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Letting Go
01' Fear

inc.e 11--11, our world has I"",,, domi'~~IPd hy a sense of ""Inerabilily.

S The news mPdia is constantly churning out slories about dangers

in our surroundings, in our food, in our schools, and in 'irtuaUy
{""ry all'na of our I"-,,s, This baTf"ll" of f"ar m~"" from our "n>iron-
","", lrans]al"" inlo an i""re""" III f"ar tlooulV<ts Ihat intrude in our day-t&
day lives.
Huw doc'S this Pt'r.'Miv~ ""n"., of .,,,hwrability affe...1 a trader when
fear is one of he. great.est enemi",,? Ooes Ihis inc.rease iu a t.rader's le,'el of
fear begin to affecl his boltom Itne? And if so, how can a trader learn to leI

I' R,\K, nK,,\n, '\ '''\I ..~n' , n : K\'OT.;S\,,,SS

Th('S(' are really Ih .. four hors<'''''''' of Ih" apocalypse, f"ar, dr"ad , anxiely,
and ner.'uusnt'Sl<. Tlwy rid~ inw our h>'l'S luget Ill'f, spread ing M'SIrul1iun in
their pal h. RaU'er Ihan being di.s<:rele and s.-[mrale en'oIiun", they are sim_
ply exle[c.iu'~~ oflhe stat.e of being afraid. Dread is the f.... ling that many of
us awaken t.o in the middle of the nighl or firsl thlng;n the monl;ng when
we think about the issu"" and problems we musl face thaI day, Anxiety is
thaI constant and jo'" level of fear thaI has no specific face And ner.'ous-
ne"" is Ihat uruK'ulinll fe<'llllg thaI fills "" as we appr03ch a situation or
a pe' >IIm ,,-~ fear. Fear has many faces and these are JUSI a few of lhem.

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