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Novel: Chapter 1

Mr Sherlock Holmes
Important* Points.
1. Mr. Mortimer visited Holmes Office and left his stick there.

2. Watson said about Holmes " I believe you have eyes in the back of your head".

3. Watson and Holmes made deductions about the owner of the stick.

4. Holmes sarcastically praised Watson, whereas Watson took it as a real compliment. Later on he
realised that his deductions were not quite right.

5. Holmes deduced about Mortimer that he is a country doctor who had practiced in the town before
and got the cane as a present from Chari g Cross Hospital when he left the service five years ago. He
had a dog also whose bite marks were clear on the cane. He is a young fellow under 30, amiable,
unambitious and absent-minded.

7. Mortimer visited them again.

8. According to Watson, Mortimer was a very tall, thin man, with a long nose like a beak, which shot
out between two keen grey eyes, sparkling brightly behind the glasses. Though young his long back
was already bowed.

9. He was happy to get his stick back and told them it was a gift from his friends on his wedding.

10. Mortimer praised Holmes' skull and said that it would bean ornament to any anthropological

11. Then Mortimer called him the second highest expert in Europe. Homes inquired about the first
highest expert. Monsieur Bertillon for his scientific mind, Mortimer told.

12. Holmes advised him to consult the best one.

13. Mortimer told him that he had come to him because as a practical mind he stood alone and no
one could match him

Novel: Chapter 2
The Curse of Baskerville
Important Points.*
1. Mortimer had an old pocket manuscript from 1742. 2. It was given to him by Sir Charles
Baskerville who died a sudden and tragic death 3 months ago.

3. Mortimer was Sir Charles' personal friend and medical attendant.

4. According to Mortimer, Charles was a strong-minded, shrewd, practical and unimaginative man
but he took that document very seriously.

5. Manuscript was the statement of the legend of the hound that ran in the family. Mortimer read
the story.
6. Hugo Baskerville was a most wild, profane and godless man. He fell in love with the daughter of a
yeoman but the girl always avoided him because she feared his evil name. Hugo, with his wicked
friends carried off( kidnapped) the girl and kept her in an upper room.

7. She escaped and ran homeward across the moor.

8. When Hugo came to know, he became a devil. One of his friends said to put the hounds upon her.
He gave the hounds handkerchief of the girl and unleashed them on the girl.

9. The friends also took their horses and started the pursuit. According to a shephard he saw the girl
running with hounds after him. He had also seen a huge hound of hell running after Hugo.

10. They first saw unhappy girl fallen, dead of fear and fatigue.Then they saw Hugo's body and a very
large strange creature plucking at his throat with blazing eyes and dripping jaws.

11. The family was cursed ever since and had many tragic, bloody, mysterious and unnatural deaths.

12. Holmes called it a fairy-tale after listening. Mortimer told him about Sir Charles' life and untimely

13. Mortimer told them about some unnatural causes of the his death. He had seen some footprints
at a little distance from the body.

14. Footprints of a gigantic hound.

*Novel: Chapter 3
The problem
Important Points.*
1. According to Mortimer a gigantic hound was seen by people on the moor. He himself had seen
footprints of the hound on the path 20 yards away from the body in the yew alley. 2. Description
of the yew alley:

Two lines of old yew hedge, 12 feet high. The walk in the center about 8 feet across.

3. Mr. Charles stood there for 5 or 10 minutes because the ash had twice dropped from the cigar. It
looked like that he was waiting for someone.

4.According to Mortimer, the hound was a huge creature, luminous ghastly and spectral. Charles'
death had some supernatural causes. He was not there to discuss Sir Charles death rather to discuss
how to save Sir Henry sole heir of the Baskerville family.

5. Henry is the only male member of Baskerville family as Rodger died a few years ago.

6. Charles was the eldest of three brothers, the 2nd brother died young, who is Henry's father. The
3rd Rodger was the black sheep of the family. Henry is now the last of the Baskervilles

7. Baskerville family is known for its social work and if something happens to Henry, all the good
work which has been done by Sir Charles will crash to the ground.

8. Holmes asked him to come back with Henry. He had been contemplating(thinking) whole day. He
read the map of the moors and concluded with two questions.

Q. Whether any crime has been committed at all?

Q. What is the crime and how was it committed?

9. Holmes deduced from spick and span appearance of Dr. Watson that he was at the club all day.

10. After all this thinking Holmes reached to the conclusion that:

Charles was waiting there for someone and he ran in the opposite direction from his house, not
towards his house.

Novel: Chapter 4
Sir Henry Baskerville
Important Points.*
1. The chapter starts with Henry's description. He is a small, alert, dark eyed man of 30, very sturdily
built with thick black eyebrows and a strong, pugnacious face. He has spent most of his time in open
air. He has come from Canada.

2. Holmes asked him about any remarkable experience since arriving in London. Henry told him
about a letter that he had received. It said: As you value your life or your reason keep away from the

3. The letter was written with cutouts from the newspaper Times. One word was written in ink, that
was 'moor' because he couldn't find that word in the newspaper.

4. Times was the newspaper of highly educated people and this was the man who was educated but
wished to show that he is uneducated that's why he used the cutouts. He also wanted to conceal his

5. Holmes made scientific use of his imagination and deduced that the letter was written in a hotel
because writing was not smooth due to pen and ink.

6. The 2nd experience was that henry lost his shoe from the hotel. Henry did a good deal of shopping
in London.

8. Holmes and Mortimer explained the whole situation to Henry. He realised that the letter was
written to scare him away from the moors.

8. Henry and Mortimer left. Holmes followed them in the street. He saw a man sitting in the cab who
was following Henry. Holmes ran after him but he just drove off.

9. Holmes gave a task to a boy whose name was Cartwright. He asked him to check all 23 hotels in
that part of London and check the dustbins for cutout newspaper.

10. Holmes noted down the identity of the cabman and that was the number of the cab 2704.

*Novel: Chapter 5
Three Broken Threads.
Important Points.*
1. Holmes reached the hotel to meet Sir Henry. First he inquired about other people staying at the
hotel. He was told that Johnson Family and Mrs. Oldmore with her maid were there. They were the
old customers of that hotel.

2. Holmes deduced that people who are after Henry had not settled in that hotel.

3. Henry is angry and frustrated because his black shoe is stolen this time. He had only 3 pairs of

4. Henry's intentions were to go to the Hall at the end of the week.

5. Holmes told Mortimer that they were followed the other day.

6. Barrymore is Sir Charles' butler. He is in charge of the Hall. He was Holmes' 1st thread.

Holmes sent a wire to check Barrymore's whereabouts. He asked the postmaster to hand over the
wire in Barrymore's hand.

7. According to Sir Charles' will Barrymore and his wife got 500 pound each . Mortimer got 1000

8. Residue (remaining part) was 740 thousand pounds. Henry is going to inherit that money. Total
value of the estate is a million pounds.

9. James Desmond inherited the estate. He was an elderly clergyman in Westmorland.

10. Holmes asked Henry about his will. Desmond will inherit the money in case Henry dies.

11. Henry's life was in danger so would not go alone. Watson would accompany him.

11. Henry found his missing brown boot from under the cabinet.

12. They had faced inexplicable incidents during the last two days. Henry received a letter, a black
bearded man followed Henry in a cab. Brown and black shoe were lost and then brown shoe was

12. Holmes received the reply for two of his wires : *Barrymore was present at the Hall.(1st thread

* Cartwright was unable to trace any cutout sheets of Times. ( 2nd thread broke)

* The cabman was his third thread , it also broke when the cabman himself came to see Holmes and
told him that the man who was sitting in his cab was a detective and he was doing some
investigation. The name of that detective was Sherlock Holmes. Holmes was amused to know this
and he came to know that his opponent was and a clever man

Novel: Chapter 6
Baskerville Hall
Important Points.*
1. Dr. Watson and Sir Henry were going to Devonshire.

2. Holmes advised Watson to report the facts in the fullest and then he would do the theorizing.
3. James Desmond was eliminated from the calculations and no investigations was required about
him as he was a gentleman.

4. The suspected people were:

Barrymore couple, two farmers, Dr. Mortimer and his wife, Stapleton and his sister, Mr. Frankland
and one or two other neighbors.

5. Holmes asked Watson to keep his gun with him all the time.

6. According to Mortimer, they were not followed by anyone for last two days.They kept a sharp
watch but didn't notice anything strange.

7. Mortimer spent day at the Museum of College of Surgeons and Henry was at the park.

8. Henry told Holmes that his black boot was gone forever and he didn't get it back.

9. Holmes cautioned Henry about the moors and said:

Avoid the moor in those hours of darkness when the powers of evil are exalted.

10. Train left the station. Henry was excited because he had never been to the Hall before.

11. Watson observed Henry's face and thought that he was a true descendant of that long line of
high-blooded, fiery and masterful men. There was pride, valour and strength in his thick brows, his
sensitive nostrils and his large hazel eyes.

12. He described the fantastic landscape and gave a complete description of the area.

They saw a soldier who was standing on the way. He was after a murderer who was on the run.

13.Then he gave a complete description of the Baskerville Hall. It was a dark and gloomy place. He
said: This place is enough to scare any man. I'll have a row of electric lamps up here so that the place
brightens up.

14. Barrymore welcomed them. Mortimer left when they reached there. Barrymore is a remarkable
looking man. He is a tall and handsome man with a square black beard and pale distinguished

15. Barrymore wanted to leave the Hall after the fresh arrangements are made and new people join
for new master. They would leave when it's convenient for Henry. Their minds were not easy after Sir
Charles death. They were in a shock and wanted to leave the place.

16. Watson gave a complete description of the dining hall at page 83.

17. Watson was restless at night and couldn't sleep at night.

18. He heard the sob of a woman, a muffled one. He was sure that a woman was sobbing in the Hall.


Chapter 7
The Stapleton of Merripit House
Important Points*
1. Their first experience at the Hall was gloomy and grey because they were tired.

2. They liked the place next morning as they were fresh. They discussed the sobbing woman. Henry
thought it was his dream but Watson told him that it was a woman who was crying.

3. Barrymore lied about the sobbing woman. He told, there are only two women in the house. One is
kitchen maid, who sleeps in the other wing. The other is my wife and I can answer for it that the
sound could not have come from her.

4. Watson met Mrs. Barrymore and saw his red and swollen eyes.

5. Watson became suspicious about Barrymore and decided to investigate him. Watson talked to the
postmaster and inquired about the wire whether it was given in Barrymore's hand. He was told that
Mrs. Barrymore received the wire.

6. Watson thought that it was a complex case and Holmes himself should have been there to deal
with it.

7. Stapleton's Physical appearance: He was a small, slim, clean-shaven, prim-faced man, flaxen-
haired and lean-jawed, between 30 and 40 years of age dressed in a grey suit and wearing a straw
hat. He was holding a tin box with a green butterfly in it.

8. Mortimer took them to the place of the legend of the hound and told them the story of the

9. Stapleton talked to Watson about Charles' death and took him to the Yew Alley. He tried to extract
some news about Holmes but Watson avoided his questions.

10. Stapleton offered his help in the investigation and invited him for lunch. Henry was busy so
Watson accepted his invitation. Watson went with him to Merripit House.

11. Stapleton told about himself that he was a new comer there. He was a teacher and left the place
when a few of his students died in an epidemic. Stapleton showed him around the whole Grimpen
Mire and explained everything about it. They talked about ponies, rare birds, butterflies,
wigwams(old huts)etc.

12. When Stapleton ran after a butterfly, a lady came there and said, Go back! Go straight back to
London, instantly. She thought he was Sir Henry.

13. Watson came across Ms. Stapleton while going back. She tried to justify herself for talking like
that. She told that she was worried about Henry's life and didn't want him to meet the same
fate as Sir Charles.

Chapter 8
First Report of Dr. Watson
Important Points*
1. Watson had been writing to Holmes before and he was aware of the situation on the moors This
was Watson's first formal report to Holmes.
2. He told Holmes that you tend to forget modern England when you are on the moors, spirit of the
moor sink into your soul and you become a part of the place. He sounded like an imaginative man.
He suddenly realised that Holmes is a practical person and doesn't appreciate that kind of
conversation so he came back towards the topic. He told that moor is a historical place. The
forgotten folk( people who used to live there) decided to live on a place that Noone would like to

3. He told that nothing important had happened for last few days. The escaped convict Seldon is
gone forever as he had not been seen for a fortnight. Farmers are relaxed.

4. Watson was concerned about the safety of Stapleton family as they were living miles away from
any help.

5. Henry and Watson decided that Perkin, one of the servants, should be with Stapletons, but Mr.
Stapleton refused to accept any such help.

6. In Watson's opinion Mr Jack Stapleton is a cool man with hidden fire inside. Ms. Stapleton is a
cautious lady she looks at her brother before talking.

7. Sir Henry and Ms. Stapleton are showing Interest in each other but Mr. Stapleton is not happy
about it. He doesn't encourage that.

8. Stapleton took them to the place of the origin of the hound. He believes in supernatural elements
and tells them the similar stories.

9. Stapleton is not easy with Henry and his sister's relationship

10. Dr. Mortimer takes them to Yew Alley. Watson tries to visualize Holmes theory of Charles' death.

11. Mr. Frankland is a hot tempered person and is spending his large fortune on lawsuits. He is a
comic relief in the novel.

12. Henry asked Barrymore about the wire.

13. In the evening Barrymore asks Henry that why he is asking those question.

14. Watson saw Mrs. Barrymore with red and swollen eyes again. He told Holmes that there is some
deep sorrow that gnaws that lady or Barrymore is a domestic tyrant that is why she cries at night.

15. Watson is not a sound sleeper, he was awake at night when he heard some sound and came out
of his room. He saw Barrymore going downstairs and followed him. He came to the conclusion that
he had some secret business

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