Can You Cook

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Can you cook?

-Oh yes, I love to cook. Honestly, I don’t think I can cook very well but I always try
my best. I consider it one of my hobbies.

Who does the cooking in your family?

-My mom does. Sometimes my older sister cooks for dinner. On weekends, I
sometimes cook too.

What is your main meal in the day?

– Well, I can say, lunch is my main meal. I usually skip breakfast and I just have
light dinner.

On what occasions do you eat special foods?

I eat special foods on special occasions like birthday parties, weddings, New Year
and etc. Even on small and simple gatherings, there are special foods too

Which foods from your country do most foreign people enjoy?

-I think foreign people are always eager to try local and exotic foods. Tourists and
foreigners eat our local and traditional foods in my country.

On what occasions do you eat special foods?

-No, not very much. Aside from being unhealthy, I am not fond of salty foods
19. cokelat : chocolate
Makanan (Food) :
20. daging babi : pork
1. agar-agar : a kind of pudding
made of seaweed 21. daging babi diasinkan : ham

2. bistik : beef steak 22. daging lembu potongan : veal

3. kembang gula : lollipop
23. daging sapi panggang : roasted
4. ayam bakar : roasted chicken beef
5. ayam goreng : fried chicken 24. dendeng : jarked beef
6. asinan : salted vegetables 25. dodol : a kind of cake made of
7. bakmi : noodles pounded glutinous ricce

8. bakso : meatballs 26. donat : doughnut/donut

9. bakpao : steamed bun stuffed 27. gado-gado : a kind of salad made

with meat or others of vegetables and peanut sauce

10. bakwan jagung : corn fritter 28. gandum : wheat

11. biskuit : biscuit 29. hidangan laut : seafood

12. biskuit tipis berlapis : wafer 30. ikan bakar : roasted fish

13. bubur : porridge 31. ikan goreng : fried fish

14. bubur ayam : chicken porridge 32. ikan pindang : bloater

15. bubur kacang hijau : green peas 33. jagung berondong : popcorn
porridge 34. jenang : a kind of food which is
16. bubur ketan hitam : black sticky stick and viscious
rice 35. nasi : rice
17. camilan : snacks 36. nasi goreng ayam : fried rice with
18. capcai : chop suey chicken
37. nasi goreng bakso : fried rice 56. oncom : fermented cake made
with meatballs from soybean sediment

38. kacang goreng : roasted peanut 57. onde-onde : round fried cake
made of rice flour
39. kecap : soy sauce
58. opor ayam : chicken dish cooked
40. kentang goreng : french fries
with coconut cream
41. keripik : chips
59. perkedel : croquette or boiled
42. kismis : raisin potatoes

43. kornet : canned corned beef 60. roti isi daging : hamburger

44. kue : cake 61. permen : candy

45. kue bolu : sponge cake 62. permen karet : buble gum

46. kue kering : pastry 63. puding : pudding

47. kue sepit : waffle 64. rawon : a kind of beef stew from
East Java
48. kue serabi : pancake
65. rempeyek kacang : peanut brittle
49. lalapan : salad
66. rendang : meat simmered in
50. lumpia : eggroll
spices and coconut milk
51. lontong : steamed rice wrapped
67. roti : bread
in banana leafe
68. roti lapis isi : sandwich
52. martabak : thick folded crepe
filled with peanut, meat or egg 69. roti panggang : toasted bread

53. mentega : butter/margarine 70. roti sosis : hot dog

54. mi ayam : chicken noodle 71. sambal : chili sauce

55. nasi goreng : fried rice 72. sate : roasted meat on skewers
73. sate kambing : roasted lamb on 3. air es : icy water
4. es batu : ice cube
74. saus tomat : tomato ketchup
5. es buah : tutt-frutti
75. selai : jam
6. es krim : ice cream
76. selai kacang : peanut butter
7. es loli : popsicle
77. siomai : a kind of steamed ravioli
8. es teh : ice tea
filled with meat
9. jus : juice
78. sosis : sausage
10. jus jambu : guava juice
79. sup : soup
11. jus jeruk : orange juice
80. sup ayam : chicken soup
12. yoghurt : yoghurt
81. tahu : tofu/soybean curd
13. kopi : coffee
82. telur asin : preserved egg
14. kopi susu : coffee milk
83. telur ceplok : fried egg
15. tea : teh
84. telur dadar : omelet
85. telur rebus : boiled egg
86. telur setengah matang : soft
boiled egg
87. tempe : fermented soybean cake

Minuman (Drink)

1. air putih : fresh water / mineral


2. air dingin : cold water

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