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The Demise of Amina

At the age of four, Halimah Sa'adia &returned him to his Do you know
mother, Amina with whom he stayed until he was six. "
In history, Abdul Mutt
is famous for: alib
Later, Amina decided, in respect of the memory of her late
• the restoration of the
husband, to visit his grave in Yathrib* (Madinah). She set well of Zamzam
out to cover a journey of 500 kilometers with her son and a • his di alogue wi th
woman-servant, Umm-e-Aiman**~ -She spent a month Abraha
there and then on );ter way back to Makkah, she fell ill and • the bringing up of his
later died in Abwa, a·place between Makkah and Madinah. grandson, Prophet .

U nder the C are of His Compassionate Grandfather

After the ~eath of Amina, little Muhammad~ was brought back to Makkah by Unun
Aiman ~ - Now Abdul Muttalib, the Holy Prophet's~ grandfather, took him un~,
his custody. He was more affectionate towards his grandson than his own children.

When Prophet Muhammad~ was eight years old, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib also
passed away in Makkah. The charge of young Muhammad~ now passed on tohu
patemal uncle Abu Talib, who was the father of Ali• - Abu Talib took his nephew in his
custody and took care of him in the best way, extending all possible protection and

support to him.

The Journey to Syria

When Prophet Muhammad;!j w as
twelve years old, he went with his
uncle Abu Talib on a business trip to .
Syria. When they reached Bosra (which
was a part of Syria) they met a priest
called Bahirah.

Bahirah had never been in the habit of

receiving or entertaining caravans '
before. Yet he showed great kindness to
this caravan and· -v
. them well.
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__.__. f__ _ .·h" h' nvent .,n Bosra,.c
He recognised the Holy Prophet an An external view o Ba iro s co

said while taking his hand:
to all beings."
"Allah ~will send him with a M~~w~ich wt - ea m~ - -
_ -

;;u,,ib 19 .,,. old name of Medineh.

..5,,_ A llltaf' 1,1em.

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