity, poor dimensional accuracy and surface finish for some casting

safety hazards to humans when processing hot molten meta

d environmenta


The list of parts include

dental crowns, jewelry, statues, wood-burning stoves, engine blocks and

heads for

automotive vehicles, machine frames, railway wheels, frying pans, pipes,

and pump


asting can also be used on other materials such as polymers and


Page 233

foundry is a

actory equipped for making molds, melting and handling metal in molten

The mold contains a cavit

whose geometry determines the shape of the cast par

The actual size and shap

of the cavity must be slightly oversized to allow for shrinkage that occurs
in t

metal during solidification and cooling.

the mold cavity must be designed for the particular metal to be ca

if dimensional accuracy is critica

Molds are made of a variety of materials, includin

sand, plaster, ceramic, and meta

asting processes are often classified

types of molds

he metal is first heated to a temperature high

enough to completely transform it into a liquid state. It is then poured, or


directed, into the cavity of the mold

In an open mold,

the liquid

metal is simply poured until it fills the open cavity

In a closed mold


passageway, called the gating system, is provided to permit the molten

metal to flow from outside the mold into the cavity. The closed mold is by
far the more important category in production casting operations.

As soon as the molten metal is in the mold, it begins to cool. When the te

perature drops sufficiently

, solidification


a change of phase of the metal

considerable heat is given up in the process

the metal assumes the solid shape of the mold


properties and characteristics of the casting are established

nce the casting has cooled sufficiently, it is removed from the mold

further processing may be required

Page 234

rimming any excess metal from the actual cast part

cleaning the sur-

face, inspecting the product, and heat treatment to enhance properties

machining may be required to achieve closer tolerances on certain part


asting processes divide into two broad categories,

n expendable mol

means that the mold in which the molten metal solidifies must be
destroyed in order

to remove the casting.

made out of sand, plaster, or similar materi-


form is maintained by using binders of various kind

A permanent mold is one that can be used over and over to produce
many ca


Sand casting is by far the most important casting proces

The mold consists of two halves: cope and drag. The cope is the upper
half of th
mold, and the drag is the bottom half

These two mold parts are contained in a box

called a flask, which is also divided into two halves, one for the cope and
the other

for the drag. The two halves of the mold separate at the parting line

the mold cavity is formed

by means of a pattern, which is made of wood, metal, plastic, or other


The pattern is usually

made oversized to allow for shrinkage of the metal as it solidifies and

cools. The sand

for the mold is moist and contains a binder to maintain its shape.

The gating system in a casting mold is the channel, or network of

channels, b

which molten metal flows into the cavity from outside the mold


e gating system typically consists of a downsprue (also called simply the


hrough which the metal enters a runner that leads into the main cavity.At
the top o

he downsprue, a pouring cup is often used to minimize splash and

turbulence as the

Page 235

metal flows into the downsprue

In addition to the gating system, any casting in which shrinkage is


requires a riser connected to the main cavity. The riser is a reservoir in

the mold that

serves as a source of liquid metal for the casting to compensate for

shrinkage during


the air

, as

well as hot gases formed by reactions of the molten metal, must be

evacuated so tha

the metal will completely fill the empty space.

the natu-

ral porosity of the sand mold permits the air and gases to escape through
the walls

To perform a casting operation, the metal must be heated to a

temperature some

what above its melting point and then poured into the mold cavity to

he heat energy required is the sum of (1

the heat to raise the temperature to the melting point, (2) the heat of
fusion to con

vert it from solid to liquid, and (3) the heat to raise the molten metal to
the desired

temperature for pouring. This can be expressed:

H rV{Cs(Tm To) Hf Cl(Tp Tm)}

where H total heat required to raise the temperature of the metal to the

ing temperature, J (Btu); r density, g/cm3 (lbm/in3); Cs weight

specific heat for

the solid metal, J/g-C (Btu/lbm-F); Tm melting temperature of the

metal, C (F
To starting temperature—usually ambient, C (F); Hf heat of fusion,
J/g (Btu/

lbm); Cl weight specific heat of the liquid metal, J/g-C (Btu/lbm-F); Tp


temperature, C (F); and V volume of metal being heated, cm3 (in3).

Page 236

Use of Equation (10.1) is com-

plicated by the following factors: (1) Specific heat and other thermal
properties of

a solid metal vary with temperature, especially if the metal undergoes a

change of

phase during heating. (2) A metal’s specific heat may be different in the
solid and

liquid states. (3) Most casting metals are alloys, and most alloys melt over
a tem-

erature range between a solidus and liquidus rather than at a single

melting point;

thus, the heat of fusion cannot be applied so simply as indicated above.

(4) The

property values required in the equation for a particular alloy are not
readily avail-

able in most cases. (5) There are significant heat losses to the
environment during


. Introduction of molten metal into the

mold, including its flow through the gating system and into the cavity, is a

step in the casting process.

the metal must flow into

all regions of the mold before solidifying.

The pouring temperature is the temperature of the molten metal as it is


duced into the mold

difference between the tempera-

ture at pouring and the temperature at which freezing begins (

sometimes referred to as the superheat

Pouring rate refers to the volumetric rate at which the molten metal is

into the mold.

f the rate is too slow, the metal will chill and freeze before filling the

cavity. If the pouring rate is excessive, turbulence can become a serious


Turbulence in fluid flow is characterized by erratic variations in the

magnitude and

direction of the velocity throughout the fluid

. The flow is agitated and irregular

rather than smooth and streamlined, as in laminar flow.

It tends to accelerate the formatio

of metal oxides that can become entrapped during solidification,

Turbulence also aggravates mold erosion

There are several relationships that govern the flow of liquid metal

the gating system and into the mold. An important relationship is


theorem, which states that the sum of the energies (head, pressure,
kinetic, and

Page 237
friction) at any two points in a flowing liquid are equal. This can be written
in the

following form:

Bernoulli’s equation can be simplified in several ways

If friction losses are ignored

and the system

is assumed to remain at atmospheric pressure throughout

Page 238

The molten metal flow characteristics are often described by the term
fluidity, a meas-

ure of the capability of a metal to flow into and fill the mold before

. Fluidity is

the inverse of viscosity

as viscosity increases, fluidity decreases

. Standard

testing methods are available to assess fluidity, including the spiral mold
test shown

n which fluidity is indicated by the length of the solidified metal in the

spiral channel.
Page 239

After pouring into the mold, the molten metal cools and solidifies.

Solidification involves the transformation of the molten metal back into

the solid


The solidification process differs depending on whether the metal is a


element or an alloy.

Pure Metals

A pure metal solidifies at a constant temperature equal to its freez-

ing point, which is the same as its melting point.

The process occurs over time as shown

in the plot of Figure 10.4, called a cooling curve.

he actual freezing takes time,

Page 240

called the local solidification time in casting, during which the metal’s
latent heat

of fusion is released into the surrounding mold. The total solidification

time is th

ime taken between pouring and complete solidification

. After the casting has com-

pletely solidified, cooling continues at a rate indicated by the downward

slope of the

cooling curve.

Because of the chilling action of the mold wall, a thin skin of solid metal is

formed at the interface immediately after pouring

Thickness of the skin increases to

form a shell around the molten metal as solidification progresses inward

toward the

center of the cavity.

It is of interest to examine the metallic grain formation and growth during

solidification process. The metal which forms the initial skin has been
rapidly cooled

by the extraction of heat through the mold wall. This cooling action
causes the grains

in the skin to be fine and randomly oriented.

Since the

heat transfer is through the skin and mold wall, the grains grow inwardly
as needles

or spines of solid metal.

This type

of grain growth is referred to as dendritic growth, and it occurs not only in

the freez-

ing of pure metals but alloys as well.

Most Alloys Most alloys freeze over a temperature range rather than at a

temperature. The exact range depends on the alloy system and the
particular com


As temperature drops, freezing begins at the

temperature indicated by the liquidus and is completed when the solidus

is reached.

The start of freezing is similar to that of the pure metal.

However, owing to the temperature spread between the liquidus and


the nature of the dendritic growth is such that an advancing zone is

formed in which

both liquid and solid metal coexist.

as the mushy


Page 241

Another factor complicating solidification of alloys is that the composition

of the

dendrites as they start to form favors the metal with the higher melting

here develops an imbalance in compo-

sition between the metal that has solidified and the remaining molten

completed casting in the form of

segregation of the elements

microscopic and mac

roscopic. At the microscopic level, the chemical composition varies

throughout each

individual grai

At the macroscopic level, the chemical composition varies throughout the



Eutectic Alloys Eutectic alloys constitute an exception to the general

process by

which alloys solidify. A eutectic alloy is a particular composition in an alloy

for which the solidus and liquidus are at the same temperature



occurs at a constant temperature rather than over a temperature range

Page 242

The total solidi-

fication time is the time required for the casting to solidify after pouring.
This time is

dependent on the size and shape of the casting by an empirical

relationship known

as Chvorinov’s rule, which states:

where TTS total solidification time, min; V volume of the casting,

cm3 (in3)

A surface area of the casting, cm2 (in2); n is an exponent usually taken

to have

a value 2; and Cm is the mold constant. Given that n 2, the units of

Cm are

min/cm2 (min/in2), and its value depends on the particular conditions of

the cast
ing operation, including mold material (e.g., specific heat, thermal

thermal properties of the cast metal (e.g., heat of fusion, specific heat,
thermal con-

ductivity), and pouring temperature relative to the melting point of the

metal. The

value of Cm for a given casting operation can be based on experimental

data from

Chvorinov’s rule indicates that a casting with a higher volume-to-surface


ratio will cool and solidify more slowly than one with a lower ratio.

Page 243

The discussion of solidification has neglected the impact of shrinkage

that occurs dur-

ing cooling and freezing. Shrinkage occurs in three steps: (1) liquid
contraction during

cooling prior to solidification; (2) contraction during the phase change

from liquid

to solid, called solidification shrinkage; and (3) thermal contraction of the


casting during cooling to room temperature.

Page 244

Solidification shrinkage occurs in nearly all metals because the solid

phase has

a higher density than the liquid phase.

Pattern-makers account for thermal contraction by making the mold


oversized. The amount by which the mold must be made larger relative to
the final

casting size is called the pattern shrinkage allowance.

In order to minimize the damaging effects of shrinkage, it is desirable for


regions of the casting most distant from the liquid metal supply to freeze
first and

for solidification to progress from these remote regions toward the


molten metal will continually be available from the risers to prevent


age voids during freezing. The term directional solidification is used to


this aspect of the freezing process and the methods by which it is

controlled. The

desired directional solidification is achieved by observing Chvorinov’s rul

Another way to encourage directional solidification is to use chills—


or external heat sinks that cause rapid freezing in certain regions of the

Internal chills are small metal parts placed inside the cavity before
pouring so that

the molten metal will solidify first around these parts.

Page 245

External chills are metal inserts in the walls of the mold cavity that can

heat from the molten metal more rapidly than the surrounding sand in

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