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SBQ Skills
• Looking at two or more objects
and their features or
characteristics, and looking at
their similarities and

No Match
• No criteria use for comparison
• E.g. Lisa is blonde while Ariana Grande wears necklaces.

Wrong types of comparison

False Match
• When criteria applies only to one of the object compared.
• E.g. Lisa has a microphone but Ariana Grande does not.

Wrong types of comparison

•A standard/a
reference point by
which something is

Common Criteria
• Criteria: Hair colour
• E.g. Lisa has brown hair while Ariana Grande has black

Correct comparison
• Criteria: Gender
• E.g. Both Lisa and Ariana Grande are female.

Correct comparison
Types of Questions Required Answers
How similar are sources A and B? BOTH similarities & differences
How different are sources A and B?
To what extent are sources A and B
To what extent are sources A and B

In what ways are sources A and B Differences


In what ways are sources A and B Similarities


Types of Questions
Paragraph 1: Sources A and B are similar.
Both agree about

Source A states that “evidence”.

This shows that
Source B states that “evidence”.
This shows that

How to answer?
Paragraph 2: Sources A and B are different.
Both disagree about
___(criteria)___. While A shows
__(inference)__, B shows

Source A states that “evidence”.

This shows that __(explanation)__.
Source B states that “evidence”.
This shows that __(explanation)__.

How to answer?
Source A Source B
At that time, I had a friend in The Ceylonese in Singapore were doing
Singapore who was also from the very well, as they were drawing a very
Ann Kway district. He used to tell fat salary. They could get their monthly
salary, they could brighten their future,
me that living conditions and and they could enlighten other people.
other aspects of livelihood in They became teachers, doctors and
Singapore were good and that lawyers. They were mostly Ceylon
being a driver in Singapore was Tamils who knew it was better to go to
not bad. I came to Singapore Singapore to better their prospects than
to become stagnant in Ceylon. They
because of this notion of making influenced us with their views that you
money and the encouragement of should get a better job, and you get
my friend. better earnings here (in Singapore).

How similar are both sources?

Explain your answer.
• Source A and B are similar as they both agree that early
Singapore had job opportunities for early migrants.
• This is evident from Source A as it states ‘being a driver
in Singapore was not bad’ and ‘. I came to Singapore
because of this notion of making money’.
• Similarly, it is evident in Source B that ‘They influenced
us with their views that you should get a better job, and
you get better earnings here (in Singapore)’.
• Therefore, both sources show that there are jobs available
for early migrants to take up to make a living.

Para 1: Similarity
• However, Source A and B are different in terms of the types of
jobs that people take up in early Singapore.
• Source A shows that there was blue collar job available while
Source B shows that there were white collar job available.
• This is evident from Source A as it states ‘that being a driver in
Singapore was not bad.’ This shows that there were manual
jobs such as drivers for the early migrant to take up.
• On the other hand, Source B states that ‘they became teachers,
doctors and lawyers.’ This shows that there were presence of
administrative jobs for early migrants to pick up.

Para 2: Difference

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