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Seminar/ Discussion Question 2

Raymonta Green

Kennesaw State University

WellStar School of Nursing

NURS 7875: Nurse Educator Practicum III

Dr. Anne White

September 22, 2023



To ensure the quality of care, it is essential to acknowledge and accommodate patients'

religious and personal choices. This becomes particularly crucial when healthcare providers face

situations that may conflict with their beliefs. Nurses and other healthcare professionals should

possess cultural competence to comprehend their patients' backgrounds, ensuring their care is

personalized and effective. Having competence helps minimize misunderstandings, builds trust,

and acknowledges needs, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and healthcare

environments that are more inclusive. The responsibility for the well-being of patients from

different backgrounds falls on the shoulders of nurses and other healthcare workers alike. They

can provide unbiased and comprehensive care to each patient by putting beliefs. Allowing

personal biases to influence judgment can undermine trust and hinder treatment. By prioritizing

ethics and focusing on the patient's needs over personal opinions, nurses uphold their

commitment to enhance patient outcomes and preserve the integrity and trustworthiness of the

nursing profession in diverse healthcare settings with multiple facets. Brooks et al. (2019) stress

that having social sensitivity involves knowing the diversity in culture and society. It means

understanding how a person's values, perspectives, and attitudes can be influenced by their


It requires acknowledging and respecting differences. Being culturally and socially

sensitive also means knowing how culture and society can shape a person's beliefs, values, and

attitudes. When communication is considerate of social norms, it shows respect for others and

enhances the satisfaction of patients and their families.

Transgenders Patients in Healthcare and Society


Transgender people play a role in our society today. Their increasing visibility and

acceptance challenge the norms and emphasize the complexity of human identity. In the field of

healthcare, it is crucial to understand the needs of transgender individuals. The healthcare system

should adapt to provide respectful care, whether hormone therapies or surgeries. Zeigler et al.

(2020) summarize that despite the heightened visibility of the transgender community in society,

they continue to be one of the groups in accessing proper medical care. People who identify as

transgender often encounter discrimination, marginalization, a lack of understanding of

healthcare providers, limited resources, and structural barriers in their pursuit of medical


Considering the prevalence of transgender individuals, medical professionals must be

competent, ensuring that all patients receive unbiased treatment without stigma. This approach is

vital for promoting well-being within society. Nurse educators play a role in shaping the

generation of healthcare professionals. Students need to grasp the importance of providing

compassionate and understanding care to transgender patients. Unfortunately, transgender

individuals often face access to healthcare due to misconceptions and bias. By emphasizing this

aspect of education, nurse educators prepare students to deliver empathetic care, which helps

overcome obstacles in effective treatment.

This education contributes to a respectful healthcare environment that promotes fairness,

empathy, and overall well-being. Ultimately, teaching competent care takes us closer to a

healthcare system that values and honors the identity of every individual. Guerin et al. (2021)

identify that since nurses have contact with patients among healthcare professionals, educating

them on providing competent care is crucial to enhancing the experiences of transgender

individuals seeking medical attention. Unfortunately, the nursing profession faces obstacles in

creating a culture for transgender individuals and ensuring that nurses possess competence. Only

a few nurses receive training addressing transgender issues during their education or professional

development. To address this gap, it is recommended that both student nurses and practicing

registered nurses receive education on transgender issues. This inclusive education should be

made available to all registered nurses as well.

Impact of the Nurse Educator

As a nurse educator, it is crucial to prioritize the understanding and acceptance of

religious and personal biases that healthcare providers may bring into their practice. This

becomes particularly important when they encounter situations that challenge their beliefs.

Kaihlanen et al. (2019) have shown it to be beneficial and thought-stimulating for healthcare

workers to get training that helps them realize how their cultural background impacts their

conduct. Communication between doctors and patients is essential for excellent treatment, and

awareness may help improve that process. For example, if a learner comes from a background,

interacting with a transgender patient can present specific difficulties. The first step for learners

is to recognize and reflect upon their biases and beliefs. Self-awareness is key in this process.

Students are often encouraged to converse with mentors or supervisors as these interactions can

provide insights and help navigate complex emotions. Education plays a role in this regard.

Learners should immerse themselves in the intricacies of transgender health, gaining an

understanding of the needs of transgender patients. This includes learning about hormone therapy

surgeries as broader aspects of gender transition.

Additionally, cultural competency training offered by institutions proves beneficial in

catering to patients from different backgrounds. Throughout teachings, the emphasis always lies

on healthcare principles; every patient deserves unwavering respect and dignity regardless of

gender identity. Healthcare goes beyond identity; it addresses health needs. Maintaining

confidentiality is essential, as any unintentional disclosure of a patient's transgender identity can

raise ethical and legal concerns. It is advised that healthcare professionals always use the name

and pronouns the patient prefers, and it is acceptable to ask for clarification if there is any

uncertainty. The significance of connection within nursing is often emphasized. Rather than

focusing on differences, it is encouraged for learners to concentrate on shared experiences. Each

patient brings a set of hopes, fears, and needs. Through empathy, we can bridge the gaps between

perspectives on life. When dealing with matters, it is crucial to distinguish between beliefs and

professional duties. Healthcare providers are expected to offer care without discrimination. If

learners face dilemmas, seeking guidance from leaders or chaplains can provide balanced

insights into faith and caregiving. Lastly, practical approaches are integrated into the training

curriculum. Engaging in role-playing exercises with peers allows learners to familiarize

themselves with patient interactions, including those involving individuals. After any interaction

with a patient, fostering a culture of feedback becomes essential as continuous improvement

thrives through reflection and constructive criticism.


To deliver care in the ever-changing healthcare landscape, it is essential to understand

and accommodate cultural, religious, and personal biases. The complexities of a healthcare

provider's interactions with patients are further intensified when these biases come into play.

According to Brooks et al. (2019) and Zeigler et al. (2020), having sensitivity and cultural

competency within the healthcare field is crucial for acknowledging backgrounds and combating

systemic prejudice and marginalization. Despite increasing acceptance, transgender individuals

still encounter challenges in receiving care. Nurse educators play a role in healthcare by

imparting empathy, respect, and understanding to healthcare professionals. They assist students

from different backgrounds in navigating the world of healthcare by equipping them with

knowledge, self-awareness, and cultural competence. As highlighted by Kaihlanen et al. (2019),

this type of training enhances communication skills, which are essential in providing quality

care. Additionally, it is vital to meet needs while respecting their confidentiality and emphasizing

shared experiences rather than focusing on differences. By offering tools and constructive

feedback to students, they can make that societal change needed in the continually changing

world around us.



Brooks, L. A., Manias, E., & Bloomer, M. J. (2019).Culturally sensitive communication

in healthcare: A concept analysis. Collegian, 26 (3), 383391.

Guerin, E. (2021) What Are the BeneNits of Educating Nurses on Transgender

Health? Transgender Health, 6(4), 185-187.

Kaihlanen, M., Hietapakka, L., & Heponiemi, T.(2019). Increasing cultural awareness:

Qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC

Nursing, 18.

Ziegler, E., Valaitis, R., Carter, N., Risdon, C., & Yost, J. (2020). Primary Care for

Transgender Individuals: A Review of the Literature ReNlecting a Canadian

Perspective. SAGE Open.

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