2022 - 06 - 27 Cost Estimates For Complete Track Renewals (CTRS)

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Troyp qTkf gGfft Govcnnent of India

tc{"r@ Mtnktry of Rdtwryr 7rary7

sl-f,t-4t+r AZ€lCtl 63
srqf qefss ltsi<t€ nrmay Board)

No20ttICE-IISPB Ncw Ihlhi dded: u?052022

Thc Goenl Mrnryor

All bdhn Rrllreyr

Sub: Cod Ertiutc. for Complct TncL. Re.en8l, (CTR!)

Ret Defence Siding - Standard Memo of Tcnng urd Corditiotls circulsrcd vi& Boerd's
letts No. 2002rc8-USP/l/R D8.tfd z'OLml4

During mceting held on 17.062022 bctwccn Defence Authority and Railway Board OfEcials, Defence
Authority lurc raised the issrr regarding anomaly in cost estimatcs for Complerc Track Renewals (CTRs).

2. Dcfcnc€ Arnhority h.ve cdlradod thd some Zonat Railways arc irdicatirg erti,r cst of 6c CIR
works as Defcncp shut and dcdrrting the mcagrr o6t of old mdcrial (scrap value) from 0rc €stimd6. This
process of preparing the cost estimates by Railways is not in consonsnce with existing guidelines rcfcned
3. Attenrion is inviEd to Clua€s I (eXi[ l(bXi) and 8 of Standard Reviccd Sttndard Mcmo of Tqrns ad
Coditiols, whidt art as udcn

"Clrlle l(e) Thc Rilwey AdEitrbcrdon will bc.r - (i) The cosl of all rccowrable materials' swh
as pemE ed way, girders, signals & olher novablc thlnp which arc ulitcly to be rc$drcd for
Defcncc scrvicrs, lrscd in the constnraion of roope siditUs & plafomr ac
Churc f(b) Ttc Dcfcrcc DGFrtuGlt will bcrr thc following cGE for xhicb R.lhv.y-
fAnlnbmfuon wltl edrdr dctrkd bttlk-rp of @0 to lrcfeocc DGP.tlDGrt - (i) ThG c(Et of
con*ruaion of toops sidinS & platforms elc. inclding thc sigltslling uli lsltncnts rtquircd in trc
event of siding or platform taking otr from the nuin line beyond thc limiB of a starim yard, cxcept
cst of rccoverablc material defncd in Clauc (a)(i) abovc"'
C:Lusa tTte renew8l of the siding or additions & altrnrafions madc tlrcreto due to whatc\rq crlrse ia
may bc, shall bc carricd out by thJ nailway Administsations end thc ircidericc of cost thctlof, stlall
follow that ofthc original capiul cost of&e siding"

4. The ma[er has bean cxamincd in Bosrd'3 officc. Zonal Railway are adviscd t]ut thc worls of
Cfiipl€te Tract Rener,vals(CTRs) in rhc case of Defcnce Siding shall bc donc in the light ofClarscs l(aXiL
I OXi) and 8 of Standatd Reviscd Sturdrd Memo of Tcrms and Conditions.

5. This issues with thc rppmval of the Compctcnt Authtrity.

anrf', lniu Y,
(Alit Kunrr Jti)
Erecutivc Dlrcc'tor' CMI EnglDCeriD8(G)
[Phonc: 030-44803(RJv] 0l l -233t3379(It[TNL,
{c-mail ad&ess: cdcee2022@snsil.com}
l. Principrl Chid Euglnccr
All Indirn Rail*q,s
2, DG OrcSM (Opc t Prg), (xhd rtb: Brlg Rrnjro lt&[itq slt4 vsM), Siralcgic Mowment
Dfu€ctraL, Gcn€rat StatrBmncb trIQ of MoD (Army), Scna Bhawaq New Dclhi,- I l00l I


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