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linux works on command line interface , unix was the first command line interface

and Linus Torvalds got inspired by unix and combined with that name he created

cat<file name> : to see the content present in the file name

su : switch user
vi<file name> : editing a file
mkdir : create a directory
cd : change directory
ls : to see the list of files / directory
pwd : present working directory(to get the path directory)
cd .. : to come back to home

df -h : to see the
sudo yum install java-17 : use to install java
sudo yum install git : use to install git in linux

aws s3 ls : to see the s3 contents in linux

aws s3 ls s3://bucketname : to display the bucket name folders

aws s3 ls s3://bucketname : to get the objects in the bucket

aws s3 cp filename s3://bucketname : to copy the file from virtual machine to


aws s3 cp filename s3://filename : to copy the file frm instance to s3


aws s3 rm s3://bucketname/filename : to remove the file in bucket

aws s3 cp s3://bucketnamee/filename directorypath(using pwd) : to copy the

elements from s3 to ec2(to get the particular file from s3 bucket)

aws s3 sync s3://bucketname dir_path : to download all the files from the s3
to ec2 instance

cloudshell commands:

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids <id> : to start a instance using cloudshell

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids <id> : to stop a instance using cloudshell
aws ec2 desrcibe-instances : to display all the instances present
in ec2
aws ec2 create-volume --availibility-zone ap-south-1a size100 : to create a volume
aws ec2 attach-volume

cd / : to get the command line interface

ls : to see the files

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