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Ee ‘About the Course Unit 6 - Week 4: Characteristic Parameters of Rocket Nozzle ‘Course outtine ow to access the prt? Rasket Engine & Covering Epuatione Parameters ef Rooke! Ergin Wook ss Charaeterise Parameters of Rooke! Naz "Yoocy, Conesice| (taco 18:Actal Rout tec igh Weak Fight Wajctor Week & ype of Propetant 8 ts Selector tut-aing of rocket and SAE Week Soi, iui ‘Composite Propet Rocke Engine, Buming ard Fame Wook Sai Propane: ‘Characteristic & Regression ‘uae, lgitenSyetar ot Sol Propaian Grains Typos ef Lui Propelant Rocket Engine and ection System Week 10-Laue Propet Rooker Eran: ton ‘stor, atomization, Fea System Week 1: Feed System, Igniton System, Combustion Instabiy& Cong Stor InUPRe eek 12: yet Propet Rocke Engin and Nor” hemea Hocket Ege Week 4: Assignment ‘Ted date for suming this asgnment ha asso Due on 2019-08-26, 23:59 IST, ‘As per ourrecores you have not submtea ths essen + Flow separation doesn’t depend on the wall roughness and geometry of duct. Given statement ist 1 point Tae False te, anomeric. ‘Accented Aree: Fake 2) Maximum thrust cbined when nozzles over expanded. Given semen is + pom: Te False ‘copie Anewors False 5 Characteristic velocity is dependent on chamber temperature and chamber pressure. Given statement is 1 point True False te, anomeric. ‘Aecente Aree: Fae 4, An inerease in flow divergence in CD nozzle ead to lower the specific impulse. Given statement ie pom Tre False ‘copie Anewor True 5) Fora typical launch vehicle, aerodynamic drag losses are quit high as compared to the gravitational losses. Given statement ist 1 paint True False te, sneer inincoe ‘Aeceptes Arewer: Fae 8) Arocha engine produces 20KN thst operating at chamber pressure of 3 MPa with throat amt, 100 mm. The thst pom cneicient ofa rocket engine is 098 035 078 090 on rovers cat ‘esanie Arewors oss 7) ‘The maximum valu of optimal thrust cocient fra rocket engine ifthe exbaust pases ar considered tobe disomic with y=1 1 aon 14 16 ts 19 ene anew incomet. ‘econo Arewors if 1) ‘The characteristic velocity ofa chocked nozle with stagation temperature of 1400 K: (7=13, M.w.=28 ke/kmol) 1 point 295m 86mm 126 me 965 ms ‘opie Arewor Some 8) AC-Dnozzeis designed with semi divergence ange of 30°. The value of divergence coreton factor fr tis nozzles 1 point ost 093 095 097 ‘copie Anewor 093 0) A spuceeaf is fying with equivalent exhaust velocity of 1800 mis. The ofthe engine when the mass ratio, MRLs : 1 point 2958 365s 200s 3308 ‘cept Answers: lose 11 The exboust gas at stagnation presure of? MPa and stagnation lemperature of 1400 K enters into aD nozae having thost 28 points sea, 0.10 m, Determine the otal thrust produced bythe isentropic choked nozzle when the exit and atmospheric pressure ae estiated tobe 30 kPa and 100 kPa respoctvly: (Consider, y=1.28, Mv. 28 kpkmol) 1868 aN 20744N 235448 2587 EN te, sneer ‘Accepted Aree: ery 12) Ally expanded rocket isentropic nozale with thos rc, 150 cm? is operating at Mach number 2 with fuel urn eae of 8 kp. 25 points ‘The value of fg forthe ocket engine is: (Consider, 71.67, Movt=# g/kol & P00 KPa) 1938s 2aoae rss 29463 on rovers cat Accepted newer: she 4) Hot combustion gas a 2300 K and chamber pressure of 8 MPa uly expanded in a C-D nozzle wih throat ae, 0.14 to Opole ambient prostre at eh level The etnaed valuos of characte velocity and exit velocity sre: (Consider, 71.3, M.wt.-30 kgkemol & Py "100KPa) 1197 mis & 1875 mis 1384 ms & 2370 mis 1197 mis & 1875 mis 1454 ae & 2460 me ‘cept Answers: M97 mit 17S mle to, anameria inate Seon ‘Asepieg Aree: Tose

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