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Inflation rate (%)

(Link hình inflation rate:

According to the graph above, the graph shows rate of inflation in 2012 until
2022. As we can see, rate of inflation in 2012 achieve only 2.07% while previous year consuming around
1.64%. The differences from the previous year are about 0.43%. The decreases that occurred in 2012 was
due to possibility of the government placing subsidies on the market economy, whereby, it causing an
decrease in price levels can’t to be done. Next, in 2013 rate of inflation has increased into 1.46% causing
it was a huge increment in the economy’s inflation. Perhaps, this increment obviously happens because of
demand by the community is higher than usual. Thus, it makes the annual changes in income turn into the
However, rate of inflation changing into the increases starting from 2015 until
2018. The differences along these four years were about 1.14% as in 2015 to 2016, 1.57% as in 2016 to
2018 and then it getting more slope down in 2018 to 2020 when the differences rate of inflation is about
0.58% which the rate is 0.6%. This percentage reduction may be due to the country’s decrease several
parts in terms of exports and imports. But, rate of inflation turns into sloping down again in 2018 to 2020
which both of it carrying out differences in percentage about 0.6%. It was a very distant differences which
it can be due to the national bank not issuing money in the moneraty unit. The US’ inflation rate from
2020 to 2022 increased due to several main reasons: Impact of the Covid 19 pandemic: The pandemic has
caused supply chain disruptions, reducing production and supply of goods, leading to price increases and
inflation, increase in prices of goods and materials: Prices of goods, gasoline, and constrution materials
all increased sharply during this period. Hence, along these 10 years began with 2012 until 2022, we can
see that there are many significant changes in both ups and downs regarding of a few factors that
influence this rate of inflation.

các gói kích thích kinh tế của chính phủ, mức lãi suất thấp do Cục Dự trữ liên bang điều chỉnh,
thiếu hụt nguồn cung tại các nhà máy ở Mỹ và trên thế giới.(2020-2022)

cắt giảm thuế và tăng đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng cùng với nhu cầu gia tang về hang hóa khiến cho lạm phát
tăng, rising rents and medical care and higher gas prices put a squeeze on consumers (2015-2018)

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