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_____________Philosophy Of Science and Research Methodology___________

Name : Nur Islamiyah

Id Number : A 122 23 005

Write the title of your research and provide an explanation of why you chose that
title. Give the problem statement and provide a hypothesis.

Title: "The Effectiveness of Game-Based Education in English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) Learning: Enhancing Engagement, Motivation, and Proficiency"

Explanation chooses this Title:

I chose this title because it clearly communicates the focus of my research, which
is to investigate the effectiveness of game-based education in the context of
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. The title highlights the potential
impact of using games as a pedagogical tool to enhance learner engagement,
motivation, and language proficiency in EFL settings. the complete reason why
this title was chosen.

a) Focus on Game-Based Education: The title emphasizes the use of game-

based education as the primary instructional approach. Game-based
education refers to the use of digital or non-digital games to facilitate
learning in an educational context. By using games, students can engage in
interactive and immersive experiences that promote active learning and
skill development.
b) Targeting English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learning: The study
specifically focuses on English language learning in a foreign language
context. EFL refers to the learning of English in countries where English is
not the primary language. This distinction is essential as it recognizes the
unique challenges and considerations faced by EFL learners, such as
limited exposure to English outside of the classroom.
c) Enhancing Engagement: Engagement is a crucial factor in effective
language learning. By incorporating game-based education, the study aims
to explore how games can enhance student engagement. Games have the
potential to create an enjoyable and interactive learning environment that
motivates learners to actively participate in the language learning process.
d) Motivation as a Driving Force: Motivation plays a significant role in
language learning success. The title highlights the role of game-based
education in enhancing motivation. Games often provide intrinsic
motivation through elements such as challenges, rewards, and a sense of
accomplishment. Understanding the impact of games on motivation can
help educators design effective learning experiences that sustain learners'
interest and commitment.
e) Proficiency Development: The goal of language learning is to develop
proficiency in the target language. The chosen title acknowledges this
objective by emphasizing the potential of game-based education to
enhance language proficiency. Games can provide opportunities for
authentic language use, vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, and
communication skills development, all of which contribute to improving
overall proficiency levels.

Problem Statement:
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) can pose challenges for educators,
as learners may struggle with motivation and engagement, particularly when faced
with traditional instructional methods. Incorporating game-based education into
EFL classrooms offers a promising approach to address these challenges.
However, the effectiveness of games in promoting language learning outcomes,
such as improved proficiency and increased motivation, needs to be empirically
examined. Additionally, questions regarding the optimal design of game-based
activities, the potential impact on different learner profiles, and the integration of
games within existing curricula need to be explored.

The hypothesis for this research is that game-based education can significantly
enhance EFL learner engagement, motivation, and language proficiency. It is
expected that the interactive and immersive nature of games can create a dynamic
learning environment that promotes active participation, fosters intrinsic
motivation, and facilitates language acquisition. Through gameplay, learners can
practice language skills in authentic contexts, receive immediate feedback, and
experience a sense of achievement, which can positively impact their language
learning outcomes. However, the hypothesis also acknowledges that the
effectiveness of game-based education may depend on various factors, such as the
design of the games, the alignment with learning objectives, and the learners'
individual characteristics and preferences.

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