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2023 年菩提禅修慈善基金会小学助学金申请表格
2023 BMCF Primary Education Subsidy Application Form
A) 学生资料 Student’s Details
姓名 Name: 目前就读的小学:
(English) (中) Current Primary School
报生纸号码: 身份证号码: 班级: 性别: 男 (M)
Birth Cert No. IC No. Class Gender 女 (F)
住址: 宗教:
Address Religion
家庭情况,请打(√) Please tick the applicable remark:
残疾 Handicap 孤儿 Orphan 单亲 Single parent : 过世 Passed away
父母双亡 Lost both parents 离异 Divorced
Reason of application:

B) 住所情况 Residence Details

房屋类型 Type of house: 单层 (Single storey) 双层 (Double storey) 组屋 (Flat) 店屋 (Shop house)
板屋 (Wooden house)
每月供屋 Monthly house instalment:RM __________ / 每月租屋 Monthly house rental:RM ____________

C) 日常上下学的交通情况,请打(√) Please tick the applicable remark on daily transportation to school:

步行 Walk 父母接送 Send & fetch by parents 学生巴士/其他交通工具 School bus/other transportation
RM ________ (每月 per month)

D) 学生家庭状况 Student’s Family Details

家庭总人数 Number of family members: ____________
父母 / 监护人的资料 Details of Parents / Guardian
* 请呈上有关证件及薪水单 * Kindly attach supporting documents as the evidence of your income
成员姓名 身份证号码 关系 联系电话 职业 每月入息
Name of member IC No Relationship Contact No. Occupation Monthly Income

兄弟姐妹和其他需要承担的亲属资料 Details of siblings & other dependents

工作者 If working 就读者 If studying
成员姓名 身份证号码 关系 每月入息
职业 就读学校 年级
Name of member IC No Relationship Monthly
Occupation Name of school Level

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第 1页
家庭成员健康状况 Health condition of family member(s):
全员健康 All family members are healthy
接受治疗,请注明成员姓名及情况 Undergoing treatment, kindly indicate the name & condition of the member(s)
if any:__________________________________________________________________________
残障,请注明成员姓名及情况 Disabled, kindly indicate the name & condition of the member(s)
if any:__________________________________________________________________________
意外伤害,请注明成员姓名及情况 Serious injury due to accident, kindly indicate the name & condition of the
member(s) if any:_________________________________________________________________

申请者或家人有无获得其他援助金 Is applicant & family members has other subsidies 有 Yes 无 No

如有 If Yes : 政府 Government 慈善机构 NGO

我 ____________(中文姓名),________________________(英文姓名)_______________________ (身份证号码)
证实以上资料全属真实。我已详读和了解, 并愿意遵守菩提禅修慈善基金会小学助学金申请说明所列的条文。
谨此声明,我同意让校方为我的孩子保管 RM200 (一至三年级) / RM300 (四至六年级) 的助学金以支付与学习相
I hereby declare that all the above information is true & correct. I acknowledge that I understand and agree to abide
the rules & regulations stated on the application guideline. I agree to empower the school of my child to manage the
usage of RM200 (Primary 1~3) / RM300 (Primary 4~6) BMCF Primary Education Subsidy Fund in academic relevant
matters. I am aware that I will be informed on the expenses record. And I agree to attend the education subsidy
presentation ceremony, and understand that if otherwise my application will be disregard without further notice.

___________________ ____________________________
日期 Date 家长 /监护人签名 Signature of Parent /Guardian

备注: 在申请人同意的情况下提供并由菩提禅修慈善基金会或其相关公司所持有的个人资料,只能依据 2010 年马来西亚个人资料

保护法令(“PDPA”),根据 PDPA 制定的适用法规、指南和决议,以及 PDPA 随时作出的任何法规修订或重新制定下使用。Note:
All personal data provided by the Applicant with his/her consent herein and held by BMCF or its associate companies will only be processed
in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, 2010 (“PDPA”), the applicable regulations, guidelines, orders made under PDPA and
any statutory amendments or re-enactment made of the PDPA from time to time.

E) 班主任资料 Class Teacher’s Details

班主任姓名 Class Teacher’s Name: 联络电话 Contact No.:
附属项目 Associated Program 【请为推荐的学生打(√) Please tick (√) for the recommended student】
免费餐 Free Meal (每日一份价值 RM3.00 的餐食)
老师评语 (学生的家庭状况) Teacher’s Recommendation (Based on Student’s Family Condition)

检附相关的文件 Attachments Required: 校长签名及盖章:

学生报生纸复本 Student’s Birth Certificate Principal’s Signature &
学生身份证复本 Student’s IC Stamp
家长 / 监护人身份证复本 Parent’s IC
近期家庭电费单复本 Latest electricity bill
家长/监护人目前最新的 3 个月薪水单复本,或其他可证明的资料 Parent/guardian’s latest 3
months’ pay slips or any other supporting documents
OKU 证件复本 (若有) OKU card (if applicable)
父/母死亡证书复本 (若有) Father/mother death certificate (if applicable)
近期成绩复本 (若有) Latest exam result (if applicable)

F) 菩提禅修慈善基金会内部审批使用 For BMCF Internal Use

批准 Approve 不批准 Not Approve KIV 待审批 审批人 Appraiser :
审批结论 Conclusion

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2023 年菩提禅修慈善基金会小学助学金申请说明
2023 Bodhi Meditation Charity Foundation Primary Education Subsidy Application Instructions

(一) 此小学助学金由马来西亚菩提禅修慈善基金会所提供,目的是给予小学生求学方面的援助。
Bodhi Meditation Charity Foundation Primary Education Subsidy Program is funded by Bodhi Meditation
Charity Foundation (formerly known as Bodhi Meditation Malaysia) (“BMCF”) to ease the financial burden of
underprivileged families by supporting the education fees of the children.

(二) 申请需符合以下所有条件 ALL conditions to be fulfilled by applicants:

1. 马来西亚公民 Malaysian citizen.
2. 在籍政府国民型小学生 Existing government primary school student.
3. 需提交申请表格并附上所要求的检附资料 Submission of the application form & required documents.
4. 申请者的家庭总月入 Total monthly household income:
• 教育助学金项目须在马币两千令吉以下 Must be below RM2000 for Education Subsidy Program.
• 附属项目免费餐须在马币一千五百令吉以下 Must be below RM1500 for Associated “Free Meal”
• 个案援助项目须在马币一千令吉以下,并且不能接受其他非政府机构的长期援助 Must be
below RM1000 and not receiving any long-term subsidy from other non-government organizations
for “Support For Underprivileged Families” Program.

(三) 以下条件将被优先考虑 Applicants with following conditions will be prioritized

1. 贫困家庭/困苦的单亲家庭孩子 Children from poor family / single parent family.
2. 父母双亡 Both parents passed away.
3. 父母/监护人没有能力抚养孩童 (包括因为年老、单亲、残疾或经医生证明健康欠佳而丧失工作能
力) Parents / guardian who are financially incapable of supporting the children due to old age, single
parent, handicapped or any other health conditions with attending doctor report.
4. 有 3 位或以上年龄于 18 岁以下的兄弟姐妹 With more than 3 siblings aged below 18.
5. 本身有残疾 Handicapped.
6. 需长期承担患重病或残疾医药费的家属 Family member(s) with health conditions / handicapped that
incurs long term medical fee.

(四) 申请方式 Application Procedure

1. 通过学校发放《2023 年菩提禅修慈善基金会小学助学金申请表格》。
The 2023 Bodhi Meditation Charity Foundation Primary Education Subsidy Application Form will be
distributed through respective primary schools.
2. 申请表格内所列的每一项目必须填上,资料不完整的表格将不被处理并在没有特别通知的情况下
All required information in the application form has to be completed. Incomplete application form will not
be processed and disqualified without further notice.
3. 申请表格填妥并由学校负责收齐相关资料及有关校长签名盖章后,提交至菩提禅堂的专项负责人。
Completed application form with ALL required supporting documents has to be verified by respective
school principals and to be submitted to respective Bodhi Meditation person in-charge.
4. 申请项目需征求级任老师依据以上条件及针对申请者家庭状况做出推荐。
Respective class teachers’ recommendation based on the above listed conditions is required.
5. 马来西亚菩提禅修慈善基金会保留到申请者家做探访的权利。
BMCF reserves the right to conduct home visit to all applicants.

(五) 申请日期 Application Deadline

2023 年 4 月 3 日开始申请,截止于 2023 年 4 月 17 日,表格必须提交到班主任。学校需于 4 月 21 日
把表格提交至菩提禅修的专项负责人。Application starts from 3rd April 2023, completed application form
with required documents need to be submitted to class teacher for school verification latest by 17th April 2023.
All duly verified forms have to be submitted to respective Bodhi Meditation person in-charge latest by 21th
April 2023.

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(六) 资助标准 Subsidy Policy
1. 教育助学金项目 Education Subsidy Program
每名成功申请者可获得助学金马币 200 令吉 (一至三年级) / 马币 300 令吉 (四至六年级),用于校内
所需的全年教育费。Each successful applicant of the program is entitled for RM200 (Primary 1~3) /
RM300 (Primary 4~6), which will be disbursed for school fees.
2. 附属项目免费餐 Associated “Free Meal” Program
每名成功申请者可获得在校内由该食堂全年供应每日一份价值马币 3.00 令吉的早餐或课间餐或午
餐。Each successful applicant of the program is entitled for a free meal of either breakfast /recess /lunch
worth RM3.00, which will be provided through their respective school’s canteens.
3. 个案援助项目 “Support For Underprivileged Families” Program
关怀、物资捐助、补习费或交通费补助。BMCF will conduct home visit for a better understanding of
the financial background to further propose an appropriate support plan.

(七) 资助模式 Subsidy Model

1. 教育助学金项目 Education Subsidy Program
监督权。Subsidy fund will be kept and monitored by respective class teacher for the use of required
school fees. Parents reserve the right to inquire the usage and expenses breakdown.
2. 附属项目免费餐 Associated “Free Meal” Program
录。Selected free meal will be provided through school’s canteen, BMCF will make payment to school
twice a year before each semester starts, hence daily meal arrangement and monthly payment will be
monitored and disbursed to canteen via respective schools. Submission of academy results, weight and
height measurements to BMCF is required for every semester as a progress record.
3. 个案援助项目 “Support For Underprivileged Families” Program
援助方案将会基于各别情况的需求而定。Financial aid and/or any other supports are subjects to
individual case approved.

(八) 审核方式 Approval

1. 尽管有任何标准/审查方法,马来西亚菩提禅修慈善基金会理事会的决定是最终的,具有约束力和
需给予任何理由。Notwithstanding any criteria / review method, the committee’s decision shall be final,
binding and conclusive which cannot be challenged in any manner whatsoever. The committee also
reserves the right to withdraw any bursary granted or approved at any time and without assigning any
reasons thereto.

(九) 颁发方式 Subsidy Award Model

1. 教育助学金项目 Education Subsidy Program
若申请获得批准,将由马来西亚菩提禅修慈善基金会正式发函通知。成功申请者,需由家长 /监护
人陪同参与由基金会举办的 “菩提慈善助学金颁发仪式”,否则当弃权论。
Successful applicants will be notified via formal award letter issued by BMCF and will be required to attend
the Subsidy Presentation Ceremony at selected Bodhi Meditation Centre, accompanied by respective
parents /guardian. Failing to attend the ceremony will duly disqualify the student from this education
2. 附属项目免费餐 Associated Program “Free Meal”
学校食堂享用全年上课日的免费餐。Successful applicants will be notified via formal award letter issued
by BMCF, and begin to enjoy the free meal from assigned date throughout the year during school days.
3. 个案援助项目 “Support For Underprivileged Families” Program
若申请获得批准,将由马来西亚菩提禅修慈善基金会正式发函通知。Successful applicants will be
notified via formal award letter issued by BMCF.

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