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PA 232 – Public Accountability September 30, 2023

Accountability Initiatives in Zambales

The accountability initiative in Zambales is a vital step towards ensuring transparency and good
governance in the province. Accountability is a fundamental principle that holds public officials and
organizations responsible for their actions and decisions. By implementing this initiatives, Zambales
aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, as well as prevent corruption
and promote citizen participation.

One of the key aspects of the accountability initiative in Zambales is the establishment of clear
guidelines and measures to monitor and evaluate the performance of public officials. This includes
setting specific targets and objectives, as well as regularly assessing their progress towards these
goals. By doing so, accountability is not only encouraged, but it also becomes an integral part of the
decision-making process. Furthermore, this initiative also strengthens the mechanisms for citizens
to voice their concerns and hold public officials accountable for any wrongdoings or failures. In
addition to performance monitoring, the accountability initiative in Zambales also emphasizes the
importance of transparency. This includes ensuring open access to information and documents
relevant to public services and expenditures. By making this information readily available to the
public, Zambales promotes transparency, which in turn builds trust and encourages citizen
participation in the decision-making process. It also serves as a deterrent for corruption, as public
officials are aware that their actions are being closely watched. Examples are as follows:

 The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Zambales, in partnership with
the DILG Regional Office through the Regional Information and Communication Technology
Unit (RICTU), successfully conducted the virtual refresher on Gender and Development Plan
and Budget Monitoring System (GADPBMS) for the focal person and alternate focal person of
the 14 Local Government Units (LGUs) of Zambales. This was held on January 20, 2021 via
zoom online platform. The activity was also attended by DILG Municipal Local Government
Operations Officers (MLGOOs). The activity was initiated to refresh the GADPBMS LGU focal
person on how to access, navigate and encode their Gender and Development
Accomplishment Reports (GADARs) and Gender and Development Plan and Budget (GPB) .
Also, it aimed to ensure that the province of Zambales will be 100% compliant with the
department's directive per DILG MC 2020-105 dated July 23, 2020 regarding the adoption on
the use of GADPBMS.
 The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Zambales held its regular
Provincial Team Conference (PTC) on July 31, 2023 to present the 1st Semester
accomplishments and formulate strategies in carrying out systems and mechanisms to be
able to effectively deliver the mandates of the Department and provide seamless public
service to its clientele. LGOO V Rose Ann D. Agostosa, Planning Officer, presented the
Operations Plan and Budget (OPB) for 2nd Semester 2023 as well as the results of Local
Government Units’ performance that have undergone various functionality assessments
during the first half of the year. Likewise, the status of submission of reports under the
Capacity Development Section (CDS) and Monitoring and Evaluation Section (MES) were
also presented to meet the target time frame of submission. Also, the Provincial Engineers
reminded the field officers of the submission of reports and documents relative to the
implementation of Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) Projects. - LGOO V Rose Ann D.
Agostosa and Engr. Jelly Mae T. Ebalobo
 The local government of Zambales has also prioritized the development of the agricultural
sector. One example of this is the implementation of the Farmer Field School (FFS), which
provides training and support for farmers in adopting sustainable and efficient agricultural
practices. Through the FFS, farmers receive guidance and technical assistance in areas such
as crop diversification, soil conservation, and pest management. The local government's
commitment to improving the agricultural sector has resulted in increased productivity and
income for farmers, ultimately contributing to the economic growth of the province. This
initiative has proven to be effective, bringing about positive changes and improvements in
the province. Through their dedication and commitment, the local government has
demonstrated its ability to proactively respond to the needs of its populace, ultimately
fostering sustainable growth and progress in Zambales.
 The Local Legislative Award (LLA) Provincial Awards Committee (PAC) conducted a
coordination meeting held on July 27, 2023 in the Municipality of Iba, Zambales. The
coordination meeting is in preparation for the upcoming provincial orientation and
assessment for LLA. This served as the venue to discuss the guidelines of the 2023 Local
Legislative Award indicators and pointing system, and also for the committee to strategize
and share their insights for an orderly conduct of the highly anticipated assessment. - Engr.
II Princess Ivy B. Coloma and PEO I Carla G. Maranoc
 The Local Legislative Award (LLA) Provincial Awards Committee (PAC) conducted a
coordination meeting held on July 27, 2023 in the Municipality of Iba, Zambales. The
coordination meeting is in preparation for the upcoming provincial orientation and
assessment for LLA. This served as the venue to discuss the guidelines of the 2023 Local
Legislative Award indicators and pointing system, and also for the committee to strategize
and share their insights for an orderly conduct of the highly anticipated assessment. -: Engr.
II Princess Ivy B. Coloma and PEO I Carla G. Maranoc
 DILG Zambales spearheaded the conduct of orientation on the FY 2020 Policy Guidelines on
the Assistance to Municipalities (AM) and Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig para sa lahat
(SALINTUBIG) programs on September 8, 2020 via zoom online platform. Cluster Team
Leader/LGOO VII Judith B. Romero discussed the overview and salient features of the
programs. Meanwhile, Engineer III Aljon S. Baustista briefed the participants on the project
implementation and the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of each concerned local
functionary. Engineer III Sally Amor G. Angeles discussed the projects standards for Local
Access Roads (LAR) while Engr. Bautista presented the Water Supply System (WSS). In
addition, Engineer II Alled Aron C. Dela Cruz explained the monitoring and reporting
guidelines of the projects. Likewise, CTL Romero provided guidance on the process of
termination and cancelation of projects under the said programs as well as the sanctions that
may be imposed.
 In order to maintain the social order and political stability in Zambales, Hon. Governor Amor
D. Deloso led the 2nd Quarter Joint Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) and Provincial
Anti-Drug Abuse Council (PADAC) Meeting last June 14, 2018 held at Zambales Training and
Conference Center, Iba, Zambales. The collaborative effort of the different agencies in
conserving peace and order through various strategies such as strict implementation of
Patrol 101, Campaign Plan Double Barrel and Seven Focus Police Operations among others
has resulted in a significant decrease of crime rates reported in the province.
 In order to capacitate and prepare the newly-elected youth leaders in nation- building in the
province of Zambales, a total of 1, 585 Sangguniang Kabataan officials have undertaken and
completed their mandatory training nearly two weeks after the 2018 barangay and SK
election. The training aimed to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which
will help them perform their mandated powers and functions as prime movers of the youth.
Section 27 of RA 10742, otherwise known as Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015
mandates the Sangguniang Kabataan officials, whether elected or appointed, or any member
of the LYDC to undergo the mandatory training programs before he or she can assume office.
 True to its commitment in incentivizing LGUs for their outstanding performance in good
governance, the Department of the Interior and Local Government-Zambales together with
the Provincial Government recently led the Provincial Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives
Awards on June 14, 2018 held at Zambales Training and Conference Center, Iba, Zambales.
Chosen as this year’s Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa are Barangays San Juan of Botolan
under 1st to 3rd Class Municipality Category and Camiing of Cabangan under 4th to 6th Class
Municipality Category.Each of the barangay winners received a cash award of P30,000 and a
 The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Zambales headed by Provincial
Director Armi V. Bactad, in partnership with the Provincial Government of Zambales (PGZ)
conducted two batches of orientation-briefing for this year's Seal of Good Local Governance
(SGLG) assessment on March 31, 2022 and April 1, 2022 for local government functionaries
of the Provincial Government of Zambales and its thirteen (13) municipalities. The said
initiative is carried-out to equip the local government units of Zambales for this year's ten
(10) SGLG assessment areas focusing on Financial Administration, Disaster Preparedness,
Social Protection, Health Compliance and Responsiveness, Sustainable Education, Business
Friendliness and Competitiveness, Peace and Order, Environmental Management, Tourism,
and Youth Development as institutionalized by Republic Act No. 11292 or the SGLG Act of
 The petitioners, for themselves and in representation of the residents of Municipality of Sta.
Cruz, Province of Zarnbales and the Municipality of Infanta, Province of Pangasinan, allege
that their constitutional right to a balanced and healthful ecology is being threatened and is
actually being violated. The petitioners aver that said mining companies have adopted
unsystematic mining practices; that, for instance, during the onslaught of Typhoon Labuyo
on August 12, 2013, a 6-feet muddy flood affected several residential areas, and submerged
farmlands that became permanently contaminated with nickel laterite• siltation; that the
nickel laterite siltation had also turned the river into the "color of blood;" that the shorelines
of the affected barangays as well as the fishponds Were also silted with nickel laterite; that
this situation has been repeated each time that the Province of Zambales experienced
typhoons or heavy rains; that the unsustainable activities being implemented by said mining
companies also resulted to the following: (a) the destruction of the ecosystem in the
Municipality of Sta. Cruz, and its neighboring Municipality of Candelaria, both of the Province
of Zambales, Zambales, and extended up to the Municipality of Infanta, Province of
Pangasinan; (b) water, air and soil pollution; (c) heavy nickel laterite siltation of river
systems, coasts, farmlands, fishponds and residential areas; (d) forest denudation resulting
in soil erosions; (e) exacerbated flood problems during typhoons and heavy rains; (f)
destruction of irigation system in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Province of Zambales that
severely reduced the palay production of the rice granary of the Province of Zambales; and
(g) heavily affected the livelihood of the residents. The petitioners fear that although the
operations, of the mining companies ZDMC, EMI, BNMI and LAMI/FMC have been suspended
by respondent Mines' and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)- Region Ill on July 14, 2014, they have
continued to inconspicuously but actively engage in mining activities. In their appeal for the
issuance of the Writ of Kalikasan, the petitioners posit that the documented disastrous effects
of the continued mining operations in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Province of Zambales
have shown that respondent mining companies have not followed a waste-free and efficient
mine development plan as required by Republic Act No. 7942 (Mining Act of 1995); that both
public and private respondents failed to conduct an assessment of the destruction caused by
the mining operations in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Province of Zambales and its
neighboring municipalities in violation of Section 70 of R.A. No. 7942 and Section 3 and
Section 39 of DENR Department Administrative Order No. 2010-21; and that Section 71 of
R.A. No. 7942 requires the restoration of the affected areas but the respondents have
continuously ignored their obligation. The petitioners further state that the continued
inaction of the public respondents violates Section 4 and Section 5 of Executive Order No.
192; that the officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Regional Office, the Provincial Environment and
Natural Resources Office (PENRO), and the Community Environment and Natural Resources
(CENRO) have failed to discharge their duty under Section 21, Chapter 4 of the 1987
Administrative Code; and that the local government unit of the Municipality of Sta. Cruz,
Province of Zambales has not complied with Section 16 of R.A. No. 7160 (The Local
Government Code). In support of their application for the grant of the TEPO, the petitioners
submit that there is an urgent necessity to save and conserve the remaining villages of the
Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Province of Zambales that have remained unaffected by the
unsystematic mining activities; and that the TEPO shall prevent total destruction of the
environment that could cause irreparable injury to the residents of the Municipality of Sta,
Cruz, Province of Zambales as well as of the Municipality of lnfanta, Province of Pangasinan.
In conclusion, the accountability initiative in Zambales is a crucial step towards improving
governance and public service delivery in the province. By implementing clear guidelines and
measures for monitoring performance, as well as promoting transparency and citizen participation,
Zambales aims to create a system that holds public officials accountable for their actions. This
initiative not only helps prevent corruption but also contributes to building a government that is
efficient, effective, and accountable to its citizens.


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