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I5" Jone 2023

)PM Shi Narendoa Modi has Nutri Gahden project


Lakshadueep Ds lands 3

’ t as stted 2022
’ High gua lity vege table seeds are providled to lo00 formers
-These farmers they plant these with n ttheiy home
’ This project is a method ohieh foomers plant nutrient vich crops
u zesidential houses or neas to the houses , they can nmeet the reguirewent
of the family atleast for whole ye
>lakshadweep No amon UTs n încia "> NITI Aayoq ttealth

kerela was No | among lange states

was No| Small sta tes
Tripua among
lakshadweep Androth I land (Big Island in lakchadeep)
INS Andvoth - 22 Anti submasine ship thas Thdia has build YecenH.
LOOg TNS Arnala (Arnala is an îsland near Mahsashtra)
Both the ships are manufactred by a RSE
’Miicoy Thundi Beach
laks hadieep got blue Aag certRate
kadmatt Beach
Capita giveu by
kavoo atti (Foundati on for
Education) Environmentefee
CBased in copenhagan,
Den mank)
Social proqress Tndex pven Economic Advisory council to the
by prime Minster ( EAC- PM)
puducherry toas no-|
Lakshadweep LOas no2
2) pieter tl bers n has been thechatr
appointed as
of the
Dn tenatfo nal Air 7ransport
Association (TATA)
Boond of Goveors e fective
from June 202y
-TA TA H Mon treal
’ Montreal is HQ TCAo CInternatonal civil Aviatio
organfzation )
WADA (world Anti Doping Ageney)
AcT (Aiiports Caunci ! Dhterna tional )
’ He is the cE-o of Idgo Airlines
’ 79t Annval mee ting of TATA at
Is tanbul
’ World Air Transport sUmnmit held
Ts tan bul

’ Angshumali Rastogi ’ haias vepresen ta tive to cA o

Joitl replace
shefali Jon eja ( last yes she vepresented Thdia)

3) vttar pradesh has GI- tagged Gulabi meena ka?

decided to gift
handica fts '
visiting de legates krom G2o nations b
’G2o Summit pargati maldan a Delh:
’ Gulabi meena koi is practised nea ai ghat, vDanasi
’ I was populas duing muhal era in the early nth century
’ Minais persian LJoYd which means heaven
’ h varanas1 meena kani is done on Jewellery and home
decovative items.
has been
4) Harry Tec tor TCc Men[ playey of he Month
for May 2023
he fs froM
tis auward
Trelan He is st ever yecipient trom Treland of

’ Tcc Womens player of the Month tor May 2023

been aoanded to
Th?patcha putthawong (hailand)
( (9 yea o ld)

’ Rcc chairman - Greg Bonclay

Lceo- Geotf Allab dice
’ TC H Dhubai UAE
Prdia and utE they waut to inerease their Non - patrol biateral
+E they
trade to too bìlli on by 2030’target setop by both the countieg,

5) Railuoay protech on Force (RPF)

has conducted
Dperation "Ama nat
Retrieval of lost or left belind luggage and
valuable ayticles.
’ RPF comes under the authori ty of Ministry of Rai loays
6) Global 4liance tor Mass Entrepreneurship CGAME)
Small Dhdustries Development Bank of lnia (stp &?)"
have jointy launched the
NBPC Gvowth Acceler ator program C NGAP)
’ Tuis proqram will Suppor t those NBFCs which ae giving loang to
’> NGAP progam oill feus on capacity buildlfng for ateast
(oo Small NBFC whose assets aYe between 75c and 250er

’ This is AUM (Asse ts uder Mavagement

plat form ohich
’GAME iS a mass enterprenewrsip enable ment
Supports lobally the gouth of the MSME

Ev 4 ECO ’ to Support soyooo tvs

b project EVOLVE ’for boosing the fonding ct

EVs Bn Indfa
Because qovernent target is 3o/zo ie 3o% of
u Dudia should be electrie vehicle by 2030

a) Recenty , an hdian documeutary"when climate c hange


Jhas wOn a special prize m the
Heattn for All cate gory
Jat the flm Festival of the Woyd Health
4th Annoal Health foy All
’ IH is civected by ’ vandita Sahania (Rajasthan )
’ This s ust 432 min long but itshos the re atianship
betoen Domestie violence , climate change cnd Hman tra ffieking9
8) Wotld Bank has $|48 million loan
approved Jor
West Bengal
imigation practices mthe state e
-’west Bengal Matua Dho m maha mela conducted fM
Tha tun b n shreedam Tha kUT Nag as
Matoa Community was founded by Si Sri Hanichand Thakus
’ Rece ty Goja mitra aUnched in oest Benga lSastern dooarg E-R
west Bengal ’2 Elephant Reseves Maywjhana E R

’ odisha’ Ele plant Reserve ’ Mayubhanj e'R "

Sayantan Das 813 chess Gvandmaster oF India
Cwest Bengal )
Sanniketan SMy Bir bhym district west Bemgal
Jgouded by
Debe ndanath Toqore
to be converte to declo as
t has been ecommended
UNES CO Oorld Heritoge site.
Universi ty by his son
- t was convevted to vishsa Bhsat
Rabindhanath Togore

l4tu JUne -Woyld Bloco Doncr Day

Theme: Give bloocd qive plasma,share lFe,share often

lo) 0sA has To rejoin te UNESCO


UNES CO - United Nations Educational,Scien tific and cu ltural

Organization Hposis, france
’ when Donalo Trump as Uspiesident he guit UNEsco
because he said that they oe against Brael

’ fom Drdio as beey Depastment of labors

) Lali tha Nataaaja
latarajann awoded Us
(Chennai based child pres tigious
Rights activist)
2023 bal Masih Auoase!
Svding child Labeou
’ 4.s non cash au0N ( labo ministe)
given by the us Seevetay of labous witu the approval of
US congress
’ Iy bal Masih is pakistani person he as acarpet weave s
aqe ot Io he state
at he age of 4 and he es caped at the
mudered at an
campaining tor child abos Qwaene ss he oas
age of 12 yeans So this auod oas gven n his
Iuternational Day against cild about 2tJoe

12)`AmitavaMu kheviee" hasgiven extension to hold the additional
chairman and Moanaging
NMDC Ltd and NMDCc
NMDc ltd it coorks under Ministry of steel
pune .
-’ Feryesta Made by company calted Kalyani base in
(st Green steelplant of Trdia
’ NSL is Loholly ooned s obsidary of NM De avd it yuns stel
plant called Naganos steel pant in Eastos ,chhattis hgcsh

IS) The Suvey vessel lange Csv)ots Indian Navy

has been launched at
’ sans hodhak means Reseosche
B oas wade by GRSE with the halo of LT
5 kattupall shipyod ooned by L& T
The Sandlhayak, Nirdeshak and îkshak

-> The levgth of the ship is it0 m

’ 7otal 4 cue there , Tis is last of the series

14) Reliance Tholustries ltd i dias ighest vauked compauy ?

at the recety yeleased
4sthplace Fotbes 2023 Global 2o oo list
of public Companies Loovd o fde
TPMorqan chase Us ’ NoI
the acguired
First Republie Bank 7ecently
’ silicon Valley Bank was acguived by First ciizens Bank
’ SBI is at 7274 posiion
These ae
are only 2 Iholian among top

15) Recenty an 'anti Sulbwaune warfae shallow watercsaft


b has been kattupalli port chennai

Avja cip launched at
N0S built by Gaden Reach shipbui lders and Enqìneers, kolkata
T# is wamed aftey Anj adi p land locaBed neas to kasoa Naval
base (konataka)
project seabirol.
Avnala 2nd usas Andhoth and rd nouo is AMjodi p
’ GRSE oith the help o7 LT doing it
e Lsant to built 8 anti submari mes
16) koanataka government has to launch

Gvuha Juothi schee

GYuha latshmi schewe
’ There ane 5 schemes bunched by kos taka . ey Loere prOni sed
Loon ekction
by congs pasty. before the elechon andl conges
’ Gruha Jyothi sche me i Svery howe oill qet 200 Unts of hee pouoes

(ightelechicihy) from July

July ,l,2023
Guha lalks hmischeme an as the heod of fomily
Svery ioo m
oill get 2000 every mOnth Stoting Aug s2023 Sn tveir ban k acoont

’ yuNa nidhi scheme : unewmployed gacuntes n kanvataka sil get

3 30oo- per mont. (Sool- per mon th for unawployed diplowa hols
’ Anna Bhaqya scheme BPL famiies oillget lolo kgkg ce for ree
om July l 2023
’ shakti schewe - Ree travel in govt buses oith fa te state for
OOmen trom June 1|, 2023
’ Gyoh lakshni seheme ccas also stas tecl by telangana eolio
built hei
upto 3 bbhs is qven to pooY oOwen so that they Can

house .

1) The st evey national confereuce of tri bal ites

oas held n
Bhadersah Ja mmu and kashwir
Doda digtrict
Tis was Organized by Jhastvdi Basha sahitya Sanskriti Akhara
ond the Anjuman-e- Taraggi Gojri Adab
Bhadeiuoah se also se tting vp Dndias st Natioval nstitute of
high AI4itude medic ine
Bhader Jah is Lavender capital ot Trdia because Aroma wiss ion
voas launche d called violet Revolution
lavc hed by

Ministry of sci ence and

Target is to have Soo Hectare of land that cultivates lavevdes
in tie next yeon 202y

HPCL Hindus tan pe troleum corporation limited )

has be come
)sf oil Man keting Company in Iholia
conduct pilot studs on vehicles utilizinq
Ee9 fuel 'and Ethanol Blended Diesel Fuel ?

’ rdia oants to mix 20% Ethanol n petrol by 2025

’E2? fuel ’Mì xinq 29 % ethanol in petrol
’HPCL ’ openi ng vefinery fn Rajasthan ’ pach padha Refivery
Bamey distiet of
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िलं पर क कर) :-

1. Gaurav Sir’s Current Affairs Course

2. Gaurav Sir's Sta c GK Course
3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

For any Assistance Please Feel Free to Contact at - 95544 43351

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