F4 PAT Amali

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Physics : Pendulum

Manipulated Variable : Length of Pendulum

Responding Variable : Time for 20 complete oscillation
Fixed Variable : Mass of pendulum bob

1. Why is the measurement of time taken for 10 complete oscillation is repeated ?

To make sure the data for period of oscillation is accurate

2. State one precaution should be taken to increase the accuracy.

The position of the eye must be perpendicular to the ruler to avoid parallax error.
Turn off the fan to reduce the air movement that affects the oscillation of the pendulum.

3. State the shape of the graph and the relationship between the variables in each graph.
T2 is directly proportional to L.

Chemistry : Presence of water to show acidic/alkaline property

Manipulated Variable : Presence of water
Responding : Colour change on litmus paper
Fixed : Type of acid/alkaline

1. What are the conditions needed for an acid/alkaline to show its property ?
Water / Moisture

2. Explain why the litmus paper change it’s colour when the acid/alkaline is added with water .
Acid : Without water, Solid (...) acid exist as covalent molecule, hydrogen ion does not exist. When water is added, the acid
ionises in water to produce hydrogen ions, H+. The presence of hydrogen ion is responsible for the acidic property.
Alkaline : Without water, (...) exist as covalent molecule, hydroxide ion does not exist. When water is added, the acid ionises in
water to produce hydroxide ions, OH-. The presence of hydroxide ion is responsible for the alkaline property.

3. Base on observations, state a suitable inference.

Solid (...) acid does not show acidic properties but solid (...) acid that has been dissolved in water shows acidic properties.

4. What is the operational definition for acid/alkali for the experiment

Acid : Solid (...) acid ionised in water to produce hydrogen ion, H+ That turns blue litmus paper red.
Alkali : (...) ionises in water to produce hydroxide ion, OH- that turns red litmus paper blue.

Chemistry : Preparation of a Standard Solution

1. Why must the beaker and the filter funnel be rinsed with distill water ?
To ensure no remaining of the dissolved solid left in the filter funnel

2. How can you ensure the meniscus level aligns with the calibration mark ?
Make sure our eye is at the same level with the calibration mark to avoid parallax error.

3. Why does the volumetric flask need to be closed after the standard solution is prepared ?
To prevent the solution react with particles such as oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in the air.

4. Why must all the remaining solution be transferred into volumetric flask ?
Transferring solutions without fully dissolving the solute will result in an inaccurate concentration

Chemistry : Prepare insoluble salt through double decomposition

1. Write a balanced chemical equation for the precipitation of BaSO4.

BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl

2. Why must the filtered BaSO4 precipitate rinse with distilled water ?
To remove excess NaCl that might be present in the BaSO4 precipitate

3. In your opinion, is it suitable to prepare BaSO4 based on the reaction between H2SO4 and BaCO3? Explain.
Not suitable, because the reaction between H2SO4and BaCO3 produces BaCO4 and CO2 and H2O. However BaSO4 are coated
BaCO3 and prevent HCL to react with coated BaCO3.
4. Name two other salt that is suitable to be prepared by the double decomposition method. Then suggest suitable aqueous
solution for the preparation of the salt.
Salt Aqueous Solution
Lead (II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2
Lead (II) chloride, PbCl2
Sodium chloride, NaCl
Calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2
Calcium chloride, CaCl2
Potassium chloride, KCl

Biology : Determining the concentration of extracellular solution which is isotonic to the cell sap of a plant
Manipulated : Concentration of sucrose solution
Responding : Percentage of difference in the mass of potato strips
Fixed : Soaking period

1. What is the texture and condition of each potato strip after being soaked in different concentrations of sucrose solution ?
Potato in petri dish A to E are turgid while potato strips in petri dish F and G are soft in texture.

2. How do you determine the concentration of sucrose solution which is isotonic to the potato sap ?
The point when the graph cuts at X-axis that shows no change in percentage of change of mass of the potato mass is isotonic to
the cell sap of the potato.

3. Osmosis in Hypotonic conditions

The solution in petri dish A to E is hypotonic or less concentrated to the cell sap of the potato. Water diffuses into the potato
through osmosis. Therefore the mass of the potato increases and it will become turgid.

4. Osmosis in Hypertonic conditions

The solution in petri dish F and G is hypertonic or more concentrated to the cell sap of the potato. Water diffuses out of the
potato through osmosis. Therefore the mass of the potato increases and it will become turgid.

Procedure : Determining Presence of water to show acidic/alkaline property

1. Add a spatula of (…) into the test tube.
2. Place a dry (blue/red) litmus paper into the test tube.
3. Observe the colour change of the litmus paper. Record your observation.
4. Add 2 cm3 of distilled water into the test tube. Shake well.
5. Observe the colour change of the litmus paper. Record your observation.

Procedure : Preparation of standard solution

1. Determine the mass of (…) needed using the formula 1000
2. Weigh the mass calculated using a electronic balance
3. Add 100cm3 of distilled water to the solid (…) in a beaker
4. Stir the mixture with a glass rod until all solid (…) dissolve completely in distilled water
5. Transfer the (…) into a 250cm3 volumetric flask via a filter funnel
6. Rinse the filter funnel and beaker with distilled water until all remaining is transferred into the volumetric flask
7. Remove the filter funnel. Add distilled water until it reach the calibration mark.
8. Use a dropper to add distilled water slowly until the meniscus is aligned exactly on the calibration mark.
9. Close the volumetric flask with a stopper. Shake well by inverting the volumetric flask until the solution is homogeneous

Procedure : Double Decomposition

1. Pour 25cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 of BaCl2 into a beaker containing 25cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 of Na2SO4.
2. Stir the mixture with a glass rod.
3. Filter the salt formed with a filter paper
4. Rinse the salt on the filter funnel with distilled water
5. Place the salt in between of two filter papers to dry them up.

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