Checgg - FLASCARD - LEED - 04-Sustainable-Sites QUIZ - 8p - GOOOD

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Chegg Books’ Study Career Life Foreducators | Help | Signin Find over 600 milion flasheards Ey 04 Sustainable Sites. 60 cards Socrates M. Chil Engineering | Structural Teor & Design eee Q [A project team has engaged local experts prior to Informing building location and orientation conceptual design to help inventory site element ‘Which action willbe aided by filing out the USGBC worksheet to document existing site conditions? ‘A developer is planning a new 10 story office building Helps tenants design and build sustainable interior In suburban location. The project team will pursue land adopt green building practices, 8. Helps in LEED BD+C Core and Shell. In what ways will the ‘eardinating LEED IDV Certeation tenant design and construction guidelines benefit this project? {An office building i undergoing major renovation. 25 Currently on site isa 75 car parking deck covered with rath: 75% needs to be undercover: 75 + 25 = 100 so ‘a white coating that has a 3 year aged SRI of 37. What 25 cars can be uncoveres, is the maximum number of new non covered parking spaces that can be added for the project to qualify for Sustainable Sites Credit Heat Island Reduction? Dae es cee Pare Ce MR OEE + m0 5007) A project is required to obtain a construction general ‘No adaltional erosion and sedimentation control plan permit (CGP) prior to construction, Which statement isis necessary true about the project achieving $S Prerequisite Construction Activity Pollution Prevention. ‘The project team for an urban school project is Providing walkable access to 10 or more diverse uses reviewing options to integrate the schoo! withthe ‘community. Which strategy would NOT count toward ‘SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities? A project's total site area is 260,000 SF. The total '$112,000 math: 280,000 x $0.40 = 112,000 previously developed area on ste is 100,000 SF. The building FAR is 1:7 How much financial support would {an owner have to provide to eam SS Credit Site Development - Protector Restore Habitat? Chegg ‘conditions? A project team has calculated runoff volume of a project that will need to be managed. The site includes impervious hardscapes and a parking lot, as well as preserved open space. How much runoff does the project need to manage for the 95th percentile storm event for SS Credit Rainwater Management? Which strategies meet the requirements of erosion, sedimentation and control ESC plan? [A projec ste total area 100,000 SF of which 80,000 is previously developed. The building has FAR of 1.8. ‘The project team is considering installing an 8,000 SF ‘green roof. ifthe green roofs installed, how much additional area would need to be restored to earn SS Credit Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat The total site area (including the bullding footprint) or 2 project is 100,000 SF. The project has a FAR of 175, How much vegetated is required to earn SS Credit ‘Open Space? [A project team has decided to pursue LEED certification during early construction. Which statements i true about the project's ability to achieve SS Prerequisite Construction Activity Pollution Prevention? [A project team working on light pollution reduction ‘needs to address all EXCEPT which factor? |A project team is planning to restore the soll and habitat ofa previously developed sit in parallel, ‘When identifying the areas to be restored, which ‘elements can the project team exclude from the calculation? Life Foredueators | Help | Signin 100% of the total ste runoff {A Install structural controls such as earth dikes, sit fences, sediment traps and catch basins to divert water and to capture seceent from the storm water runoff 8, Cover sails with products including mulch, tarps, ‘hers, ane! fabrics so thatthe soll won't ede. . Plant Vegetation such 2s grass, ground ‘Wees and shrubs to stabilze sos 16,000 SF math: 80,000 x 30 SF - 8,000 SF = 16,000 SF 24,000 SF 24,000 7,500 SF math: 100,000 SF x 30% (Open Space) = 30,000 SF 30,000 SF x 25% (vegetated) = 7.500 SF ‘Acompliant ESC plan must have been in place prior to construction to eatn the prereauiste terior luminaires located outside the project boundary Vegetated landscape areas that are constructed to ‘accommodate rainwater infiltration, Side slopes of 14 or more Chegg Books Study Why should a project team for a new office project conduct a sit inventory and corresponding site analysis for project ste? For international projects using products that may not have SRI values, which actions should the project team take to make purchasing decisions for materials that can mitigate the heat island effect? [A project team is collecting information for site assessment. Which documentation would likely not be used to gather property condition information? ‘The project civil engineer, landscape architect, and hydrologist are meeting to confirm thatthe green infrastructure and low-impact development measures selected for the site are sufficient to manage the requited volume of runoff for the 95th percentile of rain events If they find the design cannot manage the required volume of runoff, which action should be taken next? [A project team has determined the project's lighting zone and is now working with a lighting designer on. the lighting boundary forthe site plan. Which statement is true about creating the lighting boundary site plan? ‘What actions should a project team take to complete asite assessment? Which fact should project teams consider for SS Credit Site Development Protect and Restore Habitat in an urban versus natural environment? Anew office project building willbe occupied on the ‘month of June when the weather starts getting hot. Which eligible non-roof inclusions would mitigate the heat island effect for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction? [A projects located in an area where the local code {oes not cover all requirements of the construction eral permit (GCP) and some ofthe local code Life Foredueators | Help | Signin To identity synergies between the assessment and other LEED credits, [A Send material samples to labs for testing. 8, Compare materas listed in the Cool Roof Rating Counci Standard Database Adjust the design based on the volume each technique can manage, The lighting boundary can differ from the project indary the change is justi [A Engage local experts 8, Gather information on the prop C. Conducta ste inventory urban projects have higher density, which changes strategies for development. ‘A.A paved area shaded by solar thermal collectors. 8, High reflectance paving with an intial of 0.33 C. Carports witha three-year aged SRI value of 0.28 Use the moe stringent ofthe local code or the CGP for each category Chegg Books Study ‘The environmental problems associated with light pollution include al EXCEPT which factors? ‘A choo!'s project in a suburban location is building ‘on a previously developed site. The project sire area is 174,240 SF. The building footprint is 65,000 SF and there are 20,000 SF of access roads and parking area, How much of the site does the project have to restore to earn a Sustainable Sites Credit Site Development Protect and Restore Habitat? [A project design will include bioretention areas, porous paving, rain gardens and previous decking. ‘Which type of strategies are these? ‘A project team reviews a project design and finds that the design does not comply with SR Credit Heat Island Reduction using the standard non-roof/root calculation due to the project having multiple roof angles and materials that fall above and below the lighting designer has completed the lighting boundary fora project site and is gathering date on luminaires to use for the BUG method for SS Creait Light Pollution Reduction. Some of the luminaires do not have BUG ratings. Which action should the project team take next? [A project team has completed a site assessment and will use the results to inform decisions about rainwater management. Which factors the primary difference in the credit options the project team must follow for SS Credit Rainwater Management? ‘A project team is discussing synergies to achieve both ‘SS Credit Rainwater Management and SS Credit Heat Island Reduction. The project design will include covered parking. Which strategy would help earn both credits? Which strategies would a project team follow to achieve success with LT Credit Light Pollution Reduction? Life Foredueators | Help | Signin Materials that have a high SRI deteriorate faster under constant light 52.272 SF math; 30% of ste to be 32522725" Green infrastructure and low impact development slrategies for rainwate Use the weighted nan-rootfroot calculation to see if the design will ormply Use software to caleulate the BUG rating forthe luminaires that don't have ratings The Volume of sunatf to manage Include a vegetated root A Spedty only necessary side lighting 8, Minimize the overall surnber of lurinaires Hire a lighting designer ifthe calculation method is used 4036 * preserve 40% of greenfield area not of site Books Study ‘On which factor wila ste’ lighting design be based? [A project's total site area is 280,000 SF. Atthe beginning of a project, a landscape architect has categorized all areas of site as either greenfield (180,000SF) or previously develped (100,000). Which strategy could the project team use to earn SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat? Which type of external luminaires should be selected to generate wel - shielded, well directed light? Project teams choosing on site restoration for SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat must restore which elements? [A project team conducted a site inventory followed by a site analysis Which actions exemplify design decisions based on the site assessment For a mixed use office and residential project, which space qualifies as outdoor space for SS Credit Open Space? Which strategy would help a project team earn ‘exemplary performance for SS Credit Heat Isiand Reduction on a project with zere-lot line and low sloped roof? ‘Asite master plan includes the development of stores, restaurants, and other businesses. The ste is not a LEED-ND project, For a LEED BD+C New Construction project that is part ofthe site master plan, which statement is true about open space as it relates to SS Credit Open Space? Which information of supporting documentation ‘would a project with a zero-lot line need to document for compliance withthe 2012 EPA Construction General Permit? Life Foredueators | Help | Signin The lighting zone in which the projects located Preserve the greenfield and restore 30,000 SF of the previously developed area, Luminaies that minimize uplight and light trespass from the ste Soil Habitat Using a soll analysis to locate community gardens ‘cating operable windows for occupants on the lee side ofa building away rom pollution sources A playground shaded by trees ‘ave 100% underground parking and instal a vegetated roof on top of the buiding (Open space adjacent to building could count toward A description of special conditions and compliance ‘with any applicable ESC measures, A.USGB Rainfall Event Calculator Chegg Books study ‘Community leaders are meeting with a school board to discuss sharing some of a new school facilties. IF the community engages in a contract withthe school for dedicated use spaces. How many spaces must be provided? [A project team is designing a parking strategy that will nelude parking spaces under cover to mitigate the heat island effect. How should the top level of ‘each multilevel parking structure be classified and or calculated? ‘Which feature is open space required to have for SS Credit Open Space? Which factor will a project team use to determine the total amount of outdoor space needed for. Credit (Open Space ‘A choo! willbe providing the community with access to some ofthe schoo!’ facities including playing fields and a gymnasiur. What must be provided for Joint Use of Facilities when a scheolis providing the facilites? ‘Which description identifies the purpose ofa site assessment? ‘When restoring disturbed and compacted soils, which action must the project team take to restore soils in areas being revegetated? The lighting boundary can be modified under al of the following conditions except: {An office park will contain 450 parking spaces, There will 30 preferred parking spaces and 3 spaces for van (oF carpools. The team wants to earn a point for Sustainable Sites Credit Heat Island Reduction by placing parking underground. What should be dene tocar the credit? Life Foredueators | Help | Signin {As a non-roof surface if there are parking spaces present or asa roof area ifthere are no parking spaces present Usable by people on site The: ite area within the LEED project boundary Separate entries to the spaces intended for joint use Toilets Te investigate and document ste elements to inform, project design and performance. Restore the area with specific sol restoration criteria, When lighting s used solely for fagade and landscape lighting in MLO lighting zones 3 and 4, and is automatically umed off from the midnight unt 6am Design and underground parking deck for atleast 338 parking spaces *75% parking undecover Chegg Development - Protect and Restore Habitat Books Study ‘A developers building an office project in an urban area. The project has zero-lt line. Which design feature must the building have to achieve SS Credit Rainwater Management? A building planned for a previously developed site has a zero-lot line and a single flat roof. The project has a FAR of 17 Given that the project will earn LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses what additional credits could be earned by insaling and intensive vegetated roof? Which strategy is the most effective for reducing overall heat island effect while additionally supporting the achievement of other LEED credits [A project team is working with school authorities, neighborhood agencies and outside companies to identity eligible facilities owned by other ‘organizations that could be made accessible to. students. Which space would count toward SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities? Which manufacturer date, if present, would a project team use to best determine the heat island mitigation of a device used to shade cars in a parking lot [A project design includes 84 on-site parking space and 24 off-street parking spaces. The on-site parking includes 4 motoreycles parking spaces. How many parking spaces must be placed undercover for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction? ‘Which information must a project team calculate in ‘order to manage rainwater on site when the team has determined natural land-cover conditions? Life Foredueators | Help | Signin Adensity oft least 15 FAR SS Credit Heat Island Reduction SS Credit Open Space 'S Credit Site Development - Protect and Restore Fabitat Limiting the amount of hardscapes on the site and «creasing the landscaping area. A parking lot across the street from the school accessible via a continuous sidewalk, three year aged! SR value The natural land-cover volume and the post= evelopment value obie pps Irershiscom ive Us Fendbck Chegg Books Study Career Life See sm tag conshaenauraraten Sebadoh Foreducators Help.

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