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English slang phrases

Translation Examples
A humorous
1 porcelain throne
name for the “I spent half an hour on the porcelain
toilet throne this morning!”

2 The tail end

pope's nose
piece of a
cooked chicken
3 Full of beans full of beans means “When he heard the news on the
someone is very radio, Phillip was absolutely full of
energetic and beans.”
vivacious, lively; in "She was laughing and shouting and
high spirits. generally full of beans"
4 Faff around If you’re faffing “I told him to stop faffing around and
around you look wash the dishes.”
busy, but you’re
achieving very little.
5 Hammered the slang word used
to describe someone
who is very drunk
6 Horses for courses this is a popular
saying that means
that we all have
different tastes and
what is right for one
person isn’t
necessarily right for
people are suited to
different things
7 Hunky-dory is just a cool way of
saying that
something is just
8 Jammy if you are a lucky
person you might be
described as flukey
or jammy
Jar is slang for a pint of “Let’s meet after the lecture for a few
beer jars.”
10 Jiffy this is a British “If you’re cooking dinner I’ll be there in
saying meaning a jiffy.”
you’ll do something

11 Lairy used to describe a “Tom gets a bit lairy after a few drinks.”
loud/brash person
12 Lurgy if someone has the
lurgy stay away. It
means they are ill
and possibly
13 Minted if someone is
described as minted
it means they are
rich, so become their
best friend
14 On the lash means to drink “Are you out on the lash tonight?”
excessive amounts of
alcohol and you may
hear Brits saying
15 Not my cup of tea is a saying used “My boyfriend loves football but it’s not
when something is my cup of tea”
not to your liking
16 Naff is used to describe “I don’t like my flat, the furniture is a bit
something that is of naff.”
poor or inferior taste

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