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No. Name Associated stars Description Image

Lord: Ketu (South lunar node)

Symbol : Horse's head
1 Ashvini - अश्विनी β "Sheratan" and γ "Mesarthim" Arietis Deity : Ashvins, the horse-headed twins who are
"physician to the Gods" physicians to the gods
Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Mesha
Western zodiac 23°46 Aries - 7°06' Taurus

Lord: Shukra (Venus)

Symbol: Yoni, the female organ of reproduction
Bharani - भरणी
2 35, 39 "Lilii Borea", and 41 Arietis Deity: Yama, god of death or Dharma
"the bearer"
Indian zodiac: 13° 20' - 26°40' Mesha
Western zodiac 7°06' - 20°26' Taurus

Lord: Surya (Sun)

Krittika - कृ त्तिका Symbol: Knife or spear
3 an old name of the Pleiades; personified as the nurses Pleiades Deity : Agni, god of fire
of Kārttikeya, a son of Shiva.
Indian zodiac: 26°40' Mesha - 10° Vrishabha
Western zodiac 20°26' Taurus - 3°46’ Gemini

Lord: Chandra (Moon)

Rohini - रोहिणी Symbol: Cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree
4 "the red one", a name of Aldebaran. Also known as Aldebaran Deity : Brahma or Prajapati, the Creator
Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Vrishabha
Western zodiac 3°46 - 17°06' Gemini

Lord: Mangala (Mars)

Symbol: Deer's head
Mrigashīrsha - मृगशीर्ष
5 λ "Meissa", φ Orionis Deity: Soma, Chandra, the Moon god
"the deer's head". Also known as āgrahāyaṇī
Indian zodiac: 23° 20' Vrishabha - 6° 40' Mithuna
Western zodiac: 17°06' Gemini - 0°26' Cancer

Lord: Rahu (North lunar node)

Symbol: Teardrop, diamond, a human head
6 Ardra - आर्द्रा Betelgeuse
"the storm god" Deity : Rudra, the storm god
Indian zodiac: 6° 40' - 20° Mithuna
Western zodiac: 0°26' - 13°46 Cancer

Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

Punarvasu - पुनर्वसु (dual) Symbol : Bow and quiver
7 "the two restorers of goods", also known as yamakau Castor and Pollux Deity : Aditi, mother of the gods
"the two chariots"
Indian zodiac: 20° Mithuna - 3°20' Karka
Western zodiac 13°46 - 27°06' Cancer

Lord: Shani (Saturn)

Symbol : Cow's udder, lotus, arrow and circle
Pushya - पुष्य γ "Asellus Borealis", δ "Asellus Australis" and θ
8 Deity : Bṛhaspati, priest of the gods
"the nourisher", also known as sidhya or tiṣya Cancri
Indian zodiac: 3°20' -16°40' Karka
Western zodiac 27°06' Cancer - 10°26' Leo

Lord: Budh (Mercury)

Symbol: Serpent
9 Āshleshā - आश्ळे षा/आश्लेषा δ, ε "Āshleshā Nakshatra", η, ρ, and σ "Minchir"
"the embrace" Hydrae Deity : Sarpas or Nagas, deified snakes
Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Karka
Western zodiac 10°26' - 23°46 Leo

Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)

Symbol : Royal Throne
Maghā - मघा
10 Regulus Deity : Pitrs, 'The Fathers', family ancestors
"the bountiful"
Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Simha
Western zodiac 23°46 Leo - 7°06' Virgo

Lord: Shukra (Venus)

Symbol : Front legs of bed, hammock, fig tree
Pūrva Phalgunī - पूर्व फाल्गुनी
11 δ "Zosma" and θ "Chertan" Leonis Deity : Bhaga, god of marital bliss and prosperity
"first reddish one"
Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Simha
Western zodiac 7°06' - 20°26' Virgo

Lord: Surya (Sun)

Symbol: Four legs of bed, hammock
12 Uttara Phalgunī - उत्तर फाल्गुनी Denebola
"second reddish one" Deity : Aryaman, god of patronage and favours
Indian zodiac: 26°40' Simha- 10° Kanya
Western zodiac 20°26' Virgo - 3°46 Libra

Lord: Chandra (Moon)

Symbol: Hand or fist
Hasta - हस्त α "Alchiba", β "Kraz", γ, δ "Algorab" and ε "Minkar"
13 Deity : Savitri or Surya, the Sun god
"the hand" Corvi
Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Kanya
Western zodiac 3°46 - 17°06' Libra

14 Chitra - चित्रा Spica

"the bright one", a name of Spica Lord: Mangala (Mars)
Symbol: Bright jewel or pearl
Deity : Tvastar or Vishvakarman, the celestial
Indian zodiac: 23°20' Kanya - 6°40' Tula
Western zodiac: 17°06' Libra - 0°26' Scorpio

Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)

Symbol: Shoot of plant, coral
Svati - स्वाति
15 Arcturus Deity : Vayu, the Wind god
"Su-Ati (Sanskrit) Very good" name of Arcturus
Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Tula
Western zodiac 0°26' - 13°46 Scorpio

Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

Vishakha - विशाखा Symbol : Triumphal arch, potter's wheel
α "Zubenelgenubi", β "Zubeneschamali", γ and ι
16 "forked, having branches"; also known as rādhā "the Deity : Indra, chief of the gods; Agni, god of Fire
Indian zodiac: 20° Tula - 3°20' Vrishchika
Western zodiac 13°46 - 27°06' Scorpio

Lord: Shani (Saturn)

Symbol : Triumphal archway, lotus
17 Anuradha - अनुराधा β "Acrab", δ "Dschubba" and π "Fang" Scorpionis Deity : Mitra, one of Adityas of friendship and
"following rādhā" partnership
Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Vrishchika
Western zodiac 27°06' Scorpio - 10°26' Sagittarius

Lord: Budh (Mercury)

Symbol : circular amulet, umbrella, earring
Jyeshtha - ज्येष्ठा
18 α "Antares", σ, and τ "Paikauhale" Scorpionis Deity : Indra, chief of the gods
"the eldest, most excellent"
Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika
Western zodiac 10°26' - 23°46 Sagittarius

Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)

Symbol : Bunch of roots tied together, elephant goad
19 Mula - मूल ε "Larawag", ζ, η, θ "Sargas", ι, κ, λ "Shaula", μ
"the root" and ν "Jabbah" Scorpionis Deity : Nirrti, goddess of dissolution and destruction
Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Dhanus
Western zodiac 23°46 Sagittarius - 7°06' Capricorn

Lord: Shukra (Venus)

Purva Ashadha - पूर्व आषाढा Symbol: Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket
20 "first of the āṣāḍhā", āṣāḍhā "the invincible one" being δ "Kaus Media" and ε "Kaus Australis" Sagittarii Deity : Apah, god of Water
the name of a constellation
Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Dhanus
Western zodiac 7°06' - 20°26' Capricorn

Lord: Surya (Sun)

Symbol : Elephant tusk, small bed
Uttara Ashadha - उत्तर आषाढा
21 ζ "Ascella" and σ "Nunki" Sagittarii Deity : Visvedevas, universal gods
"Later invincible"
Indian zodiac: 26°40' Dhanus - 10° Makara
Western zodiac 20°26' Capricorn - 3°46 Aquarius

Lord: Chandra (Moon)

Symbol : Ear or Three Footprints
22 Shravana - श्रवण α "Altair", β and γ Aquilae Deity : Vishnu, preserver of universe
Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Makara
Western zodiac 3°46 - 17°06' Aquarius

Lord: Mangala (Mars)

Symbol : Drum or flute
Dhanishta - श्रविष्ठा/धनिष्ठा
23 α "Sualocin" to δ Delphini Deity : Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance
"most famous", also Shravishthā "swiftest"
Indian zodiac: 23°20' Makara - 6°40' Kumbha
Western zodiac 17°06' Aquarius - 0°26' Pisces

Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)

Shatabhisha - शतभिष/शततारका Symbol : Empty circle, 1,000 flowers or stars
24 γ Aquarii "Sadachbia"
"requiring a hundred physicians" Deity : Varuna, god of cosmic waters, sky and earth
Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Kumbha ; Western zodiac
0°26' - 13°46 Pisces

Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

Symbol : Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man
Purva Bhadrapada - पूर्व भाद्रपदा/पूर्व प्रोष्ठपदा with two faces
25 α "Markab" and β Pegasi
"the first of the blessed feet" Deity : Ajaikapada, an ancient fire dragon
Indian zodiac: 20° Kumbha - 3°20' Meena ; Western
zodiac 13°46 - 27°06' Pisces

Lord: Shani (Saturn)

Symbol : Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the
26 Uttara Bhādrapadā - उत्तर भाद्रपदा/उत्तर प्रोष्ठपदा γ "Algenib" Pegasi and α "Alpheratz" Andromedae water
"the second of the blessed feet" Deity : Ahirbudhnya, serpent or dragon of the deep
Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Meena ; Western zodiac
27°06' Pisces - 10°26' Aries

Lord: Budh (Mercury)

Symbol : Fish or a pair of fish, drum
Revati - रे वती
27 ζ Piscium "Revati" Deity : Pushan, nourisher, the protective deity
Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Meena
Western zodiac 10°26' - 23°46 Aries

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