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the globe with like-minded interests, and share their thoughts, feelings, insights, and
emotions. Participants in these activities form a virtual social network. The platform is
used by businesses to identify and communicate with consumers, boost revenue
through advertising and promotion, gauge market trends, and provide customer service
or assistance. However, not all digital content is inherently social media. Social media is
described by two characteristics. To begin with, social media allows for some level of
involvement. Even if social networking platforms like Facebook allow for passive viewing
of what others are uploading on instance. At the minimum, a profile must be generated
that allows for the potential of interaction to begin. Second, social media facilitate
engagement, which is in line with their participatory design. Thus, as this overview of a
variety of social media shows, some are used primarily for recreation or personal
interactions, whereas others are used for work or professional purposes, but most allow
for both (Minning, 2014).

2.1.2. Social Media Usage

Web-based media use among associations is developing colossally.

Associations are currently fabricating and keeping up web-based media public pages to
improve their informal community notability, upgrade interest in their associations, and
construct associations with the online public. (Farzana Parveen, Noor Ismawati Jaafar,
Sulaiman Ainin 2015). In addition, based on the study conducted of Brooks (2015),
Individual online media utilization is inescapable in both individual and expert lives.
Specialist articles and reports have remarked on the compelling and diverting nature of
online media. Past exact exploration has set up the adverse consequences of
interruptions on essential errands. Until this point, little exploration has taken a gander at
the conceivably diverting nature of web-based media and the adverse consequences

that can emerge from utilization. He stated that, it was tracked down that higher
measures of individual web-based media utilization prompted lower execution on the

assignment, just as more elevated levels of technostress and lower bliss. These
outcomes are steady across various degrees of attentional control and performing
multiple tasks PC self-adequacy. These outcomes recommend that the individual use of

web-based media during proficient (versus individual or play) times can prompt
unfortunate results and is deserving of additional investigation.

2.2 Facebook

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Facebook is one of the biggest Social Networking Sites (SNS) that people around the
world use for communication and sharing to connect and make the world connected. Facebook
was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his colleagues Edwardo Saverin, Dustin
Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter
of 2020 (Tankovska, 2021). Facebook being a social networking site, provides an online
platform on which students create profiles, promote and share information and contents and

have interactions and contacts both known and unknown (Kirkpatrick, 2010).

2.2.1 Facebook Usage

According to Bedassa (2014), Facebook usage surrounds both the simple use of
Platforms and the extent of cognitive immersion into the site. Its use implies the
presence of individual users on the social website, time spent on this platform, frequent

visits, and the nature of the activities performed. And Individuals from distinctive age
ranges interact and exchange content such as sharing videos and pictures, discuss
different subjects, chat, promote or publish advertisements for any group events or play
different kinds of games that are accessible on Facebook (Bedassa, 2014). According to
Brandwatch, Facebook adds over 500,000 new users accounts every day, which equals

to 6 new profiles every second. As of January 2020, it was found that 98% of active
users accessed their Facebook accounts from mobile devices (Tankovska, 2021). In

2018, the average time spent on the mobile Facebook app was around 58 minutes a day
(Deyan G. 2021). With the presence, extensive usage and the resulting increased levels
of information flow management requirement engage students in the task while they
engage in constant interactions and socialization, which prohibit them from focusing
appropriately on their academic task (Chen, et at., 2010).

2.2.2 Students perception of Facebook

According to Friday (2010), students at four-year institutions have been using

online social networking sites such as Facebook to communicate with one another.
Social networking technological advancements have also been identified as a means of
creating community and belonging that may improve overall student engagement. This

study looked at how students perceived Facebook as a means of communication and

socialization at a non-residential community college in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
According to the findings, while respondents found Facebook to be a viable means of
socialization, they see little academic value in its use. They also expressed concerns
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Based on a survey conducted by Pomsakulvani (2020) on Thailand's public

college students, 9.7 out of a hundred percent were addicted to Facebook. This
concludes that some students are really using Facebook excessively. As of today,
leamers really use social media such as Facebook to have access to online
communication, collecting information, and for educational purposes (Willbold, 2019.)
With Facebook, online learning is made easy for the students. It can be used to build
connections with students wherever they are. Also, it can be used by the students to
catch up with other students and their teachers as well. By creating group chats,
students will be able to exchange information with their peers (Roor, 2020).

Students being the ones who use Facebook the most, are affected by the
focusing on it and fail to fulfill their academic duties. Also, some students are prone to
cyber-bullying. Even so, dealing with such situations, Facebook offers some options
such as blocking, unfriending or reporting the person (Roor, 2020). As Facebook also
continues to do its work, its effects on online activities, either good or bad, keep on rising
as well. Students, in particular, being the main class of Facebook users who spend

longer hours on the social network, which leaves their parents and teachers worried
about their academic performance (Rouis, 2012).
2.4 Synthesis

Social media are Internet-based platforms that enable users to opportunistically engage
and selectively self-present with both wide and narrow audiences. By plan, online media is web
based and gives clients fast electronic correspondence of substance. Clients draw in with online
media through PC, tablet or cell phone by means of electronic programming or web application.
According to Bedassa (2014), Facebook usage surround both the simple use of
platforms and the extent of cognitive immersion into the site. According to Brandwatch,
Facebook adds over 500,000 new users account every day, which is equals to 6 new profiles
every second. In 2018, the average time spent on the mobile Facebook app was around 58
minutes a day. Study looked at how students perceived Facebook as a means of
communication and socialization. Students reported improved class-related discussions and an
improved ability to share resources via Facebook, leading to professional growth. The potential
benefits of Facebook for students include improving the leaming process by using it as a
communication and interaction tool.
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Chapter 2


This chapter proffers the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth
forage done by the researchers. This will serve as a guide for the researchers in developing the

Specifically, the following shall be discussed: (1) social media; (2) Facebook; (3)

Facebook addiction; (4) the synthesis; (5) the theoretical and conceptual framework, and; (6)
the definition of terms.

2.1 Social Media

Accordingto Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), social media, defined as “a community of

internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technical foundations of Web 2.0
and that enable the production and sharing of user-generated content.” Social media is also
defined as a new form of media that significantly interferes with one another visually (Minning
2014). Through the creation of virtual networks and communities, social media is a computer-
based technology that enables the exchange of ideas, views, and data Dollarhide (2021).
Furthermore, based on Carr and Heyes "Social Media: Defining, Developing, Developing’

(2015), social media are Internet-based platforms that enable users to opportunistically engage
and selectively self-present with both wide and narrow audiences that enjoy user-generated

content and the perception of contact with others, either in real-time or asynchronously.

2.1.1 Engaging in Social Media

According to Dollarhide (2021), Using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, it

enables the users to interact with web-apps or applications in social media. Social media
may take the form of a wide range of technologically enhanced activities. Picture

sharing, blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, business networks,
virtual worlds, reviews, and other activities are among them. Even governments and
politicians use social media to communicate with voters and constituents. Individuals use

social media to communicate with their peers and extended families. Some people may
use various social media applications to network career opportunities, find people across
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about Facebook's privacy and misuse, as well as the potential negative impact on future
According to Pérez, Araiza, Doerfer (2013) students will benefit from this
interaction tool. The potential benefits of Facebook for students include not only

improving the learning process by using it as a communication and interaction tool, but
also as a tool to assist students in their professional development. When used in place
of traditional learning-management systems in an educational setting, this familiarity
generates mostly positive perceptions of the classroom and aids in the development of a
stronger sense of community. Students reported improved class-related discussions and
an improved ability to share resources via Facebook, leading to professional growth

2.3 Facebook Addiction

Social networking sites such as Facebook give the most efficient way to communicate
with others, seek entertainment, and catch up some news updates. IAs a matter of fact,

according to Noyes (2020), over 1.82 billion Facebook users tend to log-in their accounts
consistently each day. Since this website tends to offer the things that people wanted to know,
© people kept on using Facebook to the point that some of the users became addicted to using it.
In line with this, Rodriguez (2017) stated that Facebook addiction meant the excessive and
uncontrollable use of the said social media site in spite of its’ consequences. Using it

excessively may not be addressed as addictive until the person is truly obsessed with it
(Chakraborty, 2017).

2.3.1 Effects of Facebook Addiction on Academic Performance

Facebook, being a hit social networking site, is being used by most people for
different reasons. As of today, this platform is used as well for education. Teachers use
Facebook to communicate with the students and send the activities they should comply
with (Jha, 2016). Before the pandemic started, students used Facebook mostly for

entertainment only, but today, this social media site had another purpose, and it is for
online classes. It is not questionable that Facebook really helps students in various
ways, but in reality, it can harm them too. With this fact, students shall know how social
networking sites such as Facebook without negatively affecting their lives, and it is by
informing them about its advantages and disadvantages (Roor, 2020).

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