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TLE 10 Activities for Monday and Tuesday


 Record all responses in your notebooks.

 Take a photo of you while answering the questions

Activity # 1

Create an algorithm and flowchart that will check whether a given number is even or odd.

Activity # 2

Create an algorithm and flowchart that will display the Hello World 10 times.

Activity # 3

Create an algorithm and flowchart that will accept 2 Grades then compute and display average. If average is >=75 print

Activity # 4

Create a flowchart that will accept grade. If grade is

>=91 Excellent

>=86 Very Good

>=80 Good

>=75 Fair

74 below Needs Improvement

Activity # 5

Create a flowchart that will log in face book account.

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Enter in your browser. (I/O)

Step 3: Facebook Home page loads (PROCESS)

Step 4: Enter your Email ID and Password (I/O)

Step 5: Is Email ID and Password Valid (DECISION)

if NO then

Log in error (PROCESS)

Step 6: go to step 3


Step 7: Display facebook Account (I/O)

Step 8: Stop
Activity # 6

Create a flowchart that will display the largest of the three numbers.

Activity # 7

Create an algorithm and a flowchart that would read the age of a candidate and determine whether he is eligible to cast
his/her own vote.

Activity # 8

Create an algorithm and a flowchart that will check whether an alphabet is a vowel or a consonant

Activity # 9

Create an algorithm and a flowchart that will compute the sum of the first 10 natural numbers.

Activity # 10

Create an algorithm and a flowchart will display the pattern given below using an asterisk.

Given: *****

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