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High School Department - Basic Education

Junior High School Program

Business and Academic Writing 9
Lesson 1.1: Introduction to Technical Writing
Creative, Technical, and Journalistic Writing
According to the dictionary, creative writing is unique writing that imaginatively
expresses thoughts and ideas. Academics may also describe it as the art of invention, although in
the broader scheme of things, both of these descriptions are oversimplified. It's difficult to come
up with a clear definition of creative writing because it can refer to so many various subjects and
genres. (Clark,2022). On the other hand, Journalistic writing is a style of writing that is used by
the media to transmit news messages to a mass addressee (newspapers, television, radio,
Internet). While in the context of technical writing, it is an exposition of scientific subjects and
various technical subjects associated with the sciences. It is characterized by certain formal
elements, such as its scientific and technical vocabulary, its use of graphic aids, and its use of
conventional report forms. The three styles/forms of writing have their own nature based on their
respective functions. (See Table 1.1: Differences of creative, technical, and journalistic writing
terms of various aspects)
In summary, technical writing focuses on conveying specific information clearly,
journalistic writing informs the public about current events objectively, and creative writing
explores imaginative and artistic expression to entertain and evoke emotions. Each type of
writing serves a unique purpose and employs distinct techniques to achieve its intended goals.

Table 1.1
What is technical writing in a nutshell?
 It is ideally characterized by the maintenance of impartiality and objectivity, by extreme
care to convey information accurately and concisely, and by the absence of any attempt to
arouse emotion. (Gepila, 2021)
 It is a writing in which there is a relatively high concentration of certain complex and
important writing techniques—definitions, description of mechanisms, description of
process, classification and partition, and interpretations.
 Examples of technical written outputs: User Manuals, Software Installation Guides,
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), API Documentation, Service Level Agreements
(SLA), Press Release, Case Studies & White Papers, Company Documents, Requests for
Proposal, Annual Reports, Business Plans and Business letters. (Malik, 2023)
Reflective Processing Questions:
1. Considering the different styles of writing discussed (technical, journalistic, and
creative), could you elaborate on the type of writer you are in relation to these styles? How
and why do you perceive your abilities in each of these writing forms?
2. Within the spectrum of creative, journalistic, and technical writing, which of these
forms do you find to be the most challenging to write? In your opinion, what specific
aspects contribute to the perceived difficulty of that particular form?
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing the highest proficiency, how would you rate
your ability to produce technically-oriented written content? Please consider factors such
as clarity, accuracy, and the handling of complex subject matter when assessing your level
of technical writing.
Clark. (2022). What is creative writing? The ULTIMATE guide! Oxford Royale Academy.
Malik, P. (2023). 11 Technical Writing Examples & Samples in 2023. The Whatfix Blog | Drive
Digital Adoption.
Gepila, E. (2021). Introduction to Technical writing. PowerPoint Slides:

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