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Combined report with Hossain Fazle Rafia

Mental Health Program

(This document covers grade 5-8)

Draft Description: On the 10th of October, a mandatory health program was hosted for the lower
secondary students of grade 5-8. This session happened during our respective lunch breaks
(though no one wanted to go at first). It was led by Pauroma Preety Mallick Ma’am and Sumaya
Afrin Misti ma’am was there too, maybe for some emotional support.

The overload of students made it harder for everyone to settle down at first. If you count, about
32 students approximately multiplied by 7 sections, then result multiplied by 4 (Grade 5-8), you
can see that there are a lot of students. Though, people sat on the floor, people sat on the
stairs, people sat on the auditorium chairs, but where they were didn't matter because they
all listened, paid attention & learnt something new !! :DD

First, the introduction of the definition of mental health was presented to us. After a short
discussion, we moved onto a small survey where the teacher asked us a question; “Do you
talk to someone when you’re upset?”. We answered by raising our hands and what I
observed was that most of them had raised their hands on “no”. This was quite
disappointing to the teacher, as I could guess by the look on her face.

After that, we listed some symptoms of anxiety. One interesting line I had quoted was:
“Anxiety is something everyone faces. But sometimes, it can be a bit extreme. Symptoms of
anxiety can include not being able to breathe properly, having a stomach ache or a
headache, and feeling like your heart’s beating out of your chest”.

A short video was shown about anxiety talking about its symptoms and definitions. One
other thing we learnt about was different types of response of anxiety:
1. Some people go into fight mode (Anger, Irritation)
2. Some people go into flight mode (Avoiding all their problems)
3. Some people go into fawn mode (Using humor as mechanism)
4. I forgot (for now)

But in the last part (which I felt was most important), she taught us 3 ways of calming
1. Naming three things you’re good at.
2. Naming three things you’re proud of.
3. Naming three things that make you happy.

Conclusion of the program was - “Please come to room 602-603 if you have anything,
ANYTHING, you’d like to talk about at all. We’ll be sure to listen, and keep things strictly
confidential!! Just reach out to us”. Then, we lined up to go back to our class with people
who were either half asleep, annoyed or super interested in what just happened for the past
40 minutes.

- Lower secondary students of grade 5-8
- Pauroma Preety Mallick Ma'am and Sumaya Afrin Misti Ma'am

- A mandatory health program on mental health for students in grades 5-8
- Led by Pauroma Preety Mallick Ma'am
- The program included an introduction to the definition of mental health, a survey on how
students cope with being upset, a discussion on anxiety symptoms, a video presentation on
anxiety, and techniques for calming oneself.

- The program took place on the 10th of October, lunch break; 11:35 to 12:15.

- The program was conducted in a school auditorium or assembly area, where students sat on
the floor, stairs, and auditorium chairs.

- The program started with an introduction to the concept of mental health.
- A survey was conducted by asking students if they talk to someone when they are upset, and
most students responded with "no."
- The program included a discussion on anxiety symptoms and a video presentation on anxiety.
- Different types of anxiety responses were explained, including fight mode, flight mode, and
fawn mode.
- The program concluded by teaching students three ways to calm themselves.
- Students were encouraged to seek help and talk to the instructors in room 602-603 if they had
anything they wanted to discuss, and confidentiality was assured.
- The session lasted for approximately 40 minutes, and students left with varying reactions,
including being half asleep, annoyed, or highly interested in the content.


Source for: Mental Health Program

Reporters: Hossain Fazle Rafie and Arshi Binte Arif

Source 1: Auditorium presence of students 5-8 (Main)

Source 2: Daanya Abdus Sobhan (WItness)
Source 3: Nareena Sameh (Witness)
Source 4: Sumaya Afrin Misti ma’am (Faculty)

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