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Gartner's case study provides insight into how organizations can identify digital wedge points to gain

competitive advantage for future business models. In this case study, “Wedge Co.” is a pseudonym used for
a company in an industrial manufacturing industry with 10,000 to 50,000 employees. A differentiated
capability workshop and a digital asset matching exercise were highlighted in the paper as solutions to
determine their digital wedge points.

Digital transformation requires cultural and business mindset changes. In this case study, the
workforce and business model implications of digital transformation are significant. Organizations will need
to invest in capabilities and hire a workforce for initiatives that will better prepare the company for a
differentiated business model. Whether or not an organization has already begun their digital transformation,
it is imperative for a company to think critically about the ways in which digitalization could affect their
business processes and the skills required to sustain these.

Works Cited:

Kelwig, Donny. “Solution selling definition and techniques: The complete guide”. Zendesk Blog. 12 July
2022. Accessed 8 March 2023.

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