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es pus es Un restricted srandorn Sampling (onvanionce sanepling — ane Rosrictea yondom Sampling Fime- iorurns: ince Ho Sample 9 a Study | of a pale of the pop lation . tomtdarable Hme and labors arc | $oved whona Sample survey fe Cored Out. Tire fs gaved nok only fn | Colle cling dota but abo in Proloning i, W em Gost: “Although tho amwunt of effort | | and expense involved in Collouting fnformotfon 4s uous dpventon Porit | Of the Sample than a Canplete | Consus, tie total Hinancfal burden of “7 Q Sample Suwvoy % genortally tow than oe that of O Canplote Cons. Hi) Yese goteble’ Reus: Although the Sampling technique . $n volues Contain {fnactunactey wing to | Sorapling errow , the -rowlt obtained genoally mere yoltable than Hat obtohved from a Complete tout. There 0712 Some! noon Por fe. Ehst fe fs” oluays portable to doter mine to extent of rampling Ovi0rs. mere Detalles bn Sormnbten: : Ginee the Sampling technique fave, poms ound Money, Mt is posstable to - Collet more dotaled tn formatton 0 0 Sample tvey. {v) Sampling Moth ‘* tho only Nothied thot tonbe wed fn caxtein There are Some cosas in which 12 (Ong Mathod is inapplicable ond x2 only prattfrotle Means is Providod by Hie Sample Mottod. cvi) The Sample Mothod js often yod te Judge the Accuracy of the es eon oblotvied on Q Consus Frvacountate nd misleading." “ff) p Gornplete Count tore fut be . fokon but Sorfous pers May ise | in sampling 4 if te garpling Protadure Ws yot por foct ) (li) Sampiing Generally require | Sewteos oF expos ff oy Por Consublo don purpose In, the alpsonse OF qpralificd | and crpovionod pomoru , To Sn formation | Obteiinad frorn Sample Susvey ganrot be olied Upon. “dy Ak timo the Sameling plan Moy be band Complicated thal tk require, More _ Heng » Jabous cnd Money Han A complete fonh is 43 SO 5f the Sze o+ tho sample is 4 ee psopostfon of the tofu population ona if compli vated Weighted Procedures ort on the | tv) Of the inqformotfon is yoqus red | for cach OME Pits onbt in tie domain of Study ) a tomplote onorvenatton 4e pocenamy. ce oe Simple random sampling soften 40 that garnpling tochetiqua in which Oadh and Emory. unit of Hoo population has an 4rd oppostunity of bdng gelacted iin © the Sample. tn Yimple yandom Sonpling Which {toms out §olosted in re Sonpte is Just a mattor of Chante- Personal | Boy of the fn vogtt gator dow nok Influence | tha. Sdlection. | Mots. of Gaple Random sempiteg: Gy Since the Seletion of items in fhe Sample éoponds ont rely on chance tone $3 No possibf lity oF Personal a affedting Hue YeruAs, . Gi) ps comparsd to fudge mont ie | Sanup Ving np yomdom gompde reprerer Hoe Univere ‘Mm A better. way. : ) ee /As the fice of tio Sample oh) fe : bevormes sncve oos'ly Oty : ho mccurecy 04 45s erttmato a : es oy baause farnpling erors Poliow be print ciples of chante. pRemetts of simple yondom fomplira: © 7 ts Oyen BB fice fox the ‘Wvosti gator tn have up- to- ake Mists oF al) the ftem, of the Poptation to bo fampled, (fi) This yestrvids the we of His potted in Clonomic and Burin dota whore voy often wie ltave to employ gesxtrided yondow Garnpling doign. | (ti Renders Jompling Moy Produce Tegan qwost non- random Joowfig ey -yeyults. Bi winated. Senphreg/— V oe Stvatt fied sandon Sampling £ 5 imply Pratt fed Sompling %s one S tho yordom Mothods Which , by 4ho. availole an formatton wv tag urivoue to bo Vplad ? fe ‘gu -divtded into grouPs whitch Nu . “pom mutually exdusive and {neu OL toms ‘in the ini verse. random ample 1S don _ | © 1 stool o ~ ghotan indapendon!'s Ayoro enth qyroep: | Ween COMEL y 10, poled the stats ifted Random Seu Je lee te giver Tee gy Bases of dost ficoHon ma i of Strato Rosie. vize Wie tt 2 8 ie xtum there ts a “ifitle posst bility 0} ey eyontial 9soup of Hho population sf boing complotely excluded. Gi) fratifled jompling ene f Qprather, acura: | tii) AS Unrryparied with sandons sample, —— Stratt fied geographically. Domuits of Stratitie? Rendaw Sop ing uve) 6) Fach Stratum Must Conkain, 06 for a possiable » homo geneous 0 ptorwise the yeyults May oleting, “one unt af andor ang ten yoloting addittoned pnts 01 ouonly seated fe tntorvals nb) the Seunple _h hay boon formed . “Ths, 1uothod | ‘g popularly sod tn Horo Lares whore a completo Us of tho population pan which sample 's ts 40. be drawn 58 araioble. the ho ist May be Peepances _tn_plehobobicad ,geogseptite! fer | Oy Some other or the item) 072 Sovolly Aurborod “the frst ‘tem 4s Solovted wf yandom | genoa hy» Following” tha batt ery | Mothed | suisoquant Thoms ane Selected 4 axing ovry Kt tern Prom He F Mise where +! rere to tha Sampling 3 $nteval or Sampling watfo, ; oF populatfon ire of the amgle. Seer 5 —. eS arC Ber’ © } ‘ Where = Sampling tinteaval pet fe univetre sre re gample Size) am go merits of systematic: tea @) The systematic gounp Ung darign ts and. tenventent fe adopt, J Simple {nvolved to | i) the me and werk | gampling by Hie method cow splatively © 10%. | iy if the populotfins are Ifficl | endly derge ; fystematt< soncp.Ling Can bften be expected +0 yield gosults similan tp ‘those pbtained by proportional Stroud fied samp \irg. Demeuts pt Systematic somnp ing : Gi) The main Mnftatfon oF Ye Mathod {9 thal $f bewmes tows yopras cat! ve 44 we one fondling with popubotiors having Wadon pertodi tia 3 Samp! ia onriors 8 Thoc CI encety bolween the result pf Irudytin ‘ “Sounple ond Infouring pL a faout +e population ong Hho royubt od The Consus OF the whole popula Sameliing frrove age ef Two typos: (i) Bloued Frrors } | | { | 2. 't A un brased : frrers | Bowed faves “ese Prnors arises any blay fn _Selzutfon, eatimation pote. : ‘on! Boxed Eygors* Thove Qwtoss arisen Aue to Chaneo Ai ftexonces otweor tre yrenchors 4 population 4ntindwd in the sormple ond tose not sncludod . An Quer ES es 43 the Cio Son He volue “Sha Stas isthe a a porves ponding ; ee tonplinn Gress Mi j oors Can OCcuts | yon - -Jarnp Ling “at euony Stoge OF Planning 27 exeutfon of the Comms OF survey - | Such errors con anise duo to | nomben Of Lowe such dofettive | motheds of data collecHon ond tabudatton faculty dof miton. “von Gampling oxen of He jellowing factors: () In Oppropviate ftatistical unit. Gh) Erroys due to Mon- epome i) Lack 9} yained and Spent enced en al : | a haw “tn accurote py in appropriate | mokhods «of interuiew, observatory okt. 4 ies | oH ob | one oF adanneate fomrehe | supemision oF pies | ae some beckons . noe tamphing Onors May de Aange ond, A pparve qroatley attention tron Ho Sampling ewiors while in genera fonp Ling prrors Aowronse with @norenne %n Sample sine, non- Samplivg ont1ors tends te Intrvense with the Soup Lo Sze.

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