Technology Analysis

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Technology Analysis Template

LTDE 5350 | Emerging Technology

This form is designed to provide the governance committees with basic information about your
proposed project. Please consult with appropriate administrators, staff and/or ITS staff for
assistance with completing this project proposal. For the purpose of this assignment you are the
Evaluator. You should feel free to reach out to any professionals or product representatives who
can help provide important information.

Project Title: ___Adaptive Learning Classroom Training: Classroom Management, Educational

Technology, and Alternative Certifications _____

1. Project Type
Select a category that best describes the proposed project type.
Project Type - select one.
☐ New-record or application currently does not exist.
☐ Enhancement-adding functionality to an existing report or application.
☐ Replacement-replace an existing application or report.
☐ Fix-report or application does not work as expected.
☐ Upgrade-mandatory upgrade for vendor providing software.
☐ Other:

2. Project Description
Here future teachers will learn skills and class management for the classroom.
This application would allow future teachers and current teachers to stay up to
date on the latest technologies and classroom management styles, also allowing
those in the education profession to build and stack the credentials. Learning is
based on modules and end of lesson quizzes. This type of Adaptive Learning will
allow those in the education profession an alternative to mandatory meetings and

A project is defined as a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product or result. A project team
often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizational units within the
3. Project Timeline: 4 to 6 weeks
Assess training needs.
Set organizational training objectives and goals.
Create training action plan.
Implement training initiatives.
Evaluate and revise training.
There should be a learning curve so those new to online courses can become
accustomed and comfortable.
Each level or certificate for completion can differ in reference to time. Some
certifications may require time.
Course completion can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1-2 months.

4. Project Benefits
Allows future teachers to receive certifications and credentials. The program is
more affordable and allows students and teachers to add to their experience and
Accessibility is important and this platform will be readily accessible.
Adaptive learning training will help teachers use their experiences that they are
currently facing in their classrooms and use the problem solving and class
management skills learned through their modules.
Classes can be taken anywhere, day, time, or place.

A project is defined as a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product or result. A project team
often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizational units within the
Select the categories that best describe the benefits realized and what groups would be
impacted through this proposed project.
Project benefits-select all that apply.
☐ Automate repetitive or complex Manual tasks ☐ Manage data import, export, etc.
☐ Enhance or simplify the user interface ☐ Provide better access to data
☐ Prevent unwanted actions or enforce standards ☐ Required reporting need
☐ Streamline complex processes ☐ Required system upgrade
☐ Other:

What groups would be impacted?-Select one

☐ The HBU community and beyond ☐ The HBU community
☐ Faculty and administrative staff ☐Students
☐ Subset of student or staff ☐ Single department
☐ Other: Recently Graduated Students

5. Project Alternatives: Project alternatives would be outsourcing to a different

university that offers online certifications and credentials. Keeping traditional
meetings and training.

6. Project Costs: $150 and up

Classes and their certifications will be awarded at the end of completion.
Certain classes and certifications will be composed of different lessons and the
number of hours needed to complete them. The more intense classes and
certifications will of course be more expensive.

Project Proposal Ratings

The committee will review your request and assign a rating to your proposal. This rating will
help the committee to evaluate the proposal for endorsement. The committee asks that the
Requestor and Sponsor also provide a proposal rating analysis for the committee’s
consideration. Rank the proposal based on benefit, cost, visibility/impact and risk using the
following guidelines.
Benefit Cost Visibility/Impact Risk Total
Evaluator Rating 5 2 5 1 13
A project is defined as a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product or result. A project team
often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizational units within the
Final Review/Rating

Category Rating Guidelines

Benefit 5 High Benefit – this request will deliver any or all of the following: significant university
savings, significant productivity/business process improvement, significant
business/infrastructure opportunity
3 Moderate benefit – this request will deliver any or all of the following: university
savings, moderate productivity/business process improvement, moderate
business/infrastructure opportunity
1 Low benefit – this request will deliver NONE of the following: university savings,
productivity/business process improvement, business/infrastructure opportunity

Cost 5 Total project cost > $50,000

(dollars & people) 4 Total project cost > $25,000 and <= $50,000
3 Total project cost > $15,000 and <= $25,000
2 Total project cost > $5,000 and <= $15,000
1 Total project cost <= $5,000

Visibility/Impact 5 High Visibility – this project will be responsive to the Board of Trustees / Senior
(campus wide) Administrators / Regulatory Agencies
3 High Impact – this project will impact all users and constituencies
1 Low impact – this project will impact some users AND/OR constituencies

Risk 5 This project presents a high risk of disrupting university operations AND/OR no risk if
not implemented
3 This project presents a moderate risk of disrupting university operations AND/OR
some risk if not implemented
1 This project presents a minimal risk of disrupting university operations AND/OR a high
risk if NOT implemented

Project Proposal Request

Requestor Signature:______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

A project is defined as a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product or result. A project team
often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizational units within the

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