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The Council of the District of Columbia

Youth Internship Program School Year 2011-2012

Application Packet

Council of the District of Columbia Office of Youth Programs LaToya Foye, Director


Council of the District of Columbia Office of Youth Programs Council Youth Internship Program
The Councils Youth Internship Program (CYIP) is a program divided into two semesters (fall/spring) that provides high school juniors and seniors with exciting opportunities to gain meaningful professional and educational enrichment experiences through work in Council offices. Administered the Councils Office of Youth Programs (OYP), the CYIP is an excellent opportunity for youth to utilize their leadership skills regarding issues that impact their lives through participation in community service projects and legislative hearings. Interns are also provided a wealth of knowledge regarding the rich history of the District of Columbia, as well as professional development. Interns will participate in Council meetings and hearings, as well as other aspects of legislative business. Past Council Interns have received various scholarships and awards, and have matriculated at some of Americas most renowned colleges and universities and have been able to use their Council internship experience as a means to gain access to college and other educational and professional opportunities. At the completion of this years program, participants will have a greater understanding and experience the Life a Public Servant and the Staff that supports him/her.


At D.C. Council, interns will have an opportunity to be involved with many aspects of city government. As such, all interns will have administrative responsibilities which keep the Council running smoothly. In a professional setting interns must be good team players, know how to prioritize tasks and manage their time well. Below are descriptions of expectations, roles and responsibilities interns may have:

Completion of a policy project. Participation in professional development and training workshops. Provide customer support to constituents. Handle administrative support duties that may include but not limited to; answering phones, drafting written materials, data input, research, filing correspondence, preparing presentation materials and working on special projects as assigned. Conduct tours of the historic John A. Wilson Building. Deliver correspondence, legislative materials, and small packages within the John A. Wilson Building. Participate in program activities, under the supervision of Council staff, that may include off-site activities. Conduct general research on legislative matters. Learn the culture of D.C. Council as well as becomes familiar with D.C. Government. Other duties as assigned by each interns supervisory designee, in conjunction with the Office of Youth Programs.

*The Fall Internship Program will run from October 24, 2011 December 16, 2011. The Spring Internship Program will run from January 24, 2012 April 27, 2012. *


Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years of age and no older than nineteen (19) years of age, and must meet the following requirements: be a high school junior or senior at a school located in the District of Columbia; be legally authorized to work in the District of Columbia; be a District of Columbia resident;

be available to work up to six (6) hours one Saturday every other month at the Councils Youth-Only Hearings; and be willing to complete community service projects.

maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0-scale, or its equivalent;

be available to work in an assigned Council office at least eight (8) hours per week;


Applicants must also:

have strong written and oral communication skills; have some experience using Microsoft Word;

have a strong ability to work independently and as a team player; have some experience using the internet to conduct research; have an interest in local and national government;

have demonstrated strong leadership skills, a high level of maturity, and community involvement; and be motivated, have a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn and grow.


All applicants must submit a complete application packet in order to be fully considered for the Internship Program. The application packet should consist of original copies of the following: A completed application

Completed Application Packets should be faxed to 202-727-3888 or mailed to 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Office of Youth Programs Suite G-11, Washington D.C. 20004. Application packets should be sent by no later than October 17, 2011. Council Interns must be available to attend selected Council hearings and meetings during the legislative session for which they are hired. All hearings and meetings are held at various dates and times during the legislative session at the John A. Wilson Building. Interns will be required to work during the Councils bi-monthly Youth-Only Hearings, which are usually convened on the second Saturday. The Office of Youth Programs will provide interns hired with updates regarding specific dates and time for meetings and hearings in which they will participate. TIME AND ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Official transcript Attendance record Letter of recommendation form Resume

Council Interns must be able to work at least eight (8) hours per week and no more than twelve (12) hours per week to their assigned Council offices. Each interns hours will be coordinated in conjunction with the intern, his/her family, assigned Council supervisor and school administrators at the interns school. Interns must participate in mandatory orientation/training workshop at the beginning of the internship program and other training workshops that will be held throughout the internship. OTHER GUIDELINES: The Council will provide each intern with a stipend during the course of the internship. However, interns interested in obtaining either academic credit or community service hours, instead of a stipend, must first obtain special permission from their school authority prior to beginning the internship program. The Council cannot provide an intern with a stipend, academic credit, and community service hours or any combination of two at the same time during the course of the program.


OFFICE OF YOUTH PROGRAMS The John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004

The Councils Youth Internship Program (CYIP) Application PERSONAL INFORMATION

Full Name: Home Address: City/State: Ward Residency: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Home Phone: Date of Birth: E-mail Address: Cell Phone: Gender: Female Male ____ /4.0

Social Security Number: Name of High School: Current Grade Level: Parent/Legal Guardian Name: Parent/Legal Guardian Address: Name of Emergency Contact:

Cumulative GPA: Junior (11th Grade) Senior (12th Grade) Relationship:



ACADEMIC AWARDS AND HONORS (List all academic awards and honors received since beginning high school.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (List all extracurricular activities in which you have been involved since beginning high school.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY SERVICE (List all community service activities in which you have been involved since beginning high school.) Do you plan to participate in any extracurricular activities during school year 2010-2011?


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you currently involved in a government youth leadership program(s)? YES NO If yes, please indicate the program(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you plan to participate in the same government leadership program(s) during this school year? YES NO Have you previously applied to the Councils Youth Internship Program? YES NO

If yes, please indicate the activities: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you previously worked with the Council of the District of Columbia? YES NO If yes, please list the dates, name of your office assignment, and the supervisor: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have experience using the internet to conduct research? YES NO

Do you have experience using the Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Outlook)? YES NO If yes, please indicate which software package(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STIPEND ACADEMIC CREDIT COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS

Please indicate the one method by which you are interested in being compensated for your work if selected to be a Council Intern:


ALL APPLICANTS must answer the following questions: Type or print your answers in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. (no more than 150 words per question)

a.) Describe the traits that make you a good leader. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b.) Explain where you see yourself in the next ten years. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c.) Explain how this internship experience would fit into your future educational and career goals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d.) In your opinion, what is the single most important issue impacting D.C. youth that you believe the D.C. Council should address? Explain why. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS SURVEY The following information is requested in order to ensure that selected interns are assigned to appropriate Council offices at the based on their indicated professional and educational interests. 1. What are your plans after graduating from high school? (Check all that apply.) a. Attend college/university (If checked, indicate the type of institution you would like to attend.) A four-year college/university A two-year college/community college Anticipated academic major:____________________________ b. Attend vocational/trade school Anticipated vocation(s)/trade(s): ____________________________ c. Join the armed forces/military (If checked, indicate which branch you would like to join.) Army Navy Marines Other: ____________________________ 2. What are your professional interests? a. Indicate your desired career or profession: ________________________________________________ b. I have an interest in learning more about the following field(s): Law Records Management

Research/Writing Accounting/Finance Customer Service Information Technology Policy/Political Science 3. How did you hear about the CYIP? (Circle all that apply.) Flyer The Department of Employment Services Email The Child and Family Services Agency My principal The Office of Youth Programs My teacher Word of mouth My mentor Other: ____________________________ My Councilmember (Please specify.) Other: __________________________________________________________________________________ (Please specify)

Business/Economics Human Resources Television/Broadcasting


I, _________________________________, hereby acknowledge my receipt of the overview of the Council of the District of Columbias Youth Internship Program, and have reviewed all of the information provided. I am in agreement with the terms of the Program and am aware of the program schedule and hours. I am also aware that, if accepted into the program, I will be required to participate in offsite community services projects and program activities at locations in the District of Columbia under the supervision of Council staff. I understand that a false statement on any part of my application may be grounds for me not being accepted into the Program, or for terminating me after I begin the internship. I understand that any information I give may be investigated at any time. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of my statements are true, accurate, and complete. Parental/Legal Guardian Consent (Required for all applicants under the age of 18.) Sign Date

I, _________________________________, am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant (my child). I acknowledge my receipt of the overview of the Council of the District of Columbias Youth Internship Program, and have reviewed all of the information provided. I am in agreement with the terms of the Program and am aware of the program schedule and hours. I am also aware that, if accepted into the program, my child will be required to participate in off-site community services projects and program activities at locations in the District of Columbia under the supervision of Council staff. I hereby grant my child, _________________________________, permission to apply for the Council of the District of Columbias Youth Internship Program. Sign ___________________________________ Date__________________________


OFFICE OF YOUTH PROGRAMS The John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004

Full Name:

The Councils Youth Internship Program PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION FORM

Gender: Male Female

Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY): High School Name:

Relationship to Student: Creativity and original thinking Oral communication skills Writing skills Creativity and original thinking Leadership ability Reaction to criticism Reaction to setback Commitment to service Ability to interact w/different groups Motivation toward achieving goals Follow through on tasks assigned Comments: Outstanding

Grade Level: Junior (11th Grade) Senior (12th Grade)

Very Good


Below Average

Unable to Evaluate

Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________

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