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Humanities and Social Sciences 1

Purok 1, Brgy. Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna



A Research Proposal in

Practical Research I

Presented to the Faculty of

Mamatid Senior High School

Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject Requirements

For the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences.



BAUTISTA, Rizza Ginelle P.


JACOLBE, Eunice Joy D.


TAPANGCO, Franz Benedict L.

June 2023
Humanities and Social Sciences 2
Purok 1, Brgy. Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna




“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.”-Nelson Mandela.

Education is an important tool that is very useful in life and differentiates us from
other living beings on Earth. It makes man the Smartest creature in this world and
empowers humans to face the challenges of life efficiently. On the other hand,
education remains a luxury and not a necessity in our country. According to M Ðurišic,
(2017), children’s literacy improves when their parents are involved in schools,
regardless of the parent’s level of educational attainment. (Marphatia et al., 2010).
Parental involvement in schools is an important factor in improving children's literacy
and performance differences across socio-economic groups.

A family is a small unit of our community. Our family helps us to build our
personalities at the very beginning of our lives. Thus, Parent’s involvement plays an
important role in their child’s education by helping them in doing homework, attending
school functions, and communicating in school, And a good relationship between the
parents and teachers can have a good result. Parents can also create a positive and
stimulating home environment that encourages their children to perform better in class.
And there also Provide opportunities to make their dream come true and to have a good
future. They can see that education is very important for the parent, and parents proved
that when the pandemic came.

Parents proved the importance of education when the pandemic came. Because of
COVID-19, everything has changed and been greatly affected, especially the education
of the students. Even though face-to-face classes have disappeared, there have been
many alternative ways for students to continue their activities at home. Like online
distance learning, modular distance learning, and blended learning. And with the help
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and cooperation of the parents, the students were able to successfully continue their 2-
years home distance learning. It can be said that there’s a big difference from the usual
because everyone is inefficient to live in this kind of situation. They continue to work on
it. All the efforts and sacrifices of a parent, teachers, and students are all worth it
because all of us was overcome the past 2 years of home distance learning.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of parental support, as

parents have to join the front-line teaching and learning process. Research suggests
that children of involved parents are more motivated to learn for learning's sake due to
their parents' positive attitudes towards school and learning. Accompanying and
supervising children's main school goals, modeling positive behaviors and attitudes
towards school, and conveying the value of school has the strongest positive impact on
learning. Family policies can also be used to promote school attendance and learning at
all stages of childhood, but strengthening is needed to promote equitable learning

The purpose of this research is to emphasize the importance of education for all
parents and their kids and to also share with others that being a parent is not easy.
They use their viewpoint, experience, and sacrifices just to teach their children, so even
if they don't have enough knowledge, they can guide and assist their children in their
lessons. And also, conduct this kind of study to honor and acknowledge all the parents
who are considered heroes and professional teachers to their children because, from
the very beginning, they are the ones who teach their children at home. To shape their
children to have good morals and good conduct before they enter school and socialize
with others.

Background of the Study

Parents often see their child's academic performance as a measure of success or

failure, rather than an opportunity for growth and learning. This mindset can lead to a
lack of motivation in children to pursue their academic goals, as they may feel that their
worth is solely determined by their grades. Furthermore, this attitude can foster a
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culture of competition and comparison between children, which can lead to feelings of
inadequacy and self-doubt. Parents must recognize that education is not just about
achieving good grades, but also about developing skills, knowledge, and values that will
serve their children in the long run. In addition to this, some parents may not have
access to adequate resources or support to help their children succeed academically.
For instance, parents who have limited educational backgrounds or who are not
proficient in the language of instruction may struggle to provide effective academic
support to their children. Additionally, financial constraints or competing demands on
their time can make it difficult for parents to invest in their child's education. Parents
must receive the necessary support and resources to overcome these challenges, as
education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all children regardless of
their background or circumstances. We conduct this kind of topic to know the struggles
that parents face every time they teach their children.

The researchers want to know and research the insights and parents’ perceptions
about the importance of education. Because of what the researchers observed, it's
always the students who become the participants of the study. That's why they thought
about the problems or challenges that people faced during the pandemic. So that the
parents who are being teachers to their children from the very beginning that even
without sufficient knowledge, they can teach, help, and guide their children in their
homework. For instance, it can be said that education is important for parents. And
because many studies have shown the good effect of cooperation between parents and
schools, and many studies proved that parental involvement helps extend teaching
outside the classroom, creates a more positive experience for children, and helps them
perform better when they are in school. Parents need to support the learning that
happens in preschool settings at home as well. That it has good results for the students.
So the researchers decided that the parents will be the respondents of their study.

Theoretical Framework
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In this study, the researcher focuses on the importance of education through the
eyes of parents. Because we all know that one of the best legacies that our mother can
lived us is having the education to have a better future in life. Because they believed
that even if didn’t have wealth or material things, the real wealth is education. Because
education is the key to succession of life.

Parental involvement, parents’ engagement in their children’s education, is a variety

of behaviors that parents perform to promote their children’s academic achievement
and psychological development in their homes and schools (Seginer, 2006). Parent’s
involvement places an important role in their child because at the very beginning
parents is the first teacher of their child. They teach their children good manners so that
when he/she grows up they will be a good person. That’s why parents’ involvement is
very important when it terms to education.

According to Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (SLT), Social learning

proposes that individuals learn through the observation of “models,” such as friends and
family members, movie and television characters, or — most significantly for educators
— their teachers and other authority figures at school. In this theory, we can see that
Albert Bandura's reference model is the parents, teachers, and elders. Because based
on Social learning theory, they observed the process and reflect on what they see being
modeled, which leads to the assimilation and imitation of either positive or harmful
actions. That’s why Bandura expanded and renamed his theory "Social Cognitive
Theory," or SCT, in the 1980s.

Based on the University of Phoenix by Fairbanks (2021), In terms of parents’

involvement in education there are five primary educational learning theories:
behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism. But in this study,
the researchers chose the one that will be more suitable and that they can focus on.
Also to give attention, value, and clarity to the readers. So that they can fully
understand and emphasized the theory of education.
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Conceptual framework

The Experience and Struggles of a

Parent: The Importance of Education to
their children

The themes emerged from the involvement and

experiences of a parent.

 Insights and perceptions

 Experience and struggles
 Effect of involvement of parents

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 1. Presents the paradigm of the study. It can be seen that it has only one
variable, and that is the experience and struggles of Parents, the information that is
gathered from the participants is reviewed and measured by the researchers. The figure
contains the themes that emerged from the life of the participants. This study was done
by conducting interviews with the participants. The information that is gathered then
undergoes an extensive interpretation to gain themes that emerged.

Statement of the Problem

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This phenomenological study determined the lived experiences of the parents on

the importance of education despite their capabilities; just to continue and to support
the education.
In action to this problem, the researchers wanted to answer the following

1. What are the perceptions of parents about the importance of education that
would lead them to support the study?
2. What are the struggles that parents face while teaching their children?
3. How do parents overcome all of those struggles?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be benefited the following:
Students. This will help students better study and focus on it. and be able to excel
and further enhance their knowledge. Because he and her parents will help and their
teachers will help them for the sake of the students. And because of this study, the
students will understand the importance of education for their parents, who have no
other desire but for their children to finish school because they have no other material
things to leave behind but for them to finish their education to get a good job and have a
good future.

Teachers. This study will help the teachers to have good communication between
the parents and the school workers. Through this study, teachers and parents will
aware that they only want one thing and that is the welfare and the best future of the

Parents and Guardians. This study will help parents intensify their cooperation
and goodwill with the school for the good of their children. And for them to know the
positive effects of their involvement in their children's education. As well as through this
study, parents can share their different experiences in teaching their children, especially
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when the pandemic came. So that they can be a good example for future generations.
And be their motivation that they don't need to be teachers or have enough flesh to
teach their children.

Researchers- The researchers conducted this study to gain knowledge and find
out the problems faced by parents to teach their children with or without the pandemic.
It has a benefit for us because while we are doing this research we see the background
and we are gaining more knowledge and different experiences from our respondents
and from that situation we can use it as inspiration and motivation while growing up.

Scope and Delimitations

The study will cover the insights and perceptions of parents about the importance of
education through their eyes. In this study not all parents can be interviewed, that's why
the group decided to focus on parents who had experience teaching their children aged
6 to 10 years old. When we all experienced the pandemic in 2 years. What are the
challenges that they face in the middle of a pandemic, and what are the sacrifices that
they’ve done just to continue the education of their children? So that in this study we
can learn and con from their different experiences. And we conduct this study also to
give some appreciation to all those parents who are still supporting the importance of
education. The primary subjects of this research study will consist of the guardian and
the parents. The respondents will be limited due to a large number of people if we don’t
limit our respondents possible that we cannot be able to manage the participants, that’s
why we decided that the total number of our respondents in this study is only fifteen
(15) to twenty (20) mother/father who lived in Mabuhay City Subdivision, Brgy. Mamatid
City of Cabuyao Laguna.

The researchers will give some questionnaires and conduct personal interviews as
part of the study process. And we create some standards or characteristics that will be
needed to be a participant in this study. He/she has a child 6 to 10 years old, proof that
he/she is the one who is teaching their child, and lastly, he/she has a good personality
and can give some tips or recommendations to prove that all those tips are applicable
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for the future parents and the guardians to use and make it as a guide and help their
children. In this research, we would like to pursue this kind of study to help and to give
some inspiration and motivation for all the parents, students, teachers, and future
researchers to have a positive mindset and to look forward that education is very
important for all. If education is important for the parents how much more is the
importance of education to all students? Always be a good example to all so they can
all have good and positive relationships with each other.

Definition of Terms

COGNITIVE- It is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and

understanding thought, experience, and the senses. The researchers used the good or
bad effects on their behavior, also insights and opinions.

CONCEPTUALIZED- It is the act or process of forming an idea or principle in your

mind. The researchers used this as clarifying and arranging the information that was
gathered from the participants.

INADEQUACY- A lack of confidence that makes you feel unable to deal with a
situation. It pertains to the student’s feelings toward their parents about the pressures.

LEGACIES- Something that is passed on and maybe of one's faith, ethics, and
core values. The legacy that parents can leave to their children is education.

MINDSET- It is a person's way of thinking and opinions. Researchers used this as

the views of the participants of this study.

PARENTAL- It acts the way a typical mother or father does. This is one of the main
concepts of this study. The involvement of a parent is one of the primary focuses of this
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PERCEPTIONS- The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through

the senses. The researchers used this term to get their insights and opinion about our

Chapter II


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher
considered in supplementing the importance of the present study. It also presents the
synthesis of the art to fully understand the research for a more desirable perception of
the study.

Conceptual Literature

According to (Clinton & Hattie, 2013), parents who are active in their child's schools
have shown positive effects, such as increased academic achievement, positive social
behavior, augmented resources, and social networking opportunities. It does not simply
relate to parents asking about a learner's performance in schools, but also to them
playing a part in communication. They are both involved by the school and instructors in
the learning process of their children. To develop a positive connection with their kids,
parents should try to lead by example and sincerely inspire them.

a). Parent’s role as an educator

The role of a parent in their child's education has long been a source of contention
in academic circles. While it is widely accepted that parents play an important role in
their children's education, much is currently unexplained about the particular manner in
which parents influence their children ’s learning and development.

On the other hand, not all parents hold the same views about the educational
system. Indeed, studies have revealed that parents from various socioeconomic
backgrounds may have vastly different attitudes toward education. For instance, limited
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parents may be more doubtful of the educational system but also less inclined to think
that their children can excel academically. This can lead to a lack of involvement in their
children's education, which can harm their children's academic performance.

According to (Thornton, 2015), research children whose parents are actively

engaged in their children's academic pursuits exceed those whose parents are not
actively involved in their children's academics. Actively involved parents are more likely
to support their children's intellectual, emotional, and social development. Parents who
are active in their child's schools have shown positive effects, such as increased
academic achievement, positive social behavior, arguments resources, and social
networking opportunities. It does not simply relate to parents asking about a learner's
performance in schools, but also to them playing a part in communication. They are
both involved by the school and instructors in the learning process of their children. To
develop a positive connection with their kids, parents should try to lead by example and
sincerely inspire them (Clinton & Hattie, 2013).

b) Parental involvement

This is anchored by the Journal of Early Childhood Education (2017), parental

involvement refers to the level of involvement a parent has in his or her children's
education. A few other academic institutions promote good engagement, although
some parents are hesitant to get involved in their children's education. It is supported in
Western countries. However, a body of literature exists that investigates the
significance of social and cultural influences, as well as the effects of parental
involvement in and expectations of their children's growth and academic achievement.
Schools must recognize the existence of cultural variations in parent involvement
because there are differences in when, why, and how parents of various backgrounds
are involved in their children's education. Parenting is valuable in Philippine culture
because family is recognized as the center of one's social world. Moreover, the societal
norms into which Filipino people are integrated have also evolved significantly over the
last ten years (Ochoa & Torre, n.d.). Children's learning is increasingly moving toward a
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holistic view of learning in the twenty-first century. As children's education increasingly

takes place in a variety of settings, parents are uniquely positioned to assist in ensuring
that these settings best support their children's specific learning needs. As a result,
parental involvement studies continue to misrepresent parents and their involvement in
their children's education (Jackson, 2010). The current study will employ a qualitative
research design to examine existing works of literature on parental involvement in early
childhood schools in terms of communicating from school, doing volunteer work and
getting involved with school events, and acquiring knowledge at home. The study will
rely on the interpretation of documents to provide a more comprehensive
comprehension of parental involvement in the Philippines and recommend a general
framework for preschool parental involvement (SPIn).

For instance, many researchers said that the involvement of parents is very
important because one of the best support, when it comes to education, is the
involvement and the support coming from the parents. Given the importance of parental
participation and involvement in school activities, Based on Bartolome et al. (2017),
parental involvement refers to the level of involvement a parent has in his or her
children's education. Some schools encourage healthy parental involvement, but some
parents are hesitant to get involved in their children's education. It is supported in
Western countries. There is, however, a body of literature that investigates the
significance of social and cultural influences, as well as the effects of parental
involvement in and expectations of their children's development and learning. Schools
must recognize the existence of cultural variations in parent involvement because there
are differences in when, why, and how parents with diverse backgrounds are involved
in their children's education. Parenting is important in Philippine culture because family
is regarded as the center of one's social world.

c) parental guidance

Parents proved their perception of the importance of education when the pandemic
came. Garbe A. (2020), covid-19 and remote learning: Experiences of parents with
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children during the pandemic. Globally, schools were shuttered in the spring of 2020 to
stop the COVID-19 pandemic's viral epidemic from spreading. Due to the rapid
transition to distant learning caused by this physical closure, parents and guardians
were given increased responsibility for their children's education. It is important to
investigate parents' interactions with their children during remote learning because they
are the key participants in the educational process. This will help future policy
decisions. This study used an online poll to gather information on parents' problems and
experiences during school closures. The findings show that parents supported the
school closing policy and were generally pleased with the degree of support offered by
school districts, although identified certain challenges they continued to support and
continue education despite of pandemic. The overall impact of parental guidance on
student academic fulfillment has been recognized by teachers, university
administrators, and lawmakers who see parental involvement as an integral part of
modern educational reforms and initiatives. This study synthesized the findings of nine
meta-analyses that reviewed this impact, and it identified the scope of work across
these studies. The findings indicated a positive relationship between parental
involvement and academic achievement, regardless of the definition of parental
involvement or the measure of academic achievement used. Furthermore, the research
found that even this connection was strongest when parental involvement was defined
as parental expectations for their children's academic success. Nevertheless, the
impact of parental involvement on pupil academic performance was weakest when
parental involvement was defined as homework guidance.

However, the social contexts in which Filipino families are embedded have rapidly
changed over the last ten years (Ochoa & Torre, n.d.). Children's learning is
increasingly moving toward a broader vision of learning in the twenty-first century. As
children's education increasingly takes place in a variety of settings, parents are
uniquely positioned to assist in ensuring that these settings best support their children's
specific learning needs. As a result, parental involvement studies continue to
misrepresent parents and their involvement in their children's education (Jackson,
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2010). The current study will employ a qualitative research design to examine existing
literature on parental involvement in Early Childhood Education in terms of
communicating from school, volunteering and participating in school activities, and
learning at home. The research will rely on document analysis to gain a better
understanding of parental involvement in the Philippines and to propose a School-
facilitated Parental Involvement (SPIn) Framework.

Research Literature

d) Impact of parents’ involvement in their child

According to (CRAM) Family, education should be viewed as an important factor in

the lives of all teenagers. The loss either in (family or education) can have a positive or
negative impact on the youth. For example, both the role of family and educational
levels play an important role in the presence of youth and the choices they make later in
life. There is not a child who does not require education to progress in life. Families are
here to guarantee that every kid has the opportunity to be the next successful person in
their life. There are a lot of kids around the globe nowadays who are talented and have
a very brilliant imagination to help accelerate technology in this day and age.
"Remember, there are many children out there in today's world who are unfortunate to
be able to provide a positive outlook on life through the value of education." (Cevin
Soling How Public Schools Demand Failures and Perpetuate Poverty.) On the contrary
hand, there is talented youth who are blessed with the opportunity to bring about
change for the upcoming generation.

For instance, Helping students recognize and build on their strengths and
competencies that are essential in nurturing their overall growth Respecting the dignity
of different families based on culture, language, customs, and beliefs Getting
acquainted with child-rearing values and assisting parents in making the right decisions
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for their children Helping family members improve their overall understanding of their
children and enhance their skills as parents Children today are exposed to a variety of
contest, ethnic group, and language. A cosmopolitan school culture means that your
child is growing up in an environment that is very different from his or her own. As a
result, active family involvement and participation in their programs are critical. Parents
are given meaningful roles in their children's education and become a source of

Parents are the ones who are responsible to support their children financially.
Especially for buying the things that they needed when it comes to their school. And
other expenses for themselves so that they can keep money aside for if there are
unexpected expenses that come up they will get some money and also teach them to
be frugal so that their money does not run out immediately.

e. literacy in development

According to Reade A. Supporting your child's literacy development at home,

(2017). Reading helps children develop their cognitive and knowledge, and when
parents are involved, this is very beneficial to them. (Washington, DC: US. Department
of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special
Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy). Reading with your child
as a parent can help them improve their reading comprehension, language skills, and
reading interests. You can also talk to them about the meaning of words as you read
together, and you can use their favorite books to keep them interested. You can also
provide positive feedback and questions during joint reading to help them develop
critical thinking skills.

Parents usually believe that they only need to mention something once for their
children to understand. Yet that's not always the case. To teach and re-teach a skill,
parents must have patience. According to (Kasapi & Gjylymsere, 2013), the future will
be more lovely if parents have a positive effect on their kids' daily life, especially their
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schooling. Parents are their children's most important influence and their biggest role
models. Children always take after their parents' ideals and behaviors.

Furthermore, There are many ways to teach their child. It’s up to the parents how
they handled it. According to (
schools, 2021). Parent Involvement Leads to Reduced Absenteeism, Promotes Better
Behavior, and Increased Student Achievement and Parent Involvement Improves
Parent and Teacher Satisfaction. This is the good and simple but effective strategies
that can promote productive parent engagement in school. To make the parents more
active in participating in the events and to support the education and also motivation for
having an excellent performance of their child inside the classrooms.

Parents helped their kids throughout the pandemic mostly by keeping an eye on
their focus in class and helping them complete their assignments and tasks. While you
spend a lot of time with your kids due to your hectic schedules as parents, it is quality
time. Spending quality time with your kids means being fully present when they engage
in activities they like. It's not necessary to put in a lot of effort to spend quality time with
your kids; you can just set out a short amount of time each day for them to be with you
without any distractions (Alvardo, n.d,).

f) Parents’ perceptions & insights

In terms of performance and career choice, parents' perceptions are critical to

children's education. Numerous factors influence parents' perceptions of their children's
education, which in turn influence the children's attitude toward education. Parents with
different demographic and psychographic characteristics have different expectations for
their children's education. While many studies have been conducted at the national and
international levels, very few have focused on the perspectives of parents. According to
Haq (2001), the attitudes and behaviors that children adopt toward work are largely the
results of their parents' encouragement and influence. This influences how students
believe, claim, and understand terms related to careers. Most other parents want their
kids to be employed. Parental influence in their children's education and career choices
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has recently gained traction and is a concern for education policymakers. The current
relationship between the consumer (parents) and the producer (schools) in the
schooling system tilts the power scale (Munn, 1998). A country's learning system must
prepare young people with the skills and abilities deemed necessary for increased labor
productivity and economic development (Blaug, 1987; Colman et al., 1994). According
to Haq (2001), parents have different educational aspirations for their sons and
daughters. Almost half of the parents believe that a child should receive an intermediate
or higher education.

In addition, It is so important that parents are involved in their children's education

because their parents and family's presence has a positive impact on their education.
To excel and be motivated for the things that they do, especially in education. So they
can continue to perform well into the future. All those things serve as their guides to the
right path they should take.

Parental involvement in their children's education will result in success in their

children's studies. However, there is a major problem that some parents are facing, and
that is a lack of understanding that inhibits them from getting high marks for their
children. as stated by Brossard et al. (2020). Parental education and the ability to
provide homework assistance may have a significant impact on child learning
outcomes, particularly during school closures. The lack of knowledge is a difficult issue
for parents to teach their children. Their persistence and supportive involvement in their
child's education are one of the factors in having a good future someday.

This statement by Brossard (2020), shows the perceptions of a parent. This is

aligned with the parent’s involvement in terms of the connections about the importance
of education. His study discusses the relationship and impact of the parent’s
participation in terms of their child’s education. It is maybe satisfying to some people
because of the possible benefits to others. The researchers think that this study was
made to show people how parents’ perceptions and their involvement affects them in
good ways.
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Research Gap

The researcher’s gap is the methodological gap. Because they cannot say that all
the parents can able to answer the interview. Because most parents are busy and have
a job and other activities. So, it is difficult/hard to find respondents that can participate in
this conducted interview. It can be challenging to get data and analysis for the research
study. The researchers took a long time to find a participant that willing to give time and
effort to respond.


The perception of parents and their involvement with their children is very
important. It has been widely studied in the research literature. Many studies have
shown that parent involvement plays an important role in the field of education. Despite
having different difficulties and challenges, they are still strong enough to support and
perform their duties for their children. There is much research and study that proves
that having communication between the school and parents can have a positive impact
on their child’s education. Also, based on the studies, the participation and collaboration
of parents in a school can have a good outcome for their behavior.

To conclude, this chapter of related literature on the importance of education

through the eyes of parents is to give honor and appreciation for being a teacher
despite their capabilities. And to also emphasize the challenges that they face,
especially when we all experience the pandemic.


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This chapter describes the methodology that the researchers used in their study.
Included here is the introduction of the research design, research locale, population and
sampling, participants of the study, a research instrument, and research procedures.
Also, this chapter serves as the researcher’s guide to make this study successful in
conducting this research.

Research Design

For this study, the researchers used a phenomenological analysis. It is commonly

understood in two parts: as a disciplinary field in philosophy or as a movement in the
history of philosophy. This study uses a phenomenological design that discusses the
structures of experience, or consciousness. Phenomenology is the study of
phenomena: the appearances of things, or things as they appear in our experience, or
the ways we experience them, thus the meaning things have in our experience. This
design helps us understand what it is like to experience a specific situation in life.
Allowing researchers to engage in flexible activities that can describe and help to
understand complex phenomena, such as various aspects of human social experience.
this method will show our research a more clear way to make the research that will be
done properly. The method that will be used to conduct the research is interviewing.
initially as the study of structures of experience, or consciousness.

Research Locale

The location that we choose to conduct this study is Mabuhay City Subdivision,
Brgy, Mamatid, City of Cabuyao Laguna. We decided to conduct the interview here
because it is convenient for us in terms of transportation and the researchers believe
that many parents here are experiencing teaching their children despite their
capabilities. This location has the qualities of a good study location and this applies to
our study. That’s why the researchers decided to conduct this study in the Mabuhay
city, subdivision.

Population and Sampling

Humanities and Social Sciences 20
Purok 1, Brgy. Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

The population refers to the individual that is the focus of this study. To get the
target respondent, the researcher used purposive criteria to select the samples. This
technique is useful for qualitative research because it provides a wide range of
strategies for researchers to draw on worth investigating. The researchers asked the
parents at what point they provided their lived experiences regarding their insights and
perceptions towards their involvement in their child.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study conducted are ten (10) to fifteen (15) selected parents
or guardians who are involved and standing as a teacher to guide their child's
education. He/she has a child 6 to 10 years old, proof that they are the ones who have
children that studying. Parents who can work and teach their children at the same time
so that they can continue to support them in school.
The rationale for choosing them is to emphasize the importance of education for the
parents. Thus, to know their viewpoint, experience, and sacrifices for children's
education, so even if they don't have enough knowledge, they can guide and assist
their children in their lessons. And also, conduct this kind of study to honor and
acknowledge all the parents who are considered heroes and professional teachers to
their children because, from the very beginning, they are the ones who teach their
children at home. To shape their children to have good morals and good conduct before
they enter school and socialize with others.

Research Instrument

Research Instrument is a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related to
your particular topic. In this study, the data collection technique will be used in the
interview. This is the interaction where verbal questions are posed by an interviewer to
elicit a verbal response from an interviewee. The instrument used in this method is the
interview schedule the skill of the interviewer determines if the interviewee can express
his or her feelings or insights clearly. Typically an interview is conducted with one
Humanities and Social Sciences 21
Purok 1, Brgy. Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

person however there are also times when it’s conducted with a group of people,
normally it’s around 10 to 15 people. These are the people who share their opinions
and experiences to elicited simultaneously. That type of interview is called a focus
group interview or focus group discussion.
Thus, life histories are also needed in this area these are the narratives or self-
disclosures about an individual life’s experiences. The interviewer should guide the
respondents in describing their anecdotes. Data gathered from an interview may be
recorded through the use of cell phones or smartphones because we are in the modern
generation now. Unlike the traditional, they use an audio recorder or tape recorder.
While interviewing personally writing important things can help them to create better

Research Procedure
The sample of this study was selected through purposive criteria. Purposive criteria
are gathering a representative sample from a population where each member of the
population has an equal chance of being selected. The researcher will conduct this
study through the use of interviews with the chosen participants. The interview gathered
goes through comprehensive analysis to know the common themes coming from the
lived experiences of the participants.

To conclude this chapter research procedure helps us or the researchers to have a

better output and to discover and also to explore many things with the help of other
people. Through sharing their different experiences, many people such as researchers
and readers can learn from their experiences and serve as motivation and inspiration
that they can use and apply in their lives.
Humanities and Social Sciences 22
Purok 1, Brgy. Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

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