Computer Science Essay

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computer science essay:

What do you think has changed the most in the past ten years? I think it is AI. Ten years ago, if someone asked you about the future development of AI, you would
certainly tell him not to think about so many impossible things, but it is obvious that AI has been fully integrated into our lives. Now you can buy goods without
even needing electronic devices when you go out. Alibaba has long invented "face brushing payment". 10 years ago, you wouldn't even believe that people will
hardly bring cash when they go out, not to mention that you would believe that faces can pay. Artificial intelligence has become a new engine of economic
development. As the core driving force of the new round of industrial reform, artificial intelligence will further release the huge energy accumulated in previous
scientific and technological revolutions and industrial reforms, create a new powerful engine, restructure all links of economic activities such as production,
distribution, exchange and consumption, form new intelligent demand in all fields from macro to micro, give birth to new technologies, new products, new
industries, new formats and new models, and trigger major changes in the economic structure, Profoundly change the way of human production and life and mode
of thinking, and realize the overall leap of social productivity. China's economic development has entered the new normal, and the task of deepening the supply side
structural reform is very arduous. We must accelerate the in-depth application of artificial intelligence, cultivate and expand the artificial intelligence industry, and
inject new momentum into China's economic development. In 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was first put forward at the American computer conference.
Since then, artificial intelligence seems to have become a difficult problem that human beings must study. Looking at the history of 100 years, AI can be said to
have helped a lot.
We look at what AI helps from the smallest things in life. The computer you use now, including your mobile phone, contains the existence of AI. For example,
you can call Siri to help you recommend what color clothes to wear today, which can even be reflected in smaller things. For example, I am now using my
computer to write a paper on AI. My input method will help me match my commonly used words and sentences, and even it can help me adjust when I misspell.
This is the details of artificial intelligence in life. Let's enlarge its function "network map" and then take Baidu map as an example. AI helps you calculate the
nearest route. If you look further, it needs to be used by space shuttles and civil aircrafts. No matter in manufacturing, transportation, mathematics, physics, or
anything you see, it will be more or less connected with AI. Well, now let's look far away and see how AI has really changed the world. Here we need to
mention a great man, who is almost the ancestor of AI: Alan Matheson Turing, British mathematician and logician, who is known as the father of computer
science and the father of artificial intelligence. In 1931, Turing entered King's college, Cambridge University. After graduation, he went to Princeton University to
study for a doctorate. After the outbreak of World War II, he returned to Cambridge. Later, he helped the military crack enigma, the famous German
cryptosystem, and helped the Allies win the Second World War. Turing has made many contributions to the development of artificial intelligence, and proposed
an experimental method for judging whether machines have intelligence, namely Turing test, which has an experimental competition every year. In addition, the
famous Turing machine model proposed by Turing laid the foundation for the logical
working mode of modern computers. He helped the Allies end World War II early and saved many lives. But in the future, AI will make greater

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