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OMI-PVL-031 0 13 Pages 12/01/2015 12/1/2017


"Operation Auxiliary Equipment"

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2. SCOPE 02










Prepared by OLATE ANTONIO MINE 12/01/2015

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Revision No. Code OMI-PVL-031

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" Auxiliary Equipment Operation" Validity

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Describe best practices for working with auxiliary equipment. Also minimize the risks
associated with the tasks.
Establish standard tasks for auxiliary equipment operations in the Veladero Mine
So that the operators of these equipment work with maximum safety.


The concepts and rules established in this document are applicable to and in compliance
with Mina Veladero Operations.

3.1. Auxiliary Equipment: Defined as equipment intended to support loading and
transport operations, as well as drilling operations. Example: motor grader,
bulldozer, wheel tractor, auxiliary loaders, excavators, backhoe loaders, etc.
3.2. Landfill: place of discharge where sterile material is emptied.
3.3. Unloading zone: defined as the area where trucks perform the unloading maneuver.
3.4. Loading area: Defined as the place where all the extraction tasks are carried out.
3.5. Load front: maneuvering radius of the loading equipment.


Area involved Mine Operations, dividing responsibilities as follows:
4.1. Supervision of Operations will be responsible for ensuring the correct application
of the procedure.
4.2. Mina Training Department will be responsible for publicizing and explaining the
present procedure to each operator.
4.3. Operators will be in charge of executing the tasks according to what is stated in this
4.4. Operators will be in charge of executing the tasks according to what is stated in this


5.1. Auxiliary Equipment
5.1.1. These types of equipment will have the task of developing works for the
optimization of drilling and loading / transport processes. A wide range of
equipment is used in the development of tasks. Among them we can mention
motor graders, bulldozers, tire tractor, excavators, and irrigators and so on.

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5.1.2. The operator is responsible for filling the logbook with changes every day.
5.2. Cleaning loading area.
5.2.1. The objective of this task is to have the loading area free of rocks, and also to
maintain a neat loading front. This will basically help the trucks avoid tire
breaks, and will optimize the work of the loading equipment.
5.2.2. Normally the cleaning is done at the loading areas where a shovel works and
in cases where you work with an excavator.
5.2.3. The teams that can carry out this support are the wheel tractors ("ducks") or
bulldozers, always opting for the former because they have greater agility
and speed. In isolated cases, where a shovel and loader work nearby, and the
second team does not have trucks to load, it uses the time to clean and
provide material to the shovel.
5.2.4. Cleaning should always be done outside the turning radius of the loading
equipment to avoid rubbing.
5.2.5. However, there are times when it is necessary to clean within this radius, it is
here that the support equipment operator will request permission from the
loader operator to perform the task. COMMUNICATION MUST BE
5.2.6. When a support team needs to enter the turning radius of the shovel or
excavator, it must ask for authorization via radial and wait for a response.
The shovel must be stopped by lowering the bucket to the floor, continuing
once the cleaning is complete.
5.2.7. The turning radius of the blade is 8 meters, counting from the center of the
5.2.8. The Komatsu PC 2000 excavator has a turning radius of 7.5 meters from the
center of the crawler track.
5.2.9. Where roadway improvements or access for trucks to the front of the load are
necessary, the duck, bulldozer or motor grader operator shall radio the shovel
or excavator operator to allow entry, if unanswered, into the area.
5.2.10. If improvement of the loading sector (filling or cutting) is necessary, it
should be coordinated with the shovel or excavator operator.
5.2.11. When cleaning is performed in the rear area of the loading equipment, you
must also ask your operator for permission. This ensures that the loading
equipment does not fall back during cleaning.
5.2.12. All support equipment, regardless of whether it is carrying out the cleaning
of shovels or excavators, must notify radially at the end of the cleaning.
5.2.13. Operators of support teams should be attentive to the needs of loading
equipment, e.g. relocation.
5.2.14. It should be noted that the working area of the load front is 50 meters round.

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5.2.15. The cleaning equipment operator must have a proactive attitude towards their
work, so that it does not hinder the loading and transport process. The agility
and speed are fundamental when executing the work.
5.2.16. Within the range of cargo fronts, those with the greatest need for support are
low-elevation fronts.
5.2.17. It is also worth clarifying that the support team must take the floor well
leveled, since the stability of the shovel or loader depends on this. A wavy
floor will cause the equipment to hit when loading.
5.2.18. When the condition of the load front warrants it, there must be a bulldozer in
conditions to improve the floor in the advance of the blade.
5.2.19. The support team, in this case is "responsible for the area in which it is
working", the teams that arrive at the site should wait for the operator to
yield the step to resume walking or entry to the shovel or excavator, do not
neglect their environment at any time.
5.2.20. Each time the shovel is loaded on both sides the trucks should position
themselves 1 meter or more from the counterweight.
5.2.21. The shovel operator will always have to communicate, when the loading
process starts on both sides or when it is on one side only.
5.3. Contribution of material from superior bank
5.3.1. This task is primarily aimed at eliminating unsafe conditions on the loading
front, but also at improving the work of the shovel or the loader operator in
the sector.
5.3.2. As it is known, the fall of rocks is one of the fatal risks assumed by the
Company and its Participants. This is why under conditions of larger fronts
within reach of the loading equipment or with large and unstable rocks, the
hazardous material is pushed to a lower level.
5.3.3. The supply of the material should always be done away from the loading
equipment. Every time you talk about cargo front, you consider a radius of
50 meters. It is estimated that the operating length of the shovel loading a
truck is about 30 meters and one loader plus one truck is about 25 meters.
5.3.4. The task must be done only with bulldozers, as this team is the only one
capable of maintaining balance during the work. In addition, the material
must be pushed perpendicular to the edge of the bench and under no
circumstances work with the ripper towards the shore. Remember that the
bulldozers have the greatest weight in the rear area of the equipment.
5.3.5. The bulldozer's mirror must never exceed the edge, that is to say, it must
always be free, and there must always be material that works as a safety
berm. In addition, the caterpillars must be in permanent contact with the
ground, ensuring the traction of the equipment.
5.3.6. The slopes of 15% should not be exceeded during the discrete, to avoid that
it is difficult for you to go backwards.

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5.3.7. The work must be done by cutting the bank to take advantage of the
maximum performance of the equipment.
5.3.8. Being a high-risk task, it is always convenient to carry out an ATS or an
ERNT, avoiding actions that could cause damage to the equipment,
infrastructure, environment or people.
5.4. Construction of lateral berms
5.4.1. The construction of lateral berms on permanent or extractive mining roads
must have a minimum height of 3 meters. In addition, its base should be
approximately 3 meters.
5.4.2. The berms can be built with bulldozers, loaders or tire tractors. The work
should be done perpendicular to the direction of transit.
5.4.3. It should be avoided that on the sides of the berms are cut rocks, as these can
cause damage to a tire. To accomplish this, some passes can be made parallel
to the berm and, in addition, the pass is used to make a ditch that serves as a
drain in case of thaw.
5.4.4. It should be a proper material. Large rocks, steam heated material and
rainwater must be avoided in the construction of berms.
5.5. Construction of berms to delimit drilling areas
5.5.1. The preparation of perforation meshes consists of removing the berms from
the banks involved, levelling the floor, these must be even, clean and free of
rocks, in addition it must close the affected area with safety berms
5.5.2. The drilling area or "corralito" is also delimited by berms. But in this case,
the height should be approximately 1 meter since its goal is to avoid the free
transit of light vehicles.
5.5.3. The cleaning of berms inside of perforation meshes must be done with
5.6. Construction of closing berms
5.6.1. When you want to close roads or there are equipment stopped by breaks (and
cannot move), you must build a security berm from side to side to block
access. The height should be greater than 1 meter. The corresponding
channel must also communicate the novelty, as well as in shift change
5.7. Landfill maintenance
5.7.1. The operator of the support team (bulldozer or duck) must be the one who
controls the work carried out in the unloading area. That is why you must
constantly monitor the existence of safe conditions and act to reduce the
corresponding risks.
5.7.2. Anyone who would like to enter the landfill sector must be authorized by the
operator of the support team that is performing the area's maintenance.

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5.7.3. The bulldozer or duck operator can guide the unloading with the equipment
mirror, but the moment before the truck lifts the hopper, the support
equipment must be removed away from the unloading to avoid hazards.
5.7.4. If the material remains on the berm after unloading, the support equipment
must push the excess material perpendicular to the shore. So leave a berm at
least 1.80 meters high and its width will depend on the material used at that
time. For example, when working with steam heated material, the berm must
be wider than when working with thick silicon material.
5.7.5. Landfills must have a positive slope of 3% of the plate to the berm.
5.7.6. In addition, there must be a sector for emptying overloads or equipment that
is not properly charged. These places should have a negative slope of 5%,
reference berm and be at least 15 meters from the unloading area.
5.7.7. If the berm is low, if its base is weakened, if there are sharp rocks, the
operator will unload the trucks to the ground to overcome any risk condition,
matching the material with the blade and repairing the berms.
5.7.8. Check for the most common anomalies; sinking, breakage, low berms,
excessive negative slopes, among others
5.7.9. To close a dump for reasons of daily plan development, you must block the
entrance to said dump with cones and a berm at the entrance, to cut the
passage to it, leaving the berms of the emptying sector in perfect condition.
5.7.10. The position of the auxiliary equipment in the unloading area must be
perpendicular to the berm, always with the rear part towards the side of the
5.7.11. Positions up to 45° to the berm are also considered correct.
5.7.12. Avoid running parallel to the discharge berm.
5.7.13. It is forbidden to park any equipment in the unloading area.
5.7.14. Never leave equipment parked in landfill areas, as they may be affected by
unexpected fractures or landslides (e. g. Earthquakes).
5.8. Cutting or lowering of soil in loading area or roads.
5.8.1. This type of tasks should be performed if you are within the working range
of the equipment. For example, if the material is relatively soft, a motorcycle
can be used, but not in silica rock soils where we can hopefully use a
bulldozer. Equipment must not be exposed to work that exceeds its operating
5.8.2. If you want to lower a floor where there is solid rock, you must use a
5.8.3. The operator, as a first step, must ensure that the equipment works level.
This is why sometimes a small filling of the area is necessary

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Undercut Once the flat work is secured and the traction of the equipment is
assured (contact between the tracks and the clean rock makes lose grip), the
ripper must be lowered with the tip as far as possible from the equipment, it
begins to advance to make penetrate the ripper, then the angle of the ripper is
adjusted towards the equipment so that the tip breaks the rock. As a point to
consider, caterpillars should have contact with the ground in its entirety, that
is, when the ripper penetrates if it is in a bad position, the equipment will
tend to rise, which should be avoided. Once the rock has been torn, it is in a
position to lower the ground by matching the floor, which should be done
with the bulldozer mirror.
5.8.4. Some of the risks associated with this task are mounting on rock, sliding or
falling violently.
5.8.5. The operator must check shoes and ripper.
5.9. Ramp Construction
5.9.1. Within the possibilities of ramps construction there are several situations. In
this way, it is possible to work with natural or compacted material, and in
other cases with filling material. We can also talk about ramps built from top
to bottom (negative slope) and sometimes, for operational reasons, from
bottom to top (positive slope).
5.9.2. In the case of negative slope ramps, they are the most common (its advantage
is to take advantage of the gravity force to carry out the work), they are
usually constructed with blown material. The bulldozer pushes this material
towards a lower level, generating the floor, according to the indicated height.
If a filling is necessary, trucks will be requested to make the contribution.
The place of unloading must have a horizontal floor and as it advances, the
respective cut will be made. Remember that there must be transit and
unloading berms throughout the works.
5.9.3. When a ramp with a positive slope is to be constructed, the bulldozer must
push the material with the mirror or by filling it with truck unloads, the
unloadings must be guided by the operator of the auxiliary equipment, who
will accommodate the load with the mirror, generating the road floor
according to the assigned elevation and lateral and emptying berms.
5.10. Road cleaning
5.10.1. Commonly the transport of material in trucks, off-road, causes the fall of
material from the hopper... This material is usually detrimental to the service
life of equipment tires.
5.10.2. To avoid these types of damage, roads must be kept free of spills. Motor
graders or wheeled tractors (ducks) are commonly used for this task.
5.10.3. During this task the operators of this type of equipment should be attentive to
the truck traffic and light vehicles, looking regularly in all directions.

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5.10.4. The support teams that are performing tasks are the "people in charge of the
area" in which they are working, and the teams that arrive at the site must
wait for the operator of the auxiliary team to give them the right to resume
the march. The operator of the support team must ensure that the flow of
traffic is not interrupted by their work or material spills.
5.10.5. Avoid leaving rocks on the banks of the berms, as this area is usually walked
by trucks, especially on narrow roads.
5.10.6. If spills greater than 0.5 meters are removed, do not place them on the sides
of the roads (take care of tires).
5.10.7. Avoid leaving large rocks in fine material, as the latter can be used again for
road leveling.
5.11. Cleaning of Ore Bin
5.11.1. Before attempting to clean up spills under the Ore Bin, you should seek
authorization from process personnel - shredding.
5.11.2. The cleaning should be done in places where after the material can be loaded
by a loader.
5.11.3. Like all cleaning work carried out in production areas, it must be carried out
in an agile manner, without compromising safety and production aspects.
5.12. Primary Bay Cleaning
5.12.1. When entering the primary sector to clean up spills that are in the bays of
unloading, operators of support equipment must ask for authorization to enter
the Primary operator, thus avoiding being an obstacle to trucks that are
5.12.2. Operators should clean, paying special attention not to damage the discharge
bumpers or remove the guard and fenders from the discharge bays.
5.12.3. This type of work should be done with auxiliary loaders, backhoe loaders,
excavators (internal 711 or internal 712) or mini loaders.
5.13. Road leveling
5.13.1. On horizontal roads, the cordon of material moving the motor grader shall
not exceed 100 meters in length. On ramps the cords should be shorter,
according to the length of the ramp, but should not exceed 50 meters in
length. Avoid working from the bottom up.
5.13.2. In curves the cord must cover the whole area of this for a shorter finishing
time. The work should be started and completed in the shortest possible time,
for these cases the work execution should not be interrupted because it would
hinder the traffic.
5.13.3. If the area is too congested, delimit the workplace with a small berm or cones
(visible to off-road truck operators) and work inside it.

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5.13.4. If, due to the effect of cord material, secondary roads are obstructed, they
must subsequently be enabled.
5.13.5. If you have to work in an area near the loading front, use the radio and
coordinate with the loading equipment operator. Both to enter and to exit.
Never get too close to the cargo area, or pass under the bucket in suspension
even without being loaded.
5.13.6. In case of the motor grader or the irrigation truck, they must work at a
distance greater than 50 meters. If it is necessary to request authorization and
communicate effectively with the loading equipment.
5.14. Wall cleaning
5.14.1. The purpose of this task is to remove all loose material from the bench wall,
leaving only the rock clean. Cleanliness is based on safety issues (decrease in
the risk of rock fall), operational reasons (use of all the material) and for
future work (a sloppy job will negatively affect future work).
5.14.2. Excavators are used for this type of work, and the Komatsu PC2000 is
usually used in mines.
5.14.3. When talking about low bench heights (10 meters) the excavator must be
positioned with the crawler tracks perpendicular to the bench or wall, at a
safety distance that allows controlling the material that, as a result of the
work, will spill towards the slope leg. In other words, the pen and arm should
be stretched, move the bucket from top to bottom, accompanying the
material, which should be used to build a safety berm. Once this sector is
finished, it must be moved and repeated. Always keep the caterpillars from
getting up.
5.14.4. When the bench exceeds 10 meters, it is the same work as the previous one.
But the material used to make the safety berm is used to build a plate, a well
is left between the wall and the material where the excavator is located, so
that the material that falls as a result of cleaning is deposited in it, and no
rocks roll towards the equipment. It is from this plate that we now work, but
not at a 45° angle perpendicular to the bench, thus preventing material from
falling onto the equipment and also reducing the chances of hitting the
equipment with the bench wall. It is valid to clarify that the plates will not
allow rapid movements in case of falling rocks, due to its small size. Once
the cleaning of the sector is finished, the remaining material is used to build a
new plate and this is done by moving the platform.
5.14.5. Risks associated with this task include falling rocks, breaking equipment
wear elements, cracks in the rock, material shims, cracks, etc.
5.14.6. In addition, the slope can be cleaned from above the bench with chains. After
having checked the equipment, observed and analyzed the area to be cleaned.
Check the bench floor, cracks, and rocks around it and remove them before
starting the task.

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5.14.7. It should be borne in mind that the operator will not always have full vision
of the work. That is why this task should be systematically supervised.
5.14.8. The operator must attach the chain to the bucket buttonhole, with the help of
another person, with appropriate personal protective equipment, helmet,
safety glasses and gloves. Then you must position the machine parallel to the
bench. Stretch the arm, push the chain slowly with the bucket, before it falls
completely from the bench to hold it, pressing it with the bucket on the
chain, this way when falling softly will avoid impact on the pen, arm and
cylinders of the equipment.
5.14.9. Begin to turn the machine fan-shaped or from top to bottom, with smooth
and continuous movements to avoid excessive dynamic impacts of the chain
impacting on equipment implements. Pick up the chain, move the equipment,
and repeat the maneuver until a proper sounding of the wall or berm is
5.14.10. The weight to be attached to the equipment (chain plus counterweight at
its end) should be checked with the contractor according to manufacturer's
specifications to avoid damage to the equipment.
5.14.11. In case of base cleaning of end wall benches, the work can be carried out
with a bulldozer or duck and at 45° to the wall. Do not expose the equipment
near the walls.
5.14.12. Work should be done in building stockpiles. Which should not be too far
apart. The material should be enough to load a truck, avoid small stockpiles.
5.14.13. Do not carry out long stock transfers.
5.15. Trench Construction
5.15.1. The excavator ("retro") is used for the construction of trenches. The crawler
tracks are used as a reference to guide the work, which must be positioned in
front of the trench to be built by moving backwards with the equipment.
Remember, every time you do this near any construction site, make sure
there are no underground utilities (water, electricity, gas, etc.).
5.15.2. When the operator is cutting, the excavator should not be lifted off the
ground as this operation causes damage to the equipment system. The
material removed from the trench should be deposited on the side of the
trench. Be extremely careful with rocks deposited under the excavator, which
can cause structural damage to the equipment.
5.15.3. When advancing in reverse, the operator must rotate with the implements
raised, to control the advance and to have a view of the environment. The
turn is only with the turntable.
5.16. Loading on Bank Border
5.16.1. The Supervisor must inspect the area, if he or she observes that the terrain is
unstable, he or she will evaluate and determine whether the operation is
performed or not.
5.16.2. Before starting the job give notice to dispatch so that all Staff is aware of the
risks. The area compromised by spills resulting from the
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Load (lower benches and roads) must be isolated (with cones and if possible
close with berms).
5.16.3. Checking the displacement or fall of rocks is fundamental when supervising
this type of work.
5.16.4. Once the task is completed, the dispatch and the entire operation must be
notified to restore normal traffic in the sector.

6.1. Fatal risks present in truck operation:
6.1.1. Vehicle Operations (heavy & light).
6.1.2. - rocks falling ;
6.1.3. Fall of different levels.
6.1.4. Fire.
6.2. Control Risks:
6.2.1. Intervention and observation of equipment and light vehicles that interact in
the operation (authorization or internal license check).
6.2.2. Permanent monitoring of mine and SSTT (geotechnical) Supervision.
6.2.3. Control of platforms and guardrails of equipment by the operator,
maintenance and supervision of mine.
6.2.4. Constant check of berms, both roads and unloading areas.
6.3. Environmental Considerations
6.3.1. The vehicles used to carry out the task mentioned in this procedure are very
large equipment and as such they contain important volumes of different
fluids, which, if spilled on the ground, would contaminate the soil and the
environment, for this reason the following precautions should be taken. Whenever any of the vehicles that carry out the transport operation
are in operation and for this reason or due to any incident, some
spillage of polluting fluids was produced, the operator will
immediately give notice of such situation to his supervisor, who
will attend immediately to the site of the incident; if it is of
considerable potential and will proceed according to the regulations
and procedures duly communicated and in force of the
Environment area to contain and mitigate the spill. To assist in containment tasks, spill containment kits have been
arranged in accordance with the Environment and Mine
Operations, with appropriate elements for this purpose
(diatomaceous, absorbent cloths, etc.). Once the incident has occurred and containment has taken place,
the shift supervisor must make the report.

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According to the procedure, informing the respective areas.

6.4. Emergency Situations
6.4.1. Clashing between teams.
6.4.2. Collision with a light vehicle.
6.4.3. Overturning
6.4.4. Falling off from different levels.
6.4.5. Fluid Spilling
6.4.6. Fire in Teams.

Not applicable.

8. Change log



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"Operation Auxiliary Equipment"





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