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VERM 7116

1 Fabian Kung June 2022


🞆 Definitions of Research and Development

🞆 The Scientific Method.
🞆 Why Scientific Method?
🞆 Characteristics of Research Using the Scientific Method.
🞆 Type of Research
🞆 Introduction to Postgraduate Studies

2 Fabian Kung June 2022

Research (1 of 2)

🞆 Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

● Careful or diligent search.
● Studious inquiry or examination, especially: investigation
or experimentation aimed at the discovery and
interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or
laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of
such new or revised theories or laws.
● The collecting of information, categorization and drawing
a conclusion about a particular subject.
● Can be applied to the search for existing or new body of
3 Fabian Kung July 2022
Research (2 of 2)
Greenfield T., “Research Methods: Guidance for
🞆 Greenfield (1996): Postgraduates”, Wiley & Sons, 1996.

Research is an art aided by skills of

● Inquiry.
● Experimental design.
● Data collection.
● Measurement and analysis.
● Interpretation.
● Presentation.

4 Fabian Kung July 2022


🞆 Exploits technology or knowledge created elsewhere.

🞆 Apply scientific, engineering or technological knowledge in a
systematic manner to produce a product, process or improve
🞆 Has commercial value, promote organization growth and
increase shareholder value.
🞆 Has a final product or process tied to it.
🞆 Has finite timescales in which to deliver.
🞆 Has finite costs for the end product.
🞆 Is targeted at tangible benefits for the customer.

5 Fabian Kung July 2022

Research and Development
(R &D)
🞆 Research is a process that acquires new knowledge.
🞆 Development is a process that applies knowledge to create
new devices or effects, process.
🞆 Research seeks objective truth.
🞆 Development seeks utility of objective truth.
🞆 Typically industry can’t afford luxury of research.
🞆 Typically academics uninterested with development.
🞆 However, R&D is interdependent.

6 Fabian Kung July 2022

The Scientific Method (1 of 3)
🞆 The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring
knowledge that has characterized the development of
discovery since Renaissance in 13th century Europe.
🞆 It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism
about what is observed (given that cognitive assumptions can
distort how one interprets the observation), and testable
hypothesis. Please watch this video
method/v/the-scientific-methodFor historical development of
the method:
7 Fabian Kung June 2022
The Scientific Method (2 of 3)
🞆 Definition - A systematic and empirical method to search for
objective truth. Meaning
🞆 The Scientific Method focuses on solving problems and strict, careful,
pursues a step-by-step logical, organized, and rigorous thorough
method: Origin of Scientific Method:
● Identify the problem. Greek philosophers -> Aristotle (200BCE)
-> Arab philosopher Ibn Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
● Collect data. These Steps (1100AD) -> Francis Bacon (1700AD)
can be in any
● Analyze. order
● Draw valid conclusions (hypothesis).
● Verify the correctness or truthfulness of the conclusions.
● Iterate as necessary.
8 Fabian Kung June 2022
The Scientific Method (3 of 3)

🞆 In philosophy, objectivity is the concept of truth independent

from individual subjectivity or perception.
🞆 A proposition is considered to have objective truth when its
truth conditions are met without psychological bias.
🞆 Scientific objectivity refers to the ability to judge without
partiality or external influence.
🞆 A rigorously verified hypothesis is usually called a theory.

9 Fabian Kung June 2022

Why Scientific Method?

🞆 It is a rational, systematic or structured process to draw

🞆 It’s result or conclusion is repeatable and usually accurate.
🞆 It’s result or conclusion has predictive power.
🞆 The scientific method forms the backbone of all modern
research and inquiries, whether in the domain of hard science,
technology, social science and humanities.

10 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method
🞆 Clear aim.
🞆 Rigor.
🞆 Testability.
🞆 Replicability.
🞆 Precision and Confidence.
🞆 Objectivity.
🞆 Generalizability.
🞆 Parsimony. (means simplicity)

11 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research Using
the Scientific Method - Clear Aim
🞆 The purpose of the research is clear.
🞆 Examples:
● To find ways to increase optical gain of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
● To find ways to increase the linearity of a high-frequency power
amplifier. (link) (link)
● To find ways to achieve food security for all Malaysian. (link)
● To discover methods for increasing the sensitivity of a wireless
receiver at 5.8 GHz band. (link)
● To increase the power efficiency of brushless electric motor. (link)

12 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research Using
the Scientific Method - Rigorous
🞆 Based on good theoretical base and sound methodology.
🞆 Careful, thorough and scrupulous.
🞆 Sometimes requires a mathematical mindset.
🞆 Example:
● E.g. Research in photonics, all design parameters
concerning the gain in Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
(EDFA) must be considered: EDF length and dopant
concentration, pump power, input signal power and
● See also the links in the previous slide.

13 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research Using
the Scientific Method - Testability
🞆 Test idea or hypothesis by simulation or physical experiment.
🞆 Must have a way to measure and analyze performance
parameter against design parameter.
🞆 Examples:
● EDFA theoretical model show low gain with high input
signal power.
● Experiment to test this relationship while other design
parameters are fixed can be carried out.
● Gain is measured against input signal power.
● Theory shows that the amplifier gain will increase if we
increase the Collector current of the transistor.
● Theory shows a projectile will land further if the initial
speed is higher.
14 Fabian Kung June 2022
Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method -
🞆 The same relationship (between parameters) stands
repeatedly under the same design environment or
🞆 Examples:
● Theory shows that the amplifier gain will increase if we
increase the Collector current of the transistor – Can be
repeated any where and anytime in the world, even in
● Theory shows a projectile will land further if the initial
speed is higher – Can be repeated any where and
anytime in the world, even on another planet.

15 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method -
Precision and Confidence
🞆 Precision refers to closeness of the findings to physical
🞆 Confidence refers to the probability that our estimations of
an outcome or conclusion are correct.

16 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method -
🞆 Conclusions drawn from the analysis of data must be
objective, can be applied under all similar scenario.
🞆 Proven from trend in data.
🞆 Supported by theoretical model.
🞆 Example:
● The zeroth Law of Thermodynamics postulates that heat
energy always flow from object at higher temperature to
object of lower temperature (when they are in contact).
This theory is true whether the objects concerned are
metals, rocks, your drinks, kitchen appliance etc. as long
as there is a temperature difference.

17 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method -
🞆 Scope of applicability.
🞆 The wider, the better.
🞆 Results can be used to infer or predict phenomenon that are
not yet known.
🞆 Examples:
● Rate Equation Model applicable for Lasers and optical fiber
● Newton Laws of Motion.
● Gravitation.
● Maxwell’s Equations for electromagnetic fields.
● Relativity.

18 Fabian Kung June 2022

Characteristics of Research
Using the Scientific Method -
🞆 Simplicity in explaining the phenomenon or problem (the
Occam Razor – the simplest solution is always the best).
🞆 Minimize the dependent variables.
🞆 Examples:
Newton’s 2nd Law Maxwell’s Equations
Ideal Gas Law

Kirchhoff's Law Relativity

19 Fabian Kung June 2022

Type of Research (1 of 2)

🞆 To recap the sequence of actions in Scientific Method:

● Identify the problem. Variations in the nature of the problem,
type of data, analysis approach result
● Collect data. in different type of research
● Analyze.
● Draw valid conclusions (hypothesis).
● Verify the correctness or truthfulness of the conclusions.
● Iterate as necessary.

20 Fabian Kung June 2022

Type of Research (2 of 2)
Theoretical Exploratory
Problem According to purpose

Applied Descriptive

Problem According to depth of scope Explanatory Qualitative

Correlational Quantitative
Data According to type of data

Data According to degree of manipulation of variables Experimental

Deductive Non-experimental
Analysis According to type of inference
lnductive Quasi-experimental

Hypothetical Inductive

Longitudinal Study
According to the time in which
Problem research is carried out Cross-sectional Study

21 Fabian Kung June 2022

🞆 Qualitative – Data in the form of surveys or questionnaire,
interviews, opinions, reports etc. Usually used in social
science research. For instance questionnaire used during
marketing research on a new product.
🞆 Quantitative – Hard data in numeric form, like temperature,
humidity, force, acceleration, power, distance, tensile
strength, potential difference, charge etc.

22 Fabian Kung June 2022

🞆 Experimental - Manipulate all variables under controlled
conditions to find causal relationship.
🞆 Non-experimental – Observational study, use randomize
trials (for medical research), no manipulation of variables.
🞆 Quasi-experimental – Some variables are manipulated,
while others not or use randomization.

23 Fabian Kung June 2022

tical-Deductive Research
Existing theory Explain new observation/phenomena

Data/observation New theory or principles

Hypothetical Deductive
Combines both deductive and inductive research

Data/observation Theory or principles Explain new

via hypothesis observation/phenomena

24 Fabian Kung June 2022

🞆 Longitudinal Study – Observation or investigation of
variables over a period of time. For instance in medical
research, study the effect of lifestyle, behavior over the
health of participants over 10 years.
🞆 Cross-Sectional Study – Observation or investigation at a
particular instance. For instance during Covid-19 pandemic,
which segment of the population is more vulnerable to
severe symptoms.

25 Fabian Kung June 2022

Introduction to Postgraduate
Studies - MSc and PhD
Understand theory

Ability to conduct By Research or Utilizing theory

research is a by Coursework
Typically work on
major criteria Applied
in determining whether Research
a candidate fulfil the
requirement for
MSc and PhD
Typically work on
By Research Creating new theory Basic
26 Fabian Kung June 2022
MSc, is a process of

🞆 Identifying a research area of interest.

🞆 Acquire all the fundamental knowledge and skills of the
subject matter. Where you take
Your taught courses
🞆 Learning to carry out a research project.
🞆 Identifying problems.
🞆 Analyzing/ dissecting problems.
🞆 Designing/developing solutions.
🞆 Proving/Substantiating/Validating solution.
🞆 Reporting (Sharing the result).

27 Fabian Kung June 2022

Outcome of MSc program
(1 of 3)
🞆 Be able to analyze results.
🞆 Be able to report results, both oral (viva/work completion
seminar) and written (thesis report).
🞆 Have published research papers (usually in regional
🞆 Know the primary references for the area of specialization.

These are the things the Examiners look for when deciding whether a MSc
candidate deserves to be awarded the degree.

28 Fabian Kung June 2022

Outcome of MSc program
(2 of 3)
🞆 Know the leading researchers/research groups in the
area of study.
🞆 Know the relevant industries/companies.
🞆 Identify his/her research strength and weaknesses
(theoretical, experimental, materials, processes,
components/devices, system).
🞆 Conduct research with minimal guidance.
🞆 Learn good time management, project management.

29 Fabian Kung June 2022

Outcome of MSc program (3 of
🞆 Understand the issues of concerns within the area of
🞆 Update with the latest development (state-of-art) in the
area of specialization.
🞆 Master some of the tools (analytical, programming,
computer modeling, metrology, mathematics) required
within the scope of study.
🞆 Master some of the test and measurement skills.
🞆 Maturity of thought process.

30 Fabian Kung June 2022

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