P122-ECE Lecture7 Extra

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Physics 121 - Electricity and Magnetism

Lecture 08 - Multi-Loop and RC Circuits

Y&F Chapter 26 Sect. 2 - 5

• Kirchhoff’s Rules
• Multi-Loop Circuit Examples
• RC Circuits
– Charging a Capacitor
– Discharging a Capacitor
• Discharging Solution of the RC Circuit
Differential Equation
• The Time Constant
• Examples
• Charging Solution of the RC Circuit
Differential Equation
• Features of the Solution
• Examples
• Summary

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Rules: i1 i
• Branch/Junction Rule (charge conservation): i2
The current through all series elements in a
branch is the same. At any junction:  iin =  iout
• Loop Rule (energy conservation):
The net change in potential difference is
zero for any closed path around a circuit:  V = 0

Generating Circuit Equations with the Kirchoff Loop Rule

• The algebraic sum of voltage changes = zero around all complete
loops through a circuit (including multi-loop).
• OK to assume either current direction.
Expect minus signs when choice is wrong.
• OK to traverse circuit with or against assumed current direction
• Across resistances, voltage drop DV = - iR if following assumed
current direction. Otherwise, set V = +iR.
• When crossing EMFs from – to +, DV = +E. Otherwise DV= -E
• Dot product i.E determines whether power is actually
supplied or dissipated in EMFs Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Equivalent resistance for resistors in series

Junction Rule: The current through all of the resistances in

series (a single branch) is identical:

i = i1 = i2 = i3
Loop Rule: The sum of the potential differences around a
closed loop equals zero:

 − iR1 − iR 2 − iR 3 = 0 i=
R1 + R 2 + R 3

The equivalent circuit replaces the series resistors with a

single equivalent resistance:
same E, same i as above

 − iR eq = 0 i=
The equivalent resistance for a series combination is the sum
of the individual resistances and is always greater than any
one of them.
R eq = R1 + R 2 + R 3 Req =  Ri
inverse of series capacitance rule
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel
Loop Rule: The potential differences across each of the
parallel branches are the same.

E − i1R1 = 0 E − i2R 2 = 0 E − i3R 3 = 0

E E E i not in
i1 = , i2 = , i3 =
R1 R2 R3 equations

Junction Rule: The sum of the currents flowing in equals the

sum of the currents flowing out. Combine equations for all the
junctions at “a” & “b”.
 1 1 1 
i = i1 + i2 + i3 = E  + + 
 1
R R 2 R 3

The equivalent circuit replaces the series resistors with a

single equivalent resistance:
same E, same i as above

 − iR eq = 0 i=
The reciprocal of the equivalent resistance for a parallel combination
is the sum of the individual reciprocal resistances and is always
smaller than any one of them.

1 1 1 1 n R 1R 2
1 1 Req =
= + +
R e q R1 R 2 R 3 Req
= R R1 + R 2
i=1 i
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
inverse of parallel capacitance rule
R1= 10 W i
+ +
- -
E1 = 8 V E2 = 3 V
R2= 15 W

A battery (EMF) absorbs power (charges up) when I is opposite to E

 
Pemf =  E i = E  i

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Example: Multi-loop circuit with 2 EMFs

D E1 + A E2 + E
Given all resistances and EMFs in circuit:
- -
• Find currents (i1, i2, i3), then potential
drops and power dissipated by resistors
R1 R3 R2
• 3 unknowns (currents) i1 i3 i2
imply 3 independent equations needed

Apply Procedure: C B F

• Identify branches & junctions. Name all currents (3) and other variables.
• Same current flows through all elements in any series branch.
• Assume arbitrary current directions; negative result means opposite direction.
• Find junctions, write Junction Rule equations for all.

 iin =  iout
• Same equation at junctions A and B (not independent).
• Junction Rule yields only 1 of 3 equations needed
• Are points C, D, E, F junctions? (No)

i2 = i1 + i3 (1)
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Procedure, continued:
• Apply Loop Rule as often as needed to find D E1
- + A E2
+ -
equations that include all the unknowns (3).
• Traversal direction is arbitrary.
• IR’s are voltage drops when following the assumed i1 R1 i3 R3 i2 R2
current direction: use - iR
• IR’s are steps up when going against assumed current
• EMF’s are positive when traversed from – to + side
• EMF’s are negative when traversed from + to - sides

 V = 0
Loop equations for the example circuit:
ADCBA - CCW E1 −i1 R1 + i3R 3 = 0 • Only 2 of these
three are independent
ADCBFEA - CCW E1 −i1 R1 − i2R 2 −E2 = 0 • Now have 3 equations
ABFEA - CCW −i3 R 3 − i2R 2 − E2 = 0 in 3 unknowns

Solution: (after a lot of algebra) E1R 2 + E1R 3 − E2R 3

i1 =
Define: 
  = R1R 2 + R 2R 3 + R1R 3 E1R 3 − E2R 3 − E2R1
i2 =
− E2R1 − E1R 2
R. Janow Fall 2013
Example: find currents, voltages, power
Branches C,E,G are the
same point, as are D, F,
H. 4 currents left.
Remaining 2 junction
equations are dependent
1 junction equation
i = i1 + i2 + i3
ABCDA - CW E − i1 R1 = 0  E = i1 R1  i1 = E/R1 = 12 / 3 = 4.0 A.
CEFDC - CW − i2R 2 + i1R1 = 0  i2 = i1R1/R 2 = 4x3 / 8 = 1.5 A.
EGHFE - CW − i3R 3 + i2R 2 = 0  i3 = i2R 2/R 3 = 1.5x8 / 6 = 2.0 A.
CHECK: i = i1 + i2 + i3 = 4.0 + 1.5 + 2.0 = 7.5 A. R eq = 1.6 W
E should = VR1 = i1R1 = 4.0x3.0 = 12.0 Volts
POWER: PR1 = i12R1 = 48.0 Watts 
PE = E  i = 90.0 Watts
PR2 = i22R 2 = 18.0 Watts = PR1 + PR2 + PR3
PR3 = i23R 3 = 24.0 Watts Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Multiple EMF Example: find currents, voltages, power
R1 = 2 W R2 = 4 W
E1 = 3 V E2 = 6 V


JUNCTION RULE at A & B: i3 = i1 + i2 USE THE


− i1R1 − E1 − i1R1 + E2 + i2R 2 = 0 i2 = i1 − 3/4


− i3R1 + E2 − i3R1 − i2R 2 − E2 = 0 i3 = − i2

i3 = − i2 = i1 + i2 i1 = − 2 i2
V = iiRi Pi = ii2Ri
i = 1/2, i2 = - 1/4, i3 = + 1/4
NUMERICALLY: 1 Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
RC Circuits: Time dependance
i a
R Can constant current flow through
a capacitor indefinitely?
E +
b Vc • Given Capacitance + Resistance + EMF
- C - • Loop Rule + Junction Rule
• Find Q, i, V, U for capacitor
as functions of time

First charge C (switch to “a”) then discharge (switch to “b”)

• Assume current i through R is clockwise

Charging: Switch to “a”. • Expect largest current at t = 0,
Loop equation: • Expect zero current as t → infinity
E − iR − Vc = 0 • Vcap→ E = Vinf as t → infinity
• Energy stored in C, plus some dissipated in R

Discharging: Switch to “b”. • Energy stored in C now dissipated in R

no EMF, Loop equation: • Arbitrarily assume current is still CW
• Vcap= E at t =0, but it must die away
− iR − Vc = 0 • Q0= full charge = CVinf= CE
• Result: i through R is actually CCW
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
RC Circuit: solution for discharging
Loop Equation is : iR + Vc = 0 Circuit Equation:
dQ Q(t )
dQ Q( t ) =−
Substitute : i(t ) = Vc (t ) = dt RC
dt C
First order differential equation, form is Q’ = -kQ → Exponential solution
Charge decays Q0
Q(t ) = Q 0e − t / RC
• t/RC is Q
e−1 = 0.37

RC = t = the TIME CONSTANT t 2t 3t

Q falls to 1/e of original value

Voltage across C
Q 0 = CE
also decays
Q(t ) = CVc (t) Vc (t) = E e − t / RC
Current also
dQ E Q0
decays i(t )  = i0e − t / RC i0  =
exponentially: dt R RC
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Solving for discharging phase by direct integration

dQ Q( t ) RC is Initial conditions (“boundary conditions”)

dt RC constant Q(t) = Q0 at t = 0 where Q0 = CE

dQ dt dQ' 1 t Q t
=− Q
) =−
Q RC Q0 Q' = −
RC 0
dt' ln (

exponentiate both sides of above right eln (x) = x

Q t
ln ( )
Q − exponential
Q(t ) = Q 0e − t / RC
e = =e RC
Q0 decay

RC = time constant = time for Q to fall to 1/e of its initial value

RC  t
Time t 2t 3t 4t 5t
1 1
e −1 = =  .37 Value e-1 e-2 e-3 e-4 e-5
e 2.71828
% left 36.8 13.5 5.0 1.8 0.67
After 3-5 time constants
Copyright R.the
Fall 2013is over
Units for RC
8-1: We defined t = RC, which of the choices best conveys the
physical units for the decay constant t ?

[t] = [RC] =[(V/i)(Q/V)]=[Q/Q/t]=[t]

A. WF (ohmfarad)
B. C/A (coulomb per ampere)
C. WC/V (ohmcoulomb per volt)
D. VF/A (voltfarad per ampere)
E. s (second)

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Examples: discharging capacitor C through resistor R
a) When has the charge fallen to half of it’s initial value Q0?
1 1
set: Q(t) = Q 0 = Q 0e − t / t = e− t / t (solvefor t - depends only on t)
2 2
take log: ln( 12 ) = − t / t ln(1) = 0 ln(a/b) = ln(a) - ln(b)
− ln(2) = - t/t ln(2) = 0.69  t = 0.69 t

b) When has the stored energy fallen to half of its original value?
recall: U(t ) = and Q(t ) = Q 0e − t / RC
2C Q 02
at any time t: U(t) = U0 e−2t / RC at t = 0: U(t = 0)  U0 =
set: U(t ) = = U0 e − 2t / t
take log: ln( 12 ) = − 2t / t  t = 0.69 t /2 = 0.35 t

c) How does the power delivered to C vary with time?

power: P  dU = U0 d [ e − 2t / t ] = U0 [ − 2 ]e − 2t / t = − 2 Q 0 Q 0 e − 2t / t
dt dt t 2 C RC
recall: Q 0  i0 Q0
E C supplies rather than absorbs power
RC C Drop minus sign

power supplied P = i0 e − t / t  Ee − t / t = i(t)  V(t)

P(t ) = i(t) V(t)
by C:  P0 e −2t / t Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
RC Circuit: solution for charging
Loop Equation is : E - iR − Vc = 0 Circuit Equation:
dQ Q( t ) E
dQ Q( t ) =− +
Substitute : i(t ) = Vc (t ) = dt RC R
dt C

• First order differential equation again: form is Q’ = - kQ + constant

• Same as discharge equation, but i0 = E / R is on right side
• At t = 0: Q = 0 & i = i0. Large current flows (C acts like a wire)
• As t → infinity: Current → 0 (C acts like an open circuit)
Q → Qinf = CE = same as Q0 for discharge
Solution: Charge starts from zero, grows as a saturating exponential.

( )
Q(t ) = Qinf 1 − e − t / RC

1 − e−1 = 0.63
describes time dependance again
• Q(t) → 0 as t → 0 t 2t 3t
• Q(t) → Qinf as t → infinity t
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
RC Circuit: solution for charging, continued
Voltage across C while charging:
Q = CVc and Qinf = CE Vc (t) = E (1- e − t / RC )
Voltage across C also starts from zero and saturates exponentially

Current in the charging circuit:

i(t ) = i0e − t / RC
i(t ) 
dQ(t )
= Qinf
1 − e − t / RC )
dt dt E Qinf
1 − t / RC i0  =
= Qinf e R RC
Current decays exponentially just as in discharging case
Growing potential Vc on C blocks current completely at t = infinity
At t=0 C acts like a wire. At t=infinity C acts like a broken wire
Voltage drop VR across the resistor:
VR (t ) = i(t )R = i0 Re − t / RC VR (t ) = E e − t / RC
Voltage across R decays exponentially, reaches 0 as t→ infinity
Form factor: 1 – exp( - t / t )

Factor .63 .865 .95 .982 .993 .998 After 3-5 time
constants the
Time t 2t 3t 4t 5t 6t
Copyright R.
is over
Fall 2013
RC circuit – multiple resistors

8-2: Consider the circuit shown, The battery has no internal resistance.
The capacitor has zero charge.
Just after the switch is closed, what is the current through the battery?

A. 0.
B. /2R.
C. 2/R.
D. /R.  R R
E. impossible to determine

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

RC circuit – multiple resistors
8-3: Consider the circuit shown. The battery has no internal resistance.
After the switch has been closed for a very long time, what is the current
through the battery?

A. 0.
B. /2R.

C. 2/R.
D. /R.  R R
E. impossible to determine

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Discharging Example: A 2 mF capacitor is charged and
then connected in series with a resistance R. The
original potential across it drops to ¼ of it’s starting
value in 2 seconds. What is the value of the
Use: Vc (t) = V0 e − t / RC Set: Vc (t ) 1
= = e − t / RC
V0 4
Take natural log of both sides:
ln(1) − ln(4) = ln[ e − 2 / RC ] =
ln(4) = 1.39 ln(1) = 0 ln[ e x ] = x
2 1
1.39 RC = 2  R =
1.39 2x10 − 6

R = 0.72 MW

Define: 1 MW = 106 W
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Example: Discharging
C = 500 mF R = 10 KW V0 = E = 12 V
Capacitor C is charged for a
long time, then discharged.

a) Find current at t = 0
dQ E Q E 0 12
i(t )  = i0e − t / RC i0  = 0 i(t = 0) = e = 4
= 1.2 mA
dt R RC R 10
b) When does VCap (voltage on C) reach 1 Volt?
Vcap (t ) = E e − t / RC RC = 104 x 5 x 102 x 10−6 = 5 sec V0 = E = 12 Volts
Vcap 1
= = e− t / 5 − ln(12) = − t / 5 t = 5 ln(12) = 12.4 sec
V0 12
c) Find the current in the resistor at that time

dQ i(t = 12.4 sec) = 1.2 mA x e −12.4 / 5

i(t )  = i0e − t / RC
i(t = 12.4 sec) = 0.1 mA
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Charging Example: How many time constants does it take
for an initially uncharged capacitor in an RC circuit to
become 99% charged?
Use: (
Q( t ) = Q  1 − e − t / t ) t  RC = time constant
Require: Q( t )
= 0.99 = 1 − e − t / t 0.01 = e − t / t
Take natural log of both sides:
ln (0.01) = - 4.61 = - t/t  t/t = 4.61 = # of time constants

Did not need specific values of RC

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Example: Charging a 100 mF R
capacitor in series with a 10,000 W E
resistor, using EMF E = 5 V.

a) How long after voltage is applied does Vcap(t) reach 4 volts?

Vc (t) = E (1- e − t / RC ) RC = 10 4 x 100 x 10-6 = 1.0 sec

Vc (t )
= 0.8 = 1- e − t / RC
=  e − t / RC = 0.2
E 5
Take natural log of both sides:
ln( 0.2 ) = − 1.61 = ln [e- t/RC ] = = −t t = 1.61 sec

b) What’s the current through R at t = 2 sec?

i(t ) = i0e − t / RC i0 
E − 2.0 / 1.0 5
i(t = 2) = i0 e − 2.0 / 1.0 = e = 4 (0.37)2 = 6.77 x 10- 5
R 10
i(t = 2) = 6.8 mA.
Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013
Example: Multiple loops and EMFs
• Switch S is initially open for a long
• Capacitor C charges to potential of battery 2
• S is then closed for a long time

What is the CHANGE in charge on C?

First: E2 charges C to have:
Vc = E2 = 3 volts with current i1 = 0
Q0 = final charge for first phase = CE2 = 3.0 x 10-5
Q 0 = inital charge for second phase = 30 mC
Second: Close switch for a long time
At equilibrium, current i3 though capacitor → zero
Find outer loop current i = i1 = 12 using loop rule
E2 − iR 2 − iR1 − E1 = 0 i = 2.0/0.6 = 3.33 A.
3 − i(0.4 + 0.2) − 1 = 0
Now find Voltage across C, same as voltage across right hand branch
Vb − Va = E2 − iR 2 = 3 - 3.33x0.4 = 1.67 V
Final charge on C:
Q final = C (Vb − Va ) = 10x10-6 x 1.67
Q final = 16.7 mC Q final −Q 0 = - 13.3 mC R. Janow
Copyright Fall 2013
Lecture 8A Chapter 27 - Circuits, Part 1

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Summary: Lecture 8B Chapter 27 – RC Circuits, Part 2

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

Copyright R. Janow Fall 2013

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