Getgreenbadger - The Ultimate Guide To LEED v4 Construction - 84p

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tonnes 12074 ‘The Viale Gute to LEED vant. Canuson- Gren Bae Company The Ultimate Guide to LEED v4 and v4.1 Construction for General Contractors See ee eee eer a iN emcee ress ewe ite cs E92: Low Emitting Materials 1EQc3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Introduction to the Ultimate Guide 1EQeA: Indoor Ai Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide by Tommy Linstroth Founder and CEO at Green Badger c I'm Tommy, founder of Green Badger, and I'm here to break down everything you as a general contractor need to know to successfully manage LEED construction credit documentation. By the end of reading this ultimate guide, you'll bo equipped with all ofthe strategies you reed to navigate LEED construction without banging your he al, Will this training help you pass the LEED AP exam and be filled with a bunch of esoteric standards, deintions, and arcane references? Maybe not. But it will give you practical informatio into se in the real worl to make sure you don’t run into any pitfalls on your ext LEED project. Many bothans didn't have to die to bring you this information, but nce slogging through 150 LEED projects and working with hundreds of igor has. The result tractor-related LEED credits - from which you can earn vs teams with Green ‘comprehensive guide to how hose that are not yet market-ready, to procurement strategies to final review advice, ang all the tip, tricks, anc hacks we've learned along tho way. Asa wise, green leader once said, “Always pass on what you have learned.” Now get out there and crush your The History of LEED and USGBC 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company prerequisites (must-dos) and then based on the total number of points earned, More JaBLe oF CONTENTS points = higher Level of cortiication Introduction othe Ultimate Guide Originally one rating system for new construction geared towards offices, there are now ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution 9 rating systems and multile iterations covering everything from homes to Prevention neighborhoods to indeed, entire cities, LEED v1. morphed into LEED v2, v2.1, v2.2, LEED 2009 (v3), to v4, and finally whare it stands today with LEED v4.2. Learn more about LEED rating systems here ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations -MRcS: Construction Waste Management Documentation has evolved slightly from hardcopy 3-ring binders to 26-tab Excel workbooks, to the ever frustrating LEO Onlin, While you can now certiy the entire city MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization of Atlanta, we're still using variations ofthe same crappy excel tracking tools that went live twenty years ago. While even Microsoft managed to kill off Clippy the paperclip in MRS: Sourcing of Raw Materials 2007, USGAC's doubled down on Excel tracking tools inthe years to come. ‘vnc Option + Material ingredient Reporting Fast forward 20 years and LEED is the gold-standard of 3rd party verified green building, rating systems, in use in over 140 countries with 75,000+ carted bulléings. In the US, LED is required on all Federally funded projects, two-thirds of State-funded projects, and by thousands of municipalities and institutions of higher education, as well as 90% 1692: Low Emitting Materials cof Fortune 100 companies on the private sector side. ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ‘And that's why you're here! Someone, somewhere along the line, required LEED certification for your project. The Ultimate Guide to LEED Construction is here to EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘make that as painless as possible. ‘Summary tothe Utimate Guide Why Should You Opt Into LEED v4.1? This guide is focused on LEED v4 and vé.1. If you're on a LEED 2009 project, consider yourself lucky, and keep this in your back pocket forthe future, or favorite it in your browser! For avaryane else, got ready to dive in. Hore ar the facts. Its essential fr project teams to opt into LEED v4.1 forall the Building Product and Disclosure Optimization (800) credits — Environmental Product Declarations, Sourcing of Raw materials, and Material Ingredients. Its also essential to use v4.2 for Low Emitting Materials. It may or may not be useful for Construction Waste Management, and won't ‘make a diforonce for Construction Activity Pollution prevention or Indoor air quality ert coniautratpuceolosutconmter! oer 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez company becuarauors vnc) rovenven ospu) spout or convenrs conea) + incor Air Quay «Sourcing of Raw Managemen Pon Induction tothe inate Guide Materiis (3) Dung Construction spt Contutn avy Ptaion ‘+ Material Ingredient MeQc3) Prevention Raportng (Ree) + LowEmiting es: Consretion ast Management Materia (2 2: Option Envronmentl Product Declarations 2: option 2a atte Here are the top 10 reasons why you should make — the switch to LEED v4.1 for the credits mentioned sins: Surengot tan mater above, in no particular order: vcs Opon Matra ingeene 4. Thetie-paty verified documents or EPDS and Ingredient reporting now aunt as ering 4.5 products ether than 3 produc. Most E>Dsaretire-partyveree, meaning act Option2 Water Ingredient you need 33% fewer products to ear the credit 2. Industry-wide EPDs that comply now count as 1 full product, instead of half of a product, so double your bang forthe buck. 3. On top ofthat, if your project is Commercial Interiors, Cove and Shell, or TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Warehouse, the EPD and Ingredient reporting thresholds cut in halt! You only Management Plan ‘need 10 products to earn the credit, and 20 for an innovation point, and after roading this guide you'll know exactly whore to find those products. 42, Options 2 for both EPD and Material Ingredients are now actually somewhat ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide achievable! All the olé cresit language has been re-written, and compliance went ‘rom 50% and 25% respectively down to 10% by cost or 10 total products 5, Sourcing of raw materials threshold for 1 point dropped from 25% down to 20% and the cap on structure or enclosures has gone away. So now you can fully count fn things ke, you know, structural steel, to help you earn the credit, There's alsoa 2nd point avaliable at 40%. 6. SRM Option 4, which wasr't achievable, has completely been removed, ‘7.Low emitting point thresholds are significantly lower. In LEED v4, you pretty much had to hit all 6 product categories to get 3 points. In LEED v4.1 it has dropped to 4 categories for 3 points, 3 categories for 2 points, and 2 categories for 1 point 8, Te add to that ~ there are more categories in LEED v4.1! Instead of 6 categories, there are row & because ceilings walls, and insulation are now their own individual categories, Now you can pick and choose where to earn points versus having to go for everything. ‘9, But wait, there's more! Instead of requiring 100% compliance forall those product categories it has dropped to 75% for each category, excoptcollings and floors, wiieh for some reason are at 905, 10, For construction waste diversion, you need fewer material streams to earn points — 2 for $0% (Gown from 3), and 3 for 75%, cown from 4. If you're using commingled you can garn 1 point ifit goes toa facility certified by Recycling Certification Institute without ary other material streams if you divert 50% total and 2 points with 75% diversion and 1 other waste stream, 411. Finally, the new LEED calculators are super usable and user-friendly! Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment 3st kidding! The calculators still suck Huge, multi-tab beasts that require macros, are filled with bugs an¢ wil leave you frustrated and filled with rage. conautratpuceoiesutconmter! er tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations CConbersome LEED etal racking ealeulalors are sl he go solution or mest poet teams MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘+ Summary: Why should you go to v4.2? Optimization ‘+ Most products count more, so you need less of them. Thresholds for credit nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials achievement are ower across the board and credits you could never achieve ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient have been completely re-written or eliminated completely Reporting + Is my project eligible to use LEED v4.4 credits? Now that you know what to switch over to LEED v4.2, people always askit ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingreaient they can, The simple answer is YES. Any v4 project can opt into LEED v4.1 on Optimization a cradit by credit basis. t can be for 2 credit oral of them, it is up tothe £962" Low Emitting Matos team, TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan + Important point: + Credit by credit. You do NOT have to opt into the entire rating syster unless Your project is registered under wa. pilot, but than why are we having this 1eQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment discussion anyway? + You've already submitted design review? ‘+ Doosst mattor! Opt-in forthe construction review. In fact, USGBC reviewers are even suggesting teams change over in their review comments DURING. the construction review process! ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide How To Opt Into LEED v4.1 in LEED Online So how do you go about opting.into LEED v4.1 credits? Unlike anything else with LEED online, i's actually prety easy. When you're in LEED Online, go to your credits tab. Find the credits you want to use for v4.2, and just click this litle button on the right side ofthe screen. It should even say "I am pursuing a LEED v4.4 credit substitution on this credit Ccheck this box for each credit you plan to attempt, You'll see alittle button pop up asking you to confirm ~ just hit that, and you're set! Then just upload the LEED v4.1 calculators, sample forms, and associated documentation as you normally would, and you're off to the races, onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! wn tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company process. In the following sections, we're going to address each ofthe LEED construction credits in order of how you'l typically handle them on your jab site throughout TABLE OF CONTENTS construction including the requirements, stratogies, bost practices, and summaries for Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ceach credit. Can you achieve some of these credits by ignoring LEED until the last ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution ‘minute, and then pulling a 2 month 18 hour a day cram session? You could, but you Prevention could also ride a unicycle in your birthday suit while blindfolded down Main Street. Sure you could, butt isn't particularly advisable. MRCS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution ‘Summary to the Utimate Guide Prevention Construction Activity Pollution Provention is known by many names with construction activity pollution prevention being the least common. $Sp1, Erosion control, SWPPP — they all amount tothe same thing. Erosion control measures are pretty much required on ‘most projects anyway, so just make sure you have your sit fence up, keep it functioning, and you'll be in good shape. Requirements for SSp1 for LEED v4 and v4.1 Create anc implement an erosion and sedimentation contol plan forall construction activities associated with the project. The plan must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements ofthe 2017 US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction General Permit (CGP) or local equivalent, whichever is more stringent. Projects must apaly the CGP regardless of size, The plan must describe the measures, implemented. These are the same requirements for pretty much any version of LEED, but note that using v4.4 requires compliance with the 2027 version of the EPA CGP. If your state hasn't updated to that version, you'l be better off sticking to LEED w which rolies on the 2012 standard'if that's an option for your project. Strategies for SSpl for LEED v4 and v4.1 First and foremost, don forget that ths isthe only construction-relatad prerecuisit, ‘meaning that you have to achieve this or the project cannot earn certification, regardless of how many points get tallied. So don’t mess this one up! Another important note ~ this ongerobtpeconteuratquceineedutconmctn! con tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company ‘The whole intent of this prerequisite is to reduce pollution from construction activities by JaBLe oF CONTENTS controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust. That means keep the dint from your site on-site, don't et stuf tickle inte waterways or sewers, and keep dust from flying off-site in the breeze. ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Introduction othe Ultimate Guide Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product P er x sre COT aay Conner MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute oar peed optimization pert re) rn nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Most likely the civil engineer has an ESC plan fully fleshed out in the civi-set that meets Reporting the EPA or local standard so you shouldn't have to worry about that. The general contractor's job isto implement the plan, and then monitor and maintain it. There’s any ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization umber of best management practices but typically this involves things lika sit fence, construction entrances, inlet protection, sediment traps, mulching, temporary water, and E92: Low Emitting Materials the like, Install them per the plans, and then either se-monitor or bringin an outside 1E0€2: Construction Indoor Ae Quality party to inspect that measures - a least monthly and after rain events, or as frequently Management Plan as weekly, EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Poa Peer) Pete pend eens If something's found to be impacted or out of compliance, not a big deal - just make sure to fx the issue and have a follow-up corrective action inspection confirm averything is squared away, Handwritten reports or checklists are fine, or use an app that lets you ‘comment and take pictures as you walk the site (hint, hint), Store them all chronologically and at the end of the day, submit a sample of your ESC inspections for your LEED dacumentation, I'd recommend 3 - one fram early in construction, one from the middle, and anether close to the end on igegoorbeipeonmeuiram qian iseedtcenmnce! er AP Green Badger Products Solutions Pricing Resources Company Let's recap the strategy: dea plan that either meets the EPA CGP othe l 1. The civil engineer shoul pr standard, whichever is more s ingent 2. Implomont the BMPs from the ES 1ave the design enginea! hem easures at least monthly and after rain events, an reports for easy reference 4, there are any deficiencies, fx them and do a corrective action report to confirm Best Practices for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention The strategies detailed will get you to the point, one way or the other. A few other tips: 1. Fix any deficiencies ASA\ fe seen way too many inspection rts that identiy the same issue week after week. If you end up submitting one of these to USGBC they will question it and require the corrective action report. Ia subcontractor is performing inspectio make sure to keep them filed digitally. Handwritten checklist sitting in a bi ED persp: Don't forget dust control! USGBC always seems to ask about this temporary seedingimulching, or watering) 4, Even if ths isa zero lot line pro) der might meet the local requirements but con't help you from a place, 4) Comsat om pt Q Summary for SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Let's recap how to earn 1 point for SSp2: 4. You're probably better off using LEED v4 for this one 2, verily the path - EPA CGP oro 3. Implement design BMPs 4. Insp: atleast monthly itnat more frequently TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Res: Construction Waste Management Re2: Option 1 Environmental Product Declarations Re2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization Re3: Sourcing of Raw Materials Rc Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting RA: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQe3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Ege: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger Company MRcS: Construction Waste Management Construction waste management is oursued on near every LEED project, and for good reason, With proper planning, two points are achiovable. The updates to LEED v4.1 make credit achievement for 1 point very straightforward by eliminating the material streams requirement, Additional points are required by actually minimizing waste (what a concopt! rather than just recycling or diverting from landfills. Other updates include removing the prerequisite altogether and incorporating tint credit compliance here, Challenges abound. Can project teams really it the waste reduction goals? If your project has a ton of demolition itwill make earning more than 2 point a challenge. For this reason, we're providing you guidance for both LEED v4 and vé.1 bacause if your Project hasn't registered specifically under v4.2 then you have the option to choose. This right be one ofthe instances whore staying with LEED vd gives you a better chance at learning more points. Requirements for MRcS for LEED v4.1 Develop and implement a construction and demolition waste management plan and achieve points through waste prevention andjor diversion. All projects must develop and imaloment a construction and éemolition waste management plan: ‘+ Idontty strategies to reduce the generation of waste during project design and construction + Establish waste diversion goals forthe project by identilying the materials (both structural and nonstructural) targeted for diversion. + Describe the diversion strategies planned forthe project. Describe where materials willbe takon including expected diversion rates for each material Provide a final waste management report detailing all waste generated, including disposal and diversion rates forthe project. Calculations can be by weight or volume but ‘must be consistent throughout. Exclude excavated soli and land-clearing debris rom calculations. Include materials dostinad for altonative dally cover (ADC) in the calculations as waste (not diversion} Any materials sent to @ commingled recycling facility fr processing must take the facility's average recycling rate and must include any ADC as waste (not diversion). {1 Point: Divart at least 50% of the total construction and demolition materials from landfills and incineration facilites. onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! Q cconnrosren | EE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide and Comctn om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company {points pretty easy, 50% diversion rates are pretty common, and you don't have to JaBLe oF CONTENTS bother with all the material stream requirements in v4 or worry about RCI cortitiod facilities. The kicker comes in the wording ofthe commingled recycling facilities: you ‘must take the facility average which may be significantly lower than your actual ate ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution “That said, as long as you find a facility with an average rate of greater than 50%, your Prevention work here is done, One point is in the bag. Introduction othe Ultimate Guide -MRcS: Construction Waste Management Earning adcitional points may be more challenging, You're either going to be under 15 ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Ibs per sf or you're not. This requites tracking all materials generated by the project from Declarations ‘the start of construction through project campletion to determine the projects total, waste generation and includes all waste and diverted materials including demolition waste. The only things you don't include are hazardous materials and land-clearing debris, nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Requirements for MRcS for LEED v4 Reporting 4 point: Divert 50% and Three Material Streams ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization of 1692: Low Emitting Materials 2 points: Divert 75% and Four Material Streams 1EQe3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Let's start with a definition: what is a material stream? The USGBC Reference Guide 1€Qc4: Indoor ir Quality Assessment defines a material stream as flous of materials coming from a jb site into markets for building materials. To got the LEED gibberish out of the way, lot's restate - what's the material, and where does it go. Typically, itis one material going to one end-use or facility ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide If you have a metals dumpster on-site and it all goes to one metal recycling company, that counts as one material stream. That is the most straightforward example. However, single material may count as two material streams, coniautratpuceolosutconmter! oer Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger Company Example: One Materials can Count at Two Materials Streams Lot’ say you're deconstructing a building and salvaging the brick. Some of the brick isin great shape and you're able to ether reuse it yourself or send ito a reclaimed materials company for resale. That’s one material stream. The rest ofthe brick wasn't in great shape, soit got tossed in the masonry dumpster to be recycled as aggregate. Thatis a second material stream for brick What about commingled? Commingled is typically considered one materia stream unless the facility can track and reduce documentation of spacific materials recycled for your project. If that's the case, then you can count each material asa separate stream, What amount of material constitutes a stream? There's no fixed amount for a product to be considered a material stream. USGBC suggests 5% of otal waste, but there's definitely wiggle-room, No, you can’t recycle 1 sda can and count aluminum as a material stream, but you can be strategic with your efforts and bounds, What doesn’t count as a material stream? There are a fow things you'll never consider as material streams. The most common waste you'll come across is land clearing debris (cleared trees, rocks, stone, etc). They don't help you, but they don’t count against you, so exclude them from your calculator altogether. The same goes for hazardous waste, even ifs from a building being demolished. Dispose oft properly, and account for it in your construction waste ‘management plan, but don’t include it in your overall diversion calculations. What about RCI certified facilities? Q 4) Comsat om pt cconnrosren | EE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company SU aLEgIES LUE vIRKLO Leo ve TABLE OF CONTENTS Here's the good news: if you're registered under v4, you can track under both metrics Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide and see where you're having more success. Ifyou'e stuck, can anly do commingled recycling, and won't get atleast 4 waste streams then just take 1 point for Option 1 in v4. and callita day. If getting 4 waste streams isn’t an issue, then v4is probably more reliable. Either way, you can calevlate your waste per square foot al the end of the -MRcS: Construction Waste Management project and see where it shakes out. Clearly, more advanced planning is now required, specially for vé.1, Figuring aut how the design itsolf may lead to more waste creation ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations willbe important and incorporating modular or prafab where possible are also now considerations. MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization ForID+C projects, v4.1 seems much more achievable than new construction projects. In a spot check sample of projects using Green Badger, a few ID¥C projects were under 10 nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting Ibs. However, on the BD4C sido, ratios ran from 20 lsjst to 100 las/sf- none of whieh are anywhere near the LEED requirements for adcitional points ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient With LEED v4, you need 4 different materal streams and this typically quite optimization achievable. A key point is you don't need 4 separate dumpsters during the entire project ‘A good stratogy is to phase in dumpsters forthe timeframe they are needed, so you're rot taking up valuable real estate on your jobsite. TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1692: Low Emitting Materials ‘When you stat site work and foundations, you'lkely not have any waste except 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment conerete, Having 2 dedicated concrete dumpster during th timeframe isa no-brainer, and once you're dane ~ boom! 2 (heavy) material stream is already taken care of. Now ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide it's time forthe building to go vertical This is when your commingled recycling dumpster can take the lion's share of your waste (assuming the hauler/acility is hancling it correctly as described below). Its even normal/possible to have a metals dumpster because there's good value in that serapl Ifso, you're already at 3 streams and can kick back and pop a cold one (as long as you recycle the can in the metal dumpster). Ifyou siil need an additional material stream, hyper-focus on another short-term material, ike wood pallets, or cardboard as appliancas/Turniture shows up atthe end ofthe project. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! sr 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option + Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials Let's recap the strategy: TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 4. If you're not registered under LEED v4.4, then track both total civersion and wwaste/s and see where you shake out 2. On-site separation based on phases - nat multiple dumpsters throughout (unless you've got the space!) 3. Concrete early 4, Commingles during (and metas if you can swing it) 5, Woad, or Cardboard/Paper at the end 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide One last note on dumpsters: ‘A material “dumpster” doesn't mean a 20-yard container hanging out for weeks. & 90-gallon ra-otf container counts just as much. Just empty it ‘frequently to keep from overflowing and ending up in the waste ple, These are especially useful on iieriors projects 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Q Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Res: Construction Waste Management Re2: Option 1 Environmental Product Declarations Re2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization Re3: Sourcing of Raw Materials Rc Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting RA: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials Important Note on Commingled Recycling: 1€Qe3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Commingled recycling facities must be able to provide project-spacific diversion rates 1EQeA: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘ran average diversion rate for the facility that is regulated by the local or sta authority. Visual inspection is not an acc 7 Summary othe Utimate Guide ble method for evaluating civersion rates. 3 and pr ‘materials recycled for your projact, you can co in fax lity cant sumentation of specific unt commingled waste as multiple waste a regulated 6s of how many different materials rate that the average diversion rat facility is counted as a single waste stream regard are included. The average racycling rate forthe facility must exclude alto cover (ADC). Alternative dally cover (ADC) means a cover material other than earthen ‘material placed on the surface of the active ace of a municipal solié waste landfill tthe ors, blowing litter, and scavenging ontol vectors, fires, each operating day ) BS MRcS Construction Waste Management in LEED oo Best Practices for Construction Waste Management local haulers Hitting your waste tar anc facilities wil 1s and material streams is the end goal, a ards Succ ul implementation, but other best practices to consider to increase your odds, 1. Have a good construction waste management plan. 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coomccisren Company 3s 10 redu he generation of waste during project table TABLE OF CONTENTS "and what they fin Introduction othe Ultimate Guide Regarcless, really working through this plan with your waste haulers will help you ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution ment strategy will 0 be going, and 3) what the estimated totals will be, Doing this early nitty: 2) what the optimum dumpster 2) where those Prevention Res: Construction Waste Management will holp the team know they are on course to hit the material streams required under ver he credit, Nt thinking ths through, and trying to throw it together at the end o Re2: Option 1 Environmental Product construction can lead to:not earning any points and leave everyone frustat Declarations Re2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute 2. Communicate your waste management plan to the team and the “optimization subs. Re3: Sourcing of Raw Materials Let everyone know what the recycling stratagies are- one cumpster, mul dumpsters, subs responsible for their onn waste, etc- so there's na contusion and Re Option 1 Material Ingredient ‘materials aren't just getting tossed in the waste dumpster. Speaking of dumpsters - Reporting clearly label them by materall Not a tiny sticker on the side - a bi, clearly marked sign cA: Option 2 Matera Ingredient for each dumpster. While you're at it - make the signs bilingual to ensure everyone can optimization Understand what goos where 1692: Low Emitting Materials 3. inally - track and communicate frequently. 1€Qe3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Getting: keeping your ongoing pro aste reports months after a dumpster pull doesn't hi her does gress buried 500 emalis deep. Track and report atleast 1EQeA: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘monthly what the current diversion percentage is, and how many material streams the ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide project has so that there are no surprises atthe end. You don't want to get that last use the team got careless. Monitor, report icate your waste diversion results so the team can change course if things dumpster pull and find out you're at 74% yer our intintniernt vette oo Summary for MReS Construction Waste Management Let's recap how to earn 2 points for MRc5 Construction Waste Recycling: ‘+ A point is breeze under v4.t - 50% reduction, and no material streams + 2points are achievable, with 4 material streams and 75% diversion under vA, projects may easily quality for the 2nd point under v4.2. + Tfnecessary, phase in dumpsters, with concrete early, then commingled, and finalize with weod/eardboardjete + Develop your plan with your hauler early smmunicate frequently! tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization MRc2: Option 1 Environmental Product Declarations nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting Environmental product declarations used to be rare as an albino jackalope, but these days, thore area lt of options across the spectrum. That's not to say you'll be walking the job site and will tp over a pile of environmental product declarations (EPDs). Infact, ‘most products stil don’t have thom, but if you know where to look, it's ike shooting fish E92: Low Emitting Materials ina barrel. Where to look, you may ask? Well, that's what I'm about to tell you. ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment Requirements for MRc2 Option 1 for LEED v4.1 ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide {1 Point: For most LEED BD+C Projects: 20 products with qualifying environmental product declarations {1 Point: For Commercial Interiors, Core and Shell, and Warehouse projects, 10 products with qualifying environmental produet declarations. Exemplary Performance Point: 40 prodlcts (20 for Cl, C&S, Warehouse)You may be asking, why is the word qualifying in italics? What's the hidden moaning behind that? Unsurprisingly, not all EPDS are created the same, and LEED has a numberof cifferent requirements and standards that an EPD must have incorporated, or you're SOL. Let's breakit down for you onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! sr 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials What is an Environmental Product Declaration? TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality (Do you ike watching better than reading? If so, check out ths great video. Ifnot, read Management Plan ” EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Environmental product declarations are independently verified reports based on lite ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide cycle assessment (LCA) studies, The LCA studies must have been conducted according toa set of common rules (‘product catagory rules,” or PCRS) for each product category and then peer-reviewed. EPDs are managed and created by “program operators” — organizations that ensure that the EPDs meet the various requirements. in the US. you'll see those from UL, SCS, ASTM, or NSF, though there are afew others that are corning around. ‘There are 4 types accepted by USGBC: + Product-speciic LA, Industry-Wide, + Product Spactic Type III, Internally Reviewed + Product Specific Type III, Externally Reviewed The first three all count as 1 product in your quest towards 20, while Product-Specitic ‘Type II, Externally reviewed counts as 1.5 products Broadly speaking, there are 2 main types of EPDs that we come across: + Industry2wide + Product Specific Type IIT Externally reviewed Industry-wide means its not brand specific. This is one for concrete from the National Ready Mix Concrote Association. You can apply it to any of 72 ready mixed concrete products, as long as you gett from a plant that participated in the EPD. Manufacturers ‘must be specifically identified as participants in the €PD, ort won't count (or inthis se, available to be verified through the link). tere 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials There aren't a ton of compliant industry-wide EPDs out there, but you'll see them for 1€Qe3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality ‘some pretty common items including Type X gypsum boatd and glas-mat gypsum, For Management Plan canerete, keep in mind that there are 72.mix designs listed and each one counts as a separate product, se you can potentially have multiple products from this single €PD. 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide {And the most common EPD types. By far and away, the most common EPD out there's Product-Specitc Type Ill, Externally reviewed, That means they are for one manufacture, fora specific product line, and the information has been verifiod by a 3rd party. And that's almost every EPD ~ that’s what the manufacturer is paying someone for -to verify it! So pretty much any EPO you get from UL, SCS, NSF, oF ASTM wil al be third-party verified and product-specific. Hare's what you'l need to look at ust to be sure. Frankly, you can ignore 20 out of the 22 pages in these EPO documents, ‘There's always alittle summary table that will ell you Program Operator — that's who created the EPD, 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coomccisren Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Whois it for? That's the manufacture (technically the Declaration Halcer) Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide What is it for? There's your product-specific information (Declared Product) 4: Contctn Gn ap Products Solutons Pricing Resources ®> Green Badger a [ccc wmecisree company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Res: Construction Waste Management Re2: Option 1 Environmental Product Declarations YRe2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization Re3: Sourcing of Raw Materials Rc Option 1 Material Ingredient AAn¢ finally, a box that will be chacked for internal or external, and itis almost always, Reporting external bec use that's what the manufacturers shelling out the big bucks for. cA: Option 2 Matera Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials 1Ee3: Constuetion Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQeA: Indoor At Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide There you have it! This most common EPD type counts as 1.5 products on your quest to tonnes 12074 ‘The Viale Gute to LEED vant. Canuson- Gren Bae Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Compary senor spec saying provide EPDs for 20 products? Wel that does‘ help! Fortunately, TABLE oF CONTENTS Tm here to tell you where to look (and take notes, this willbe the exact same guidance for earning Matoral Ingraciont Reporting or MRe4 Option 1). Introduction othe Utimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Where to find 20 products that have LEED Compliant Environmental Product Declarations: ‘eS: Construction Waste Management Green Badger recommends focusing on 6 citferent submittals andi's where you'l find "e2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations boatioads of EPDs. Hero's where to start. MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute 4. nsulation optimization 2.Floering 3 Gypsum boare ‘Mrc3: Sourcing of Raw Materials 4. ceiling te ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient 5, Paint Reporting 6, Doo:s and hardware ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization Why focus on these six categories? Secause each category has multiple manufactures " with lots af options ~ you're nat pigeonholed into sole sourcing, and you've got these E92: Low Emitting Materials products on every single construction project. 'l offer a precursor before I go into the details. Neither I nor Green Badger endorse, recommend, prefer, sponsor, ete. any ofthe brands and products listed. Nor is this a comprehensive list of every single product that exists with an EPO or HPD. It's simply some guidance on product categories to get your points without banging your head into a wal. Now, let's take a quick run-through. ‘Summary tothe Utimate Guide TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment 1. Insulation onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! eer Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coomccisren Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide 2. Flooring Next, we suggest the Flooring category. There are a ton of options for carpet, VCT, and ceramic tile. All the brands that show up ~ Armstrong, Shaw, Interface, Milken ~ come with EPDs and HPDs, Don’t forget he adhesives! Laticate alone has over 100 products with HPOs, plus WE Taylor, XL brands, and others. For a mare comprehensive list of compliant insulation products, download our LEED Product Guide. onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! ar 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coamcaisren Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 16962: Low Emiting Matos 3. Gypsum Board TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality ‘The next category we suggest is Gypsum Board, The big players are here too, including, Management Plan National Gypsum, USG, Certainteed, and American, Gypsum board is anathar category with a wide variety of products lke Tyoe X, Fire Rated, Mold Resistant, GlasMat, Tle Backerboard, Shattlner, buse-resistant - the list goes on and on! And they all count as ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide separate products. For a more comprehensive lst of compliant gypsum board products, download our LEED Product Guide, TEgea: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coomccisren Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide 5. Paints All he big manufacturers show up with compliant products in the paint category. What's great is that each sheen of paint counts as a product, so that means if you're using ‘Sherwin Williams Promar 200 zero VOC paint, you can count the primer flat, eggshell semi-gloss, and gloss paints all as unique products! Throw in block fillers and diveet to ‘metals and you're nearly halfway there. Fora more comprehensive list of compliant paint products, download our LEED Product Guide, onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! ner 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials 6. Doors & Hardware TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Finally, the doors and hardware category. You've got a ton of aptions here ~ from doors Management Plan and frames to kieplatos, gaskots, locks, and closing devices. Tis one always slips through the cracks but you could knock out half of your EPDs here. For amore comprehensive lst of compliant doors and hardware produets, download our LEED) ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Product Guide, TEgea: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Using this roadmap, most projects could pick up 6 paints, at east 4 flooring products, 3 door components, 4 wall products, 2celling products, and 2 insulation ‘types and you're home-free ~ all without counting that they are worth 1.5 products apiece because all those EPDS are, you guessed it, Externally Reviewed! So there you go. Hit up these submittals and I'm confident you'll have comploted your requirements for EPDs and Ingredient reporting for Options 2 without having to get in fistfights with the architect, subcontractors, or anyone aise, Let's recap the strategy: 4 Start your efforts with insuation, flooring, gypsum board, calling tiles, paint, and doors/haraware 2. Check the finish schedule early and often, and review with the architect to roadmap product selection 3, Get to 20 products quickly, and you can change the acronym EPO from environmental prosuct declaration to Every Person Drinking! 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials Best Practices for Environmental Product TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Declarations ‘Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘The stratagias we've provided will help you earn the EPO credit, and lkaly the MIR credit as wel, but you still have to coral al of that information, get it stampedapproved, and track itall over months or years of construction, ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Here are a few other best practices for consideration to help make it as seamless as possible: 4. This goes without saying, but using your Green Badger project license makes this all so eas, so automated, and so headache-free. 2. Roadmap as early as possibla with the architects. We are seeing more and more architects detail out products to go for, but when they don't, get on the same page and have a joint strategy to make sure you're on the path to success 3, Use a LEED materials cover sheet for your subcontractors. Making them fil his out solves a number of problems! It helps you nail down material cost in aclean ‘manner, requires the sub to put some thought into LEED attributes, and gives youa way to cross-check the backup documentation, 4, Double-check the EPDs to make sure they detail what you need as you learned earlier. Make sure the whole EPD is includes, not just 1 page oft. 5, I you're not using Green Badger, go ahead and create a LEED EPD folder. You have to submit ALL of them to USGBC, so having them in one folder you can zip up and Upload at the end will make lfea lot better come submission time. imi puaeoioavaconeerh ase 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Q Company —— TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction the Utimate Guide Summary for MRc2 Option 1: Environmental . ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Product Declarations Prevention Let's recap how to earn 1 point for MRe2 Option 1: -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product 11. Make sure you are using LEED v4.1! Declarations 2. Roadmap early with the design team 3. Focus on insulation, flooring, gypsum board, ceiling tie, paints, and "MRc2: Option 2 Mult- Attribute doors/hardware ‘optimization 4, Verity and log your EPDS into a folder for easy submission to USGBC iid: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide MRc2: Option 2 Multi-Attribute Optimization ‘The MR? credit that was dead-on-arrval in LEED v4, Multi-Attribute Optimization, now has a very slight pulse in LEED vA.4. The crecit thresholds have been re-written so that only § products are needed, and there's actualy a confirmed standard to demonstrate compliance. The challenge that remains? As you'll see, there are still only a handiul of these products, so you better plan on using al of them and have them identified from spec to installation, There's literally no room for ertor. Requirements for MRe2 Option 2 for LEED v4 ‘Point: To eara one point, you need to use at least 5 permanenty installed products that comply with one ofthe criteria we'll discuss shortly from 3 different manufacturers, + Lite cycle Impact Reduction Action Plan (value at 50% by cost or 4 product) coniautratpuceolosutconmter! ew 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company cost or 2 products) TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘+ And that's the clif notes version, The full language will have you mispronauncing, eutrophication, learning about tropospheric ozone, and pouncing bourbon ike you're Al Swearengen, ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Introduction othe Ultimate Guide Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting So, what does any of that mean? Let's try and break this down in plain ‘Met: Option 2 Material Ingredient English. Optimization You need 5 permanently installed products from 3 diferent manufacturers, These 1eQe2: Low Emitting Materials products need to either have a plan in place to reduce lifecycle impacts OR show some 1E0€2: Construction Indoor Ae Quality actual reductions, Here's what this entails Management Plan What qualifies as a Lifecycle Impact Reduction Plan? TEQo#: Indoor Air Qualey Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide ‘The manufacturer noads to have a product-spacific LCA using EN 15804 or 1S0 23930 for the procuct itis claiming. It has an EPD that qualifies under Option 1 here, you're in good shape. ‘There, the manufacturer has to provide a publicly available action plan to mitigate or roduco lifecycle impacts. It must be crtically-reviowed and include the following components. + Description ofthe LCA used by the manufacturer to complete the analysis (pretty straightforward, would already be found in the EFD). ‘+ Idonttication ofthe largest lifecycle impact areas identitiod in the analysis and a narrative description of the impact areas targeted for reduction in the action plan. + Description of spacifi steps anticipated in implementation of the action plan, with dates and a timeline for implementation, + This sjusta plan for reducing the product's impact down the road — to get 50% crodit (or 4a product), the manutacture needs to devalop a plan to reduce impact, butt doesn’t actually need to be implemented, You've got to craw before you walk What qualifies as Life Cycle Impact Reductions in Embodied Carbon? This one gets complicated pretty quicky if you read al the details. Literally, check it out below if you're a glutton for punishment Products that have demonstrated environmental impact reductions for the specified functional unit based on a current thitd-party EPO or verified LCA that conforms to the comparability requirements of IS0 1.4025 and ISO 21930. Here's where your good ol6 mes in. On top of that, it neds to be demonstrated that there isa reduction in the coniautratpuceolosutconmter! anwr 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS + Globat warring potential (greenhouse gases), in C022; Introduction othe Ultimate Guide + Depletion ofthe stratospheric ozone layer, in kg CFC-11.6; + Acicification of land and water sources, in molas H+ or kg SO2e; ‘Sp Construction AethtyPetttlon + Eutrophication, in kg nitrogen equivalent or kg phosphate equivalent; Prevention + Formation of tropospheric ozone, in kg NOx, 03 eq, or kg ethene; and -MRcS: Construction Waste Management + Depletion of nonrenewable energy resources, in Md using CML f depletion of fossit stae2 Option Enitonmenal Produet fuels in TRACI Declarations ‘Motes H+? M3 using CML? Kg NOx? W. T.F. ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan TEQea: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Seriously, this would drive Bill Nye to drink, much less this hapless guy. The good news is ‘hat the documentation being provided makes this pretty easy to understand, and there are nice, easy-to-read charts that demonstrate compliance — you don't need to count any moles, mogajoules, or kilograms. Just read the chart like below: Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger Company This image shows you what the documentation looks like and you don't need a labeoat to understand it, These are the § impact catogorias callod out in the credit mentioned, and any associated reductions (or additions) from the lifecycle analysis. In this case, the co Touch insulation from Owens Corningis demonstrating. a 17% reduction in GWP, This earns 1.5 products (or 250% by cost) towards cradit comaliance. IF the GWP was over 20%, it would count as 2 products (or 200%) because at least 2 ofthe other 4 impact categories show a reduction of atleast 5% (in this example, all 4 othar categories bo). To restate, using documentation similar to the abovo: if the GIP shows ANY reduction (isa negative number, not 0 or a positive number), THEN it counts as 1 product. itis at least 10% resuetion (-10) then it counts a8 1.5 products Finally, i GWP isa 2096 reduction or greater AND at least twa of those other impact categories show a5% reduction, then it counts as 2 products towards the goal of 5. onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! cconnrosren | EE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Intoduetion tothe Ultimate Guide ‘Spt: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention ‘eS: Construction Waste Management ‘Re2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations ‘e2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute optimization ‘e3: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘ea: Option + Matera ngreaient Reporting ‘ct: Option 2 Matera ngrecient Optimization E92: Low Emitting Materials Strategies for MRc2 Option 2 for LEED v4 TEQc3: Construction Indoor Al Quality Management Plan Heres the plan. We need to got 5 total products that either have a plan or show reductions in LCA impact categories. There are thousands of product site s0 this can't be too hard, right? Well as we mentioned inthe introduction, this is ‘Summary tothe Utimate Guide possible ~ but there are barely 20 products we've seen with the required documentation, s0 you'll be using all of them! TEQea: Indoor ir Quality Assessment fon aconstruction Side note: Some of the products here are at cds with products available for Materia Ingredient Optimization, so you may have to choose which point youre going after Here are the products Green Badger has documentation on that qualify for Multi-Attribute Optimization (special shoutout to the LEED User forum discussion that pointed some of these out): + Flooring: + Interface Modular Carpet Tiles on Gasbac, Nylon 6,6 styles (39% GWE reduction) ~ Counts for 2 products + Insulation + Owens Coming Eco Touch Fiberglass Insulation (17% GWP reduction) = Counts for 3.5 products + Owens Corning Foamular NGS XPS "83% GP reduction! But also increase ‘vor basaline fora other categories) - Counts for 1.5 Products + Gypsum Board + USG Sheetrock Ecosmart Firecode X Panels (15% GWP reduction) = Counts for 15 products + Toilet + Kollar Highcif Toilet (139% GWP reduction) - Counts for 1.5 products + Wall Panels + form Pressed Glass Panels (21% GWP reduction) = Counts for 2 products ‘+ 3form Chroma Panels (35% GWP reduction) - Counts for 2 products + 3form Varia Panels (69% GWWP reduction) = Counts for 1 product coniautratpuceolosutconmter! seer 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company Plan) = Counts for 0.5 product TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘+ Shorwin Williams Pro Mar 200 HP (Lifecycle Impact Reduction Plan) ~ Counts for 0.5 product Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide + Sherwin Williams Pro Mar 400 (all sheens) (Lifecycle Impact Reduction ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Plan) - Counts for 0.5 product Prevention + Sherwin Williams Preprite Block Filler (Lifecycle Impact Reduction Plan) — Counts for 0.5 product + Sherwin Wiliams Preprite Primer/Sealer (Lifecycle Impact Reduction Plan) ~ ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Counts for 0.8 product Declarations *+ Sherwin Willams Multi-Purpose Interiot/ Exterior Latex Primer (Lifecycle Impact Reduction Plan) = Counts for 0.5 product + Shorwin Williams Pra-Catalyzed Watorbased Epoxy (Lifecycle Impact Recuction Plan) ~ Counts for 0.5 product Mrc3: Sourcing of Raw Materials -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute optimization ‘net: option 4 Material Ingredient Let's put the strategy together. : a mr ert Sapping down interface carpet ies (2 produets), USG Sheetrock EcosmartFiecode X drywall (2.8 produets), wens Corning Eca Touch Insulation (2.8 preduets) an the slorious Kohler Highlf toilet (2.8 produets) wil esut in 6.5 products, That leaves 3.5, products to go. 1922: Low Emitting Materials ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization TEQ¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide If you're using, 3form wal panels, you're likely al set, Otherwise it comes down to ‘Sherwin Willams paint ~ and you'l needa lat of it! Each praduct has an impact reduction plan, which counts as %a product ~so we need at least 7 to round out the math, Fortunately, each sheen of paint counts as a separate product, so lt’s say we're using the ProMar 200 primer flat, semi-gloss, eggshell, and gloss. That's 5 ~ almost there! onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! ser Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger Company credit, The good news is that if you take this very scripted approach withthe intent of earning this credit from the start, you can almost guarantee success. Additionally, for a product te qualify for Muiti-Attribute Optimization, it pretty much has to have a Product Specific EPD, so you'll already have tallied 44 products (valued at 2.5 each since all their PDs are externally reviewed), resulting in 16.5 products towards the EPD Option 1 goal (01 20 (ori ts @ Core and Shell or Commercial Interiors you're earning the point and are well an the way to the exemplary performance bonus point) There are some pratty easy best practices that can reall factitate the decumantation for materials and even low-emitting products. Here's one that you think would be commonplace, but atleast in this Badger's neck of the woods (literally), we don't soe ll that frequent - using a required LEED cover sheet for all subcontractors. By having a coversheet, where you require the subcontractor to provide cost and any relevant LEED data (recycled content porcentages, distance from extraction and manufacture, VOC content, etc), you get al this information upfront. Or reject the submittal and send it back, Pretty straightforward, You can download your free coversheet here, Summary for MRc2 Option 2 Let's recap how to earn 1 point for Multi-Attribute Optimization: 1.1 point may be achievable, using a sum of § products across 3 manufacturers 2. Takoa scripted approach from the 6 manufacturers who have MuitiAttibute Optimization documentation Q 4) Comsat om pt L0G injaeaisreR TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnc2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option + Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient MRc3: Sourcing of Raw Materials optimization E92: Low Emitting Materials Sourcing of Raw Materials is a streamlined, more achievable version of the LEED v4 credit, The v4 credit had an unachievable Option 1 (for corporate sustainability reporting), and a 2nd option that required 25% of products by cost to meet a variety of environmental metrics. However, it limited the ability of structural and envelope products to comply. The newly rewritten v4.1 Sourcing of Raw Materials focuses solely ‘Summary tothe Utimate Guide on the leadership extraction practices, eliminates the cag on structure and enclesure, and reduces the threshold for earning the point. A second point is also available if you are really hitting it out af the park TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan TEQea: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘The good news? This credit is now pretty achievable, It tends to be easier on new construction projects, but plenty of interiors projects are navigating this as well - and welll share how they are doing't below. What strategy have you been using te achieve this credit on your projects? Let us know in the comments section. Requirements for MRc3 Sourcing of Raw Materials 4-2 Points: Thare are 2 points available under sourcing of raw materials uncer W.41. For 1 point, you need to use products sourced from at least three different ‘manufacturers that meet at least one of the responsibie sourcing and extraction criteria well tak about forat least 15%, by cost, ofthe total value of permanent installed building produets in the project (2 paint To earn the 2nd point, you need to useUse products sourced from at least fve different ‘manufacturers that meet at least one ofthe responsibie sourcing and extraction criteria below for atleast 30%, by cast ofthe total value of permanently installed building products in the project (2 points) + Extonded Producer Responsibly valued at 50% by cost) + Biobased Products + Wood Products onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! set 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company How do I earn points for Sourcing of Raw Materials? TABLE OF CONTENTS Of allot the BPDO credits, Sourcing of Raw Materials may be most understood, as almost Introduction tothe Ultimate Guide all the compliance paths are interactions of older versions of LEED. Good old recycled content (counting the same as post-consumer % + % pre-consumar), FSC wood, ‘material reuse ~ the band is back together! Biobased products have replaced rapidly renewable, and new to the game (or v4 and 4.1) is extended producer responsibility -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention ‘MRc2: Option 2 Environmental Product All of those attributes ade up in one bucket in your quest to 20% by cost Declarations What is extended producer responsibility? ‘e2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute optimization Extended producer responsibilty (EPR) is commonly known as atakeback program, or closed-loop program. in short, when an installed product's useful itis over, the ‘c3: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘manufacture will take it back and reprocess i into new produets. The most common, ‘vnc; Option t Material ingredient examples carpet — you change our carpet every few years. When you np it out, the Reporting ‘manufacturer will ake it back and turf into a new carpet. Of course, there are some additional equirements the project must have ~ for carpot, the program has to moet NSFIANSI 140-2007, whatever the hell thats. ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials Frankly, we don’t see too many of these programs ~ most are flooring or ceiling tes. 1EQc3: Construction Indoor Air Quali Even so, puta pinin this because it may become useful for you. (Hint, hint) oss ually Management Plan . . . eget: Indoor ir Qual Assessment Strategies for MRe3 Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide On to the (not so) secret sauce, First, an important note: while this credit can be straightforward te achieve, your project tyne may dictate your stratogy. New con projects are going to take a different approach than Commercial Interior projects because new construction tends to benefit greatly from 2 things interior projects lack action Structural Steel and Rebar. CCut tothe chase - out of al th options USGAC provides, recycled content makes up the vast majority of it. Infact, the easiest way to earn this credits to focus on structural steel, rebar, interior metal studs, and see how far you get, That was always our hunch, so we decided to researchit. We surveyed over a dozen Greon Badger projacts and analyzed how they achieved this point ‘These projects represented over $30,000,000 in Divisions 3-10 materials cost, and resulted in about $100,000,000 of products that complied with Leadership Extraction Practices. Of that - 85% originated from recycled content! FSC wood only accounted for 17%, and EPR was less than 0.5%, Biobased wasn't found on any of them, and material rouse only came up once (but in abig way - more on that in abit), This is a small sample size, but recycled content is clearly where you'll want to focus, especially for new construction. What to focus on for SRM for New Construction Projects ‘As mentioned, new construction projects get the significant benefit of lots of steel - structural steel, metal decking steal joist, interior matal studs, and rebar. Infact, in our study rebar alone made up 25% of the recycled content contributions. Structural steel onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! ser 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger @ [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS (Our guidance as always - focus on big-tickat, expensive metal toms that we mentioned - structural steel, joist/deck, interior metal studs, doors/hardware, and anything FSC certified. Don't sweat the small stuf unless you really need it- that $128 dollars of ‘SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution recycled content in that gasket is more trouble than it's worth. Prevention Introduction othe Ultimate Guide -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide ‘Side note: Many ofthese products alse have EPDs and HPDs. As always, the fewer submittals you can earn these points with, the better! + Structural Steet + Recyelad Content + Steel tube + Metal Deck + Structural Steal + Steel joist + Metal Stairs + Flats/Plates/Anges + Rebar + Recycled Content + Reinforcing bar + Reinforcing wie + Interior Metal Studs + Recycled content + Doors and Hardware + Storefront/Aluminum Glazing Systems + Rocyclad Content 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger @ [ cocinmecisren Ez Company + Insulation TABLE OF CONTENTS + Flooring Introduction tthe Utimate Guide What to focus on for SRM for Commercial Interiors Projects ‘58p3: Construction Activity Pllution Prevention Well hot dama, my interior project coeso’t have any of that glorious structural tee, nor 4 lick of rebar anywhere tobe found. Am I fxen tobe hogtied here? A better question would be why did this deep south accent just come about - but bless your heart, we've "Re: Option 1 Environmental Product 01 options for your commercial interiors project. Your project may not have all hat Declarations -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘expensive steel, butt alse has much smaller materials costs, so the products you do go alter have a much mare profound impact. ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute ‘optimization Some items are stil important - interior metal studs and doors and hardware being two MRS: Sourcing of Raw Materials big categories that will also be on CI projects. But here's where other product types start ‘MRc4: Option 1 Matesial Ingredient toplaya much larger role, Let's star with flooring Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization ‘You may recall we mentioned most flooring manufacturers have take-back programs. and comply with Extended Producer Responsibility - and if you don’, we just told you Flooring made up 16% of iteriars contribution because all the major manufacturers 1692: Low Emitting Materials have these programs - which means atleast 50% by cost of all that flooring is #oing to your bonafit. Add on that you can compound with recyclad content, and you can be near 100% contributing value of your flooring products, which really starts to move the needle in your favor Legea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Drywall and ceilings playa more prominent role in interiors projects, accounting for almost 10% ofthe tata contribution, ‘The secret weapon? Furniture, in wo differant ways. Ifyou luck inte a certain situation, furniture ean take care ofthis whole credit solo. That situation may be rare, butt you're reusing furniture (moving it from an old office location into your new project, tall counts Under material reuse, which has a 200% multiplier! We haven't seen it hapaen too many times, but if you fall into this scenario, you can apply market rates to what new furniture would cost, and then doubie it for cradit compliance. You'llbe kicking back your heels in ‘that nice, reused Aeron chair in no time! Even if you're not reusing it, furniture can play an oversized role in an interiors project budget, The goad newsis that a lot of chairs and workstations partitions have recycled content ancfor FSC wood components, and they wil play an overly impartant role in earning this credit. Throw in FSC or metal casework, and you're set. Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Company ‘Side note: Many ofthese products alse have EPDs and HPDs. As alas, the fewer submittals you can earn these points with, the better! + Flooring + Extonded Producer Responsibility + Interface + Shaw + Milken + Armstrong, + Tarkett + Interior Metal Studs + Recyclad content + Insulation + Recycled content + Gypsum Board + Recycled Content + Doors and Hardware + Recycled content + Celing Tiles and Grid '+ Extonded producer responsibility + Recycled content + Furniture and Casework + Reused furriture (20036!) + Recycled Content + F8c Best Practices for Sourcing of Raw Materials Depending on project type, there may not be too many items you'll aed to track. Either way, anything metal or FSC wood isa goad place to start, and on interiors projects, coniautratpuceolosutconmter! Q 4) Comsat om pt cconnrosren | TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘Mnic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan TEQea: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide and Comctn om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company specify which one your steel came from, If your ceiling tile sheet says Up to 73% JaBLe oF CONTENTS rocycied content! That won't cutit- you naed the actual pre and post-consumer racycled content information for your project. Introduction othe Utimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Summary for MRc3 Sourcing of Raw Materials Let's recap how to earn points for Sourcing of Raw Materials: 4.1 point is achiovable for using 15% by cost of compliant products, and a 2nd point is available if you hit 30%, though that i still a tall order. 2. Structure or enclosure no longer matters, so focus on big-ticket steel products 3, New construction relies heavily on structural steel, rebar, interior metal studs, and doorsfhardware 4, Commercial Interiors projects have a greater emphasis on flooring, drywall, ceilings, and furniture 5. Most of these products will also helo earn the EPD and Ingredient Reporting credits coniautratpuceolosutconmter! weer 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger @ [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute MRc4: Option 1 Material Ingredient ‘optimization Reporting ‘ee: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘tes Option Material Ingrecont Have you ever wondered what's really inside some of those products you are using Reporting inside of your building? No? Me neither! But hey, someone smarter than me decided MMe: Option 2 Material ingredient that you should be informed of what exactly is hanging on your walls or under your feet, Optimization and that is what this credits all about. This credits going to sound alot lke Green Badger’s guidance on EPOs that you read earlier. TEQ2: Low Emiving Materia TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Most products stil do not have documentation to comply with this credit - infact, Management Plan prescreened/verified for LEED products total less than 3,000. These are predominantly Health Product Declarations, but both Cradle to Cradle and Declare are growing (more on all of those in a bit). ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide TEQea: Indoor ir Quality Assessment + HPDs - 2,044 Prescreened for LEED va + Cradle to Cradle - 428 products ‘+ Material Health Certificates - 226 products + Declare - 350 products that show alignment with LEED That said, products with compliant documentation are abundant when you know where +0 00k for ther. Where to look, you may ask? Woll, that’s what I'm about to tell you! Requirements for MRc4 Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting {Points For most LEED BD+C Projects: 20 products with qualfying material ingredient reports that demonstrate the chemical inventory of the product to at least 0.19% (1000 pom) {1 Point: For Commercial Interiors, Core and Shell, and Warehouse projacts, 10 products with qualifying environmental product éeclarations, Exemplary Performance Point: 40 products (20 for CI, C&S, Warehouse) ‘There are nine compliance options that USGAC lists (for the ent lis, click here), but since we're pretty pragmatic Badgor's, wo'll only facus on the options that you'll actually see in the marketplace, They were alludes to earlier, but they are: coniautratpuceolosutconmter! seer 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company + Declare: The Declare product label must meet the following requirements: JaBLe oF CONTENTS + Declare labels designated as Rad List Free or Declared, + Declare labels designated 2s L8C Compliant that demonstrate content inventory 0 0.196 (2090 ppm). ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Introduction othe Ultimate Guide Prevention ‘These documents show you what's in a produ: chemical components and making product selections based on thery? No one we know. Just having an HPO does not mean a producti any healthier than anather- it's simply a ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product detailed Ist of what is inside something, You can use that chemistry degree you keep in Declarations your back pocket to make those decisions. - but is anyone actually reviewing " . * ‘RS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option + Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide What is a Health Product Declaration? ‘bo you like watching better than reading? Ifso, check out this great video, Ifnot, read Health Product Declarations (HPDs) provide a fll disclosure ofthe potential chemicals cof concern in products by comparing product ingredients toa set of priority “hazarc” based on the GreenSereen for Safer Chemicals and additional ists from other government agencios. ists HPO's qually for LEED vé and 4.4 ifthe end use product has a published and complete Health Product Declaration with full disclosure of known hazards in compliance with the HPO open Standard. It must demanstrate the chemical inventory ofthe product to at least 0.1% (1000 ppm). Not all HPDs are fully LEED w4 compliant. Here's what you need tobe on the laokout for: The big one, make sure thatthe Threshold Level is ether 100 pom or 1000 ppm ~ that isa must Important note! 100 ppm is MORE stringont than 1000 ppm - wa've sean LEED reviowor comments stating that an HPD wasn't compliant because 100 ppm v checked, not 1000 ppm. BOTH OPTIONS COUNT, AND 200 ppm is MORE stringent! 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ®® Green Badger a [coamcaisren Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials ‘Second, make sure the YES box is checkad for substances being Characterized and Screened TEQC3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan EQe4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Finally, check the bottom of page 4 and see fits Srd party verified (there's only about 4100 that are) and make sure that it hasn't expired. Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Company HPDs count as 4 product towards the 20 required to earn the point and third-party verified HPDs count as 1.5 products, though as of 10/29/20, there are only 160 products (120 of which have been prechecked for LEED compliance). What are Declare labels? Next up are Declare labels. Deciare labels are another form of material ingredient reporting that are groningin popularity According to the International Living Future Institute, who created and administers the program, a Deciare label tells you three things: 11. Where does a product come from? 2. What sit made of? 3. Where coes it go atthe end ofits life? Similar to HPDs, not all Declare Labels are created equally n the eyes of LEED. Per USGBC, Declare labels contribute toward the credit when they meet the following requirements: Deciare labels designated as Red List Free OR Declared, and are very cleatly markad i they are also third-party reviewed. Declare labels meeting those requirements count as 2 product towards earning Material Ingredient Reporting in LEED v4 and v4.2. Third- party verified Daclave labels count as 1.8 produets for v4.1. Q 4) Comsat om pt cconnrosren | TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRict: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan TEQge4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization E92: Low Emitting Materials What is a Cradle to Cradle or Material Health Certificate? E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Last up, Cradle to Cracle — both €2€ certified and C2C material health certificates Management Pan count the same, According to the Cradle to Cradle Insitute who administers the program, products are assessed for environmental and social performance across five critical sustainability categories: material health, material reuse, renewable energy and ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. TEQge4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment A products assigned an achievement lovel (Basi, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) for each category. A product's lowest category achievement also represents its overall certification evel 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘Rcd: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization E92: Low Emitting Materials Products comply with MIR Option 4 ifit has Material Health Coriicate or is Cradle to Cradle Certified under standard version 3 or ater with a Material Health achievement level atthe Bronze level or higher. If itis Cradle to Cradle certified Bronze or higher, i complies, as the overall certification is based on the lowest level of achievement. 1eQe4: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment TE9¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Even better, C2C is considered third-party verified so any €2¢ product will count for 1 produets towards your goal in LEED v4. Strategies for MRe4 Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting Now that you know what types of material ingredient roports are avaiable, and what leach needs to have to qualify for LEED, (t's figure out where these products lve. Similar to EPDs, I'm sure the taam has already pre-identified all ofthese products, so you don't even have to worry about it right? Oh yea, that's right, they did not... Here's where to go (and it's the same strategies we recommen for EPDs, so if you've memorized that, this may be abit redundant) Where to 14 20 products that have LEED Compliant Material Ingredient Reporting Green Badger recommends focusing on 6 diferent submittals, and it's where you'l find boatioads of MIR. Here's where to star. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Insulation Flooring Gypsum board Coiling tle Paint Doors and hardware coniautratpuceolosutconmter! wer Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Company points without banging your head into a wal, Now, ets take a quick run-through, First up, Insulation: Noisy? Use acoustical insulation. Cold? Bune up that thermal insulation. Condensating pipes? There's insulation for that! Odds are that you have at least 3 types of insulation on your project not more All the big players are here, Owens Corning, Johns Manville, Knauif, Certaintees — plus lots of options — thermal, acoustic, batt, spray, faced, unfaced, Take your pick! Next, we suggest Flooring: Tors of tions for carpet, IT, and ceramic tle. Al the brands that show up ~ Armstrong, Shaw, Interface, Millken ~ most with EPDs and HPDs. Don't forget the adhesives! Latierete alone has aver 100 products with HPDS, plus WF Taylor, XL brands, and others. Onto Gypsum Board: The big players are here too — National Gypsum, USG, Certainteec, American, and tis another category with a wide variety of products ~ Type X, Fire Rated, Mold Resistant, GlasMat, Tile Backerboard, Shaftlner, buse-resistant — thelist goes on and on! And thoy all count as separate products. Inthat same line, Celling Tile. Armstrong, Certainteee, and USG all hve mutiole options, and when was the last time you had a projact that ust used 1 single calling tie throughout? And ifyou need to, you can always hanga different tle inthe mechanical room! I didn’t just say that, I would never suggest such a shameless tactic to pick up a point! Paints ~ all the big manufacturers, What's greats each sheen counts as a product, 50 it you're using Sherwin Wiliams Promar 200 zero VOC paint, you can count the primer, flat, eggshell, somi-gloss, and gloss paints all as unique products. Throw in block fillers and direct to metals and you'e neariy halfway there Finally, doors and hardware. You've got a ton of options here ~ fram doors and frames. tokickplates, gaskets, locks, and closing devices. This one always slips through the cracks but you coule knack out half of your EPDs her. Using this roadmap, most gven projects could pick up 6 paints, atleast flooring products, 3 door components, 4 wall products, 2 ceiling products, and 2 insulation types and you're home-tree. Most af these products wil not be third-party verified, so you'll want to make sure you've got 20 without counting on the multiplier. So there you go ~ hit up these submittals and I'm confident you'll have completed your requirements for EPDs and Ingredient reporting for Options 1 without having to get in fistlights with the architect, subcontractors, or anyone else. Let's recap the strategy: 41 Start your efforts with insuiation, flooring, gypsum board, calling tiles, paint, and doors/hardware 2. Check the finish schedule early and often, and if possible, review with the architect to,oadmap procut selection Q 4) Comsat om pt cconnrosren | TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Company Best Practices for Material Ingredient Reporting ‘The strategies we've provided will help you earn the MIR credit, and likely the EPD credit as wal, but you've still got to corral all ofthat information, got it stamped/approved, and track itall over months or years of construction. Here are afew other best practices for consideration to help make it as seamless as possible. 1. This goes without saying but using your Green Badger project license makes this all 50 2264, so automated, so headache-froe. 2.Roadmap as early as possible with the architects, We are sesing more and more architects detail out produets to go for, but when they don't, get on the same page and have a joint strategy to make sure you're on the path ta success 3, Use a LEED materials coversheet for your subcontractors. Making them fill this out solves a number of problems - it helps you nail down material cost in aclean ‘manner, requires the sub fo put some thought into LEED attributes, and gives you a way to cross-chaek the backup documentation 4, Double-check the MIR to make sure they detail what you need as you learned earle page, and that either 100pam or 1000ppm are checked. 5, If you're not using Green Badger, go ahead and create a LEED MIR folder - you've ot to submit ALL of them to USGBC, so having them in ane folder you can zip up and upload atthe end will make lfe alot better come submission time. For HPDs make sure the whole declaration is provided, not just the frst onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! cconnrosren | TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option + Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials TE9¢3: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan TEgea: Indoor ir Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide tonnes 12074 ‘The Uae Gace 9 LEED and. Canton Grown Boe Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Q Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SpA: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mlt-Attibute (optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials Summary for MRc4 Option 1 Material Ingredient 1e9e3: constuction Inder Ar Qualty Reporting Management Plan TEgea: Indoor ir Quality Assessment Let's recap how to earn 1 point for Me Option 2: ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide 41. Make sure you are using LEED v4.1! 2. Roadmap early withthe design team 3, Focus on insulation, flooring, gypsum board, ceiling tile, paints, and doors/hardware 42, Verity and log your MIR into a folder for easy submission to USGBC onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! som 4) Comsat om pt Products Solutions Pricing Resources ® Green Badger Q [ cocinmecisren Ez Company it you want a good cheat-sheet, if there's an Option 2 available just run the other way. TABLE OF CONTENTS Option 2 of ths creit in LEED v4 wasn't achievable, so they added an Option 3! ‘Thankfully all of that is DOA for v4.2. Option 2 remains the same structurally, but the compliance thresholds have dropped significantly, and it pus this credit in the realm of ‘SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution possibly achievable, Prevention Introduction othe Ultimate Guide -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Requirements for MRc4 Option 2 Material Declarations Ingredient Optimization ‘MRe2: Option 2 Mult-Attibute — 41 Point: To got it, you need to use products that comply with one ofthe ertaria Tit, discuss for at least 5 permanently installed products sourced from at least three Mrc3: Sourcing of Raw Materials different manufacturers. ‘Mca: Option 2 Material Ingredient Reporting + Material Ingredient Sereening and Optimization Action Plan (value at 50% by cost or% product) + Advanced Inventory & Assessment (value at 100% by cost or 1 product) ‘+ Material Ingrodiont Sptimization (value at 150% by cost or 1.5 products) 1€9¢2: Low Emitting Materials ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality milar to EP Option 2, this is the cliffnotes version so buckle up, poura stiff one, an Similar to E°D Option 2, this isthe clif-nctes version so buckle up, pour a stiff one, and vonagoncsten got ready for your crash course into green chemistry. Ege: Indoor Air Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide Alright, You need 5 products from 3 different manufacturers, These products need 10 either have a plan in place to reduce ingredient impacts OR show some actual reductions. Here's what this entails (if you con't care, just skip to the Strategies for achieving MRcA Option 2 below), What qualifies as a Material Ingredient Screening and Optimization Action Plan? ‘The manufacturer has screened the product to at least 1,000 ppm and has provided a publicly available inventory meeting the requirements of Option 1 that's the easy part. If you have an HPD already, the first step in the right direction! Next, the manufacturer must create a detailed action plan to mitigate or reduce known hazards using the principles of green chemistry. This action plan needs to describe the screening platform and then identiy the specific green chemistry principles targeted for implementation, specific stops anticipated for implementation, proposed changes in fermulation or manufacturing processes that are planned and specifi dates, and a full, timeline for completion of all the steps described inthe action pla. If they do all that, their product counts as a whopping 0. point neribution to earning tis, What qualifies as an Advanced Inventory & Assessment? The product needs a third-party verified HPD that was inventoried to 100 ppm. From there, you better be an expert in the GreenScreen Benchmark Assessment because it cean’thave any LT-1 or GHS Category 1 Hazards (whatever thase are) or at least 75% by weight ofthe product is assessed using the GreenScreen Benchmark coniautratpuceolosutconmter! weer Products Solutions Pricing Resources @® Green Badger Company Certified under standard version 3 or later with a Material Health achievement level at the Bronze level o: higher What qualifies as Mater Ingredient Optir The product needs a third-party verted HPD that was inventoried to 100 ppm with no Benchmark 1 or LT-1 hazards AND 95% by weight assessed using the GreenScreen Benchmark «oR Cradle to Cradle Ceritication: Product has Material Health Certificate oris Cradle to Cradle Certified” under standard version 3 or later with a Material Health achievement level at the Siver level or higher. + Living Product Challenge Certification: Products centified to the Living Product Challenge which includes achievement of Imperative 09: Transparent Material Heath, Strategies for MRe4 Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization | you managed to make i this far without pouncing your head into a wall, let's Figure out what all of those compliance options really mean. First and foremost, ditch the chemistry dogree. Lots focus on how to most easily find procucts that qually. We suggest using the 3rd party labels te avoid having to figure out GreenScreen assessments and hazards, That means use either products with Declare Labels that are Red List Free and 3rd party verified, Living Product Challenge labeled products (that achieved Transparent Material Health), or those that are Cradle to Cradle certified (or have a Material Health Certificate) Now, there are only 47 products that meet the Declare requirements, and literally hal ot those are different carpels from Milken and Mohawk, but those coule get you started You do only need 20 products. Abate bet would be Cradle to Craale, which shows 200 compliant groducts, where you can use flooring from Tarkett, Shay, Milixen, Nora, and Bentley Mil, celling grid from Armstrong, curtainwall from Kawneer, and Construction Specialty Louvers and Entrance rmat systems. Almost all ofthese are Silver or higher, so you'll get credit for 2.5 products. Here's the Math: For flooring, there are aot of options, but for today well use 2cifferent Shaw Ecoworx tiles for Mohaw& or Miliken), with Shaw adhesive, and Tarkett Basaworks wall base, and another rubber flooring from either Tarkett or Nora, Dan‘ forget the flooring achesives! ‘There are 35 flooring adhesives that are either Cradle to Cradle certified or have a Material Health Certificate from XL Brands, Tarkett, Forbo, Shaw, Armstrong, and mare, For ceilings, there are 2 different Armstrong celling products including the popular Uttimas and Pasla acoustical ceiling tiles (emember there's always the mechanical onigerobtpeconteutratquceiseedutconmcn! Q 4) Comsat om pt cconnrosren | TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction othe Ultimate Guide ‘SSp4: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention -MRcS: Construction Waste Management ‘MRic2: Option 2 Environmental Product Declarations MRc2: Option 2 Mult-Attribute ‘optimization nes: Sourcing of Raw Materials ‘Mca: Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting ‘MRct: Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization 1692: Low Emitting Materials E93: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1EQea: Indoor Ar Quality Assessment ‘Summary tothe Ultimate Guide

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