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CHEMISTRY breathing problems, skin rashes, allergic reaction,

- the observation and description of allergic sensitization, cancer, and other health

matter, its properties, and the changes problems from exposure.

it undergoes. • Example of Hazardous Chemicals

- Chemistry is sometimes called "the central - Paints, drugs, cosmetics, cleaning chemicals,
degreaser, detergents, gas cylinders and
science" because it connects physics with
refrigerant gases.
other natural sciences such as geology and
• Characteristics of Hazardous Chemicals:
1. Ignitability or something flammable
PRACTICES OF CHEMISTRY 2. Corrosively or something that can rust or
1. decompose.
• Glass making 2. Reactivity or something explosive
• Wine making 3. Toxicity or something poisonous
• Pottery
• Dyeing • Hazardous substance

Chemistry of Flowers - is a material or substance

• Smell a Flower that poses a physical or health hazard.

- The Fragrance is Chemistry • Health Hazards
• See a Flower
- The Colours are Chemistry - occur when a chemical produces
• Touch a Flower an acute or chronic health effect on exposed
- The Structure is Chemistry
Chemistry in the Home
• Physical properties of a substance determine a
• Everything in your home is Chemistry
• Shower Gel, Wallpaper Physical Hazard.
• soap, shampoo • Physical Hazard Examples: Flammable, explosives,
• Disinfectants
pyrophoric, corrosive, reactive, peroxide former.
Healthier Lives
• Xylene
• Formulations of all medicines
• Clean water through chemical science - is an organic chemical compound
• Cures for Cancer, AIDS… - also known as Xylol.
BRANCHES OF CHEMISTRY -used as a solvent (a liquid that can dissolve
• Organic Chemistry other substances) in the printing, rubber,
• Inorganic Chemistry
and leather industries.
-used as a cleaning agent, a thinner for
- is the practice of handling
paint, and in varnishes.
chemicals in a safe manner, minimizing the hazard
• A substance is pyrophoric if it ignites
to public and personal health.
spontaneously in air at or below 54 °C or within 5
minutes after coming into contact with air. (ex. iron
- are substances that
can cause adverse health effects such as poisoning,
• Peroxide Formers are a class of chemicals with commercial, agricultural and residential
high instability and are one of the most dangerous
• Non-hazardous Lab Consumable Waste Items
chemicals used in laboratories. Shock, heat, or
1. Uncontaminated gloves
friction can cause unexpected explosions of
2. Empty plastic chemical containers
peroxide forming chemicals. (classes of 3. Pipettes
4. Centrifuge tubes
compounds: Ethers, Tetrahydrofuran, Aldehydes, 5. Fraction collection tubes
and Acetals) 6. Disposable flasks

• Health Hazard Examples: • Common Cleaning Agents

✓ Nephrotoxin: A toxic chemical that 1. Water, the most common cleaning

agent which is a very powerful polar solvent.
damages the kidneys (e.g., Cisplatin, 1. Soap or detergent
2. Ammonia Solution
3. Calcium hypochlorite
✓ Hepatotoxin: A toxic chemical that 4. Citric acid
5. Sodium hypochlorite
damages the liver (e.g., Ethanol, 6. Sodium hydroxide
Halothane, CarbonTetrachloride). 7. Acetic acid
✓ Teratogen: A toxic chemical that causes • HAZARD SYMBOLS
malformation of an embryo (e.g., Alcohol).

• Acute vs. Chronic

✓ Acute Hazards cause immediate harm

(e.g., Carbon Monoxide poisoning, Cyanide

inhalation, etc.).

✓ Chronic Hazards do not cause immediate

harm (e.g., Mesothelioma from Asbestos

exposure, lung cancer from smoking, etc.).

• Routes of Exposure

The four routes of exposure are ingestion,

inhalation, injection, and skin contact.

• Toxicity
The degree to which a toxic chemical can cause
-include ammunitions, fireworks, air bag
damage. Dosage, duration, and exposure to
inflators and fuse, etc.
chemicals affect toxicity.
-oxygen, natural gas, carbon dioxide,
- that have been determined to be non-
hazardous waste. (paper, metals, and lighters, and aerosols
chemicals, materials generated by industrial,
✓ CLASS 3: FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE safe handling, use and storage, and the emergency

LIQUIDS measures to be followed in case of an accident.

-acetone, adhesives, paints, gasoline, • Control measures for chemical hazards

perfume, ethanol, methanol and some 1. Elimination: Discontinue the use of the

pesticides with flammable solvents hazardous chemical.

✓ CLASS 4: FLAMMABLE SOLIDS 2. Substitution: Replace the hazardous chemical

-sulfur, matches, activated carbon, alkali with a less hazardous substance.

metals and some metal powders 3. Engineering Controls: Isolate people from the

✓ CLASS 5: OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES, hazardous substance.

ORGANIC PEROXIDES 4. Administrative controls: Change the way

-hydrogen peroxide, potassium people work.

permanganate, sodium nitrite, ammonium 5. PPE: Protect people with personal protective

nitrate fertilizers and oxygen generators equipment.

• 4 Tips in Chemical Safety

1. Understand the chemicals you are using. The
1. first and most critical aspect of using chemicals
-cyanides, lead compounds, phenol, 2. safely is to understand exactly what you are
3. dealing with. ...
cresols, some pesticides, biological
2. Provide the correct PPE.
samples and clinical wastes 3. Store chemicals safely. ...
4. Train staff thoroughly.
• Hazard
-enriched uranium, radioactive ores,
- is anything that has the potential to cause harm,
isotopes and some medical equipment or
in terms of injury, ill-health or damage to the
environment. For example, working with
dangerous chemicals or processes which give rise
-acids such as sulfuric acid, strong bases
to dusts or fumes.
such as sodium hydroxide, batteries and its
• Risk
-is the chance (e.g. high, medium or low) that a
• Labelling
person or the environment will be harmed by the
-is the best source of information to acquire
hazard. It also considers how severe the harm or
knowledge about the hazards, emergency illhealth could be.
information, and storage. • Likelihood
• Safety data sheet (SDS) - is a measure of how likely it is that an accident or
-is a document that must be provided to you with illness could happen. When people are working
all hazardous chemicals. It provides useful and managing their chemicals safely there is less
information on the chemical hazards, advice on chance that an accident or ill-health will occur.
• Severity • Biological waste treatment

-is a measure of how serious the injury, ill-health or - is a generic term applied to processes that use

damage to the environment could be as a micro-organisms to decompose organic wastes

consequence of unsafe working with chemicals. either into water, carbon dioxide, and simple

inorganic substances, or into simpler organic

CHEMICAL HANDLING substances, such as aldehydes and acids.

• Chemical Treatment (of hazardous waste)

-refers to the treatment methods that are used to ELECTROCHEMISTRY

effect the complete breakdown of hazardous Electrochemistry

waste into non-toxic gases or, more frequently, to - is the branch of chemistry that deals with the
interconversion of electrical energy and
modify the chemical properties of the waste, for
chemical energy.
example, through reduction of water solubility or - deals with the chemical changes produced by
electric current and with the production of
neutralization of acidity. electricity by chemical reactions.
• Thermal treatment Electrochemical
-is any waste treatment technology that involves - processes are redox (oxidation reduction)
high temperatures in the processing of the waste reactions in which the energy released by a
spontaneous reaction is converted to
feedstock. Commonly this involves the combustion electricity or in which electrical energy is used
of waste materials. to cause a nonspontaneous reaction to occur.

• Biological treatments ELECTRODES

- rely on bacteria, nematodes, or other small • are surfaces on which oxidation or

reduction half-reactions occur.
organisms to break down organic wastes using • cathode - electrode at which reduction
occurs as electrons are gained by some
normal cellular processes. Wastewater typically
contains a buffet of organic matter, such as • anode -electrode at which oxidation occurs
as electrons are lost by some species.
garbage, wastes, and partially digested foods.
• Physical treatment
•oxidation-reduction reactions (redox
-concentrates, solidifies, or reduces the volume of
the waste. Physical processes include evaporation, • Reactions that involve oxidation of one
reactant and reduction of another.
sedimentation, flotation, and filtration. Yet • Oxidation is an increase in oxidation
another process is solidification, which is achieved number and corresponds to the loss, or
- apparent loss, of electrons.
by encapsulating the waste in concrete, asphalt, or • Reduction is a decrease in oxidation
plastic. number and corresponds to a gain, or
• Corrosive wastes - gain, of electrons.
-can cause a chemical action that eats away

materials or living tissue.

Oxidation reduction reactions involve a transfer of 2. Fe +2 + Cr +5 Fe +3 + Cr +3
1. Voltaic or Galvanic Cells
-Oxidation Involves Loss
-Reduction Involves Gain • electrochemical cells in which spontaneous
• LEO-GER oxidation–reduction reactions produce
-Lose Electrons Oxidation electrical energy.
-Gain Electrons Reduction • after the Italian scientists Luigi Galvani and
Oxidation number or Oxidation state Alessandro Volta, who constructed early
versions of the device.
- of an element in a simple binary ionic • COMPONENTS OF A GALVANIC CELL
compound is the number of electrons gained - Connected this way the reaction starts
or lost by an atom of that element when it Stops immediately because charge builds
forms the compound. up.
- Electricity travels in a complete circuit
Rules in Assigning Oxidation Numbers
- An electric current flows from the anode to
1. The oxidation number of the atoms in any free, the cathode because there is a difference in
uncombined element is zero. This includes electrical potential energy between the
polyatomic elements such as H 2 , O 2 , O 3 , P electrodes. The voltage across the electrodes
4 , and S 8 . of a galvanic cell
2. Fluorine has an oxidation number of -1 in its - is called the cell voltage, or cell potential.
compounds. Experimentally, this is measured by a
3. Hydrogen has an oxidation number of+1 in voltmeter
compounds unless it is combined with metals, - Another common term for the cell potential is
in which case it has an oxidation number of -1. the electromotive force or emf (E), which,
Examples of these exceptions are NaH and CaH despite the name, is a measure of voltage, not
2. force.
4. 4.Oxygen usually has an oxidation number of -
A salt bridge serves three functions.
2 in its compounds, except in peroxide which is
-1. 1. It allows electrical contact between the two
5. The position of the element in the periodic solutions.
table helps to assign its oxidation number. 2. It prevents mixing of the electrode solutions.
3. It maintains the electrical neutrality in each
half-cell as ions flow into and out of the salt
• Elements by itself = 0 bridge.
• Gr 1A: Always +1
• Gr 2A: Always +2
• Halogens usually -1 - The superscript “E˚” denotes standard-state
• Monoatomic ion = ion charge conditions, and E˚ is the standard reduction
• H = +1 with non metals potential, or the voltage associated with a
= -1 with metals reduction reaction at an electrode when all
• usually -2 ; -1 in peroxide H 2 O 2 F always -1 solutes are 1 M and all gases are at 1 atm. Thus,
• Sum of oxidation number for neutral the standard reduction potential of the
compound =0 hydrogen electrode is defined as zero. The
• Sum of oxidation number for polyatomic ion= hydrogen electrode is called the standard
ion charge hydrogen electrode (SHE).


• In redox reactions electrons are transferred from one • This is the reference all other oxidations are
substance to another. compared to Eº = 0
• º indicates standard states of 25ºC, 1 atm, 1
1. N 2 0 + 3H 2 0 2N -3 H 3 +1 M solutions.

- The process whereby an electric current

passes through a substance to cause a
chemical change; produces an oxidation–
- A half-cell contains the oxidized and reduced reduction reaction.
forms of an element, or other more complex - Lysis means “splitting apart.” In many
species, in contact with one another. A electrolytic cells compounds are split into their
common kind of half-cell consists of a piece of constituent elements.
metal (the electrode) immersed in a solution of - If you melt or dissolve an ionic compound
its ions. (such as CuCl2), then the ions become free to
move around – and carry electrical current.
CELL POTENTIAL - Electrolysis is used to separate a metal from its
• The total cell potential is the sum of the compound.
potential at each electrode. - When we electrolysed copper chloride the
• Eº cell = Eºred - Eºoxid NEGATIVE chloride ions moved to the POSITIVE
electrode and the POSSITIVE copper ions
Reduction Potentials (E) at varying conditions moved to the NEGATIVE electrode –
• standard –state conditions are often difficult,
and sometimes impossible to maintain. Application of Electrolysis
• there is a mathematical relationship between
the emf of a galvanic cell and the • Extraction of metals
concentration of reactants and products in a • Electroplating
redox reaction under nonstandard-state Battery
- is a device that stores chemical energy and
E= Eº cell - RT/nF log Q converts it to electrical energy. The chemical
E= Eº cell - 0.0821 li-atm/mol-k X 298 K /n 96,485 C/ mol- e - log Q reactions in a battery involve to flow of
electrons from one material (electrode) to
E = Eº cell – 0.0591 log Q (Nernst equation) another, through an external circuit.
n - Types of battery
a. Primary cell – batteries are single use and
Q = the ratio of concentration = product/reactant cannot be recharged. Dry cells and alkaline
E= reduction batteries
b. Secondary cell – rechargeable batteries
Eº = standard potential

R = universal gas constant = 0.0821 li-atm/mol-K

T= temperature in Kelvin = 298 k

N = iron charge ( moles of electrons)

F= Faraday constant= 96, 485 c /mol-e -

Q= reaction quotient

Nernst Equation

- What is the reduction potential of the reaction

2. Electrolytic Cell

- those in which electrical energy from an external

source causes nonspontaneous chemical reactions to
Voltaic Cell VS Electrolytic Cell NUCLEAR BINDING ENERGY

• is the amount of energy required to break

apart a nucleus into its component nucleons.
The conversion of mass defect into energy via
the Einstein equation.


1. Radioactive Decay
– is the process by which an unstable atomic
nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation.
a. Alpha Decay
– a type of radioactivity in which an
atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle
NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY and there by transforms or decays into
- is the sub field of chemistry dealing with the a different atomic nucleus ,with a mass
radio activity, nuclear processes, and number that is reduced by four and an
transformation in the nuclei of atoms, such as atomic number that is reduced by two.
nuclear transmutations and nuclear Occurs in elements with high atomic
properties. numbers , such as uranium, radium,
and thorium.
Atomic Nucleus b. Beta negative decay
– a radioactive process is classified as
- is the small, dense region consisting of protons
beta decay if the atomic number of the
and neutrons at the center of an atom
nuclide changes but the mass number
- discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford based
does not change. In this process,
on the 1909 Geiger–Marsden gold foil
electron is ejected from a nucleus and
in the process a neutron is converted
- Protons and neutrons are bound together to
into a proton.
form a nucleus by the nuclear force.
c. Beta positive decay or positron
Atomic nuclei emission
– a process in which a positron is
- are made up of protons and neutrons. A proton
electron is ejected from the nucleus
and neutron have virtually the same mass,
and in the process a proton is
1.0073 amu, and 1.008 amu respectively.
converted into a neutron.
- The proton has a positive charge written as 1+.
d. Electron capture
The electron has a charge of 1- and a mass of
– is a process which involves the weak
0.0005 amu.
interaction and can be represented by
- The number of protons in the nucleus of an
a Feynman diagram. In the middle
atom of any element is the atomic number of
range of the periodic table, those
that element. Atoms of an element have
isotopes tend to decay by electron
different number of neutrons, that is they exist
capture and those heavier decay by
as isotopes.
negative beta decay.
- The isotopes are represented by symbols with
e. Gamma radiation
subscripts and superscripts.
– is an emission from an excited
BINDING ENERGY nucleus of a gamma photo. Often
gamma emission very quickly after
• Is the minimum energy required to radioactivity decay, however, in some
disassemble a system of particles into separate cases an excited state has a significant
parts. The energy is equal to the mass defect lifetime before it emits a gamma
minus the amount of energy, or mass that is photo. This type of emission no
released with a bound system is created, and is particles and no equation is needed.
what keeps the system together.
Radioactive decay b. Beta-Plus Decay

• is the spontaneous breakdown of an atomic - In positron emission, also

nucleus resulting in the release of energy and called positive beta decay (β + -decay),
matter from the nucleus. Remember that a a proton in the parent
radioisotope has unstable nuclei that does not nucleus decays into a neutron that
have enough binding energy to hold the remains in the daughter nucleus, and
nucleus together. the nucleus emits a neutrino and a
• Radioisotopes would like to be stable isotopes positron, which is a positive particle
so they are constantly changing to try and like an ordinary electron in mass but of
stabilize. opposite charge.
• In the process, they will release energy and - the proton disintegrates to yield a
matter from their nucleus and often transform neutron causing a decrease in the
into a new element. This process, atomic number of the radioactive
called transmutation, is the change of one sample.
element into another as a result of changes
c. Electron capture
within the nucleus. The radioactive decay and
transmutation process will continue until a - is a mode of beta decay in which
new element is formed that has a stable an electron – commonly from an
nucleus and is not radioactive. Transmutation inner (low-energy) orbital – is
can occur naturally or by artificial means. ‘captured’ by the atomic nucleus.
The electron reacts with one of the
Types of radioactive decay nuclear protons, forming a neutron
and producing a neutrino. The
1. Alpha decay or α-decay
daughter nucleus may be in an excited
• is a type of radioactive decay in which an state.
atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle (helium
nucleus) and thereby transforms or ‘decays’ 3. GAMMA DECAY
into a different atomic nucleus, with a mass
• Gamma decay, type of radioactivity in which
number that is reduced by four and an atomic
some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess
number that is reduced by two.
energy by a spontaneous electromagnetic
2. Beta Decay
process. In the most common form of gamma
• is a type of radioactive decay in which a proton
decay, known as gamma emission, gamma
is transformed into a neutron or vice versa
rays (photons, or packets of electromagnetic
inside the nucleus of the radioactive sample.
energy, of extremely short wavelength) are
• As a result of beta decays, the mass number of
the atoms remains the same, but the atomic
number changes:the atomic number increases
in the negative beta decay and decreases in
the positive beta decay, respectively.
a. Beta-Minus Decay
- In beta minus, a neutron is
transformed to yield a proton causing
an increase in the atomic number of
the atom. The neutron is neutral but
the proton is positive. To maintain
conservation of charge, the nucleus in
the process also produces an electron
and an antineutrino. Antineutrino is
the antimatter counterpart of
PENETRATING POWER OF RADIATION PARTICLES half its initial value. This period of time is called
the half-life of the reaction, written as t^1/2 .
Half Life
• a nucleus is transformed into another through
bombardment by various subatomic particles. • Half Life of radioactive isotope is the period of
in which one half the original number of atoms
undergo radioactivity decay to form a new
Nuclear Fission element.

• a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei.

An example of a fission reaction that was used
in the first atomic bomb and is still used in
nuclear reactors.
• Is a process in nuclear physics in which the
nucleus of an atom splits into two or more
smaller nuclei as fission products, and usually
some by-product particles. Hence, fission is a
form of elemental transmutation.

Nuclear Fusion

• a process in which two light nuclei combine to

form a heavier one. If two light nuclei combine
or fuse together to form a larger and more
stable nucleus.
• Is a reaction in which two or more atomic
nuclei are combined to form one or more
different atomic nuclei and subatomic
particles. The difference in mass between the
reactants and products is manifested as either
the release or absorption of energy.

How Energy is released in Nuclear Fusion?

A fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a

single heavier nucleus. The process
releases energy because the total mass of the resulting
single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original
nuclei. The leftover mass
becomes energy.... fusion produces a neutron and a
helium nucleus.


• As with chemical reactions, the nuclear

reactions are not instantaneous and evolve on
differing times (ranging from billions of years
to microseconds). Also, as with chemical
reactions, nuclear reactions follow comparable
rate laws.

Half-Lives and Radioactive Decay Kinetics MAG-REVIEW NA

• Another approach to describing reaction rates
is based on the time required for the
concentration of a reactant to decrease to one-

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