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What is ODS?
Data Warehousing Interview Questions and Answers

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(Continued from previous question...) DB2 Interview A&Q What is ODS? DB2s Dates A&Q DBA Interview A&Q 1. ODS means Operational Data Store. What DBA job like? A&Q 2. A collection of operation or bases data that is extracted from operation databases and standardized, Data Warehousing A&Q Java database A&Q cleansed, consolidated, transformed, and loaded into an Database developer enterprise data architecture. An ODS is used to support A&Q data mining of operational data, or as the store for base MS SQL Server A&Q MS SQL DBA A&Q data that is summarized for a data warehouse. The ODS may also be used to audit the data warehouse to SQL Server DBA FAQs MySQL DBA A&Q assure summarized and derived data is calculated Oracle DBA Checklist properly. The ODS may further become the enterprise A&Q Oracle DBA Interview shared operational database, allowing operational A&Q systems that are being reengineered to use the ODS as SQL Server database developer A&Q there operation databases. RDBMS FUNDAMENTALS (Continued on next question...) A&Q

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What's A Data warehouse What is ODS? What is a dimension table? What is a lookup table? Why should you put your data warehouse on a different system than your OLTP system? What are Aggregate tables? What is Dimensional Modelling? Why is it important ? Why is Data Modeling Important? What is data mining? What is ETL? What does level of Granularity of a fact table signify? What is the Difference between OLTP and OLAP? What is SCD1 , SCD2 , SCD3?

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online transaction processing (OLTP)

Computer system where time-sensitive, transaction-relateddata is processed immediately and is always kept current. Used mainly in online banking, inventory control,manufacturing scheduling, and ticket reservations, OLTP must possess ACID qualities to maintain data integrity and to ensure that transactions are correctly executed.

Operational Data Store(ODS)

An operational data store (or "ODS") is a database designed to integrate data from multiple sources for additional operations on the data. The data is then passed back to operational systems for further operations and to the data warehouse for reporting.

Because the data originates from multiple sources, the integration often involves cleaning, resolving redundancy and checking against business rules for integrity. An ODS is usually designed to contain low-level or atomic (indivisible) data (such as transactions and prices) with limited history that is captured "real time" or "near real time" as opposed to the much greater volumes of data stored in the Data warehouse generally on a less-frequent basis.

General Use: The general purpose of an "ODS" is to integrate data from disparate source systems in a single structure, using data
integration technologies like data virtualization or data federation. This will allow operational access to the data for operational reporting, master data or reference data management. An "ODS" is not a replacement or substitute for an enterprise data warehouse but in turn could become a source.

Stands for "Online Analytical Processing." OLAP allows users to analyze database information from multiple database systems at one time. While relational databases are considered to be two-dimensional, OLAP data is multidimensional, meaning the information can be compared in many different ways. For example, a company might compare their computer sales in June with sales in July, then compare those results with the sales from another location, which might be stored in a different database. Ex: EDW & CDW

DIMENSION A dimension is a structural attribute of a cube that is a list of members, all of which are of a similar type in the user's perception of the data. For example, all months, quarters, years, etc., make up a time dimension; likewise all cities, regions, countries, etc., make up a geography dimension. A dimension acts as an index for identifying values within a multi-dimensional array. If one member of the dimension is selected, then the remaining dimensions in which a range of members (or all members) are selected defines a sub-cube. If all but two dimensions have a single member selected, the remaining two dimensions define a spreadsheet (or a "slice" or a "page"). If all dimensions have a single member selected, then a single cell is defined. Dimensions offer a very concise, intuitive way of organizing and selecting data for retrieval, exploration and analysis.

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