Shah Et Al 2021 Calcium Modification Techniques in Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions


Calcium Modification Techniques in Complex

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Mohammed Shah, BSc, MBChB; Osman Najam, MBChB, MRes; Ravinay Bhindi, MBBS, PhD; Kalpa De Silva , MBBS, PhD

ABSTRACT: Percutaneous coronary intervention is the most common mode of revascularization and is increasingly undertaken
in high-risk subsets, including the elderly. The presence of coronary artery calcification is increasingly observed and
significantly limits technical success. The mechanisms for this are multi-factorial, including increased arterial wall stiffness
and impaired delivery of devices, leading to suboptimal stent delivery, deployment, and expansion which are harbingers for
increased risk of in-stent restenosis and stent thrombosis. Although conventional balloon pretreatment techniques aim to
mitigate this risk by modifying the lesion before stent placement, many lesions remain resistant to conventional strategies,
due to the severity of calcification. There have been several substantial technological advancements in calcium modification
methods in recent years, which have allowed improved procedural success with low periprocedural complication rates. This
review will summarize the current adjunctive modification technologies that can be employed to improve technical outcomes
in percutaneous coronary intervention in calcific disease and the evidence supporting these tools.

Key Words: algorithm ◼ calcium ◼ coronary artery disease ◼ percutaneous coronary intervention ◼ stents

he ability of percutaneous coronary intervention calcification. The mainstay of lesion preparation in PCI is
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(PCI) to treat anatomically complex coronary artery with balloon angioplasty (BA), with the use of semi-com-
disease within high-risk patient subsets, has sig- pliant or non-compliant balloons, which are limited and
nificantly improved over the past 2 decades.1 However, are associated with increased procedural complications
despite improvements in interventional techniques, cor- in the presence of calcific disease.7–9 Therefore, effec-
onary artery calcification represents a major challenge tive and efficient calcium modification remains an unmet
associated with adverse outcomes after PCI.2 The preva- need. This review will summarize the current adjunctive
lence of coronary artery calcification increases with age, technologies that can be employed to improve techni-
occurring in >90% of men and 67% of women over the cal outcomes in PCI and the evidence supporting these
age of 70 years.3 As more than a third of all PCI proce- tools.
dures are performed in those over 75 years, an improved
understanding and treatment of calcific coronary dis-
ease is vital.1,4,5 Treatment with PCI remains difficult due UTILITY OF INTRACORONARY IMAGING
to a number of anatomic and technical factors. Calcified
coronary arteries have reduced vessel compliance pro-
hibiting stent delivery, while also reducing the ability of The use of intracoronary imaging to guide PCI improves
implanted stents to expand and appose as required, all procedural and long-term clinical outcomes.10 Both intra-
potentially culminating in a nidus for stent failure through vascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomog-
either restenosis or stent thrombosis.6 raphy (OCT) provide important insights into coronary
Evolution of PCI technique over the last 40 years has lesion morphology and allow improved procedural plan-
meant that adjunctive methods of lesion preparation have ning during PCI. IVUS (Figure 1) and, particularly OCT
been developed in an attempt to combat coronary artery (Figure 2), are also invaluable in detecting, localizing,

Correspondence to: Kalpa De Silva, MBBS, PhD, Cardiology Department, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, SE1 7EH, United Kingdom. Email
The Data Supplement is available at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 566.
© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions is available at

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 556

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

presence of large calcium pools (≥180°) and absence

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms of calcium fractures following initial lesion preparation,
escalation of preparation technique should be considered
ALG acute luminal gain (Figure 4).14 Conversely, the presence of OCT-detected
BA balloon angioplasty fractures following lesion preparation is a reassuring fea-
CB cutting balloon ture and associated with improved stent expansion.15,16
IVL intravascular lithotripsy While there is limited evidence that the presence of cal-
IVUS intravascular ultrasound cific disease adversely impacts subsequent clinical out-
NCB noncompliant balloon comes, more meticulous procedural planning, with the
systematic use of intracoronary imaging, may improve
OCT optical coherence tomography
technical success and procedural safety.
PCI percutaneous coronary intervention
RA rotational atherectomy
Balloon-Based Devices
Non-Compliant Balloons
and quantifying coronary calcification (Figure 3).10a OCT Conventional BA is often effective in modifying coronary
is able to visualize calcified plaque without artifacts and, lesions, with either the use of semi-compliant or non-
therefore, can evaluate the calcium thickness more compliant (NCB) balloons. Frequently, predilating lesions
accurately than IVUS (Figure 2).11–13 The presence of with NCB’s sufficiently prepares lesions and allows stent
extensive lesion calcification may adversely impact the implantation to achieve an appropriate minimal stent area.
PCI outcome and is associated with a greater likelihood However, in the setting of concentrically calcified lesions,
of stent under-expansion. The 2019 European Society despite the use of NCB’s to high pressures, there may
of Cardiology intracoronary imaging consensus guide- be non-uniform balloon expansion, with relative under-
lines recommend the use of OCT or IVUS where there expansion in the calcified segment of the lesion compared
is ambiguity in regard to the presence, and burden, of with the edges of the lesion, commonly referred to as a
lesion calcification. Specific imaging features, particularly dog-bone appearance. This feature suggests that there is
with the use of OCT’s higher spatial resolution, have been inadequate lesion preparation and also may result in bal-
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identified as indicators of stent under-expansion. These loon rupture, vessel dissection, or perforation.14 Although
are the presence of an arc of calcium ≥180°, calcium standard NCB’s can be expanded to high pressures
thickness of ≥0.5 mm and lesion length >5 mm. In the (rated pressure of 20–24 atm), the single layer structure

Figure 1. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image of arterial calcification.

A, HD-IVUS (60 MHz) image showing mild eccentric calcification identified by hyperechoic region of calcium in upper right quadrant (red arrow),
with hypoechoic ultrasound drop out (blue arrow) in the region adjacent to this, due to the inability of ultrasound waves to penetrate through
calcium. B, HD-IVUS image showing concentric calcification, with 360° arc of hyperechoic calcification and complete ultrasound drop-out.

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Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

Figure 2. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image of arterial calcification.

A, OCT image showing eccentric, superficial calcium (lower left quadrant). Arc of calcium is <90° with a calcium thickness of 0.24 mm. B,
OCT image showing concentric calcification with deep wall calcification—0.84 mm at its thickest point (at 9 o’clock).

of the balloon makes them prone damage in the presence (or another device) depending on the composition of the
of calcium, particularly if this is spiculated in nature. lesion (Figure 4). However, the use of such devices must
be reconciled with the potential risk of coronary dissec-
High-Pressure (Dual-Layer) Non-Compliant Balloons
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tion and perforation, the latter of which, in particular, can

The advent of super high-pressure (35 atm rated pres-
be catastrophic and require emergent resolution. Finally,
sure) dual layer balloons such as the OPN balloon (SIS
while effective, it should be noted that high-pressure bal-
Medical, Switzerland) have provided a low-profile device
which can exert very high pressures on the lesion with loon treatment may lead to localized wall injury, which may
increased uniformity (Figure 5A).17–20 Díaz et al17 were provide an endothelial substrate for restenosis22,23
the first to test the super high-pressure balloon at 40 atm Cutting and Scoring Balloons
in a small case series (n=8). These were cases of unex-
Cutting Balloons
pandable stents, in-stent restenosis, or plaque preparation
The cutting balloon (CB) is a balloon that has 3 or 4
before stent implantation, with no dissections, perfora-
tions, or balloon rupture observed. Secco et al21 recently microsurgical blades bonded longitudinally along its sur-
conducted a retrospective analysis (n=91) showing that face (Figure 5B). The device provides a focused force,
when conventional NCB’s fail, OPN balloons provide an at low balloon inflation pressures, creating shallow inci-
effective strategy for the dilatation of undilatable calcific sions in the calcified atherosclerotic plaque. This exposes
lesions. Acute luminal gain (ALG) was significantly greater the more elastic intimal tissue, allowing for greater vessel
with OPN (41.1±15.8% versus 20.2±14.9%, P<0.001), compliance and potentially improved stent expansion (Fig-
with a procedural success rate of 92.4% with no coro- ure 6).24 Karvouni et al25 conducted a retrospective analy-
nary perforations recorded. A number of other case series sis of calcified lesions (n=29 patients with 37 calcified
have shown the OPN balloon to be an effective and safe lesions), comparing CB with standard balloon treatment
tool for lesion preparation and stent postdilatation.20 While of the equivalent size. Fluroscopic analysis demonstrated
the data for this device are limited to small case series, all that ALG with low-pressure CB dilatation, was significantly
portray a device that is simple to use and effective, with higher than BA (1.51±0.49 versus 0.93±0.48; P<0.0001).
no signal of increased risk (Table 1 and Table I in the Data Further small-scale trials have consistently demonstrated
Supplement). Lesion selection remains challenging as that the technique is potentially superior to traditional
it remains unclear when this type of device would be of BA and crucially, not associated with higher intraproce-
definitive benefit. Following the use of a standard NCB dural complications. Jujo et al26 provided OCT insights of
balloon, the presence of a undilatable, moderate-severely improved plaque modification and greater stent expansion
calcified, lesion should lead to the escalation to an OPN (70% versus 61%, P=0.017) achieved with CB compared

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 558

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI
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Figure 3. Comparison of optical coherence tomography (OCT) vs intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging.
PCI indicates percutaneous coronary intervention. Adapted from Maehara et al10a with permission. Copyright ©2017, American College of
Cardiology Foundation.

with NCB. Furthermore, the CB group had significantly Orsiro Sirolimus DES (Biotronik, Switzerland) to either
reduced angiographic restenosis at follow-up (15% ver- CB/scoring balloons (SB) or RA (n=100 in each arm).
sus 28%, P<0.01). Ozaki et al27 conducted an early ran- The main inclusion criteria were angiographically proven
domized trial (n=521) of predilation with CB versus NCB coronary artery disease; presence of anginal symptoms or
in bare metal stent PCI. The post-procedure minimal stent reproducible ischemia in the target area by electrocardi-
area (P=0.002) and residual diameter stenosis (P=0.039) ography, functional stress testing, or FFR; target reference
were significantly improved in the CB arm. Subgroup anal- vessel diameter between 2.25 and 4.0 mm; luminal diam-
ysis revealed that IVUS-guided sizing of the CB predila- eter reduction of 50% to 100%; and severe calcification
tation independently predicted improved post-procedure of the target lesion as defined by angiography (radiopaci-
minimal stent area. More recently, a large retrospective ties noted without cardiac motion before contrast injection
single center analysis (n=737) compared the use of CB, generally compromising both sides of the arterial lumen).
BA, and rotational atherectomy (RA) in drug eluting stent The main exclusion criteria were MI within one week,
(DES) PCI. This showed a similar rate of major adverse decompensated heart failure, target lesions in coronary
cardiovascular event (MACE) (P=0.20), target lesion artery bypass grafts, in-stent restenosis, and target ves-
revascularization (P=0.76), and death (P=0.18) across the sel thrombus. The primary end points were strategy suc-
3 modalities. However, it should be noted that direct com- cess and 9 months in-stent late-lumen loss. While strategy
parison between techniques is fraught with difficulty, as success was greater in the RA group (98% versus 81%,
lesion, and patient, characteristics are likely to be markedly P=0.0001), at 9 months, mean in-stent late-lumen loss
different between the 3 groups.28 Latterly, the PREPARE- was 0.16±0.39 mm in the balloon group and 0.22±0.40
CALC RCT, randomly assigned those undergoing PCI with mm in the RA group (P=0.21, P=0.02 for noninferiority).

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 559

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI
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Figure 4. Calcium modification treatment algorithm.

A guide to calcium modification strategy based upon angiographic and intracoronary imaging analysis. CB indicates cutting balloon; IVL,
intravascular lithotripsy; IVUS, intravascular ultrasound; NCB, noncomplaint balloon; OCT, optical coherence tomography; PCI, percutaneous
coronary intervention; and SB, scoring balloons.

Target lesion revascularization (7% versus 2%; P=0.17), system) with improved distal tip flexibility (203.4 ver-
definite or probable stent thrombosis (0% versus 0%; sus 269.8 g/cm) compared with the previous Flextome
P=1.00), and TVF (8% versus 6%; P=0.78) were low and (Boston Scientific) device (Figure 5B).
not significantly different between the 2 groups. This reaf- In those with moderate-severe calcific disease, the
firmed that modification balloons were an acceptable and image-guided use of CB is likely to be an underused
safe alternate strategy when compared directly to RA in and potentially useful adjunct in calcium modification
selected lesions, with no signal of increased procedural (Figure 6). This could mitigate against the use of more
complications.29 advanced modification techniques (such as atherectomy)
One of the limiting factors with the use, and uptake, of if employed in the appropriate lesion subset.
CB’s has been the difficulty in delivering, the historically
bulky, devices. However, CB technology has been sig- Scoring Balloons
nificantly iterated upon in recent years, with the develop- Scoring balloons (SB) such as the Angiosculpt (Phillips) or
ment of devices such as the Wolverine balloon (Boston Lacrosse NSE (Asomedica, Belarus) consist of a semicom-
Scientific). This CB and catheter has been re-engineered, pliant balloon with 3 to 4 rectangular nitinol-based struts
with bench testing suggesting a lower profile lesion entry that encircle the balloon in a helical pattern.30 The SB theo-
profile (0.017′′ versus 0.021′′), and mid-balloon profile retically represents a mechanistic evolution of the CB, with
(0.036′′ versus 0.042′′) balloon in addition to a more the attempt of reducing the mechanical trauma exerted on
deliverable catheter (which can be used in a 5F guiding the vessel wall with focused force inflations, while making

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 560

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

Figure 5. Technology used in calcium modification.

A, The OPN NC high pressure dual layer balloon rated pressure of 35 bar. Courtesy of OPN (SIS Medical, Switzerland). B, Comparison of
Flextome vs Wolverine Cutting balloon profiles (Courtesy of Boston Scientific). C, Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) device (Courtesy of Shockwave
Medical). D, The ROTAPRO Rotational Atherectomy System (Courtesy of Boston Scientific). E, The Diamondback 360 Orbital Atherectomy
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system (Courtesy of Cardiovascular Systems Inc). F, The Excimer Laser coronary atherectomy (ELCA) system and catheter (Courtesy of Phillips).

it more deliverable than its predecessor. It is suggested predilation with the AngioSculpt balloon (n=37). IVUS data
that by scoring the arterial lumen, risk of coronary artery confirmed that minimal stent area was greater in those pre-
dissection is reduced but the degree of luminal expansion dilated with an AngioSculpt balloon (1.17±0.35 mm) com-
is preserved when compared with a traditional CB.31 An pared with direct stenting (0.84±0.4 mm) and conventional
observational OCT study suggested that the use of SBs predilation (0.93±0.55 mm, P=0.004).34 However, a study
led to successful modification in 68% of lesions, although comparing SB (n=146 lesions) to CB (n=173 lesions) sug-
there was no comparator arm with standard NCB’s in the
gested that delivery success rate was in fact significantly
study.32 An early registry (n=60) demonstrated the effec-
higher with the CB (90.8% versus 79.5%, P=0.006) with
tiveness of the Angiosculpt balloon, in both de novo calcific
and fibro-calcific in-stent restenosis, confirming technical similar ALG on IVUS and OCT (3.2±1.8 versus 3.4±1.9
feasibility and safety with a modest ALG in both groups, mm2, P=0.53 and 3.6±1.4 versus 4.1±1.9 mm2, P=0.11,
(0.7 and 1.64 mm, respectively), with no procedural compli- respectively).35 The PREPARE-CALC trial showed that at
cations.33 Further to this, a non-randomized study compared 9 months there was no difference in mean in-stent late-
3 predilation strategies; direct stenting without predilation lumen loss with modification balloons (CB/SB) compared
(n=145) conventional semicompliant balloon (n=117) and with RA, although no data available pertaining to SB (or

Table 1. Synopsis of Data Highlighting Use of High-Pressure Dual-Layered (OPN) NCB

Average max bal- Procedural

Study Sample size loon pressure, atm success, % Clinical presentation, % Main complications
Díaz et al 17
8 40 75 ACS 62.5/stable 37.5 Nil
Secco et al21 91 37.2 92.3 ACS 16.4/stable 83.6 Nil
Raja et al18 4 30.7 100 ACS 50/stable 50 Nil
Fabris et al 19
16 30 100 ACS 0/stable 100 Edge dissection 4.5%
Felekos et al20 5 38 100 ACS 60/stable 40 Nil

ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; and NCB, noncompliant balloon.

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Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

Figure 6. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of cutting balloon use.

A, Pre-percutaneous coronary intervention OCT image deep (0.90 mm) calcific nodule (lower left quadrant) encroaching on vessel lumen.
Minimal luminal area in this segment is 3.51 mm2. B, OCT image immediately following 1:1 sized cutting balloon, showing improved minimal
luminal area (7.52 mm2) and signs of vessel preparation with balloon-associated dissection evident (at 7 and 9 o’clock).

CB) efficacy per se, with the inference made that they with heavy calcification, with a mean diameter stenosis of
could be used interchangeably. 73%. The use of the IVL led to an ALG of 1.7±0.6 mm,
with a 6-month MACE of 8.5%, including cardiac death
Intravascular Lithotripsy
(n=2 [3%]) and non-Q-wave MI (n=3 [5%]).38 An OCT
The newest addition to the balloon-based armamentarium
sub-group analysis (n=31) showed that the technique is
is the intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) balloon catheter (Shock- effective in increasing minimal luminal area (4.16±1.86
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wave Medical; Figure 5C).36 The IVL balloon is advanced versus 2.23±1.11 mm2; P<0.01), with no occurrence
over a standard work-horse guidewire. The balloon is sized of perforation or slow flow/no-reflow.37 Disrupt CAD II
with a ratio of 1:1 with the target vessel, when in place was a larger multi-center trial (n=120), with the use of
the balloon is inflated to its nominal (low) pressure (4 IVL leading to an angiographic ALG of 0.83 mm (±0.47
atm) with up to 80 pulses of energy delivered per balloon. mm). The OCT substudy (n=47) observed that calcium
The mechanism of action is that the energy vaporizes the fractures were seen in 79% of lesions. There was a low
saline/contrast mixture within the balloon and generates rate (n=7 [5.8%]) of 30-day non-q-wave myocardial
high-amplitude ultrasonic pressure waves. The waves pref- infarction, when compared with the contemporaneously
erentially effect hard surfaces such as calcium within both conducted ORBIT II trial, using orbital atherectomy (OA;
the intimal and medial layers of the vessel. This causes cir- 8.8%), suggesting the technique is safe.39 However,
cumferential fissures or microfractures that improve vessel there are a number of issues that have been identified
compliance and alter lesion morphology (Figure 7) facilitat- which require further longitudinal evaluation to determine
ing expansion of devices such as balloons and stents. The their clinical importance. The use of the device can pre-
low-pressure balloon-based technique is theorized to ben- cipitate ventricular ectopics (shocktopics) and asynchro-
efit from the lack of a mechanical trauma to the vessel wall, nous cardiac pacing. Shocktopics appear dependent on
reducing the risk of arterial complications and, potentially the target lesion location, in keeping with mechano-elec-
the intimal injury that is said to occur following high-pres- tric coupling through activation of local stretch-activated
sure BA. However, as the technique remains in its infancy cardiomyocyte channels. These short-lived coronary IVL-
there are limited long-term data to affirm its efficacy and induced captures are a common observation, occurring
these theoretical postulations.37 at the same time of the ultrasonic impulse generation,
The Disrupt CAD (Shockwave Coronary Rx Litho- and are not reported to cause any sustained arrhythmia
plasty Study in Coronary Artery Disease) was the first or adverse clinical events.40 Additionally as the device is
in-man (n=60) trial of the technology with moderate or in its first generation, it is less deliverable than a standard
severely calcified coronary arteries. There was a 98.3% NCB catheter. Although, with the use of supportive guide
device delivery success rate, with 2 patients suffering catheters and guide extensions this rarely limits deliver-
coronary dissection (both successfully treated with PCI). ability. Moreover, as the IVL balloon emitters create sonic
Seventy-eight percent of the lesions were concentric pressure waves in a circumferential fashion, it has been

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 562

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

Figure 7. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image of intravascular lithotripsy.

A, OCT image of 180° arc of calcification (upper right to lower left quadrants) with a thickness of 0.54 mm. B, OCT image after intravascular
lithotripsy showing micro-fractures.35

suggested that effectiveness of this in non-concentri- 9970 patients, Isogai et al47 retrospectively compared the
cally calcified lesions may be less pronounced. While it relationship between the volume of RA procedures and
remains a technological advancement in the field, there major cardiac complications requiring urgent procedures
are limited medium- or long-term data to support its use (covered stent implantation, coronary artery bypass
more systematically. Further accrual of observational grafting, or pericardiocentesis) or death. These were
data along with planned trials will guide its future use. lower (0.29%) in high-volume, compared with (0.72%)
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in low-volume, centers. A recent registry reaffirmed

that centers performing greater volume of atherectomy
Coronary Atherectomy
Rotational Atherectomy
RA uses a diamond encrusted elliptical burr (Figure 5D)
passed into the coronary artery over a specialized 0.009
inch guidewire (Rotawire). The burr rotates at speeds
of 140 000 to 220 000 rpm and abrades non-elastic,
fibro-calcified tissue into small particles (<10 μm) while
deflecting off softer elastic tissue. Lesion modification
through debridement creates a smoother luminal sur-
face increasing the luminal diameter, facilitating bal-
loon predilatation, and stent placement (Figure 8).41 The
debris from the lesion passes downstream and cleared
by the reticuloendothelial system.42 Patients undergoing
RA have historically had increased periprocedural and
postprocedural complications, with complication rates
as high as 9.7%.43 Most documented complications are
common to all PCI procedures; however, some risks
are unique to RA including Burr entrapment, RotaWire
fracture, no flow/slow flow, and atrioventricular block
requiring trans-venous pacing. All require careful patient
consent and intraprocedural management.44 The histori- Figure 8. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image
cally high complication rates have led to misconceptions immediately following the use of a 1.5 mm rotational
atherectomy burr in a balloon uncrossable lesion.
regarding the relative benefit and safety of RA, result- Upper right quadrant shows deep wall calcification with a thickness
ing in the likely underutilization of this effective calcium of 1.11 mm. The lumen (6–12 o’clock) measures exactly 1.50 mm in
modification strategy.43,45,46 In a contemporary cohort of keeping with the burr sized used. Note 2 wire related artefacts.

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Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

procedures were associated with lower mortality (0.85 versus 0.31±0.52, P=0.04), despite an initially higher
[0.76–0.96], P=0.01) and lower rates of PCI failure or ALG (1.56±0.43 versus 1.44±0.49 mm, P<0.01). While
complication requiring coronary artery bypass grafting not powered for mortality, at 2 years there was no differ-
(0.67 [0.56–0.79], P<0.001).48 These data reiterate that ence in mortality (29.4% versus 34.3%, P=0.47), MACE
with improvements in technology, operator technique, (29.4% versus 34.3%, P=0.47), or target lesion revascu-
and center experience, overall complication rates for larization (13.8% versus 16.7%, P=0.58).
RA are low and the procedure is safe. This more current The more recent PREPARE-CALC RCT,29 empha-
data juxtaposes data from initial experiences, where the sized that the use of RA, compared with balloon-based
use of larger burrs to provide more lesion ablation led strategies (cutting/scoring), was superior in regards to
to greater no-reflow, vessel dissection, perforation, bra- strategy success (98% versus 81%, P=0.0001) and not
dycardia, and periprocedural MI. Modern RA technique associated with increased intraprocedural or periproce-
employs the use of smaller burr sizes (aiming for a Burr dural complication rates.
to vessel ratio of 0.5–0.7:1) and shorter burring episodes, RA should be considered a facilitative technique in
encouraging more superficial fibro-calcific lesion abla- completing PCI procedures in complex, heavily calcified
tion limiting endothelial tissue trauma.49 These subtle, but lesions (Figure 8). Appropriate operator training, patient
important, changes in technique, have also meant that selection, and procedural planning can aid success and
routine employment of temporary venous pacing during minimize complications in these technically challenging
RA cases is not required. The use of as required atropine scenarios.45,46,52–58
to resolve short-lived intraprocedural bradycardia is the
mainstay in contemporary practice. Orbital Atherectomy
While technical safety has undoubtedly improved, A relatively recent advancement in the field of atheroab-
the clinical value of adjunctive RA is difficult to ascer- lation is OA (Diamondback 360, Cardiovascular systems
tain. Clinical trials have shown that routine lesion prepa- Inc), gaining Food and Drug Administration approval in
ration with RA does not reduce stent restenosis rates 2013. This device has a burr with a diamond-coated
when compared with standard BA preparation.46,50 A crown that orbits in an elliptical path within the artery
retrospective UK database (n=221 669) in which 2152 (Figure 5E), used over a specialist 0.014′′ wire (Viper-
patients (0.97%) underwent RA, demonstrated lower Wire). The crown’s abrasive surface ablates the calci-
procedural success and poorer survival, when compared fied lumen, the absence of a cutting action theoretically
with BA.43 However, this was confounded by a multitude reduces the chance of vessel perforation and produces
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of factors, including the presence of greater disease smaller particles of debris<2 μm. Moreover, unlike RA,
complexity; with increased LMS disease (P<0.001) and there is continuous blood flow through the artery during
a more comorbid cohort, who were older, had a higher ablation. These features potentially reduce the likelihood
incidence of diabetes, and poorer LV function (P<0.001 of slow-flow/no reflow, decrease thermal injury during
for all) in the RA group. Despite this, propensity analysis the procedure and obviate the need for the routine use of
demonstrated a significant improvement in survival for temporary pacing during OA. The crown’s orbital diame-
patients with LMS disease who were treated with RA ter expands radially with increasing centrifugal force that
(hazard ratio, 0.52 [95% CI, 0.35–0.75], P<0.0001), sig- allows the operator to control the depth of the ablation
naling the potential of incremental value in optimal lesion by varying the speed of the burr. This avoids the need
preparation in those at greatest risk. to change the burr multiple times, increasing procedural
There have been 3 seminal randomized trials assess- efficiency. However, owing to the elliptical mechanism of
ing the utility of RA. The COBRA study (n=502), a multi- action, OA is contraindicated in vessel diameters <2.5
center RCT comparing BA with RA. At 6 months follow-up, mm due to increased risk of vessel perforation.
there were no differences in target vessel revasculariza- The ORBIT series of trials have assessed the safety
tion, with similar restenosis rates (51% BA versus 49% and efficacy of OA. ORBIT I, a prospective, non-random-
RA [P=0.33]).51 The ROTAXUS trial then randomized ized study (n=50) of de novo calcified coronary lesions,
patients to PCI with TAXUS (Boston Scientific) DES treated with OA and PCI, with a small number (n=33)
with or without RA (n=120 in each arm).46 Despite simi- followed up for 5-years.59 There was a 97% index pro-
lar baseline characteristics, significantly more patients cedural success rate with 6-month and 5-year MACE
in the standard therapy group crossed over (12.5% rates of 12.1%, and 21.2% respectively. The subse-
versus 4.2%, P=0.02), resulting in higher strategy suc- quent prospective, multi-center, single-arm, ORBIT II
cess in the RA group (92.5% versus 83.3%, P=0.03), trial enrolled 443 patients across 49 US sites.60 Eighty-
with no difference in procedural risk, with coronary dis- eight percent underwent successful PCI with DES after
sections, perforations, and no-/slow-flow phenomena OA with a cumulative 3-year MACE of 23.5% and target
occurring equally in both groups, although fluoroscopy lesion revascularization of 7.8%. The commonest com-
times were longer in the RA group. At 9 months, in-stent plications were coronary dissections (3.4%), perforation
late-lumen loss was higher in the RA group (0.44±0.58 (1.8%), and slow flow (0.9%), representing a low rate of

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009870. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009870 May 2021 564

Shah et al Calcium Modification in PCI

adverse events compared with historical controls. The of saline permits passage of light from the catheter tip to
COAP-PCI registry provided evidence of OA’s safety the tissue without any interference so no microbubbles
profile when compared directly with RA.61 This multi- are formed in this milieu. Therefore, a saline flush/infu-
center, prospective observational analysis matched 546 sion technique is used to safely control energy delivery
patients who underwent OA or RA between 2011 and and minimize dissection risk. However, the application of
2017. MI occurred less frequently with OA compared ELCA with a contrast media injection is performed in cer-
with RA (6.7% versus 13.8%, P≤0.01) and there were tain specific situations to increase the energy delivered,
no significant differences in procedural complications such as in the treatment of an underexpanded stent or
between the 2 groups, with OA having a comparable heavily calcified disease, although this should only be
vessel perforation and dissection rate of 0.4% and 1.3%, undertaken by experienced laser operators.
respectively, with a reduced fluoroscopy time (21.9 ver- Although ELCA therapy has been available for >2
sus 25.6 minutes, P≤0.01). The currently recruiting decades, with significant penetrance within the United
ECLIPSE RCT, comparing BA/DES with OA/DES will States, uptake and access remains relatively limited in
provide further clarity regarding the utility of OA. Cur- many other health care systems around the world. Its
rent data suggest OA is a safe and effective technique lack of widespread clinical use is partly due to perceived
with acceptable levels of MACE and limited procedural complexity surrounding its use, for example, operators
complications. The device is predominantly used in the and staff have to wear additional eye-protection (to pre-
United States, although it has latterly become available vent retinal exposure to UV light) and the equipment
in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, although there is itself is expensive, particularly if only used sparingly for
currently little exposure to the device for most interven- PCI cases. ELCA is, therefore, a technique that has a
tional cardiologists in Europe. paucity of data, but may be of use in a number of care-
fully selected clinical scenarios, with image guidance aid-
Laser Atherectomy ing lesion identification (Table 2).
The Excimer Laser Coronary Atherectomy (ELCA) cathe-
ter (Phillips) generates pulses of short-wave length, high
energy UV light which break carbon bonds in organic Atherectomy Versus Balloon-Based Calcium
material within the lesion with the heat generated break- Modification
ing apart cellular debris, fragmenting the lesion into
The decision relating to which modification technique
micro-particles, allowing greater luminal expansion. The
Downloaded from by on October 13, 2023

to use is based on numerous anatomic and technical

ELCA catheter, comes in sizes of 0.9, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0
factors, including the location of the lesion, the concen-
mm, is passed along a standard 0.014′′ work-horse
tricity of the calcium pool, operator familiarity/expertise,
guidewire. The catheter choice depending on the vessel
and local device availability. Figure 4 provides a guide
diameter and also the consistency of the plaque. The 0.9
for which devices may be used in the setting of varying
mm catheter is most commonly used and can be used in
degrees of calcific disease. The decision as to which
vessels >2.0 mm in diameter through a 6F guide (Fig-
device is employed should be guided by intracoronary
ure 5F). The main use of ELCA has historically been in
imaging, which will reduce uncertainty and clarify which
the setting of intracoronary thrombus, to mitigate against
type of device is most appropriate for the lesion/vessel
no-reflow. The manufacturer advises against its use in
in question.
heavily calcified lesions because of the inconsistent
delivery of UV light energy in calcific lesions potentially
enhancing the likelihood of vessel dissection, though this Table 2. Table Highlighting the Characteristics of the 3
Atheroablative Strategies (RA, OA, and Laser) and Their
often occurs concurrently with significant lesion modi- Indications in Different Clinical Scenarios
fication. While there are no large scale trial data for its
use, increasing case series data suggest that ELCA can Rotational Orbital Laser

be employed safely and effectively in a number of sce- Balloon uncrossable +++ ++ ++

narios with fibro-calcific disease including chronic total Nondilatable lesion +++ +++ +
occlusion recanalization, debulking native, and vein graft Eccentric calcium + ++ …
disease and in the presence of peri-stent calcium in the Rapid exchange … … +++
setting of in-stent restenosis.62–67 While the routine use 6F guide* ++ +++ ++
of ELCA is undertaken with a saline infusion, aiming to Underexpanded stent + + ++
remove both blood, and contrast media from the vessel.
RA: Burr sizes 1.25–1.5mm can be used via a 6F guide. Burr sizes 1.75–
Both blood and iodinated contrast media contain non- 2.0mm require a 7F guide and >2.0mm burr requires an 8F guide. OA is a single
aqueous cellular macromolecules, such as proteins which sized catheter which is compatible with 6F a system. ECLA: 0.9 mm catheter
absorb the majority of delivered laser energy creating is used via a 6F guide, 1.4 mm is 6/7F and 1.7 and 2.0 mm require 7F and
8F, respectively. ECLA indicates Excimer Laser Coronary Angioplasty; OA, orbital
microbubbles which form at the site of energy delivery, atherectomy; and RA, rotational atherectomy.
increasing the likelihood of intimal dissection.68 The use *6F compatibility.

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