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COURSE UNIT 1 – KINEMATICS the first derivative of the position with

respect to time dx/dt.

➢ Motion is the progressive change of ➢ Instantaneous speed S is defined as
position of a body. the magnitude of the instantaneous
➢ Kinematics, a branch of mechanics velocity.
that deals with the description of the ➢ Average acceleration - is the time rate
motion of bodies. It involves various of change of the velocity (or
physical quantities such as position, instantaneous velocity).
distance, displacement, time, speed, ➢ Acceleration - change in velocity as a
velocity, and acceleration. function of time.
➢ Position (x or y) of a body is defined ➢ Velocity-time graph (v −t graph) –
in terms of a frame of reference. graph of body’s velocity as a function of
➢ Displacement time.
• a change in position is ➢ Instantaneous acceleration
described by the quantity called • is the limit of the average
displacement. acceleration as the time interval
• displacement is denoted by ∆x goes to zero. It is also the first
(for horizontal motion) or ∆y (for derivative of the velocity with
vertical motion). respect to time dv/dt.
• Mathematically, it is written as: • The slope of this tangent line
∆x = xf – xi (motion along x-axis) represents the instantaneous
acceleration at that time.
∆y = yf −yi (motion along y-axis) ➢ Interpretation of Motion Graphs
➢ Distance d - the total length of the path • No motion or at rest
a body actually travelled. - A body is at rest when its
➢ Average speed S is the distance a position does not change
body moves in a given unit of time. relative to some frame of
➢ Speed vs. Velocity reference.
• Uniform Motion/Constant Velocity
• If the magnitude of displacement
- A body is moving uniformly or
is less than the total distance
at constant velocity when the
travelled by a body, the
distances it moves are equal for
magnitude of the velocity is less
equal time intervals.
than speed’s magnitude.
• Accelerating at constant rate
• For one-dimensional motion, the
- A body is accelerating when the
magnitude of displacement and
distances it moves are
distance are equal, therefore the
increasing during equal time
magnitude of velocity and speed
are also equal.
• Decelerating at constant rate
• Velocity is zero when the body
- A body is decelerating when the
returns from starting point while
distances it moves are
the its speed is greater than
decreasing during equal time
➢ Position-time graph (x-t or y-t graph)
➢ Uniformly accelerated motion is a
is a graph of the body’s position as a
type of variable motion in which the
function of time. It is composed of two
velocity of a body changes at the same
coordinates: vertical and horizontal
rate throughout the motion.
➢ Free fall is a type of motion with
➢ Instantaneous velocity v is the limit of
constant acceleration due to the
the average velocity as the time interval
influence of the earth’s gravitational
becomes infinitesimally short, or as the
time interval approaches zero. It is also
➢ Projectile is a body that is given an COURSE UNIT 2- STATICS AND DYNAMICS
initial velocity and then follows a path
➢ Statics is the branch of mechanics that
determined entirely by the effects of
deals with state of rest of a certain body
gravitational acceleration and air
with the application of forces.
➢ Dynamics - a branch of mechanics that
➢ Uniform Circular Motion is a type of
deals with the state of motion of a body
motion when a body moves in circular
with the application of force.
path with constant speed v, that is the
➢ Force - is defined as a quantitative
magnitude of the velocity is not
description of the interaction between
two bodies or between a body and its
➢ Centripetal acceleration - change in
direction corresponds to acceleration
- vector quantity
➢ Linear speed (or tangential speed), v
➢ Gravitational force Fg between all
is the distance travelled by the body in
objects tends to pull them toward each
one revolution along the circular path in
other. This universal force affects all
a given period of time T.
forms of matter from smallest to largest
➢ Centripetal acceleration (or radial
acceleration) is the instantaneous
➢ Magnetic force Fm allows a magnet to
acceleration that compels a body to
attract iron objects and to attract or
move around a circular path. The word
repel another magnet.
“centripetal” means “seeking the
➢ Electric force Fe is the force that exists
center”. Therefore, the direction of
between all charged particles (positive
centripetal acceleration is always
and negative).
towards the center of rotation.
➢ Normal Force, η is the perpendicular
force between two bodies in direct
contact. It always acts perpendicularly
towards the object regardless of the
orientation of surfaces.
➢ Nuclear force Fn is a powerful
attractive force that acts between the
protons and neutrons of atoms. This
force is strong enough to overcome the
repulsive force between protons. It
binds nucleons into atomic nuclei.
➢ Frictional Force f is the force that
opposes the motion when two bodies
are in contact. It is the resistance force
experienced by an object moving
relative to another object with which it is
in contact. It is always parallel to the
surfaces and opposite to the direction
of the relative motion
➢ Superposition of forces - The effect of
any number of forces applied at a point
on a body is the same as the effect of a
single force equal to the vector sum
(resultant) of the forces.
➢ Contact force is a force that is in direct
contact between two bodies.
➢ Long-range force acts even when the
bodies are separated by space which
include gravitational force, electric force
and magnetic force.
➢ Tension T is the pulling force that tends
a body to be stretched. It is usually
applied in solids especially flexible
materials such as ropes, string, wire
cables and belts
➢ Weight w is the vertical force exerted
on all bodies due to earth’s gravitational
attraction. It is always nearly pointing
the earth’s center. In human scale,
weight always acts vertically downward
and acts on a body even if it has no
contact with another body.
➢ Free-body diagram (FBD) - a sketch
of the isolated body which shows only
the forces acting upon it by the removed
➢ Sir Isaac Newton (1687)
• an English physicist,
mathematician, and natural
• published his two-volume
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica (Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy)
that contains his well-known
three laws of motion, also called
Newton’s Laws.
Newton’s First Law of Motion states
that things at rest, stay at rest and
things in motion, stay in motion unless
we give them an external force.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
relates net force acting on an object to
its acceleration. It states that a net force
on an object will accelerate it.
Newton’s third law of motion states
that an object experiences a force by
means of interaction with some other
➢ frictional force between an object and a
surface equal to a constant number
called coefficient of friction μ
multiplied by the normal force n.
➢ Static friction fs prevents a body from
moving along a surface.
➢ Kinetic friction fk acts when a body
slides over a surface.

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