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OMI-PVL-025 002 17 pages 12/01/2015 12/1/2017


"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking Operation"

Content num.


2. SCOPE 2.










Prepared by CARRIZO VICTOR MINE 12/01/2015

Prepared by JESUS FUENTES MINE 12/01/2015

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Revision No. Code OMI-PVL-025

Date of

"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking

Operation" Date of 12/01/2015
Parking Page 2 of 17

Establish standard tasks for loading, transport, unloading and parking operations with off-
road trucks in Operation Veladero Mine.
In such a way that the operators of these equipment work with a maximum of security in
the transport of the different materials in each one of the places opportunely aimed to attain
this goal.


The concepts and rules established in this document are applicable to and in compliance
with Mina Veladero Operations.

3.1. Loading area: Defined as the place where all the extraction tasks are carried out.
3.2. Load front: maneuvering radius of the loading equipment.


Area involved Mine Operations, dividing responsibilities as follows:
 Supervision of Operations will be responsible for ensuring the correct application
of the procedure.
 Mina Training Department will be responsible for publicizing and explaining the
present procedure to each operator.
 Operators will be in charge of executing the tasks according to what is stated in
this procedure.


5.1. General Terms and Conditions

5.1.1. The use of the safety belt is mandatory, it must be three points of support, in
case the safety belt is not found in conditions, the equipment will not be
operated for any given reason.-
5.1.2. At the beginning of your shift, you should give due consideration to the
variations that have taken place in the fronts and the places where the works
are located.
5.1.3. The operator should notify his or her supervisor when sleepiness problems
occur, or if he or she feels tired, in order to stop the equipment or ask for a
relay. Take a break, recover from this state and do not run the risk of falling
asleep operating.
5.1.4. In case of a stopped truck, it must be under the following conditions:
 Transmission lever in neutral.
 Parking Brake (green light on)
 The steering wheels must be straight.
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 In the event that the operator descends from the equipment, he

must activate the safety lock, if it is not found with the
corresponding lock, he will request to the Mine Supervisor as well
as will be informed in the log book.-
5.1.5. You must perform the pre and post-use inspection of the equipment ("dog
lap") before, during and after operating it. In addition, review the
components detailed in the team's logbook and analyze the context in which
it will perform its work.
5.1.6. Remember that it is your responsibility to record the daily updates in your
team's logbook, if the logbook is missing or if any of your listed sheets are
not found, you will inform the Mine's Supervisor at the beginning of the
equipment's operation.-
5.1.7. In situations where the braking or steering systems of the equipment are in
trouble, regardless of the level of warning, should not operate by unsafe
condition, warning dispatch, supervision and maintenance. You must always
get on or off the team using the three support points and facing the team.
5.1.8. It is authorized to operate the truck with at least one floating ladder. In case
that both floating ladders are not operational, truck or equipment cannot be
5.1.9. When boarding the truck you should check all the alarm systems. Observe
that the operating parameters of the equipment are within the correct ranges.
5.1.10. Horn code:
 A honking Engine ignition. After honking, wait 5 seconds to start.
 Two honks. Front advance.
 Three honks. Setback
5.1.11. It can only be turned in "U" if it is very necessary. In these cases, the
maneuver must be announced by the channel corresponding to the working
area. If the turn is to be made in places where there is circulation of
equipment, vehicles or people, must ask for assistance or instructions.
5.1.12. If you must stop behind another computer, complete the following
 Distance between trucks 15 meters; 35 meters behind the team that
precedes it for the case of the old Ore Bin.
 Five meters from the slope. In the case of the berm, the distance to
be respected is 2 meters, as long as the "wide" road conditions
warrant it.-
 The equipment must be visible to the operator of the front
equipment by one of the rear-view mirrors. Preferably the Left one.
 Communicate by radio its position to the operator of the equipment
that precedes it.

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5.1.14. Advancement between light vehicles and heavy equipment:

 The vehicle you wish to pass must ask for authorization,
communicating numbers of inmates, the vehicle you want to pass,
the number of the inmate of the vehicle you drive and the type of
 The equipment that is going to be overtaken will give authorization
according to the traffic. During your communication, you must also
state the number of equipment that you authorize to pass.
5.1.15. It is your duty to know the radial frequency that prevails in the work sector
where you circulate and stay in it at all times.
5.1.16. At the time of entry of a light vehicle or persons into the loading area, which
has been previously authorized, trucks must stop and not move until the exit
of that vehicle is confirmed.
5.1.17. In case you enter a light vehicle at the front of the load without having the
corresponding authorization, you must stop your equipment and inform by
radio to the others; that you have entered an unauthorized light vehicle in the
area so that everyone must stop and ask the vehicle to leave the sector
immediately, to later inform the Shift Supervisor of the situation.
5.1.18. In case your truck is not operational, you must inform your Operations
Supervisor, Operations Operator and Maintenance Operator. You must also
place the corresponding maintenance code so that the system reflects the
5.1.19. The berms and the safety cord (crushing) are points of reference, not to stop
the equipment from moving. It should not impact the tires with it.
5.1.20. In case of fire, stop the equipment safely, turn off the engine and activate the
fire extinguishing system in case the automatic system has not been
activated, therefore activate the emergency system.
5.1.21. Apply parking brake (parking), once the truck is completely stopped.
5.1.22. Surface control to facilitate equipment traction should be done with ballast
material. Which should be conveniently available at strategic sectors, with
fixed collections of considerable volume, as well as small stores next to the
main roads. The support teams will be responsible for allocating this material
on the roads.
5.1.23. Adhere speed regulations established by signage or procedures.
5.2. Load
5.2.1. The maximum speed of entry to the loading front is 10 km / h.
5.2.2. Before entering the front of the load, observe the access conditions, the
presence of persons, equipment or obstacles and the stability of the bench

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5.2.3. All truck maneuvers within the loading area must be done in a clockwise
direction. If it is necessary to turn in the opposite direction, inform the entire
operation of the sector on the radio.-
5.2.4. Observe that the place where you are going to meet is clear of obstacles, if
not, ask a support team to clean it.
5.2.5. The Liebherr 996R and Komatsu PC 5500 shovels must be started at the
moment when the shovel is loading the opposite truck to where it is going to
be loaded, therefore the counterbalance poles must be taken into account as a
reference point.-
5.2.6. The equipment must be positioned so that the line of fire of the blade (exit
backward) is free.

Line of fire

Correct truck output

5.2.7. In the case of storage in loaders, wait close to the loading equipment and
start the maneuver once the loader has presented the bucket, thus indicating
the place to place the truck.
5.2.8. The blades have poles that act as a guide for the guiding, the truck must
match the side of the hopper of your truck with the pole flag. When the
loading equipment does not have a pole, it must be located at least 1 meter
away and sideways to the counterweight. If the shoveled needs to be
rearranged, he will give you a radio call.
5.2.9. In the case of fronts where there is not enough space to accommodate both
sides and only one side can be loaded, the operator must enter perpendicular
to the bucket of the blade.
5.2.10. In times of poor visibility, where you lose references to the cargo team, you
must wait in front of the team and start the maneuver once the visibility has
5.2.11. While the load is being made, you must not leave your cabin and pay
attention to any indication that the operator of the loading equipment OR
THE VIMS OF YOUR EQUIPMENT can transmit to you on the occasion of
any risk detected at the moment. Also, keep on the radial frequency of the
5.2.12. In case of waiting, because there is another truck in the loading operation or
when the support equipment operator performs floor-cleaning work, the
truck operator will park in front of the cargo area in a safe location without
hindering the circulation of other equipment that may be operating or
transiting in the area.
5.2.13. The waiting distance will be evaluated in each situation by the truck
operator, taking into account safety and production aspects. Remember that
there are specified cases of distances in this procedure.
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5.2.14. When the truck is fully loaded, the operator of the loading equipment will
touch a short honk. After listening to the horn that indicates that the truck is
loaded, start transit to the destination.
5.2.15. If trucks that are waiting on a shovel have to be reassigned, evacuation must
be started from the first one in line and so on. In addition, all have to go to
the cargo area, to be able to leave the area.
5.2.16. A truck should never back off when it is waiting at the cargo area. If
necessary, the maneuver must be directed by another person who has a
complete view of the space.
5.2.17. If your truck has difficulty leaving the loading position, do not attempt to
remove it, notify your Supervisor.
5.2.18. The new Ore Bin has a traffic light:
 Red (only): Indicates that a load of material contained in the silo is
not sufficient for the required load on a truck, it has less than 60%.
 Yellow (only): Indicates detection of entry and correct location of
the truck. It also enables the output of the equipment.
 Green (only): Indicates that you can enter the next truck.
 Yellow and red: well-placed truck waiting for loading condition.
 Yellow and green: there is loading condition, waiting for trucks.
5.2.19. Audible alarm: Indicates opening and closing of the Ore Bin gate.
5.2.20. The entrance of the truck to the cargo sector of the new Ore-Bin must be
carried out from West to East.
5.2.21. It is not allowed to enter when the green light is off.
5.2.22. If the equipment does not have its corresponding remote control or it is not in
condition, it will immediately inform the Supervision and dispatched to be
reassigned to another work sector.-
5.2.23. There must be good lighting in the sector.
5.3. Shipping
5.3.1. The roads must have an average of 35 meters wide, provided that the
topography and the design of the mine allow it.
5.3.2. Slopes on production roads must not exceed 10%.
5.3.3. In the case of road berms, they must be made at a height of not less than 3
5.3.4. When you walk on a road that has spills of material or another object that
could damage the tires, you must proceed to announce the spot and request
cleaning. If conditions allow it to dodge obstacles, if not stay in place, place
your corresponding code in office (jigsaw) until the sector is cleaned.

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5.3.5. During the traffic, avoid approaching less than one meter from the berm, if
the road width conditions allow it, this will avoid cuts in the lateral band of
the tires.
5.3.6. In case of malfunction, stop the equipment safely, as close to the side of the
road, observe possible falling stones, turn on beacons, give radial warning,
turn the direction towards the berm or slope, so that the tires are pointing
towards this one If necessary, request material to build a berm. If the
operator must leave the truck, either to take another equipment or change the
shift, he must request the Mine Operations Supervisor, the installation of
safety cones around the truck.
5.3.7. Under no circumstances remove the ignition key from the contact position
when the equipment is in motion, this would cause several systems to stop
working, including the direction of the equipment.
5.3.8. The intention to pass must be announced, and you must wait for the positive
response of the equipment and the bypass side (case of equipment in road
maintenance, out of service, or in loading and unloading areas), unless this
equipment is found with cones, in such case carry out surpassing at a
maximum speed of 10 km / h without requesting authorization.
5.3.9. In Traffic of surfaces with ice, snow or mud. Operators of transport
equipment must comply with the indications of supervision, with the
following restrictions. Negative slope:
 Circulation in 1st gear. Maximum speed (km/h)
 Request the removal of all minor vehicles from the circuit where
off-roaders travel.
 Immediately report any unsafe conditions you notice during your
trip to the Supervisor for immediate corrective action.
 In case the equipment slips and skid first DO NOT LOSE CALM.
If the equipment is slipping you will always try to turn completely
by the weight of the load, you should turn the steering wheel gently
DO NOT BRUSH always in the same direction as the tail of the
truck, looking for dirt or loose material on the road to work the
TCS and achieve traction. Do not press the throttle for any reason,
remember that you should not apply the equipment brake
completely because this will cause the wheel lock and will be
turned by skidding without control, once the situation is controlled
you must immediately inform the Supervision of where the
defective floor problem is located.- Positive Slope.

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 If the equipment slips or skids up, as in the previous point, DO

NOT LOSE THE CALM. Observe in the rearview mirror if the
tires are skidding, lower the engine RPM without stopping. DO
NOT BREAK IT, you can slip backward if you brake completely,
simply lower the revolutions a little bit by taking your foot off the
accelerator gradually so as not to cause the skidding caused by the
frozen ground, immediately informing the Supervisor of the area
where the defective sector is located. Flat land.
 Maximum speed (km/h)
 In the event that the equipment slips or skid, take your foot off the
accelerator, DO NOT STOP, control the truck with the steering, if
you skid, do not forget that the steering has to go in the same
direction as the tail of the truck.
5.3.10. The spills of material transported in ramps of a positive slope will be avoided
realizing a correct programming of marches, avoiding to raise or to lower
marches in the slope; in this way to minimize the fallen material and
consequently the work of the cleaning equipment.
5.3.11. In case of driving with bad visibility due to climate reasons, do it with
beacons on. If visibility is zero, stop at the site and immediately report the
operation radially.-
5.3.12. In case of driving with adverse weather conditions (wind), do so with safety
glasses inside the cabin, provided by the Company.
5.3.13. When you are going to start the traffic after being parked, check the removal
of the shims, avoiding stepping on them.
5.3.14. If due to a fault of any kind, the equipment is stopped in an area
compromised for safety and/or production, you must inform the Supervision
immediately to see what action should be taken.
5.4. Download
5.4.1. It must strictly comply with the instructions given by the operator of the
support team when performing the unloading operation in a specific job that
is carried out in the area.
5.4.2. Know and obey the news and recommendations indicated by Geo technicians
and Operations Supervision personnel at each dump that you are going to
5.4.3. The entrance to the unloading area must be done on the left side, clockwise,
maintaining a minimum distance of 10 meters with respect to the berm. The
maximum speed of entry to the unloading area is 20 Km / h.
5.4.4. The berm of the unloading areas must be built at not less than 1.8 meters
high, or half the wheel height of the truck. and the

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A slope in the unloading area must be positive from the plate to the berm of
the dump in approximately 3%.

1.8 meters

5.4.5. There are anomalies that must be reported to the Supervisor and await new
orders. Among these we can mention:
 In the Absence of berm or insufficient height, negative slope,
visibility problems (excess dust, white wind, etc.).
 Lack of lighting
 Uneven floor, rocks, cracks or crevices.
 Signboard prohibiting the unloading operation
 Presence of ice on the unloading platform.
5.4.6. The unloading process, whether in dumps, stocks or cell in the valley, must
be left to right, so if there is another truck unloading, the one that arrives,
will be on the right of the previous one at a minimum distance equal to 1.5
times the width of the truck (10 meters).

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10 meters

10 meters

5.4.7. Locate the truck to empty the material perpendicular to the berm in landfills
and stocks. Once buffed, apply the parking brake and proceed to lift the
5.4.8. In case your truck is badly loaded (load on the visor or overloaded),
immediately inform the Mine Supervisor or the operator of the auxiliary
equipment of the unloading area requesting a place with negative slope that
the auxiliary equipment (driver or pneumatic tractor) should have already
prepared with negative slope of 3% and berms of 2 meters minimum height
in order to lift the hopper. Otherwise, request the support of a backhoe to
relieve the load to the rear.
5.4.9. If you have level 3 overload event on the load front, you must proceed to
unload in the same area. Ask the cargo equipment operator or Area
Supervisor which is the best place to unload.
5.4.10. Check that the hopper is down before deactivating the parking brake. If there
is material left in the back of the hopper and do not allow it to lower, move
the truck forward approximately 2 meters, stop the gear and lower the hopper
5.4.11. If the primary emptying areas are not available, wait at the sectors that are on
both sides of the access platforms to the crushers, after placing the parking
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Waiting Areas

Waiting Areas

5.4.12. If a truck is leaving the buffer zone and you are waiting, you must give way
before starting approach maneuver.
5.4.13. You must visualize the emptying place by the rear-view mirrors. Move back
carefully to the safety cord, taking reference points.
5.4.14. You must wait for the crushing operator to authorize the discharge, turning
on the green light of the traffic light (discharge authorization) and making
positive communication with it, then proceed to lift the hopper, paying
attention to the discharge instructions. If the traffic light turns red during the
unloading, the maneuver must be stopped.
5.4.15. If at the time of unloading with hopper up and level 3 warning is activated in
the vims of your equipment, the equipment motor must be stopped
immediately regardless of whether the hopper is in unloading position.-
5.4.16. Never lower the loaded hopper, as this can cause serious injuries to the
operator or equipment. If necessary, notify your Supervisor.
5.4.17. The location of the luminaires must be visible for the operation. The
Operators must be prevented from dazzling during maneuvers. And they
must have a security berm (1.5 meters) to protect them.
5.4.18. Each dump in operation must have a floor control extensometer.
5.4.19. Avoid getting close to berms at unloading areas with a negative slope
towards the vacuum, due to the risk of falling off during the unloading.
5.4.20. Request good lighting for better vision of discharge areas. The same can be
through luminaries or failing by support team.
5.5. Parking
5.5.1. In order to enter the assigned places as a HEAVY EQUIPMENT parking lot,
LIGHT VEHICLES MUST seek authorization from the supervisor of the

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5.5.2. The fixed truck parking lots must be clearly marked, secure, properly
enabled, horizontal and ample in such a way that they allow easy entry,
maneuvering and exit from it.
5.5.3. The maximum speed allowed is 10 km / h and must maintain a minimum
distance between 15-meter moving trucks.
5.5.4. The parking of trucks must be done in a flat and perpendicular way to the
safety berm, starting from the left berm at the furthest point from the
entrance to the parking area, and then continuing to park the trucks to the
right of the parked truck.
5.5.5. Once the left berm of the parking lot has been completed, trucks must
continue to park on the right berm at the point closest to the parking lot
entrance, turning clockwise,
5.5.6. Each operator must always park with the equipment already parked on his
left and leave a distance of one and a half truck wide (10 meters) from the
equipment that was already parked. You should never park your truck
between two parked trucks.
5.5.7. Whenever it is necessary to stop the extraction trucks by shift change, minor
repairs, etc., they may be parked on loading and dump fronts, provided that
they are safe, have sufficient space and good visibility.
5.5.8. On the loading fronts, your truck should be with the back towards the bank
wall and at a minimum distance of 15 meters from the foot of it; It must also
have the parking brake applied. If visibility conditions are not good, turn on
beacons and flashback lights on.-
5.5.9. During the course of the shift, when parking the equipment temporarily
(shredding, unloading platform, roads, etc.), the operator must place the truck
where it does not interfere with normal Mine operations, outside the circuit,
and must avoid hazards such as unstable terrain, slopes, and sector with
vehicle presence.
5.5.10. Every driver must signal the turning maneuver towards the parking lot, by
turning lights and in case of crossing roads in radial form.
5.5.11. You must wait until the truck before you park.
5.5.12. The truck must have a parking brake, with the ignition off and the boot on.
At the exit, before boarding the truck, the operator must observe the entire
area around the truck, making a visual observation of any anomaly.
5.5.13. To exit the parking lot you must start with the truck that arrived first. When
leaving you must move forward at least in its total length, and just turn to
leave in an orderly manner.

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5.5.14. The only time the exit sequence can be broken is when the dispatch or
Supervisor makes a special assignment, even so, the operator must give a
radial notice of his departure. Faced with another unusual maneuver, make
sure there is no equipment or person nearby, to do so, notify by radio.
5.5.15. When leaving a parking lot, trucks should not cross, back off and should not
leave simultaneously.
5.5.16. A light vehicle should never be parked in off-road truck parking lots.
Exceptions may be made in this case, when the trucks have to be checked by
mechanical personnel, who will strictly respect all safety regulations, such
as: Conear the area, radio communication open to the sector and dispatch of
its presence, lock-out and power cut-off OFF, placing service equipment and
light vehicles in visible places for operators and can only park to the left of
the truck at 5 meters distance or more than 25 meters from the road.
5.5.17. Equipment that is removed to the maintenance parking lots should be located
in an area specially prepared for this purpose.
5.5.18. Before leaving the team make sure that it is well stabilized and without risk
of displacement, once under the team to be located in the berm sector,
respecting the traffic of the sector to avoid collision, never to be located
behind or in front of the team when the slope is in equal direction of its
5.5.19. If possible, leave the equipment with the beacons on.
5.5.20. It is forbidden for light vehicles to park on the right side of equipment less
than 25 meters away. In case the intervention of the heavy equipment merits
the necessity to park on the right side, the maneuver must be coordinated
prior authorization of the Supervisor of the area and effective radial
communication with the operator of the equipment if the latter is in the cab.-
5.5.21. Each shift start the operator must test the service brake holding capacity,
manual retarder, parking lot and secondary brake. For this:
 Fasten your seat belt before testing the brakes, this should be done
at the start of the shift.
 Inspect the area around the equipment, making sure it is clear of
personnel and obstacles.
 Before testing the brakes make sure the equipment is on a dry and
horizontal surface.
 Start the engine.
 Connect brake to be tested, e. g. service, retardant, parking or
 Place first gear.

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 Increase the speed of the engine gradually until 1200 rpm the
equipment should not move. If the equipment advances, it
automatically goes out of service.
 Reduce engine speed from 1200 to 750 rpm. Place the transmission
in neutral.
5.6. Prohibitions
5.6.1. Do not place one truck next to another (parallel) while waiting to be loaded.
5.6.2. The overtaking between heavy equipment must be carried out in the
authorized mine sites, these sectors are clearly marked by signs indicating
the corresponding authorization e.g. (NOT allowed the overtaking between
heavy equipment) or (If allowed the overtaking between heavy equipment).
The override maneuver will be carried out by means of Radial
communication and prior authorization of the equipment to be overtaken.
5.6.3. It is forbidden to approach another truck (cabin-cabin).
5.6.4. It is prohibited to carry passengers or companions on Mina equipment,
except for instructional personnel or personnel authorized by the Senior
5.6.5. It is forbidden to pass behind a team that is in motion.
5.6.6. It is strictly forbidden to deliver the equipment to people who are not duly
authorized by the Training Area.
5.6.7. It is prohibited for truck operators to leave the cabin while it is in loading
5.6.8. The use of headphones and cellular communications during the operation of
the equipment is strictly prohibited.
5.7. Precautions and Care:
5.7.1. Traffic on surfaces with snow or ice.
5.7.2. Pre-use inspection of rising and fall of the equipment.
5.7.3. Debarking of equipment.
5.7.4. Stepped on loose rocks.
5.7.5. Start-up and exit of parking.
5.7.6. Parking very close to support team.
5.7.7. Arrival the loading area.
5.7.8. In transit to unloading site and/or loading front.
5.7.9. Truck parking end of the shift.
5.8. Analysis of Activities
5.8.1. The analysis of all the activities of the transport process has made it possible
to determine the control variables and their corresponding indicators of

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Date of

"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking

Operation" Date of 12/01/2015
Parking Page 15 of 17

Away to ensure the quality of the work done. These indicators are as follows:
 Truck queue time: minutes/truck according to standard established
by the Superintendence of Operations (in loading and crushing
 Hourly performance of transport equipment (ton/hour).
 Truck Load Factor (ton/truck).
 Maximum fuel supply time to equipment.
 Truck cycle (average minutes/round).
 Expense: Actual vs. Budgeted.
 Tons of ore transported per month to crushing / Monthly Feeding
Program (%).
 Tons extracted per month / Tons monthly (%).
 Transportation cost; US $ / ton. Real US $ / ton. Extracted (%).
 Actual consumption; lts / hr. effective real / lts / hr. effective budgeted.

6.1. Critical risks present in truck operation:
6.1.1. Operation of vehicles (heavy & light).
6.1.2. - rocks falling ;
6.1.3. Fall of different levels.
6.1.4. Fire.
6.2. Control Risks:
6.2.1. Intervention and observation of equipment and light vehicles that interact in
the operation (authorization and internal license check).
6.2.2. Permanent monitoring of mine and SSTT (geotechnical) Supervision.
6.2.3. Control of platforms and guardrails of equipment by the operator,
maintenance and supervision of mine.
6.2.4. Constant check of berms, both roads and unloading areas.
6.3. Environmental Considerations
6.3.1. The vehicles used to carry out the task mentioned in this procedure are very
large equipment and as such they contain important volumes of different
fluids, which, if spilled on the ground, would contaminate the soil and the
environment, for this reason the following precautions should be taken.
6.3.2. Whenever any of the vehicles that perform the transport operation are in
operation and for this reason or due to any incident there is a spill of
polluting fluids, the operator will immediately give notice of such situation
to his Supervisor, who will attend immediately to the site of the incident; if it
is a potential one.
Considerable and will proceed according to the regulations and procedures

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Date of

"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking

Operation" Date of 12/01/2015
Parking Page 16 of 17

Duly communicated and in force of the Environment Area to contain and

mitigate the spill.
6.3.3. To assist in containment tasks, spill containment kits have been arranged in
accordance with Environment and Mine Operations, with appropriate
elements for this purpose (diatomaceous, absorbent cloths, etc.).
6.3.4. Once the incident has occurred and it has been restrained, the shift supervisor
must make the corresponding report according to the procedure, informing
the respective areas.
6.4. Emergencies
6.4.1. Collisions between teams.
6.4.2. Collision with a light vehicle.
6.4.3. Overturning
6.4.4. Falling off from different levels.
6.4.5. Fluid Spilling
6.4.6. Fire in Teams.

Not applicable.

8. Change log


Disclaimer is added at the bottom of
01 01/06/2015 01 the page
"Controlled copy"
02 08/26/2015 02 The following Items were modified:
General conditions: (5.1.1 - 5.1.3 -
5.1.4 - 5.1.6 - 5.1.7 - 5.1.9 - 5.1.13 -
Load: (5.2.3 - 5.2.5 - 5.2.22)
Transport: (5.3.4 - 5.3.5 - - - 5.3.11 - 5.3.12)
Discharge: (5.4.8 - 5.4.9 - 5.4.15)
Parking lot: (5.8.5 - 5.5.20)
Prohibitions: (5.6.1)
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Date of

"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking

Operation" Date of 12/01/2015
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"Load, Transport, Discharge, and Parking Operation"





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