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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics It! CIT3111 (SSA Exam) v JOHANNESBURG PROGRAM : NATIONAL DIPLOMA CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SUBJECT THERMODYNAMICS IL CODE : CIT3111 DATE : WINTER SSA EXAMINATION 2016 27 JULY 2016 DURATION (SESSION 3) 15:00 - 18:00 WEIGHT 40: 60 TOTAL MARKS 100 EXAMINER : DRKMOOTHI MODERATOR : DRHRUTTO NUMBER OF PAGES: 09 PAGES INSTRUCTIONS : QUESTION PAPERS MUST BE HANDED IN. REQUIREMENTS : Use of scientific (non-programmable) calculator is permitted (only one per candidate). INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: + PLEASE ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. * Number each question clearly; the order of answer/s does not matter. © Show all units in calculations. © Write clearly and legibly Page1of9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Il IT3111 (SSA Exam) Question One [Total: 20 Marks] 1.1A power plant generates 750 MW; the reactor temperature is 315°C and a river with water temperature of 20°C is available. (@) Calculate the maximum possible thermal efficiency of the plant, and what is the minimum rate at which heat must be discarded to the river? 16 (b) If the actual thermal efficiency of the plant is 60% of the maximum, at what rate must heat be discarded to the river, and what is the temperature rise of the river if it has @ flowrate of 165 m? 5! [6] £ and c, 1S Use following information for the river water: p = 1-5, om gk 1.2 Using the following fundamental property relations for a homogencous fluid of constant composition: dU =TaS - Pav dH =TdS +VdP dA =—PdV -SdT dG =VaP -SdT and the Maxwell’s equations: (57), Gs) av), las), or ov (=), -(3), ap) _( as (=) -Cer), (a), Ce) (ar), ler), Show that: dU= car [7 ap) oT), dS=C, 4.(2) av Tr \ar), Pir (6) Write these expressions for the ideal gas. RI Page 20f9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Il CIT3114 (SSA Exam) Question Two [Total: 30 Marks] 2.1 State the three alternative statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 19) 2.2 Fill in the blanks for the following statements: (@) A reservoir that supplies energy in the form of heat is called a 21 (b) A reservoir that absorbs energy in the form of heat is called a QI (©) Heat engine operating in a completely reversible manner is called a 21 2.3 What is the final temperature when I-butene gas initially at 1033.15 K (760°C) and 4 bar undergoes reversible adiabatic expansion to 1 bar? (15] Assume I-butene gas to be an ideal gas at these conditions. For the iterations, assume starting T= 700°C Question Three [Total: 20 Marks} 3.1 A refrigeration system cools a brine from 298.15K to 258.15K (25°C to -15°C) at the rate of 20 kgs". Heat is discarded to the atmosphere at a temperature of 303.15 K (30°C). What is the power requirement if the thermodynamic efficiency of the system is 0.2? The specific heat of the brine is 3.5 kJ kg"K" 10) 3.2 A Camot engine receives 250 kW of heat from a heat-source reservoir at 798.15 K(525°C) and rejects heat to a heat-sink reservoir at 323.15 K (50°C). Calculate: (a) the power developed and 5] (b) the heat rejected is] Question Four [Total: 10 Marks] Using the Virial equation of state, estimate the residual enthalpy and entropy for benzene at 400 °C and 55.5 bar. Given: Te = 562.2 K Po= 48.98 bar =0.210 Question Five [Total: 20 Marks} Assuming the validity of Raoult’s law, do the following calculations for the benzene ({)/toluene (2) system: (a) Given x = 0.33 and T = 373.15 K, find y1 and P; [12] (b) Given yi = 0.33 and T = 373.15 K, find xi and P [8] END [Total: 100 Marks] Page 3 0f 9 ‘Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I! CIT3111 (SSA Exam) USEFUL EQUATIONS AND FORMULAE ve - AY BY, y oH PV =nRT; tt vee Paps = P,(or pgh) + Patmi dW=Fdl; W ie Pav; Wirrevrene mcr — Am = ABsystem + AEsurroundings came SFE = hm = thous — Thin Energy balance for open systems: “mex na [U +30 + gh] +04W Energy balance for steady-state flow processes: Arit(H + iu? + gh) = +W% oy Kat my + (<5) my Mechanically reversible closed processes: Q=nau = = ROT) _ PaV-Pi¥ eS a va | equation: oe 1484+; Lee/ Kesler correlation Z=2? +02; Generalized Pitzer correlation: Z=1+ (8° + 0B) (8° = 0.083 Ideal gas: Q = MAH = n(Cp)u(Ty ~ To); (Cody = R [A +S Toe + 1) + S72? +7 +1) +25] (Cody Clapeyron equation: ane aH = Tav General entropy change’ Tr) Pa AS = Cy Inge Ing Page 40f9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics ill CIT3121 (SSA Exam) Entropy change for an ideal gas: gant ind Ch foe + (r2 + 2) (NC) om aR Be For residual properties: E-@) +o@) oP] Raoult's law: 4P = x:PEM* where P = Byx,PfMt oF P = To Modified Raoutt’s law: EP = x PPE where P= Sox, PP OF P= Saree Fugacity and fugacity coefficient $= (6°)(6)” ; Ing = (6° + wBt)E ANTOINE PARAMETERS TABLE inp“ apa = a- 8 THC [Table 10.2 Parameters for the Antoine Equation A B c ‘Acetone 143916279582 43.15 Acetonitrile 14.7258 4271.24 31.30 Benzene 13.8594 2773.78 -53.08 Chlorobenzene 13.9926 3295.12 1-Chlorobutane 13.9600 2826.26 —49.05 L4Dioxane 141177 2966.88 63.15 Ethanol 166738 367449 46,70 Ethylbenzene 14.0085 3270.47 59.95 | |, t-Heptane 138587 2991.32 56,51 ‘Methanol 165938 364.30 33,39 Methyl acetate 144015 2739.17 ~ 50.03 ‘varPentane 138183 2477.07 39.94 L-Propanol 16.0692 3448.66 -69.06 Toluene 140008 3103.01 33.36 Water 16.2620__3799.89 __ 46.80 Page 5 of 9 ‘Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Il ‘Table A.1: Conversion Factors ‘Quantity Conversion Length m= 100m = 3.28084(ft) = 39.3701(in) “ Mass Tkg = 10° g = 2:20462(lb) kg ms? = 10%(dyne) = 0.224809(Iby) Pressure 1 bar = 10° kg m=! 57? = 10° N m=? = 108 Pa= 10? kPa = 10%(dyne) cm=? = 0.986923(atm) = 14,5038%(psia) = 750.061(torr} Fore IN Volume 1m? = 108 cm? = 10° titers. = 38.3147¢) = 264.172(gal) Density 1 gcm™> = 10° kg m=? = C2427 (Ibm Mf) Energy ldetkgm’s22tNm = 1m Pa= 1075 m? bar = 10cm} bar = 9.86923 cm'(atm) = 107(dyne) cm = 107 (erg) =0.239006(cal) = 5.12197 x 10~3¢f) ¢psia) = 0.737562(AX bp) = 947831 x 10~4(Btu) = 2.77778 x10~7 kWhr Power DEW = 103 W = 103 kgm? s-3 = 108s"! = 239,0064cal) s~! = 737.562 fX Ib) = 0.94783 1(Btu) s 34102¢hp) ‘Table A.2: Values of the Universal Gas Constant R= 8.314) mol! K-! = 8.314 a Pa mot! K~! = 83.14 cm? bar mol! K~! = 8,314 cm? kPa mol! K~! = 82.06 cin} (atm) mol! K~! = 62,356 cm? (torr) mol! K~! = 1,987%(cal) mol! K~! = 1,986(Btu)(Ib mole) "(R)~! = 0.7302(8)*(atm)(Ib mol)~' (RY! = 10.7341) (psiaXlb mol)“ 1(R)~! = 1,545¢f0{lbp {lb mol)~"(R)~! CIT3111 (SSA Exam) Page 6 of 9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ill HEAT CAPACITIES CIT3111 (SSA Exam) Table C.1_ Heat Capacities of Gases in the Ideal-Gas State! Constantsin equation C78 = 4+ BT +CT" + DT ‘Chemical species Paradins ‘Methane Ehme Prope Butane U.S.Bure Mines Bul. 584,19 CAR 4217 6369 9.001 11928 11901 Wt 17.550 20361 24 7 Geehin) fom 298.15 Tae A we we 9.081 19295 28785 36915 37853 45351 5372 em 70567 1359 0393, 124 oin29 L195 3957 0506 O01 1056 450 5154, 1818; HK Kelley 15 Ballots US Bustle: bul 675 182 wo Page 7 of 9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ill STANDARD ENTHALPIES OF FORMATION Table C.4 Standard Enthalpies and Gibbs Energies of Formation at 298.15 K (25°0)t Joules per mole of the substance formed Site SHAG Cherie specs Gite) (eet) Note) Fonds Methane a @ “40 50460 hue Calls ) “$800 31855 Propane ote re) 104680 24290 aBitae Cally ® 125790 16870 a Petace CHa 6760-8650 aRerase Catt ®) —166900 150 a Regtene Cott =I 0 320 Octane CoH © -208 790 16260 Iethones: Blylene Gt ® 25106840 Propylene ots © wo et z0s Beene ca & so 7030 HFeene Ctl ® 21280 7410 Hesene Cathy ® 41950 $6830 I epere cae 2760 Miscelaeats xpaes Acetate coo © =166190 128860 Ace acid CaHuO: 0 184500 ~389900 Ateyene Cat ® m4 = 209970 Benzene Cote © 90139665 Benzene cat, 0 900 ASD 12a Calls ® 192m NTRS yeloiezane Catia ® — -ns 31930 yelobenane Cain © ~1362% 26850 Latewebot CHa: © —4NO | =323 080 Efhaol CHO © 2510 1690 Ethanol CHO o “7160-14780 itylbeazene Catt © oso Efile ode CHO « =13010 Formal dehy C0 « 108570102890 Metal CHO. © 200660161960 Metanal cH % 286 166270 Metiylepcoberace Cote ® — -1s870 nao Metgleyctoherane Cite ” 190 10 20360 Stent ry 7M 213900 ® som 2480 0 Rio 1360 iT3111 (SSA Exam) Page 8 of 9 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics ill CIT31211 (SSA Exam) Table C4 (Continued) Sate Chemical species (ete2) (Note) ‘Nisellancusinoranics Ammonia Nit @ 60-1648 ‘Ammonia Na (oa) 3500 Calciumentide cats @ 990 64900 Calin carbonate CaCO @ 16930 =128790 Calum cho Cay ws 79580 748100 Cale chlonde CAC (oy) 8101960 Calcium corde aC H,0 0 Cicium hydride xt, i 998490 Ca ode ‘CuOH (og) -368070 (Calcium oxide 0 i ‘Carbon donde 00; ® ‘Catton monaide co ® iyetochloe acd KC ® 839 Hytkogen cyanide HEN @ 13700 Hydrogen safe HS ® 33500 enone FO Gi Inside heme) F205 © <7 Inonesidetmagnetie) ——_-Fes04 ‘9 1015400 Iron salie(pyrie) Fe; o 165900 Lithiam chloride io ‘Li eleride “ =712599 Liu chee (1012680 ‘iho ride % BI1300 Nine seid @ 17 100 -970 Narie asd td 11129 ivogen oxides ) 90280 $6580 es NOy (a) 33190 31310 N20 ® $2050 v4 200 NO, ® 9 60 97 sto Soin cartons Na:CO} 6-168 10H Ato Sadi carbonate NigCO;-10,0 =) 4081330 Sodium chleride MG wo HIS 3848 Soden cleide wc ay) =3313 Sodio Iydcnide NOt oO 125409 Soden ydoxide 0H 0) ‘Selfurdonide 80: @ 236830 Sulfiritonide $03 ® 35720 Sur trond $0, o HHL 040 Sulfuric acd Hh:805 0 Ss13989 60 05 Sule acid 1:80, os 7H 530 Wate 120 © <2nsis | -msy72 War #30 0 =3500 0-219 “From TRCTheanodynanicTobles—Hy koe Themis Reser hCeaer, Teas AS MU, system College Station TX: "The NBS Tatesof Chemical Thema Properties” Phys. and Chem. Refirence Da, wl 11, spp. 2 1982. ates 1. The standart pooper changesot formation AH}, md AGF, eethechangescocaring when {mad of te itedeampea is fomed fom is demeatswaheach aie ine aad stale 398. 15K 28°C) 2. Sandan utes: (a)Gases(g): pe idl gas | Yar end 298.15K QS°C).(b) Ligids end sols}: pre ststance a1 Bar and 298.15 K (25°C). Soles in aqueos sTaion 4): Uypetical idea moll sclton of sole in water at bar and 268.15 K (25°C), Page 90f9

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