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Experiencing the Lifespan 4th Edition by

Belsky ISBN 1464175942 9781464175947

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1. Sasha is a toddler. Sasha is _____.

A) 8 months old
B) 1 to 2 1/2 years old
C) 2 1/2 to 3 years old
D) 3 years old

2. Dr. Out-of-Date is an old-style behaviorist. How would he explain 1-year-old Ned's

efforts to be close to his mother at all times?
A) “This child shares a unique emotional bond with his mother.”
B) “Ned's behavior is being reinforced because his mother feeds him.”
C) “Ned's behavior is irrational.”
D) “The behavior of children is genetically programmed.”

3. “Too much mother love during infancy produces whiny, dependent adults.” This
statement would MOST likely be made by a(n):
A) evolutionary psychologist.
B) old-style behaviorist.
C) Eriksonian theorist.
D) psychoanalyst.

4. Which is NOT a finding that helped Bowlby formulate attachment theory?

A) Monkeys raised without moms couldn't socially relate as adults.
B) Orphanage babies were apathetic and mentally disturbed.
C) Baby geese would follow forever “an object” that they saw at a specific time after
D) Babies love their moms more than other people in their lives.

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5. Harlow's findings with motherless monkeys showed that physical contact (or love) is:
A) a basic human need.
B) an overrated human need.
C) less important than food.
D) important in other species, but not in our own.

6. When people are upset, they want their significant other close. According to attachment
theory, this response indicates:
A) normal proximity-seeking behavior.
B) an emotional problem.
C) abnormal fear.
D) insecure attachment.

7. According to Bowlby, having a primary attachment figure is vital during:

A) infancy.
B) early childhood.
C) childhood and adolescence.
D) any time of life.

8. Which event is LEAST likely to evoke proximity-seeking behavior?

A) learning you have a serious disease
B) listening to your boss insult you
C) leaving for a dangerous part of the world
D) arriving at a job

9. The attachment response:

A) totally disappears after infancy.
B) is evoked at any time of life when people feel threatened.
C) is a symptom of dependency approximately after age 4.
D) is reinforced by parents.

10. In explaining the attachment response, Dr. Love might make all of the following
comments EXCEPT:
A) “It's genetically built into the human species (and others).”
B) “It's programmed to appear during infancy.”
C) “It helps promote survival.”
D) “It disappears when people reach old age.”

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11. A baby's first social smile occurs at about 2 months of age and shows _____.
A) intestinal gas
B) attachment
C) ambivalence
D) a reflexive response

12. If Mayumi is 1 month old, she MOST likely:

A) happily smiles at every adult.
B) is indifferent to the human world.
C) only goes to her primary caregiver.
D) has two or three people she really likes.

13. Five-month-old Tracey is more easily soothed by her dad; she smiles and looks more at
him than at others. Still, when Aunt Corrie comes for a visit, Tracey has no problem
giving her a cuddle. Tracey is in the _____ phase.
A) preattachment
B) attachment-in-the-making
C) clear-cut attachment
D) working model

14. Attachment-in-the-making coincides with the onset of:

A) the primary circular reactions.
B) separation anxiety.
C) the secondary circular reactions
D) the first social smile.

15. The phase of clear-cut attachment:

A) begins at about 4 months of age and lasts through age 1.
B) starts at about 7 or 8 months of age and lasts through toddlerhood (till about age 3).
C) begins at about age 1 and lasts through age 4.
D) starts at about 18 months of age and lasts until kindergarten.

16. Eight-month-old Nate suddenly begins to cry when he is left at the babysitter's house,
whereas before he never got upset. Nate is MOST likely crying because:
A) he is being abused by the sitter.
B) he has entered the phase of clear-cut attachment.
C) he is having abnormal trouble separating.
D) his parents are having marital troubles.

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17. Ting and her baby travel to visit Ting's mom in another state, and Grandma picks up the
child on their arrival. At younger than 7 to 8 months of age, the baby MOST likely
would show _____.
A) happiness
B) fear
C) indifference
D) varying responses

18. Elaine is visiting her 13-month-old nephew, and the child gets agitated when she picks
him up. Elaine should feel:
A) insulted, because her nephew doesn't love her.
B) not surprised, since this is normal at this age.
C) concerned for her nephew's mental health.
D) angry that her nephew is not being raised properly.

19. At the park, 20-month-old Etan crawls through tunnels, throws sand everywhere, and
lets a dog lick his face. But as he moves from one activity to another, he looks over his
shoulder to see whether his daddy is watching. What is the name for Etan's behavior?
A) excessive anxiety
B) social referencing
C) insecure attachment
D) stranger anxiety

20. People use social referencing to pace and modify their behavior:
A) only during infancy.
B) only during childhood.
C) only during adolescence.
D) at every age.

21. Juanita, age 5, goes to kindergarten happily and without any distress. The MOST likely
reason is that Juanita is:
A) insecurely attached.
B) securely attached.
C) in the working-model phase of attachment.
D) in the phase of attachment-in-the making.

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22. One-year-old Gyan needs to be near his main caregiver, his dad, all of the time. He gets
uncomfortable when other adults pick him up. This response, in general, is:
A) normal.
B) excessive.
C) a sign of male bonding.
D) a serious problem.

23. The BEST sign that a 1-year-old is securely attached is when the child:
A) separates easily from a primary caregiver.
B) is thrilled to see a primary caregiver after a separation.
C) becomes incredibly distressed when separated from a primary caregiver.
D) becomes calm when a primary caregiver returns after a separation.

24. If 1-year-old Erik doesn't seem to care when his mother leaves the room, and shows no
reaction when she returns, Erik's attachment style is _____.
A) secure
B) disorganized
C) avoidant
D) anxious-ambivalent

25. One-year-old Francisco is terribly clingy even when his mom is in the same room. If she
leaves, he cries frantically and cannot be comforted by her when she returns. According
to attachment theory, what is Francisco's attachment status?
A) secure
B) anxious-ambivalent
C) avoidant
D) disorganized

26. Link the correct attachment style to the following descriptions: (1) thrilled when
reunited with a caregiver; (2) confused, erratic response when reunited with a caregiver;
(3) doesn't care when reunited with a caregiver.
A) (1) secure; (2) avoidant; (3) disorganized
B) (1) secure; (2) disorganized; (3) avoidant
C) (1) secure; (2) anxious-ambivalent; (3) avoidant
D) (1) secure; (2) avoidant; (3) anxious-ambivalent

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