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RIL # 7967
Revision: A
Issue Date: 6/3/2022
Deviation to AMM TASK 26−25−04−000−801 (Config A01) Removal of the Cargo
Subject Fire−Extinguisher Discharge−Cartridge and to TASK 26−25−04−400−801 (Config A01)
Installation of the Cargo Fire−Extinguisher Discharge−Cartridge
CL600-2C10 (CRJ700)
CL600-2C11 (CRJ550)
CL600-2D15 (CRJ705)
CL600-2D24 (CRJ900)
Applicability ALL AIRCRAFT
ATA 26-25
/A/ ADR # SDIO-21-7460246
/B/ TASK 26−25−04−000−801 (Config A01) Removal of the Cargo Fire−Extinguisher
References /C/ TASK 26−25−04−400−801 (Config A01) Installation of the Cargo Fire−Extinguisher
/D/ Drawing SH670-50700
/E/ Drawing SH690-50700
An Operator found the cargo fire containers discharge cartridge connectors A266P1 and A267P1
for the LRD container, and connectors A264P1 and A265P1 for HRD container to be in wrong
Issue configuration per AMM 26-25-04-000/400-801-A01.
References /D/ and /E/ show the correct connection and routing.
References /B/ and /C/ updated accordingly

RESOLUTION: The information in this RIL has been incorporated in AMM task 26-25-04-000/400-801-A01.

Therefore, this RIL is


Peter Golab
Digitally signed by Peter Golab Digitally signed by Sarjeph Ahamed -
DN: cn=Peter Golab
Sarjeph Ahamed - b8632902
DN: cn=Sarjeph Ahamed - b8632902
Date: 2022.06.03 13:30:43 -04'00' b8632902 Date: 2022.06.03 13:42:02 -04'00'

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information, technical data and designs disclosed herein are the exclusive property of MHI RJ Aviation ULC or contain proprietary
rights of others and are not to be used or disclosed to others without the written consent of MHI RJ Aviation ULC. The recipient of this document, by its retention and use
agrees to hold in confidence the technical data and designs contained herein. The foregoing shall not apply to persons having proprietary rights to such information,
technical data or such designs to the extent that such rights exist.

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RIL # 7967A MHIRJ/RIL/1.0

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