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Chapter 3

"Roop's Divine Intervention in the Office"

Third Person’s POV

Roop woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. The sun was
already up, and the room was filled with a soft glow. He sat up, groaning as
his head throbbed with pain. He couldn't remember what happened last night,
but he knew he had too much to drink.

As he looked around the room, he noticed that his clothes had been changed,
and he was back in his room. He pulled the duvet over his head, feeling

ashamed and embarrassed about what he might have done. Suddenly, Hrithik
walked in, and Roop's heart sank.

"What happened last night?" Roop asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hrithik's expression was serious at first, which made Roop even more
frightened. But then Hrithik broke into a grin and said, "Well, my dear friend,
you got drunk from just half a glass of whiskey, and you threw your ice cream
and apple juice on a wealthy man's clothes."

Roop buried his face in the pillow, feeling mortified. He couldn't believe he had
embarrassed himself like that.

Just then, Roop's mamma walked into the room, carrying a glass of nimbu
pani. She looked at Roop with concern and said, "Roop-ah, are you okay?
You know drinking too much can be harmful to your health. I hope you're not
feeling too sick."

Roop smiled weakly and nodded, feeling grateful for his mother's presence.
"I'm fine, Mamma," he said. "Just a little hungover."

Hrithik chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Aunty. We took good care of him."

Roop's mamma smiled gratefully at Hrithik before turning back to her son.
"Just be careful, baby," she said. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Roop nodded and hugged his mother tightly. "Thanks, Mamma," he said. "I'll
be more careful next time."

Roop's mamma smiled, patted Roop's head, and left the room. Roop turned to
Hrithik and said, "Thank you, Hrithik. I can't believe I got so drunk and made
such a fool of myself last night. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

Hrithik chuckled. "It's alright, Roop. You only had half a glass of whiskey, and
you were already on cloud nine. I've never seen anyone react like that to

Roop blushed at the memory. "I know, it's embarrassing. And to think I threw
my ice cream and apple juice on that man. He looked so rich and important.
What if he's someone big in the industry, and I've ruined my chances of
getting a job?"

Hrithik shrugged. "He might be related to PTH Conglomerates, or he might

not. Either way, accidents happen, and we'll take care of it. And don't worry,
Roop, if things don't work out, you can always join my office."

Roop let out a small sigh, feeling guilty for causing Hrithik so much trouble.
But suddenly, he remembered something and his expression turned into one
of panic. "Wait, Hrithik...who changed my clothes?" he asked nervously.

Hrithik chuckled. "I did," he replied mischievously, enjoying the sudden

embarrassment on Roop's face.

"What? Y-You...d-dit? How could you do that?!" Roop exclaimed in a panic.

Hrithik defended himself, "Well, you were so drunk and you needed to change
out of those dirty clothes. And besides, it was quite a sight," he added, winking
at Roop playfully.

Roop got on his knees on the bed and started punching Hrithik in
embarrassment and anger. "How could you do that, Hrithik? I can't believe

Hrithik burst out into laughter when he noticed inside the duvet Roop was just
wearing a pink underwear. "Oh, Roop, you have nothing to be embarrassed
about," he said through his laughter.

Roop blushed even more and hid himself under the duvet. But then, Hrithik's
laughter died down, and he confessed, "Actually, I didn't change your clothes.
You changed yourself, even in your drunken state, you were too on guard to
let anyone come close to you."

Roop felt relieved and shy at the same time. "Oh, I see. But what about the
man whom I threw juice on?"

Hrithik smiled, remembering the sight. "You were hugging him tight and
shouting 'I love you, man!'" he said, causing Roop to bury himself even deeper
in the duvet in embarrassment. "Don't worry, Roop, I'll help you figure it out.
And remember, my offer is always open for you to join my office," he added,
patting Roop's back reassuringly.

Roop's phone suddenly beeped, interrupting the moment. He checked the

notification and his face lit up with joy. "What happened?" Hrithik asked

"It's the confirmation from PTH Conglomerates. They're calling me for an

interview this Monday!" Roop exclaimed with excitement, hugging Hrithik

Hrithik could feel his own heartbeat rise as Roop hugged him. He hesitated for
a moment before hugging him back, feeling a tinge of sadness that Roop
wouldn't be working in his office, but happy for Roop nonetheless.

"I'm glad things are working out for you, Roop. I'll talk to the people I know in
PTH and make sure you get hired," Hrithik said, smiling through his sadness.

Roop looked at Hrithik with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Hrithik. I couldn't
have done it without your help."

Excitedly, Roop couldn't wait to share the news with his mother. As he ran to
her room, he could hear her singing to herself, and his heart swelled with love
and gratitude for her. Bursting into the room, "Mamma, I got the confirmation

for the interview! I might have a chance to work in an office!" Roop exclaimed,
his eyes shining with hope.

His mother looked up from her work, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Really,
Roop-ah?" she asked, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice. "That's
great news, Roop-! I have faith that you'll do your best and make us proud,"

Tears of joy streamed down Roop's face as his mother hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, Mamma," he whispered, overwhelmed by her love and support.

Later that day, Roop, his mother, and Hrithik went to the temple to pray for his
new journey. They lit candles and offered flowers, asking for blessings and
guidance. Roop felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he had his
mother's love and Hrithik's support to guide him through whatever challenges
lay ahead.

As they left the temple, Hrithik put his arm around Roop's shoulder, saying,
"You're going to do great things, Roop. I can feel it. And I'll be here to support
you every step of the way."

Roop felt grateful for the support and love of those around him, and he knew
that he was ready for whatever the future held.

As the first rays of the sun kissed the earth, a new day had dawned. The sky
was painted in hues of orange and pink, and the birds were chirping a
melodious tune. Roop stepped out of his home, dressed in his best clothes,
feeling like a prince from a fairy tale. His mother had blessed him with all her
love, and he felt like he had the world at his feet.

As he walked down the street, the sun illuminated his face, and he looked
radiant, with his eyes shining with hope and determination. The flowers in the
gardens on the way bloomed in his path, and the wind carried his laughter to
the sky.

Roop arrived at the interview location, feeling confident and ready to take on
the world. His attire was impeccable, and his smile was contagious. He
walked in with a spring in his step and charmed everyone in the room with his
grace and confidence.

The week passed by, and Roop awaited the call with bated breath. Finally, the
call came, and his heart leaped with joy. He hugged his mother, and they
danced together, filled with happiness and pride.

The next morning, Roop walked to his office, feeling like a king. He smiled at
everyone he passed by, and they smiled back at him, drawn to the light that
emanated from him.

Roop stepped inside the building of PTH Conglomerates, his heart beating
fast with excitement and nerves. He paused for a moment, touching the
ground as a sign of reverence to his new workplace, and closed his eyes in
prayer. "Oh Almighty, please guide me through this final interview. I have

worked hard and given my best. Please make everything right," he whispered,
his words floating in the air like a melody.

Taking a deep breath, he walked inside, his steps light but determined. The
scene was divine and beautiful, with tall glass walls and a spacious reception
area that shone with the morning sun. The staff at their desks looked up at
him curiously as he walked past, and Roop felt shy under their gaze.

Today was his final interview with his prospective boss, and after that, he
could join as an employee. Roop was grateful for the opportunity and silently
thanked Hrithik in his heart for helping him. Perhaps Hrithik's contacts had
shortlisted him for this interview.

Approaching a man in a suit, he asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me where
the Boss's office is?"

The man smiled and gestured down the hallway. "Yes, it's at the end of this
corridor, the last door on your left."

Roop thanked him and continued his journey. He felt a sense of pride and
accomplishment as he walked into his office attire - a long coat and a turtle
neck - for the first time. He looked glorious and beautiful, his face radiant with
a newfound confidence.

As he approached the door, Roop took a deep breath and knocked. "Come
in," a deep voice called out.

Roop took a deep breath as he stepped into the office. He looked around,
taking in the grandeur of the room with its high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling
windows. His gaze landed on the man sitting behind a massive desk. He was

tall, with chiseled features and piercing brown eyes that seemed to look right
through Roop.

As Roop approached the desk, the man suddenly jumped onto it, startling
Roop. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?" the man said playfully,
reaching out his hand for a handshake.

Roop smiled and reached out his hand to shake it. "Good morning, sir. I'm
Roopeshwar," he said, bowing respectfully.

The man held onto his hand a little too long, his eyes locked onto Roop's.
"Ranbir Amarnath," he said, his voice oozing with flirtatiousness.

"Ah, the new clerk. I've been waiting for you," Ranbir said, his voice full of
flirtatious charm. "I'm Ranbir Amarnath. And may I say, you're even more
beautiful in person than on your resume."

Roop chuckled, feeling a bit awkward at the compliment. "Thank you, sir. My
name is Roopeshwar, but you can call me Roop."

"Roop," Ranbir repeated, his voice soft and seductive. "Such a beautiful name
for such a beautiful voice. I can't wait to hear more of it."

Roop blushed at the compliment and shifted uncomfortably in his shoes. He

didn't know how to react to such overt flirtation, but he tried to maintain his
composure and professionalism.

Ranbir sat down across from Roop on his office chair and got down to
business. "So, Roop, I hope you're ready for the job. It's not an easy one, but I
have faith in you. As the clerk, you'll be responsible for managing important

files, answering phone calls, and scheduling appointments. Do you think you
can handle it?"

Roop nodded, feeling a bit more confident now that they were talking about
work. "Yes, sir. I'm willing to do my best and learn everything I need to
succeed in this role."

Ranbir nodded, his eyes scanning Roop's face. "Good," he said, his voice
clipped and professional. "As you may already know, this is a highly
confidential role. You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement
before you start working here. Also, there is a probationary period of six
months, during which your performance will be evaluated regularly. If your
work meets our standards, we will be happy to have you as a permanent

Roop nodded, taking in the information. Ranbir continued, "You will also be
required to work long hours and be available for work-related emergencies, as
and when required. This job is not for everyone, but I believe you have the
potential to do well. Are you willing to commit to these requirements?"

Roop took a deep breath and replied, "Yes, sir. I understand the requirements,
and I'm willing to commit to them."

Suddenly, Ranbir's eyes widened as he read Roop's age on his resume.

"Nineteen? You're only nineteen?" he asked incredulously.

Roop felt a pang of fear grip his heart. Was his age going to be a problem?
Would Ranbir dismiss him right away?

But then, Roop took a deep breath and spoke with all the seriousness and
sincerity he could muster. "Yes, sir. I may be young, but I assure you that age
is just a number. I have learned many values and lessons from my parents,
from my teachers, and from the Gods themselves. And I promise to embody
these values in my work and to always strive for excellence in everything I do.
I may be young, but I have the heart and determination of someone twice my

Ranbir stared at Roop with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. He couldn't

resist making a quip. "Well, I can see that you have a future in the theater if
this whole office thing doesn't work out," he joked, still grinning.

Roop smiled, relieved that his speech had eased Ranbir's surprise. "Thank
you, sir. I just wanted to assure you that my age won't be a hindrance to my

Ranbir nodded. "I can see that. You have a lot of passion and determination.
That's admirable. But I have to ask you one more thing," he said, still grinning

Roop braced himself for another serious question, but then Ranbir spoke, "Do
you know how to make a good cup of tea?"

Roop blinked in confusion. "Uh, yes, sir. I do. Why do you ask?"

Ranbir leaned back in his chair and laughed heartily. "Well, that's good
enough for me. Welcome aboard, Roop. You're hired!"

Roop couldn't help but smile in relief and amusement at Ranbir's comical
reaction. He knew then that he was going to enjoy working for this boss.

Roop was practically bouncing out of the office, his heart full of joy and his
mind racing with possibilities. He felt like he was on top of the world, and
nothing could bring him down.

As he danced his way through the lobby, oblivious to everyone around him.
Suddenly, he collided with someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Roop exclaimed, looking at the person he bumped into.

The person was a beautiful boy with a slender, almost feminine aura about
him. He was dressed in a crisp, white shirt with a matching tie and black
trousers, and he looked like he belonged in a fashion magazine.

"Don't worry about it," the boy said with a smile. "I'm Niyon. And
congratulations Roopeshwar on getting the job!"

Roop looked at him in surprise. "How did you know my name? And that I got
the job?"

Niyon grinned. "Well, I figured it out from the way you were coming out of
there, dancing like nobody's watching. Plus, I'm the one who shortlisted you,
so I know your name."

Roop felt a surge of gratitude towards Niyon. "Thank you so much for
shortlisting me, Niyon. I really appreciate it."

Niyon waved a hand dismissively. "No problem at all. You seem like a great fit
for the team, and I'm excited to work with you."

Roop smiled. "I'm excited too. I can't wait to start working and learn from
everyone here."

Just then, a tall man came from behind Niyon and hugged him. Niyon pushed
him away, saying, "Not now, Vivek! Can't you see I'm talking to someone?" he
said. Roop could see that it was a bit awkward, but Niyon quickly introduced
the man as Vivek.

Vivek was friendly and jovial, but he and Niyon fought like a couple. Roop
witnessed their conversation as he stood there, feeling a bit awkward.

"You know you love me, Niyon," Vivek teased, winking at him.

Niyon playfully pouted, "You didn't even look at me once, Vivek! You were just
drooling over Arena all night."

Vivek looked apologetic and reached out to touch Niyon's arm, "But baby, you
know you're the only one for me. Arena was just calling out for another drink,
that's all."

Niyon crossed his arms, "I don't know, Vivek. I feel like you're not taking this
relationship seriously."

Roop couldn't help but chuckle at their banter, but when Niyon started getting
upset, he decided to step in. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help
overhearing your conversation. Love is a delicate thing and it's important to
cherish it."

Roop began, his voice carrying a dramatic tone. "Even God himself valued
love so much that he created the universe out of it."

Niyon and Vivek looked at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement,
clearly not expecting such a philosophical monologue from Roop.

"But seriously," Roop continued, "I can see the love you two have for each
other, especially Niyon's love for Vivek. It's pure and genuine, and it should be
cherished. Don't let anything come between you two."

Niyon blushed at Roop's words, and Vivek looked grateful. Roop's words were
flowing like a river, and Niyon felt as if he was drowning in them. Roop's
speech had a way of catching everyone's attention, and Niyon was no
exception. As Roop spoke about love and relationships, Niyon found himself
growing more and more embarrassed by the second. He couldn't believe that
Roop had read him so well, and he couldn't deny the truth in Roop's words.

"Okay, okay," Niyon interrupted, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I forgive
you, Vivek."

Vivek, overjoyed, immediately jumped up and hugged Niyon tightly, causing

him to turn even redder. Roop chuckled at the sight of the two of them, feeling
happy that he had been able to help them reconcile.

"Thank you, Roop," Vivek said, grinning from ear to ear.

Niyon, still blushing but smiled and invited Roop. "Come with me, Roop. Let
me show you around and explain your work. Maybe we can grab some coffee
on the way," Niyon said, offering his arm to Roop.

Roop accepted the invitation, and the three of them made their way to the
desk and sat down, before starting to explain his work in detail. "So Roop, my
job here is to manage the accounts of our clients and ensure that everything is
in order. I have to make sure that all the transactions are recorded accurately
and that all the bills are paid on time. It's a challenging job, but I love it."

Roop nodded attentively as Niyon continued, "But you have to be very careful
here, Roop. Our Big Boss is a supremely treacherous man. He's very strict
and doesn't tolerate any mistakes. One small error could lead to serious

Vivek chimed in, "Yeah, and he's not just any boss. He's the Big Boss. He
controls everything around here, and no one dares to cross him."

Roop looked surprised, "But I just met Ranbir sir. He seemed pretty nice and
friendly. Is he not the Big Boss?"

Niyon and Vivek exchanged a look before Niyon spoke, "Ranbir sir may be
our immediate boss, but he answers to the Big Boss. And trust us, Roop, you
don't want to get on his bad side. He's a very powerful man."

"He's also very intimidating," Vivek added. "He's got this aura of danger
around him that makes everyone nervous. And he hates liars. So if you make
any mistakes, just own up to them and apologize."

Roop felt a sense of fear creeping in as he heard about the Big Boss, but he
quickly brushed it off and replaced it with hope. "I understand that he may be
challenging to work with, but I believe that every person has a good side.
Maybe with time, we can find that for our Big Boss. Who knows, he might
surprise us all."

Vivek and Niyon exchanged a skeptical look, but Roop continued, "I know it's
not going to be easy, but I am willing to try. I believe that everyone deserves a
chance to show their true colors. And who knows, maybe we can even make
a positive impact on him."

Niyon smiled and patted Roop's back, "I like your optimism, Roop. You have a
good heart. But be careful, the Big Boss is not someone to mess with. Just be
cautious and don't make any mistakes."

Roop nodded, "Thank you for the warning, Niyon. I'll do my best to be careful
and diligent. But I still believe that there's always room for change and growth.
And who knows, maybe we can even learn from him."

Vivek and Niyon wished him luck, still unsure about Roop's optimism but
couldn't help but admire his positive outlook.

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