Sanskriti Jain, 1062232473, Div 9

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QTBDM - Test - October 2023

1) All questions are compulsory. Question no 1 and 3 carry 6 marks each. Question no 2 carries 8 marks. Total marks 20.
2) This is an exam and must be treated like one. Do not indulge in any unfair practices. Students involved in such acts will get 0
3) Explain the answers you get, in your own words. This is mandatory.
4) Do not delete any formulas that you use, from your answer sheet.
5) Time for the exam - 1 hour
6) Upload your answer sheets at the given google drive location in time. Late uplaods will have 5 marks cut.
8 marks. Total marks 20.
involved in such acts will get 0 marks.

5 marks cut.
In an effort to determine whether any correlation exists between the price of stocks
FMCG companies, an analyst sampled 15 days of activity of the stock market. Using t
prices of Company A and Company B, compute the coefficient of correlation.
Pl comment on the result
Company A Company B
562 2123
549 2080 CORRELATION 0.966473
536 2078
589 2269 A correlation coefficient of 1 represents a perfect positive correlation, wh
602 2280 In this case, a coefficient of 0.966473 is very close to 1, suggesting that th
This strong positive correlation implies that these two stocks move togeth
619 2352
601 2272
589 2293
598 2305 Chart Title
623 2425 2500
614 2374
604 2342
594 2298 2300
588 2290
579 2241 2200



530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620
een the price of stocks of PRN- 1062232473
e stock market. Using the following DIV- 9
of correlation.

a perfect positive correlation, which means that as the price of Company A increases, the price of Company B increases.
ery close to 1, suggesting that there is a strong positive relationship between the stock prices of these two FMCG companies.
hat these two stocks move together in the same direction.

The graphical representation shows the strong positive correlation
between 2 the price of stocks of FMCG companies.

580 590 600 610 620 630

MCG companies.
In a manufacturing process, defects are measured for batches of 10000 numbers of a particular component. The pe
for 20 such batches is captured in the table below. Pl forecast the per unit manufacturing cost in Rs for two batches

No of defects in a Per unit manufacturing cost

batch of 10000 in Rs
19 1381
17 1336 manufacturing process
15 1310
23 1429
26 1469 1700

per unit manufacturing cost

10 1267 1500 f(x) = 9.25868617245745 x + 1186.47608
42 1521 R² = 0.892321817820101
34 1492
15 1321 1100
16 1312 900
27 1471
23 1418
28 1480 500
5 10 15 20 25 3
19 1345
no. of defects in a batch
39 1510
25 1445
19 1354
31 1508
13 1276
17 1325
19 1362.415
27 1436.485
ular component. The per unit cost of manufacturing is also computed. The data
t in Rs for two batches that have 19 and 27 defects respectively.

nufacturing process y = 9.2587x + 1186.5

R² = 0.8923

y=9.2587x + 1186.5
868617245745 x + 1186.47608665072 x=19 & y=
321817820101 1362.415
x=27 & y=
m= 9.2587
c= 1186.5

20 25 30 35 40 45
no. of defects in a batch
Find out descriptive statistics for the followinf set of data. Comment on the findings.

256 data- descriptive statistics

256 comment:- according to outp
812 Mean 686.5 that kurtosis & skewness bot
largest and smallest values ar
862 Standard Error 53.565623062 The data is spread out, as by
823 Median 817.5 relatively high standard devia
The mode, which is the most
811 Mode 862 is 862, and the median is 817
856 Standard Deviation 251.2450426 considering it as an average o
785 Sample Variance 63124.071429
806 Kurtosis -0.8560191282
850 Skewness -1.0333237152
333 Range 672
857 Minimum 245
333 Maximum 917
917 Sum 15103
840 Count 22
862 Largest(1) 917
862 Smallest(1) 245

ment:- according to output we can derive

kurtosis & skewness both are negative.
st and smallest values are mentioned.
data is spread out, as by the
vely high standard deviation and range.
mode, which is the most common value,
2, and the median is 817.5, mean is 686.5
dering it as an average of the whole data.

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